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95 2d affi" } COMMITTEE PRINT 


Prepared at the Keqtiest of 
Hon. Howard W. Cannon, Chairman 

Printed for the use of the 
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation 



2d Session J 



Prepared at the Request of 

Hox. Howard W. Cannon, Chairman 


MAY 1978 

Printed for the use of the 
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation 

U.S. government printing office 

34-857 WASHINGTON : 1978 


HOWARD W. CANNON, Nevada, Chairman 

RUSSELL B. LONG, Louisiana 
ERNEST F. HOLLINGS, South Carolina 
WENDELL H. FORD, Kentucky 
JOHN A. DURKIN, New Hampshire 
DONALD W. RIEGLE, Jr., Michigan 

Aubrey L. Sarvis, Staff Director and Chief Counsel 

Edwin K. Hall, General Counsel 
Malcolm M. B. Sterrett, Minority Staff Director 



U.S. Senate, 

Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 

November 15, 1978. 
To the members of the Committee on Commerce. Science, and 
Transportation, U.S. Senate: 

I am pleased to transmit herewith for your information and use the 
following report on "Weather Modification: Programs, Problems, 
Policy, and Potential." 

The report was prepared at my request by the Congressional Re- 
search Service under the direction of Dr. Robert Morrison, Specialist 
in Earth Sciences, Science Policy Research Division. We thank Dr. 
Morrison and the others involved in the study for their extremely 
thorough and scholarly report. Substantial material on almost all 
areas of weather modification are included and the report will provide 
the committee with an excellent reference source for future delibera- 
tions on the subject. 

The completion of the report is particularly timely due to the up- 
coming recommendations expected from the Weather Modification 
Advisory Board and the Department of Commerce (as directed by 
Public Law 94-490) on the future Federal role in weather 

James B. Pearson, 
Ranking minority member. 



U.S. Senate, 

Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 

Washington, D.C., July 30, 1976. 

Dr. Norman A. Beckman, 

Acting Director, Congressional Research Service, 
Library of Congress, W ashington, D.C. 

Dear Dr. Beckman: Weather modification, although a relatively 
young science, has over the years stimulated great interest within the 
scientific, commercial, governmental, and agricultural communities. 
Such responses are readily understandable. Weather-related disasters 
and hazards affect virtually all Americans and annually cause untold 
human suffering and loss of life and result in billions of dollars of eco- 
nomic loss to crops and other property. While weather modification 
projects have been operational for nearly 25 years and have been 
shown to have significant potential for preventing, diverting, moderat- 
ing, or ameliorating the adverse effects of such weather related disas- 
ters and hazards, I am greatly concerned regarding the lack of a 
coordinated Federal weather modification policy and a coordinated 
and comprehensive program for weather modification research and 
development. This fact is all the more disturbing in view of the mani- 
fest needs, and benefits, social and economic, that can be associated with 
weather modification activities. These deficiencies in our Federal orga- 
nizational structure have resulted in a less than optimal return on our 
investments in weather modification activities and a failure, with few 
exceptions, to recognize that much additional research and develop- 
ment needs to be carried out before weather modification becomes a 
truly operational tool. 

Reports and studies conducted by such diverse organizations as the 
National Academy of Sciences, the National Advisory Committee on 
Oceans and Atmosphere, the General Accounting Office, and the 
Domestic Council have highlighted the lack of a comprehensive Federal 
weather modification policy and research and development program. 
Hearings that I chaired in February of this year reinforced my con- 
cerns regarding the wisdom of our continued failure to implement a 
national policy on this very important issue. 

I am therefore requesting the Congressional Research Service to 
prepare a comprehensive report on weather modification. This report 
should include a review of the history and existing status of weather 
modification knowledge and technology; the legislative history of 
existing and proposed domestic legislation concerning weather mod- 
ification; socio-economic and legal problems presented by weather 
modification activities; a review and analysis of the existing local, 
State, Federal, and international weather modification organizational 



structure: international implications of weather modification activi- 
ties: and a review and discussion of alternative U.S. and international 
weather modification policies and research and development programs. 

If you have any questions with respect to this request, please contact 
Mr. Gerry J. Kovach, Minority Staff Counsel of the Senate Commerce 
Committee. He has discussed this study with Mr. Robert E. Morrison 
and Mr. John Justus of the Science Policy Division, Congressional 
Research Service. 

Very truly yours, 

James B. Pearsox, 

U.S. Senator. 


The Library of Congress, 
congressional research service, 

Washington, D.C., June 19, 1978. 

Hon. James B. Pearson, 

Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 
U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 

Dear Senator Pearson: The enclosed report, entitled "Weather 
Modification: Programs, Problems, Policy, and Potential," has been 
prepared by the Congressional Research Service in response to your 

The study reviews the history, technology, activities, and a number 
of special aspects of the field of weather modification. Activities 
discussed are those of the Federal, State, and local governments, of 
private organizations, and of foreign nations. Consideration is given 
to international, legal, economic, and ecological aspects. There are 
also an introductory chapter which includes a summary of issues, a 
chapter discussing inadvertent weather and climate modification, and 
a chapter summarizing recommendations from major Federal policy 

The study has been coordinated by Dr. Robert E. Morrison, Special- 
ist in Earth Sciences, Science Policy Research Division, who also 
prepared chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 9 as well as the Summary and 
Conclusions. Mr. John R. Justus, Analyst in Earth Sciences, and 
Dr. James E. Mielke, Analyst in Marine and Earth Sciences, both 
of the Science Policy Research Division, contributed chapters 4 and 
6, respectively. Chapter 10 was prepared by Mrs. Lois B. McHugh, 
Foreign Affairs Analyst, Foreign Affairs and National Defense Di- 
vision. Chapter 11 was written jointly by Mrs. Nancy Lee Jones, 
Legislative Attorney, and Mr. Daniel Hill Zaf ren, Specialist in Ameri- 
can Public Law, both of the American Law Division. Dr. Warren 
Viessman, Jr., Senior Specialist in Engineering and Public Works, 
contributed chapter 12; and Mr. William C. JolW, Analyst in En- 
vironmental Policy, Environment and Natural Resources Division, 
was responsible for chapter 13. In addition, appendixes C, F, Q, and R 
were assembled by Mrs. McHugh ; appendixes D and S were prepared 
by Mrs. Jones; and information in the remaining appendixes was 
collected by Dr. Morrison. 

I trust that this report will serve the needs of the Committee on 
Commerce, Science, and Transportation as well as those of other 
committees and individual Members of Congress who are concerned 
with weather modification. On behalf of the Congressional Research 
Service, I wish to express my appreciation for the opportunity to 
undertake this timely and worthwhile assignment. 

Gilbert Gtjde, 



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Letter of transmittal in 

Letter requesting study v 

Letter of submittal vn 

Summary and conclusions xix 

Chapter 1 

Introduction and summary of issues 1 

Perspective 1 

Situation 1 

Advantages 3 

Timeliness 5 

Definitions and scope of report 7 

Summary of issues in planned weather modification 9 

Technological problems and issues 9 

Governmental issues 12 

The role of the Federal Government 12 

Roles of State and local governments 14 

Legal issues 15 

Private rights in the clouds 15 

Liability for weather modification 16 

Interstate legal issues 17 

International legal issues 17 

Economic issues 18 

Issues complicating economic analyses of weather modifica- 
tion 18 

Weather modification and conflicting interests 19 

Social issues 19 

Social factors 20 

Need for public education on weather modification 21 

Decisionmaking 22 

International issues 23 

Ecological issues 24 

Chapter 2 

History of weather modification 25 

Introduction 25 

History of weather modification prior to 1946 26 

Prescientific period 26 

Early scientific period 27 

Development of scientific fundamentals 32 

Early cloud-seeding experiments 34 

Weather modification since 1946 35 

Chronology 35 

Langmuir, Schaefer, and Vonnegut 37 

Research projects since 1947 39 

Project Cirrus 39 

The Weather Bureau cloud phvsics project 41 

The U.S. experiments of 1953-54 42 

Arizona Mountain cumulus experiments 44 

Project Whitetop 44 

Climax experiments 45 

Lightning suppression experiments 46 

Fog dispersal research 46 

Hurricane modification. 46 

Hail suppression 46 

Foreign weather modification research 47 

Commercial operations 48 

History of Federal activities, committees, policy studies, and 

reports 53 



Chapter 3 


Technology of planned weather modification 55 

Introduction 55 

Assessment of the status of weather modification technology 56 

Classification of weather modification technologies 61 

Principles and status of weather modification technologies 62 

Precipitation augmentation 64 

Cumulus clouds 66 

Cumulus modification experiments 67 

Effectiveness of precipitation enhancement research and 

operations 69 

Results achieved through cumulus modification 70 

Recent advances in cumulus cloud modification 71 

Orographic clouds and precipitation 71 

Orographic precipitation modification 75 

Orographic seeding experiments and seedability criteria 77 

Operational orographic seeding projects 81 

Results achieved through orographic precipitation modifi- 
cation 82 

Hail suppression 84 

The hail problem 84 

Modification of hail 86 

Hail seeding technologies 87 

Evaluation of hail suppression technology 88 

Surveys of hail suppression effectiveness 89 

Conclusions from the TASH study 91 

Dissipation of fog and stratus clouds 92 

Cold fog modification 93 

Warm fog modification 93 

Lightning suppression 96 

Lightning modification 98 

Evaluation of lightning suppression technology 99 

Modification of severe storms 101 

Hurricanes 101 

Generation and characteristics of hurricanes 104 

Modification of hurricanes 108 

Tornadoes 112 

Modification of tornadoes 113 

Technical problem areas in planned weather modification 115 

Seeding technology 115 

Evaluation of weather modification projects 118 

Extended area effects of weather modification 124 

Approaches to weather modification other than seeding 129 

Research needs for the development of planned weather modification- 131 

General considerations 131 

Recommendations from the 1973 National Academv of Sciences 

study i 134 

Recommendations of the Advanced Planning Group of NOAA__. 136 

Summary of Federal research needs expressed by State officials. 138 
Research recommendations of the AMS Committee on Weather 

Modification 139 

Research recommendations related to extended area and time 

effects 143 

Chapter 4 

Inadvertent weather and climate modification 145 

Introduction 145 

Terminology 145 

Climate 145 

Climatic fluctuation and climatic change 146 

Weather 146 

Weather modification 146 

Climate modification 146 

Planned climate modification 147 

Inadvertent climate modification 148 



Background 149 

Historical perspective 149 

Understanding the causes of climatic change and variability 151 

The concept of climatic change and variability 152 

When and how do climatic changes occur 154 

The facts about inadvertent weather and climate modification 156 

Airborne particulate matter and atmospheric turbidity 156 

Do more particles mean a warming or cooling? 157 

Sources of atmospheric particulates: Natural vs. manmade.. 158 

Atmospheric processes affected by particulates 159 

The La Porte weather anomaly: Urban climate modification. 162 

Carbon dioxide and water vapor 164 

Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration: 

What the record indicates 164 

Predicting future atmospheric carbon dioxide levels 166 

Sources and sinks for carbon dioxide 168 

Atmospheric effects of increased carbon dioxide levels 169 

Implications of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide con- 
centrations 169 

Implications of a climatic warming 170 

Carbon dioxide and future climate: The real climate vs. 

"model climate" 171 

Ozone depletion 172 

Concerns regarding ozone destruction 172 

Action by the Government on the regulation of fluorocar- 

bons 175 

Climatic effects of ozone depletion 176 

Waste heat 177 

The urban "Heat Island" 177 

Albedo 179 

Large-scale irrigation 180 

Recapitulation 181 

Issues in inadvertent weather and climate modification 184 

Climatic barriers to long-term energy growth 184 

Thoughts and reflections — Can we contemplate a fossil-fuel-free 

world? 185 

Research needs and deficiencies 186 

Chapter 5 

Federal activities in weather modification 193 

Overview of Federal activities..-- '— — 193 

Legislative and congressional activities 194 

Federal legislation on weather modification 194 

Summary 194 

The Advisory Committee on Weather Control 195 

Direction to the National Science Foundation 196 

Reporting of weather modification activities to the Federal 

Government 197 

The National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976 198 

Congressional direction to the Bureau of Reclamation 201 

Proposed Federal legislation on weather modification 203 

Summary 203 

Legislation proposed in the 94th Congress and the 95th 

Congress, 1st sessions 205 

Other congressional activities 207 

Resolutions on weather modification 207 

Hearings 208 

Studies and reports by congressional support agencies 209 

Activities of the executive branch 209 

Introduction 209 

Institutional structure of the Federal weather modification 

program 210 

Current status of Federal organization for weather modifica- 
tion 210 



Federal structure; 1946-57 214 

Federal structure; 1958-68 215 

Federal structure; 1968-77 216 

Future Federal organization for weather modification 216 

Coordination and advisory mechanisms for Federal weather 

modification programs 221 

Introduction 221 

The Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences 

(ICAS) 222 

The National Academv of Sciences/Committee on At- 
mospheric Sciences (N AS/CAS) 226 

The National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmos- 
phere (NACOA) 227 

Other coordination and advisory mechanisms 228 

Weather Modification Advisory Board 231 

Weather modification activities reporting program 232 

Background and regulations 232 

Reporting of Federal activities 233 

Summary reports on U.S. weather modification activities 233 

Federal studies and reports on weather modification 234 

Introduction 234 

Studies of the early 1950's 235 

Advisory Committee on Weather Control 236 

National Academy of Sciences studies 237 

Studies bv the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences (ICAS) 238 

Domestic Council study 239 

Policy and planning reports produced by Federal agencies 239 

Federal programs in weather modification 241 

Introduction and funding summaries 241 

Department of the Interior 246 

Introduction 246 

Project Skywater; general discussion 247 

The Colorado River Basin Pilot Project (CRBPP) 254 

The High Plains Cooperative Program (HIPLFX) 258 

The Sierra Cooperative Pilot Project (SCPP) 263 

Drought mitigation assistance 266 

National Science Foundation 267 

Introduction and general 267 

Weather hazard mitigation 274 

Weather modification technology development 282 

Inadvertent weather modification 283 

Societal utilization activities 287 

Agricultural weather modification 288 

Department of Commerce 290 

Introduction and general discussion 290 

The Florida Area Cumulus Experiment (FACE) 292 

Project Stormfurv 296 

Research Facilities Center (RFC) 300 

Global Monitoring for Climatic Change (GMCC) 301 

Lightning suppression 302 

Modification of extratropical severe storms 302 

Department of Defense 303 

Introduction 303 

Air Force fog dispersal operations 303 

Army research and development 304 

Navy research and development 304 

Air Force research and development 305 

Overseas operations 307 

Department of Transportation 308 

Department of Agriculture 309 

Department of Energy 310 


Chapter 6 

Review of recommendations for a national program in weather modifica- Page 

tion 313 

Introduction ^Jy 

Summaries of major weather modification reports 314 

Final report of the Advisory Committee on Weather Control — 314 
Weather and climate modification: Report of the Special Com- 
mission on Weather Modification 315 

Weather and climate modification: Problems and prospects 317 

A recommended national program in weather modification 318 

A national program for accelerating progress in weather modifica- 
tion 320 

Weather and climate modification: Problems and progress 321 

Annual reports to the President and Congress by NACOA 323 

Need for a national weather modification research program 324 

The Federal role in weather modification 325 

Trends and analysis 326 

Chapter 7 

State and local activities in weather modification 331 

Overview of State weather modification activities 331 

Introduction 331 

North American Interstate Weather Modification Council 333 

Survey and summary of State interests and activities in weather 

modification 340 

State contacts for information on weather modification activities. 343 

Non-Federal U.S. weather modification activities 343 

Analysis of calendar year 1975 projects 344 

Preliminary analysis of projects for calendar years 1976-77_ 347 
General discussion of local and regional weather modification policy 

activities „ 348 

Weather modification activities within particular States 351 

California 352 

State weather modification law and regulations 352 

Weather modification projects 353 

State-sponsored emergency projects 356 

Illinois 358 

Illinois weather modification law and its administration 358 

Operational projects 359 

Research activities 360 

Kansas 361 

Kansas Weather Modification Act 361 

Research activities 362 

Operational activities 364 

Emergenc}- Drought Act of 1977 364 

North Dakota 365 

Weather modification law and administration of regulations- 365 

Authority and organization for local projects 370 

North Dakota operational projects in 1975 and 1976 371 

South Dakota 376 

Utah 381 

Washington 382 

Chapter 8 

Private activities in weather modification 385 

Introduction 385 

Commercial weather modifiers 386 

Scope and significance of contract activities 386 

Summary of contract services 386 

Evaluation and research by commercial firms 388 

Participation in Federal research programs 389 

Weather modification organizations 389 

Professional organizations 389 

Weather Modification Association 390 

American Meteorological Society 395 



Opposition to weather modification 399 

General discussion 399 

Opposition to the seeding project above Hungry Horse Dam. 399 

Tri-State Natural Weather Association 400 

Citizens for the Preservation of Natural Resources 402 

Chapter 9 

Foreign'activities in weather modification 405 

Introduction 405 

World Meteorological Organization register of weather modification 

projects 408 

Description of weather modification activities in some foreign nations. 412 

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 412 

Overview of projects in the U.S.S.R 412 

Summary of weather modification and related atmospheric 

research in the U.S.S.R 413 

Israel 415 

Australia 416 

Canada 418 

Mexico 419 

People's Republic of China 420 

Kenya 421 

Republic of South Africa 422 

Rhodesia 423 

India 423 

The Swiss hail experiment 424 

Chapter 10 

International aspects of weather modification 427 

Introduction 427 

Convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of 

environmental modification techniques 429 

Development of the treaty 429 

Criticism of the convention 431 

Activities since the United Nations approval of the convention.. 432 
Activities of the World Meteorological Organization in weather 

modification 433 

Precipitation enhancement program (PEP) 434 

Other WMO activities in weather modification 436 

Registration and reporting of weather modification projects. 436 

WMO conferences on weather modification 436 

Typhoon and serious storm modification 437 

Global atmospheric research programme 437 

Legal aspects of weather modification 437 

United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 438 

Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human 

Environment 438 

Action Plan for the Human Environment 438 

Earthwatch Program 439 

Study of Man's Impact on Climate 439 

Other international activities 440 

United States/Canadian agreement 440 

North American Interstate Weather Modification Council 440 

Congressional activities 441 

Weather modification as a weapon of war 441 

Senate Resolution 71, prohibiting environmental modification 

as a weapon of war 441 

Congressional activities related to hostile use of weather 

modification, 1974-76 442 

Other Congressional actions relating to weather modification 443 

Senate Concurrent Resolution 67 — U.S. participation in the 

world weather program 443 

National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976 444 

Senate Resolution 49 444 



U.S. foreign policy 444 

Various executive branch proposals 445 

National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere 447 

Activities in 1977 448 

Chapter 11 

Legal aspects of weather modification 449 

Domestic 449 

Private rights in the clouds 449 

Liability for weather modification 453 

Defenses which may be raised against claims of liability 456 

Interstate allocation of atmospheric water 457 

Methods of controlling weather modification 459 

Congressional authority under the Constitution to regulate or 

license weather modification activities 461 

Federalism 461 

The commerce clause 461 

The commerce clause generally 462 

The commerce clause and the regulation of navigable 

waters 463 

Limitations on the commerce power 464 

Fiscal powers 465 

War powers 466 

Property power 466 

Treaty power 467 

Conclusion 467 

International 468 

Certain hostile uses of weather modification are prohibited 471 

Nations are responsible for environmental conduct which causes 

injury or damage in or to other nations 471 

Nations are liable for injuries sustained by aliens within their 
territory caused by tortuous conduct in violation of inter- 
national law 472 

Nations or their citizens may be liable for injury and damage 
they caused to citizens of another nation occurring in that 

nation 472 

Chapter 12 

Economic aspects of weather modification 475 

Introduction 475 

Economic setting 476 

Economic aspects of weather modification procedures 477 

Fog dispersal 477 

Precipitation augmentation 478 

Orographic cloud seeding 478 

Convective cloud seeding 478 

Precipitation augmentation and energy considerations 479 

Hail suppression 480 

Lightning suppression and reduction in storm damage 480 

Analytic methods for economic analysis 481 

Case studies of the economics of weather modification 482 

Hungry Horse Area, Montana 482 

Connecticut River basin 483 

State of Illinois 483 

Nine-county Southeastern Crop Reporting District, South Dakota, 483 

Colorado River 484 

Conclusions 486 

Chapter 13 

Ecological effects of weather modification 487 

Introduction 487 

Modification of weather and climate 487 

Ecology and ecological systems — 487 

Knowledge of ecological implications of applied weather modifi- 
cation technologies 488 



Important variables 490 

Temporal considerations 491 

Season of modification effort 491 

Duration of effort: Short- v. long-term 491 

Regularity of modification effort 491 

Ecosystem type 492 

Aquatic v. terrestrial systems 492 

Cultivated v. natural systems 492 

Arid v. humid systems 492 

Cumulative and synergistic effects 492 

Effects of silver iodide* 493 

Deliberate weather modification 496 

Precipitation enhancement 496 

Increased rainfall 496 

Snowpack augmentation 497 

Severe storm abatement 498 

Fog dispersal 499 

Hail suppression 499 

Alteration or arrest of lightning discharges 499 

Inadvertent weather modification 499 

Extra-area effects 499 

Long-term, climatic, and global implications 500 

Summary and conclusions 501 


A. Statement on weather modification in Congressional Record of 

June 17, 1975, by Congressman Gilbert Gude, containing White 

House statement on Federal weather modification policy 503 

B. Department of Defense statement on position on weather modification. 509 

C. Text of United Nations Convention on the prohibition of military 

or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques 510 

D. State statutes concerning weather modification 514 

Arizona 515 

California 516 

Colorado 520 

Connecticut 528 

Florida 529 

Hawaii 531 

Idaho 531 

Illinois 533 

Iowa 541 

Kansas 543 

Louisiana 549 

Minnesota 550 

Montana 554 

Nebraska 557 

Nevada 565 

New Hampshire 571 

New Mexico 571 

New York 573 

North Dakota 573 

Oklahoma 584 

Oregon 59 1 

Pennsylvania 599 

South* Dakota 604 

Texas 600 

Utah 612 

Washington 613 

West Virginia 618 

Wisconsin 622 

Wyoming 622 

E. List of State contacts for further information on weather modification 

activities within the States 625 

F. Agreement on exchange of information on weather modification 

between the United States of America and Canada 627 


G. Weather modification activities in the United States during calendar Pa?e 

year 1975 630 

H. Selected bibliography of publications in weather modification 641 

I. Public laws dealing specifically with weather modification 640 

J. Summary of language in congressional documents supporting public 

works appropriations for the Bureau of Reclamation's atmospheric 

water resources program 655 

K. Membership and charter of the U.S. Department of Commerce 

Weather Modification Advisory Board 660 

L. Rules and regulations and required forms for submitting information 
on weather modification activities to the National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, in 

accordance with requirements of Public Law 92-205 662 

M. Selected State rules and regulations for the administration of State 

weather modification statutes 676 

Illinois 676 

Kansas 6 S3 

North Dakota 691 

Utah 707 

Washington 712 

N. Documents of the Weather Modification Association 717 

O. Policy statement of the American Meteorological Society on purposeful 

and inadvertent modification of weather and climate 722 

P. Reporting agencies of member countries and questionnaire circulated 
to receive weather modification information from members of the 

World Meteorological Organization 724 

Q. Report of the World Meteorological Organization/ United Nations 
Environment programme informal meeting on legal aspects of 

weather modification 727 

R. Text of Senate Resolution 71; considered, amended, and agreed to 

July 11, 1973 734 

S. Reported cases on weather modification 740 

T. Glossary of selected terms in weather modification 741 

34-857—79 2 


Weather modification is generally considered to be the deliberate 
effort to improve atmospheric conditions for beneficial human pur- 
poses — to augment water supplies through enhanced precipitation or 
to reduce economic losses, property damages, and deaths through 
mitigation of adverse effects of hail, lightning, fog, and severe storms. 
Not all weather modification activities, however, have been or can be 
designed to benefit everyone, and some intentional operations have 
been used, or are perceived to have been used, as a weapon of war 
to impede the mobility or tactical readiness of an enemy. Further- 
more, environmental change is also effected unintentionally and with- 
out any purpose at all, as man inadvertently modifies the weather and 
climate, whether for better or worse scientists are not certain, through 
activities such as clearing large tracts of land, building urban areas, 
and combustion of fossil fuels. 

Historically, there have been attempts, often nonscientific or pseudo- 
scientific at best, to change the weather for man's benefit. Until the 
20th century, however, the scientific basis for such activities was 
meager, with most of our current understanding of cloud physics and 
precipitation processes beginning to unfold during the 1930's. The 
modern period in weather modification is about three decades old, dat- 
ing from events in 1946, when Schaefer and Langmuir of the General 
Electric Co. demonstrated that a cloud of supercooled water droplets 
could be transformed into ice crystals when seeded with dry ice. Soon 
afterward it was discovered that fine particles of pure silver iodide, 
with crystal structure similar to that of ice, were effective artificial 
ice nuclei, and that seeding clouds with such particles could produce 
ice crystals at temperatures just below freezing. Silver iodide remains 
the most often used material in modern "cloud seeding." 

By the 1950's, many experimental and operational weather modifi- 
cation projects were underway; however, these early attempts to 
augment precipitation or to alter severe storm effects were often in- 
conclusive or ineffective, owing to improper experimental design, lack 
of evaluation schemes, and the primitive state of the technology. 
Through research programs over the past two decades, including 
laboratory studies and field experiments, understanding of atmos- 
pheric processes essential to improved weather modification tech- 
nology has been advanced. Sophisticated evaluation schemes have been 
developed, using elaborate statistical tools; there has also been im- 
provement in measuring instruments and weather radar systems ; and 
simulation of weather processes using numerical models and high 
speed computers has provided further insights. Meanwhile, commer- 
cial weather modifiers, whose number decreased dramatically along 
with the total area of the United States covered by their operations 
after the initial surge of the 1950 era, have grown in respectability and 
competence, and their operations have incorporated improvements as 
they benefited from their accumulated experience and from the re- 



suits of research projects. Since such operations are designed for prac- 
tical results, such as increased precipitation or reduced hail, however, 
the sophisticated evaluation procedures now used in most research 
projects are most often not used, so that the effectiveness of the opera- 
tions is frequently difficult to assess. 

Weather modification is at best an emerging technology. Progress in 
development of the technology over the past 30 years has been slow, 
although there has been an increased awareness of the complex nature 
of atmospheric processes and a steady improvement in basic under- 
standing of those processes which underlie attempts at deliberate modi- 
fication of weather phenomena. Though most cloud-seeding practices 
are based on a common theory and form the basis for a number of seed- 
ing objectives, there are really a series of weather modification 
technologies, each tailored to altering a particular atmospheric pheno- 
menon and each having reached a different state of development and 
operational usefulness. For example, cold fog clearing is now consid- 
ered to be operational, while, at the other extreme, the abatement of 
severe storms such as hurricanes remains in the initial research phase. 
Development progress for each of these technologies appears to be 
much less a function of research effort expended than a dependence on 
the fundamental atmospheric processes and the ease by which they can 
be altered. There continues to be obvious need for further research and 
development to refine those few techniques for which there has been 
some success and to advance technology where progress has been slow 
or at a virtual standstill. 

The following summary provides a reasonably accurate assessment 
of the current status of weather modification technology : 

1. The only routine operational projects are for clearing cold fog. 
Research on warm fog has yielded some useful knowledge and good 
models, but the resulting technologies are so costly that they are usable 
mainly for military purposes and very busy airports. 

2. Several longrunning efforts to increase winter snowpack by seed- 
ing clouds in the mountains suggest that precipitation can be increased 
by some 15 percent over what would have happened "naturally." 

3. A decade and a half of experience with seeding winter clouds on 
the U.S. west coast and in Israel, and summer clouds in Florida, also 
suggest a 10- to 15-percent increase over "natural" rainfall. Hypotheses 
and techniques from the work in one area are not directly transferable 
to other areas, but will be helpful in designing comparable experiments 
with broadly similar cloud systems. 

4. Numerous efforts to increase rain by seeding summer clouds in the 
central and western parts of the United States have left many questions 
unanswered. A major experiment to try to answer them — for the High 
Plains area — is now in its early stages. 

5. It is scientifically possible to open holes in wintertime cloud layers 
by seeding them. Increasing sunshine and decreasing energy consmp- 
tion may be especially relevant in the northeastern quadrant of the 
United States. 

0. Some $10 million is spent by private and local public sponsors for 
cloud-seeding efforts, but these projects arc not designed as scientific 
experiments and it is difficult to say for sure that operational cloud 
seeding causes the claimed results. 


7. Knowledge about hurricanes is improving with good models of 
their behavior. But the experience in modifying that behavior is primi- 
tive so far. It is inherently difficult to find enough test cases, especially 
since experimentation on typhoons in the Western Pacific has been 
blocked for the time being by international political objections. 

8. Although the Soviets and some U.S. private operators claim some 
success in suppressing hail by seeding clouds, our understanding of the 
physical processes that create hail is still weak. The one major U.S. 
held experiment increased our understanding of severe storms, but 
otherwise proved mostly the dimensions of what we do not yet know. 

9. There have been many efforts to suppress lightning by seeding 
thunderstorms. Our knowledge of the processes involved is fair, but the 
technology is still far from demonstrated, and the U.S. Forest Service 
has recently abandoned further lightning experiments. 1 

Modification processes may also be initiated or triggered inadvert- 
ently rather than purposefully, and the possibility exists that society 
may be changing the climate through its own actions by pushing on 
ceitain leverage points. Inadvertently, man is already causing measur- 
able variations on the local scale. Artificial climatic effects have been 
observed and documented on local and regional scales, particularly in 
and downwind of heavily populated industrial areas where waste heat, 
particulate pollution and altered ground surface characteristics are 
primarily responsible for the perceived climate modification. The cli- 
mate in and near large cities, for example, is warmer, the daily range 
of temperature is less, and annual precipitation is greater than if the 
cities had neA^er been built. Although not verifiable at present, the time 
may not be far off when human activities will result in measurable 
large-scale changes in weather and climate of more than passing sig- 
nificance. It is important to appreciate the fact that the role of man at 
this global level is still controversial, and existing models of the gen- 
eral circulation are not yet capable of testing the effects in a conclusive 

Nevertheless, a growing fraction of current evidence does point to 
the possibility of unprecedented impact on the global climate by hu- 
man activities, albeit the effects may be occurring below the threshold 
where they could be statistically detected relative to the record of nat- 
ural fluctuations and. therefore, could be almost imperceptible amid 
the ubiquitous variability of climate. But while the degree of influence 
on world climate may as yet be too small to detect against the back- 
ground of natural variations and although mathematical models of 
climatic change are still imperfect, significant global effects in the 
future are inferred if the rates of growth of industry and population 

For over 30 years both legislative and executive branches of the 
Federal Government have been involved in a number of aspects of 
weather modification. Since 1947 about 110 weather modification bills 
pertaining to research support, operations, grants, policy studies, regu- 
lations, liabilities, activity reporting, establishment of panels and com- 
mittees, and international concerns have been introduced in the Con- 

1 Weather Modification Advisory Board. "A U.S. Policy to Enhance the Atmospheric 
Environment," Oct. 21, 1977. In testimony by Harlan Cleveland. Weather modification. 
Hearing before the Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere, Committee on 
Science and Technology. U.S. House of Representatives. 93th Cong., 1st sess., Oct. 26, 
1977, Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977. pp. 28-30. 


gress. Resolutions, mostly concerned with using weather modification 
ns a weapon and promotion of a United Nations treaty banning such 
activities, have also been introduced in both houses of the Congress ; 
one such resolution was passed by the Senate. 

Six public laws specifically dealing with weather modification have 
been enacted since 1953, and others have included provisions which are 
in some way relevant to weather modification. Federal weather modi- 
fication legislation has dealt primarily with three aspects — research 
program authorization and direction, collection and reporting of in- 
formation on weather modification activities, and the commissioning 
of major policy studies. In addition to direction through authorizing 
legislation, the Congress initiated one major Federal research pro- 
gram through a write-in to an appropriations bill; this program 
regularly receives support through additional appropriations beyond 
recommended OMB funding levels. 

There are two Federal laws currently in effect which are specifically 
concerned with weather modification. Public Law 92-205, of Decem- 
ber 18, 1971, and its amendments requires the reporting of all non- 
Federal activities to the Secretary of Commerce and publication "from 
time to time" of summaries of such activities by the Secretary of 
Commerce. 2 The National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976 
(Public Law 94-490), enacted October 13, 1976, directed the Secretary 
of Commerce to conduct a major study on weather modification and to 
submit a report containing a recommended Federal policy and Fed- 
eral research program on w T eather modification. The Secretary ap- 
pointed a non-Government Weather Modification Advisory Board to 
conduct the mandated study, the report on which is to be submitted 
to the Secretary for her review and comment and subsequent trans- 
mittal to the President and the Congress during 1978. It is expected 
that, following receipt of the aforementioned report, the Congress will 
consider legislation on Federal weather modification policy, presuma- 
bly during the 96th Congress. 

Congressional interest in weather modification has also been mani- 
fested in a number of hearings on various bills, in oversight hearings 
on pertinent ongoing Federal agency programs, in consideration of 
some 22 resolutions having to do with weather modification, and in 
commissioning studies on the subject by congressional support 

The principal involvement in weather modification of the Federal 
Government has been through the research and development programs 
of the several Federal departments and agencies. Although Federal 
research programs can be traced from at least the period of World 
War II, the programs of most agencies other than the Defense Depart- 
ment were not begun until the 1950's and 1960's. These research and 
development programs have been sponsored at various times by at 
least eight departments and independent agencies — including the De- 
partments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, Interior, and 
Transportation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration 
(NASA), and the National Science Foundation (NSF). In fiscal year 

2 Although Federal agencies were excluded from the requirements of this not. upon agreement, the agencies also submit information on their weather mollification 
projects to tlie Secretary of Commerce, so that there is a single repository for information 
on nil weather modification activities conducted within the United States. 


1978 six agency programs were reported, those of Transportation and 
NASA having been phased out, while that of Agriculture was severely 

Total funding for Federal weather modification research in fiscal 
year 1978 is estimated at about $17 million, a decline from the highest 
funding level of $20 million reached in fiscal year 1976. The largest 
programs are those of the Departments of Interior and Commerce and 
of the NSF. The NSF has supported weather modification research 
over a broad spectrum for two decades, although its fiscal year 1978 
funding was reduced by more than 50 percent, and it is not clear that 
more than the very basic atmospheric science supportive of weather 
modification will be sponsored hereafter by the Foundation. 

The present structure of Federal organization for weather modifi- 
cation research activities is characterized essentially by the mission- 
oriented approach, whereby each of the agencies conducts its own 
program in accordance with broad agency goals or under specific direc- 
tions from the Congress or the Executive. Programs have been loosely 
coordinated through various independent arrangements and/or advi- 
sory panels and particularly through the Interdepartmental Commit- 
tee for Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS). The ICAS, established in 1959 
by the former Federal Council for Science and Technology, provides 
advice on matters related to atmospheric science in general and has 
also been the principal coordinating mechanism for Federal research 
in weather modification. 

In 1958 the National Science Foundation was designated lead agency 
for Federal weather modification research by Public Law 85-510, a 
role which it maintained until 1968, when Public Law 90-407 removed 
this responsibility from NSF. No further action was taken to name a 
lead agency, although there have been numerous recommendations to 
designate such a lead agency, and several bills introduced in the Con- 
gress would have named either the Department of the Interior or the 
Department of Commerce in that role. During the 10-year period from 
1958 to 1968 the NSF promoted a vigorous research program through 
grants to various research organizations, established an Advisory 
Panel for Weather Modification, and published a series of 10 annual 
reports on weather modification activities in the United States. Since 
1968 there has been a lapse in Federal weather modification policy and 
in the Federal structure for research programs, although, after a 
hiatus of over 3 years, the responsibility for collecting and disseminat- 
ing information on weather modification activities was assigned to the 
Commerce Department in 1971. An important consideration of any 
future weather modification legislation will probably be the organiza- 
tional structure of the Federal research program and that for admin- 
istration of other related functions which may be the responsibility of 
the Federal Government. Options include a continuation of the present 
mission-oriented approach with coordination through the ICAS or a 
similar interagency body, redesignation of a lead agency with some 
autonomy remaining with the several agencies, or creation of a single 
agency with control of all funding and all research responsibilities. 
The latter could be an independent agency or part of a larger depart- 
ment ; it would presumably also administer other aspects of Federal 
weather modification responsibilities, such as reporting of activities, 


regulation and licensing, and monitoring and evaluation of operations, 
if a n}' or all of these functions should become or continue to be services 
performed at the Federal level. 

In addition to specific research programs sponsored bv Federal agen- 
cies, there are other functions related to weather modification which 
are performed in several places in the executive branch. Various Fed- 
eral advisory panels and committees and their staffs — established to 
conduct in-depth studies and prepare comprehensive reports, to pro- 
vide advice and recommendations, or to coordinate Federal weather 
modification programs — have been housed and supported within exec- 
utive departments, agencies, or offices. The program whereby Federal 
and non-Federal U.S. weather modification activities are reported to 
the Government is administered by the National Oceanic and Atmos- 
pheric Administration (NOAA) within the Commerce Department. 
The State Department negotiates agreements with other nations which 
might be affected by U.S. experiments and has arranged for Federal 
agencies and other U.S. investigators to participate in international 
meteorological projects, including those in weather modification. In 
the United Nations, the United States has been active in promoting the 
adoption of a treaty banning weather modification as a military 

In accordance with the mandates of several public laws or self-ini- 
tiated bv the agencies or interagency committees, the executive branch 
of the Federal Government has undertaken a number of major weather 
modification policy studies over the past 25 years. Each of the com- 
pleted major studies was followed by a report which included findings 
and recommendations. The most recent study is the one noted earlier 
that is being conducted by the Weather Modification Advisory Board 
on behalf of the Secretarv of Commerce, pursuant to requirements of 
the National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976. Nearly all 
previous studies emphasized the needs for designation of a lead agency, 
increased basic meteorological research, increased funding, improve- 
ment of support and cooperation from agencies, and consideration of 
legal, socioeconomic, environmental, and international aspects. Other 
recommendations have included improvement of program evaluation, 
studv of inadvertent effects, increased regulation of activities, and a 
number of specific research projects. Although some of the recom- 
mended activities have been undertaken, many have not resulted in 
specific actions to date. Almost invariably it was pointed out in the 
studies that considerable progress would result from increased fund- 
ing. Although funding for weather modification research has increased 
over t he past 20 years, most funding recommendations have been for 
considerably higher levels than those provided. Since fiscal year 1976, 
the total Federal research funding for weather modification research 
hn=. in fact, decreased. 

Most States in the Nation have some official interest in weather 
modification ; 29 of them have some form of law which relates to such 
activities, usually concerned with various facets of regulation or con- 
trol of operations within the Slate and sometimes pertaining to au- 
thorization for funding research and/or operations at the State or 
local level. A State's weather modification law usually reflects its gen- 
eral policy toward weather modification; some State laws tend to en- 


courage development and use of the technology, while others dis- 
courage such activities. 

The current legal regime regulating weather modification has been 
developed by the States rather than the Federal Government, except 
in the areas of research support, commissioning studies, and requiring 
reporting of activities. The various regulatory and management func- 
tions which the States perform include: (1) issuance, renewal, sus- 
pension, and revocation of licenses and permits; (2) monitoring and 
collecting of information on activities through requirements to main- 
tain records, submission of periodic activity reports, and inspection 
of premises and equipment; (3) funding and managing of State or 
locally organized operational and/or research programs ; (4) evalua- 
tion and advisory services to locally organized public and private op- 
erational programs within the State; and (5) miscellaneous admin- 
istrative activities, including the organization and operation of State 
agencies and boards which are charged with carrying out statutory 
responsibilities. Administration of the regulatory and managerial re- 
sponsibilities pertaining to weather modification within the States is 
accomplished through an assortment of institutional structures, in- 
cluding departments of water or natural resources, commissions, and 
special governing or advisory groups. Often there is a combination of 
two or more of these agencies or groups in a State, separating func- 
tions of pure administration from those of appeals, permitting, or ad- 
visory services. 

Involvement in weather modification operational and research pro- 
grams varies from State to State. Some support research only, while 
others fund and operate both research and operational programs. In 
some cases funding only is provided to localities, usually at the county 
level, where operational programs have been established. The recent 
1976-77 drought led some Western States to initiate emergency cloud- 
seeding programs as one means of augmenting diminishing water sup- 
plies. Research conducted by atmospheric and other scientists at State 
universities or other research agencies may be supported in part with 
State funds but is often funded by one of the major Federal weather 
modification programs, such as that of the Bureau of Reclamation or 
the National Science Foundation. In a few cases. States contribute 
funds to a Federal research project which is conducted jointly with 
the States and partly within their borders. 

In 1975, 1976, and 1977, respectively, there were 58, 61, and 88 non- 
federally supported weather modification projects, nearly all opera- 
tional, conducted throughout the United States. These projects were 
sponsored by community associations, airlines, utilities, private in- 
terests, municipal districts, cities, and States. Eighty-five percent of 
all projects in the United States during 1975 were carried out west of 
Kansas City, with the largest number in California. In that State 
there were 11 proipets in each of the vears 1975 and 1976, and 20 
projects during 1977. The majority of these operational projects were 
designed to increase precipitation; others were intended for sup- 
pression of hail or dispersal of fogs, the latter principally at airports. 

In most instances, the principal beneficiaries of weather modification 
are the local or regional users, who include farmers and ranchers, 
weather-related industries, municipalities, airports, and utilities — 


those individuals and groups whose economic well-being and whose 
lives and property are directly subject to adverse consequences of 
drought or other severe weather. It is at the local level where the need 
to engage in weather modification is most keenly perceived and also 
where possible negative effects from such activities are most apparent 
to some sectors of the population. It follows that both the greatest sup- 
port and the strongest opposition to weather modification projects are 
focussed at the local level. The popularity of a particular project and 
the degree of controversy surrounding it are frequently determined by 
the extent to which local citizens and local organizations have had a 
voice in the control or funding of the project. At the local level, deci- 
sions to implement or to withdraw from a project can most often be 
made with minimum social stress. Indeed, studies have shown that most 
people are of the opinion that local residents or local government offi- 
cials should make decisions on whether or not to use weather modifica- 
tion technology in a given situation. 

Many of the operational weather modification services provided for 
private groups and governmental bodies within the States are carried 
out under contract by commercial firms who have developed expertise 
in a broad range of capabilities or who specialize in particular services 
essential to both operational or research projects. Contracts may cover 
only one season of the year, but a number of them are renewed an- 
nually, with target areas ranging from a few hundred to a few thou- 
sand square miles. In 197G, 6 of the 10 major companies having 
substantial numbers of contracts received about $2.7 million for op- 
erations in the United States, and a few of these companies also had 
contracts overseas. Owing to increased demand for emergency pro- 
grams during the recent drought, it is estimated that 1977 contracts 
totaled about $3.5 million. 

The initial role of the private weather modification operators was to 
sustain activities during the early years, when there was often heated 
scientific controversy with other meteorologists over the efficacy of 
cloud seeding. Later, their operations provided a valuable data base 
which permitted the early evaluation of seeding efforts and estimates 
of potential prospects for the technology, meanwhile growing in com- 
petence and public respect. Today, more often than not, they work 
hand in hand with researchers and, in fact, they often participate in 
research projects, contributing much of their knowhow acquired 
through their unique experiences. 

Important among private institutions concerned with weather modi- 
fication are the professional organizations of which research and op- 
erational weather modifiers and other interested meteorologists are 
members. These include the American Meteorological Society, the 
Weather Modifical ion Association, and the Irrigation and Drainage 
Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Through the 
meetings and publications of these organizations the scientific, tech- 
nical, and legal problems and findings on weather modification are 
aired and discussed. These groups also address other matters such as 
statements of weather modification policy, opinions on pending legis- 
lation, social implieations. and professional standards and certifica- 
tion. Tn addition, the North American Interstate Weather Modifica- 
tion Council is an organizai ion whose membership consists of govern- 


ments of U.S. States and Canadian Provinces and the Government of 
Mexico, which serves as a forum for interstate coordination and ex- 
change of information on weather modification. 

Weather modification is often controversial, and both formal and 
informal opposition groups have been organized in various sections 
of the country. Reasons for such opposition are varied and are based 
on both real and perceived adverse consequences from weather modifi- 
cation. Sometimes with little or no rational basis there are charges 
by these groups that otherwise unexplained and usually unpleasant 
weather- related events are linked to cloud seeding. There are also cases 
where some farmers are economically disadvantaged through receiving 
more, or less than optimum rainfall for their particular crops, when 
artificial inducement of such conditions may have indeed been planned 
to benefit those growing different crops with different moisture re- 
quirements. Opposition groups are often formed to protect the legiti- 
mate rights of farmers under such circumstances. 

While the United States is the apparent leader in weather modifi- 
cation research and operations, other countries have also been active. 
Information on foreign weather modification activities is not uni- 
formly documented and is not always available. In an attempt to 
assemble uniform weather modification activities information of its 
member nations, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 
1975 instigated a system of reporting and of maintaining a register on 
such activities. Under this arrangement 25 nations reported weather 
modification projects during 1976, and 16 countries provided similar 
information in 1975. The largest weather modification effort outside 
the United States is in the Soviet Union, where there are both a con- 
tinuing research program and an expanding operational program. The 
latter is primarily a program designed to reduce crop damage from 
hail, the largest such effort in the world, covering about 5 million 
hectares (15 million acres) in 1976. Other countries with weather modi- 
fication programs of some note include Canada, Israel, Mexico, and 
the People's Republic of China. Projects in Rhodesia and the Republic 
of South Africa are not reported through the WMO register since 
these countries are not WMO member nations. 

Recent years have seen increased international awareness of the 
potential benefits and possible risks of weather modification technology 
and increased international efforts to control such activities. The major 
efforts of the international community in this area are to encourage 
and maintain the high level of cooperation which currently exists in 
weather prediction and research and to insure that man's new abilities 
will be used for peaceful purposes. There has been exchange of ideas 
on weather modification through international conferences and 
through more informal exchanges of scientists and research documents. 
As with many scientific disciplines, however, the problems arising 
from use of and experiments with weather modification are not just 
scientific in nature, but are political problems as well. 

In addition to the problems of potential damage to countries through 
commercial or experimental weather modification activities, another 
growing area of concern is that weather modification will be used for 
hostile purposes and that the future will bring weather warfare be- 
tween nations. The United States has already been involved in one 


such instance during the Vietnam war when attempts were made to 
impede traffic by increasing rainfall during the monsoon season. In the 
future, even the perception that weather modification techniques are 
available or in use could lead to an increase in international tensions. 
Natural drought in a region, or any other natural disaster will be 
suspect or blamed on an enemy. 

In light of these problems the international community has made 
scattered attempts both to further the study of weather and its modifi- 
cation and to insure the peaceful use of this new technology. One such 
attempt was the development of the Convention on the Prohibition 
of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification 
Techniques, which was adopted by the General Assembly of the United 
Nations and opened for signature on May 18. 19TT, at which time it was 
signed by the United States and 33 other nations (though it has not 
yet been submitted to the U.S. Senate for ratification) . Another exam- 
ple of promotion of peaceful use of weather modification is the Pre- 
cipitation Enhancement Program, sponsored by the WMQ, whose aim 
is to plan, set up, and carry out an international, scientifically con- 
trolled precipitation experiment in a semiarid region of the world 
under conditions where the chances are optimal for increasing pre- 
cipitation in sufficient amounts to produce economic benefits. 

The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held 
in June 1972 in Stockholm, has been the pivotal point in much recent 
international environmental activity. It too has been an important 
catalyst in international activities relating to weather modification 
through portions of its "Declaration," its "Action Plan for the Human 
Environment," its "Earthwatch Program," and its "Study of Man's 
Impact on Climate." 

Legal issues in weather modification are complex and unsettled. 
They can be considered in at least four broad categories : private rights 
in the clouds, liability for weather modification, interstate legal issues, 
and international legal issues. Since the body of law on weather modi- 
fication is slight, existing case law offers few guidelines to determine 
these issues. Regarding the issue of private rights in the clouds, there 
is no general statutory determination of ownership of atmospheric 
water, so it is often necessary to use analogies to some general common 
law doctrines pertaining to water distribution, although each such 
doctrine has its own disadvantages when applied to weather modifica- 
tion. Some State laws reserve ownership or right to use atmospheric 
water to the State. 

Issues of liability for damage may arise when drought, flooding, 
or other severe weal her phenomena occur following attempts to modify 
the weather. Such issues include causation, nuisance, strict liability, 
trespass, negligence, and charges of pollution of the air and water 
through introduction of artificial nucleants. Statutes of 10 States dis- 
cuss weather modification liability: however, there is much variation 
among the specific provisions of the laws in those States. Before a 
case can be made for liability based on causation, it must be pro\en 
that the adverse weather conditions were indeed induced by the wen: r 
modifier; but, in fact, no one lias ever been able to establish causation 
of damages through such activities in view of the scientific uncer- 
tainties of weather modification. 


Significant issues may arise when weather modification activities 
conducted in one State affect another State as well. There may be, for 
example, the claim that seeding in one State has removed from the 
clouds water that should have fallen in an adjacent State or that 
excessive flooding resulted from cloud seeding in a State upwind. 
Operation of cloud-seeding equipment near the border of one State 
may also violate local or State regulations or prohibitions of such 
operations in that State. There have been some attempts to resolve these 
and other issues through specific legislation in some States and through 
informal bilateral agreements. While no formal compacts currently 
exist, some compacts allocating waters in interstate streams may be 

Because atmospheric processes operate independent of national 
borders, weather modification is inherently of international concern, 
and. international legal issues have similarities to domestic interstate 
activities and dangers. Whereas domestic weather modification law is 
confused and unsettled, international law in this area is barely in the 
formative stage. In time, ramifications of weather modification may 
lead to major international controversy. 

Whereas the potential for long-term economic gains through weather 
modification cannot be denied, current economic analyses are tenuous in 
view of present uncertainty of the technology and the complex nature 
of attendant legal and economic problems. Economic evaluation of 
weather modification activities has therefore been limited to special, 
localized cases, such as the dispersal of cold fog at airports, where 
benefit-cost ratios greater than 5 to 1 have been realized through sav- 
ings in delayed or diverted traffic. It has also been estimated, on the 
basis of a 15-percent increase in snowpack through seeding orographic 
clouds, that about 2 million additional acre-feet of water per year 
could be produced in the Colorado River Basin, at a cost of about 
$1.50 per acre-foot. 

Costs of most weather modification operations are generally small 
in relation to other costs in agriculture, for example, and are normally 
l>elieved to be only a fraction of the benefits which could be achieved 
from successful operations. However, if all the benefits and all the costs 
are considered, benefit-cost ratios may be diminished. While direct co«ts 
and benefits from weather modification are reasonably apparent, in- 
direct costs and benefits are elusive and require further study of 
sociological, legal, and ecological implications. 

There are numerous cases of both real and perceived economic losses 
which one or more sectors of the public may suffer while another 
group is seeking economic advantage through some form of weather 
modification. Overall benefits from weather modification are accord- 
ingly reduced when net gains are determined from such instances of 
mixed economic advantages and disadvantages. In fact, when mecha- 
nisms are established for compensating those who have suffered losses 
resultinof from weather modification, benefits to those groups seeking 
economic gain through such projects will probably be accordingly 

Economically significant weather modification activities will have 
an eventual ecological effect, though appearance of that effect may be 
hidden or delayed by system resilience and/or confused by system 


complexity. Prediction of ecological effects may never be possible with 
any precision; however, the greater the precision with which the 
weather modifier can predict results of his activities, the more pre- 
cisely can the ecologist predict ecological effects. Such effects will 
rarely be sudden or catastrophic, but will result from moderate 
weather-related shifts in rates of reproduction, growth, and mortality 
of plants and animals. Adjustments of plant and animal communities 
will thus occur more slowly in regions of highly variable weather than 
in those with more uniform conditions which are slowly changing with 
some regularity over time. Deliberate weather modification, such as 
precipitation augmentation, is likely to have a greater ecological im- 
pact in semi-arid regions than in humid ones. 

Widespread cloud seeding, using silver iodide, could result in esti- 
mated local, temporary increases in silver concentrations in precipita- 
tion approaching those in natural waters, but exchange rates would be 
an order of magnitude lower than the natural exchange rates. Ex- 
change rates will likely be many orders of magnitude less than those 
rates at which plants and soils are adversely affected. 


1. Weather modification is an emerging technology ; there is a wide 
spectrum of capabilities to modify various weather phenomena, rang- 
ing from the operational readiness of cold fog dispersal to little prog- 
ress beyond initial research in the case of modifying severe storms 
such as hurricanes. 

2. Along with cold fog dispersal, the only other weather modifica- 
tion capability showing near readiness for application is the aug- 
mentation of winter snowpack through seeding mountain cloud sys- 
tems. A probable increase of about 15 percent is indicated by a number 
of experiments and longrunning operational seeding projects in the 
western United States. 

3. Most scientists and weather modification operators agree that 
there is continued need for a wide range of research and development 
activity both to refine weather modification techniques where there 
has been some success and to advance capabilities in modifying other 
weather phenomena where there has been much less or little progress. 

4. Current Federal policy for weather modification research and 
development follows the mission-oriented approach, where each agency 
charged with responsibility for dealing with a particular national 
problem is given latitude to seek the best approach or solution to the 
problem; this approach or solution may involve weather modification. 

5. The structure of Federal organization for weather modification 
reflects the mission-oriented approach which is characteristic of the 
current Federal policy, the programs loosely coordinated through ad- 
visory groups and the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric 

0. The interest of the Congress in weather modification has been 
shown by the introduction of 110 bills related to the subject since 
1017 — of which have become public law — and the consideration of 22 
resolutions on weather modification, one of which was passed by the 

7. A number of major weather modification policy studies have been 
directed by public law or initiated within the executive branch over 


the past 25 years ; most of these studies recommended designation of 
a lead agency, increased basic meteorological research, increased fund- 
ing, improvement of support and cooperation from agencies, and con- 
sideration of legal, socioeconomic, environmental, and international 
aspects. Although some recommended actions have been undertaken, 
others have not seen specific action to date. 

8. While major policy studies have recommended increased funding 
for Federal weather modification, research and development and fund- 
ing has generally increased over the past 20 years, recommended levels 
have been consistently higher than those provided, and funding has 
actually decreased since fiscal year 1976. 

9. With enactment of the National Weather Modification Policy 
Act of 1976 and completion of the major policy study mandated by 
that act, there is a fresh opportunity for the Congress to assess the 
potential usefulness and problems in application of weather modifica- 
tion technology and to establish a new Federal policy for weather 
modification research and operations. 

10. The principal role in regulating weather modification and in 
supporting operational programs has been taken by the States, while 
the role of the Federal Government has been support of research and 
development programs. 

11. The majority of the States (29) have some form of law which 
relates to weather modification, and the general policy of a State 
toward weather modification is usually reflected in the weather modi- 
fication law of that State ; laws of some States tend to encourage devel- 
opment and use of the technology, while others discourage such 

12. The majority of operational weather modification projects in the 
United States (58 of a total of 72, or 80 percent in calendar year 1975) 
are conducted west of Kansas City, and the largest number of projects 
has been in California (20 during 1977) ; most operational projects 
are intended to increase precipitation, while others are designed to 
suppress hail or disperse fog. 

13. Both the greatest support and the strongest opposition to weather 
modification projects are focused at the local level, where the economic 
and personal interests of local organizations and individuals are most 
directly affected; it follows that there is also the least social stress 
when decisions to apply or withhold weather modification are made 
at the local level. 

14. Commercial weather modification operators have substained ac- 
tivities since the early days, after which some operations fell into 
disrepute, providing a valuable data base for evaluation of long-term 
projects and developing expertise over a broad range of capabilities: 
most have incorporated improvements into their technology as they 
have benefited from accumulated experience and from research results. 

15. While the United States is the apparent leader in overall research 
and operational weather modification activities, there have been ap- 
proximately 20 foreign countries in which activities are conducted an- 
nually (25 countries reported such projects for 1976 through the 
register of the World Meteorological Organization) ; the largest for- 
eign program is that of the Soviet Union, whose operational hail 
suppression program covered about 15 million acres in 1976, the largest 
such effort in the world. 


16. The international community has attempted to further the study 
o f weather modification and insure its peaceful use through the recent 
development of a Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any 
Other Hostile Use of Environmental Techniques (adopted by the 
U.N. General Assembly and opened for signature in May 1977) and 
through sponsorship by the World Meteorological Organization of 
an international precipitation enhancement program. 

17. Legal issues in weather modification are complex and unsettled; 
they include resolution of problems of ownership of atmospheric water, 
issues of liability, conflicting statutes and regulations of respective 

e laws, and the need to develop a regime of relevant international 


18. Although the long-term potential for economic gains through 
weather modification cannot be denied, attempts to quantify benefits 
mnd costs from such activities will in most cases be difficult to undertake 
on a practical basis until the technology is more highly developed and 
control systems are perfected to permit reliable predictions of 

19. Economically significant w r eather modification will always have 
an eventual ecological effect, though appearance of the effect may be 
delayed or hidden by system resilience and/or confounded by system 
complexity ; the more precisely the weather modifier can specify effects 
lie will produce, the more precise can be the ecologist's prediction of 
likely ecological effects. 

20. Modification processes may also be initiated or triggered inad- 
vertently rather than purposefully ; man is already causing measurable 
variations unintentionally on the local scale, and artificial climate 
effects have been observed on local and regional scales. Although not 
veri fiable at present, the time may not be remote when human activities 
will result in measurable large-scale changes in weather and climate 
of more than passing significance. 



(I?y Robert E. Morrison, Specialist in Earth Sciences, Science Policy Research 
Division, Congressional Research Service) 


u It is entirely possible, were he wise enough, that man could produce 
favorable effects, perhaps of enonnous practical significance, trans- 
forming his environment to render it more salutary for his purposes. 
This is certainly a matter which should be studied assiduously and 
explored vigorously. The first steps are clear. In order to control 
meteorological matters at all we nee d to understand them better than 
we now do. When we understand fully ice can at least predict weather 
with assurance for reasonable intervals in the future. 

''With modem analytical devices, with a team of sound background 
and high skills, it is possible today to do a piece of work in this field 
which will render immediate benefits, and carry us for toward a more 
thorough understanding of ultimate possibilities. By all means let us 
get at it." 

— Vanne var Bush 1 


Two decades after completion of a major study and report on 
weather modification by the Advisory Committee on Weather Control 
and after the assertions quoted above, many would agree that some 
of the more fundamental questions about understanding and using 
weather modification remain unsolved. There is a great difference of 
opinion, however, on the state of technology in this field. According 
to Grant, "Some believe that weather modification is now ready for 
widespread application. In strong contrast, others hold that applica- 
tion of the technology may never be possible or practical on any 
substantial scale." 2 It has been demonstrated that at least some atmos- 
pheric phenomena can be modified with some degree of predictable 
success, as a consequence of seeding supercooled clouds with artificial 
ice nuclei, and there is some promise that the present technology will 
be expanded to include a greater scope of weather modification capa- 
bilities. Nevertheless, a systematic approach and reasonable progress 
in development of weather modification technology have been impeded 
by a number of problems. 

Changnon asserts that a continuing and overriding problem restrict- 
ing progress has been the attempt to apply an ill-defined technology 
to increase rain or suppress hail without an adequate scientific under- 

1 From statement of Dec. 2, 1957, quoted in final report of the Advisory Committee on 
Weather Control, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office. 1958. vol. I. p. 1. 

2 Grant, Lewis O., "Scientific and Other Uncertainties of Weather Modification. In 
William A. Thomas (editor), Legal and Scientific Uncertainties of Weather Modification. 
Proceedings of a symposium convened at Duke University. Mar. 11-3 2. 1976, by the 
National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists, Durham, N.C., Duke University Press, 
1977, p. 7. 


34-857—79 3 


standing and predictable outcome. 3 Experimentation has been poorly 
conducted, intermittent, or too short ; and "results have not been inte- 
grated with those of other projects so as to develop a continuing thread 
of improving knowledge." 4 

In response to the query as to why progress in weather modification 
lias been so slow, Fleagle identifies three broad, general impediments. 
"First, the physical processes associated with clouds have turned out to 
be especially complex and difficult * * *. A second possibility may be 
that the atmosphere is inherently stable, so that within broad limits, no 
matter what we do to increase precipitation, the results are likely to be 
small and roughly the same * * *. A third reason * * * is that progress 
has been hamstrung by fragmentation of resources, by submarginal 
funding, ineffective planning and coordination, and a general lack of 
administrative toughness and fiscal stability." 5 

Droessler points out the need to "formulate a comprehensive national 
weather modification policy which has the broad support of the scien- 
tific community, the general public, private industry, and the Govern- 
ment," contending that "the greatest deterrent in getting on with the 
task of preparing a satisfactory national policy is the lack of a con- 
sensus about the national goals for weather modification." 6 

Although operational readiness varies from one form of weather 
modification to another, as a result of the degree of understanding and 
the complexity of decisionmaking in given situations, the prospects for 
successful weather modification are sufficiently promising that at- 
tempts to develop effective applications will continue. This was one of 
the major areas of co?isensus at a recent symposium on the uncertainties 
of weather modification : 

There will be increased attempts to modify weather, both because people tend 
to do what is technically possible and because the anticipated benefits of precipi- 
tation augmentation, hail or lightning suppression, hurricane diversion, and other 
activities often exceed the associated costs. 7 

With the inevitable increases in weather modification capabilities 
and the increasing application of these capabilities, the development of 
a technology that is socially useful must be insured through a careful 
analysis of attendant benefits and disbenefits. According to Fleagle. 
et al.. deliberate efforts to modify the weather have thus far had only 
marginal societal impacts; however, as future activities expand, "they 
will probably be accompanied by secondary effects which in many 
instances cannot be anticipated in detail * * *." Consequently, "rational 
policy decisions are urgently needed to insure that activities are di- 
rected toward socially useful goals." 8 

The lack of a capability to deal with impending societal problems 

8 Changnori, Stanley A.. Jr.. "The Federal Role In Weather Modification." bgckgrbund 
paper prepared for use by the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification Advi- 
sory Board. Mar. !). 3 077, p. 5. 

' Ibid., pp. ">-G. 

s Fleagle. Robert O.. "An Analysis of Federal Policies in Weather Modification.'' back- 
ground paper prepared for use by the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification 
Adv:s< rv Hoard. Mar. 1<»77. pp. 17-18. 

« Droessler, Farl (».. "Weather Modification" (Federal Policies. Funding From AIT 
Sources Interagency Coordination), background paper prepared for use of the U.S. Depart- 
ment of Commerce Weather Modification Advisory Board, Mar. l. l!>77. p. 10 

7 Thomas. William A. (editor). "Legal and Scientific Uncertainties of Weather Modifie-i- 
tion," proceedings of a Symposium convened at Duke University. Mar 11-12. 1970, by the 
Vf»'onal Conference of Lawyers and Scientists. Durham, N.C., Dnke Universitv Pres., 
1077, p. vl. 

Flt*agie. Robert r > • -lames A. Crutchfteld, Ralph W. Johnson, and Mohamed F. AbdO, 
"Weather Modification in the PUbllC Interest." Seattle, American Meteorological Society 

and the University of Washington Press, i<>73. p. 3, 31-32. 


and emerging management issues in weather modification has been 
aphoristically summed up in the following statement by Crutchfield: 

Weather modification is in the throes of a serious schizoid process The slow 
and sober business of piecing together the scientific knowledge of weather proc- 
esses developing the capacity to model the complex systems involved, and assess- 
ing systematically the results of modification efforts has led to responsible opti- 
mism about the future of these new technologies. On the other hand, the social 
technology" of evaluation, choice, and execution has lagged badly. Ihe present de- 
cisionmaking apparatus appears woefully inadequate to the extraordinarily ^diffi- 
cult task of fitting weather modification into man s pattern of life m optimal 
fashion There are' too many game plans, too many coaches, and a disconcerting 
proclivity for running hard before deciding which goal line to aim for— or, indeed, 
which field to play on. ,J . . . _ . 

Mounting evidence indicates that weather modification of several types is, 
or may soon become technically feasible. That some groups will derive economic 
or other social benefits from such technology is a spur to action. But a whole 
thunderhead of critical questions looms on the horizon waiting to be resolved 
before any valid decisions can be made about the scale, composition, location, 
and management of possible operations. 9 


In a study for the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric 
Sciences, Homer E. Newell highlighted the potential benefits of inten- 
tional weather modification : 

The Earth's weather has a profound influence on agriculture, forestry, water 
resources, industry, commerce, transportation, construction, field operations, 
commercial fishing, and many other human activities. Adverse effects of weather 
on man's activities and the Earth's resources are extremely costly, amounting 
to billions of dollars per year, sometimes causing irreparable damage as when 
human lives are lost in severe storms. There is, therefore, great motivation 
to develop effective countermeasures against the destructive effects of weather, 
and, conversely, to enhance the beneficial aspects. The financial and other ben- 
efits to human welfare of being able to modify weather to augment water 
supplies, reduce lightning, suppress hail, mitigate tornadoes, and inhibit the full 
development of hurricanes would be very great. 10 

More recently. Louis J. Battan gave the following two reasons, with 
graphic examples, for wanting to change the weather : 

First, violent weather kills a great many people and does enormous property 
damage. A single hurricane that struck East Pakistan in Novemlier 1970 killed 
more than 250,000 people in a single day. Hurricane Camille hit the United States 
in 1969 and did approximately $1.5 billion worth of damage. An outbreak of 
tornadoes in the Chicago area on Palm Sunday of 1965 killed about 250 people, 
and the tornadoes of April 1974 did likewise. Storms kill people and damage 
property, and it is reasonable to ask whether it is necessary for us to accept 
this type of geophysical destruction. I say, "No, it is not — it should be possible 
to do something." 

Second, weather modification involves, and in some respects might control, 
the production of those elements we need to survive. Water and food are cur- 
rently in short supply in many areas, and these shortages almost certainly will 
be more severe in the future. We can develop new strains of wheat and rye and 
corn and soybeans and rice, but all is for naught if the weather fails to coop- 
erate. If the monsoons do not deliver on schedule in India, residents of that 
country starve in large numbers. And if the drought that people have been 
predicting for the last several years does spread over the Great Plains, there 
will be starvation around the world on a scale never before experienced. 

Weather is the one uncontrollable factor in the whole business of agriculture. 
Hail, strong winds, and floods are the scourges of agriculture, and we should 
not have to continue to remain helpless in the face of them. It may be impossible 

9 Crntehfielri. James A.. "Social CVoice and Weather Modification : Concepts and Measure- 
ment of Impact." In W. R. Derrick Sewell (editor). Modifying the Weather: a Social 
Assessment, Victoria, British Columbia. University of Victoria. 1978. p. 1S7. 

10 Newell. Homer E., "A Recommended National Program in Weather Modification." Fed- 
eral Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric 
Sciences, ICAS report No. 10a, Washington, D.C., November 1966, p. 1. 


for us to develop the kind of technology we would like to have for modification 
of weather, but to assume failure in such an important endeavor is a course 
not to be followed by wise men. 11 

Specific statistics on annual losses of life and economic losses from 
property damages resulting from weather-related disasters in the 
United States are shown in table 1, which w r as developed in a recent 
study by the Domestic Council. 12 In the table, for comparison, are 
the fiscal year 1975 expenditures by the Federal Government in 
weather modification research, according to the several categories of 
weather phenomena to be modified. Although it is clear that weather 
disasters can be mitigated only partially through weather modifica- 
tion, even if the technology were fully developed, the potential value, 
economic and otherwise, should be obvious. The following quotation 
from a Federal report written over a decade ago summarizes the full 
potential of benefits to mankind which might be realized through use 
of this technology : 

With advances in his civilization, man has learned how to increase the fruit 
of the natural environment to insure a livelihood. * * * it is fortunate that 
growing knowledge of the natural world has given him an increasing awareness 
of the changes that are occurring in his environment and a' so hopefully some 
means for deliberate modification of these trends. An appraisal of the prospects 
for deliberate weather and climate modification can be directed toward the 
ultimate goal of bringing use of the environment into closer harmony with its 
capacities and with the purposes of man — whether this be for food production, 
relief from floods, assuring the continuance of biologic species, stopping pollu- 
tion, or for purely esthetic reasons. 13 


Property Modification 
damage 1 research 

Weather hazard Loss of life 1 (billions) (millions) 

Hurricanes 2 30 2 $rj. 8 3 $o. 8 

Tornadoes . 2140 2.4 4 1.0 

Hail 5.8 3.9 

Lightning « 110 .1 .4 

Fog M.000 7.5 1.3 

Floods 6 240 8 2.3 

Frost (agriculture) 7 1. 1 

Drought 7 .7 93.4 

Total 1,520 6.7 10.8 

1 Sources: "Assessment of Research on Natural Hazards," Gilbert F. White and J. Eugene Haas, the MIT Press, Cam- 
bridge, Mass., 1975, pp 68, 286, 305, 374; "The Federal Plan for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research, Fiscal 
Year 1976," U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheiic Administration (NOAA), Washington, D.C., 
April 1975, p 9; "Weatheiwise," February 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, American Meteorological Society, Boston, Mass.; 
"Summary Report on Weather Modification, Fiscal Years 1969, 1970, 1971," U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, Wash- 
ington, D.C., May 1973, pp 72, 81; "Estimating Crop Losses Due to Hail — Wot king Data for County Estimates," U.S. De- 
partment of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, September 1974; "Natural Disasters: Some Empirical and Economic 
Considerations," G. Thomas Sav, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., February 1974, p 19; Traffic Safety 
magazine, National Safety Council, February 1974. 

2 1970-74 average. 

3 These funds do not include capital investment in research aircraft and instrumentation primarily for hurricane modi- 
fication, which in fiscal year 1975 amounted to $9,200,000. 

4 These funds support theoretical research on modification of extratropical cloud systems and their attendant severe 
storms such as thunderstorms and tornadoes. 

5 1973. 

« 1950-72 average. 

7 Average. 

1 1965-69 average. 

9 These funds support precipitation augmentation research, much of which may not have direct application to drought 

11 Battan, Louis J.. "The Scientific Uncertainties: a Scientisl Responds." in William A. 
Thomas (editor), "Legal and Scientific Uncertainties of Weather Modification." proceed- 
ings of a symposium Convened at Duke University, .Mar. 11-12, 197©, by C e National Con- 
ference of Lawyers and Scientists. Durham. N.C., Duke University Press. 1!)77. p. 20. 

12 U.S Domestic Council. Environmental Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Climate 
Change. "The Federal Rofe in Weather Modification," December i ( ->~r», p. 2. 

u» Special Commission on Weather Modification. "Weather and Climate Modification," 
National Science Foundation. NSF 6G-3, Washington, D.C., Dec. 20, 1965, p. 7. 



The modern period in weather modification is about three decades 
old, dating from events in 1946, when Schaefer and Langmuir demon- 
strated that a cloud of supercooled water droplets could be transformed 
into ice crystals when seeded with dry ice. Activities and interests 
among scientists, the commercial cloud seeders, and Government spon- 
sors and policymakers have exhibited a nearly 10-year cyclic behavior 
over the ensuing years. Each of the three decades since the late 1940's 
has seen an initial burst of enthusiasm and activity in weather modi- 
fication experiments and/or operations; a midcourse period of con- 
troversy, reservations, and retrenchment; and a final period of 
capability assessment and policy examination, with the issuance of 
major Federal reports with comprehensive recommendations on a 
future course. 

The first such period ended with the publication of the final report 
of the Advisory Committee on Weather Control in 1957. 14 In 1959, 
Dr. Robert Brode, then Associate Director of the National Science 
Foundation, summarized the significance of that study in a 1959 
congressional hearing : 

For 4 years the Advisory Committee studied and evaluated public and private 
cloud-seeding experiments and encouraged programs aimed at developing both 
physical and statistical evaluation methods. The final report of the com- 
mittee * * * for the first time placed before the American public a body of 
available facts and a variety of views on the status of the science of cloud 
physics and the techniques and practices of cloud seeding and weather modifica- 
tion. 15 

The year 1966 was replete with Government weather modification 
studies, major ones conducted by the National Academy of Sciences, 
the Special Commission on Weather Modification of the National 
Science Foundation, the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences, and the Legislative Reference Service of the Library 
of Congress. During that year, or thereabouts, planning reports were 
also produced by most of the Federal agencies with major weather 
modification programs. The significance of that year of reevaluatiori 
and the timeliness for congressional policy action were expressed by 
Hartman in his report to the Congress : 

It is especially important that a comprehensive review of weather modification 
be undertaken by the Congress at this time, for a combination of circumstances 
prevails that may not be duplicated for many years. For the first time since 
1957 there now exists, in two reports prepared concurrently by the National 
Academy of Sciences and a Special Commission on Weather Modification, created 
by the National Science Foundation, a definitive appraisal of the entire scope 
of this subject, the broad sweep of unsolved problems that are included, and 
critical areas of public policy that require attention. There are currently before 
the Congress several bills which address, for the first time since enactment of 
Public Law 85-510. the question of the formal assignment of Federal authority 
to undertake weather modification programs. And there is increasing demand 
throughout the country for the benefits that weather modification may bring. 16 

14 F^tablishment of the Advisory Committee on Weather Control by the Congress and its 
actJ^ties are discussed in following chapters on the history of weather modification and 
on Federal activities, chs. 2 and 5, respectively. Recommendations of the final report are 
summarized in ch. 6. Other renorts mentioned in the following paragraphs in this section 
are also discussed and referenced in chs. 5 and 6. ■ \ - .. 

15 U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on Science and Astronautics. 
"Weather Modification." Hearing. Sfith Cong.. 1st sess., Feb. 16, 1959. Washington, JJ.L., 
U.S. Government Printing OfhYp 19^9. p 3. . t _ _ 

16 Hartman, Lawton M. "Weather Modification and Control.' Library of Comrress, 
Legislative Reference Service. Apr. 27. 1966. Issued as a committee print by the Senate 
Committee on Commerce. 89th Cone.. 2d sess., Senate Rept. No. 1139, Washington, 

U.S. Government Printing Office, 1966, p. 1. 


Toward the close of the third decade, a number of policy studies and 
reports appeared, starting in 1973 with a second major study by the 
National Academy of Sciences, and including others by the U.S. Gen- 
eral Accounting Office and by the U.S. Domestic Council. The major 
study of this period was commissioned by the Congress when it enacted 
Public Law 94-490, the National Weather Modification Policy Act of 
1976, in October of 1976. By that law the Secretary of Commerce was 
directed to conduct a study and to recommend the Federal policy and a 
Federal research program in weather modification. That study was 
conducted on behalf of the Secretary of Commerce by a Weather Modi- 
fication Advisory Board, appointed by the Secretary, and the required 
report will be transmitted to the Congress during 1978. The importance 
of that act and its mandated study was assessed by Dr. Robert M. 
White, former Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmos- 
pheric Administration (NOAA), the Commerce Department agency 
with administrative responsibilities and research programs in weather 
modification : 

The National Weather Modification Policy Act of 197C> * * * will influence 
X( )AA to some degree during the next year, and its effect may have a large impact 
on the agency and the Nation in future years. The comprehensive study of and 
report on weather modification that will result from our implementation of this 
act will provide guidance and recommendations to the President and the Congress 
in the areas of policy, research, and utilization of this technology. We look to this 
study and report as an opportunity to help set the future course of a controversial 
science and technology with enormous potential for henefit to the Nation. 17 

Thus, conditions once more are ripe and the stage has been set, as in 
1957 and again in 1966, for the Congress to act in establishing a defini- 
tive Federal weather modification policy, one appropriate at least for 
the next decade and perhaps even longer. Among other considerations, 
such a policy would define the total role of the Federal Government, 
including its management structure, its responsibilities for research 
and development and for support operations, its authorities for regu- 
lation and licensing, its obligation to develop international cooperation 
in research and peaceful applications, and its function in the general 
promotion of purposeful weather modification as an economically vi- 
able and socially accepted technology. On the other hand, other factors, 
such as constraints arising from public concern over spending, may 
inhibit the development of such policy. 

While some would argue that there exists no Federal policy, at least 
one White House official, in response to a letter to the President, made 
a statement of weather modification policy in 1975: 

A considerable amount of careful thought and study has been devoted to the 
subject of weather modification and what the Federal role and. in particular, the 
role of various agencies should he in (his area. As a result of this study, we have 
developed a general strategy for addressing weather modification efforts which 
we believe provides for an appropriate level of coordination. 

We believe that the agency which is charged with the responsibility for dealing 
with a particular national problem should Ite given the latitude to seek the best 
approach or solution to the problem. In some instances this may involve a form 
of weather modification, while in other instances other approaches may be more 

While we would certainly agree that some level of coordination of weather 
modification research efforts is logical, we do not believe that a program under 

w CJ.S. Congress, Souse of Representatives, Committee on Science and Technology. Sub* 

committi d the EBaTlronmeal snd the Atmosphere. "Briefing «"i the National Oceanic and 

Atmospheric Administration." Hearings. 9.1th Cong., 1st sess., May 17. 18, 1977. Washing- 
Jon. I'.S. Government Printing Ollice, 1977. i». 4-i5. 


the direction of any one single agency's leadership is either necessary or desirable. 
We have found from our study that the types of scientific research conducted by 
agencies are substantially different in approach, techniques, and type of equip- 
ment employed, depending on the particular weather phenomena being addressed. 
Each type of weather modification requires a different form of program manage- 
ment and there are few common threads which run along all programs. 13 

Presumably, there will be a resurgence of congressional interest in 
weather modification policy during the first session of the 96th Con- 
gress, when the aforementioned report from the Secretary of 
Commerce has been reviewed and considered. In view of the recom- 
mendations in numerous recent studies and the opinions of the Weather 
Modification Advisory Board (the group of experts preparing the re- 
port for the Secretary of Commerce) , it seems unlikely that any action 
by the Congress would perpetuate the policy expounded in the White 
House letter quoted above. 

It is expected that this present report, intended as an overall review 
of the subject of weather modification, will be valuable and timely dur- 
ing the anticipated congressional deliberations. 


In the broadest sense, weather modification refers to changes in 
weather phenomena brought on purposefully or accidentally through 
human activity. Weather effects stimulated unintentionally — such as 
urban influences on rainfall or fogs produced by industrial com- 
plexes — constitute what is usually termed inadvertent weather modifi- 
cation. On the other hand, alterations to the weather which are 
induced consciously or intentionally are called planned or advertent 
weather modification. Such activities are intended to influence single 
weather events and to occur over relatively short time spans, ranging 
from a few hours in the case of clearing airport fog or seeding a 
thunderstorm to perhaps a few days when attempts are made to re- 
duce the severity of hurricane winds. Weather modification experi- 
ments or operations can be initiated or stopped rather promptly, and 
changes resulting from such activities are transient and generally 
reversible within a matter of hours. 

Climate modification, by contrast, encompasses changes of long-time 
climatic variables, usually affecting larger areas and with some degree 
of permanence, at least in the short term. Climatic changes are also 
brought about by human intervention, and they might result from 
either unintentional or planned activities. There are numerous ex- 
amples of possible inadvertent climate modification; however, at- 
tempts to alter climate purposefully are only speculative. The con- 
cepts of inadvertent weather and climate modification are defined 
more extensively and discussed fully in chapter 4 of this report. 

The primary emphasis of this report is on intentional or planned 
modification of weather events in the short term for the general bene- 
fit of people, usually in a restricted locality and for a specific time. 
Such benefit may accrue through increased agricultural productiv- 

18 Ross, Norman E., Jr., letter of June 5, 1975. to Congressman Gilbert Gude. This letter 
was the official White House response to a letter of April 25. 1975. from Congressmen 
Giule and Donald M. Fraser and Senator Claiborne Pell, addressed to the President, urging 
that a coordinated Federal program be initiated in the peaceful uses of weather modifica- 
tion. The letter to the President, the replv from Mr. Ross, and comments by Congressman 
Gude appeared in the Congressional Record for June 17. 1975, pp. 19201-19203. (This 
statement from the Congressional Record appears in app. A.) 


ity or other advantages accompanying augmentation of precipitation 
or they may result from mitigation of effects of severe weather with 
attendant decreases in losses of life or property. There are broader 
implications as well, such as the general improvement of weather for 
the betterment of man's physical environment for aesthetic and cul- 
tural reasons as well as economic ones. The following recent definition 
sums up succinctly all of these purposes : 

Weather modification is the deliherate and mindful effort by men and women 
to enhance the atmospheric environment, to aim the weather at human purposes. 1 " 

The specific kinds of planned weather modification usually consid- 
ered, and those which are discussed, in turn, in some detail in chapter 
3, are the following: 

Precipitation enhancement. 

Hail suppression. 

Fog dissipation. 

Lightning suppression. 

Mitigation of effects of severe storms. 
Planned weather modification is usually considered in the context 
of its net benefits to society at large. Nevertheless, it should be recog- 
nized that, in particular instances, benefits to some segment of the 
population may be accompanied by unintended injuries and costs, 
which may be real or perceived, to other segments. There is yet an- 
other aspect of advertent weather modification, which has engendered 
much controversy, both in the United States and internationally, not 
designed for the benefit of those directly affected — the use of weather 
modification for hostile purposes such as a weapon of war. This aspect 
is not a major consideration in this report, although there is some 
discussion in chapters 5 and 10 of congressional concern about such use 
of the technology, and in chapter 10 there is also a review of recent 
efforts by the United Nations to develop a treaty barring hostile use 
of weather modification. 20 

Following this introductory chapter, witli its summary of issues, 
the second chapter sets the historical perspective for weather modi- 
fication, concentrating primarily on activities in the United States to 
about the year 1970, The third chapter attempts to review the scien- 
tific background, the status of technology, and selected technical prob- 
lems areas in planned weather modification; while chapter 4 contains 
a discussion of weather and climate changes induced inadvertently by 
man's activities or by natural phenomena. 

The weather modification activities of the Federal Government — 
those of the Congress and the administrative and program activities 
of the executive branch agencies — are encompassed in chapter 5 ; and 
the findings and recommendations of major policy studies, conducted 
by or on behalf of the Federal Government, are summarized in chap- 
ter 6. The seventh, eighth, and ninth chapters are concerned with 
weather modification activities at the level of State and local govern- 
ments, by private organizations, and in foreign countries, respectively. 

111 :'<m- Modification Advisory Hoard, "A TVS Policy to Enhance the Atmospheric 
Environment," Oct. 21, 1!>77. A discussion paper, included with testimony of Harlan Cleve- 
land, Chairman of the Advisory Hoard, in a congressional hearing: U.S. Congress. House 
of Representatives. Committee on Science and Technology. Subcommittee on the Environ- 
ment and the Atmosphere. Weather Modification. !).".th Cong., 1st sess., Oct. 2(5, 1J>77, 
Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, H»77. p. 25. 

211 Copies of the current official position of the I'.S. Department of Defense on weather 
modification and of the draft T T .\ convention prohibiting hostile use of environmental 
modification, respectively, are found in apps. B and C. 


The increasingly important international problems related to weath- 
er modification are addressed in chapter 10, while both domestic and 
international legal aspects are discussed in chapter 11. Chapters 12 
and 13, respectively, contain discussions on economic and ecological 
aspects of this emerging technology. 

The 20 appendixes to the report provide materials that are both sup- 
plementary to textual discussions in the 13 chapters and intended 
to be valuable sources of reference data. In particular, attention is 
called to appendix D, which contains excerpts dealing with weather 
modification from the statutes of the 29 States in which such activities 
are in some way addressed by State law, and to appendix E, which 
provides the names and affiliations of individuals within the 50 States 
who are cognizant of weather modification activities and interests with- 
in the respective States. The reader is referred to the table of contents 
for the subjects of the remaining appendixes. 

Summary or Issues in Planned Weather Modification 

"The issues we now face in weather modification have roots in the 
science and technology of the subject, but no less importantly in the 
politics of Government agencies and congressional committees and in 
public attitudes which grow out of a variety of historical, economic, 
and sociological factors." 21 In this section there will be an identifica- 
tion of critical issues which have limited development of weather 
modification and which influence the ability to direct weather modifi- 
cation in a socially responsible manner. The categories of issues do 
not necessarily correspond with the subjects of succeeding chapters 
dealing with various aspects of weather modification ; rather, they are 
organized to focus on those specific areas of the subject where there 
has been and there are likely to be problems and controversies which 
impede the development and application of this technology. 

The following sections examine technological, governmental, legal, 
economic, social, international, and ecological issues. Since the primary 
concern of this report is with the intentional, planned use of weather 
modification for beneficial purposes, the issues summarized are those 
involved with the development and use of this advertent technology. 
Issues and recommendations for further research in the area of inad- 
vertent weather modification are included in chapter 4, in which that 
general subject is fully discussed. 


In a recent discussion paper, the Weather Modification Advisory 
Board summarized the state of weather modification by concluding 
that "no one knows how to modify the weather very well, or on a very 
large scale, or in many atmospheric conditions at all. The first require- 
ment of a national policv is to learn more about the atmosphere it- 
self." 22 Representative of the state of weather modification science 

21 Fleagle. Crutchfield, Johnson, and Abdo, "Weather Modification in the Public Inter- 
est," 1973, p. 15. . . . . 

22 Weather Modification Advisory Board. "A U.S. Policy To Enhance the Atmospheric 
Environment." Oct. 21, 1977. This discussion paper was included with the testimony ot 
Mr. Harlan Cleveland, Chairman of the Advisory Board, in a recent congressional hearing : 
U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Science and Technology, Subcom- 
mittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere. "Weather Modification. 9oth Cong., 1st 
sess. Oct. 26, 1977, Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1977, p. 25. 


and technology is the following commentary on the state of under- 
standing in the case of precipitation enhancement, or rainmaking as it 
is popularly called : 

Today, despite the fact that modern techniques aimed at artificial stimulation 
of rain rest upon sound physical principles, progress is still fairly slow. The 
application of these principles is complicated by the overwhelming complexity 
of atmosheric phenomena. It is the same dilemna that meteorologists face when 
they attempt to predict weather. In both cases, predicting the evolution of 
atmospheric processes is limited by insufficient knowledge of the effects produced 
by the fairly well-known interactive mechanisms governing atmospheric phenom- 
ena. Moreover, the temporal and spatial variability of atmospheric phenomena 
presents an additional difficulty. Since any effects that are produced by artificial 
intervention are always imposed upon already active natural processes, assess- 
ment of the consequences becomes even more difficult. 23 

Grant recognizes the current progress and the magnitude of remain- 
ing problems when he says that : 

Important^and steady advances have been made in developing technology 
for applied weather modification, but complexity of the problems and lack of 
adequate research resources and commitment retard progress. Advances have 
been made in training the needed specialists, in describing the natural and 
treated cloud systems, and in developing methodology and tools for the necessary 
research. Nevertheless, further efforts are required. 24 

Though it can be argued that progress in the development of weather 
modification has been retarded by lack of commitment, ineffective 
planning, and inadequate funding, there are specific scientific and tech- 
nical problems and issues needing resolution which can be identified 
beyond these management problems and the basic scientific problem 
quoted above with respect to working with the atmosphere. Particular 
technical problems and issues at various levels which continue to affect 
both research and operational activities are listed below : 

1. There is substantial diversity of opinion, even among informed 
scientists, on the present state of technology for specific types of 
weather modification and their readiness for application and with 
regard to weather modification in general.- 5 

% 2. There are many who view weather modification only as a drought- 
relief measure, expecting water deficits to be quickly replenished 
through its emergency use; however, during such periods weather 
modification is limited by less frequent opportunities ; it should, in- 
stead, be developed and promoted for its year-round use along with 
other water management tools.- 

3. The design and analysis of weather modification experiments is 
intimately related to the meteorological prediction problem, which 
needs further research, since the evaluation of any attempt to modify 
the atmosphere depends on a comparison between some weather pa- 
rameter and an estimate of what would have happened naturally. 

4. Many of the problems which restrict Understanding and predic- 
tion of weather modification phenomena stem from imprecise knowl- 
edge of fundamental cloud processes; the level of research in funda- 

2:1 Dennis, Arnett S., and A. Ge^in. "Recommendations for Future Research in Weatlier 
Modification," U.S. Department <»i" Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- 
istration, Environmental Research Laboratories. Boulder, Colo.. November 1077. p. VI. 

-"Grant. "Scientific and Other Uncertainties of Weather .Modification," 1977. p. 17. 

88 Sec table 2, ch. D. ">!>. 

-• Silverman. Bernard A., "What Do We Need In Weather Modification?" In preprints 
of the Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather .Modification, Oct. lO-l.'i, 
1077, Champaign, 111., Boston, American Meteorological Society, 1977, p. 308. 


mental cloud physics and cloud modeling has not kept pace with 
weather modification activity. 27 

5. Progress in the area of weather modification evaluation meth- 
odology has been slow, owing to the complexity of verification prob- 
lems and to inadequate understanding of cloud physics and dynamics. 

6. Most operational weather modification projects, usually for the 
sake of economy or in the anticipation of achieving results faster and 
in greater abundance, fail to include a satisfactory means for project 

7. There are difficulties inherent in the design and evaluation of any 
experiment or operation which is established to test the efficacy of 
any weather modification technique, and such design requires the 
inclusion of proper statistical methods. 

8. In view of the highly varying background of natural weather 
phenomena, statistical evaluation of seeding requires a sufficiently 
long experimental period: many research projects just barely fail 
to achieve significance and credibility because of early termination; 
thus, there is a need for longer commitment for such projects, perhaps 
5 to 10 years, to insure that meaningful results can be obtained. 2S 

9. There is a need to develop an ability to predict possible adverse 
weather effects which might accompany modification of specific 
weather phenomena : for example, the extent to which hail suppression 
or diminishing hurricane winds might also reduce beneficial precipi- 
tation, or the possibility of increasing hailfall or incidence of light- 
ning from efforts to stimulate rainfall from cumulus clouds. 29 

10. The translation of cloud-seeding technologies demonstrated in 
one area to another geographical area has been less than satisfactory; 
this has been especially so in the case of convective cloud systems, 
whose differences are complex and subtle and whose classification is 
complicated and sometimes inconsistent. 

11. There is increasing evidence that attempts to modify clouds 
in a prescribed target area have also induced changes outside the 
target area, resulting in the so-called downwind or extended area 
effect : reasons for this phenomenon and means for reducing negative 
results need investigation. 

1*2. There is the possibility that cloud seeding in a given area and 
during a given time period has led to residual or extended time effects 
on weather phenomena in the target area beyond those planned from 
the initial seeding. 

13. The conduct of independent cloud-seeding operations in adjacent 
locations or in the neighborhood of weather modification experiments 
may cause contamination of the atmosphere so that experimental 
results or estimates of operational success are biased. 

14. There have been and continue to be conflicting claims as to 
the reliability with which one can conduct cloud-seeding operations 
so that the seeding agent is transported properly from the dispensing 
device to the clouds or portions of the clouds one seeks to modify. 

27 Hosier. C. L.. "Overt Weather Modification.*' Reviews of Geophysics and Space Phys- 
ics, vol. 12. Xo. 3, August 1974, p. 526. 

28 Simpson. Joanne, "What Weather Modification Needs." In preprints of the Sixth 
Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification. Oct. 10-13, 1977. Cham- 
paign. 111.. Boston. American Meteorological Society. 1977, p. 306. 

29 Hosier, "Overt Weather Modification,' - 1974, p. 325. 


15. There is need to develop, improve, and evaluate new and cur- 
rently used cloud-seeding materials and to improve systems for deliv- 
ery of these materials into the clouds. 

16. There is need to improve the capability to measure concentra- 
tions of background freezing nuclei and their increase through seed- 
ing; there is poor agreement between measurements made with various 
ice nucleus counters, and there is uncertainty that cloud chamber 
measurements are applicable to real clouds. 30 

IT. In order to estimate amounts of fallen precipitation in weather 
modification events, a combination of weather radar and raingage 
network are often used; results from such measurement systems have 
often been unsatisfactory owing to the quality of the radar and its 
calibration, and to uncertainties of the radar-raingage intercalibration. 

18. There is continuing need for research in establishing seedability 
criteria ; that is, definition of physical cloud conditions when seeding 
will be effective in increasing precipitation or in bringing about some 
other desired weather change. 

10. Mathematical models used to describe cloud processes or account 
for interaction of cloud systems and larger scale weather systems 
greatly oversimplify the real atmosphere; therefore, model research 
must be coupled with field research. 31 


The basic problem which encompasses all governmental weather 
modification issues revolves about the question of the respective roles, 
if any, of the Federal, State, and local governments. Resolution of this 
fundamental question puts into perspective the specific issues of where 
m the several governmental levels, and to what extent, should goals be 
set, policy established, research and/or operations supported, activities 
regulated, and disputes settled. Part of this basic question includes 
the role of the international community, considered in another section 
on. international issues; 32 the transnational character of weather modi- 
fication may one day dictate the principal role to international orga- 

Role of the Federal Government 

Because weather modification cannot be restricted by State bound- 
aries and because the Federal Government has responsibilities for re- 
source development and for reduction of losses from natural hazards, 
few would argue that the Federal Government ought not to have some 
interest and some purpose in development and possible use of weather 
modification technolo<rv. The following broad and specific issues on 
the role of the Federal Government in weather modification are among 
those which may be considered in developing a Federal policy: 

1. Should a maior policy analysis be conducted in an attempt to re- 
late weather modification to the Xatioivs broad goals; that is, improv- 
ing human health and the qualit v of life, maintaining national security, 
providing sufficient energy supplies, enhancing environmental quality, 
and the production of food and fiber? Barbara Farhar suggests that 
such a study has not been, but ought to be. undertaken. 33 

™ Fbld. 

m Fleagle et al., "Weather Modification in tUo Public interest." 197^. n St. 

n = Sop n. 2& 

"Farhar, Barbara C. "The Societal Imidieations of Weather Modification: a TCeview 
of issues Toward m National Policy.*' Background paper prepared f«r the U.S. Department 
of Commerce Weather ModinVatlonAdvisory Hoard, Mar. 1, 1977, p. 2. 


2. Should the Federal Government commit itself to planned weather 
modification as one of several priority national goals ? It can be argued 
that such commitment is important since Federal program support and 
political attitudes have an important overall influence on the develop - 
ment and the eventual acceptance and application of this technology. 

3. Is there a need to reexamine, define, and facilitate a well-balanced, 
coordinated, and adequately funded Federal research and development 
program in weather modification ? Many argue that the current Fed- 
eral research program is fragmented and that the level of funding is 

4. Is there a suitable Federal role in weather modification activities 
beyond that of research and development — such as project evaluation 
and demonstration and operational programs? If such programs are 
advisable, how can they be identified, justified, and established ? 

5. Should the practice of providing Federal grants or operational 
services by Federal agencies to States for weather modification in times 
of emergency be reexamined, and should procedures for providing such 
grants and services be formalized ? It has been suggested that such as- 
sistance in the past has been haphazard and has been provided after it 
was too late to be of any practical benefit. 

6. Should the organizational structure of the Federal Government 
for weather modification be reexamined and reorganized ? If so, what 
is the optimum agency structure for conducting the Federal research 
program and other functions deemed to be appropriate for the Federal 

7. TThat is the role of the Federal Government, if any, in regulation 
of weather modification activities, including licensing, permitting, 
notification, inspection, and reporting? If such a role is to be modified 
or expanded, how should existing Federal laws and/or regulations be 
modified ? 

8. If all or any of the regulatory functions are deemed to be more ap- 
propriate for the States than for the Federal Government, should the 
Federal Government consider mandating minimum standards and 
some uniformity among State laws and regulations? 

9. Should the Federal Government attempt to develop a means ade- 
quate for governing the issues of atmospheric water rights between 
States, on Federal lands, and between the United States and neighbor- 
ing countries ? 

10. Where federally sponsored research or possible operational 
weather modification projects occupy the same locale as local or 
State projects, with the possibility of interproject contamination, 
should a policy on project priorities be examined and established? 

11. Should the Federal Government develop a policy with regard 
to the military use of weather modification and the active pursuit of 
international agreements for the peaceful uses of weather modifica- 
tion? This has been identified as perhaps one of the most important 
areas of Federal concern. 34 

12. Is there a need to examine and define the Federal responsibility 
for disseminating information about the current state of weather 
modication technology and about Federal policy, including the capa- 
bility for providing technical assistance to the States and to others? 

fS *Farhar Barbara C. "What r>o°s Weatber Modification Need"- In preprints of the 
Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, Oct. 10-13, 1977, 
Champaign. 111., Boston, American Meteorological Society, 1977, p. 299. 


13. Should there be a continuing review of weather modification 
technology capabilities so that Federal policy can be informed regard- 
ing the readiness of technologies for export to foreign nations, with 
provision of technical assistance where and when it seems feasible? 35 

14. How does the principle of cooperative federalism apply to 
weather modification research projects and possible operations carried 
out within the States ? Should planning of projects with field activities 
in particular States be done in consultation with the States, and should 
cooperation with the States through joint funding and research efforts 
be encouraged ? 

15. What should be the role of the single Federal agency whose 
activities are most likely to be affected significantly by weather modi- 
fication technology and whose organization is best able to provide 
advisory services to the States— the U.S. Department of Agriculture? 
Among the several agencies involved in weather modification, the 
Department of Agriculture has demonstrated least official interest 
and lias not provided appreciable support to development of the 
technology. 36 

Roles of State and local go vernments 

State and local 37 governments are in man}' ways closer to the 
public than the Federal Government — often as a result of more direct 
contact and personal acquaintance with officials and through greater 
actual or perceived control by the voters. Consequently, a number of 
weather modification functions, for both reasons of practical effi- 
ciency and social acceptance, may be better reserved for State and/or 
local implementation. Since weather phenomena and weather modifica- 
tion operations cannot be restricted by State boundaries or by bound- 
aries within States, however, many functions cannot be carried out 
in isolation. Moreover, because of the economy in conducting research 
nnd development on a common basis — and perhaps performing other 
functions as well — through a single governmental entity, such as an 
agency or agencies of the Federal Government, it may be neither 
feasible nor wise for State governments (even less for local jurisdic- 
tions) to carry out all activities. 

Thus, there are activities which might best be reserved for the States 
(and possibly for local jurisdictions within States), and those which 
more properly belong to the Federal Government. In the previous 
l ist of issues on the role of the Federal Government, there was allusion 
to a number of functions which might, wholly or in part, be the re- 
sponsibility of either Federal or State governments; most of these 
will not be repeated here. Issues and problems concerned primarily 
with State and local government functions are listed below: 

1. State weather modification laws. Where they exist, are nonuni- 
form in their requirements and specifications for licensing, permitting, 
inspection, reporting, liabilities, and penalties for violations. More- 
over, some State laws and policies favor weather modification, while 
ot hers oppose 1 he technology. 

2. Authorities for funding operational and research projects with- 
in States and local jurisdictions within States, through public funds 


: " Changnon, "The Federal Role in Weather Modification." |p. 11. 

37 ,f Local" bere refers broadly to any jurisdiction below the State level : it could laelucto 
cities, townships, counties, groups of counties, water districts, or any other organized area 
Operating under public authority. 


or through special tax assessments, vary widely and, except in a few 
States, do not exist. 

3. Decisionmaking procedures for public officials appear to be often 
lacking; these could be established and clarified, especially as the pos- 
sibility of more widespread application of weather modification tech- 
nology approaches. 

4. Many public officials, usually not trained in scientific and en- 
gineering skills, often do not understand weather modification tech- 
nology, its benefits, and its potential negative consequences. Some 
training of such officials could contribute to their making wise de- 
cisions on the use of the technology, even without complete informa- 
tion on which to base such decisions. 

5. Many weather modification decisions have had strong political 
overtones, with some legislators and other public officials expressing 
their views or casting their votes allegedly on the basis of political 
expediency rather than on the basis of present or potential societal 

6. State and local authorities may need to provide for the education 
of the general public on the rudiments of weather modification, on its 
economic benefits and disbenefits. and on other societal aspects. 

7. To keep communication channels open, mechanisms such as pub- 
lic hearings could be established to receive comments, criticisms, and 
general public sentiments on weather modification projects from in- 
dividual citizens and from various interest groups. 

8. Criteria and mechanisms have not been established for compen- 
sating those individuals or groups within States who might be eco- 
nomically injured from weather modification operations. 

9. Questions of water rights within States, as well as between States, 
have not been addressed and/or resolved in a uniform manner. 


Legal issues in weather modification are complex and unsettled. 
They can be discussed in at least four broad categories : 

1. Private rights in the clouds ; 

2. Liability for weather modification ; 

3. Interstate legal issues ; and 

4. International legal issues, 38 

The body of law on weather modification is slight, and existing case 
law offers few guidelines to determine these issues. It is often neces- 
sary, therefore, to analogize weather modification issues to more set- 
tled areas of law such as those pertaining to water distribution. 

Private rights in the clouds 

The following issues regarding private rights in the clouds may be 
asked : 

Are there any private rights in the clouds or in the water which 
may be acquired from them ? 

Does a landowner have any particular rights in atmospheric 
water ? 

Does a weather modifier have rights in atmospheric water \ 

^Questions on regulation or control of weather modification activities through licensing 
and permitting, while of a basic legal nature, are related to important administrative func- 
tions and are dealt with under issues concerned with Federal and State activities. 


Some State statutes reserve the ownership or right to use atmospheric 
water to the State. 39 

There is no general statutory determination of ownership of atmos- 
pheric water and there is no well-developed body of case law. Conse- 
quently, analogies to the following general common law doctrines may 
be helpful, but each has its own disadvantages when applied to weather 
modification : 

1. The doctrine of natural rights, basically a protection of the land- 
owner's right to use his land in its natural condition (i.e., precipita- 
tion is essential to use of the land as are air, sunlight, and the soil 

2. The ad coelum doctrine which states that whoever owns the land 
ought also to own all the space above it to an indefinite extent. 

3. The doctrine of riparian rights, by which the one owning land 
which abuts a watercourse may make reasonable use of the writer, sub- 
ject to similar rights of others whose lands abut the watercourse. 

4. The doctrine of appropriation, which gives priority of right based 
on actual use of the water. 

5. The two main doctrines of ownership in the case of oil and gas 
(considered, like water, to be "fugitive and migratory" substances) ; 
that is, (a) the non-ownership theory, by which no one owns the oil and 
gas until it is produced and anyone may capture them if able to do so; 
and (b) the ownership-in-place theory, by which the landowner has the 
same interest in oil and gas as in solid minerals contained in his land. 

6. The concept of "developed water," that is, water that would not 
be available or would be lost were it not for man's improvements. 

7. The concept of "imported water," that is, water brought from one 
watershed to another. 

Liability for weather modification 

Issues of liability for damage may arise when drought, flooding, or 
other severe weather phenomena occur following attempts to modify 
the weather. Such issues include causation as well as nuisance, strict 
liability, trespass, and negligence. Other issues which could arise relate 
to pollution of the air or water through introduction of artificial nu- 
cleants such as silver iodide, into the environment. While statutes of 
10 States discuss weather modification liability, there is much varia- 
tion among the specific provisions of the laws in those States. 40 

Before any case can be made for weather modification liability 
based upon causation it must be proven that the adverse weather con- 
ditions were indeed brought about by the weather modifier, a very 
heavy burden of proof for the plaintiff. In fact, the scientific uncer- 
tainties of weather modi Heal ion are such that no one has ever been able 
to establish causation of damage through these activities. As weal her 
modification technology is improved, however, the specter of a host of 
liability issues is expected to emerge as evidence for causation becomes 
more plausible. 

While the general defense of the weather modifier against liability 
charges is that causation has not been established, he may also use as 
further defense the arguments based upon immunity, privilege, con- 
sent , and waste. 

• Sec p. 4.">o, ch. 1 1. and app. n. 

M Sec discussion p. 453 in ch. 11 and app. D. 


Interstate legal issues 

When weather modification activities conducted in one State affect 
another State as well, significant issues may arise. The following- 
problem categories are examples of some generally unresolved inter- 
state issues in weather modification : 

1. There may be the claim that cloud seeding in one State has removed 
from the clouds water which should have fallen in a second State or 
that excessive flooding in a neighboring State has resulted from seed- 
ing in a State upwind. 

2. Operation of cloud-seeding equipment near the border in one State 
may violate local or State ordinances which restrict or prohibit weather 
modification in an adjacent State, or such operations may conflict with 
regulations for licensing or permitting of activities within the bor- 
dering State. 

Some States have attempted to resolve these issues through specific 
legislation and through informal bilateral agreements. 41 Another ap- 
proach would be through interstate compact, though such compacts re- 
quire the consent of Congress. No compacts specifically concerned with 
weather modification currently exist, though some existing compacts 
allocating waters in interstate streams may be applicable to weather 

International legal issues 

Because atmospheric processes operate independent of national 
borders, weather modification is inherently of international concern. 
International legal issues have similarities to domestic interstate activi- 
ties and dangers. The following serious international questions, which 
have arisen in conjunction with a developing capability to modify the 
weather, have been identified by Orfield : 42 

Do countries have the right to take unilateral action in all 
weather modification activities? 

What liability might a country incur for its weather modifica- 
tion operations which [might] destroy life and property in a 
foreign State? 

On what theory could and should that State base its claim ? 
The primary international legal issue regarding weather modifica- 
tion is that of liability for transnational injury or damage, which could 
conceivably result from any of the following situations : 

(1) injury or damage in another nation caused by weather 
modification activities executed within the United States; 

(2) injury or damage in another nation caused by weather 
modification activities executed in that nation or a third nation by 
the United States or a citizen of the United States ; 

(3) injury or damage in another nation caused by weather 
modification activities executed in an area not subject to the juris- 
diction of any nation (e.g., over the high seas), by the United 
States or a citizen thereof ; and 

(4) injury or damage to an alien or an alien's property within 
the United States caused by weather modification activities exe- 
cuted within the United States. 

41 See discussion p. 457 in ch. 11 and app. D. 

42 Orfield, Michael B.. "Weather Genesis and Weather Neutralization: a New Approach 
to Weather Modification," California Western International Law Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, 
spring 1976, p. 414. 

34-S57— 79 4 


Whereas domestic weather modification law is confused and unset- 
tled, international law in this area is barely in the formative stage. In 
time, ramifications of weather modification may lead to major interna- 
tionl controversy. 43 


The potential for long-term economic gains through weather modi- 
fication cannot be denied ; however, current, economic analyses are tenu- 
ous in view of present uncertainty of the technology and the complex 
nature of attendant legal and economic problems. Meaningful economic 
evaluation of weather modification activities is thus limited to special, 
localized cases, such as the dispersal of cold fog at airports, where bene- 
fit-cost ratios greater than 5 to 1 have been realized through savings in 
delayed or diverted traffic. Various estimated costs for increased pre- 
cipitation through cloud seeding range from $1.50 to $2.50 per acre- 
foot in the western United States. 

fsy/es complicating economic analyses of weather modification 

Costs of most weather modification operations are usually relatively 
small and are normally believed to be only a fraction of the benefits 
obtained through such operations. However, if all the benefits and all 
the costs are considered, benefit-cost ratios may be diminished. While 
direct costs and benefits from weather modification are reasonably 
obvious, indirect costs and benefits are elusive and require further study 
of sociological, legal, and ecological implications. 

In analyzing benefit-cost ratios, some of the following considerations 
need to be examined : 

Weather modification benefits must be considered in terms of 
the costs for achieving the same objectives as increased precipita- 
tion, e.g., through importation of water, modified use of agricul- 
tural chemicals, or introduction of improved plant strains. 

Costs for weather modification operations are so low in compari- 
son with other agricultural investments that farmers may gamble 
in spending the 5 to 20 cents per acre for operations designed to 
increase rainfall or suppress hail in order to increase yield per 
acre, even though the results of the weather modification opera- 
tions may be doubtful. 

Atmospheric conditions associated with prolonged droughts are 
not conducive to success in increasing precipitation; however, 
under these conditions, it is likely that increased expenditures 
may be made for operations which offer little hope of economic 

Increased precipitation, obtained through a weather modifica- 
tion program sponsored and funded by a group of farmers', can 
also benefit other farmers who have not shared in the costs; thus, 
the benefit-cost ratio to those participating in the program is 
higher than it need be if all share in its costs. 

As weather modification technology develops and programs be- 
come more 1 sophisticated', increased costs for equipment and labor 
will increase direct costs to clients: indirect costs resulting from 
increased State license and permit fees and liability insurance for 
operators will probably also be passed on to the customer. 

I: s»'c ch. 10 on International aspects and i>. 4<;s. ch. 11; on International legal aspects of 
wpa i her modification. 


The sophistication of future programs will likely incur addi- 
tional costs for design, evaluation, and program information ac- 
tivities, along with supporting meteorological prediction services; 
these costs will be paid from public funds or by private clients, in 
either case reducing the overall benefit-cost ratios. 

Ultimate costs for compensation to those incurring disbenefits 
from weather modification operations will offset overall benefits 
and thus reduce bene fit -cost ratios. 

Weather modification and conflicting interests 

There are numerous cases of both real and perceived economic losses 
which one or more sectors of the public may suff er while another group 
is seeking economic advantage through some form of weather modi- 
fication. Overall benefits from weather modification are accordingly 
reduced when net gains are computed from such instances of mixed 
economic advantages and disadvantages. Benefits to the parties seek- 
ing economic gain through weather modification will be directly re- 
duced at such time when mechanisms are established for compensating 
those who have suffered losses. The following are some examples of 
such conflicting situations : 

Successful suppression of hail may be valuable in reducing crop 
damage for orchardists while other agricultural crops may suffer 
f rom decrease of rain concomitant with the hail decrease. 

Additional rainy days may be of considerable value to farmers 
during their growing season but may be detrimental to the finan- 
cial success of outdoor recreational enterprises. 

Increased snowpack from orographic cloud seeding may be 
beneficial to agricultural and hydroelectric power interests but 
increases the costs for maintaining free passage over highways 
and railroads in mountainous areas. 

Successful abatement of winds from severe storms, such as those 
of hurricanes, may result in decreased precipitation necessary for 
agriculture in nearby coastal regions or may redistribute the ad- 
verse storm effects, so that one coastal area is benefitted at the ex- 
pense of others. 


It has been said that "weather modification is a means toward so- 
cially desired ends, not an end in itself. It is one potential tool in a set 
of possible societal adjustments to the vagaries of the weather. Iden- 
tifying when, where, and how to use this tool, once it is scientifically 
established, is the primary need in weather modification." 44 It is likely 
that, in the final analysis, the ultimate decisions on whether weather 
modification should and will be used in any given instance or will be 
adopted more generally as national or State programs depends on 
social acceptance of this tool, no matter how well the tool itself has 
been perfected. That this is increasingly the case has been Suggested by 
numerous examples in recent years. Recently Silverman said : 

Weather modification, whether it he research or operations, will not progress 
wisely, or perhaps at all, unless it is considered in a context that includes everyone 

M Fnrhar. Barbara C. "What Does Weather Modification Need ?" In preprints of the Sixth 
Conference on rianr.pd and Inadvertent Weather Modification. October 10-13, 1977. Cham- 
paign* 111. Boston. American Meteorological Society, 1977. p. 296. 


that may be affected. We must develop and provide a new image of weather 
modification. 45 

Regardless of net economic benefits, a program is hard to justify 
when it produces obvious social losses as well as gains. 

Research in the social science of weather modification has not kept 
pace with the development of the technology, slow as that has been. 
In time, this failure may be a serious constraint on further develop- 
ment and on its ultimate application. In the past, organized opposition 
has been very effective in retarding research experiments and in cur- 
tailing operational cloud-seeding programs. Thus, there is need for an 
expanded effort in understanding public behavior toward weather 
modification and for developing educational programs and effective 
decisionmaking processes to insure intelligent public involvement in 
eventual application of the technology. 

Social issues discussed in this section are those which relate to public 
behavior and public response to weather modification, while societal 
issues are generally considered to include economic, legal, and other 
nontechnical issues as Veil as the social ones. These other aspects of 
societal issues were discussed in preceding sections. In the subsections 
to follow there are summaries of social implications of weather modifi- 
cation, the need for public education, and the problem of 

Social factors 

It has been said that social factors are perhaps the most elusive and 
difficult weather modification externalities to evaluate since such fac- 
tors impinge on the vast and complex area of human values and at- 
titudes. 46 Fleagle, et al., identified the following important social 
implications of weather modification, which would presumably be 
taken into account in formulation of policies : 47 

1. The individuals and groups to be affected, positively or negatively, by tlie 
project must be defined. An operation beneficial to one party may actually barm 
another. Or an aggrieved party may hold the operation responsible * * ::: for 
damage * * * which might occur at the same time or following the modification. 

2. The impact of a contemplated weather modification effort on the genera! 
well-being of society and the environment as a whole must be evaluated. Con- 
sideration should be given to conservationists, outdoor societies, and other 
citizens and groups representing various interests who presently tend to ques- 
tion any policies aimed at changes in the physical environment. It is reasonable 
and prudent to assume that, as weather modification operations expand, question- 
ing and opposition by the public will become more vocal. 

3. Consideration must be given to the general mode of human behavior in 
response to innovation. There are cases where local residents, perceiving a cause 
and effect relationship between economic losses from severe weather and nearby 
weather modification operations, have continued to protest, and even to threaten 
violence, after all operations bave been suspended. 

4. The uniqueness and complexity of certain weather modification operations 
must be acknowledged, and special attention should be given to their social and 
legal implications. The cases of hurricanes and tornadoes are especially perti- 
nent. Alteration of a few degrees in the path of a hurricane may result in its 
missing a certain area * * * and ravaging * * * instead, a different one. The decision 
on whether such an operation is justified can reasonably be made only at the 
highest level, and would need to be based on the substantial scientific finding 
thai the anticipated damages would be loss than those originally predicted h td 
the hurricane been allowed to follow its course. 

1 b Silverman, Bernard A. "What Do We Need in Weather Modification?" In preprints of 
tli<' Sixth Conference on Planned and [nadvertenl Weather Modification, October 10—13, 
litTT. Champaign, ill.. Boston, American Meteorological Society. u»77. p. 310. 

ia Flengle, Crutchfleld, Johnson, and Abdo. "Weather Modification in the Public Interest." 
1074. p. :',7-38. 

*• Ibid., p. 38-40. 


5. Attention must be given to alternatives in considering a given weather 
modification proposal. The public may prefer some other solution to an attempt 
at weather tampering which may be regarded as predictable and risky. Further- 
more, alternative policies may tend to be comfortable extensions of existing 
policies, or improvements on them, thus avoiding the public suspicion of inno- 
vation. In an area such as weather modification, where so many uncertainties 
exist, and where the determination or assigning of liability and responsibility 
are far from having been perfected, public opposition will surely be aroused. 
Any alternative plan or combination of plans will have its own social effects, 
however, and it is the overall impact of an alternative plan and the adverse 
effects of not carrying out such a plan which, in the final analysis, should guide 
decisions on alternative action. 

6. Finally, it is important to recognize that the benefits from a weather modi- 
fication program may depend upon the ability and readiness of individuals 
to change their modes of activity. The history of agricultural extension work 
in the United States suggests that this can be done successfully, but only with 
some time lag, and at a substantial cost. Social research studies suggest that 
public perception of flood, earthquake, and storm hazards is astonishingly casual. 

Need for public education on weather modification 

The previous listing of social implications of weather modification 
was significantly replete with issues derived from basic human atti- 
tudes. To a large extent these attitudes have their origin in lack of in- 
formation, misconceptions, and even concerted efforts to misinform by 
organized groups which are antagonistic to weather modification. As 
capabilities to modify weather expand and applications are more wide- 
spread, it would seem probable that this information gap would also 
widen if there are no explicit attempts to remedy the situation. "At the 
very least," according to Fleagle, et al., "a large-scale continuing pro- 
gram of education (and perhaps some compulsion) will be required if 
the potential social gains from weather modification are to be realized 
in fact," 48 Whether such educational programs are mounted by the 
States or by some agency of the Federal Government is an issue of 
jurisdiction and would likely depend on whether the Federal Govern- 
ment or the States has eventual responsibility for management of op- 
erational weather modification programs. Information might also be 
provided privately by consumer groups, professional organizations, 
the Aveather modification industry, or the media. 

It is likely that educational programs would be most effective if a 
variety of practical approaches are employed, including use of the 
news media, publication of pamphlets at a semitechnical level, semi- 
nars and hearings, and even formal classes. Probably the latter cate- 
gories would be most appropriate for civic groups, Government offi- 
cials, businessmen, or other interests who are likely to be directly 
affected by contemplated operations. 

The following list of situations are examples of public lack of under- 
standing which could, at least in part, be remedied through proper 
educational approaches : 

There is much apprehension over claims of potential d^rger of a 
long-lasting nature on climate, which could supposedly result 
from both inadvertent and planned modification of the weather, 
with little insight to distinguish between the causes and the scales 
of the effects. 

There have been extravagant claims, propagated through ig- 
norance or by deliberate distortion by antagonistic groups, about 

48 Ibid., p. 40. 


the damaging effects of cloud seeding on ecological systems, human 
lien 1th. and air and water quality. 

The controversies between opposing groups of scientists on the 
efficacy of weather modification technologies and between scien- 
tists and commercial operators on the readiness of these technolo- 
gies for application has engendered a mood of skepticism and 
even mistrust of weather modification on the part of a public 
which is largely uninformed on technical matters. 

The public has often been misinformed by popular news media, 
whose reporters seek to exploit the spectacular in popular weather 
modification "stories" and who, themselves usually uninformed in 
technical aspects of the subject, tend to oversimplify and distort 
the facts associated with a rather complex science and technology. 

There has been an organized effort on the part of groups opposed 
to weather modification to mount an educational program which 
runs counter to the objectives of informing the public about the 
potential benefits of a socially acceptable technology of weather 

Portions of the public have acquired a negative impression that 
meteorologists and Government officials concerned with weather 
modification are irresponsible as a result of past use. or perceived 
present and future use. of the technology as a weapon of war. 

Lack of information to the public has sometimes resulted in 
citizen anger when it is discovered that a seeding project has been 
going on in their area for some time without their having been 
informed of it. 


"The nature of wenther processes and the current knowledge about 
them require that most human decisions as to weather modification 
must be made in the face of uncertainty. This imposes special re- 
straints on public agencies and it increases the difficulty of predict- 
ing how individual farmers, manufacturers, and others who are 
directly affected by weather would respond to changes in leather 
Characteristics. 5 ' 49 The situation since 1965 when this statement was 
made has changed little with resrard to predictability of weather 
processes and their modification. There has also been little progress 
toward developing decisionmaking processes which can be applied, 
should the need arise, on whether or not weather modification should 
be emploved. 

A number of studies on social attitudes indicate that the preference 
of most cit izens is that decisionmaking in such areas as use or restraint 
from use of weather modification should be at the local level. owim>- 
to the feeling that citizens' rights and property are best protected 
when decisions are made bv officials over whom they have the most 
direct; control. Farhar savs that evidence suggests that one important 
condition for public acceptance of weather modification technology 
is public involvement in the decision process, especially in civic 
derisions.™ Procedures must then be developed for enabling {peal 

49 Special Commission on Wcnther Modification. "Weather and Climate Modification." 
NRF or, irto.~. p uc. 

» F.-irlisir. Bar nun) P. "The Pnldie Derides Al<ont Weather Modification."' Environment 

and Behavior, vol. 9. No. September 1 077. p. .".07. 


officials, probably not technically trained, to make such decisions 
intelligently. Such decisions must be based both on information 
received from Federal or State teclmical advisers and on the opinions 
of local citizens and interest groups. 


International agreements regarding weather modification experi- 
ments and operations have been very limited. There exists a United 
States-Canada agreement, which requires consultation and notifica- 
tion of the other country when there is the possibility that weather 
modification activities of one country could affect areas across the 
border. 51 Earlier understandings were reached between the United 
States and Canada concerning experiments over the Great Lakes and 
with the IJnited Kingdom in connection with hurricane modification 
research in the Atlantic. 52 Recent attempts to reach agreement with 
the Governments of Japan and the People's Republic of China for 
U.S. experiments in the Far East on modification of typhoons were 
unsuccessful, though such research was encouraged by the Philip- 
pines. There is current intention to reach an agreement with Mexico 
on hurricane research in the eastern Pacific off that nation's coast. 

During 1976, 25 nations reported to the World Meteorological Orga- 
nization that they had conducted weather modification activities. 53 
There have been two principal international activities, dealing with 
somewhat different aspects of weather modification, in recent years. 
One of these is the preparation and design of a cooperative experi- 
ment under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization, 
called the Precipitation Enhancement Experiment (PEP) ; while the 
other is the development of a convention by the United Nations on 
the prohibition of hostile use of environmental modification. 54 

The following international considerations on research and opera- 
tional weather modification activities can be identified : 

1. There is a common perception of a need to insure that the current 
high level of cooperation which exists in the international community 
with regard to more general meteorological research and weather re- 
porting will be extended to development and peaceful uses of planned 
weather modification. 

2. There is now no body of international law which can be applied to 
the potentially serious international questions of weather modification, 
such as liability or ownership of atmospheric water resources. 55 

3. Past use by the United States, and speculated current or future 
use by various countries, of weather modification as a weapon have 
raised suspicions as to the possible intent in developing advertent 
weather modification technology. 

4. There have been charges that weather modification research activi- 
ties were used to divert severe weather conditions away from the 

r,t The United States-Canada agreement on weather modification is reproduced in nop. F. 

52 Taubenfeld, Howard J., "National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976 ; Interna- 
tional Agreements." Background paper for use of the U.S. Department of Commerce 
Weather Modification Advisory Board, March 1977, p. 13. 

53 See table 1, ch. 9, p. 409. 

54 These activities and other international aspects of weather modification are discussed 
in ch. 10. 

55 See previous section on legal issues, p. 17. 


United States at the expense of other countries or that such activities 
have resulted in damage to the environment in those countries. 56 

5. As in domestic research projects, there are allegations of insuffi- 
cient funding over periods of time too short to achieve significant 
results in the case of internationally sponsored experiments; in par- 
ticular, many scientists feel that a means should be devised to insure 
that the planned Precipitation Enhancement Project (PEP) receives 
adequate continuous support. 

6. Other nations should be consulted with regard to any planned 
weather modification activities by the United States which might con- 
ceivably affect, or be perceived to affect, those countries. 


The body of research on ecological effects of weather modification 
is limited but significantly greater than it was a decade ago. It is 
still true that much remains unknown about ecological effects of 
changes to weather and climate. 

Economically significant weather modification will always have an 
eventual ecological effect, although appearance of that effect may be 
hidden or delayed by system resilience and/or confused by system 
complexity. It may never be possible to predict well the ecological 
effects of weather modification; however, the more precisely the 
weather modifier can specify the effects his activities will produce in 
terms of average percentage change in precipitation (or other vari- 
ables), expected seasonal distribution of the induced change, expected 
year-to-year distribution of the change, and changes in relative form 
of precipitation, the more precise can be the ecologist's prediction of 
possible ecological effects. 

Ecological effects will result from moderate weather-related shifts 
in rates of reproduction, growth, and mortality of plants and animals; 
they will rarely be sudden or catastrophic. Accordingly, weather modi- 
fied ions which occur with regularly over time are the ones to which 
biological communities will react. Adjustments of plant and animal 
communities will usually occur more slowly in regions of highly vari- 
able weather than in those with more uniform conditions. Deliberate 
weather modification is likely to have greater ecological impact in 
semiarid systems and less impact in humid ones. Since precipitation 
augmentation, for example, would have the greatest potential for eco- 
nomic value and is, therefore, likely to have its greatest potential ap- 
plication in such areas, the ecological impacts in transition areas will 
be of particular concern. 

Although widespread cloud seeding could result in local, temporary 
increases in concentrations of silver (from the most commonly used 
seeding agent, silver iodide), approaching the natural quantities in 
surface waters, the exchange rates would probably be an order of 
magnitude Lower than the natural rates. Even in localized areas of 
precipital ion management, it appears I hat exchange rates will be many 
orders of magnitude smaller than those adversely affecting plants and 
soils. Further research is required, however, especially as other poten- 
tial seeding agents are introduced. 

m p or example tbere were charges that attempts to mitigate severe effects of Hurricane 
Fifl in 15>75 caused devastat ion to Honduras. :i charge which the United Nt;ites officially 
denied, since no hurricanes had been seeded under Project Stormfury since 1971. 



(By Robert E. Morrison, Specialist in Earth Sciences, Science Policy Research 
Division, Congressional Research Service) 


The history of the desire to control the weather can be traced to 
antiquity. Throughout the ages man has sought to alleviate droughts or 
to allay other severe weather conditions which have adversely affected 
him by means of magic, supplication, pseudoscientific procedures such 
as creating noises, and the more on less scientifically based techniques 
of recent times. 

The expansion in research and operational weather modification 
projects has increased dramatically since World War II; nevertheless, 
activities predating this period are of interest and have also provided 
the roots for many of the developments of the "modern" period. In a 
1966 reprt for the Congress on weather modification, Lawton Hart- 
man stated three reasons why a review of the history of the subject 
can be valuable: (1) Weather modification is considerably older than 
is commonly recognized, and failure to consider this fact can lead to a 
distorted view of current problems and progress. (2) Weather modi- 
fication has not developed as an isolated and independent field of re- 
search, but for over a century has been parallel to and related to 
progress in understanding weather processes generally. (3) Earlier 
experiences in weather modification may not have been very different 
from contemporary experiences in such matters as experimental de- 
sign, evaluation of results, partially successful projects, and efforts to 
base experiments on established scientific principles. 1 

Hartman found that the history of weather modification can be 
conveniently divided into five partially overlapping periods. 2 He refers 
to these as (1) a prescientific period (prior to about 1839); (2) an 
early scientific period (extending approximately from 1839 through 
1891) ; (3) a period during which elements of the scientific framework 
were established (from about 1875 to 1933) ; (4) the period of the 
early cloud-seeding experiments (1921 to 1946) ; and (5) the modern 
period, beginning with the work of Langmuir, Schaefer, and Vonne- 
gut (since 1946). This same organization is adopted in discussions 
below ; however, the four earlier periods are collected into one section, 
while the more significant history of the extensive activities of the 
post-1946 period are treated separately. 

1 Hartman, Lawton M., "History of Weather Modification. " In U.S. Congress, Senate 
Committee on Commerce "Weather Modification and Control." Washington. D.C U.S. 
Government Printing Oflice, 1966 (89th Cong., 2d sess.. Senate Rept. No. 1139: prepared 
by the Legislative Reference Service, the Library of Congress, at the request of Warren G. 
Maemn«on) , p. 11. 

2 Ibid. 



History or Weather Modification Prior to 1946 


From ancient times through the early 19th century, and even since, 
there have been reported observations which led many to believe that 
rainfall could be induced from such phenomena as great noises and 
extensive fires. Plutarch is reported to have stated, "It is a matter of 
current observation that extraordinary rains pretty generally fall 
after great battles/' 3 Following the invention of gunpowder, the fre- 
quency of such claims and the conviction of those espousing this 
hypothesis increased greatly. Many cases were cited where rain fell 
shortly after large battles, A practical use of this phenomenon was re- 
ported to have occurred in the memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini when, in 
1539 on the occasion of a procession in Rome, he averted an impending 
rainstorm by firing artillery in the direction of the clouds, "which had 
already begun to drop their moisture." 4 

William Humphreys jDOsed a plausible explanation for the appar- 
ently high correlation between such weather events and preceding 
battles. He noted that plans were usually made and battles fought in 
good weather, so that after the battle in the temperate regions of 
Europe or North America, rain will often occur in accordance with 
the natural 3- to 5-day periodicity for such events. 5 Even in modern 
times there was the conviction that local and global weather had been 
adversely affected after the explosion of the first nuclear weapons and 
the various subsequent tests in the Pacific and elsewhere. Despite 
statements of the U.S. Weather Bureau and others pointing out the 
fallacious reasoning, such notions became widespread and persistent. 7 

In addition to these somewhat rational though unscientific obser- 
vations, many of which were accompanied by testimony of reliable 
witnesses, there had been, and there still exist in some primitive cul- 
tures, superstitions and magical practices that accompany weather 
phenomena and attempts to induce changes to the weather. Daniel 
Halacy relates a number of such superstitiouslike procedures which 
have been invoked in attempts to bring rain to crops during a drought 
or to change the 1 weather in some other way so as to be of particular 
benefit to man : 8 

Primitive rainmakers would often use various intuitive gestures, such as 
sprinkling water on the soil that they wanted the heavens to douse, Mowing 
mouthfuls of water into the air like rain or mist, hammering on drums to inu- 
la re thunder, or throwing firebrands into the air to simulate lightning. 

Women would carry water at night to the field and pour it out to coax the 
skies to do likewise. 

American Indians blew water from special pipes in imitation of the rainfall. 

It was believed that frogs came down in the rain because many were seen 
following rain : therefore, frogs were hung from trees so that the heavens would 
pour down rain upon them. 

Sometimes children were buried up to their necks in the parched ground and 
then cried for rain, their tears providing the imitative magic. 

Ward, R. !>«• <\. "Artificial Rain : a Review of the Subject to the Close of lSSft." Amor- 
lean Meteorological Journal; vol. s. May 1891-Aprtl *S92, p. 484. 
* Ibid., n. 408. 

s Humphreys. William -1 . "Rain Making and Other Weather Vagaries." Baltimore, The 
Williams and Wilkins Co.. 11*20. p. 31, 

"Byers, Horace i:.. 'History of Weather Modification." In Wilnot N. Hess (editor), 
"Weather and Climate Modification," New York. Wiley, 1!)74, p. 4. 
~ T'.id 

« Halacy, Daniel S., Jr., "The Weather Changers," New York. Harper & Row. 1908. pp. 


In China, huge paper dragons were part of religious festivals to bring rain; 
if- drought persisted, the dragon was angrily torn to bits. 

North American Indians roasted young women from enemy tribes over a slow 
fire, then killed them with arrows before eating their hearts and burying their 
remains in the fields they wanted irrigated with rainfall. 

Scottish witches conjured up the wind by beating a stone three times with a 
rag dipped in water, among intonations like those of characters in a Shake- 
spearean play. 

New Guinea natives used wind stones upon which they tapped with a stick, 
the force of the blow bringing anything from a zephyr to a hurricane. 

Pregnant women in Greenland were thought to be able to go outdoors, take a 
breath, and exhale it indoors to calm a storm. 

In Scandinavian countries witches sold knotted bits of string and cloth which, 
supposedly, contained the wind ; untying one knot at sea would produce a mod- 
erate wind, two a gale, and three a violent storm. 

Australian bushmen thought that they could delay the Sun by putting a clod 
of dirt in the fork of a tree at just the height of the Sun, or hasten its departure 
by blowing sand after it. 

Bells have been thought to prevent hail, lightning, and windstorms, and some- 
times they are still rung today for this purpose. 


James P. Espy was a 19th century American meteorologist known 
especially for his development of a theon^ of storms based on convec- 
tion. Recognizing that a necessary condition for rainfall is the 
formation of clouds by condensation of water vapor from rising air, 
Espy considered that rain could well be induced artificially when air 
is forced to rise as a result of great fires, reviving a belief of the pre- 
.scientific era but using scientific rationale. In the National Gazette in 
Philadelphia of April 5, 1839, he said : 

From principles here established by experiment, and afterward confirmed by 
observation, it follows, that if a large body of air is made to ascend in a column, 
a large cloud will be generated and that that cloud will contain in itself a self- 
sustaining power, which may move from the place over which it was formed, and 
cause the air over which it passes, to rise up into it, and thus form more cloud 
and rain, until the rain may become more general. 8 

If these principles are just, when the air is in a favorable state, the bursting 
out of a volcano ought to produce rain ; and such is known to be the fact ; and 
I have abundant documents in my possession to prove it. 

So, under very favorable conditions, the bursting out of great fires ought to 
produce rain ; and I have many facts in my possession rendering it highly 
probable, if not certain, that great rains have sometimes been produced by great 
fires. 10 

Later in the same article Espy stated that : 

From these remarkable facts above, I think it will be acknowledged that there 
is some connection between great fires and rains other than mere coincidence. 
But now. when it is demonstrated by the most decisive evidence, the evidence 
of experiment, that air, in ascending into the atmosphere in a column, as it must 
do over a great fire, will cool by diminished pressure, so much that it will begin 
to condense its vapor into cloud. 11 

Espy postulated three mechanisms which could prevent great fires 
from providing rain at all times when they occur: (1) If there is a 
current of air at some height, it sweeps away the uprushing current 
of air; (2) the dew-point may be too low to produce rain at all: and 
(3) there may be an upper stratum of air so light that the rising 

9 Espy. Tames P.. "Artificial Rains." National Gazette. Philadelphia. Apr. 5, lSf!9. Re- 
printed in James P. Espy, "Philosophy of Storms," Boston. Little & Brown. 1841. pd. 

10 Ibid., p. 494. 

11 Ibid., p. 496. 


column may not be able to rise far enough into it to cause rain. 12 He 
proposed an experiment in which he would set fire to a "large mass 
of combustibles," which would be ready for the right circumstances 
and at a time of drought. He added : "Soon after the fire commences, 
I will expect to see clouds begin to form * * *. I will expect to see 
this cloud rapidly increase in size, if its top is not swept off by a 
current of air at a considerable distance abov^e the Earth, until it 
becomes so lofty as to rain.'- 13 

For over a decade Espy served as an adviser to the Congress on 
meteorological problems. He proposed in 1850 what is perhaps the first 
Fedora! project for large-scale weather modification. His plan included 
amassing large quantities of timber in the Western States along a 
600- to 700-mile north-south line, to be set on fire simultaneously at 
regular T-day intervals. He believed that this fire could have started 
a "rain of great length" traveling toward the East, not breaking up 
until reaching "far over the Atlantic Ocean; that it will rain over 
the whole country east^of the place of beginning." The cost of this 
experiment would "not amount to half a cent a year to each individual 
in the United States." 14 Congress did not endorse the proposal for 
reasons which are unknown: however. Fleagle speculates that perhaps 
this failure was due to the fact that Congress had not yet accustomed 
itself to appropriating funds for scientific enterprises. 15 

There was continuing controversy over whether or not fire could 
cause increased rainfall. In an article which appeared in Nature in 
1871, J. K. Laughton stated that, "The idea that large fires do, in some 
way, bring on rain, is very old; but it was, I believe, for the first time 
stated as a fact and explained on scientific grounds by the late Pro- 
fessor Espy." 10 Laughton cited instances where burning brush in hot, 
dry weather did not result in any rainfall, and he concluded that : 

Large fires, explosions, battles, and earthquakes do tend to cause atmospheric 
disturbance, and especially to induce a fall of rain ; but that for the tendency to 
produce effect, it is necessary that other conditions should be suitable. With 
regard to storms said to have been caused by some of these agencies, the evidence 
is still more unsatisfactory ; and, in our present ignorance of the cause of storms 
generally, is quite insufficient to compel us to attribute any one particular gale, 
extending probably over a wide area, to some very limited and comparatively 
insignificant disturbance. 17 

The 1871 Chicago fire also aroused interest, many believing that the 
fire was stopped by the rainfall which it had initiated. Ward cites a 
telegram of the time sent to London which read : 

This fire was chiefly checked on the third or fourth day by the heavy and con- 
tinuous downpour of rain, which it is conjectured is partly due to the great atmos- 
pheric disturbances which such an extensive lire would cause, especially wben we 
are told that the season just previous to the outbreak of the fire had been par- 
ticularly dry." 

u Ibid. 

1 ■ I 'id., p. 400. 

« Espy, James P., "Second Reporl on Meteorology to the Secretary of the Navy." U.S. 
Senate. Executive Doctlmetats; No. 89, vol. 11, ."{1st Cong., 1st Bess. Washington, Wm. M 
Belt 1850. p. 20. 

us Fleagle. Robert O.. "Background and Present status of Weather Modification." In 
Robert (i. Flea pie (editor). "Weather Modification: Science and Public Policy." University 
of w ah inert on Press, Seattle 1968, p. 7. 

"' Lautrhton. J K., "Can Weather lie Influenced bv Artificial Means?" Nature, Feb. 10. 
1871 i. :•(»(; 

17 Ibid., p. 307. 

« Reported in Ward. "Artificial Rain : a Review of the Subject to the Close of 1889," 1*02. 
pp. 480-400. 


On the other hand, Prof. I. A. Lapham, speaking of the Chicago fire, 
contradicted the previous account, saying : 

During all this time — 24 hours of conflagration — no rain was seen to fall, nor 
did any rain fall until 4 o'clock the next morning ; and this was not a very con- 
siderable downpour, but only a gentle rain, that extended over a large district of 
country, differing in no respect from the usual rains. It was not until 4 days 
afterward that anything like a heavy rain occurred. It is, therefore, quite certain 
that this case cannot be referred to as an example of the production of rain by a 
great fire. 19 

Lapham goes on to say that, "The case neither confirms nor dis- 
proves the Espian theory, and we may still believe the well-authenti- 
cated cases where, under favorable circumstances of very moist air and 
absence of wind, rain has been produced by very large fires." 20 

Prof. John Trowbridge of Harvard reported in 1872 on his experi- 
ments in which he investigated the influence of flares on atmospheric 
electricity. Noting that the normal atmospheric state is positive and 
that clearing weather is often preceded by a change from negative to 
positive charge, he suggested that perhaps large fires may influence the 
production of rain by changing the electrical state of the atmosphere, 
since, in his tests, his flame tended "to reduce the positive charge of 
electricity which generally characterizes the air of fine weather." 21 He 
concluded by saying: "The state of our knowledge, however, in regard 
to the part that electricity plays in atmospheric changes is very meager. 
The question of the truth of the popular belief that great fires are fol- 
lowed by rain still remains unanswered." 22 

Meanwhile, H. C. Russel, president of the Royal Society of South 
Wales and government astronomer, attempted to dispel the ideas that 
both cannonading and great fires could be used to produce rain. He 
hypothesized that, if fire were to have such an effect, rain should arrive 
within 48 hours following the fire. Reviewing the records of 42 large 
fires (including two explosions) covering a 21-year period, Russel 
concluded that there was not one instance in which rain followed 
within 48 hours as an evident consequence of the fire. He further cal- 
culated that to get increased rainfall of 60 percent over a land surface 
of 52,000 square feet at Sidney would require 9 million tons of coal per 
day, in an effort to show what magnitude of energy expenditure was 
necessary and how futile such an attempt would be. 23 

Toward the latter part of the 19th century there were a number of 
ideas and devices invented for producing rain artificially. In 1880 
David Ruggles of Virginia patented what he said was "a new and use- 
ful mode of producing rain or precipitating rainfalls from rainclouds, 
for the purpose of sustaining vegetation and for sanitary purposes." 
His plan included a scheme by which balloons carrying explosives were 
sent up into the air, the explosives to be detonated in the upper air "by 
electric currents." 24 

19 Lanham, I. A.. "The Great Fires of 1871 in the Northwest." The Journal of the Frank- 
lin Institute, vol. 64, No. 1. July 1872, pp. 46-47. 

20 IMd., p. 47. 

21 Trowlirirtge, John, "Great Fires and Rain-storms." The Popular Science Monthly, vol. 2, 
December 1872. p. 211. 

22 Tbid. 

23 Report of an address bv H. C. Russel was given in Science, vol. 3, No. 55, Feb. 22. 1884, 
pp. 229-230. 

24 "New Method of Precipitating Rain Falls," Scientific American, vol. 43, Aug. 14. 1S80, 
p. 106. 


G. H. Bell suggested a rainmaking device, consisting of a hollow 
tower 1.500 feet high, through which air was to be blown into the 
atmosphere, the volume of the up-rushing air to be increased through 
use of a s}^stem of tubes around the tower. The inventer consider that 
the same system could be used to prevent rain, by reversing the blower 
so that the descending air might "annihilate" the clouds. 25 

Still other schemes and contrivances were proposed and patented. 
J. B. Atwater was granted a patent in 1887 for a scheme to dissipate 
tornadoes by detonating an explosive charge in their centers, and an- 
other was granted to Louis Gathman in 1891 for seeding clouds for rain 
by exploding a shell containing "liquid carbonic acid gas" at cloud 
height, 20 the latter concept antedating by over 50 years the more recent 
carbon dioxide seeding projects. 

There continued to be adherents to the idea that explosions could 
cause rainfall. This belief was reinforced by "evidence" of such a con- 
nection in a book by Edward Powers, called "War and the Weather," 
published in 1871 and 1890 editions, in which the author recounted the 
instances in which rain followed battles, mostly from North America 
and Europe during the 19th century. 27 

Powers was convinced that : 

The idea that rain can be produced by human agency, though sufficiently 
startling, is not one which, in this age of progress, ought to be considered as 
impossible of practical realization. Aside from its connection with the supersti- 
tions of certain savage tribes, it is an opinion of comparatively recent origin, and 
is one which cannot be regarded as belonging, in any degree, to a certain class of 
notions which prevail among the unthinking; * * * on the contrary, it is one 
which is confined principally to those who are accustomed to draw conclusions 
only from adequate premises, and * * * founded on facts which have come under 
their own observation. 28 

In tones somewhat reminding us of those urging a greater Federal 
research effort in recent years, Powers proposed that experiments be 
undertaken for economic benefit : 

Judging from the letters which I have received since commencing in 1870 an 
attempt to bring forward the subject of rains produced by cannon tiring. I believe 
that the country would regard with interest some experiments in the matter, and 
would not begrudge the expense, even if they should prove unsuccessful in leading 
to a practical use of the principle under discussion. In some matters connected 
w T ith science, the Government has justly considered that an expenditure of public 
funds was calculated to be of public benefit: but where, in anything of tiie kind 
it. has ever undertaken, has there been so promising a field for such actions as 
here? 20 

Powers, upon examining the records of many battles, said : 

Let us proceed to facts — facts not one of which, perhaps, would be of a in- 
significance if it stood alone and unsupported by the others; but which, taken 
in the aggregate, furnish the strongest evidence that heavy artillery firing 
has an influence on the weather and tends to bring rain. 11 

Perhaps influenced by the arguments of Powers and others, in 
1890 the U.S. Congress had become so much interested in and gained 

Another Ka in Controller." Scientific American, vol. 4:{. Aug, 21. 1SSO. p 11M. 

26 Harrington, Mark W.. "Weather-making, Ancient and Modern," Smithsonian Institu- 
tion Annual Report, to July 1894, pp. 249 1270. 

-'■ I'owers. IMward. "War and the Weather." Delavan. Wis.. 10. Powers. 1890, revised 
edition, 202 pp. (An earlier edition was published in Chicago in 1871. Incidentally, the 
plates for the first edition were deal roved in the Chicago lire, and I'owers did not have an 
opportunity to complete his revision until 1890. ) 

-* Ihid.. p. 5. 

■ Ihid.. p. 143. 

* Ihid., p. 11. 


such faith in the possibility of weather modification that funds 
we re appropriated to support experiments to be carried out under 
the auspices of the Forestry Division of the U.S. Department of 
Agriculture. The initial $2 ? 0p0 appropriated was increased first to 
$7,000, and finally to $10,000. in the first federally sponsored weather 
modification project. Of the total appropriated. $9,000 was to be 
spent on held experiments. Gen. Robert St. George Dyrenforth was 
selected by the Department of Agriculture to direct these tests, hav- 
ing earlier conducted tests near Utiea, X.Y., and Washington, D.C.. 
using balloons and rockets carrying explosives. The principal ex- 
periments were executed near Midland, Tex., using a variety of ex- 
plosive devices, detonated singly and in volleys, both on the ground 
and in the air. 31 

According to an interesting account by Samuel Hopkins Adam-. 
Dyrenforth arrived in Texas on a hot day in August 1891 with a 
company of 80 workers, including "* * * chemists, weather observers, 
balloon operators, electricians, kitefiiers, gunners, minelayers, sap- 
pers, engineers, and laborers * * * together with some disinterested 
scientists, who were to serve as reporters." 32 Adams discusses the ap- 
paratus which Dyrenforth took with him : 

The expedition's equipment was impressive. There were 68 balloons of from 10 
to 12 feet in diameter, and one of 20 feet — all to be hlled with an explosive mixture 
of hydrogen and oxygen. There were also sixty 6-inch mortars, made of pipe, and 
several tons of rackarock (a terrifying blend of potassium chlorate and nitro- 
benzol that, was the general's favorite "explodent" >, dynamite, and blasting 
powder. Finally, there were the makings of a hundred kites, to be assembled on the 
scene, and sent up with sticks of dynamite lashed to them. The congressional 
$9,000 fell considerably short of sufficing for so elaborate an outfit, but expectant 
Texans chipped in with liberal contributions and the railroads helped out by sup- 
plying free transportation. 1 " 

Dyrenforth carried out five series of trials during 1891 and 1892 : 
one period of sustained cannonading coincided with a heavy down- 
pour, and the apparent connection provided support to the credi- 
bility of many people, who accepted the hypotheses as confirmed. 
Dyrenforth gave optimistic and promising reports of his results: 
however, meterologists and other scientists were critical of his work. 
It does not appear that the Forestry Division was fervently ad- 
vocating the research program for which it had responsibility. In 
1891, Bernhard E. Fernow, Chief of the Division of Forestry, re- 
ported to the Secretary of Agriculture his sentiments regarding the 
experiments which were to be conducted in the coming summer, with 
a caution reminiscent of the concerns of many meterologists of the 
1970°s : 

The theories in regard to the causes of storms, and especially their local and 
temporal distribution, are still incomplete and unsatisfactory. It can by no means 
be claimed that we know all the causes, much less their precise action in precipi- 
tation. It would, therefore, be presumptuous to deny any possible effects of ex- 
plosions ; but so far as we now understand the forces and methods in precipitating 
rain, there seems to be no reasonable ground for the expectation that they will be 
effective. We may say, then, that at this stage of meteorological knowledge we 
are not justified in expecting any results from trials as proposed for the predtre- 
tion of artificial rainfall, and that it were better to increase this knowledge first 

31 Fleagle. "Background and Present Status of Weather Modification." 1968, pp. 7-8. 

32 Adams. Samuel Hopkins. The New Yorker. Oct. 9, 1952, pp. 93-100. 
*> Ibid., i«. !.'4. 


by simple laboratory investigations and experiments preliminary to experiment 
on a larger scale. 34 

In 1893, the Secretary of Agriculture asked for no more public funds 
for support of this project. 35 

Fleagle tells about the use of 36 "hail cannons" by Albert Stiger, a 
town burgomaster, on the hills surrounding his district in Austria in 

Tbe hail cannon consisted of a vertically pointing three-centimeter mortar 
above which was suspended the smokestack of a steam locomotive. This device 
not only produced an appalling sound, but also created a smoke ring a meter or 
more in diameter which ascended at about one hundred feet per second and 
produced a singing note lasting about ten seconds. Initial successes were impres- 
sive, and the hail cannon was widely and rapidly copied throughout central 
Europe. Accidental injuries and deaths were numerous, and in 1902 an inter ua- 
tional conference was called by the Austrian government to assess the effects of 
the hail cannon. The conference proposed two tests, one in Austria and one in 
Italy, the results of which thoroughly discredited the device. 36 

Though unsuccessful, the work of Dyrenforth and others had in- 
spired belief in the possibilities of drought alleviation such that a 
number of unscrupulous "rainmakers" were able to capitalize on the 
situation. Halacy gives an account of a famous rainmaker of the early 
20th century, Charles Warren Hatfield, who operated for about 10 
years in the western United States. With a 25-foot platform and a 
secret device for dispensing chemicals, he claimed to create rain over 
extensive areas. In 1916. Hatfield contracted with the city of San Diego 
to alleviate drought conditions and was to be paid $1,000 for each inch 
of rain produced. When 20 inches of rain coincidentally fell nearby, 
the resulting floods destroyed a dam, killed 17 people, and produced 
millions of dollars damage. Hatfield, faced with a choice of assuming 
financial responsibility for the lawsuits or leaving the city without pay, 
chose the latter. 37 

One of Hatfield's accomplices was a colorful racetrack reporter from 
Xew York, who met and joined Hatfield in California in 1912, named 
James Stuart Aloysius MacDonald, alias Colonel Stingo, "the Honest 
Rainmaker." Over his half -century career as a writer, mostly for var- 
ious horseracing journals. MacDonald reportedly involved himself in 
various schemes for quick profit, including weather changing projects 
on both the west and east coasts. Contracts with clients were drawn up 
with terms for remuneration that resembled very much the language 
of success or failure at the racetrack. By his own admission, Mac- 
Donald based his odds for success on past weather data for a given 
area, which he obtained from records of the U.S. Weather Bureau or 
the Xew York Public Library. 88 MacDonald, or Colonel Stingo, was 
the inspiration for a Broadway play called "The Rainmaker" which 
opened in 1954. 


Espy's L839 proposal for an experiment on the production of con- 
vection currents and water vapor condensation at high altitudes was 

■ A Fernow, Rernhard E.. in report to Jeremiah McClain Rusk. Secretary of Agriculture, 
1891, an reported in Ward, "Artificial Rain ; a Review of the Subject to the Close of 1889." 
1882. p. 492. 

• livers. "History of Weather .Modification." 1 1*74. p. 5. 
38 Fleajcle. "Rackpronnd and Present Status of Weather Modification," 1968, p. 9. 
:t7 Halacy, "The Weather Changers," 1968, pp. 68 69. 
38 Liebling, A. J., "Profiles," The New Yorker, Sept. 20, 1902, pp. 43-71. 


based on sound physical principles. Since knowledge of atmospheric 
processes was expanding and unfolding rapidly at the time, Hartman 
reminds us that the limited usefulness of Espy's weather modification 
concepts should not be ascribed to faulty logic, but rather to the primi- 
tive understanding at the time of the complex processes in precipita- 
tion, many of which are still not understood satisfactorily. 39 

The understanding which meteorologists have today about precipi- 
tation has been learned slowly and sometimes painfull}^, and, while 
many of the discoveries haA'e resulted from 20th century research, 
some important findings of the latter part of the 19th century are 
fundamental to these processes. Important results were discovered in 
1875 by Coulier in France on foreign contaminant particles in the 
normal atmosphere, and quantitative measurements of the concentra- 
tions of these particles were achieved by Aitken in 1879. These events 
established a basis for explaining the fundamental possibility for 
occurrence of precipitation. Earlier, it had been learned that high 
supersaturations were required for the formation of water droplets. 40 
Aitken was the first to imply that there are two types of nuclei, those 
with an affinity for water vapor (hygroscopic particles) and nuclei 
that require some degree of supersaturation in order to serve as con- 
densation centers. The Swedish chemist-meteorologists of the 1920's 
developed a theory of condensation on hygroscopic nuclei and showed 
the importance of sea-salt particles. In the 1930's in Germany and the 
United Kingdom, a series of measurements were conducted on the 
numbers and sizes of condensation nuclei by Landsberg, Judge, and 
Wright. Data from measurements near Frankfurt, augmented sub- 
sequently by results from other parts of the world, have been adopted 
as the standard of reference for condensation nuclei worldwide. 41 

At the beginning of the 1930's important aspects of cloud phys' 
were not yet understood. In particular, the importance of thp ic ,ri phu 
to precipitation was not yet clarified, though, ever since the turn of 
the century meteorologists were aware that water droplets were abun- 
dantly present in clouds whose temperatures were well below the freez- 
ing point. Little was known about the microphysics of nucleation of ice 
crystals in clouds ; however, it had been noted that rains fell only after 
visible glaeiation of the upper parts of the clouds. Understanding 
of these processes was essential before scientific seeding of clouds for 
weather modification could be pursued rationally. In 1933 Tor Berg-er- 
on presented and promulgated his now famous theory on the initiation 
of precipitation in clouds containing a mixture of liquid and ice. 
W. Findeisen expanded on Bergeron's ideas and published a clearer 
statement of the theory in 1938 ; consequently, the concept is generally 
known as the Bergeron-Findeisen theory. 42 in his investigation of the 
formation of ice crystals, Findeisen was of the opinion that they crys- 
talled directly from the vapor (that is, by sublimation) rather than 
freezing from droplets. He also conjectured that quartz crystals might 
be the nuclei responsible for this process and even foresaw that the 
mechanism might be initiated artificially by introducing suitable 
nuclei. 43 

33 Hartman, "Weather Modification and Control," 1966, p. 13. 

40 Ibid. 

41 Bvers. "History of Weather Modification," 1974, p. 7. 

42 Ibid., p. 8. 

*» Ibid., pp. 8-9. 

34-857—79 5 


Findeisen stated emphatically that rain of any importance must 
originate in the form of snow or hail, though Bergeron had admitted 
the occurrence of warm rain in the tropics. Though many meteorolo- 
gists doubted that the ice crystal process was an absolute requirement 
for rain, they had been unable to collect evidence from aircraft obser- 
vations. In Germany aerological evidence was obtained on the growth 
of rain drops by the collision-coalescence process in "warm" clouds, 
but the papers on this work were published in 1940, and World War 
II restricted communication of the results to meteorologists world- 
wide. Meanwhile in the United States, papers were published on the 
theory of the warm rain process. In 1938, Houghton showed that pre- 
cipitation could be started by either the Bergeron process or by the 
collision-coalescence process. He noted that drops could be formed by 
condensation on "giant" hygroscopic nuclei present in the air and that 
growth of droplets to raindrop size was possible through collision. 
G. C Simpson elucidated further on condensation and precipitation 
processes in 1941, disagreeing with Findeiseivs rejection of "warm" 
rain formation by the collision-coalescence process. 44 


Starting about 1920 and continuing for about two decades until 
the outbreak of World War II, there were a number of experiments 
and operations intended to produce rain or modify the weather in 
some other way. Although some of these activities were pusued in a 
scientific manner, others were less so and were directed at producing 
immediate results; all of these projects lacked the benefit of the funda- 
mental knowledge of precipitation processes that was to be gained 
later during this same period, the discoveries of which are discussed 
in the preceding subsection. Various schemes during this period in- 
cluded the dispensing of materials such as dust, electrified sand, dry 
ice, liquid air, and various chemicals, and even the old idea that explo- 
sions can bring rain. Field tests were conducted in the United States, 
Germany, the Netherlands^ and the Soviet Union. 

Byers tells .about the experimental work of Dr. E. Leon Chaffee, 
professor of physics at Harvard, who became interested in the possi- 
bility of making cloud particles coalesce by sprinkling electrically 
charged sand over the clouds : 

Dr. Chaffee became enthusiastic about the idea and developed in his laboratory 
a nozzle tor charging sand and dispersing it from an airplane. The nozzle could 
deliver sand grains having surface gradients of the order of 1.000 V/ein. Flight 
experiments were carried out in August and Seprcmber of 1024 at Aberdeen, 
Md.. with an airplane scattering the sand particles in the clear air above clouds 
having tops at to 10,000 feet. Dr. Chaffee reported "success*' in the reverse 
sense, in that several clouds were observed to dissipate after treatment. The tests 
were well publicized in newspapers and scientific news journals, and this author, 
then a freshman at the University of California, recalls that his physics pro- 
fessors were enthusiastic about the idea. Chaffee's results probably would not 
endure the type of statistical scrutiny to which experiments of this kind are 
subject today. 43 

Chaffee considered several trials successful, since clouds were dis- 
sipated after being sprayed with the charged sand. It has been pointed 

" Ibid . p. 9. 
« Ibid., p. 5. 


out, however, in view of the much greater experience in recent years, 
that scientists must be extremely cautious in ascribing success in such 
experiments, when the evidence is based largely on visual obser- 
vations. 4 ' 1 

In the Netherlands, August Veraart successfully produced rain by 
seeding clouds with dry ice from a small aircraft in 1930. This was 
16 years before the work at General Electric in the United States, when 
clouds were also seeded with dry ice, initiating the modern period in 
the history of weather modification. Since Veraart probably did not 
understand the mechanism involved in the precipitation process which 
he triggered, ho did not realize that the dry ice was effective in develop- 
ment of ice crystals by cooling supercooled clouds, and his success was 
likely only a coincidence. Byers observes that Veraart's vague con- 
cepts on changing the thermal structure of clouds, modifying tem- 
perature inversions, and creating electrical effects were not accepted, 
however, by the scientific community. 47 He claimed to be a true rain- 
maker and made wide, sweeping claims of his successes. He died in 
19o*2, a year before Bergeron's theory appeared, not aware of the theo- 
retical basis for his work. 48 

Partly successful experiments on the dissipation of fog were con- 
ducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the 1930s, 
under the direction of Henry G. Houghton. At an airfield near Round 
Hill, Mass., fog was cleared using sprays of water-absorbing solutions, 
particularly calcium chloride, as well as fine particles of dry hygro- 
scopic material. Results of these experiments, which predated some of 
the present-day foo- dispersal attempts bv some 30 vears, were reported 
in 1938. 19 

Weather Modification Sixce 1946 


The following chronology of "critical events" relating to weather 
modification policy, compiled by Fleagle. unfolds only some of the 
major events and activity periods which have occurred since the his- 
toric discoveries of 1946 : 50 

1946 : Schaefer demonstrated seeding: with dry ice. 

1947 : Vonnegut demonstrated seeding with silver iodide. 

1947-55 : Irving Langmuir advertised weather modifieaton widely and aggres- 

1947- 53: General Electric field experiments ("Cirrus") extended evidence 
that clouds can he deliherately modified, but failed to demonstrate large effects. 

1948- 50: Weather Bureau Cloud Physics Project on cumulus and stratiform 
clouds resulted in conservative estimate of effects. 

1948-52 : Commercial operations grew to cover 10 percent of United States. 

1950: Report of Panel on Meteorology of Defense Department's Research and 
Development Board (Haurwitz, Chairman) was adverse to Langmuir's claims. 

1953: Public Law 83-256 established President's Advisory Committee on 
Weather Control. 

45 McDonald. James E.. "An Historical Note on an Early Cloud-Modification Experiment. 
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 42. No. 3, March 1961, p. 19o. 

47 Byers. "History of Weather Modification." 1947. p. 6. 

48 Hartman. "Weather Modification and Control." 1966. p. 15. , , „ 

» Houghton. Henrr G.. and W. H. Radford. "On the Local Dissipation of Natural bog. 
Papers in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, vol. 6, No. 3. Cambridge and Woods Hole, Mass., 
October 1938, 63 pp. , „ - .. „ „ . 

50 Fleagle. Robert G . "An Analysis of Federal Policies in \\ eather Modification. Back- 
ground paper prepared for use by the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification 
Advisory Board. Seattle. Wash., March 1977. pp. 3-5. 


1953-54: "Petterssen" Advisory Committee organized field tests on storm sys- 
tems, convective clouds, and cold and warm fog (supported by the Office of 
Naval Research, the Air Force, the Army Signal Corps, and the Weather 
Bureau). These statistically controlled experiments yielded results which have 
been substantially unchanged in subsequent tests. 

1957: Report of Advisory Committee (Orville, Chairman) concluded that tests 
showed 15 percent increase in orographic winter precipitation. 

1957 : Major cut in research support across the board by Defense Department 
sends major perturbation through research structure. 

195S: Public Law 85-510 assigned lead agency responsibility to the National 
Science Foundation (NSF). 

1959: Commercial operations had diminished to cover about one percent of 
the United States. 

1961 : First hurricane seeding under Project Stormfury. 

1961 : Bureau of Reclamation authorized by Congress to conduct research in 
weather modification. 

1961 : RAND report on weather modification emphasized complexity of atmos- 
pheric processes and interrelation of modification and prediction. 

1962-70: Randomized field experiments established magnitude of orographic 

1964: Preliminary report of National Academy of Sciences/Committee on 
Atmospheric Sciences (NAS/CAS) roused anger of private operators and stimu- 
lated the evaluation of operational data. 

1964-present : Department of the Interior pushed the case for operational seed- 
ing to augment water supplies. 

1966: NAS/CAS report 1S50 laid the basis for expanded Federal programs. 

1966 : Report of NSF Special Commission on Weather Modification and an NSF 
symposium called attention to social, economic, and legal aspects. 

1966: Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS) report 
f Newell, Chairman) proposed expanded Federal support to $90 million by 1970. 

1966- 68 : Efforts of the Departments of Commerce and Interior to gain lead 
agency status were unsuccessful. 

1967: ICAS recommended that Commerce be designated as lead agency. 
1967: S. 2916, assigning lead agency responsibility to the Department of Com- 
merce : passed the Senate but did not become law. 

1967- 72 : Military operational programs conducted in Vietnam. 
1968: Public Law 90-407 removed the NSF mandate as lead agency. 
1968 : Detrimental effects of acid rain reported from Sweden. 

1969: Public Law 91-190 (National Environmental Policy Act) required im- 
pact statements. 

1970; Massachusetts Institute of Technology Study of Critical Environmental 
Problems called attention to inadvertent effects on climate. 

1970 : Stratospheric contamination by SST's suggested. 

1971 : Departments of Commerce and Interior carried out operational programs 
in Oklahoma and Florida. 

1971 : Public Law 92-205 required filing of reports of non-Federal weather 
modification activities with the Department of Commerce. 

1971 : International Study of Man's Impact on Climate raised this issue to inter- 
national level. 

1971 : NAS/CAS report on priorities for the 1970's emphasized need for atten- 
tion to management and policy problems of weather modification. 

1971: Federal Council for Science and Technology approved seven national 
projects under various lead agencies. 

1971-72: First technological assessments of weather modification projects are 
favorable to operational programs. 

1971-74 : Climate impact assessment program ( CTAP) of Department of Trans- 
portation indicates potentially serious consequences of large SST fleet but sug- 
gests ways to ameliorate the problem. 

1972: Failure of Soviet wheat crop and drought in Sahel emphasized critical 
need for understanding climate and the value of effective weather modification. 

1973: Weather modification budget reduced by impoundment from $25.4 million 
to $20.2 million. 

1973 : Five national projects deferred or terminated. 

1973: NAS/CAS report on weather and climate modification confirmed earlier 
conclusions and recommended lead agency status for NOAA. 


1974 : Stratospheric contamination by freon reported. 

1974 : Domestic Council organized panels in climate change and weather 

1974 : General Accounting Office report on weather modification criticized 
weather modification program and pointed to need for lead agency. 

1974 : Defense Department released information on operations in Vietnam. 

1974 : The United States and the U.S.S.R. agreed to a joint statement intended 
"to overcome the dangers of the use of environmental modification techniques for 
military purposes." 

1975 : World Meteorological Organization Executive Committee proposed cumu- 
lus experiment perhaps in Africa or Iran. 

1975 : Department of Transportation CIAP report indicated that a fleet of 500 
SST's would deplete ozone significantly, but suggested that cleaner engines could 
be developed. 

1976: Chinese disapproval resulted in abandoning plans for Stormfury in the 
western Pacific. 

1976 : Hearings held on three weather modification bills by Senate Commerce 

1976: The National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976 (Public Law 94- 
859) enacted requiring study of weather modification. 

1977 : Exceptionally dry winter in the west stimulates State operational pro- 
grams intended to increase mountain snowpack. 

Since the completion of Fleagle's list above in March 1977, at least 
three other activities of equivalent significance ought to be noted : 

1977 : The U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification Advisory Board 
established in April 1977 and initiated a major study on a recommended national 
policy and Federal program of research in weather modification, in accordance 
with requirements to be fulfilled by the Secretary of Commerce under Public Law 
94-490, the National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976. 

1977 : The United Nations General Assembly approved a treaty banning environ- 
mental modification activities for hostile purposes on May 18, 1977 ; and the treaty 
opened for signature by the member nations. 

1978 : The Report of the Commerce Department's Weather Modification Advi- 
sory Board transmitted through the Secretary of Commerce to the Congress. 

The history of the modern period of weather modification which 
follows is essentially that of the two decades following the monumental 
discoveries of 1946. An excellent account of the history of weather 
modification, which emphasizes this period, has been prepared by 
Byers. 51 This work has been very helpful in some of the material to 
follow and is referenced frequently. The late 1960's and the 1970's are 
so recent that events during this period are discussed in various sections 
of the report as ongoing activities or events leading to current activities 
in weather modification research programs, operations, and policy 
decisions rather than in this chapter as an integral part of an updated 
history of the subject. 


The modern era of scientific weather modification begaai in 1946, 
when a group of scientists at the General Electric Co. demonstrated 
that, through "seeding," a cloud of supercooled water droplets could 
be transformed into ice crystals and precipitation could be induced. 
These were not traditional meteorologists, though their leader. Dr. 
Irving Langmuir, was a famous physicist and Nobel laureate. He and 
his assistant, Vincent J. Schaefer, had been working for 3 years on 
cloud physics research, however, in which they were studying particle 
sizes, precipitation static, and icing. Their field research was carried on 

Byers, "History of Weather Modification," 1974, pp. 3-44. 


at the summit of Mt. Washington., X.H.. where they observed super- 
cooled clouds which often turned into snowstorms. 52 

In an attempt to simulate field conditions. Schaefer contrived a 
laboratory setup using a home freezer lined with black velvet, with a 
light mounted so as to illuminate ice crystals that might happen to 
form in the box. Breathing into the box, whose temperature was about 
— 23° C, produced fog but no ice crystals, even when various sub- 
stances — including sand, volcanic dust, sulfur, graphite, talc, and 
salt — were dropped in as possible sublimation nuclei. 53 On July 12. 
19-16, Schaefer wanted to lower the freezer temperature somewhat, so 
he inserted a large piece of dry ice. and. in an instant, the air was 
full of millions of ice crystals. He discovered that even the tiniest 
piece of dry ice produced the same etfect. In fact, dry ice had no 
direct effect on the supercooled cloud; producing an air temperature 
below - 39° C was critical. 54 

In his paper on the laboratory experiments, published in the No- 
vember 15, 1946. issues of^Science v Schaefer stated : 

It is planned to attempt in the near future a large-scale conversion of super- 
cooled clouds in the atmosphere to ice crystal clouds, by scattering small frag- 
ments of dry ice into the cloud from a plane. It is believed that such an opera- 
tion is practical and economically feasible and that extensive cloud systems can 
be modified in this way. 53 

Two days before the paper appeared, on Xovember 13, 1946, 
Schaefer made his historic flight, accomplishing man's first scientific 
seeding of a supercooled cloud, as he scattered three pounds of dry ice 
along a 3-mile line over a cloud to the east of Schenectady, X.Y. At 
14.000 feet the cloud temperature was —20° C. and in about § minutes 
after seeding the entire cloud turned into snow, which fell 2,000 feet 
before evaporating. 56 

Dr. Bernard Vonnegut had also worked on aircraft icing research 
and in 1946 at General Electric was pursuing a variety of nueleation 
problems ; but. after Schaefer's laboratory experiments, he again 
turned his attention to ice nueleation research. He discovered that 
silver iodide and lead iodide had crystal structures close to that of ice 
and were also insoluble in water, and after repeated initial failures, 
owing to impurities in the material, Vonnegut was able to produce ice 
crystals, using very pure silver iodide powder, at temperatures only a 
few degrees below freezing. Soon means were developed for generating 
silver iodide smokes, and man's first successful attempt at artificial 
nueleation of supercooled clouds was accomplished. 57 

Langmuir explained that dry ice could make ice crystals form by 
lowering the temperature to that required for natural nueleation on 
whatever might be present as nuclei, or even in the absence of all 
nuclei; however, the silver iodide provided a nucleus that was much 
more efficient than those occurring naturally. 58 

" Ibid., pp. 9-10. 

" Halacy, "The Weather Changers/' ions. pp. S2-S3. 

« langmuir. Irvinp. "The Growth of Particles in Smoke, and Clouds and the Production 
of Snow from Supercooled Clouds. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 
92, no. 3, July 1048, p. 182. ' , , _ , 

Schaefer, Vincent J.. "The Production of Ice Crystals in a Cloud of Supercooled Water 
Droplets.' - Science, vol. U>4. No. 2707. Nov. 15. 1946, p. 459. 

" Byers, "History of Weather Modification," 1074. p. 12. 

57 H>id . p. 13. 

M Langmuir, Irvine. "Cloud Seeding by Menus of Dry Ice. Silver Iodide, and Sodium 
Chloride." Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, ser. II, vol. 14. November 
1951, p. 40. 


Following Schaefer's successful flight of November 13, 1946, and in 
the months and immediate years thereafter, Langmuir was quoted in 
the popular press as being very optimistic in his predicted benefits 
from weather modification. In a 1948 paper he said that k> * * * it 
becomes apparent that important changes in the whole weather map 
can be brought about by events which are not at present being con- 
sidered by meteorologists." 59 His publications and informal statements 
of this character touched off years of arguments with professional 
meteorologists, by whom refutation was difficult in view of Langmuir s 
standing in the scientific community. His enthusiasm for discussing 
the potential extreme effects from weather control was unrestrained 
until his death in 1957. 60 


Project Cirrus 

Although the business of the General Electric Co. had not been in 
meteorology, it supported the early research of Langmuir and his 
associates because of the obvious importance of their discoveries. 
Realizing that weather modification research was more properly a con- 
cern of the Federal Government, the company welcomed the interest 
of, and contract support from, the U.S. Army Signal Corps in 
February 1947. Subsequently, contract support was augmented by the 
Office of Naval Research, the U.S. Air Force provided flight support, 
and the U.S. Weather Bureau participated in a consultative role. The 
entire program which followed, through 1951, under this arrangement, 
including the field activities by Government agencies and the labora- 
tory work and general guidance by General Electric, was designated 
''Project Cirrus." 61 According to Byers : 

The most pronounced effect produced by Project Cirrus and subsequently sub- 
stantiated by a number of tests by others, was the clearing of paths through 
supercooled stratus cloud layers by means of seeding from an airplane with dry 
ice or with silver iodide. When such clouds were not too thick, the snow that was 
artificially nucleated swept all the visible particles out of the cloud. * * * In one 
of the first flights, * * * the supercooled particles in stratus clouds were removed 
using only 12 pounds of dry ice distributed along a 14-mile line. In later flights 
even more spectacular results were achieved, documented by good photography. BL ' 

Initial Project Cirrus studies were made during the summer of 
1947 on cumulus clouds near Schenectady, but the important seeding 
experiments were conducted the following year in New Mexico. Also 
during 1947, there was an attempt on October 13 to modify a hurricane 
east of Jacksonville, Fla., through seeding with dry ice. 63 Visual ob- 
servations, reported by flight personnel, seemed to indicate a pro- 
nounced change in the cloud deck after seeding, and, shortly there- 
after, the hurricane changed its course and headed directly westward, 
striking the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina. Even though there 
was precedent for such erratic behavior of hurricanes, there was 
speculation about the effect of seeding on the storm path, and the pos- 
sibility of legal responsibility for damages which might be caused by 

59 Lanfrmuir. Irvinp. "The Production of Rain by a Chain Reaction in Cumulus Clouds at 
Temperatures Above Freezing." Journal of Meteorology, vol. 5. No. 5. October 1948. p. 192. 
6°T?vprs. "Historv of Weather Modification." 1974. pp. 13-14. 

61 ThH.. p. 14. 

62 Thirl. 

M See discussion of Project Stormfury in ch. 5. p. 290 ff. 


such experiments in the future provided reason to avoid seeding 
thereafter any storms with the potential of reaching land. The legal 
counsel of the General Electric Co. admonished Langmuir not to 
relate the course of the hurricane to the seeding; however, throughout 
the remainder of his career he spoke of the great benefit to mankind of 
weather control and of the potential ability to abolish evil effects of 
hurricanes. As a result, it was expected that the U.S. Weather Bu- 
reau would undertake massive efforts in weather control. Meteorolo- 
gists within and without of the Bureau were in a defensive position, 
with many other scientists, impressed by Langmuirs arguments, op- 
posing their position. Thus great controversies which developed 
between Langmuir and the Weather Bureau and much of the meteoro- 
logical community followed these and other claims, and often 
resulted from the fact that Langmuir did not seem to fully comprehend 
the magnitude and the mechanisms of atmospheric phenomena. 04 

Langmuir wanted to ^work where he thought storms originated 
rather than in upstate New York. He chose Xew Mexico as operations 
area for Project Cirrus, also taking advantage of the opportunity to 
collaborate there with Dr. E. J. Workman at the New Mexico Institute 
of Mining and Technology, whose thunderstorm research included 
radar observations and laboratory experiments on the effects of ire 
on storm electrification. After cloud-seeding flights there in October 
1948, Langmuir reported that, as a result of the seeding, rainfall had 
been produced over an area greater than 40,000 square miles (about 
one-fourth the area of the State of New Mexico) . 63 

The Project Cirrus group returned to Xew Mexico in July 1040, 
and 10 additional seeding nights were conducted. When Langmuir 
learned that Vonnegut was dispensing silver iodide from a ground 
generator in the same area and had, in fact, also been doing so during 
the flights of the previous October, he concluded that both the July 
1919 results and the widespread effects of October 1948 were caused 
by the silver iodide rather than the dry ice seeding as he had theorized 
previously. Spectacular results continued to be reported by him. 
spurred on by meteorologists' challenges to his statistical methods 
and conclusions. Noting that Vonnegut had operated the ground 
generator only on certain days, Langmuir observed that rainfall 
responses corresponded to generator "on" times, leading him to his 
controversial "periodic seeding experiment.'' to which the remainder 
of his life was devoted. 66 

In the periodic seeding experiment, the silver iodide generators were 
operated in an attempt to effect a 7-day periodicity in the behavior of 
various weather properties. Langmuir was convinced that unusual 
weekly weather periodicities in early 1950 resulted from periodic seed- 
ings begun in Xew Mexico in December 1949. concluding that the effects 
were more widespread than he felt earlier and that temperatures and 
pressures thousands of miles away were also affected. Meteorologists 
observed that, while these correlations were the most striking seen, yet 
such periodicities were not uncommon. 67 The Weather Bureau under- 
took a study of records from 1919 to 1951 to see if such weather perio- 

" Ibid., pp. 14-16. 
■ Ibid., p. 1«. 
w Ibid., p in. 
r ~ Ibid., pp. in 20. 


dickies had occurred in the past. Glenn W. Brier, author of the report 
on this study, indicated that a T-day component in the harmonic anal- 
ysis of the data appeared frequently, though seldom as marked as dur- 
ing the periodic seeding experiment. 68 Byers' opinion is that the evi- 
dence appeared just as reliable for occurrence of a natural periodicity 
as for one controlled artificially. He contends that the most important 
discoveries in cloud physics and weather modification were made in the 
General Electric Research Laboratory before Project Cirrus was orga- 
nized, that the effect of clearing stratus decks was shown soon after the 
project was underway, and that the seeding experiments thereafter 
became more of a "program of advocacy than of objective proof." The 
project * * failed to demonstrate that seeding of cumulus clouds 
increased rainfall, that seeding initiates self -propagating storms, that 
the atmosphere responds periodically to periodic seeding, or that a 
hurricane could be deflected in its path by seeding." 69 

Seeding under Project Cirrus ended in 1951 and the final report 
appeared in 1953. After the close of the project, Langmuir continued 
his analyses and wrote two more papers before his death in 1957. The 
final paper was titled "Freedom — the Opportunity To Profit From the 
Unexpected." a report that Byers feels provided a fitting philosophical 
close to his career. 70 The Defense Department sponsored another series 
of experiments, called the Artificial Cloud Xucleation Project, from 
1051 to 1953. 

Tlie Weather Bureau Cloud Physics project 

Amid increasing publicity and spectacular claims of results from 
cloud seeding in Project Cirrus, the U.S. Weather Bureau initiated in 
1048 a project to test cloud seeding, with the cooperation of the Na- 
tional Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, the Navy, and the Air 
Force. The Cloud Phvsics Project, the first systematic series of seeding 
experiments in stratiform and cumuliform clouds, continued for 2 
years, with flight operations in Ohio, California, and the Gulf States. 
Findings of Project Cirrus were substantiated in that striking visual 
cloud modifications occurred: however, there was no evidence to show 
spectacular precipitation effects, and the experiments led to a conserva- 
tive assessment of the economic importance of seeding. 71 Cloud dissi- 
pation rather than new cloud development seemed to be the general 
result from seeding, the only precipitation extractable from clouds was 
that contained in the clouds themselves, and cloud seeding methods did 
not seem to be promising for the relief of drought. 72 

Bosults of the cloud physics experiment had almost no effect on 
the prevalent enthusiasm at the time for rainmaking through cloud 
soedino-, oxcent in the "hard core" of the meteorology community. 73 
As r result of thes<* experiments and the interpretation of the results, 
the TToather Bureau and its successor organizations in the Commerce 
Department, the Environmental Science Services Administration and 
the "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, have been 

os Brier. Glenn W.. "Seven-Dar Periodicities in May 19.~2." Bulletin of the American 
Me^eorolosricPl Societr. vol. 35. No. 3. March 1954. pp. 118-121. 
p? B^ers. "History of Weather Modification." 1974. pp. 20-21. 
70 Ibid., p. 20.. 

" Flpfisrle. Robert G.. "Background and Present Status of Weather Modification." 196S. 
pp 0-10. 

■ 2 B-ers. "^'storv of Weather Modification." 1074. pp. 10-17. 
»» Ibid,, p. 17. 


regarded by some critics as unimaginative and overconservative on 
weather modification. 74 

The U.S. experiments of 1953-54 

In 1951 the Weather Bureau, the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force 
appointed an advisory group, chaired by Dr. Sverre Petterssen of 
the University of Chicago, under whose advice and guidance the 
following six weather modification projects were initiated : 75 

1. Seeding of extratropical cyclones, sponsored by the Office of 
Naval Research and conducted by Xew York University. 

2. Seeding of migratory cloud systems associated with fronts and 
cyclones, conducted by the Weather Bureau. 

3. Treatment of connective clouds, supported by the Air Force and 
conducted by the University of Chicago. 

4. Research on the~dissipation of cold stratus and fog, conducted 
by the Army Signal Corps. 

5. Studies of the physics of ice fogs, sponsored by the Air Force 
and conducted by the Stanford Research Institute. 

6. Investigation of a special warm stratus and fog treatment svs- 
tem, sponsored by the Army and conducted by Arthur D. Little, Inc. 

Field experiments on these projects were carried out in 1953 and 
1954, and reports were published under the auspices of the American 
Meteorological Society in 195T. 76 

The purpose of the extratropical cyclone seeding project, called 
Project Scud, was to "* * * ascertain whether or not it would be 
possible to modify the development and behavior of extratropical 
cyclones by artificial nucleation. * * *" 77 Analysis obtained in Scud 
from Florida to Long Island showed that "* * * the seeding in this 
experiment failed to produce any effects which were large enough to be 
detected against the background of natural meteorological variance." 7S 

The Weather Bureau project on migratory cloud systems was con- 
ducted in western Washington on cloud systems that enter the area 
from the Pacific during the rainy winter months. This project was 
criticized by commercial seeders since it was conducted in the West, 
which was considered "their territory," and by those who accused the 
Weather Bureau of seeking a negative result to support their conserva- 
tive view toward weather modification. Byers feels that there was an 
attempt to avoid this negative impression by giving a more positive 
interpretation to the results than the data possibly justified. 79 In sum- 
marizing results. Hall stated: 

Considering the results as a whole there is no strong evidence to support a con- 
clusion that the seeding produced measurable changes in rainfall. * * * the eval- 
uations do not necessarily furnish information on what the effect might have been 
with more or less intense seeding activity, rate of release of dry ice, etc. Also it 

71 Pleagle. "Background and Present Status of Weather Modification.'' 1998, p 10» 

« Byers, "History of Weather Modification," 1074. p. 25. 

7.) Prtterssen, Sverre. Jerome Sp;ir. Ferguson Hall. Roscoe R. Braham. Jr., Louis J. Rat- 
tan. Horace R. Byers, H. J. aufm Kamoe. J. J. Kelly, and H. K. Welcfcraann. "Cloud and 
Weather Modification; a Croup of Field Experiments." Meteorological Monographs, vol. 2. 
No 11 American Meteorological Society, Boston. 10."»7. Ill pp. 

"Petterssen, Sverre. "Reports on Experiments with Artificial Cloud Nucleation: Intro- 
ductory Note." In Petterssen et al . "Cloud and Weather Modification : ii Croup of Field 

Experiments," Meteorological Monographs, vol. 2. No. n. American Meteoroio.^icnl Society. 
Boston. 1957, p, S. 

T" Spar. Jerome "Prolecl Send." in Petterssen et al.. "Cloud mid Weather Modification ; 
:i Group of Field Experiments." Meteorological Monojrra plis. vol. 2. No. 11. American Mete- 
orological Society, P.oston. ior>7, n 22. 

"Byers. "History of Weather Modification," 1074. p. 26. 


might be speculated that the seeding increased rainfall on some occasions and 
decreased it on others. 80 

The aim of the University of Chicago Cloud Physics project was as 
follows : 81 

The formulation of a consistent and immediately applicable picture of the 
processes of formation of cumulus clouds, charged centers, and precipitation with 
a view toward testing the possibility that one can modify these processes and 
influence the natural behavior of clouds. 

So that as many cumulus clouds as possible could be tested, work was 
conducted in the Middle West in the summer and in the Caribbean in 
the winter, realizing that the warm trade-wind cumulus clouds in the 
latter region might be amenable to seeding with large hygroscopic 
nuclei or water spray, and that the ice-crystal process would operate to 
initiate precipitation in the colder clouds of the Middle West. 82, Of the 
numerous conclusions from this project 83 a few will serve to indicate 
the value of the project to the understanding of cloud phenomena and 
weather modification. In the Caribbean tests, water spray from an air- 
craft was seen to increase rainfall as determined by radar echoes ; anal- 
ysis showed that the treatment doubled the probability of occurrence of 
a radar echo in a cloud. From tests on dry ice seeding in the Middle 
West it was found that in the majority of cases treated clouds showed 
an echo, while untreated ones did not, although the sample was consid- 
ered too small to be significant. In all cases clouds were considered in 
pairs, one treated by seeding and the other untreated, and only those 
clouds showing no echo initially were chosen for study. 84 

The seeding experiments with supercooled stratus clouds by the 
Army Signal Corps essentially substantiated the results of Project 
Cirrus; however, from these carefully conducted tests a number of 
new relationships w^ere observed with regard to seeding rates, spread 
of glaciating effect, cloud thickness, overseeding, and cloud formation 
after seeding. S5 The report on this project carefully summarized these 
relationships and conclusions for both dry ice and silver iodide 
seeding. 86 

The Air Force project on the physics of ice fogs, conducted by 
Stanford Research Institute, was intended to learn the relationship 
to such fogs of synoptic situations, local sources of water, and pollu- 
tion. Investigations in Alaska at air bases showed that most fogs 
developed from local sources of water and pollution. In the Arthur L). 
Little investigation for the Army attempts were made to construct 
generators which were capable of producing space charges, associated 
with aerosols, that could bring about precipitation of the water drop- 
lets in warm fogs and stratus. 87 

» Hail, Ferguson. "The Weather Bureau ACN Project." In Petterssen et al., "Cloud and 
Weather Modification ; a Group of Field Experiments," Meteorological Monographs, vol. 2. 
No. 11. American Meteorological Society. Boston. 1957. pp. 45-46. 

sl Braham. Roscoe R., Jr.. Louis J. Battan. and Horace R. Byers. "Artificial Nucleation 
of Cumulus Clouds." In Petterssen et al.. "Cloud and Weather Modification : a Group of 
Field Experiments," 1957, p. 47. 

& Byers, "History of Weather Modification," 1974, pp. 26-27. 

83 Conclusions are precisely spelled out in somewhat technical terms in : Braham, Battan. 
and Byers. "Artificial Nucleation of Cumulus Clouds," 1957, pp. S2-S3. 
fi Byers, "History of Weather Modification," 1974, p. 27. 

86 IMd. . » , 

86 aufm Kampe, H. J., J. J. Kelly, and H. K. Weickmann, "Seeding Experiments m Sub- 
cooled Stratus Clouds." In Petterssen et al.. "Cloud and Weather Modification : a Group of 
Field Experiments." Meteorological Monographs, vol. 2, No. 11. American Meteorological 
Society. Boston, 1957, p. 93. , T . , . 

57 Petterssen, "Reports on Experiments With Artificial Cloud Nucleation: Introductory 
Note," 1957, p. 4. 


Brers, in retrospect, wonders why the results of this series of six 
experiments, which were carefully controlled statistically, did not 
receive more attention than was accorded them. He attributes some 
of this lack of visibility to the publication in the somewhat obscure 
monograph of the American Meteorological Society 88 and to the delay 
in publishing the results, since the Petterssen committee held the manu- 
scripts until all were completed, so that they could be submitted for 
publication together. 89 

Arizona mountain cumulus experiments 

After 1954, the University of Chicago group joined with the Insti- 
tute of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Arizona in seeding 
tests in the Santa Catalina Mountains in southern Arizona. These 
experiments were conducted in two phases, from 1957 through 1960 
and from 1901 through 1964, seeding mostly summer cumulus clouds, 
but some winter storms, with silver iodide from aircraft. In the first 
phase, analysis of precipitation data from the first 2 years revealed 
more rainfall during seeded than on nonseeded days ; however, during 
the latter 2 years, considerably more rainfall was achieved on non- 
seeded days. Combining all data for the 4 years of the first phase 
yielded overall results with more rain on unseeded days than on seeded 
days; hence, the experiments were modified and the second phase 
undertaken. Of the 3 years in the second phase, only one showed more 
rain on seeded days than on nonseeded ones. None of the analyses 
attempted could support the hypothesis that airborne silver iodide 
seeding increased precipitation or influenced its area! extent. Byers 
suggests that the failure to increase rainfall may have been due to the 
fact that precipitation initiation resulted from the coalescence process 
rather than the ice-crystal process. 90 

Project Whitetop 

According to Byers, perhaps the most extensive and most sophisti- 
cated weather modification experiment (at least up to the time of 
Byers' historical review in 1973) was a 5-year program of summer 
convective cloud seeding in south-central Missouri, called Project 
Whitetop. Conducted from 19G0 through 1964 by a group from the 
University of Chicago, led by Dr. Roscoe 11. Braham, the purpose of 
Whitetop was to settle with finality the question of whether or not 
summer convective clouds of the Midwest could be seeded with silver 
iodide to enhance or initiate precipitation. Experimental days were 
divided into seeding and no seeding days, chosen randomly from 
operational days suitable for seeding, based on certain moisture cri- 
teria. Another feature of the project was the attempt to determine the 
extent of spreading of silver iodide smoke plumes from the seeding 
line. Precipitation effects were evaluated by radar and by a rain-gage 
network. 01 

Final analysis of all of the Project Whitetop data showed that the 
overall effect was that, in the presence of silver iodide nuclei, the rain- 
fall was less than in the unseeded areas. Byers attributes these negative 

88 Petterssen et al.. "Cloud and Weather Modification; a Group of Field Experiments," 

*> livers. "History of Weather Modification," 11)74, p. 2S. 

»° Il)ld., p. 29. 

« Ibid., pp. 20-30. 


results to the physical data obtained from cloud-physics aircraft. "Most 
of the Missouri clouds produced raindrops by the coalescence process 
below the freezing line, and these drops were carried in the updrafts 
and frozen as ice pellets at surprisingly high subf reezing temperatures 
( — 5° C to —10° C)." He further points out that the measured con- 
centrations of ice particles, for the range of sizes present, were already 
in the natural unseeded conditions equivalent to those hoped for with 
seeding; consequently, the silver iodide only had the effect of over- 
seeding. 92 

Climax experiments 

Following the initial General Electric experiments, it was concluded 
by Bergeron 93 that the best possibility for causing considerable rain- 
fall increase by artifical means might be found in seeding orographic 94 
cloud systems. Consequently, there were almost immediate efforts to 
increase orographic precipitation, the greatest concentration of such 
work being in the Western United States. Commercial groups such 
as power companies and irrigation concerns took the early initiative in 
attempts to augment snowfall from orographic cloud systems in order 
to increase streamflow from the subsequent snowmelt. 

Colorado State University (CSU) began a randomized seeding 
experiment in the high Rocky Mountains of Colorado in 1960, under 
the direction of Lewis O. Grant, to investigate snow augmentation 
from orographic clouds. The project was designed specifically to 
(1) evaluate the potential, (2) define seedability criteria, and (3) de- 
velop a technology for seeding orographic clouds in central Colorado. 95 
It followed the 1957 report of the President's Advisory Committee for 
Weather Control, in which it had been concluded that seeding of oro- 
graphic clouds could increase precipitation by 10 to 15 percent, basing 
this judgment, however, on data from a large number of seeding pro- 
grams that had not been conducted on a random basis. 96 

The first group of the CSU seeding experiments took place from 
1960 to 1965 in the vicinity of Climax, Colo., and has been designated 
Climax I. A second set of tests in the same area from 1965 to 1970 
has been referred to as Climax II. The Climax experiments are impor- 
tant in the history of weather modification because they were the first 
intensive projects of their kind and also because positive results 
were reported. 97 The precipitation for all seeded cases was greater than 
for all of the unseeded cases by 9, 13, and 39 percent, respectively, for 
Climax I, Climax II, and Climax IIB. The latter set of data are a 
subsample of those from Climax II, from which possibly contaminated 
cases due to upwind seeding by other groups were eliminated. 98 

Ibid., p. 30. 

93 Bergeron, Tor, "The Problem of an Artificial Control of Rainfall on the Globe ; General 
Effects of Ice Nuclei in Clouds." Tellus, vol. 1, No. 1, February 1949, p. 42. 

94 A definition of orographic clouds, a discussion of their formation, and a summary of 
attempts to modify them are found in ch. 3, p. 71 ff. 

95 Grant, Lewis O., and Archie M. Kahan, "Weather Modification for Augmenting Oro- 
graphic Precipitation." In Wilmot N. Hess (editor), "Weather and Climate Modification," 
New York, Wiley, 1974, p. 295. 

98 Advisory Committee on Weather Control. Final Report of the Advisory Committee on 
Weather Control, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, Dec. 31, 1957, vol. I, 
p. vi. (The establishment of the Advisory Committee and its activities leading to publica- 
tion of its final report are discussed in ch. 5, under activities of the Congress and of the 
executive branch of the Federal Government, see pp. 195. 214, and 236.) 

97 Byers, "History of Weather Modification," 1974, pp. 30-31. „ 

98 Grant and Kahan, "Weather Modification for Augmenting Orographic Precipitation, 
1974, p. 298. 


Lightning suppression experiments 

From 1947 until the close of Project Cirrus, interspersed with his 
other activities, Vincent Schaefer visited U.S. Forest Service instal- 
lations in the northern Rockies in order to assist in attempts to sup- 
press lightning by cloud seeding. As early as 1949 an attempt was 
made to seed thunderstorm clouds with dry ice, dumping it from the 
open door of a twin-engine aircraft flying at 25,000 feet." This 
stimulated curiosity among those involved, but also showed that light- 
ning-prevention research w T ould require a long and carefully planned 
effort. These early activities led to the formal establishment of Proj- 
ect Skyfire in 1953, aimed at lightning suppression, as part of the 
overall research program of the Forest Service. Throughout the his- 
tory of the project, research benefited from the cooperation and sup- 
port of many agencies "and scientific groups, including the National 
Science Foundation, the Weather Bureau, Munitalp Foundation, the 
Advisory Committee on Weather Control, the National Park Service, 
General Electric Research Laboratories, Meteorology, Inc., and sev- 
eral universities. The project was phased out by the Forest Service 
in the 1970's, since results of years of tests were inconclusive, although 
there had been some reports of success. Skyfire was the longest con- 
tinuing Federal weather modification research project, enduring for 
about 20 years. 1 

Fog dispersal research 

Experiments were conducted on clearing supercooled fog from run- 
ways at Orly Airport in Paris since 1962, using sprays of liquid pro- 
pane. Soon after these successful tests, the method became operational 
and has already succeeded in various U.S. Air Force installations. The 
dissipation of cold fog is now operational also at many locations, 
including some in North America and in the Soviet Union. Warm fogs, 
however, are more common over the inhabited globe, and efforts to 
dissipate them had not advanced very far, even by 1970. 2 

Hurricane modification 

In an earlier discussion of the work of Langmuir and his associates 
under Project Cirrus, an attempt at hurricane modification was men- 
tioned. 3 The historical unfolding of hurricane research in the United 
States thereafter will not be reported here since it is discussed in detail 
in chapter 5, under Project Stormfury, now a major weather modifica- 
tion research program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- 
ministration of the U.S. Department of Commerce. 4 

Hail suppression 

The principal lead in research to suppress hail during the 1950's and 
1960's was not in the United States, but mainly elsewhere, particularly 
in Switzerland, France, Italy, tho U.S.S.R., Argentina, Bulgaria, 
Yugoslavia, Kenya, and Canada. Hail suppression is based on the 

86 Barrows J S. "Preventing Fire from the Sky." In U.S. Department of Agriculture, 
"The Yearbook of Agriculture, 1968: Science for Better Living." Washington. D.C., U.S. 
Government Printing Office, 1968, p. 219. 

1 For a more detailed discussion of Project Skyfire, see p. 309, under the weather modi- 
fication program of the Department of Agriculture in ch. r>. 

2 Byers, "History of Weather Modification," 1974, p. 33. 

3 See p. 39. 

* See p. 296. 


hypothesis that, if a cloud is supplied with a superabundance of ice 
nuclei, the available water will be used to form a great number of snow 
crystals, thus depriving the hailstones of sufficient water to grow 
to damaging size. Most of the early foreign attempts to suppress hail 
using explosive rockets or ground-based silver iodide generators 
proved disappointing. 5 

In the Soviet Union, the Caucasus hail suppression experiments of 
the mid-1960's were of great interest to cloud physicists. Using radar 
to locate the zone of greatest water content in convective clouds and 
rockets with explosive warheads to deliver lead iodide with precision 
into this zone, the Russians claimed success in suppressing hailstorms, 
based on statistical reduction in crop damages. Operational hail sup- 
pression activity is now conducted on a large scale in the Soviet 
Union. 6 - 7 Most hail suppression efforts in the United States in the 
1960's were commercial operations which did not produce data of any 
significant value for further analysis. 

Foreign weather modification research 

While the Russians and some other countries have concentrated on 
hail suppression research, Australia, like the United States, has been 
principally concerned with augmenting precipitation. Very shortly 
after Schaefer first seeded a natural cloud with dry ice, Krauss and 
Squires of the Australian Weather Bureau seeded stratonimbus clouds 
in February 1947 near Sidney. The Commonwealth Scientific and 
Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) subsequently organized, 
under Dr. E. G. Bowen, what might then have been the world's out- 
standing group of cloud physics and weather modification scientists. 
Byers feels that probably "* * * no other group contributed more to 
practical cloud physics during the period approximately from 1950 to 
1965." 8 

The Snowy Mountain project in Australia, whose object was to pro- 
duce a significant precipitation increase over the mountains by silver 
iodide seeding, has attracted most attention. For a 5-year period from 
1955 through 1959, this experiment was conducted during the colder 
part of the Southern Hemisphere year, using silver iodide dispensed 
from aircraft. Although initial experimental reports indicated suc- 
cessful increases in precipitation over the target, the final 1963 re- 
port after complete analysis stated that results were encouraging but 
inconclusive. 9 

Interesting experiments were carried out in Israel during the 1960's, 
using airborne silver iodide seeding of mostly cumulus clouds. Statis- 
tical analysis of data from the first 5% years of tests revealed an in- 
crease of 18 percent in rainfall. 10 

A project called Gross versuch III was conducted on the southern 
slopes of the Alps in Switzerland. Although initiated as a randomized 
hail suppression experiment, using ground-based silver iodide gen- 
erators, the analysis indicated that hail frequency was greater on 

5 Byers, "Histry of Weather Modification," pp. 31-32. 

6 Ibid., p. 32. 

7 The hail suppression efforts of the U.S.S.R. are discussed in more detail under the status 
of hail suppression technology in ch. 3, p. 88, and under foreign programs in ch. 9, 412. 

8 Byers, "History of Weather Modification," 1974, p. 23. 

9 Ibid., pp. 23-24. 
" Ibid., p. 31. 


seeded than on nonseeded days, but that the average rainfall on seeded 
days was 21 percent greater than on nonseeded days. 11 


In the weeks and months following Schaefer's first cloud seeding 
experiment public interest grew, and Langmuir and Schaefer spoke 
before and consulted with groups of water users, farmers and ranchers, 
city officials, Federal program directors, and scientific societies. As a 
result there was a burgeoning of new cloud-seeding efforts initiated by 
commercial operators, industrial organizations, water districts, and 
groups of farmers. Some used ground generators for dispensing silver 
iodide obviating the need for airplanes and their attendant high costs, 
so that many such opepations became quite profitable. Many rain- 
makers were incompetent and some were unscrupulous, but their activi- 
ties flourished for a while, as the experiments of Shaefer and Lang- 
muir were poorly imitated. Some of the more reliable companies are 
still in business today, and their operations have provided data valu- 
able to the development of weather modification technology. 12 

Byers relates a few instances of early commercial operations of 
particular interest. 13 In 1949-50 the city of New York hired Dr. Wal- 
lace E. Howell, a former associate of Langmuir, to augment its water 
supply by cloud seeding. New York's citizenry became interested and 
involved in discussions over Howell's activities as the news media made 
them known. This project was also the first case where legal action was 
taken against cloud seeding by persons whose businesses could be 
adversely affected by the increased rain. Although rains did come and 
the city reservoirs were filled, Howell could not prove that he was re- 
sponsible for ending the drought. 14 Howell subsequently seeded in 
Quebec in August 1953 in an attempt to put out a forest fire and in 
Cuba to increase rainfall for a sugar plantation owner. 15 

The Santa Barbara project in California, also a commercial opera- 
tion designed to increase water supply, received a great deal of atten- 
tion. In this period water was increased through augmenting rain and 
snow in the mountains north and northeast of the city. The project 
was evaluated by the California State Water Resources Board and 
was unique among commercial contract operations, inasmuch as the 
clients permitted randomization (that is, random selection of only 
some storms for seeding) in order to allow adequate evaluation. 16 

In the West the earliest commercial operations were developed 
under Dr. Irving P. Krick, formerly head of the Department of Mete- 
orology at the California Institute of Technology. Asked to monitor 
aerial dry ice seeding over Mt. San Jacinto in 1947, Krick became 
interested in weather modification, left Caltech, and formed his own 
company. Seeding projects were carried out during 1948 and 1949 for 
ranchers in San Diego County, Calif., in Mexico, and in Arizona. In 
1050 lie moved to Denver and formed a new company, which began 
seeding activity over the Great Plains, elsewhere in the West, and in 

" Ibid. 

12 Ibid., pp. 17, 21. 22. 
" Ibid., pp. 22-23. 
w Ibid., p. 22. 

15 Hnlacv. "The Weather Chancers, " 1968, pp. 96-97. 
"Ibid., pp. 22-23. 


other countries. A number of former students of Krick joined him or 
formed other cloud seeding companies, mostly in the West during the 
1950's. 17 By 1953 Krick had operated 150 projects in 18 States and 6 
foreign countries and amassed over 200,000 hours of seeding time. For 
three winters — 1949, 1950, and 1951 — his company claimed that they 
had increased the snowpack in the Rockies around Denver from 175 to 
288 percent over the average of the previous 10 years. After 6 months 
of seeding in Texas in 1953, the water in a drainage basin near Dallas 
had increased to 363 percent of the January 1 level, while in nearby 
nonseeded basins water ranged from a 22-percent deficit to an increase 
of 19 percent. 18 

At the start of extensive seeding in the early 1950's there was a sharp 
increase in commercial operations, accompanied by great publicity as 
drought began in the Great Plains. During the middle and latter 1950's, 
however, seeding diminished as did the drought. The some 30 annual 
seeding projects in the United States during the mid and latter 1950's 
and the 1960's (excluding fog clearing projects) were conducted for 
the most part by about five firms, on whose staffs there were skilled 
meteorologists, cloud physicists, and engineers for installing and main- 
taining ground and air systems. Most of these projects were in the 
categories of enhancing rain or snowfall, with a distribution in a 
typical year as follows : About a dozen in the west coast States, half 
a dozen in the Rocky Mountains-Great Basin area, half a dozen in 
the Great Plains, and the remainder in the rest of the United States. 
Of the projects in the West, six to nine have been watershed projects 
sponsored by utility companies. Most of these projects endured for 
long periods of years and many are still underway. 19 

Fleagle notes that by the early 1950's, 10 percent of the land area 
of the United States was under commercial seeding operations and 
$3 million to $5 million was being expended annually by ranchers, 
towns, orchardists, public utilities, and resort operators. The extent 
of such commercial operations receded sharply, and by the late 1950's 
business was only about one-tenth or less than it had been a decade 
earlier. As noted above, public utilities were among those who con- 
tinued to sponsor projects throughout this period. 20 

Figure 1 shows the purposes of weather modification operations for 
various sections of the United States for the period July 1950 through 
June 1956. For each geographical section the column graphs represent 
the percentage of the total U.S. seeding for each of five purposes that 
was performed in that section. The bar graph in the inset shows the 
percentage of total U.S. cloud-seeding effort that is undertaken for 
each of these five purposes. Figure 2 shows the total area coverage 
and the percent of U.S. territory covered by cloud seeding for each 
year from July 1950 through June 1956. Both figures are from the 
final report of the President's Advisory Committee on Weather 
Control. 21 

17 Elliott, Robert D., "Experience of the Private Sector," 1974, p. 47. 

18 Halacy, "The Weather Changers," 1968, p. 96. 

19 Elliott, "Experience of the Private Sector," 1974, p. 46-48. 

20 Fleagle, "Background and Present Status of Weather Modification." 1968, p. 11. 

21 Advisory Committee on Weather Control, Final Report, 1958, vol. II. Figures lacing 
p. 242 and 243. 

Figure 1 — Purposes of weather modification operations conducted in various 
geographical sections of the United States, July 1950 through June 1956. (From 
Final Report of the Advisory Committee on Weather Control, 1958.) 




1950- 1951- 1952- 1953- (954- 1935- 

1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1936 

Figure 2. — Total area coverage and percent of area coverage for the 48 cotermi- 
' nous States of the United States by weather modification operations for each 

year, July 1950 through June 1956. (From Final Report of the Advisory 

Committee on Weather Control, 1958.) 

Table 1 is a summary of weather modification operations for fiscal 
years 1966, 1967, and 1968, compiled by the National Science Founda- 
tion from field operators' reports which the Foundation required to be 
filed. Figure 3 shows the locations in the continental United States for 
both operational and research weather modification projects during 
fiscal year 1968. In September 1968, as provided by Public Law 90-407, 
the National Science Foundation was no longer authorized to require 
the submission of reports on operational weather modification proj- 
ects. 22 Weather modification activities are now reported to the Depart- 
ment of Commerce, under provisions of Public Law 92-205, and sum- 
mary reports of these activities are published from time to time. 23 

22 See discussions of this law and of the activities of the National Science Foundation as 
lead weather modification acency through September 1968. pp 196 and 215 in ch. 5. 

23 See discussions of Public Law 92-205 and of the weather modification activities report- 
ing program in ch. 5, 197 and 232. The activities summarized in the latest available 
Department of Commerce report are discussed in ch. 7 and listed in app. G. 



Area treated Number of Number of Number of 

(square miles) projects States 2 operators 2 

Purpose 1966 1967 1968 1966 1967 1968 1966 1967 1968 1966 1967 1968 

Rain augmentation and snow- 
pack increase 61,429 62,021 53,369 35 41 37 21 20 21 22 25 23 

Hail suppression 20,566 20,556 13,510 3 4 4 3 3 5 3 4 4 

Fog dissipation 100 118 145 22 15 15 15 13 9 17 15 10 

Cloud modification 19,345 28,300 18,600 9 18 8 8 12 7 8 14 6 

Lightning suppression 314 314 314 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 

Totals... 101,744 111,383 85,938 70 79 65 30 23 25 46 44 37 

1 Data for fiscal year 1968 include reports received to Sept. 1, 1968. 

2 Totals are not the sum of the items since many States and operators are involved in more than one type of activity. 

An early commercial hail suppression project was begun in Colorado 
in 1958. Eventually it involved 5 seeding aircraft and about 125 
ground-based generators "making it the largest single cloud-seeding 
project up to that time. Results of the project were examined at Colo- 
rado State University and presented at the International Hail Con- 
ference in Verona, Italy, in 1960. This project stimulated the interest 
of scientists and provided historical roots for what later was estab- 
lished as the National Hail Research Experiment in the same area over 
a decade later by the National Science Foundation. 2 ' 4 ' 25 

During the 1960's, clearing of cold airport fog through cloud seed- 
ing became an operational procedure. Since the techniques used can 
only be applied to cold fog, they were used at the more northerly 
or high-altitude airports of the United States, where about 15 such 
projects were conducted, and are still underway, each winter. 2,6 

2 * Elliott, "Experience of the Private Sector," 1974, p. 48. 

23 The National Hail Research Experiment is discussed in detail under the weather modi- 
fier lion program ol" the Xationa' Science Foundation in ch. 5 ; se p. 274ff. 
28 Elliott, "Experience of the Private Sector," 1974. pp. 48-49. 


Figure 3. — Weather modification projects in the United States during fiscal year 
1968. (From NSF Tenth Annual Report on weather modification, 1968.) 



In the various discussions under activities of the Congress and the 
executive branch of the Federal Government in chapter 5, there are 
historical accounts of legislative actions pertinent to weather modifica- 
tion, of the establishment and functioning of special committees in 
accordance with public laws or as directed by the executive agencies, 
and of the policy and planning studies and reports produced by the 
special committees or by the agencies. Inclusion of a separate historical 
account of these Federal activities at this point would be largely repeti- 
tive, and the reader is referred to the various sections of chapter 5, in 
which historical developments of various Federal activities are un- 
folded as part of the discussions of those activities. 




(By Robert E. Morrison, Specialist in Earth Sciences, Science Policy Research 
Division, Congressional Research Service) 


Although the theoretical basis for weather modification was laid to 
a large extent during the 1930's, the laboratory and field experiments 
which ushered in the "modern era" occurred in 1946 and in the years 
immediately thereafter. By 1950, commercial cloud seeding had become 
widespread, covering an estimated total U.S. land area of about 10 per- 
cent. 1 By the mid-1950's, however, it was apparent that the funda- 
mental atmospheric processes which come into play in weather 
modification are very complex and were far from being understood. A 
period of retrenchment and reevaluation began, the number of com- 
mercial operators had decreased dramatically, and weather modifica- 
tion had fallen into some disrepute among many meteorologists and 
much of the public. A period of carefully designed experiments was 
initiated about two decades ago, supported by increased cloud physics 
research and increasingly more sophisticated mathematical models and 
statistical evaluation schemes. 

Meanwhile, a small group of commercial operators, generally more 
reliable and more responsible than the typical cloud seeder of the 1950 
era, has continued to provide operational weather modification services 
to both public and private sponsors. These operators have attempted to 
integrate useful research results into their techniques and have pro- 
vided a bank of operational data useful to the research community. 
The operational and research projects have continued over the past two 
decades, often in a spirit of cooperation, not always characteristic of 
the attitudes of scientists and private operators in earlier years. Often 
the commercial cloud seeders have contracted for important roles in 
major field experiments, where their unique experiences have been 
valuable assets. 

Through the operational experiences and research activities of the 
past 30 years, a kind of weather modification technology has been 
emerging. Actually, though some practices are based on common theory 
and constitute the basic techniques for meeting a number of seeding 
objectives, there are really a series of weather modification technol- 
ogies, each tailored to altering a particular atmospheric phenomenon 
and each having reached a different state of development and opera- 
tional usefulness. At one end of this spectrum is cold fog clearing, con- 
sidered to be operational now, while the abatement of severe storms, at 

1 Fleagle. Robert G., "Background and Present Status of Weather Modification." In 
"Weather Modification : Science and Public Policy," Seattle, University of Washington 
Press, 1968, p. 11. 



the other extreme, remains in the initial research phase. Progress to 
date in development of these technologies has not been nearly so much 
a function of research effort expended as it has depended on the funda- 
mental atmospheric processes and the ease by which they can be altered. 
There is obvious need for further research and development to refine 
techniques in those areas where there has been some success and to 
advance technology were progress has been slow or at a virtual 


Recently, the following summary of the current status of weather 
modification technology was prepared by the Weather Modification 
Advisory Board : 

1. The only routine operational projects are for clearing cold fog. 
Research on warm fog has yielded some useful knowledge and good 
models, but the resulting technologies are so costly that they are usable 
mainly for military purposes and very busy airports. 

2. Several long-running efforts to increase winter snowpack by 
seeding clouds in the mountains suggest that precipitation can be 
increased by some 15 percent over what would have happened 

3. A decade and a half of experience with seeding winter clouds on 
the U.S. west coast and in Israel, and summer clouds in Florida, also 
suggest a 10- to 15-percent increase over "natural'' rainfall. Hypotheses 
and techniques from the work in one area are not directly transferable 
to other areas, but will be helpful in designing comparable experiments 
with broadly similar cloud systems. 

4. Xumerous efforts to increase rain by seeding summer clouds in the 
central and western parts of the United States have left many ques- 
tions unanswered. A major experiment to try to answer them — for the 
High Plains area — is now in its early stages. 

5. It is scientifically possible to open holes in wintertime cloud layers 
by seeding them. Increasing sunshine and decreasing energy con- 
sumption may be especially relevant to the northeastern quadrant of 
the United States. 

6. Some $10 million is spent by private and local public sponsors for 
cloud-seeding efforts, but these projects are not designed as scientific 
experiments and it is difficult to say for sure that operational cloud 
seeding causes the claimed results. 

7. Knowledge about hurricanes is improving with good models of 
their behavior. But the experience in modifying that behavior is primi- 
tive so far. It is inherently difficult to find enough test cases, especially 
since experimentation on tvphoons in the "Western Pacific has been 
blocked for the time being by international political objections. 

8. Although the Soviets and some U.S. private oi>erators claim some 
success in suppressing hail by seeding clouds, our understanding of the 
physical processes that create hail is still weak. The one major U.S. 
field experiment increased our understanding of severe storms, but 
otherwise proved mostlv the dimensions of what we do not vet know. 

0. There have been many efforts to suppress lightning by seeding 
thunderstorms. Our knowledge of the processes involved is fair, but 


the technology is still far from demonstrated, and the U.S. Forest 
Service has recently abandoned further lightning experiments. 2 

Lewis O. Grant recently summarized the state of general disagree- 
ment on the status of weather modification technology and its readiness 
for application. 

There is a wide diversity of opinion on weather modification. Some believe 
that weather modification is now ready for widespread application. In strong 
contrast, others hold that application of the technology may never be possible 
or practical on any substantial scale. 3 

He concludes that — 

Important and steady advances have been made in developing technology for 
applied weather modification, but complexity of the problems and lack of ade- 
quate research resources and commitment retard progress. 4 

In 1975, David Atlas, then president of the American Meteorologi- 
cal Society, expressed the following pessimistic opinion on the status 
of weather modification technology : 

Almost no one doubts the economic and social importance of rainfall augmenta- 
tion, hail suppression, fog dissipation, and severe storm abatement. But great 
controversy continues about just what beneficial modification effects have been 
demonstrated or are possible. Claims and counterclaims abound. After three 
decades of intense research and operational weather modification activities, only 
a handful of experiments have demonstrated beneficial effects to the general 
satisfaction of the scientific community. 

To describe weather modification as a "technology" is to encourage misunder- 
standing of the state of the weather modification art. The word "technology" 
implies that the major substantive scientific foundations of the field have been 
established and. therefore, that all that is required is to develop and apply tech- 
niques. But one of the conclusions of the special AMS study on cloud physics was 
that "the major bottleneck impeding developments of useful deliberate weather 
modification techniques is the lack of an adequate scientific base." 5 

At a 1975 workshop on the present and future role of weather modi- 
fication in agriculture, a panel of 10 meteorologists assessed the ca- 
pabilities for modifying various weather and weather-related phenom- 
ena, both for the present and for the period 10 to 20 years in the fu- 
ture. Conclusions from this assessment are summarized in table 1. The 
table shows estimated capabilities for both enhancement and dissipa- 
tion, and includes percentages of change and areas affected, where 
appropriate. 6 

A recent study by Barbara Farhar and Jack Clark surveyed the 
opinions of 551 scientists, all involved in some aspect of weather modi- 
fication, on the current status of various weather modification technol- 

2 Weather Modification Advisory Board. "A U.S. Policy to Enhance the Atmospheric 
Environment." Oct. 21, 1977. In testimony by Harlan Cleveland "Weather Modification." 
he-ring before the Subcommittee on the Environment arid the Atmosphere. Comnrtee on 
Science and Technology. U.S. House of Representatives. 95th Cong.. 1st sess.. Oct. 26, 1977. 
Washington. DC U.S. Government Prfnt'nsr Office. 1077. pp. 28-30. 

3 Grant. Lewis 0., "Scientific and Other Uncertainties of Weather Modification." In Wil- 
liam A. Thomas (editor). "Legal and Scientific Uncertainties of Weather Modification.' 
Proceedings of a symposium convened at Duke University, Mar. 11-12. 1976, by the 
National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists. Durham. N.C., Duke University Press. 
1977. p. 7. . 

4 Ibid., p. 17. 

5 Atlas. David. "Selling Atmospheric Science. The President's Page." Bulletin of the 
American Meteorological Societv. vol. 56. No. 7. July 1975. p. 6SS. 

6 Grant. Lewis O. and John D. Reid (compilers). "Workshop for an Assessment of the 
Present and Potential Role of Weather Modification in Agricultural Production." Colorado 
State Universitv. Fort Collins. Colo., July 15-1S. 1975. August 1975. PB-245-633. pp. 


ogies. 7 Table 2 is a summary of the assessments of the level of develop- 
ment for each of 12 such technologies included in the questionaire to 
which the scientists responded, and table 3 shows the estimates of ef- 
fectiveness for 7 technologies where such estimates are pertinent. Re- 
sults of this study were stratified in accordance with respondents' af- 
filiation, specific education, level of education, age, and responsibility 
or interest in weather modification, and tabulated summaries of 
opinions on weather modification in accordance with these variables ap- 
pear in the report by Farhar and Clark. 8 


[From Grant and Reid, 1975) 

Enhancement Dissipation 

Amount Amount 

change Area change Area 

(per- (square (per- (square 

Modified variable Now 10 to 20 yr cent) miles) Now 10 to 20 yr cent) miles) 

I. Clouds: 

1. Cold stratus No (8) 

2. Warm stratus No (10) 

3. Fog, cold Yes (10) 

4. Fog, warm Yes (10) 

5. Fog, artifical (for 

temperature con- 
trol) Yes (10) 

6. Contrails Yes (10) 

7. Cirrus... Yes (5) 

8. Carbon black No (10) 

9. Aerosol Yes (7) 

II. Convective precipitation: 

1. Isolated small Yes (7) 

2. Isolated large No (6) 

3. Squall lines Yes (5) 

4. Nocturnal Yes (5) 

5. Imbedded cyclonic. . Yes (9) 

6. Imbedded Oro- 

graphic Yes (9) 

III. Stratoform precip- 

1. Orographic Yes (10) 

2. Cyclonic No (10) 

3. Cloud water collec- 

tion Yes (10) 

IV. Hazards: 

1. Hail Yes (5) 

2. Lightning Yes (7) 

3. Erosion— wind 

gradient No (10) 

4. Erosion— water 

drop size Yes (5) 

5. Wind— hurricane No (5) 

6. Tornado. No (10) 

7. Blowdown No (5) 

8. Floods— symoptic ... No (10) 

9. Floods— mesoscale... No (9) 

10. Drought No (10) 

V. Other: 

1. Albedo Yes (5) 

2. Surface roughness... No (6) 

3. Topography changes. No (6) 

Yes (7) 1-1000 

No (5) 

Yes (10) 1-10 

Yes (10) 1-100 

Yes (10) 1-10 

Yes (10) 100-1000 

Yes (10) 100-1000 

No (6) 

Yes (10) 

Yes (10) 100 10-100 
Yes (7) 15 100-1000 
Yes(S) 20 100-10,000 
Yes (6) 100 100-1000 
Yes (10) 30 300-6000 

Yes (10) 20 300-6000 

Yes (10) Yes (10) 1-1000 

No (8) Yes (9) 

Yes (10) Yes (10) 1-1000 

Yes (10) Yes (10) 1-1 

N/A N/A 

No (10) No (10) 

No (10) No (8) 

N/A N/A 

N/A N/A 

Yes (5) Yes (8) 100 10-100 

Yes (5) Yes (8) 15 10-1000 

No (8) Yes (5) 20 100-10,000 

No (8) Yes (5) 100 100-1000 

Yes (8) Yes (10) <5 300-6000 

Yes (8) Yes (10) 20 300-6000 

Yes (10) 10 100-3000 Yes (10) Yes (10) 10 100-3000 
No (6) No (10) No (6) 

Yes (10) .... 

Yes (7) (i) 

Yes (9) (■) 

No(10) .... 


100-60,000 Yes 
40,000 Yes (7) 


Yes (9) 


No (10) No (10) 

Yes (7) 0) 10,000 Yes (5) 

Yes (6) No (6) 

Yes (5) No (10) 

Yes (5) No (9) 

No (10) No (10) 

Yes (6) No (9) 

No (10) Yes (5) 

Yes (7) 10,000 

Yes (6) 

Yes (5) 

Yes (5) 

No (3) 

Yes (6) 

Yes (6) 

Yes (10) 
Yes (6) 
Yes (5) 

Yes (5) 
No (6) 
No (6) 

Yes (10) 

Yes (6) 

Yes (5) 10-100 

1 Uncertain. 

7 Farhar. Barbnra C. and Jack A. Clark. "Can Wp Modify the Weather? a Survey of 
Scientists " Final report, vol. 3 (draft), Institute of Behavioral Science. University of Colo- 
rado. Boulder, Colo.. January 1078. (Based on research supported by the National Science 
Foundation under grants No*. ENV74-1R013 AOS. 01-35452, GI-44087. and BRT74-18613, 
as part of "A Comparative Analysis of Public Support of and Resistance to Weather Modi- 
fication Projects.") 89 pp. 

* Ibid. 



[From Farhar and Clark, 1978] 

Operations 1 Research 2 Neither Don't know Other 







Weather modification technology 












Cold fog dispersal 









Precipitation enhancement, winter oro- 



1 1 
1 1 




Precipitation enhancement, winter oro- 

graphic, maritime 










Hail suppression 










Precipitation enhancement, summer convec- 

tive, continental . 










Precipitation enhancement, summer convec- 

tive, maritime 










Warm fog dispersal... 









Precipitation enhancement with hail sup- 












Precipitation enhancement, general storms.. 











Lightning suppression 










Hurricane suppression 











Severe storm mitigation 











1 This category is a combination of two responses: "The technology is ready for operational application" and "The 
technology can be effectively applied; research should continue." 

2 This category is a combination of two responses: "The technology is ready for field research only" and "The technology 
should remain at the level of laboratory research." 




In a previous review of weather modification for the Congress, three 
possible classifications of activities were identified — these classifica- 
tions were in accordance with (1) the nature of the atmospheric proc- 
esses to be modified, (2) the agent or mechanism used to trigger or 
bring about the modification, or (3) the scale or dimensions of the 
region in which the modification is attempted. 9 The third classifica- 
tion was chosen in that study, where the three scales considered were 
the microscale (horizontal distances, generally less than 15 kilometers) , 
the mesoscale (horizontal distances generally between 15 and 200 
kilometers), and the macroscale (horizontal distances generally 
greater than 200 kilometers). 10 Examples of modification of processes 
on each of these three scales are listed in table 4, data in which are 
from Hartman. 11 Activities listed in the table are illustrative only, 
and there is no intent to indicate that these technologies have been 
developed, or even attempted in the case of the listed macroscale 


[Information from Hartman, 19661 
Scale Horizontal dimensions Examples of modification processes 

Microscale Less than 15 km 

Mesoscale 15 to 200 km. 

Macroscale Greater than 200 km. 

Modification of human microclimates. 
Modification of plant microclimates. 
Evaporation suppression. 
Fog dissipation. 
Cloud dissipation. 
Hail prevention. 

Precipitation through individual cloud modification. 

Precipitation from cloud systems. 

Hurricane modification. 

Modification of tornado systems. 

Changes to global atmospheric circulation patterns. 

Melting the Arctic icecap. 

Diverting ocean currents. 

In this chapter the characteristics and status of weather modifica- 
tion activities will be classified and discussed according to the nature 
of the processes to be modified. This seems appropriate since such a 
breakdown is more consonant with the manner the subject has been 
popularly discussed and debated, and it is consistent with the direc- 
tions in which various operational and research activities have moved. 
Classification by the second criterion above, that is, by triggering 
agent or mechanism, focuses on technical details of weather modi- 
fication, not of chief interest to the public or the policymaker, although 
these details will be noted from time to time in connection with dis- 
cussion of the various weather modification activities. 

In the following major section, then, discussion of the principles 
and the status of planned weather modification will be divided accord- 

9 Hartman. Lawton M.. "Characteristics and Scope of Weather Modification. In U.S. 
Congress, Senate Committee on Commerce. "Weather Modification and Control," TV ashing- 
ton. D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office. 1966. (89th Cone:.. 2d sess., Senate Kept. JSo. 
1139. prepared by the Legislative Reference Service, Library of Congress), p. 20. 

10 Ibid. 

" Ibid., pp. 21-31. 

34-857 O - 79 - 7 


ing to the major broad categories of phenomena to be modified; these 
will include : 

Precipitation augmentation. 

Hail suppression. 

Fog dissipation. 

Lightning suppression. 

Severe storm mitigation. 
In subsequent major sections of this chapter there are reviews of 
some of the specific technical problem areas common to most weather 
modification activities and a summary of recommenced research 

In addition to the intentional changes to atmospheric phenomena 
discussed in this chapter, it is clear that weather and climate have also 
been modified inadvertently as the result of man's activities and that 
modification can also be brought about through a number of natur- 
ally occurring processes. These unintentional aspects of weather and 
climate modification will be addressed in the following chapter of 
this report. 12 

Principles and Status of Weather Modification Technologies 

Before discussing the status and technologies for modification of 
precipitation, hail, fog, lightning, and hurricanes, it may be useful to 
consider briefly the basic concepts of cloud modification. The two major 
principles involved are (1) colloidal instability and (2) dynamic ef- 
fects. Stanley Changnon describes how each of these principles can 
be effective in bringing about desired changes to the atmosphere : 13 

Altering colloidal stability. — The physical basis for most weather modification 
operations has been the belief that seeding with certain elements would produce 
colloidal instability in clouds, either prematurely, to a greater degree, or with 
greater efficiency than in nature. Most cloud seeding presumes that at least a por- 
tion of the treated cloud is supercooled, that nature is not producing any or 
enough ice at that temperature of the cloud, and that treatment with chemical 
agents of refrigerants will change a proportion of the cloud to ice. The resultant 
mixture of water and ice is unstable and there is a rapid deposition of water 
vapor upon the ice and a simultaneous evaporation of water from the super- 
cooled droplets in the cold part of the cloud. The ice crystals so formed become 
sufficiently large to fall relative to remaining droplets, and growth by collection 
enhances the probability that particles of ice or water will grow to be large 
enough to fall from the cloud and become precipitation. 

This process of precipitation enhancement using ice nucleants has been dem- 
onstrated for the stratiform type cloud, and generally for those which are oro- 
graphically-produced and supercooled. Cumulus clouds in a few regions of the 
United States have also been examined for the potential of colloidal instability in 
their supercooled portions. This has been founded on beliefs that precipitation 
(1) can be initiated earlier than by natural causes, or (2) can be produced from 
a cloud which was too small to produce precipitation naturally. 

Seeding in the warm portion of the cloud, or in "warm clouds" (below the 
freezing level), has also been attempted so as to alter their colloidal instability. 
Warm-cloud seeding has primarily attempted to provide the large droplets neces- 
sary to initiate the coalescence mechanism, and is of value in clouds where insuffi- 
cient large drops exist. In general alteration of the coalescence process primarily 
precipitates out the liquid water naturally present in a cloud, whereas the ice- 
crystal seeding process also causes a release of latent energy that conceivably 
results in an intensification of the storm, greater cloud growth, and additional 

Alirrhifj cloud dynamics. — The effects to alter the colloidal instability of 
clouds, or their microphysical processes, have been based on the concept of rain 

1L ' Sof p. 145. 

13 Chnncrnon. Stanley A.. Jr. "Prosont and Future of Woathor Modification ; Peprtonal 
Issues." The Journal of Woathor Mortification, vol. 7. No. 1, April 1075, pp. 154-156. 


increase through increasing the precipitation efficiency of the cloud. Simpson 
and Dennis (1972) showed that alterations of cloud size and duration by "dynam- 
ic modification" could produce much more total rainfall than just altering the 
precipitation efficiency of the single cloud. In relation to cumulus clouds, 
"dynamic seeding" simply represents alteration one step beyond that sought 
in the principle of changing the colloidal stability. In most dynamic seeding 
efforts, the same agents are introduced into the storm but often with a greater 
concentration, and in the conversion of w r ater to ice, enormous amounts of 
latent heat are hopefully released producing a more vigorous cloud which will 
attain a greater height with accompanying stronger updrafts, a longer life, and 
more precipitation. Seeding to produce dynamic effects in cloud growth, whether 
stratiform or cumuliform types, is relatively recent at least in its serious in- 
vestigation, but it may become the most important technique. If through con- 
trolled cloud seeding additional uplift can be produced, the productivity in terms 
of rainfall will be higher whether the actual precipitation mechanism involved 
is natural or artificial. 

It has been proposed that the selective seeding of cumulus clouds also can 
either (a) bring upon a merger of tw T o or more adjacent clouds and a much 
greater rainfall production through a longer-lived, larger cloud * * * or (b) pro- 
duce eventually an organized line of clouds (through selective seeding of ran- 
domized cumulus). The latter could allegedly be accomplished by minimizing and 
organizing the energy into a few vigorous systems rather than a larger number of 
isolated clouds. 

Essentially, then, dynamic seeding is a label addressed to processes involved 
in altering cloud microphysics in a selective and preferential way to bring 
upon more rainfall through an alteration of the dynamical properties of the 
cloud system leading to the development of stronger clouds and mesoscale 
systems. Actually, dynamic effects might be produced in other ways such as 
alterations of the surface characteristics to release heat, by the insertion of 
chemical materials into dry layers of the atmosphere to form clouds, or by re- 
distribution of precipitation through microphysical interactions in cloud processes. 

The various seeding materials that have been used for cloud modi- 
fication are intended, at least initially, to change the microphysical 
cloud structure. Minute amounts of these materials are used with the 
hope that selected concentrations delivered to specific portions of the 
cloud will trigger the desired modifications, through a series of rapid 
multiplicative reactions. Seeding materials most often used are classi- 
fied as (1) ice nuclei, intended to enhance nucleation in the super- 
cooled part of the cloud, or (2) hygroscopic materials, designed to 
alter the coalescence process. 14 

Glaciation of the supercooled portions of clouds has been induced 
by seeding with various materials. Dry ice injected into the subfreezing 
part of a cloud or of a supercooled fog produces enormous numbers of 
ice crystals. Artificial ice nuclei, with a crystal structure closely re- 
sembling that of ice, usually silver iodide smoke particles, can also 
produce glaciation in clouds and supercooled fogs. The organic fer- 
tilizer, urea, can also induce artificial glaciation, even at temperatures 
slightly warmer than freezing. Urea might also enhance coalescence in 
warm clouds and warm fogs. Water spray and fine particles of sodium 
chloride have also been used in hygroscopic seeding, intended to alter 
the coalescence process. There have been attempts to produce co- 
alescence in clouds or fog using artificial electrification, either with 
chemicals that increase droplet combination by electrical forces, or 
with surface arrays of charged wires whose discharges produce ions 
which, attached to dust particles, may be transported to the clouds. 15 

Problems of cloud seeding technology and details of seeding deliv- 
ery methods are discussed in a later section of this chapter, as are 

14 Ibid., p. 156. 

15 Ibid., pp. 156-157. 


some proposed techniques for atmospheric modification that go beyond 
cloud seeding. 16 


The seeding of clouds to increase precipitation, either rainfall or 
snowfall, is the best known and the most actively pursued weather 
modification activity. Changes in clouds and precipitation in the 
vicinity of cloud seeding operations have shown unquestionaBly that 
it is possible to modify precipitation. There is evidence, however, 
that such modification attempts do not always increase precipitation, 
but that under some conditions precipitation may actually be de- 
creased, or at best no net change may be effected over an area. Never- 
theless, continued observations of clouds and precipitation, from both 
seeded and nonseeded regions and from both experiments and com- 
mercial operations, are beginning to provide valuable information 
which will be useful for distinguishing those conditions for which 
seeding increases, decreases, or has no apparent effect on precipita- 
tion. These uncertainties were summarized in one of the conclusions 
in a recent study on weather modification by the National Academy 
of Sciences : 17 

The Panel now concludes on the basis of statistical analysis of well-designed 
field experiments that ice-nuclei seeding can sometimes lead to more precipita- 
tion, can sometimes lead to less precipitation, and at other times the nuclei 
have no effect, depending on the meteorological conditions. Recent evidence has 
suggested that it is possible to specify those microphysical and mesophysical 
properties of some cloud systems that determine their behavior following 
artificial nucleation. 

Precipitation enhancement has been attempted mostly for two gen- 
eral types of cloud forms, both of which naturally provide precipita- 
tion under somewhat different conditions. Convective or cumulus 
clouds are those which are formed by rising, unstable air, brought 
about by heating from below or cooling in the upper layers. Under 
natural conditions cumulus clouds may develop into cumulo-nimbus 
or "thunderheads," capable of producing heavy precipitation. Cu- 
mulus clouds and convective systems produce a significant portion 
of the rain in the United States, especially during critical growing 
seasons. Attempts to augment this rainfall from cumulus clouds 
under a variety of conditions have been underway for some years 
with generally uncertain success. The other type of precipitation- 
producing clouds of interest to weather modifiers are the orographic 
clouds, those which are formed when horizontally moving moisture- 
laden air is forced to rise over a mountain. As a result of the cooling 
as the air rises, clouds form and precipitation often falls on the 
windward side of the mountain. Through seeding operations, there 
have been attempts to augment precipitation through acceleration 
of this process, particularly in winter, in order to increase mountain 

Figures 1 and 2 show regions of the coterminous United States 
which are conducive to precipitation management through seeding 
of spring and summer convective clouds and through seeding oro- 
graphic cloud systems, respectively. The principles of precipitation 

16 See pp. 115 and 129. 

17 National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Committee on Atmospheric 
Sciences, "Weather and Climate Modification : Problems and Progress," Washington, D.C., 
1973, p. 4. 


enhancement for both cumulus and orographic clouds, and the present 
state of knowledge and technology for such modification, are dis- 
cussed in the following sections. 

Figure 1. — Regions where preciptation management may be applied to enhance 
rainfall from spring and summer showers. 

Figure 2.— Regions where precipitation management may be applied to enhance 
snowfall from winter orographic weather systems, thus augmenting spring and 
summer runoff from mountain snowpacks. 


Currmlus clouds 

If air containing moisture is cooled sufficiently and if condensation 
nuclei such as dust particles are present, precipitation may be pro- 
duced. This process occurs when air is forced to rise by convection, 
so that the water vapor condenses into clouds. Cumulus clouds are the 
woolly vertical clouds with a flat base and somewhat rounded fop, 
whose origin can always be traced to the convection process. They can 
most often be observed during the summer and in latitudes of high 
temperature. When updrafts become strong under the proper con- 
ditions, cumulus clouds often develop into cumulonimbus clouds, the 
principal producer of precipitation. About three-fourths of the rain 
in the tropics and subtropics and a significant portion of that falling 
on the United States is provided from cumulus clouds and convective 

The science of cloud study, begun in the 1930's and greatly expanded 
following World War II, includes two principal aspects — cloud micro- 
physics and cloud dynamics. Though once approached separately by 
different groups of scientists, these studies are now merging into a 
single discipline. In cloud physics or microphysics the cloud parti- 
cles — such as condensation and freezing nuclei, water droplets, and ice 
crystals — are studied along with their origin, growth, and behavior. 
Cloud dynamics is concerned with forces and motions in clouds, the 
prediction of cloud structure, and the life cycle of updrafts and down- 
drafts. 18 

For cloud modification purposes, present theories of microphysical 
processes provide an ample basis for field seeding experiments ; how- 
ever, further work is still needed on laboratory experiments, improved 
instrumentation, and research on assumptions. On the other hand, 
the processes in cloud dynamics are not completely understood and 
require continued research. 19 

Most cumulus clouds evaporate before they have had opportunity 
to produce precipitation at the Earth's surface. In fact many clouds 
begin to dissipate at about the same time that rain emerges from their 
bases, leading to the impression that they are destroyed by the forma- 
tion of precipitation within them. This phenomenon is not yet fully 
understood. Cumulus clouds have a life cycle; they are born, mature, 
and eventually age and die. Small cumuli of the trade regions live only 
about 5 to 10 minutes, while medium-sized ones exist for about 30 min- 
utes. On the other hand, a giant cumulonimbus cloud in a hurricane 
or squall line may be active for one to several hours. In its lifetime it 
may exchange over 50 million tons of water, producing heavy rain, 
lightning, and possibly hail. At all times, however, a cumulus cloud 
struggles to exist; there is a precarious balance between the forces 
aiding its growth and its destruction. 20 

The increasing capability to simulate cloud processes on the com- 
puter has been a major advance toward understanding cloud modifi- 
cation. The ways in which cloud microphysics influences convective 

18 Simpson Joanne and Arnett S. Dennis, "Cumulus Clouds and Their Modification. In 
Wilmot N. Hess (ed.), "Weather and Climate Modification." New York, John Wiley & Sons, 

^'^Mo'schandreas, Demetrios J . and Irving Leichter. "Present Capabilities to Modify 
Cumulus Clouds." Geomet. Inc. report No. EF-46.H. Final report for U.S. Navy Environ- 
mental Prediction Research Facility, Mar. :U), 1976. p. 209. . 

20 Simpson and Dennis, "Cumulus Clouds and Their Modification, 1947, pp. 234-23o. 


dynamics are not well documented or modeled, however. Feedback 
mechanisms are dynamic and thermodynamic. Dynamically, the buoy- 
ancy is reduced by the weight of the particles formed within the 
cloud, sometimes called "water loading/' Modeling suggests that 
thermodynamic feedback from the microphysics can be even more 
important, as evaporation at the edges of the cloud produces cooling 
and thus induces downdrafts. Observations confirm this important 
influence of evaporation, particularly where the cloud environment is 
relatively dry, but the effect is minimized in humid tropical regions. 21 

Cumulus modification experiments 

An enormous amount of energy is expended in natural atmospheric 
processes. As much energy as the fusion energy of a hydrogen super- 
bomb is released in a large thunderstorm, and in a moderate -strength 
hurricane the equivalent of the energy of 400 bombs is converted each 
clay. In his attempt to modify precipitation from clouds, man must 
therefore look for some kind of a trigger mechanism by which such 
energetically charged activities can be controlled, since he cannot hope 
to provide even a fraction of the energy involved in the natural proc- 
ess. A major problem in evaluating modification efforts is the large 
natural variability in atmospheric phenomena. A cumulus cloud can, 
in fact, do almost anything all by itself, without any attempt to mod- 
ify its activity by man. This high variability has led the layman to 
overestimate grossly what has been and can be done in weather modifi- 
cation. In designing an experiment, this variability requires that there 
be sound statistical controls. 22 

Precipitation is formed by somewhat different processes in warm 
clouds and in subfreezing clouds. In the former, droplets are formed 
from condensation of water vapor on condensation nuclei and grow 
through collision and coalescence into raindrops. In subfreezing 
clouds, such as the cumuli under discussion, supercooled water drop- 
lets are attached to ice nuclei which grow into larger ice particles. 
When large enough, these particles fall from the cloud as snow or sleet 
or may be converted to rain if the temperature between the cloud and 
the Earth's surface is sufficiently warm. Increasing precipitation 
through artificial means is more readily accomplished in the case of 
the subfreezing clouds. In addition, attempts have been made to pro- 
mote the merging of cumulus clouds in order to develop larger cloud 
systems which are capable of producing significantly more precipita- 
tion than would be yielded by the individual small clouds. 

Nearly all cumulus experiments have involved "seeding" the clouds 
with some kind of small particles. Sometimes the particles are dis- 
persed from the ground, using air currents to move them into the 
clouds. Most often the materials are dispensed from aircraft, by releas- 
ing them upwind of the target clouds, by dropping them into the cloud 
top, by using the updraft from beneath the cloud, or by flying through 
the cloud. Although more expensive, aircraft seeding permits more 
accurate targeting and opportunity for measurements and observa- 
tions. In the Soviet Union, cumulus clouds have been seeded success- 

21 Simpson. Joanne, "Precipitation Augmentation from Cumulus Clouds and Systems : 
Scientific and Technical Foundations." 1975. Advances in Geophysics, vol. 19. Xew York. 
Academic Press, 1976. pp. 10-11. 

122 Simpson and Dennis, "Cumulus Clouds and Their Modification," 1974, pp. 240-241. 


fully with artillery shells and rockets, using radar to locate parts of 
the clouds to be seeded. 23 

Augmentation of precipitation in cumulus clouds has been attempted 
both by accelerating the coalescence process and by initiating ice parti- 
cle growth in the presence of supercooled water. In fact, these processes 
are essentially identical in cumuli where the tops extend above the 
freezing level. 

Prior to the 1960's nearly all supercooled seeding experiments and 
operations were concerned with attempting to increase precipitation 
efficiency, based on consideration of cloud microstructure. 24 This is 
essentially a static approach, intended to produce precipitation by in- 
creasing the total number of condensation nuclei, through the intro- 
duction of artificial nuclei injected by seeding into or under the clouds. 
This approach has been moderately successful in convective storms 
with conducive cloud microstructure in a number of locations — Cali- 
fornia, Israel, Switzerland, and Australia — where clouds are often 
composed of small supercooled droplets, typical of winter convection 
and of continental air masses. 25 On the other hand, the large cumulus 
clouds originating in tropical and subtropical ocean regions, which are 
evident over much of the eastern United States during the summer, are 
much less influenced by this static approach. A technique known as 
dynamic seeding has shown promise in enhancing precipitation from 
clouds of this type. 

According to dynamic seeding philosophy, the strength, size, and 
duration of vertical currents within the cloud have stronger control on 
cumulus precipitation than does the microstructure. In this technique, 
first demonstrated in the 1960 ? s, the seeding provides artificial nuclei 
around which supercooled water freezes, liberating large quantities of 
latent heat of fusion, within the clouds, causing them to become more 
buoyant and thus to grow to greater heights. This growth invigorates 
circulation within the cloud, causes increased convergence at its base, 
fosters more efficient processing of available moisture, and enhances 
rainfall through processes by which cumuli ordinarily produce such 
precipitation. Results of the Florida Area Cumulus Experiment 
(FACE) , conducted by the U.S. Department of Commerce, seem to in- 
dicate that dynamic seeding has been effective in increasing the sizes 
and lifetimes of individual cumuli and the localized rainfall resulting 
from them. 20 

Success thus far in rain enhancement from dynamic seeding of 
cumulus has been demonstrated through seeding techniques applied 
to single, isolated clouds. In addition to the experiments in Florida, 
dynamic seeding of single clouds has been attempted in South Dakota, 
Pennsylvania, Arizona, Australia, and Africa, with results similar to 
those obtained in Florida. 27 It appears, however, that a natural process 
necessary for heavy and extensive convective rainfall is the merger 
of cloud groups. Thus, this process of cloud merger must be promoted 
in order for cloud seeding to be effective in augmenting rainfall from 

23 Ibid., p. 242. 

24 Ibid., 1974, pp. 246-247. 

25 Ibid., p. 247. , - „ 

26 William L. Woodley. Joanne Simpson. Ronald Biondini, and Joyce Berkeley. "Rainfall 
Results. 1970-I97. r > ; Florida Area Cumulus Experiment," Science, vol. ID'S. No. 4280. Feb. 2f>. 
1077. p. 735. 

-~ Simpson and Dennis, "Cumulus Clouds and Their Modification." 1974, p. 261. 


cumulus clouds. The FACE experiment has been designed to investi- 
gate whether dynamic seeding can induce such cloud merger and in- 
creased rainfall. 28 Area wide cumulus cloud seeding experiments are 
also planned for the U.S. Department of the Interior's High Plains 
Cooperative program (HIPLEX), being conducted in the Great 
Plains region of the United States. 29 30 There has been some indication 
that desired merging has been accomplished in the Florida experi- 
ment. 31 Though this merging and other desirable effects may be 
achieved for Florida cumulus, it must be established that such mergers 
can also be induced for other connective systems which are found over 
most of the United States east of the Great Plains. Changnon notes 
that, "The techniques having the most promise for rain enhancement 
from convective clouds have been developed for single, isolated types 
of convective clouds. The techniques have been explored largely 
through experimentation with isolated mountain-type storms or with 
isolated semitropical storms. * * * Weather modification techniques 
do not exist for enhancing precipitation from the multicellular con- 
vective storms that produce 60 to 90 percent of the warm season 
rainfall in the eastern two-thirds of the United States." 32 

Effectiveness of precipitation enhancement research and operations 

A major problem in any precipitation enhancement project is the 
assessment of whether observed increases following seeding result from 
such seeding or occur as part of the fluctuations in natural precipita- 
tion not related to the seeding. This evaluation can be attempted 
through observations of physical changes in the cloud system which 
has been seeded and through statistical studies. 

Physical evaluation requires theoretical and experimental investi- 
gations of the dispersal of the seeding agent, the manner that seeding 
has produced changes in cloud microstructure, and changes in gross 
characteristics of a cloud or cloud system. Our understanding of the 
precipitation process is not sufficient to allow us to predict the magni- 
tude, location, and time of the start of precipitation. Hence, because 
of this lack of detailed understanding and the high natural variability 
of precipitation, it is necessary to use statistical methods as well. There 
is a closer physical link between seeding and observable changes in 
cloud microstructure ; however, even the latter can vary widely with 
time and position in natural, unseeded clouds, so that statistical evalua- 
tion is also required with regard to the measurement of these 
quantities. 33 

It should first be determined whether the seeding agent reached 
the intended region in the cloud with the desired concentration rather 

^Woodley, et al.. "Rainfall Results, 1970-1975; Florida Area Cumulus Experiment, 
1977. p. 735. 

29 Bureau of Reclamation. U.S. Department of the Interior. "High Plains Cooperative 
Program : Progress and Planning Report No. 2," Denver. March 1976. p. 5. 

30 The history, purposes, organization, and participants in the FACE and HIPLEX pro- 
grams are discussed along with other programs of Federal agencies in chapter o or tms 
report. _ . L „ 

31 William L. Woodley and Robert I. Sax. "The Florida Area Cumulus Experiment : Ka- 
tionale. Design. Procedures. Results, and Future Course." U.S. Department of Commerce. 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Research Laboratories. 
NOAA technical report ERL 354-WMPO 6. Boulder, Colo., January 19 , 6 pp. 41-4o. 

32 Changnon, Stanley A.. Jr., "Present and Future of Weather Modification : Regional 

ISS33J Warn 9 e 7 r°'j PP '"Th 9 e ~Deteetabilitv of the Effects of Seeding." In World Meteorological Or- 
ganization. Weather Modification Programme, position papers used in the Preparation of 
the plan for the Precipitation Enhancement Experiment (PEP), Precipitation Enhancement 
Project Report No. 2. Geneva, November 1976, annex I, p. 43. 


than spreading into other areas selected as controls. When the agent 
has been delivered by aircraft, this problem is usually minimized, 
though even in this case, it is desirable to learn how the material has 
diffused through the cloud. When ground-based seeding generators 
are used, the diffusion of the material should be studied both by 
theoretical studies and by field measurements. Such measurements 
may be made on the seeding agent itself or on some trace material 
released either with the seeding agent or separately ; this latter might 
be either a fluorescent material such as zinc sulphide or any of various 
radioactive materials. Sometimes the tracer might be tracked in the 
cloud itself, while in other experiments it may be sufficient to track 
it in the precipitation at the surface. 34 

In looking for cloud changes resulting from seeding, the natural 
cloud behavior is needed as a reference; however, since the character- 
istics of natural clouds vary so widely, it is necessary to observe a 
number of different aspects of the properties and behavior of seeded 
clouds against similar studies of unseeded clouds in order to be able 
^o differentiate between the two. It is further desirable to relate such 
behavior being studied to predictions from conceptual and numerical 
models, if possible. Direct observations should be augmented by radar 
studies, but such studies should substitute for the direct measurements 
only when the latter are not possible. 35 

A statistical evaluation is usually a study of the magnitude of the 
precipitation in the seeded target area in terms of its departure from 
the expected value. The expected quantity can either be determined 
from past precipitation records or through experimental controls. Such 
controls are established by dividing the experimental time available 
roughly in half into periods of seeding and nonseeding, on a random 
basis. The periods may be as short as a day or be 1 or 2 weeks in dura- 
tion. The precipitation measured during the unseeded period is used as 
a measure of what might be expected in the seeded periods if seeding 
hadn't occurred. In another technique, control areas are selected where 
precipitation is highly correlated with that in the target area but 
which are never seeded. The target area is seeded on a random basis 
and its rainfall is compared with that of the control area for both 
seeded and unseeded periods. Another possibility includes the use of 
two areas, either of which may be chosen for seeding on a random basis. 
Comparisons are then made of the ratio of precipitation in the lirst 
area to that in the second with the first area seeded to the same ratio 
when the second is also seeded. There are many variations of these 
basic statistical designs, the particular one being used in a given experi- 
ment depending on the nature of the site and the measuring facilities 
available. As with the seeding techniques employed and the physical 
measurements which are made, experimental design can only be final- 
ized after a site has been selected and its characteristics studied. 36 

Results achieved through cumulus modification 

Cumulus modification is one of the most challenging and controver- 
sial areas in weather modification. In some cases randomized seeding 
efforts in southern California and in Israel have produced significant 

Ibid., p. 44. 
33 Ibid. 

M Ibid., p. 47). 


precipitation from bands of winter cyclonic storms. However, attempts 
have been less promising in attributing increased rain during summer 
conditions to definitive experiments. There has been some success in 
isolated tropical cumuli, where seeding has produced an increase in 
cloud height and as much as a twofold to threefold increase in rain- 
fall. 37 

In the Florida area cumulus experiment (FACE), the effects on 
precipitation over a target area in southern Florida as a result of 
seeding cumuli moving over the area is being studied under the spon- 
sorship of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
(NOAA). Analysis of the data from 48 days of experimentation 
through 1975 provided no evidence that rainfall over the fixed target 
area of 13,000 square kilometers had been altered appreciably from 
dynamic seeding. On the other hand, there is positive evidence for 
increased precipitation from seeding for clouds moving through the 
area. 38 

When FACE data from the 1976 season are combined with previous 
data, however, increasing the total number of experimental days to 75, 
analysis shows that dynamic seeding under appropriate atmospheric 
conditions was effective in increasing the growth and rain production 
of individual cumulus clouds, in inducing cloud merger, and in pro- 
ducing rainfall increases from groups of convective clouds as they 
pass through the target area. A net increase seemed to result from the 
•seeding when rainfall on the total target area is averaged. 39 

Further discussion of FACE purposes and results is found under 
the summary of weather modification programs of the Department of 
Commerce in chapter 5. 40 

Recent advances in cumulus cloud modification 

In the past few years some major advances have been achieved in 
cumulus experimentation and in improvement of scientific under- 
standing. There has been progress in (1) numerical simulation of 
cumulus processes and patterning; (2) measurement techniques; (3) 
testing, tracing, delivery, and targeting of seeding materials; and (4) 
application of statistical tools. Recognition of the extreme difficulty of 
cumulus modification and the increased concept of an overall systems 
approach to cumulus experimentation have also been major advances. 41 

Orographic clouds and precipitation 

In addition to the convection clouds, formed from surface heating, 
clouds can also be formed when moist air is lifted above mountains 
as it is forced to move horizontally. As a result, rain or snow may fall, 
and such precipitation is said to be orographic, or mountain induced. 
The precipitation results from the cooling within the cloud and charac- 

37 Sax. R. I.. S. A. Changnon. L. O. Grant. W. F. Hitschfeld. P. V. Hobbs. A. M. Kanan. 
and J. Simnson, "Weather Modification: Where Are We Now and Where Should \\ e Be 
Going? An Editorial Overview." Journal of Applied Meteorology, vol. 14. No. o, August 1975, 
P- 662. 

38 Woodlev, et al., "Rainfall Results, 1970-1975 ; Florida Area Cumulus Experiment. 
1977. p. 742. , „ . . 

^Woodley. William L.. Joanne Simpson. Ronald Biondini. and Jill Jordan. NOAA s 
Florida Area Cumulus Experiment; Rainfall Results. 1970-1976 " In preprints from the 
Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, Champaign, 111.. 
Oct. 10-13. 1977. Boston, American Meteorological Society, 1977, p. 209. 

40 gee p 292 

41 Sax. et.' ai. "Weather Modification : Where Are We Now and Where Should We Be 
Going? An Editorial Overview," 1975, p. 663. 


teristically falls on the windward side of the mountain. As the air 
descends on the leeward side of the mountain, there is warming and 
dissipation of the clouds, so that the effect of the mountains is to pro- 
duce a "rain shadow" or desert area. The Sierra Nevada in western 
North America provide such conditions for orographic rain and snow 
along the Pacific coast and a rain shadow east of the mountains when 
moisture laden air generally flows from the Pacific eastward across 
this range. 

The western United States is a primary area with potential for 
precipitation augmentation from orographic clouds. This region re- 
ceives much of its annual precipitation from orographic clouds during 
winter, and nearly all of the rivers start in the mountains, deriving 
their water from melting snowpacks. The major limitation on agricul- 
ture here is the water supply, so that additional water from increased 
precipitation is extremely valuable. Streamflow from melting snow 
is also important for the production of hydroelectric power, so that 
augmentation of precipitation during years of abnormally low natural 
snowfall could be valuable in maintaining required water levels neces- 
sary for operation of this power resource. Orographic clouds provide 
more than 90 percent of the annual runoff in many sections of the 
western United States. 42 

Figure 3 (a) and (b) are satellite pictures showing the contrast 
between the snow cover over the Sierra Nevada on April 28, 1975, and 
on April 19, 1977. This is a graphical illustration of why much of Cali- 
fornia was drought stricken during 1977. The snowpack which custo- 
marily persists in the highest elevations of the Sierras until July had 
disappeared by mid-May in 1977. 43 

The greatest potential for modification exists in the winter in this 
region, while requirements for water reach their peak in the summer ; 
hence, water storage is critical. Fortunately, the snowpack provides a 
most effective storage, and in some places the snowmelt lasts until early 
July. Water from the snowmelt can be used directly for hydroelectric 
power generation or for irrigation in the more arid regions, while 
some can be stored in reservoirs for use during later months or in sub- 
sequent dry years. In some regions where the snowpack storage is not 
optimum, offseason orographic precipitation is still of great value, 
since the water holding capacity of the soil is never reached and addi- 
tional moisture can be held in the soil for the following groAving season. 

Orographic clouds are formed as moist air is forced upward hy 
underlying terrain. The air thus lifted, containing water vapor, cools 
and expands. If this lifting and cooling continue, the air parcels will 
frequently reach sal mat ion. If the air becomes slightly supersaturated, 
small droplets begin to form by condensation, and a cloud develops, 
which seems to hang over the mountain peak. The location where this 
condensation occurs can be observed visually by the edge of the cloud 
on the windward side of the mountain. Upon descent in the lee of the 
mountain the temperature and vapor capacity of the air parcel again 

"Grant, Lewis O. and Archie M. Kahan, "Weather Modification for Augmenting Oro- 
graphic Precipitation." In Wilmot N. Hess (editor), "Weather and Climate Modification," 
New York. Wiley. 1974. p. 2S5. 

4:1 U.S. Department of Commerce, news release, NOAA 77-234. NO A A Public Affairs Office, 
Rockville, Md., Aug. 17, 1077. 


increase, so that any remaining liquid droplets or ice crystals 
evaporate. 44 

(a) April 28, 1975 

Figure 3. — NOAA-3 satellite pictures of the snowcover on the Sierra Nevada 
Mountains in (a) April 1975 and (b) April 1977. (Courtesy of the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.) 

44 Sax. et al.. "Weather Mortification : Where Are We Now and Where Should We Be 
Going?" an editorial overview, 1975, pp. 657-658. 



(b) April 19, 1977 

The supercooled cloud droplets exist as liquid at temperatures down 
to about -20° C ; but at temperatures colder than -20° C, small ice 
crystals begin to form around nuclei that are naturally present in the 
atmosphere. Once formed, the ice crystals grow rapidly because the 
saturation vapor pressure over ice is less than that over water. As the 
crystals increase they may fall and eventually may reach the ground 
as snow. The temperature at the top of the cloud is an important 
factor in winter storms over mountains, since natural ice crystals will 
not form in large quantities if the cloud top is warmer than —20° C. 
If the temperature is below —20° C, however, a large fraction of the 
cloud particles will fall as snow from natural processes. 45 

45 Weisbecker, Leo W. (compiler), "The Impacts of Snow Enhancement; Technology 
Assessment of Winter Orographic Snowpack Augmentation in the Upper Colorado River 
Basin," Norman, Okla., University of Oklahoma Press, 1974, pp. 64-66. 


Orographic precipitation modification 

According to Grant and Kalian, " * * * research has shown that 
orographic clouds * * * provide one of the most productive and 
manageable sources for beneficial weather modification." 46 In a re- 
cent study by the National Academy of Sciences, it was concluded 
broadly that orographic clouds provide one of the "main possibilities 
of precipitation augmentation,*' based on the considerations below : 47 
A supply of cloud water that is not naturally converted into 
precipitation sometimes exists for extended periods of time ; 

Efficient seeding agents and devices are available for treating 
these clouds; 

Seeding agents can sometimes (not always) be delivered to 
the proper cloud location in proper concentrations and at the 
proper time; 

Microphysical cloud changes of the type expected and neces- 
sary for seeding have been demonstrated; 

Substantial increases in precipitation with high statistical sig- 
nificance have been achieved in some well-designed randomized 
experiments for clouds that, based on physical concepts, should 
have seeding potential; and 

Augmentation of orographic precipitation can have great eco- 
nomic potential. 

Although natural ice crystals will not form in sufficient numbers if 
the cloud top is warmer than —20° C, it has been shown that particles 
of silver iodide smoke will behave as ice nuclei at temperatures some- 
what warmer than — 20° C, so that ice crystals can be produced by such 
artificial nuclei in clouds with temperatures in the range of —10° to 
— 20° C. Whereas in the natural state, with few active nuclei at these 
temperatures, the cloud particles tend to remain as water droplets, 
introduction of the silver iodide can quickly convert the supercooled 
cloud into ice crystals. Then, the natural growth processes allow the 
crystals to grow to sufficient size for precipitation as snow. 48 

Meteorological factors which favor increased snowfall from oro- 
graphic clouds through cloud seeding are summarized by 
Weisbecker : 49 

The component of the airflow perpendicular to the mountain 
ridge must be relatively strong. 

The air must have a high moisture content. Generally, high 
moisture is associated with above-normal temperatures. 

The cloud, including its upper boundary, should be at a temp- 
erature warmer than — 20° C. Since temperature decreases with 
increasing altitude, this temperature criterion limits the altitude 
of the cloud top. However, it is advantageous for the cloud base 
to be low, since the water droplet content of the cloud will then 
be relatively large. 

46 Grant and Kahan, "Weather Modification for Augmenting Orographic Precipitation," 
1974. p. 282. 

* 7 Committee on Climate and Weather Fluctuations and Agricultural Production, National 
Research Council, "Climate and Food ; Climatic Fluctuation and U.S. Agricultural Produc- 
tion." National Academy of Sciences. Washington, D.C., 1976, p. 136. 

48 Weisbecker, "The Impacts of Snow Enhancement ; Technology Assessment of Winter 
Orographic Snowpack Augmentation in the Upper Colorado Basin," 1974, p. 66. 

» Ibid. pp. 66-67. 


It must be possible to disperse silver iodide particles within the 
cloud in appropriate numbers to serve as ice crystal nuclei. If 
ground generators are used, the silver iodide smoke must be dif- 
fused by turbulence and lifted by the airflow into cloud regions 
where temperatures are colder than — 10° C. 

The ice crystals must have time to grow to a precipitable size 
and to fall to Earth before reaching the downdrafts that exist on 
the far side of the mountain ridge. 
The meteorological conditions which are ideally suited for augment- 
ing artificially the snowfall from a layer of orographic clouds are 
depicted in figure 4. The figure also shows the optimum location of 
ground-based silver iodide smoke generators upwind of the target area 
as well as the spreading of the silver iodide plume throughout the cloud 
by turbulent mixing. Although there are several seeding agents with 
suitable properties for artificial ice nuclei, silver iodide and lead iodide 
appear to be most effective. Owing to the poisonous effects of lead com- 
pounds, lead iodide has not had wide use. The optimum silver iodide 
particle concentration is a function of the temperature, moisture, and 
vertical currents in the atmosphere ; it appears to be in the range from 
5 to 100 nuclei per liter of cloud. 50 While the most common means of 
dispersing silver iodide in mountainous areas is by ground-based gen- 
erators, other methods of cloud seeding make use of aircraft, rockets, 
and balloons. 

In contrast to convective clouds, ice crystal formation in orographic 
clouds is thought to be static, depending primarily on cloud micro- 
physics, and that orographic cloud seeding has little effect on the 
general patterns of wind, pressure, and temperature. On the other 
hand, clouds formed primarily by convection, such as summer cumulus 
or hurricane clouds, are believed to be affected dynamically by seeding 
as noted above in the discussion of modification of convective clouds. 51 
Since the lifting of the air in winter mountain storms is mainly caused 
by its passage over the mountain barrier, the release of latent energy 
accompanying this lifting has little effect upon the updraft itself. In 
convective cases, however, heat released through seeding increases 
buoyancy and lifting, with attendant effects on the wind and pressure 
fields. The static nature of the processes involved in orographic cloud 
modification therefore suggests that there is less chance that the storm 
dynamics downwind of the target area will be altered appreciably as a 
result of the modification activities. 52 

60 Ibid., p. 68. 

si See p. 68. 

52 Ibid., pp. 70-71. 


Figure 4. — Idealized model showing meteorological conditions that should lead 
to increased snowfall if clouds are seeded with silver iodide particles. (From 
Weisbecker, 1974.) 

Orographic seeding experiments and seeddbility criteria 

A randomized research weather modification program with winter 
orographic storms in central Colorado was initiated by Colorado State 
University in 1959. Data on precipitation and cloud physics were col- 
lected for 16 years under this Climax program, named for the location 
of its target area near Climax, Colo. Analysis of data has shown pre- 
cipitation increases between 100 and 200 percent when the average 
temperatures of seeded clouds at the 500 millibar level were — 20°C or 
warmer. When corresponding temperatures were — 26°C to — 21°C, 
precipitation changes ranged between —5 and +6 percent. For tem- 
peratures colder than — 26°C, seeded cloud systems produced decreases 
in precipitation ranging from 22 to 46 percent. 53 

While the results of Climax have provided some useful guidelines in 
establishing seedability criteria of certain cloud systems, it has been 
learned from other experimental programs that direct transfer of the 
Climax criteria to other areas is not warranted. 54 In particular, this 
nontransferability has been evident in connection with analysis of re- 
sults from the Colorado River Basin Pilot Project, conducted from 
1970 through 1975 in the San Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado, 
sponsored by the Bureau of .Reclamation of the U.S. Department of 
the Interior. 55 

Difficulties are frequently encountered in attempting to evaluate ex- 
perimental cloud-seeding programs. A major problem in assessing 
results of all cold orographic cloud-seeding projects stems from the 
high natural variability of cloud properties. Frequent measurements 
are therefore required in order to monitor these properties carefully 
and consistently throughout the experiment. Another set of problems 
which have troubled investigators in a number of experimental pro- 
grams follow from improper design. Such a deficiency can easily re- 

53 Hjermstad. Lawrence M.. "San Juan and Climax." In proceedings of Special Weather 
Modification Conference; Augmentation of Winter Orographic Precipitation in the West- 
ern United States, San Francisco, Nov. 11-13, 1975, Boston, American Meteorological 
Society. 1975, p. 1 (abstract). 

~ 4 Ibid., pp. 7-S. . ... 

53 This nroiect. part of Project Skywater of the Bureau of Reclamation, is discussed along 
with other programs of Federal agencies in chapter 5 of this report, see p. 2o4. 

34-857 O - 79 - 8 


suit, for example, if insufficient physical measurements have been taken 
prior to establishment of the design of the experiment. 56 

Under Project Sky water the Bureau of Reclamation has carried out 
an analysis of data from seven past weather modification projects in 
order to identify criteria which define conditions when cloud seeding 
will increase winter snowfall in mountainous terrain and when such 
seeding would have no effect or decrease precipitation. The seven 
projects examined in the study were conducted in the Rocky Moun- 
tains, in the Sierra Nevada, and in the southern coast range in Cali- 
fornia during the 1960's and 1970 ? s, in areas which represent a wide 
range of meteorological and topographical conditions. 57 

Figure 5 shows the locations of the seven projects whose results were 
analyzed in the Skywater study, and table 5 includes more detailed 
information on the locations and dates of seeding operations for these 
projects. General seedability criteria derived from this study were 
common to all seven projects, with the expectation that the criteria 
will also be applicable to all winter orographic cloud-seeding projects. 
While there have been other efforts to integrate results from several 
projects into generalized criteria, based only on a few meteorological 
variables, Vardiman and Moore considered 11 variables which depend 
on mountain barrier shapes and sizes and on characteristics of the 
clouds. Some of these variables are physically measurable while others 
are derived from simple computations. 58 

Figure 5. — Locations of winter orographic weather modification projects whose 
results were used to determine generalized cloud seeding criteria. (From Vardi- 
man and Moore, 1977. 

M Hobbs. Peter V, "Evaluation of Cloud Seeding Experiments; Some Lessons To Be 
i.earned From the Cascade and San Juan Projects." In proceedings of Special Weather 
Modification Conference ; Augmentation of Winter Orographic Precipitation in the West- 
Society 1976 . af Francisco, Nov. 11-13, 1975. Boston, American Meteorological 

"Vardiman. Tarry and James A. Moore. "Generalized Criteria for Seeiing Winter Oro- 
graphic Cloudy' Skywater monograph No. 1, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of 
133 -Division of Atmospheric Water Resources Management, Denver, July 1977. 

■ Ibid., p. 15. 



[From Vardiman and Moore, 1977] 

Project Site Seeding operations 


Bridger Range Project (BGR) Rocky Mountains, Montana 1969-70 to 1971-72 (3 seasons). 

Climax Project (CMX) Rocky Mountains, Colorado 1960-61 to 1969-70 (10 seasons). 

Colorado River Basin Pilot Project Rocky Mountains, Colorado 1970-71 to 1974-75 (5 seasons). 


Central Sierra Research Experiment Sierra Nevada, California 1968-69 to 1972-73 (5 seasons). 


Jemez Mountains Project (JMZ) Rocky Mountains, New Mexico 1968-69 to 1971-72 (4 seasons). 

Pyramid Lake Pilot Project (PYR) Sierra Nevada, California/Nevada 1972-73 to 1974-75 (3 seasons). 

Santa Barbara Project (SBA) Southern Coast Range, California 1967-68 to 1973-74(7 seasons). 

Detailed analyses were conducted on four variables calculated from 
topography and vertical distributions of temperature, moisture, and 
winds. These are (1) the stability of the cloud, which is a measure of 
the likelihood that seeding material will reach a level in the cloud 
where it can effect the precipitation process; (2) the saturation mixing 
ratio a£ cloudbase, a measure of the amount of water available for 
conversion to precipitation; (3) the calculated cloud top temperature, 
a measure of the number of natural ice nuclei available to start the 
precipitation process; and (4) the calculated trajectory index, a meas- 
ure of the time available for precipitation particles to form, grow, and 
fall to the ground. 59 

Results of the study thus far are summarized below : 

Seeding can increase precipitation at and near the mountain crest under the 
following conditions: 

Stable clouds with moderate water content, cloud top temperatures between 
—10 and —30° C, and winds such that the precipitation particles would be 
expected to fall at or near the crest of the mountain barrier. 

Moderately unstable clouds with moderate-to-high water content, cloud 
top temperatures between —10 and —30° C, and a crest trajectory for the pre- 

Seeding appears to decrease precipitation across the entire mountain barrier 
under the following condition: 

Unstable clouds with low water content, cloud top temperatures less 
than —30° C, and winds such that the precipitation particles would 
be carried beyond the mountain crest and evaporate before reaching the 

59 Bureau of Reclamation. Division of Atmospheric Water Resources Management, "Sum- 
mary Report ; Generalized Criteria for Seeding Winter Orographic Clouds.'" Denver. March 
1977, p. 1. (This is a summary of the report by Vardiman and Moore which is referenced 
above. ) 

80 Ibid., pp. 1-2. 

Rime ice conditions at sensing device which measures intensity of snowfall. 
(Courtesy of the Bureau of Reclamation.) 


Results quoted above represent only a portion of the analyses which 
are to be carried out. Seeding "window" bounds must be refined, and 
the expected effect must be converted into estimates of additional pre- 
cipitation a target area might experience during a winter season. It is 
very unlikely that observed effects could have occurred by chance in 
view of the statistical tests which were applied to the data. 61 

Operational orographic seeding projects 

For several decades commercial seeding of orographic clouds for 
precipitation augmentation has been underway in the western United 
States, sponsored by specific users which include utility companies, 
agricultural groups, and State and local governments. Much of the 
technology was developed in the late forties and early fifties by com- 
mercial operators, with some improvements since. The basic technique 
most often used involves release of silver iodide smoke, usually from 
ground-based generators, along the upwind slopes of the mountain 
where clouds are seeded, as shown schematically in figure 6. It is the 
opinion of Grant and Kahan that this basic approach still appears 
sound for seeding orographic clouds over many mountain barriers, but 
that in all aspects of these operating programs, there have been "sub- 
stantial improvements" as a result of research and development pro- 
grams. 62 They summarized the following major deficiencies of past 
operational orographic seeding programs : 

1. The lack of criteria for recognizing the seedability of specific 

2. The lack of specific information as to where the seeding 
materials would go once they are released. 

3. The lack of specific information as to downwind or broader 
social and economic effects from the operations. 

4. The lack of detailed information on the efficiency of seeding 
generators and material being used for seeding clouds with differ- 
ing temperatures. 63 

Figure 6. — Schematic view of silver iodide generators placed upwind from a tar- 
get area in the mountains, where orographic clouds are to be seeded for pre- 
cipitation enhancement (From Weisbecker, 1974.) 

61 Ibid., p. 2. 

63 Grant and Kalian, "Weather Modification for Augmenting Orographic Precipitation," 
1974, p. 307. 

« Ibid., pp. 307-308. 


Results achieved through orographic precipitation modification 

Results from several projects in the western United States have 
shown that winter precipitation increases of 10 to 15 percent are pos- 
sible if all suitable storms are seeded. 64 From randomized experiments 
at Climax, Colo., precipitation increases of 70 to 80 percent have been 
reported. These results, based on physical considerations, are repre- 
sentative of cases which have a high potential for artificial 
stimulation. 65 

64 U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, "Reclamation Research in the 
Seventies," Second progress report. A water resources technical publication research report 
No. 28, Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977, p. 2. 

65 National Academy of Sciences, "Climate and Food ; Climatic Fluctuation and U.S. Agri- 
cultural Production," 1976, p. 136. 




The hail problem 

Along with floods, drought, and high winds, hail is one of the major 
hazards to agriculture. Table 6 shows the estimated average annual 
hail loss for various crops in the United States, for each of the 18 
States whose total annual crop losses exceed $10 million. Also included 
in the table are total losses for each crop and for each of the 18 States 
and the aggregate of the remaining States. 

The following vivid description of a hailstorm conveys both a sense 
of its destructiveness and some notion of its capricious nature : 

At the moment of its happening, a hailstorm can seem a most disastrous event. 
Crashing stones, often deluged in rain and hurled to the surface by wind, can 
create instant destruction. Picture windows may he broken, cars dented, or a 
whole field of corn shredded before our eyes. 

Then quite quickly, the storm is over. Xow the damage is before us. we per- 
ceive it to be great, and we vow to do something to prevent its happening again. 

But what we have experienced is "our" storm. Hail did not happen perhaps a 
mile away. We may see another the same day. or never again. Thus, the concept 
of hail suppression is founded in a real or perceived need, but the assessment of 
this solution must be considered in terms of the nature of hail. 06 


[In millions of dollars] 1 



and veg- 







grains 2 






































North Dakota. 







North Carolina 
















South Dakota 










































South Carolina 











. 1 


















Other States 


















1 1973 production and price levels. 

2 Coarse grains: Barley, rye, oats, sorghum. 

Source: "National Hail Research Experiment" from Boone (1974). 

A major characteristic of hail is its enormous variability in time, 
space, and size. Some measure of this great variability is seen in figure 
7, which shows the average annual number of days with hail at points 
within the continental United States. The contours enclose points with 
equal frequency of hail days. 67 

00 Chanson, Stanley A.. Jr.. Ray Jay Davis, Barbara C. Farhar. J. Eupene Haas, J. 
Lorena Ivens. Marvin V. Jones, Donald A. Klein, Dean Mann. Griffith M. Morgan. Jr.. Steven 
T. Sonka. Earl R. Swanson. C. Robert Taylor, and Jon Van Blokland. "Hail Suppression : 
Impacts and Issues." Final report — "-Technology Assessment of the Suppression of Hail 
fTASH ) ." Urbana, 111.. Illinois State Water Survey. April lt>77 (sponsored by the National 
Science Foundation, Research Applied to National Needs Program), p. 9. 

« Ibid. 


Hail forms in the more active convective clouds, with large vertical 
motions, where large quantities of water vapor condense under condi- 
tions in which large ice particles can grow quickly. The kinds of con- 
vective clouds from which hail can be formed include (1) supercells 
(large, quasi-steady-state, convective storms, (2) multicell storms 
(active convective storms with multiple cells), (3) organized convec- 
tive storms of squall lines or fronts, and (4) unstable, highly convective 
small cumuli (primarily occurring in spring). 68 While hail generally 
occurs only in thunderstorms, yet only a small proportion of the world's 
thunderstorms produce an appreciable amount of hail. Based upon sev- 
eral related theories, the following desciption of the formation of hail 
is typical : 

Ice crystals or snowflakes, or clumps of snowflakes, which form above the 
zone of freezing during a thunderstorm, fall through a stratum of supercooled 
water droplets (that is, water droplets well below 0° O). The contact of the ice 
or snow particles with the supercooled water droplets causes a film of ice to form 
on the snow or ice pellet. The pellet may continue to fall a considerable distance 
before it is carried up again by a strong vertical current into the stratum of 
supercooled water droplets where another film of water covers it. This process 
may be repeated many times until the pellet can no longer be supported by the 
convective updraft and falls to the ground as hail. 69 

( Note: The lines enclose points (stations) that have equal frequency of hail days ) 

Figure 7. — Average annual number of days with hail at a point, for the contiguous 
United States. (From Changnon, et al., TASH, 1977.) 

68 National Academy of Sciences, "Climate and Food ; Climatic Fluctuation and U.S. 
Agricultural Production." 1976. p. 141. 

89 Koeppe. Clarence E. and George C. de Long, "Weather and Climate," New York, Mc- 
Graw-Hill, 1958, pp. 79-80. 


Modification of hail 

According to D. Ray Booker, "Hail modification seeding has been 
done operationally for decades in the high plains of the United States 
and in other hail prone areas of the world. Thus, there appears to be a 
significant market for a hail-reduction technology." 70 In the United 
States most attempts at hail suppression are conducted by commercial 
seeders who are under contract to State and county governments and to 
community associations. There are also extensive hail suppression op- 
erations underway in foreign countries. Although some successes are 
reported, many important questions are still unanswered with regard 
to mitigation of hail effects, owing largely to lack of a satisfactory 
scheme for evaluation of results from these projects. 

In theory, it should be possible to inhibit the formation of large 
ice particles which constitute hailstones by seeding in order to increase 
the number of freezing nuclei so that only smaller ice particles will 
develop. This would then leave the cloud with insufficient precipita- 
tion water to allow the accretion of supercooled droplets and the 
formation of hail of damaging size. This simplistic rationale, how- 
ever, does not provide insight into the many complications with 
which artificial nail suppression is fraught ; nor does it explain the 
seemingly capricious responses of hailstorms to seeding and the incon- 
sistent results which characterize such modification attempts. As with 
all convective systems, the processes involved are very complex. They 
are controlled by the speed of movement of the air parcels and precipi- 
tation particles, leading to complicated particle growth, evaporation, 
and settling processes. 71 As a result, according to Changnon, the con- 
clusions from various hail suppression programs are less certain than 
from those for attempts to enhance rain from convective clouds, and 
they are best labeled "contradictory." 72 

Changnon identifies two basic approaches that have been taken 
toward hail modification : 

»Most common has been the intensive, high rates of seeding of the potential 
storm with silver iodide in an attempt to transform nearly all of the super- 
cooled water into ice crystals, or to "glaciate" the upper portion of the clouds. 
However, if only part of the supercooled water is transformed into ice, the 
storm could actually be worsened since growth by accretion is especially rapid 
in an environment composed of a mixture of supercooled drops and ice crystals. 
Importantly, to be successful, this frequently used approach requires massive 
seeding well in advance of the first hailstone formation. 

The second major approach has been used in the Soviet Union and * * * in the 
National Hail Research Experiment in Colorado. It involves massive seeding 
with silver iodide, but only in the zone of maximum liquid water content of the 
cloud. The hope is to create many hailstone embryos so that there will be in- 
sufficient supercooled water available to enable growth to damaging stone sizes." 

70 Booker, D. Ray, "A Marketing Approach to Weather Modification," background paper 
prepared for the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification Advisory Board. 
Feb. 20, 1977. p. 4. 

i National Academy of Sciences, "Climate and Food; Climatic Fluctuation and U.S. 
Agricultural Production." 1070. p. 143. 

72 Changnon, "Present and Future of Weather Modification ; Regional Issues," 1975, 
p. 102. 

™ Ibid. 


Precipitation instrument site, including, from left to right, hailcube, anemom- 
eter, rain/hail separator, and Belfort weighing precipitation gage. (Courtesy of 
the National Science Foundation. ) 

Hail seeding technologies 

The most significant field programs in hail suppression during recent 
years have included those conducted in the Soviet Union, in Alberta, 
in South Africa, and in northeastern Colorado (the National Hail 
Research Experiment). In the course of each of these projects, some 
of which are still underway, various procedural changes have been 
initiated. In all of them, except that in South Africa, the suppression 
techniques are based on increasing the number of hail embryos by 


seeding the cloud with ice nuclei. Usually, the seeding material is 
silver iodide, but the Russians also use lead iodide, and on occasion 
other agents such as sodium chloride and copper sulfate have been 
used. The essential problems in seeding for hail suppression are re- 
lated to how, when, and where to get the seeding agent into potential 
hail clouds and how to identify such clouds. 74 

Soviet suppression techniques are based on their hypothesis that 
rapid hail growth occurs in the "accumulation zone," just above the 
level of maximum updraft, where liquid water content can be as 
great as 40 grams per cubic meter. To get significant hail, the maximum 
updraft should exceed 10 to 15 meters per second, and the temperature 
in this zone must be between and —25° C. Upper large droplets 
freeze and grow, combining with lower large droplets, and an increase 
in particle size from 0.1 cm to 2 or 3 cm can occur in only 4 to 5 minutes. 
In the several Russian projects, the seeding agent is introduced at 
selected cloud heights from rockets or antiaircraft shells ; the number 
of volleys required and the position of injection being determined by 
radar echo characteristics and past experience in a given operational 
region. 75 

In other hail suppression projects, seeding is most frequently carried 
out with aircraft, from which flares containing the seeding agent are 
released by ejection or dropping. Each flare may contain up to 100 
grams of silver iodide ; and the number used as well as the spacing and 
height of ignition are determined from cloud characteristics as well as 
past experience in a given experiment or operation. In each case it 
is intended to inject the seeding material into the supercooled portion 
of the cloud. 

Evaluation of hail suppression technology 

It appears that mitigation of the effects of hail has some promise, 
based on the collection of total evidence from experiments and opera- 
tions around the world. In the Soviet Union, scientists have been 
reporting spectacular success (claims of 60 to 80 percent reduction) 76 
in hail suppression for nearly 15 years; however, their claims are not 
universally accepted, since there has not been careful evaluation under 
controlled conditions. Hail-seeding experiments have had mixed results 
in other parts of the world, although a number of commercial seeders 
have claimed success in hail damage reduction, but not with convincing 
evidence. 77 

Successful hail suppression reports have come from a number of 
operational programs in the United States as well as from weather 
modification activities in the Soviet Union and in South Africa. Often 
the validity of these results is questionable in view of deficiencies in 
project design and data analysis; nevertheless, the cumulative evidence 
suggests that hail suppression is feasible under certain conditions. 
There are also reports of negative results, for example, in foreign pro- 
grams and in the National Hail Research Experiment in the United 

7 *Chan*rnon. Stanlev A.. Jr.. and Griffith M. Moroni. Jr.. "Desipn of an Experiment To 
Suppress Hail In Illinois." Illinois State Water Survey. TSWS/R 01 /7fi. RnHetln 01. State ot 
Illinois. Department of Registration and Education, Urbana, 1970. pp. 82-S3. 

75 Ibid., p. S3. 

70 Chancrnon. "Present and Future of Weather Modification," 107". p 102. 

77 Rattan. Louis J. statement submitted to Subcommittee on Environment and Atmos- 
phere Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, at hearings. 
June 18, 1970, pp. 7-8. 


States, which indicate that under some conditions seeding induces 
increased hail. 78 

Atlas notes that this apparent dichotomy has until recently been 
attributed to different approaches to the techniques and rates of seed- 
ing. However, lie observes that both positive and negative results 
have been obtained using a variety of seeding methods, including 
ground- and cloud-based generators, flares dropped from above the 
cloud top, and injection by rockets and artillery. 79 In discussing the 
reasons for increased hail upon seeding, Atlas states : 

There are at least four physical mechanisms by which seeding may produce 
increased hail. Two of these occur in situations in which the rate of supply of 
supercooled water exceeds that which can be effectively depleted by the com- 
bination of natural and artificially produced hail embryos. This may occur in 
supercell storms and in any cold-base storm in which the embryos are graupel 
rather than frozen raindrops. Moreover, present seeding methods are much more 
effective in warm-base situations in which the hail embryos are frozen raindrops. 
Increased hail is also probable when partial glaciation of a cloud is produced 
and the hail can grow more effectively upon the ice-water mixture than upon 
the supercooled water alone. Similarly, increases in the amount of hail may 
occur whenever the additional latent heat resulting from nucleation alters the 
undraft profile in such a manner as to increase its maximum velocity or to 
shift the peak velocity into the temperature range from —20° to —30° C, where 
the accreted water can be more readily frozen. A probable associated effect is 
the redistribution of precipitation loading by the combination of an alternation 
in the updraft velocity and the particle sizes such that the hail embroyos may 
grow for longer durations in a more favorable growth environment. 80 

Surreys of hail suppression effectiveness 

Recently, Changnon collected information on the effectiveness of 
hail suppression technology from three different kinds of sources. One 
set of data was based on the results of the evaluations of six hail sup- 
pression projects; another was the collection of the findings of three 
published assessments of hail modification ; and the third was obtained 
from two opinion surveys conducted among weather modification 
scientists. 81 The principal statistics on the estimated capabilities for 
hail suppression from each of these groups of sources are summarized 
in table 7. Where available, the estimated change in rainfall accom- 
panying the hail modification estimates are also included. Such rain- 
fall changes might have been sought intentionally as part of a hail sup- 
pression activity or might result simply as a byproduct of the major 
thrust in reducing hail. In the table, a plus sign* indicates an estimated 
percentage increase in hail and/or rainfall while a minus sign signifies 
a percentage decrease. 

The six evaluations in part A of table 7 are from both experimental 
and operational projects, each of which was conducted for at least 3 
years in a single locale and in each of which aircraft seeding tech- 
niques were used. Thus, the results of a number of earlier experiments, 
using ground-based seeding generators, were not considered in the 
estimations. Furthermore, change in hail due to suppression activities 
was defined on the basis of crop-loss statistics rather than on the basis 
of frequency of hail days, since Changnon does not consider the latter, 

7S Atlas. David, "The Paradox of Hail Suppression," Science, vol. 195, No. 4274, Jan. 14. 
1977. p. 195. 
79 Ibid. 

60 Ibid., pp 195-196. 

81 Chanjrnon. Stanlev A.. Jr.. "On tbe Status of Hail Suppression." Bulletin of the Amer- 
ican Meteorological Society, vol. 58, No. 1, Jan. 1977, pp. 20-28. 


along with other criteria such as number and size of hailstones, hail 
mass, and radar echo characteristics, to be a reliable indicator. 82 Note 
that five of the six projects listed indicate a hail suppression capability 
ranging from 20 percent to 48 percent. Changnon notes, however, that 
most of these results are not statistically significant at the 5 percent 
level, but that most scientists would classify the results as "opti- 
mistic." 83 

Table 7— Status of Hail Suppression and Related Rainfall Modification 
(Based on information from Changnon. On the Status of Hail Suppression. 


1. Texas: Hail modification was —48 percent (crop-loss cost value) ; no change 
in rainfall. 

2. Southwestern North Dakota : Hail modification was —32 percent (crop-hail 
insurance rates) ; no rain change information available. 

3. North Dakota pilot project : Hail modification was —30 percent (a composite 
of hail characteristics, radar, and crop-loss data) ; change in rainfall was +23 

4. South Africa : Hail modification was —40 percent (crop-loss severity ; 
change in rainfall was —4 percent. 

5. South Dakota "Statewide" project : Hail modification was —20 percent 
(crop loss) ; increase in rainfall was +? percent. 

6. National hail research experiment in Colorado : 

Increase in hail mass was +4 percent to +23 percent, with median of 
+23 percent : 
Increase in rainfall was +25 percent. 


1. American Meteorological Society : Positive but unsubstantiated claims and 
growing optimism. 

2. National Academy of Sciences: 30 to 50 percent reductions in U.S.S.R. and 
15 percent decreases in France — neither result proven by experimentation. 

3. Colorado State University Workshop : 

—30 percent modification nationwide ; 

—30 percent modification in the High Plains, with ± 10-percent change in 
rain ; unknown results in the Midwest ; also unknown rainfall effects. 


1. Farhar-Grant questionnaire (214 answers) : —25 percent crop-hail damage 
nationwide, although majority — 59 percent — admit they do not know. 

2. Illinois State Water Survey questionnaire (63 answers) : 

—30 percent hail loss, with +15 percent rain increasein the Great Plains: 
—20 percent hail loss, with +10 percent rain increase in the Midwest. 

The results, shown in part B of table 7, from the recent published 
assessments of capability in hail suppression reveal a position of 
"guarded optimism;" however, there is no indication of definitive 
proof of hail suppression contained in those assessments. 84 These pub- 
lished assessments are comprised of a statement, on the status of 
weather modification by the American Meteorological Society, 85 the 
conclusions of a study on the progress of weather modification by the 

82 Ibid., p. 22. 
*»Th1rt.. p. 26. 
"* Ibid. 

" American Meteorological Society. "Policy Statement of tbo American Meteorological 
Rocietv on Purposeful and Inadvertent Modifier Hon of Woatbcr nnd Climate," Bulletin of 
tbo American Meteorological Society, vol. , r )4. No. 7, July 1073. pp. 694-695. 


National Academy of Sciences, 86 and a report on a workshop at Colo- 
rado State University on weather modification and 'agriculture. 87 

The third view (part C, table 7) resulting from two opinion surveys, 
indicates wide-ranging but basically "bipolar" attitudes among the 
scientists surveyed. The majority of the experts queried felt that a hail 
suppression capability could not be identified; however, a sizable 
minority were of the opinion that a moderate capability for modifying 
hail (greater than 20-percent decrease) does now exist. Changnon says 
that the results of these opinion surveys show at best that the con- 
sensus must be considered to be a pessimistic view of a hail suppres- 
sion capability. 88 

In his conclusions on the status of hail suppression technology, 
Changnon states : 

These three views of the current status of hail suppression, labeled as (1) opti- 
mistic, (2) slightly optimistic, and (3) pessimistic, reflect a wide range of opin- 
ion and results. Clearly, the present status of hail suppression is in a state of 
uncertainty. Reviews of the existing results from 6 recent operational and ex- 
perimental hail suppression projects are sufficiently suggestive of a hail sup- 
pression capability in the range of 20 to 50 percent to suggest the need for an 
extensive investigation by an august body of the hail suppression capability 
exhibited in these and other programs. 

One of the necessary steps in the wise experimentation and future use of hail 
suppression in the United States is to cast the current status in a proper light. 
This can only be accomplished by a vigorous in-depth study and evaluation of 
the results of the recent projects. 88 

Conclusions from the TASH study 

Sponsored by the Eesearch Applied to National Needs program of 
the National Science Foundation, a major technology assessment of 
hail suppression in the United States was conducted from 1975 through 
1977, by an interdisciplinary research team. 90 This Technology Assess- 
ment of the Suppression of Hail (TASH) study was intended to bring 
together all of the considerations involved in the application of hail 
suppression, in the present and in the future, to ascertain the net value 
of such technology to society. The goals of the study were : 

To describe the current knowledge of hail suppression. 
To identify long-range expectations for such a technology. 
To estimate the societal impacts that might be generated by its wide use. 
To examine public policy actions that would most equitably direct its beneficial 

From its interdisciplinary study of hail suppression and its impacts 
the TASH team reached the following broad conclusions on the effects 
of hail and on the potential technology for suppression of hail : 

The United States experiences about $850 million in direct crop and property 
hail losses each year, not including secondary losses from hail. The key character- 
istic of hail is its enormous variability in size, time, and space. 

Among the alternative ways of dealing with the hail problem, including crop 
insurance, hail suppression, given a high level of development, appears to be the 
most promising future approach in high hail loss areas. Economic benefits from 
effective hail suppression vary by region of the country, with the most benefit to 

66 National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Committee on Atmospheric 
Sciences. "Weather and Climate Modification : Problems and Progress," Washington, D.C., 
1973. pp. 100-106. 

87 Grant and Reid, "Workshop for an Assessment of the Present and Potential Role of 
Weather Modification in Agriculture Production." 1975. pp. 33-45. 

88 Changnon. "On the Status of Hail Suppression," 1977, p. 26. 
68 Ibid., pp. 26-27. 

90 Changnon. et al.. "Hail Suppression ; Impacts and Issues." Technology Assessment of 
the Suppression of Hail (TASH) , 1977, 432 pp. 


be derived in the Great Plains area. Any alterations in rainfall resulting from 
hail suppression would importantly affect its economic consequences. 

The effects of cloud seeding on rainfall are more significant than its effects on 
hail from economic and societal standpoints. 

At the present time there is no established hail suppression technology. It may 
be possible to reduce damaging hail about 25 percent over the growing season in a 
properly conducted project. 

Reducing the scientific uncertainties about hail suppression will require a sub- 
stantial commitment by the Federal Government for long-term funding of a sys- 
tematic, well-designed program of research. For the next decade or so, monitoring 
and evaluation of operational programs will be important. 

Benefit-cost analysis revealed that investment in development of the high-level 
technology would result in a ratio of 14 :1, with the present value of benefits esti- 
mated to total $2.8 billion for 20 years. The low-level technology showed a nega- 
tive benefit-cost ratio. Research and development to provide the high-level 
technology is the best choice from an economic standpoint; a minimal level of 
support would be nonbeneficial. In a word, if we are going to develop hail suppres- 
sion technology, we would need to do it right. 

Effective hail suppression will, because of the hail hazard, technological 
approach, patterns of adoption, and institutional arrangements, lead to regionally 
coherent programs that embrace groups of States, largely in the Great Plains. 

Some would gain and others would lose from widespread application of an 
effective hail suppression technology. Farmers within adopting regions would 
receive immediate benefits from increased production. After several years this 
economic advantage would be diminished somewhat, but increased stability of 
income would remain. Farmers growing the same crops outside the adopting areas 
would have no advantages and would be economically disadvantaged by commod- 
ity prices lower than they would have been with no hail suppression. The price 
depressing effects result from increased production in adopting areas. Consumers 
would benefit from slightly decreased food prices. The impacts generated by a 
highly effective technology include both positive and negative outcomes for vari- 
ous other stake-holder groups in the Nation. For the Nation as a whole, the 
impacts would be minor and beneficial. On balance, the positive impacts outweigh 
the negative impacts if a high-level technology can be developed. 

An adequate means of providing equitable compensation on an economically 
sound basis for persons suffering from losses due to cloud seeding has not been 
developed. Some better procedure for compensating losers will be necessary. In 
addition, present decision mechanisms and institutional arrangements are inade- 
quate to implement the technology in a socially acceptable manner. Some mecha- 
nism for including potential opponents in the decisionmaking process will be 

It is unlikely that widespread operational hail suppression programs would 
have serious adverse environmental impacts, although lack of sufficient knowledge 
indicates that adverse impacts should not be ruled out. Long-term environmental 
effects are not known at the present time. 91 


Fog poses a hazard to man's transportation activities, particularly 
to aviation, where as a result of delays air carriers lose over $80 million 
annually. Highway accidents attributed to fog are estimated to cost 
over $300 million per year. 92 Most often the impetus to develop effec- 
tive fog and stratus cloud dispersal capabilities has come from the 
needs of commercial and military aircraft operations. 

There are two basic kinds of fog, and the suppression of each re- 
quires a different approach. Supercooled fog and stratus clouds are 
comprised of liquid water droplets whose temperature is below f reez- 

81 Farhar. Barbara C, Stanley A. Changnon, Jr., Earl R. Swanson, Ray J. Davis, and 
J Eugene Haas. "Hail Suppression and Societv. Summary of Technology Assessment of Hail 
Suppression," Urbana. 111.. "Illinois State Water Survey, June 1977." pp. 21-22. (This 
document is an executive summary of the technology assessment by Changnon, et al., "Hail 
Suppression ; Impacts and Issues.") 

92 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "Summary Report : Weather Modi- 
fication ; Fiscal Years 1969, 1970, 1971," Rockville, Md., May 1973, p. 72. 


ing (i.e., 0° C or below). Supercooled fogs account for only about 5 
percent of all fog occurrences in the United States, although they are 
prevalent in certain parts of northeastern and northwestern North 
America. The remainder of North American fogs are warm fogs (water 
droplets warmer than 0° C). 93 Although cold fog has been amenable 
to modification, so that there essentially exists an operational tech- 
nology for its dissipation, practical modification of warm fogs, on an 
economical basis, has not yet been achieved. 

Cold fog modification 

Dispersal of cold fog by airborne or ground-based techniques has 
been generally successful and has become an operational weather modi- 
fication technology. In the United States cold fog dispersal operations 
have been conducted, for example, by commercial airlines, usually with 
dry ice as the seeding agent. The U.S. Air Force has also operated 
ground-based liquid propane systems, at domestic and foreign bases, 
which have been effective in dissipating cold fog over runways, thus 
reducing flight delays and diversions. 94 Conducted largely at airports, 
cold fog suppression is usually accomplished using aircraft, which drop 
various freezing agents, such as dry ice or silver iodide as they fly over 
the fog-covered runways. The agents initiate ice crystal formation and 
lead to precipitation of the growing crystals. 95 Ground-based systems 
for cold fog dispersal have also been used and have some advantages 
over airborne systems. Such a system can operate continuously for ex- 
tended time periods more economically and more reliably. 

Warm fog modification 

The remainder of North American fogs are "warm fogs" for which 
a suitable dispersal capability remains to be developed. Crutchfield 
summarizes the status of warm fog dispersal technology and its eco- 
nomic potential : 

The much more extensive warm fogs which cause delays, accidents, and costly 
interruptions to every type of transportation have proved intractable to weather 
modification thus far. Some success has been achieved on occasion by heavy 
seeding with salt and other materials, but results have not been uniformly good, 
and the materials used have presented environmental problems in the areas 
treated. Heating airport runways has been of some benefit in dealing with warm 
fog, but at present is not generally effective in cost-benefit terms and can inter- 
rupt air traffic. 

Nevertheless, the research and technology problems involved in the dispersal 
of warm fog appear to be of manageable proportions, and the benefits from an 
environmentally acceptable and predictable technique for dealing with warm 
fog would be of very real interest in terms of economic gain. 96 

A number of field techniques have been attempted, with some meas- 
ure of success, for artificial modification of warm fogs. Seeding is 
one technique, where the seeding agents are usually hygroscopic parti- 
cles, solution drops, or both. There are two possible desired effects of 
seeding warm fogs, one being the evaporation of fog droplets, resulting 
in visibility improvement. A second desired effect of seeding, results 
from the "coalescence" process, in which the solution droplets, falling 

93 Changnon, "Present and Future of Weather Modification," 1975, p. 165. 

94 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration "Summary Report : Weather Modi- 
fication ; Fiscal Year 1973." Rockville, Md., December 1974, pp. 39-40. 

9a Changnon. "Present and Future of Weather Modification," 1975. p. 165. 

98 Crutchfield, James A., "Weather Modification : The Economic Potential." Paper prepared 
for U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification Advisory Board. University of 
Washington, Seattle, May 1977, pp. 5-6. 

34-857 O - 79 - 9 


through the fog layer, collect the smaller fog droplets, increasing 
visibility as the fog particles are removed in the fallout. 97 There is a 
wide diversity of hygroscopic particles which can and have been used 
for warm fog dissipation. Sodium chloride and urea are the most 
common, but others have included polyelectrolyte chemicals, an ex- 
ceedingly hygroscopic solution of ammonium-nitrate urea, and some 
biodegradable chemicals. Seeding particle size is critical to the effec- 
tiveness of a warm fog dispersal attempt ; it has been found that poly- 
dispersed particles (i.e., material with a distribution of particle sizes) 
are more effective in inducing fog modification than are extra fine 
particles of uniform size, which were only thought to be optimum in 
earlier experiments. Other problems which are the subject of con- 
tinuing study relate to the seeding procedures, including the number 
of flights, number of aircraft to be used, and flight patterns in 
accordance with the local terrain and wind conditions. One of the 
most difficult operational problems in the seeding of warm fog is that 
of targeting. One solution to this problem, suggested by the Air Force, 
is the implementation of wide-area seeding instead of single-line 
seeding, which is so easily influenced by turbulence and wind shear. 98 
Another technique for dissipation of warm fog makes use of heating. 
The physical principle involved is the vaporization of the water drop- 
lets through introduction of sufficient heat to vaporize the water and 
also warm the air to such a temperature that it will hold the additional 
moisture and prevent condensation. Knowing the amount of liquid 
water in the atmosphere from physical measurements, the necessary 
amount of heat energy to be injected can be determined. 99 The fea- 
sibility of this approach was first demonstrated in England during 
World War II, when it was necessary to fly aircraft in all kinds of 
weather in spite of frequent fogbound conditions in the British Isles. 
The acronym FIDO, standing for Fog Investigations Dispersal Of, 
was applied to a simple system whereby fuel oil in containers placed 
along the runways was ignited at times when it was necessary to land 
a plane in the fog. Although burning as much as 6,000 gallons of oil 
for a single airplane landing was expensive and inefficient, it was 
justified as a necessary weather modification technique during war- 
time. 99 * 

Initial and subsequent attempts to disperse fog by burning liquid 
fuel were found to be hazardous, uneconomical, and sometimes in- 
effective, and, as a result, not much was done with this heating tech- 
nique until the French revised it, developing the Turboclair method 
for dissipating fog by heating with underground jet blowers. After 10 
years of development and engineering testing, the system was tested 
successfully by the Paris Airport Authority at Orly Airport. This 
program has given a new interest and stimulated further research and 
development of this technique both in the United States and elsewhere. 
In the United States, the Air Force conducted Project Warm Fog 
to test the effectiveness of heating to remove warm fog. It is clear that 
this method is promising; however, further studies are needed. 1 

97 Mosohnndreas. Demetrlos J., "Present Capabilities to Modify Warm Fog and Stratus," 
Geomet. Inc.. report No EF-300. Technical report for Office of Naval Research and Naval 
Air Svstems Command, Rockvllle, Md., Jan, 18, 1974, p. 13. 

88 Ibid., pp. 16-17. 

" Ibid pp. 24. 30. 

Halacy, Daniel S., Jr., "The Weather Changers," New York, Harper and Row. 1968, 
pp. 105-107. 

1 Moschandreas. "Present Capabilities to Modify Warm Fog and Stratus," 1974, pp. 


Research and development on warm fog dispersal systems has con- 
tinued under sponsorship of the U.S. Air Force, using both passive 
heat systems, and thermokinetic systems which combine both heat and 
mechanical thrust. A thermokinetic system, known as the Warm Fog 
Dispersal System (WFDS), consists of three components: The com- 
bustors, the controls, and the fuel storage and distribution hardware. 
Testing of the WFDS by the Air Force is to be conducted during late 
1978 and 1979 at Otis Air Force Base in Massachusetts, after which it 
is to be installed and operational at an Air Force base by 1982. 2 Dis- 
cussion of the Air Force development program and of the concurrent 
studies and interest on the Federal Aviation Administration in this 
thermokinetic fog dispersal system is found in chapter 5 of this report. 3 

There have been attempts to evaporate warm fogs through mechani- 
cal mixing of the fog layer with warmer, drier air from above. Such 
attempts have been underway using the strong downwash from heli- 
copters ; however, such a technique is very costly and would likely be 
employed only at military installations where a number of helicopters 
might be available. 

The helicopters hover or move slowly in the dry air above the fog 
layer. Clear dry air is moved downward into the fog by the circulation 
of the helicopter rotors. The mixture of dry and cloudy air permits the 
fog to evaporate, and in the fog layer there is created an opening whose 
size and lifetime are determined by the meteorological conditions in 
the area, by the flight pattern, and by the kind of helicopter. 

Conclusions reached by scientists involved in a series of joint U.S. 
Air Force- Army research projects using helicopters for fog dispersal 
follow : 

The downwash method by a single helicopter can clear zones 
large enough for helicopter landing if the depth of the fog is less 
than 300 feet (100 meters) . 

Single or multiple helicopters with flight patterns properly 
orchestrated can maintain continuous clearings appropriate for 
aircraft takeoff and landing in fogs of less than 300 feet (100 
meters) deep. 4 

In addition to the more commonly applied experimental techniques, 
such as seeding, heating, and mechanical mixing, other attempts have 
been made to disperse warm fogs. These have included the injection of 
ions or charged drops into the fog and the use of a laser beam to clear 
the fog. Further research is needed before definitive results can be 
cited using these methods. 5 

Table 8 is a summary of research projects on warm fog dispersal 
which had been conducted by various organizations in the United 
States between 1967 and 1973. Note that, in addition to field experi- 
ments, research included modeling, field measurements and observa- 
tions of fog, chamber tests, statistical interpretation, model evaluation, 
and operational assessment. 

On the basis of his study of research projects through 1973 and 
claims projected by the scientists involved in the various warm fog 

8 Kunkel. Bruce A., "The Design of a Warm Fog Dispersal System." In preprints of the 
Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification. Champaign, 111.. 
Oct 10-13. 1977. Boston, American Meteorological Society, 1977, pp. 174-176. 

3 See pp. 305 and 308. 

4 Moschandreas, "Present Capabilities To Modify Warm Fog and Stratus," 1974, p. 45. 
6 Ibid., p. 14. 


modification programs, Demetrios Moschandreas formulated the fol- 
lowing conclusions on warm fog dispersal : 

Seeding with hygroscopic particles has been successful; how- 
ever, targeting problems would require the wide-area approach to 
seeding. Urea has also been projected as the agent which is most 
effective and least harmful to the environment. 

The heating technique is very promising and very efficient; 
studies for further verification of its capabilities are in order. 

The helicopter technique by itself has not been as promising as 
the combination of its use with hygroscopic seeding. 

Studies on the other less often used techniques have not reached 
the stage of wide field application. 

Numerical modeling has provided guidelines to the field experi- 
ments and insights to the theoretical studies of fog conditions. 

The laboratory experiments have given the scientists the con- 
trolled conditions necessary to validate a number of theories. The 
unique contribution of chamber tests to a better understanding of 
the dynamics of fog formation has been widely recognized. 6 


THROUGH 1973 « 

[From Moschandreas, 1974] 

Area of effort 

Year of publication 

1967 2 







Modeling and numerical ex- 





















Field measurements; fog ob- 















Chamber tests 






Field experiments 












Statistical interpretation 


Assessment of operational 







i Research is listed by agency conducting the research, or sponsoring it, when reporting its contractor's efforts; or by 
contractor's name when contractor's report is principal reference; individual researchers are not listed because these 
change, even though the cont ; mjity of effort is maintained. 

s Work reported prior to 1967 is not included here. 

Key: CAL— Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc.; AFCRL— Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories; GEOMET— 
GEOMET, Inc.; MRI— Meteorology Research, Inc.; NWRF— U.S. Navy Weather Research Facility; EPRF— U.S. Navy En- 
vironmental Research Facility; EG&G— EG&G Environmental Services Ooeration; FAA— Federal Aviation Administra- 
tion: NCAR— National Center for Atomospheric Research; NWC— Naval Weapons Center; USNPGS— U.S. Naval Postgrad- 
uate School. 


At any given time over the whole Earth there are about 2,000 thun- 
derstorms in progress, and within these storms about 1,000 cloud-to- 
ground discharges are produced each second. 7 Lightning is essentially 
a long electric spark, believed to be part of the process by which an 
electric current is conducted from the Earth to the ipnosphere, though 

- 1H1U., pp. W^— »0. I, XT 

7 National Science Board. "Patterns and Perspectives In Environmental Science, Na- 
tional Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.. 1972, p. 157. 


the origin of the lightning discharge is still not fully understood. In 
fair weather the atmosphere conducts a current from the positively 
charged ionosphere to the ground, which has a negative charge. 

The details of the charge-generating process within a thunderstorm 
are not well understood, though theories have been proposed by cloud 
physicists. Probably a number of mechanisms operate together to bring 
about cloud electrification, though, essentially, the friction of the air 
on the water droplets and ice crystals in the storm strips off electrons 
which accumulate near the base of cumulonimbus clouds, while posi- 
tive charge collects in the upper part. The negative charge near the 
cloud base induces a local positive charge on the Earth's surface be- 
neath, reversing the normal fair weather situation. When the electri- 
cal potential between the cloud and ground becomes sufficiently large, 
an electrical discharge occurs, in which electrons flow from the cloud 
to the ground. In addition, there are discharges between clouds and 
between oppositely charged portions of the same cloud. 

In the rapid sequence of events which comprise a lightning stroke, 
the initial, almost invisible, flow of electrons downward from cloud 
to Earth, called the leader, is met by an upward-moving current of 
positive charges, establishing a conducting path of charged particles. 
A return stroke, much larger, then rushes from the ground to the 
cloud. All of these events appear as a single flash since they occur in 
about fifty microseconds; however, while most people perceive the 
lightning stroke as travelling from cloud to ground, it is actually the 
return stroke which provides the greatest flash. 8 

In the United States, lightning kills about 200 people annually, a 
larger toll than that caused by hurricanes. Since 1940, about 7,000 
Americans have lost their lives from lightning and related fires. 9 These 
casualties occur most often singly or occasionally two at a time, so that 
they are not nearly so newsworthy as are the multiple deaths and 
dramatic property damage associated with hurricanes, tornadoes, and 
floods. On the other hand, a lightning problem affecting large areas 
is the ignition of forest fires, some 10,000 of which are reported each 
year in the United States, where the problem is most acute in the 
Western States and Alaska. 10 Such fires inflict damage on commercial 
timber, watersheds, scenic beauty, and other resources, causing an 
estimated annual damage cost of $100 million. 11 Other examples in 
which lightning can be especially dangerous and damaging include 
discharges to aircraft and spacecraft and effects on such activities as 
fuel transfer operations and the handling of explosives. 

Because of the relative isolation of personal accidents due to light- 
ning, the only feasible controls over loss of life are through implemen- 
tation of safety measures which prevent exposure or by protection 
of relatively small areas and structures with lightning arresters. For- 
ested areas, however, require large area protection from lightning- 
caused fires in order to promote sound forest management. It is hoped 

8 Anthes. Richard A., Hans A. Panofsky, John C. CaMr, and Albert Rango, "The Atmos T 
phere," Columbus. Ohio. Charles E. Merrill. 1975, p. 174. 

9 U.S. Department of Commerce, "Peak Period for Lierhtniner Nears ; NOAA Lists Safety 
Rules." News Release NOAA 77-156. Washington. DC. June 19. 1977, p. 1. 

10 Fuquay. Donald M., "Lightning Damage and Lightning Modification Caused by Cloud 
Seeding." In Wilmot N. Hess (ed.), "Weather and Climate Modification," New York, John 
Wiley & Sons, 1974, p. 605. 

"Ibid., p. 604. 


that the widespread damage to forest resources resulting from the 
lightning-fire problem can be alleviated through use of weather modi- 
fication techniques. 

Lightning modification 

General approaches to lightning suppression through weather mod- 
ification, which have been contemplated or have been attempted, in- 
clude : 

Dissipation of the cloud system within which the thunderstorm 
originates or reduction of the convection within the clouds so that 
vigorous updrafts and downdrafts are suppressed. 

Reduction of the number of cloud-to-ground discharges, es- 
pecially during critical fire periods. 

Alteration of the characteristics of discharges which favor 
forest fuel ignition. 

Use of other weather modification techniques to produce rains 
to extinguish fires or to decrease the probability of ignition 
through increase of ambient relative humidity and fuel moisture. 
Lightning is associated with convective clouds; hence, the most 
direct suppression method would involve elimination of the clouds 
themselves or of the convection within them. Removal of the clouds 
would require changes to gross properties such as temperature insta- 
bility and moisture content of the air ; thus, such modification is not 
technically, energetically, or economically feasible. However, it might 
be possible to reduce somewhat the convection within the clouds. 12 

The formation of convective clouds depends on the upward motion 
of moist air caused by thermal instability and the subsequent produc- 
tion of water through cooling. This condensation releases more heat, 
which, in turn, causes further buoyancy and rising of the cloud. At 
these heights the temperature is low enough that the water can freeze, 
releasing more latent heat and enabling the cloud particles to rise 
even higher. As a result of the presence of nuclei which are naturally 
present in the cloud, glaciation proceeds continuously. Through arti- 
ficial nucleation, by seeding, natural glaciation may be reinforced and 
development of the cloud assisted. Rapid, premature seeding, how- 
ever, would still promote buoyancy but could also introduce so much 
turbulence that the cloud is unable to develop, because colder air en- 
tering the cloud by turbulent mixing would lower the changes of the 
cloud reaching moderate altitudes. Since there is a high correlation 
between cloud height, convective activity, and lightning, such early 
nucleation of a cloud should reduce the likelihood of intense elec- 
trical activity. Seeding would be accomplished by releasing silver 
iodide into the cores of growing cumulus clouds ; it could be delivered 
from ground dispensers or from aircraft into the updraft under the 
cloud base. The amount of seeding material must be chosen carefully, 
and, in order to increase the chances for cloud dissipation, overseed- 
ing is probably most effective, though such overseeding will also tend 
to reduce precipitation. On the other hand, rainfall may be advan- 
tageous for other purposes, including its inhibiting lightning-caused 
forest fires by providing moisture to the forest fuel. Consequently, the 
advantages which might be achieved through reducing cloud con- 

13 Stow, C. D.. "On the Prevention of Lightning," Bulletin of the American Meteorological 
Society, vol. 50, No. 7, July 1969, p. 515. 


vection and its attendant electrical activity must be weighed against 
the possible advantages lost through reduced precipitation. 13 

A more efficient lightning-suppression approach might involve in- 
terference with the processes which bring about charge separation in 
the cloud. At least five different mechanisms by which cloud electrifica- 
tion is established have been theorized, and possibly all or most of these 
mechanisms are active in any given situation, although on different 
occasions it is likely that some are more effective than others, depend- 
ing on meteorological conditions and geographical locations. 14 Data 
are as yet insufficient for determining which mechanisms will predomi- 
nate. It is not considered likely that a single treatment method would 
suffice to suppress all lightning activity through prevention of charge 
buildup, though it is conceivable that a given treatment may be capable 
of suppressing more than one charge-generating process. 15 In addition 
to glaciation of the cloud by overseeding (described above in connec- 
tion with convection reduction), accumulation of charge can be in- 
hibited through seeding with various chemicals which affect the 
freezing of water. Another technique uses seeding with a conducting 
chaff (very fine metalized nylon fibers), which increases conductivity 
between oppositely charged regions of the- storm and keeps the electric 
field from building up to the lightning-discharge level. The chaff fibers 
are of the type that have been used for radar "jamming," which can be 
dispensed underneath a thunderstorm from an aircraft. Experiments 
have shown this attempt at lightning suppression to have some 
promise. 16 

Although reduction in the number of cloud-to-ground discharges 
through cloud seeding would undoubtedly be instrumental in de- 
creasing the total number of forest fires, ignition is also influenced by 
such factors as the type of discharge, surface weather conditions, the 
terrain-fuel complex, and the influence of preceding weather on fuel 
moisture. The kind of discharge most frequently causing forest fires 
has been observed and its characteristics have been measured. Observa- 
tions indicate that ignition is most often caused by hybrid cloud-to- 
ground discharges having long continuing current phases, whose 
duration exceeds 40 milliseconds and that the probability of ignition is 
proportional to the duration of the continuing current phase. 17 

Evaluation of lightning suppression technology 

Seeding experiments to date have yielded results which suggest that 
both the characteristics and the frequency of lightning discharges have 
been modified. The physical processes by which lightning is modified 
are not understood ; however, basic physical charging processes have 
been altered through massive overseeding with silver iodide freezing 
nuclei. Direct measurements of lightning electricity have also shown 
that lightning strokes which contain a long continuing current are 
probably responsible for most lightning-ignited forest fires. Keduction 
of the duration of the long continuing current discharge through wea- 
ther modification techniques may, therefore, be more significant in 

13 Ibid. 

" Ibid., pp. 516-519. 
16 Ibid , p 519 

" Kasemir. Heinz W.. "Lightning Suppression by Chaff Seeding and Triggered Light- 
ning." In Wilmot N. Hess (editor), "Weather and Climate Modification," New York, Wiley. 
1974, N pp. 612-622. n a . „ . B „ 

"Fuquav, "Lightning Damage and Lightning Modification Caused by Cloud Seeding, 
1974, p. 606. 


reducing forest fires than reduction of the total amount of lightning 
produced by storms. 

From experiments in lightning suppression carried out under Proj- 
ect Skyfire by the U.S. Forest Service of the Department of Agricul- 
ture between 1965-67. Fuquay summarizes the following specific re- 
sults, based on a total of 26 individual storms (12 seeded and 14 
unseeded) : 18 

Sixty-six percent fewer cloud-to-ground discharges, 50 percent 
fewer intracloud discharges, and 54 percent less total storm light- 
ning occurred during seeded storms than during the not-seeded 

The maximum cloud-to-ground flash rate was less for seeded 
storms : over a 5-minute interval, the maximum rate averaged 8.8 
for not-seeded storms and 5 for seeded storms; for 15-minute in- 
tervals, the maximum rate for not-seeded storms averaged 17.7 
and 9.1 for seeded storms. 

The mean duration of lightning activity for the not-seeded and 
seeded storms was 101 and 64 minutes, respectively. Lightning 
duration of the not-seeded storms ranged from 10 to 217 minutes, 
while that of seeded storms ranged from 21 to 99 minutes. 

There was no difference in the average number of return strokes 
per discrete discharge (4.1 not-seeded versus 4 seeded) ; however, 
a significant difference was found for hybrid discharges (5.6 not- 
seeded versus 3.8 seeded) . 

The average duration of discrete discharges (period between 
first and last return stroke) decreased from 235 milliseconds for 
not seeded storms to 182 milliseconds for seeded storms. 

The average duration of continuing current in hybrid dis- 
charges decreased from 187 milliseconds for not-seeded storms to 
115 milliseconds for seeded storms. 
In a recent Federal appraisal of weather modification technology 
it was concluded that results of field experiments to suppress light- 
ning through silver iodide seeding have been ambiguous. 19 Although 
aim lysis of data previously obtained is continuing, the experimental 
seeding program of the Forest Service has been terminated. In more 
recent experiments, thunderstorms have been seeded from below 
with chaff (very fine metalized nylon fibers). Based on an analysis of 
10 chaff-seeded thunderstorms and 18 unseeded control storms, the 
number of lightning occurrences during the seeded storms was about 
25 percent of those observed in the control storms. This observed differ- 
ence was statistically significant even though the experiments were 
not strictly randomized. 20 

Experiments in lightning modification through cloud seeding have 
given results showing that, in some cases, lightning can be modified 
in a beneficial manner. From these results and the measured charac- 
teristics of lightning strokes, a hypothesis of lightning modification is 
being developed. There has been progress in identifying significant cor- 
relations between occurrence of lightning and such variables as storm 

u Fuquav. "Lightning Damage and Lightning Modification Caused by Cloud Seeding," 
1974, p. 6li. 

19 U.S. Domestic Council, Environmental Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Climate 
Change, "The Federal Role in Weather Modification." Washington, D.C., December 1975. 
p. 10. 



size, updraft characteristics, precipitation rates, and hail occurrence. 
According to Fuquay, such early successes ought not obscure the mag- 
nitude of the research yet required in order to identify and quantify 
the degree and applicability of lightning modification to the lightning- 
fire problem. 21 He also warns that : 

Until more is known about the adverse effects of seeding incipient thunder- 
storms, unexpected and adverse effects must be considered, although improved 
numerical models that accurately predict cloud development and the effects of 
seeding should minimize the risk of unexpected events. 22 


Severe storms have a greater immediate impact on human life and 
property than most other weather phenomena. A major portion of 
losses due to natural disasters results from two of the most destructive 
kinds of severe storms — hurricanes and tornadoes. During an average 
year the U.S. mainland is threatened by 8 tropical slorms and experi- 
ences over 600 tornadoes. 23 Among the results of the annual devastation 
from these storms are the loss of hundreds of lives and the accumula- 
tion of hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage. 

Perhaps the most important problems to be attacked in weather 
modification are associated with the abatement of severe storms. While 
rainfall augmentation promises borderline economic value at best, al- 
ternatives which can contribute more significantly to severe water 
shortages may prove more suitable. On the other hand, the annual 
threat of tolls in damages and fatalities from hurricanes and tornadoes 
will persist year after year, and research directed toward modification 
of these severe phenomena requires continued support. There have been 
dramatic attempts, with some successes, in demonstrating the potential 
reduction of the hazards of hurricanes ; however, almost no research 
has been directed toward tornado suppression. 


A hurricane is an intense cyclone which forms over tropical seas, 
smaller in size than middle-latitude cyclones, but much larger than a 
tornado or a thunderstorm. With an average size of 500 miles (800 
kilometers) in diameter, the hurricane consists of a doughnut-shaped 
ring of strong winds in excess of 64 knots which surrounds an area of 
extremely low pressure and calm at the storm's center, called the eye. 2 * 
The generic name for all vortical circulations originating over tropi- 
cal waters is "tropical cyclone." When fully developed with sufficiently 
strong winds, such storms are called hurricanes in the Atlantic and the 
eastern Pacific Oceans, typhoons in the northwest Pacific, baguios in 
the Philippines, Bengal cyclones in the Indian Ocean, and willy-willies 
near Australia. For a tropic cyclone whose winds are in the range of 
33 to 64 knots, the official name' in the United States is a tropical storm. 
The hurricane season is that portion of the year having a relatively 

21 Fuquay, "Lightning Damage and Lightning Modification Caused by Cloud Seeding," 
1974. p. 612. 

22 Ibid., p. 606. 

23 Feieral Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research. "Federal 
Plan for Meteorological Services and Supporting Resenrch : Fiscal Year 1973." U.S. Depart- 
ment of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, D.C., 
January 1972. p. 1. 

24 Anthes, Richard A.. Hans A. Panofskv. -Tohn J. Cahir. and Albert Rango. "The Atmos- 
phere." Columbus, Ohio, Charles E. Merrill. 1975. p. 150. 


high incidence of hurricanes and usually is regarded as the period 
between June and November in the Northern Hemisphere. 25 

Owing to their duration, which exceeds that of earthquakes, and to 
their violence, which approaches that of tornadoes, hurricanes are the 
most destructive natural phenomena. Prior to Hurricane Agnes in 
1972, whose total damage exceeded $3 billion, the annual hurricane 
property losses in the United States amounted to about $450 million, 
although two hurricanes in the 1960's, Betsy (1965) and Camille 
(1969), each caused damage exceeding $1.4 billion. 26 Improved tech- 
niques in hurricane detection and warning have dramatically reduced 
the number of deaths caused by hurricanes ; however, property losses 
have continued to grow, as a result of increased population and activi- 
ties in vulnerable coastal areas, with the attendant concentration of 
new houses, buildings, and other facilities of higher replacement value. 
Figure 8 shows the simultaneous increase in property losses and de- 
crease in deaths due to hurricanes in the United States in the 20th 
century through 1969. 

Devastation and fatalities occur essentially from three phenomena 
associated with hurricanes : the force of the winds in the storm itself, 
the storm surge on coastal areas, and flooding which can result from 
excessive and widespread rainfall as the storm moves inland. Since 
wind force varies with the square of the wind speed, a 50-mile-per-hour 
wind exerts four times as much force as a 25-mile-per-hour wind. Ac- 
cordingly, a 10-percent reduction in maximum windspeed yields a de- 
crease in wind force of about 20 percent. 27 Attempts to modify hurri- 
cane winds can thus be expected to reduce storm damage caused by 
winds in approximate proportion to the corresponding reduction in 
wind force. 

25 Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research, U.S. Depart- 
ment of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "National Hurricane 
Operations Plan," FCM 77- 2. Washington, D.C., May 1977, pp. 6-7. 

20 Gentry, K. Cecil, "Hurricane Modification." In Wilmot N. Hess (ed.). "Weather and 
Climate Modification," New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1974, p. 497. 

27 Ibid., p. 498. 


Figure 8. — Losses in the United States from hurricanes, 1915 through 1969, in 
5-year periods (from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). 

_ As a hurricane moves across the coast from the sea. the strong winds 
pile up water to extreme heights, causing storm surges. The resulting 
onrushing water wreaks damage to shoreline and coastal structures. 
The severity of the storm surge is increased by the hurricane-generated 
wind waves which are superimposed on the surge. From Hurricane 
Camille, the storm surge at Pass Christian, Miss., was 24.6 feet, higher 
than any previous recorded tide. As a result, 135 people were killed, 
63,000 families suffered personal losses, and Mississippi alone sustained 
$1 billion in damage. 28 The height of the storm surge depends both on 

Anthes, Panofsky, Cahir, and Rango, "The Atmosphere," 1975, p. 159. 


the windspeed and the shape and slope of the sea bottom offshore. If 
there is a sharp dropoff in depth not far off the beach, the rise of the 
sea level will be small, for example. Nearshore attempts to modify a 
hurricane could lead to uncertain results, depending upon local condi- 
tions. If the windspeed is reduced without moving the position of 
maximum winds along the coast, the overall effect would likely be a 
reduction in storm surge. However, should the modification activity 
result in developing a new windspeed maximum at a different location, 
the surge might increase or decrease, depending on bathymetry and 
bottom topography. 29 Solutions are not yet clear, and the storm surge 
prediction problem is being studied intensely with the use of numerical 

Major hurricane damage can often be attributed to heavy rains and 
the massive and sudden flooding which can result as the storm move's 
inland. In mountainous regions especially, the floods from such rain- 
fall can be devastating in losses to both life and property. Such flood- 
ing was a major contributor to the 118 deaths and $3.5 billion in prop- 
erty destruction 30 which resulted in June 1972 from Hurricane Agnes, 
which set the record of achieving the greatest damage toll of all U.S. 
hurricanes. Ironically, Agnes caused almost no major damage as it 
went ashore. Hurricane modification activities which have been at- 
tempted or are contemplated are unfortunately not designed to reduce 
the rains significantly, but are intended rather to reduce the maxi- 
mum winds. 31 

Generation and characteristics of hurricanes 

A hurricane can be thought of as a simple heat engine driven by 
temperature differences between the center of the storm and its mar- 
gins. At each level the central column must be warmer than the 
surrounding area to insure maintenance of the strong convection on 
which the storm depends. 32 While the energy which forms extratropical 
cyclones is provided by temperature differences between different air 
masses, the energy which generates and maintains hurricanes and 
other tropical cyclones is derived from a single air mass through 
condensation of water vapor, and there are seldom present any of 
the frontal activities which are characteristic of storms originating 
in temperate latitudes. The moisture-laden winds continuously supply 
water vapor to the tropical storm, and the condensation of each gram 
of the vapor releases about 580 calories of latent heat. Within this 
thermally driven heat engine tremendous quantities of energy are 
converted from heat to mechanical motion in a short time, a fact 
readily apparent from the fury of the winds. The daily power of the 
energy liberated within a hurricane has been estimated to be about 
ten thousand times the daily power consumption in the United States. 33 
The importance of tin 1 ocean in providing moisture to a hurricane 
is seen in the weakening and dissipation of the storms after they have 
crossed coastlines and travel over land. 

20 Gentrv. "Hurricane Modification," 1974. p. 499. 

30 National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere. "The Agnes Floods.: a Cost- 
Audit of the Effectiveness of t^c Storm and Flood Warning System of the National Oceanic 
and Atmosnheric Administration," a report for the Administrator of NOAA. Washington, 
D.C., Nov. 22. 1972. p. 1. 

:;1 Gentrv. "Hurricane-Modification." H>74. n. 490. 

^Donn. William L. "Meteorology." 4th edition. New York. McGraw-Hill, 1975, p. 336. 
"Ibid., p. 338. 


Exactly how hurricanes form is not yet fully understood. They 
are all generated in the doldrums (a region of equatorial calms), 
though rarely if ever within latitudes closer than 5 degrees from the 
Equator, over water whose temperature is at least 27° C. The relatively 
high surface temperature is necessary for initiation of the convection. 
Hurricanes are relatively rare features even of the tropics, and the 
exact triggering mechanism is not yet known. 34 Their origin is usually 
traced to a low pressure disturbance which originates on the equatorial 
side of the trough of an easterly wave. 

Such a tropical disturbance moves slowly westward and slightly 
poleward under the direction of the tropical east winds. If conditions 
are right, this cluster of thunderstorms intensifies as it reaches the 
region near the boundary between the tropical easterlies and the 
middle-latitude westerlies, at about 25° latitude. It may then follow 
a path which reverses toward the east as it leaves the tropics. The 
tracks of 13 major hurricanes in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean are 
shown in figure 9. 

The development of the intense storm which might result from the 
conditions noted above is described in the following way by Anthes 
et al. : 

The increased inflow toward the center of falling pressure produces increased 
lifting of air, so that the thunderstorms become more numerous and intense. The 
feedback cycle is now established. The inflowing air fuels more intense thunder- 
storm convection, which gradually warms and moistens the environment. The 
warmer air in the disturbance weighs less, and so the surface pressure continues 
to fall. The farther the pressure falls, the greater the inflow and the stronger 
the convection. The limit to this process would occur when the environment is 
completely saturated by cumulonimbus clouds. Further condensation heating 
would not result in additional warming, because the heat released would exactly 
compensate for the cooling due to the upward expansion of the rising air. 35 

34 Ibid. 

35 Anthes, Panofsky, Cahir, and Rango, "The Atmosphere," 1975, p. 154. 


Figure 9. — Tracks of thirteen major hurricanes in the Xorth Atlantic from 1879 
through 1955 (from U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, Publication No. 21, 
Sailing Directions for the West Indies, 1958). 

As the storm forms, the winds begin to strengthen about the center, 
increasing especially to the right of the direction in which the center 
is moving, normally on the poleward side. The clouds organize them- 
selves into a system and dense cirrus move forward in the direction 
of the movement of the center. Suddenly, the pressure falls over a 
small area and hurricane force winds form a tight band of 20 to 40 


miles radius around the center. The well-organized clouds show a 
spiraling structure, and the storm acquires an eye, a small nearly 
circular area, coinciding with the region of lowest pressure. The winds 
in the eye are light and variable and the clouds are scattered or 
entirely absent. 36 As the storm matures, the pressure ceases to fall 
and the maximum winds do not increase further. Now the storm ex- 
pands horizontally and large amounts of air are drawn in. As the 
storm expands to a radius of about 200 miles or more it becomes less 
symmetrical. Figure 10 is a vertical cross-section of the structure of 
a typical mature hurricane, showing the direction of flow and cloud 
distribution. 37 

In spite of the great damage and fatalities caused by hurricanes, 
their effects are not completely destructive. In many areas of South- 
east Asia and the west coast of Mexico, tropical storms are depended 
upon for a large part of the water supply. Throughout the Southern 
United States, hurricanes have also provided valuable drought relief. 38 
- Hurricane and other tropical cyclones are always characterized by 
high wind velocities and by torrential rains. Wind velocities of 60 to 
70 knots and more are normal for such storms. The air rotates rapidly, 
moving spirally toward the center. Maximum gusts exceed 100 knots 
and may reach 200 knots, although such high speeds are unrecorded 
since instruments are blown away or made inoperable at these wind 
speeds. 39 

Figure 10. — Vertical cross section through a hurricane, showing typical cloud 
distribution and direction of flow, as functions of height and distance from 
the eye. (From Anthes, Panofsky, Cahir, and Rango, 1975.) 

Compared with extratropical storms, hurricanes are generally small, 
circularly shaped zones of intense low pressure, with very steep pres- 
sure gradients between the center and the periphery. The pressure 
drop between the eye and the periphery is quite large, 20 to 70 milli- 
bars being typical. The winds are in a constant circular cyclonic 
motion (counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise 
in the Southern Hemisphere) ; however, the center of the storm is a 

36 p P tterssen. Sverre. "Introduction to Meteorology," second edition, New York, McGraw- 
Hill. 1958, pp. 242-243. 

37 Anthes. Panofsky. Cahir. and Rango. "The Atmosphere," 1975. p. 157. 

ssReihl, Herbert, "Introduction to the Atmosphere," New York, McGraw-Hill, 1965, pp. 

39 Gentilli. J.. "Tropical Cyclones." In Rhodes W. Fairbridge fed.). "The Encyclopedia 
of Atmospheric Sciences and Astrogeology." Reinhold, New York, 1967, p. 1028. 

* Widely scattered 
_ — — shallow cumulus 


Distance from hurricane center (km) 


calm region of low pressure, called the eye. which is about 10 miles 
across on the average. The warm dry character of this region is due 
to subsiding air, which is necessary for existence of the storm. Around 
the eye is the wall, consisting of cumulonimbus clouds and the at- 
tendant extreme instability and rising motion; in the wall area adja- 
cent to the eye, heavy rains fall. Out from the central zone altostratus 
and nimbostratus clouds mix to form a layer with a radius as great 
as 200 miles. At higher altitudes and reaching to the outer regions 
of the storm is a mixture of cirrus and cirrostratus clouds. 40 

In a mature hurricane a state of relative equilibrium is reached 
eventually, with a particular distribution of wind, temperature, and 
pressure. Such distributions for a typical hurricane are shown sche- 
matically in figure 11. Note that the greatest pressure change and the 
maximum windspeeds are in the region of the wall clouds, near the 
center of the storm. 41 

Figtjbe 11.— Radial profiles of temperature, pressure, and windspeed for a mature 
hurricane. The temperature profile applies to levels of 3 to 14 kilometers; 
pressure and windspeed profiles apply to levels near the surface. (From 
Gentry, 1974. ) 

Modification of hurricanes 

Since the damage inflicted by hurricanes is primarily a result of the 
high windspeeds, the principal goal of beneficial hurricane modifica- 

40 Jerome Williams. John J. Hipsinson. and John D. Rohrhoujjh. "Sea and Air: The 
Naval Environment," Annapolis. Md.. U.S. Naval Institute. 1968, pp. 262-263. 

41 Gentry. "Hurricane Modification." 1974. pp. 502-503. 


tion is the reduction of the severity of the storm's maximum winds. 
The winds result from the pressure distribution, which, in turn, is 
dependent on the temperature distribution. Thus, hurricane winds 
might be reduced through reduction of temperature contrasts between 
the core of the storm and the region outside. 

Gentry notes that there are at least two important fundamentals of 
hurricanes which have been established through recent studies, which 
suggest possible approaches to modification of the severity of the 
storms : 42 

The transfer of sensible and latent heat from the sea surface to the 
air inside the storm is necessary if the hurricane is to reach or retain 
even moderate intensity. 

The energy for the entire synoptic-scale hurricane is released by 
moist convection in highly organized convective-scale circulations lo- 
cated in and around the eye of the storm and in the major rain bands. 
The first principle accounts for the fact that hurricanes form only 
over warm tropical waters and begin to dissipate after moving over 
land or cool water, since neither can provide sufficient energy flow to 
the atmosphere to maintain the intensity of the storm. The second 
principle explains why such a low percentage of tropical disturbances 
grow to hurricane intensity. Possible field experiments for beneficial 
modification of hurricanes follow from these principles. On the basis 
of the first, techniques for inhibiting evaporation might be employed 
to reduce energy flux from the sea surface to the atmosphere. Based 
on the second principle, it might be possible to affect the rate of release 
of latent heat in that small portion of the total storm which is occupied 
by the active convective-scale motions in such a way that the storm is 
weakened through redistribution of heating. 43 

Gentry discusses a number of possible mechanisms which have been 
suggested for bringing about changes to the temperature field in a 
hurricane. 44 Since the warm core development is strongly influenced 
by the quantity of latent heat available for release in air columns ris- 
ing near the center of the storm, the temperature might be decreased 
through reducing the water vapor in these columns, the water vapor 
originating through evaporation from the sea surface inside the region 
of high storm winds. It has been suggested that a film spread over the 
ocean would thus reduce such evaporation. No such film is available, 
however, which could serve this purpose and withstand rupturing and 
disintegration by the winds and waves of the storm. Another sugges- 
tion, tiiat the cooling of the sea surface might be achieved through 
dropping cold material from ships or aircraft, is impractical, since 
such great expenditure of energy is required. It has also been postu- 
lated that the radiation mechanisms near the top of the hurricane might 
be modified through distribution of materials of various radiation 
properties at selected locations in the clouds, thus inducing changes to 
the temperatures in the upper part of the storm. This latter suggestion 
needs further evaluation both from the standpoint of its practicality 
and from the effect such a change, if included, would theoretically have 
on storm intensity. 

The potential schemes for hurricane modification which seem to be 
practical logistically and offer some hope for success involve attempts 

42 Ibid., 1974. p. 503. 
« Ibid., p. 504. 
44 Ibid., p. 505. 

34-857 O - 79 - 10 


to modify the mechanism by which the convective processes in the eye- 
wall and the rain bands distribute heat through the storm. Since water 
vapor is condensed and latent heat released in the convective clouds, it 
should be possible to influence the heat distribution in the storm 
through changing the pattern of these clouds. 45 Recent success in 
modifying cumulus clouds promises some hope of success in hurricane 
modification through cloud seeding. By modifying the clouds in a hur- 
ricane, the storm itself may be modified, since the storm's intensity will 
be affected through changing the interactions between the convective 
(cloud) scale and the synoptic (hurricane) scales. 46 Figure 12 shows 
how the properties of a hurricane might be redistributed as a result 
of changing the temperature structure through seeding the cumulus 
cloud structure outside the wall. The solid curves in the figure repre- 
sent distributions of temperature, pressure, and windspeed identical 
with those shown in figure 11 without seeding; the dashed curves rep- 
resent these properties as modified through seeding. 47 

The first attempt at hurricane modification was undertaken by sci- 
entists of the General Electric Co., on a hurricane east of Jacksonville, 
Fla., on October 13, 1947. Clouds outside of the wall were seeded with 
dry ice in order to cause freezing of supercooled water, so that the ac- 
companying release of latent heat might alter the storm in some man- 
ner. Results of the experiment could not be evaluated, however, owing 
to the lack of adequate measuring equipment for recording cloud char- 
acteristics. Furthermore, the penetration of the wall clouds to the eye 
or to the area of intense convection in the storm's rain bands was pre- 
vented by failure of navigation aids. Based on information acquired 
from more recent seeding experiments and increased understanding of 
hurricanes, it seems doubtful that the 1947 seeding could have been 
effective. 48 

« Ibid. 

"Ibid., p. 504. 
«Ibid., pp. 504-505. 
48 Ibid., pp. 505-506. 


Figure 12. — Radial profiles of temperature, pressure, and windspeed for a mature 
hurricane before (solid curves) and possible changes after (dashed curves) 
seeding. (The solid curves are the same as those in fig. 11.) (From Gentry, 

Hurricane seeding experiments were undertaken by the Department 
of Commerce and other agencies of the Federal Government in 1961, 
initiating what came to be called Project Stormfury. To date only four 
hurricanes have' actually been seeded under this project — all of them 
between 1961 and 1971 ; however, Stormfury has also included inves- 
tigation of fundamental properties of hurricanes and their possible 
modification through computer modeling studies, through careful 
measurements of hurricane properties with research probes, and 
through improvements in seeding capabilities. 

The goal of hurricane seeding is the reduction of the maximum winds 
through dispersing the energy normally concentrated in the relatively 
small band around the center of the storm. The basic rationale for seed- 
ing a hurricane with silver iodide is to release latent heat through 
seeding the clouds in the eye wall, thus attempting to change the tem- 
perature distribution and consequently weaken the sea level pressure 
gradient. It is assumed that the weakened pressure gradient will allow 
outward expansion, with the result that the belt of maximum winds 
will migrate away from the center of the storm and will therefore 
weaken. Actually, stimulation of condensation releases much more 
latent heat than 'first hypothesized in 1961, and theoretical hurricane 
models show that a new eve wall of greater diameter can be developed 
by encouraging growth of cumulus clouds through dynamic seeding. 49 

» Ibid., pp. 510-511. 


Following seeding of the four storms in Project Stormf ury, changes 
were perceived, but all such changes fell within the range of natural 
variability expected of hurricanes. In no case, however, did a seeded 
storm appear to increase in strength. Hurricane Debbie, seeded first 
on August 18, 1969, exhibited changes, however, which are rarely 
observed in unseeded storms. Maximum winds decreased by about 30 
percent, and radar showed that the eye wall had expanded to a larger 
diameter shortly after seeding. After Debbie had regained her strength 
on August 19, she was seeded again on August 20, following which 
her maximum winds decreased by about 15 percent. 50 Unfortunately, 
data are not adequate to determine conclusively that changes induced 
in Debbie resulted from seeding or from natural forces. Observations 
from Hurricane Debbie are partially supported by results from simu- 
lated experiments with a theoretical hurricane model ; however, simu- 
lation of modification experiments with other theoretical models have 
yielded contrary results. 51 

One of the problems in evaluating the results of hurricane modifi- 
cation is related to the low frequency of occurrence of hurricanes 
suitable for seeding experiments and the consequent small number of 
such experiments upon which conclusions can be based. This fact re- 
quires that hurricane seeding experiments must be even more carefully 
planned, and monitoring measurements must be very comprehensive, 
so that data acquired in the few relatively large and expensive experi- 
ments can be put to maximum use. Meanwhile theoretical models must 
be improved in order to show the sensitivity of hurricane characteris- 
tics to changes which might be induced through seeding experiments. 

Gentry has suggested that the following future activities should be 
conducted under Stormf ury : 52 

1. Increased efforts to improve theoretical models. 

2. Collection of data to further identify natural variability in 

3. Expanded research — both theoretical and experimental — on 
physics of hurricane clouds and interactions between the cloud 
and hurricane scales of motion. 

4. More field experiments on tropical cyclones at every oppor- 

5. Tests of other methods and material for seeding. 

6. Further evaluation of other hypotheses for modifying 

7. Development of the best procedures to maximize results of 
field experiments. 


The structure of tornadoes is similar to that of hurricanes, consist- 
ing of strong cyclonic winds 53 blowing around a very low pressure 
center. The size of a tornado, however, is much smaller than that of a 
hurricane, and its wind force is often greater. The diameter of a tor- 
so National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "Stormfury— 1977 to Seed One 
Atlantic Hurricane U.S. Department of Commerce News, NOAA 77-248, Washington. 
D.C., Sept. 20. 1977, p. 3. 

51 Gentry, "Hurricane Modification," 1974. p. 517. 

^ Cyclonic > winds blow counterclockwise around a low pressure center in the Northern 
Hemisphere ; in the Southern Hemisphere they blow clockwise. 


nado is about one- fourth of a kilometer, and its maximum winds can 
exceed 250 knots in extreme cases. 54 On a local scale, the tornado is the 
most destructive of all atmospheric phenomena. They are extremely 
variable, and their short lifetime and small size make them nearly 
impossible to forecast with any precision. 

Tornadoes occur in various parts of the world; however, in the 
United States both the greatest number and the most severe tornadoes 
are produced. In 1976. there were reported 832 tornadoes in this coun- 
try, 55 where their origin can be traced to severe thunderstorms, formed 
when warm, moisture-laden air sweeping in from the Gulf of Mexico 
or the eastern Pacific strikes cooler air fronts over the land. Some of 
these thunderstorms are characterised by the Auolent updrafts and 
strong tangential winds which spawn tornadoes, although the details 
of tornado generation are still not fully understood. Tornadoes are 
most prevalent in the spring and occur over much of the Eastern two- 
thirds of the United States; the highest frequency and greatest devas- 
tation are experienced in the States of the middle South and middle 
West. Figure 13 shows the distribution of 71,206 tornadoes which 
touched the ground in the contiguous United States over a 40-year 

Even in regions of the world favorable to severe thunderstorms, the 
vast majority of such storms do not spawn tornadoes. Further- 
more, relatively few tornadoes are actually responsible for deaths and 
severe property damage. Between 1960 and 1970, 85 percent of tornado 
fatalities were caused by only 1 to iy 2 percent of reported tornadoes. 56 
Nevertheless, during the past 20 years an average of 113 persons have 
been killed annually by tornadoes in the United States, and the annual 
property damage from these storms has been about $75 million. 57 

Modification of tornadoes 

Alleviation from the devastations caused by tornadoes through 
weather modification techniques has been a matter of considerable 
interest. As with hurricanes, any such modification must be through 
some kind of triggering mechanism, since the amount of energy pres- 
ent in the thunderstorms which generate tornadoes is quite large. The 
rate of energy production in a severe thunderstorm is roughly equal to 
the total power-generating capacity in the United States in 1970. 58 
The triggering mechanism must be directed at modifying the circula- 
tion through injection of small quantities of energy. 

^ Anthes, Panofsky, Cahir, and Rango, "The Atmosphere," pp. 150, 180. 

50 NOAA news. "Skywarn 1977 — Defense Against Tornadoes," U.S. Department of Com- 
merce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Rockville, Md., Feb. 18, 1977, 
vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 4-5. 

56 Davies-Jones, Robert and Edwin Kessler, "Tornadoes." In Wilmot N. Hess (ed.), 
"Weather and Climate Modification," New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1974, p. 552. 
» Ibid. 

58 Anthes, Panofsky, Cahir, and Rango, "The Atmosphere," 1975, p. 185. 


Figure 13. — Tornado distribution in the United States, where contours enclose 
areas receiving equal numbers of tornadoes over a 40-year period. Frequencies 
are based on number of 2-degree squares experiencing first point of contact 
with the ground for 71,206 tornadoes. (From Wilkins, 1967, in Encyclopedia 
of Atmospheric Sciences and Astrology, Reinhold.) 

Tornado modification has not been attempted in view of the pres- 
ent insufficient knowledge about their nature and the lack of adequate 
data on associated windspeeds. There are potential possibilities, how- 
ever, which can be considered for future research in tornado modifica- 
tion. One proposal is to trigger competing meteorological events at 
strategic locations in order to deprive a tornadic storm of needed in- 
flow. This technique, suggested by the presence of cumulus clouds over 
forest fires, volcanoes, and atomic bomb blasts could use arrays of 
large jet engines or oil burning devices. Another approach for dis- 
persal of convective clouds which give rise to thunderstorms might 
involve the use of downrush created by flying jet aircraft through 
the clouds. A further possibility would depend on changing the char- 
acteristics of the Earth's surface such as the albedo or the availability 
of water for evaporation. 59 

Tornadoes tend to weaken over rougher surfaces due to reduction 
of net low-level inflow. Upon meeting a cliff, tornadoes and water- 
spouts often retreat into the clouds, and buildings also tend to reduce 
ground level damage. Thus, forests or artificial mounds or ridges 
might offer some protection from tornadoes, although very severe 
tornadoes have even left swaths of uprooted trees behind. 60 

Modification of tornadoes by cloud seeding would likely bo the cheap- 
est and easiest method. Sodium iodide seeding could possibly shorten 
the life of a tornado if the storm's cold air outflow became stronger and 
overtook the vortex sooner, thus cutting off the inflow. Seeding a 
neighboring cell upstream of the low-level inflow might also be bene - 

09 Davies-Jones and Kessler, "Tornadoes," 1974, p. 590. 
» Ibid. 


ficial, if the rapidly developing seeded cloud, competing for warm, 
moist air, reduces the inflow and weakens the rotating updraft. It is 
also possible that seeding would increase low-level convergence, lead- 
ing to intensification of a tornado. 61 
Davies- Jones and Kessler conclude that : 

Any efforts to modify a severe storm with potential or actual tornadoes 
obviously will have to be carried out with extreme caution * * *. Actual modifica- 
tion attempts on menacing tornadoes are probably several years away. In the 
meantime, we should seek improved building codes and construction practices 
and continue research into the actual morphology of convective vortices. 62 

In spite of the speculations on how tornadoes might be modified, no 
tests have yet been conducted. The small size and brief lifetime of tor- 
nadoes make them difficult and expensive to investigate. However, in 
view of their destructiveness, they must be given more attention by 
meteorologists, who should seek ways to mitigate their effects. Only 
further research into the character of tornadoes, followed by careful 
investigation of means of suppressing them, can lead to this desired 
reduction in the effects of tornadoes. 

Technical Problem Areas in Planned Weather Modification 

In this section a number of major problem areas associated with the 
development of weather modification technology will be addressed. 
These topics are not necessarily confined to the modification of any one 
of the weather phenomena discussed in the previous section but apply 
in general to a number of these categories of phenomena. Some of the 
problem areas have implications which extend beyond the purely 
technical aspects of planned weather modification, bearing also on 
social, economic, and legal aspects as well. Included are discussions on 
the problems of seeding technology, evaluation of results of weather 
modification projects, extended area and extended time effects from 
advertent weather modification, and potential approaches to weather 
and climate modification which involve techniques other than seeding. 
The problems of inadvertent weather modification and of potential 
ecological effects from planned weather modification could also prop- 
erly be included in this section ; however, these topics are addressed in 
chapter 4 and 13, respectively, in view of their special significance. 

seeding techonology 

In recent years there has been progress in developing a variety of 
ice-nucleating agents available for cloud seeding, although silver iodide 
continues to be the principal material used. Other seeding agents which 
have been studied include lead iodide, metaldehyde, urea, and copper 
sulfide. Nucleants have been dispensed into the clouds from both 
ground-based generators or from aircraft. In some foreign countries, 
such as the Soviet. Union, rockets or artillery have been used to place 
the seeding material into selected regions of the clouds; however, this 
means of delivery does not seem to be acceptable in the United States. 

There have been both difficulties and conflicting claims regarding the 
targeting of seeding materials, particularly from groimd generators, 
ever since the earliest days of cloud seeding. It is always hoped that 

ft Ibid., pp. 590-591. 
«a Ibid., p. 591. 


the nucleant will be transported from the generator site by advection, 
convection, and diffusion to parts of the clouds which have been iden- 
tified for modification. Difficulties have been observed under unstable 
conditions, where the plume of nucleants was disrupted and wide angle 
turbulent diffusion was severe. Valley locations in mountainous areas 
are often subjected also to inversions and to local channeling so that 
trajectory determinations are extremely difficult. Even plumes of seed- 
ing material from aircraft have shown an erratic pattern. The prob- 
lems of irregular plume goemetry appear to increase as distortion 
occurs near fronts in mountain terrain, that is, under just the circum- 
stances where cloud seeding is often attempted. 63 

In view of the limited vertical transport of silver iodide observed 
in some studies (that is, up to 450 meters above the terrain at distances 
of several kilometers from the generators), some have concluded 
that, under conditions of the tests, ground-based generators are 
probably not effective. However, other studies have shown that one 
cannot generalize that ground generators are not always effective. 
Thus, more desirable effects can be achieved with generators at high 
altitudes where there is little chance of inversion trapping of the 
silver iodide as in other tests. 64 

Much of the ambiguity associated with ground-based generators is 
reduced when the nucleant material is placed into the cloud directly 
by an aircraft using flares or rockets. However, airborne seeding also 
presents important targeting problems. Of course, targeting difficul- 
ties are reduced in the case of single cloud seeding, where the aircraft 
is flying directly beneath the cloud in the active updraft area. How- 
ever, questions of proper vortical ascent persist when the objective is 
to lay down from the aircraft an elevated layer of nucleant-rich air 
that is intended to drift over the target area. 65 

In conclusion, the 1973 National Academy of Sciences study says : 

To summarize the results of the past few years' work on targeting, it can he said 
that earlier dobuts about the inevitability of nuclei reaching effective altitudes 
from ground generators tend to be supported by a number of recent observational 
studies. Some of these merely confirm the rather obvious prediction that stable 
lapse rates will be unfavorable to the efficacy of ground generators ; others indi- 
cate surprising lack of vertical ascent under conditions that one might have 
expected to favor substantial vertical transport. The recent work also tends to 
support the view that plumes from ground generators in mountainous terrain 
must be expected to exhibit exceedingly complex behavior ; and each site must 
be expected to have its own peculiarities with respect to plume transport. Tracking 
experiments become an almost indispensable feature of seeding trials or operations 
in such cases. 66 

There are three types of airborne seeding agent delivery systems in 
common use — burners, flares, and hoppers. Burners are used mainly 
for horizontal seeding, often at the cloud base as discussed above. Poly- 
technic flares are of two types — those used in vertical drops, similar to 
a shotgun shell or flare-pistol cartridge, and the end-burning type, 
similar to warning flares. The flares contain silver iodide with or with- 
out an auxiliary oxydizer, such as potassium nitrate, together with 
aluminum, magnesium, and synthetic resin binder. Dropping flares are 

68 National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Committee on Atmospheric 
Sciences, "Weather and Climate Modification : Problems and Progress," Washington, D.C.. 
1973. pp. 115-16. 

61 Ibid., p. 117. 

85 Ibid., pp. 118, 120. 

M Ibid., pp. 119-120. 


intended to be dropped into updrafts and to seed the cloud over a verti- 
cal depth as great as a kilometer, while burner seeding is intended to be 
more controlled and gradual. Hoppers dispense materials in solid form, 
such as the particles of dry ice crushed and dropped into clouds and 
cold fogs. For warm fog and cloud modification hoppers are used to 
dispense dry salt or urea. Sometimes these materials are pumped in a 
solution to nozzles in the wings, where the wingtip vortices help mix 
the agent into the air. 67 

On the ground there are a number of seeding modes which are fre- 
quently used, and types of nucleants used with ground-based genera- 
tors are commonly of two types — a complex of silver iodide and sodium 
iodide or of silver iodide and ammonium iodide. Outputs from the gen- 
erator are usually from 6 to 20 grams per hour, although generators 
with much greater outputs are used sometimes. One seeding mode in- 
volves dispensing continuously into the airstream from a ground gen- 
erator at a fixed point, the approach used most commonly in mountain- 
ous terrain. If the generator is located in flat country at temperatures 
above freezing, the nucleation level is reached through entrainment of 
the material into the convection. 68 

The nucleating effectiveness of silver iodide smoke is dependent upon 
the cloud temperature, where the colder the temperature the greater is 
the number of ice crystals formed per gram of silver iodide. Tests of 
nucleating effectiveness are made in the Colorado State University 
cloud simulation facility, where the nucleant is burned in a vertical 
wind tunnel and a sample of the aerosol is collected in a syringe and 
nucleant density calculated from the pyrotechnic burn rate and the 
tunnel flow rate. The syringe sample is diluted with clean, dry air and 
injected into a precooled isothermal cold chamber containing cloud 
droplets atomized from distilled water. Ice crystals which grow and 
settle out are collected on microscopic slides, so that nucleating effec- 
tiveness can be calculated as the ratio of concentrated crystals detected 
to the mass of nucleating material in the air sample. 69 

As part of the preparations for the 1976 seeding operations in the 
Florida area cumulus experiment (FACE) of the National Oceanic 
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Sax et al., carefully 
evaluated the silver iodide effectiveness of different flares used in 
FACE. The results of these effectiveness studies, conducted with the 
Colorado State University facility, are shown in figure 14. It was dis- 
covered that a newly acquired airborne flare, denoted as NEI TB-1 
in the figure, was considerably more effective than both the Navy 
flares used earlier and another commercially available flare (Olin 
WM-105). The superiority of the NEI TB-1 material at warmer 
temperatures is particularly noteworthy. 70 In another paper, Sax, 
Thomas, and Bonebrake observe that crystalline ice concentrations in 
clouds seeded in FACE during 1976 with the NEI flares greatly 
exceeded those found in clouds seeded during 1975 with Navy flares. 

67 Ruskin, R. E. and W. D. Scott, "Weather Modification Instruments and Their Use." 
In Wilmot N. Hess (ed.), "Weather and Climate Modification," New York, Wiley, 1974, pp. 

68 Elliott, Robert D., "Experience of the Private Sector." In Wilmot N. Hess (ed.), 
"Weather and Climate Modification," New York, Wilev, 1974, p. 57. 

09 Sax, Robert I.. Dennis M. Garvey, Farn P. Parungo, and Tom W. Slusher, "Characteris- 
tics of the Agl Nucleant Used in NOAA's Florida Area Cumulus Experiment." In preprints 
of the "Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification," Champaign, 
111., Oct. 10-13. 1977. American Meteorological Society, Boston, 1977, p. 198. 

70 Ibid., pp. 198-201. 


They conclude that, if differences in sampling time intervals and effects 
of instrumentation housing can be ignored, there is indicated a much 
greater nucleation effectiveness for the XEI flares which were used 
predominantly after July 1975. 71 The implications of this result are 
very far reaching, since the borderline and/or slightly negative results 
of many previous experiments and operational projects 1 can possibly 
be laid to the ineffectiveness of the silver iodide flares previously 

-5 -10 -15 -20 

Figure 14. — Effectiveness of various silver iodide flares in providing artificial 
nuclei as a function of cloud temperature. The principal comparison is between 
the XEI TB-1 and the Navy TB-1 flares (see text) ; the curve of mean data for 
the Olin WM-105 flares is included for comparison. The curves show that the 
XEI flares, used In FACE in late 1975 and 1976 were significantly more effec- 
tive in producing nuclei at warmer temperatures just below freezing. ( From 
Sax, Garvey, Parungo, and Slusher, 1977.) 


There has been much emphasis on evaluation methodology on the 
part of weather modification meteorologists and statisticians, partic- 
ularly with regard to precipitation modification. Progress in this 

71 Sax. Robert I.. Jack Thomas. Marilyn Bonebrake. "Differences in Evolution of Ice 
Within Seeded and Nonseeded Florida Cumuli as a Function of Nucleating Agent." In pre- 
prints of the "Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification. " Cham- 
paign, 111., Oct. 10-13, 1977. Boston, American Meteorological Society, 1977," pp. 203-205. 


area has been slow, owing to the complexity of verification problems 
and to inadequate understanding of cloud physics and dynamics. 

Having reviewed previous considerations of evaluation attempts, 
Changnon discovered a wide variety of results and interpretations, 
noting that "a certain degree of this confusion has occurred because 
the methods being used were addressed to different purposes and 
audiences, and because there has been no widely accepted method of 
verification among investigators." 72 He continues : 

For instance, if one considers identification of changes in the precipitation 
processes most important to verification of modification efforts, then he will 
often undertake evaluation using a physical-dynamic meteorological approach. 
If he considers statistical proof of surface precipitation changes the best method, 
he may concentrate verification solely on a statistical approach or make in- 
adequate use of the physical modeling concepts. On the other hand, if the evalua- 
tion is to satisfy the public, the consumer, or the governmental decision-maker, 
it must be economic-oriented also. Hence, a review of the subject of previous 
evaluation methodology must be constantly viewed with these different goals 
and concepts in mind. 73 

Evaluation methodology for weather modification must deal with 
three fundamental problems which Changnon has identified : 74 

1. There are many degrees of interaction among atmospheric forces 
that result in enormous variability in natural precipitation, greatly 
restricting attempts for controlled experiments that are attainable 
in other physical and engineering sciences. 

2. There is an absolute need to evaluate weather modification with 
statistical procedures; this requirement- will exist until all underlying 
physical principles of weather modification can be explained. 

3. The data used in the evaluation must be sufficiently adequate in 
space and time over an experimental region to overcome and describe 
the natural variability factors, so that a significant statistical signal 
may be obtained within the noise of the variability. 

It is further recognized that analysis of weather modification ex- 
periments is closely akin to the weather prediction problem, since 
evaluation of weather modification efforts is dependent on a com- 
parison of a given weather parameter with an estimate of what would 
have happened to the parameter naturally. Thus, the better the pre- 
diction of natural events, the better can a weather modification proj- 
ect be designed and evaluated, at the same time reducing the verifica- 
tion time required by a purely statistical approach. 75 

Initially, weather modification evaluation techniques used only the 
observational or "look and see" approach, improved upon subsequently 
by the "percent of normal" approach, in which precipitation during 
seeding was compared with normals of the pre-experimental period. 
Later, using fixed target and control area data comparisons, regres- 
sion techniques were attempted, but the high variability of precipita- 
tion in time and space made such approaches inapplicable. In the 
mid-1960's there was a shift in sophisticated experiments toward 
use of randomization. In a randomized experiment, seeding events 
are selected according to some objective criteria, and the seeding 
agent is applied or withheld in sequential events or adjacent areas 

72 Changnon. Stanley A.. Jr.. "A Review of Methods to Evaluate Precipitation Modifica- 
tion in North America." Proceedings of the WMO/IAMAP Scientific Conference on Weather 
Modification. Tashkent. U.S.S.R.. Oct. 1-7, 1973, World Meteorological Organization. 
WMO— No. 399. Geneva, 1974, p. 397. 

73 Ibid., p. 398. 

74 Ibid. 

75 Ibid. 


in accordance with a random selection scheme. An inherent problem 
with randomization is the length of experimental time required; 
consequently, the approach is not often satisfying to those who wish 
to obtain maximum precipitation from all possible rain events or 
those who want to achieve results in what appears to be the most 
economical manner. As a result, commercial projects seldom make 
use of randomization for evaluation, and such techniques are gen- 
erally reserved for research experiments. 76 

In very recent years the randomization approach, which to many 
appeared to be too "statistical" and not sufficiently meteorological 
in character, has been improved on through a better understanding 
of atmospheric processes, so that a physical-statistical approach has 
been adopted. 77 

Changnon reviewed approximately 100 precipitation modification 
projects in North America and found essentiallv 6 basic methods 
that have been employed in project evaluations. He identified these 
as (1) direct observation (usually for single element seeding trials), 
(2) one-area continuous with no randomization (involving historical 
and/or spatial evaluation), (3) one-area randomization, (4) target- 
control area comparisons, (5) cross-over with randomization, and 
(6) miscellaneous. 78 These methods, along with the kinds of data 
which have been used with each, are listed in table 9. 



(From Changnon, "A Review of Methods to Evaluate Precipitation Modification in North America," 1974] 



precipitation data 

elements data 

economic data 

Direct observation Change in type; duration 

of precioitation; areal 
distribution (vs. model) 

One-area continu- Historical Area-rain regressions; 

ous (nonrandom). weekend-weekday 

rainfall differences; 
frequency of rain 

Spatial Area-rain regressions; 

pattern recognition; 
trend surfaces; rain 
rates; raindrop sizes; 
frequency of rain 
days; rain cell differ- 
ences; precipitation 
type change; areal 
extent of rain. 

Target control Area rainfall (day, 

month, season) repres- 
sions; area snowfall 
(day, month, season). 
One-area ran- Basically Area precipitation; 

domized (hours statistical. plume area precipi- 

pulsed). tation: change in pre- 

cipitation type. Period 
Physical plus precipitation; echo 
statistical. area; rain rates; echo 
reflectivity; rain 

Crossover ran- Area rainfall; zonal 

dnmized. rainfall. 

Miscellaneous (post 

hoc stratifica- 

Cloud parameters; echo 
parameters; seed and 

Frequency of severe Added runoff; crop 
weather; frequency yields; ecological, 
of smoke days. 

Synoptic weather con- Runoff increases; crop 
ditions; cloud parame- yields; ecological, 
ters; echo parameters; 
Agl plums; nuclei 
sources; airflow- 
plume behaviors; 
tracers in rain; atmos- 
pheric electrical 

Echo parameters Runoff regressions. 

Synoptic weather con- 
ditions; cloud parame- 
ters; seed material in 
plumes. Fcho parame- 
ters; Agl in rain; cloud 
numerical models; 
storm behavior; 
cloud base rain rate. 

Synoptic types and 
upper air conditions. 

Upper air: 

1. Temperature. 

2. Winds. 

3. Moisture stability 

Synoptic weather types. 

Water yield; runoff; 
ecosystem (plant and 
animals) and erosion; 
avalanche— disbene- 

76 Ibid., p. 399. 

77 Ibid., p. 400. 

78 Ibid., p. 407. 


The direct observation technique was the first major approach to 
evaluation and is still used occasionally. In addition to direct observa- 
tion of the change and type of precipitation at the surface, the time of 
precipitation initiation, and areal distribution following treatment of 
a cloud or cloud group, other meteorological elements have been ob- 
served ; these include radar echo characteristics, plume of the seeding 
material, and cloud parameters (microphysical properties and dynam- 
ical and dimensional properties such as updrafts, cloud size, and rate 
of growth.). 79 

The one-area continuous (nonrandomized) techniques have been 
employed to evaluate many of the commercially funded projects in 
North America, recent efforts to investigate inadvertent precipitation 
modification by large urban-industrial areas, and the statewide South 
Dakota seeding program. This category includes the largest number 
of projects, and control data for these nonrandomized projects have 
included both historical data and data from surrounding areas. The 
uncertainty of the control data as a predictor of target data is the basic 
problem in using this approach. 80 

* Most federally sponsored weather modification projects have used 
the one-area randomization method, which involves the use of a variety 
of precipitation elements, including duration, number of storms, and 
storm days and months. Projects evaluated with this method fall into 
two categories, including, as shown in table 9, those using the basic 
statistical approach and the more recent physical plus statistical tech- 
niques. The latter group of projects have been based on a greater 
knowledge of cloud and storm elements, using this information in 
defining seedable events and combining it with statistical tests to detect 
effects. Surface data, including rainfall rates and area mean rainfall 
differences, are used to evaluate such one-area randomized projects. 81 

The target-control method involves a single area that is seeded on 
a randomized basis and one or more nearby control areas that are never 
seeded and, presumably, are not affected by the seeding. 82 The method 
had been used in about 10 North American projects through 1974. 
Evaluation data have been mostly area rainfall or snowfall regres- 
sions, runoff differences, and radar echo parameter changes. 83 

The crossover (with randomization) method has been considered 
by many to be the most sophisticated of the statistical evaluation 
methods. The crossover design includes two areas, only one of which 
is seeded at a time, with the area for seeding selected randomly for 
each time period. As with the target-control method, a problem arises 
in this method in that there is the possibility of contamination of the 
control areas from the seeded area. 84 In the single project to which the 
method had been applied up to 1974, the evaluation procedure involved 
classification of potential treatment events according to meteorological 
conditions, followed by area and subarea rainfall comparisons. 85 The 

so Ibid., pp. 408-409. 

81 Ibid., p. 409. „ . „ T 

82 Brier. Glenn W. "Design and Evaluation of Weather Modification Experiments. In 
Wilroot N. Hess (editor), "Weather and Climate Modification," New York. Wiley, iy74. 

P ' safhangnon. "A Review of Methods To Evaluate Precipitaiton Modification in North 
America." 1974. p. 409. , . „' Wil 01A 

84 Brier. "Desiern and Evaluation of Weather Modification Experiments. 1974. p. 210. 

ssChangnon. "A Review of Methods To Evaluate Precipitation Modification in Nortn 
America," 1974, p. 409. 


miscellaneous methods in table 9 refer basically to evaluation efforts 
that have occurred after but generally within the context of the five 
methods mentioned above, and have been largely post-hoc stratifica- 
tions of results classified according to various meteorological subdivi- 
sions, followed by re-analysis of the surface rainfall data based on 
these stratifications. 86 

IFrom Changnon "A Review of Methods to Evaluate Precipitation Modification in North America," 1974] 


Surface hail data 

Meteorological elements Geophysical-economic 

Direct observation Cessation of hail; hail Echo parameters; cloud 

pattern; hail sizes parameters; Agl in hail. 

change; hailstone 


One-area continuous Historical Number of hail days 


Spatial Number of hail-produc- Radar echo character- 
ing clouds/unit time; istics. 
hailstreak frequencies; 
number of hail days; 
rainfall characteristics; 
impact energy; loca- 
tion of hail vs. total 
precipitation area. 

Target-control Energy; hail day frequen- Radar echo characteris- 

cy. tics. 

One-area random- Impact energy; hail day Radar echo characteris- 

ization. frequency; hailf all tics; Agl in hail-rain, 


Cross-over random- Energy; area of hail; vol- Agl in hail, 

ized. ume of hail. 

Crop-hail loss (insurance); 
insurance ratej. 
Crop-hail loss (insurance) 

Hail loss (insurance). 

Ecosystem (Agl); crop- 
loss data. 

About 20 projects concerned with hail modification were also ana- 
lyzed by Changnon with regard to the' evaluation techniques used. The 
five methods used, shown in table 10, include the first five methods 
listed in table 9 and discussed above for precipitation modification 
evaluation. A comparison of tables 9 and 10 reveals that the evaluation 
of rain and snow modification projects uses much less variety of kinds 
of data, especially the meteorological elements. The evaluation of hail 
projects is largely statistical, owing to the lack of sophistication in the 
physical modelling of hailstorms. There has been greater use of eco- 
nomic data in hail evaluation, however, than in evaluation of rainfall 
projects, due to some extent to the lack of surface hail data in weather 
records and the consequent need to make use of crop insurance data. 87 

In hail evaluation, the direct observation method has been used to 
look at physical effects from seeding individual storms and storm 
systems, involving analysis of time changes in surface hail parameters, 
radar echo characteristics, and cloud properties. The one-area contin- 
uous (non-random) method has been the principal one used in com- 
mercial hail projects and in studies of inadvertent urban-industrial 
effects on hail, using historical and/or spatial data in the evaluation. 
One major data form in these evaluations is the crop-hail loss from 
insurance data. The target-control method has made use of hail fall 
enerjry, hail-day frequencies, and crop-hail loss as evaluation data. 88 

» Ibid. 

87 IMd., pp. 412-413. 

88 Ibid., p. 413. 


The one-area randomization method is the method used in the Na- 
tional Hail Research Experiment. 89 Various degrees of randomization 
have been used, ranging from 50-50 to 80-20 ; however, the evaluation 
data have been similar to those used in other methods. Silver concen- 
trations in samples of rain and hail and elsewhere in the ecosystem 
have been used as evaluation criteria. The crossover randomized 
method of evaluation has also been applied to hail projects, using such 
data as areal comparisons of impact energy, area extent of hail, and 
total hail volume, noting also the concentrations of seeding material 
in the hailstones. 90 

A necessary part of any evaluation scheme involves the measurement 
or estimation of the amounts of precipitation fallen over a given area 
following seeded or control storm events. Such measurement is part of 
a more general requirement as well in collecting data for validation 
of weather predictions, development of prediction models, compilation 
of climatic records, and forecasting of streamrlow T and water resources. 
Although the customary approach to precipitation measurement has 
been to use an array of rain gages, weather radars have proven to be 
useful tools for studying generally the spatial structure of precipita- 
tion. Depending on the quality of the onsite radar system calibration, 
there have been varying degrees of success, however, in use of this 
tool. Often radar and rain gage data are combined in order to obtain 
the best estimate of precipitation over a given area. In this arrange- 
ment, the radar is used to specify the spatial distribution and the 
gauges are used to determine the magnitude of the precipitation. 91 
. Exclusive use of rain gauges in a target area in evaluation of con- 
nective precipitation modification projects requires a high gauge den- 
sity to insure adequate spatial resolution. For a large target area, such 
an array would be prohibitively expensive, however, so that weather 
radars are often used in such experiments. The radar echos, which 
provide estimates of precipitation, are calibrated against a relatively 
smaller number of rain gages, located judiciously in the target area 
to permit this calibration. 

It has been shown that adjusted radar estimates are sometimes 
superior to either the radar or the gages alone. Furthermore, the best 
areal estimates are obtained using a calibration factor which varies 
spatially over the precipitation field rather than a single average 
adjustment. Erroneous adjustment factors may be obtained, however, 
if precipitation in the vicinity of the calibration gage is so highly 
variable that the gage value does not represent the' precipitation 
being sampled by the radar. The technique for calculating the adjust- 
ment factor typically involves dividing the gage measurement by the 
summed rainfall estimates inferred from the radar, to obtain the 
ratio, G/E, used subsequently to adjust radar estimates over a greater 
area. 92 

89 The National Hail Research Experiment is discussed as part of the weather modifica- 
tion program of the Natonal Science Foundation, ch. 5, p. 274ff. 

90 Changnon, "A Review of Methods To Evaluate Precipitation Modification in North 
America," 1974, p. 413. 

91 Crane, Robert K., "Radar Calibration and Radar-rain Gauge Comparisons." In pre- 
prints of the "Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification," Cham- 
paign, 111., Oct. 10-13, 1977. Boston, American Meteorological Society, 1977, p. 369. 

92 Klazura, Gerald E., "Changes in Gage/radar Ratios in High Rain Gradients by Varying 
the Location and Size of Radar Comparison Area." In preprints of the "Sixth Conference 
on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification," Champaign, 111., Oct. 10-13, 1977. 
Boston, American Meterological Society, 1977, p. 376. 


In the evaluation of hail suppression experiments, or measurements 
of hailfall in general, there must be some means of determining the 
extent and the magnitude of the hail. One technique is to use a net- 
work of surface instruments called hailpads. Since single storms can 
lay down hail swaths up to 100 kilometers long and tens of kilometers 
wide, made up of smaller patches called "hailstreaks," the spacings of 
hailpads must be reduced to a few hundred meters to collect quantita- 
tive data over small areas. Even over small distances of the order of 
1 kilometer, it has been discovered that total numbers of hailstones, 
hail mass, and hail kinetic energy can vary by over a factor of 10. 93 
Another means of estimating hailfall is through use of crop- damage 
studies. Such results are obtained through crop-loss insurance data, 
aerial photography of damaged fields, and combinations of these data 
with hailpad measurements. 94 


The term "extended area effects" refers to those unplanned changes 
to weather phenomena which occur outside a target area as a result of 
activities intended to modify the weather within the specified target 
area. Such effects have also been called by a variety of other names 
such as "downwind effects," "large-scale effects," "extra-area effects," 
"off-target effects," and "total-area effects." When the time dimen- 
sion is considered, those changes which occur, or are thought to have 
occurred, either within the spatial bounds of the target area or in 
the extended area after the intended effects of the seeding should 
have taken place are referred to as "extended time effects." These 
inadvertent consequences are usually attributed either to the transport 
of seeding material beyond the area intended to be seeded or the 
lingering of such material beyond the time during which it was to be 

In a number of experiments there have been indications that an 
extended area effect occurred. The present state of understanding does 
not permit an explanation of the nature of these effects nor have the 
experimental designs provided sufficient information to describe their 
extent adequately. The subject is in need of additional study, with 
experiments designed to provide more specific data over pertinent 
areal and time scales. In recent years two conferences on extended 
area effects of cloud seeding have been convened. The first conference, 
attended by 18 atmospheric scientists, was held in Santa Barbara, 
Calif., in 1971 and was organized by Prof. L. O. Grant of Colorado 
State University and by Kobert D. Elliott and Keith J. Brown of 
North American Weather Consultants. Attendees at the 1971 seminar 
discussed existing evidence of extended area effects, considered the 
possible means of examining detailed mechanisms responsible for 
the effects, and debated the implications for atmospheric water re- 
sources management. 

A second workshop was held, under the sponsorship of the National 

63 Morgan, Griffith M. and Nell G. Towery. "Surface Hall Studies for Weather Modifica- 
tion." In preprints of the "Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modi- 
fication," Champaign, 111., Oct. 10-13, 1977, p. 384. 

»* Ibid. 


Science Foundation, at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colo., 
Aug. 8-12, 1977. 95 The Fort Collins meeting was attended by 44 partici- 
pants, composed of social scientists, observationists, physical scientists, 
modellers, statisticians, and evaluators. The group was exposed to a 
mass of data from various weather modification projects from all over 
the world and proposed to accomplish the following objectives through 
presentations, workshop sessions, and general discussions : 

Renew the deliberations of the Santa Barbara seminar. 

Expand the scope of participation so as to integrate and inter- 
pret subsequent research. 

Better define the importance of extended spatial, temporal, and 
societal effects of weather modification. 

Prepare guidelines and priorities for future research direction. 96 
Extended area effects have special importance to the nontechnical 
aspects of weather modification. From deliberations at the 1977 
extended area effects workshop it was concluded that : 

The total-area of effect concept adds a new dimension to an already complex 
analysis of the potential benefits and disbenefits of weather modification. A speci- 
fied target area may have a commonality of interests such as a homogeneous crop 
in a farm area or a mountain watershed largely controlled by reservoirs built for 
irrigation and/or hydroelectric power generation. Socioeconomic analysis of this 
situation is much more direct than the consideration of the total-area of effect 
which may well extend into areas completely dissimilar in their need or desire for 
additional water. The spatial expansion of the area of effect may increase or de- 
crease the economic and societal justification for a weather modification program. 
The political and legal consideration may also be complicated by this expansion in 
scope since effects will frequently extend across state or national borders. 81 

The strongest evidence of extended area effects is provided by data 
from projects which involved the seeding of wintertime storm systems. 
Statistical analyses of precipitation measurements from these projects 
suggest an increase in precipitation during seeded events of 10 to 50 
percent over an area of several thousand square kilometers. Some of the 
evidence for these effects, based mostly on post hoc analyses of project 
data, appears fairly strong, though it remains somewhat suggestive and 
speculative in general. 98 

Based upon two general kinds of evidence: (1) observational evi- 
dence of a chemical or physical nature and (2) the results of large 
scale/long-term analyses ; a workshop group examining the extended 
area effects from winter orographic cloud-seeding projects assembled 
the information in table 11. It should be noted that the quality of the 
evidence, indicated in the last column of the table, varies from "well 
documented" and "good evidence" to "unknown" and "no documenta- 
tion available;" however, the general kinds of extended area and 
extended time effects from a number of winter projects are illustrated. 99 

95 Brown. Keith J., Robert D. Elliott, and Max Edelstein, "Transactions of Workshop on 
Extended Space and Time Effect of Weather Modification," Aug. 8-12, 1977, Fort Collins, 
Coio North American Weather Consultants, Goleta, Calif., February 1978. 279 pp. 

«* Ibid., pp. 7-9. 

67 Ibid., p. 13. 

68 Ibid., p. 10. 

"Warburton, Joseph A.. "Extended Area Effects From Winter-orographic Cloud Seeding 
Projects," report of workshop panel. In Keith J. Brown, et al. "Transactions of Workshop 
on Extended Space and Time Effects of Weather Modification," Aug. 8-12, 1977, Fort Col- 
lins, Colo. North American Weather Consultants, Goleta, Calif., February 1978, pp. 137-164. 



[From Warburton, 19781 




Type of effect of effect Area of effect Mechanism 

Quality of 

Ice crystal anvil production Spatial and 
from dry ice seeding of time, 
cumulus clouds, Blu3 
Mountains, Australia. 


Persistence of ice nuclei at 
Climax— probably Agl for 
days after seeding. 

Transport of Agl from Climax Spatial, 
generators to 30 km down- 

Silver in snow.Sierra Nevada do. 

and Rockies— up to 100 km 
from generators. 

Produced rain 
6-12 mm 
over 18-hour 

nuclei con- 

30 N/liter 
(-20° C). 

4 to 100X 

1500 km 2 Cirrus seeding Documentation 

and transport needed (is 

of crystals available), 
from seeding 
with C02. 

Unknown Unknown Well documented 

(is available). 

~40 km 2 Transport of Few aircraft 

nuclei. observations. 

Pressure reductions in seeded 
band periods, Santa Bar- 

Cirrus shield produced by 
airborne seeding, Warra- 
gamba, Australia. 

Time Max. —2 mb. 


Up to 25 per- 
cent of 
seeded days. 

Continuum from 

Continuum from 


sites < — 1000 

km 2 ). 
2000 km 2 (l 


Physical trans- 
port of Agl 
on hydro- 
meter's con- 
taining Agl. 
Dynamic heat 

Ice crystal 
seeding of 
lower clouds. 

5 yr of observa- 

Fair to moderate 

needed (is 


Projection description Type of effect 

Magnitude of effect Area of effect 

Quality of evidence 

Spatial 30 percent > 40- 

yr, average, 3 
successive yr. 

Time; long-term 10 to 40 percent. 

Spatial +25 percent. 

Victoria, Australia, drought 
relief— non-randomized. 

Warragamba and other large- 
scale experiments — Aus- 
tralia decrease in S/NS 
ratio wth years of experi- 
ment. 1 

Israel I— randomized north 
and central seeded. 

Santa Barbara band seed- do +25 percent (+50 

ing— randomized. percent in bands). 

Santa Barbara storm seeding do Unknown 

of multiple bands. 

Time Seed/no seed ratios 

of 1.5 to 4 mean 
50 percent-in- 

Spatial Unknown analysis 


35,000 km 2 ; conti- 
nuum from seed- 
ing sites. 

Artifact of analysis.. 

6,000 km 2 ; conti- 
nuum from seed- 
ing sites. 

3,000 km 2 ; conti- 
nuum from seed- 
ing sites. 


Santa Barbara duration of 
seeded/nonseeded bands. 

Climax and east to plains of 
Colorado using "homo- 
geneous" data base deter- 
mined by new synoptic 

3,000 km 2 ; conti- 
nuum from seed- 
ing sites. 

600 km*; 130 km 
east of Climax, 
30 to 50 km 
south of Denver. 

No documentation 

Reanalysis needed 
avoiding ratios 
and double ratios. 

Reliable records for 

Moderately well 


Good evidence. 


'Tasmania experiment may confirm artifact. 

Examination of data from summertime convective cloud-seeding 
projects reveals "more mixed"' results by comparison with data from 
wintertime projects, when extended area effects are considered. This 
general conclusion accords with the mixed results from evaluations 
of convective cloud seeding within the target area. It was concluded 
by participants on a panel at the 1977 Fort Collins workshop that, 
for summertime convective cloud seeding, there are statistical evi- 
dences of both increases and decreases in the extended area, though 
there are a large number of nonstatistically significant indications. 
Table 12 was assembled by the panel to summarize the characteristics 
of these effects for each of the projects examined. 1 

1 Smith. T. B.. "Report of Panel on Rummer Weather Mortification." In Keith J. Brown 
et al., "Transactions of Workshop on Extended Spare and Time Effects of Weather Modi- 
fication." Aug. 8-12. 1077. Eort Collins, Colo. North American Weather Consultants. Goleta. 
Calif.. February 1978. pp. 228-326. 




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It was the general consensus of the 1977 workshop participants 
that seeding can effect precipitation changes over relatively large 
areas which extend beyond the typical target area. Such changes can 
be positive or negative and may be of the same sign as the effect in 
the designated target area or of opposite sign. For example, among 
summertime projects considered the Israeli experiment provided sub- 
stantial evidence for positive effects in the target and in the extended 
areas (see table 12). Project Whitetop and the Arizona experiment, 
on the other hand, showed strong evidence of precipitation decreases 
in the target areas, downwind, and in surrounding areas. The Florida 
area cumulus experiment (FACE) revealed significant rainfall in- 
creases in the target area, but seemed to show decreases in surround- 
ing areas, and the 1969-1972 South Dakota project demonstrated 
negative seeding effects in the target area and positive effects in ex- 
tended areas. Of all projects reviewed, however, and in view of all the 
differing results suggested, the combination of target- and extended- 
area effects which appears to have the least support is that combina- 
tion most likely to occur to many lay people, i.e., increases in the tar- 
get area with compensating decreases in some area "downwind" — 
the "robbing Peter to pay Paul" analogy. 2 

Statistical evidence of extended area and time effects seems to be 
reasonably common; however, the mechanics causing these effects 
are not understood. It appears that there may be a number of mech- 
anisms which come into play, the dominating ones operating under 
various storm types and seeding techniques. In some projects there 
is evidence that seeding intensified the storm dynamically through 
release of latent heat of sublimation. In other cases silver iodide has 
been transported for distances of 100 kilometers downwind of the 
seeding area and has persisted for several days in the atmosphere 
after seeding. Also ice crystals produced from seeding may, in turn, 
seed lower clouds downwind. 3 

With particular regard to extended area or time effects in cumulus 
seeding experiments, Simpson and Dennis have identified the follow- 
ing list of possible causes : 

1. Physical transport of the seeding agent. 

2. Physical transport of ice crystals produced by a seeding agent. 

3. Changes in radiation and thermal balance, as for example, from 
cloud shadows or wetting of the ground. 

4. Evaporation of water produced. 

5. Changes in the air-earth boundary, such as vegetation changes 
over land or changes in the structure of the ocean boundary layer 
following cloud modification. 

6. Dynamic effects: 

(a) Intensified subsidence surrounding the seeded clouds, com- 
pensating for invigorated updrafts. 

(b) Advection or propagation of intensified cloud systems 
which subsequently interact with orography or natural 

(c) Cold thunderstorm downdrafts, either killing local convec- 
tion or sotting off new convection cells elsewhere. 

sp.rnwn. et nl., "Trnnsnotions of the Workshop on Extended Space and Time Effects of 
Weather Mortification." 1978, p. 11. 
' Ihid.. p. 12. 


(d) Extended space-time consequences of enhancement or sup- 
pression of severe weather owing to cumulus modification. 

(e) Alteration, via altered convection, of wind circulation pat- 
terns and/or their transports which could interact with other cir- 
culations, perhaps at great distances. 4 

Kecommended research activities to further explore and develop 
understanding of extended area and extended time effects of weather 
modification are summarized in the final section of this chapter, along 
with other research recommendations. 5 


Nearly all of the techniques discussed earlier for modifying the 
weather involve some kind of "cloud seeding." The exception is in the 
case of warm fog dispersal, where attempts to dissipate have also 
included mechanical mixing or application of heat. While most cloud- 
seeding techniques involve the use of artificial ice nuclei such as those 
provided by silver iodide particles, other "seeding" substances, such 
as dry ice, sodium chloride, urea, propane, and water spray, have been 
used in certain applications. Clouds have also been seeded with metal- 
ized plastic chaff in order to dissipate electrical charge build-up and 
reduce the incidence of lightning. 

There may also be some promise in future years of beneficially 
changing the weather, over both large and small scales of time and 
space, using technologies that are not in the general category of cloud 
seeding. Indeed, some such schemes have been proposed and there has 
been research conducted on a number of these possibilities. 

In the following chapter the effects of man's activities and. some nat- 
ural phenomena in changing the weather unintentionally will be dis- 
cussed. While these inadvertent effects may be of general concern and 
should be studied in view of potential dangers, they should also 
be understood inasmuch as they may provide valuable clues on how 
the atmosphere can be more efficiently modified for beneficial purposes. 
For example, major heat sources judiciously located might be used 
to affect weather in ways useful to man. 

Solution of problems which overlap considerations of both weather 
and energy could be investigated and solved in common by scientists 
and engineers working in both fields. Such research should be under- 
way and some practical applications could be forthcoming during 
the 1980's. Dissipation of supercooled clouds and fog over large and 
medium-sized cities, which now appears to be technically feasible, may 
become desirable when solar energy collectors are more common. Ee- 
duction of radiative losses to space could be facilitated by allowing 
the clouds to reform at night. It is speculated that this diurnal cycle 
of operation would tend to weaken inversions that are often associated 
with fog and low stratus and so tend to alleviate problems of air 
pollution, though there might be some increase of photochemical 
effects in the daytime with additional sunlight. 6 

Excess heat and moisture from nuclear and other powerplants and 
from their cooling towers could be usefully employed for generating 

4 Simpson and Dennis, "Cumulus Clouds and Their Modification," 19,74, pp. 274-277. 

5 See p. 143. 

6 Dennis and Gagln, "Recommendations for Future Research In Weather Modification," 
1977, p. 79. 


clouds if the plants are optimally located with regard to water sources 
and meteorological conditions. The clouds so formed might be used for 
protection to crops during periods of intense heat or as a shield over a 
city at night to prevent re-radiation of heat back to space. The clouds 
might also be seeded subsequently somewhere downwind of the power- 
plant to enhance precipitation. 

Recently, Simpson reviewed and summarized the state of research 
and development of a number of the nonseeding approaches to weather 
modification which have been proposed. 7 She discusses effects of 
changes to radiation and to sea-air interface processes : 

Some expensive, brute force successes have been obtained by burning fuels to 
clear fogs or even to create clouds. A more ingenious approach is to use solar heat 
to alter part of the air-surface boundary or a portion of the free atmosphere. 
Black and Tarmy (1963) proposed ten by ten kilometer asphalt ground coatings 
to create a "heat mountain"' to enhance rain, or to reduce pollution by breaking 
through an inversion. Recently Gray, et al. (1975) have suggested tapping solar 
energy with carbon dust over 100-1,000 times larger areas for numerous weather 
modification objectives ranging from rain enhancement to snow melt, cirrus pro- 
duction, and storm modification. The physical hypotheses have undergone pre- 
liminary modelling with promising results, while the logistics appear marginally 
feasible. Drawbacks are the unknown and uncontrollable transport of the dust 
and its environmental unattractiveness. 

A cleaner way of differentially heating the air appears to be a possible future 
byproduct of the space program. A Space Solar Power Laboratory is in the plan- 
ning stages at NASA. Its main purpose is to provide electric power, which will 
be sent by the space laboratory to the earth's surface. The microwave power 
will be converted to DC by means of groups of rectifying antennas, which dissi- 
pate a fraction of the power into heat. Preliminary calculations * * * indicate that 
the atmospheric effect of the estimated heating would be comparable to that by 
a suburban area and thus could impact mesoscale processes. Future systems 
could dissipate much more heat and could conceivably be a clean way to modify 
weather processes. It is not too soon to begin numerical simulation of atmospheric 
modifications that later generation systems of this type might be able to achieve. 

Radiation alteration appears to be a hopeful weather modification approach 
still lacking a developed technology. A cirrus cover has long been welcomed as 
natural frost protection when it restricts the nocturnal loss of long-wave radia- 
tion. More recently, the effect of cirrus in cutting off short-wave daytime radia- 
tion has been modelled and measured. * * * Artificial simulation of cirrus effects 
by minute plastic bubbles impregnated with substances to absorb selected wave- 
lengths received preliminary attention . . . but, to my knowledge has not been 

Alteration of the sea-air interface is also a potentially promising weather 
modification technique, particularly to suppress convection or to mitigate the de- 
struction by tropical hurricanes. However, the technology in this area may be 
farther from actual field trials than that in radiation. If methods could be de- 
veloped to restrict sea-air latent and sensible heat flux, the development from 
tropical storm to hurricane might be inhibited, while not losing rainfall or other 
benefits of the system. Presently the monomolecular films which cut down the 
evaporation from reservoirs do not stay intact in oceanic storm conditions, even 
if the logistics of their delivery over wide areas ahead of the storm were solved. 
Logistic obstacles have also impeded implementation of the promising idea of 
cooling the waters ahead of the hurricane by mixing up the ocean layer above the 
thermocline. 8 

One possible means of achieving the mixing of ocean layers to cool 
the sea surface, suggested above by Simpson, might be accomplished, 

7 Simpson. Joanne, "What Weather Modification Needs." 1977, unpublished, pp. 13--1.". 
(Most of the needs of weather modification identified In this unpublished paper, but not 
including her summary of nonseeding approaches, were published in another paper with 
the same title by Dr. Simpson : preprints of "Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent 
Weather Modification." Champaign, 111., Oct. 10-13. 1977. Boston, American Meteorological 
Society. 1977, pp. 304-307. 

8 Ibid. 


at least in part, as a beneficial byproduct of another power source 
under development — the ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) 
concept. The OTEC plants, located in tropical waters where hurri- 
canes are spawned and grow, can provide surface cooling and so assist, 
at least in localized areas, in the abatement of tropical storms and their 
attendant damages. This is another area of overlap between energy 
and weather interests where cooperative research and development 
ought to be explored. 

Research Needs for the Development of Weather Modification 

In previous sections of this chapter the rationale and the status of 
development of the various techniques used to modify several kinds of 
weather phenomena were summarized and discussed in some detail. 
Applications of these techniques in both operational and research proj- 
ects were considered and some measures of the current effectiveness 
were presented. Among these discussions were a variety of statements, 
some explicit and some implied, on further research necessary to ad- 
vance weather modification technology. This section addresses re- 
search needs more generally and in a more sysf'matic manner. 
Included are specific requirements and recommendations identified by 
individual experts and organizations. Recommendations of a policy 
nature on weather modification research, such as the role of the Federal 
Government and the organizational structure for managing research, 
are discussed in chapter 6, which summarizes the recommendations of 
major policy studies. Current research programs of Federal agencies 
are discussed in some detail in chapter 5. 

Research recommendations summarized in this section are primarily 
concerned with advancing the technology of advertent weather modi- 
fication intended for beneficial purposes. Research needs in support 
of other aspects of planned weather modification and on inadvertent 
modification are included in other chapters on those subjects. In some 
cases, however, in the following sets of recommendations, research 
efforts in these other areas are included with those dealing with tech- 
nology improvement in order to preserve the completeness of the par- 
ticular set of recommendations. 

general considerations 

Peter Hobbs identifies four main phases through which most devel- 
oping technologies such as weather modification must pass — the estab- 
lishment of scientific feasibility, engineering development, demonstra- 
tion projects, and full-scale plant operation. 9 He illustrates these 
phases in terms of relative expenditures and elapsed time for each in 
figure 15 and discusses the probable stage of development for weather 
modification. Noting that some would optimistically place develop- 
ment of the technology as far along as the dashed line YY, he himself 
would more cautiously place the progress of weather modification in 
the vicinity of XX, so that the major task ahead remains as the testing 
of the scientific feasibility to produce significant artificial modification 
to the weather. 10 

9 Hobbs, Peter V., "Weather Modification ; a Brief Review of the Current Status and Sug- 
gestion for Future Research." Background paper prepared for the U.S. Department of Com- 
merce Weather Modification Advisory Board, March 1977, p. 10. 

10 Ibid. 


This scientific feasibility can best be shown, according to Hobbs, 
through "mounting comprehensive research programs to investigate 
the structure and natural processes which dominate a few relatively 
simple cloud and precipitation systems and to establish the extent and 
reliability with which they can be artificially modified." He cites as a 
principal reason for the lack of significant progress in recent years his 
contention that "most of the effort has been directed at attempts to 
modify very complicated storm systems about which little is known 
and good hypotheses for artificial modification are lacking." 11 


Figure 15. — Schematic of the relative costs and time associated with the four 
phases of development of a new technology. The vertical lines XX and YY 
indicate two widely differing views on the present stage of development of 
weather modification technology. (From Hobbs, 1977.) 

We have seen that there is some reason to accept weather modifica- 
tion techniques as having some degree of operational capability in 
possibly two areas — cold fog dispersal and snowfall enhancement from 
orographic clouds — though there is room for continued research and 
technique development in these as well as other areas of weather modi- 
fication. Although supercooled fogs accoimt for only 5 percent of all 
fog occurrences, their prevalence at airports in northeastern and 
northwestern North America makes cold fog dispersal a valuable tool. 
Seeding of wintertime orographic clouds in experiments and opera- 
tional projects in the western United States has probably resulted in 
snowfall increases of 10 to 30 percent under cert am conditions. 

Table 13 is a review and general outlook on weather modification, 
prepared by Ohangnon, showing the stage of development, possible 
economic value or years before operational usefulness, and status of 
research for 5 areas of weather modification, for the cold-tempera- 
ture and warm -temperature cases where applicable. The. table also 
shows Changnon's rough estimate of the complexity and difficulty in 

11 Ibid., pp. 10-12. 


relation to fog dispersal of the development of modification techniques 
for the other phenomena. 12 

Changnon emphasizes the fact that established techniques do not 
exist for significant modification of weather phenomena such as rain- 
fall and severe weather over the more populous and major agricul- 
tural areas of the eastern United States. He says that : 

If measurable economic gains are to be realized in the eastern two-thirds of 
the United States due to weather modification (largely rain "management", hail 
suppression, and abatement of severe winter storms), much more research and 
effort must be extended. This research will concern (1) the thorough study on 
a regional scale of the complex multicellular convective systems which are the 
major warm season rain and hail producers, and (2) the study of the cold season 
cyclonic systems. 13 

[From Changnon, "Present and Future of Weather Modification; Regional Issues," "75] 




Severe convective Cyclonic scale 
storms storms 

Cold temperatures Operational phase; 
«32°F). low cost; 


Operational phase Research phase; 
(+10 to +30 favorable on 

percent); low 
cost; research 

small clouds; 
questionable on 
large clouds 
and systems; 

Research phase; 
5 to 10 yrs 
before opera- 
tional; sub- 
stantial and 

Warm tempera- Research phase; 
tures (>32° F). 2 to 5 yrs: sub- 
stantial and 

Possible phase; Exploratory phase; 
little research. 1 modest 
research. 1 

Degree of 1.0. 
complexity (in 
relation to fog). 




Exploratory phase; 
more than 10 
yrs; research on 
tropical is 
modest; research 
on "other" 
storms is minor. 


Questionable economic value unless chain reaction is found. 

Hobbs discusses in detail some of the kinds of weather modification 
research projects which he feels would be fruitful : 

Some candidate projects for intensive investigation include the dispersal 
of cold and warm fogs, the enhancement of precipitation from isolated conti- 
nental-type cumulus clouds, and the targeting of winter orographic snowfalls. 
Our knowledge of each of these subjects has reached the stage where the mounting 
of comprehensive projects is likely to yield definitive results. Physical studies 
have demonstrated that cold fogs can be dissipated by seeding with dry ice, and 
this technique is now in use operationally at a number of airports ; however, a 
statistical study to quantify the reliability of this technique has not (to my 
knowledge) been carried out. It could provide the much needed "success story" 
for weather modification. The dispersal of warm fogs is a much more difficult 
problem which has not yielded to subtle approaches. The U.S. Air Force has 
concluded that the best approach to this problem is through direct heat input ; this 
approach appears sufficiently promising that it should be subjected to proper 
physical and statistical evaluation. The possibility of targeting winter orographic 
snowfall to specific areas on the ground (e.g., reservoirs) has been investigated. 
. . . The technique shows sufficient promise that further studies involving both 
physical and statistical evaluation should be carried out. Attempts at modifying 
the precipitation from cumulus clouds dates back to the beginning of modern 
weather modification (the 1940's) ; however, very few of these projects have 
involved both physical and statistical evaluation (and many have used neither). 

12 Changrnon, Stanley A., Jr., "Present and Future of Weather Modification; Regional 
Issues," 1975. pp. 172-174. 

13 Ibid., p. 172. 


In view of our growing understanding of the structure and life cycles of individual 
cumulus clouds, and the auvances which have been made in the numerical 
simulation of these processes, the time is now ripe to mount a substantial investi- 
gation to determine whether precipitation from these clouds can be increased. 

The primary components of the comprehensive research projects recommended 
above should be physical, statistical, and theoretical analysis. Physical evalua- 
tions should include comprehensive field studies using a wide range of airborne, 
ground, and remote probing techniques to evaluate the natural systems and the 
degrees to which they can oe artificially modified. Physical testing and evaluation 
of a proposed weather modification technique is best commenced prior to the 
establishment of a statistical design, for not only can physical evaluations check 
the feasibility of a proposed technique, but they can indicate the conditions under 
which it is most likely to be effective and thereby aid in sharpening or the 
statistical design. A sound weather modification technique should also be based 
on, or supported by, the best theoretical models available for describing the 
weather system under investigation. If the theoretical and physical studies 
indicate that a particular weather modification technique is effective, a carefully 
designed randomized statistical experiment should follow. Theoretical and 
physical evaluations should continue through the statistical experiment. An 
independent repetition of the experiment in at least one other geo raphieal 
area will generally be required. The confluence of results from theoretical, phys- 
ical, and statistical analyses carried out in two areas would permit sound 
quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of an artificial modification 


In the 1973 study published by the National Academy of Sciences 15 
three broad research goals for weather modification were recommended 
along with specific research programs and projects required to achieve 
those goals. The three goals are : 

1. Identification by the year 1980 of the conditions under which 
precipitation can be increased, decreased, and redistributed in 
various climatological areas through the addition of artificial ice 
and condensation nuclei ; 

2. Development in the next decade of technology directed 
toward mitigating the effects of the following weather hazards : 
hurricanes, hailstorms, fogs, and lightning ; and 

3. Establishment of a coordinated national and international 
system for investigating the inadvertent effects of manmade pol- 
lutants, with a target date of 1980 for the determination of the 
extent, trend, and magnitude of the effect of various crucial pol- 
lutants on local weather conditions and on the climate of the 
world. 16 

Achievement of these national goals would require, according to 
the National Academy study, implementation of the following research 
efforts, some in support of all three goals and others as a means to 
achieving each of the three goals : 
A. Recommended research in support of all three goals : 

1. More adequate laboratory and experimental field programs 
are needed to study the microphysical processes associated with 
the development of clouds, precipitation, and thunderstorm 

14 Hohhs. "Weather Modification ;" a Brief Review of the Current Status and Suggestions 
for Future Research," 1977, pp. 12-13. 

1 5 Nnt'onal Academy of Sciences, "Weather and Climate Modification ; Problems and Prog- 
ress," 1973. 

" Ibid., p. 27. 


2. There is a need to develop numerical models to describe the 
behavior of layer clouds, synoptic storms, orographic clouds, and 
severe local clouds. 

3. There is a need for the standardization of instrumentation in 
seeding devices and the testing of new seeding agents. 

4. There should be established a number of weather modifica- 
tion statistical research groups associated with the major field 
groups concerned with weather modification and the inadvertent 
effects of pollutants. 

5. There should be created a repository for data on weather 
modification activities, and, at a reasonable price, such data should 
be made available for reanaiyses of these activities. 

B. Recommended research in support of goal 1 above : 

1. There is a continuing need for a comprehensive series of 
randomized experiments to determine the effects of both artificial 
and natural ice and cloud nuclei on precipitation in the principal 
meteorological regimes in the United States. 

2. Investigations into the feasibility of redistributing winter 
precipitation should be continued and expanded. 

3. Experiments need to be designed so that the effects of seeding 
on precipitation outside the primary area of interest can be 

4. Studies of the effects of artificial seeding on cumulus clouds 
and the numerical modeling of the seeding process should be con- 
tinued and expanded. 

C. Recommended research in support of goal 2 above : 

1. Investigations should be made to determine whether the seed- 
ing techniques presently used in the study of isolated cumlus 
clouds and in hurricane modification can be extended to, or new 
techniques developed for, the amelioration of severe thunder- 
storms, hailstorms, and even tornadoes. 

2. An expanded program is needed to provide continuous birth- 
to-death observations of hurricanes from above, around, within, 
and beneath seeded and nonseeded hurricanes and for testing of 
existing and new techniques for reducing hurricane intensities. 

3. Studies on the development of hurricane-modification tech- 
niques should include a randomization scheme in the design and 
conduct of experimental programs. 

4. A major national effort in fundamental research on hailstorms 
and hailstorm modification should be pursued aggressively. 

5. A comprehensive program dealing with research on warm 
fog and its dissipation should be undertaken. 

6. A high priority should be given to the development of a vari- 
ety of research techniques specifically designed for observing 
severe storms. 

D. Recommended research in support of goal 3 above : 

1. National and international programs should be developed 
for monitoring the gaseous and particulate content of the atmos- 
phere, with particular emphasis on modification by man's 

2. Satellite programs should be developed to monitor continu- 
ally, on a global basis, the cloud cover, albedo, and the heat bal- 
ance of the atmosphere. 


3. There should be enlarged programs to measure those para- 
meters that describe the climate of cities and adjoining country- 
sides and to determine the physical mechanisms responsible for 
these differences. 

4. Continued strong support should be provided to the major 
effort now underway, known as the Global Atmospheric Research 
Program, to develop properly parameterized mathematical models 
of the global atmosphere-ocean system, to obtain the observational 
data to test their efficacy, and to provide the computers that permit 
simulation of the effects of human activities on a worldwide scale. 17 

Some of the recommended research activities discussed above were 
already underway at the time of the 1973 National Academy study, 
but continuation or expansion of these efforts were advised. Since that 
time others have been initiated, and beneficial results from continua- 
tion and expansion of earlier efforts have been achieved. The overall 
decrease in funding of the Federal research program in the past few 
years has resulted in curtailments of valuable research projects identi- 
fied to meet the goals above, however, and the current level of research 
activities can hardly lead to achievement of the goals set by the Acad- 
emy study. The recent history of Federal funding for weather modi- 
fication is discussed and summarized in chapter 5, as part of the treat- 
ment on Federal activities. 18 


Concerned that its research programs be more responsible to societal 
needs, the Weather Modification Project Office of the National Oceanic 
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) established a small ad- 
vanced planning group in 1976. Consisting of one full-time and three 
part-time members, none of whom were permanent NOAA employees, 
the advanced planning group was charged with making recommenda- 
tions and preliminary plans for research projects to be carried out 
over the following 10 to 15 years. The group set about its task by 
visiting various user groups to learn opinions about past Federal 
research and by reviewing available literature and consulting scien- 
tists on past and current weather modification field programs. 19 

The advanced planning group acknowledged that considerable prog- 
ress had been made in weather modification in the past few years, 
but noted that the current research approach has the following short- 
comings : 

1. Research in the United States on stimulation of precipitation 
has been concentrated in the semiarid western States and in Flor- 
ida rather than in the Corn Belt, where the potential economic 
payoff is much greater. 

2. Research on stimulation of rainfall and on suppression of 
hail and lightning have been carried out in separate projects. A 
single project dedicated to the concept of precipitation manage- 
ment in large convective clouds would be more likely to solve the 
problem of changing hailfall and rainfall simultaneously to pro- 
duce net economic benefits. 

» Ibid., pp. 27-30. 

18 Sop n 242. 

w Dennis Arnott S. and A. Gaprln. "Rocommendat'ons for Future Research in Weather 
Modification," Weather Modification Program Office. Environmental Research T.aboartories, 
Nntionm Ocennic nnr] Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bouldei* 
Colo., November 1977, 112 pp. 


3. Weather modification has usually been equated with cloud 
seeding. Other possible means of modifying the weather have 
been largely ignored. 

4. Weather modification is usually considered in isolation, 
rather than as an integral part of a total response to weather- 
related problems. There are exceptions : dry ice seeding to improve 
visibility during cold- fog episodes at airports is normally viewed 
as a supplement to, rather than a replacement for, good instru- 
ment landing systems. However, cloud seeding to increase pre- 
cipitation is sometimes viewed as an alternative to irrigation or 
water conservation measures, a situation we think is regrettable. 
Fortunately, research in inadvertent weather modification is tend- 
ing to break down the artificial isolation of research related to 
weather modification from other aspects of atmospheric science. 20 

Having examined the current weather modification research situa- 
tion as perceived by user groups and research scientists, the NOAA 
Advanced Planning Group proceeded to formulate recommendations 
for future research, using certain general technical, economic and soci- 
ological guidelines. Proposed research was evaluated on the basis of 
answers to the following questions : 

1. Will the project advance scientific understanding of atmos- 
pheric processes and thereby contribute to an improved capability 
to modify weather on a predictable basis ? 

2. Will the operational capability toward which the project is 
directed provide net economic benefit? 

3. Are the proposed research and the possible subsequent appli- 
cations socially acceptable % 21 

The group completed its study during 1977 and provided its recom- 
mended research program to NOAA's Weather Modification Project 
Office. The 5 specific recommendations are summarized below : 

1. Work should be continued to determine the potential for in- 
creasing rainfall from convective clouds in warm, humid air 
masses by seeding for dynamic effects. Design of a new, compre- 
hensive project to be conducted in the eastern half of the United 
States should begin immediately. This project should gather in- 
formation on the effects of seeding upon rainfall, hail, lightning, 
and thunderstorm winds both within and outside a fixed target 
area. Additional field studies in Florida to establish the physical 
mechanisms responsible for the apparent increases in total target 
rainfall during FACE 22 in 1975-76 should be performed during 
at least two seasons in parallel with the design of the new project. 
The results of the additional studies would be valuable input for 
the design of the new comprehensive experiment. 

2. Because of the promising beginnings of the Sierra Coopera- 
tive Project on orographic precipitation and the HIPLEX 23 work 
on cumulus clouds in the semiarid western States, and because the 
projects are likely to produce important results of wide applica- 

20 Ibid., p. 8. 
a Ibid., pp. 8-9. 

22 The Florida Area Cumulus Experiment (FACE), an experimental project sponsored by 
NOAA's discussed under activities of the U.S. Department of Commerce in ch. 5. p. 292. 

23 The Sierra Cooperative Project and the High Plains Cooperative Program (HIPLEX) 
are projects sponsored under the Division of Atmospheric Water Resources Management of 
the Bureau of Reclamation in the U.S. Department of the Interior. These projects are dis- 
cussed in ch. 5, pp. 258 and 263, respectively. 


tion, we see no reason for new initiatives in these areas until those 
projects are completed. 

3. In view of the need for more detailed knowledge of hurricane 
behavior, we recommend that research on hurricane modification 
be continued with the understanding that the research is a long- 
term effort with potenial payoff 10 to 20 years away. We recom- 
mend further that modeling and other theoretical work be intensi- 
fied to provide a better basis for interpretation of data from 
seeding trials. 

4. Concepts for hail suppression and lightning suppression 
should be subjected to fundamental reappraisal before the resump- 
tion of any field experiments. 

5. Long-range planning should be continued toward "futuristic" 
projects in which problems in deliberate, large-scale weather mod- 
ification, inadvertent weather modification, forecasting, and agri- 
cultural climatology would be treated together rather than 
separately. 24 


At the request of NOAA's Advanced Planning Group, whose study 
was discussed in the previous section, the North American Interstate 
Weather Modification Council (NAIWMC) 25 compiled information 
on recommended Federal weather modification research, based on the 
needs of users within NAIWMC member States. Opinions of State offi- 
cials on needed research were obtained from 16 States through meet- 
ings sponsored by California, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Da- 
kota. Texas, and Utah and through questionnaires sent out by the 
NAIWMC during 1976 and 1977. 

Table 14 summarizes results of the NAIWMC investigation, showing 
perceived needs for research for weather modification users, as inter- 
preted by the State officials. 26 Keyes notes that the major research area 
recommended by most State and local governments is in the evalua- 
tion of ongoing, long-term operational projects within those States. 
Other important research needs expressed were for further develop- 
ment of seeding technology and for economic, environmental, and 
societal studies necessary for eventual public acceptance of weather 
modification. 27 

15 The purposes, organization, and activities of the North American Interstate Weather 
Modification Council are discussed in some detail in ch. 7. p. 333. 

26 Reves. Conrad G.. Jr.. "Federal Research Needs and New Law Requirements in Weather 
Modification : the NAIWMC Viewpoint," testimony before the U.S. Department of Commerce 
We.ither Modification Advisory Board, Champaign, 111., Oct. 14. 1977. 

» Ibid. 



[From Keyes, 1977; table format from Dennis and Gagin, 1977] 

Major categories of research i 


Arizona a, b, c a, b, e... a, b, c 

California a, b, c a, b a, b, c 

Illinois a, b, c a, b, c, d. a, b, c Yes 

Indiana b, c a, b, c, e. b, c Yes 

Kansas a, b, c b, c a, c 

Maryland a, b, c b, c Yes Yes. 

Michigan a, b, c b, c a Yes 

Missouri a, b a, c 

North Carolina 2 

North Dakota a b, c, e c a. 

Pennsylvania c c Yes Yes 

South Dakota a, b, c b, c c 

Texas a, c a, b, d... c a, c. 

Utah a, b b, d a 

Vermont a a a a, c. 

Virginia s 

• Categories of Federal research: 

1. Evaluation: 

a. Of operational programs. 

b. Physical studies. 

c. Extra-area effects. 

2. Seeding technology: 

a. New seeding agents. 

b. Transport and diffusion, delivery methods. 

c. Hail suppression methods. 

d. New tools, for example, satellites. 

e. Public education. 

3. Economic, ecological, and societal studies: 

a. Economic benefits. 

b. Toxicity of agents. 

c. Societal studies. 

4. Detection of clandestine seeding. 

5. Inadvertent weather modification. 

6. Forecasting: 

a. Short range. 

b. Local topographic effects. 

c. Long range. 

3 Need a national policy first. 
3 Mainly hurricane modification. 



Recently, the chairman of the Committee on Weather Modifica- 
tion of the American Meteorological Society 28 summarized his com- 
mittee's recommendations on recommended weather modification re- 
search needs. 29 It was noted that the primary focus of such research 
should be in the areas of purposeful alteration of patterns of cloud 
systems and precipitation and in the inadvertent impact of man's 
activities. In view of critical water problems affecting large portions 
of the country and the potential for increased demand for application 
of weather modification techniques by water users, the necessity for 
improved understanding of underlying physical processes through 
pursuit of basic research was emphasized. In particular, the "real 
payoff" to improvements in purposeful weather modification should 
be seen as coming from increased ability to understand, predict, and 

28 Weather modification activities of the American Meteorological Society and purposes 
and concerns of its Committee on Weather Modification are discussed in ch. 8, p. 395. 

29 Silverman. Bernard A., testimonv before the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather 
Modification Advisory Board, Champaign, 111.. Oct. 14. 1977. 


control the formation and development of mesoscale 30 cloud systems. 31 

Subject areas for recommended research to accomplish basic under- 
standing of atmospheric processes necessary for the development of 
weather modification technology were presented by the AMS com- 
mittee in the following outline form : 32 

M esoscale Cloud Dynamics 

A. Effect of seeding on convective cloud development and 
evolution : 

1. Growth of convective clouds. 

2. Merger of clouds into groups and systems. 

3. Organization of inflow (coupling of midtroposphere with 
the boundary layer). 

4. Enhanced moisture budget efficiency. 

B. Interaction of clouds with each other and with their environ- 
ment : 

1. Response to mesoscale forcing function. 

2. Relationship between low-level convergence and cloud field 

3. Role of outdrafts in development and sustenance of cloud 

4. Role of anvils in the evolution of the cloud field. 

C. Precipitation "nowcasting" : 

1. Low-level convergence field as predictor of precipitation 

2. Kinematic and thermodynamic predictors and covariates for 
statistical evaluation. 

D. Need for a multidisciplined mesoscale experiment with strong 
physical emphasis. 

Precip itation Microp hysics 

A. Evolution of natural ice in cloud : 

1. Nucleation processes. 

2. Secondary ice production processes : 

(a) Laboratory studies of causality. 

(b) Field investigations to define' appropriate in-cloud 
criteria for multiplication of ice. 

B. Interaction between microphysics and dynamics to produce and 
sustain precipitation. 

C. Effect of seeding on (A) and (B) above. 

D. Distinction between microstructure of clouds developing over 
land and over water in terms of suitability for seeding. 

E. Clarification of microstructure of clouds developing within the 
hurricane environment in terms of suitability for seeding. 

F. Cloud microstructure climatology for selected regions of the 
United States. 

G. Effect of ice generation on charge separation and electrification 

30 Mpsosealo meteorological phenomena are those with horizontal dimensions ranging from 
a few tens of kilometers to a few hundred kilometers. 

a Silverman, testimony before Weather Modification Advisory Board, 1977. 
» Ibid. 


Area of Seeding Effect 

A. Induced by dynamic response of environment. 

B. Induced by diffusion of nucleating material : 

1. In orographic regions. 

2. Transport through convective processes. 

C. Insolation pattern resulting from mid- and upper-level outflow. 

Turbulence and Diffusion 

A. Targeting of surface-based source (s) of nuclei into desired cloud 

B. Entrainment processes related to cloud development. 

C. Spread of nuclei released in cloud (spatial and temporal 

Seeding Agents and Methods 

A. Nucleation efficiency studies. 

B. Particle sizing and composition analyses. 

C. Particle generation systems. 

D. Improvement of technology. 

Cloud Climatology for Technology Applicability 

A. National in scope. 

B. Frequency of occurrence of clouds by type. 

C. Cloud base and cloud top heights for selected regions. 

D. Properties of in-cloud microstructure. 

E. Aerosol characteristics. 

F. Radar population studies. 

G. Precipitation statistics. 

H. Model-derived "seedability" assessment. 

Inadvertent Impacts 

A. Effect on climatic change. 

B. Effect on air quality. 

,C. Effect on meteorology near large urban regions : 

1. Thermal pattern. 

2. Precipitation. 

3. Cloudiness. 

D. Effect on meteorology near deforested areas. 

Cloud M odeling 

A. Synthesis of numerical simulation with atmospheric observations 
on all scales. 

B. Inclusion of cloud interaction and outdraft convergence. 

C. Mesoscale forcing (e.g. sea breeze, topography, etc.). 

Improved Methods of Statistical Design and Evaluation 

A. Required to interpret results of new mesoscale experiment. 

B. Required for extraction of physical information from previously- 
performed nonrandomized experiments. 

34-857 O - 79 - 12 


Study of oak brush as elk forage — part of environmental research conducted 
part of Project Skywater. (Courtesy of the Bureau of Reclamation.) 




At the 1977 workshop on the extended area and extended time ef- 
fects of weather modification, participants developed some recommen- 
dations for future research into these effects. 33 The following research 
activities, not necessarily in any order of priority, were recommended 
to be undertaken immediately with current available tools or over a 
period of time, as appropriate : 

The use of computer simulation and modeling can provide 
important information on the areal coverage and magnitude of the 
effects of weather modification. It can also define the types of in- 
formation and the sensitivity required for future field 

Models developed to detect moisture depletion in natural and 
seeded cases as an airmass moves over successive mountain ridges 
should be applied and verified by field measurements in an area 
with a minimum of complexities caused by the introduction of new 
moisture sources. In situ measurements of temperature, pressure, 
liquid water content, ice crystal concentrations, and precipitation 
on the ground and in the air will be needed as inputs to the model 
and for model validation. 

An intensive study should be initiated on particulate transport, 
including the transport of both seeding material and ice crystals 
produced by seeding. Techniques are currently available to 
measure ice crystal concentrations, nuclei, and silver in precipi- 
tation. Special tracers are becoming available and should be de- 
veloped further. Eemote sensing techniques for measuring ice and 
water need further development. 

A re-analysis of some past field programs could be undertaken 
immediately. (The question of apparent decreases in seeding ef- 
fectiveness in successive years of the Australian experiment has 
not been resolved adequately as to whether this effect is real or an 
analysis artifact. The reported persistence of ice nuclei for days 
after seeding at Climax and its relationship to the apparent 
decrease in the seed/no seed ratios with time should be further 

Continuing monitoring should be initiated of such quantities 
as ice nuclei concentrations in project areas in order to establish 
new benchmarks. A modeling effort should also be undertaken to 
investigate the evaporation and reprecipitation processes. 

Studies of wide-area effects from seeding summer convective 
storm systems may require more preliminary work before mount- 
ing a major field effort since less is known about these phenomena. 
These studies should be directed toward acquiring information 
about the possible redistribution of convective instability and the 
microphysical effects including the transport of ice nuclei and/ or 
ice crystals, and the possible interactive effects when these par- 
ticles are entrained into other cloud systems. 

Prior to the design of a major wide-area study program, initial 
studies should include : cloud population studies, including time 

33 Brown, et al.. "Transactions of the Workshop on Extended Space and Time Effects of 
Weather Modification," 1978, pp. 14-18. 


and space distributions and cloud microphysics ; hypothesis de- 
velopment, including numerical modeling ; reexamination of pre- 
vious experimental programs ; augmentation of ongoing programs 
to study total-area effects; and development of new capabilities 
including satellite measurements, rain gage network design, data 
processing, and management and seeding delivery systems. 

The final design of a field program will be dependent on the 
findings from these preliminary studies. It appears likely that it 
will be necessary to mount a major effort to determine the total- 
area effects and mechanics of convective storm seeding. Prelimi- 
nary estimates call for a 10-year studv covering nn area of at least 
a 300-mile radius in the mid-United States. Ideally this study 
could be operated in conjunction with other mesoscale field studies 
in cumulus convection and precipitation forecasting. 

A national technology assessment on precipitation modification 
should be conducted with the total-area effect included in both 
the physical science and social science context. 34 

a* Ibid. 



(By John R. Justus, Analyst in Earth Science, Science Policy Research Division, 
Congressional Research Service) 

Out of the total ensemble of environmental factors, the subset which 
is sensed most immediately and directly by man and which has the 
greatest integrated impact on human activities is that which is sub- 
sumed under the terms of iveather and climate. — Earl W. Barrett, 
1975, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 


The relationship between man and weather has been basically the 
one stated succinctly by Charles Dudley Warner: Everybody talked 
about the weather, but nobody did anything about it. In the 1940's, 
however, the discovery that clouds could be modified by additions of 
freezing nuclei created a realization that, at some times and places at 
least, it might be possible to do something about the weather. This 
entering wedge into the field of intentional or planned weather modi- 
fication has since been heavily studied and exploited ; it had, as a by- 
product, the creation of considerable interest in weather modification 
on the part of both the scientific community and the general popula- 
tion. The science and technology of planned weather modification are' 
discussed in chapter 3. The possibility that man has, in fact, been doing 
something about the weather without knowing it has become a subject 
for serious consideration, and chapter 4 reviews a number of processes 
and mechanisms governing inadvertent weather and climate modifi- 


By way of clarification, it is important to appreciate the fact that 
differences of scale are implied in the terms "weather modification" 
and "climate modification." 


To most everyone, the term climate usually brings to mind an aver- 
age regime of weather or the average temperature and precipitation 
of a locality. This is a rather misleading concept, for the average may 
be a rare event. Actually, weather from year to year oscillates widely 
so that climate is a statistical complex of many values and variables, 
including the temperature of the air, water, ice, and land surfaces; 
winds and ocean currents ; the air's moisture or humidity ; the cloudi- 
ness and cloud water content, groundwater, lake levels, and the water 
content of snow and of land and sea ice; the pressure and density of 



the atmosphere and ocean; the composition of (dry) air; and the 
salinity of the ocean. All of these elements encompass climate and are 
interconnected by the various physical and dynamic processes occur- 
ring in the system, such as precipitation and evaporation, radiation, 
and the transfer of heat and momentum by advection (predominantly 
horizontal, large-scale motions of the atmosphere), convection (large- 
scale vertical motions of the atmosphere characterized by rising and 
sinking air movements), and turbulence (a state of atmospheric flow 
typified by irregular, random air movements) . 

Climatic fluctuation and climatic change 

Rather than by average value, these elements are best characterized 
by frequency distributions, which can, in many places, span a wide 
range for a given element. Within such a range, one notes irregular 
fluctuations characterized by the occurrence of extreme values for given 
elements of the climatic system. In such instances, a climatic fluctua- 
tion is said to be experienced, not a climatic change. A change denotes 
that a new equilibrium had been achieved, and with it, a rather dif- 
ferent frequency distribution for all climatic elements. Thus, the term 
change is not to be confused with fluctuation, where trends are fre- 
quently reversed, even though some successive values may cluster for 
a while on one side or the other of the "average." 


Defined as the state of the atmosphere at any given time, the prev- 
alent belief of the public, that wherever the weather goes the climate 
follows, is fallacious. On the contrary, wherever the climate goes, so 
goes the weather. Weather is merely a statistic of the physical climatic 

Weather modification 

As used in the context of this chapter and in the text at large, 
weather modification refers collectively to any number of activities 
conducted to intentionally or inadvertently modify, through artificial 
means, the elements of weather and, in turn, the occurrence and be- 
havior of discrete weather events. Intentional or planned weather 
modification activities may be conducted for a variety of different 
purposes, including: Increasing or decreasing rain and snow over a 
particular area; reducing damage to crops and property from hail; 
reducing the number of forest fires that are started by lightning; 
removing fog at airports; changing the intensity and direction of 
hurricanes so they cause less destruction ; mitigating the destructive- 
ness of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. 

Climate modification 

This encompasses the planned or inadvertent alteration, through 
artificial means, of the elemental properties comprising the air, sea, ice, 
land, and biospheric components of the climatic system in order to 
effect a new equilibrium among the elements of climate and, conse- 
quently, a new climate regime. In most instances, the term alludes to 
mesoscale and macroscale climates, from those of regions to the entire 
globe. Another common usage is in reference to the microscale climates 
of cities where persistent, inadvertent effects on weather, in turn, 
modify the climates of greater metropolitan areas. 


Planned climate modification 

While the term climate usually brings to mind an "average" regime 
of weather or, more properly, a frequency distribution of the elements 
and events of weather, the climatic system itself consists of those 
elements and processes that are basically the same as those responsible 
for short-term weather and coordinately for the maintenance of the 
long-term physical climatic state. It follows, then, that one of the pur- 
poses of planned weather modification activities may be to artificially 
change the climate of a location or region through means including, 
but not necessarily limited to: Massive and protracted extension of 
present cloud-seeding operations to influence natural precipitation de- 
velopment cycles; intentional initiation of large heat sources to influ- 
ence convective circulation or evaporate fog ; intentional modification 
of solar radiation exchange or heat balance of the Earth or clouds 
through the release of gases, dusts, liquids, or aerosols in the atmos- 
phere; planned modification of the energy transfer characteristics of 
the Earth's land or water surface by dusting with powders, liquid 
sprays or dyes, water impoundment, deforestation, etc. 

The dramatic idea of some great technological leap toward purpose- 
fully altering climate never seems to lose its appeal. The problem with 
these grand schemes is that, even if feasible, every fix — technological 
or otherwise — has its toll in side effects. But leaving aside for the 
moment the question of whether it makes sense to alter or conserve 
climate, many of the schemes that have been suggested for modifying 
climate on a hemispheric or global scale have so far been considered to 
be on the fringe of science fiction. The range of possibilities widens 
rapidly if one imagines the financial resources of the major world 
powers available to carry them out. Periodically resurgent are such 
schemes as darkening, heating, and melting of the Arctic icepack, the 
damming of the Bering Strait, the transportation of Antarctic ice- 
bergs, the diverting southward of North American and Asian rivers 
that empty into the Arctic, and the modification of tropical storms. 1 
These and other perennial suggestions are summarized in Figure 1. 

iKellogjr. W. W. and S. H. Schneider, "Climate Stabilization: For Better or for Worse?" 
Science, vol. 186, Dec. 27, 1974, pp. 1163-1172. 


Figube 1. — A survey of grandiose schemes that have been proposed to modify or 
control climate. (From Kellogg and Schneider, 1974.) 

Inadvertent climate modification 

The modification processes may also be initiated or triggered in- 
advertently rather than purposefully, and the possibility exists that so- 
ciety may be changing the climate through its own actions by pushing 
on certain leverage points. Inadvertently, we are already causing 
measurable variations on the local scale. Artificial climatic effects have 
been observed and documented on local and regional scales, partic- 
ularly in and downwind of heavily populated industrial areas where 
waste heat, particulate pollution and altered ground surface char- 
acteristics are primarily responsible for the perceived climate modifi- 
cation. The climate in and near large cities, for example, is warmer, 
the daily range of temperature is less, and annual precipitation is 
greater than if the cities had never been built. The climate of the world 
is governed mainly by the globally averaged effects of the Sun, the 
location and movement of air masses, and the circulation patterns of 
the world ocean. It is by no means clear that the interaction of these 
vast forces can be significantly influenced by human activities. Al- 
though not verifiable at present, the time may not be far off when 
human activities will result in measurable large-scale changes in 
weather and climate of more than passing significance. It is important 
to appreciate the fact that the role of man at this global level is still 
controversial, and existing models of the general circulation are not yet 
capable of testing the effects in a conclusive manner. 

Nevertheless, a growing fraction of current evidence does point to 
the possibility of unprecedented impact on the global climate by 
human activities, albeit the effects may be occurring below the thres- 
hold where they could be statistically detected relative to the record 


of natural fluctuations and, therefore, could be almost imperceptible 
amid the ubiquitous variability of climate. But while the degree of in- 
fluence on world climate may as yet be too small to detect against the 
background of natural variations and although mathematical models 
of climatic change are still imperfect, significant global effects in the 
future are inferred if the rates of growtn of industry and population 

historical perspective 

The possibility of climatic alterations by human activity was alluded 
to in the scientific literature at the beginning of this century, and again 
in the late 1930's, but it received little serious attention until the 1950 s. 
The first period of thermonuclear testing, 1954 to 1958, generated a 
great deal of concern about drastic and widespread elfects on weather. 
It was felt that anything which liberated such great energies must 
somehow influence the atmosphere. The fact that a device fired at sea 
level or under the sea did create locally a large convective cloud was 
cited as evidence. 

By about 1960 work had shown that no large-scale or long-term 
meteorological effects would ensue from nuclear testing at the levels 
conducted in the 1950 ? s. It had become clear that the inertia of the 
atmosphere-ocean system was too large to be perturbed seriously by the 
sudden release of any energy man could generate. Instead of the spec- 
tacular and violent, it was realized that one would have to look to the 
slow and insidious to find evidence of human influences on climate and 

Some evidence that manmade carbon dioxide was accumulating in 
the atmosphere appeared as early as 1938. This, together with some 
early systematic data from Scandinavia, led to the inclusion of a car- 
bon dioxide (C0 2 ) measurement program during the International 
Geophysical Year (IGY), 1957-1958. This C0 2 measurement pro- 
gram, which continues today, was the first serious scientific study of 
a possible manmade climatic influence on a large scale. 

As the reality of the C0 2 effect became established, and as the gen- 
eral mood of increased concern for the environment and the concept 
of "spaceship Earth" developed during the 1960's, increased scientific 
efforts began to be focused on inadvertent weather and climate modi- 
fication. It had been recognized for some time that the climates of 
cities differed significantly from their rural environs due to the re- 
lease of heat and pollutants. It was not until the late 1960's that evi- 
dence of "urban effect" on the climate at considerable distances down- 
wind began to be noticed. The role of pollution aerosols 2 as climate 
modifiers became a topic of great interest, and it remains so today. 

In the United States, the attention of the Government to these 
problems began with the IGY effort, C0 2 and solar radiation measure- 
ment programs were started in Antarctica and at the Mauna Loa Ob- 
servatory in Hawaii, which was established specifically for this pro- 
gram by the U.S. Weather Bureau. This station, located at an eleva- 
tion of 3,400 meters (11,155 feet) on the north slope of Mauna Loa, 

2 Dispersions in t b e atmosphere of particles of matter that remain suspended for a sig- 
nificant length of time. 


has been improved over the years and remains the prototype "bench- 
mark" station for climatic change monitoring. 

The first major meeting devoted exclusively to the inadvertent 
modification problem convened in Dallas, Tex., in December 1968. 3 

The following year, a series of discussions between some faculty 
members of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, government 
officials and scientists gave rise to the first working conference, the 
Study of Critical Environmental Problems (SCEP). This meeting, 
held at Williams College, Wihiamstown, Mass., during July 1970, was 
devoted to identifying possible global environmental hazards and 
making recommendations concerning monitoring, abatement, et cetera. 
The climatic problem areas identified were carbon dioxide and other 
trace gases that may affect climate ; particulate matter in the atmos- 
phere as turbidity and as cloud modifiers ; waste heat ; changes in the 
Earth's surface (land-use changes) ; radioactivity in the atmosphere; 
and jet aircraft pollution of the high troposphere and stratosphere. 
The proceedings of this meeting were published by the MIT Press. 4 ' 5 

The working group for SCEP was, with one exception, composed of 
residents of the United States : scientists, representatives of industrial 
management, and government officials. Some of the participants felt 
that a more multinational participation would be essential if standard- 
ized global programs were to come into existence as a result of such 
a meeting. Also, it was the opinion that the problems of climate modi- 
fication were complex enough to occupy the entire attention of a work- 
ing meeting. As a result, a second such meeting was held, this time in 
Stockholm, with scientists from 14 countries participating. This work- 
ing meeting was called Study of Man's Impact on Climate 1 (SMIC). 
The report prepared by this group 6 dealt with the substantive scien- 
tific questions of inadvertent climate modification, including: previous 
climatic changes; man's activities influencing climate; theory and 
models of climatic change; climatic effects of manmade surface 
ciianges; modification of the troposphere; 7 and modification of the 
stratosphere. 8 One objective of SMIC was to provide guidelines for 
the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and other interna- 
tional agencies to use in establishing monitoring and research pro- 
grams on a global scale. 

In connection with the study of inadvertent climate modification, 
much was iterated in the early 1970's about the need for global moni- 
toring. Because of the lagtime in planning, financing, and construct- 
ing such facilities (which must necessarily be in wilderness areas in 
order to give representative data not reflecting local effects), the 
minimum number of benchmark stations (10) considered necessary 
has not yet been reached. Five stations are currently in operation. 
Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO), the oldest, was established by the 

3 Singer, S. F., "Global Effects of Environmental Pollution," New York. Springer-Verlag, 

^Wilson Carroll L , editor. Man's Imnact on the Global Environment, Report of the 
Study of Critical Environmental Problems (SCEP). Cambridge, MIT Press, 1970, 319 pp. 

G Matthews, W. H., W. W. Kellogg, and G. D. Robinson, editors. "Man's Impact on the 
Climate." Cambridge, MIT Tress. 1971, r>*)4 pp- 

"Wilson C L and W IT Matthews, editors, Inadvertent Climate Modification, Report 
of the Study of Man's Impact on Climate (SMIC). Cambridge, the MIT Press, 1971, 30S pp. 

7 Troposphere — the inner layer of the atmosphere varying in height from to 12 miles. 
This is the region within wMch nearlv all weather conditions manifest themselves. 

8 Stratosphere — the region of the atmosphere outside the troposphere, about 10 to 30 
miles in height. 


U.S. Weather Bureau, then transferred to the supervision of the 
Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry .Laboratory of the Environ- 
mental Science Services Administration in I96ii and finally to the Air 
Resources Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- 
ministration (NOAA) in 1971. In the following year, the NOAA net- 
work was officially expanded to four stations: MLO; South Pole; 
Point Barrow, Alaska ; and American Samoa. The other operational 
station is located at Kislovodsk, North Caucasus, in tne U.S.S.E. The 
Government of Canada has plans for three high latitude northern 
stations, and some limited monitoring activities are conducted in Aus- 
tralia and New Zealand. 

In addition to the long-term monitoring program, two shorter 
programs have been devoted to the inadvertent modification problem. 
The first of these, the Metropolitan Meteorological Experiment 
(Metromex), was directed toward a concentrated investigation of 
downwind eiiects of the thermal and particulate emissions from a typi- 
cal metropolitan area — St. Louis, Mo. The project involved an exam- 
ination of all available climatological data in a circle around the 
city, plus an extensive field program in which a number of State 
and Federal Government agencies and university research groups 

The objective of the second program was to prepare an environmen- 
tal impact statement on the effects of supersonic transport aircraft. 
The resulting research activity, the Climatic Impact Assessment Pro- 
gram (CIAP), involved 9 agencies and departments of the Federal 
Government, 7 agencies of other national governments, and over 1,000 
individual scientists in the United States and abroad. The program 
involved data-collecting activities using aircraft and balloons in the 
stratosphere, development of new techniques for sampling and measur- 
ing stratospheric pollutants, laboratory work in the photochemistry 
of atmospheric trace gases, measurement of pollutant emission by air- 
craft engines, mathematical modeling of stratospheric transport proc- 
esses and chemical reactions taking place there. 9 


It is a human tendency to cling to the belief that the natural environ- 
ment or climate to ivhich we have become accustomed will remain more 
or less the same from year to year and from decade to decade. We are 
surprised and alarmed tohen an unusually severe winter or an unusu- 
ally prolonged drought occurs, because our memories tend to be too 
short to recall past years when things were equally unusual. 

—William W. Kellogg, 1978 
National Center for Atmospheric^ Research. 

The facts are that climate everywhere does fluctuate quite noticeably 
from year to year and that there are gradual changes in climate that 
make one decade or one century different from the one before. These 
yearly fluctuations and longer term changes have been the result of 
natural processes or external influences at work on the complex system 
that determines Earth's climate. It is a system that seems to strive for 
a balance among atmosphere, oceans, land, and polar ice masses — all 

9 Barrett, Earl W., "Inadvertent Weather and Climate Modification." Crtiical Reviews in 
Environmental Control, vol. 6, No. 1, December 1975, pp. 15-90. 


influenced by possible solar and cosmic variations of which climate 
researchers' knowledge is in some cases nonexistent, or incomplete, and 
otherwise tenuous at best. Society itself is becoming another significant 
factor in the climatic balance. 

It is no news, for example, that the atmosphere of large midlatitude 
cities is both warmer and more turbid than the surrounding country- 
side (particularly in winter) as a result of thermal and chemical pol- 
lution and to some extent because of the ability of groups of buildings 
to trap heat from the Sun. There is also good evidence for increased 
summertime rainfall downwind from cities such as St. Louis, Chicago, 
and Paris. 10 Indeed, it is very likely that the industrialization of siz- 
able regions, such as the eastern United States and western Europe, 
has modified their climates in certain more subtle ways. In any attempt 
to assess a manmade climatic effect, it is essential to understand and 
have a measure of the degree of climatic variability which may be 
expected in the absence of human influence. 

The concept of climatic change and variability 

The concept of climatic change and variability entails a wide range 
of complex interactions with a disparity of response times among the 
air, sea, ice, land, and biotic components of the climate system. Climate 
is not a fixed element of the natural environment. Indeed, important 
advances in climate research and the study of former climates confirm 
that past climates of Earth have changed on virtually all resolvable 
time scales. This characteristic suggests that there is no reason to 
assume the favorable climatic regime of the last several decades is 
permanent and, moreover, that climatic change and variability must 
be recognized and dealt with as a fundamental property of climate. 

In this matter it is important to appreciate the fact that a renewed 
appreciation of the inherent variability of climate has manifested 
itself in the public consciousness. Climate has not become suddenly 
more variable in a way that it has never been variable before, but events 
of recent years 11 have shaken a somewhat false sense of technological 
invulnerability. Thus, climatic variability is a media item now because 
society ignored for so long its continued dependence on the ecological/ 
climatic balance achieved, and then failed to plan systematically for 
the coming unfavorable years, which eventually had to come — and 
always will, given the nature of the atmosphere. It is more palatable 
to blame climate for present predicaments than to acquiesce to a lack 
of preparedness. As F. Kenneth Hare, climatologist with the Science 
Council of Canada, has noted : 

It is paramount that the [climate- related] events of 1972 do not repeat them- 
selves, even if bad weather does. It does not matter whether such events are part 
of a genuine change in climate or are merely unusually large fluctuations of a 
basically unchanging system. In fact, I doubt whether such arguments mean any- 
thing. It does matter that climatic extremes do occur ; that they have recently 
become rather frequent and have had severe impacts ; that we lack the predic- 

10 Dettwiller, J. W. and S. A. Changnon, "Possible Urban Effects on Maximum Daily 
Rainfall Rates at Paris, St. Louis, and Chicago." Journal of Applied Meteorology, vol. 15, 

May 1976. pp. 517-519. 

11 Most of the world's important grain-growing regions experienced unfavorable weather 
and crop failures in 1972 or 1974. or both. Tbo winter of 1977 was perceived by most Amer- 
icans as remarkably abnormal, with severe cold in the East (coldest, in fact, since the 
founding of the Republic), drought in the West, and mild temperatures ns far north as 
Alaska : and the summer of 1977 was one of the two or three hottest in the last 100 years 
over most of the United States. 


tive skill to avoid impacts on food production — and energy consumption; and 
that we [the atmospheric science community] are insufficiently organized to make 
maximum use of existing skill. 12 

While scientists concur that climate is not a fixed component of the 
natural environment, there is less agreement with regard to when 
and how climatic change occurs. Although in the long term a major 
natural change to a different climatic regime may be expected, it is 
unlikely that any trend toward such a change would be perceptible in 
the near term, as it could be obscured by large amplitude, shorter term 
climatic variability. Considered from a historical perspective, and 
judging from the record of past interglacial ages, climatic data indi- 
cate that the long-term trend over the next 20,000 or so years is toward 
a cooling cycle, a cooler climate, and eventually the next glacial age. 
The onset of that change may be a number of centuries or millennia 
away ; conceivably it may already have begun. In recent years, books 
and newspaper stories have conditioned us to expect colder weather in 
the future. In geological perspective, the case for cooling is strong. 
The modern-day world is experiencing an interglacial period, a rela- 
tively warm interlude — lasting many thousands of years — between 
longer intervals of cold. If this interglacial age lasts no longer than a 
dozen earlier ones in the past million years, as recorded in deep-sea 
sediments, we may reasonably suppose that the world is about due to 
begin a slide into the next ice age. It does seem probable, though, that 
this transition would be sufficiently gradual so that in the next 100 to 
200 years it would be almost imperceptible amid the ubiquitous varia- 
bility of climate. 13, 14 > 15 

Considering the much more recent past, climatologists point out 
that the world has been in the throes of a general cooling trend during 
the last SO or 40. years. Because this modern-day cooling trend has 
sometimes been misinterpreted as an early sign of the approach of an 
ice age (it really is only one of many irregular ups and downs of 
climate that mankind has witnessed through Jiistory ) , it has reenf orced 
the popular notion that our future is likely to be a cold one. (In point 
of fact, this cooling trend has been faltering in very recent years, and 
may already have started to reverse itself.) 

Writes research climatologist J. Murray Mitchell, Jr. : 

I agree with those climatologists who say that another ice age is inevitable. 
I strongly disagree, however, with those who suggest that the arrival of the next 
ice age is imminent, and who speak of this as the proper concern of modern 
civilization in planning for the next few decades or centuries. Should nature be 
left to her own devices, without interference from man, I feel confident in pre- 
dicting that future climate would alternately warm and cool many times before 
shifting with any real authority toward the next ice age. It would be these 
alternate warmings and coolings, together with more of the same ubiquitous, 
year-to-year variability of climate that has always been with us, that would be 
the appropriate object of our concerns about climate in the foreseeable future. 16 

12 Norwine, Jim, "A Question of Climate," Environment, vol. 19, No. 8, November 1977, 
p. 12. 

13 National Research Council, U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research Pro- 
gram, Understanding Climntic Change : A Program for Action, Washington, National 
Academy of.Sciences. 1975, 239 pp. 

14 U.S. Federal Council for Science and Technology Interdepartmental Committee for 
Atmospheric Sciences, report of the Ad Hoc Panel on the Present Interglacial, Washington, 
National Science Foundation. 1974. 22 pp. (ICAS lSb-FY75). 

15 United Nations. World Meteorological Organizations (WMO). WMO Statement on Cli- 
matic Chance, pt. B : technical report, p 9. 

19 Mitchell J. Murray. Jr.. "Carbon Dioxide and Future Climate," EDS [Environmental 
Data Service] magazine, March 1977, p. 4. 


Because of man's presence on the Earth, however, what will actually 
happen in future decades and centuries may well follow a different 
scenario ; imperceptibly different at first, but significantly so later on, 
covering a full spectrum of climatic possibilities ranging from warm- 
ing to cooling trends. Varying interpretations of this evidence have 
led, on one hand, to a scientifically valid caution regarding possible 
instability of present-day climate conditions and, on the other hand, to 
predictions that the Earth may be on the verge of a new climate regime, 
which implies a new equilibrium among the elements of the climatic 
system, involving a somewhat different set of constraints and, almost 
certainly, noticeable regional shifts of climate. Climate researchers 
iteratively emphasize the importance of recognizing and appreciating 
the inherent variability of climate, a fact which may be more signifi- 
cant than the uncertainty of whether recent events portend a trend 
toward a warmer or cooler climate of the future. 

When and how do climatic changes occur? 

So far, there is no single comprehensive theory, or even a combina- 
tion of a small number of theories, that completely explains — much less 
predicts — climatic fluctuations or change. As yet, there is no deter- 
ministic, predictive model of our planet's climate, and, until one is 
developed, predictions are as valid as the logic producing them. The 
periods of time involved in climatic predictions cover centuries, and 
the validity of climate forecasting is not easily tested. Nevertheless, 
there are some factors and processes that clearly should be taken into 
account, either in terms of observed correlations in the past or of 
theoretical assumptions about what should be important. All, in one 
way or another, effect changes and variability of climate by modifying 
the natural thermal balance of the atmosphere. 

One group of processes responsible for climatic change and varia- 
bility consists of external mechanisms, including: fluctuations of the 
Sun's radiative output, variations of Earth's orbital parameters, 
changes in atmospheric dust content, changes in levels of carbon diox- 
ide and ozone in the atmosphere, and migration of land masses and 
shifting of continental plates. 

In addition to being influenced by external forcing mechanisms, 
climate is, to a certain degree, regulated by processes internal to the 
climatic system, involving "feedback" interactions between the at- 
mosphere, the world ocean, the ice masses, the land surface, and the 
biosphere. If an external variable were to be changed by a certain fac- 
tor, the response of the climatic system to that change could be modi- 
fied by the actions of these internal processes which act as feedbacks 
on the climatic system modifying its evolution. There are some feed- 
backs which are stabilizing, and some which are destabilizing; that is, 
they may intensify deviations. 

In all likelihood, climatic change is a function of various combina- 
tions of interacting physical factors, external processes, internal proc- 
esses, and synergistic associations (see fig. 2), but it is not yet clear to 
what extent the observed variability of the climatic system originates 
from internal mechanisms, and to what extent from external mecha- 
nisms. It appears likely that the answer depends upon the time scale 
of variability, with internal processes probably important on the scale 
of months and decades, and external mechanisms becoming increas- 
ingly important on time scale's beyond a cent ury as depicted in figure 3. 


Changes of 
Solar Radiation 




H,0, N J( Oj, CO J( 3 , etc. 


atmosphere-land coupling atmosp here-ice coupling 

changes of 
atmospheric composition 

changes of land features, 
orography, vegetation, 
albedo, etc. 

Figure 2. — Schematic illustration of the components of the coupled atmosphere- 
ocean-ice-land surface-biota climatic system. The full arrows are ex- 
amples of external mechanisms, and the open arrows are examples of 
internal mechanisms of climatic change. 

Source: Living With Climatic Change. Proceedings of a conference/workshop held in 
Toronto, November 17-22, 1975. Ottawa, Science Council of Canada, 1976, p. 85. 

SoUr Variability 

Earth's Rotation, 
Polar Wandering 


Continental Drift 

Sea-Floor Spreading 
-* — Mountain Building 

Atmospheric Mass, Composition, Volcanic Dust 

♦ Orbital »- 


" Glaciers 

Continental Ice Sheets 

Sea Ice 


Sea-level, Lake Level, Isostatic Adjustment 

Oceanic Composition, 




-* Bottom — 



GLACIAL — Vegetal Cover 


Ocean Layer 

Man's Land Use 

-Pollutants, CO, 

Autovariation of 

of Atmosphere 

I I 



10 7 


10* 10* 10* 
Time in years 

10 3 


Figure 3.— Characteristic climatic events and processes in the atmosphere, hydro- 
sphere, cryosphere. lithosphere, and biosphere and possible causative factors or 
global climatic change. 

Source : National Research Council. U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research 
Program. Understanding Climatic Change : A Program for Action. Washington, National 
Academy of Sciences, 1975, p. 22. 


For a comprehensive and detailed discussion of the mechanisms and 
factors governing climatic change and variability, see "A Primer on 
Climatic Variation and Change" ( 1976) . 17 

The possibility also exists that society may be changing the climate 
through its own actions by pushing on certain leverage points. Our 
presence on Earth cannot be assumed to go unnoticed by the atmos- 
phere, and human intervention now presents possibilities that have 
never existed in the historic or geologic past. At question is whether 
the effects of civilized existence are yet capable of altering Earth's 
heat balance and, hence, impacting climate on a global scale to an im- 
portant extent. Enormous amounts of gaseous and particulate mate- 
rials have been emitted into the atmosphere through the combustion 
of fossil fuels (primarily carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and fly ash) 
and through the manipulation of land for agriculture and commerce 
(primarily windblown dust, and forest and grass fire smoke). To 
an increasing extent, waste heat is also entering the atmosphere, both 
directly and indirectly (via rivers and estuaries) and in both sensible 
and latent form (as, for example, through evaporation in wet cooling 
towers). Moreover, large-scale land management programs have been 
responsible for significant changes in reflective properties, moisture 
holding capacity, and aerodynamic roughness of the surface (pri- 
marily through deforestation, water impoundment by manmade lakes, 
slash-burn agriculture practices, urbanization, and so forth). In view 
of the growth of population, industry, food production, and commerce 
in the years and decades ahead, the time is almost certainly not far 
off when human effects on large-scale climate would become appreci- 
able in relation to natural phenomena leading to changes and vari- 
ability of climate. 

It does seem likely that industrial man already has started to have 
an impact on global climate, although this is difficult to prove by direct 
observation, because the impact is not easily recognizable amid the 
large natural variability of climate. "If man continues his ever- 
growing consumption of energy," contends J. Murray Mitchell, "and 
in the process adds further pollution to the global atmosphere, it may 
not be very many years or decades before his impact will break through 
the 'noise level' in the record of natural climatic variability and 
become clearly recognizable." 18 Furthermore, the most significant 
impacts that mankind would probably have on the climatic system 
are apparently all in the same direction as far as global mean tempera- 
tures are concerned and are likely to constitute a warming trend. 19 

The Facts About Inadvertent Weather and Climate Modification 
airborne particulate matter and atmospheric turbidity 

Particulate matter in the atmosphere may significantly affect climate 
by influencing the Earth's radiation balance (figure 4) and/or cloud 
nucleation and precipitation. 

17 Justus. John R.. "Mechanisms and Factors Governing Climatic Variation and Change.'' 
In "A Primer on Climntic Variation and Change," prepared by the Congressional Research 
Service, Library of Congress, for the Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere 
of the Committee on Science and Technology. U.S. House of Representatives. 94th Cong., 
2d sess. (committee print). Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, 197G, pp. 77-127. 

18 Mitchell, J. Murrav. Jr.. "Carbon Dioxide and Future Climate," p. 4. 

Jt > Kellogg. William W.. "Is Mankind Warming the Earth?" Bulletin of the Atomic Scien- 
tists, vol. 34, February 1978, pp. 10-19. 


Do more particles mean a warming or cooling? 

There is a question as to whether more particles mean a warming 
or cooling of the lower atmosphere. The general cooling trend of the 
last 30 to 40 years (which some experts feel may have bottomed out 
and already started to reverse itself) could have been a result of a 
reduction of solar radiation reaching the surface of the Earth because 
of particulates that have been scattered into the atmosphere by man's 
activities, among them : the burning of fossil fuels, mechanized agri- 
cultural operations, overgrazing of arid lands, manmade forest fires, 
and the slash -burn method of clearing land for crops, which is still 
widely employed in the Tropics. But if man started his polluting 
processes in the last century, and the decrease of global temperature 
were due to alteration in the transparency of the atmosphere, then 
why has a decrease in temperature not been observed earlier? It is 
possible that instruments were measuring a natural climatic trend 
that may have been only somewhat augmented by the byproducts of 
resource development, power generation, and industrial activities. 

The situation is such that the net effect of a given particle on Earth's 
heat balance and hence on climate depends, in large part, upon the 
nature (number and size) of the particles, where in the atmosphere 
they are found, and how long they remain suspended. Some aerosols, 
such as lead from auto exhaust, are rapidly scavenged by precipitation. 
Others, mostly organic particles such as pesticides, may remain for 
months or years. While short-term aerosols such as lead may affect 
weather on a local scale, it is the aerosols that remain and accumulate 
in the atmosphere that will have long-term effects on climate. 

Figure 4. — The mean annual radiation and heat balance of the atmosphere, 
relative to 100 units of incoming solar radiation, based on satellite measure- 
ments and conventional observations. 

Source : National Research Council. U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research 
Program. Understanding Climatic Change : A Program for Action, Washington, National 
Academy of Sciences, 1975, p. 18. 

34-857 O - 79 - 13 


Idso and Brazel reporting on their research results in the November 
18, 1977 issue of Science magazine found that initial increases in 
atmospheric dust concentration tend to warm the Earth's surface. 
After a certain critical concentration has been reached, continued dust 
buildup reduced this warming effect until, at a second critical dust 
concentration, a cooling trend begins. But, they explain, this second 
critical dust concentration is so great that any particulate pollution of 
the lower atmosphere will have the inexorable tendency to increase 
surface temperatures. The authors pointed out that if, and when, man- 
generated, industrial pollution of the atmosphere as a source of par- 
ticulates ever becomes climatologically significant, the resultant sur- 
face temperature trend will definitely be one of warming, not cooling. 
Thus, whereas many groups assigned to assess the problem have looked 
on this aspect of intensified industrialization as acting as a "brake" 
on the warming influence inferred lately of increased carbon dioxide 
production, 20 just the opposite is actually the case — the two phenomena 
could tend to complement each other. 21 

Sources of atmospheric particulates: natural against manmade 

Of course, not all aerosols in the Earth's atmosphere, or even a major 
proportion, are attributable to human activity. In fact, dust from vol- 
canic eruptions, sea salt from evaporated ocean spray, smoke from 
lightning-caused forest fires (see fig. 5), debris from meteors which 
burn up in the atmosphere, windblown dust or sandstorms, and organic 
compounds emitted by vegetation are much larger sources of atmos- 
pheric particulates than human activity. Scientists at Stanford Uni- 
versity estimate that natural processes produce about 2,312 million 
tons of aerosols a year, which amount to 88.5 percent of the total. 
Man and his activities account for only 296 million tons, the remaining 
11.5 percent. At present, it is unlikely that man's activities and man- 
made aerosols will affect global temperatures. It is important to note, 
however, that while aerosols from natural sources are distributed 
fairly evenly across the planet, man, in contrast, contributes high con- 
centrations mostly from industrial centers. Atmospheric scientists at 
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Atmospheric 
Physics and Chemistry Laboratory found that the 296 million tons of 
manmade aerosols are produced every year on only about 2.5 percent 
of the surface of the globe. Within these limited areas, manmade 
aerosols account for nearly 84 percent of the total. It follows, then, 
that these aerosols may be expected to have noticeable effects on local 
weather and urban climates. 

20 See, generally, National Research Council. Geophysics Research Board, "Energy and 
Climate," Washington, National Academy of Sciences, 1977, 281 pp. 

21 Idso, Sherwood B. and Anthony J. Brazel, "Planetary Radiation Balance RB a Function 
of Atmospheric Dust : Climatological Consequences," Science, vol. 198, Nov. 18, 1977, pp. 


Figure 5. — Not all aerosols in the Earth's atmosphere are attributable to human 
activity. In this Landsat photo, smoke from a fire in the Seney National Forest, 
upper peninsula of Michigan, serves as a source of atmospheric particulates. 
Note the extent of the dust veil downwind of the source. ( Courtesy of National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration. ) 

Atmospheric processes affected by particles 

Everyday, particles of soot, smoke, dust, and chemicals from indus- 
trial combustion and other activities are emitted into the urban atmos- 
phere. About 80 percent of the solid contaminants are small enough to 
remain suspended in the air, sometimes for several days. 22 Even though 
these tiny particles reflect and scatter sunlight ostensibly keeping its 
heat from reaching the ground, they also can act as a lid to prevent 
the outflow of heat from the land surface to the atmosphere. In a sense, 
this turbidity acts as an insulator. It reduces the amount of sunlight 
received at the top of the city in the daytime and cuts down on a source 
of heat. However, at night urban aerosol pollutants retard the depar- 
ture of radiant energy from the heated city air, encasing the heat in 

22 "Do Cities Change the Weather?" Mosaic, vol. 5, summer 1974, pp. 33, 34. 


the city's closed atmospheric system. Certain aerosols may undergo 
chemical change when they combine with water vapor in the presence 
of solar radiation. There are many complicated processes that can 
generate aerosol gas-to-particle conversions, and the particles can then 
grow by surface chemistry and physical accretion. 23 

Perhaps the most sensitive atmospheric processes which can be 
affected by air pollutants are those involved in the development of 
clouds and precipitation. The formation and building of clouds over 
a city can be influenced by the presence of pollutants acting as nuclei 
upon which water vapor condenses and by the hot dry air with which 
these aerosols are swept into the base of the clouds (see fig. 6). The 
structure of clouds with temperatures below 0° C (defined as cold 
clouds) can be modified, and under certain conditions precipitation 
from them altered, by particles which are termed ice nuclei. 24 The con- 
centrations of natural ice nuclei in the air appear to be very low : Only 
about one in a billion atmospheric particles which are effective as ice 
nuclei at temperatures above about — 15° C have the potential for mod- 
ifying the structure of clouds and the development of precipitation. 
If the concentration of anthropogenic ice nuclei is about 1 in 100 mil- 
lion airborne particles, the result may be an enhancement of precipita- 
tion ; however, if the concentration is greatly in excess of 1 in 100 mil- 
lion, the result may be a tendency to "overseed" cold clouds and reduce 
precipitation. Certain steel mills have been identified as sources of ice 
nuclei. Also of concern is the possibility that emissions from automo- 
biles may combine with trace chemicals in the atmosphere to produce 
ice nuclei. 25 

23 Hobhs. P. V.. H. Harrison, E. Robinson, "Atmospheric Effects of Pollutants." Science, 
vol. 183, Mar. 8, 1974. p. 910. 

2i National Research Council. Committee on Atmospheric Sciences. "Weather and Climate 
Modification : Problems and Progress," Washington, National Academy of Sciences, 1973, 
pp. 41-47. 

25 Hobbs, P. V., H. Harrison, E. Robinson, "Atmospheric Effects of Pollutants," p. 910. 


Figure 6. — The formation and building of clouds can be influenced by the pres- 
ence of pollutants acting as nuclei upon which water vapor condenses and by the 
hot dry air with which these aerosols are swept aloft. In this Landsat photo, 
excess particles as well as heat and moisture produced by the industries of Gary, 
Ind.. favor the development of clouds downwind. The body of water shown is 
the southern tip of Lake Michigan. (Courtesy of National Aeronautics and 
Space Administration.) 

Precipitation from clouds that have temperatures above 0° C (warm 
clouds) may be modified by particles which serve as cloud condensa- 
tion nuclei (CCN). A source that produces comparatively low con- 
centrations of very efficient CCN will tend to increase precipitation 
from warm clouds, whereas one that produces large concentrations 
of somewhat less efficient CCN might decrease precipitation. Modi- 
fications in the structure of clouds and precipitation have been observed 


many miles downwind of fires and pulp and paper mills. Large wood- 
waste burners and aluminum smelters have also been identified as 
major sources of CCN. 26 

The La Porte tveather anomaly: urban climate modification 

La Porte, Ind., is located east of major steelmills and other indus- 
tries south of Chicago. Analysis of La Porte records revealed that, 
since 1925, La Porte had shown a precipitation increase of between 
30 and 40 percent. Between 1951 and 1965, La Porte had 31 percent 
more precipitation, 38 percent more thunderstorms, and 246 percent 
more hail days than nearby weather stations in Illinois, Indiana, 
and Michigan. 27 Reporting on this anomaly at a national meeting of 
the American Meteorological Society in 1968, Stanley Changnon, a 
climatologist with the Illinois State Water Survey pointed out that 
the precipitation increase in La Porte closely followed the upward 
curve of iron and steel production at Chicago and Gary, Ind. Fur- 
thermore, La Porte's runs of bad weather correlated closely with 
periods when Chicago's air pollution was bad. Stated simply, Ohang- 
non's theory was that if this effect did not occur by chance, then the 
increase in precipitation comd be caused by the excess particles 
as well as heat and moisture produced by the industries upwind 
of La Porte. Pollutants from the industrial sources, it seemed, were 
serving as nuclei to trigger precipitation, just as silver iodide crystals 
are used to seed clouds in deliberate efforts of weather modification. 28 
The discovery of the La Porte anomaly helped usher in considerable 
scientific and public concern as to whether cities could measurably 
alter precipitation and severe weather in and downwind of them. A 
large urban-industrial center is a potential source of many conditions 
needed to produce rainfall. These include its release of additional 
heat (through combustion and from "storage" in surfaces and build- 
ings) which lifts the air ; the mechanical mixing due to the "mountain 
effects" of a city existing in flat terrain ; additional moisture released 
through cooling towers and other industrial processes ; and the addi- 
tion of many small particles (aerosols), which could serve as nuclei 
for the formation of cloud droplets and raindrops. 

The interest in whether urban emissions into the atmosphere could 
trigger changes in weather and climate on a scale much larger than 
the city itself led to climatological studies of other cities. Historical 
data for 1901-70 from Chicago. St. Louis, Washington, D.C., Cleve- 
land, Xew Orleans, Houston, Indianapolis, and Tulsa were studied in 
an effort to discern whether cities of other sizes, different industrial 
bases, and varying climatic-physiographic areas also experienced rain- 
fall changes. The six largest cities — Washington, Houston, New 
Orleans, Chicago, Cleveland, and St. Louis — all altered their summer 
precipitation in a rather marked fashion: Precipitation increases of 
LOto 30 percenl in and downwind of t heir urban locales, plus associated 
increases in thunderstorm and hailstorm activity were documented. 

16 National Research Council. Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, "Weather and Climate 
Modification : Prohlems and Progress." p. 50. 

» Lansford. Henry, "We're Changing the Weather hy Accident," Science Digest, vol. 74, 
Dec. 1973, p. 21. 

M Changnon. S. A., Jr.. "The La Porte Weather Anomaly — Fact or Fiction?" Bulletin of 
the American Meterologlcal Society, vol. 49, January 19G8, pp. 4-11. 


Tulsa and Indianapolis, cities of lower population and lesser physio- 
graphic irregularities than the others studied, did not reveal any 
precipitation anomalies. 29 

The key questions that could not be answered conclusively at the 
completion of these climatic studies were (1) whether the anomalies 
found were real (or adequately measured) ; (2) if real, what was 
causing the anomalies; and (3) whether and how extensive the anoma- 
lies were around other cities. To this end, a major atmospheric pro- 
gram dealing with inadvertent weather modification was initiated 
by a group of scientists in 1971. The Metropolitan Meteorological 
Experiment (METROMEX) was designed by four research groups 
who received support from Federal agencies and one State (Illinois). 
St. Louis was chosen as the site of extensive field investigations in this 
first major field program aimed at studying the reality and causes of 
urban rainfall anomalies suggested in the climatological surveys con- 
ducted previously. 30 

Although data analysis and report preparation continue (summer 
1975 was the fifth and final year for field work), METROMEX data 
thus far portray statistically significant increases in summer rainfall, 
heavy (more than 2.5 cm) rainstorms, thunderstorms and hail in and 
just east (downtown) of St. Louis. Examination of the rainfall yield of 
individual showers, the spatial distribution of rain developments, and 
areal distribution of afternoon rain clearly point to the urban-indus- 
trial complex as the site for the favored initiation of the rain process 
under certain conditions. 31 

Writes climatologist Stanley Changnon : 

The greater frequency of rain initiations over the urban and industrial areas 
appears to be tied to three urban-related factors including thermodynamic 
effects leading to more clouds and greater in-cloud instability, mechanical and 
thermodynamic effects that produce confluence zones where clouds initiate, and 
enhancement of the [raindrop] coalescence process due to giant nuclei. Case 
studies reveal that once additional [rainstorm] cells are produced, nature, cou- 
pled with the increased likelihood for merger with more storms per unit area, 
takes over and produces heavier rainfalls. Hence the city is a focal point for 
both rain initiation and rain enhancement under conditions when rain is likely. 31 

Recapitulating, METROMEX researchers have found that rain, 
thunderstorms and hail can actually maximize within cities and nearby 
areas, particularly in those downwind. Such locations may have more 
storms, and they are more intense, last longer and produce more rain 
and hail than storms in surrounding regions. Apparently, air heated 
and polluted by a city can move up through the atmosphere high 
enough to affect clouds. This urban-modified air clearly adds to the 
strength of convective storms and increases the severity of precipita- 
tion. Urban climatic alterations are summarized in table 1. 

29 Huff, F. A. and S. A. Changnon, Jr., "Precipitation Modification by Major Urban Areas," 
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. "54, December 1973, pp. 1220-1232. 

30 Changnon. S. A., F. A. Huff, and R. G. Semonin, "Metromex : An Investigation of 
Inadvertent Weather Modification," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 
52, October 1971, pp. 958-967. 

si "METROMEX Update," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 57, March 
1976, pp. 304-308. 

32 Changnon, S. A., R. G. Semonin and F. A. Huff, "A Hypothesis for Urban Rainfall 
Anomalies," Journal of Applied Meteorology, vol. 15, June 1976, pp. 544-560. 


Table 1. — Some urban climatic alterations 1 

Comparison with rural environs 

Radiation : 

Global 10 to 20 percent less. 

Ultraviolet : 

Low sun 30 to 50 percent less. 

High sun 5 to 10 percent less. 

Temperature : 

Annual mean 1 to 2° C higher. 

Maximum difference 3 to 10° C higher. 

Winter minima 1 to 3° C higher. 

Cloudiness : 

General cloud cover 5 to 10 percent more. 


Winter 100 percent more. 

Summer 20 to 30 percent more. 

Precipitation : 
Totals : 

Summer 10 percent more. 

Winter 5 percent more. 

Relative humidity : Annual mean 4 to 6 percent less. 

Evapotranspiration : Total amount 30 to 60 percent less. 

Dew : Amounts 50 to 80 percent less. 

Wind speed : < 3 m sec -1 40 percent less. 

Speeds : 

3 — 6 m sec 20 percent less. 

> 6 m sec 10 percent less. 

Thunderstorms : Number of days 5 to 10 percent more. 

1 After Helmut Landsberg, University of Maryland. 


The constituent gases of the atmosphere that are important vari- 
ables affecting the distribution of temperature within the atmosphere 
are carbon dioxide and water vapor. Capable of absorbing important 
quantities of infrared radiation, they both have a role in modifying 
the vertical distribution of temperature in the atmosphere by con- 
trolling the flux of infrared radiation. The absorption of incoming 
solar radiation by these gases is so small that their concentration has 
no appreciable effect on the amount of incoming solar radiation reach- 
ing the Earth's surface. Carbon dioxide and water vapor are, how- 
ever, opaque to major portions of the long- wave radiation emitted by 
the Earth's surface. The greater the content of these gases the greater 
the opacity of the atmosphere to infrared radiation and the higher its 
temperature must be to radiate away the necessary amount of energy 
to maintain a radiation balance. It is this absorption of long-wave 
radiation emitted by the Earth, with the subsequent reradiation of 
additional infrared radiation to the ground and consequent elevation 
of air temperatures near the surface that is known as the "greenhouse 

Increases in atmospheric c<trhon diowide concentration: what the 
record indicates 

Man adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere through the combustion 
of fossil fuels, and this addition is superimposed on the natural ex- 
changes between the atmosphere, the biosphere, and the world ocean. 
Since the use of energy has increased exponentially since the beginning 


of industrialization around 1860, it is not surprising that the best 
estimate of carbon dioxide production, which results from fossil fuel 
combustion and cement manufacture, shows the same exponential 
trend (see fig. 7). 

The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has in- 
creased steadily from a preindustrial value of about 295 parts per 
million in 1860 to a current value of 330 parts per million (+ 12 
percent). Since the beginning of accurate and regular measurements 
in 1958, observed atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have in- 
creased some 5 percent from 315 parts per million to the current yearly 
average value of 330 parts per million as indicated in figure 8. 

Figure 7. — The annual world production of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels (plus 
a small amount from cement manufacture) is plotted since the beginning of 
the industrial revolution. Except for brief interruptions during the two world 
wars and the Great Depression, the release of fossil carbon has increased at a 
rate of 4.3 percent per year. (Data for 1860-1959 from C. D. Keeling, "Indus- 
trial Production of Carbon Dioxide from Fossil Fuels and Limestone," Tellus, 
vol. 25, 1973, p. 174 ; data for 1960-71 from R. M. Rotty, "Commentary on and 
Extension of Calculative Procedure for Carbon Dioxide Production," Tellus, 
vol. 25, 1973, p. 508.) 

Source : Baes. 'C. F.. et al. "The Global Carbon Dioxide Problem," Oak Ridge National 
Laboratory, 1976. (ORNL-5194.) 


Figure 8. — Monthly average values of the concentration of carbon dioxide in the 
atmosphere at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, are plotted since the beginning 
of accurate and regular measurements in 1958. Variations in photosynthesis and 
other seasonal effects produce the annual cycle. Mean annual concentrations 
are well above the preindustrial level (290-300 ppm), and the secular increase 
is quite apparent. 

Source: Baes, C. F., et al. "The Global Carbon Dioxide Problem," Oak Ridge National 
Laboratory, 1978. (ORNL-5194.) 

The seasonal variation of the record of carbon dioxide measurements 
made at Mauna Lao is obvious and regular, showing an October mini- 
mum with increases in the later autumn and winter months and a maxi- 
mum in May. However, of greater importance to possible climatic 
changes is the continued year-to-year rise. Both the seasonal variation 
and the annual increase have been confirmed by measurements at other 
locations around the globe. 

Predicting future atmospheric carbon dioxide levels 

Projecting the worldwide needs for energy, even with the present 
problems, indicates a long-term global growth in the consumption of 
fossil fuels and the associated production of carbon dioxide. Insofar as 
possible impact on the climate is concerned, it is the amount of carbon 
dioxide remaining in the atmosphere that is most important. In addi- 
tion to the atmosphere, the ocean and both land and marine biospheres 
serve as reservoirs for carbon dioxide. Based on estimates of preindus- 
trial levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide of 290-295 parts per million 
and the 1958 to present Mauna Loa data, between 58 and 64 percent of 
the carbon dioxide produced from burning fossil fuels remains in the 
atmosphere. Cumulative production of carbon dioxide is plotted in 
figure 9. The upper set of points indicates the increase in the carbon 
dioxide fraction of the atmosphere that would have occurred if all car- 


bon dioxide produced since 1860 from fossil fuels and cement remained 
airborne. The lower set of points represents the observed increase based 
on an assumed value of 290-295 parts per million in 1860. The differ- 
ence between the two sets of points presumably indicates the amount of 
carbon dioxide being taken up by the world ocean and possibly the 
biosphere and placed in long-term storage. Nearly half of the carbon 
dioxide produced from fossil fuels and cement seems to have found its 
way into reservoirs other than the atmosphere. 

1 r 

n r 

i ! 1 1 1 i i r 

9 S\c9*- 

I860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 


Figure 9. — The cumulative production of carbon dioxide since 1860 is compared 
with the observed increase in the mean annual concentration since that time. 
The similarity in the rates of increase (about 4 percent per year) produces 
strong evidence that these two quantities are related. About 50 percent of the 
fossil carbon flux apparently has been balanced, at least since 1958, by a 
flow of carbon dioxide to such reservoirs at the world ocean and/or the land 
biota (assumed 1860 atmospheric concentration equals 295 ppm) . 

Source : Baes. C. F., et al. "The Global Carbon Dioxide Problem," Oak Ridge National 
Laboratory, 1976. (ORNL-5194.) 

Future levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide will depend primarily 
on the rate of consumption of fossil fuel and to a lesser extent on land 
use patterns and practices. With brief interruptions for two world 
wars and the Great Depression, the production of carbon dioxide from 
fossil fuels has increased with an annual rate of 4.3 percent. 33 If the use 
of fossil fuels continues to grow at this present rate, the total carbon 
dioxide injected into the atmosphere by man since 1860 wouM reach 
300 parts per million by the year 2030, and the total concentration 
would be equal to 595 parts per million. This assumes, of course, no 
change in the average uptake by other reservoirs during this time. 
Those energy scenarios that rely heavily on coal, especially for syn- 
thetic oil and gas, yield estimated carbon dioxide concentrations of 

33 4.3 percent per year provides an excellent fit to the data in figure 7. 


600 parts per million about the year 2015 and 1,400 parts per miUion 
about 100 years from now. Rotty and Weinberg (1977) discuss a 
scenario by Niehaus in which nonfossil energy sources dominate soon 
after 2000. Even in this case the annual emission of carbon dioxide 
from fossil fuel peaks at about twice the present level in the year 2000 
and tapers off thereafter; the atmospheric concentration nevertheless 
reaches 475 parts per million by 2050. 34 ' 35 > 36 > 37 > 38 

Sources and sinks for carbon dioxide 

These extrapolations are based on certain assumptions, a critical 
one being that the ocean and the biosphere will continue to absorb a 
large fraction of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Some ocean- 
ographers see increasing evidence that the upper mixed layer of the 
ocean, where most of the carbon dioxide is stored, is rapidly becoming 
saturated, and if this were true, then it tends to reenforce the attain- 
ment of relatively. high atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in 
the next century. However, this prediction is far from certain, because 
carbon dioxide absorption in the ocean could turn out to be greater than 
expected because of mixing between ocean layers or other factors. 39 
The problem is further complicated by a series of current appraisals 
that suggest that the terrestrial biomass appears to be a net source of 
carbon dioxide for the atmosphere. George M. Woodwell of the Marine 
Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass., explains : 

Over the past seven years several reviews of the world carbon budget have con- 
firmed that there is an annual increase in the carbon dioxide content of [the 
atmosphere] that is worldwide and is almost certainly man-caused. The source 
of the carbon dioxide that is accumulating in the atmosphere has been commonly 
assumed to be the combustion of fossil fuels. Because the amount of carbon diox- 
ide accumulating in the atmosphere is * * * [about] half the total released from 
fossil fuels, other sinks for carbon dioxide have been sought. The major sink is the 
ocean, but mixing rates appear to be too low for the oceans to accommodate all 
the carbon dioxide that is thought to be released in excess of that accumulating in 
the atmosphere. The question of whether the terrestrial biota could be another 
sjnk was raised in 1970 [at SCEP], and the assumption was made that the biota 
might be a sink, especially in view of the stimulation of photosynthesis under 
greenhouse conditions by enhanced concentrations of carbon dioxide. More re- 
cently, the assumption that increased carbon dioxide in air stimulates photo- 
synthesis worldwide has been questioned. So has the assumption that the biota 
is a net global sink for carbon dioxide. A series of current appraisals suggests 
that, quite contrary to the previous estimates, the biota is probably an addi- 
tional source of carbon dioxide * * * as large as or larger than the fossil fuel 
source. 40 

Thus, the great puzzle is the basic stability of the global carbon 
budget. Without better information on the behavior of the terrestrial 
biosphere, it is difficult to say whether the biosphere is a sink or a 
net source of carbon dioxide. If the biosphere is supplying more carbon 

34 Baes, C. F.. Jr.. et al. "The Global Cnrbon Dioxide Problem," Oak Ridge, Tenn., Oak 
Ridge National Laboratory. 1970. 78 pp. (ORNL 5194. ) 

* Lenkowski, Wil. "Carbon Dioxide: A Problem of Producing Usable Data." Chemical 
and Engineering News. vol. 55, Oct. 17, 1977 : pp. 26-30. 

;!0 Rotty, Ralph M.. "Energy and the Climate." Institute for Enerprv Analysis, Oak Ridge, 
Oak Ridge Associated Universities. 1970. 28 pp. ( ORAU/IEA (M) 75-3.) 

37 Rottv. R. M. and A. M. Weinberg. "How Long is Coal's Future," Climatic Change, vol. 1, 
No. 1. March 1977 : op. 45-57. 

3 * Rottv. Ralph M.. "The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Consequences of Heavy Dependence 
on Coal." Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, occasional 
paper. 32 pp.. Nov. 14, 1977. 

39 Anthes. Ricbard A.. Hans A. Panofskv. John J. Cnbir and Albert Rango, "The Atmos- 
phere." Columbus. Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 197r>, p. 204. 

in YVoo''" eii (i. M.. ef al., "The Biota and the World Carbon Budget." Science, vol. 199, 
Jan. 13, 1978. pp. 141-146. 


dioxide than it is absorbing, then the behavior of the ocean must be 
different from what oceanographers believe, in the sense that it would 
be an even more effective sink for carbon dioxide than previously sur- 
mised. Thus, there is a need for intense examination of the flux of 
carbon into the ocean. The ability of the world ocean to act as a carbon 
dioxide sink is large, but the rate of possible sequestering of carbon is 
the important factor. One possibility is that biotic mechanisms in the 
ocean are more effective than has been assumed in transferring fixed 
carbon from the mixed (near-surface) Jayers of the ocean into deep 
ocean waters. Before an estimate can be made with confidence of what 
fraction of the carbon dioxide from fossil fuels remains in the atmos- 
phere, a better understanding of the roles of both the biosphere and 
the world ocean in the carbon cycle is necessary. 41, 42 - 43 

Atmospheric effects of increased carbon dioxide levels 

A change in the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere upsets 
the Earth's radiation balance by holding back departing infrared light. 
All things being equal, if no other change were to occur in the system, 
the net amount of energy accumulated by the Earth would raise its 
surface temperature until the enhanced infrared emission reestab- 
lished balance between incoming and outgoing radiation. The problem, 
however, is greatly complicated by the fact that other changes would 
certainly take place. For example, if the Earth's temperature rises, 
the water vapor content of the atmosphere is likely to rise. More water 
will have the same effect as more carbon dioxide creating positive feed- 
back in the system and hence forcing temperatures to climb even higher. 
A rise in water vapor would quite likely increase the fraction of the 
globe covered by clouds. Such an increase would cause the amount of 
primary solar radiation absorbed by the Earth to fall. Some combina- 
tion of increased temperature and cloudiness will balance the enhanced 
absorption of infrared radiation by the added carbon dioxide and 
water vapor. 

Implications of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations 
The possibilities and implications of a continued rise in the atmos- 
pheric carbon dioxide concentration were reviewed in a special report 
entitled ''Energy and Climate.*' released by the National Kesearch 
Council (NRC) on July 25, 1977. 44 

The most complete, though still imperfect, climate models suggest 
that a doubling of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, 
relative to its present amount, would increase the average annual 
temperature of the lower atmosphere at middle latitudes by about 2.4° 
to 2.9° C (4.3° to 5.2° F), depending on which model is used to derive 
the estimated temperature change. 

Based on one climate model in which the hydrologic cycle is modeled 
in detail along with other aspects of climate behavior, a doubling of 
carbon dioxide has been calculated to result in about a 7 percent increase 

41 Bolin, Bert. "Changes of Land Biota and Their Importance for the Carbon Cycle ; The 
Increase of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Mav Partlv Be Due to the Expansion of Forestry 
and Agriculture." Science, vol. 196, May 6. 1977. pp. 613-615. 

"2 Siegreuthalpr. U and H. Oeschsrpr. "Predicting Future Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide 
Levels." Science, vol. 199, Jan. 27, 1978, pp. 388-395. 

43 WooriwHl. Geo-cre M., "The Carbon Dioxide Question," Scientific American, vol. 238, 
Janvary 1978. pp. 34-43. 

44 National Research Council. Geophysics Research Board, "Energy and Climate," Wash- 
ington, National Academy of Sciences, 1977, 281 pp. 


in global average precipitation. Most of this increase would be con- 
centrated in higher latitudes. A general retreat of snow and sea ice 
cover, by perhaps as much as 10 degrees of latitude, could result in 
the Arctic regions. The extent of such changes in the Antarctic, how- 
ever, has not been determined. The temperature rise is greater by a 
factor of three or four in polar regions than the average temperature 
change for the world as a whole. For each further doubling of carbon 
dioxide, an additional 3° C increase in air temperature is inferred. This 
would mean that should the carbon dioxide concentration approach 
four to eight times preindustrial levels, and increase in global mean air 
temperature of more than 6° C (11° F) could be realized — at which 
time Earth would be experiencing temperatures warmer than those at 
any time in the last million years. 45 

Implications of a climatic warming 

The implications for man-induced climatic warming are particularly 
far-reaching for agriculture, according to the NRC report. The global 
picture presented by the report is one dominated by the f orementioned 
gradual increase in mean air temperatures, with a concomitant shift- 
ing of agricultural zones, altered rainfall patterns and other major 
changes. Worldwide average annual precipitation could increase, 
which, at first glance, would seem to benefit agriculture. The accom- 
panying higher air temperature, however, would raise the rate of 
evapotranspiration from cultivated lands, and part of the benefits 
from the additional water supply could be lost. In some regions, 
evapotranspiration might exceed the increase in precipitation; in 
others, the reverse might be true. At higher latitudes, there would be 
a longer frostf ree growing season than at present, and the boundaries 
of cultivation could be extended northward in the Northern Hemi- 
sphere. Attendantly, summer temperatures might become too high for 
full production of middle-latitude crops such as corn and soy beans 
grown in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri, and it might be 
necessary to shift the Corn Belt toward the north where less produc- 
tive soils are encountered. Generally speaking, warmer temperatures 
would result in a poleward movement of agroclimatic zones. As the 
authors of the NRC report state : 

The most serious effects on agriculture would arise not from changes in global 
average conditions but from shifts in the location of climatic regions and changes 
in the relationships of temperature, evapotranspiration, water supply, cloudi- 
ness, and radiation balance within regions. Present cropping patterns, crop vari- 
eties, and farming technology in different climatic regions are based on cumula- 
tive experience over many years in the selection of appropriate crop species and 
varieties for each region and in adapting both the plants and their physical 
environment to each other in as nearly an optimal fashion as possible. These 
adaptations have remained fairly satisfactory over the relatively nam nge 
of climatic changes that have occurred in the historic past. But large el in 
climatic relationships within regions such as might be brought abo a 
doubling or quadrupling of atmospheric carbon dioxide would almost c _ily 
exceed the adaptive capacity of crop varieties grown at present. 46 

The potential global warming trend associated with increasing con- 
centrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide could increase desertifica- 
tion, 47 although there is not conclusive evidence for this possibility. 

*Mbid., pp. 4, 5. 

47 The awkward word "desertification" often refers to the process by which existing deserts 
spread but the term also may refer to the creation of desertlike conditions such as those 
which developed during the 1930's dust-bowl years in the North American Great Plains. 


The altered pattern of rainfall and temperature resulting from the 
release of carbon dioxide could change desert conditions in unexpected 
ways and even increase agricultural potential in some cases. Authors 
of the NRC report concede the present state of ignorance on the 
subject : 

The most serious effects of possible future climatic changes could be felt along 
the boundaries of the arid and semiarid regions in both hemispheres. We need to 
be able to estimate whether these belts of aridity and semiaridity will move 
toward or away from the poles and whether they will expand or contract in 
area. 48 

The effect of manmade or of natural climatic alteration of desert- 
areas is not clear. The advancement of desert conditions into agri- 
cultural areas in Africa and elsewhere has been documented during 
the past decade, and although rainfall patterns with associated wet 
and dry climates are controlled mainly by the general atmospheric 
circulation, human activities can have a marked effect on local desert 
conditions, even possibly intensifying the process of desertification and 
thereby compounding the problem. In particular, excessive ploughing 
of dry land or overenthusiastic introduction of livestock and expan- 
sion of cultivated areas, during wet periods, into marginal lands causes 
destruction of soil-protecting vegetation. During ensuing dry periods, 
these marginal lands, with their natural protective cover destroyed by 
cultivation and overgrazing, suffer loss of, or a decline in, the quality 
of soil. As this occurs over a large region, the bare dry ground, its 
reflectivity altered, now acts to intensify the natural climatic condi- 
tions which sustain the desert. 49 

Carbon dioxide and future climate: the real climate versus "model 

In the final analysis, it is well to remember that it cannot be asserted 
that a doubling of carbon dioxide in the real world would have the 
same effects on real climate as a simulated doubling of carbon dioxide 
in climate models would have on "model climate." This caveat is in 
order because no climate model is altogether realistic in its description 
of the real climatic system, and because some of the physical processes 
that operate in the real climatic system cannot yet be simulated at all 
in climate models. Comments J. Murray Mitchell, Jr. : 

No climate model on which the above conclusions [regarding climatic warm- 
ing] are based is capable of developing its own cloud systems in a realistic 
way : most models must be instructed before hand where the clouds are assumed 
to exist, and the clouds remain there unchanged throughout the computer 
experiment using the model. We should be wary of this, because if the cloudi- 
ness were to change in the real world along with a carbon dioxide change, 
then the role of clouds in affecting the temperature of the Earth might sig- 
nificantly alter the net temperature effect of the carbon dioxide change as 
inferred from models that assume fixed cloudiness. 50 

the model is allowed to adjust cloudiness along with other weather 
variables as the calculation proceeds. Early indications are that 
Some preliminary model experiments have been attempted at the 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Geo- 
physical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton, N.J., in which 

48 National Research Council, Geophysics Research Board, op. cit., p. 14. 
48 Ibid. 

50 Mitchell, J. Murray, Jr., "Carbon Dioxide and Future Climate," p. 9. 


allowance for cloudiness changes does not greatly alter the results of 
experiments using models with fixed cloudiness. 

Altogether, the experience with climate models suggests that their 
use in evaluating the magnitude of temperature changes associated 
with changes of atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to results that are 
likely to approximate reality fairly closely. Models may be overesti- 
mating the temperature and other climatic effects of carbon dioxide 
changes by as much as a factor of two. On the other hand, it is 
equally likely that they may be underestimating the effects by a 
factor of two. In balance, the model results to date warrant being 
taken as an unprejudiced and credibly realistic approximation to 
reality. 51 


The concern that man's activities could in some fashion change the 
stratosphere first emerged as a public issue during the debate on the 
American SST in 1969. The American SST program was, at that 
time, almost a decade old and was approaching its final phase when 
it was challenged by a coalition of more than 30 environmentally 
oriented organizations. The environmentalists contended that the 
SST, flying in the stratosphere, would contaminate the stratosphere 
and alter its characteristics. The dominant concern was that water, 
created as a product of fuel combustion, would interact with the 
stratospheric ozone and destroy it. 

Concerns regarding ozone destruction 

Ozone (0 3 ) exists everywhere in the atmosphere and reaches a 
maximum concentration at around 80,000 feet. It is created, as well 
as destroyed, by the interaction of ultraviolet light from the Sun with 
oxygen molecules in the upper atmosphere. Most of the ozone is 
created in the Tropics and is dispersed from there toward both poles. 
Due to the destructive action of sunlight and to the atmospheric 
transport systems, the Tropics, where most of the ozone is made, have 
the least dense coverage of ozone. Ozone density increases in the 
temperate zones and reaches its maximum density in the polar regions. 
Ozone density over a given spot on Earth may vary as much as 25 
to 30 percent on a given day and as much as 300 percent throughout 
the year depending on the season. Ozone density measurements have 
shown that the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth has a slightly 
denser coverage than the Southern Hemisphere. 

The importance of the ozone content of the upper atmosphere 
centers on the fact that the ultraviolet light that creates ozone is 
absorbed in the process. These wavelengths of ultraviolet light are 
damaging to life of all sorts if the intensity is too great. It should be 
noted that some ultraviolet light is required by animal life to produce 
vitamin D which gives protection against rickets. 

In the debate over the American SST, it became clear that neither 
side had enough data on the stratosphere to refute the other. Despite 
this, the debate remained lively for more than a year and was finally 
terminated by the congressional decision to cancel the SST program 
and to initiate programs to study the upper atmosphere and in par- 
ticular, its ozone. 

51 Information gleaned In a session on "climatic futures" at the 1978 annual meeting of 
the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C., Feb. 17, 


Congress requested and funded a 3-year, $24 million program, to 
determine whether or not the stratospheric flight constituted a threat 
to the Earth's environment. Responsibility for the study was given to 
the Department of Transportation and was called the "Climatic Im- 
pact Assessment Program" (CIAP). 52 The theoretical mechanisms 
which indicated that water, created from the combustion of fuel, would 
mix with and destroy ozone appeared to be reasonable and meritorious 
of serious study. Early in the CIAP, however, actual measurements of 
ozone density in the stratosphere in volumes of air which were per- 
meated by the plume from jet engines, were made. These measurements 
showed that ozone density seemed to increase subsequent to the injec- 
tion of water vapor. Why this occurs is not yet understood, but the test 
provided adequate information to conclude that water vapor injected 
into the stratosphere would not constitute a danger to the ozone. 

During the conduct of the CIAP program, other papers began to 
appear which described a variety of heretofore unconsidered theoreti- 
cal ways in which man's activities could adversely effect the ozone 
density in the stratosphere. The atmosphere of the Earth is about 80 
percent nitrogen and 20 percent oxygen. The oxygen used in the com- 
bustion process is therefore accompanied by a large amount of nitro- 
gen. The heat of combustion causes the formation of several oxides of 
nitrogen (NO x ). Theoretical mechanisms were proposed which pre- 
dicted that the NO x formed in the stratosphere by a jet engine would 
mix with the ozone and destroy it in a catalytic manner. In other 
words, during the process in which the NO x would destroy the ozone, 
the XO x would be reformed and released to destroy still more ozone 
in a continuous manner. 53 The mechanisms for this process appeared 
reasonable and worthy of serious study. However, Dr. John J. 
McKetta of the CEQ noted that the total NO x burden produced by 
combustion processes amounts to only about 2 percent of that produced 
by dying vegetation in the natural cycle of plant life. 54 It was then 
noted that the artificial insertion of nitrogen compounds into the soil 
for purposes of fertilizing caused the evolution and ultimate release 
of XO x in quantities amounting to a sizable fraction of that produced 
by nature. 55 • 56 

Moreover the bromine compounds used in agriculture as antifungi- 
cides were held to be even more potent in destroying ozone than NO x . 57 
Still more very large sources of NO x were identified, such as lightning 
from the some 5.000 storms around the Earth, each day. Also, air 
bursts of nuclear bombs produce NO x at the rate of 10,000 tons per 
megaton of yield. 58, 59 In the early 1960 ? s, 340 megatons of explosive 
injected about 3% million tons of XO x into the stratosphere. 

52 "Climatic Impact Assessment Program Development and Accomplishments, 1971-75," 
J. Mormino, et al., D0T-TST-76-41, December 1975. 

53 "Reduction of Stratospheric Ozone by Nitrogen Oxide Catalysts from Supersonic Trans- 
port Exhaust," H. Johnston, Science, Aug. 6, 1971. 

54 "The Eight Surprises," J. J. McKetta. address to the American Trucking Association, 
Oct. 16. 1974. reprinted in the Congressional Record. Mar. 12, 1975. 

55 "NOAA Scientist Weighs Possible Fertilizer Effects on Ozone," Paul Crutzen, Depart* 
ment of Commerce News, Apr. 15, 1975. 

56 "Nitrogen Fertilizer Threatens Ozone," quotes from J. McElroy, Washington Star, 
Dec. 12. 1974. 

57 "Weather Warfare" (Bromine). New Scientist, Mar. 27, 1975, p. 762. 

58 "Ozone Appears Unalterpd by Nitric Oxide," Kenneth J. Stein, Aviation Week and Space 
Technology, Nov. 6, 1972. p. 28. • • . ^ , r , 

. 59 "Nitrogen Oxides, Nuclear Weapon Testing, Concorde and Stratospheric Ozone," P. 
Goldsmith, et at, Nature, Aug. 31, 1973, p. 545. 

34-857—79 14 


It had begun to appear to many that, in the Earth's atmosphere, 
which' is about 80 percent nitrogen and 20 percent oxygen, the NOx is 
ubiquitous and that there was just no legislative way to save the ozone 
from the catalytic disintegration hypothesized. The issue endures 
largely as an academic debate, though its character could change again. 
One group holds that the destructive mechanisms ascribed to NO x are 
real and that ozone density is controlled by the presence of NO x - An 
opposing group contends that, while the hypothetical reactions appear 
to be sound, they just don't seem to occur. The insertion of 3% million 
tons of XO x by nuclear explosions over 1 year's time, for example, was 
judged by many as an experiment of sufficient magnitude to cause un- 
mistakable perturbations in ozone density, and would prove or dis- 
prove the destruction hypothesis. Recordings of ozone density before, 
during, and following the test were analyzed by numerous people. One 
investigator detected trends which he associated with the explosions ; 
however, others held that "the conclusion that massive injections of 
nitrogen oxides into the stratosphere do not upset the ozone layer seems 
inescapable." 60 

Putting that aside, yet another challenge to the ozone, the manmade 
fluorocarbons (freon aerosol propellants and refrigerants) has been 
postulated. 61 The hypothetical mechanisms by which these compounds 
would migrate into the stratosphere, break down to release odd chlorine 
molecules which would in turn set up a catalytic destruction of ozone, 
where examined and found to be plausible and a cause for concern. Sub- 
sequent measurements taken in the stratosphere proved the presence of 
numerous odd chlorine molecules, some of which could indeed be shown 
to have their origin in freon. 62 

Although the empirical validity of the destructive interaction of 
these odd chlorines with ozone is difficult to show and has yet to be 
shown, their discovery in the stratosphere was enough for several 
scientists to call for a ban on the fluorocarbons. Other scientists, as well 
as industry, took an opposing view, calling for empirical proof prior to 
taking actions to ban or control the manufacture or use of freon 

The argument became partly one of timing with one side claiming 
that no emergency could be proven and plenty of time was available to 
test the destruction hypothesis. Opposing this was the view that it may 
very well be too late already since most of the freons already released 
have yet to reach the stratosphere. 

Unlike the case with XO x . where changes as vast as banning the 
use of nitrating fertilizers might be required, the control of freon 
release was a manageable target for a regulatory control. The resulting 
studies and actions represent a model of rapid and cooperative action 
between a large number of highly diverse Government offices and 
agencies. The decision was made to act without waiting for empiricial 
proof of the destruction hypothesis, but not to institute the total and 
immediate ban some investigators called for. Instead, propellant ap- 
plication would be labeled as possibly hazardous to the ozone and then 

"° I '»id. 

r; "Stratospheric O^one Destruction hv Man-made Ohlorofluoromethanes," R. J. Cicerone, 
et al.. Science, Sept. 27, 1974. 

""Atmospheric Halocarbons and Stratospheric Ozone," J. E. Lovelock, Nature, Nov. 22, 


i banned in stages. Refrigerants would be studied pending their possible 
regulation at some future time. 

Action by the Government on the regulation of fluorocarbons 

The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the Federal 
Council for Science and Technology (FCST) reviewed theoretical 
oapers on the destructive interaction between fluorocarbons and ozone, 
the first of which appeared in 1974. They decided that the case was 
worthy of serious concern. In January 1975, the CEQ and FCST 
jointly created a large ad hoc task force known as the Federal Inter- 
agency Task Force on Inadvertent Modification of the Stratosphere 
(IMOS). IMOS membership included representatives from: 

Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS). 

Department of Agriculture. 

Department of Commerce, 

Department of Defense. 

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. 

Food and Drug Administration. 

Department of Justice. 

Department of State. 

Department of Transportation. 

Energy Research and Development Administration. 

Environmental Protection Agency. 

Consumer Products Safety Commission. 

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 

National Science Foundation. 

Council on Environmental Quality. 

Office of Management and Budget (observer only) . 

The work of IMOS was swift and orderly. A series of studies was 
completed and published in their report by June 1975. 63 IMOS con- 
cluded "that fluorocarbons released to the environment are a legitimate 
cause for concern." The report also referred to a similar study which 
was then underway at the National Academy of Sciences. IMOS rec- 
ommended that, should the results of the NAS study agree with their 
results, then Federal regulatory agencies should initiate rulemaking 
procedures for implementing regulations to restrict fluorocarbon uses. 

The data base for the NAS study was of course the same data base 
used by IMOS since it was the only one available. The conclusions 
reached by both studies were therefore the same, and rulemaking was 

If the data base could have contained some empirical proof sup- 
porting the validity of the massive ozone destruction hypothesis, the 
rulemaking procedures would have proceeded without, or at least with 
much less debate and protest. As it was, the rules were handed down 
without proof, the justification being that the consequences of higher 
UV exposure due to ozone thinning were sufficiently severe that pre- 
cautionary regulations were necessary. Under these circumstances, the 
rules Ave re models of compromise. A ban was to be issued over the pro- 
test of industry, but it would neither be the complete ban nor the imme- 
diate one demanded by the environmental groups and some scientists. 

63 '"Fluorocarbons and the Environment," IMOS. Council on Environmental Quality and 
the Federal Council for Science and Technology, June 1975. 


The proposed rules were formulated jointly by the Department of 
Health, Education, and Welfare, the Environmental Protection 
Agency, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission. In brief, they 

state : 

1. By October 15, 1978, no company may manufacture fluoro- 
carbons for use in aerosol products. 

2. By December 15, 1978, companies must stop using fluorocar- 
bons as propellants in aerosol products. 

3. As of April 15, 1979, no spray product containing a fluoro- 
carbon propellant may be introduced into interstate commerce. 
Products on store shelves at that time may be sold, however, and 
there will be no recall. 

4. Beginning in October 1978, warning labels will be put on 
aerosol products which contain fluorocarbons to warn the user 
that the fluorocarbons are present and may affect the ozone. 

5. Certain aerosol products intended for medical purposes are 
exempt from these regulations. 

The rule on labeling has already been put into effect. 64 

Climatic effects of ozone depletion 

While the effect of a significant buildup in the concentration of 
chlorofluorocarbons and chlorocarbons on the chemical balance of the 
Earth/atmosphere system is currently a subject of concern, their im- 
pact and effect on the Earth's overall thermal energy balance must 
also be considered. The chlorofluorocarbons and chlorocarbons have 
strong infrared absorption bands, thus allowing these compounds to 
trap long-wave radiation emitted by the Earth and, in turn, enhance 
the atmospheric "greenhouse effect." This enhancement may lead to 
an appreciable increase in global surface and atmospheric temperature 
if atmospheric concentrations of these compounds reach values of the 
order of 2 parts per billion (ppb) , 65 

Furthermore, ozone itself is important to the Earth's climate because 
it absorbs some quantities of both solar and terrestrial infrared radia- 
tion, thereby affecting the enerofv balance of the Earth/atmosphere 
system that determines the Earth's temperature. Exactly how changes 
in the ozone concentration might affect climate are far more difficult 
to determine, since changes in surface temperature from variations in 
ozone depend on such diverse factors as whether the total amount of 
ozone is increased or decreased, whether the height at which the maxi- 
mum amount of ozone occurs is altered, or whether the latitudinal 
distribution of ozone is disturbed. James Coakley of the National Cen- 
ter for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colo., has found 
that a uniform reduction in the total amount of atmospheric ozone 
would lead to a cooling of the Earth's surface, but that a decrease in 
altitude in the stratosphere where ozone has its maximum concentra- 
tion can warm the surface. Similarly, an increase in total amount of 
ozouo warms, but an increase in the altitude of maximum ozone con- 
centration can cool the climate. If it were known that an atmospheric 

« The previous section on the ozone depletion Issue was contributed by George Chatham, 
Spprinllst In Aeronautics and Space, Science Policy Research Division, Congressional Re- 
peareh Service. 

* Rnmanathan. V., "Greenhousp Effect Due to Chlorofluorocarbons: Climatic Implica- 
tions" Science, vol. 190, Oct. 3, 1975, pp. 50, 51. 


pollutant, such as chlorofluorocarbons, acted to reduce the amount of 
ozone in the atmosphere, then before one could conclude that this would 
lead to a global cooling, it would still also have to be known if the 
clilorofluorocarbons moved the altitude of maximum ozone concen- 
tration up or down. If the maximum moved up, this would enhance 
the cooling effect of a decrease in ozone, but if the maximum moved 
down, that situation would oppose the cooling attributable to the 
decrease in total ozone. Thus, while it is conceivable that a large change 
in ozone could significantly affect climate, it may be seen that the 
direction of any potential ozone-climatic effect is difficult to deter- 
mine. 66 


Another man-generated pollutant that could affect the climate is 
waste heat generated by combustion, automobiles, home heating, in- 
dustrial processes, and power generation — all produce heat that even- 
tually is emitted into the atmosphere. In addition to its direct effect 
on atmospheric temperature, in specific situations waste heat can en- 
hance convection, the vertical motion so important in precipitation 

On a regional scale, thermal effects may become important by the 
turn of the century. However, on a global scale, climatic effects of 
thermal pollution today and for the near future appear to be insig- 
nificant. Some scientists, however, believe this impact may grow with 
increased energy production and conversion. Research meteorologist 
James T. Peterson of the Environmental Protection Agency states 
that a long-term view reveals that continued growth of energy use 
could lead to a large-scale climatic change in 100 years or more. Of 
particular concern, says Peterson, are present-day nuclear power- 
plants, which will produce about 55 percent more waste heat than a 
fossil fuel plant for a given amount of electricity generated. 67 

To better understand the effects of heat releases on weather and 
climate, the U.S. Department of Energy is sponsoring a program called 
METER, which stands for "meteorological effects of thermal energy 
releases." METER program scientists are collecting data from several 
powerplant sites around the United States to aid in predicting the 
specific environmental effects of releasing large amounts of excess heat 
and moisture directly into the atmosphere from powerplant operations 
and cooling towers. The amounts of heat and moisture emitted from 
the stacks and towers of a large powerplant are small compared with 
those released by even a moderate-sized thunderstorm. Cooling tower 
plumes are suspected of acting as a triggering mechanism to create 
instabilities in the atmosphere, initiating or otherwise modifying 
rainfall and disrupting storm patterns. A typical cooling tower will 
produce 5,000 megawatts of heat and evaporate 40,000 to 60,000 
gallons of water per minute. Even so, a modest thunderstorm will put 
out 800 times that much water and 30 times that much heat. 68 

The urban "heat island" 

• On a local scale, the climatic effects of energy use and heat produc- 
tion are significant and well documented. Obviously, urban areas are 

66 Schneider. Stephen H., "The Genesis Strategy: Climate and Global Survival." New 
York. Plenum Press, 1976. p. 183. 

67 Peterson, James T., "Energy and the Weather," Environment, vol. 15, October 1973, 
PP. 4, 5, 8. 

88 "Power Plant May Alter Weather," the Christian Science Monitor, Mar. 13, 1978, p. 19. 


experiencing thermal effects. The most evident feature of city climate 
is its excess warmth, which is commonly referred to as the urban heat 
island. Cities are prodigious sources of heat. Factory smokestacks, air- 
conditioners and heating systems of offices and homes, vehicle engines 
and exhausts — all contribute waste heat to the outside atmosphere', 
particularly in winter. Summer temperatures in the city are 0.6° C to 
1.1° C higher than in nearby rural areas, and 1.1° C to 2.2° C higher in 
winter. Also, the building materials of brick, asphalt, mortar, and 
concrete readily absorb and store more heat from the Sun than the soil 
and vegetation of a rural area, and give it up more slowly after sun- 
down. While rural areas are rapidly cooling after sunset, the building 
materials gradually release their stored heat to the urban atmosphere, 
tending to keep it warmer than the countryside. 

Another factor that retains high temperatures and makes the atmos- 
phere dry is the way a city disposes of its rainwater or snow. During 
any shower or storm, the water is quickly drained from the roofs by 
gutters and drainpipes, and from the sidewalks and streets by gutters 
and storm sewers. The winter snows are removed as quickly as possible 
by shovels and plows, and often hauled away in trucks. These methods 
of removing precipitation not only take away sources of moisture but 
also remove the cooling effect of evaporation. In the country, evapora- 
tion can cool the area where the rain and melting snow stay on the 
surface or seep into the ground. A large fraction of the absorbed heat 
energy is used in evapotranspiration as vegetation transpires water 

An advantage of urban heat emissions is that the} 7 decrease the 
likelihood of surface-based air temperature inversions (air tempera- 
ture increases rather than decreases with height) and increase the 
height of the mixed layer near the surface. Inversions inhibit turbu- 
lent air motions which diffuse and dilute pollutants. Heat emissions at 
the city surface create a relative decrease in temperature with height 
which in turn aids the mixing and dispersion of pollutants. Observa- 
tions of urban and rural temperature-height profiles have shown this 
effect of thermal emissions. Thus, urban pollutants emitted near 
ground level, such as carbon monoxide from auto exhaust, will be 
diffused through a greater volume of the atmosphere with a consequent 
reduction in concentration. 

Other major features of urban climates that are related to thermal 
pollution include : 

A longer frost-free growing season. 

Less snowfall because snow melts while falling through the 
warmer urban atmosphere and less snow accumulation because 
-now melts on contact with warmer urban surfaces. 

Lower relative humidity. 

Decreased occurrence and density of fog because of the lower 
relative humidity, a feature which may be offset by more par- 
t Iculate matter which serves as condensation nuclei. 

A slight component of the wind direction toward the city cen- 
ter as a result of the horizontal temperature contrast. 

Apparent enhancement of precipitation downwind of cities, a 
phenomenon partially due to increased convection (vertical 



The calbedo is a numerical indication of the percentage of incoming 
i>lar radiation that is reflected by the land, ocean, and atmosphere back 
into space and, attendantly, how much is absorbed by the climatic sys- 
tem. Another important manner for altering the Earth's heat budget, 
albedo can be changed by the process of urbanization, agricultural 
activities, changes in the character of the land surface, and by in- 
creasing or decreasing cloudiness. 69 

Most clouds are both excellent absorbers of infrared radiation and 
rellectors of solar radiation. Therefore, clouds are a major factor in 
determining the Earth's energy balance. An increase in clouds could 
warm surface temperatures by tending to reduce the flux of long- wave 
(that is, infrared) radiation to space, or cool surface temperatures by 
reflecting incoming solar radiation back to space. The net effect of 
increased cloudiness is to either warm or cool the surface, depending 
on cloud type, latitude, and season. 70 The effect of cloud condensation 
nuclei (CCN) on the formation of fog and clouds could alter the albedo 
of a region if the fog or clouds were sufficiently persistent or extensive, 
P. V. Hobbs and H. Harrison, both professors of atmospheric science 
at the University of Washington, and E. Eobinson of Washington 
State Universit3 T? s Air Pollution Research Unit, contend that perhaps 
the most sensitive atmospheric processes which can be affected by air 
pollutants are those involved in the development of clouds and pre- 

Apart from effects on precipitation processes, inadvertent modifi- 
cation of the microstrncture and distribution of clouds, with attend- 
ant consequences for radiative properties, could have profound effects 
on atmospheric temperature distributions and global climate. 71 
Whether a variation in terrain on temperature or other factors would 
have a negative or positive feedback interaction with clouds is a 
major question in climate theory that will be answered by extensive 
analyses of observations and model studies. 

The high reflectivity of snow and ice, as compared with water or 
land surfaces, provides positive feedback if the average year-round 
temperature decreases and the extent of ice and snow coverage in- 
creases and reflects more of the incoming sunlight back to space. The 
result is to lower the rate of heating still more, particularly in the 
regions closest to the poles. Columbia University scientists observed 
from a study of satellite photomaps that snow and icepack cover 
were more extensive and of longer duration in the early 1970's than 
in previous years. The result, they reported, was to increase the 
Earth's albedo, reflect more sunlight back into space, and change the 
planet's heat balance. 72 It was pointed out that normally vegetated 
ground reflects about 15 percent to 20 percent of sunlight and a calm 
ocean reflects 5 percent to 10 percent, while snow-covered grassland 
or pack ice reflects about 80 percent. 

88 Otterman. J., "Anthropogenic Impact on the Albedo of the Earth," Climatic Change, 
vol. 1, Xo. 2, 1977, pp. 137-155. 

70 "Living With Climatic Change," proceedings of a conference/workshop held in Toronto, 
Not. 17-22, 1975 ; Ottawa, Science Council of Canada, 1976, p. 88. 

71 Hobbs, P. V., H. Harrison, and E. Robinson, "Atmospheric Effects of Pollutants," pp. 
910, 911. 

72 The atmosphere is principally heated by terrestrial reradiation, thus the reflected 
incoming light, escaping back into space instead of being transformed into heat, represents 
a deficit in the Earth's energy balance. 


They also found that snow and ice covered twice as much ground 
in October 1972 as in October 1968 and correlated that situation with 
a drop in global air temperatures. They warned that the potential 
for fast changes of climate evidently does exist and should be kepfe 
in mind. 73 

There's yet another contributor to the planet's albedo : airborne par- 
ticles, particularly the extremely fine dust particles that have been 
carried too high in the atmosphere to be scavenged and washed out 
by precipitation processes. Many of these particles remain aloft for 
months or years. Dust of various kinds may initiate short-term cool- 
ing trends with characteristic time spans of decades or centuries. This 
depends on the optical properties of the particles, which in turn de- 
pend on particle composition and size distribution. Furthermore, par- 
ticles radiate in the infrared, and therefore can alter the outgoing 
long-wave radiation. 

Densely populated regions tend to have higher albedos than do 
forests or cultivated soils. The deserts of the world have a highei 
albedo than, for example, grass-covered fields. Urbanization, agricul- 
ture, transportation networks — all act to alter the surface albedo. 
While local changes in albedo have been determined, however, the 
overall integrated global variation is still unknown. Even local net 
effects of surface changes may not be fully understood, since changes 
in the nature of a surface are generally accompanied by change in 
surface roughness. Surface roughness alterations can affect the man- 
ner and rate of heat and momentum exchanges with the atmosphere 
through modification of small-scale turbulent processes. 74 

A factor such as roughness of the ocean should not be overlooked 
in ocean/atmosphere exchange mechanisms. Ocean surface pollution 
may also figure in the alteration of the albedo as well as the sea surface 
characteristics: an oil slick forming a surface film on the sea. for 


Beginning in the 1940's, large areas of the Texas Panhandle, western 
Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska came under widespread irrigation. 
This large-scale irrigation adds more moisture to the air through 
evaporation; has made large land surfaces greener (which changes 
the albedo) ; and may act to decrease dust in the air. Since the situation 
is somewhat analogous to a large-area rain modification project, a 
number of studies have been conducted to ascertain if greater rainfall 
could occur in the vicinity or downwind of irrigated areas. 

Schickedanz (1976) provided strong evidence of irrigation-related 
anomalies; specifically, increased rainfall during months when irri- 
gation took place in and/or surrounding large irrigated areas of the 
Groat Plains. 

The percent rain increase associated with the irrigation effect was 
found to vary from 14 percent to 26 percent in June, 57 percent to 
91 percent in July, 15 percent to 26 percent in August, and 19 percent 

73 Kukla, George .T., and Helena J. Kukla, "Increased Surface Albedo in the Northern 
Hemisphere," Science, vol. 183, Feb. 22, 1974, pp. 709, 713, 714. 

A growing fraction of current evidence seems to suggest, however, that this has not been 
the in North America. Analysis of satellite data for the last decade has led scientists 
with the National Environmental Satellite Service to conclude that North American anow 
cover showed no significant change during the entire period of record. Rather, the North 
American total winter snow cover appears to be remarkably similar year to year. Eurasion 
snow cover on the other hand was reported to be much more variable. 

w National Research Council, Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, "Weather and 
Climate Modification : Problems and Progress," p. 156. 


] to 35 percent during summer depending on the location and size of 
the irrigated areas in the States of Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and 

Acting similarly to the manner in which urban industrial centers 
affect weather in and downwind of them, irrigated areas may be said 
to be a focal point for both rain initiation and rain enhancement or 
redistribution, under conditions when rain is likely. 75 ' 76 

Stick! (1975) also found evidence of irrigation-related rainfall 
, anomalies in the Columbia Basin of Washington. Explaining that the 
increase in rainfall is real, he offered the following explanation : 

The moisture added by irrigation is evaporated and must eventually return 
I to the Earth's surface as precipitation. The question is where and when? The 
[Columbia] basin is nearly surrounded by mountains. The surface layer of air 
in the basin will eventually be carried over the mountains [at the eastern margin 
of the basin], and if additional moisture has been added to the air * * * air, we 
would expect additional precipitation in the foothills. This appears to be what 
happens during the two months [of July and August] when additional evapora- 
tion is greatest. 77 


In review, tables 2, 3, and 4 summarize much of the pertinent infor- 
mation presented in the preceding sections. They are, respectively, 
"Inadvertent Effects on Ten Weather Phenomena," "Chronic Low- 
Level Pollutants : Mankind's Leverage Points on Climate," and "Pos- 
sible Causal Factors in Future Climatic Change to the Year 2000 A.D." 



Certainty of inad- Scale of inadvertent cance of inadvert- 
Phenomenon vertent effect effect ent effect 

1. Visibility and haze 







2. Solar radiation and sunshine 




3. Cloudiness 






4. Precipitation (quantity). 





Meso or macro 


Precipitation (quality).. 










5. Thunderstorms (hail/heavy rain) 







6. Severe storms (tornados, other) 




7. Temperature 





Populated meso 


8. Wind/circulation. 






9. Fog 



10. Humidity 





i From "Final Report to the National Science Foundation on the Third Inadvertent Weather Modification Workshop,'! 
Hartford, Conn., May 23-27, 1977. Hartford. The Center for Environment and Man, Inc., 1977. 

Note.— Micro: less than or equal to 1 km; urban: less than or equal to 30 km; meso: 30 to 150 km; macro: greater than 
150 km. 

75 Schickedanz, Paul T.. The Effect of Irrigation on Precipitation In the Great Plains. 
Final report on an investigation of potential alterations in summer rainfall associated 
with widespread irrigation in the Great Plains, Urbana, 111., Illinois State Water Survey, 

1976. 105 pp. 

76 Schickendanz, Paul T., "Extra-Area Effects from Inadvertent Weather Modification." 
In preprints of Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, 
Champaign-Urbana, 111., Oct. 10-13, 1977. Boston, American Meteorological Society, 

1977, pp. 134-137. 

"Stidd, Charles K., "Irrigation Increases Rainfall?" Science, vol. 188, Apr. 18, 1975, 
pp. 279-281. In Effect of Large-Scale Irrigation on Climate in the Columbia Basin, 
Science, vol. 184, Apr. 12, 1974, pp. 121-127. Fowler and Helvey argue that small scale 
site changes may occur, but the widespread climatic effects of irrigation may well be 
minimal. Furthermore, they contend that the available precipitation records for the 
basin do not verify Stidd's conclusion that precipitation increased because of irrigation. 




Tssues in Inadvertent Weather and Climate Modification 
climatic barriers to long-term energy growth 
Revelle and Suess (1957) stated: 

Human beings are now carrying out a large scale geophysical experiment of 
a kind that could not have happened in the past nor be repeated in the future. 
Within a few centuries we are returning to the atmosphere and ocean the con- 
centrated organic carbon stored in the sedimentary rocks over hundreds of mil- 
lions of years. This experiment may yield a far-reaching insight into the processes 
of determining weather and climate. 78 

Thus stated is the case for diligent observation of the consequences 
of the man-generated flux of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Left 
unstated is perhaps the greater need to anticipate the consequences 
well enough to keep them within acceptable limits. 

Even though carbon dioxide makes up a small fraction (less than 
one one-thousandth of the total atmospheric mass) of the gases that 
comprise the atmosphere, it is crucial in determining the Earth's 
temperature because it traps some of the Earth's heat to produce the 
so-called greenhouse effect. 

Worldwide industrial civilization may face a major decision over 
the next few decades — whether to continue reliance on fossil fuels as 
principal sources of energy or to invest the research and engineering 
effort, and the capital, that will make it possible to substitute other 
energy sources for fossil fuels within the next 50 years. The second 
alternative presents many difficulties, but the possible climatic con- 
sequences of reliance on fossil fuels for another one or two centuries 
may be critical enough as to leave no other choice. 

The climatic questions center around the increase in atmospheric 
carbon dioxide that might result from continuing and increasing use 
of fossil fuels. In 110 years since about 1860 a 12-percen.t increase in 
the concentration of carbon dioxide had taken place, but because of 
the exponential nature of the consumption of energy and the burning 
of fossil fuels the next 10-12 percent increase would take only about 
20 years and the next 10-12 percent increase beyond that only about 
10 years. By this time the climatic impact of the carbon dioxide should 
(according to model calculations) cause a climatic warming of about 
1°C (1.8°F). Four questions are crucial : 

1. What concentrations of carbon dioxide can be expected in the 
atmosphere at different times in the future, for given rates of combus- 
tion of fossil fuels ? 

2. What climatic changes might result from increased atmospheric 
carbon dioxide? 

3. What would be the consequences of such climatic changes for 
human societies and for the natural environment ? 

4. "What, if any, countervailing human actions could diminish the 
climatic changes or mitigate their consequences ? 79 

Whether such a warming would influence the extent of ice and snow 
at the polar caps or influence the level of the world ocean cannot be 

■« Rpvelle R. and H. E. Suess, "Carbon Dioxide Exchange Between the Atmosphere 
and Ocean,'' and the "Question of an Increase in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide During 
the Past Decades," Tellus. vol. 9, No. 1, 1957, p. 18. . „ 

n National Research Council, Geophysics Research Board, "Energy and Climare, p. 1. 


said with certainty. Neither can it be said whether such a warming 
would push the grain belts of the world poleward by several hundred 
kilometers thereby disrupting the present patterns of agriculture. 
These are possibilities, but climatic theory is yet too crude to be certain. 
The only certain proof that the carbon dioxide-greenhouse theory is 
correct will come when the atmosphere itself ''performs the experi- 
ment" of proving present estimates too high, or too low. An important 
point remains, though, and that is : The uncertainty in present scien- 
tific estimates of potential climatic consequences of increased energy 
use is not biased toward optimism. 80 

Carbon dioxide is not the only byproduct of the burning of fossil 
fuels. Another form of atmospheric pollution results from the intro- 
duction of dust and smoke particles, which, when suspended in air. are 
called atmospheric aerosols. The word "aerosols" is a term used to 
describe the suspension of any kind of particle in a gas. These particles 
can be solid like dust, sand. ice. and soot. Or they can be droplets like 
the water particles in clouds and fog or the liquid chemicals that are 
dispensed as droplets from aerosol spray cans. The air contains tril- 
lions upon trillions of aerosol particles, which, like carbon dioxide, 
comprise only a minute fraction of the total atmospheric mass. 

Despite their relatively small volume, aerosols can affect the climate, 
primarily by absorbing and scattering back to space some of the sun- 
light that could have otherwise reached the Eartlrs surface. Industry 
is not the only human activity that causes aerosols. They are also pro- 
duced in great quantities by a variety of agricultural activities and 
practices, and a significant fraction of the particle loading of the 
atmosphere is of natural origin. 

A consensus among scientists today would not be forthcoming as to 
whether an increase in aerosols would result in a cooling of the climat < 3 
or a warming of the climate, because aerosols will cool the climate if 
they are relatively whiter than the surface over which they lie, or, 
alternatively, they will warm the Earth if they are relatively darker 
than the surface over which they are suspended. The dust that exists in 
the atmosphere today is highly nonuniform in both geographic distri- 
bution and relative brightness as compared to the underlying surface. 
Therefore, one cannot be absolutely certain whether dust contributes 
to climatic warming or can be implicated in climatic cooling. sl 



Putting together the different parts of the story of climate and 
energy, what picture emerges? How seriously do we respond to the 
possibility that the present rate of increase of fossil fuel burning is 
likely to have noticeable consequences for climate by the end of this 
century, but not become a serious problem until well into the next 
century? On the longer time scale, the picture that emerges is rather 
startling in the words of Dr. Wallace Broecker of the Lamont-Doherty 
Geological Observatory, who explains, "Consumption of the bulk of 
the world's known fossil fuel reserves would plunge our planet into a 

80 Schneider, Stephen H., "Climate Change and the World Predicament." Climatic 
Change, vol. 1, No. 1, March 1977, pp. 31-33. 
61 Ibid., pp. 34, 35. 


superinterglacial, the likes of which the world lias not experienced in 
the last million years." 82 

Admittedly, we are talking here of possibilities, not certainties. The 
climatic consequences of massive fossil fuel consumption may be less 
severe than assessments project, but they might be more severe. Man- 
kind eventually may discover a new energy source that will obviate the 
need to use fossil reserves so extensively for that purpose, and yet a 
fossil-fuel-free world in the relatively near future is so bizarre an idea 
it is hard even to talk about it seriously. Or perhaps technology could 
develop a cosmetic, such as the introduction of an artificial dust layer 
surrounding the Earth to screen some of the incoming sunlight. This 
could tend to offset the warming effect of the added carbon dioxide. 

What would happen if society elected to ignore the problem of 
carbon dioxide until it manifested itself (perhaps in another 20 years) 
in the form of a clear signal that a global warming trend had begun 
that was unmistakably attributable to the further accumulation of 
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? Delaying until then a mandated 
action to phase over the principal energy sources from fossil fuels to 
other alternative kinds of fuels and taking into account another 
several decades for the transition to be completed would put us half- 
way into the next century before the problem could be shut off at its 
source. But perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the carbon dioxide 
problem is that the effects of carbon dioxide would endure for hundreds 
of years, even after the abandonment of the fossil fuel economy, because 
of the long recovery time associated with the processes that would rid 
the atmosphere of excess carbon dioxide and establish an equilibrium 

This carbon dioxide Sword of Damocles, if indeed it exists, implies 
development of solar (including wind, ocean, biomass, etc.) fisson, 
fusion, and geothermal at a somewhat more rapid pace than is gen- 
erally recognized. 83 

Asserts J. Murray Mitchell, Jr. : 

The alternative is clear. Ours is the generation that must come to grips with 
the carbon dixoide problem and mount a vigorous research effort to allow us to 
understand all of its ramifications for the future. Ours is the generation that may 
have to act, and act courageously, to phase out our accustomed reliance on fossil 
fuels before we have all the knowledge that we would like to have to feel that 
such action is absolutely necessary. * * * We can scarcely afford to leave the 
carbon dioxide problem to the next generation. 84 


Despite everything that science has learned about the broad charac- 
teristics of climate and climatic history, relatively little is known of 
the major processes of climatic change. Lack of knowledge still is a 

82 Mitchell, J. Murray^ Jr., "Carbon Dioxide and Future Climate," p. 9. 

83 Rotty, R. M. and A. M. Weinherg, "How Long Is Coal's Future," pp. o5-57. 
M Mitchell, J. Murray, Jr., "Carbon Dioxide and Future Climate," p. 9. 


major barrier to accurate forecasting and understanding of potential 
inadvertent modification of weather and climate. The atmosphere and 
the ocean make up such a complex and rapidly changing system that 
even short-range forecasts may often be incorrect. Gathering sufficient 
information about global climate is of importance if atmospheric 
scientists are to construct the detailed computerized models capable of 
rapidly analyzing enormous amounts of data concerning each com- 
ponent of the climatic system, which includes not only the atmosphere 
but the world ocean, the ice masses, and the exposed land surface. 

Observations are essential to the development of an understanding 
of climatic change. Without them, theories will remain theories and 
models would be of limited usefulness. Observational records need to 
be extended in both time and space to facilitate adequate documenta- 
tion of the climatic events that have occurred in the past and monitor- 
ing of the climatically important physical processes occurring now. 

Knowledge of the mechanisms of climatic change may be at least as 
fragmentary as the state of the data. Not only are the basic scientific 
questions largely unanswered, but in many cases not even enough is 
known to pose the key questions. What are the most important causes 
of natural climatic variation, and which are the most important or 
most sensitive of the many processes involved in the interaction of the 
air, sea, ice, and land components of the climatic system ? There is no 
doubt that the Earth's climates have changed in the past and will likely 
change in the future. But will it be possible to recognize the first phases 
of a truly significant climatic change when it does occur ? 

In a 1975 report, "Understanding Climate Change : A Program for 
Action/' the U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research 
Program of the Xational Research Council enumerated the principal 
approaches to these problems emphasizing the interdependence of the 
major components of a climatic research program and posing a number 
of key questions. The components included : 

Climatic data analysis : What has happened in the past? 

Empirical studies : How does the system work? 

Monitoring : What is going on now ? 

Numerical models: What is shown by climatic simulations? 

Theoretical studies : How much do we really understand ? 

Climatic impacts : What does it all mean to man ? 

Future climates : How and when is the climate going to change ? 
The various components of the climatic research program are to a 
great extent interdependent : Data are needed to check general circula- 
tion models and to calibrate the simpler models ; the models are needed 
to test hypotheses and to project future climates : monitoring is needed 
to check the projections ; and all are needed to assess the consequences. 85 

85 National Research Council, U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research 
Program. "Understanding Climatic Change : A Program for Action," Washington, National 
Acadmy of Sciences, 1975, pp. 5, 6. 



Effort Frequency 

variable or index Method Coverage required • required 2 

Atmospheric indices: 

Solar constant Satellite Global N W 

Absorbed radiation, albedo do do P W 

Latent heating... do. N W 

Surface latent heat flux do World ocean N W 

Surface sensible heat flux do Regional N W 

Cloudiness do Global P W 

Surface wind over ocean Radar scattering World ocean N W 

Oceanic indices: 

Sea-surface temperature Ships, satellites, buoys... World ocean E W 

Surface-layer heat storage XBT, AXBT, buoys Mid-latitude and low- E, N W 

latitude oceans. 

Heat transport Moored buoys Selected sections N W 

Temperature structure .Ships do E S 

Surface salinity Ships, buoys. High latitudes E W 

Sea level .1 Tide gauges Selected coastal and E W 

island sites. 

Composition, dissolved gases Conventional sampling. Selected sections E S 

Cryospheric indices: 

Floating ice extent Satellite Polar seas, lakes E M 

Ice-sheet budget parameters do Greenland, Antarctica N Y 

Mountain glacier extent do Selected sites E Y 

Snow cover. do Continents E M 

Surface and hydrologic indices: 

River discharge Flow gauges Selected sites E, N W 

Soil moisture Satellite Land areas E W 

Lake levels Gauges Selected sites E W 

Precipitation Satellite, radar, gauges... Global E W 

Composition and turbidity indices: 

Chemical composition Sampling Selected sites E S 

Aerosols and dust Satellite Global. E W 

Anthropogenic indices: 

Thermal pollution Sampling.. Continents and coasts N W 

Air and water pollution do Global.. E W 

Land use Satellite Continents E Y 

1 N, completely new monitoring effort required; E, expansion of present monitoring efforts required; P, present (or 
slightly expanded) monitoring efforts satisfactory but coordination and further analysis required, 
a W, weekly (or possibly daily in some cases); M, monthly; S, seasonally; Y, yearly (or possibly decadal in some cases). 

Source: Natichal Research Council, U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research Program, "Understanding 
Climatic Change: A Program for Action," Washington, National Academy of Sciences, 1975; pp. 78-79. 

The Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, also of the National Re- 
search Council, stated in a 1973 report entitled "Weather and Climate 
Modification : Problems and Progress" that if society is to deal with 
long-term problems of inadvertent weather modification and climatic 
changes caused by man and his activities, then urgent attention and 
action are required at the earliest possible moment. The Committee 
outlined several courses of action that should be undertaken, each con- 
tributing to a part of the necessary work to be accomplished: 

1. A worldwide network of ground-based stations is needed to moni- 
tor the properties of the atmosphere with particular attention being 
given to those gases and aerosols affecting radiation and heat transfer. 
Precipitation collection should be undertaken for the analysis of 
atmospheric chemical constituents. Surface monitoring efforts should 
also be augmented by airborne monitoring of particles and gases in the 
atmosphere. Table 5 summarizes in detail the variables to be moni- 
tored, the method of monitoring, coverage, effort required and fre- 
quency required. 

2. Since influence on climate caused by human factors is a global 
matter, internationally cooperative plans should be established that 
will provide long-term and uniform monitoring data. 


3. Continuous monitoring of the Earth by satellites should be devel- 
oped to measure not only cloud cover and cloud types but also the ther- 
mal characteristics of the atmosphere and the Earth's surface, as well 
as related variations in the albedo of the Earth. Satellite measurements 
should be complemented by a program of ground-based remote sensing 
of the dynamical, chemical, and particulate properties of the 

4. Computer capabilities for simulation of climate and climatic 
changes should be fully utilized. Climatic models eventually may prove 
to be quite different from the present general circulation models. How- 
ever, if we are to reach the capability to assess the consequences of 
further human intervention, climatic model development must be 
promptly undertaken. 86 

Many of the efforts envisaged are of an obvious international charac- 
ter, and the degree to which they should be regarded as national versus 
international activities is not of critical importance. The important 
point is, however, that there are international efforts now underway of 
drect relevance to the climatic problem. 

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Interna- 
tional Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) jointly organized a global 
atmospheric research program (GARP) in 1967. GARP goals in- 
clude : providing the improved understanding of the global circulation 
needed to extend the range and accuracy of weather forecasts; under- 
standing the physical basis of climate and climatic fluctuations ; and 
providing a firm foundation for the World Weather Watch 
(WWW). 87 

Several GARP regional expirements are planned in order to exam- 
ine specific processes. Hie GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment 
(GATE) followed the Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological 
Experiment (BOMEX, 1969) in a succession of experiments designed 
to gain increased understanding of the atmosphere and the causes of 
climatic variation and change. The primary objective of GATE was 
to learn more about the meteorology of the tropical equatorial belt 
where vast quantities of heat and moisture, carried upward by orga- 
nized convective systems, are transported and redistributed to higher 
latitudes, ultimately affecting global atmospheric circulation patterns. 
Because the tropics are believed to be a key to these circulation pat- 
terns, scientists expect data from GATE to help them better under- 
stand the global climate machine. Conducted as scheduled from June 15 
to September 30, 1974, GATE had the cooperation of some 72 coun- 
tries. In addition to BOMEX and GATE, experiments designed to 
contribute to the understanding of specific oceanic-atmospheric proc- 
esses in selected regions are : the Air Mass Transformation Experiment 
( AMTEX) , the Monsoon Experiment (MONEX) , and the Polar Ex- 
periment (POLEX). These regional experiments and the knowledge 
gleaned from them will culminate in a truly international global ob- 
serving experiment, the First GARP Global Experiment (FGGE) 
scheduled for the late 1978-79 timeframe. 

86 National Research Council. Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, 'Weather and Climate 
Modification : Problems and Progress," pp. 160, 161. 

87 WWW is an operational program of member nations of the WMO for making available 
the basic meteorological and related environmental information needed by each member 
aation to supplement and support Its meteorological services and research. 

34-857—79 15 


The program goals of GARP intersect with the objectives of other 
international environmental programs. One such program is the Inter- 
governmental Oceanographic Commission Integrated Global Ocean 
Station System (IGOSS) being developed jointly with the World 
Meteorological Organization to provide more extensive and timely 
information for analysis and prediction of the state of the oceans and 
for research purposes. This is accomplished through the development 
of a comprehensive monitoring system for the total physical ocean- 
atmosphere environment. Another is EARTH WATCH, a major com- 
ponent of the United Nations Enviornment Program (UNEP) being 
developed to monitor and assess the state of the oceans, atmosphere, 
land and human health in order that rational decisions can be made 
for the management of the environment. EARTHWATCH will also 
interact with and depend on the monitoring and research capabilities 
of GARP. A key component of the UNEP/EARTHWATCH global 
baseline and regional monitoring effort is the Global Environment 
Monitoring System, which is designed to measure and monitor 
priority pollutants and related factors of the atmospheric environ- 
ment, thus permitting quantitative assessment of the global impact 
of manmade and natural influences on weather and climate. 

The Global Observing System provides worldwide meteorological 
and related environment observation data needed by the World 
Weather Watch and GARP. The overall system consists of two subsys- 
tem? : a space-based satellite subsystem, composed of two types of 
satellites, those in polar orbit and those in geostationary orbit; and a 
surf ace-based subsystem composed of basic synoptic surface and upper 
air networks, other networks of stations on land and sea, and aircraft 
meteorological observations. 

The U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research Program 
believes that these observational programs planned in support of 
GARP offer an unparalleled opportunity to observe the global atmos- 
phere, and furthermore that every effort should be made to use these 
data for climatic purposes as well as for the purposes of weather pre- 
diction. The Committee emphasized however, that the climatic system 
consists of important nonatmospheric components, including the 
world's oceans, ice masses, and land surfaces, together with elements 
of the biosphere. While it is not necessary to measure all of these com- 
ponents in the same detail with which the atmosphere is observed, 
their roles in climatic variation should not be overlooked. 88 

The Committee's 1975 report, "Understanding Climatic Change: 
A Program for Action," further stated that : 

The problem of climatic variation differs from that of weather forecasting by 
the nature of the data sets required. The primary data needs of weather predic- 
tion are accurate and dense synoptic observations of the atmosphere's present 
and future states, while the data needed for studies of climatic variation are 
longer-term statistics of a much wider variety of variables. When climatic varia- 
tions over long time scales are considered, these variables must be supplied from 
fields outside of observational meteorology. Thus, an essential characteristic of 
climate is its involvement of a wide range of nonatmospheric scientific disciplines, 
for example, oceanography, glaciology, hydrology, astronomy, geology, and 
paleantology as well as from the biological and social sciences of ecology, geog- 
raphy, archaeology, history, economics, and sociology. 

88 N'.-itionnl Research Council, U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research 
Program, "Understanding Climatic Change: A Program for Action," pp. 105, 106. 


The types of numerical models needed for climatic research also differ from 
those of weather prediction. The atmospheric general circulation models do not 
need a time-dependent ocean for weather-forecasting purposes over periods of a 
week or two. For climatic change purposes, on the other hand, such numerical 
models must include the changes of oceanic heat storage. Such a slowly varying 
feature may be regarded as a boundary or external condition for weather predic- 
tion but becomes an internal part of the system for climatic variation. 89 

In view of these characteristics, the Committee suggested that while 
the GARP concern with climate was a natural one, the problem of 
climate goes much beyond the present basis and emphasis of GARP. 
Accordingly, they recommended that the global climate studies that 
are under way within GARP be viewed as leading to the organization 
of a new and long-term international program devoted specifically to 
the study of climate and climatic variation, an international climatic 
research program (ICRP). 

As viewed by the Committee the main thrust of the international 
climatic program would be the collection and analysis of climatic data 
during a series of international climatic decades (ICD) designated for 
the period 19S0-2000. During this period, the cooperation of all nations 
would be sought to participate in an intensive effort to develop and 
secure as complete a global climatic data base as possible. The Com- 
mittee urged the creation of an international cooperative program for 
the monitoring of selected climatic indices and the extraction of his- 
torical and proxy climatic data unique to each nation, which would 
include, but not be limited to, such indices as glaciers, rain forest pre- 
cipitation, lake levels, local desert history, tree rings, and soil records. 
This would take the form of an international paleoclimatic data net- 
work (IPDX) , as a subprogram of the ICRP. 

To promote wider international participation in climatic research, 
it was recommended that programs and activities be developed to 
encourage international cooperation in climatic research and to facili- 
tate the participation of developing nations that do not yet have ade- 
quate training or research facilities. Internationally supported re- 
gional climatic studies describing and modeling local climatic anom- 
alies of special interest were also recommended. 90 

The Committee stressed the importance of international cooperative 
programs to assess the impacts of presently observed climatic changes 
on the economies of the world's nations, including the effects on water 
supply, food production, and energy utilization, as well as analyses of 
the regional impacts of possible future climates. 

IMd., p. 106. 

00 The World Meteorological Organization headquarters in Geneva is planning a world 
conference on climate, tentatively to be held in 1979. 



(By Robert E. Morrison, Specialist in Earth Sciences, Science Policy Research 
Division, Congressional Research Service) 

Overview of Federal Activities 

The Federal Government has been involved for over 30 years in a 
number of aspects of weather modification, through activities of both 
the Congress and the executive branch. Since 1947, weather modifica- 
tion bills pertaining to research support, operations, policy studies, 
regulations, liabilities, activity reporting, establishment of panels and 
committees, and international concerns have been introduced in the 
Congress. There have been hearings on many of these proposed meas- 
ures, and oversight hearings have also been conducted on pertinent 
ongoing programs. A total of six public laws specifically on weather 
modification have been enacted since 1953, while others have included 
provisions which in some way are relevant to weather modification. 
Resolutions dealing with the use of weather modification technology 
as a weapon by U.S. military forces and promotion of a U.N. treaty 
prohibiting such activities have been introduced in both houses of the 
Congress, and one such resolution was passed by the Senate. 

Federal legislation has dealt principally with three aspects of 
weather modification — research program authorization and direction, 
collection and reporting of weather modification activities, and the 
commissioning of major studies on recommended Federal policy and 
the status of technology. In addition to providing direction through 
authorizing legislation, the Congress has initiated one major Federal 
program through an appropriations bill write-in, and this program 
has since regularly received support through additional appropria- 
tions beyond its recommended OMB funding level. 

Identifiable Federal research and operational weather modification 
programs can be traced from at least the period of World War II; 
however, the research programs of most agencies other than the De- 
fense Department were not begun until the 1950's and 1960's. "While 
these research and development programs sponsored at various times 
by at least eight departments and independent agencies have consti- 
tuted its major involvement, the executive branch has also performed 
a wide range of other weather modification activities. Such activities 
include the conduct of modest operational programs, coordination of 
Federal research programs, collection and dissemination of U.S. 
weather modification activities, sponsoring of in-depth studies, publi- 
cation of a large variety of reports, negotiation for international re- 
strictions barring hostile use of weather modification, and cooperation 
with other nations in planning of international research projects or 
assisting in foreign operational programs. The latter two activities, 



both essentially international in scope, are only noted here but are dis- 
cussed more fully in the chapter on international aspects. 1 

While some of the numerous studies on weather modification have 
been undertaken at the direction of the Congress, others have been 
initiated by one or more Federal agencies or by interagency committees 
of the executive branch. Published reports have included those which 
present the findings and recommendations of the special studies under- 
taken, those which are published periodically by agencies or commit- 
tees with regular responsibilities for reporting on Federal programs 
or on operational activities, and the many publications on specific re- 
search projects which are prepared by the individual agencies or by 
contractors and grantees participating in the respective projects. Later 
in this chapter some of the Federal reports which fall into the first two 
categories are identified under the discussions of major studies, Fed- 
eral structure, and coordination of weather modification; reports 
from the third category are referenced from time to time throughout 
the report. Some of the Federal reports are included in the selected 
bibliography in appendix H and many are also listed in the other 
major bibliographies which are referenced in that appendix. 

Legislative and Congressional Activities 
federal legislation on weather modification 


Congressional interest in weather modification has been demon- 
strated by the fact that legislation on the subject has been introduced 
in nearly every session of Congress since 1947. Nevertheless, in spite of 
the apparent interest, a total of six public laws relating specifically and 
directly to weather modification have been enacted during this period, 
and two of those passed were mere time extensions of specific provisions 
in earlier laws. 2 Briefly, these laws are : 

Public Law 83-256 (67 Stat. 559) of August 13, 1953, to create 
an Advisory Committee on Weather Control, to perform a com- 
plete study and evaluation of public and private experiments in 
weather modification to determine the U.S. role in research, opera- 
tions, and regulation ; 

Public Law 84-664 (70 Stat. 509) of July 9, 1956, to extend the 
authorized life of the Advisory Committee for 2 years through 
June 30, 1958 ; 

Public Law 85-510 (72 Stat. 353) of July 12, 1958, to authorize 
and direct the National Science Foundation to initiate a program 
of study, research, and evaluation in the field of weather modifica- 
tion and to prepare an annual report to the Congress and the 
President on weather modification ; 

Public Law 92-205 (85 Stat. 736) of December 18, 1971, to pro- 
vide for the reporting of weather modification activities to the 
Federal Government through the Secretary of Commerce and for 
dissemination of that information by the Secretary of Commerce 
from time to time ; 

1 See ch. 10. 

* Tliese six public laws are reproduced In app. I. 


Public Law 93-436 (88 Stat. 1212) of October 5, 1974, to extend 
appropriation authorization for reporting and disseminating 
weather modification activities through the Secretary of Com- 
merce, as prescribed by Public Law 92-205, through 1977; 

Public Law 94-490 (90 Stat. 2359) of October 13, 1976, to 
authorize and direct the Secretary of Commerce to develop a na- 
tional policy on weather modification and to extend appropriation 
authorization for reporting and disseminating weather modifica- 
tion activities, as prescribed by Public Law 92-205, through 1930. 
Although not exclusively concerned with weather modification, 
another act, Public Law 90^t07 of July 18, 1968, amended the National 
Science Foundation Act of 1950. Section 11 of this new act specifically 
repealed Public Law 85-510, by which the XSF had been directed to 
initiate and support a program of study, research, and evaluation in 
weather modification and to report annually on the subject. 

Another law of some significance to weather modification, though 
much broader in its overall purpose, was the fiscal year 1962 public 
works appropriation, Public Law 87-330 (75 Stat. 722) of Septem- 
ber 30, 1961. Through a $100,000 write-in to this bill, the Congress 
initiated the atmospheric water resources program (Project Sky- 
water) , conducted by the Bureau of Reclamation in the Department 
of the Interior. Through subsequent public works appropriations the 
Congress has continued to provide direction to this program almost 
every year since its inception and has provided frequent funding 
increases over levels budgeted by the administration. 

\The Advisory Committee on Weather Control 

Between 1951 and 1953 it was disclosed in congressional hearings on 
several bills introduced by both parties that water users (farmers, 
ranchers, electric utilities, and municipalities) were spending between 
$3 million and $5 million annually on weather modification and that 
such activities covered about 10 percent of the country's land area. 3 It 
was the opinion of the Congress in 1953 that "research and development 
in the field of weather modification have attained the stage at which the 
application of scientific advances in this field appears to be practical.*' 
but also that "the effect of the use of measures for the control of weather 
phenomena upon the social, economic, and political structures * * * 
and upon national security cannot now be determined. It is a field in 
which unknown factors are involved. It is reasonable to anticipate, 
however, that modification and control of weather, if effective on a 
large scale, would result in vast and far-reaching benefits to agricul- 
ture, industry, commerce, and the general welfare and common 
defense." 4 

Recognizing possible deleterious consequences which might follow 
application of weather modification techniques with inadequate safe- 
guards or incomplete understanding, and realizing that weather modi- 
fication experiments or operations could possibly affect areas extending 
across State and national boundaries, the Congress considered that such 
activities "are matters of national and international concern" and ac- 
cordingly, declared it "to be the policy of the Congress, in order to effect 
the maximum benefit which may result from experiments and opera- 

a Advisory Committee on Weather Control, final report, Washington, D.C., U.S. Govern- 
ment Printing Oflice. Dec. 31, 1957, vol. I, p. 8. 

4 Public Law S3-256 (67 Stat. 559), Aug. 13, 1953, statement of purpose and policy. 


tions designed to modify and control weather, to correlate and evaluate 
the information derived from such activity and to cooperate with the 
several States and the duly authorized officials thereof with respect to 
such activity, all to the end of encouraging intelligent experimentation 
and the beneficial development of weather modification and control, 
preventing its harmful and indiscriminate exercise, and fostering 
sound economic conditions in the public interest." 5 

In order to determine the extent to which the United States should be 
involved in weather modification research and/or operations and in the 
regulation of such activities, the Advisory Committee on Weather Con- 
trol was established by Public Law 83-256, approved August 13, 1953, 
and was directed by that law to make a complete study and evaluation 
of public and private experiments in weather control. 

The Committee was to be composed of Government and non-Govern- 
ment members in about equal number and, in carrying out its man- 
date, was given authority to conduct hearings, to acquire pertinent 
information and records from departments and agencies of the execu- 
tive branch, and to enlist the services of personnel of any agency of 
the Federal Government (with the consent of the agency concerned). 6 
The Committee was requested to submit from time to time reports on 
its findings and recommendations to the President for submission to 
the Congress and was directed to submit its final report to the Presi- 
dent for transmittal to the Congress by June 30, 1956. 7 It became clear 
that the study was of such magnitude that additional time would be 
required for its successful completion, and the Committee requested 
that its life be extended 2 years, noting that . . it has succeeded in 
establishing some positive and important results which justify the 
Federal Government continuing its special interest in the field. " 8 
Thereupon, the Congress passed Public Law 84-664 (70 Stat. 509) 
of July 9, 1956, which extended the date for completion of the report 
until June 30, 1958. The final report of the Committee was submitted 
to the President on December 31, 1957. 9 

Direction to the National Science Foundation 

The Advisory Committee on Weather Control recognized that the 
development of weather modification rested on fundamental knowl- 
edge obtainable only through scientific research into processes in the 
atmosphere and recommended that an agency, preferably the Na- 
tional Science Foundation (XSF), be designated to promote and sup- 
port meteorological research in needed fields, to coordinate research 
projects, and to constitute a central point for assembly, evaluation, 
and dissemination of information. 10 Accordingly, when the Congress 
enacted Public Law 85-510 of July 10, 1958, which amended the Na- 
tional Science Foundation Act of 1950, additional responsibilities 
were incorporated, directing the Foundation : 

To initiate and support a program of study, research, and evaluation in the 
field of weather modification, giving particular attention to areas that have 

c Ibid. 

• Ibid., sec. 9. 

7 Ibid., sec. 10. „ tl y,. _. 

s Advisory Committee on Weather Control, first interim report, Washington. D.C., Feb- 
ruary 1956, p. ii. _ 

9 Advisory Committee on Weather Control. "Final Report of the U.S. Advisory Com- 
mittee on Weather Control," Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office, March 6, 
1958, in two volumes. 32 and 422. pp. (Recommendations of the Committee are found in 
tbi< chapter, p. 2''.R. and in chapter G. ) 

:o Ibid., vol. I, pp. vii-vili. 


experienced floods, drought, hail, lightning, fog, tornadoes, hurricanes, or other 
weather phenomena, and to report annually to the President and the Congress 
thereon. 11 

The In SF was further directed to ". . . consult with meterologists 
and scientists in private life and with agencies of Government inter- 
ested in, or affected by, experimental research in the field of weather 
control." 12 Authority was given to NSF to hold hearings, to require 
the keeping of records and furnishing of information on weather 
modification research and operations, and to inspect records and 
premises as appropriate in order to carry out the responsibilities 

In effect, the NSF was asigned the "lead agency" role (a term 
which was in later years to become the subject of much debate and 
discussion) among Federal agencies involved in weather modification. 
A decade later, the Foundation was stripped of these specific respon- 
sibilities and of this lead agency role when the Congress again 
amended the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, by passing 
Public Law 90-407 of July 18, 1968. Section 11 of the 1968 law struck 
section 14 and paragraph (9), subsection (a), of section 3 from the 
National Science Foundation Act, terminating as of September 1, 1968, 
the responsibilities spelled out in these sections a decade earlier with 
regard to weather modification. 

The Senate report which accompanied the bill subsequently enacted 
as Public Law 90-407 stated that the NSF was divested of these func- 
tions ". . . for a number of reasons :" 13 

One [reason] is that the ramifications of weather modification are so broad 
as to encompass far more issues than scientific ones. Another is that progress 
in this area has reached the point where it requires much developmental work 
as well as continued research. The Departments of Commerce and Interior are 
assuming much of the responsibility in this area, which the Foundation may con- 
tinue to back up with appropriate support for some of the research still needed. 
NSF retains ample authority to continue support for the latter . . . and clearly 
should do so. The Foundation will in any case continue those research activities 
necessary to preserve continuity in the program, pending passage of the weather 
modification legislation now pending. In the latter regard, the committee calls 
attention to the necessity for legislation to continue elsewhere in the executive 
branch the development and reporting activities which NSF will not have author- 
ity to support after September 1, 1968. 

Although legislation was introduced and considered by the Congress 
which would have reassigned this lead agency role to another agency, 
no further congressional action was taken on weather modification 
until 1971. 

Reporting of weather modification activities to the Federal Govern- 

Responsibility for maintaining a depository for information on U.S. 
weather modification activities and for reporting annually on Federal 
programs and the general status of the field rested with the National 
Science Foundation for the 10-year period from 1958 through 1968, 
after which, as has been noted, these and other functions were sus- 
pended by Public Law 90-407. 

11 National Science Foundation Act of 1950. as amended by Public Law S5-510 (72 Stat' 
358) of July 11. 1958. sec. 3. subsec. fa), par. (9). 

12 Ibid., sec. 14. 

13 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, "National Science 
Foundation — Functions — Administration." report to accompany H.R. 5404. Washington, 
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968. (90th CoDg., 2d sess. Senate Kept. No. 1137.) 


After a lapse of over 3 years, the Congress passed Public Law 92- 
205 (85 Stat. 736) of December 18, 1971, which directed that ". . . no 
person may engage or attempt to engage in any weather modification 
activity in the United States unless he submits to the Secretary of 
Commerce such reports with respect thereto, in such form and con- 
taining such information, as the Secretary may by rule prescribe. The 
Secretary may require that such reports be submitted to him before, 
during, and after such activity or attempt." 14 The act further states 
that the Secretary of Commerce is charged with responsibility to 
maintain a record of such weather modification activities in the United 
States and to publish summaries of the activities "from time to time" 
as deemed appropriate, Such information received under the provi- 
sions of this law, with certain exceptions, is to be made fully available 
to the public. 15 Authority was provided to the Secretary to obtain the 
required information by rule, subpena, or other means and to inspect 
the records and premises of persons conducting weather modification 
projects, as necessary, to carry out assigned responsibilities. There is 
also provision for levying fines up to $10,000 on any person for non- 
compliance with the stipulations of the law requiring the reporting of 
weather modification activities. Public Law 92-205 is concerned with 
the reporting of weather modification projects, however, not with 
their regulation, control, or evaluation. 

Within the Commerce Department, the weather modification report- 
ing system required by Public Law 92-205 is administered on behalf 
of the Secretary by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- 
tration (NOAA). Upon subsequent advertisement of Commerce De- 
partment rules in the Federal Eegister, the requirement for submitting 
information on weather modification projects became effective on 
November 1, 1972. Federal agencies were excluded from the require- 
ment to submit such information under the act; however, upon mutual 
agreement by the agencies to do so, data on Federal projects have also 
been collected and disseminated by NO A A as of November 1, 1973. 

Appropriations for administering the provisions of Public Law 
92-205 were authorized through June 30, 1974, by the original law. 
Additional authorizations for appropriations, extending the responsi- 
bility of the Secretary of Commerce for reporting procedures, were 
approved by the Congress in two subsequent laws. Public Law 93-436 
(88 Stat. 1212) of October 5, 1974, extended reporting requirements 
through June 30, 1977; while Public Law 94-490 (90 Stat. 2359) of 
October 13, 1976, contained among other provisions a similar exten- 
sion of these provisions through June 30, 1980. The major thrust of the 
latter act, known as the National Weather Modification Policy Act of 
1976. is discussed in the next section. 

The National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976 

After consideration of a number of bills introduced in the 94th 
Congress and extensive hearings on weather modification, the Con- 
gress passed Public Law 94-490 (90 Stat. 2359) , the National Weather 
Modification Policy Act of 1976, which was signed October 13, 1976. 
The following particular findings prompted the Congress to take 
action : 

1. weather-related disasters and hazards, including drought, 
hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, lightning, fog, floods, and frost, result 

54 Public Law 92-205 (85 Stat. 73G). sec. 2. 
« Ibid., sec. 3 


in substantial human suffering and loss of life, billions of dollars 
of annual economic losses to owners of crops and other property, 
and substantial loss to the U.S. Treasury ; 

2. weather modification technology has significant potential for 
preventing, diverting, moderating, or ameliorating the adverse 
effects of such disasters and hazards and enhancing crop produc- 
tion and the availability of water; 

3. the interstate nature of climatic and related phenomena, the 
severe economic hardships experienced as the result of occasional 
drought and other adverse meteorological conditions, and the ex- 
isting role and responsibilities of the Federal Government with 
respect to disaster relief, require appropriate Federal action to 
prevent or alleviate such disasters and hazards ; and 

4. weather modification programs may have long range and 
unexpected effects on existing climatic patterns which are not 
confined by national boundaries. 16 

By this act the Congress proposed "* * * to develop a comprehensive 
and coordinated national weather modification policy and a national 
program of weather modification research and development — 

1. to determine the means by which deliberate weather modifica- 
tion can be used at the present time to decrease the adverse impact 
of weather on agriculture, economic growth, and the general pub- 
lic welfare, and to determine the potential for weather modifica- 

2. to conduct research into those scientific areas considered most 
likely to lead to practical techniques for drought prevention or 
alleviation and other forms of deliberate weather modification; 

3. to develop practical methods and devices for weather modifi- 
cation ; 

4. to make weather modification research findings available to 
interested parties ; 

5. to assess the economic, social, environmental, and legal im- 
pact of an operational weather modification program ; 

6. to develop both national and international mechanisms de- 
signed to minimize conflicts which may arise with respect to the 
peaceful uses of weather modification ; and 

7. to integrate the results of existing experience and studies in 
weather modification activities into model codes and agreements 
for regulation of domestic and international weather modification 
activities." 17 

The act charges the Secretary of Commerce with responsibility for 
conducting "a comprehensive investigation and study of the state of 
scientific knowledge concerning weather modification, the present 
state of development of weather modification technology, the problems 
impeding effective implementation of weather modification tech- 
nology, and other related matters. Such study shall include — 

(1) A review and analysis of the present and past research 
efforts to establish practical weather modification technology, 
particularly as it relates to reducing loss of life and crop and prop- 
erty destruction ; 

(2) A review and analysis of research needs in weather modifi- 
cation to establish areas in which more research could be expected 

16 Public Law 94-490 (90 Stat. 2359), sec. 2, declaration of policy. 

« Ibid. _ 


to, yield the greatest return in terms of practical weather modifi- 
cation technology ; 

(3) A review and analysis of existing studies to establish the 
probable economic importance to the United States in terms of 
agricultural production, energy, and related economic factors 
if the present weather modification technology were to be effec- 
tively implemented ; 

(4) An assessment of the legal, social, and ecological implica- 
tions of expanded and effective research and operational weather 
modification projects ; 

(5) Formation of one or more options for a model regulatory 
code for domestic weather modification activities, such code to be 
based on a review and analysis of experience and studies in this 
area, and to be adaptable to State and national needs ; 

(6) Recommendations concerning legislation desirable at all 
levels of government to implement a national weather modifica- 
tion policy and program ; 

(7) A review of the international importance and implications 
of weather modification activities by the United States ; 

(8) A review and analysis of present and past funding for 
weather modification from all sources to determine the sources 
and adequacy of funding in the light of the needs of the Nation ; 

(9) A review and analysis of the purpose, policy, methods, and 
funding of the Federal departments and agencies involved in 
weather modification and of the existing interagency coordination 
of weather modification research efforts ; 

(10) A review and analysis of the necessity and feasibility of 
negotiating an international agreement concerning the peaceful 
uses of weather modification ; and 

(11) Formulation of one or more options for a model interna- 
tional agreement concerning the peaceful uses of weather modifi- 
cation and the regulation of national weather modification-activ- 
ities ; and a review and analysis of the necessity and feasibility of 
negotiating such an agreement. 18 

The act directs each department and agency of the Federal Gov- 
ernment to furnish pertinent information to the Secretary of Com- 
merce and authorizes the Secretary in conducting the study to "solicit 
and consider the views of State agencies, private firms, institutions 
of higher learning, and other interested persons and governmental 
entities/' 19 

A final report on the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of 
the required study is to be prepared by the Secretary of Commerce and 
submitted to the President and the Congress. The report is to include 
the following : 

(1) A summary of the findings made with respect to each of the 
areas of investigation delineated above ; 

(2) Other findings which are pertinent to the determination 
and implementation of a national policy on weather modification; 

(3) A recommended national policy on weather modification 
and a recommended national weather modification research and 
development program, consistent with, and likely to contribute to, 
achieving the objectives of such policy; 

™ Ibid., spc. 4. itady. 
18 Ibid., sec. 5, report. 


(4) Recommendations for levels of Federal funding sufficient to 
support adequately a national weather modification research and 
development program ; 

(5) Recommendations for any changes in the organization and 
involvement of Federal departments and agencies in weather 
modification which may be needed to implement effectively the 
recommended national policy on weather modification and the 
recommended research and development program ; and 

(6) Recommendations for any regulatory and other legislation 
which may be required to implement such policy and program or 
for any international agreement which may be appropriate con- 
cerning the peaceful uses of weather modification, including 
recommendations concerning the dissemination, refinement, and 
possible implementation of the model domestic code and inter- 
national agreement developed under the specification in the list of 
investigations above. 20 

The act stipulated that the report was to be submitted by the Secre- 
tary within 1 year after the date of enactment of the law ; that is, by 
October 13, 1977. Following a request by the Secretary in June of 
1977 for an extension of this time allotment, a Senate bill was intro- 
duced, providing for an extension of the due date of the report through 
June 13, 1978. No other action on this request was taken, however, 
during the first session of the 95th Congress. Meanwhile, the study 
mandated by Public Law 9J-490 continues under the auspices of the 
Secretary of Commerce. 21 

Congressional direction to the Bureau of Reclamation 

Of special interest as they have affected the weather modification 
activities of the Bureau of Reclamation within the Department of the 
Interior are some laws not specifically concerned with weather modi- 
fication as are the ones discussed above. The Reclamation Act of June 
17, 1902, 22 directs the Bureau to develop water resources for reclama- 
tion purposes, establishing a "reclamation fund,'' which may be used, 
inter alia, "in the examination and survey and for the construction and 
maintenance of irrigation works for the storage, diversion, and devel- 
opment of waters for the reclamation of arid and semiarid lands * * *" 
throughout the 17 contiguous Western States and Hawaii. The author- 
ity of the 1902 act was supplemented by the Fact Finders Act of 
December 5, 1924, and amendments thereto in the act of April 19, 
1945, 23 which enabled the Bureau to conduct "general investigations," 
not related to specific projects, including research work, for the devel- 
opment of water resources without the necessity of making the costs 
thereof reimbursable. 

Thus, the 1902 Reclamation Act, supplemented by the Fact Finders 
Act, provides the authority for the Bureau of Reclamation to engage 
in a program of weather modification research for the purpose of de- 
termining practical methods of inducing precipitation and increased 
runoff that can be stored in surface reservoirs and used for "the rec- 

» Ibid. 

21 This study is underway on behalf of the Secretary of Commerce by a Weather Modifica- 
tion Advisory Board, appointed by the Secretary. See subsequent discussion of activities of 
the Advisorv Board, beginning p. 231. 

M 43 U.S.C. 391 et seq. 

» 43 U.S.C. 377. 


lamation of arid and semiarid lands/' Funds appropriated for weather 
modification research are considered expendable on a nonreimbursable 
basis. 24 

In 1961 the Congress specifically directed the Bureau of Reclamation 
to initiate a program in weather modification through a write-in of 
$100,000 to the fiscal year 190:2 Public Works Appropriation Act. This 
first appropriation for the Bureau's weather modification research 
and development program was added to the Appropriation Act, Public 
Law 87-330 (75 Stat. 722). approved September 30, 19(31. in a con- 
gressional committee of conference, under the heading, "General In- 
vestigations.'' 25 The specific language which directed the weather mod- 
ification research appeared in the Senate report on H.E. 9076, 26 and 
the provision was incorporated into the conference report without 
mentioning weather modification per se. The Senate report included 
the following item : 

Increased rainfall by cloud seeding, $100.000. — The committee recommends al- 
lowance of $100,000 to be used for research on increasing rainfall by cloud seed- 
ing. This amount would be utilized in cooperation with the National Science 
Foundation and the Weather Bureau, which are expected to contribute funds 
and participate in this research. 27 

In accordance with congressional direction in the fiscal year 1962 
Public Works appropriation bill, the Bureau of Reclamation estab- 
lished the Atmospheric Water Resources Management Program 
(^Project Sky water') in 1962. Since the start of this program con- 
gressional direction has continued to be almost entirely through pro- 
visions in the congressional documents relative to annual Public Works 
appropriations. Appendix J is a summary of the appropriation lan- 
guage contained in these documents from 1961 through 1977, which 
provided such direction. It may be noted that by this means the Con- 
gress has continued to provide specific direction to this program al- 
most every year since its inception and has provided frequent funding 
increases, often substantial, over levels budgeted by the administration. 

Legislation providing for temporary authorities to the Secretary of 
the Interior to facilitate emergency actions to mitigate impacts of the 
1976-77 drought was enacted by the Congress and signed by President 
Carter on April 7, 1977. Public Law 95-18 (91 Stat. 36) , subsequently 
amended by Public Law 95-107 (91 Stat. 870) , of August 17, 1977, pro- 
vided authority to appropriate $100 million for a program including 
short-term actions to increase water supplies, to improve water supply 
facilities, and to establish a bank of available water for redistribution. 
The Bureau of Reclamation published rules in the Federal Register 
whereby States could apply for nonreimbursable funds for actions 
designed to augment water supplies. 28 Under these provisions, requests 
for funds to support weather modification activities were received from 
six States. 21 * 

Justus. John R. and Robert E .Morrison, legislative authority for atmosphere research 
by Federal agencips, tbe Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, Apr. 1, 11*77 
( unpublished), p. 12. 

20 U.S. Congress, committee of eonferenee. public works appropriation bill. 1902; confer- 
ence report to accompany II. R. 9076. Washington. D.C.. U.S. Government Printing Office, 
1961, p. 24. (87th Cong., ist sess. House Rept. No. S7-126S.) 

26 U.S. Congress, Senate, Committee on Appropriations, public works appropriation bill, 
1962 ; report to accompany II. R. 9076. Washington. D.C., U.S. Government Printing Oltice, 
1961. p. i>4. (S7th Cong.. 1st sess. Ho.ise Rept. No. 87-1268.) 

■» Ibid. 

I - eral Register, vol. 42, No. 72. Thursday. Apr. 14. 1977. pp. 19609-19613. 
20 The States were California. Colorado. Kansas. Nevada, North Dakota, and Utah. ?ee 
discussion of the Department of the Interior activities in weather mod iri cat ion. p. 267. for 
amounts of these grants. 




Since 1947 at least 110 bills and 22 resolutions dealing specifically 
with one or more aspects of weather modification have been introduced 
in the Congress. Moreover, many additional pieces of proposed legis- 
lation, providing authorization or appropriations for broader agency 
programs, have given support and/or direction to weather modification 
activities within Federal agencies, often without mentioning such 
activities per se. 

Table 1 summarizes the legislation and resolutions concerned specifi- 
cally with weather modification, which were proposed from the first 
session of the 80th Congress to the first session of the 95th Congress. 
The table shows, for each session, the numbers of bills and resolutions 
pertaining to each of several aspects of the subject and the total number 
of each introduced. The numbers appearing under the several subjects 
of weather modification legislation will, in general, exceed the total 
number of measures introduced in a given year because many of the 
bills were concerned with more than one aspect. It will be noted that a 
total of six laws were passed during this period, as stated earlier. Dur- 
ing the 93d Congress the Senate also passed one resolution, which sup- 
ported the position that the United States should seek the agreement 
of other nations to a treaty banning environmental modification as a 
weapon of war. 


ec o ■ 



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It can be seen from the table that congressional activity has often 
evolved in accordance with the emergence of various interests and 
issues. Thus, in the 1950's and 1960's there were strong attempts to 
initiate and support Federal research and/or operational programs, 
usually within one or another of several specified departments or agen- 
cies. From time to time emphasis has been given to evaluating weather 
modification technology and establishing a national policy, usually 
: through mandating an in-depth study ; such study was sometimes to be 
undertaken by a select committee established for that purpose. In the 
1970*3 two thrusts in proposed legislation have dealt with regulating 
and or licensing of operations and with reporting weather modifica- 
tion activities to the Federal Government, both reflecting increased 
concern on the part of large segments of the public about unknown 
effects of such operations and about legal and economic ramifications 
of increased or decreased precipitation. Obvious too in the 1970's is the 
reaction of Congress to public concern about the use of weather modi- 
fication as a weapon, as 18 resolutions dealing with that subject were 
introduced in both Houses since 1971. 

Specific measures of recent years on weather modification, those 
introduced in the 94th Congress and the first session of the 95th Con- 
gress, are summarized in the following section. 

Legislation proposed in the 9J/.th and 95th Congress, 1st session 

Proposed legislation and resolutions appearing during the 94th Con- 
gress reflected concern over many current problem areas in weather 
modification coming into focus today, areas over which it is considered 
by many that the Federal Government should have some jurisdiction. 
Based upon a number of specific measures introduced during that Con- 
gress and the ensuing discussions thereon, there emerged the National 
Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976 (Public Law 94-490), which 
could be a landmark, in that studies and decisions pursuant to that act 
may lead to definition of a clear Federal policy for the first time in 
recent years. The bills submitted thus far in the 95th Congress address 
some concerns not dealt with in the recent law and may presage stipula- 
tions which could conceivably be incorporated into future Federal pol- 
icy. Undoubtedly, the 96th Congress will see a greater abundance of 
proposed legislation dealing with Federal policy on weather modifica- 
tion, following receipt by the Congress of the report from the Secre- 
tary of Commerce recommending a national policy and a program of 
Federal research and development. 30 Measures introduced during the 
94th Congress and the first session of the 95th Congress are summarized 
below : 

9ifh Congress, 1st session 

S. 2705. — To provide for a study, within the Department of 
Commerce, by a National Weather Modification Commission, of 
the research needs for weather modification, the status of current 
technologies, the extent of coordination, and the appropriate 
responsibility for operations in the field of weather modification. 
(Hearing was held Feb. 17, 1976.) 

S. 2706. — To authorize and direct the Secretary of Commerce to 
plan and carry out a 10-year experimental research program to 

SP Public Law 94-490 directs the Secretary of Commerce to conduct a study on weather 
modification and to submit a report to the President and the Congress, recommending a na- 
tional policy and a program of Federal research and development in weather modification. 

34-857—79 16 


determine the feasibility of and the most effective methods for 
drought prevention by weather modification. Directs the Secre- 
tary to appoint an Advisory Board and provides for consulta- 
tion with State and local governments starting weather modifica- 
tion efforts for drought alleviation. (Hearing was held Feb. 17, 

S. 2707. — To authorize the Secretary of Commerce to carry out 
a program of assistance to States in preventing and alleviating 
drought emergencies. (Hearing was held Feb. 17, 1976.) 

H.R. 167. — To prohibit the United States from engaging in 
weather modification activities, including cloud seeding and fire 
storms, for military purposes. (No action.) 

H.R. 274-2. — Directed the Secretaries of Agriculture and Inte- 
rior to permit the conduct of weather modification activities, in- 
cluding both atmospheric and surface activities and environ- 
mental research, which are over, or may affect, areas which are 
part of the National Wilderness Preservation System or other 
Federal lands. Authorized the respective Secretaries to prescribe 
such operating and monitoring conditions as each deems neces- 
sary to minimize or avoid long-term and intensive local impact 
on the wilderness character of the areas affected. (No action.) 

H.R. 4325. — Weather Modification and Precipitation Manage- 
ment Act. Authorized the Secretary of the Interior to establish 
precipitation management projects in order to augment U.S. 
usable water resources. Authorized the Secretary to engage in 
operational demonstration projects for potential use in precipita- 
tion management programs in certain States and to settle and 
pay claims against the United States for injury, death, or losses 
resulting from weather modification pursuant to provisions of 
this act. (No action.) 

H.R. 4338. — Designated specific lands within the Sequoia and 
Sierra National Forests, Calif., as the "Monarch Wilderness," 
abolishing the previous classification of the "High Sierra Primi- 
tive Area." Directed the Secretary of Agriculture to authorize use 
of hydrological devices and to provide for weather modification 
activities within such wilderness. (No action.) 

H.R. 10039. — Weather Modification Research, Development, and 
Control Act of 1975. Directed the Secretary of Commerce to es- 
tablish a weather modification research and development pro- 
gram to evaluate the specific needs and uses of weather modifi- 
cation and directed the Secretary to establish a weather modifica- 
tion information system. Prohibited individuals from engaging 
in weather modification activities without obtaining a permit from 
the Secretary and authorized the President to enter into inter- 
national agreements to foster establishment of international sys- 
tems for monitoring and regulation of weather modification ac- 
tivities. (Joint hearings were held on H.R. 10039 and S. 3383, 
June 15-18, 1976 ; no further action on H.R, 10039.) 

77. Res, 28. — Expressed the sense of the House of Rep- 
resentatives that the U.S. Government should seek agreement with 
ot her members of the United Nations on the prohibition of weather 


modification as a weapon of war. (Hearing was held July 29, 1975 ; 
no further action.) 

H. Res. 103.— Same as H. Res. 28. (No action.) 

94th Congress, 2d Session 

S. 3383.— National Weather Modification Policy Act. Directed 
the Secretary of Commerce to conduct a comprehensive study of 
scientific knowledge concerning weather modification and tech- 
nology of weather modification. Required the Secretary to prepare 
and submit to the President and the Congress a final report on 
the findings and conclusions of such study, including a recom- 
mended national policy on weather modification. Extended 
through fiscal year 1980 appropriation authorization for the 
weather modification activities oversight program of the Depart- 
ment of Commerce. (Reported to Senate, May 13, 1976, in lieu 
of S. 2705, S. 2706, and S. 2707; considered and passed by Sen- 
ate, May 21, 1976; hearings held jointly in House subcommittee 
on S. 3383 and H.R. 10039, June 15-18, 1976 ; called up under mo- 
tion to suspend the rules, considered, and passed by the House, 
amended, Sept. 20, 1976; Senate agreed to House amendments, 
Sept. 28, 1976; and approved as Public Law 94-490, Oct. 13, 

H.R. 14S '44- — Extended through fiscal year 1980 appropriations 
authorization for the weather modification activities oversight 
program of the Department of Commerce. ( No action. ) 

95th Congress, 1st Session 

S. 1938.— To extend the National Weather Modification Policy 
Act of 1976 by extending the date for submission of the required 
report of the Secretary of Commerce to June 13, 1978. (No action.) 

H.R. 4069.— Weather Modification Regulation Act of 1977: 
Requires weather modification licenses and permits, establishes 
reporting requirements to be administered by the Secretary of 
Commerce, and requires the Secretary to establish a weather mod- 
ification information system. Authorizes the President to enter 
into international agreements to foster establishment of interna- 
tional systems for monitoring and regulation of weather modifica- 
tion activities. (No action.) 

H.R. 4461— Same as H.R. 2742, introduced during 94th Con- 
gress, first session. (No action.) 

H. Res. 236. — Declares it to be the sense of the House of Repre- 
sentatives that the United States should seek an agreement with 
other members of the United Nations to prohibit research, experi- 
mentation, or the use of weather modification as a weapon. (No 
action.) 31 


Resolutions on toeather modification 

As noted earlier, some 22 resolutions related to weather modification 
have been introduced over the past 30 years in both Houses of the 
Congress. For convenience, data on these resolutions are included along 
witli that on proposed legislation in table 1 and in the discussion 

31 See ch. 10 for a discussion of the development of 6uch a U.N. convention, opened for 
signature in Geneva, May 18. 1977. 


thereon, and three resolutions are included in the preceding list of 
summaries of weather modification bills appearing during the 94th 
and 95th Congresses. 

By far, the largest number of weather modification resolutions, 18 
in all, have been concerned with barring the use of weather modifica- 
tion as a weapon of war. Introduction of such resolutions began during 
the 92d Congress in 1971, and, using similar language, they express 
the sense of either House or of the Congress that the United States 
should seek an agreement with other U.1\ T . members, prohibiting such 
use of environmental modification, including weather modification. In 
1973. the Senate passed S. Res. 71, which had been intro- 
duced by Senator Claiborne Pell. This and other resolutions urging 
prohibition of environmental modification for purposes of warfare 
were prompted by a series of hearings and communications between 
Senator Pell and the Department of Defense on the alleged use of 
weather modification technology as a weapon in Vietnam by U.S. mili- 
tary forces. 32 

Four other weather modification resolutions, introduced in the 1950's 
and 1960 ? s, pertained to the undertaking of comprehensive studies on 
the subject, either by special committees to be established by the Con- 
gress or by departments and/or agencies of the executive branch. 


Cognizant subcommittees of both Houses have conducted hearings 
concerned, at least in part, with Federal weather modification activi- 
ties, from time to time and annually, in connection with oversight of 
agency programs, authorizing legislation, and annual appropriations. 
In addition, more comprehensive hearings on the subject have been 
important parts of the legislative activities leading to passage of the 
major public laws on weather modification, which have been enacted 
since 1953. 

Of particular interest in recent years are the extensive hearings con- 
ducted during 1976 by the Subcommittee on Oceans and Atmosphere 
of the Senate Committee on Commerce 33 and by the Subcommittee on 
the Environment and the Atmosphere of the House Committee on 
Science and Technology. 34 The documents produced from these hear- 
ings contain the testimony of a number of expert witnesses on various 
aspects of weather modification as well as reproductions of numerous 
pertinent documents which were incorporated into the records of the 
hearings. References to documents on other weather modification hear- 
ings conducted in recent years are contained in the bibliography of 
congressional publications in appendix H. 

On October 26, 1977, the Subcommittee on the Environment and the 
Atmosphere of the House Committee on Science and Technology con- 
ducted a special hearing on the National Weather Modification Policy 
Act of 1976 (Public Law 94^90) . Among other witnesses, Mr. Harlan 
Cleveland. Chairman of the Commerce Department's Weather Modi- 

-' The correspondence and hearings on the use of weather modification as a weapon in 
Vietnam and of the development of a U.N. treaty barring environmental modification in war- 
far* are discussed among other international aspects of weather modification in ch. 10. 

"' ; U.S. Congress, Senate. Committee on Commerce. Subcommittee on Oceans and Atmos- 
phere. Atmospheric Research Control Act. hearing. 94th Cong., 2d sess., on S. 2705. S. 2706, 
and S 2707. Feb. 17. 1976, Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. 297 pp. 

M TVS. Congress. House, Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on the En- 
vironment and the Atmosphere. Weather modification, hearings, 94th Cong.. 2d sess.. on 
TT i: ino?,f> and S. 3383, June 15-18, 1976, Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 
1976, 524 pp. 


fication Advisory Board, briefed the subcommittee on progress of the 
Board in carrying out for the Secretary of Commerce the comprehen- 
sive study required by the act and also reported on findings of the 
Board to date in a discussion paper which he submitted for the record. 33 

Studies and reports by congressional support agencies 

In addition to the studies and reports of the executive branch which 
were mandated by the Congress through legislation, studies have also 
been undertaken on behalf of the Congress by congressional support 
agencies on at least three occasions. The present report, requested in 
1976 by the Senate Committee on Commerce, was preceded by a similar 
study and report requested a decade earlier by the same committee. 36 
In 1974, the General Accounting Office (GAO) conducted a critical 
review of ongoing Federal research programs in weather modification 
and prepared a report to the Congress on the need for a national pro- 
gram. 37 A discussion of the findings and recommendations of this GAO 
study, along with those of other major Government and non-Govern- 
ment studies, is undertaken in a later chapter of this report. 3S 

Activities of the Executive Branch 

The executive branch of the Federal Government sponsors nearly 
all of the weather modification research projects in the United States, 
under a variety of programs scattered through at least six departments 
and agencies. The National Atmospheric Sciences Program for 19 7S 39 
includes information on specific programs of the Departments of Agri- 
culture, Commerce, Defense, and the Interior and of the Energy Re- 
search and Development Administration (now part of the Department 
of Energy) and the National Science Foundation. In recent years 
weather modification research programs were also identified by the De- 
partment of Transportation and the National Aeronautics and Space 

In addition to specific programs sponsored by Federal agencies, there 
are other functions relevant to weather modification which are per- 
formed in several places in the structure of the executive branch. Vari- 
ous Federal advisory panels and committees and their staffs, which 
have been established to conduct in-dep>th studies and prepare compre- 
hensive reports, to provide advice and recommendations, or to coordi- 

35 Cleveland. Harlan, "A U.S. Policy To Enhance the Atmospheric Environment." A dis- 
cussion paper by the Weather Modification Advisory Board, Oct. 21, 1977. Submitted as part 
of testimonv in hearing: U.S. Congress. House of Representatives, Committee on Science 
and Technology. Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere, "Weather Modi- 
fication." 95th Cong., 1st sess., Oct. 26, 1977, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing 
Office, 1977, pp. 2-49. 

36 U.S. Library of Congress, Legislative Reference Service, "Weather Modification and Con- 
trol," a report prepared by Lawton M. Hartman and others for the use of the Committee on 
Commerce. U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, Apr. 27, 1966, 
181 pp. (89th Cong., 2d sess., Senate Rept. No. 1139.) 

87 Comptroller General of the United States, "Need for a National Weather Modification 
Research Program," report to the Congress, U.S. General Accounting Office, Washington, 
B.C., Aug. 23, 1974, 71 pp. 

38 See eh. 6. p. 324. 

39 The National Atmospheric Sciences Program, including the Federal program in weather 
modification, is published annually in a report of the Interdepartmental Committee for 
Atmospheric Sciences. The most recent such report, containing a discussion of and funding 
for the fiscal year 1978 program is the following : Federal Coordinating Council for Science, 
Engineering, and Technology. Committee on Atmosphere and Oceans, Interdepartmental 
Committee for Atmospheric Sciences. National Atmospheric Sciences Program, fiscal year 
1978, ICAS 21-FY78, September 1977, pp. 87-94. 


hale Federal weather modification programs have been housed and 
supported within executive departments, agencies, or offices. For exam- 
ple, the National Advk^iy Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere 
(XACOA) and the Weather Modification Advisory Board are sup- 
ported through the Department of Commerce. While the membership 
of the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences 
(ICAS) comes from each of the Federal departments and agencies 
with atmospheric science programs, its staff has been housed in the 
National Science Foundation. 

The program whereby Federal and non-Federal U.S. weather mod- 
ification activities are reported to the Federal Government is adminis- 
tered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
(XOAA) within the Department of Commerce. Under this program a 
central file is maintained on all such projects in the United States, 
and summary reports on these projects are published on a nearly 
annual basis by NOAA. 

The United States has been active in at least two areas of interna- 
tional interest in weather modification. One aspect has been the efforts 
through the United Nations to promote the adoption of a treaty bar- 
ring weather modification as a military weapon. There is also a U.S. 
interest in international efforts to modify the environment for bene- 
ficial purposes. The State Department is active in negotiating agree- 
ments with other countries which might be affected by U.S. experiments 
and has also arranged for Federal agencies and other U.S. investiga- 
tors for participation in international meterological projects, includ- 
ing weather modification, under the World Meteorological Organiza- 
tion (WMO). These activities are discussed in more detail in a subse- 
quent chapter on international aspects of weather modification. 40 

In the next subsection there is an attempt to describe the Federal 
organizational structure for weather modification, at least to the extent 
that such a structure exists, has existed, or may exist in the near 
future. Other subsections address Federal coordination and advisory 
groups, the weather modification activities reporting program, and 
the array of Federal studies and reports which have been undertaken 
by the executive branch, either as required by law or initiated within 
the branch. A summary of the Federal research program and detailed 
descriptions of each of the several agencies programs in weather modi- 
fication are contained in a separate major section at the end of this 
chapter. 41 



Cum nt status of Federal organization for weather modification 

The present Federal structure of weather modification research 
activities is characterized esseiitially by the mission-oriented approach, 
where each of six or seven deportments and agencies conducts its 
own program in accordance with broad agency goals or under specific 
directions from the Congress or the Executive. The exception to this 
approach is the program of the Xational Science Foundation, whose 
funded weather modification research activities have included a broad 

<° Spp en i o. 
11 See p. 241 ff. 


range of individual fundamental problem investigations, research 
supporting some aspects of the project of other Federal agencies, 
and conduct of major projects initiated by the Foundation. The pro- 
grams of the several agencies have been loosely coordinated with others 
through various independent arrangements and/or advisory panels 
and particularlv through the Interdepartmental Committee for At- 
mospheric Sciences (ICAS). The ICAS, established in 1959 by the 
former Federal Council for Science and Technology, provides advice 
on matters related to atmospheric science in general and has also been 
the principal coordinating mechanism for Federal research in the 
field of weather modification. The following observation on the cur- 
rent Federal weather modification organizational structure was stated 
recently by the chairman of the ICAS : 

Organization [s] doing the research [should] be knowledgeable of the sector 
of the public that is to be involved with special weather modification techniques. 
There is no single agency within the Government that knows all of the problems 
of society vis-a-vis weather modification. As things stand, the individual weather 
modification programs being carried out by the various ICAS member agencies 
are being pursued in concert with the missions of those agencies. 42 

The nature of the present Federal organizational structure for 
weather modification is related to and results from the prevailing 
policy, or lack of such policy, currently subscribed to by the Federal 
Government regarding weather modification. The clearest statement 
of such a policy came in a reply to a 1975 letter from Congressmen 
Gilbert Gude and Donald M. Fraser and Senator Claiborne Pell, 
addressed to the President, urging that a coordinated Federal program 
in the peaceful uses of weather be initiated. 43 In the official response 
from the executive branch, written by Norman E. Ross, Jr., Assistant 
Director of the Domestic Council, the current Federal weather modifi- 
cation policy was affirmed : 

We believe that the agency which is charged with the responsibility for deal- 
ing with a particular national problem should be given the latitude to seek 
the best approach or solution to the problem. In some instances this may involve 
a form of weather modification, while in other instances other approaches may 
be more appropriate. 

While we would certainly agree that some level of coordination of weather 
modification research efforts is logical, we do not believe that a program under 
the direction of any one single agency's leadership is either necessary or 
desirable. We have found from our study that the types of scientific research 
conducted by agencies are substantially different in approach, techniques, and 
type of equipment employed, depending on the particular weather phenomena 
being addressed. * * * Each type of weather modification requires a different form 
of program management and there are few common threads which run along 
all programs. 44 

Recently, the Chairman of the Commerce Department's Weather 
Modification Advisory Board, Harlan Cleveland, expressed the 
Board's opinion of the current Federal policy and structure : 

The United States does not now have a weather modification policy. The 
three main Federal actors in weather modification research are NOAA in the 

42 Testimony of Dr. Edward P. Todd In U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Commit- 
tee on Science and Teehnolosy, Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere, 
'Weather Modification." hearings. 94th Cong., 2d sess.. June 15-18, 1976. Washington. D.C., 
T.S. Government Printing Office, 1976, p. 81. 

43 Gude. Gilbert. "Weather Modification." Congressional Record. June 17. 1975, pp. 19201- 
192f>3. (The statement in the Congressional Record, including the letter to the President 
and the official reply, are reproduced in app. A.) 

" Ibid. 


Department of Commerce, the Bureau of Reclamation in the Department of 
the Interior, and the National Science Foundation. . . . Their combined R and D 
efforts can only be described as fragmented and famished, living from hand to 
mouth on each agency's relationship with a different congressional subcommittee, 
with no sense of a national policy or program. . . . The agencies that are involved, 
and their university and other contractors and grantees, have developed, despite 
the fragmentation, remarkably effective informal relationships which make 
the coordination and mutual assistance better than the division of roles and 
missions would indicate. 45 

A somewhat different viewpoint, but related in several points to the 
preceding opinions w*as expressed in 1976 by Dr. Ronald L. Lavoie, 
Director of NOAA's Environmental Modification Office, addressing 
the second meeting of the North American Interstate Weather Modifi- 
cation Council : 

Let me address the question of current Federal policies in weather modifi- 
cation — the statement has been made that there aren't any. I think that I must 
disagree with that statement. There are, in fact, such policies although they 
are perhaps unobtrusive or low-key. They certainly aren't propounded very 
loudly, but I think it is safe to say that there is some Federal policy on weather 
modification. . . . For example, in the area of research and operations the Federal 
policy, or you may call it strategy, is to leave it to the specialized agencies to 
fund research and to develop or apply weather modification in carrying out their 
particular missions. One can argue with this policy ; nevertheless, it does 
exist. . . . One shouldn't get the impression, however, that this is an entirely 
fragmented effort. . . . There is some coordination or integration, at least in the 
sense that technocrats responsible for advising the agencies in these matters get 
together to discuss issues and share problems Nevertheless, there is no Fed- 
eral or national commitment to weather modification, and I believe that this is 
what was implied when it was said that there was no national policy.* 8 

Yet another observation on the subject of Federal organization is 
that expressed in the 1974 report by the U.S. General Accounting 

Our review of the Federal weather modification research activities supports 
the findings of nearly a decade of studies. These studies conducted by scientific 
panels, committees, and other groups all identified common problems — ineffec- 
tive coordination, fragmented research, and research efforts that are subcritical 
(funded below the level necessary to produce timely, effective results). Most 
studies proposed a common solution. What was needed, in essence, was a 
national research program under a single Federal agency responsible for estab- 
lishing plans and priorities, obtaining the needed funds from the Congress, 
managing research efforts, and accounting for the results its programs achieved. 

To date, except for the establishment of several coordinating committees, 
subcommittees, and advisory panels — none of which have the authority to take 
action to correct problems already identified — an effective overall national 
weather modification research program has not been established. 47 

There is some consensus that the apparent fragmentation and lack 
of a cohesive Federal effort have not only prevented the growth of a 
strong, adequately funded research program but may have also 
retarded progress in development of weather modification technology 

45 Cleveland, Harlan. "A U.S. Policy To Enhance the Atmospheric Environment." A dis- 
cussion paper by the Weather Modification Advisory Board, Oct. 21, 1977. (Submitted as 
part of testimony in hearing : U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Sci- 
ence and Technology. Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere, "Weathel 
Modification," Oct. 26, 1977. p. 41.) 

49 Lavoie, Ronald L.. "Effects of Legislation on Federal Programs and the Prospect of Fed- 
eral Involvement." In proceedings of Conference on Weather Modification, Today and Tomor- 
row : second annual meeting of the North American Interstate Weather Modification Coun- 
cil, Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 15-16. 1976, pub. No. 76-1, pp. 56-57. 

*" Comptroller General of the United States. "Need for a National Weather Modification 
Research Program." report to the Congress. U.S. General Accounting Oftlce, B-133202, Wash- 
ington, D.C., Aug. 23, 1974, p. 3. 


itself. Many feel strongly that assignment of a "lead agency" would 
solidify and strengthen the Federal effort. To others, however, "* * * 
the present structure for Federal Government activity in weather mod- 
ification appears to be working satisfactorily," 48 and the existence of 
separate agency programs fosters increased understanding through 
independent research projects and through the cross- fertilization of 
ideas and exchange of findings achieved in cooperative projects, in 
professional meetings, and through program-level coordination. 

In a recent Federal study on weather modification, a subcommittee 
of the Domestic Council could not reach a consensus on the proper 
institutional structure for planning and management of the national 
weather modification research effort. Consequently, both of the posi- 
tions noted above were identified as options for such Federal 
structure : 49 

Option (1) : Continue coordination and planning of the national 
weather modification effort through the Interdepartmental Committee 
for Atmospheric Sciences of the Federal Council for Science and 
Technology, with individual agencies pursuing their mission responsi- 

Option (2) : Establish a lead agency to foster the broad advance- 
ment of the science and technology of weather modification as 
recommended by the National Advisory Committee on Oceans and 
Atmosphere, the National Academy of Sciences, and other groups to 
coordinate and plan the national effort with the assistance and partici- 
pation of other agencies. 

Those who espouse the latter position feel that the lead agency 
responsibility should include the following functions : 50 

The lead agency would assume the leadership for planning the 
Federal weather modification program, in concert with those other 
concerned agencies, universities, and the private sector. 

The lead agency would present, within the executive branch, a 
consolidated national weather modification research plan and be 
available to represent the national plan before the Congress. 

The lead agency would, within the framework of the joint plan- 
ning effort, encourage and assist in justifying programmatic ac- 
tivities in other agencies that might contribute significantly to the 
national weather modification objectives, especially when those 
programs can be implemented as supplements to the agencies' 
ongoing mission-related activities. 

The lead agency would take on the responsibility for presenting 
the budgetary requirements to carry out the national plan to the 
Office of Management and Budget and, with due consideration of 
overall priorities of the agency, would seek to provide within its 
own budget for activities essential to the national plan and not 
incorporated in the budgets of the other agencies. 
The history of the organization of the Federal program in weather 
modification, to the extent that such a structure has existed, can be 

4 * Testimony of Dr. Alfred J. Esgers. Jr.. Assistant Director for Research Applications, 
National Science Foundation in U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on 
Seienr-e and Technology. Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere. "Weather 
Modification. " v>earin£s. 04th Consr.. 2d sess., June 15-1S, 1976, Washington, D.C., U.S. Gov- 
ernment Printing: Office. 1976. p. 109. 

49 U.S. Domestic Council. Environmental Resources Committee. Subcommittee on Climate 
Change, "The Federal Role in Weather Modification." Washington, D.C, December 1975, 
p. 19. 

60 Ibid., app. A, pp. A-2 and A-3. 


conveniently divided into three periods, each roughly a decade long. 
These periods and the characteristics of the Federal organization dur- 
ing each are discussed briefly below. 

Federal structure; 194-6-57 

As seen in the earlier historical account of weather modification, in 
the period from 1946 through 1957 practically all projects in the 
United States were conducted by private individuals and by industry 
supported through private funds. What activities the U.S. agencies 
did support were both mission oriented and mostly uncoordinated. The 
Defense Department developed an early research program, specifically 
in seeding technology and hardware. Since World War II, the Air 
Force had a continuing need to dissipate fog, and the Korean war and 
SAC missions during this period required airports to be open to permit 
unrestricted flights. The Navy developed a strong research capability 
at its China Lake, Calif., laboratory, concentrating on seeding de- 
vices and materials. Project Cirrus, a joint project of the Army Signal 
Corps, the Navy, and the Air Force, was initiated by the Defense 
Department in 1947 and continued through 1952. 

Civilian implications for weather modification were investigated 
by the U.S. Weather Bureau of the Commerce Department in 1948 as 
part of its cloud physics program. The Bureau's early position, how- 
ever, seemed to lack enthusiasm for a research program at the time, 
largely reflecting agency conservatism and some unwillingness to be 
caught up in a technology that was fraught with exaggerated claims 
of commercial rainmakers. 51 This early negative outlook of the 
Weather Bureau was modified in the late 1960's when its successive 
parent organizations, the Environmental Science Services Adminis- 
tration (ESSA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- 
istration (NOAA), inaugurated a fresh interest in a weather modifi- 
cation research program. The Weather Bureau did participate with 
the Navy in project SCUD in 1953-54 along the east coast, in an 
attempt to modify the behavior of extratropical cyclones by artificial 

The third Federal agency conducting weather modification re- 
search during this period was the Forest Service of the U.S. Depart- 
ment of Agriculture, which in 1953 initiated Project Skyfire, aimed 
at suppressing lightning, a major cause of forest fires. This project 
received joint support later during the 1960's from the National Sci- 
ence Foundation, and. until its demise in 1976. was the longest run- 
ning single Federal weather modification research project. 

Confusion and uncertainty in the state of weather modification, 
owing to a mixed reaction to achipA-oments and claims of achieve- 
ment of weathor modification operators and to the lack of a cohesive 
research program in the Federal Government, led to the establish- 
ment in 1953 of the Advisory Committee on Weather Control, by 
Public Law 83-256. During the conduct of the intensive investiga- 
tion of the subject by the Advisory Committee between 1953 and 

r>1 Communications from F. W. Reichelderfer. Chief of the U.S. Weather Bureau, in U.S. 
Congress. Senate. Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs. Interstate and Foreign Com- 
merce, and Agriculture and Forestry, "Weather Control and Augmented Potable Water 
Supply," Joinl hearings, ,92d Cong., 1st sess.. Mar. 14. 15, 16, 19 and Apr. 5, 1951, Washing- 
ton, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1951, pp. 37^17. 


1957. the committee seems to have provided somewhat of a coordina- 
tion function and even some modicum of direction to the Federal 
effort it was studying. There was support in the Congress for both 
the formulation and the Federal management by the Advisory Com- 
mittee of a 5-year Federal-State weather modification research pro- 
gram, to be conducted by the committee, the States, universities, and 
private institutions. 52 The Advisory Committee favored an existing 
Federal agency, however, for this proposed management function. 

Federal structure; 1958-68 

The Advisory Committee, reporting in 1957, provided a setting 
for progress over the next 10 years, as it presented elements of a 
national policy and guidelines for future development of a research 
program. A former NSF program manager for weather modifica- 
tion, Earl G. Droessler, recently praised the work of the Advisory 
Committee : 

The Committee did a remarkable job for weather modification. Perhaps, most 
importantly, its careful study and reporting in the 1950's gave a measure of 
respect, cohesion, and momentum for the field of weather modification, and 
thus provided a setting for progress over the next decade and more. Prior to 
the work of the committee, the field was plagued with tension and 
uncertainty. 53 

Encouraging a wide research program in meterology as the essen- 
tial foundation for understanding weather modification, the Ad- 
visory Committee named the National Science Foundation as its rec- 
ommended agency for sponsoring the required research program. 
Accordingly, the Congress, when it enacted Public Law 85-510, di- 
rected the NSF to initiate and support a program in weather modi- 
fication and effectively named the NSF as lead Federal agency for 
weather modification. 

Weather modification research enjoyed a position of high value 
and priority among the top leadership of the Foundation. 54 The XSF 
promoted a vigorous research program through grants to universi- 
ties, scientific societies and the National Academy of Sciences, in- 
dustry, and agencies of the Federal Government and established 
an Advisory Panel for Weather Modification, which reported to 
the Foundation. A series of 10 annual reports on weather modifica- 
tion were published by the NSF for fiscal years 1959 through 1968. 
Recognizing the severe shortage of trained personnel, the NSF es- 
tablished the policy of financing graduate and postgraduate train- 
ing as part of its grant support program, stating in its second annual 
report, "In the field of weather modification our greatest deficiency 
today is skilled manpower." 55 

At the working level, representatives of nine Government agencies 
were called together by the NSF to form the Interagency Conference 
on Weather Modification to afford a mechanism for communication on 
weather modification activities and to plan and develop cooperative 

32 See. for example. S. 86 and companion House bills. H.R. 3631. H.R. '5232, H.R. 5954, 
and H.R. 5958. introduced in the 85th Congress during 1957. 

53 Droessler. Earl G.. "Weather Modification : Federal Policies. Funding from all Sources, 
Interagency Coordination," background paper prepared for the U.S. Department of Com- 
merce Weather Modification Advisorv Board. Raleigh, N.C., Mar. 1, 1977, p. 1. 

"Ibid., p. 2. 

5r> National Science Foundation. "Weather Modification ; Second Annual Report for Fiscal 
Year ended June 30, 1960." Washington. D.C.. U.S. Government Printing Office, June 16, 
1961. p. 1. 


projects. 56 Joint Federal projects were established between the Foun- 
dation- and the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, and Interior. 
During this period the Congress, wanting to support more applied re- 
search directed toward a major problem, such as requirements for more 
precipitation in the West, appropriated funds for what was to become 
a major weather modification program under the Bureau of Reclama- 
tion in the Department of the Interior. The Foundation warmly en- 
dorsed the Bureau of Reclamation's "Project Sky water" and has since 
funded many of the research projects associated with this program. 57 

Fi deral structure; 1968-77 

The lead agency responsibilities and authorities of the National 
Science Foundation acquired in 1958 under Public Law 85-510 were 
abrogated by Public Law 90-407, enacted July 18, 1968, which became 
effective September 1, 1968. A lapse in Federal policy and Federal 
structure has since occurred as a result of congressional and executive 
inaction, although after a hiatus of over 3 years, some responsibility 
was given to XOAA in 1971; namely, that for collecting and dis- 
seminating information on weather modification projects in the United 
States. This requirement, directed by Public Law 92-205, of Decem- 
ber 18, 1971, has been the single Federal weather modification function 
prescribed by law until 1976, when Public Law 94-490 required the 
Secretary of Commerce to conduct a study to recommend a national 
policy and a research program in weather modification. The lead 
agency responsibility has never been reassigned, and Federal leader- 
ship for research purposes is dispersed among the several agencies. 

The only semblance of weather modification leadership in the Fed- 
eral structure during this period has been through the coordination 
mechanism of the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sci- 
ences (ICAS). The ICAS has established some policy guidelines and 
has sponsored activities, such as the annual interagency weather modi- 
fication conferences, intended to foster cooperation among agency 
programs. It has not assumed a management role nor has it sought to 
intervene in the budgeting processes by which the several agency pro- 
grams are supported. The activities of the ICAS are discussed in more 
detail in a section to follow on coordination of Federal weather modi- 
fication activities. 

Future Federal organization for weather modification 

The present intensive study underway within the Department of 
Commerce, as directed by the National Weather Modification Policy 
Act of 1976, Public Law 94-490, mav be laying the groundwork for a 
clear Federal policy in weather modification, after a 10-year lapse in 
Federal leadership and two decades after the first major Federal 
wpp.ther modification study wns submitted to the President and the 
Concrress. The new approach will benefit from scientific and technical 
advnn^os as well as the greater attention which has been given in recent 

54 t< n annual interaerpnev conferences on weather modification wore sponsored by the 
National Seience Foundation throujrh 10f»S. Since that year, when the lead asrency role was 
f n1 - Pn from t | lfl -yQ-p r, v public Law 00 407. the annual interagency conference has been 
sponsored by the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences (TCAS>. The 11th 
conference sponsored by ICAS. was conducted by the NSF at t^e request of ICAS : banning 
with tbe 12th. the annual conference have been conducted by NO A A. at the request of ICAS, 

th %°Pr C ^ess1 — "^Weather Modification: Federal Policies, Funding from all Sources, Inter- 
agency Coordination," 1977, p. 4. 


years to legal, social, economic, ecological, and international aspects 
of the subject. Part of the national policy which will presumably be 
established by the Congress following the study (very likely during 
the 96th Congress) will be a reorganized or reconstituted Federal 
structure for leading and managing the Federal activities in weather 

Kecognizing that most studies of the past decade have proposed solv- 
ing the apparent fragmentation of Federal projects and responsibil- 
ities by redesignating a lead agency, and also observing some of the 
objections and shortcomings of such a designation, the Commerce De- 
partment's Weather Modification Advisory Board has considered vari- 
ous options for structuring the Federal program. One possible option 
the Board is considering in its study is the creation of a special agency 
for weather modification, "with a mandate to learn what needs to be 
learned about weather modification and to insure regulation of its 
practice," 58 The new agency would "plan, budget, spur, supervise, and 
continually evalute a Federal program of research and development, 
designed to enhance the atmospheric environment." Under this concept 
existing agency projects would become part of a coordinated Federal 
effort, and future projects would be presented to the Congress and to 
the Executive "as an understandable part of a coherent R and D 
strategy." 59 

The Advisory Board has had difficulty in deciding where such a new 
agency should be placed in the executive structure. Presumably it could 
be made part of an existing structure or it could be established as a 
"semi-autonomous" agency attached to an existing department for ad- 
ministrative purposes and support. With the creation of a Department 
of Natural Resources, as has been proposed, a logical departmental 
home for the suggested weather modification agency would be found. 
The Board further suggests that such a new agency, regardless of its 
location in the Federal structure, should work closely with a small 
(five- to nine-member) Advisory Board, composed of people ac- 
quainted with atmospheric sciences, user needs, operational realities, 
advantages of costs and benefits, and "the broader national and inter- 
national issues involved." 60 

The current thinking of the Weather Modification Advisory Board 
also includes a laboratory center as part of the proposed new agency, 
one newly established or an existing Federal laboratory converted to 
weather modification research. While some research and development 
would be conducted "in house" by the agency, portions of the coordi- 
nated research effort would be allocated to other Federal agencies or by 
contract to universities and other non-Federal institutions. 61 

Droessler has also observed increased individual support for the con- 
cept of a weather modification national laboratory. lie suggests that 
the location of such a center in the Federal structure should be deter- 
mined by its principal research thrust. If basic scientific research, such 
as that which "undergirds" weather modification applications, is pri- 
mary, he suggests that NSF should have the responsibility. If the focus 
of the new proposed laboratory should be on severe storm amelioration, 

58 Cleveland, "A U.S. Policy to Enhance the Atmospheric Environment," discussion paper 
by thp Weather Modification Advisorv Board. Oct. 21, 1977, pp. 23-24. 
69 Ibid., p. 24. 

60 Ibid. 

61 Ibid., p. 25. 


including hurricane research, NO AA should be the management choice. 
Finally, if research of the new laboratory is aimed toward the impacts 
of weather modification on agriculture, the U.S. Department of Agri- 
culture should be directed to establish and manage the facility. 62 

A number of bills were introduced in the Congress from time to time 
which would have established within one agency or another a single 
agency with responsibility for managing a Federal weather modifica- 
tion program. For example, S. 2875 in the 89th Congress would have 
created in the Department of the Interior a central scientific and en- 
gineering facility and regional research and operations centers. In the 
same Congress, S. 2916, which did pass the Senate, would have pro- 
vided much the same structure within the Department of Commerce. 
Both bills permitted weather modification research in support of mis- 
sions by the other Federal agencies, but established a focal point for 
research and for other management functions in the Department of the 
Interior or the Department of Commerce, respectively. 63 

In addition to management of Federal research programs and co- 
ordination of these programs, the Federal weather modification orga- 
nizational structure must also be concerned with other functions. These 
could include planning, project review, data collection and monitoring, 
regulation, licensing, and indemnification. The institutional arrange- 
ment within which these activities are handled could be part of the 
agency with prime research responsibility, or some or all of these func- 
tions could be assigned elsewhere. For example, the State Department 
will presumably continue to exercise appropriate authorities with 
regard to international programs or U.S. programs with potential 
impacts on other nations, though responsibility for cooperation on 
the scientific and technical aspects of such projects would quite natur- 
ally be given to one or more research agencies. Assignment of some of 
these functions might be to other agencies or to special commissions, 
established as in some States, to deal with regulation, licensing, and 

Grant argues that "the extensive multidisciplinary nature of and 
the potential impact on large segments of society by weather modifica- 
tion demands great breadth in the organizational structure to manage 
the development of weather modification." 64 He continues : 

In view of these complex involvements and interactions, it is clear that the 
governmental organizational structure needs to he much broader than the mis- 
sion interests of the respective Federal agencies. Presently, coordination is 
effected through ICAS. More is required. The present program in weather modi- 
fication is too fragmented for optimal utilization of resources to concentrate on 
all aspects of the priority problems. Weather modification has not moved to the 
stage where research should be concentrated in the respective mission agencies. 

Many of the priorities and problems are basic to weather modification itself 
and must l>e resolved and tested before emphasis is placed on the respective mis- 

62 Droessler, "Weather Modification : Federal Policies, Funding From All Sources, Inter- 
agency Coordination." 1!)77. pp. 10—11. 

•> For analysis of these and other related bills concerned with Federal organization for 
weather modification see Johnson. Ralph W.. "Federal Organization for Control of Weather 
Modification." In Howard J. Taubenfeld (editor), "Controlling the Weather," New York. 
Dunellen. 1970. pp. 145-158. 

64 Grant. Lewis (>.. testimony in : U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on 
Science and Technology, Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere. "Weather 
Modification." hearings, 04th Cong.. 2d sees., June 15-18, 1977. Washington, D.C.. U.S. 
Government Frinting Office, 1976, p. 290. 


sion users. Present fragmentation of effort, combined with subcritical support 
levels, retards adequate progress toward the goal of problem resolution and de- 
velopment of application capability. 

I suggest that a commission-type approach be considered. This would permit 
representation of various weather modification missions by researchers, users, 
and the general public. Such a commission could develop a comprehensive and 
coordinated national weather modification policy and program of weather modi- 
fication research. ... A positive national program and funding levels could be 
recommended to Congress. I believe that management of the program through 
this commission for the next five to ten years should also be considered. The 
highest standards possible and the broadest representation possible should be 
required for this commission and its staff. 

As the technological capability develops and can respond to various uses, the 
lull responsibility for the respective uses could transfer to the mission agencies 
at that time. Continued involvement by the agencies during the development 
stages could make a smooth transition possible. If the national research and 
development program is organized and managed through such a commission, the 
commission should not have the dual role of regulating weather modification at 
the same time it has the responsibility for its developmient. 85 

Changnon has recommended an almost total reorganization of the 
Federal weather modification structure in order to handle better the 
current major research responsibilities; evaluation efforts needed im- 
mediately, which are not being addressed ; and readiness to perform re- 
sponsibilities of the near future, including operations, regulation, and 
compensation. He suggests tw r o approaches to this reorganization, 
shown schematically in figure l. 66 

In his first approach, Changnon would place all weather modifica- 
tion activities, except regulation and compensation, in one agency 
(Agency X, fig. la), either a new agency or a division of one exist- 
ing. From a weather modification and a user standpoint the likely can- 
didates proposed among existing agencies are the U.S. Department of 
Agriculture and XOAA. This primary agency would develop a na- 
tional laboratory which would both conduct research and development 
and also subcontract such efforts. The agency and its laboratory would 
be responsible for program design, monitoring, and evaluation of all 
experimental and operational projects and would report results to the 
regulatory agency (Agency Y, fig. la). The laboratory would also 
be responsible for Federal operational efforts and for development of 
guidelines for private operators. Close interaction would be required 
with the States, private business, and the public within operational 
regions. Agency Y could be a new agency or an existing one, such as 
the Environmental Protection Agency or XOAA. provided that NOAA 
is not also chosen as Agency X. Agency Y would also develop and ad- 
minister compensatory mechanisms to benefit those identified as losers 
as a result of weather modification programs. This first approach would 
also include a Presidential board or commission of appointed non- 
Federal members with statutory responsibility for reporting annually 
to the President and the Congress on all weather modification activi- 
ties performed by Agencies X and Y. 67 

05 Ibid., pp. 290-291. 

66 Changnon. Stanley A.. Jr.. "The Federal Role in Weather Modification." background 
paper prepared for the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification Advisory 
Board. Urbana. 111., Mar. 9. 1977, pp. 24-27. 

87 Ibid., pp. 25-26. 



In Changnon's second organizational approach, there are similarities 
to the first, but current research activities would be retained with some 
Federal agencies (see fig. lb). Agency Y would handle regulatory- 
compensatory functions as in the first approach, and a Presidential 
board or commission would make critical annual assessments of the 
progress and activities in all agencies as well as report annually to the 
President and the Congress. A major agency, new or existing, would 
have direct responsibility for its own activities as well as the research 
programs of other Federal agencies. Thus, existing programs of the 
Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, and Defense and of the Na- 
tional Science Foundation would continue, but under direction of 
Agency X, each program directed toward specific agency missions. 
Other agencies currently involved in weather modification — the De- 
partments of Energy, Interior, and Transportation, and the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration — would be stripped of their 
programs. 68 

In his 1970 paper, Johnson explored some of the more plausible in- 
stitutional arrangements that could be designed for Federal manage- 
ment of weather modification. 69 He identified the various functions 
into which such management responsibilities could be divided and at- 
tempted to show the optimum ways that each function might be 
handled. A major point which Jolmson made then, which is still ap- 
propriate today, is that the Federal institutional arrangements should 
depend on the pace of the development of weather modification tech- 
nology. Thus, establishment of a full-blown structure dealing with all 
weather modification functions may not yet be advisable, even in 1973. 



There are a number of formal and informal mechanisms by which 
the Federal research program in weather modification is coordinated, 
and there exist a variety of panels, committees, and organizations — 
some governmental and some quasi-governmental — which provide ad- 
vice and a forum for exchange of information on various aspects of 
weather modification. Coordination is also achieved through profes- 
sional society meetings and through workshops on specific problems 
which are scheduled by Federal agencies from time to time. 

Much of the coordination of weather modification projects attempted 
by agency representatives consists of exchange of information on the 
scope and the funding of the different agency programs, this ex- 
change accomplished through meetings of committees, conferences, 
and panels. Through such exchange it is expected that consensus can 
be approached and coordination achieved. 

Various opinions have been expressed on the degree to which Fed- 
eral weather modification programs are coordinated. According to 
Droessler, "The weather modification research program probably is 
as well coordinated as any research effort within the Federal Govern- 

68 Ibid., p. 26-27. 

89 Johnson, "Federal Organization or Control of Weather Modification," 1970, pp. 131-1S0. 

34-SoT— 79 17 


ment." 70 Dr. Alfred J. Eggers, Jr., former Assistant Director for Re- 
search Applications at the S"SF has recently stated that : 

In summary, the current programs in weather modification of the various 
agencies appear to be sufficiently well coordinated to avoid unknowing duplica- 
tions of efforts, but not so rigidly coordinated as to unduly narrow the range 
of scientific approaches being taken to respond to several agency missions. 
Weather modification is not a well-developed technology. Given the current 
state of the art, the current mechanisms of coordination appear to be appropriate 
and adequate. 71 

A contrary view was stated in the report by the General Accounting 
Office (GAO) on the need for a national program in weather modifica- 
tion research : 

A national program in weather modification research is necessary to effectively 
control activities of the agencies involved. Although this need was recognized as 
early as 1966. the organizations established to coordinate these activities have 
not developed and implemented an effective overall national program. Although 
coordinating groups have tried to develop national programs, their implementa- 
tion has not been successful. The present fragmentation of research efforts has 
made it extremely difficult for agencies to conduct effective field research which, 
in the case of weather modification, must precede operational activities. 72 

In answer to this conclusion of the GAO report that the Federal 
weather modification research program was not effectively coordi- 
nated, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) replied that: 

The point on ineffective coordination of research projects is not supported by 
fact. Weather modification research is well coordinated by the Interdepartmen- 
tal Committee on Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS). ICAS meets monthly and pro- 
vides members and observers the opportunity to exchange information in a timely 
manner. Interdepartmental coordination of weather modification activities has 
been, in our opinion, achieved through the efforts of ICAS and the member 
agencies in an exemplary manner. 7 '' 

The several means, formal and informal, by which the Federal 
weather modification research program is coordinated, or by which 
advice on agency programs is provided, are identified and discussed in 
the following subsections. 

The Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS) 

The principal mechanism for coordination of Federal weather 
modification programs has been the ICAS. Weather modification 
has been a principal concern of the committee since its inception in 
1959, and it was recently stated that the ICAS has spent more effort 
dealing with weather modification than with any other single topic. 74 
This close tie and continued interest by the ICAS on weather modi- 
fication was instilled from its beginning, when it incorporated func- 
tions of an existing interagency weather modification committee. 

In 195s. the National Science Foundation recognized the need for 
a formal interagency coordinating mechanism as part of its newly 

70 Droessler. "Weather Modification : Federal Policies, Funding From All Sources, Inter- 
agency Coordination," 1!*77. p. 14. 

71 Eggers, testimony before House Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee 
on the Environment and the Atmosphere. 107(5. pp. 111-112. 

- Comptroller of the United States. "Need for a National Weather Modification Research 
Propnim '* report to the Congress, General Accounting Office, B-133202, Washington, D.C., 
Aug. 23. 1974, p. 23. 

Sawhlll. John C. Associate Director, Office of Management and Budget. In a letter to 
Morton B. Henig, Associate Director, Manpower and Welfare Division, General Accounting 
Office. Sept. 12. 1973. 

74 Todd. Edward P. (Chairman of the Tn t erdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sci- 
ences), in testimony at hearings on weather modification before the Subcommittee on the 
Environment and the Atmosphere. Committee on Science and Technologv. U S. House of 
Representatives, June 16, 1976, p. 127. 


assigned statutory responsibilities as weather modification lead agency 
and established an Interdepartmental Committee on Weather Modi- 
fication. A year later the newly established Federal Council for Sci- 
ence and Technology (FCST) considered the need for a committee to 
cover atmospheric sciences; and, upon agreement between the Presi- 
dent's science adviser and the Director of the XSF, the existing Inter- 
departmental Committee on Weather Modification was formally 
reconstituted as the FCST's Interdepartmental Committee for At- 
mospheric Sciences. ICAS held its first meeting September 9, 1959. 75 > 76 

The National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and 
Priorities Act of 1976 (Public Law 94-282) was^ signed May 11, 1976, 
creating the Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, 
and Technology (FCCSET) . Under the new law, the ICAS, a subcom- 
mittee of the former FCST. should have ceased to function, since 
the parent council was abolished. Prior to the signing of Public Law 
94-282, however, the FCST Chairman addressed a letter to all FCST 
subcommittee chairmen, indicating that these committees should con- 
tinue their normal activities until such time as a new organizational 
structure for FCCSET could be established and begin to function. 
Subsequently, the FCCSET established several supporting subcom- 
mittees, one of which is the Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere 
(CAO) . The ICAS was formally adopted by the CAO on a temporary 
basis, pending creation of its own subcommittee structure. Conse- 
quently, the ICAS lias continued to hold meetings and published its 
customary annual report, under authority given by the Chairman of 
the CAO. 77 Although the future of the ICAS is uncertain, a recent 
survey indicated that its members favored continuation of an *'ICAS- 
like' ? activity. The committee thus intends to meet and conduct business, 
at a reduced level of activity, until the CAO organization becomes firm 
and is in full operation. 78 

The coordination activities of the ICAS for the Federal weather 
modification research program has been particularly valuable, espe- 
cially since 1968, when the Xational Science Foundation was relieved 
of its lead agency role. Prior to that time the XSF had provided leader- 
ship to the Federal program in a number of ways. Beginning in 1969 
the ICAS has continued the sponsorship of the annual Interagency 
Conference on Weather Modification, which the XSF had initiated 10 
years earlier. This annual conference is a "partial mechanism to pro- 
mote effective communications and a source of shared responsibility 
among the Washington program managers and the field program 
managers." 79 These conferences provide a forum for exchanging in- 

75 Special Commission on Weather Modification. '"Weather and Climate Modification," re- 
port to the National Science Foundation. XSF 66-3, Washington. D.C.. Dec. 20. 1965, p. 131. 

76 A discussion of the history and activities of the Federal Council for Science and Tech- 
nology is found in the following report: Bates. Dorothy M. (coordinator). Interagency Co- 
ordination of Federal Scientific Research and Development : The Federal Council for Sci- 
ence and Technology. Report prepared by the Science Policy Research Division of the Con- 
gressional Research Service for the Subcommittee on Domestic and International Scientific 
Planning and Analysis. Committee on Science and Technology. U.S. House of Representa- 
tives. Committee Print. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. 447 pp. Of spe- 
cial interest in this report is a case history of the ICAS: Morrison. Robert E. The Inter- 
departmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences : a case history. App. Ln pp. 381-396. 
(Included in the case history is a list of ICAS publications through July 1976.) 

" Federal Coordinating Council for Science. Engineering, and Technology. Committee on 
Oceans and Atmosphere. Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences. National 
Atmospheric Sciences Program : fiscal year 1978. ICAS 21-FY7S. September 1977, 96 pp. 

7S Ibid., p. iii. 

"9 Drossier. Weather Modification: Federal Policies. Funding From All Sources Inter- 
agency Coordination, p. 14. 


formation on progress in past years, plans for the coming year, 
thoughts on future projects, and suggestions on solutions to various 
problems encountered. The annual conferences, under ICAS sponsor- 
ship, beginning with the 11th in 1969, have been hosted, at the request 
of the ICAS, by the NSF and by NOAA. The NSF hosted the 11th 
conference, and XOAA has hosted all of those since, starting with 
the 12th. 

At regular meetings of the ICAS, major weather modification pro- 
grams of member agencies are frequently reviewed through project 
briefings by Washington and field program managers. The ICAS has 
formed standing and ad hoc panels to which are assigned responsibili- 
ties for specific facets of the weather modificaion program. Panels in 
the past have worked on problems such as legislation on weather modi- 
fication, a national plan for the Federal weather modification program, 
and a plan for accelerating progress in weather modification. These 
panels address topics as requested by the parent committee and make 
recommendations to the ICAS for actions as required. Two specific 
ICAS reports have dealt with the subject. 80 ' 81 

Besides formal coordination afforded by the annual conferences, dis- 
cussions at ICAS meetings, and studies undertaken by ICAS panels, 
there is also included an account of the Federal weather modification 
program as an appendix to the annual ICAS report. 82 In the early 
years of the ICAS member agencies reported their funding for the 
general support of atmospheric sciences only in two broad categories, 
meteorology and aeronomy. Beginning with fiscal year 1963 the agen- 
cies began to identify specific funds for weather modification, and this 
information has been included since in the annual ICAS report along 
with brief descriptions of member agency programs. 

It was at the request of the ICAS and with the cooperation of the 
Secretary of Commerce that Federal agencies began to report their 
weather modification research activities to XOAA as of November 1, 
1973. 83 Public Law 92-205 requires such reporting by all nonfederal!}' 
sponsored weather modification projects in the United States and its 
territories. 84 This voluntary reporting by Federal agencies, initiated 
by the ICAS, thus assured that the central source of information on 
weather modification projects in the United States is reasonably 

In its 1971 annual report, the ICAS identified selected major re- 
search projects in weather modification which were designated as na- 
tional projects. 85 These national projects were formulated by the 
ICAS members through combination of agency projects in each of 
seven categories of weather modification assigning lead agency respon- 
sibilities in most cases to that agency with the most significant ongoing 

80 Newell. Homer E. A recommended national program in weather modification. Federal 
Council for Science and Technology. Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sci- 
ences ICAS report No. 10a. Washington. D.C., November 1966. 93 pp. 

81 Federal Council for Science and Technology. Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences. ICAS report No. 15a. Washington. D.C., June 1971, 50 pp. 

82 The most recent account is found in the latest ICAS annual report : Federal Coordinat- 
ing Council for Science. Engineering, and Technology. Interdepartmental Committee for 
Atmospheric Sciences. ICAS 21-FY7S. Pp. 87-94. 

83 Federal Council for Science and Technology. Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences. National Atmospheric Sciences Program : fiscal rear 1975. ICAS 18-FY 75 
Washington, DC. May 1974. n. iv. 

M See earlier discussions on Public Law 92 205 under congressional activities, p. 197. and 
under tbe administration of the reporting program by NOAA. p. 2'.V2. 

Federal Council for Science and Technology. Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences. National Atmospheric Sciences Program : fiscal year 1972. ICAS report 
No. 15. March 1971, pp. 5-6. 


project (s) within each category. The proposed national projects and 
respective lead agencies were : 

1. National Colorado River Basin pilot project. — Bureau of Recla- 
mation, Department of the Interior : To test the feasibility of apply- 
ing a cloud seeding technology, proven effective under certain condi- 
tions, to a river basin for a winter season to augment the seasonal 

'2. National hurricane modification project. — National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce : To develop 
a seeding technology and associated mathematical models to reduce 
the maximum surface winds associated with hurricanes. 

3. National lightning suppression project. — Forest Service, Depart- 
ment of Agriculture : To develop a seeding technology and associated 
physical and mathematical models to reduce the frequency of forest 
fire-starting lightning strokes from cumulonimbus clouds. 

4. National cumulus modification project. — National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce : To develop 
a seeding technology and associated mathematical models to promote 
the growth of cumulus clouds in order to increase the resulting natural 
rainfall in areas where needed. 

5. National hail research experiment. — National Science Founda- 
tion : To develop a seeding technology and associated mathematical 
models to reduce the incidence of damaging hailfall from cumulonim- 
bus clouds without adversely affecting the associated rainfall. 

6. National Great Lakes snoio redistribution project. — National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce : 
To develop a seeding technology and associated mathematical models 
to spread the heavy snowfall of the Great Lakes coastal region farther 

7. National fog modification project. — Federal Aviation Adminis- 
tration, Department of Transportation : To develop seeding or other 
technology and associated physical and mathematical models to reduce 
the visibility restrictions imposed by warm and cold fogs where and to 
the extent needed. 86 

Although most of these national projects were continued for at least 
a while, some of them failed to materialize, as hoped, as truly national 
projects. Few received the expected interagency support and planning 
effort envisioned; however, in spite of these deficiencies, some were 
pursued by the lead agencies, largely as major single-agency projects. 
The National Hail Research Experiment, conducted by the National 
Science Foundation perhaps came closest to a truly national project 
and. with assistance from other Federal agencies, continued through 
1976. 87 A critique of the national projects in weather modification was 
included in the 1974 report of the General Accounting Office on the 
need for a national program in weather modification research. 88 

In answer to charges that the Federal weather modification research 
effort has been poorly coordinated, a conclusion of various studies that 
have been made, the Chairman of the ICAS recently said, "Within the 
IOAS we have considered coordination as it is defined, namely, har- 

» Ibid. 

Shc discussion of the national bail research project under following section on the pro- 
gram of the National Science Foundation, p. 274 ff. 

^Comptroller General of the United States. Need for a national weather modification 
research program. B-133202, 1974. Pp. 16-22. 


monious action, communication within Government. I submit that,, 
using that definition, the weather modification research program is 
probably as well coordinated as any effort within the Government, with 
the possible exception of programs that are entirely within the purview 
of a single agency. The critics of the ICAS coordination effort, how- 
ever, seem to nave been interpreting coordination as including manage- 
ment ; the ICAS is not a management agent.'' 89 

The National Academy of Sciences/ Committee on Atmospheric Sci- 
ences (N AS/GAS) 

Advice has been provided to the Federal Government through ad- 
visory panels, intensive studies, and published reports on weather 
modification, by the National Academy of Sciences. The Committee 
on Atmospheric Sciences (CAS) was organized under the National 
Research Council of the Academy in 1956, with the stated purpose of 
addressing . . itself to the task of viewing in broad perspective the 
present activities in research and education, the exchange of informa- 
tion and related matters as they affect the status of the field and future 
progress toward a balanced national program in the atmospheric 
sciences, and participation in international programs." 90 

At the request of, and sponsored by, the National Science Founda- 
tion, a conference was organized and conducted by the NAS in 1959, 
in which meteorologists, mathematicians, and statisticians met to ex- 
amine needs in weather modification experiments. The report on this 
Skyline Conference on the Design and Conduct of Experiments in 
Weather Modification, 91 which had been held in the Shenandoah Na- 
tional Park in Virginia, made a strong plea for careful statistical 
design of weather modification experiments, pointing out the need for 
long-term programs, standardization of design, the need for basic 
research in cloud physics, and the requirement for cooperation between 
meteorologists and statisticians. 

In March 1963, the CAS appointed a Panel on Weather and Climate 
Modification, "to undertake a deliberate and thoughtful review of the 
present status and activities in this field and of its potential and limi- 
tations in the future." 92 The Panel was chaired by Dr. Gordon J. F. 
MacDonald and was comprised of 11 Government and non-Govern- 
ment members. The Academy Panel worked closely with the NSF's 
Special Commission on Weather Modification, which had been estab- 
Lished in 1964. Three reports were subsequently published by the Panel,, 
based on in-depth studies which had been undertaken. 

The first of these, "Scientific Problems of Weather Modification," 
appeared in 1964; 03 the second, "Weather and Climate Modification: 
Problems and Prospects," was published in 1966; 94 and the third, 

89 Todd. Testimony before House Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on 
the Environment and the Atmosphere. June 197fi. p. S7. 

90 National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering. Institute of Medicine; 
National Research Council. Organization and members: 1975-1976. Washington, D.C. Octo- 
ber 1975. P. 81. 

n National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Report of the Skyline Con- 
ference on the Design ami Conduct of Experiments in Weather Modification. NAS— NBC Pub- 
lication 742. Washington. D.C, l!tn'). 24 pp. 

92 National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Committee on Atmospheric 
Sciences. Weather and Climate Modification: Problems and Prospects. Volume I. summary 
and recommendations. Final report of the Panel on Weather and Climate Modification. Pub- 
lication No. 1350, Washington, D.C, I960, p. vii. 

m National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Committee on Atmospheric 
Sciences Scientific Problems of Weather Modification : a Report of the Panel on Weather 
and Climate Modification. NAS NRC Publication No. 1236. Washington. D.C. 1964. 56 pp. 

ot National Academy of Sciences. Publication No. 1350. 1906. In two volumes. 40 + 212 pp. 


"Weather Modification : Problems and Progress," came out in 1973. 95 
In addition to the reports produced by the panel, two other National 
Academy studies were conducted in the 1970's which, in part, addressed 
aspects of weather modification. The Committee on Atmospheric Sci- 
ences surveyed the field in a chapter in its 1971 publication, "The 
Atmospheric Sciences and Man's Needs ; Priorities for the Future." 96 
In 1976 a report was prepared by the Committee on Climate and 
Weather Fluctuations and Agricultural Production of the Board on 
Agriculture and Eenewable Resources. A full chapter is devoted to 
weather modification in this report, entitled "Climate and Food; 
Climatic Fluctuation and U.S. Agricultural Production." 97 

Project Stormfury, a major hurricane modification project of the 
Commerce Department's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- 
istration (NO A A), 98 from its inception has had an advisory panel 
composed of prominent scientists, primarily meteorologists. Currently, 
the panel is appointed by and operates under the auspices of the Na- 
tional Academy of Sciences, Committee on Atmospheric Sciences. 
Members of the Stomfurv Advisory Panel all come from either the 
academic community or from private industry. Not only does the Panel 
review program results and experimental designs and make recom- 
mendations, but it also conducts periodic scientific symposia before 
larger groups. A recent program review was held in September 1977, 
and a report on the review is in preparation. 

The National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere 

This advisory committee was created by Public Law 92-125 on 
August 16, 1971, and was to be advisory to both the President and the 
Congress on the Nation's atmospheric and marine affairs and to the 
Secretary of Commerce with respect to the programs of the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Among other 
duties, the committee was charged with assessing the status of U.S. 
atmospheric and oceanic activities and with submitting an annual re- 
port of its findings and recommendations to the President and the 
Congress. The Secretary of Commerce was also required, on behalf of 
the executive branch, to prepare comments on the NACOA recom- 
mendations. These comments are appended to each of the annual 
NACOA reports. 

As originally constituted by Public Law 95-125, NACOA included 
25 members, all non-Federal, appointed by the President, who also' 
designated one of the members as chairman and one as vice chairman. 
Each department and agency of the Federal Government concerned 
with atmospheric and marine matters was to designate a senior policy 
official to participate as observer and to offer assistance as required. 
The Secretary of Commerce was to make available such staff, person - 

95 National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Committee on Atmospheric 
Science^ Weather Modification : Problems and Progress. ISBN 0-309-02121-9. Washing- 
ton, D.C., 1973. 280 pp. 

98 National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Committee on Atmospheric 
£ c .V^ ce ^T£ e . Atmospheric Scien ces and Man's Needs; Priorities for the Future. ISBN 
0-300-01912-5. Washington, D.C., May 1971, pp. 42-61. 

97 National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Board on Agriculture and 
Renewable Resources. Climate and Food ; Climatic Fluctuation and U.S. Agricultural Pro- 
duction. ISBN O-309-02522-2. Washington, D.C.. 1976 pp. 131-162 

ps For discussion of Project Stormfury, see p. 296 under weather modification pro-rams 
Of the Department of Commerce. 


nel, information, and administrative services as reasonably required 
to carry out committee activities. The life of NACOA was extended 
and its appropriation authorization was increased successively by 
Public Laws 92-657 and 94-69 of October 25, 1972, and August 16, 
1975, respectively. The 1971 act was repealed, however, by Public Law 
95-63, of July 5, 1977, which effectively disbanded the previous com- 
mittee and established a new NACOA. Although many of the provi- 
sions of the new law were similar to the previous one, the size of the 
committee was reduced from 25 to 18 members, appointed by the 
President .with the stipulation that members must be eminently quali- 
fied in knowledge and expertise in areas of direct concern to the com- 
mittee, that is, in atmospheric- and marine-oriented disciplines. 

Since its inception, the posture of NACOA has been to concentrate 
its studies on those important issues where it can make a significant 
contribution, recognizing that an attempt to review and evaluate every 
program and issue within its purview of responsibility could result 
in treating none of them well and could possibly duplicate what others 
are capable of doing better." Among other important topics, weather 
modification has been the subject of examination, deliberation, and 
comment often throughout the 6 years of NACOA's existence. 

Each of the six NACOA annual reports have contained discussion 
and recommendations on weather modification, which was one of the 
four major topics covered extensively in the first annual report. 1 
NACOA's repeated position has been that there is a need for "a coordi- 
nated Federal effort to support the basic research needed to bring 
weather modification to the point of being an operational tool resting 
on a sound technical base" but that "major gaps remain, largely be- 
cause no one agency has the responsibility for identifying and support- 
ing those areas of basic study needed for further progress along a 
broad front." 2 Specific recommendations of NACOA on the Federal 
weather modification program will be discussed in the following chap- 
ter of this report on studies and recommendations. 3 

Other coordination and advisory mechanisms 

Although overall coordination of the Federal weather modification 
programs has been an ICAS responsibility, there are other panels 
which assist certain agencies in connection with major research proj- 
ects, and there have been various workshops on particular problem 
areas through which interagency consensus has been achieved. The 
NSF Weather Modification Advisory Panel has provided important 
guidance to the weather modification research activities of the NSF. 
The presence of representatives from both the Bureau of Reclamation 
and NOAA, the other agencies with major weather modification pro- 
grams, was designed to assure a high level of coordination. The 
National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE) Advisory Panel of 
the NSF also has had representatives from these two agencies. 
Research proposals received by the NSF are reviewed by the Bureau 

National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere. A report to the President nnd 
the Poncrres^. First annual report. June 30. 1972. Washington, D.C., U.S. Government 
Printing Office, p. iv. 
1 Ibid., pp. 19-29. 

: National Advisory Committee on Oceans nnd Atmosphere, a report to the President and 
tt <■ I !ongre88. sixth annual report. June 30, 1977, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Print- 

lng Office, p. 76. 
See Ch. 6. 


of Reclamation and by NOAA, thus giving a direct input to these 
agencies in the decision process as to whether individual research pro- 
posals are to be funded by the NSF. 4 

The agencies coordinate directly with each other at the working 
level whenever the respective programs may benefit thereby. A close 
coordination mechanism was established, for example, between the 
National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE) of the NSF and the Bu- 
reau of Reclamation's High Plains Cooperative Program (HIPLEX) , 
a useful and practical arrangement in view of the geographical prox- 
imity of the two projects in northeastern Colorado and northwestern 
Kansas, respectively. 5 

During the past few years workshops on various aspects and prob- 
lem areas in weather modification have afforded additional oppor- 
tunity for coordination. In 1975 the National Science Foundation spon- 
sored a symposium/workshop on the suppression of hail as part of its 
National Hail Research Experiment. 6 The NSF also sponsored a major 
workshop on inadvertent weather modification at Hartford, Conn., in 
May 1977. 7 Another recent workshop sponsored by the NSF was 
held in August 1977 at Fort Collins. Colo., on extended space and time 
effects of planned weather modification activities. 8 

Since 1967, the Bureau of Reclamation has conducted nine con- 
ferences as part of its "Project Sky water." dealing with various special 
topics of particular concern to the projects and to planned weather 
modification in general. Some of these Sky water conferences have been 
jointly sponsored with other agencies, in particular, the National 
Science Foundation, and more recent conferences have been conducted 
in a workshop format. Following each conference proceedings have 
been published. The first conference was held at Denver, Colo., in 1967, 
on the subject of physics and chemistry of nucleation. 9 The most recent 
conference was a workshop, held in November 1976, at Vail, Colo., 
on environmental aspects of precipitation management. 10 One day of 
this conference was sponsored jointly with the National Science Foun- 
dation. A tenth Skywater Conference is a workshop scheduled for 
June 1978, at Lake Tahoe, Calif., where the topic will be the Sierra 
Cooperative Pilot Project of Skywater. This conference will follow a 
meeting at the same place, sponsored jointly by the American Meteoro- 
logical Society and the Forest Service of the U.S. Department of Agri- 
culture, on Sierra Nevada mountain meteorology. 

Also of interest as a coordination mechanism was the November 
1975, Special Regional Weather Modification Conference on Augmen- 

4 Eggers. testimony before House Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on 
the Environment and the Atmosphere, 1976, p. 110. 

5 Ibid., p. 111. 

6 National Center for Atmospheric Research, NHRE symposium/workshop on hail and its 
suppression, working group reports. Estes Park. Colo.. Sept. 21-28. 1976. "National Hail 
Research Experiment." technical report NCAR/7100-75/2, November 1975, 130 pp. 

7 Robinson. G. D. (Principal Investigator), inadvertent weather modification workshop. 
May 23-27, 1977. Hartford. Conn., final report to the National Science Foundation, under 
grant No. ENV-77-10186. "Hartford, the Center for the Environment and Man. Inc.." 
November 1977. CEM Report 4215-604. 167 pp. 

s Brown. R>ith J.. Robert D. Elliott, and Max Edelstein (editors). "Transactions of 
Workshop on Extended Space and Time Effects of Weather Modification." Aug. 8-12, 1977, 
Fort Collins. Colo. Goleta, Calif., North American weather consultants, February 1978 
(draft), 279 pp. 

9 U.S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Reclamation. "Phvsics and Cbpmistrv of 
Nucleation." proceedings ; Skywater Conference I, Denver. Colo., July 10-12, 1967, Denver. 
July 1967. 419 pp. 

10 U.S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Reclamation. "Precipitation. Man. and the 
Environment ; an Overview of Skywatpr IX Conference," second week of November 1976, 
Vail, Colo., Denver, September 1977, 223 pp. 



tation of Winter Orographic Precipitation in the Western United 
States, sponsored jointly by the American Meteorological Society, the 
Department of Water Resources of the State of California, the 
Weather Modification Association, and the Bureau of Reclamation. 11 

In connection with Project Sky water, the Bureau of Reclamation 
has established a number of advisory boards and panels from time to 
time as the need has arisen. These groups have been composed of both 
Government and non-Government experts. In connection with the 
High Plains Cooperative Project (HIPLEX) , the Bureau of Reclama- 
tion has also established citizens* panels to advise on local problems; 
these groups have included local government officials among other indi- 
viduals. Similar local advisory groups have been planned for the Sierra 
Cooperative Pilot Project and are now being organized. 

Another means of coordination is provided through the joint spon- 
sorship of some Federal research efforts. For example, the weather 
modification simulation laboratory at the Colorado State University, 
funded through the National Science Foundation by three Federal 
agencies, is a facility used in support of a number of Federal projects. 
The National Science Foundation has funded a number of research 
studies which support the major weather modification programs of 
other agencies, particularly those of the Bureau of Reclamation and 
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 

A coordination and advisory role has also been played from time to 
time by the committees and panels which have been established to con- 
duct major weather modification policy studies. Notable among these 
groups are the Advisory Committee on Weather Control, established 
by Congress in 1953, and the Weather Modification Advisory Board, 
impaneled by the Secretarv of Commerce to implement requirements 
of the National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976. 12 

Although not officially sponsored by the Federal Government, a 
forum for coordination and exchange of information on Federal as 
well as non-Federal programs is provided through the meetings and 
the journals of professional organizations. The American Meteorologi- 
cal Society (AMS) has sponsored six conferences specifically dealing 
with weather modification, at which the majority of the papers de- 
livered have been related to Federal research projects and at which 
nearly all of the papers have been based on federally sponsored re- 
search. Exchange of information on Federal projects has also been 
afforded through the medium of AMS journals, particularly the "Bul- 
letin of the American Meteorology Society" and the "Journal of 
Applied Meteorology." Among the various specialized AMS commit- 
tees is the Committee on Weather Modification, concerned with ad- 
vances and priorities in weather modification research, the greatest 
portion of which is supported in the United States by the Federal 
agencies. In addition, specialized conferences on some problem aspects 
of weather modification have been sponsored by the AMS, sometimes 
jointly with various Federal agencies. 

" American Meteorological Society, Abstracts of Special Regional Weather Modification 
Conference: Augmentation of Winter Orographic Precipitation in the Western United 
States Nov 11 13, 1975, San Francisco, Calif. (Cosponsored by the U.S. Department 
Of the Interior. Bureau of Reclamation; State of California, Department of Water Re- 
potirccs ; and the Weather Modification Association, Boston (no publication date), 24H nn. 

12 The purpose, formation, activities, and recommendations of these committees are dis- 
eussed in some detail in various other places in this report. 


The Weather Modification Association (WMA) sj^onsors two pro- 
fessional meetings each year, sometimes jointly with the AMS or other 
professional organizations, and also published the "Journal of 
Weather Modification/' These WMA mechanisms provide additional 
opportunities for coordination of Federal projects as information is 
exchanged among participants, many of whom are employees of Fed- 
eral agencies or of contractors on Federal projects. The organization, 
purposes, and activities of the AMS, the WMA, and other nongov- 
ernmental organizations concerned with weather modification are dis- 
cussed under the section on private organizations in chapter 8 of this 
report. 13 

Weather Modification Ad visory Board 

The National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976, Public Law 
91-490 of October 13, 1976, requires that the Secretary of Commerce 
"shall conduct a comprehensive investigation and study of the state of 
scientific knowledge concerning weather modification, the present state 
of development of weather modification technology, the problems im- 
peding eli'ective implementation of weather modification technology, 
and other related matters" ; and that "the Secretary shall prepare and 
submit to the President and the Congress * * * a final report on the 
findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the study."' 14 

The Secretary of Commerce responded to these requirements by 
appointing an 18-member non-Federal Weather Modification Advisory 
Board to conduct the study and prepare a report recommending a na- 
tional weather modification policy and a national program of research 
and action to carry out the policy. Members of the Advisory Board, 
with their affiliations, and the charter to the Board from the Secretary 
are included in appendix K. The Board's final draft report is to be 
submitted to the Secretary for her approval and any necessary modifi- 
cations, after which it will be transmitted to the President and the 

Owing to the 1976 Presidential election and change of administra- 
tion in January 1977. and because of procedures required by the Fed- 
eral Advisory Committee Act. the Advisory Board was not officially 
appointed until April 1977. Consequently, much of the 1-year allotted 
time for the study had been lost and it was apparent that the report 
could not be completed by October 13, 1977, as required by Public Law 
94-490. An extension of time, requested by the Secretary, was trans- 
mitted to both houses of the Congress, and a bill providing for such an 
extension was introduced in the Senate, 15 but no action has been taken 
to date, and formal action by the Congress to extend the time for com- 
pletion of the study seems unlikely. Meanwhile, the Advisory Board 
continued its study and report development, planning to deliver its 
report to the Secretary of Commerce by June 30, 1978. Following 
public hearings and receipt of comments from other executive branch 
agencies, it is anticipated that the Secretary will transmit the docu- 
ment to the Congress in the late summer or fall of 1978. 16 

u Sp P d. 389. 

14 Public Law 94-490. Sees. 4 and 5. (The complete text of the law is included in app. I.) 
»S. 1938, introduced Jnly 27. 1077. by Sen. Warren G. Masrnuson. 

18 This tentative schedule for completion and transmittal of the report is based on dis- 
cussions by the Weather Modification Advisory Board at its ninth meeting. Apr. 4, 197S, in 
Washington. D.C. 


The Advisory Board has met formally four times in Washington, 
D.C., and one time each in North Forks, N. Dak.; Boulder, Colo.; 
Champaign, 111.; San Francisco, Calif.; Chicago, 111.; Tulsa, Okla. ; 
Atlanta, Ga. ; and Aspen, Colo. — combining public hearings with 
working sessions. Subpanels and other ad hoc groups of Board 
members have also met numerous times to work on specific aspects of 
the study and to prepare draft sections of the report. At a hearing on 
October 26, 1977, the Chairman of the Advisory Board, Harlan 
Cleveland, briefed the Subcommittee on the Environment and the 
Atmosphere of the House Committee on Science and Technology, re- 
lating activities to date of the Board and submitting for the record a 
discussion paper which summarized the Board's thinking at the time. 17 


Background and regulations 

Public Law 92-205 of December 18, 1971, 18 requires reporting 
of basic information on all nonfederally sponsored weather modifica- 
tion activities in the United States and its territories to the Secretary 
of Commerce. The Secretary is further directed to maintain a record 
of weather modification activities taking place in the United States 
and to publish summaries of such information "from time to time." 

Within the Commerce Department the National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has administered this pro- 
gram on behalf of the Secretary. Rules for carrying out the provisions 
of this legislation, published in the Federal Register, 19 went into effect 
on November 1, 1972. The rules have since been revised and amended 
twice — on February 15, 1974, 20 to cover safety and environmental 
aspects of field activities and to consider possible interference with 
Federal research projects, and again on July 4, 1976, 21 to modify cer- 
tain reporting procedures. A copy of the rules and regulations cur- 
rently in effect appears in appendix L. In the same appendix are 
copies of the forms and specific reporting instructions to be used for 
submission of required information to NOAA by weather modifica- 
tion operators. 

Reporting requirements include initial, interim, and final reports. 
It is required that NOAA receive the initial report at least 10 days 
prior to the commencement of weather modification activities. The 
rules provide for exceptions whereby this 10-day rule may be waived 
under certain emergencies and also require filing a supplemental report 
if the initial report is subsequently found to contain inaccuracies, mis- 
statements, or omissions or if project plans are changed. The interim 
report is required January 1 of each year (October 1 prior to the 1976 
revision of the rules) unless the project has been terminated prior to 
that date. Upon completion of the project, a final report is due, and, 

17 Weather Modification Advisory P,oard. "A U.S. Policy To Enhance the Atmospheric 
Environment," a discussion paper. Oct. 21. 1977, 29 pp. (Also appeared In record of 
hearing: TVS. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on Science and Technology, 
Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere. Weather Modification. 95th 
Cong., 1st sess. Oct. 21, 1977, pp. 20-49. 

18 See appendix I for a reproduction of Public Law 92-205 and see earlier section of this 
chapter under congressional activities for discussion of enactment of this law and those 
enacted since which have extended appropriations authorization through fiscal year 1980. 

19 Federal Register, vol. 37. No. 208. Friday, Oct. 27. 1972. 
^Federal Register, vol. 39, No. 10, Tuesday. Jan. 15, 1974. 
21 Federal Register, vol. 41. No. 113. June 10, 1976. 


until such final report is received by XOAA, the project is considered 
active. 22 

Reporting of Federal activities 

Although not required to do so by Public Law 92-205, as of Novem- 
ber 1, 1973, Federal agencies also began reporting to NOAA their 
experimental activities in weather modification. This procedure re- 
sulted from an agreement obtained by the Secretary of Commerce 
from the responsible agencies at the request of the Interdepartmental 
Committee for Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS) and the Office of Man- 
agement and Budget. Reporting guidelines adopted for Federal 
agencies are similar to those for non-Federal projects, using the same 
data forms; however, Federal entities and employees thereof are ex- 
cepted from criminal penalty to which other operators are subject for 
noncompliance, and no Federal agency is required to furnish infor- 
mation or material whose protection is in the interest of national 
security. With similar reporting of federally and nonfederally spon- 
sored activities, there now exists a central source of information on all 
weather modification projects in the United States. 23 

Summary reports on U.S. weather modification activities 

Since the Secretary of Commerce was given responsibility for col- 
lecting information on weather modification activities and for pub- 
lishing "from time to time" summaries of this information, four such 
summary reports have been prepared by the Environmental Modifica- 
tion Office of NOAA's Office of Environmental Monitoring and Pre- 
diction. The first summary covered reported projects which were active 
some time between November 1, 1972, and March 22, 1973. 24 The second 
report incorporated information published in the first summary and 
extended the period of coverage to include activities reported through 
December 1973. 25 Subsequent reports summarized information on 
ongoing weather modification projects underway during calendar years 
1974 26 and 1975, 27 respectively. The latter two summaries include 
information on Federal as well as non-Federal projects for the com- 
plete calendar years. 

An analysis of the weather modification activities conducted in the 
United States during calendar year 1975 and a preliminary analysis 
of activities during calendar years 1976 and 1977 are found in chap- 
ter 7 of this report. These discussions are based upon the latest weather 
modification summary report published by NOAA 28 and a prelimi- 
nary report on the latter 2 years prepared by Charak. 29 

- Charak, Mason T.. "Weather Modification Activity Reports : Calendar Year 1975." Na- 
tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Environmental Monitoring and 
Prediction, Rockville. Md., June 1976, pp. 3 and 60. 

23 Charak, Mason T. and Mary T. DiGiulian, "Weather Modification Activity Reports ; 
Nov. 1, 1972, to Dec. 31, 1973." National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 
Office of Environmental Monitoring and Prediction, Rockville, Md.. March 1974, pp. 
1 and D-l. 

24 Charak, Mason T. and Mary T. DiGiulian, "Weather Modification Activity Reports ; 
November 1. 1972. to March 22. 1973.'' National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 
Office of Environmental Monitoring and Prediction. Rockville, Md.. March 1973. 23 pp. 

25 Charak and DiGiulian. "Weather Modification Activity Reports ; Nov. 1, 1972 to 
Dec. 31, 1973," 1974. 40 pp. 

26 Charak. Mason T., "Weather Modification Activity Reports ; Calendar Tear 1974." Na- 
tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Environmental Monitoring and 
Production, Rockville, Md. March 1975, 37 pp. 

^Charak, "Weather Modification Activity Reports; Calendar Year 1975." June 1976, 
64 pp. 

25 Ibid. 

29 Charak. Mason T.. "Preliminary Analvsis of Reported Weather Modification Activities 
In the U.S. for CY 1976 and 1977." (Submitted for publication in the Journal of Weather 
Modification, 1978.) 


It should also be noted that, as part of its responsibilities as lead 
agency- for weather modification under Public Law 85-510, the Na- 
tional Science Foundation (NSF) began collecting reports on weather 
modification activities on a regular basis in 1966. Two years later, how- 
ever, Public Law 90-407 repealed the powers of the NSF to require 
such reporting. During those 2 years, the Foundation published sum- 
maries of reported activities for fiscal years 1967 and 1968, which were 
included in the 9th and 10th annual NSF weather modification re- 
ports that were submitted to the President and the Congress. 30 From 
September 1, 196S, until December 18, 1971, when Public Law 92-205 
was enacted, no Federal department or agency was authorized to col- 
lect reports on weather modification activities. During this interim, 
pertinent information on weather modification activities of the Fed- 
eral Government and on the status of Aveather modification research 
and technology was published in three weather modification summary 
reports, published at the request of the ICAS by NOAA. 31 This brief 
series ended with the report which covered fiscal year 1973 ; however, 
some of the kinds of information contained in these reports will be 
included in the NOAA summary reports on weather modification 
activities ; such material was first so included in the summary for cal- 
endar year 1975. 32 



In accordance with the mandates of several public laws, or self- 
initiated by the agencies or interagency committees, the executive 
branch of the Federal Government lias undertaken a number of major 
studies over the past 25 years on weather modification policy and/or 
recommended programs for research and development. Some of these 
studies have been performed under contract, others have been con- 
ducted by committees of Federal employees, while a third group were 
carried out by Federal committees or panels composed of non-Govern- 
ment experts. Each of the completed major studies was followed by a 
report which included findings and recommendations. 

The earliest studies were conducted in the early 1950's, largely at the 
instigation of the Department of Defense, at that time the agency with 
the major Federal role in weather modification. The most significant 
study and report of the 1950's was that of the Advisory Committee on 
Weather Control, directed by Public Law 83-256. There was an un- 
usually large number of major studies conducted and reports issued 
during the period from 1965 through 1976. The reports included two 
from the National Academy of Sciences, two from the Interdepart- 

80 National Science Foundation. "Weather Modification : Ninth Annual Report for Fiscal 
Fear Ended June HO, 1967." NSF 68-21. Aug 28. 1968. Washington. D.C.. U.S. Govt. Print. 

Off., Aug. 28, 1968, pp. 75-77 : and . "Weather Modification ; Tenth Annual Report 

for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 196S," NSF 69-18, Washington. D.C., U.S. Govt. Print. 
Off.. Aug. 1969, pp. 111-115. 

31 U.S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 
"Summary Report: Weather Modification ; Fiscal Years 1969. 1970. 1971." Office of the 
Assistant Administrator for Environmental Modification. Rockville, Md.. May 1973. 163 pp. : 
. "Summary Report : Weather Modification ; Fiscal Year 1972." Office of Environmen- 
tal Monitoring and Prediction, Rockville. Md., November 1973. 226 pp. : and . "Sum- 
mary Report : Weather Modification ; Fiscal Year 1973." Office of Environmental Monitor- 
ing and Prediction. Rockville. Md.. December 1974. 155 pp. 

32 Cbarak, "Weather Modification Activity Reports ; Calendar Year 1975," June 1976, pp. 


mental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS), three from the 
National Science Foundation, and at least one each from the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture, the Environmental Science Services Administra- 
tion (predecessor of XOAA), and the Domestic Council's Subcom- 
mittee on Climate Change. In 1966 alone, at least five reports on 
federally sponsored weather modification studies appeared. The Na- 
tional Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere (NACOA) 
has also issued policy statements on weather modification in each of its 
six annual reports to date. 

The most recent major study was undertaken in 1977 by the Weather 
Modification Advisory Board under the auspices of the Department of 
Commerce, which has been directed to conduct such a policy study and 
to submit a report to the Congress in accordance with the National 
Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976 (Public Law 94-490). 

The principal weather modification studies and reports, sponsored 
by the executive branch are discussed very briefly in the following sub- 
sections. 33 The conclusions and recommendations of the major policy 
studies are discussed and summarized in a separate chapter of this 
report. 34 

Studies of the early 1950' s 

In 1950, there were controversies among scientists over the validity 
of reported results from weather modification experiments, notably 
Project Cirrus, a Defense Department project, conducted primarly by 
the General Electric Company under contract. 35 It was agreed by those 
involved that there should be an independent scientific review of the 
work and the claims of spectacular results. The appointed review com- 
mittee was organized under the jurisdiction of the Department of 
Defense, since Project Cirrus was sponsored by that Department, with 
Dr. Bernard Haurwitz of New York University as chairman. The 
committee was to investigate results and report to the Defense Depart- 
ment; however, when the report was submitted in the late spring of 
1950, it was classified "confidential," to the dismay of committee mem- 
bers, since it had been hoped that the report would explain the real 
prospects of weather modification to the public. 36 According to Byers, 
the Defense Department finally agreed to let the report be published 
by the American Meteorological Society, and it appeared "in the guise 
of a report requested by the president of the Society." 37 - 38 The overall 
tenor of the report was one of skepticism toward the claims of success 
for Project Cirrus, and the concluding paragraph of the report stated 
that : 

It is the considered opinion of this committee that the possibility of artificially 
producing any useful amounts of rain has not been demonstrated so far if the 
available evidence is interpreted by any acceptable scientific standards. 38 

In view of the potential value of weather modification techniques and 
the controversial results obtained thus far, the research agencies of the 

33 Studies and reports of the congressional support agencies have been noted earlier in 
this chapter under the discussion of congressional weather modification activities. See 
p. 209. 

34 See chap. 6, p. 313 ff. 

85 For a discussion of Project Cirrus, see p. 39, under the history of weather modification 
in chapter 2. 

36 Byers, Horace W., "History of Weather Modification," In Wilmot H. Hess (editor). 
Weather and Climate Modification. New York, Wiley, 1974, pp. 33-34. 

37 Ibid., p. 34. 

38 The report appeared under correspondence, signed by members of the committee, in the 
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 31, No. 9, November 1950. pp. 346-347 

39 Ibid . p. 347. 


U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force, along with the U.S. Weather Bureau, 
in 1951 appointed an Artificial Cloud Nucleation Advisory Group, 
chaired by Dr. Sverre Petterssen of the University of Chicago. The 
Advisory Group was asked to make a survey of the field of weather 
modification and u . . . to recommend a program for experiments and 
tests that could be expected to clarify major uncertainties that existed 
at that time for the operational uses of weather modification tech- 
niques." The Advisory Group found some support for the claims of 
Langmuir that seeding had affected larger atmospheric systems, but 
emphasized the need for clarification experiments. The group con- 
cluded that there was good evidence to indicate that cold stratus (and 
presumably cold fog) could be dispelled by nucleation. It had not been 
possible in any case to predict what results would have occurred if 
seeding had not been performed, indicating the need for more rigorous 
control of future tests. The Advisory Group consulted a number of 
experts in the field and all agreed that there was need for a coordinated 
program for experiments in order to determine whether or not weather 
systems can be modified with useful results. 40 

The Advisory Group recommended establishment of six projects to 
answer these questions and was requested to remain and furnish advice 
to the projects and their sponsoring agencies, provide for information 
exchange, and review results. One of these projects was sponsored by 
the Weather Bureau, and of the five sponsored by the Defense Depart- 
ment, four were conducted by contractors and the fifth by the Army 
Signal Corps in house. In July 195± the Advisory Group met with 
representatives of all the projects and sponsoring agencies, reviewed 
the results in detail, and recommended that full reports on each proj- 
ect be published. Project results were subsequently reported in a 1957 
monograph of the American Meteorological Society. 41 

Advisory Committee on Weather Control 

The first major comprehensive study of weather modification and 
its ramifications was undertaken by the Advisory Committee on 
Weather Control, following the congressional mandate under Public 
Law 83-256, of August 13, 1953, which established the Committee and 
directed that the study and evaluation of weather modification be per- 
formed. The Committee was comprised of the Secretaries of five de- 
partments and the Director of the National Science Foundation, or 
their designees, and five private members, including the Chairman, 
who were appointed by the President. 42 Chaired by Dr. Howard T. 
Orville, the Committee forwarded its two-volume report 43 to Presi- 
dent Eisenhower on December 31, 1 0r>7, after the June 30, 1956, termi- 
nation date for the act had been extended by Public Law 84—664 of 
July 9. 1950. In its final report the committee recommended : 44 

(1) That encouragement be given for the widest possible competent 
research in meteorology and related fields. Such research should be 

4 Petterssen. Sverre. "Reports on Experiments with Artificial Cloud Nucleation : Intro- 
ductory Note." In Sverre Petterssen. Jerome Spar. Ferguson Hall, Roscoe R. Braham, Jr., 
! lis J. Rattan. Horace R. Byers. H. J. aufm Kampe, J. J. Kelly, and H. K. Weickmann. 
Cloud and Weather Modification: a Group of Field Experiments. Meteorologieil mono- 
hs, vol. 2. No. 11. American Meteorological Society, Boston, July 1957. pp. 2-3. 
Ibid,, 115 pp. 
43 Public Law 83-256, sections 4 and 5. 

Arlvisorv Committee on Weather Control, final report of thp Advisory Committee on 
Wp.itbf>r Control, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1958, in two volumes, 
22-422 pp. 

« Ibid., vol. I. pp. vll-viii. 


undertaken by Government agencies, universities, industries, and other 

(2) That the Government sponsor meteorological research more 
vigorously than at present. Adequate support is particularly needed to 
maintain continuity and reasonable stability for long-term projects. 

(3) That the administration of Government-sponsored research pro- 
vide freedom and latitude for choosing methods and goals. Emphasis 
should be put on sponsoring talented men as well as their specihc 

(4) That an agency be designated to promote and support research 
in the needed fields, and to coordinate research projects, it should also 
constitute a central point for the assembly, evaluation, and dissemina- 
tion of information. This agency should be the National Science 

(5) That whenever a research project has the endorsement of the 
National Science Foundation and requires facilities to achieve its pur- 
pose, the agency having jurisdiction over such facilities should pro- 
vide them. 

National Academy of Sciences studies 

The Committee on Atmospheric Sciences of the National Academy 
of Sciences (NAS/CAS) produced its report on the first of two major 
studies on weather modification in 1966. The report, entitled "Weather 
and Climate Modification : Problems and Prospects,'' 45 was prepared 
by the Committee's Panel on Weather and Climate Modification, with 
joint support from the National Science Foundation and the Com- 
merce Department's Environmental Science Services Administration. 
Volume 1 of the report contains a summary of the study and recom- 
mendations, while the second volume presents a general assessment of 
the subject, on which the panel based its conclusions and recommenda- 
tions. The report expressed cautious optimism regarding the future of 
weather modification. Among its recommendations were an increase 
in Federal support from the 1965 level of $5 million to at least $30 
million by 1970 and the early establishment of several carefully de- 
signed, randomized seeding experiments, planned in such a way as to 
permit assessment of the seedability of various storm types. The re- 
port addressed mostly technical and administrative problems; it did 
not consider social, legal, and economic aspects of the subject, since 
these topics were taken up in a concurrent study by the NSF's Special 
Commission on Weather Modification, which worked closely with the 
NAS panel. 46 

The second major study was completed by the Panel on Weather 
and Climate Modification of the NAS Committee on Atmospheric 
Sciences in 1973. 47 Sponsored jointly by the National Science Founda- 
tion and the Department of Commerce, the panel was given respon- 
sibility in the study "(1) to determine the scientific and national prog- 
ress in weather modification since the earlier study of the field was 
reported upon in 1966, (2) to consider future activities that would 

45 National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council, Committee on Atmospheric 
Sciences. Wenther and Climate Modification : Problems and Prospects. Publication No. 1350, 
Washington. D.C., 1966. in 2 volumes. 40+212 pp. 

46 See discussion be^w on reports bv the National Science Foundation, p. 239. 

47 National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council, Committee on Atmospheric 
Sciences, "Weather Modification : Problems and Progress," ISBN 0-309-02121-9, Washing- 
ton, D.C., 1973. 280 pp. 


guide and strengthen work toward further progress, (3) to examine 
and clarify the statistical design and evaluation of modification ac- 
tivities, and (4) to determine the current circumstances bearing on the 
increase, decrease, and redistribution of precipitation." 48 In its report, 
the panel attempted to fufill these objectives and further proposed 
the following three goals for improving the science and technology of 
weather modification : 49 

1. Completion of research to put precipitation modification on a 
sound basis by 1980. 

2. Development during the next decade of the technology required 
to move toward mitigation of severe storms. 

3. Establishment of a program that will permit determination by 
1980 of the extent of inadvertent modification of local weather and 
global climate as a result of human activities. 

Research programs required to achieve these goals were outlined 
along with basic functions to be performed by the several Federal agen- 
cies. These organizational recommendations for the Federal program 
were : " (1) the identification of a lead agency, (2) the establishment of 
a laboratory dedicated to the achievement of the proposed national 
goals, and (3) assignment to the recently established National Advisory 
Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere of the responsibility for examin- 
ing the public policy issues of weather modification, as well as the 
development of organization and legislative proposals."' 50 

Studies by the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences 

Another report to appear in 1966 was the first of two by the ICAS 
on weather modification, which prescribed a recommended national 
program in the field. 51 Compiled by the chairman of the ICAS Select 
Panel on Weather Modification, Dr. Homer E. Newell of the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration, the report laid out details for 
such a national program and contained, as appendices, the earlier 
recommended program of the ICAS Select Panel itself, as well as 
recommendations from the concurrent studies by the NAS and the 
NSF Special Commission. 

The ICAS completed another interagency study in 1971, when it 
produced a report which outlines a program for accelerating national 
progress in weather modification. 52 The report attempted to identify 
national weather modification needs and designated research projects 
for meeting these needs as national projects, each with a responsible 
lead agency and support from other Federal agencies. 53 Some of these 
projects were already underway or in planning stages by various 
agencies. Few were ever consummated as truly interagency national 
projects as envisioned, though there was some degree of cooperation 
in some, such as the National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE), 

* 8 Ibid., p. ill. 
*» Ibid., p. xv. 

« Newell, Homer E., "A Recommended National Program in Weather Modification," Fed- 
eral Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric 
Sciences, ICAS Kept. No. 10a, November 1966, 93 pp. 

52 Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interagency Committee for Atmospheric 
Sciences, "A National Program for Accelerating Progress in Weather Modification, ICAS 
Kept. No. 15a. June 1971, 50 pp. „ . 21.. Aa 00 . . 

M For a list of the seven national projects identified by the ICAS, see p. 224. under the 
discussion of the activities of the ICAS. 


and others, such as Interior's Colorado River Basin pilot project 
(CKBPP), continued essentially as large single-agency projects. 

Domestic Council study 

A weather modification study was undertaken in 1974, following 
establishment of a Subcommittee on Climate Change by the Environ- 
mental Eesources Committee of the Domestic Council. Comprised of 
representatives from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
and most Federal agencies with atmospheric sciences programs, except- 
ing the Defense Department, the subcommittee attempted to assess the 
Federal role in weather modification. Drawing upon recent documenta- 
tion on the progress, status, and problems in the field, and through a 2- 
day hearing of representatives from various parts of the weather modi- 
fication community and other interested groups, the subcommittee 
prepared its report in 1975. 54 In its executive summary, the Domestic 
Council report found that : 

Weather modification represents a potential tool for exerting a favorable influ- 
ence over destructive weather events and for augmenting water supplies in some 
areas where additional water is needed for energy, food, and fiber production ; 55 

and the following general recommendation was formulated : 

A policy should be adopted to develop, encourage, and maintain a comprehen- 
sive and coordinated national program in weather modification research and in 
the beneficial application of the technology along the lines of the recommenda- 
tions embodied in this report. 56 

Specific findings and recommendations were also given for each of 
the three areas of research, operations, and regulation, which the sub- 
committee examined. 57 

Policy and planning reports produced by Federal agencies 

Since the very early studies of the 1950-51 era, instigated primarily 
by the Department of Defense, other Federal agencies have undertaken 
major policy and planning studies, either as "in-house" efforts or 
through contractors or committees established by the agency. 

The National Science Foundation has produced the greatest num- 
ber of agency policy reports, based on studies conducted by its Special 
Commission on Weather Modification and by contractors. Two reports 
appearing in 1966 were prepared by or under auspices of the Special 
Commission, culminating a study authorized in October 1963 by the 
National Science Board. 58, 59 The Special Commission, established in 
June 1964 and chaired by Dr. A. R. Chamberlain of Colorado State 
University, had been "* * * requested to examine the physical, 
bilogical, legal, social, and political aspects of the field and make rec- 
ommendations concerning future policies and programs." 60 Phvsical 
aspects were studied in cooperative liaison with the NAS panel in its 
concurrent study ; 61 however, the membership of the Special Commis- 
sion reflected expertise in the other aspects of weather modification not 

64 Domestic Council. Environmental Resources Committee. Subcommittee on Climate 
Change, "The Federal Role in Weather Modification," Washington, D.C., December 1975, 
39 pp. 

55 Ibid., p. i. 

» Ibid. 

w Ibid.. pp. i-iii. 

68 Special Commission on Weather Modification. NSF 66-3. 1966. 155 pp. 

59 Taubenfeld. Howard J. "Weather Modification: Law. Controls. Operations." report to 
the Special Commission on Weather Modification. National Science Foundation, NSF 66-7, 
Washington. D.C.. 1966. 79 pp. 

*> Special Commission on Weather Modification. NSF 66-3, 1966, p. iii. 

61 See p. 237 above. 


previously addressed by the other studies. Much of the background 
work for the treatment of these other aspects of the problem was sup- 
ported by NSF grants and subsequently published as separate reports. 
These included the biological aspects, human dimensions, international 
relations, and legal aspects. Of these separate studies all were published 
in various nongovernmental media, except the last one, which appeared 
in the format of the XSF Special Commission report. 62 All of these 
aspects were reviewed and summarized, and recommendations were 
presented, in the principal Commission report, which sought to answer 
the following question : "With the physical possibility of modifying 
the weather and climate already partly demonstrated, how by artifi- 
cially inducing deliberate changes in the environment may man act to 
control or develop changes in the atmosphere considered to be desirable 
by society ?" 63 

A contracted study was undertaken for the NSF by the Rand Corp. 
in 1962 to establish the framework of a cohesive approach to research 
on weather modification. Part of the program was to conduct a com- 
prehensive state-of-the-art review of the field: however, the appear- 
ance of the 1966 National Academy study 64 negated the immediate ne- 
cessity for such a reexamination. Nearly 3 years later Rand did publish 
such a review, recognizing that there had been "sufficient progre-s in 
the overall field of weather modification research to now warrant a new 
overview." 65 

The authors of the report stressed the following points: "(1) the 
possibility of inadvertent weather or climate modification is rapidly 
becoming a probability, as human effects on the atmosphere and the 
surface of the planet grow at an increasing rate: (2) progress in 
weather modification research continues to be hampered by the preva- 
lent lack of cohesive effort by both theoreticians and experimenters; 
(3) computers of advanced design and increased capacity will handle 
atmospheric models of considerably greater sophistication than in the 
past; and (-1) this is a not-to-be-neglected opportunity for interactive 
research — constant two-way feedback from theory to experiment to 
theory, with dynamic atmospheric models facilitating each advance." 66 
General and specific recommendations concerning what they consid- 
ered to be the most urgently needed research areas and required instru- 
mentation developments were included in the report. 

In 1965, following a request from the Chief of the U.S. Weather 
Bureau, Dr. Robert M. White, the Bureau published an "in-house" 
report on its role in weather modification research. 07 In the report it 
was recognized thai research responsibilities extend beyond considera- 
tion of scientific and technical problems; however, it dealt primarily 
with meteorology, leaving to other ongoing studies the treatment of 
administrative, 'military, international, and ecological aspects, al- 
though some legal and legislative questions were discussed. r,s It was 

02 Taubenfeld, NSF 66-7. „ - m _ _ 

°3 Special Commission on Weather Modification. XSF 66-3. 1966, pp. 7-8. 
•* National Academy of Sciences, publication Xo. 1350, 1966. 

« Staff of the Weather Modification Research Project of the Rand Corn . Weather Modi- 
fication Progress and the Need for Interactive Research." The Rand Corp., memorandum 
RM-5835-NSF. Santa Monica. Calif., October 1968, 88 pp. 

^GdVman Y)onald L., .Tames R. Hibbs. and Paul I,. Lnskin. "Weather and Climate Morti- 
fication," a" report to the Chief. U.S. Weather Bureau. U.S. Department of Commerce, 
Weather Bureau, Washington, D.C, July 10, 1965, 46 pp. 

« Ibid., p. 1. 


made clear that the report was not intended to be statement of policy 
of the Bureau, the Commerce Department, or the Federal Govern- 
ment, but was rather to be considered as a contribution to the national 
discussion of the future direction of weather modification in the United 
States. 69 

Another one of the many studies appearing in 1966 was a report by 
the Commerce Department's Environmental Science Services Admin- 
istration (ESSA), the organization which preceded the present Na- 
tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (XOAA). 70 Prepared 
in response to a request by the ICAS, the report was prepared by an 
"in-house" task group to define an expanded ESSA program in light 
of the recommendations of the XAS Committee on Atmospheric Sci- 
ences Panel on Weather and Climate Modification and those of the 
XSF Special Commission on Weather Modification, which appeared 
in reports that year. 71 ' 72 It outlined a 5-year program of research for 
the fiscal years 1968 through 197:2, with projects ranging from large- 
scale field experiments to those in more basic aspects of atmospheric 
science pertinent to weather modification. 

A report was published in 1968 by the U.S. Department of Agricul- 
ture, as part of the continuing joint research planning by the Depart- 
ment and State agricultural experiment stations. 73 The recommended 
program of research and development in weather modification for 
agriculture and forestry supplemented the national program of re- 
search for agriculture. The proposed program addressed direct modifi- 
cation of the weather and the resulting biological, economic, and so- 
cial consequences of such activity. It was intended to contribute to 
knowledge and technology needed "in the total enterprise of agricul- 
ture and forestry" and to "provide the basis for essential decisionmak- 
ing on weather modification programs affecting nearly every aspect of 
agriculture and forestry. 74 The report discussed national goals, defined 
a national research and development program for agencies of the 
Department of Agriculture and the State agricultural experiment 
stations, and reviewed the necessary research resources, including man- 
power, facilities, and organization. For each major phase of the pro- 
posed research activity, the report recommended levels of Federal in- 
volvement and financial investment for fiscal years 1972 and 1977. 75 

Federal Programs ix Weather Modification 
introduction and fuxdixcr summaries 

e The Federal Government has been involved in weather modifica- 
tion research and development for more than 30 years. As noted ear- 
lier, these research programs are scattered throughout a number of 
Federal departments and agencies. They are not carried out fully in- 
dependent of one another, however, since they are coordinated by man- 

69 Ibid., p. iv. 

70 U.S. Department of Commerce, Environmental Science Services Administration. "An 
Outline of a Proposed 5-Year Plan in Weather Modification," Rockville, Md., April 1966. 
66 pp. 

71 National Academy of Sciences, publication Xo. 1350. 

72 Special Commission on Weather Modification. XSF 66-3. 

7 3 Joint Task Force of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the State universities and 
land grant colleges. "A National Program of Research for Weather Modification." U.S. De- 
partment of Agriculture. Research Program Development and Evaluation Staff. Washing- 
ton, D.C., January 196S, 3S pp. 

7 * Ibid , p. 1. 
73 Ibid., pp. 6-8. 


agers at the program level, especially through the Interdepartmental 
Committee for Atmospheric Sciences (IOAS). and by scientists and 
engineers at the working level through a number of mechanisms in- 
cluding interagency joint projects and the activities of professional 

The Federal weather modification program has been considered to 
be composed of the several agency programs identified as weather 
modification by the member agencies of the IOAS and reported as 
such to the ICAS. According to the latest IOAS annual report. 7 ' 3 
weather modification programs will be sponsored during fiscal year 
1978 by six departments and agencies: these are the Departments of 
Agriculture. Commerce, Defense, and Interior; the National Science 
Foundation; and the Energy Eesearch and Development Administra- 
tion (part of the Department of Energy as of October 1. 1977) . As late 
as fiscal year 1976 the Department of Transportation also reported a 
program in weather modification, and the National Aeronautics and 
Space Administration (XASA) identified a research program in warm 
fog dispersal through fiscal year 1973. The Environmental Protection 
Agency (EPA) supports research on inadvertent weather change as 
a joint sponsor of the METROMEX project in St. Louis and vicinity. 77 
but does not choose to report this research as weather modification. 

In the early years of the ICAS member agencies reported their fund- 
ing for support of atmospheric science only in the two broad cate- 
gories — meteorology and aeronomy. Beginning with fiscal year 1963, 
however, there has been a discreet identification of funds for weather 
modification; the total Federal effort amounted to $2.7 million that- 
fiscal year. Though there have been occasional dips since then, funding 
for Federal programs has increased steadily to $20.3 million for fiscal 
year 1976; however, planned fiscal year 1978 funds have dropped to 
$17.1 million. 78 

Table 2 summarizes funding for the Federal weather modification 
research program by agency and by research category, as reported to 
the ICAS, for fiscal years 1976 through 1978, data for the latest year 
being estimated. Figure 2 shows the course of funding from fiscal years 
1966 through 1978, from ICAS data assembled by Fleagle, who has 
recently reviewed the history of Federal weather modification funding 
since 1946. 79 From 1946 to 1958 the Federal Government funded several 
extensive field research programs, the Department of Defense provid- 
ing the major support through university and industrial contracts. 
Since expenditures for these programs were not reported under 
weather modification, Federal funding for this period cannot be 
determined. 80 

78 Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences, "National Atmospheric Sci- 
ences Program : Fiscal Year 197S." ICAS 21-FY78, 1977, p. 87. 

77 See discussion of METROMEX under the program of the National Science Foundation, 
p. 38 3 ff. 

78 Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology : Committee on 
Atmosnhere and Oceans ; Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences ; "Na- 
tional Atmospheric Sciences Program : Fiscal Year 1978," ICAS 21-FY78, August 1977, 
p. 87. 

70 Fleagle, Robert G.. "An Analysis of Federal Policies in Weather Modification." Back- 
ground paper prepared for the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification Advi- 
sory Hoard, Seattle, March 1977, pp. 6-14. 

80 Ibid., p. 6. 



[In thousands of dollars] 

Fiscal year— 

1976 197T 1977 1978 

Department of Agriculture 

Department of Commerce. 

Department of Defense: 

Army... . 


Air Force 

Department of Interior 

Depa rtment of Transportation 

Energy Research and Development Administration 
National Science Foundation 


Precipitation modification. 

Fop and cloud modification 

Hail suppression 

Lightning modification. 

Hurricane and severe storm modification 

Social, economic, legal and ecological studies 

Inadvertent modification of weather and climate. . 
Support and services. 

70 21 55 20 

6,334 1,146 4,577 5,001 

100 119 268 190 

900 175 221 210 

409 112 550 575 

4,649 1,632 6,446 7,613 


1,086 10 1,155 1,260 

6,216 1,110 5,702 2,250 

20,329 4,589 18,974 17,119 

3,382 1,057 4,881 5,900 

2,164 665 1,906 1,868 

3,080 488 2,950 1,180 

70 21 55 20 

1,961 461 1,911 1,810 

718 135 687 450 

4,834 889 3,693 4,158 

4,120 873 2,891 1,733 

g * . \ I I I I I I | I I I | | 
66 68 70 72 74 76 78 


Figure 2. — The course of Federal weather modification funding (planning budg- 
ets and actual expenditures) from fiscal years 1966 to 1978, as reported by 
the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences. (Adapted from 
Fleagle, 1977, with latest data from ICAS 21-FY78.) 


In the period 1958 to 1965 the XSF, as part of its lead agency 
responsibilities, reported Federal expenditures in weather modifica- 
tion. Reported expenditures reached about $3 million in fiscal year 

1965, although costs of aircraft, radar, and manpower provided by the 
Defense Department were not identified. Beginning with fiscal year 

1966, expenditures have been reported annually by the ICAS under 
reasonably constant definitions and guidelines. 81 

The general growth in Federal funding between fiscal years 1966 
and 1972 can be seen in figure 2. Fleagle speculates that the funding- 
drop following 1968 could have been a result of research curtailments 
brought on by the Vietnam war or of the failure by the Congress to 
designate a lead agency after that role was taken from the XSF by 
Public Law 90-407. He feels that the resurgence in 1971 and 1972 could 
have resulted from a new emphasis on weather modification, evidenced 
by the endorsement by the Federal Council for Science and Technology 
of seven national projects identified by the ICAS 82 and the appearance 
of a National Academy of Sciences study which emphasized improved 
management and organization. 83 In January 1973 five of the seven 
national projects were suspended or terminated, owing to the exten- 
sive impoundments of appropriated funds by the President. The na- 
tional projects represented about one-half of the total weather modifi- 
cation budget, exclusive of classified Department of Defense expendi- 
tures. The partial recovery through fiscal year 1976 was based on 
increases in the Department of the Interior's Project Sky water, 
XOAA's preparation for resumed hurricane modification research, 
and ERDA's growing research program on the inadvertent effects 
of increased energy generation. 84 

Fleagle notes that "* * * total funding for weather modification has 
improved over the period from 1966 to 1977 largely in response to 
what are perceived as the needs for prompt application of the tech- 
nology," while "reductions have occurred as results of factors external 
to weather modification and external to the agencies." 85 

Table 3 is a summary by agency of Federal weather modification 
research support since fiscal year 1963, excluding inadvertent weather 
modification research. The data were compiled by Corzine of XOAA 
from a variety of sources, which are identified in the table, and were 
accurate as of March 1977. 86 

Changnon compared the Federal weather modification funding data 
with those of the entire Federal research budget. 87 From fiscal year 
1973 to fiscal year 1974, for example, the total Federal research budget 
increased 6.5 percent, and federally sponsored civilian research (non- 
space and nonmilitary) increased 11.8 percent, while weather modifi- 
cation funding dropped 21 percent. Between fiscal years 1969 and 
1973. a period of rapid growth for weather modification support, civil- 
ian research and development increased 120 percent while weather 
modification research increased 87 percent. 

61 Ibid., pp. 6-7. 

S2 See n. 225 for a listing of those national projects. 

83 National Academy of Sciences, National Resenrch Council. Committee on Atmospheric 
Sciences. "The Atmospheric Sciences and Man's Needs ; Priorities for the Future." Wash- 
ington. D.C., May 1971. 88 pp. 

* l Fleagle, "An Analysis of Federal Policies in Weather Modification." 1977. pp. 7-9. 

65 Ibid., p. 9. 

86 Corzine. Harold; in Fred D. White (compiler). "Highlights of Solicited Opinions on 
Weather Modification" (a summary) ; prepared for use by t' e Department of Commerce 
Weather Modification Advisory Board, U.S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration. Rockville. Md.. March 1977. p. 30. 

87 Changnon, "The Federal Role in Weather Modification," 1977, pp. 17-18. 



1977.) 1 2 

[In millions of dollars] 

Fiscal year 3 






Others < 






0. 96 





















































4. 77 
















6. 66 

5. 50 






3. 77 










4. 70 












1976 (estimate) 


4. 94 


5 1. 12 


16. 37 




5 2.78 







5 2.16 



1 Excludes inadvertent weather and climate modification research funds. 

2 Excludes DOD spending for weather modification operations in Southeast Asia and ?t military airports. 

3 Data based on: 1963-68, NSF Annual Reports on Weather Modification. 1969-71, ICAS Annual Reports 14, 15, and 16. 
1972-76 material collected for Domestic Council Report (figures fcr 1975 and 1976 brought up to date). 1977-78, figures 
submitted to NOAA. 

4 Includes Transportation, EPA, and NASA. 

5 Includes approximately 0.92, 2.18, and 1.56 for thermal modification of warm fog. 

Federal research and development funding for fiscal years 1971 
through 1976, according' to major weather modification research cate- 
gory, is summarized in table 1. which also indicates the agencies under 
whose programs the funds were expended. Changnon notes that these 
data show that: 88 

1. The greatest effort has been in precipitation modification, but with 
a. general decrease in this effort with time; 

•2. There has been a rapid growth of spending on inadvertent modi- 
fication research; 

3. Funding for fog suppression has been decreasing; and 

4. In recent years the research categories receiving the major support 
are precipitation (snow and rain) modification, hail suppression, and 
inadvertent modification. 

1971 THROUGH 1976. (FROM CHANGNON, 1977.) 

[In millions of dollars) 

Fiscal year- 

Type 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 agencies i 

Precipitation modification 8.0 6.2 6.0 3.7 4.4 5.0 DOC, DOI, NSF. 

Fog and cloud mcdif.cation 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.4 1.1 1 3 DOD, DOT, NSF. 

Hail suppression 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.8 NSF 

Lightning modification .9 .7 .7 .7 .2 .1 DOA, DOD, NSF. 

Severe storm modif.cation .8 1.9 1.7 1.5 1 8 2 DOC 

Societal-economic issues .8 .9 1.1 8 6 11 NSF DOI 

Inadvertent. .6 1.7 1.7 2.9 5.2 4.9 NSF', DOT, DOC. 

i DOC = Commerce; DOD = Defense; NSF=National Science Foundation; DOI = Interior ; DOT=Transportation; DOA = 

58 Ibid., p. 18. 


There have been minimal Federal efforts in operational weather 
modification; however, since these activities are usually conducted as 
parts of other operations not considered weather modification, the 
expenditures are difficult to identify. These activities have included 
fog dispersal at airports by the Navy and the Air Force; precipita- 
tion augmentation operations by the Defense Department overseas at 
the request of the Governments of Panama, Portugal, Okinawa, and 
the Philippines; and 1971 efforts to reduce drought in Texas, Okla- 
homa, Arizona, and Florida by the Department of the Interior, the 
Air Force, and NO A A. 89 Shapley reported in 1974 that estimated 
expenditures by the Defense Department between 1966 and 1972 in 
attempts to increase rain during the Southeast Asia war were $21.6 
million. 90 

Federal weather modification programs are summarized, by agency, 
in the following subsections. Included are discussions of the pro- 
grams of the departments and agencies listed in table 2; the Depart- 
ment of Transportation has been included since its program was ter- 
minated so recently. Discussions contain not only those projects which 
are underway or planned for fiscal year 1978, but also activities of 
the recent past, in order to show the continuity and the development or 
phasing out processes for each of the several programs. 



A major weather modification research program has been conducted 
by the Bureau of Reclamation in the Department of the Interior since 
1961. The purpose of this Atmospheric Water Resources Management 
Program, also called "Project Sky water," lias been to develop and ver- 
ify a practical cloud-seeding technology for increasing water supplies 
in the Western States. Initiated through a congressional write-in of 
$100,000 in the fiscal year 1962 Public Works appropriation, the mis- 
sion of the project was simply stated as "research on increasing rain- 
fall by cloud seeding." 91 Congressional direction has been almost en- 
tirely through provisions in Public Works appropriation documents. 
A summary of the appropriation language contained in these docu- 
ments between 1961 and 1977 is found in appendix J. 

Since its inception, the program has been characterized by the fol- 
lowing three guidelines that were established. 92 

1. It was to be an applied research program, using "engineering 
approaches" rather than a basic or pure research program. 

2. Scient ific expertise was to be used where it existed rather than 
from an "in-house" effort. 

3. Additional water and benefits accruing to local groups from re- 
search seeding would not be reimbursed. 

f0 Ibid. 

00 Shaplev. Deborah. "Weather Warfare: Pentagon Concedes 7-year Vietnam Effort," Sci- 
ence, vol. 184. No. 4141. June 7. 1974, p. 1059. 

01 Bureau of Reclamation. U.S. Department of the Interior, "Atmospheric Water Resources 
Management Program ; Project Skywater. Information Summary," presented before the U.S. 
Department of Commerce National Weather Modification Advisory Board, May 31, 1977, 
Washington, D.C., p. 1. 

92 Ibid. 


The Bureau of Reclamation, through Project Skywater, has been 
the principal Federal agency concerned with the operational adapta- 
tion of precipitation enhancement research. 

Recent legislation in the 95th Congress has also enabled the Bureau 
to provide grants to States in order to facilitate emergency weather 
modification activities in hope of mitigating effects of the 1976-77 
drought. This program, not part of the Atmospheric Water Resources 
Management Program, is discussed in a subsequent section. 93 

Table 5 is a summary of weather modification research funding and 
projected funding from fiscal year 1976 through fiscal year 1978 for 
the Bureau of Reclamation. All of the funds shown are associated 
with Project Skywater and do not include those previously mentioned 
in connection with emergency grants for drought alleviation. 


[In thousands of dollars] 

Fiscal year 


Fiscal year 

Fiscal year 





Precipitation management: 

Snow augmentation (including SCPP) 





Rain enhancement (HIPLEX) 

2, 475 

1, 007 

3, 800 

4, 000 

Modeling and comprehensive analysis studies 





Social, economic, legal and environmental 





Support and services 

2 999 


2 1, 376 

2 1, 263 


4, 649 


6, 446 


1 From Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology. Interdepartmental Committee for 
Atmospheric Sciences. National Atmospheric Sciences program: Fiscal Year 1978. ICAS 21— Fiscal year 1978. August 
1977, p. 91. 

2 Includes computer and planning costs. 

Project Skywater general discussion 

Over the past decade, the Bureau of Reclamation's Atmospheric 
Water Resources Management Program (Project Skywater) has ac- 
counted for about one-third of the total Federal program in all forms 
of weather modification. All of the Bureau's funding has been directed, 
however, toward research in precipitation enhancement. Of the funds 
appropriated, about 83 percent are used for contracted research. Table 
6 shows the breakdown of funding for the fiscal years 1962 through 
1977 by kinds of contractor and according to in-house or other Fed- 
eral expenditure. From the table it can be seen that 41 percent has 
been allocated to universities, 23 percent to private firms, 10 percent 
to State governments, and 6 percent to other Federal agencies, while 
17 percent has been spent by the Bureau for planning, management, 
and in-house research. Table 7 shows the breakdown of these funds 
in accordance with functions or major projects. The three major 
projects in the table will be discussed briefly below. 

93 See p. 266 of this section, and also see p. 202 under discussion of congressional 



Total incurred 

Fiscal year 





Other Federal 



$70, 000 




83, 747 


100, 000 


133, 000 

42, 000 



459, 630 

$283, 978 

$3, 500 



1,100, 000 



637, 250 

168, 700 

303, 150 

? qpd nnn 

£, JCU, UUU 


1 989 321 

779 125 


368 396 


3,750, 000 


2,717, 689 

859' 000 

345, 000 

423', 311 

286, 200 

4, 631, 200 

1 QfiQ 

o 77R ok 

obit, Idb 

31 MO 

oio, Dty 

4bU, bob 

273, 500 

4, 689, 656 


2, 966, 200 

873, 866 



268, 325 

4, 809, 508 





753, 436 

335, 344 

6, 593, 650 


3, 539, 323 


664, 926 

784, 857 





1, 105, 029 

905, 200 

889, 387 

173, 021 

6, 385, 576 


899, 110 

1,498, 982 

336, 104 

976, 747 

189, 282 

3,900, 225 


768, 911 





3, 997, 224 


497, 572 


617, 133 

1,677, 593 



Transition quarter 

214, 245 

609, 229 

234, 528 


96, 175 

1, 624, 091 

1977 (estimate) 



1,200, 000 


400, 000 

6, 454, 481 


27, 278, 985 

14, 669, 398 

6, 276, 652 

10, 518, 949 

3, 869, 489 

3 62,348, 381 

Percent 44 23 10 17 6 100 

1 Bureau of Reclamation. Atmospheric Water Resources Management Program: Project Skywater. Infcrmaticn summary. 
May 31, 1977, p. 24. 

2 Includes salaries, equipment, supplies, and computer costs. 

3 Official total as corrected for recoveries, underf.nancing, and other adjustments. 

Table 7. — Bureau of Reclamation Atmospheric Water Resources Management 
Program. Allocation of Funding by Function and by Major Projects for Fiscal 
Years 1962 Through 1977 1 

Research and development $31, 749, 665 

Environmental 2, 173, 676 

Associated comprehensive studies 3, 296, 202 

Colorado River Basin Pilot Project 5, 100, 792 

Sierra Cooperative Pilot Project 866, 805 

HIPLEX 10, 557, 767 

Other pilot projects 1, 980, 000 

Planning, management, and program support 6, 623, 471 

62, 348, 381 

1 Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior. Atmospheric water resources 
management program : Project Skywater. Information summary, May 31, 1977, p. 23. 


Artist's rendering of portable radar used in Project Sky water. (Courtesy of the 

Bureau of Reclamation.) 


Sky water has emphasized cooperation, joint participation, and cost 
sharing with State resource and environmental agencies; and field 
experiments have included research contracted with universities, State 
agencies, and private firms. Funds have also been transferred to other 
Federal agencies, who have cooperated in the various aspects of the 
program. Table 8 is a listing of the principal contractors and Govern- 
ment activities who have participated. Research contracts have been 
concerned with winter orographic snowfall augmentation and in- 
creases in summer convective cloud rainfall — both of which are prin- 
cipal precipitation mechanisms in the Western United States. The 
distribution of major field projects underway or planned during fiscal 
year 1977 as part of Skywater and the locations of contractor institu- 
tions and Federal activities involved in various aspects of the program 
are shown in figure 3. 


University Private Government 

University of Arizona. 

Brigham Young University. 

University of California. 

University of California at Los Angeles. 

University of Colorado. 

Colorado State University. 

University of Denver. 

Fresno State College. 

Harvard University. 

University of Michigan. 

Montana State University. 

University of Nevada. 

New Mexico State University. 

New York University. 

University of North Dakota. 

North Dakota State University. 

University of Oklahoma. 

Pennsylvania State University. 

San Diego State University. 

South Dakota School of Mines and 

South Dakota State University. 
Taft College. 

Texas A. & M. Research Foundation. 
Utah State University. 
University of Washington. 
University of Wisconsin. 
University of Wyoming. 

Amos Eddy, Inc. 

Aeromet, Inc. 

Aerometric Research, Inc. 

Convergence Systems, Inc. 

Colorado International Corp. 

E. Bollay Associates. 

E.G. & G., Inc. 

Electronic Techniques, Inc. 

Enterprise Electronics, Inc. 

Environmental Research and Tech- 
nology, Inc. 

Geophysical Research and Develop- 
ment Corp. 

Human Ecology Research Services. 

M. B. Associates, Inc. 

Meteorology Research, Inc. 

North American Weather Con- 

Stanford Research, Inc. 

T. G. Owe Berg, Inc. 

Travelers Research Inc. 

Weather Science, Inc. 

Western Scientific Services, Inc. 

U.S. Air Force. 

U.S. Army (Pueblo Depot). 

California Department of Transportation. 

California Highway Partol. 

Colorado Department of Natural Resources. 

Colorado River Municipal Water District. 

Forest Service. 

General Services Administration. 

Geological Survey. 

Illinois State Water Survey. 

Kansas Water Resources Board. 

Montana Department of Natural Resources 
and Conservation. 

National Oceanic and Atmospheric 

National Science Foundation. 

Navy Weapons Center. 

Navy Weather Research Facility. 

Nebraska Department of Agriculture. 

North Dakota Weather Modification Board. 

Sacramento River Forecast Center. 

Soil Conservation Service. 

South Dakota Weather Control Com- 

Southwestern Water Conservation District. 
Washington Department of Ecology. 
Texas Water Development Board. 
Utah Department of Water Resources. 

i Bureau of Reclamation. Atmospheric Water Resources Management Program: Project Skywater. Information summary, 
May 31. 1977. p. 26. 

The widespread field projects of Skywater from 1962 through 1977 
are shown in figure 4. In recent years, research experiments and studies 
have been concentrated on three major projects, one of which has 
just been completed, while the other two are in realtively early stages. 
These projects, each of which is discussed below in some detail, are the 
Colorado River Basin Pilot Project, the High Plains Cooperative Pro- 
gram (HIPLEX), and the Sierra Cooperative Pilot Project. In addi- 
I ion lo t he concentrated research effort in these three regional projects, 
the Bureau continues to provide technical planning and equipment 
assistance to local projects in States such as North Dakota, Kansas, 
Texas, and Pi ah. Support is also being given to the development of 
the application of satellite imagery for cloud seeding decisions and 
evaluations and to the adaptation of research cloud models for use in 
local operations. The Skywater Environmental Computer Network 


provides real-time data support to both field research and commercial 
weather modification projects on a cooperative basis. Figure 5 is a 
schematic of the Data Network, with its central unit in Denver, which 
also provides access to real time and archived data for a variety of 
other research projects. Cloud models and other computerized aids are 
made available for testing by winter and summer operators through 
the Environmental Data Network in return for practical appraisals of 
usefulness and recommendations for improvement. 

Planning and other preliminary field studies for possible future 
weather modification cooperative research in the Colorado River 
Basin are continuing. Recently, the final programmatic environmental 
impact statement for Project Skywater was completed. 94 Several site 
specific environmental impact statements, including one for the Colo- 
rado River Basin Pilot Project, were completed earlier. A compre- 
hensive assessment of the entire field of precipitation enhancement is 
being performed, which includes reviews of both research and opera- 
tional project results. 

Project Skywater = FY 1977 

Figure 3.— Major Skywater field projects and locations of contractors and Federal 
institutions during fiscal year 1977. (From Project Skywater information 
summary, May 31, 1977.) 

e * U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, "Final Environmental State- 
ment for Project Skywater ; a Program of Research in Precipitation Management, ' Division 
of Atmospheric Water Resources Management, INT FES 77-39, Denver, Oct. 2o, 1977. In 
three volumes. (376 and 316 and 266 pp.) 


Skywater Field Projects 1962-1977 


Figure 4. — Locations of Skywater field projects from 1962 through 1977. ( From 
Project Skywater information summary, May 31, 1977.) 


Research Seeding 
Projects Projects 



Direct Dial Lines To Users 

NWS Observations 

\ / / 

Bureou of Reclamation 

-Data Bank 

2400 Baud High Sped 

■Processed Data 
-Grid Forecasts. 







Figure 5. — Schematic of the Project Skywater Environmental Computer Network. 
(From Project Skywater information summary, May 31, 1977.) 


34-857 O - 79 - 19 


The Colorado River Basin Pilot Project {CRBPP) 

This Avas a large weather modification research project conducted 
by the Bureau of Reclamation under Project Sky water to determine 
the feasibility of augmenting high mountain snowpacks in the San 
Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. The seeding and data col- 
lection phase of this large project was conducted between 1970 and 
1975, although planning for the experiment began in 1967. Project 
evaluations were prepared in 1976, and further analyses and environ- 
mental studies are continuing in 1977. The target area selected for the 
CRBPP (or the San Juan Project as it is sometimes called) covered 
nearly 3,400 km 2 (1,300 mi 2 ) of sparsely populated mountainous ter- 
rain east and northeast of Durango, Colo. Elevations extended from 
above 2,750 meters to 4,200 meters. 95 Figure 6 shows the locations of 
target areas and instrumentation arrays in the CRBPP in southwest 

The Colorado River Basin is one of the most water-short areas in 
the Nation, and weather modification has been recommended as a 
practical and immediately available water augmentation technology. 96 
Preliminary results show that a 19-percent augmentation in streamfiow 
may be possible through seeding in this area of headwaters of the 
Colorado River Basin. 97 

05 Aerometric Research, Inc., "Colorado River Basin IMlot Project; Executive Summary 
of Comprehensive Evaluation," prepared for Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclama- 
tion under contract No. 14-06-D-7332. Goleta, Calif., December 1976, p. 1. 

08 Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences, "National Atmospheric Sciences Program : Fiscal Year 1977." ICAS 20- 
FY 77, May 1976, p. 92. 

07 Bureau of Reclamation, "Atmospheric Water Resources Management Program ; Project 
Skywater," May 31, 1977, p. 25. 

Figure 6. — Map showing the locations of target areas and instrumentation 
arrays in the Colorado River Basin Pilot Project in southwest Colorado. (From 
Bureau of Reclamation.) 


Kesults of analyses of the San Juan project indicate that winter oro- 
graphic, storms are somewhat more complex than thought originally, 
but that additional snowpack can be provided through seeding. 
Characteristics of treatable storms have been identified more cleary. 98 
In a major analysis and evaluation of the project it was determined 
that many of the clouds actually seeded in the experiment were not of 
a suitable type, that on some experimental days the weather did not 
develop as forecast, that in some cases seeding material remained in 
the area beyond planned experimental seeding periods, and on some 
days rapid weather changes produced conditions in which precipita- 
tion was decreased by seeding." Consequently, "the total unstratified 
statistical analysis found no difference between precipitation on seeded 
experimental days and control days. However, when days of missed 
forecasts were removed, and data from experimental days were reduced 
to 6 -hour time blocks to improve the correlation between meteorological 
covariates and precipitation, increases during certain classes of seeded 
cases were statistically significant." 1 Nevertheless, the evaluation re- 
port concludes that, "the overall potential for seeding-produced in- 
creases in precipitation during a winter of average snowfall was de- 
termined to be about 10 percent. The resulting potential increase in 
streamflow of about 19 percent is 197 million m 3 for the San Juan 
Kiver." 2 

98 U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, "Reclamation in the Seven- 
ties," second progress report. A water resources technical publication, research rept. No. 
28. Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office. 1!*77. p. 2. 

09 Atmospheric Research, Inc., "Colorado River Basin Pilot Project ; Executive Summary 
of Comprehensive Evaluation," 1976, p. 3. 

1 Ibid. 

2 Ibid. 

Remotely operated cloud seeding generator similar to those used in the Colorado 
River Basin Pilot Project. (Courtesy of the Bureau of Reclamation.) 


The High Plains Cooperative Program {HIPLEX) 

HIPLEX is a comprehensive weather modification research pro- 
gram designed "to develop a practical, scientifically sound, and social- 
ly acceptable technology for precipitation management applicable to 
summer connective cloud systems in the High Plains region of the 
United States." 3 The overall goal of HIPLEX is "to establish a veri- 
fied, effective cloud seeding technology and a policy and management 
background for responsibly producing additional rain in the semiarid 
Plain States. This goal includes improving the current operational 
cloud seeding methods, transferring the techniques and results to con- 
cerned groups ; and enhancing public confidence in their use." 4 

Kesearch in HIPLEX is being conducted at three field sites : Miles 
City, Mont. ; Goocllancl, Kans. ; and Big Spring, Tex. (see fig. 3) . These 
cities represent, respectively, the northern, central, and sourthern 
High Plains ; they were chosen in view of the known or suspected varia- 
tion of climatic conditions and cloud characteristics over the north- 
south extent of the High Plains and the obvious implications of such 
variations on technology transferability. 5 Examination and under- 
standing of the social, political, and agronomic differences across the 
High Plains and their implications for effective technology transfer 
was also instrumental in selecting a variety of field sites. 6 

HIPLEX was initiated in 1973 when the Office of Management and 
Budget (OMB) assigned to the Bureau of Reclamation the responsi- 
bility for mounting an experimental program to test scientific con- 
cepts for augmenting precipitation in the High Plains. The $1 million 
first appropriated for HIPLEX in fiscal year 1974 has grown to about 
$4 million in fiscal year 1977, each recent year's appropriation also in- 
cluding a congressional write-in which has increased OMB's pro- 
gramed budget. 7 About 80 percent of the fiscal year 1977 budget has 
been for contracted research and 20 percent for in-house management 
and support. Universities received 29 percent of the contracted research 
funds, private firms were awarded 81 percent, and 20 percent went to 
State and Federal agencies. 8 Table 9 is a funding breakdown of fiscal 
year 1977 HIPLEX funds by function, expressed in percentage of the 
total HIPLEX budget. 

Table 9. — Fiscal year 1977 HIPLEX funding breakdown by function 

Function : Percent 

Field operations 44. 1 

Analysis 28. 7 

Management, planning, design, data management 22.5 

►Social, legal, and environmental studies (augmentation to State sup- 
ported activities) • 4.7 

Total 100.0 

a Silverman. Bernard A . "HIPLEX : An Overview." Sixth Conference on Planned and In- 
advertent Wenther Modification. American Meteorological Society. Champaign-Urbana, 111., 
Oct 10-18, 1077. p. 311. 

* U.S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Reclamation, "High Plains Cooperative Pro- 
gram ; Progress and Planning Report No. 2," Denver. March 1976, p. 3. 

G Silverman, "HIPLEX : An Overview," 1977, p. 311. 

6 Ibid. 

7 Ibid. 

8 Ibid., pp. 311-312. 


University of North Dakota radar used under contract in the High Plains Coop- 
erative Program (HIPLEX) of Project Sky water. (Courtesy of the Bureau of 


HIPLEX is envisioned as a 5- to 7-year program, running through 
about 1982. Earliest attention has been given to the site at Miles City, 
Mont., where seeding was first conducted during 1976, though pre- 
liminary studies and measurements of cloud properties have also been 
underway at the other two sites. The following accomplishments should 
be noted : 9 

1. Field facilities and research teams have been established at the 
three field sites : Miles City, Mont. ; Goodland, Kans. ; and Big Spring, 

2. Active participation and cost-sharing with the States is underway. 

3. Major equipment systems have been installed and tested. 

4. Agricultural, economic, and environmental assessment studies are 
underway in all three areas. 

5. Experimental designs and data processing and analysis proce- 
dures have been developed. 

The experimental design for HIPLEX consists of two components — 
an 'atmospheric effort and a socioeconomic and environmental effort. 
Experimental components are divided into three overlapping phases, 
which are consistent with sequential scientific efforts. In a fourth 
phase the developed technology is to be transferred to applicable areas 
in the High Plains region. 10 The details of this four-phase design and 
tentative dates associated with the overall schedule are shown in 
figure 7. 

9 U.S. Department of the Interior, "High Plains Cooperative Program ; Progress and Plan- 
ning Report No. 2," p. 5. 

' 10 Ackerman, Bernice, G. L. Achtemeier, H. Appleman, Stanley A. Changnon, Jr., F. A. 
Huff, G. M. Morgan, Paul T. Schickedanz, and Richard G. Semonin, "Design of the High 
Plains Experiment with Specific Focus on Phase 2, Single Cloud Experiment," Illinois State 
Water Survey, final report on Hiplex design project to Bureau of Reclamation, contract 
14-06-D-7197. Urbana, 111., June 30, 1976, p. 7. 




Phase Atmospheric 

Phase 1 




Phase 2 




Phase 3 
Area Rain 

Phase 4 


• rain characteristics 
•cloud characteristics 

• seeding technologies 
•measurement techniques 
•reasonable hypotheses 

Phase 2 
Modification Hypotheses 


•test of hypotheses 

•field test of seeding 

• develop physical/ 

statistical design 

Sharpen hypotheses and 
select for experiment 

& Environmental 


•political attitudes 
• economic models 
•iegal requirements 
•downwind impact 
•ecological impacts 
•undesirable atmospheric 

Monitor Impacts 




Proof of Concept Experiment: 

Semi-isolated Clouds 
•monitor physical changes 

in clouds 
•monitor precipitation 
• continuous evaluation - 

•conclude when design 

criteria are met 


Phase 3 
Hypothesis Developed 


Monitor Impacts 

Develop physical/statistical 

Launch experiments 
Perform continuous evaluation 
Re-define initial hypothesis 
Conclude when design criteria 




Evaluate Benefits and 

Transfer of Technology 
to High Plains states 
and Other Users 

Figure 7. — Flow of experimental effort in HIPLEX, showing tentative schedule 
through 1991. (From Bernard A. Silverman, 1977, private communication.) 


University of Wyoming instrumented cloud physics aircraft. (Courtesy of the 

Bureau of Reclamation.) 

HIPLEX is primarily a Skywater activity ; however, it also includes 
the integrated research and supporting efforts of State agencies, local 
groups, and other Federal agencies. Field research and analyses are to 
be conducted primarily through contracts with private firms and uni- 
versities, and the project is closely coordinated with related research 
sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Department of 
Commerce. In order to develop optimum water augmentation poten- 
tial, pertinent State and local organizations in the High Plains have 
joined with the Bureau in planning, funding, and implementing this 
broad research program which is designed to accomplish the 
following : 11 

1. Develop and test more productive seeding methods and evaluate 

2. Resolve the remaining cloud dynamics and precipitation physics 
uncertainties on seeding effects. 

3. Help prepare public weather modification backgrounds and local 
expertise and establish working relations among concerned non-Fed- 
eral entities. 

4. Assess the actual economic value of cloud seeding and the possible 
social and ecological impacts. 

Anticipated overall costs for State cooperation and cost-sharing in 
HIPLEX is estimated to be about $3 million. This contribution 
amounts to 10 to 15 percent of the total HIPLEX research budget, 

11 U.S. Department of the Interior, "High Plains Cooperative Program ; Progress and 
Planning Report No. 2," pp. 3-5. 


since the total Federal portion of the project is projected at about $20 
million. 12 

HIPLEX cooperative agreements for cost-sharing and field research 
support have been negotiated with the States. 13 as shown in table 10. 
Funding provided by some of these States and by the Bureau of Re- 
clamation from fiscal year 1974: through fiscal year 1978 (estimated) is 
shown in table 11. 


Field site States Date signed 

Miles City, Mont Montana... Aug. 25, 1974. 

Goodland, Kans.. Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska May 29, 1974 (tristate). 

Big Spring, Tex Texas Oct. 30, 1974. 


State funds Bureau of 


Fiscal years Kansas Montana Texas Totals funds 

19f4 $6,000 $6,000 $1,250,000 

1975 100,000 $25,000 125,000 1,821,000 

1976 plus transition quarter 100, 000 81, 500 181, 500 3, 482, 000 

1977 100,000 $25,000 65,000 190,000 4,110.000 

1978 (estimate) 100,000 25,000 75,000 200,000 4,000,000 

Total 406,000 50,000 246,500 702,500 14,663,000 

i Private communication from James L. Kerr, Washington representative, Office of Atmospheric Water Resources, Bureau 
of Reclamation. November 1977. 

The Sierra Cooperative Pilot Project (SCPP) 

This cooperative precipitation augmentation research project is 
being initiated under the auspices of Project Skywater and several 
State agencies in the northern Sierra Nevada Mountain Range of 
California and Nevada. Cooperation with commercial cloud seeding 
operators, whose efforts in this region have been funded for several 
decades by west coast utility companies, is expected to be a unique part 
of the project. 

The Sierra project began in 1972 with preliminary planning and 
discussions. Research projects along the crest of the Rocky Moun- 
tains and in the Sierra Nevada have shown the possibility of increased 
snowfall and consequent streamflow enhancement through seeding cer- 
tain types of weather systems. Commercial projects in the Sierra have 
reported consistent 5 to 8 percent streamflow increases. The Sierra 
project is intended to investigate the physical basis for the reported in- 
creases and the feasibility of developing a more precise technology 
for snowfall enhancement for this region. 14 

The Bureau of Reclamation and the State of California agreed to 
pursue a research program in the Sierra Nevada in 1973 and jointly 

™ Ibid., p. 10. 

13 Ibid., p. 9. 

14 U.S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Reclamation. "A Status Report : The Sierra 
Cooperative Pilot Project "(with excerpts from 'Weather Modification Design for Stream- 
now Augmentation in the Northern Sierra Nevada." an initial study by MAB Associates, 
San Ramon, Calif.), U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, February 1977, p. 1. 


funded a contract for an assessment of potential environmental effects 
that needed study. Public meetings were held in California and Nevada 
during 1974 to solicit comments on the proposed project. Another con- 
tract, funded in May 1975, led to publication of a project design report 
in December 1976. In August 1975 the California Department of Water 
Resources withdrew as a financial partner in the project, owing to re- 
orientation of priorities and redirection of manpower and funds 
toward other water projects. The department continues to provide 
available information needed for development of the project and mon- 
itors its progress. 

Two studies on likely social and environmental effects of incremental 
snowpack increases on highways and public transportation were com- 
pleted in 1976 by two other agencies of the State of California, the 
California Highway Patrol and the California Department of Trans- 
portation. A survey of individual citizens and organizational repre- 
sentatives on attitudes and concerns about seeding by winter cloud 
seeding was also conducted in 1976. 15 

The preliminary experimental design notes that storms in the Sierra 
cooperative project can be classified into two types and recommends 
that the project should attempt to modify the storm types with sep- 
arate objectives. 

The orographic (westerly) storms should be seeded to increase the efficiency 
of the storm, thus augmenting the amount of precipitation resulting from these 
systems. The procedure would be to seed the storms at light seeding rates to 
avoid overseeding. Seeding would be done with surface seeding generators and, 
under certain circumstances, with airborne seeding generators. 

It was recommended that the convective storms (southerly) be seeded to in- 
crease precipitation at higher, colder elevations, primarily through redistribu- 
tion, providing a greater total precipitation for storage in the snowpack. These 
storms will be seeded heavily, with the object of altering the distribution of pre- 
cipitation with respect to altitude, thus increasing the snowpack. In addition to 
seeding the general orographic background of these storms by surface generators, 
the pilot program would seed the updraft areas of the imbedded convective cells 
heavily with high-output airborne generators. 18 

The specific meteorological hypotheses to be tested by the Sierra ex- 
periment are that : 17 

1. Seeding will increase the average precipitation on treated sample 
events as compared to the untreated events. 

2. Seeding will increase the average elevation of maximum pre- 
cipitation on treated sample events as compared to untreated events. 

3. Seeding will increase the average duration of precipitation and/ 
or the rate of precipitation on treated sample events as compared with 
the untreated events. 

It is intended that the design and evaluation of the SCPP will be a 
continuing process over a period of 7 years, constituting a major 
feature in the step-by-step research in the pilot project. 18 The primary 
hypotheses of the program as well as physical parameters which 
accompany successful or unsuccessful events, will be tested in the 
SCPP evaluation. Basic parameters to be tested statistically are : 19 

1. The average precipitation accumulation. 

2. The elevation of the maximum precipitation band. 

15 Ibid., pp. 1-3. 

16 Ibid., p. 15. 
« Ibid. 

"U.S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Reclamation. "SCPP Continuing Dosij;n 
Contract." Sierra Cooperative Pilot Project Newsletter. No. 6. May 1977. Denver. Colo., p. 2. 

19 U.S. Department of the Interior, "A Status Report : The Sierra Cooperative Pilot Proj- 
ect," 1977, p. 27. 


3. The average total storm duration, the average duration of pre- 
cipitation during the first and last days of the storm, and the average 
rate of precipitation. 

The regions that are expected to be affected in the Sierra project 
are shown in figure 8. Region 1 is the primary area of effect ; region 
2 is the downwind area recommended for monitoring extra- area effects ; 
and region 3, situated below 1,220 meters (4,000 ft.) elevation in the 
American River basin, is intended to provide real-time precipitation 
data as input for the declaration of an experimental unit and to 
provide better definition of the precipitation distribution within the 
drainage basin. 20 









MT S. /\\ 





* > 






Figure 8. — Map of the Sierra Cooperative Pilot Project region, showing the three 
geographical areas in the project (see text). (From Bure iu of Reclamation, 
Sierra Cooperative Pilot Project, status report, February 1977.) 

2U Ibid., pp. 24-25. 


The planning and design phase of the Sierra project continues, and 
during the winter of 19 f 6-77, field tests were conducted that were 
necessary for design of field operations. During the 1977-78 winter sea- 
son collection of field data under prerandomized seeding conditions 
should be completed ; operating procedures will be tested and refined ; 
equipment will be installed, tested, and calibrated; concepts for co- 
ordinating with operating programs in the area will be developed; 
transport and diffusion studies will continue; and changes in design 
will continue as a result of the increased knowledge acquired from the 
research of the previous year. 21 If the preceding activities have been 
accomplished successfully and weather conditions permit, randomized 
seeding will begin in the 1978-79 season. From historic storm patterns 
it has been estimated that 5 to 7 years of randomized seeding will be 
necessary to obtain a data base suitable for confirmation of the ex- 
pected increases at a significant level. During this period monitoring 
programs and environmental studies will be designed and implemented. 
There will be continued dialog with concerned officials and the general 
public in the project area, and hopefully many answers will be ob- 
tained tu societal, economic, and environmental questions. 22 

Drought mitigation assistance 

Drought emergency relief was requested by the Governors of a num- 
ber of Western States during the summer of 1971. In partial response 
to this request, the President's Office of Emergency Preparedness di- 
rected the Bureau to conduct emergency precipitation stimulation 
operations in Arizona, Oklahoma, and Texas. Skywater personnel 
have also provided scientific consulting services for rain augmentation 
programs in Lebanon, Brazil, India, Tasmania, and Jamaica. 23 

A recent program, not part of Project Skywater, was administered 
by the Bureau of Reclamation, under which grants were given to 
States to support weather modification activities undertaken to miti- 
gate impacts of the 1976-77 drought. Temporary authorities to the 
Secretary of the Interior to facilitate various emergency actions were 
provided by Public Law 95-18, amended by Public Law 95-107, 
enacted April 7, 1977, and August 17, 1977, respectively. Authority 
was granted to appropriate $100 million for a program which included 
short-term actions to increase water supplies. Funds made available 
were to be used to repair, replace, or improve affected water-supply 
facilities and to establish a water bank of available water for rehabili- 
tation. The Bureau implemented the act, publishing rules for emer- 
gency loans, grants, and deferrals under the Emergency Drought Act 
of 1977 in the Federal Register. 24 Procedures were established under 
.sections 423.18 and 423.20 of these rules for State water resource agen- 
cies to apply for nonreimbursable funds for studies and other actions 
to augment water supplies. Bequests wore received during the period 
of availability from six States for funds to support weather modifica- 
tion activities. Table 12 shows the amount of funds approved for each 
State for weather modification projects under this provision. 25 

21 Ibid., p. 47. 

22 Ibid. 

23 Kahan. Archie M.. testimony in : U.S. Congress. House of Representatives, Committee 
on Science and Technology. Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere. "Weath- 
er Modification." hearings. 04th Congress. 2d session, June 15-18, 1977. Washington, D.C., 
U.S. Government Printing Office. 1976. p. 194. 

■* Federal Register, vol. 42, No. 72. Thursday, Apr. 14, 1977, pp. 19609 -19613. 
^ Private communication from James L. Kerr. Washington Representative, Office of At- 
mospheric Water Resources, Bureau of Reclamation, November 1977. 


Table 12. — Funds provided for States for weather modification- projects by the 
Bureau of Reclamation, under provisions of the Emergency Drought Act of 

Colorado $600,000 

California 300,000 

Kansas 300,000 

Nevada 232,720 

North Dakota 186,133 

Utah 553, 500 

Total 2, 172, 353 


Introduction and general 

Under its Research Applied to National Needs (RANN) program, 
the National Science Foundation (NSF) has in recent years developed 
improved capabilities to stimulate research efforts immediately and 
directly related to problems of society. This program, which dealt pri- 
marily with problem-oriented research, focussed scientific and tech- 
nological resources on selected problems of national importance in an 
attempt to assist in their solution in a timely and practical manner. 
RANN's areas of emphasis included the major category of environ- 
mental programs, under which most of the NSF-sponsored research 
in weather modification had until recently been located. 26 

The NSF program in weather modification supports a broad range 
of research, extending across the disciplines of economic, social, politi- 
cal, legal, environmental, mathematical, and physical sciences. 27 The 
overall goal of the program is "to establish the concept of weather 
modification as a tool to help fulfill societal needs,-' and, to accomplish 
this goal, the program supports research on the following five program 
objectives: 28 

1. To establish the feasibility of, and improve the technology for, 
mitigating the undesirable effects of selected weather hazards. 

2. To delineate the cause, extent, and impact of inadvertent weather 
modification and to subsequently develop ways to use land and energy 
resources to achieve more desirable responses in weather and climate. 

3. To develop an improved capability to design, perform, and evalu- 
ate weather modification experiments. 

4. To investigate the impact of weather modification on society. 

5. To develop specific applications of weather modification to in- 
crease agricultural production. 

Table 13 is a summary of weather modification research funding and 
projected funding from fiscal year 1976 through fiscal year 1978 for the 
National Science Foundation. 

26 In the reorganization of the RANN Directorate in the NSF to the Applied Science and 1 
Research Applications (ASRA) Directorate, effective February 1978, the NSF weather modi- 
fication program was transferred to the basic research Astronomical, Atmospheric, Earth, 
and Ocean Sciences (AAEO) Directorate. Division of Atmospheric Sciences. 

27 Downie. Currie S. and Richard A. Dirks, National Science Foundation weather modi- 
fication program, papers presented at the second WMO Scientific Conference on Weather 
Modification, Boulder, Colo., Aug. 2-6, 1976. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, 
Switzerland, p. 557. 

28 Ibid. 




[In thousands of dollars) 

Fiscal year— 





Precipitation modification 




Fop and cloud modification 



Hail suppression 

3, 081 




Social, economic, lepal, and environmental 





Inadvertent modification 





Support and services 







5, 702 


1 From Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology. Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences. ICAS 21— fiscal year 1978, p. 94. 

2 Includes technology assessment of hail suppression. 

The RANN weather modification program dealt with a number 
of specific, critical research topics and was dedicated to development of 
improved technology in support of societal needs, transfer of this tech- 
nology to potential users, and exploration of the impac f of weather 
modification on society ; however, the program is not all encompassing. 
In addition to the RANN-supported research, the NSF supported 
weather modification through its basic research program in meteorol- 
ogy and through the atmospheric research facilities at the National 
Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) at Boulder, Colo. 29 

The NSF weather modification program is coordinated with weather 
modification programs of other Federal agencies through the Inter- 
departmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS) Panel on 
Weather Modification and through numerous and frequent contacts 
with representatives of the other Federal agencies. In 1975 an NSF 
Weather Modification Advisory Panel was formed, composed of rep- 
resentatives from the Department of the Interior (Buearu of Reclama- 
tion), the Department of Commerce (National Oceanic and Atmos- 
pheric Administration) , the academic community, commercial weather 
modifiers, and industry. The Panel was formed to provide technical 
advice to the NSF program manager for weather modification and to 
assist in coordinating the program with other agencies. 30 As part of the 
concerted effort throughout the executive branch to eliminate advisory 
panels, the NSF Weather Modification Advisory Panel was recently 

Public Law 85-510 of July 11, 1958, directed the NSF "to initiate 
and support a program of study, research, and evaluation in the field of 
weather modification." 31 The Foundation promptly responded in es- 
tablishing the new program, then within its broader program for at- 
mospheric sciences, and expended $1,141,000 for research and evalua- 
tion in weather modification in fiscal year 1959. 32 In designing the pro- 
gram the advice and assistance of outstanding scientists and engineers 
were sought, and an Advisory Panel for Weather Modification was ap- 

20 Ibid. 

30 Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences, ICAS 20-FY77. n. 9. r >. 

31 See earlier section of this chapter for discussion of this and other Federal legislation 
on weather modification. 

32 National Science Foundation, "Weather Modification"; first annual report for fiscal 
year ended June 30, 1959, NSF 60-24, p. 3. 


pointed. In an early report to the Director of the NSF, the Chairman 
of the Advisory Panel, Dr. Reuben G. Gustavson, stated : 33 

Placing this important field of research under the aegis of the National Science 
foundation has given rise to a new hope and confidence that the instability fac- 
ors in regard to size and time of support will be removed. This is already bring- 
ng young imaginative workers into the field. The rate of advance will to a large 
neasure depend upon the quality of the trained scientists attracted to the prob- 
.eni. If good scientists are to be attracted into the program, the Foundation must 
be particularly concerned about the financial stability of the program. 

The effect of Public Law 85-510 was to make the NSF the Federal 
lead agency in weather modification, since there were research pro- 
grams underway in a number of other agencies. Historically the NSF 
program has provided the largest measure of Federal support to all 
aspects of weather modification research over the years since establish- 
ment of its program. When Public Law 90-407 of July 18, 1968, 
amended the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, the specific 
mandate for NSF to support a weather modification program and the 
attendant lead agency role were effectively repealed. The further re- 
quirements, established earlier by Public Law 85-510, that activities 
in weather modification in the United States be reported to the NSF 
and that the Foundation should publish an annual report to the Con- 
gress, were also terminated with the passage of Public Law 90-407. 
During the years when NSF was lead agency for weather modification, 
10 annual reports were published, the last one covering fiscal year 
1968. 34 

Following passage of the 1968 law, the NSF continued to support 
basic and applied research in weather modification under the broad 
authority of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950 as amended 
by Public Law 90— 1-07. About one-third of the total Federal support 
for weather modification has been provided by the NSF. 

When the Research Applied to National Needs (RANN) Direc- 
torate was established within the Foundation in 1971 "to bring the 
resources of science and technology to bear on selected important na- 
tional problems, 5 ' 35 most of the weather modification research was 
transferred from the basic atmospheric science program to RANN. 
While nearly all of this research was managed under RANN 
by the Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Tech- 
nology, two major studies were sponsored by RANN's Division 
of Exploratory Research and Technology Assessment, which "sup- 
ports research and assessment to provide greater visibility to the longer 
range social, environmental, and economic impacts of new technology 
applications and to identify and analyze emerging national problems 
that may be avoided or ameliorated by science and technology." 36 

The first of these two technology assessment studies was initiated in 
1971 in response to a request from the Interdepartmental Committee 
for Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS) to explore the feasibility of apply- 
ing technology assessment concepts to planned weather modification 
operational projects. ICAS suggested that the first project for such a 
technology assessment might be the planned project of the Bureau of 

33 Itrd. 

34 National Science Foundation. "Weather Modification: Tenth Annual Report for Fiscal 
Yenr Ended June 30, 1968." NSF 69-18. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 
1969. 141 pp. 

30 National Science Foundation. "Twentv-sixth Annual Report, for Fiscal Year 1976," 
NSF 77-1. Washington D.C.. U.S. Government Printing Office. 1977. p. So. 

36 National Science Foundation. "Guide to Programs : Fiscal Year 1978," Washington, 
DC, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977, p. "51. 


Reclamation to augment the flow of the Colorado River by seeding 
orographic clouds to increase snowpack in the Upper Colorado River 
Basin, since the pilot experiment was already underway in the San 
Juan Mountain Range and the Secretary of the Interior needed in- 
formation to make a decision on implementation in the near future. 37 
The contract for the assessment was funded and monitored by NSF, 
the Stanford Research Institute being selected to undertake the study, 
with assistance from the University of California at Davis and a num- 
ber of consultants. The final report was published in 1974. 38 

The second major study was an extensive technology assessment of 
hail suppression in the United States. This project was initiated in 
August 1975 and became known as the Technology Assessment of 
the Suppression of Hail (TASH). The NSF grant was to the Univer- 
sity of Illinois; however, a number of other institutions and individ- 
uals were involved in the study through subcontracts or consulting 
agreements. Total funding for the 18-month project included $290,500 
from NSF and $60,000 from the State of Illinois. 39 The final report 
of the TASH study was published in April 1977. 40 

Table II is a listing of awards in weather modification research by 
the Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Technology 
for fiscal year 1973 through the 1976 transition quarter. The XSF 
weather modification program has been divided into five major areas 
under which the numerous research projects have been categorized. 
These areas, corresponding to the five program objectives stated 
earlier, are : (1) weather hazard mitigation studies on such phenomena 
as hail, thunderstorms, lightning, and tornadoes and an attempt to 
prevent or lessen damage from such storms; (2) weather modification 
technology development ; designed to improve methods for modifying 
the weather and of evaluating results of weather modification efforts; 
(3) inadvertent weather modification investigations to delineate the 
cause, extent, and impact of urban-industrial influences, such as heat, 
moisture, aerosols, and surface roughness, on the weather; (I) socie- 
tal utilization activities which relate the impact of weather on man. 
provide goal orientation, and achieve the societal interface for suc- 
cessful weather modification applications; and (5) an agricultural 
weather modification program which includes developing techniques 
for exerting influence on agricultural systems at critical points during 
the planting, growing, and harvesting seasons in order to expand agri- 
cultural production. 41 Each of these major program divisions will be 
discussed in the following sections. 

37 Weisbecker. Leo W. (compiler). "The Impacts of Snow Enhancement; Technology 
Assessment of Winter Orographic Snowpack Augmentation in the Upper Colorado River 
Basin." Norman, Okla., University of Oklahoma Press, 1974, p. v. 

w Ibld., 024 pp. (A summary of the report was also published separately: Weisbecker. 
Leo W.. "Snowpack. Cloud Seeding, and the Colorado River ; Technology Assessment of 
Weather Modification." Norman, Okla.. University of Oklahoma Press. 1974*. 80 pp.) 

39 Changnon. Stanley A., Jr.. Ray Jay Davis. Barbara C. Farhar. J. Eugene Haas. J. Lore- 
ena Ivens. Martin V. Jones. Donald A. Klein. Dean Mann, Griffith M. Morgan. Jr.. Steven T. 
Sonka. Earl R. Swanson. C Robert Ta.vlor. and Jon Van Blokiand "Hail Suppression ; Im- 
pacts and Issues." Urbana. 111.. Illinois State Water Survey. April 1977. pp. i-iii. 

40 Ibid.. 432 pp.. (A summary of the report was also published in 1977: Farhar. Bar- 
bara ('.. Stanley A. Changnon. Jr.. Earl R. Swanson, Ray J. Davis, and J. Eugene Haas, 
"Hail Suppression and Society," Urbana, 111.. Illinois State Water Survev, June 1977, 
2:3 pp.) 

41 Federal Council for Selenee and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences, ICAS 20-FY77. p. 95. 


Table 14 —Summary of Weathe- Modification Research Awards by NSF/RANN for Fiscal Year 1973 through 1976 Transitional 
Quarter. (Data from Annual Summaries of Awards, RANN, Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Tech- 

Principal investigator/ 


Effective date 




Firor, John W., National Center for 
Atmospheric Research, Boulder, 

Jayaweera, K.O.L.F., University of 
Alaska, College, Alaska. 

Sikdar, Dhirendra N., University of 
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, 

Boone, Larry M., Department of 
Agriculture, Wash ngton, D.C. 

Taubenfeld, Howard J., Southern 
Methodist University, Dallas, Tex. 

Haas, J. E., University of Colorado, 
Boulder, Colo. 

Corrin, Myron L., Colorado State 
UnrVersity, Fort Collins, Colo. 

Grant, Lewis 0., Colorado State Uni- 
versity, Fort Collins, Colo. 

Barchet, Wm. Richard, University 
of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, 

McQuigg, James D., University of 
Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Mo. 

Corrin, Myron L., Colorado State Uni- 
versity, Fort Collins, Colo. 

Warburton, Joseph A., Desert Re- 
search I nstitute, Reno, Nev. 

Hobbs, Peter V., University of Wash- 
ington, Seattle, Wash. 

Veal,' Donald L., University of Wyo- 
ming, Laramie, Wyo. 

Changnon, Stanley A. University of 
Illinois-Urbana, Urbana, III. 

Steele, Roger L., Desert Research 
I nstituta. Reno, Nev. 

Plooster, Myron N., University of 
Denver, Denver, Colo. 

Changnon, Stanley A., Jr., University 
of Illinois-Urbana, Urbana, III. 

Peterson, D. F., Utah State Univer- 
sity, Logan, Utah. 

Weickmann, Helmut K., National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- 
istration, Boulder, Colo. 

Moore, Charles, B., New Mexico 
Institute of Mining and Technolo- 
gy, Socorro, N. Mex. 

Braham, Roscoe R., Jr., University 
of Chicago, Chicago, III. 

Chessin, Henry, State University at 
Albany, Albany, N.Y. 

Uthe, Edward E., Stanford Research 
Institute, Menlo Park, Calif. 

Klein, Donald A., Colorado State 
University, Fort Collins, Colo. 

Auer. August H., Jr., University of 

Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. 
Ochs, Harry T., Ill, University of 

Illinois-Urbana, Urbana, III. 


Anderson, C. E., University of 

Auer, August H. 

University of 

Contract for the management, opera- Aug. 1, 1972 12 $2,700,000 

tion, and maintenance of the Na- 
tional Center for Atmospheric Re- 
search (funds for national hail re- 
search experiment program). 

Prevention of ice fog formation by ; n- Sept. 1, 1972 12 17, 600 

ducing cloud cover— Feasibility 
study in Fairbanks. 

Study of the features and energy Oct. 1, 1972 12 96,900 

budgets of northeastern Colorado 

Economic and institutional con- Oct. 15, 1972 12 65,000 

siderations of suppressing hail. 
Study group on the societal conse- Nov. 1, 1972 12 64,400 

quences of weather modification. 
A comparative analysis of publicsup- Dec. 1, 1972 20 60,700 

port of and resistance to weather 

modification projects. 
Heterogeneous ice nuclei. .. do 12 49,800 

Precipitation augmentation from Jan. 1, 1973 12 281,400 

orographically induced clouds and 
cloud systems. 

Precipitation process modification Feb. 15, 1973 12 55, 600 

through ice nucleus deactivation. 

Weather modification management do 12 42,000 


Laboratory cloud simulation to sup- Mar. 1, 1973 12 112,600 

port weather modification research 
and field programs. 

Silver iodide seeding rates and snow- do 12 80,100 

pack augmentation. 

Physical evaluation of cloud seeding Apr. 1, 1973 15 182,000 

techniques for modifying orogra- 
phic snowfall (the Cascade project). 

Development of leaf-derived ice do 12 70,000 

nuclei for weather modification. 

Design of a hail suppression experi- do 12 142,200 

ment in Illinois. 

Sequence effects of heterogeneous Apr. 15, 1973 12 71, 000 


M.crophysics— Diffusion interaction do 39,900 

in ice nuclei plumes. 

Studies of urban effects on rainfall do 12 211,400 

and severe weather. 

Workshop on inadvertent weather May 1, 1973 12 29,900 


Installation and maintenance of May 22, 1973 6 39,033 

ground network for national hail 
research experiment. 

Origin and role of electricity in clouds. June 1, 1973 12 170, 800 

Inadvertent weather modification in do 12 275,000 

the St. Louis area. 

Development of cloud seeding tech- do 12 33, 500 

nology utilizing modified silver 
iodide structures. 

Lidar— Radiometric study of urban do 12 54,100 

atmospheric processes related to 
climatic modification. 

Microbiological impacts of silver July 1, 1973 12 67,600 

iodide used in weather modifica- 

Modification of convective cloud do 12 61, 300 

activity by an urban area. 
2-dimensional cloud modeling— July 1, 1972 12 117,700 

Application to urban effects on 


Study of the features and energy Oct. 1, 1973 12 100, 000 

budgets of northeastern Colorado 

Modification of convective cloud Apr. 1, 1974 12 132,000 



Table 14. Summary of Weather Modification Research Awards by NSF/RANN, for Fiscal Year 1973 through 1976 Transitional 
Quarter, (Data from Annual Summaries of Awards, RANN, Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Tech- 
nology.)— Continued 

Principal investigator/ Duration 

institution Title Effective date (months) Amount 

FISCAL YEAR 1974 AWARDS— Continued 

Barchet, William R., University of Precipitation process modification Feb. 15, 1973 

Wisconsin. through ice nucleus deactivation. 
Boone, Larry M., U.S. Department Economic and institutional consid- Oct. 1, 1973 

of Agriculture. erations of suppressing hail. 
Braham, Roscoe R., Jr., University Inadvertent weather modification in Apr. 1, 1974 

of Chicago. the St. Louis area. 
Changnon, Stanley A., Jr., University Studies of urban effects on rainfall do 

of Illinois. and severe weather. 

Design of a hail suppression experi- June 1, 1973 

ment in Illinois. 

Chessin, Henry, State University of Development of cloud seeding tech- do 

N.Y. nology utilizing modified silver 

iodide structures. 

Chisholm, John P., Sierra Nevada An accurate and inexpensive air- July 1, 1974 

Corp. borne windfinding system. 
Corrin, Myron L., Colorado State Heterogeneous ice nuclei develop- Oct. 1, 1973 

University. ment. 
Davis, Briant L., South Dakota Chemical complexing of silver iodide- Sept. 1, 1972 

School of Mines and Technology. alkali iodide aerosols prepared for 
cloud seeding purposes. 

Dennis, Arnett S., South Dakota Numerical analysis of proposed hail Sept. 1, 1971 

School of Mines and Technology. suppression concepts. 
Firor, John W., National Center for National hail research experiment.. July 1, 1973 

Atmospheric Research. 

Fujita, Theodore T., University of Basic research on tornadoes relevant Sept. 1, 1971 

Chicago. to their modification. 
Fukuta, Norihiko, University of Development of cloud seeding gen- July 15, 1973 

Denver. erators for biodegradeable organic 

ice nuclei. 

Grant, Lewis 0., Colorado State Extended area effects from local Mar. 1, 1974 

University. weather modification. 

Cloud simulation and aerosol lab- Apr. 4, 1974 


Haas, J. Eugene, Human Ecology A comparative analysis of public re- Aug. 1, 1974 

Research Services, Inc. action to weather modification 


Hobbs, Peter V., University of Orographic snowfall in the Cascade Apr. 1, 1973 

Washington. project. 

Klein, Donald A. ( Colorado State Management of silver iodide used in July 1, 1974 

University. weather modification: Develop- 

ment in microbial threshold tox- 
icity criteria. 

Little, Gordon C, National Oceanic Operating two dual-Doppler radars June 1, 1974 

and Atmospheric Administration. in conjunction with the 1974 
summer operations. 

McQuigg, James D., University of Weather modification guidelines Feb. 15, 1974 


Moore, Charles B., New Mexico Lightning protection systems and May 15, 1974 

Institute of Mining and Tech- thunderstorm electrification, 

Mordy, Wendell A., Center for the A program of social science research Oct. 1, 1973 

Future. coordination and goal evaluation 

for Metromex. 

Ochs, Harry T., Ill, University of Supportive modeling of urban effects July 1, 1974.. 

Illinois. on precipitation. 
Plooster, Myron N., University of Microphysics — Diffusion interaction Apr. 15, 1974 

Denver. in ice nuclei plumes 
Schaefer, Vincent J., State University Second inadvertent weather modifi- April 1, 1974 

of New York cation workshop. 
Schickendanz, Paul T., Illinois State Climatic alterations in the Great June 1, 1974 

Water Survey. Plains due to widespread irriga- 


Simpson, Joanne, University of Evaluation and design of weather July 1, 1974 

Virginia. modification experiments. 
Steele, Roger L., University of Sequence effects of heterogeneous April 15, 1974 

Nevada nucleation. 
Taubenfeld, Howard J., Southern Study group on the societal conse- Oct. 1, 1973 

Methodist University. quences of weather modification. 

Veal, Donald L., University of Development of leaf-derived ice Apr. 1, 1973 

Wyoming. nuclei for weather modification. 
Warburton, Joseph A., University of Silver iodide seeding rates and snow- Mar. 1, 1973 

Nevada. pack augmentation. 


Inadvertent weather modification: 

Auer, August H., University of Modification of convective cloud activ- Apr. 1, 1975 

Wyoming. ity by an urban area. 

Braham, Roscoe R., Jr., Uni- Inadvertent weather modification in do 

versity of Chicago. the St. Louis area. 


t^s finn 

$JJ, ouu 


54, 000 

243, 000 


237, 500 


33, 500 


33, 500 


44, 400 


49, 800 




86, 300 


2, 000, 000 


55 400 


106, 900 


250, 000 


4, 000 


22, 800 


182, 000 


16 900 


in nnn 

1U, UUU 


42, 000 


1JU, uuu 




/ 0, UUU 


39, S00 


it nnn 
jj, UUU 


55, 500 


50, 000 




60, 800 


70, 000 


80, 100 






Table 14. Summary of Weather Modification Research Awards by NSF/RANN, for Fiscal Year 1973 through 1976 Transitional 
Quarter. (Data fiom Annual Summaries of Awards, RANN, Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Tech- 
nology.)— Continued 

Principal investigator/ Duration 

institution Title Effective date (months) Amount 

FISCAL YEAR 1975 AWARDS— Continued 
Inadvertent weather modification— Continued 

Chagnon, Stanley A., University Studies of urban effects on rainfall Apr. 1, 1975 12 $257,200 

of Illinois. and severe weather. 

Gossard, Earl E., National Dual-Doppler radar investigation of June 15, 1975 12 60,000 

Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- wind flow patterns in Metromex. 


Ochs, Harry T., University of Numerical cloud modeling Apr. 1, 1975 10 63,400 


Schickedanz, Paul T., Univer- Climatic alternations in the Great June 1, 1974 24 55,500 

sity of lllinios. Plains due to widespread irriga- 

Societal utilization: 

Boone, Larry M., U.S. Depart- Economic and institutional consider- Oct. 1, 1973 15 54,500 

ment of Agriculture. ations of suppressing hail. 

Grant, Lewis O., Colorado State Extended area effects from local Dec. 1, 1974 12 280,000 

University. weather modification. 

Haas, J. Eugene Human Ecology A comparative analysis of public re- Oct. 1, 1974 12 76,000 

Research Service. action to weather modification 

Klein, Donald A., Colorado State Microbiological impacts of silver July 1, 1975 __ 12 46,600 

University. iodide used in weather modifica- 

McQuigg, James D., University Weather modification management Aug. 1, 1974. 14 41,000 

of Missouri. guidelines. 

Mordy, W. A., Center for the The importance of climate and July 1, 1974 15 87,000 

Future. weather alterations to mankind. 

Morgan, G. M., University of Design of a hail suppression experi- Nov. 1, 1974 12 67,800 

Illinois. ment in lllinios. 

Shaefer, Vincent J., State Uni- Second inadvertent weather modi- Apr. 1, 1974 12 33,000 

versity of New York. fication workshop. 

Taubenfeld, Howrad J., Southern Study group on the consequences of November 1974... 6 13,800 

Methodist University. weather modification. 
Weather hazard mitigation: 

Atlas, David, National Center National hail research experiment... July 1975 12 2,130,000 

for Atmospheric Research. 

•Moore, Charles B. t New Mexico Lightning protection and thunder- June 1, 1975 12 130,000 

Institute of Mining and Tech- storm electrification, 

Weather modification systems: 

Anderson, Charles E., Univer- Studies on the dynamics, micro- Jan. 1, 1975.. 12 96,000 

sity of Wisconsin. physics, and forecasting of severe 
local storms. 

Chisholm, John P., Sierra fJe- An accurate and inexpensive air- July 1, 1974 9 44,400 

vada Corp. borne windfinding system. 

Davis, Briant L., Institute of Chemical ccmplexing of silver iodide- Sept. 1, 1972 24 103,900 

Atmosphe ric Sciences. alkali iodide aerosols prepared for 
cloud-seeding purposes. 

Fukuta, Norihiko, University of Cloud-seeding generators for bio- July 15, 1974 12 100,400 

Denver. degradable organic ice nuclei. 

Grant, Lewis O., Colorado State Cloud simulation and aerosol lab- Nov. 1, 1974 12 18,000 

University. oratory. 

Little, Gordon C, National Oce- Dual-Doppler radar investigations of July 1, 1974 12 60,000 

anic and Atmospheric Ad- wind fields in severe storms. 


Simpson, Joanne, University of Evaluation and design of weather do 12 50,000 

Virginia. modification experiments. 


Improved weather modification 

Fukuta, Norihiko, University of Development of cloud-seeding gen- Aug. 1, 1975 12 133, 100 

Denver. erators for biodegradable organic 

ice nuclei. 

Gossard, Earl E., National Collection and processing of multiple May 15, 1976 14.5 135,000 

Oceanic and Atmospheric Doppler radar data in NHRE. 

Grant, Lewis O. Colorado State Testing and calibration program for July 1, 1975 12 10,800 

University. cloud-seeding materials, seeding 

generators, and nucleus-observ- 
ing instruments. 

Simpson, Joanne, University Evaluaion and design of weather do 9 73,000 

of Virginia. modification experiments. 

Silver iodide tracing in south Florida do 12 15,000 

Warburton, Joseph A., Denver Silver iodide seeding rates and do 6 49,900 

Research Institute. snowpack augmentation. 

Inadvertent weather modification: 

Auer, August H., University of Lidar, acoustic sounder and radi- July 15, 1975 12 52,800 

Wyoming. ometer investigation. 

Modification of convective cloud Feb. 1, 1976 14 178, 700 

activity by an urban area. 


Table 14. Summary of Weather Modification Research Awards by NSF/RANN, for Fiscal Year 1973 through 1976 Transitional 
Quarter. .(Data from Annual Summaries of Awards, RANN, Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Tech- 
nology.)— Continued 

Principal investigator/ 



Effective date (months) Amount 

FISCAL YEAR 1976 AWARDS-Continued ' 
Inadvertent weather modification— Continued 

Braham, Roscoe R., University Inadvertent weather modification in Feb. 1, 1976.. 

of Chicago. the St. Louis area. 
Changnon, Stanley A., Uni- Studies of urban effects on rainfall ...do_ 

versity of Illinois. and severe weather. 

Hobbs, Peter, University of Inadvertent weather modification by June 15, 1976. 

Washington. effluents from coal-fired electric 


Ochs, Harry T., University of Numerical cloud modeling: Applica- Feb. 1, 1976.. 
Illinois. tion to urban effects on precipita- 


Saxena, V. K., University of Airborne mapping of urban plume of May 15, 1976. 
Denver. St. Louis with a cloud condensa- 

tion nuclei (CCN) spectrometer. 

Social, legal, and economic impact of 
weather modification: 

Farhar, Barbara, Human Ecology A comparative analysis of public Dec. 1, 1975... 
Research Services, Inc. response to weather modification. 

Grant, Lewis 0., Colorado State A field experiment to test hypotheses 

University. of the reality, characteristic, and 

magnitude of extended area effects 
from weather modification. 
Klein, Donald A., Colorado State Management of nucleating agents Oct. 1, 1975... 
University. used in weather modification: De- 

velopment of microbial threshold 
toxicity criteria. 

Weather hazard mitigation: 

Veal, Donald, National Center National hal research experiment... Aug. 1, 1975.. 
for Atmospheric Research. 
Weather modification in support of 

Grant, Lewis 0., Colorado State An assessment of the present and July 1, 1975.. 
University. potential role in weather modifi- 

cation in agricultural production. 
Huff, Floyd A., University of Assessment of weather modifica- Nov. 1, 1975.. 
Illinois. tion in alleviating agricultural 

water shortages during droughts. 




15 82,000 
11 215,709 

12 2,361,000 

18 71,000 


I mproved weather modification tech- 

Chisholm, John, Sierra Nevada 

Hallett, John, University of 

Maki, Leroy R., University of 
Inadvertent weather modification: 
Uthe, Edward E., Stanford Re- 
search Inst. 

Social, legal, and economic impact 
of weather modification: 
Lambright, W. Henry, Syra- 
cuse Research Corp. 

Weather hazard mitigation: 

Auer, August H., University of 

Veal, Donald L., National Center 
for Atmospheric Research. 

An accurate and inexpensive air- Augus 

borne wind measuring system. 
An assessment of synoptic criteria 

for ice multiplication in convective 


Ice nucleation induced by bacteria.. 


Lidar and radiometric data analysis 
of mixing levels, clouds, and 
precipitation processes. 

The utilization of weather modifica- September 1976. 
tion technology: A State govern- 
ment decisionmaking study. 

The kinematics of thunderstorm August 1976 

gust fronts relating to the mitiga- 
tion of airport flight hazards. 

National hail research experiment... July 1976 




18 60, 400 

12 56, 300 

Weather hazard mitigation 

Research supported by NSF in this category is pointed toward the 
reduction of undesirable aspects of selected weather hazards. Although 
the major effort has been in research on the reduction of hail damage, 
research related to other severe weather phenomena lias included in- 
vestigations on lightning protection, wind shear warning, and fog 
hazard alleviation. The major project in weather hazard mitigation 


in recent years has been the National Hail Research Experiment 
(NHRE), which was initiated by the Foundation in 1971 "to assess 
the potential for altering hail ... by cloud seeding' and determine the 
extent to which beneficial modification can be accomplished effectively 
on an operational basis." 42 

The concept of a national hail suppression experiment grew out of 
interest by U.S. scientists in hail suppression activities in the Soviet 
Union in the 1960's and also from the 1965 recommendation of the 
Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS) that 
the Foundation, in collaboration with other Federal agencies, should 
develop a plan for hail suppression research. 43 As a first step in plan- 
ning such a national effort, the NSF invited the National Center for 
Atmospheric Research (NCAR) to cooperate in organizing the First 
National Symposium on Hail Suppression, which was held at Dillon, 
Colo., on October 14-15, 1965, under the chairmanship of Verner E. 
Suomi. 44 

Arising from the Dillon conference was an NSF-sponsored Hail Sup- 
pression Research Steering Committee, also chaired by Dr. Suomi, 
which held a number of meetings in the years immediately following 
and prepared a hail suppression test outline in 1968. 45 Upon approval 
of the outline by the ICAS, the NSF requested that a detailed plan 
for a national experiment be developed by NCAR. A "Plan for the 
Northeast Colorado Hail Experiment (NECHE)" was prepared by 
NCAR 46 and approved by the ICAS in 1969. The NECHE plan called 
for an intensive investigation into hailstorms and hail suppression to 
be conducted over a 5-year period. After a few years of preliminary 
investigations, the project was eventually renamed the National Hail 
Research Experiment (NHRE) in 1971. 

NHRE was one of seven proposed national projects in weather 
modification identified by the Interdepartmental Committee for At- 
mospheric Sciences (ICAS) in 1971. 47 The National Science Founda- 
tion, which originally planned the experiment, was recommended as 
the lead agency for the project, and assistance was to be offered by the 
Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Interior, and Trans- 
portation and by the Atomic Energy Commission and the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration. 48 

Although there was interagency cooperation in planning the experi- 
ment and some support to the project during early years by some of 
the aforementioned agencies, eventually, most of the other agencies 
pulled out and NSF had to provide full support on its own. In a 1974 
investigation of the Federal weather modification program, the Gen- 
eral Accounting Office (GAO) concluded that "even though the ex- 

42 Downie and Dirks, "National Science Foundation Weather Modification Program," 
1976. p. 557. 

43 National Science Foundation. "Renort of the First National Symposium on Hail Sup- 
pression." Dillon, Colo., Oct. 14-15, 1965, p. 1. 

44 Ibid. 

43 National Science Foundation. Hail Suppression Research Steering Committee, "Outline 
of a Hail Suppression Test." March 1968, p. 1. 

48 National Center for Atmospheric Research and Select Planning Group of the Northeast 
Colorado Hail Experiment, "Flan for the Northeast Colorado Hail Experiment," Boulder, 
Colo.. Mar. 17. 1969. 

47 Federal Council for Science and Technology. Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences. "A National Program for Accelerating Progress in Weather Modification," 
ICAS rept. No. 15a, June 1971, p. 21. (The seven national projects are listed in this report, 
p. 225. ) 

48 Ibid., pp. 35-37. 


periment was well planned, requiring extensive interagency participa- 
tion, * * * for the most part, agencies could not and did not meet all 
their obligations." 49 The GAO study observed that, because of the 
withdrawal of some of the intended support, "important segments of 
research were lost for 1973" and that each operational season would 
continue to have problems with commitments from participating 
agencies. 50 The other national projects recommended by the ICAS, 
each with much less coordinated planning than XHRE or with no such 
coordinated planning at all, failed to materialize as truly national 
projects, although some were pursued as major single-agency projects. 

NHRE was based on the original NECHE plan prepared for the 
XSF by the Xational Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) , and 
management for conduct of the experiment was assigned to NCAR 
by NSF. The experiment was a cooperative effort between NCAR and 
10 universities, funded by NSF, with additional support from the De- 
partment of Commerce (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- 
istration), the Department of Transportation (Federal Aviation Ad- 
ministration), and the Department of Defense. Figure 9 is a map of 
the northeastern corner of Colorado, showing the two areas between 
Sterling, Colo., and Kimball, Nebr., which were target areas for the 
NHRE. Field headquarters for the experiment were located near 
Grover, Colo. Figure 10 is a more detailed NHRE map, showing the 
special use airspace and the protected area as well as the mesonet and 
rawinsonde site locations during the 1974 season. 




K J05 km GROVER 



f / 





/\! ( 

/\ > FT COLLINS [ - 

\ ' O " ' 










I I I I 

Figure 9. — Location map, showing the vicinity of northeastern Colorado where 
the National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE) was conducted. NHRE field 
headquarters were located near Grover, Colo. The two areas outlined between 
Sterling and Kimball were the target areas for the seeding program in 1072 
southern area) and in 1973 and 1974 (northern area). (From Wade, et al.. 
1977. ) 

49 Comptroller General of the United States. "Need for a National Weather Modification 
Research Program," report to the Congress, U.S. General Accounting Office, B-133202, 
Auk. 23. 1074. pp. 10-22. 

60 Ibid., p. 20. 



pecial Use Air 



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— fi 


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s — * ,M » y ■ * r ... 

Figure 10. — Detailed location map for the National Hail Research Experiment 
(XHRE), showing the special use airspace and protected area, as well as the 
mesonet and rawinsonde site locations during the 1974 summer season. (Cour- 
tesy of the National Science Foundation.) 

Following collaborative studies of northeast Colorado hailstorms 
by NCAR, Colorado State University, and the U.S. Department of 
Commerce during the period 1968-70, what was to become the National 
Hail Research Experiment (XHRE) effectively began in the summer 
season of 1970 with the following twofold plan : 

1. To carry out research into those processes important to the under- 
standing of hail production in severe thunderstorms, and 

2. To perform a randomized test of a hail suppression technique 
modelled in some important respects after the reportedly successful 
operation in the Soviet Union. 

The twofold objective of XHRE has remained throughout the proj- 
ect : however, its statement has varied from year to year in response to 
changes in emphasis both at XSF and at NCAR. In particular, after 
transfer of the project to RAXX. an important emphasis was given 
to social, economic, legal, and environmental studies in connection with 
the potential impact of hail suppression. 

A preliminary field program, for instrument testing and field experi- 
ence, was undertaken during the summer of 1971 ; and during the 
summers of 1972, 1973, and 1974 the major randomized hail sup- 
pression test was conducted along with other basic research on hail 


properties. Instead of continuing the randomized seeding experiment 
for the planned 5 years, it was curtailed at the close of the 1974 season 
because research evidence showed strongly that seeding as performed 
was not likely to suppress hail in northeast Colorado and preliminary 
analysis indicated that data from 2 more years was unlikely to demon- 
strate a suppression effect. 51 At a symposium on hail and hail suppres- 
sion in the fall of 1975, 52 most of the experts agreed that continuation 
of the 1972-74 randomized seeding experiment was unwise for the 
reasons given above. 

A revised plan for NHRE followed this symposium, in which it 
was stated that future research should be directed "* * * to combine 
applied research, development of techniques, and redesign of a ran- 
domized seeding experiment in a manner which will provide the great- 
est chance of reaching a conclusive answer as to the feasibility of hail 
suppression in a reasonable time." 53 The revised plan also committed 
the NHRE staff to completion of a report on the 1972-74 randomized 
seeding experiment. The five-volume report, the first volume of which 
is a summary of the analysis and results, has recently been completed 
and distributed. 54 

A short field season for NHRE was undertaken during 1975 to test 
new instruments and a new data system aboard the South Dakota 
School of Mines and Technology armored, penetrating T-28 aircraft. 
Operated in coordination with the Grover S-band radar, the Grover 
control center, and the aircraft tracking system, the test was successful 
and valuable data were obtained. Field measurements were carried out 
on a larger, more comprehensive scale during the summer of 1976 ; how- 
ever, no seeding was done. 55 Analyses of data from previous years con- 
tinued in 1976 and 1977. Field research in 1976 and succeeding analyses 
were intended to assist in an improved design for a randomized seeding 

Highlights of the results obtained by intensive analysis of the data 
obtained from NHRE through the 1975 summer field season have been 
summarized by Downie and Dirks as follows : 56 

1. The original techniques employed in NHRE were based on con- 
cepts developed in the Soviet Union, which hypothesized that rapid 
hail growth took place in local regions of liquid water accumulation 
zones. A variety of observations has led to the rejection of the Soviet 
model of hail formulation for northeast Colorado storms. 

2. Observations within the clouds and examination of thin sections 
of hailstones indicate that the iee-cryst a 1 -riming (graupel) process is 
dominant rather than the waterdrop-coalescence mode of precipitation 

D1 Ibid., pp. 3-4. 

G2 National Center for Atmospheric Research. "NHRE Symposium/Workshop on Hail and 
Its Suppression," Estes Park, Colo., Sept. 21-28, 1975. National Hail Research Experiment 
technical report NCAR/7100 75/2. Boulder, Colo., November 1975 130 pp. 

53 National Hail Research Experiment Staff, revised plan for the National Hail Research 
Experiment. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo., February 1976, p. 3. 

"Crow. B. L., P. W. Summers A. B, Long, C. A. Knight, G. B. Foote, and J. E Dye. final 
report — "National Hall Research Experiment : Randomized Seeding Experiment: 1972-74. 
Vol. I. I<]xperimental Results and Overall Summary. " National Center for Atmospheric Re- 
search. Boulder, Colo., December 1976. 260 pp. [Vols. II, III, IV, and V deal with precipita- 
tion measurements, meteorological summary, radar summary, and hail declaration proce- 
dures ;ind seeding operations, respectively.] 

"University Corp. for Atmospheric Recearch. "Fiscal Year 1978 Work Plan for Analysis 

of Data From the National Hail Research Experiment,** p. 3. 

^Downie and Dirks, "National Science Foundation Weather Modification Program," 
1976, pp. 557-558. 


3. Much effort was expended in the development of new instru- 
mentation during the NHRE experiment to provide direct measure- 
ments of the characteristics of hail-producing storms which were 
necessary to validate the concepts of hail suppression. 

4. Eesults from the randomized seeding experiment, which was car- 
ried out during the period 1972-74, do not permit one to conclude that 
seeding had any effect on hail or rainfall. However, the data are ex- 
tremely valuable for determining the required density and extent of 
surface instruments for a future seeding experiment, as well as esti- 
mating the length of time a future experiment would have to be carried 
out to detect a specified effect. 

5. Studies of direct economic costs and benefits have provided esti- 
mates of the breakeven point for operational cloud seeding and reiter- 
ated the value of hail suppression if reductions in damage of at least 10 
percent are attainable. 

Referring to the randomized seeding experiment, conducted from 
1072 through 1974, the following conclusion was made in the final 
report : At the outset, the total mass of hail at the ground in the target 
area was identified as the primary response variable for evaluating 
seeding effects on hailfall. The major conclusion of the experiment is 
that no statistically significant effect of seeding is detected. This result 
is true for the hail mass and all other response variables considered, 
regardless of the method of analyzing the data. 57 

In a recent paper by Knight, Foote, and Summers it was concluded 
that "at the present state of knowledge of hail formation in storms, it 
would appear to be premature to start another major statistical seeding 
experiment. There is no new, very promising technique in the offing, as 
the Soviet method appeared to be when NHRE started." 58 The authors 
further state that scientific research necessary for a solid foundation 
for new attempts to modify the precipitation from convective storms is 
underway and provide the following summary of positive results from 
N HRE : 

The National Hail Research Experiment included a first attempt at mounting 
a hail suppression test with a strict randomized design and evaluation based 
upon physical measurement of hail rather than crop damage. The results have 
l»een analyzed in detail, with extensive evaluation of data quality and of opera- 
tional success, facets not generally treated in such detail in previous programs. 
Tlie outcome was that the seeding may have had a variety of non-zero effects or 
no effects at all. The one conclusive result was to rule out very large increases or 
decreases of hail or rain by the seeding. The physical research portion of NHRE 
led to advances in knowledge of hail and of storms, and contributed substantially 
to the development of the research tools . . . needed to derive answers to the 
oul standing, practical problems. 50 

Figure 11 shows the components of the Portable Automated Mesonet 
(PAM) data network. There were 15 of the remote PAM stations in 
the. XHRE observing network during the 1976 field season. Each 
PAM station measures pressure, temperature, moisture, precipitation, 
and wind direction and speed. Data are telemetered to a central collec- 
tion point, in real time if needed, or they are stored at the PAM 
station and collected at the central collection point daily. 

fi ' Crow, et al.. "Final Report — National Hail Research Experiment : Randomized Seeding 
Experiment : 1972-74." vol. 1. 1976. p. iii. 

Knight. Charles A.. G Brant Foote, and Peter W. Summers, "Physical Research and 
General Conclusions from the National Hail Research Experiment." preprints from the 
"Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification." Champaign-Urbana, 
111.. Oct. 10-13, 1977. American Meteorological Society, Boston, Mass., p. 165. 

59 Ibid. 




Figure 11. — Components of the Portable Automated Mesonet (PAM) data col- 
lection system, used in the National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE). Each 
PAM station measures pressure, temperature, moisture, and wind speed and 
direction; data are then telemetered to a central collection point. (Courtesy 
of the National Science Foundation.) 

A typical remote field installation of the portable automated mesonet (PAM) 
system. (Courtesy of the National Science Foundation.) 


Weather modification technology development 

Research sponsored by the NSF under this category is intended 
to utilize predictive models, advanced measurement systems, and 
statistical analyses to improve the experimental design and evaluation 
of weather modification investigations. Part of the demand for some 
of the long, costly weather modification experiments is due to the 
large natural variability of atmospheric processes, which is a major 
obstacle to successful field tests of weather modification technology. 
It is expected that improvements achieved through the high priority 
research incorporating the combined use of the three research tools 
listed above will not only aid in the logistic design of experiments, 
but will also reduce the predicted natural variability of weather 
events, thus reducing the overall time required for conducting a de- 
finitive experiment. 60 

The NSF-supported Climax experiments (conducted by Colorado 
State University from 1960 to 1970) first demonstrated the efficacy 
of wintertime orographic precipitation enhancement. Results of these 
experiments have provided the basis for a number of subsequent dem- 
onstration experiments. 61 The following examples of weather modifi- 
cation technology development projects have received NSF research 
support in recent years : 62 

1. Evaluation of the Florida area cumulus experiment (FACE), 
where cloud motion has been found to be a significant covariate in the 
data evaluation. 

2. Development of new techniques for the evaluation of convective 
precipitation in the metropolitan meteorological experiment (Metro- 

3. Development and testing of statistical- physical methods for the 
evaluation of operational cloud-seeding programs. 

4. Research on various ice nucleants which might be used instead of 
silver iodide and on development of delivery systems for organic 

5. Assessment of Midwest cloud characteristics for weather modifi- 
cation, by compiling and analyzing sample statistics of variables im- 
portant in cloud development and precipitation processes as well as in 
their modification as a function of mesoscale and macroscale atmos- 
peric conditions. 

6. Exploration of the feasibility of artificially generating cirrus 
clouds as a weather modification tool and numerical modeling of ef- 
fects of cirrus clouds on the troposphere and mesoscale weather. 

7. Maintenance and operation of a testing and calibration facility for 
seeding materials, cloud-seeding generators, and ice nucleus measur- 
ing instrumentation, for use by research projects of Federal agencies 
and by the commercial cloud-seeding industry (at Colorado State 

Other specific research projects designed to improve the technology 
of weather modification are found in the list of recent RANN awards 
for weather modification research in table 14. In the past, the NSF 
program in weather modification has made significant contributions to 

80 Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences, ICAS 20-FY77, p. 96. 

81 The Climax experiments are discussed under orographic precipitation enhancement tech- 
nology, in ch. p. 77. 

62 Downie and Dirks, "National Science Foundation Weather Modification Program," 1976. 
p. 560 ; and Currie S. Downie, personal communication. 


the initial phases of major weather modification projects of other Fed- 
eral agencies, such as Project Stormfury (Department of Commerce) 
and Project Skyfire (Department of Agriculture) . 

Instrumented aircraft, operated by the Research Aviation Facility of the National 
Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), whose primary mission in the 1976 
summer field season of the National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE), was 
to assess the feasibility of on-top cloud seeding. (Courtesy of the National 
Science Foundation.) 

Inadvertent weather modification 

The objective of this portion of the NSF/RANN weather modifica- 
tion research program is "to delineate the mechanisms whereby, and 
the extent to which, an agricultural region modifies its own climate 
and an urban area modifies its surrounding weather, precipitation, and 
aerosol." 63 Most of the NSF research on inadvertent weather modifi- 
cation is concentrated in the metropolitan meteorological experiment 
(METROMEX) in the neighborhood of St. Louis. The research seeks 
to provide better definition of the causes for anomalies in precipitation 
and other atmospheric properties observed as a result of the urban in- 
fluence. In addition to METROMEX other inadvertent weather modi- 
fication research in which NSF has interest includes studies on the ef- 
fees of energy development, expanded agricultural production, and 
growing urban sprawl. 64 

One current NSF-sponsored project is being conducted by the Uni- 
versity of Washington on inadvertent effects induced by coal-fired 
electric powerplants. The objective of this research is to determine 

63 National Science Foundation, "Summary of Awards : 1976," Division of Advanced En- 
vironmental Research and Technology, Washington, D.C. (no publication date), NSF-RA- 
760219, p. 97. 

64 Federal Council on Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee on Atmos- 
pheric Sciences, ICAS 20-FY77, pp. 96-97. 


the effects on visibility, clouds, and precipitation of the effluents from 
modern coal powerplants. Such effects may be considerable since the 
plants emit much heat, moisture, particulates, and gaseous material 
into the atmosphere. Results from the project are expected to aid in 
evaluation of environmental effects of these generators and to assist in 
the siting of new powerplants. Principal users of the results include 
regional, State, and Federal agencies concerned with energy develop- 
ment, research, ecology, and land development, as well as engineering 
firms involved with air pollution impact studies and control systems. 65 

The subject of another inadvertent weather modification study is 
the influence on the climates of the Great Plains by widespread irriga- 
tion. The main objective of this research is to determine the effects on 
precipitation; also of concern are influences on other meteorological 
parameters. Results show the existence of rainfall anomalies over an 
area comparable in size to the irrigated area, and the effects are most 
detectable during wet summer months. 66 

METROMEX is a multi-institutional, multiyear research project 
sponsored by the NSF and several other Government agencies, at- 
tempting to discover causes for, and to assess consequences of, urban- 
ind'uced eather effects at St. Louis and vicinity. Primary goals of 
METROMEX are the systematic investigation of : 67 

The effects of a large urban complex on the frequency, amount, 
intensity, and duration of clouds, precipitation, and related severe 
weather; and 

The conditions whereby the urban complex modifies the precip- 
itation process. 

Application related goals of the experiment are investigation and 
activities : 68 

To study and develop techniques for translating the results of 
the scientific goals to other urban areas so as to predict the urban- 
related changes in other cities ; 

To translate relevant results to a wide variety of users in the 
scientific, government, and business communities ; 

To provide the basis for studies of the potential changes in cli- 
mate relating to megalopolis and to major land use changes. 
A wide variety of potential users of the information from METRO- 
MEX include urban and regional planners, meteorologists, hydrol- 
ogists, airport planners and operators, and air quality scientists. The 
study is relevant to impacts of increased use of coal, large concentra- 
tions of electrical energy generators in power parks, and long range 
consequences of air pollution on climate. 69 

METROMEX is the world's first major field program planned to 
link urban land use with modification of the surrounding weather. The 
selection of St. Louis as the site for the experiments was based on the 
relatively simple topography of the city and its surroundings, the 
existence of farmlands downwind to the east in the "shadow" of the 

85 National Science Foundation. Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Tech- 
nology, "Summary of Awards : 1976," p. 99. 

w Downie and Dirks, "National Science Foundation Weather Modification Program," 1976. 
p. 559 . 

m "Principal Investigators of Project Metromex. Metromex Update." Bulletin of the 
American Meteorological Society, vol. 57, No. 3, Mar. 1976, p. 304. 
" Ibid. 

» Downie and Dirks, "National Science Foundation Weather Modification Program," 1976. 
p. 559. 


city on which urban influences can be studied, the relatively unclut- 
tered airspace above the city which permitted research flights and 
atmospheric experiments, and the patterns of urbanization which are 
typical of other areas in midlatitude North America. 70 

Most of the METROMEX field activities were conducted during the 
summer months in a 2,000-square-mile area about 56 miles in diameter 
which includes St. Louis and the Alton-Wood River industrialized area 
to the northeast. A larger 3,800-square-mile area which includes St. 
Louis and extends downward contained the world's largest rain-gage 
network. 71 These two areas are shown in figure 12. 


Figure 12. — METROMEX field experiment area, centered in St. Louis, and ex- 
tended "downwind" area containing network of rain gages and other instru- 
mentation. (From Changnon ad Simonin. Studies of selected precipitation 
cases from METROMEX. Illinois State Water Survey, Urbana, 1975.) 

70 National Science Foundation, "Do Cities Change the Weather?" Mosaic, vol. 5, No. 3, 
summer 1974, p. 30. 
1 1bid. 

34-857 O - 79 - 21 


Within the research and data collection areas, measurements have 
been made of the speeds and direction of winds at different heights and 
locations, of temperatures, cloud dynamics, precipitation, the nature 
and intensity of pollutants, number and sizes of storms, and the quality 
and quantity of ground water under different weather conditions. 72 

Planning for METKOMEX was initiated in 1969-70 by scientists 
from the Illinois State Water Survey, the University of Chicago, the 
University of Wyoming, and Argonne National Laboratory. The ex- 
perimental field program was launched in 1971, supported in part by 
the Atomic Energy Commission, the Department of Health, Educa- 
tion, and Welfare, and the State of Illinois, as well as the National Sci- 
ence Foundation. Other research groups which later participated in the 
project include Stanford Research Institute, Battelle Pacific North- 
west Laboratories, the University of Missouri, Sierra Nevada Corp., 
and the University of California at San Diego. 73 Field measurements 
in METROMEX were essentially completed during 1976; although 
the final METROMEX project report is expected to be published in 
the near future, the analysis of the large amount of collected data 
should continue for some years. 

In a 1976 review of project accomplishments, the following findings 
from METROMEX were summarized : 74 

1. There is a summer precipitation anomaly at St. Louis, varying 
between a 10 and 30 percent excess above background, the location 
and intensity of which vary with the prevailing seasonal storm motions 
and general character of summer weather. 

2. Some individual rain intensity centers of showers or thunder- 
storms that develop or pass over St. Louis and over the Alton-Wood 
River industrial area appear to be enhanced significantly (94 and 73 
percent, respectively) . 

3. The major precipitation changes in and east of the urban indus- 
trial area seem to occur during squall line or squall zone conditions 
when nature is capable of producing moderate to heavy rains, result- 
ing in a 60 percent or greater increase in heavy rain (greater than or 
equal to 3 cm.) days, a 25 percent increase in thunderstorm activity, 
and an 80 percent increase in hailstorms and hail intensities in and 
just east of the city. Radar shows a region of maximum development 
of large thunderstorms extending to 100 kilometers northeast from 
the city. 

4. Like most large cities, St. Louis has a marked heat island and an 
identifiable minimum in specific humidity. These effects are most 
marked at the surface, but often show height-averaged temperature 
excesses of 1 degree K and moisture deficits of 1 gram of water vapor 
per kilogram of air, relative to nearby rural areas, extending through 
the mixing layer to cloud bases. 

5. The low-level air flow under light wind conditions is markedly 
perturbed by the city and often results in distinct convergence over 
and just downwind of the city center. 

6. The pattern of production of Aitken condensation nuclei (ACN) 
and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) has been developed for the 
area. Elemental emission rates have been measured. 

" Ibid. 

73 Principal investigators of Project Metromex. Metromex update, 1976, p. 304. 
71 Ibid., pp. 304-305. 


7. Convective storms in the St. Louis area are significant mechanisms 
for removal and deposition of urban pollutants. 

Mechanisms which, in varying degrees, may be responsible for ob- 
served downwind increases in summer precipitation, heavy rain occur- 
rences, and hail activity include the large quantities of particulate 
and gaseous matter injected by industries and motor vehicles into the 
atmosphere, the heat added and heat island effects of the urban area, 
the anomalous moisture patterns over the city, and the increased 
turbulence and wind perturbation caused by the roughness of the 
city's surface and the heat island. 75 It has further been observed that 
the 10 to 30 percent increase in summer rainfall over the 2,000-square- 
mile area east of St. Louis produces a 15-percent average increase in 
streamflow and increased infiltration of ground water. 76 

Societal utilization activities 

The purposes of this portion of the NSF/RANN" program, con- 
cerned with social, legal, environmental, and economic impacts of 
weather modification, are "to evaluate societal reaction to weather 
modification, to determine societal expectations, and to identify the 
needs for the scientific base necessary to bring about successful appli- 
cation of weather modification." This research "extends across the 
disciplines of political, social, legal, economic, ecological, and physi- 
cal sciences in an effort to investigate the impact of weather modifi- 
cation technology on man." 77 A number of studies have been sup- 
ported by the Foundation in this category, in which these aspects of 
weather modification are examined. 

A study group on the societal consequences of weather modification 
was formed in 1973 at the request of the Interdepartmental Commit- 
tee for Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS). This study, sponsored by the 
NSF, was designed to examine needs of the Nation for a weather modi- 
fication capability and to determine if the present Federal weather 
modification program is directed toward meeting those needs. Results 
of this investigation, now nearing completion, should be useful in 
identifying the alterations or redirections of the Federal program 
required to meet societal goals. 78 

Studies in social, legal, economic, and ecological aspects of weather 
modification that are currently underway or have recently been com- 
pleted include the following : 

1. Preparation of a compendium on economic impacts of weather 
variability, by the University of Missouri. This report was designed 
to present quantified relations between weather and certain basic 
human activities, such as agriculture and energy use. 79 

2. A comparative analysis of public response to weather modifica- 
tion, by Human Ecology Research Services, Inc. Building on results 
of 6 years of sociological study of public response to weather modifi- 
cation, this research will examine social response to weather modifica- 
tion in South Dakota and test preliminary hypotheses on acceptance 
and rejection processes. Validation of the preliminary hypotheses and 

75 Downie and Dirks, "National Science Foundation Weather Modification Program," 
1976. p 559. 
7 « Ibid. 

77 National Science Foundation. Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Tech- 
nology, "Summary of Awards : 1976," p. 101. 

78 Downie and Dirks, "National Science Foundation Weather Modification Program," 1976, 
p. 560. 

79 Ibid. 


response, patterns will provide the framework for development of a 
causal model of the acceptance/rejection process. 80 

3. Field experiment to test a hypothesis of the reality, characteris- 
tic, and magnitude of extended area effects from weather modification, 
by Colorado State University. With increasing evidence that planned 
weather modification projects may have effects that extend over broad 
geographic areas, this research is an investigation of "downwind'' 
effects of past experiments in the Rocky Mountains and the Great 
Plains of the United States and in Israel, extending an earlier 3-year 
study of such effects. Physical and statistical analyses are combined 
to determine such extended area effects and to develop hypotheses de- 
scribing processes which produce the effects. The project also includes 
design of a field experiment based on results of these post hoc analyses 
and on current results from modeling studies and physical experi- 
ments. This research is intended to provide a basis for evaluating 
extended-area effects on societal activities and should be valuable in 
formulation of policies on public issues in weather modification. 81 

4. Management of nucleating agents used in weather modification 
and development of microbial threshold toxicity criteria, by Colorado 
State University. The purpose of this research is to provide informa- 
tion on possible long-term effects of weather modification nucleating 
agents on microbial ecosystems, concentrating on soil and aquatic eco- 
systems, which are the most critical areas for accumulation of the 
agents. Results of this study will be used to prepare environmental 
impact statements for silver iodide seeding in various experimental 
and operational cloud seeding programs. 82 In the final phase of this 
study, a workshop on the environmental impacts of cloud seeding 
materials was conducted in Vail, Colo., in November 1976. The pro- 
ceedings of the workshop are expected to be published during 1978. 

5. Utilization of weather modification technology : A State govern- 
ment decisionmaking study, by Syracuse University. State govern- 
ments have taken the lead in developing regulatory policies affecting 
the present use of weather modification technology: however, such 
policies cover a wide spectrum, some being highly restrictive while 
others are more permissive. This study, focusing on decisionmaking 
processes in five States — South Dakota. Colorado, Illinois, Pennsyl- 
vania, and California — will develop case histories and analyses of 
policymaking, the availability of which should help Federal and State 
officials in making decisions on emerging weather modification 
technology. 83 

Agricultural iceather modification 

This relatively new portion of the NSF/RANN weather modifica- 
tion program is* evolving in response to a need "to develop a better 
understanding of weather variability and its significance to food pro- 
duction and to develop specific applications of weather modification 
technology as it relates to agricultural needs. 84 For such applications, 
weather modification is considered in a broad context, including all 
identifiable modifications of the atmospheric environment. 

» National Science Foundation. Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Tech- 
nologv, "Summary of Awards : 1976," p. 101. 
81 Ibid., p. 102. 

w National Science Foundation. Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Tech- 
nology. "Summary of Awards: Transition Quarter 1976." NSF 77-8. Washington, D.C. 
(no publication date) , j). 48. _ . , _ . . ,-__«, 

«• National Science Foundation. Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Tech- 
nology, "Summary of Awards : 1976," p. 105. 


A major study, which included an assessment of the potential of 
weather modification in support of agriculture, was recently com- 
pleted by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) /National Re- 
search Council. The investigation dealt with changing weather and 
climate patterns and their effects on agricultural and renewable re- 
sources productivity. 85 These implications were examined by the com- 
mittee in climate and weather fluctuations and agricultural produc- 
tion, which was established by the NAS in June of 1975 at the request 
and with the support of the National Science Foundation. Among 
other considerations, a chapter of the committee's report was devoted 
to weather modification, covering such topics as the feasibility of 
weather modification, crop-weather relationship and weather modifi- 
cation, impact variability, and societal and environmental issues. The 
committee made the following recommendations : 86 

Intensive efforts should be made to apply existing basic knowl- 
edge of atmospheric and cloud processes in specific applied re- 
search programs to benefit agriculture. Methods of applying the 
benefits of demonstrated or nearly demonstrated weather modi- 
fication techniques to specific crop needs, incorporating water 
storage, and other water management procedures, should be devel- 
oped. Proper recognition of societal concerns must be included. 

Gaps in basic knowledge of agriculturally oriented weather 
modification should be identified, and research initiated to fill 
them. Results of this research should be applied on an interactive 
basis with ongoing research and application projects. Important 
segments of the basic research should address the exploration of 
new ideas and approaches. 

Government organizational structures and policies should in- 
sure an integrated approach to weather modification research so 
that related problems such as rain and hail from convective sys- 
tems can be treated in the same experimental framework. Research 
programs should be interdisciplinary, should draw on the expertise 
available from Government agencies and from the academic and 
private sectors, and should incorporate a productive mix of big 
science — permitting large, pooled facilities — and small science — 
encouraging small group initiatives. The growing collaboration 
between scientifically and operationally oriented weather modi- 
fication experts should be focused on key crops and agricultural 

Two other recent NSF-sponsored research projects on weather modi- 
fication in support of agriculture are: 

1. An assessment of the present and potential role of weather modi- 
fication in agricultural production, conducted by Colorado State Uni- 
versity. This research was intended to identify potential capabilities of 
weather modification in terms of agricultural productivity and to 
focus priorites for weather modification research in terms of maximum 
benefits to agriculture. The research plan included a workshop of ex- 
perts in agriculture and weather modification in order to develop an 
authoritative document on the role of weather modification in increas- 
ing world agricultural production. 87 

83 National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, "Climate and Food ; Climate 
Fluctuation and U.S. Agricultural Production." a report of the Committee on Climate and 
Weather Fluctuations and Agricultural Production, ISBN 0-309-02522-2, Washington, 
D.C., 1976. 212 pp. 

86 Ibid., p. 131. 

87 National Science Foundation. Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Tech- 
nology, "Summary of Awards : 1976," p. 105. 


2. Assessment of weather modification in alleviating agricultural 
water shortages during drought, conducted by the Illinois State water 
survey. The purpose of this study was to provide information needed 
in decisionmaking processes regarding use of weather modification for 
mitigation of agricultural droughts in the Midwest and other similar 
areas. This research was intended to contribute to man's knowledge of 
the limitaitons of weather modification to planned precipitation aug- 
mentation for agricultural applications and to assist in determining the 
scope and duration of future weather modification research in similar 
climatic regions of the world. 88 


Introduction and general discussion 

Within the Department of Commerce the research program in 
weather modification is conducted by the Environmental Research 
Laboratories of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
(NOAA). Through NOAA's predecessor organizations, the U.S. 
Weather Bureau and the Environmental Science Services Administra- 
tion (ESSA), the Commerce Department has been active in weather 
modification since 1946, with research programs directed at modifying 
severe storms such as hurricanes, increasing rainfall from tropical 
cloud systems, and suppressing lightning in thunderstorms. The two 
major ongoing research projects are the Florida Area Cumulus Ex- 
periment (FACE) , a project to demonstrate the possibility of increas- 
ing precipitation from convective cloud systems through dynamic seed- 
ing, and Project Stormfury, intended to mitigate the severe impacts of 

The NOAA Research Facilities Center (RFC) , is an operational and 
technical organization, with the mission of providing instrumented air- 
craft for research programs of NOAA and other Government agencies, 
including weather modification projects. Part of NOAA's overall 
weather modification effort is its program of Global Monitoring for 
Climatic Change (GMCC), under which measurements are made of 
natural and manmade atmospheric trace constituents in order to deter- 
mine their increases or decreases and possible influences on climatic 
change. Other research in recent years has been concerned with modi- 
fication of extratropical severe storms and in suppression of lightning, 
the latter in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- 
ministration (NASA) in connection with protection of launch vehicles. 

In addition to these activities intended to explore weather modifica- 
tion and develop techniques for controlling the weather, NOAA also 
conducts background research in a variety of areas of atmospheric sci- 
ence that is essential to the future of weather modification development. 
Included are modeling and theoretical work on the structure, dynamics, 
and energy processes of severe storms such as hurricanes, tornadoes, 
and thunderstorms. Also pertinent is the development of instrumenta- 
tion for direct measurement of atmospheric properties and for remote 
probing of the atmosphere. 89 

A summary of the funding for the NOAA weather modification 
program for fiscal year 1976 through fiscal year 1978 (estimated) is 
contained in table 15. 

88 Ibid., pp. 105-106. 

w Townsend, John W., testimony In : U.S. Congress. House of Representatives, Committee 
on Science and Technology. Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere, "Weath- 
er Modification," hearings. 94th Congress, 2d session, June 15-18, 1977, Washington, D.C, 
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976, p. 171. 



[In thousands of dollars] 

Fiscal year— 









Modification of convective clouds 

Research facilities center (prorated) 



1, 176 

1, 000 




2, 668 


Global monitoring for climatic change: 

Air quality analysis 



1, 563 

2, 138 





2, 298 

6, 334 

1, 146 

4, 577 


> From Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology. Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences. National Atmospheric Sciences Program: Fiscal Year 1978. ICAS 21-FY 78. August 1977, p. 89. 

NOAA 1 X-band Doppler radar operated by the Wave Propagation Laboratory 
of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (Courtesy of the 
U.S. Department of Commerce.) 

The Florida Area Cumulus Experiment {FACE) 

The FACE program is conducted by the cumulus group of NO AA's 
National Hurricane and Experimental Meteorology Laboratory 


(NHEML) and is an outgrowth of a series of experiments in which 
individual clouds were seeded in Florida. These experiments demon- 
strated that dynamic seeding 90 is effective in increasing the sizes and 
lifetimes of individual cumulus clouds and the rainfall resulting from 
them. FACE is designed to determine whether dynamic seeding can 
be used to augment convective precipitation over a large area in south 
Florida by promoting the development of larger, better organized 
convective systems. Cloud merger, the joining of two formerly inde- 
pendent cloud entities, appears to be the important natural process 
leading to heavy and extensive rainfall in Florida. 91 

The design of FACE was intended to investigate two sequential 
questions. The first question was whether dynamic seeding can be used 
systematically to induce cloud merger and increase rainfall from the 
groups of subject clouds, and the second was to determine whether 
dynamic seeding can be used to produce a net increase in rainfall 
over a fixed target area. An affirmative answer to the first question, 
while necessary, may not be a sufficient condition to verify the second. 92 
FACE has been an exploratory experiment intended to answer these 
questions; hence, its design has been evolutionary. It cannot, there- 
fore, be regarded as a conclusive experiment, in spite of strong indica- 
tions of a positive seeding effect, it must be replicated with 
a predetermined design to confirm results achieved to date. It is 
planned that such a confirmatory FACE effort will begin in Florida 
during the summer of 1978. 93 

The experimental design for FACE is a random design, where the 
days over a single target are randomized into seeded and nonseeded 
days, with nonseeded days as the control. Experiments began on a 
limited basis in 1970 and were continued in 1971, 1973, 1975, and 1976. 
Design features included : 94 

1. A fixed target area with the experiments randomized by day. 

2. Surveillance of the clouds in the target by 10-centimeter radars, 
with radar estimation of the rainfall (rain estimates were adjusted 
using rain gages) . 

3. Determination of suitable experimentation days on the basis of 
a daily suitability criterion, based on predicted cloud heights for 
seeded and nonseeded conditions, using a one-dimensional cloud model. 
A factor was also introduced to bias the decision for suitability against 
natural rainy days. 

4. Flights by seeder aircraft on days that satisfy the suitability 
criterion. The decision to seed was randomly determined in the air, 
with only the randomizer knowing the decision. Suitable convective 
clouds were seeded near their tops. 

5. Final acceptance of a day for inclusion in the analysis only if 60 
flares were ejected or six clouds were seeded, or both. 

90 For a discussion of dynamic seeding of cumulus clouds see ch. 3, p. 68. 

91 Woodley, William L., Joanne Simpson, Ronald Biondini, and Joyce Berkeley, "Rainfall 
Results, 1970-75 : Florida Area Cumulus Experiment," Science, vol. 195, No. 4280, Feb. 25, 
1977. p. 735. 

92 Ibid. 

93 Woodlev, William L., J. A. Jordan, Joanne Simpson, Ronald Biondini, and Jobn A. 
Flueck. "XOAA's Florida Area Cumulus Experiment. Rainfall Results; 1970-76" (Sub- 
mitted for publication to the Journal of Applied Meteorology.) 1978. 

9 * Woodlev. Simpson. Biondini, and Berkeley, "Rainfall Results, 1970-75 : Florida Area 
Cumulus Experiment," 1977, pp. 735-736. 


In the analysis of the FACE experimental days, floating target 
and total target calculations were made for the 6 hours following 
the initial seeding. The floating target is composed of the radar echoes 
of all experimental clouds and those with which they merge. The 
total target is made up of the floating target echoes plus the echoes of 
nonexperimental clouds. 95 

Figure 13 is a map of the field design for FACE, showing the 

Figure 13.— Field design for the Florida Area Cumulus Experiment (FACE). 
The largest quadrilateral is total target area, within which are areas covered 
by the dual Doppler radars, the mesonet intensive network and the clusters of 
rainguages. (From Woodley and Sax, NOAA Technical Report ERL 354-WMPO 
6, January 1976.) 

85 Woodley, William L. and Robert I. Sax, "The Florida Area Cumulus Experiment : Ra- 
P e ?J g «?' Procedures, Results, and Future Course," NOAA technical report ERL 354- 
WMPO 6. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- 
tion, Environmental Research Laboratories, Boulder, Colo., January 1976 p xiv 


13,000 km 2 target area and several smaller areas of radar and 
rain gage coverage, as configured in the period 1972-73. Although 
the basic target area remained the same, the networks of intensive 
coverage by radar and rain gages were modified somewhat in later 

Data from 75 experimental days have been accrued in FACE since 
1970 ; these have represented 39 seed days and 36 control days. Analyses 
have shown that dynamic seeding under appropriate atmospheric con- 
ditions is effective in increasing the growth and rain production of in- 
dividual cumulus clouds, in inducing cloud merger, and in producing 
increases in rainfall from groups of convective clouds as they pass 
through the target area. When rainfall over the total target area (i.e., 
that from the floating target plus that from nonexperimental clouds 
within the target area) is averaged, a net increase also seems to result 
from seeding. 96 

The following specific results of the experiment from analyses to 
dato have been summarized by Woodley, et al. : 97 

The many overall and specialized analyses presented in this paper lead to the 
strong indication that dynamic seeding increased areal rainfall in FACE, by 
altering convective processes on the mesoscale and promoting cloud merger. 
Rainfall in the floating and total targets was greater in the mean (about 50 per- 
cent in the floating target and 25 percent in the total target), and the standard 
deviation (50 percent in the floating target and 40 percent in the total target) on 
seed days than on control days. 

The authors continue, discussing the physical basis for confidence : 98 

Although FACE has been an exploratory effort with an evolving design, one 
can have considerable confidence in the interpretation of the outcome. Increases 
of seeding effect based on rain gage measurements agree with those based on 
gage-adjusted radar. The microphysical measurements within seeded clouds 
provide clear evidence for anomalous glaciation relative to their unseeded counter- 
parts. * * * The time-dependence of the seeding effect and its dependence upon the 
number of flares expended are consistent with an effect of seeding. 

In fiscal year 1977, FACE activities have included a thorough anal- 
ysis of available experimental data and additional research in order to 
establish the physical basis for FACE rainfall results. During fiscal 
year 1978 there will be further analysis of data and results obtained 
from field programs in order to solidify, both physically and statisti- 
cally, the encouraging preliminary results, showing a rainfall increase 
over the entire 13,000 km 2 experimental area on seed days versus non- 
seed days. 99 

The implications of this work to the needs of hydrology and agricul- 
ture demand that it be continued and expanded. A confirmatory dy- 
namic seeding effort will be conducted in an area where there is both 
need and a favorable meteorological and societal climate for such a 
program. 1 Preliminary studies are underway to identify possible addi- 

86 Woodlev, William L., Joanne Simpson, Ronald Biondini. and Jill Jordan. "NOAA's 
Florida Area Cumulus Experiment ; Rainfall Results. 1970-76." in preprints from Sixth 
Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification. Champaign-Urbana, 111., 
Oct. 10-13. 1977. American Meteorological Society. Boston. 1977, p. 209. 

87 Woodlev. Jordan. Simpson. Biondini. and Flueck, "NOAA's Florida Area Cumulus Ex- 
periment ; Rainfall Results : 1970-1976." 1978. 

M Ibid., p. 58. 

98 Federal Coordinating Council for Science. Engineering, and Technology. Interdepart- 
mental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences. "National Atmospheric Sciences Frogram : 
Fiscal Year 1978," ICAS 21-FY 78, September 1977, p. 88. 

1 Woodlev. Simpson, Biondini. and Jordan, "NOAA's Florida Area Cumulus Experiment; 
Rainfall Results, 1970-76," 1977, p. 209. 


tional sites for field experiments during fiscal year 1979. The long- 
range objective of the program is to make the technology developed in 
Florida available to otlier areas in the United States which are charac- 
terized by periods when most of the rainfall is provided by convective 

Preliminary plans have been developed to conduct a summer cumu- 
lus experiment, along the lines of FACE, in the cornbelt of the Mid- 
west, in an attempt to determine the transferability of the FACE 
results. A very suitable region for such a field experiment appears to 
be in central Illinois, and plans for the proposed Precipitation Aug- 
mentation for Crops Experiment (PACE) have been concentrated on 
this area, whose location is shown in figure 14. 2 Initial plans for the 

Figure 14. — Map showing the location of the target area for the proposed precipi- 
tation Augmentation for Crops Experiment (PACE) (from Ackerman and Sax, 

Note. — Shown for each State is its 1975 value of farm products in billions of dollars, and 
its resulting national rank. 

2 Ackerman, Bernice. and Robert I. Sax. precipitation augmentation for crops experi- 
ment (PACE), presentation to the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification 
Advisory Board, Champaign, 111.. Oct. 13, 1977. 


meteorological program are being developed by the Illinois State 
Water Survey and NOAA's NHEML, and interest in the program has 
been indicated by scientists from four midwestern universities, the 
University of Virginia, and the NHEML. A four-stage experiment is 
now contemplated, which could extend over a 9- to 13-year span, with 
costs ranging from $8.5 to $10.5 million. 3 

Project Stormfury 

NOAA's largest effort in weather modification has been Project 
Stormfury, conducted by the National Hurricane and Experimental 
Meteorology Laboratory (NHEML) and aimed at developing methods 
for moderating the most destructive peak winds in hurricanes. The 
project is designed to investigate the structure and dynamics of tropi- 
cal cyclones and their potential for modification. The range of activi- 
ties under Stormfury includes development of mathematical models ; 
theoretical and diagnostic investigations and calculations; field re- 
search on hurricane structure, variability, and dynamics ; and actual 
hurricane modification experiments. 4 

The earliest known hurricane modification attempt occurred Octo- 
ber 13, 1947, when General Electric Co. scientists and technicians, 
under Government contract, dropped dry ice into the thin, stratified 
clouds outside the walls of a hurricane east of Jacksonville, Fla. 
Equipment suitable for monitoring the structure, intensity, and move- 
ment of the storm during this operation was not available ; however, 
some localized changes in the thin-layered cloud were noted by visual 
observation. Subsequent studies indicate that this operation could have 
had little effect on the storm. The experiments from which the present 
project evolved began in 1961, though Project Stormfury was formally 
established in 1962 as a combined program of the Department of Com- 
merce (Weather Bureau) and the Department of Defense (Navy). 
Over the years the National Science Foundation has provided support 
to various parts of the program, and the U.S. Air Force became an 
active participant in the late 1960 , s. Since the Defense Department's 
decision to discontinue joint sponsorship in 1973, the program has been 
conducted primarily by the Commerce Department. 5 Aircraft from the 
Air Force and from the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- 
tion (NASA) are available for future experiments and storm moni- 

The concept behind Stormfury seeding is that dynamic seeding of 
cumulus cloud towers just outside of the eyewall of the hurricane 
causes these clouds to develop vertically until they replace the original 
eyewall. The effect is to increase the diameter of the eye, reducing the 
maximum winds in the new eyewall. 

Under this program, four storms have actually been seeded between 
1961 and 1971; the tracks of these storms are shown in figure 15. In 
the first storm, Hurricane Esther, clouds near the eyewall were seeded 
with relatively small amounts of silver iodide on September 16 and 
17, 1961. After the experiment of September 16 there was an apparent 
10-percent recorded reduction in maximum wind speed, but little 
change was observed on Septemlxu- 17, owing perhaps to seeding in a 

3 Ibid. 

4 Sheets, Robert C, "Project Stormfury : Questions and Answers." U.S. Department of 
Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Research 
Laboratories, National Hurricane and Experimental Meteorology Laboratory, Coral Gables, 
Fla.. 1077, p. 1. 

° Ibid. 


cloud-free zone. Similar single-seeding experiments were conducted 
on August 23 and 24, 1963, in Hurricane Beulah, with similar results; 
that is, an apparent 10- to 14-percent reduction in wind speed on 
AujTust 24, but little change on August 23. Errors in delivery of the 
seeding agent were subsequently attributed to the poor radar systems 
used at the time. 6 

Figure 15. — Tracks of all hurricanes which have been seeded from 1961 to 1971. 
Times and locations of seedings are indicated. (From Sheets, 1977.) 

The greatest apparent success was achieved in experiments on Hur- 
ricane Debbie on August 18 and 20, 1969, when maximum wind speed 
reductions of 30 and 15 percent, respectively, were observed. The reduc- 
tion on August 18 followed five seeding events at 2-hour intervals 
over an 8-hour period. Debbie was not seeded on August 19 and 
regained strength ; and the observed reduction on August 20 followed 
the same seeding procedure used on August 18. Although the results 
were exciting, an evaluation problem is that the observed changes fol- 
lowing seeding are within the natural hurricane variability. Such 
-ccurrences are statistically unlikely, however, since a 15-percent reduc- 
;ion would occur less than 10 percent of the time naturally, and a 
30-percent reduction is less than 5 percent likely to occur. 7 

The last storm to have been seeded under Stormfury was in 1971 on 
Hurricane Ginger, a storm which did not have suitable structure for 
eye modification experiments. Clouds were seeded well away from the 
storm center, and only local effects were detected. Consequently, the 
experiment on Ginger ought not to be included with the Esther, Beu- 

6 Ibid., pp. 1-2. 

7 Ibid., p. 2. 


lah, and Debbie cases. 8 Results of all known hurricane seeding experi- 
ments are summarized in table 16. The 1947 storm and Hurricane 
Ginger in 1971, results from which are much less definitive than those 
of the other cases, are discussed in footnotes to the table. 

To minimize the possibility that a populated region might experi- 
ence adverse effects from a hurricane seeding experiment, many safe- 
guards have been built into Stormfury. Although all results to date 
have been either positive or neutral, strict guidelines are maintained 
in selection of storms to be seeded. 9 To be eligible for seeding, a hurri- 
cane must be predicted to be within 700 nautical miles (1,100 kilome- 
ters) of the operating base — Miami or San Juan — for at least 12 hours 
and have maximum winds of at least 65 knots. There will be no seed- 
ing if the predicted track of the hurricane has more than a 10-percent 
chance of approaching within 50 miles of a populated land area with- 
in 24 hours after the seeding. 10 Consequently, few opportunities have 


Silver iodide maximum 
Number of used 3 wind speed 

Nane and date seedings (number, kilogram) change (percent) 

Huiricane Esther: 

Sept. 16, 1961 1 8/35.13 -10 

Sept. 17, 1961 1 8/35.13 <0 

Hurricane Beulah: 

Aug. 23, 1963 1 55/219.96 <0 

Aug. 24, 1963 1 67/235.03 -14 

Hurricane Debbie: 

Aug. 18, 1969 5 976/185.44 -30 

Aug. 20, 1969 5 978/185.82 -15 

1 In addition, a hurricane was seeded Oct. 13, 1947, and Hurricane Ginger was seeded Sept. 26 and 28, 1971. The clouds 
seeded in these storms were far different and the seedings were done in a different fashion than for the storms listed above. 
- From sheets. Project Stormfury : (Questions and Answers. 1977.) 

3 Values in column are for totil number of units and total kilograms of silver iodide used each day (based on records 
kept by Sheldon D. Elliot, Ji.). Test results indicate the smaller seeding pyrotechnic units make more efficient use of the 
silver iodide. 

4 Pyrotechnics dropped outside seedable clouds. 

been afforded by nature for these experiments. Furthermore, analyses 
of past cases, particularly the Debbie experiments, have shown the 
need for more sophisticated aircraft and instrumentation, so that- 
actual field experiments were discontinued in 1972, while state-of-the- 
art aircraft and instrumentation were procured. 

Several alternatives have been considered for increasing the number 
of suitable experimental situations over a given time period. One ap- 
proach would be to move the project to an area where nature provides 
more opportunities statistically, such as the western Pacific Ocean. Or, 
operations could be combined for a number of areas, such as the North 
Atlantic and the eastern North Pacific or the North Atlantic and Aus- 
tralian storm areas. Another possibility is to relax selection criteria, 
but this does not seem to be a desirable choice for the near future. 11 

« Ibid., p. 3. 
8 Ibid., p. 4. 

10 U S Department of Commerce News. "Stormfury — 1977 to Seed One Atlantic Hurri- 
cane." news release, NOAA 77-248. Kockville, Md., Sept. 20, 1977, p. 1. 

11 Sheets, "Project Stormfury : Questions and Answers," 1977, p. 5. 


Tentative plans were formulated to conduct seeding experiments on 
typhoons of the western Pacific in view of the greater frequency of 
suitable storms in that region. These plans were canceled, however, 
when protests were received from the Governments of Japan and main- 
land China, although the Philippines had been favorable to such ex- 
periments. Meteorological satellite observations have shown that hur- 
ricanes and tropical storms in the eastern North Pacific (to the west of 
Central America) occur more frequently than thought previously, the 
number in that region exceeding those in the western North Atlantic in 
recent years. Hence, a significant increase in opportunities for hur- 
ricane research can be achieved by including eastern Pacific storms. 12 
This would require a formal agreement with Mexico, with whose of- 
ficials bilateral consultations have begun, and with other countries that 
may be directly affected by the hurricanes which are eligible for seed- 
ing. 13 

In the interim since 1972, new instrumentation has been developed, 
especially in the field of cloud physics, and NOAA's instrumented air- 
craft has been updated and augmented in preparation for research ex- 
periments in 1977 if suitable storms become available. During the 1976 
hurricane season, XHEML personnel utilized two new aircraft for the 
first time in research hurricane reconnaissance. The complement of five 
aircraft now available for Stormfury include three from the NOAA 
Research Facilities Center and one each from the Air Force and 

Since 1972 Stormfury research has concentrated on special observa- 
tional programs to provide data on hurricane structure and microphys- 
ical processes and on analytical and theoretical studies to improve 
their description and understanding. There has been a major emphasis 
on development of mathematical models to simulate the development, 
structure, and behavior of hurricanes in the natural state and when 
seeded. A more explicit seeding hypothesis has been denned from the 
results of this research, which will also benefit evaluation of future 
seeding experiments. 14 

Plans were formulated for one hurricane seeding experiment in the 
Atlantic in 1977, if conditions were suitable, as a rehearsal for full- 
scale resumption of multiple experiments during 1978, using the five 
newly instrumented aircraft. For hurricanes not suitable or eligible for 
such experiments, emphasis will be on acquisition of further informa- 
tion on the structure and natural variability of hurricanes on the 24- 
to 36-hour timescale characteristic of the seeding experiments. 15 

The purpose of Stormfury is the establishment of a modification 
hypothesis at a confidence level high enough that the techniques can 
be taken from the experimental stage and used operationally. 16 It is 

12 Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric S-ienre*. •'National Atmospheric Sciences Program : Fiscal Year 1977." ICAS 20- 
FY77, May 1976, p. 89. 

13 Epstein. Edward S.. in testimony before the Subcommittee on the Environment and the 
Atmosphere, House Committee on Science and Technology. U.S. House of Representatives, 
on NOAA's atmospheric and oceanic environmental research and development, Mav 18. 1977. 

" Ibid. 

13 Federal Coordinating Council for Science. Engineering, and Technology, Interdepart- 
mental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences. ICAS 21-FY78. 1977, p. 88. 
16 Sheets, "Project Stormfury : Questions and Answers." 1977. p. 10. 


felt that 10 to 12 seeding experiments are required to verify the 
Stormfury hypothesis, taking at least two or three full hurricane sea- 
sons to realize sufficient seeding opportunities. 17 

Research Facilities Center {RFC) 

The NOAA Research Facilities Center, formerly the Research 
Flight Facility, is an operational and technical support organization 
whose mission is to provide instrumented aircraft to meet the cloud- 
seeding and airborne measurements needs of NOAA and other gov- 
ernmentally sponsored research programs. 18 

A program of modernization for this facility was begun in fiscal 
year 1973 and completed in fiscal year 1977. In fiscal year 1973 three of 
the then existing NOAA aircraft (an RB-57 and two DC-6's) were 
deactivated, but the C-130 was retained. Two new P-3 aircraft were 
acquired in the following years and, with the C-130, were instru- 
mented with the most modern and sophisticated meteorological and 
oceanographic research measurement systems available. 19 Instrumen- 
tation includes inertial/omega/doppler navigation systems, data re- 
cording/processing/display systems, dropwindsonde systems, cloud 
physics measurement devices, radar systems, cloud-seeding equipment, 
gust probes, and photographic systems. 20 

Global Monitoring for Climatic Change (GMCC) 

This program, considered as part of NOAA's total weather modifi- 
cation research effort, is designed to provide quantitative data needed 
to understand and predict climatic changes. Data are derived from 
measurements of existing amounts of natural and manmade trace con- 
stituents in the atmosphere, from which are determined the rates of 
increase or decrease in these trace amounts and their possible effects 
on climate change. 21 

Measurements are made at a network of baseline observations at 
four stations — Point Barrow, Alaska ; Mauna Loa, Hawaii ; American 
Samoa; and South Pole, Antarctica. Measurements at these baseline 
observatories include determination of concentrations of carbon diox- 
ide, carbon monoxide, and surface and total ozone; of solar-terrestrial 
radiation ; of atmospheric aerosols ; of precipitation chemistry ; and of 
standard meteorological variables — wind, temperature, humidity, pre- 
cipitation, and pressure. The program also includes the development 
of new and improved measurement systems for atmospheric trace con- 
stituents for observatory use, data reduction and quality control of 
observations, and analysis of the data in terms of climatic variations. 22 

17 Epstein, testimony before the Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere, 
House Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, May 18. 

18 Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology, Interdepart- 
mental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences, ICAS 21-FY78, 1977, p. 8S. 

19 Ibid. 

20 Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
phere Sciences, ICAS 20-FY77. 1976. pn. 89-90. 

21 Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology, Interdepart- 
mental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences, ICAS 21-FY78, 1977, pp. 88-89. 

12 Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences. "National Atmospheric Sciences Program : Fiscal Year 197o," ICAS 18- 
FY75, May 1974, p. 79. 


In the past there have been cooperative projects with the University of 
Rhode Island and for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and 
the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration. 

The program also includes a seven station network in the continuous 
United States for measuring total atmospheric ozone. An eighth sta- 
tion is planned for installation in California during fiscal year 1978. 
The world standard ozone spectrophotometer is maintained by the 
GMCC program, and during fiscal year 1977 an intercomparison of 
seven secondary standards of various countries with the NOAA stand- 
ard was conducted at Boulder, Colo. 23 

During fiscal year 1978 the GMCC program plans are as follows : 24 

A careful analysis of a number of atmospheric parameters important in 
climatic assessment will be continued and expanded. Global surface and tropo- 
spheric temperature records will be updated and interpreted in terms of possi- 
ble causes for the observed variability. Total ozone, and the vertical distribution 
of ozone, and stratospheric water vapor measurements will be analyzed to detect 
trends and further understand the causes for their fluctuations. The dura- 
tion of sunshine, probably reflecting cloudiness over the United States will be 
studied with updated information. The size of the 300-millibar (ten-kilometer 
altitude) circumpolar vortex will be followed ; this quantity shows some promise 
of being a monthly or seasonal climatic predictive tool. Fluorocarbon-11 and 
-12 measurements at Adrigole, Ireland, will be analyzed in the light of the source 
of the air mass reaching that location. Finally, work will continue on the use 
of tetroons to delineate boundary layer air trajectories in urban areas and else- 
where. This research is of use in certain air pollution problems. 

L ig lit hi g suppression 

In recent years NOAA has conducted a small experimental effort 
in lightning suppression, using fine metalized nylon fibers — or chaff — 
as a seeding agent. Based on a theoretical model, a field program was 
initiated in 1972 to test the chaff seeding concept and to determine the 
effect of such seeding on the electric fields of thunderstorms. Storms 
are seeded from below, and, based on data from 10 seeded storms and 
18 unseeded control storms, the number of lightning occurrences was 
about 25 percent of those observed in the control storms. The experi- 
ments were not strictly randomized; however, the observed differ- 
ences between seeded and control storms was statistically significant. 25 
' During the 1975 Apollo-Soyuz launch, aircraft were on standby 
for possible lightning-suppression flights at Cape Canaveral. Re- 
search on thunderstorm electrofication at the Kennedy Space Center is 
a cooperative program with NOAA, NASA, the Department of De- 
fense, and several universities. 26 

M odification of extratropical severe storms 

Research has been conducted by NOAA on the possibilities of mod- 
erating and modifying mesoscale cloud systems associated with severe 
storms, including thunderstorms, tornadoes, and cyclonic storm sys- 

23 Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology, Interdepart- 
mental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences, ICAS 21-FY78, 1977, p. 89. 
2 * Ibid. 

25 Townsend, John W., Jr., in U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Sci- 
ence and Technology, Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere, "Weather 
Modification." hearings, 94th Cong., 2d sess., June 15-18, 1976. Washington, D.C., U.S. 
Government Printing Office, 1976, p. 171. 
16 Ibid., p. 172. 

34-857 O - 79 - 22 


terns. Critical to this research are studies in atmospheric physics and 
atmospheric chemistry that are aimed at understanding the role of 
particular materials as condensation and ice-freezing nuclei and in 
influencing the dynamics and structures of clouds. 27 Research objec- 
tives of this program of NOAA's Atmospheric Physics and Chemis- 
try Laboratory ( APCL) include : 28 

1. Expanding current knowledge and documenting descriptions 
of the behavior of extratropical weather systems ; 

2. Improving the accuracy and detail in short-range predic- 
tions — 24 hours or less — of both natural and modified severe 
weather systems through development, verification, and refine- 
ment of numerical mesoscale models ; 

3. Identifying and testing, through numerical experiments 
using the recently mesoscale model, modification hypotlieses, and 
procedures that appear to inhibit or suppress severe attending 
extratropical weather systems ; 

4. Establishing data requirements for field programs including 
observations needed for developing an understanding and a pre- 
diction capability through numerical modelling ; and 

5. Designing field modification experiments to test the most 
promising hypotheses. 

Research at APCL includes efforts to measure and define relation- 
ships between numbers and chemical composition of natural and man- 
made nuclei and aerosols and to determine their impact on cloud and 
precipitation mechanisms. Nuclei inventories are made prior to, dur- 
ing, and after cloud-seeding experiments to permit evaluation of the 
efficiency of artificial nuclei generating techniques, their efficiency in 
cloud glaciation, and atmospheric residence times. Research is also 
directed toward optimization of cloud-seeding techniques and existing 
analysis methods. 29 



The weather modification research, development, and operations 
carried on by the Department, of Defense are intended primarily to 
protect men and materials from environmental hazards and to be 
aware of current and developing weather modification technologies 
in order to avoid technological surprise by potential adversaries. 30 31 
Recent and planned expenditures by Defense for both operational and 
research efforts in weather modification for fiscal year 1977 through 
fiscal year 1979 are shown in table 17. 

Air Force fog dispersal operations 

The U.S. Air Force conducts the only operational weather modifi- 
cation activities in the Department of Defense and the only regular 

27 Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
phric Seines. ICAS 18-FY75. 1974. pp. 77-78. 

- Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences, ICAS 20-FY77, 1976. p. 89. 

: » Ibid. 

80 Ruggles, Kenneth \V., briefing on Department of Defense weather modification programs 
for the Weather Modification Advisory Board. Washington. D.C.. May 31. 1977, p. 1. 

yl See app. B for a statement of the current official position of the Department of Defense 
on weather modification. 


identifiable federally sponsored operational program. This Air Force 
program provides a capability to dissipate cold fogs at two Air Force 
bases — Fairchild AFB, Washington, and Elmendorf AFB, Alaska — 
permitting use of these airfields and improvement of flight safety dur- 
ing cold fog conditions. At these installations a ground-based disper- 
sion system is used for spraying liquid propane into the atmosphere 
upwind of the target area to be cleared. Vaporization of the propane 
induces local cooling, with attendant formation and growth of ice 
crystals at the expense of water droplets, dissipating the fog. 32 

A capability is also maintained by the Air Force for dispersal of 
crushed dry ice from TTC-130 weather reconnaisance aircraft if the 
need should arise for dissipation of cold fog at locations not equipped 
with ground-based systems. 


•fin thousands of dollars] 

Fiscal year— 




Operations: Air Force 1 




Research and development: 2 

Army: Cold fog dispersal.. 

237 . 

Navy: Cold fog dispersal 



Air Force: 

Cold fog and stratus dispersal 

Warm fog dispersal 3 



2, 200 


Total, research and development. 




•i Estimates of pro rated costs for operational cold fog dispersal at Air Force bases, from Capt. Kenneth W. Ruggles in brief- 
ing on Department of Defense weather modification programs for the Weather Modification Advisory Board, May 31, 1977. 

■ Data for basic research on weather modification differs from entries in table 2, based on 1977 inputs to ICAS; data 
above on research and development were received Apr. 27, 1978, from Col. Elbert W. Friday, Office of the Under Secretary 
of Defense for Research and Engineering. 

3 Includes costs for engineering development of a warm fog dispersal system as well as expenditures for basic research 
n warm fog dispersal. 

The dry ice particles falling through the fog sublimate, causing a 
large temperature decrease in their vicinity, so that the resulting ice 
particles which form and grow at the expense of supercooled fog drop- 
lets will fall out as snow. This capability has not been used since fiscal 
year 1976, and the dry ice crushers are currently stored at Keesler 
AFB, Miss. The Air Force plans continued use of these techniques, 
however, to reduce adverse weather effects due to fog on airfield opera- 
tions and flight safety. 33 

Army research and development 

Research and development efforts in weather modification are con- 
ducted by all three services in the Department of Defense to some 
extent. Although the Army has terminated its technical base program, 
one equipment item, a mobile cold fog dissipator, is in the engineering 

32 Ruggles. briefing on Department of Defense weather modification programs for the 
Weather Modification Advisory Board, 1977. p. 1. 

33 Ibid., p. 2. 


development phase. 34 This gear, intended to provide a capability for 
dissipating supercooled fog at Army airfields, helipads, and artillery 
sites, employs the propane dispenser technology to remove fog in local 
areas. The system is to be field tested in Alaska during 1978. 35 Army 
research on warm fogs, now terminated, had been directed toward 
dispersal through a variety of possible techniques, including helicopter 
downwash, use of hygroscopic materials, and application of heat. 

Navy research and development 

The research weather modification effort of the Navy is now con- 
cerned with evaluation of weather modification experimental data and 
of state-of-the-art techniques in order to avoid technological surprise. 
Instruments and methods have been developed to study fog, clouds, 
and natural weather processes, utilizing measurements of dewpoint, 
liquid water distribution, cloud and fog droplet and ice particle sizes, 
and number of cloud condensation nuclei. Recent investigations have 
been directed toward generation, characterization, and evaluation of 
active agents to inhibit or enhance the formation, growth, coalescence, 
removal, and frequency of cloud and fog water droplets and toward 
understanding the mechanisms and theories applicable to these proc- 
esses. Numerical modeling of the fog or cloud system has been used to 
design experiments and to define and evaluate the physical processes 
which occur in field experiments. 36 

The principal ongoing Navy research program in weather modifica- 
tion has been a statistical analysis to evaluate data from the Santa 
Barbara cold cloud modification experiments. 37 While not a large 
effort, it is an important attempt to examine alternatives for reducing 
uncertainty in evaluating weather modification experiments. No fur- 
ther field experiments are currently planned by the Navy. 38 

In the recent past, the Navy has also sponsored major projects 
related to warm fog modification. Field experiments were conducted 
by the Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Calif. ; computer simula- 
tion studies have been underway at the Navy Environmental Predic- 
tion Research Facility. Monetery, Calif.; the Naval Research Labo- 
ratory, Washington, D.C., has been developing instrumentation and 
conducting studies related to cloud particle and cloud nuclei prop- 
erties; a standard evaluation site near Macon. Ga., was under develop- 
ment; and the Office of Naval Research has provided support for a 
variety of investigations. 39 

Air Force research and development 

Air Force research projects in weather modification are currently 
directed toward dispersal of warm fog and stratiform clouds. Devel- 

34 Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences. ICAS 20-FY77. 1976. p. 91. 

35 Ruggles. briefing on Department of Defense weather modification programs for the 
Weather Modification Advisory Board. 1977. p. 2. 

38 Federal Council for Science and Technology. Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences. ICAS 20-FY77. 1976. p. 91. 

37 Ruggles. "Briefing on Department of Defense Weather Modification Programs for the 
Weather Modification Advisory Board." 1977. p. 2. (The second Santa Barbara randomized 
seeding project was conducted by North American Weather Consultants from 1967 through 
1970. under contract to the Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Calif.) 

38 Ibid. 

39 Moschandreas. Demetrios J.. "Present Capabilities To Modify Warm Fog and Stratus." 
Geomet. Inc.. technical report for the Office of Naval Research and the Naval Air Systems 
Command, contract No. N00014-71-C-0271, Geomet report No. EF-300, Jan. 18, 1974, p. 5. 


opment of a prototype warm fog dispersal system planned for even- 
tual installation at an Air Force base is underway. The system devel- 
opment tests will be conducted at Otis AFB, Mass., and the field pro- 
gram will be supplemented with modeling studies in order to develop 
relationships between windspeed and the heat and thrust requirements 
of the dispersal system. 40 

The system includes a number of combustors positioned along a 
runway and its approaches. The burn rate of the combustors is to be 
controlled precisely by a computer which monitors meteorological 
instruments in the runway area. 41 Such a system, using both heat and 
thrust, is termed a thermokinetic system. The expected warming of 
the air over runway and approaches by 2° to 3° C above ambient 
temperature should result in lowering the relative humidity and 
evaporation of the fog droplets. Figure 16 shows the expected clear- 
ing geometry for the system. Upon successful completion of the field 
tests in 1979, it is expected that an operational warm fog dispersal 
system will be designed and installed at an Air Force base by 1982. 42 
The bulk of the Air Force research funding shown in table 17 covers 
development and testing of this system at Otis Air Force Base. 43 

Figure 16. Clearing Geometry of the Warm Fog Dispersal System, Under De- 
velopment by the U.S. Air Force. (From Kunkel. The Design of a Warm Fog 
Dispersal System. 1977.) 

Another Air Force project is directed toward development of an 
operational technique for dispersal of supercooled stratus clouds. Field 

40 Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences. ICAS 20-FY77. 1976. p. 91. 

41 Ruggles, "Briefing on Department of Defense Weather Modification Programs for the 
Weather Modification Advisory Board, ' 1977, p. 3. 

42 Kunkel. Bruce A.. "The Design of a Warm Fog Dispersal System," Sixth Conference on 
Plannpd and Inadvertent Weather Modification, American Meteorological Society, Cham- 
paign-Urbana, 111., Oct. 10-13, 1977, pp. 174-176. 

43 Ruggles, "Briefing on the Department of Defense Weather Modification Programs for 
the Weather Modification Advisory Board, 1977, p. 3. 


experiments and numerical modeling will be used to estimate quanti- 
ties and types of seeding materials suitable for dispersal under a wide 
range of meteorological conditions. 44 Under the auspices of the Air 
Force Geophysics Laboratory, field tests on supercooled stratus dis- 
persal were conducted during February 1977 in Michigan, using a 
dispensing system which deployed silver iodide. The objective of these 
tests was to produce clearing over a predetermined ground target. In 
all cases, except when the minimum cloud temperature was greater 
than —6° C, clearings were effected. The tests demonstrated that such 
clearings can be produced with a small lightweight delivery system 
adaptable for use on tactical aircraft and that targeting is not a 
serious problem. At a steep elevation angle ground targets were clearly 
visible after clearing, but they were obscured by residual glaciated 
clouds in the clearings when the look angle was more shallow. It is 
considered possible that some of the residual might have been due to 
overseeding. In another planned series of tests, attempts will be made 
to optimize the seeding rate to improve visibilities in the cleared area. 
Other seeding materials such as formaldehyde and propane, which are 
active in the 0° C to — 6° C temperature range, will also be tested, 
since silver iodide is not active above —6° C. A theoretical study is 
also planned to determine the effects various forms of radiant energy 
could have on dispersal of warm stratus clouds. 45 

verseas operations 

In recent years there had been much concern on the part of the 
Congress and the American public over the use of weather modifica- 
tion as a weapon of war in the war in Vietnam. A full disclosure of 
these activities and a discussion of their effectiveness were provided 
by the Defense Department in hearings before the Senate Committee 
on Foreign Relations in 1974. 46 In a recent briefing before the U.S. 
Commerce Departments National Weather Modification Advisory 
Board, it was stated that the current weather modification activities of 
the Department of Defense ' ; are in accord with the provisions of the 
Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use 
of Environmental Modification Techniques, signed at Geneva on May 
18, 1977. ?; 47 ' 48 

44 Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences. ICAS 20-FY77, 1976, p. 91. 

4 " Ruggles. "Briefing on Department of Defense Weather Modification Programs for the 
Weather Modification Advisory Board, ' 1977, pp. 3—4. 

46 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Oceans and 
International Environment. "The Need for an International Agreement Prohibiting the Use 
of Environmental and Geophysical Modification as Weapons of War and Briefing on Depart- 
ment of Defense Weather Modification Activity.' hearing, 93d Cong.. 2d sess.. Jan. 25 and 
Mar. 20. 1974. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office. 1974. 123 pp. (Contains 
the top secret hearing held on Mar. 20. 1974. which was made public on May 19. 1974.) 

*' IUiggles. "Briefing on Department of Defense Weather Modification Programs for the 
Weather Modification Advisory Board." 1977. p. 4. 

48 A full discussion of the developments leading to the signing of this convention is con- 
tained in ch. 10 of the report, entitled "International Aspects of Weather Modification." 
The full text of the draft treaty is in app. C 


Perhaps less well known than the use of weather modification in 
Vietnam were the attempts at precipitation enhancement for beneficial 
purposes carried out by the U.S. Air Force in the Philippine Islands at 
the request of the Philippine Government, This rain enhancement 
project, named GROMET II, was conducted from April through 
June of 1969, using airborne pyrotechnic seeding devices. The Air 
Force had operational responsibility for the project, while the Naval 
Weapons Center provided technical direction, and cooperation was 
also provided by Philippine agencies. Although precise determination 
of increased rainfall resulting from seeding was not possible, it was 
concluded, nevertheless, that rainfall augmentation from tropical 
cumulus clouds was accomplished in a simple operational manner. 
Benefits derived from the project included improvement in the agri- 
culture, increased sugar production, and augmented crops of rice and 
corn. In addition, local personnel were trained in seeding operations, 
and, owing to the success of GROMET II, the Government of the 
Philippines conducted similar operations in subsequent years. 49 Other 
operational attempts to assist in drought mitigation were conducted by 
the Air Force in Panama, Portugal, and Okinawa. 


The weather modification research and development activities of the 
Department of Transportation have been conducted by the Federal 
Aviation Agency (FAA), whose interest has been focused on warm 
fog dispersal and the development of systems for the removal of such 
fogs from airport runways. The current modest effort by the FAA is 
concerned with monitoring the U.S. Air Force development program 
for a warm fog dispersal system 50 and with considerations of imple- 
menting recommendations of a major FAA-sponsored warm fog 
dispersal systems study which was completed recently. 51 

The FAA engineering report was completed in November 1975, fol- 
lowing a 2-year study by an in-house task force that was charged with 
determining the feasibility of a ground-based warm fog dispersal 
system for a selected U.S. airport. The study included preparation of 
a conceptual design and cost estimates for the proposed system. Given 
that the actual mechanisms to be used for fog clearings had to be both 
theoretically and operationally sound, the task force eliminated a 
number of more exotic schemes and concentrated on design and cost 
estimates for two candidate fog dispersal approaches — (1) a modified 
passive thermal fog dispersal system and (2) a thermokinetic fog dis- 

49 St. Amand. Pierre. D. W. Reed. T. L. Wright, and S.D. Elliott, "GROMET II : Rainfall 
Augmentation in the Philippine Islands," Naval Weapons Center, NWC TP 5097, China 
Lake. Calif.. May 1971. 110 pp. 

50 See discussion of weather modification research and development activities of the De- 
partment of Defense, beginning on p. 303. 

51 FAA Systems Research and Development Service, fog dispersal task team, "Ground- 
based Warm Fog Dispersal Systems: Technique Selection and Feasibility Determination 
with Cost Estimates," Federal Aviation Administration, report No. FAA-RD-75-126. Final 
report. Washington, D.C, November 1975, 67 pp. 


persal system. Both systems depend on evaporation of the fog as a 
result of a small temperature rise; however, whereas in the one case 
the natural convective forces of the heated atmosphere and the winds 
are relied upon to mix and transport the heat energy throughout the 
fog, the thermokinetic technique uses jet engines to transport the 
heated air into the fog by thrust. The latter technique produces some 
turbulence but not to a disqualifying degree. 52 In selecting an airport 
it was thought important that there be a high annual occurrence of 
fog and a high air traffic density during the hours of fog for the sys- 
tem to be cost-effective. From 38 U.S. airports that were screened as 
potential candidates, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) was 
selected as the airport which, in 1981, would gain the highest poten- 
tial benefit from a fog dispersal system located along one of its run- 
ways. 53 Figure 17 shows the preliminary configuration of a single 
line of burners for a fog dispersal system installed along runway 25L 
at LAX. Costs for such an installation are of the order of $10 million, 
but would vary, depending on the kind of system selected and the cate- 
gory of landing clearance for which the system is designed. Cost-to- 
benefit ratios vary accordingly, but the study showed that 15 U.S. air- 
ports turned out to have at least a 1 :1 cost /benefit ratio. 




A - 5000 ft. 5 to 30 

B - 1847 ft. 9 to 55 

C - 1847 ft. 17 to 100 

D - 1856 ft. 20 to 120 

E - 814 ft. 13 to 80 

D.H. = Decision Height 

TOTAL HEAT GENERATOR LINE LENGTH - 19274 ft. for CAT I, line sections A, B, C, D. 

14504 ft. for CAT II, line sections A, B. E. 

Figure 17. — Preliminary configuration of proposed single line of burners for 
warm fog dispersal system for runway 25L at Los Angeles International Air- 
port. (From Department of Transportation report FAA-RD-75-136, by FAA 
Fog Dispersal System Task Team, 1975.) 

The FAA has contemplated participation in a joint warm fog dis- 
persal demonstration project with Los Angeles International Airport 
and the U.S. Air Force; however, such a project has not yet been 

■ Ibid., p. 6. 

63 Ibid., pp. 10-13. 


agreed upon. In discussions with the Air Transport Association on 
this program, the FAA has learned about the concern of the associa- 
tion about increased landing fees to finance the system. 54 


The Forest Service within the Department of Agriculture has car- 
ried on weather modification research aimed at development of meth- 
ods for suppressing cloud-to-ground lightning activity as a means 
of reducing forest fires in the intermountain west. Forest protection 
agencies developed early interest in possible application of weather 
modification to the forest-fire problem, first by considering the possi- 
bility of increasing moisture through rainfall on dry forests or on the 
fires directly and, later, by examining the potential for reducing di- 
rectly the fire-starting capabilities of lightning itself. 

The Forest Service established in 1953 a long-range program of 
lightning research, called Project Skyfire, as part of its overall fire 
research program. Project Skyfire has been the oldest continuously 
performed weather modification program in the United States until its 
recent demise. 55 Two broad objectives of the project were (1) to obtain 
a better understanding of the occurrence and characteristics of light- 
ning storms and lightning fires in the northern Rocky Mountain region 
and (2) to investigate the possibility of preventing or reducing the 
number of lightning fires by applying techniques of weather modifica- 
tion. 56 

After several years of gaining basic information about mountain 
thunderstorms, the first cloud seeding experiments were conducted 
under Skyfire in 1956 in the San Francisco peaks area of Arizona, 57 
Beginning in 1960 field programs were conducted for a number of 
summer seasons in the mountainous areas of western Montana. These 
programs included both experiments designed to test the effects of 
seeding on lightning frequency and the development of techniques for 
observation and careful measurement of the characteristics of light- 
ning strokes. A portion of the research during the 1960's was jointly 
sponsored by the Forest Service and the National Science Founda- 
tion. 58 Other participants in Skyfire have included the National 
Weather Service, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land 
Management, several universities, and commercial contractors. Results 
of these experiments were encouraging but have not been conclusive. 
Field and laboratory experiments have shown the relationship of ice 
crystals to the lightning process. Skyfire field experiments seemed to 
show about one-third fewer cloud-to-ground lightning strokes for 

54 Bromley. Edmond. briefing on the Department of Transportation weather modification 
program before the Department of Commerce National Weather Modification Advisory 
Board. May 31. 1977. 

55 Barrows. J. S., "Preventing Fire From the Sky." Yearbook Separare No. 3589 (reprinted 
from the 1968 Yearbook of Agriculture), U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, U.S. 
Government Printing Office. 1968. p. 219. 

58 Fuquay, Donald M. and Robert G. Baughman, "Project Skyfire Lightning Research," 
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service, final report to National Science Foundation, 
Missoula. Mont. December 1969. p. 3. 

57 Barrows, "Preventing Fire From the Sky," 1968. p. 221. 

58 Fuquay and Baughman, "Project Skyfire Lightning Research," 1969, p. 3. 


seeded clouds. Later experiments were carried out in Alaska in 1973 in 
cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management. While efforts in 
Montana had been concentrated on the long continuing current light- 
ning stroke which seemed to be the most destructive, results in Alaska 
indicated that fires could be started there with shorter strokes because 
the ground cover was more combustible. Thus, the Montana results 
were not transferable. 59 

All field experiments in weather modification under Project Sky- 
fire were terminated in 1973, since they were not considered to be cost- 
effective, and work subsequent to that time has been concentrated on 
analysis of data from previous experiments and on reporting to fire 
protection agencies on the prospects for lightning suppression. With 
conclusion of this wrap-up work during 1977, the Forest Service pro- 
poses no further research in weather modification in the immediate 
future. 60 


Weather modification research in this Department is concerned only 
with inadvertent changes to weather and climate as a result of man's 
activities related to energy development and consumption. Reporting 
of this research through the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences (ICAS) as weather modification was begun with 
fiscal year 1975 funding by the former Energy Research and Develop- 
ment Administration (ERDA), recognizing that a significant amount 
of research on inadvertent modification of weather and climate had 
been part of their agency effort. 61 

Within the former agency's atmospheric science program, pertinent 
studies address atmospheric chemistry of energy production pollutants, 
removal processes, interactions with atmospheric processes, radioactive 
properties of the atmosphere, and the effects of waste heat and moisture 
from energy production. As part of the METROMEX field studies in 
the St. Louis area, 62 research on urban aerosols and precipitation com- 
position was conducted under ERDA support by the Illinois State 
Water Survey and the Batelle Pacific Northern Laboratories. The 
ERDA Divisions of Biomedical and Environmental Research and of 
Nuclear Research and Applications developed a program during 
fiscal year 1976 to investigate the atmospheric impacts of waste heat 
and moisture rejection from proposed energy centers containing both 
nuclear and fossil fuel generating units. The Biomedical and Environ- 
mental Research Division is also developing a program to learn the 
effects on atmospheric processes in the Western States resulting from 

59 Roberts. Charles F., briefing on the Department of Agriculture weather modification 
program before the Department of Commerce National Weather Modification Advisory 
Board. May 31. 1977. 

Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences. ICAS 20-FY77, 1976. p. 88. 

61 Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences, ICAS 20-FY77. 1976, p. 94. 

82 See earlier discussion of the weather modification activities of the National Science 
Foundation for a more complete account of METROMEX, p. 283ff. 


increased stack emissions and resuspended aerosols during extraction 
of coal and oil shale processing. 63 

The Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research has also 
established a carbon dioxide effects research program to provide a na- 
tional focus for research and assessment of the potential for possible 
problems relating to carbon dioxide accumulation rates. This compre- 
hensive research program is being developed to determine the physical, 
environmental, and social implications of inadvertent weather and 
climate modification resulting from increased carbon dioxide in the 
atmosphere. 64 

63 Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences, ICAS 20-FY77. p. 94. 

84 Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology, Interdepart- 
mental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences, ICAS 21-FY78, 1976, p. 92. 



(By James E. Mielke, Analyst in Marine and Earth Sciences, Science Policy 
Research Division, Congressional Research Service) 


A number of major studies have been undertaken over the past 25 
years in an effort to determine and review the status of the Federal 
role in weather modification. Eight of these studies which resulted in 
reports presenting findings and recommendations for actions have been 
selected for review and the recommendations summarized. Some of the 
studies were mandated by Congress through passage of public laws. 
Others were initiated by agencies or interagency committees of the 
executive branch, two of these were prepared by the National Academy 
of Sciences. One study was conducted by the General Accounting Of- 
fice. In chronological order, the selected major reports containing 
weather modification recommendations are as follows: 

1. U.S. Advisory Committee on Weather Control, "Final Report of 
the Advisory Committee on Weather Control," Washington, D.C., 
U.S. Government Printing Office, December 31, 1957. In two volumes, 
32 and 422 pages. 

2. Special Commission on Weather Modification. "Weather and 
Climate Modification," report of the Special Commission on Weather 
Modification, Washington, D.C., National Science Foundation, 1966, 
NSF 66-7, 79 pages. 

3. National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Com- 
mittee on Atmospheric Sciences, "Weather and Climate Modification : 
Problems and Prospects," publication No. 1350, Washington, D.C., 
1966, in two volumes, 40 and 212 pages. 

4. Newell, Homer E., "A Recommended National Program in 
Weather Modification," Federal Council for Science and Technology, 
Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences, ICAS report 
No. 10a, Washington, D.C., November 1966, 93 pages. 

5. Federal Council for Science and Technology, Interdepartmental 
Committee for Atmospheric Sciences, "A National Program for Ac- 
celerating Progress in Weather Modification," ICAS report No. 15a, 
Washington, D.C., June 1971, 50 pages. 

6. National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Com- 
mittee on Atmospheric Sciences, "Weather Modification: Problems 
and Progress," ISBN 0-309-02121-9, Washington, D.C., 1973, 280 

7. Comptroller General of the United States, "Need for a National 
Weather Modification Research Program," Report to the Congress, 



B-133202, Washington, D.C., General Accounting Office, August 23, 

1974, 64 pages. 

8. U.S. Domestic Council, Environmental Kesources Committee, 
Subcommittee on Climate Change, "The Federal Hole in Weather 
Modification," Washington, D.C., 1975, 39 pages. 

In addition to the above reports, the annual reports of the National 
Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere (NACOA) fre- 
quently contain recommendations on weather modification. These rec- 
ommendations are summarized and the second annual NACOA report 
is cited in particular : 

National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere, "Second 
Annual Report to the President and Congress," Washington, D.C., 
U.S. Government Printing Office, June 29, 1973, 47 pages. 

Summaries of Major Weather Modification Reports 

The purpose of this section is to trace the evolution of recommenda- 
tions for Federal action as expressed in a number of major weather 
modification reports. The reports summarized in this section are not 
intended to be inclusive of all major weather modification studies. Only 
those reports primarily containing recommendations directing Federal 
activities have been selected. Other policy orientated reports, such as 
some of those sponsored by the American Meteorological Society, are 
available but, in general, these are focused less strongly on recom- 
mendations for the Federal role. Quotations contained in the report 
summaries of the following sections are from the respective report 
under consideration in that section. 1 


The Advisory Committee on Weather Control was established by 
act of Congress in 1953. The Committee was directed to make "a com- 
plete study and evaluation of public and private experiments in 
weather control for the purpose of determining the extent to which 
the United States should experiment with, engage in, or regulate 
activities designed to control weather conditions." The final report of 
this Committee, submitted in 1957, contained the following findings 
and recommendations : 

(1) That encouragement be given for the widest possible competent research 
in meteorology and related fields. Such research should be undertaken by Govern- 
ment agencies, universities, industries, and other organizations. 

(2) That the Government sponsor meteorological research more vigorously 
than at present. Adequate support is particularly needed to maintain continuity 
and reasonable stability for long-term projects. 

(3) That the administration of Government-sponsored research provide free- 
dom and latitude for choosing methods and goals. Emphasis should be put on 
sponsoring talented men as well as their specific projects. 

(4) That an agency be designated to promote and support research in the 
needed fields, and to coordinate research projects. It should also constitute a 
central point for the assembly, evaluation, and dissemination of information. 
This agency should be the National Science Foundation. 

(5) That whenever a research project has the endorsement of the National 
Science Foundation and requires facilities to achieve its purpose, the agency 
having jurisdiction over such facilities should provide them. 

1 See preceding list of reports for complete references. 


In addition the Committee recommended the initiation of a general 
meteorological research program to develop large numbers of highly 
qualified research scientists working along the following lines : 

(1) The effect of solar disturbances on weather. 

(2) The factors which control our global atmospheric circulation. 

(3) The factors which govern the genesis and movement of large-scale storms. 

(4) The dynamics of cloud motions. 

(5) The processes of rain and snow formation, and the relative importance 
of the physical phenomena which govern these processes. 

(6) The electrification process in clouds, and the role electricity plays in 
meteorological phenomena. 

(7) The natural sources of condensation and ice-forming nuclei, and their role. 

(8) The methods, materials, and equipment employed in weather modification. 

As a result of these recommendations, the Xational Science Founda- 
tion (XSF) was directed by Public Law 85-510 of July 10, 1958, to 
initiate and support a program of study, research, and evaluation in 
the field of weather modification. The XSF established a research pro- 
gram as directed and, in effect, served as lead agency for weather modi- 
fication until 1968, when this specific role was removed from the XSF 
by Public Law 90-107. 


In 1964 the Director of the Xational Science Foundation appointed 
the Special Commission on Weather Modification. The Commission 
was assigned to "fulfill the need of the Xational Science Foundation 
for a review of the state of knowledge on weather and climate modifi- 
cation, make recommendations concerning future policies and pro- 
grams and examine the adequacy of the Foundation's program." The 
Commission's assignment included consideration of not only the scien- 
tific aspects but also the legal, social and political problems in the 
field. The Commission's report was released in 1966. 

In general the report concluded that there were four basic research 
needs to be met in weather modification : 

1. Assessment and development of an understanding of natural climatic change. 

2. Assessment of the extent and development of the understanding of inad- 
vertent modifications of weather and climate. 

3. Improvement of the process of weather prediction. 

4. Development of means for deliberate intervention in atmospheric processes 
for weather and climate control and evaluation of their consequences. 

As steps toward attaining these pursuits the Commission recom- 
mended that the following enterprises be fostered : 

1. Examination of the routes, rates and reservoirs of water substance and 
energy exchanges in all aspects of the hydrologic cycle. 

2. Investigation by numerical laboratory and field experiments of the dynamics 
of climate as a basic study for weather modification technology. 

3. Advancement of weather prediction as a proof of understanding, including 
support of this effort by the establishment of a global weather observation 

4. Broadening of the knowledge of cloud physics and dynamics in the laboratory 
and field, with attention to wave phenomena and an evaluation of electrical 

5. Study of the effects of large scale surface modification by numerical and 
laboratory models of the oceanic and atmospheric general circulation, and of 
practical means for surface modification of the land and sea. 

6. Study of the radiative effects of changes in the atmospheric composition 
and alteration of its transparency that urban growth and new forms of indus- 
try transportation or land use may evoke. 


With regard to biological implications of weather modification, the 
Commission stated that there should be a strong effort to bring the 
field of biological forecasting up to a higher level of usefulness. In 
order to improve biological forecasting, several approaches should be 
brought to bear on the problem including growth chamber simulation, 
computer modeling, study of the fine structure in the fossil record of 
the recent past, and examination and monitoring of areas biologically 
and climatically analogous to the changed and unchanged situations. 

The Commission also recommended that greater use be made of 
statisticians in analyzing Government-sponsored research in weather 
modification and that statistics be given greater emphasis in related 
academic programs for meteorologists. In addition, there is a need 
to assess more fully the social and economic implications of weather 
modification experimentation, and all agencies engaged in weather 
modification attempts should give attention to the social implications. 

With regard to the legal system, the Commission recommended that 
the Federal Government be empowered by appropriate legislation to : 
(a) delay or halt all activities — public or private — in actual or poten- 
tial conflict with weather and climate modification programs of the 
Federal Government; (b) immunize Federal agents, grantees, and 
contractors engaged in weather and climate modification activities 
from State and local government interference; and (c) provide to 
Federal grantees and contractors indemnification or other protection 
against liability to the public for damages caused by Federal programs 
of weather and climate modification. 

In the area of international relations, the Commission recommended 
the enunciation of a national policy embodying two main points : 

(1) that it is the purpose of the United States, with normal and due 
regard to its own basic interests, to pursue its efforts in weather and 
climate modification for peaceful ends and for the constructive im- 
provement of conditions of human life throughout the world: and 

(2) the United States, recognizing the interests and concerns of other 
countries, welcomes and solicits their cooperation, directly and through 
international arrangements, for the achievement of that objective. 

In light of the above program, the Commission considered that 
Federal funding for weather modification should be increased sub- 
stantiallv from approximately $7.2 million in fiscal year 1966 to a 
total of $40 million or $50 million per year by 1970. This would include 
substantially increased support for basic research and development in 
weather and climate modification, large field experiments of both a 
basic and an applied nature, and development of a strong centralized 
group, such as could be provided by a national laboratory, to serve as 
a focal point for research and development. 

The Commission further determined that no single agency in the 
Federal Government has the responsibility for developing the tech- 
nology of weather and climate modification and that the need for such 
designation was becoming evident. The Commission took the position 
that the mission of developing and testing techniques for modifying 
weather and climate should bo assigned to an agency such as the Envi- 
ronmental Science Services Administration (ESS A), now part of the 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), or to 
a completely new agency organized for the purpose. In addition the 


National Science Foundation should continue and expand its support 
of research in the atmospheric sciences, including weather modifica- 
tion. Furthermore, other Federal agencies should remain free to con- 
duct and support such research and development as may be required 
in the discharge of their missions. Finally, the Commission recom- 
mended that the Office of Science and Technology establish a mech- 
anism for resolving conflicts between agencies with regard to weather 
modification activities and that an advisory committee on weather 
modification be established within the National Academy of Sciences. 


In November 1963, the Committee on Atmospheric Sciences of the 
National Academy of Sciences appointed a panel on weather and 
climate modification "to undertake a deliberate and thoughtful re- 
view of the present status and activities in this field, and of its potential 
and limitations for the future." Volume I of the panel's final report 
contains a summary of the status of weather and climate modifica- 
tion, suggestions for essential research, and recommendations for ac- 
tions to insure orderly and rapid future progress. While legal, social, 
and economic questions were considered important, they were not 
within the area of responsibility of the Academy panel. 

The panel concluded that the present fragmentation of effort in 
weather modification research and development is unusual for the 
environmental sciences in that many of the fragments were below 
critical size or quality needed for effective work, and that major 
responsibility for weather modification should be centered in a single 
agency; at the same time, however, a degree of delegated responsi- 
bility should be maintained that will allow other agencies to meet 
their mission requirements for work in this field. A sixfold increase 
in Federal support from $5 million in 1965 to $30 million in 1970 was 
recommended. The panel considered a number of possible administra- 
tive arrangements for the support of weather modification research 
including (1) a national laboratory for weather modification; (2) a 
lead agency, either existing or new, with prime responsibility for 
weather modification; or (3) multiagency sharing of mission respon- 
sibility. However, the panel declined to make a firm statement as to 
the most desirable administrative means of achieving the goals 9et 
out in the report. 

A number of projects in precipitation stimulation were recommended 
including: (1) Early establishment of several carefully designed seed- 
ing experiments, planned in such a way as to permit assessment of 
the seedability of a variety of storm types, (2) develop better means 
than are currently available to evaluate operational programs, and 
(3) give immediate attention to careful monitoring and regulation of 
operational programs for weather modification. 

Other field investigations were recommended including: (1) A com- 
prehensive exploration of hurricane dynamics leading to a hypothesis 
for hurricane modification, (2) measurement of tropical convection 
and other aspects of energy exchange in the tropics, (3) a comprehen- 
sive investigation of hailstorms, and (4) a study of the water budgets 
of a variety of precipitating storm types. 


The specific research areas of greatest promise that the panel rec- 
ommended should receive the highest priority were : (1) Studies of at- 
mospheric water budgets and vapor transport over those areas of the 
United States where the potential for cloud seeding is important. (2) 
studies of boundary-layer energy exchange processes, (3) development 
of theoretical models of condensation and precipitation, and (4) stud- 
ies of the meteorological effects of atmospheric pollution, including 
carbon dioxide and urbanization. 

The need for enhancement or establishment of certain support sys- 
tems and research facilities was also noted. In particular the panel 
noted that the best computer just then becoming available had only 
one-fiftieth of the effective speed needed to meet the growing compu- 
tational requirements of meteorological research, and, consequently, 
the panel recommended that all necessary steps be taken to encourage 
the computer industry to respond to these requirements. In addition, 
the panel recommended that civil research aircraft facilities be en- 
larged to include diversified types of aircraft and supporting data- 
gathering systems to meet the requirements placed upon them by large 
field research programs in atmospheric sciences and weather modifica- 

The panel also recommended that full U.S. support and leadership 
be given in establishing an advanced global-observational system, and 
that the Federal agency assigned major administrative responsibili- 
ties in weather and climate modification also be empowered to deal with 
the complex international issues arising from weather modification 


ICAS (Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences) 
report No. 10a was prepared by Dr. Homer E. Xewell in response to a 
request to formulate a national weather modification program along 
the lines delineated in the report of the ICAS Select Panel on Weather 
Modification titled '"President and Future Plans of Federal Agencies 
in Weather-Climate Modification-' (included as app. Ill in ICAS 
Rept. Xo. 10a). The weather modification program developed was 
based on analysis of existing agency programs and needed expansion 
of activities including budget support. The following principles were 
amon<r those developed which underlie the program recommendations : 

1. There is sufficient potential payoff indicated by the results of past 
research to justify continuing basic and applied research in the area of 
weather modification. 

2. The potential dollar savings in lessening the destructive effects of 
weather, and the potential gains in enhancing the beneficial effects, 
are so great that expenditures of appreciable dollars on weather modi- 
fication research and application can be justified. 

3. There is a need for a single agency to assume responsibility for 
taking the lead in developing a well-rounded national program of re- 
search on weather modification. 

4. It is desirable to maintain a multiple-agency approach to weather 
modification, and each agency's basic mission should determine its role 
in weather modification, but not to the exclusion of basic research. 

5. Interagency cooperation and support is essential. 


6. A formal procedure must be developed to achieve continuing visi- 
bility and coordination of the total weather modification program. 

7. There must be regulation and control of weather modification ac- 
tivities, especially as these become of greater magnitude and interna- 
tional in scope. 

ICAS report 10a recommended that the major thrust of the national 
program in weather modification for the immediate future be in the 
direction of understanding the physics and dynamics of weather sys- 
tems to provide a sound basis for experimentation in, and application 
of, weather modification. The report also found that the budget figures 
and program expansion plans developed by the ICAS select panel to 
be about twice as high as might be realistic. (The ICAS select panel 
had envisioned growth in Federal funding for weather modification 
programs from $9.3 million in 1967 to $146.8 million in 1970.) 

Report 10a recommended that weather modification be coordinated 
(in the sense of providing all concerned with a continuing visibility 
of the whole national weather modification effort) by the Office of the 
Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Re- 
search. However, it was not intended to give the Federal Coordinator 
responsibility for program planning and control, which would remain 
the responsibility of the operating agencies and under the review of 
ICAS. A body for regulating weather modification activities was 
deemed necessary, but no recommendation was made as to a specific 
organization. The view was expressed that it should not be one of the 
operating agencies participating in the national weather modification 
program, nor should it be the Office of the Federal Coordinator be- 
cause of the ambivalent relationship existing between that office and 
■ESSA. In addition, ICAS would not have the means to perform the 
regulatory function. 

The report recognized that international impacts may arise through 
weather modification activities and suggested that a practical and con- 
structive approach to reducing possible conflicts would be through bi- 
lateral or multilateral agreements. In these, the United States should 
seek to establish mutual interest in large-scale experiments. 

The report concentrated on four agencies — the Department of Agri- 
culture, ESSA (now part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration), the Interior Department's Bureau of Reclamation, 
and the National Science Foundation (NSF) — which together would 
represent over 98 percent of the total national weather modification 
activity in 1970. 

With regard to the program developed for the Department of Agri- 
culture, there were two major categories: (1) Direct modification of 
weather, and (2) ecological and supporting research. These relate pri- 
marily to the suppression of specific harmful effects of weather phe- 
nomena, and a study of the effects of weather modification upon farm 
and forest crops, and on land management in general. 

The single objective of the Department of Interior's atmospheric 
water resources program was to ascertain the technical and economic 
feasibility of increasing the water supply for Bureau of Reclamation 
projects through weather modification. Research results showed suffi- 
cient promise that the ICAS report recommended the program should 
be reoriented to reflect the eventual goal of the effective, beneficial 
utilization of the Nation's atmospheric water resources. 


The report recommended that ESSA pursue a broad research and 
development effort which is essential to a viable national weather 
modification program, supplementing and integrating the research 
programs of the mission-orientated agencies. In particular, the ESSA 
program should focus on such areas as severe storm suppression, hur- 
ricane modification, and large-scale atmospheric modeling. 

The ICAS report supported the proposition that NSF should in- 
crease the support of basic and closely associated applied research, 
which is appropriate and fundamental to any program of weather 
modification. The NSF program should be directed toward three ob- 
jectives: (1) The establishment of a sound scientific foundation for 
an intensified program of weather modification, (2) the substantial in- 
volvement of universities in this area of research, and (3) the produc- 
tion of substantial numbers of highly trained people for this work. 


ICAS report No. 15a, prepared in 1971, proposed a program for ac- 
celerating national progress in the modification of weather through 
consolidation of a number of prime Government weather modification 
efforts into seven key projects. A lead agency was designated for each 
of the proposed national projects. The national projects were defined 
as multiagency efforts of major national significance, which were con- 
sidered to have near-term potential for meeting identified national 
needs. Each had as a base an ongoing weather modification program 
with a potential for making a vital contribution to the solution of a 
national problem. 

The national projects were designed to learn about physical mecha- 
nisms and to test scientific concepts, except for one with the special 
designation of pilot project. The pilot project was concerned with the 
development of efficient operational techniques and the process of de- 
cisionmaking. These national projects were designed so that different 
departments with differing missions would advance their own as well 
as broader national interests by formal collaboration with one another. 

The proposed national projects and lead agencies were: 

1. National Colorado River Basin pilot project, Bureau of Reclama- 
tion, to test the feasibility of applying a cloud-seeding technology, 
proven effective under certain conditions, to a river basin for a winter 
season to augment the seasonal snowpack. 

2. National hurricane modification project, National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration, to develop a seeding technology and as- 
sociated mathematical models to reduce the maximum surface winds 
associated with hurricanes. 

3. National lightning suppression project, Forest Service, to develop 
a seeding technology and associated physical and mathematical 
models to reduce the frequency of forest fire-starting lightning strokes 
from cumulonimbus clouds. 

4. National cumulus modification project, National Oceanic and At- 
mospheric Administration, to develop a seeding technology and as- 
sociated mathematical models to promote the growth of cumulus 
clouds in order to increase the resulting natural rainfall in areas where 


5. National hail research experiment, National Science Foundation, 
to develop a seeding technology and associated mathematical models 
to reduce the incidence of damaging hailfall from cumulonimbus 
clouds without adversely affecting the associated rainfall. 

6. National Great Lakes snow redistribution project, National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, to develop a seeding tech- 
nology and associated mathematical models to spread the heavy snow- 
fall of the Great Lakes coastal region farther inland. 

7. National fog modification project, Federal Aviation Administra- 
tion, to develop seeding or other technology and associated physical 
and mathematical models to improve the visibility in warm and cold 
fogs where and to the extent needed. 

In addition to the special support needed for these national projects, 
a significant increase in relevant broad background research and de- 
velopment support would be needed. In this regard, the areas of nuclei 
counting and efficiency assessment, the physical chemistry of nucleat- 
ing agents, the microphysics and dynamics of mesoscale systems, meso- 
scale mathematical models, and cloud physics instrumentation, such as 
doppler radars and microwave sensors, were singled out in particular. 

Specific recommendations were also made to establish a national de- 
pository for weather modification data, for the study of and effective 
handling of the socioeconomic legal aspects for the future, and for 
certain ecological and hydrological studies to be performed. 


In 1973 the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) published a 
second report on weather and climate modification which reviewed 
progress since the 1966 report and made further recommendations for 
a Federal program. Three definite research goals were recommended 
to form the principal objective of the Nation's weather modification 
program : 

1. Identification by the year 1980 of the conditions under which precipitation 
can be increased, decreased, and redistributed in various climatological areas 
through the addition of artificial ice and condensation nuclei ; 

£. Development in the next decade of technology directed toward mitigating 
the effects of the following weather hazards : hurricanes, hailstorms, fogs, and 
lighting ; 

3. Establishment of a coordinated national and international system for in- 
vestigating the inadvertent effects of manmade pollutants, with a target date 
of 1980 for the determination of the extent, trend, and magnitude of the effect 
of various crucial pollutants on local weather conditions and on the climate of 
the world. 

A program to achieve these goals would contain many elements. In 
this regard, several recommendations were presented in the NAS re- 
port. These included : 

1. More adequate laboratory and experimental field programs would 
be needed to study the microphysical processes associated with the de- 
velopment of clouds, precipitation, and thunderstorm electrification. 

2. There was a need to develop numerical models to describe the be- 
havior of cloud systems. Existing work had dealt mainly with isolated 
cumulus clouds. 

3. A need was identified for the standardization of instrumentation 
in seeding devices and the testing of new seeding agents. 


4. There should be established a number of weather modification 
statistical research groups associated with the major held groups con- 
cerned with weather modification and the inadvertent effects of pol- 

5. NOAA should create a repository for data on weather modifica- 
tion activities and, at a suitable price, make available for reanalysis 
complete data on these activities. 

6. A continuing need was identified for a comprehensive series of 
randomized experiments to determine the effects of both artificial and 
natural ice and cloud condensation nuclei on precipitation in the prin- 
cipal meteorological regimes of the United States. 

7. Further investigations into the feasibility of redistributing win- 
ter precipitation were needed. 

8. Evaluation of the effects of seeding on precipitation outside the 
area of seeding was needed. 

9. Studies of the effects of artificial seeding on cumulus clouds and 
the numerical modeling of the seeding process should be continued 
and expanded. 

10. Investigations should be made to determine whether the seeding 
techniques presently used in the study of isolated cumulus clouds and 
in hurricane modification can be extended to the amelioration of severe 
thunderstorms, hailstorms, and even tornadoes. 

11. An expanded program was needed to provide continuous forma- 
tion-to-decay observations of hurricanes from above, around, within, 
and beneath seeded and nonseeded hurricanes and for testing new 
techniques for reducing hurricane intensities. 

12. A major national effort in fundamental research on hailstorms 
and hailstorm modification should be pursued aggressively. 

13. A research program dealing with fog dissipation should be un- 

14. There was a need to develop a variety of research techniques for 
observing severe storms. 

15. National and international programs should be developed for 
monitoring atmospheric changes and pollutants resulting from man's 

16. Satellite programs should be developed to monitor on a global 
basis, the cloud cover, albedo, and the heat balance of the atmosphere. 

17. Enlarged programs were needed to measure climatic differences 
between cities and adjoining countrysides and to determine the 
mechanisms responsible. 

18. Continued strong support should be provided for the global 
atmospheric research program now underway to model properly the 
global atmosphere-ocean system. 

The XAS report recognized that three major functions must be 
provided within the Federal organizational structure to achieve these 
goals. First, at this stage in the development of the field, there must 
be support for many basic studies at universities in the relevant aspects 
of the atmospheric sciences, biological sciences, social sciences, engi- 
neering, and public policy. Second, the mission oriented agencies must 
maintain their weather modification programs. Finally, an agency 
that lias the scientific and management competence, the dedication, 
and the resources to make the national weather modification program 
part of its basic mission needs to be designated; the absence of an 


agency with this ability and role has been the reason that progress 
has not been more rapid. The report went on to recommend that the 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) be 
assigned principal administrative responsibility for a national pro- 
gram in weather modification. Several considerations were presented 
in support of this recommendation. 

The NAS report also suggested that it is unlikely that the current 
ad hoc method of carrying out large field programs would be satis- 
factory over the long term and that a national laboratory should be 
assigned primary responsibility for carrying out large weather modifi- 
cation experiments involving theoretical, laboratory, and field pro- 
grams. This laboratory would have the advantage of being of sufficient 
size to comprise the "critical mass" needed to mount a meaningful and 
effective research and development program directed specifically to- 
ward weather modification. 

In addition, the NAS report recommended that the newly created 
National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere (NACOA) 
undertake a major study of the public policy issues of weather modifi- 
cation and of the Federal organization and legislation necessary. 
While the report did not present a detailed budget for the various 
program elements, it estimated that no less than $50 million per year 
would be needed. This would have required at least a doubling of cur- 
rent efforts at the time. 


The first annual report of the National Advisory Committee on 
Oceans and Atmosphere in 1972 discusses the background and present 
state-of-the-art in weather modification and recommended action it 
believed desirable in : "legislation to define rights, responsibilities, and 
a sense of purpose; research to hasten and extend our abilities to re- 
duce risks; and. international agreement to promote peaceful uses of 
weather modification and to eschew its hostile uses." This report also 
found that a central focus was lacking in Federal weather modification 
activities and suggested that NOAA might be the appropriate agency 
for the lead role. 

The second annual NACOA report (1973) repeated the basic 
weather modification findings of the previous year, only this time high- 
lighted them more clearly in the form of recommendations. The report 
recommended that : "The many small programs in weather modifica- 
tion now scattered widely through the Federal agencies be focused 
and coordinated under NOAA's lead ; basic cloud physics and dynam- 
ics be given higher priority; and that the legal, social, and economic 
impact of weather modification be thoroughly examined and appro- 
priate regulatory and licensing legislation be sought." 

NACOA's third annual report again put forward the weather modi- 
fication recommendations of the previous years, calling for designa- 
tion of NOAA as lead agency, greater research emphasis on the phys- 
ics of cloud formation and rainfall augmentation, and examination 
of legislative and public policy issues including U.S. initiatives to 
establish international agreement to insure that weather modification 
efforts are devoted to mutually beneficial purposes. 


The fourth annual NACOA report (1975) amplified the previous 
weather modification recommendations and added a recommendation 
that the Department of Agriculture, in conjunction with NOAA, de- 
velop a crop assessment and planning system which will recognize the 
national implications of simultaneous climatic variation upon agricul- 
tural production worldwide. 

In 1976 NACOA reported that the fragmented Federal effort in 
weather modification placed too much emphasis on operations, with 
insufficient attention to the basic research which is needed to make 
weather modification a reliable operational tool. Finding that enough 
studies have been conducted to permit a decision as to how to proceed, 
NACOA recommended that action be taken now, by the executive 
branch or by the Congress to give NOAA the responsibility for coor- 
dinating and managing a coherent Federal program of weather modi- 
fication research and experimentation. 

Subsequent to passage of the National Weather Modification Policy 
Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-490) the sixth annual NACOA report in 1977 
did not include recommendations specific to weather modification. 
However, the report stated that "NACOA has repeatedly urged a 
coordinated Federal effort to support the basic research needed to 
bring weather modification to the point of being an operational tool 
resting on a sound technical base. * * * Major gaps remain — largely 
because no one agency has the responsibility for identifying and sup- 
porting those areas of basic study needed for further progress along 
a broad front." 

Public Law 94-490 directed the Secretary of Commerce to conduct a 
1-year study and on the basis of this to recommend to the President 
and to the Congress a national policy on weather modification, a Fed- 
eral program to implement this policy, and organizational and legisla- 
tive actions needed to put this program into effect. Because of adminis- 
trative delays this study, being conducted by the 17-member weather 
modification advisory board appointed in 1977, was not completed 
within the year specified by the act, but will be completed during 1978. 


Because of the multiagency participation and the increased Federal 
funding, in 1974 the General Accounting Office (GAO) undertook a 
review of the administration of weather modification research. The 
GAO report found that several administrative problems existed which 
had been identified by previous studies during the past decade. These 
problems were : (1) No central authority to direct Federal departments 
efforts, (2) ineffective coordination, and (3) insufficient resources to 
achieve timely, effective results. Although most previous studies pro- 
posed the formation of a national program for weather modification, 
previous recommendations that a single agency be responsible for 
developing a national weather modification program had not been 

The GAO report also examined the ongoing national hail research 
experiment which was planned as a coordinated effort with the Na- 
tional Science Foundation as lead agency. GAO found "even though 
the experiment was well planned, requiring extensive interagency 


participation, in comparing planned efforts with actual efforts that, 
for the most part, agencies could not and did not meet all their 

Consequently, the GAO report recommended that "the Office of 
Management and Budget should, in cooperation with the Federal de- 
partments and agencies involved in weather modification research : (1) 
Develop a national program with goals, objectives, priorities, and 
milestones, designating one of the agencies, which would have a major 
program responsibility, to administer and maintain the national pro- 
gram; (2) develop a plan to define and reassign, if appropriate, the 
responsibilities of Federal departments and agencies providing sup- 
port or conducting weather modification research; and (3) develop a 
plan to allocate resources to the national program elements. The GAO 
report went on to state that while proposed legislation to establish 
a Department of Natural Resources would transfer three agencies' 
weather modification activities to the proposed department, in GAO's 
opinion, problems of administration and management would continue 
because weather modification activities would still be fragmented. 


In 1975 the Domestic Council, Subcommittee on Climatic Change, 
published a report containing findings and recommendations for the 
Federal role in weather modification. The principal recommendation 
of the report was that a policy should be adopted to develop, encour- 
age, and maintain a comprehensive and coordinated national program 
in weather modification research. The recommended Federal role was 
divided into three areas ; research, operations, and regulation. 

Among the recommendations for research, the report stated that the 
Federal Government should recognize weather modification as having 
significant potential for ameliorating important weather related prob- 
lems and foster a broad-based effort to research and experimentation in 
weather modification during the next decade. The Domestic Council 
report offered two options for carrying out this Federal research role : 
(1) Continued coordination and planning through ICAS, with each 
agency following its mission-directed role, and (2) establishing a lead 
agency. An appendix to the report stated that the Departments of 
Commerce, State, and Transportation and the National Aeronautics 
and Space Administration subscribe to the lead agency option and rec- 
ommend that XOAA be assigned this lead agency responsibility. 

Other research recommendations included: (1) Increased funding 
for weather modification; (2) a more vigorous research program in 
basic cloud physics; (3) greater emphasis on assessment, of socioeco- 
nomic and environmental impacts of weather modification ; and, (4) 
greater emphasis on developing improved methodologies to evaluate 
the effects of weather modification. 

These recommendations were based on findings that the present 
strategy for Federal research in weather modification has largely been 
mission orientated, which does not allow development of weather mod- 
ification as a broad based national goal. Furthermore, although some 
progress has been made over the past two decades, the scientific and 


technological complexity of even modest weather modification experi- 
ments requires greater staffing and funding than has generally been 

The report went on to note that few operational weather modifica- 
tion techniques have been thoroughly proven, although several are suf- 
ficiently close to the stage when they could become operational. Con- 
sequently, the Domestic Council report made several recommendations 
for the Federal versus State and private roles regarding weather mod- 
ification operations. The report stated that the Federal Government 
should reserve for itself responsibility for: (1) precipitation modifica- 
tion related to multiple State water resources or Federal projects, (2) 
weather modification over airports or related facilities, (3) mitigation 
of large-scale drought, and (4) mitigation of hurricanes or extensive 
storm systems. 

The States and private sector should be encouraged to conduct 
weather modification operations in all other areas. The Council recom- 
mended that the private sector be utilized to conduct Federal weather 
modification operations where feasible or desirable. 

In the area of regulation, the Council report found that additional 
Federal regulatory legislation was not needed at that time as present 
reporting procedures were adequate. However, given the importance 
and expected development of the field, continued examination of the 
need for Federal regulation and international treaties to govern' 
weather modification activities would be prudent. In response to that 
finding, the Domestic Council report recommended that a formal pro- 
cedure be established to periodically review regulatory needs. In addi- 
tion, the report recommended that future U.S. domestic and foreign 
weather modification activities should include prior assessment of the 
potential international implications. 

Trends and Analysis 

In the studies and reports reviewed, a number of problems hindering 
progress in weather modification have been identified and recom- 
mendations have been made to resolve these problems. Two areas of 
concern generally arose: (1) Federal organization or administration 
of weather modification research and (2) specific program elements or 
research needs. The recommendations are listed in table 1 in the form 
of a matrix in which the recommendations are related to the reports 
in which they are found. This format facilitates recognition of trends 
such as recommendations made in early reports which are still being 
made or, in some cases, may have been acted upon. Administrative 
recommendations are grouped first. 


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The most common administrative recommendation is to designate 
a lead agency to provide overall coordination of a Federal weather 
modification program. Other than the advisory committee report, of 
1957, which recommended NSF for this role, the lead agency recom- 
mended was NOAA or its predecessor ESSA. In the case of the Do- 
mestic Council's report, a lead agency role was presented as one of two 
options, the other being continued coordination through ICAS, but an 
appendix supported by four agencies recommended that NOAA be 
designated the lead agency. The recommendation for a lead agency was 
frequently coupled with the recommendation that mission oriented 
agencies support more fully the national weather modification efforts 
as they relate to their particul ar mission. 

In some cases recommendations of an administrative nature have 
been acted upon or lead to a solution to the problem along other lines. 
For example, the report of the Special Commission on Weather Modi- 
fication in 1966 recommended that a standing committee on weather 
modification be established in the National Academy of Sciences. While 
a standing committee has not been established in NAS, panels on 
weather and climate modification have been assembled as needed by 
the Committee on Atmospheric Sciences. Additionally, in 1972 
NACOA was established which, although not within the National 
Academy, serves in the role of a standing advisory committee. Another 
recommendation of the special commission was that the Office of 
Science and Technology should establish a mechanism for the coordina- 
tion of weather modification policies and programs. To some extent, 
ICAS has responsibility in this area, but it lacks authority to initiate 
action within any agency. 

With regard to specific research recommendations or program ele- 
ments, some reports are more general than others. For example, the 
special commission report recommended that the Federal Government 
conduct large field experiments without discussing these in detail. 
Subsequent reports often detailed specific field projects. 

Some perspective can be gained by comparing early reports to more 
recent ones. Early reports identified the limitations on numerical 
modeling imposed by the existing state-of-the-art in computer tech- 
nology. While these limitations still exist to some extent, the significant 
progress that has occurred in this field has served to reduce the ap- 
parent magnitude of the problem. Early reports also identified re- 
search and numerical modeling on isolated cumulus clouds as a primary 
focus (the wisdom of dealing with simpler problems before attacking 
more complex ones) , but later reports noted progress in this area and 
pointed to the need for research and numerical modeling on a variety of 
cloud systems. Early reports were also somewhat caught up in the gen- 
eral enthusiasm for, and expectation of, being able to modify the 
weather on an operational basis in the near future. Consequently, a 
general feeling was that problems may arise in the absence of regula- 
tory direction at the Federal level. However, as progress in weather 
modification was not as rapid as expected (perhaps as a result of lower 
levels of funding than expected or perhaps because of unanticipated 
complexities with weather modification projects), it lias since become 
apparent to many authorities that new regulatory measures are not 
needed at this time, In this regard, the Domestic Council's report rec- 
ommended periodic review to assess regulatory needs. 


Almost invariably the reports pointed out that considerably greater 
progress could be made if funding were increased. Although funding 
for weather modification activities has increased over the years, most 
recommendations for funding have been for considerably higher levels 
than have actually been provided. 2 

2 See ch. 5 for funding data on Federal weather modification research programs. In par- 
ticular, fig. 2 shows the course of Federal funding (planning budgets and actual expendi- 
tures) from fiscal year 1966 to fiscal year 1978. 



( By Robert E. Morrison, Specialist in Earth Sciences, Science Policy Research 
Division, Congressional Research Service) 

Overview of State Weather Modification Activities 


A majority of the States in the United States have some official 
interest in weather modification. Twenty-nine States have some form 
of law which relates to such activities, usually concerned with the vari- 
ous facets of regulation or control of operations within the State and 
sometimes pertaining to authorization for funding research and/or 
operations at the State or local level. The statutes dealing with 
weather modification for these 29 States are reproduced in appendix 
D. Two other States, Maryland and Massachusetts, had also enacted 
legislation on the subject ; however, the laws in these two States have 
since been repealed. The general policy toward weather modification 
in each State is usually reflected in the weather modification law of 
that State ; the laws of some States tend to encourage development and 
use of the technology, while others discourage such activities. 

The current legal regime regulating weather modification has been 
developed by the States rather than the Federal Government, except 
in the areas of research support, commissioning studies, and requiring 
reporting of activities. The various regulatory management functions 
which the States perform are embodied in the collection of State laws 
on weather modification. These functions include such activities as (1) 
issuance, renewal, suspension, and revocation of licenses and permits; 
(2) monitoring and collection of information on activities through re- 
quirements to maintain records, the submission of periodic activity re- 
ports, and the inspection of premises and equipment ; (3) funding and 
managing of State or locally organized operational and/or research 
programs; (4) evaluation and advisory services to locally organized 
public and private operational programs within the State; and (5) 
other miscellaneous administrative activities, including the organiza- 
tion and operation of State agencies and boards which are charged 
with carrying out the statutory responsibilities. 

Both the kinds of weather modification functions performed and 
the diversity of the functions performed by the several States can be 
gleaned from table 1. in which are identified the chief elements of the 
weather modification laws for the respective States having such laws. 
(The information in the table was provided by Davis and reflects the 



content of State laws in force at the end of 1975. ) 1 Hawaii's law merely 
mentions atmospheric waters and is not included in the table. 

In order to administer the various regulatory and managerial respon- 
sibilities pertaining to weather modification within the States, an as- 
sortment of institutional structures has been established. These include 
State departments of water or natural resources, commissions, and 
special governing or advisory boards. Often there is a combination of 
two or more of these types of agencies or groups, separating the respon- 
sibility functions of pure administration from those of appeals, permit- 
ting, or advisory services. In the cases of particular State activities con- 
tained in the latter part of this chapter, some examples of State institu- 
tional structure for weather modification are discussed. 2 


Administra- Records Water 

State tive Funding Licensing Permit and report rights Liability 

Arizona X 

California X X 

Colorado X X 

Connecticut X X 

Florida X X 

Idaho. X X 

Illinois X 

Iowa,.. X 

Kansas X X 

Louisiana X 

Minnesota. X 

Montana X X 

Nebraska X X 

Nevada X X 

New Hampshire X 

New Mexico X 

New York X - X 

North Dakota X X X X X X 

Oklahoma... X X X X X 



and report rights 



- X 




X X 

. X 




. X 





X -- - 

X — — - 







Oregon X X X X 

Pennsylvania X X X X X 

South Dakota X X X X X 

Texas X X X X X X X 

Utah X X X X X X X 

Washington X X X X X 

We t Virg nia X - X X - X 

Wisconsin X X X 

Wyoming X X X X 

1 From Davis. Testimony in hearings. House Committee on Science and Technology. Subcommittee on the Environment 
and the Atmosphere. June 1976. 

It is clear that the State weather modification laws and their at- 
tendant administration are concerned especially in a variety of ways 
with the regulation or control of activities within the State. This reg- 
ulation often includes licensing and/or the granting of permits, and 
it may also include monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of opera- 
tions/The various means by which weather modification is controlled 
are discussed in some detail in a section of the chapter of this report 
on legal aspects. 3 Specific laws of the States, found in full in appen- 
dix D are also summarized in table 1 of that appendix, where they are 
compared in terms of their being reasonably comprehensive, their pro- 
viding for licensing only, or their containing some other miscellane- 
ous provision. 4 

1 Davis. Ray J., testimony in : U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on 
Soienrp and Technology, Snbcommittpe on the Environment and the Atmosphere. "Weather 
Modification," hearings, 94th Cong., 2d sess., on H.R. 10039 and S. 3383, June 15-18, 1976. 
Washington. D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office. 1976, pp. 250-252. 

2 See p. 351 ff. 

3 See ch. 11. p. 44!) ff. 
* See p. 514 ff. 


Since regulation cannot be effective without sufficient information 
about ongoing activities, most States which do regulate weather modi- 
fication provide authority which enables officials to inspect the prem- 
ises of operators and to require them to maintain daily logs and report 
on their activities regularly. Daily reporting is not required, however, 
by any State, and copies of reports filed with the Department of Com- 
merce are also accepted in some cases as satisfactory compliance with 
reporting requirements. If properly analyzed by responsible State 
agencies, the information contained in these reports should indicate 
apppropriate changes or cessations to cloud-seeding operations, if any, 
that should be made in the public interest. 5 

The extent of involvement in research and operations varies consid- 
erably from State to State. Some States support research only, while 
others fund and operate both operational and research programs. In 
some cases funding only is provided to those localities, usually at the 
county level, which have established operational programs. In other 
States, counties and/or groups of individuals within local regions op- 
erate programs funded entirely by local citizens, but with approval 
and/or advisory services from State agencies. The recent 1976-77 
drought conditions led some Western States to initiate emergency 
cloud-seeding programs as one means of augmenting dwindling water 
supplies. Among such measures taken on a short time basis are the 
emergency operations in California, Kansas, and Washington; pro- 
grams in these States are discussed briefly in the sections at the end of 
this chapter dealing with the cases of individual States. 

Within many of the States, particularly in the West, there is a broad 
range of weather modification research activity. Usually this research 
is performed by atmospheric and other scientists at the State univer- 
sities or other State research agencies. Such research is frequently 
funded through one of the Federal agencies with major weather modi- 
fication research programs, such as the National Science Foundation 
or the Bureau of Reclamation, or it may be supported at least in part 
with State funds. A few States contribute funds to a Federal research 
project which is conducted jointly with those States partly within 
their boundaries. 6 


On J anuary 17, 1975, the Xorth American Interstate Weather Modi- 
fication Council (XAIWMC) was organized to coordinate intrastate, 
interstate, and possible international weather modification activities. 
Its main purpose was to achieve and maintain local and State control of 
such activities while attempting to attain a high degree on uniformity 
in legislation and an effective mechanism for information exchange* 7 
The origin of the XAIWMC had its roots in a conference in June 1974, 
in Sioux Falls, S. Dak., to which Gov. Richard K. Kneip of South Da- 
kota invited the Governors of the United States. 8 The program for this 
Interstate Conference on Weather Modification was developed at Gov- 

5 Davis, testimony before House Committee on Science and Technology. Subcommittee on 
the Environment and the Atmosnhere. June 1976 hearings. 94th Cong.. 2d spss.. p 245 

6 See discussion of the High Plains project (HIPLEX), under "Project Skywater," spon- 
sored by the Bureau of Reclamation. c*i. 5. p. 258 ff. 

7 Xorth American Interstate Weather Modification Council : Its Purposes and Activities 
Las Cruces. N. Mex.. office of the XAIWMC. September 1976. Pub. Xo. 76-2. p. 1. 

8 Conference on Weather Modification in the United States: Potential and Problems for 
Interstate Action, State of South Dakota, Sioux Falls. S. Dak., June 10-12, 1974 248 pp 

34-857 O - 79 - 24 


ernor Kneip's direction by the South Dakota Weather Modification 
Commission, which was then responsible for the operation of the state- 
wide South Dakota weather modification program. 9 Representatives 
of 23 States and the Canadian Province of Alberta attended the con- 
ference and reported on weather modification activities within their 

Recognizing the need for the prudent design and critical analysis 
of all weather modification efforts. Governor Kneip stressed the fact 
that interstate cooperation was "particularly needed in view of the 
growing importance of agricultural production to the economy and 
well-being of the people of all States and the tendency to develop indi- 
vidual State weather modification programs." 10 At the end of the 
conference representatives were selected from California, Xew Mexico, 
North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and the Province 
of Alberta to serve on an ad hoc committee which was to : 

1. Investigate possible organizational needs ; 

2. Plan a second conference on interstate weather modification 
cooperation and coordination within 1 year; and 

3. Study the Sioux Falls conference working committee reports 
and develop suggestions into recommendations. 11 

The conference in June 1974 showed an expanding aAvareness of the 
role of the States in weather modification activities, so that the main 
mission of the ad hoc committee was to establish a forum for inter- 
change and coordination of information of primary interest to State 
officials in the operational or regulatory aspects of weather modifica- 
tion. 12 Meeting in October 1974, the ad hoc committee summarized the 
following bases of concern : 

(1) Substantial but fragmental local. State, and Federal activity 
in deliberate and inadvertent weather modification. 

(2) Weather modification effects do not respect internal or national 
boundaries and no compacts or agreements exist regarding the effects. 

(3) States require a measure of control over weather modification. 

(4) No effective mechanism existed for interstate cooperation in 
weather modification and the States did not have a coordinated ap- 
proach for atmospheric resources decisionmaking. 

(5) Minimal public involvement in whether modification decision- 
making had been solicited in the past. 

(6) Lack of uniformity existed in most State statutes. 

(7) Little exchange of information among States had taken place. 

(8) Weather modification decisionmaking must be responsive to 
local. State, and interstate concerns. 

(9) Weather modification activities in response to emergency 
drought conditions would be most effective through an interstate 
organization of State representatives. 13 

The ad hoc committee suggested that the overall object ives of the 
proposed Interstate Council must be to serve as the focal point and 

9 The South Dakota program lias since heen curtailed, owing to action of the State Legis- 
lature. See discussion of the weather modification activities in South Dakota, p. 3.76. 

10 Kneip. Richard P., letter of invitation to Governors of the United States to the Inter- 
state Conference on Weather Modification. June 10-12. 1974. Sioux City. S. Dak.. Pierre, 
S. Dak.. February 19. 1974. 

11 Keyes, Conrad G.. Jr.. "North American Interstate Weather Modification Council : Need, 
finals. I'urpose, and Activities," Water Resources Bulletin, vol. 13, No. 5, Octoher 1977, 
p. 91 K. 

™ Ibid. 
13 Ibid. 


clearinghouse for interstate weather modification activities and out- 
lined the following specific objectives : 

(1) Serve as the official spokesman for States' needs and views. 

(2) Provide the organization through which funding of multi-State 
assistance programs can be accomplished. 

(3) Provide a forum for developing interstate agreements. 

(■4) Develop and promote the adoption of compatible State regula- 
tory activities. 

(5) Develop and provide information for public use. 

(6) Exchange information and provide assistance in environmental 
and societal relations. 14 

The NAIWMC called its first business meeting in Denver, Colo., 
on January 17, 1975, following the second interstate conference on 
weather modification. 15 During this first meeting the Council adopted 
bylaws, elected an executive committee and a board of directors, and 
adopted several resolutions. 16 Membership was made available to all 
of the States of the United States, to the Government of Mexico, and 
to all the Provinces of Canada. Each of these jurisdictions electing 
to become a member was to affirm its decision through informing the 
-Council of its support, appointment of a Council delegate and alter- 
nate, and payment of dues. Affiliate membership was also made avail- 
able to national agencies, political subdivisions within States or 
Provinces, and professional organizations. Ten geographical areas 
were formed as shown in table 2; areas 2 and 4 were Canada and 
Mexico, respectively, while the other 8 areas were comprised of 
regional groupings of the 50 U.S. States. Figure 1 shows the mem- 
bership within these 10 areas as of October 1977, according the the 
several membership categories. (At its November 1977 meeting, the 
NAIWMC was reorganized into six districts — four in the United 
States : one each in Canada and Mexico.) 

Table 2. — Areas of the North American Interstate Weather Modification Council. 

through October 1977 1 

Area 1 Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana. Wyoming. Alaska. 

Area 2 Canada. 

Area 3 California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, 

Area 4 Mexico. 

Area 5 North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota. Iowa, 


Area 6 Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas. 

Area 7 Michigan. Illinois. Indiana. Ohio, Kentucky. 

Area 8 Tennessee. North Carolina. South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, 

Florida. Mississippi. 

Area 9 West Virginia. Virginia. Maryland. Delaware. New Jersey. 


Area 10 New York, Connecticut. Rhode Island, Massachusetts. Vermont. 

New Hampshire, Maine. 

x At its annual meeting. November 3-4. 1977, the NAIWMC reorganized into six areas, 
consisting of four in the United States (Western, Midwestern, Eastern, and Southeastern), 
one in Canada (northern), and one in Mexico (southern). 

14 Hud., p. 919. 

15 North American Interstate Weather Modification Council, "Conference on Weather 
Modification — a Usable Technology ; Its Potential Impact on the World Food Crisis," Den- 
ver. Col.. Jan. 16-17. 1975. 150 pp. 

16 Keyes. Conrad G.. Jr.. "NAIWMC — Formation and Its Activities Through 1975," the 
Journal of Weather Modification, vol. 8, No. 1, April 1976, pp. 158-159. 


Figure 1. — Map showing the location of 1976 members and geographical distri- 
bution of board of directors of the North American Interstate Weather Modi- 
fication Council (from Keyes, 1977). (At its November 1977 annual meeting, 
the NAIWMG reorganized into six areas — see footnote X, table 2, p. 835.) 

The purpose of the NAIWMC, as stated in the adopted bylaws, is 
divided into the following six categories : 

Operations. — Tho Council shall assist governmental and private or- 
ganizations in planning, design, implementation 7 , coordination, and 
assessment of ongoing, temporary, and emergency Weather modifica- 
tion operations which are planned with the intent or conducted with 
the effect of causing international, national, interstate, or intrastate 
consequences. The Council shall promote effective partnerships among 
various agencies conducting weather modification operations, and 
shall assist in integrating weather modification operations with water 
resources development and other activities affected by weather modi- 
fication activities. 


Research and development. — The Council shall assist governmental 
and private organizations in planning, design, implementation, co- 
ordination, and assessment of weather modification research and de- 
velopment. It shall promote common research concerning weather 
modification activities and their environmental and societal conse- 
quences. The Council shall provide a forum for the exchange of expe- 
rience, data, and information about weather modification. 

Public involvment. — The Council shall seek to provide informa- 
tion for and engage the discussions with (a) public officials, (b) per- 
sons involved in weather modification activities or who demonstrate 
an interest in the effects of weather modification, and (c) the general 
public. It shall serve as spokesman for the needs and views of the 
member jurisdictions, and it shall develop public education programs. 

Legislation. — The Council shall assist national governments, State 
or Provincial governments, and groups of State or Provincial govern- 
ments in preparation, review, and alternation of treaties, statutes, 
compacts, and administrative rules and regulations. It shall seek to 
obtain legislation which is responsive to local. State, interstate, na- 
tional, and international concerns. 

Regulations. — The Council shall assist regulatory agencies in main- 
taining a high level of integrity and professional competency among 
weather modifiers. It shall assist regulatory agencies in coordination 
of their professional licensing and operational permit issuing func- 
tions. It shall serve as a clearinghouse for environmental impact 
statements relating to weather modification and for such other data 
as will assist regulatory agencies. 

Miscellaneous. — The Council shall serve such other purposes relat- 
ing to the development, operation, and control of weather modifica- 
tion as are consistent with those purposes expressly named in this 
article. Such purposes shall be stated by resolution adopted at annual, 
regular, or special meetings of the Council. 17 

Counting the January 1975 conference in Denver as the first meeting 
of the Council, there have been a total of five NAIWMC conferences 
through 1977. The second annual meeting was held in January 1976 
at Kansas City, Mo. 18 Two subsequent conferences were also held dur- 
ing 1976, both in Denver, in August and December, respectively. The 
first of these was a special meeting on legal uncertainties of weather 
modification, and the December conference was the third annual meet- 
ing of the Council. 19 At both of these conferences, the Council held 
business meetings. The 1977 regular meeting of the NAIWMC was 
held November 3-4 in Canada at Calgary, Alberta. Proceedings of the 
1977 conference will be published during 1978. 

The annual meetings of the NAIWMC provide opportunities to ex- 
change information on weather modification activities within the sev- 
eral Council areas and to discuss and act upon resolutions and posi- 
tion statements pertaining to matters of State, regional, national, and 
international concern. Five resolutions were passed at the first meeting 
in J anuary 1975, on the following subjects : 

1. Federal and State legislative actions affecting weather modifica- 

17 Keyes. "North American Interstate Weather Modification Council : Need, Goals, Pur- 
pose, and Activities." 1977. pp. 919-920. 

18 North American Interstate Weather Modification Council. "Conference on Weather 
Modification. Todav and Tomorrow," January 15-16, 1976, Kansas City, Mo., publication 
No. 76-1. NAIWMC. Las Cruces. N. Mex.. 119 pp. 

19 North American Interstate Weather Modification Council, "Legal Uncertainties and 
Legislation in Weather Modification ; Special and Third Annual Meeting of the Council," 
NAIWMC publication No. 77-1. September 1977. 172 pp. 


tion: The unanimous decision of the NAIWMC was to inform all 
Federal legislators of the existence of the Council and of the interest 
and willingness of the organization to assist in the preparation and 
review of existing and proposed Federal legislation. Further, since 
some of the States have successful legislation in effect and have had 
considerable experience in implementing their laws, the Council felt it 
appropriate to offer the expertise of its members to assist other States 
in preparation and development of weather modification legislation. 

2. U.S. Forest Service control of weather modification activities: 
Based upon the Organic Administration Act of 1897 (30 Stat. 34, 35, 
36; 16 U.S.C. 475), regional supervisors of the Forest Service have 
recently required land and water use permits for weather modification 
projects possibly impacting national forest or national grassland 
areas. The NAIWMC unanimously opposed this action of some Forest 
Service personnel and strongly recommended that both Federal and 
State officials and agencies address this problem, since its ramifications 
could well reach beyond the question of weather modification regula- 
tion and control. 

3. Planning and operation of weather modification programs in 
drought emergency situations: Because of existing and continuing 
drought conditions over much of the Great Plains and the Corn Belt, 
it was anticipated that Federal governments may implement weather 
modification activities as a drought relief tool. It was noted, however, 
that the feasibility of such relief was limited to decisionmaking totally 
within Federal agencies, without consultation with officials of poten- 
tially affected States. The NAIWMC recommended that State agen- 
cies be consulted and included in the planning, developing, and imple- 
menting of emergency weather modification programs during drought 

4. Assistance in reviewing, assessing, and furthering the field of 
weather modification by the Weather Modification Association : In this 
resolution the NAIWMC requested that the Weather Modification As- 
sociation consider supporting the concept of the Council and agree to 
provide a ready and willing reservoir of talent and expertise to the 
Council and/or the various States. 20 

5. Emergency drought assistance bill, S. 4028, 93d Congress: The 
NAIWMC strongly supported the concept of utilizing weather modi- 
fication as proposed in the bill, but further suggested that these con- 
cepts be expanded to specifically include a strong organizational struc- 
ture at the State level, advanced technical planning, the mechanisms 
for quick-reacting financial response, and a strong local input to sub- 
sequent field operations. The Council furthermore recommended that 
such a bill ought to specify a mechanism for recognizing and antici- 
pating the conditions under which its provisions would come to play 
so that relief could be given before a drought becomes advanced and 
critical. 21 

At the January 1070 meeting, the Council adopted position state- 
ments on bills then before the 94th Congress of the United States. The 

2,) The purposes and activities of the Weather Modification Association are discussed un- 
der Private Activities in eh. 8. p. •"'•!•<». 

21 Keyes. "NAIWMC — Formation and Its Activities Through 1975," 1976, pp. 160-162. 


first of three bills introduced by Senator Henry Bellmon, S. 2705, to 
establish a National Weather Modification Commission, was strongly 
supported by the Council, which pledged to work with such a com- 
mission if established. No position was adopted, however, on the other 
two "Bellmon bills," and an opposing position was taken on H.R. 
10039 (the "Evans bill''). 22 

The NAIWMC has established close coordination with the Council 
of State governments and the National Conference of State Legisla- 
tures, recommending that input be made on weather modification at 
future meetings of both groups. Suggested issues to be discussed at 
such meetings include interstate arrangements for research, operations, 
and evaluation; provision of institutional framework for handling 
funding and tradeoffs between various societal segments; and provi- 
sion of better information to State decisionmakers in both the execu- 
tive and legislative branches. 23 In January 1976 the Council adopted 
a resolution to support the draft of the proposed model law on weather 
modification, prepared by Prof. Ray Davis of the University of Ari- 
zona. Copies of this draft law have been provided to the Model Law 
Committee of the Council of State Governments. The NAIWMC also 
supported the concept of and sponsored four participants to the con- 
ference on "Legal and Scientific Uncertainties of Weather Modifica- 
tion," conducted by the American Bar Foundation and the American 
Association for the Advancement of Science at Duke University on 
March 12-13, 1976. State governments have requested and received 
testimony from members of the Council ; and, in particular, such testi- 
mony was provided at meetings of the Minnesota Task Force on 
Weather Modification and the Minnesota State Senate prior to adop- 
tion of the new Minnesota weather modification statute. 124 

The Council has also participated with Federal agencies in planning 
future weather modification projects affecting various regions of the 
country. A cooperative planning session on the Bureau of Reclama- 
tion's proposed Colorado River weather modification demonstration 
program was sponsored by the NAIWMC in Denver in August 1976. 
Invited to the session were the seven States on the Colorado River 
Basin, the Bureau of Reclamation, the Upper Colorado River Com- 
mission, and State commissions from the lower river basin. The Coun- 
cil has also been requested by the Advanced Planning Group on 
NOAA's Weather Modification Project Office in Boulder to provide 
input to planning of future weather modification research projects.- 5 

In order to learn about the State weather modification activities, 
laws, institutional structure, research recommendations, and potential 
interest in participation on the Council, the NAIWMC circulated a 
number of questionnaires among the officials and agencies of State 
governments during 1976 and 1977. Information from these surveys 
has been summarized in tabulated form and conclusions formulated 

22 See ch. 5. p. 20H. for a synopsis of tbe<-e bills introduced in +he 94th Congress. 

23 Keves. 'North American Interstate Weather Modification Council: Need, Goals, Pur- 
pose, and Activities," 1977, p. 922. 

24 Ibid. 

25 Ibid. 


by the executive secretary of the Council. This information is presented 
elsewhere in this report in discussions of State weather modification 
activities 2G and recommended research activities for Federal agencies. 27 
Questionnaires and regional meetings of the NAIWMC have de- 
fined potential users of weather modification technology throughout 
the North American Continent. Views on legislation have also been 
presented in testimony at 1976 weather modification hearings in both 
Houses of the U.S. Congress and before Appropriation Committees in 
19TT. Testimony was also provided by the NAIWMC to the U.S. 
Department of Commerce Weather Modification Advisory Board at 
its fifth meeting in October 1977 in Champaign, 111. Recommendation 
by the States, presented through the Council in such testimony, has 
generally supported a Federal law which would include establishment 
of a national weather modification policy in research and development, 
a coordinated effort of Federal activities (possibly by regions or major 
water basins) , and a common licensing and permit system administered 
by the States. 28 

Results of a survey of State interests in weather modification, con- 
ducted by the NAIWMC, are included in the following section. 



During 1977, the North American Interstate Weather Modification 
Council (NAIWMC) surveyed weather modification interests in all 
50 States, posing the following questions to appropriate State agencies 
or officials : 

1. Which organizations in your State have the mission of licensing, 
monitoring, controlling, or operating weather modification activities ? 

2. Does your State presently support weather modification pro- 
grams ? 

3. What weather modification regulation does your State have? 

4. What positions on weather modification does your State have ? 29 
The responses received in reply to the NAIWMC questionnaire have 

since been revised and updated. The data in table 3 were obtained 
from officials in the respective States and have been updated through 
January 1978. 30 In the table the States are arranged according to the 
10 areas to which they had been assigned by the NAIWMC prior to 
the reorganization into six areas at the November 1977 annual meet- 
ing. 31 (Areas 2 and 4 were comprised of the Canadian Provinces and 
the Mexican States, respectively, and are not included in the results of 
the survey.) 

26 See p. :i41 in this chapter. 
2" See ch. 3, p. 138. 

28 Keyes, Conrad G., Jr., "Federal Research iseeds and New Law Requirements in Weather 
Modification : the NAIWMC Viewpoint," testimony before the U.S. Department of Commerce 
Weather Modification Advisory Board, Champaign, in.. Oct. 14. 1977. 

-"' Keyes, "North American Interstate Weather Modification Council : Need, Goals, Pur- 
pose, arid Activities," 1077. p. 924. (In addition to these four questions, the States were also 
queried about their interests and potential participation in the Council ; since these latter 
questions and responses to them are not germane to the general survey of State activities, 
they are not included in the list aliove or in the assemblage of responses in table 3.) 
Keyes. Conrad (J.. Jr.. Private communication, January 1!)7S. 

ni See preceding section, p. .°>.'W, for a discussion of the North American Interstate Weather 
Modification Council. 


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In his analysis of the responses to the NATVVMC questionnaire 
Keyes has made the following observations : 32 

h Few States have weather modification regulation outside a de- 
partment of water or natural resources. 

2. Only a few States have direct involvement in on-going weather 
modification programs. 

3. Several States support the concept of funding further research 
in weather modification. 

4. Twenty-nine States have a law that deals directly or indirectly 
with weather modification. 

5. Very few States have positions concerning weather modification 


The diversity of weather modification activities within the States 
and the frequent changes in State laws and procedures for executing 
the provisions of the laws point to the need for obtaining current 
information on a given State through responsible State officials. Also, 
further information on the statute's official activities, and policy to- 
ward weather modification in the several States can be obtained 
through contacting appropriate individuals within the governmental 
structure of each State. A list of such persons, found in appendix E, 
has been assembled from names and addresses of persons within the 
States, collected by the Xorth American Interstate Weather Modifica- 
tion Council (NAIWMC), who have some interest and/or respon- 
sibility for weather modification. 33 

The list in appendix E is intended to provide a single point of 
contact within each State and is believed to be current as of January 
1978. The individuals listed are cognizant of official State activities 
and current State laws; however, they can also serve as starting points 
within each State, leading to subsequent contacts for additional in- 
formation for which they may not have direct responsibility. Such 
information might relate to local operations and activities of citizens 
groups, commercial operators incorporated and based within the State 
(whose sphere of operations includes other States and countries), 
university research projects, and Federal research projects conducted 
within the State. 

The list of individuals in appendix E is complete in that all 50 
States are represented, including those without weather modification 
laws. In the latter cases, the names or offices appearing are those quali- 
fied to respond to queries on private or local activities within the 
State or on current and future State interest on the subject. The entries 
in the list are alphabetically ordered according to State name. 


The mechanism for reporting of U.S. weather modification activities 
to the Secretary of Commerce through the National Oceanic and At- 
mospheric Administration (XOAA). as required by Public Law 92- 
205 and its amendments, has been discussed under activities of the 
executive branch of the Federal Government. 34 In accordance with the 

32 Keves. "North American Interstate Weather Modification Council : Need, Goals. Pur- 
pose, and Activities." 1977. pp. 924-925. 

33 Keyes, Conrad G., Jr. (executive secretary of the North American Interstate Weather 
Modification Council), private communication. 

34 See chapter 5, p. 232. 


requirement for publishing summary reports on these activities "from 
time to time,'' XOAA has prepared four such summary reports, the 
last of which covers projects which were actively in progress at some 
time during calendar year 1975. 35 (A summary report incorporating 
similar activities for calendar years 1976 and 1977 is in preparation by 
NOAA.) For convenience, the NOAA summary reports include data 
on Federal research projects as well as all U.S. non-Federal projects 
although the law requires only reporting of the latter category of 

Analysis of calendar year 1975 projects 

The total listing of both non-Federal and Federal U.S. weather 
modification projects conducted during 1975 and appearing in the 
latest XOAA summary report 36 appeal's in appendix G. Of the 85 
projects reported in 1975, 12 were completed early in the year, but 12 
similar projects were reinstated later the same year at the same loca- 
tions. Furthermore, two U.S. Air Force operational projects in Alaska 
were replaced during the same year by a single project. Of the 72 non- 
duplicative projects in as many separate locations, 58 were nonfed- 
erally sponsored and the Federal Government sponsored 14. This 
division and the breakdown of the 72 projects by numbers in various 
categories of initiation, completion, and continuation during 1975 are 
shown in table 4. Tables 5 and 6 give numbers of projects carried out 
according to various types of operators and according to kinds of 
sponsors, respectively. Some activities, such as fog dispersal projects 
at airports, have multiple sponsors, as several airlines, for example, 
may enter into joint funding arrangements. Of the 80 distinct sponsors 
in table 6, at least 13 are public at the State and local level if the four 
categories — municipal districts. States, cities, and counties — are com- 
bined. At least 23 non-Federal public projects during 1975 can be 
counted, however, from the listing in appendix G, since some of the 
sponsors enumerated in table 6 funded more than one project ; some of 
the sponsors counted in the category of "airlines/airports" were also 
public agencies. 

The purposes for the reported activities are identified, with the cor- 
responding numbers of each, in table 7. The total in this table (88) is 
larger than the number of nonduplicative projects (72) because some 
projects were conducted for two purposes. 37 

Table 4. — Active, nonduplicative weather modification projects in the United States 
in calendar year 1975 {from Charak, 1976) 

Non-Federal projects 58 

Federally sponsored projects 14 

Projects active on Jan. 1, 1975 35 

Projects active on Dec. 31, 1975 2fi 

Projects active on Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 1975 10 

Projects initiated in calendar year 1975 37 

Projects completed in calendar year 1975 46 

35 Charak. Mason T.. "Wenther Modification Activity Reports: Calendar Year 197.V Na- 
tional Oceanic and Atmosnheric Administration, Office of Environmental Monitoring and 
Prediction. Rockville, Md.. June 197G. 64 pp. 

Mlhid.. pp. 19-35. 

37 Ibid., pp. 3-7. 



Type Operators 

Commercial weather modifiers 15 

Universities 5 

Federal 5 

Municipal districts 5 

Community associations 2 

Power companies 1 

Individuals 2 

Total 35 





Community associations. 



Municipal districts 


Power companies 

Private sector 










Disperse fog 





Community associations 5 


Federal agencies 

Municipal districts 4 3 

States 6 

Power companies 2 

Private sector .... 1 


Counties 1 

Total 17 5 

16 6 

9 1 

2 12 

2 1 

1 6 1 


1 2 

1 1 1 


22 13 2 14 1 5 

Table 8 summarizes weather modification statistics by State and by 
total target area covered for 1975. Seventy-five activities in 25 States 
are shown, duplications appearing over the 72 basic project locations 
because three projects extended into adjoining States — from Michigan 
into Indiana, from Delaware into Maryland, and from California into 
Nevada. The geographical distribution of all reported projects is shown 
in figure 2. Numbers on the map indicate the order in which initial 
project reports were received by XOAA. missing numbers correspond- 
ing to projects reported in earlier years but now terminated. An ; 'F r 
adjacent to a number indicates a federally sponsored project. 3S 

Eighty percent of U.S. weather modification projects were carried 
out west of Kansas City during 1975, with the largest projects in Cali- 
fornia, Oklahoma. South Dakota, and Colorado, in that order of size. 
South Dakota, Utah. North Dakota. Kansas, and California, in order, 
had the largest area coverage from these projects. In the East. Michi- 

38 Ibid., pp. 8-10. 


gan led in the number of projects, while Florida had the most area cov- 
ered. The total target area comprised about 5 percent of the total area 
of the United States, Federal activities accounting for about 7 percent 
and commercial operators for 93 percent of this area. Sixty-five percent 
of the area of South Dakota was specified as target area, while in Utah. 
Delaware, and North Dakota corresponding percentages were 49, 36, 
and 26, respectively. 39 


Target area 

Location Activities (square miles) 

Alaska 2 51 

California 11 5,183 

Colorado 6 3,315 

Delaware.... 1 750 

Florida 2 4,878 

Idaho 1 198 

Illinois 1 2 

Indiana 1 204 

Iowa 2 4 

Kansas 1 9,000 

Maryland 1 750 

Michigan 6 3,507 

Montana 1 5 

Nebraska 1 2 

Nevada 2 755 

New Hampshire 1 4 

North Dakota 5 18,629 

Oklahoma. 9 7,885 

Oregon 3 7,841 

Pennsylvania 1 200 

South Dakota .... 7 50,085 

Texas 3 7,200 

Utah.. 3 41,510 

Washington 3 56 

Wyoming.. 1 180 

Total 75 163,194 

: i«_ 

138 139 

137 136 135 

126 / 183F 75F 

IT? 175 

Tll8 \ 

Cl 171 '< 

^21? 177f\ 

_ Nuabera Indicate 
approximate project location. 
An " 7" ahova Federally 
aponeorad activity. Appendix 
A con talc a a 11a t of theae 
numbered projecta. 

FlOUEE 2. Federal and non-Federal weather modification activities in the United 
Slates, calendar year 1975. (From Charak, 1J)7(>. ) 

•» Ibid., p. 10. 


Preliminary analysis of projects for calendar years 1976-77 

Prior to publication of the next XOAA summary of U.S. weather 
modification projects, to be completed during 1978, Charak has com- 
pleted a preliminary analysis of reported projects for the calendar 
years 1976-77. 40 Table 9 provides information on numbers of projects, 
operators, and sponsors for the 2 years. An increase of 44 percent in 
total activities is seen from 1976 to 1977, although Federal projects de- 
creased 33 percent while non-Federal ones increased 60 percent. The 
number of non-Federal weather modifiers remained constant for the 2 
years ; however, there was an approximate 40-percent increase in the 
number of community sponsoring groups from 1976 to 1977. Further 
analysis of the operators in 1977 shows that six commercial firms con- 
ducted 60 percent of the activities, and three of these companies op- 
erated 50 percent of the projects. The increase in projects in 1977 re- 
flects the efforts to combat or forestall drought conditions in the 
United States on the part of various States, local farm groups, and 
municipal water districts. Charak feels that this increase may also 
indicate that the belief in the potential of cloud seeding for precipita- 
tion enhancement is shared by more and more governmental officials 
and other people affected by water shortages. 41 


(FROM CHARAK, 1978) 

Calendar year— 
1976 1977 

Total activities/locations 61 88 

Non-Federal.. 52 82 

Federal 9 6 

Operators 31 29 

Federal . 4 2 

Non-Federal 27 27 

Commercial '. 16 16 

Water districts... 7 7 

Universities 2 2 

Community associations . 1 1 

Utilities... 1 1 

Sponsors 59 68 

Community associations... 18 25 

Airlines 10 10 

Municipal districts 10 12 

Federal organizations . 6 3 

States 5 6 

Utilities 4 3 

Private 5 6 

Cities 1 3 

Table 10 shows the distribution of reported activities by State and 
by total target area size within the States for the 2 years. California 
led in the number of activities for both years and also had the largest 
target area increase from 1976 to 1977. However, the total target area 
in Utah in 1977 was the largest for any State for the 2 years. Because 
some projects crossed State boundaries, the total numbers in table 10 
exceed the numbers in table 9. The purposes and the seeding agents for 

40 Charak. Mason T.. "Preliminary Analysis of Reported Weather Modification Activities 
in the United States for Calendar Year 1976-77." Submitted for publication in The Journal 
of Weather Modification, 197S. 

11 Ibid. 


the various weather modification activities are given in table 11. In- 
crease of precipitation continues to be the major purpose of the proj- 
ects. The number of projects directed to hail suppression was reduced 
by 50 percent over the previous year in 1977, and in all hail projects 
there was the additional intended goal of increasing precipitation. 
The most used seeding agent continues to be silver iodide, although 
there is increased use of dry ice for precipitation enhancement as well 
as for cold fog dispersal. 42 


Calendar year 1976 


Activities miles) 

Calendar year 1977 


Activities miles) 

Alaska 2 3 3 7 

California 11 11,993 20 59,403 

Colorado 3 2,915 6 31,300 

Delaware ■. 1 1,000 

Florida 1 4,800 

Georgia 3 9,000 

Idaho 1 8,600 1 600 

Illinois 2 2,502 3 3,700 

Iowa 2 4 1 3,600 

Kansas.... . 1 9,000 1 10,400 

Louisiana 2 1,350 

Maryland 1 1,100 

Michigan 1 530 3 7,524 

Minnesota 2 15,381 1 240 

Montana 2 20,005 2 20,005 

Nebraska 12 

Nevada 1 5 7 16,326 

New Hampshire 14 1 4 

North Dakota. 4 23,068 3 16,288 

Oklahoma 7 6,948 2 719 

Oregon _____ 2 7,821 3 836 

South D'akota 3 11,821 1 2,500 

Texas 5 11,226 5 11,826 

Utah 4 59,410 9 92,135 

Washington 3 56 10 25,379 

Wisconsin 1 1,100 

Wyoming 2 196 4 1,446 

63 198,390 92 315,689 


Calendar year— 
1976 1977 


To increase precipitation. 

To decrease hail 

To disperse fog... 

For research 


Silver iodide. 

Dry ice 

Liquid propane 


Water spray 


















General Discussion of Local Weather Modification Policy 

and Activities 

In most instances, the principal beneficiaries of weather modifica- 
tion are the local or regional users who include agricultural invests, 

v Ibid. 


weather-relsrted industries, municipalities, airports, utilities, and ordi- 
nary citizens — those individuals and groups whose economic well-being 
and whose lives and property are subject directly to adverse conse- 
quences of insufficient water supplies or the extreme effects of severe 
weather. It is at the local level where the need to engage in weather 
modification is most keenly perceived. Most evident at this same level 
are the interests of those who may be affected negatively by the real or 
perceived results of weather modification. It follows that both the 
greatest support and the strongest opposition to weather modification 
projects are focused at the local level, where expressions of differing 
positions are most vocal. 

The popularity of a particular weather modification project and 
the degree of controversy surrounding a project are frequently deter- 
mined in large measure by the extent to which local citizens and 
organizations have a voice in whether a project shall be conducted, 
how it can be controlled aaid curtailed if necessary, and how it shall 
be funded. When, as in some States, counties or municipalities are 
authorized to raise and expend tax moneys to support weather modifi- 
cation, the importance of this voice becomes even more evident. At 
the local level, the decision to implement or withdraw from a project 
can be most often made with minimum social stress. Table 12 sum- 
marizes the results of a study by Haas, in which citizens in Colorado 
and South Dakota were polled on their sentiments on the level of gov- 
ernment or other groups by which decisions ought to be and likely will 
be made on local cloud-seeding projects. 43 More than half of the re- 
spondents in the survey who expressed an opinion felt that local resi- 
dents or local government officials should make such decisions, and 
the greatest plurality held that the decision should be solely that of 
local residents. 


[In percent) 

(N = 168) 

South Dakota 
(N = 182) 






Local residents 





Local government 





County and State government 





State government 





State and Federal Government 





Federal Government 










Other, including combinations 2 





Don't know 





1 Not included in Colorado survey. 

2 Includes 6 percent who said, "farmers and ranchers" without specifying area of residence. 

Counties and other local governmental jurisdictions exercise the 
greatest control over weather modification through their willingness 
or reluctance to support with tax dollars either the projects initiated 
by States or by districts within the States. In their appraisal of the 

43 Hass. J. Eugene, "Sociological Aspects of Weather Modification," in Wilmot N. Hess 
(editor). "Weather and Climate Modification," New York. Wiley, 1974, p. 805. 

34-857 O - 79 - 25 


relevance which local government policy at various levels has to 
weather modification, Lambright and Dorsey conclude that: 

The jurisdictional powers of local government bear no direct, and little indi- 
rect, relationship to weather modifications activities. Only in an area where tax 
levies are authorized for the support of weather modification (e.g., a county) can 
the local government exercise "control" (positive or negative) over weather 
modification by its willingness, or reluctance, to sponsor the activity. Where 
multicounty. cooperative areas are involved, the actions of several counties can 
provide a substantial substate base of support for weather modification within 
a State. Acting under State law. these substate regions can become the principal 
structure for day-to-day decisions governing the technology. 44 45 

In both North and South Dakota, counties have been given author- 
ity by the State legislatures to levy taxes for the specific purpose of 
supporting local weather modification projects. In North Dakota, 
county weather modification authorities are created to provide user 
control over projects and to stabilize local social problems arising from 
controversies over the projects. A Xorth Dakota statute provision al- 
lows county residents to withdraw from a joint State-county project 
and to abolish a county authority through circulation of petitions or 
countywide elections. 

A California statute, enacted in 1955 and providing authority to 
various local governmental units to support and conduct weather mod- 
ification operations, states that : 

Any county, city, city and county, district, authority or other public corporation 
or agency which has the power to produce, conserve, control or supply water for 
beneficial purposes shall have the power to engage in practices designed to pro- 
duce, induce, increase or control rainfall or other precipitation for the general 
benefit of the territory within it. 46 

Regulation of weather modification in California is essentially a 
function of the State and not local governments. This division of 
authority follows from the fundamental role of the State to allocate 
water, even though the California constitution gives authority to 
counties and cities to enact regulatory measures so long as they do not 
conflict with the general laws. On the other hand, special districts are 
not given this authority nor can the legislature delegate such authority 
to these districts. Since the State has already enacted minimal weather 
modification regulations, local regulatory power is somewhat limited 
as it may not conflict with the State provisions. 47 

In other States local regulation of weather modification is more in 
evidence, both through formal and informal arrangements. For ex- 
ample, in Pennsylvania, where the State law does permit weather 
modification projects under very strict regulations, some townships in 
the south-central part of the State have passed ordinances prohibiting 
all such activities. 48 

" Lambright, W. Henry and Thomas A. Dorsey, "An Issue Paper: Some Notes on Inter- 
governmental Relations in a National Weather Modification Policy," background paper pre- 
pared for the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification Advisory Board. Febru- 
ary 1977, pp. 9-10. 

45 In the context of this quotation, "local" refers to governments at the subcounty level : 
whereas the term "local" means any jurisdiction. Including counties, at the substate level 
elsewhere throughout tins chapter. 

" l California Government Code. sec. 53063. (The entire body of California State law per- 
taining to weather modifications is reproduced in app. I), p. old). 

17 Sato. Sbo, - The Role of Local Governmental Units in Weather Modification: Califor- 
nia." in Howard .1. Taubenfeld (editor). "Controlling the Weather: a Study of Law and 
Regulatory Processes, ' New York, Dune lien, 1970, pp. 229-2:u and pp. 242-24S. 

8 In Pennsylvania, townships are local administrative units within counties, mosth rural 
in complexion, which, along with cities and boroughs, make up the total area of each 


In Colorado, the Department of Natural Resources has sole author- 
ity to grant or revoke a permit. Nevertheless, strongly negative senti- 
ments expressed in a preference vote in five counties of the San Luis 
Valley were instrumental in the decision of the department to deny a 
summer cloud-seeding permit in 1973. Winter cloud seeding has been 
initiated in the region subsequently and continues only with the un- 
official yet very effective approval and local control of a citizens group. 
This group was formed as the result of an agreement by, and includes 
members from, both local proponents and opponents of cloud seeding, 
and the group holds veto power to suspend operations by majority 

Local projects have typically been sponsored by groups of farmers 
or ranchers, public utility companies, air lines and airports, water 
districts, and municipalities. Often they have been sponsored and/or 
controlled at the county, city or special district level and have been 
funded at least in part through local tax levies, depending on the 
authorities granted these jurisdictions in particular States. In some 
States, counties and States have jointly funded local projects in ac- 
cordance with some cost-sharing formula established by statute or 
agreed upon between the State and local jurisdictions. 

Tables 6 and 9 in an earlier section of this chapter 49 summarize 
information on sponsors of U.S. weather modification projects for 
1975 through 1977. From these data the numbers of local public spon- 
sors are seen to be 33, 29, and 38, respectfully, for calendar years 1975, 
1976, and 1977, when the sponsor categories of community associations, 
municipal districts, cities, and counties are combined. "State" projects 
usually include joint efforts with counties or groups of counties within 
the States, so that the sponsors so identified as States in the tables 
could be further broken down in some cases into additional local 
sponsors, increasing the previous totals. The category "community 
associations" consists of groups of local citizens within a county or 
group of counties, supported by local taxes and/or voluntary contribu- 

Specific examples of local projects and sponsors are included in 
discussions of weather modification activities within particular States 
in the latter part of this chapter. In particular, table 13, listing indi- 
vidual projects for the water year 1977 (October 1, 1976 through 
September 30, 1977) in California shows the variety of sponsors, 
public and private, found in that State, which has both the greatest 
number of sponsors and projects in the country. Tables 16 and 17 
provide similar information for calendar years 1975 and 1976 for 
projects in the three- State area of North and South Dakota and Min- 
nesota in the upper Middle West. 

Weather Modification Activities in Particular States 

Since each of the States is somewhat different from the others in the 
extent and the diversity of involvement in weather modification, it is 
difficult to give a full account of activities by the several States. The 
list of individuals in the respective States, referred to in a previous 
section and found in appendix E, can be used to acquire detailed, cur- 

See pp. 345 and 347. 


rent information on activities within a particular State. In addition, 
however, in order to provide further insight into the kinds of organi- 
zational structures, regulatory activities, and operational and research 
programs within States, some case examples of particular States are 
discussed in the following sections. The cases were selected on the basis 
of both availability of information and the variety of State activities. 
The States discussed are California, Illinois, Kansas, North Dakota. 
South Dakota, Utah, and Washington. 


State weather modification law and regulations 

The California statute both encourages the development of weather 
modification technology and recognizes the need to regulate its 
practice. Chapter four of the State water code, entitled "Regulation of 
Rain-making and Rain-prevention," passed in 1953, states that: 

The public interest, health, safety, welfare, and necessity require that scientific 
experimentation in the field of artificial nucleation, and that scientific efforts to 
develop, increase, and regulate natural precipitation be encouraged, and that 
means be provided for the regulation and control of interference by artificial 
means with natural precipitation of rain, snow, moisture, or water in any form 
contained in the atmosphere, within the State, in order to develop, conserve, and 
protect the natural water resources of the State and to safeguard life and prop- 
erty. 50 

The California Department of Water Resources is the agency re- 
sponsible for carrying out the provisions of the water code related to 
weather modification. The law itself expresses in some detail the means 
by which the regulations are to be administered. Licenses are required 
and must be obtained from the department of water resources, each 
application requiring specific information on the education, experience, 
and other qualifications of the individual or persons in control of and 
charged with the operations. Data required with each application 
includes : 

The previous education, experience, and qualifications of the 
applicant, or, if the applicant is other than an individual, the 
previous education, experience, and qualifications of the persons 
who will be in control of and charged with the operations of the 
applicant ; 

A general description of the operations which the applicant in- 
tends to conduct and the method and type of equipment the appli- 
cant proposes to use ; and 

Such other information as the department may require. 51 
Licenses are effective for a calendar year unless revoked or sus- 
pended and may be renewed annually. Prior to undertaking any oper- 
ation authorized by the license, under normal circumstances a notice 
of intention to perform a weather modification project must be filed 
with the Department of Water Resources and shall Ix* published in a 
newspaper having a general circulation and published within the 
county, or in each of the counties, in which the operations are to be 

* California Water Code. sec. 400. (The California weather modification law is reproduced 
in entirety in app. I), p. 516.) 
" Ibid., sec. 403. 


conducted. If no newspaper is published within a particular county, 
publication shall be in a newspaper with a general circulation within 
that county. Published notices must include information on the nature 
and object of intended operations, the person or persons on whose 
behalf the project is to be performed, the area and approximate times 
for conduct of the operations, and the area which may be affected by 
the project to the extent that such area can be determined in advance. 52 
The requirement for published advance notification may be waived 
in an emergency situation if the operations appear to the depart- 
ment to be desirable in aiding extinguishment of fires. Furthermore, 
at the request of the board of supervisors of a county or of the govern- 
ing body of a city or a public district in the State, the department may 
also grant a licensee permission to undertake seeding to alleviate a 
drought emergency, without prior compliance with the need for pub- 
lication of intent; however, the licensee must publish such notice as 
soon as practicable after the granting of permission for emergency 

Licensees are required to maintain records of all operations, show- 
ing the method and equipment used, times and places of operations, 
and the names and addresses of all persons participating and assist- 
ing in the operations. Immediately following completion of each 
operation a report is to be filed. An evaluation statement for each 
operation, including estimated precipitation gain or loss occurring 
from the seeding activities and other supporting data, is to be pre- 
pared and maintained by the operator, and it is to be submitted to 
the department upon request. 53 

Weather modification projects 

Cloud-seeding projects have been underway in California since the 
late 1940's, and some projects sponsored by utility companies have 
been continuous since the 1950's. Some operations are carried out dur- 
ing the winter season to increase winter snowpack, whose runoff is 
used for hydroelectric power generation and to augment water sup- 
plies. Other projects are designed to increase summer rainfall for a 
variety of water needs and for fighting forest fires. 

Fifteen weather modification licenses were issued in California 
during calendar vear 1977, and 14 projects were conducted within the 
1977 water year/October 1, 1976 through September 30, 1977. 54 Table 
13 shows the projects active in the State during this period along with 
licensed operators who were inactive during that year. Projects in the 
table with an "E" following the project number were emergency pro- 
grams, which nearly doubled the customary number of annual proj- 
ects. The variety of public and private clients sponsoring opera- 
tional projects in the State is seen in the fourth column. Note that, 
while most of the licensees in the third column are commercial cloud- 
seeding firms, other licenses are granted to some clients who provide 
their own services and one license was given to a university research 
group for participation in a research project of a U.S. Federal agency. 

52 Ibid., sees. 402-410. 

53 Ibid., sees. 411-412. 

54 State of California, the Resources Agency. Department of Water Resources, Weather 
Modification Activities in California ; Oct. 1, 1976 to Sept. 30, 1977. 


[From California Department of Water Resources, 1977] 

Project No. 


No. Licensee 


Target area 








22- 77-1. 

23- 77-1. 


44-77 1(E). 

North American Weather Con 

Santa Barbara Municipal Air 

port, Goleta, Calif. 
North American Weather Con 



California Edison 

Upper San 

Joaquin River 

Atmospherics, Inc 



Nevada Irrigation District in 
cooperation with Pacific 
Gas & Electric Co. 
Kings River Conservation 

do Kaweah Delta Water Conser- 

vation District. 
Yolo County Flood Control 
and Water Conservation 
District, Lake County, 
Sonoma County, Mendocino 
County, and Pacific Gas & 
Electric Co., Yolo County, 
Solano County Flood Con- 
trol and Water Conserva- 
tion District. 

.do Los Angeles Department of 

Water and Power. 

21 do Kern County 

21 do.. Desert Research Institute, 

University of Nevada. 





San Bernardino Valley Munic- 
ipal Water District, San 
Bernardino, Calif. 

Pacific Gas & Electric Co., San 
Francisco, Calif. 

San Bernardino Valley Munic- 
ipal Water District. 

Upper Middle Yuba River and 
north side South Yuba River 
above Spaulding Dam. 

Upper Kings River watershed. 

Kaweah River watershed. 

Clear Lake, Indian Valley 
Reservoir watersheds in 
Lake County and added later 
portions of Mendocino 
County and that portion of 
the Eel River drainage in 
Lake County to all of that 
county. Portions of Yolo 
County and the watershed 
above Lake Berryessa in 
Napa County. 

East slopes of the Sierra from 
southwest of Lone Pine to 
the southern portions of 
Mono Basin. 

Kern River above Isabella Dam. 

Higher elevations of Tahoe 
Basin and the Walker River 
drainage basin. 

Upper Santa Ana watershed. 

Pacific Gas & Electric Co Lake Almanor drainage basin. 


Santa Clara Valley Water Dis- 
trict, San Jose, Calif. 

Envaids Inc., Stockton, Calif.. 

Desert Research Institute En- 
ergy and Atmospheric En- 
vironmental Center, Uni- 
versity of Nevada System, 
Reno, Nev. 

Sacramento Municipal Utility 
District, Sacramento, Calif. 

Joe Warburton, Desert Re- 
search Institute, Reno, Nev. 

Marin Municipal Water Dis- 
trict, Corte Madera, Calif. 

Institute of Earth, Planetary 
and Life Sciences, Los An- 
geles, Calif. 

University of Washington, 
Department of Atmospheric 
Science, Seattle, Wash. 

Weather Modification, Inc., 
Bowman, N. Dak. 

45 Mr. Jack VanZandt, Teha- 

chapi, Calif. 

46 Weather Consultants, Inc. 

Santa Barbara, Calif. 

Santa Clara Valley Water Dis- 

Licensee inactive this year... 


Sacramento Municipal Utility 

Licensee inactive this year 

[see 21-77-6(E)[. 
Licensee inactive this year 


Transport and diffusion stud- 
ies for U.S. Bureau of Rec- 

California Department of 
Water Resources. 

Licensee inactive this year.. 


Upper Mokelumne River water- 
Santa Clara County. 


Upper American River. 
ISee 21-77-6CE).] 

American River Basin. 

Summer cumulus program in 
the mountains and uplands 
of Mendocino County and 
Mariposa County northward. 
For a short period operations 
were also carried out over 
the Kern River drainage. 




0_ R E G ON 

Figure 3. — California weather modification target areas, Oct. 1, 1976, through 
Sept. 30, 1977. "E" following project number indicates emergency project. 
(From California Department of Water Resources, 1977.) 

The target areas, showing the area of the State covered by weather 
modification projects during the 1977 water year, are shown on the 
map in figure 3. For comparison, the relatively smaller areas of the 
State covered in the two preceding years — October 1974 through Sep- 
tember 1975 and October 1975 through September 1976 — are shown 
in figure 4. The influence of the recent 1976-77 drought and attempts 
to mitigate it through emergency cloud seeding account for the dra- 
matically increased coverage for the reporting year ending Septem- 
ber 1977. Seven projects were conducted during each of these 2 earlier 
years, compared with 14 in 1976-77. 35 

53 State of California, the Resources Agency. Department of Water Resources. Weather 
Modification Activities in California ; Oct. 1, 1974, to Sept. 30, 1975 ; and Oct. 1, 197o to 
Sept. 30, 1976. 


State-sponsored emergency projects 

In July 1977, the State of California initiated its own emergency 
cloud-seeding program, intended to alleviate drought conditions. 
Weather Modification, Inc., of Bowman, N. Dak., was awarded a con- 
tract with the Department of Water Resources, who were themselves 
the client in this first operational weather modification project ever 
to be funded by the State (see project No. 44r-77-l(E) in table 13). 
Seeding was carried out in the Kern River watershed and over a wide 
swath of the State extending from the Merced River north to the Ore- 
gon border. Objectives of the program were to reduce fire danger and 
to augment dwindling water supplies in drought-stricken northern 
counties of the State. 50 This summer emergency seeding was totally 
supported by State funds. 

56 Alexander. George, "State Seeks To Wring Rain From Clouds," Los Angeles Times, 
July 2, 1977, pt. 1, pp. 1, 17. 


Figure 4. — Target areas for seven weather modification projects conducted in 
California for (a) water year 1975 (Oct. 1, 1974, through Sept. 30, 1975), and 
(b) water year 1976 (Oct. 1, 1975, through Sept. 30, 1976). (From California 
Department of Water Resources, 1975 and 1976.) 

Under the Drought Emergency Act of 1977, the State received $300,- 
000 in grants from the Bureau of Keclamation of the U.S. Department 
of the Interior. 57 A winter emergency weather modification program 
has been initiated by the State, supported by these funds. Since the 
winter project was initiated since October 1, 1977, it is not included in 

57 See chapter 5, p. 266. 


the projects listed in table 13 or shown in figure 3. The contractor for 
these operations is Atmospherics, Inc., of Fresno, Calif. The emergency 
funds from the Bureau of Reclamation are also supporting two weather 
modification studies, one on the development of operational criteria 
and the other on project evaluation. 58 


Illinois is an example of a Midwestern State in which there has 
been a high degree of interest in weather modification, particularly 
with regard to potential benefits to agriculture from increased rain- 
fall and from decreased hail damage. The State does not finance 
weather modification operations, but does encourage such activities, 
supported through local private funding. The Illinois law, recently 
passed in 1073. is concerned essentially with regulation of operations: 
however, it is positive in that it fosters weather modification, with 
proper controls and protection guarantees. The Illinois State water 
survey has led in endorsing and in evaluating properly conducted 
weather modification operations in the State and has a record of promi- 
nent and extensive activity across a broad spectrum of weather modi- 
fication research activities. 

Illinois iceather modification, law and its administration 

The Illinois State water survey initiated efforts in 1971 to develop 
and secure a State law that would both permit and regulate weather 
modification activities in Illinois. There was no previous law and such 
a law was considered to be essential not only to insure proper execution 
of weather modification experiments in the State but also ". . . for the 
general benefit of citizens of Illinois through encouragement to prop- 
erly conducted activities and protection from improperly conducted 
weather modification operations." 59 

Efforts thus begun in October 1971 were completed in September 
1073 with enactment of the Illinois weather modification control bill 
and its accompanying appropriation bill. It was intended to be a 
"model" law, reflecting the best aspects of similar legislation in other 
States and serving as a model for future legislation in other States. 00, 61 
Witti objectives of encouraging weather modification operations and 
research and of minimizing possible adverse effects of such activities, 
the Illinois Weather Modification Control Act contains three types 
of provisions : 

1. It establishes an institutional structure to deal with regula- 
tion of cloud seeding activities ; 

2. It contains substantive regulatory provisions controlling in- 
tentional atmospheric manipulation in the State: and 

3. It establishes basic rules of procedure according to which the 
regulatory provisions will be enforced. 02 

The Illinois law is merely regulatory and does not authorize a State 
government agency to carry out weather modification operations. In 

68 Finlayson, Donald J., private communication. 

" ; * Aekerman. William C., Stanley A. Changnori, Jr., and Ray Jay Davis. "The New 
Weather Modification l-aw for Illinois. ' Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 
vol. 55, No. 7, July 1974, p. 745. 

60 Ibid. 

61 The Illinois law (111. Ann. Stat. Oh. 140 3/4, § 1-32) in its entirety is found along with 
those of other States in app. D. pp. 533 to 541. 

*'■- Ackerman, Changnon, and Davis, "The New Weather Modification Law for Illinois," 
1974, p. 747. 


the process of controlling weather modification operations, three State 
entities are involved: 

1. The weather modification board is composed of five Illinois resi- 
dents, appointed by the director of the department of registration and 
education, who have qualifications and practical experience in agri- 
culture, law, meteorology, and water resources. The board meets an- 
ually and at such times and places it determines. The director of the 
department of registration and education can exercise his regulatory 
authority only upon recommendation in a written report from the 
majority of the members of the board. 

2. The department of registration and education, working through 
advisory groups like the weather modification board, supervises most 
of the professional licensing in Illinois. All formal documents required 
by the Weather Modification Control Act are issued by the depart- 

3. The State courts are part of the institutional structure in that per- 
sons adversely affected by weather modification are afforded a right to 
judicial review of final administrative decisions of the department of 
registration and education. The department may also seek a writ of in- 
junction to restrain repetitious violations of the act. 63 

Regulatory provisions of the Illinois law prohibit a person's en- 
gaging in weather modification activities (a) without both a profes- 
sional weather modification license and a weather modification permit 
for a specific project or (b) in violation of any term, condition, or limi- 
tation of such license and permit. Some activities may be exempted 
from license and permit requirements by administrative regulation. 
Such exemptions are granted for research activities and for fire, frost, 
or fog protection, so long as the exempted activities do not interfere 
with operations conducted by permit. 64 The rules of procedure, estab- 
lished by the weather modification board and the department of regis- 
tration and education are found in appendix M of this report. Under 
these procedures One permit was granted in 1976 for a rain enhance- 
ment project, and three were granted in 1977. 65 

Operational projects 

The first permit for weather modification operations under the 
Illinois law was obtained by a group of farmers and other interested 
businessmen, called Rain, Inc., who contracted for cloud seeding serv- 
ices in a five-county area in the southern part of the State. This area 
was centered in Colt County, about 45 miles south of the Champaign- 
Urbana area. This cooperative voluntary- funded organization initiated 
an aircraft seeding program in July 1976. The program was renewed in 
1977 ; however, there seemed to be less interest the second season owing 
to less critical rainfall shortages. Evaluation of 1976 results by the Illi- 
nois State Water Survey showed that there was an estimated*12- to 50- 
percent rainfall increase. 66 

Another group of farmers from McLean County in north central 
Illinois, organized as Rain Gain. Inc.. was formed in June 1977. and 
contracted for weather modification operations, which began July 12. 


85 Posse, E. Ray. member of Illinois weather modification board. Briefing before U.S. De- 
partment of Commerce Weather Modification Advisory Board. Champaign, 111., Oct. 13. 

66 Schilling. David. President. Rain. Inc.. briefing before the U.S. Department of Com- 
merce Weather Modification Advisory Board, Champaign. 111., Oct. 13, 1977. 


Rains were heavy during July, and the operations were stopped on 
August 4. Costs for these operations were estimated at about 40 cents 
per acre. There is a present attempt, along with the State water 
survey, to evaluate results of the seeding, and the group is contemplat- 
ing a second season of operations in 1978. 67 

Research activities 

The Illinois State Water Survey initiated research into the potential 
of modifying the weather in the late 1960'S, recognizing the potential 
for this emerging technology. In 1970 a major research effort was 
launched by the survey in two general aspects of the subject: (1) 
studies of inadvertent weather modification produced by cities and 
industrial activities, and (2) studies of planned or intentional weather 
modification. In the latter category the research is intended to answer 
the questions of whether the weather can be modified and whether it 
can be done beneficially without undue harm. 68 

The survey has been a national leader in studies on planned weather 
modification. There has been a concentrated interest in experiments 
to determine the usefulness of weather modification in Illinois and else- 
where in the Middle West, recognizing that most U.S. weather modi- 
fication operations have been conducted in the Great Plains and in the 
Rockies where capabilities to augment precipitation have at least partly 
been demonstrated. Thus, survey scientists have given considerable 
attention to the design of experiments to increase summer rainfall and 
to suppress hail. With some support from the National Science Foun- 
dation (XSF) they have recently completed development of a design 
for a major 8-year hail suppression experiment for Illinois. The State 
is now ready to launch a hail experiment if it is determined desirable 
to do so. 69 Interest in hail suppression also led the survey to join with 
other experts in performing an XSF-sponsored national-scale tech- 
nology assessment of hail suppression. 70 

In 1968 the water survey also began a project to develop the design of 
an experiment in precipitation modification, funded by the XSF and 
the Bureau of Reclamation. A capability was developed in numerical 
cloud modeling, using computers ; and a field program was initiated, 
using meteorological aircraft and radar for sampling clouds to deter- 
mine seedability criteria. After a major reduction in Federal support 
during 1973 had curtailed this design project before its completion, 
renewed support from the Bureau of Reclamation has enabled survey 
scientists to develop a design for a rainfall modification experiment in 
the High Plains. They are now prepared to resume design for a warm 
rain experiment in Illinois, after completion of the cloud sampling 
research. 71 

Survey scientists have discussed rainfall requirements with Midwest 
agricultural interests and are developing a plan for a Midwestern rairi- 

« Gildersleeve, Ben. Briefing before U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification 
Advisory Board. Champaign. 111.. Oct. 13, 1077. 

changnon. Stanley A., Jr.. "Accidental and Planned Weather Modification in Illinois," 
Water Resources Bulletin, vol. 13, No. 6, December 1077, p. 11 GO. 

80 Ibid., p. 1172. 

7 " Changnon, Stanley A., Jr.. Ray Jay Davis. Barbara C. Farhar. J. Eugene Haas. J. Lore- 
ena Ivens. Martin V. Jones. Donald A. Klein, Dean Mann. Griffith M. Morgan. Jr., Steven T. 
Sonka, Earl R. Swanson, C. Robert Taylor, and Jon Van Blokland. "Hail Suppression ; Im- 
pacts and Issues." Urbana, 111.. Illinois State Water Survey, April 1077. 432 pp. (A sum- 
mary of the report has also been published : Farhar. Barbara C. Stanley A. Changnon. Jr., 
Farl R. Swanson, Ray Jay Davis, and J. Eugene Haas. "Hail Supression and Society," Ur- 
bana. 111., Illinois State Water Survey. June 1077. 25 pp.) 

71 Changnon, "Accidental and Planned Weather Modification in Illinois." 1077, pp. 1172- 


fall modification experiment, along with representatives from agricul- 
tural colleges in Midwestern States and from Federal Government 
agencies. When funding is secured for this project, hopefully during 
1978, the experiment will be initiated ; it will incorporate both physical 
and statistical assessment of cloud and rainfall modifications as well 
as studies of public attitudes and economic and ecological impacts from 
altered precipitation. 72 

In an attempt to evaluate precipitation modification operations con- 
ducted during the 1976 growing season in central Illinois, the survey 
and the College of Agriculture at the University of Illinois installed a 
rain gage network. Examination of these data led to a conclusion that 
the seeded areas received 12 to 50 percent more rainfall ; however, the 
differences could not be established as due to the seeding in view of the 
small sample size (6 rain days) . 73 

Survey scientists have also participated in a number of experiments 
on inadvertent weather modification, including the METROMEX in 
the vicinity of St. Louis 74 and similar studies downwind of Chicago 
and Kansas City. They have also studied effects on rainfall of the mas- 
sive irrigation which has been developed in the Great Plains since 
World War II. 75 

Over the past 10 years the survey has spent about $3 to $4 million in 
weather modification research, including both planned and inadvertent 
aspects. Of these funds about one-third was provided by the State, 
while the remainder has come from various Federal agencies. The latter 
include the National Science Foundation, the Bureau of Reclamation, 
and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 76 The funds for 
EPA-supported research in inadvertent weather change are not con- 
sidered to be weather modification research by the EPA, so that agency 
does not appear among the Federal agencies supporting weather modi- 
fication in chapter 5. 77 


Kansas Weather Modification Act 

In 197-1- Kansas leoislature passed H.B. 1216, known as the 
Kansas Weather Modification Act, providing for licensing by the 
State of all qualified persons who desire to engage in weather modifi- 
cation activities within the State and requiring that a permit be ob- 
tained for each specific activity. 78 Responsibility for administering 
the act is placed with the Kansas Water Resources Board ; however, 
the law also requires the board to appoint an advisory committee to 
assist the board's executive director in developing licensing standards 
and report forms and to assist in other areas as directed by the board. 
Rules and regulations prepared by the board and the advisory com- 
mittee specify how the law is administered and procedures to follow 
in applying for licenses and permits. 79 The objectives of the rules and 
regulations are to "encourage the development and evaluation of 
weather modification technology, to protect the public through the 
requirement that operators . . . possess certain basic qualifications, and 

72 Ibid., p. 1173. 

73 Ibid. 

74 See chs. 4 and 5 for a discussion of METROMEX. 

75 Changnon, "Accidental and Planned Weather Modification in Illinois," 1977, pp. 1173- 

76 Changnon, Stanley A., Jr., briefinjr before U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modi- 
fication Advisory Board. Champaign, 111., Oct. 13, 1977. 

77 See p. 243, for list of Federal agencies reporting weather modification research pro- 

78 The Kansas weather modification statute is reproduced in app. D, p. 543. 

79 The rules and regulations are reproduced in app. M, p. 683. 


to establish procedures for the issuance of permits with a minimum 
of delay and to clarify administrative policy." 80 

Research activities 

Drought conditions during the spring of 1972 and pleas from agri- 
cultural interests in western Kansas to "do something about it" 
spurred the State to undertake plans for weather modification opera- 
tions. Release of $100,000 in emergency funds by the legislature pro- 
vided support for cloud seeding in northwestern Kansas, and the water 
resources board was directed to manage the operations. The board 
contracted with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to oversee the proj- 
ect: however, prior to the start of the seeding, the drought situation 
improved and emphasis was shifted from drought relief to weather 
modification research. Since 1972 all weather modification activities 
conducted by the State of Kansas have been experimental. Such 
experiments were conducted under the management of the Bureau of 
Reclamation for 9 weeks, starting August 5, 1972, near Colby, Kans., 
and for an 8- week period in the late summer of 1973 at Scott City, 
Kans. During a 6-week period starting April 25, 1974, a demonstra- 
tion project was conducted, with the target area again centered near 
Scott City. This latter project was carried out by a commercial firm 
under direct contract to the State board and also included funding 
from four counties in the target area. Results of these experiments, 
called the Kansas Cumulus projects (KANCUP), are summarized in 
table 14. 81 

[From Kostecki: Weather Modification Activities in Kansas, 1972-77, 1977] 



Assessment 1 

KANCUP 1972, Aug. 5 to 
Sept. 30 (cost $95,000, 
fiscal year 1973). 

KANCUP 1973, Aug. lb to 
Oct. 5 (cost 558,000, fiscal 
year 1974). 

KANCUP 1974, Apr. 5 to 
June 8 (cost $54,000, fiscal 
year 1974). 

Assuming technology works, seed for 
rain increase; experiment with both 
silver iodide (Agl) and hygroscopic 
materials (salt); test ground release 
of materials; inform general public 
about project and technology. 

Verify computer models of cloud proc- 
esses; seed selectively with Agl and 
salt; assess use of local pilots and 
aircraft; inform general public about 
project and technology. 

Assess minimum operational require- 
ments; seed with Agl and salt using 
randomized controls; evaluate char- 
acter and frequency of opportunities 
in spring compared to summer; 
infcrm general public about project 
and technology. 

Opportunities difficult to predict and recognize; 
positive, predicted response to Agl on 2 of 16 
days (20 percent of seeded cells); salt seeding 
only occasionally encouraging; moderate 
response on only 1 of 11 days (10 percent of 
seeded cells); ground-based seeding unre- 
liable; not enough attention given to control 

Models helpful; seeding frequently produced 
predicted response; positive, predicted re- 
sponse to Agl on 7 of 14 days (42 percent of 
seeded cells); however, marginal response on 
5 of the same 7 days; salt seeding on only 2 
days; moderate response from 33 percent of 
seeded cells; design and instrumentation 
inadequate; local pilots need experienced 
guidance to be effective. 

Selective seeding sometimes produced desired 
response; positive response to Agl on 8 of 13 
days; however, marginal response on 6 of the 
same 8 days; moderate resoonse to salt seed- 
ing on 1 of 2 days; springtime cloud systems 
usually more organized but seedabilily less 
predictable; design and instrumentation 
inadequate for remaining uncertainties. 

KANCUP 1974 assessment done by KWRB personnel, following criteria given in KANCUP 1972 and 1973 final reports. 

*° Kansas Water Resources Board, The Kansas Weather Modification Act; State statutes, 
rules, and regulations plus applicable forms. State of Kansas. Topeka, 1!)77. p. ii. 

« Kostecki. Donald F.. "Weather Modification Activities in Kansas; 1972-77." bulletin 
No. 22, special report to the Governor and legislature, State of Kansas, Topeka. 1977, 
pp. 1-3. 


Since quantitative data from KANCUP experiments were limited 
by time and funding, the board concluded that further projects of 
similar type and refinement would not likely increase understanding 
of weather modification science and technology. Consequently, start- 
ing in fiscal year 1975 all appropriations have been directed to studies 
on economic, social, legal, and environmental impacts of weather 
modification wilthin the State. 82 

Earlier in this report plans and research activities to date under 
the Bureau of Reclamation's High Plains Project (HIPLEX) were 
discussed. 83 One of three sites selected for HIPLEX is in the vicinity 
of Goodland and Colby, Kans., where limited field activities were be- 
gun in 1975, but where seeding experiments are to begin in 1979. The 
States of Kansas, Colorado, and Nebraska have signed a Memoran- 
dum of Understanding, agreeing to cooperate with the Bureau of 
Reclamation in the planning and conduct of HIPLEX. Funding con- 
tributed to the project by the States under this agreement is sum- 
marized in table 11 in chapter 5. 84 Under this agreement the Kansas 
Water Resources Board will (1) establish and operate a data gather- 
ing network in the Colby, Kans., area to provide data for agricultural, 
environmental, and climatological research studies and to moni- 
tor the effects of cloud seeding; (2) perform a wide range of associ- 
ated studies including investigation of potential crop yield increases 
and related economic benefits, the effects of additional moisture on 
insects, crop disease vectors, incremental runoff and soil infiltration, 
and study of social attitudes and acceptance of cloud-seeding tech- 
nology; and (3) perform research to develop criteria for guiding 
operational cloud-seeding decisions, including the initiation, suspen- 
sion, and termination of seeding. For its part, the Bureau of Reclama- 
tion will perform the atmospheric research and field tests, including 
(1) design of the observation and cloud-seeding experiments, (2) proc- 
essing and analysis of data to evaluate seeding effects and develop 
and verify cloud models, and (3) coordination of research activities at 
the Colby-Goodland site with the overall HIPLEX project. 85 

Pursuant to the cooperative agreement with the Bureau of Reclama- 
tion, the Kansas Water Resources Board has initiated several studies. 
Completed and on-going projects sponsored by the board since the 
latter part of fiscal year 1974 are listed in table 15. 

Table 15. 

-Kansas research projects related to weather modification (source 
Kostecki, 1977) 


A Survey of the Radar Echo Population over the 

western Kansas High Plains. 
Characteristics of Cumulus Cloud Fields over 

western Kansas. 

The Measurement of Silver Concentration in 
Rainwater in Kansas. 

A Comprehensive Study of the Effects of Alter- 
ing the Precipitation Pattern on the Economy 
and Environment of Kansas. 

Data Collection and Analysis 


Department of Physics, Kan- 
sas State University. 

Department of Geography- 
Meteorology, University of 

Department of Geology, Uni- 
versity of Kansas. 

Kansas Agricultural, Experi- 
ment Station. 

Various Federal, State, and 
local agencies. 

82 Ibid., p. 2. 

83 See ch. 5, p. 258. 

84 See p. 263. 

85 Kostecki, "Weather Modification Activities in Kansas 

1972-77," 1977, p. 5. 


Operational activities 

Since the Kansas Weather Modification Act has been enacted there 
has been only one license and permit sought and granted annually. 
During the period April 15 through September 15 in each of the 
recent 3 years the Muddy Road project has been conducted in west- 
central and southwest Kansas, under the auspices of the Western Kan- 
sas Groundwater Management District No. 1. Funds have been al- 
most completely provided by groundwater management districts and 
counties in the area. In 1975 the Muddy Road I project conducted 
cloud seeding for rain increase on 39 days and for hail suppression on 
27 days. Total cost for the 5-month seeding period was $80,000. The 
Muddy Road II project in 1976 included 47 days of seeding for rain 
enhancement and 25 days for hail suppression, at a cost of $153,000, 
about $40,000 of which was granted to the project by the Ozarks Re- 
gional Commission. During 1977 the Muddy Road III project in- 
cluded seeding for rain on 50 days, during 28 of which hail seeding 
was also conducted ; there were also 7 days for exclusive hail suppres- 
sion. The $180,000 for operating expenses during 1977 was raised by 
the counties and groundwater districts but these funds were partly 
reimbursed in September through a grant under the Emergency 
Drought Act of 1977. 86 ' 87 

The Kansas law does not require evaluation of results of a weather 
modification project; however, the rules and regulations do require 
that a final report be submitted within 90 days following the close of 
the project. Information required includes daily records during the 
project period of starting and ending times and location of seeding, 
the type of clouds seeded, and the purpose of the seeding activity, as 
well as the permit holder's interpretation of the project effects in com- 
parison with those anticipated in the permit application. This eval- 
uation is, generally speaking, qualitative, based on the project meteor- 
ologists' recollections of cloud response observed by radar during 
seeding. Effects of the Muddy Road projects have been evaluated in 
this manner, with the conclusion that additional rain was obtained 
and crop damage was reduced by the seeding. In order to assist in a 
more quantitative evaluation, the Muddy Road project has been 
provided by the State Water Resources Board with a computer term- 
inal linked* to the Bureau of Reclamation's Environmental Data Net- 
work. 88 Products from the data network provide the project meteor- 
ologist with daily decision criteria for cloud seeding and could also 
be used to evaluate operating procedures and effectiveness of seeding 
if additional information were available. Due to lack of staff and lack 
of sufficient data for an adequate evaluation, detailed evaluation of 
the Muddy Road projects has not yet been conducted. However, an 
independent evaluation of the three seasons of cloud seeding in Mud- 
dy Road is currently being attempted on all available data, using funds 
provided under the Emergency Drought Act of 1977. 89 

Emergency Drought Act of 1977 

In October 1977. the Kansas Water Resources Board was awarded a 
grant of $300,000 from the Bureau of Reclamation under the provisions 
of the Emergency Drought Act of 1977. 90 A limitation of this grant 

wfiSstecki!' ^Weather Modification Activities in Kansas; 1972-77," 1977, pp. 10-11. 

» K^Steckt,' 'leather Modification Activities in Kansas ; 1972-77," 1977, pp. 11-12. 
90 See ch. 5, p. 267. 


was that all funds had to be expended by January 31, 1978; conse- 
quently, the grant was used primarily to purchase equipment for future 
summer seeding operation measurements and evaluations. A portion 
of the fimds has been used to commission an evaluation of the opera- 
tional projects under Muddy Road, conducted by local groundwater 
districts and counties in western Kansas. 91 

Following an exchange of letters between the board and the Bureau 
of Reclamation, the grant, under Public Law 95-18, was approved with 
the following conditions and limitations : 

1. The request was increased from the $218,600 to $300,000 because of 
the probability of an understimation of equipment costs. (This total 
was subsequently adjusted to $293,000.) 

2. Expenditures of grant funds by the State were to be limited to 
equipment purchased and available for operational use on or before 
January 31, 1978. 

3. All funds not expended by January 31, 1978, were to be returned 
to the U.S. Government. 

4. In the event that the Kansas legislature did not appropriate funds 
to implement the cloud-seeding program, or that such funds were not 
provided by other non-Federal sources for use during the 1978 irriga- 
tion season, all equipment purchased with the grant funds were to be re- 
turned to the U.S. Government. 92 

Of the total funds granted, $22,000 was used to reimburse sponsors 
of the operational cloud-seeding program in Western Kansas (Muddy 
Road), for the cost of operations during September 1977. The evalua- 
tion of the operational programs conducted during the 1975, 1976, and 
1977 seasons was contracted for $27,000. The remaining expenditures 
were for repair and replacement of equipment or purchase of new 
equipment for use within Groundwater Management District No. 1 or 
for general use- by the Kansas Water Resources Board in the future. 93 


Weather modification law and administration of regulations 

The State of North Dakota is active in the encouragement and the 
regulation of weather modification projects. As stated in the following 
excerpt from the State law. North Dakota claims ownership of all water 
acquired within its boundaries through weather modification activities : 

Tn order that the State may share to the fullest extent in the benefits 
already gained through fundamental research and investigation on new 
and improved means for predicting, influencing, and controlling the weather, 
for the best interest, general welfare, health, and safety of all the people of the 
State, and to provide proper safeguards in applying the measures for use in con- 
nection therewith in order to protect life and property, it is deemed necessary and 
hereby declared that the State of North Dakota claims its sovereign right to use 
the moisture contained in the clouds and atmosphere within the sovereign State 
boundaries. All water derived as a result of weather modification operations shall 
be considered a part of North Dakota's basic water supply and all statutes, rules, 
and regulations applying to natural precipitation shall also apply to precipitation 
resulting from cloud seeding. 94 

01 Kostecki. "Weather Modification Activities in Kansas ; 1972-77," 1977. p. 14. 

92 Kansas Water Resources Board, final report ; Emergency Drought Act (Contract No. 
State-07-70-X0017), (preliminary draft), Topeka, Feb. 3, 1978, p. 2. 

93 Ibid., pp. 6-8. 

94 North Dakota Century Code, ch. 2-07. "Weather Modification. Sec. 2-07-01. Ownership 
of Water." (Pertinent sections of the North Dakota Century Code, dealing with weather 
modification, are reproduced in app. D, p. 573.) 

34-857 O - 79 - 26 


The policy of the State toward weather modification is summarized 
as follows : 

The legislative assembly finds that weather modification affects the public 
health, safety, and welfare, and that, properly conducted, weather modification 
operations can improve water quality and quantity, reduce losses from weather 
hazards, and provide economic benefits for the people of the State. Therefore, in 
the public interest, weather modification shall be subject to regulation and con- 
trol, and research and development shall be encouraged. In order to minimize pos- 
sible adverse effects, weather modification operations shall be carried on with 
proper safeguards, and accurate information shall be recorded concerning such 
operations and the benefits obtained therefrom by the people of the State. 05 

North Dakota encourages weather modification research and develop- 
ment through its laws and regulations and through State-supported 
research projects ; however, there is also a fairly well-developed scheme 
for regulation and control of operational activities. State law also per- 
mits local jurisdictions to raise funds to support local weather modifica- 
tion operations, in which the State shares funding. 

Regulation of weather modification activities takes place to some ex- 
tent through application of certain provisions of environmental and 
aviation laws; however, there are specific portions of the North Dakota 
Century Code that are directly applicable. 96 Control, regulation, and 
coordination of weather modification projects, through the issuance 
of licenses and permits and promulgation of rules and regulations, is 
vested in the North Dakota Weather Modification Board, which oper- 
ates under the direction and supervision of the State's aeronautics 
commission. The board is composed of the director of the aeronautics 
commission, a representative of the environmental section of the State 
department of health, the State engineer of the water conservation dis- 
trict, and seven other members, appointed by the Grovernor, one from 
each of seven lists of three nominees given to him by the weather modi- 
fication authorities from seven districts in the State. The seven districts 
are comprised of geographical groupings of the State's 53 counties. 97 

The powers and duties of the board include : 

1. Authority to appoint an executive secretary to serve at the 
board's discretion and to perform such duties as assigned by the 

2. Authority to employ such a staff as is necessary to carry out the 
provisions of the law. 

3. Preparation of reasonable rules and regulations concerning li- 
censing and permits ; standards and instructions governing operations, 
monitoring, and evaluation; and recordkeeping and reporting of 

4. Authority to contract for weather modification operations; with 
the requirement that the board must also cany on monitoring and 
evaluation activities in connection with such operations. 

5. Authority to order operators whose activities are in violation of 
the law to cease and desist from further operations. 

6. Cooperation and contracting with Federal, local, and State agen- 
cies whose activities are similar to the work of the board and are con- 
sistent with the intent and purpose of the State law. The board may 
also, in accordance with the law, accept grants or services from com- 
as i 1 ill. sec 2 "7 01.1, "Declaration of Policy and Purpose." 

80 See app. D, p. 573. 

07 North Dakota Century Code, sees. 2-07-02.1, 2-07-02.2, and 2-07-02.3. 


missions, organizations, agencies, or persons and use such funds or 
services to carry out the provisions of the law. 

7. Authority to administer and enforce the provisions of the law. 

8. Maintain interstate contact with bordering States and provinces 
for the purposes of coordinating interstate weather modification proj- 
ects. North Dakota is a member of the North American Interstate 
Weather Modification Council, through which the board attempts to 
provide an input to such Federal weather modification laws and regu- 
lations which may be enacted and impact on North Dakota. 98 

In addition to the responsibilities and authorities listed above, based 
upon the State law, the Governor of North Dakota has also charged 
the boa rd with the following tasks : 

1. Assure that operations are concerned with the health, safety, and 
welfare of the public. 

2. Make certain that research and operational aspects of weather 
modification activities are concerned with improvement of water qual- 
ity and distribution as well as quantity. 

3. Insure that the weather modification program is seriously con- 
'cerned with reduction of losses from such weather hazards as severe 

storms, excessive rainfall, and hail. 

4. Guarantee that the program is designed to improve both the 
social and economic benefits to all segments of the State's population. 

5. Assure that all activities are prefaced with appropriate technical 
planning and scientific research." 

Licenses are required for weather modification operations in North 
Dakota, and for each project a permit must be obtained. Rules of 
eligibility for licensees and procedures for application for licenses and 
permits, in accordance with the State law, are detailed in "Rules and 
Regulations Relating to Weather Modification Operations," published 
by the Weather Modification Board. 1 Application for a license must 
include information on the applicant's former record of applications 
elsewhere ; previous instances of refusal, suspension, or revocation of 
a license ; and a statement of qualifications for individuals designated 
to be in control of operations, including : education, professional mem- 
berships, professional certificates or licenses, experience, publications 
and patents, and professional references who will attest to the appli- 
cant's character. Applicants meeting minimum requirements and ap- 
proved by the board are granted licenses to conduct weather modi- 
fication operations in North Dakota for 1 calendar year; however, 
licenses may be renewed annually upon reapplication and board ap- 
proval. Causes for which the board may suspend, revoke, or refuse to 
renew a license include incompetency, dishonest practice, false or 
fraudulent information in obtaining a license or permit, failure to 
comply with provisions of the weather modification laws or with 
rules promulgated by the board, and violation of any permit or permit 
condition. 2 

98 Rose. R. Lynn (executive secretary of the North Dakota Weather Modification Board). 
Testimony before the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification Advisory Board, 
Grand Forks, N. Dak., Aug. 27, 1977. 

69 Ibid. 

1 North Dakota Weather Modification Board. "Rules and Regulations Relating to Weather 
Modification Operations" (published in a booklet along with rules of practice and procedure 

ertaining to hearings before the board, adopted July 1. 1976 ; and North Dakota Century 
ode. chapter 2-07, weather modification, SL-75, 5i pp. The rules and regulations relat- 
ing to weather modification operations are reproduced in app. M, p. 691.) 

2 Ibid., pp. 5-7. 


Permits are required for each project to be conducted by a licensee 
and may be issued following satisfactory application for a permit, 
public comment and possible hearings, recommendation by the direc- 
tor of the Weather Modification Board, and final action by the board. 
Information accompanying the application must include the appli- 
cant's Xorth Dakota license number ; data on any previous suspension, 
revocation, or refusal of permits; registration to do business in North 
Dakota; registration of pilots and aircraft with the North Dakota 
Aeronautics Commission; evidence of financial responsibility; and a 
complete description of the operational plan, which includes: 

1. The nature and object of the operation ; 

2. The legal description of. and a map showing the operations 
area and the target area; 

3. The approximate starting date of the operation and its an- 
ticipated duration ; 

•i. The kind of seeding agent (s) intended for use and the antici- 
pated rate of their use ; 

5. A list of equipment which will be used and the method (s) of 
seeding for which they will be used ; 

6. An emergency shutdown procedure, which states conditions 
under which operations will be suspended because of possible dan- 
ger to the public health, safety, and welfare or to the environ- 
ment ; 

7. The means by which the operation plans will be iumlemented 
and carried out, such as the location of the main operational office 
and any other offices used in connection with the operation : the 
location of ground equipment such as seeding generators, radar, 
and evaluation instrumentation ; the number and kinds of aircraft 
which will be used ; and the extent to which weather data will be 
made available to the licensees and other personnel carrying out 
the project ; and 

8. How conduct of the operation will interact with or affect 
other weather modification operations. 3 

The board gives notice of its consideration of a particular permit 
application and allows 20 days for public comment on the proposed 
project. Upon receiving objection or on its own motion, the board 
may conduct a hearing after at least 10 more days of further notice 
iu a newspaper circulated in the county where the notice of considera- 
tion was first published. Within 45 days after close of the comment 
period the board takes action to approve or disapprove a permit re- 
quest, taking into consideration recommendations from the director 
of the board and testimony received at the hearing. The board may 
attach conditions which it deems appropriate to permits which it other- 
wise approves. Such conditions may include modifications or restric- 
tions to methods and times of operation, change of target and opera- 
tions areas, safety precautions, and recordkeeping. Permits may be 
suspended, revoked, or modified if the board perceives that such action 
is necessary, either on the basis of noncompliance with conditions of 
the permit by the operator or the general welfare of the people of the 
State. Permits expire on December 31 of the year in which they are 
issued and may not be renewed. 4 

The Weather Modification Board, under rules which they are to 

3 Ibid., pp. 8-9. 
* Ibid., pp. 9-10. 


publish, may exempt the following activities from permit and license 
requirements : 

1. Research and development in weather modification conducted by 
the State, political subdivisions of the State, colleges and universities 
of the State, agencies of the Federal Government, or bona fide research 

2. Weather modification operations of an emergency nature taken 
against fire, frost, or fog. 

Such exempted activities are to be conducted in such a way that they 
will not unduly interfere with weather modification projects conducted 
under a permit. 5 

There is also another statute provision in North Dakota which en- 
ables the State to suspend weather modification activities if precipita- 
tion enhancement could contribute to the severity of a disaster such as 
a flood. This provision, which supersedes authorities given to the board 
to issue permits in times of such disasters, states that : 

The Division of Disaster Emergency services shall keep continuously apprised 
of weather conditions which present danger of precipitation or other climatic 
activity severe enough to constitute a disaster. If the division determines that 
precipitation that may result from weather modification operations, either hy 
itself or in conjunction with other precipitation or climatic conditions or activity, 
would create or contribute to the severity of a disaster, it shall direct the officer 
or agency empowered to issue permits for weather modification operations to 
suspend the issuance of the permits. Thereupon, no permits may be issued until 
the division informs the officer or agency that the danger has passed. 8 

The rules and regulations disseminated by the weather modification 
board require the keeping of records and the submission of reports. 
Permittees must complete and retain daily logs and monthly sum- 
maries for the activities of each unit of weather modification apparatus 
used during an operation, obtain and retain copies of all daily precipi- 
tation records available for the target area from the National Weather 
Service, keep a roster of the names and addresses of all employees 
participating in an operation for which a permit has been issued, and 
permit duly authorized agents of the board to inspect any equipment 
and records required. Persons conducting projects exempted from 
permit requirements by the board must maintain all of the same kinds 
of records required of permittees. 7 

Within 10 days after the conclusion of each calendar month permit- 
tees must submit a written report to the board, including the following 
information : 

1. A copy of the monthly summary record of activity for each 
unit of weather modification apparatus used in the operations; 

2. A copy of the roster of all names and addresses of employees 
participating in the operations; 

3. A copy of the Federal interim activity report filed for that 
month with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- 
tion, in accordance with rules adopted under the authority of 
Public Law 92-205 8 ; and 

-i. A narrative account of the manner in which operations dur- 
ing the month did not conform to the operational plan filed with 
the permit application. 

5 North Dakota Century Code. sec. 2-07-03.1. 

6 North Dakota Century Code. sec. 37-17.1-15. 

7 Nort 1 - Dakota Weather Mortification Board. "Rules and Regulations Relating to Weather 
Modification Operations," pp. 11-12. 

8 See ch. 5, p. 232, 


Within 30 days after final completion of the operation, a permittee 
must file a final report with the board which is to include (1) copies 
of the daily logs on usage of units of apparatus and of the total usage 
for each unit for the entire operational period, (2) a copy of the final 
Federal activity report filed with the National Oceanic and Atmos- 
pheric Administration, and (3) a narrative account of the manner 
in which the operation did not conform to the operational plan filed 
with the permit application. 9 

Within 60 days after completion of an operation, the permittee 
must file with the board a narrative evaluation of the operation. Data 
in this report is to be assembled in conformance with the evaluation 
plan submitted with the permit application. The board may choose to 
require all or any of these reports to be filed by persons conducting 
weather modification projects excluded from permit requirements. 10 

Authority and organization for local projects 

In 1965 the North Dakota legislature enacted a law, 11 which author- 
ized electors of townships within the State to levy taxes for weather 
modification activities, if approved by a majority vote at annual town- 
ship meetings. This action, however, did not stimulate uniform cloud 
seeding projects and resulted in a checkerboard pattern of participat- 
ing townships over the State. In the same year the legislature enacted 
chapter 2-07 of the State code, 12 authorizing boards of county com- 
missioners to levy up to 2 mills on net taxable valuation of property 
in the county for a weather modification fund, upon majority approval 
in a county wide election. No counties are known to have taken ad- 
vantage of this provision, and the legislature amended chapter 2-07 
in 1969 to provide for county weather modification authorities, which 
can request the board of county commissioners to levy up to 2 mills 
for cloud-seeding purposes. Seven counties used this provision for the 
1970 season, and 10 additional authorities were created in 1973 and 
1974 as dry summers brought about more interest. 13 

North Dakota law specifies that the county authorities are created 
for a 10-year period, either by petition or by countywide election. The 
17 authorities established through 1975 were all formed on the basis 
of petitions containing signatures of at least 51 percent of voting resi- 
dents in the county. When two counties included a question on crea- 
tion of an authority in county elections in 1976, both attempts failed. 
The law also provides for repeal of authorities through similar pro- 
cedures, and opposition groups succeeded in obtaining signatures of 
at least 51 percent of the voters on petitions repealing authorities in 
six counties during the winter of 1976-77. 14 

Amendments to the North Dakota weather modification law (Cen- 
tury Code, chapter 2-07) passed by the legislature during 1975 re- 
quired the North Dakota Weather Modification Board to establish 
weather modification districts and an advisory committee for each 

9 North Dakota Weather Modification Board, ' Rules and Regulations Relating to Weather 
Modification Operations," pp. 12-13. 

10 Ihid.. p. 13. 

11 North Dakota Century Code. sec. 58-03-07, powers of electors. 

] - North Dakota Century Code, ch. 2-07, weather modification. 

"Schock, Martin R., "Weather Modification Activities in Nort*> Dakota. South Dakota, 
and Minnesota from 19*53 Through 1976," University of North Dakota. Department of Avia- 
tion, Grand Forks. N. Dak.. June 1077 (sponsored by U.S Department of the Interior. Bu- 
reau of Reclamation, Division of Atmospheric Water Resources Management, HIPLEX 
program ) . ]>. 5. 

"Ibid., p. 6. 


district. Seven such districts have been formed on the basis of clusters 
of counties having authorities, although all 53 counties are assigned 
to one of the seven districts. Each county authority, with five persons 
managing the program from the county level, sets up annual program 
objectives, requests funds from the county commission, and holds an 
annual meeting. The multicounty districts then form the second level 
of local administration, through the operations advisory committees, 
composed of one representative from each county within the district. 
The committee, meeting monthly throughout the operational season 
and sporadically during the remainder of the year, formulates basic 
goals and policies for the project in the given district along State 
guidelines and reviews all activities. 15 

Annually, individual contracts are drawn up between the State 
Weather Modification Board and the county authorities, written as 
service contracts and defining in detail the operations advisory com- 
mittee organization, weather modification services provided, responsi- 
bilities of each party, and funding. For all counties within an opera- 
tional district the contracts are identical for all counties, except for 
county funding amounts. 16 

The Weather Modification Board is empowered to receive and ex- 
pend funds which may become available from Federal grants or 
appropriations, gifts, bequests, and county funds received for weather 
modification. With the exception of funds received from the counties, 
the board may spend any of these funds for the encouragement of 
research and development in weather modification by private persons, 
the North Dakota State University, the University of North Dakota, 
or any other appropriate public agency in the State, through direct 
grant, contract, or other means. All such funds are transferred to the 
State Treasurer and placed in a weather modification fund. County 
weather modification authorities which have contracted with the State 
board for weather modification services contribute to the State 
weather modification fund in accordance with the determination of 
the board regarding funding necessary to provide the county with 
weather modification services. 17 

North Dakota operational projects in 1975 and 1976 

In accordance with the provisions of the North Dakota Century 
Code and the rules and regulations of the Weather Modification 
Board, operational projects in the State were sponsored by local or 
regional weather modification associations through the 1975 season. 
Since that year all regional projects have been conducted by the State 
under the North Dakota cloud modification project, in conjunction 
with weather modification associations. Figures 5 and 6 shows the 
regions covered by weather modification operations during the 1975 
and 1976 seasons, respectively, in North Dakota, South Dakota, and 
Minnesota. (The latter two States are included in the maps since data 
on their activities were also part of the report from which North 
Dakota information was obtained. 18 The cross-hatched circle in west- 
ern South Dakota in figure 5 indicates the general location of a 
research project during 1975. 

15 Rose, testimony before the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification Advi- 
sory Board, August 1977. 
19 Ibid. 

17 North Dakota Century Code. sees. 2-07-11 and 2-07-11.1. 

18 Schock. "Weather Modification Activities in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minne- 
sota from 1951 Through 1976," June 1977, pp. 62, 64. 


Figure 5. — Counties in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota in which 
operational weather modification projects were conducted during 1975. (The 
cross-hatched area indicates the approximate target area for a research proj- 
ect.) (From Schock. 1977.) 

Figure 6.— Counties in North Dakota. South Dakota, and Minnesota in which 
operational weather modification projects were conducted during 1976. (From 
Schock. 1977.) 


Tables 16 and IT provide information on the projects in the three 
States for the 1975 and 1976 seasons, respectively, as shown in the 
maps in figures 5 and 6. Reference numbers where footnoted in the first 
column of the tables correspond to North Dakota projects. Other col- 
umns identify operators, sponsors, operational periods, seeding agents, 
delivery modes, whether or not the project incorporated randomized 
seeding, and the objectives. Xote that none of the operational projects 
included random seeding. 

Figure 7 shows the number of years from 1951 through 1976 that 
counties in the three-State area were totally or partially included 
in target areas of weather modification projects, according to an inten- 
sive study of projects in the area over this timespan by Schock. 19 
Statistics on these projects are given in table 18. 

19 Ibid., pp. 15-15. 


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Figure 7. — Counties in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota which were 
partially or totally included in weather modification target areas during the 
years 1951 through 1976. The numbers indicate the number of seasons during 
that time period that a given county included target areas for weather modifi- 
cation projects. (From Schock, 1977.) 

Table 18. — Statistics on operational and research weather modification projects 
conducted in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota during the period 
1951 through 1976. 

Number of projects 63 

Number of seasons projects conducted 162 

Number of research projects 14 

Number of seasons research projects conducted 27 

Number of research projects financed totally with Federal dollars 9 

Number of applied projects for which Federal dollars supported an evalua- 
tion 2 

Maximum number of counties in applied projects during a single year 

(1974) 64 

Source : Schock, 1977. 


In the late 1940's and early 1950's there was a proliferation of 
weather modification projects throughout the Great Plains, and as 
much as 50 percent of the State of South Dakota is estimated to have 
been under cloud seeding during the peak years. Financed through 
voluntary contributions mostly from farmers and ranchers, the tech- 
niques most often employed ground-based silver iodide generators. 
The first weather modification legislation in South Dakota, enacted in 
1953, established the South Dakota Weather Control Commission and 
instructed the commission to promote and regulate cloud-seeding 
activit ies.-° 

20 Donnan, John A.. Jackson L. Pellett, Richard S. Leblang, and Loo F. Hitter, "The Rise 
and Fall of the South Dakota Weather Modification Program," the Journal of Weather 
Modification, vol. 8, No. 1, April 197G, pp. 1-2. 


There was no Government support of weather modification until 
1955, so that all projects until that year were voluntarily funded. In 
1955 the legislature amended the State law, authorizing each county 
to levy up to 1 mill on assessed valuation to support weather modifi- 
cation. Counties took advantage of this new authority and some joined 
together so that cooperative projects could be conducted in blocks of 
contiguous counties. In 1959 the State Board of Regents established the 
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences at South Dakota School of Mines 
and Technology, and the first Federal funds for weather modification 
were made available to the institute in 1961. Through 1970 at least 
$3,800,000 in Federal funds had been invested in the State to study 
summertime cumulus clouds and thunderstorms and to develop 
weather modification techniques, mostly from the Bureau of Reclama- 
tion, but also from the Defense and Commerce Departments and from 
the National Science Foundation. 21 

The "Weather Control Commission instructed the Institute of Atmos- 
pheric Sciences to develop an operational weather modification plan 
for the State in 1969, and in February 1970 individuals representing 
various sections of the State's economy were invited to review and 
give direction to such a possible operational program. To coordinate 
development efforts the South Dakota Water Development Associa- 
tion was established from those assembled. In April of that year the 
executive committee of the Legislative Research Council included 
this program among its studies of the year and in June and September 
the Agriculture and Conservation Committee of the Legislative Re- 
search Council heard testimony in support of a statewide weather 
modification program. In October the committee approved an amend- 
ment to the existing weather modification law, directing the Weather 
Control Commission to carry out a statewide program of precipitation 
management and appropriating $100,000 in State funds to develop 
the program. The bill was subsequently approved, March 17, 1971, by 
a two-thirds majority of both legislative houses, as required for all 
special appropriations bills. 22 

The Commission was attached to the State Department of Agricul- 
ture for administrative purposes, but was given full authority to direct 
the design and development of the program. In April 1971 the com- 
mission selected a director, who assumed his position in September and 
immediately began planning the statewide program for the summer of 
1972. To emphasize and obtain local support, contact was made with 
and support sought from agricultural organizations, water groups, and 
the South Dakota County Commissioners Association. Counties were 
asked to participate in the program, and it was proposed that one 
commissioner from each participating county serve on a Weather Modi- 
fication Advisory Committee, each with complete control over cloud 
seeding activities in his county. The Weather Control Commission 
established a cost share ratio of 25 percent for the county versus 75 
percent for the State. Of the State's 67 counties, 26 agreed to partici- 
pate during the 1972 summer season and entered into contract with 
the Commission. As shown in figure 8, 21 of these counties constituted 
a nearly solid block in the southeast part of the State, 3 were in a 
block in the Black Hills, and 2 other large counties were in the ex- 

21 Ibid., pp. 2-3. 

22 Ibid., pp. 3-4. 


treme northwest corner of the State, constituting a combined land area 
of 17,181,000 acres. 23 

In 1972 the legislature passed another special appropriation meas- 
ure, requiring two-thirds support in both houses, which provided 
$250,000 to support the 1972 operational program and administrative 
functions of the Commission for fiscal year 1973. About $90,000 was 
received in cost-share .funds from participating counties. In view of 
insufficient funds, full-scale operations were conducted only in the 
southeast part of the State, and supplemental support was provided 
elsewhere ; 1972 field operations, costing about 3.2 cents per acre, were 
performed under contract to the State by private firms. 24 


± Aircraft 

Figure 8. — Twenty-six counties in South Dakota which contracted with the 
State Weather Control Commission in the first year of the statewide weather 
modification program during the 1972 operating season. (From Donnan, Pellett, 
Leblang, and Ritter, 1976.) 

23 Ibid., pp. 4-6. 

24 Ibid., pp. 6-8. 


Figure 9. — Forty-six counties in South Dakota which contracted with the State 
Weather Modification Commission and participated in the statewide weather 
modification program during the 1974 operating season. (From Donnan, Pellett, 
Leblang, and Hitter, 1976.) 

The special State appropriation for 1973 approved by the legislature 
was $643,818, supplemented by $190,141 in county funds and $7,000 
from the Federal Government. The law was also amended that year to 
make changes in the administrative structure and in regulations. The 
Weather Control Commission became the Weather Modification Com- 
mission with modified membership provisions, the Commission and all 
of its functions were transferred to the Department of Natural Ke- 
sources, and license and permit requirements and violation penalties 
were instituted. 25 The 1973 summer operating season began May 1, with 
42 participating counties, divided into 6 operational districts. 26 

Plans for the 1974 season included the intent for 46 counties to par- 
ticipate, constituting 29,547,000 acres. In the fall of 1973 the Governor 
considered the program so well established that he included its f unding 
in his general appropriations bill, requiring only a simple majority vote 
for passage. The $803,700 included was to fund operations for July 
and August 1974 and May and June 1975. A special appropriation bill 
was also introduced to provide $171,000 for contracted services in May 
and June 1974. Both bills passed the legislature, and $243,600 in county 
moneys and $30,200 in Federal funds were also available. The latter 
funds were received from the Bureau of Reclamation and were to be 
used for evaluation of operations. The overall cost of the 1974 seeding 
program was 3.6 cents per acre. 27 Counties participating in this peak 
year for the statewide program are shown on the map in figure 9. 

25 The present South Dakota statutes relating to weather modification are reproduced in 
app. D, p. G04. 

16 Donnan, et al., "The Rise and Fall of the South Dakota Weather Modification Pro- 
gram," 1976, pp. 8-11. 
"Ibid., pp. 12-14. 


For the 1975 summer seeding season, 45 counties expressed interest in 
participation. The Commission developed an increased emphasis on 
public information through over 100 public meetings in the fall and 
winter of 1974-75, institution of a daily news release program during 
the 1975 operational season, and expansion of the advisory committee to 
include representatives from all the counties in each district. The fiscal 
year 1976 budget was again included in the general appropriations bill. 
Although evaluations had indicated positive results from the previous 
seeding, South Dakota was suffering from a potentially severe drought 
and the mood of the legislature was less supportive than in earlier 
years. An attempt to move the appropriations from the general appro- 
priations bill to a special appropriation requiring a two-thirds vote 
test was defeated, however, and $776,500 was approved for fiscal year 

1976. With county funds, the total budget for that year was $1,076,800, 
and another $41,500 from the Bureau of Reclamation was provided to 
support evaluations. 28 

With the approach of the 1976 summer season, 42 counties provided 
letters of intent to participate, and the proposed budget in the Gover- 
nor's fiscal year 1977 general appropriations bill included $855,000 for 
the statewide weather modification program. It became obvious that the 
group opposing the State program had become well organized and in- 
fluential. Concentrating their efforts in a few key counties where the 
commissioners were overwhelmed by groups of strong opponents, the 
opposition was instrumental in changing the decisions to participate 
by those counties. In turn, these actions had negative effects on neigh- 
boring counties. Consequently the 42 counties indicating intention to 
participate in 1976 dwindled to 22 counties which signed contracts with 
the Weather Modification Commission. In the legislature, meanwhile, 
there was a successful move to remove the weather modification budget 
from the Governor's general appropriation bill. A special appropria- 
tion bill was promptly introduced, along with two other weather modi- 
fication bills. One would have repealed the entire, existing weather 
modification law, and the other would have required a hearing by each 
county commission prior to issuance of a permit. None of these bills, in- 
cluding the special appropriation measure, passed the legislature, so 
that no funds were available to conduct the State program in fiscal year 

1977. The Weather Modification Commission continued to function 
as the State regulatory agency for issuance of licenses and permits. 29 

Support of operational weather modification projects in South Da- 
kota reverted, therefore, to the pattern of private and county funding 
which existed prior to establishment of the statewide program, and 
the number of such projects decreased dramatically. With funds avail- 
able for part of the 1976 season, the State weather modification pro- 
vided some support to local projects in nine southeastern counties and 
to three counties in the northwest. The latter joined with the proiect in 
southwestern North Dakota for the 1976 season. The South Dakota 
Commission also contracted with the State of North Dakota to carry 
out an evaluation program for 1976 operations in South Dakota. 
Another five-county area in the eastern part of the State operated a 
project with no State support during September 1976, originating after 

2 * Ibid., pp. 12-14. 
29 Ibid., pp. 14-16. 


the drought extended into that area. 30 Counties included in projects 
carried out in South Dakota during 1975 and 1976 are shown in the 
maps in figures 5 and 6, and information on these projects is included 
in tables 16 and 17, all of which appear in the section on the discussion 
of North Dakota activities. 

Four weather modification bills were introduced into the 1977 legis- 
lature, one of which was a special appropriation bill which would have 
provided 50-percent State support to operations in the estimated 30 
counties interested in such a cooperative program. The special appro- 
priation failed as did the other bills, and during 1977 only Harding 
County, in the northwest, sponsored a seeding program, using county 
funds and contracting with the adjacent project in North Dakota for 
some of the required services. An attempted 1977 cooperative project in 
five southeastern counties, supported by private and some county funds, 
did not get underway. No weather modification bills were presented in 
the 1978 legislature, though minimal funding has been approved by the 
legislature in the past two sessions in the general appropriations bill 
to maintain the Weather Modification Commission. 31 


The State of Utah has both one of the largest State weather modifica- 
tion programs and one of the more complete organizational structures 
for administering State projects and regulations provided by law. The 
Divison of Water Resources is charged with developing the waters of 
the State to the best beneficial use for citizens of Utah, considered to 
be the second driest State in the Nation. 32 The Utah weather modifica- 
tion law, titled Cloud Seeding to Increase Precipitation, was passed by 
the State legislature March 5, 1973, and became effective May 8, 1973. 
In part, the law states : 

The State of Utah through the Division of Water Resources shall be the only 
entity, private or public, that shall have authority to authorize, sponsor, and/or 
develop cloud seeding research, evaluation, or implementation projects to alter 
precipitation, cloud form, or meteorological parameter within the State of Utah, 
except cloud seeding for suppression of fog is excluded. The Division of Water 
Resources shall authorize, sponsor, and/or develop local or statewide cloud seed- 
ing projects that conform to overall State water planning objectives which are 
determined to be feasible by the Division of Water Resources. ... A cloud seeding 
project as used in this act shall be a planned project to evaluate meteorological 
conditions, perform cloud seedings, and evaluate results. 33 

As designated by this law, the Division of Water Resources is the 
State agency responsible for regulation and sponsorship of weather 
modification projects. A Board of Water Resources has approved a 
set of rules and regulations which stipulate requirements for licensing 
of operations and obtaining permits on specific projects. 34 These rules 
are included in appendix M. 

30 Butler, Vern D., "Report of weather modification activities in South Dakota" (part of 
report of area No. 5 — North Central States). North American Interstate Weat' er Modifica- 
tion Council, business meeting, Dec. 2-3, 1976. In NAIWMC publication No. 77-1. Septem- 
ber 1977. p. 78. 

31 Butler, Vern D., private communication. 

32 Summers. Paul C. Utah cloud seeding program, briefing before the U.S. Department of 
Commerce Weather Modification Advisory Board, Sept. 24, 1977. 

33 Utah Code Annotated No. 73-15-3. Cloud seeding to increase precipitation — control of 
division of water resources — powers and authority of division — "cloud seeding" and 
"cloud-seeding project" defined. (The Utnh weather modification law is included in its en- 
tirety along with similar laws of other States in app. D, p. 612.) 

34 State of Utah, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources, "Rules, 
Regulations, and Procedures Relating to the Utah Cloud Seeding Act of 1973" (Laws of 
Utah, ch. 193), March 1976, 13 pp. 

34-857 O - 79 - 27 


The State's cloud seeding program is administered by a small stall' 
in the -Division of Water Resources, augmented by two advisory 
groups of experts. The Program Advisory Committee (PAC) includes 
representatives from State, Federal, and local agencies, such as the 
Forest Service, the National Park Service, State Lands, and local user 
groups who have either a direct or indirect interest in the program. 
The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is composed of meteorologists 
from the National Weather Service, the Bureau of Reclamation, tho 
University of Utah, and Utah State University as well as statisticians 
from the Soil Conservation Service and the University of Utah. 35 

The operational cloud-seeding program in Utah is organized on a 
State-county basis, where costs are shared between the State and the 
counties or other political subdivisions. The cost sharing ratio is ap- 
proximately 60 percent State to 40 percent local. From 1973 through 
1975, before State funds were available, a group of counties in the 
southern part of the State, an area of somewhat constant drought, 
contracted for seeding winter clouds to increase mountain snowpack. 
In 1975 the legislature appropriated State funds, however, which per- 
mitted expansion of seeding operations to 1-1 southern counties, cover- 
ing about 60 percent of the land area of the State. That same year 
three northern counties joined three southern counties in Idaho, ini- 
tiating a project for rain enhancement and hail suppression that has 
been conducted during the summers of 1976 and 1977. The severe 
drought conditions of the past year led to increased interest from local 
officials and increased funding from the State legislature, so that 
projects were conducted in all but three of the State's 29 counties 
during 197T. 36 

The Utah program also supports weather modification research. 
State funds have been earmarked for research activities as well as for 
evaluation and environmental monitoring. In particular, weather mod- 
ification research at the Utah Water Research Laboratory, formerly 
supported by the Bureau of Reclamation, is now funded by the State, 
since Federal "Sky water" funds have not been available in recent years. 
The State has officially agreed to support the proposed plan of the 
Bureau of Reclamation to augment water supplies in the Colorado 
River through cloud seeding in the major watersheds in the river 
basin. The Division of Water Resources recently concluded an agree- 
ment with the Bureau to begin preliminary project design in the Uinta 
Mountains of eastern Utah in preparation for this project. 37 


Under the weather modification law of the State of Washington 38 
the Department of Ecology is charged with responsibility for super- 
vision and control of all weather modification activities conducted 
within the State. The department also represents the State in all inter- 
state contacts relating to weather modification. In accordance with 
regulations promulgated by the State to implement the administra- 
tion of the law, the Department of Ecology carries out the State's 
program of regulation which requires the issuing of licenses and per- 
mits, the payment of fees, and the reporting of activities. These regu- 
lations, reproduced in appendix M, apply to all weather modification 

•« Summers, "Utah Cloud Seeding Program," 1977. 

38 Ibid. 

37 Ibid. 

28 RCW 43.37.010 through 910. See app. D for the text of the Washington law, p. 613. 


activities in all parts of the State except as specifically exempted. 39 
Activities which are exempted from licensing, permit, and liability 
requirements include the following: 

1. All research and experiments related to weather modfication 
and control conducted within laboratories; 

2. Those weather modification operations designed to alleviate 
sudden, unexpected, hazardous conditions which require expe- 
ditious localized action for: 

a. Protection against fire, 

b. Prevention of frost, 

c. Dispersal of fog ; and 

3. Field research and development by institutions of higher 
learning. 40 

Persons intending to conduct activities under the second exemption 
above are required to make "every reasonable effort" prior to the 
operations to notify the Department of Ecology of the proposed action 
and to provide certain information on operations to be conducted. 
Persons planning to conduct field research under the third exemption 
above must provide information on their proposed project in writing 
to the department 10 days prior to commencement of activities and 
must report periodically on the status of the project. 41 

Licensing is required for each individual or organization planning 
to conduct nonexempted operations, and qualifications for such a li- 
cense include the requirement for responsible individuals to be certified 
professional members of the American Meteorological Society or to 
possess academic achievements and professional experience necessary 
to receive such certification. Permits are required for each operation 
not exempted, and applicants for such permits must publish notice of 
intention to conduct weather modification operations in a legal news- 
paper having general circulation in the county or counties in which 
the affected area is located. The permittee is required to maintain daily 
reports on operations and to submit bimonthly reports to the Depart- 
ment of Ecology. Proof of financial responsibility must also be pro- 
vided to the department. 42 

Normally the State of Washington does not finance weather mod- 
ification operations; however, the severe drought conditions in late 
1976 led the State legislature, upon the recommendation of the Senate 
Committee on Agriculture, to pass an emergency cloud-seeding bill 
on February 18, 1977. This act authorized the Department of Natural 
Resources to enter into a contract with the University of Washington's 
Cloud Physics Group to conduct emergency cloud seeding. 43 The con- 
tract required the university to carry out a program of weather modi- 
fication, using aircraft, in an attempt to increase snowpack in the Cas- 
cade Mountains and to augment precipitation in critical areas of east- 
ern Washington, although highest priority and maximum effort were 
given to the Cascade Mountain work following subsequent direction 
from the Department of Natural Resources. 44 

All of the seeding in this program was done from aircraft in order 

39 Ch. 173-495 WAC. weather modification, adopted Dec. 28, 1977. 
« Ibid., WAC 173-495-040. 
« Ibid. 
J2 Ibid. 

43 Additional weather modification projects were carried out by public utility companies 
and private organizations under the general authorization of this act ; two of these projects 
are discussed briefly below. 

" Hobbs, Peter V., "The State of Washington's Emergency Cloud Seeding Program (Feb- 
ruary-June 1977)." University of Washington, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Cloud 
Physics Group, Seattle, July 1977, pp. 1-3. 


to eliminate uncertainties from ground-based seeding. Crushed dry ice 
was dispensed over the Cascades, but the warm clouds in eastern Wash- 
ington were to be seeded with ammonium nitrate had that portion of 
the program not been curtailed. Since the State's emergency cloud 
seeding program was an operational program and not experimental, 
it was not designed nor operated in a way that could provide a sci- 
entific evaluation of the seeding effects. A scientist aboard each flight 
assessed the potential for seeding and decided upon the optimum flight 
route and rate of dispersal for seeding material. Wherever possible, 
effects of seeding were documented through visual observation, pho- 
tography, or direct measurements. It was apparent, in spite of the 
limitations imposed on evaluation, that "significant modifications to 
cloud structures and increases in precipitation-sized particles were 
produced by the cloud seeding. It is likely that these modifications pro- 
duced increases in precipitation on the ground, although this cannot 
be proved scientifically from the data collected in this operational 
program." 45 

Hobbs has proposed that a demonstration cloud-seeding project for 
the State of Washington be designed and implemented, using both 
physical and statistical criteria to determine the effects of seeding. 
Such a project is currently under consideration by the Washington 
State Depart ment of Commerce and Economic Development and 
would be conducted by the University of Washington. 46 

Two other projects conducted during the 1977 drought by a commer- 
cial operator under contract may be noted. In one case farmers in Gar- 
field and Columbia Counties in eastern Washington formed a local 
association, collected a 10-cent per acre assessment, and deposited the 
funds with the State Department of Natural Kesources, who con- 
tracted on their behalf for the requested services. Non-randomized 
weather modification operations were conducted in May and June of 
1977, using a cloud-seeding aircraft and a weather radar system in- 
stalled at Pomeroy, Washington. Based on preliminary analysis of 
precipitation data from National Weather Service stations and from 
other local stations in the target and control areas, a 15 to 20 percent 
increase in rainfall from seeded storms was suggested. 47 

The other operational program, conducted by the same contractor, 
was initiated by the Tacoma City Light and Power Company, as a 
possible means of enhancing water supplies from the Cowlitz and Nis- 
qually watersheds in southwestern Washington. Funding was passed 
from the company to the State Department of Natural Resources, 
which contracted for the seeding in March 1977, and operations were 
carried out from late March through June, using an aircraft and a 
weather radar system for support, Preliminary analysis, based on com- 
parisons of precipitation data from the control and target areas, again 
suggested rainfall increases of 15 to 20 percent from the seeded 
storms. 48 

45 Ibid., p. 5. 9. and 23. 
"Ibid., pp. 26-27. 

47 Henderson, Thomas J., "The Eastern Washington Cloud Seeding Program, a summary 
of cloud seeding activities conducted over portions of Garfield and Columbia Counties in 
Washington during the period May 18, 1077 through June 30, 1077." Atmospherics, Inc., 
report prepared for the Department of Natural Resources, State of Washington, Fresno, 
Calif July 20. 1077. pp. 2. 3, and 21. 

48 Henderson, Thomas J., "The Cowlitz-Nisqually Cloud Seeding Program, a summary 
of cloud seeding activities conducted over the Cowlitz-Nisqually Drainage In Washington 
during the period March 25, 1077 through June 30, 1077." Atmospherics, Inc., report pre- 
pared for the Department of Natural Resources, State of Washington, Fresno, California, 
July 26, 1077, pp. 2 and 17. 



(By Robert E. Morrison, Specialist in Earth Sciences, Science Policy Research 
Division, Congressional Research Service) 


Two previous chapters reviewed, respectively, the weather modifica- 
tion activities and interests of the Federal Government and of State 
and local jurisdictions. Many of the operational services performed 
for agencies in these governmental bodies and for private sponsors, 
have been carried out under contract by commercial firms who have 
developed expertise in a broad range of weather modification capa- 
bilities or who specialize in particular services essential to both re- 
search and operational projects. A summary of the kinds of activities 
performed by these companies is contained in this chapter. Other pri- 
vate organizations — such as cooperative associations of farmers and 
orchardists, utilities, airlines, and lumber companies — are among 
the sponsors and organizers of operational weather modification proj- 
ects. Some of these privately sponsored projects have been discussed 
in several sections of the previous chapter under activities conducted 
within and under the regulation of the States. 

While the majority of universities whose atmospheric science and 
other departments have participated significantly in weather modifi- 
cation research projects are public institutions, mostly in the Western 
States, a few private universities and research foundations have also 
contributed to the understanding of weather modification through 
their research activities. Since the efforts of universities are so closely 
tied to the discussions on the status of the technology and needed re- 
search, Federal and State activities, and other particular aspects of the 
subject addressed in later chapters, activities of academic institutions 
are not discussed separately. 

Important among the private institutions concerned with weather 
modification are the professional organizations of which research and 
operational weather modifiers and other interested meteorologists are 
members. These include the American Meteorological Society, the 
Weather Modification Association, and the Irrigation and Drainage 
Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers. In addition, the 
North American Interstate Weather Modification Council (discussed 
in the previous chapter) is an organization whose membership consists 
of governments of U.S. States and Canadian Provinces and the gov- 
ernment of Mexico, which serves as a forum for interstate coordi- 
nation and exchange of information on weather modification. Two pro- 
fessional organizations, the Weather Modification Association and the 
American Meteorological Society, will be discussed in this chapter. 



Weather modification is controversial, and both formal and in- 
formal opposition groups have developed in various sections of the 
country. Reasons for such opposition are varied and are based on both 
real and perceived adverse consequences from weather modification. 
Some of the objections often voiced by private groups and some ex- 
amples of formal opposition groups are reviewed in this chapter. 

Commercial Weather Modifiers 

scope and significance of contract activities 

Weather modification operations, which now cover a significant area 
of the United States, are almost exclusively conducted on a contract 
basis for specific users by professional cloud seeding organizations. 
Contracts often cover only one season of the year; however, a large 
number of such projects are renewed annually. Target areas range 
from a few hundred to a few thousand square miles. In 1976, 6 of 10 
major companies having substantial numbers of contracts received 
about $2.7 million in contract awards for operations within the United 
States. In addition, a few of these companies also had overseas con- 
tracts. 1 Owing to the increased demand for emergency programs dur- 
ing the recent drought, it is estimated that 1977 contracts totaled about 
$3.5 million. Most weather modification operational activities are 
carried out in the region of the country from the Great Plains west- 
ward, though some projects do occur from time to time in Eastern 
States as well. The distribution of these projects is shown in figure 2 
in the previous chapter; and statistics on commercial operators and 
projects in which they provide services are contained in tables in that 
chapter. 2 

The initial role of the private weather modification operators was 
to sustain weather modification activity during its early years. During 
that period there was heated scientific controversy with other pro- 
fessional meteorologists on the efficacy of cloud seeding. Later, their 
operations provided a valuable data base which permitted the early 
evaluation of seeding efforts and estimation of the potential prospects 
for the technology, especially by several select committees assembled 
for such assessment within the Federal Government. 3 Meanwhile, 
commercial operators, who decreased in number after the initial surge 
of the early 1950 era, have grown in competence and in public respect. 
Their operations have incorporated the benefits of accumulated experi- 
ence and research findings. Today, more often that not, they work 
hand in hand with researchers in weather modification, and, in fact, 
they often participate in research projects, contributing much of their 
know-how acquired through their unique experiences. 


The first scientific weather modification activities were conducted by 
the private sector. In an earlier chapter Ave noted the now famous 
pioneering work of Schaefer, Langmuir, and Vonnegut — all with the 
General Electric Co. — in the mid- to late 1940's. 4 After the early 

1 Elliott Robert D., private communication, I >ecember 1977. 

2 See ch. 7, pp. 345 and 347. 

Elliott, private communication, l!>77. 
* See ch. 2, p. 37. 


General Electric discoveries, the first early cloud seeding was initiated 
by crop dusters, operating on their own behalf or in service to farm 
groups. 5 In addition to providing some extra water and accumulating 
information on seeding effects, these private projects provided testing 
for various seeding modes and for different operational schemes. 6 

Since the early 1950's cloud-seeding activities have been carried on 
at a moderately uniform level following the initial flurry of activities 
immediately after the General Electric discoveries. Excluding fog 
clearing (which is customarily not performed in the context of weather 
modification but rather as part of other airport operations), the an- 
nual number of private weather modification projects has been about 
30, mostly concentrating in rain or snowpack enhancement. 7 The num- 
ber of such projects and the number of operators were 47 and 15, 
respectively, during calendar year 1975, according to the records of 
the Xational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 8 
(The NO A A statistics include operations in fog dispersal at airports.) 
Many of the operations discussed earlier and summarized in tables and 
figures on U.S. weather modification activities for 1975 and 1976 in- 
clude operations that have either been conducted or sponsored by pri- 
vate concerns. 9 

During the 1950's and 1960's these projects were conducted for the 
most part by five major companies though a larger number were in- 
volved during the early 1950's. Developing in the 1960's and moving 
into the 1970's a number of operators, inclined to depend mostly on 
aircraft seeding, began summer cumulus seeding in the northern Great 
Plains. Their emphasis has been primarily on increasing rainfall and 
suppressing hail, and their principal sponsors have been farm groups. 10 

Since the 1950's there have been conducted, on an annual basis, be- 
tween six and nine operational projects intended to increase precipita- 
tion in watersheds in the West, sponsored by utility companies. A num- 
ber of these projects were continued over an extended period of years. 
The Southern California Edison project, for example, in the upper 
San Joaquin River basin in the Sierra Xevada Mountains has been in 
operation continuously every winter since the 1950-51 season. 11 Such 
utility company projects tend to run for a number of successive years 
when demand exceeds power resources; after new generating plants 
with full reservoirs become operational, cloud seeding is often cur- 
tailed until again required by increased power demands. 

There has also been some interest in cloud seeding on the part of 
the Western lumber industry, when drought conditions reduce fuel 
moisture indices and increase the attendant potential for forest fires. 
Enhancement of precipitation from summer cumulus clouds, through 
contracts with weather modification operators, has been employed to 
increase moisture and, on occasions, to assist in limiting or extinguish- 
ing fires. 12 

5 Elliott, Robert D.. "Experience of the Private Sector," in Wilmot N. Hess (editor), 
'Weather and Climate Modification," New York, Wiley, 1974, p. 46. 

6 Ibid. 
' IMd. 

8 Charak. Mason T., "Weather Modification Activity Reports : Calendar Year 1975," Na- 
tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Environmental Monitoring and 
Prediction. Rockvillp. Md.. June 1976, p. 4. 

9 See ch. 7, p. 343 ff, and see app. G. 

10 Elliott. 1974, "Experience of the Private Sector." 1974, pp. 47-48. 

11 Ibid., p. 48. 

12 Ibid. 


Under the guidance of the airlines, the use of weather modification 
to clear airport fog was initiated as an operational procedure during 
the 19'60's. Since the current operational procedures apply almost 
exclusively to cold fogs, airports in more northerly or higher altitude 
locations in the United States are the ones which can benefit from this 
technology. Each winter, there are about 15 projects underway 
throughout the country. The seeding flights are usually conducted by 
local operators under contract to the airlines. Low-flying aircraft 
usually seed with crushed dry ice, which is dropped into the fog. 13 In 
1975 there were nine cold fog and one warm fog dispersal projects 
conducted at U.S. airports under contract to airlines. 14 

The principal U.S. commercial weather modification operators are 
also involved in contract services in other parts of the world. In par- 
ticular, such projects have been conducted in Canada, in Central and 
South America, in Africa, in the Near East, and in Europe. 15 


Commercial weather modification firms, under contract to private 
organizations or local jurisdictions, are expected to develop additional 
water resources or to modify effects of damaging storms in order to 
alleviate immediate or impending economic and personal losses 
brought on by drought or other severe weather. They are therefore 
usually obliged to expend most if not all of their efforts and support- 
ing funds in attempting to mitigate these extreme conditions and to 
attend less to scientific evaluation of their activities than would be true 
in a carefully designed experimental or demonstration project. 

The private sector has contributed to evaluation, however. It has 
pioneered in evaluation of results through comparison of data from 
seeding operations with historical data, using the latter as the un- 
seeded samples. Using relationships based on historical precipitation 
records, for example, predictions have been made of what precipitation 
can be expected in the target area when seeded. There is, of course, the 
possibility that historical data contain inconsistencies, so that, in a 
project performed purely for research purposes, this practice is re- 
placed by randomization. This kind of evaluation has also been applied 
in projects designed to increase snowpack, where snow course measure- 
ments, taken at monthly intervals in the West for the past 20 to 40 
years, have provided the historical record. 10 Statistics on annual 
stream flow and on crop hail damage have also been used as criteria 
for project evaluation. 

The private sector of the weather modification community has also 
been involved in the conduct of projects designed for pure research 
purposes, when under contract to provide a variety of professional 
services in connection with projects. A series of such experiments have 
been carried out, for example, in the vicinity of Santa Barbara, Calif. 
The first Santa Barbara randomized seeding project (1957-60) in- 
volved one major private contractor. North American Weather Con- 
sultants, along with a number of State and local agencies from Cali- 
fornia and some agencies of the Federal Government. The second 

« It.ld.. pp. 4S-49. 

m Xo<> tallies 6 and 7. ch. 7, and also see app. G. 

« Elliott, "Experience of the Private Sector." 1974. p. 49. 

10 Ibid., p. 60. 


Santa Barbara randomized seeding experiment (1967-70) was con- 
ducted by North American Weather Consultants under contract to 
the Naval Weapons Center at China Lake, Calif. Also, during the 
1970 ? s, a randomized seeding project was sponsored by the Pacific Gas 
& Electric Co. in the Lake Almanor drainage basin of the Sierra 
Nevada. 17 There are other examples where users have conducted ran- 
domized projects for a number of years in order to "calibrate'' their 
watersheds and cloud types. 


A number of private firms have performed a variety of meteorologi- 
cal services under contract to Federal agencies sponsoring weather 
modification research projects. These companies include both those 
who also provide professional weather modification services in pri- 
vately or publicly financed operational projects as well as meteorologi- 
cal firms who do not otherwise engage in weather modification. Al- 
though most weather modification programs of the several Federal 
agencies have at some time contracted with such private companies 
as well as with universities, the principal sponsor of research projects 
using these contractors in recent years has been the Bureau of Reclama- 
tion through its atmospheric water resources management program 
(Project Skywater). Some of these commercial organizations, who 
have performed various services for "Skywater" are identified in 
table 8 in chapter 5. 18 Prior to reduction of weather modification re- 
search activities in the 1970's, the Department of Defense was a major 
sponsor of contracted research with industrial and academic weather 
modification groups. 

While a contracting firm is customarily responsible for most aspects 
of an operational project if funded privately or by State or local tax 
assessments, its participation in a Federal research project is more 
often limited to one or a few specialized services which it can provide 
especially well, based on its unique experience. Such services are usual- 
ly of the operations type and include aircraft support, seeding, equip- 
ment maintenance, data gathering, or other field services. Some high- 
ly specialized companies assist with project design, meteorological 
measurements, data analysis, and report preparation. The overall 
project planning and design, project monitoring, integration of par- 
ticipant responsibilities, and final evaluation are usually managed by 
the responsible field personnel of the Federal agency itself, while spe- 
cialized analyses, evaluations, and related studies are most often per- 
formed by scientists and other experts associated with participating 
universities or research organizations. 

Weather Modification Organizations 

professional organizations 

There are three professional organizations in the United States to 
one or more of which most weather modifiers and others interested in 
weather modification belong and through which scientific, technical, 
and legal problems and findings are aired and discusssed. In addition. 

17 Ibid., p. 68. 
1S See p. 250. 


v arious other matters are addressed by these groups, including state- 
ments on weather modification policy, opinions on pending legisla- 
tion, social implications, and professional standards and certification. 
These organizations are the Weather Modification Association, the 
American Meteorological Society, and the American Society of Civil 
Engineers. The first of these three is concerned exclusively with 
weather modification, while the latter two represent professional in- 
terests and activities across a wide range of meteorological and en- 
gineering fields, respectively; however, each of the larger societies has 
a committee concerned particularly with weather modification. Two 
of these professional organizations are discussed below. 

Weather Modification Association 

Recently the following four stated purposes of the Weather Modi- 
fication Association (WMA) were given in testimony : 19 

1. Promotion of research, development, and understanding of 
weather modification for beneficial uses ; 

2. Encouraging and promoting the highest standards of con- 
duct, including certification of individual members qualified to 
execute field experiments and operations in weather modification ; 

3. Serving as a clearinghouse and dissemination agent for 
weather modification oriented literature and information ; and 

4. Assuming an active role and maintaining a strong voice in 
the production and dissemination of policy statements concerning 
all aspects of weather modification practice. 

The WMA was conceived in April 1951 at a meeting of weather 
modifiers and their clients in Riverside, Calif., called to discuss pos- 
sible methods of organizing and controlling weather modification 
operations and evaluations in California in order to raise the stand- 
ards of those engaged in cloud seeding operations. At that meeting an 
organization, tentatively called "The Artificial Precipitation Opera- 
tions Association," was formed; a second was held later the same 
month and the name was changed to the "Weather Control Research 
Association." In the following years the organization developed, its 
activities increased, and its membership grew and became more repre- 
sentative of other parts of the country. Its current name was adopted 
in March 1967. 20 

Current membership in the WMA is approximately 250, including 
both individuals and corporations interested in the field of weather 
modification. Members are mostly from the United States ; however, 
there are members from some foreign countries as well. The diverse 
interests and backgrounds of the members range from concerned water 
users to university professors. 21 

The WMA conducts semiannual business and technical meetings, 
usually in the West or the Midwest, where weather modification proj- 
ects are more common and where the membership is more heavily 
represented. The 1977 meetings were held in April in Salt Lake City 
and in October in Champaign, 111. The latter meeting was conducted 
jointly with the Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent 

19 Griffith, Don A.. Thomas J. Henderson. Theodore B. Smith, and Arnett S. Dennis, testi- 
mony hefore the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification Advisory Board, Cham- 
paign 111.. Oct. 13. 1977. 

20 "Background of the Weather Modification Association," the Journal of Weather Modi- 
fication, vol. 9, No. 1. April 1977, p. 207. 

- l Griffith, et al., testimony hefore the Weather Modification Advisory Board, 1977. 


Weather Modification of the American Meteorological Society, of 
which the WMA was one of two cosponsors. The 1978 spring meeting 
of the WMA is to be held in Tucson, Ariz. 

Beginning in 1969, the WMA has published the Journal of Weather 
Modification. While it has been the practice of the association to pro- 
duce a single annual issue of the journal in most years, usually in 
April, two issues were published in 1975 and 1976. 22 Another recent 
publication of the WMA is a brochure, which presents the basic con- 
cepts of weather modification, discusses the involvement of various 
levels of government, and relates some facts on the WMA itself. 23 

Since 1968 the WMA has officially supported the concept of develop- 
ing a model law for regulation of weather modification activities at 
the State and/or Federal level. A main feature of such a law would be 
the establishment of a weather modification board, whose membership 
would be selected mainly from the private sector, representing inter- 
ests concerned with water resources as they affect agriculture and in- 
dustry. The envisioned board would perform various functions such as 
licensing, review, and recordkeeping. The WMA also supported the 
formation of the Advisory Board on Weather Modification by the 
Secretary of Commerce to conduct the study and prepare the report 
required by the National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976. 24 

One of the purposes of the WMA is to certify individual members 
who are deemed to be qualified to direct weather modification opera- 
tions and/or experiments. Certification is granted only upon the 
unanimously favorable vote by a certification board, which examines 
each applicant in the areas of knowledge, experience, and character. 
The WMA considers certification to be desirable in order to "* * * 
accomplish other purposes of the association, namely, promoting re- 
search and engineering advancement, encouraging and promoting the 
highest standards for professional conduct, and assisting in arrang- 
ing liability insurance upon application from members performing 
operations or experiments." 25 As of April 1977 the WMA had cer- 
tified 35 of its "members, the majority of whom are officers and/or 
meteorologists with weather modification contractors ; however, others 
are associated with universities or w T ith various public and private 
organizations. Two of the certified members are Mexican, and the re- 
mainder are from the United States. 26 

The WMA has been considering the adoption of a statement on 
standards and ethics for weather modification operators. A draft 
statement, prepared by the WMA committee on standards and ethics, 
was presented to the members at the 1977 fall meeting for review and 
comment and will be considered for its adoption or further modifica- 
tion at the 1978 spring meeting. Copies of the WMA proposed draft 
statement on standards and ethics for weather modification operators, 
the WMA constitution and bylaws, and the qualifications and proce- 
dures for certification by the WMA are all contained in appendix N. 

22 The latest available issue of The Journal of Weather Modification is vol. 10, No. 1, 
April 1978. All previous issues of the journal are available from the Weather Modification 
Association, P.O. Box 8116. Fresno, Calif. 93727. 

23 Weather Modification Association. "Weather Modification; Some Facts About Seeding 
Clouds." Fresno. Calif.. August 1977, 16 pp. 

24 Griffith, et al., testimony before the Weather Modification Advisory Board, 1977, 

25 Qualifications and procedures for certification bv the Weather Modification Association, 
the .lo-irnal of Weather Modification, vol. 9, No. 1, April 1977, p. 202. 

26 "Weather Modification Association : Certified Members," the Journal of Weather Modi- 
fication, vol. 9, No. 1, April 1977, p. 208. 


In July 1977, the Chairman of the U.S. Department of Commerce 
Weather Modification Advisory Board invited the officers of the 
WMA to provide testimony on the purposes and activities of the as- 
sociation. A series of questions was also forwarded to the WMA, ask- 
ing that responses be provided to the Board when its officers appeared 
at its October meeting. The responses to these questions, prepared by 
the executive committee of the WMA, serve to provide an insight into 
the current position of the WMA on weather modification policy is- 
sues. The questions from the Weather Modification Board and the 
WMA responses follow : 27 

A. What should be the role of the Federal Government in support- 
ing emergency operations? In supporting long-term location projects? 
What should the State role be? 

1. What should the role of the Federal Government be in support- 
ing emergency operations? 

The WMA has had a rather longstanding policy statement relevant 
to this subject. The statement was originally prepared a few years ago 
when drought conditions in the Midwest began to seriously impact on 
the agricultural community. In general, this WMA position dealt with 
the feasibility of cloud seeding programs during drought conditions, 
the preferred choice of operational capabilities, and the availability of 
equipment and professional personnel. The following points sum- 
marize the WMA position : 

Cloud seeding should not be considered a panacea for drought relief 
although the technology may produce some economic benefit if the 
programs are properly designed and conducted during drought 

Cloud seeding should be considered one of many water resources 
management tools available for use when meteorological conditions 
indicate a reasonable potential for beneficial results. 

The Federal Government should support emergency operations 
through a close interface with individual State agencies. However, 
there needs to be a strong recognition that seedable clouds are probably 
scarce during drought periods and opportunities may be minimal. 

The extensive field experience within the private sector should be 
called upon to provide a strong operational input to these emergency 
operations if it is finally decided that such programs have a reasonable 
chance of producing a beneficial result. 

Because of the Federal Government's historic role in weather modifi- 
cation research, the appropriate Government agencies should provide 
backup capability to these programs in the form of monitor and 
evaluation systems. If the Federal Government is to accept respon- 
sibility for initiating emergency programs, it must also accept respon- 
sibility for potential damage liability covering the results. 

2. In support of long-term local projects? 

Here again, the WMA has developed over the years some specific 
position papers with respect to long-term local programs. Some of the 
primary points are: The WMA supports Federal Government inputs 
to local long-term programs, particularly if these inputs are research 
oriented and are designed to provide information which can improve 
future operations plus assist in the careful evaluation of results. 
What should the State role be? 

27 Griffith, et al., testimony before the Weather Modification Advisory Board, 1977. 


The WMA supports a strong State role in weather modification. 
Where States have demonstrated a reasonable willingness to organize 
and administer weather modification activities, the Federal Govern- 
ment should encourage and assist these programs, particularly in the 
areas of research, monitoring, and evaluations. 

States should develop statutes which address licensing and permit 
requirements. There is a high priority requirement for strong adminis- 
tration of these statutes through a set of rational rules and regulations. 

The States should be responsive to cooperative Federal Government 
assistance in the form of research activities and should make their pro- 
grams available to such "piggy back" activities. 

B. Are Federal regulations, permits, licensing, and so forth, desir- 

1. Federal regulations are presently limited to reporting of weather 
modification activities including times, amounts, locations, and pur- 
poses. These activities have been valuable and have apparently not 
placed undue burden on most operators. These reporting activities 
should be continued with due consideration being given to a consolida- 
tion or uniformity of State and Federal reporting requirements to 
eliminate unnecessary duplication. No other Federal regulations are 
considered to be necessary at this time. 

2. Permits to operate are considered to be essential in order to have 
a mechanism for resolving potential conflicts in local interests. Because 
of the urgent need to respond effectively to these local problems it is 
considered necessary that the permits be granted at a State level. 
Federal permits do not appear to be a viable solution. 

3. Licenses, as well as permits, are granted by a number of States. 
The license has the role of passing judgment on the operator, while 
the permit is granted on a project basis. The requirements for licensing 
are generally very loose in keeping with our limited ability to define 
the caliber of the operator in definitive terms. The mechanism for 
examining the qualifications of operators, however, exists in a number 
of States and can be utilized to screen out the incompetent operators, 
if needed. As our ability to evaluate operators becomes more definitive, 
the machinery exists to become increasingly demanding of the appli- 
cants' qualifications. The licensing function is intimately associated 
with the permit process and should stay at the State level for the 

4. A principal argument for Federal permits and/or licensing 
relates to interstate transport of seeding material and potential extra 
area effects. The few cases of this type which have arisen have been 
handled on a case basis. At such time as the regular seeding operations 
become more widespread and when the evidence of downwind effects 
becomes better documented, the need for the Federal licensing or 
permit process may become apparent. For the time being, it is the 
opinion of the WMA that the process should be left in State hands but 
be made more uniform so as to include separate licensing and permit 

5. The concept of an independent, licensed designer for each project 
was vigorously opposed by a number of WMA members. These mem- 
bers felt that the required expertise for the proper design of a specific 
program frequently rested within one individual group by reason of 


experience or background. An independent designer, called in from 
the outside, could not be expected to know the specific meteorology 
and terrain of each area as well as those already experienced in the 
area or in similar storm types. There was no objection expressed by 
this group to the concept of a licensed group or individual within the 
group being required for project design. The concept of an independent 
designer with infinite wisdom for a variety of projects, however, was 
st rongly re j ect ed . 

A further consideration is the damage that such a concept would 
have to the opportunities for growth in technical competence for the 
private weather modification operator. Importation of the outside 
designer would severely restrict the operator from developing the in- 
ternal technical stature and strength so vital for the development of 
competency in the field. 

C. Are there established professional standards for weather modi- 
fiers? Does the WMA have an active ethics review process? 

Although there are no established standards for weather modifiers, 
this matter has received considerable attention within the WMA. At 
the 1977 spring meeting an ad hoc Committee on Standards and Ethics 
was established. Two meetings of the committee with some correspond- 
ence in the interim resulted in a draft statement which was submitted 
to the membership at the 1977 fall meeting on October 10. The draft 
was referred back to the ad hoc committee and is expected to come up 
again at the 1978 spring meeting. The code of ethics contained in the 
proposed statement covers relationships between WMA members and 
governmental agencies, the general public, clients, and other members 
of the meteorological profession. While there has been no active ethics 
review process so far, it is expected that such a process will be activated 
following adoption of a code. The proposed statement also sets forth 
standards for individual projects, covering such points as staffing, 
public disclosure of methods, and the need for evaluation. 

For the last several years, the WMA has sought to improve profes- 
sional standards by a certification program. It is hoped that this cer- 
tification program will be strengthend by the adoption of a code of 
ethics and a statement of requirements for individual projects. 

D. Is communication between, weather modification pperators and 
scientsts a problem? If so, how can it be improved? 

The WMA has provided an effective channel for communications 
between weather modification operators and scientists. These individ- 
uals come from diverse backgrounds. In addition to twice yearly meet- 
ings, the WMA publishes an annual Journal of Weather Modification 
which receives widespread distribution. 

Communications between operators and scientists could, of course, 
be improved. The need for improved communications is due in part 
to the expansion of weather modification operations and the recent 
increased awareness of man's impact on his environment. 

Other means of communications available (outside of the WMA) 
include the scientific literature, scientific conferences, personal contact, 
and the publication of informational pamphlets and policy statements. 

Interdiscipline conferences on weather modification should be en- 
couraged. Scienl ists should be directly exposed to field programs when- 
ever possible to gain firsthand knowledge of the modification tech- 


niques employed and the problems encountered by the weather modi- 
fication operators. 

American Meteorological- Society 

The stated purposes of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) 
are : The development and dissemination of knowledge of meteorology 
in all its phases and applications, and the advancement of its profes- 
sional ideals. The society shall be a nonprofit organization and none of 
its net income or net worth shall inure to the benefit of its members. In 
event of dissolution, any property belonging to the society shall be 
donated to some organization or organizations of a similar purpose 
and character, and in no event shall any of such property be distributed 
to members of the society. 28 

Members of the AMS number about 900 and include meteorologists 
and other scientists whose interests and activities cover the complete 
range of atmospheric sciences and services, well beyond the scope of 
weather modification. The organization of the AMS was recently re- 
viewed in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 29 Con- 
siderable attention has been given to weather modification within the 
AMS, however, and a number of its members are or have been partici- 
pants in research and operational aspects of the field. While some 
AMS members are engaged full-time in weather modification activi- 
ties others are partly or intermittently involved, depending upon their 
current interest, research funding, or particular management respon- 

The AMS took an early interest in weather modification when it 
was urged by the Director of the Weather Bureau to look into what 
were considered extravagant claims of Langmuir on the effects of his 
cloud seeding operations. 30 Accordingly, the AMS issued its first pol- 
icy statement on weather modification, which was somewhat conserva- 
tive in tenor, and. without refuting Langmuirs claims directly, stated 
that it was not yet proven that cloud seeding could produce econom- 
ically significant amounts of rain. 31 

The AMS provides a means for exchange of ideas and findings, par- 
ticularly in the research aspects of weather modification, through its 
journals and other publications, through professional meetings, and 
through the deliberations within its committees and governing bodies. 
The society has a Committee on Weather Modification, established in 
1968, which is quite active and has from time to time produced public 
statements on the state of the art of weather modification. Some of 
these have been adopted by the council of the AMS, the most recent 
one in January 1973. (Policy statements of the AMS may not neces- 
sarily coincide with those of its subordinate committees, such as the 
one on weather modification.) The 1973 AMS policy statement is re- 
produced in appendix O ; it summarizes the status of planned weather 
modification, inadvertent weather modification, public issues, and rec- 
ommendations for further activities, noting that changes which had 

28 Constitution and bylaws of the American Meteorological Society, art. II. Bulletin of 
the American Meteorological Society, vol. 58. No. 8. August 1977. p. 721. 

29 "Organization of the American Meteorological Society," Bulletin of the American Mete- 
orological Society, vol. 57, No. 8, August 1976, pp. 900-907. 

30 See the history of weather modification, discussed in ch. 2, for the background of this 

31 Elliott, "Experience of the Private Sector." 1974, pp. 84-85. 


occurred since the previous 1967 statement had dictated such an up- 
date. 32 . Since the official AMS position of the society is that all policy 
statements are valid only for 3 years after issue, there is technically no 
official AMS statement on weather modification. The 1973 statement is 
currently being reevaluated and revised; however, no major changes 
are contemplated. 33 

The frame of reference for the AMS committee on weather modi- 
fication follows : 

Established in 1968 to promote and guide the society's contributions 
to the increasingly important field of weather modification, this com- 
mittee is responsible for keeping abreast of one of the more challenging 
and promising interfaces between meteorology and society. The func- 
tions of this committee are the following : 

1. To serve as the official arm to relate the society to the large seg- 
ments of the public who are affected by, interested in, or concerned 
about weather modification. 

2. To develop and update official policy statements on weather modi- 
fication as may be needed by the society. 

3. To plan and oversee the society's major meetings and conferences 
on weather modification. 

4. To provide a platform for atmospheric scientists and other spe- 
cialists to discuss the results of their research and to develop general 
guidelines for future research in weather modification. 

5. To advise the society of current activities, trends, and prospects 
for weather modification by means of an annual report to the society's 
Scientific and Technological Activities Commission. 

6. To promote advancement in the broader aspects of weather modi- 
fication including: (a) the societal utilization, planning, and manage- 
ment of weather modification ; (b) experimental design and evaluation, 
simulation, and prediction, and modification technology; (c) tech- 
nological mitigation of weather hazards; and (d) the use of land 
and energy resources to achieve more desirable responses in weather 
and climate. 34 

The AMS committee on weather modification has been instrumen- 
tal in planning and conducting a series of AMS national weather 
modification conferences. The first of six such conferences was held in 
1968 at the State University of New York at Albany. 35 The first con- 
ference was part of a call for an assessment of the technical status of 
weather and climate modification and stemmed from a recommenda- 
tion received by the AMS from the Interdepartmental Conference on 
Weather Modification, the annual meeting of representatives of Fed- 
eral Government agencies engaged in weather modification. 30 ' 37 

The second, third, and fourth AMS conferences on weather modifica- 
tion were held, respectively, in Santa Barbara, Calif., in April 1970; 

32 Policv statement of the American Meteorological Society on purposeful and Inadver- 
tent modification of weather and climate. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 
vol 54, No. 7. July 1973. pp. 694-695. (Adopted hy the AMS Council. January 2S, 1973 ) 

33 Ban m, Werner A. (President of the American Meteorological Society). In testimony 
hefore the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification Advisory Board. Cham- 
pa'gn. 111., October 14. 1977. 

34 Frames of reference for scientific and technological activities committees. Bulletin of 
the American Meteorological Society, vol. T)5, No. 8, August 1974, p. 1011. 

K Americnn Meteorological Society, "Proceedings of the First National Conference on 
Weather Modication," Apr. 28-May 1. 196S. Albany, N.Y., Boston, 1968, 532 pp. 

36 Ibid., p. i. 

37 See section on coordination of Federal weather modification activities, ch. 5, p. 223. 


in Rapid City, S. Dak., in June 1972; and in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., in 
November 1974. 38 - 39 ' 40 The third conference, at Rapid City, was co- 
sponsored by the irrigation and drainage division of the American 
Society of Civil Engineers. 

The fifth AMS conference was coincident with the Second Confer- 
ence on Weather Modification, sponsored by the World Meteorological 
Organization (WMO) during August 1976 in Boulder, Colo. 41 The 
AMS was a cosponsor of this conference along with the International 
Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (IAMAP) of 
the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. 

The sixth AMS conference, held in Champaign, 111., in October 1977, 
was cosponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers and the 
Weather Modification Association. 42 This was the first conference in 
which a significant number of papers on inadvertent weather modifica- 
tion were presented, and the title of the conference reflected this new 
emphasis. The sixth AMS conference was also the occasion for two 
other related weather modification meetings, also held in Champaign, 
during and after the AMS meeting. The Weather Modification Asso- 
ciation, a cosponsor of the technical conference, conducted its regular 
fall business meeting; and the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather 
Modification Advisory Board conducted its fifth meeting, during 
which testimony was provided to the board from various groups, par- 
ticularly officers of professional organizations concerned with weather 

Because of the particular division of interests within the AMS, one 
major aspect of weather modification, the suppression of hurricanes 
and other severe tropical storms, has not been a concern of the Com- 
mittee on Weather Modification, nor have papers on this subject gener- 
ally been presented at the AMS weather modification conferences. 
Modification of such storms has been considered as one part of the 
overall subject of tropical meteorology and has, therefore, received the 
attention of another AMS committee, the Committee on Hurricanes 
and Tropical Meteorology. That committee has been responsible for 
planning and sponsoring a number of technical conferences on hurri- 
canes and tropical meteorology, at which papers on hurricane modifica- 
tion are customarily given. There is also an overlap between the func- 
tions of the Committee on Weather Modification and the Committee on 
Cloud Physics. AMS conferences are sponsored in both subject areas; 
the more applied papers tend to be given at the weather modification 
conferences, while those on more basic cloud research are presented at 
cloud physics conferences. The distinction is sometimes blurred, how- 
ever, so that many papers can easily fall into either category. 

At least seven periodicals are published by the AMS. While there 
is not a single journal devoted to weather modification, papers on the 

3S American Meteorological Society. "Second National Conference on Weather Modifica- 
tion" (preprints). April 6-9. 1970. Santa Barbara. Calif., Boston. 3 970. 440 pp. 

39 American Meteorological Society. "Third Conference on Weather Modification" (pre- 
prints). June 26-29, 1972. Rapid City. S. Dak.. Boston, 1972, 336 pp. 

40 American Meteorological Society. "Fourth Conference on Weather Modification" (pre- 
prints), Noy. 18-21, 1974. Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Boston, 1974, 575 pp. 

41 World Meteorological Organization, papers presented at the Second WMO Conference 
on Weather Modification, Aug. 2-6. 1976. Boulder, Colo. Secretariat of the World Meteoro- 
logical Organization. Geneva, Switzerland. 1976. 

42 American Meteorological Society. "Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent 
Weather Modification," Oct. 10-13, 1977, Champaign, 111., Boston, 396 pp. 

34-857 O - 79 - 28 


subject most often appear in the Bulletin of the American Meteor- 
ological Society and in the Journal of Applied Meteorology ; articles 
of a survey nature appear in the former, and more technical contribu- 
tions are found in the latter. Pertinent papers are also cited in the AMS 
Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts. Among the many 
publications of the AMS is a glossary of weather modification terms. 43 

In 1973 a group of scientists at the University of Washington, in 
consultation with a number of experts from other organizations, con- 
ducted a study and prepared a report, intending to clarify some policy 
issues relating to weather modification. 44 The AMS took the initiative 
in publishing this report and distributing it to a large number of State 
and Federal Government officials. 

Members of the AMS may become certified consulting meterologists, 
upon meeting qualifications in the areas of knowledge, experience, and 
character, as determined by an AMS board of certified consulting 
meteorologists. Such certification is a formal recognition that the 
applicant is well qualified to carry on the work of a consulting meteor- 
ologist. The fivefold purpose of certification is stated as follows : 

(1) To foster the establishment and maintenance of a high level of 
professional competency, and mature and ethical counsel, in the field 
of consulting meteorology. 

(2) To provide a basis on which a client seeking assistance on 
problems of a meteorological nature may be assured of mature, com- 
petent, and ethical professional counsel. 

(3) To provide incentive for the continued professional growth of 
the meteorologist after completion of his academic training. 

(4) To enhance the prestige, authority, success, and emoluments of 
consulting meteorology specifically, and of professional meteorology 
generally, by encouraging such a consistently high order of profes- 
sional activity that unqualified practitioners will either labor to 
achieve this recognition or retire from the field. 

(5) To provide a guide for eventual licensing of consulting mete- 
orologists by State governments. 45 

As of August 1977 there were 169 certified meteorologists in the 
AMS. While these certified consulting meteorologists are involved in 
a large variety of public-oriented professional services, this certifica- 
tion would also be applicable for some who are engaged in weather 
modification, although the certification discussed in the previous sec- 
tion on the Weather Modification Association applies more directly 
to such professional services. A few meteorologists are certified by 
both the AMS and the WMA. 

Recently the president of the AMS. Dr. Werner A. Baum. and the 
chairman of its Committee on Weather Modification, Dr. Bernard A. 
Silverman, testified before the U.S. Commerce Department's Weather 
Modification Advisory Board and answered questions from the Board 
on weather modification positions of the AMS. Dr. Baum expressed 

43 American Meteorological Society, "Glossary of Terms Frequently Used in Weather 
Modification," Boston. 1968. 59 pp.' (This glossary was prepared initially by the AMS 
for use in the Second Seminar for Science Writers on Weather Modification, New York 
City. Apr. 25. 1908. sponsored by the AMS anrl the National Association of Science Writers.) 

** Fleagle, Rohprt G.. James A. Crutchfield. Ralph W. Johnson, and Mohamed F. Ahdo, 
"Weather Modification in the Public Interest." Seattle, American Meteorological Society 
and the University of Washington Press. 1974. 88 pp. 

45 Certification Program for Consulting Meteorologists, bulletin of the American Meteoro- 
logical Society, vol. 58, No. 8, August 1977, p. 798. 


his opinion that weather modification needs a major research effort 
and that its future is bright in view of its potential for benefiting 
humanity. He felt that the Federal Government ought to take a more 
dominant role, since the various State actions have been taken with 
little uniformity, but urged that the functions of regulation and 
operation be separated in any Federal organizational structure. 46 

Dr. Silverman discussed in detail the areas of atmospheric research 
which the AMS Committee on Weather Modification has identified as 
significant for the progress of weather modification. These included 
cloud physics, precipitation forecasting, cloud climatology, and in- 
vertent weather effects. (These research recommendations were pre- 
sented in an earlier chapter in connection with a discussion of weather 
modification research needs.) 17 He urged support for a strong research 
program, emphasizing the continued need for university research and 
for continued support by the National Science Foundation. 48 


General discussion 

There are individuals and groups who for one reason or another 
voice strong opposition to weather modification. Sometimes with 
little or no rational basis there are charges heard that various otherwise 
unexplained and usually unpleasant weather and weather-related 
events are linked to cloud seeding. Such events might include droughts, 
floods, severe storms, and extreme temperatures. Often charges are 
made, again usually without substantiating data, that the silver iodide 
from cloud seeding has caused harm to vegetation or polluted water 

There are also cases in which some farmers are economically disad- 
vantaged through receiving more or less than optimum rainfall for 
their crops, when artificial inducement of these conditions may have 
indeed been beneficial to those growing different crops whose moisture 
requirements are out of phase in time with those of the disadvan- 
taged farmer. A frequent complaint of some farmers is that hail sup- 
pression to reduce damage to ripening fruit in orchards has attend- 
antly reduced the needed rain for growth of field crops. 

Sometimes disastrous events have occurred during or soon after 
cloud seeding, and, rightly or wrongly, they have been associated with 
the seeding. The June 1972 flooding from excessive rainfall in the 
Rapid City, S. Dak., area is an example of such a disaster which oc- 
curred nearly simultaneously with cloud seeding operations in the 
vicinity by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Though 
subsequent technical evaluations disclaimed any direct connection be- 
tween the flooding and the seeding, opposition in the form of legal 
suits and general public reaction persists today. 

Opposition to the seeding project above Hungry Horse Dam 

Elliott recounts an interesting case where opposition developed to a 
seeding project which his company, North American Weather Con- 
sultants, had conducted for five winter seasons from 1967-68 through 

46 Baum, testimony before the Weather Modification Advisory Board, 1977. 

47 See p. 139, ch. 3. 

48 Silverman, Bernard A., "Testimony Before the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather 
Modification Advisory Board," Champaign, 111., Oct. 14, 1977. 


1970-71. 49 This project, carried out for the Bonneville Power Authority 
under contract to the Bureau of Reclamation, required seeding to in- 
crease snowpack over the watershed above Hungry Horse Dam in 
northwestern Montana. Increased water for hydroelectric power gen- 
eration would result in less interruption in industrial power and more 
steady employment in adjacent regions of Montana, Idaho, Wash- 
ington, and Oregon. 50 

Local opposition to the program was sharp, however, on the basis of 
the possible reduction in the elk population in the nearby Bob Mar- 
shall Wilderness Area ; an estimated additional 10 percent in snowpack 
was considered capable of destroying the browse needed by the elk in 
the winter. The influx of elk hunters each year, spending about $100 per 
day each, was an important source of income to the area, and seeding 
was regarded as a threat to the hunting industry. Fears were quieted, 
however, after a successful program of explaining and teaching about 
cloud seeding. Over the 5 years during which seeding occurred, the 
elk herds grew larger than they had ever been before. 51 

Tri- State Natural W eat her Association 

Sometimes the groups opposing weather modification are organized 
so that they can more effectively solicit and influence public opinion 
for general support of their opposition, or so that they can more effec- 
tively bring suits or injunctions against weather modifiers. One of 
the more persistently vocal groups, active in the Potomac Valley re- 
gion of the Mid-Atlantic States, is the Tri-State Natural Weather 
Association, discussed in the next section. Activities of an opposition 
group in Colorado are considered in a subsequent section. 

In the 1960 ? s, a drought affecting much of the Northeast was blamed 
in some counties of West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania on 
cloud seeding. A local group of orchardists, the Blue Ridge Weather 
Modification Association, had been contracting with various commer- 
cial firms to suppress hail in the region. With the increasing drought, 
intense opposition developed against both the seeding company and 
the orchardists. Bills outlawing weather modification were introduced 
in the legislatures of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, at 
the urging of an organized group called the Natural Weather Associ- 
ation. A bill passed the Maryland legislature making weather modifi- 
cation illegal ; however, this act has since been repealed. Though no 
measures were enacted in the other States, ordinances prohibiting cloud 
seeding were passed in several south-central Pennsylvania counties, 
and a generally negative public reaction to weather modification per- 
sists throughout this region. There has been no seeding for some years 
in Pennsylvania. 52 In 1969 Pennsylvania and West Virginia, both 
passed weather modification laws that did not prohibit weather mod- 
ification, but they were so restrictive that many operators felt that their 
activities were ruled out for all practical purposes. 

With the breaking of the drought of the 1960's and several years of 
wet weather, some of the controversy subsided. However, the successor 
to the Natural Weather Association, the Tri-State Natural Weather 
Association, Inc., has continued strong opposition to cloud seeding and 

< ! > Elliott, "Experience of the Private Sector," 1974, p. 84. 
M Ibid. 
B1 Ibid. 

M Ibid., pp. 82-83. 


has maintained charges that such seeding activities have been carried 
out illegally in the region, both by operators under contract to the Blue 
Ridge Weather Modification Association (the group of orchardists 
seeking hail suppression) and by the U.S. Air Force, while State 
enforcement officials have "looked the other way." Tri-State has 
charged that : 

Defense Department aircraft work all weather patterns in the mid-Atlantic 
States. One section of heavy concentration is the southern tier of Pennsylvania 
counties ; according to the Federal Aviation agency, there are as many as 160 
flights in a twenty-four hour period. These aircraft disperse ice nuclei at almost 
infinity concentrations [sic] and inject it into the atmosphere, starting 24 to 48 
hours before weather patterns move into the area. This seeding will dissipate 
all summer cumuli storms. In the winter, snows are changed into rain with the 
possibility of some increase of precipitation. This additional winter rain helps 
make the annual precipitation record look decent. However, rain during the 
winter leaches the soil of fertility and severely erodes crop fields. Snow is so 
desperately needed for a cover to prevent this damage as well as protection to 
prevent heaving of perennials such as alfalfa. 53 

With regard to enforcement of State laws requiring licensing, and 
regulation of weather modification, the following accusation has been 
made : 

Pennsylvania has earned a reputation of lawlessness relative to cloud seeding. 
The past two Secretaries of Agriculture have both stymied all efforts to regulate 
weather modification. The Pennsylvania State University has engaged in black- 
mail activities against those who want the law enforced, have conducted re- 
search in contempt of the law and lied about the outcome of their own results 
of cloud seeding. These various agencies have all helped to obstruct law enforce- 
ment in the State of Pennsylvania : Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Avia- 
tion, Federal Aviation Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Pennsylvania 
State University, and all branches of the Federal Government who have or are 
doing cloud seeding work. A meteorological Watergate ! 54 

Public sentiment in the Potomac Valley, especially among farmers, 
has remained strongly opposed to weather modification of all kinds, 
and Tri-State Natural Weather Association has continued to lead the 
opposition. Once charging only that hail suppression had caused de- 
creased rainfall at critical times for farmers, they later also claimed 
that cloud seeding materials pollute the atmosphere and induce cancer 
and even credited abnormally heavy rainfall to seeding operations. 
Paul Hoke, president of Tri-State once stated : 

There*s no question that during a dry season, cloud seeding aggravates con- 
ditions to produce drought, and during a wet cycle, it triggers even more rain 
and probably floods. 55 

With the return of especially dry conditions in very recent years, a 
new wave of opposition was aroused and new charges of illegal cloud 
seeding have been forthcoming from the Tri-State Association. Its 
vice president, Dr. Edmund R, Hill, professor of earth science at 
Gettysburg College and a member of the Pennsylvania Weather Modi- 
fication Board, stated that : 

According to complaints we get, the pattern is still remaining as it did in the 
early 1960's. When a thunderstorm appears to the west or is starting to build 
up, a plane will move in mysteriously out of nowhere, and maybe fly once or twice 

53 Tri-State Natural Weather Association, "Cloud Seeding ; the Crime of the Century," St. 
Thomas. Pa. (no publication date), p. 2. 

54 Ibid., p. 1. 

55 Elliott, "Experience of the Private Sector," 1974, p. 84. 


along the leading edge of the thunderstorm, disappear, and the thunderstorm 
just practically dissipates. 56 

In a recent article contributed by the Tri-State Natural Weather 
Association to a nationally circulated publication devoted to organic 
agriculture, the following evils, supposedly brought on by weather 
modification, were cataloged : 

1. Cloud seeding has been responsible for the great 5-year drought 
in the Northeast United States. 

2. Isolated sections in the Northeast have experienced 18 years of 
drought due to cloud seeding. 

3. Weather disturbances in the South Atlantic [sic] have been 
eliminated and has reduced [sic] the east coast's rainfall by 30 per- 
cent — rain that is needed if agriculture is to be successful. 

4. The average dairy farmer on the east coast, living in an area of 
cloud seeding, has averaged a net financial loss because of cloud seed- 

5. Crop production losses in Franklin County, Pa., alone have 
amounted to $50 million. 

6. When effects of seeding wear off, cloudbursts occur, causing 
floods, destroying crops, buildings, and drowning people as well as 

7. Seeding has been responsible for the serious air pollution prob- 

8. Mental retardation and insanity are traceable to cloud seeding 

9. Poisoning of all living matter is directly related to cloud seeding. 

10. Emphysema is three times higher in areas of heavy cloud 

11. Cancer is virulently out of proportion. 

12. Financial losses to agriculture and related industries run into 
the billions. 

13. Forest trees as well as cultivated orchards are dying from chem- 
ical reactions taking place in the air due to the addition of cloud seed- 
ing agents. 

14. The atmosphere has been rendered completely biologically in- 
compatible with all living matter, which includes animals, plants, and 
humans. 57 

Tri-State reported that it has requested the President of the United 
States to announce a ban on all cloud seeding on or over the Appa- 
lachian Mountains and the Atlantic Coastal Plain for 3 years, or until 
a Federal regulatory commission is established, in order to "permit the 
economy to recover." 58 

Citizens for the Preservation of Natural Resources 

Commercial cloud seeders were welcomed by many farmers through- 
out the High Plains region in the 1950's when that region was hit by a 
severe drought; and, even after the drought subsided, interest in 
weather modification continued. In the San Luis Valley of southern 
Colorado, where precipitation averages 6.5 inches per year and where 

M Hill, Edmund R., in testimony, U.S. Congress, House of Representatives. Committee on 
Science and Technology, Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere, "Weather 
Modification," hearings, 94th Cong., 2d sess., June 15-18. 1976, p. 372. 

57 Tri-State Natural Weather Association, "The Rain-Making Myth," Acres, U.S.A. ; a 
Voice for Eeo-agriculture, vol. 7, No. 6, June 1977, Kansas City, Mo., pp. 37-38. 

68 Ibid., p. 39. 


crop-damaging hail storms inflict their tolls during summer months, 
there has been a continuing interest in the potential for mitigating 
these effects through weather modification. In particular, Moravian 
barley, an important cash crop used in beer manufacture, is especially 
susceptible to damage from hail and dampening from too much rain 
during its critical 6- week ripening and harvest period in late summer. 
As a possible means of reducing such damages, William K. Coors, 
president of the Coors Co., which had contracted to buy most of this 
crop from local barley growers, initiated a weather modification pro- 
gram for the San Luis Valley which was designed to suppress hail and 
divert rainfall during this critical season. 59 

Barley growers in the five-county San Luis Valley were outnum- 
bered by other kinds of farmers and ranchers, however, whose interests 
were not benefited from decreased rainfall, though suppression of 
hail was of some interest to them. As a result, weather modification be- 
came controversial and many farmers were convinced that cloud seed- 
ing was responsible for the 1970 drought. That year about 400 ranchers 
and farmers banded into a group then called the San Luis Citizens 
Concerned About Weather Modification; subsequently, its name was 
changed to Citizens for the Preservation of Natural Resources. By 
1971, valley people were demanding that weather modification be 
stopped, and many charges, some farfetched, were made in opposition 
to the seeding project. When citizens of the valley learned that current 
State law could not restrain weather modifiers once they had obtained 
licenses, there was a campaign, led by State Representative Clarence 
Quinlan, himself a rancher in the valley, to enact a new weather modi- 
fication statute in Colorado. Since sentiment about weather modifica- 
tion throughout the State was mixed, the new law passed by the legis- 
lature in 1972 did not ban such activities but does require closer reg- 
ulation and public hearings in local areas affected. It is required that 
operators clearly show prospects for economic benefit before a permit 
is granted. 60 

In 1972, in spite of much local opposition to the seeding project, and 
the recommendation for permit denial by the hearing officer, the 
permit was granted with the stipulation that the suppression effort 
include hail but not rain. Opposition grew stronger by November, 
however, and, at the request of the Citizens for the Preservation 
of Natural Resources, county commissioners placed an advisory 
referendum on the ballot in the five valley counties. The vote went 
heavily against weather modification throughout the valley, 
including Rio Grande County where most of the barley 
is grown. In a letter to each of the barley growers, Coors 
threatened to eliminate its barley purchases from the valley if the 
weather modification program were not conducted in 1973 and subse- 
quent years. Both sides were represented by legal counsel and technical 
witnesses at the controversial spring hearing in 1973 ; however, there, 
was no concrete evidence presented by witnesses on either side showing 
an increase or decrease in rainfall from past seeding. This second 
round of permit hearings resulted again in a recommendation against 

f Carter, Luther J., "Weather Modification : Colorado Heeds Voters In Valley Dispute," 
Science, vol. 180. No. 4093, June 29, 1973, p. 1347. 
60 Ibid., pp. 1347-1348. 


the permit from the hearing officer. This time the advisory committee 
concurred in the recommendation and the State's natural resource 
director denied the permit. 61 

Coors did carry through with the threatened cutback of barley pur- 
chases ; however, the barley growers are now receiving contracts with 
another brewery which seems less concerned with the consequences of 
weather modification. It has been reported that Valley Growers, Inc., 
the organization of barley farmers in the San Luis Valley, are pro- 
ducing more barley than ever. 62 

No further summertime hail modification has been conducted in the 
San Luis Valley, though Valley Growers, Inc., still interested in bene- 
fits from weather modification, decided in 1975 to sponsor an opera- 
tional snowpack enhancement project in the mountains west of the 
valley to increase the water supply from runoff. Though former oppo- 
nents opposed this new project, they agreed to discuss the situation and 
aired their concerns before the project's sponsors and operator. The 
meeting resulted in an agreement between project supporters and op- 
ponents that became the condition under which the project was to be 
conducted. The condition called for (1) a citizen committee to monitor 
operations, and (2) veto authority by a majority of the committee to 
suspend operations at any time during the winter season. Both propo- 
nents and opponents from different geographical regions affected by 
the operations were represented on the committee, and a committee 
member was contacted for clearance prior to each planned seeding op- 
eration. This is the only known instance of an organized opposition 
group agreeing to permit a weather modification project after success- 
fully stopping earlier operations. It is possible, however, that there 
was less public opposition and skepticism in the case of the newer proj- 
ect, owing to the different goals and effects of snowpack enhancement 
compared with hail suppression and possible attendant rainfall de- 
crease. 63 

81 Ibid., pp. 1349-1350. 

e2 Tri-State Natural Weather Association, Inc., "The Rain-Making Myth," 1977, p. 15. 

83 Changnon, Stanley A.. Jr., Ray Jay Davis, Barbara C. Farhar, J. Eugene Haas. J. Lore- 
ena Ivens. Martin V. Jones, Donald A. Klein, Dean Mann, Griffith M. Morgan, Jr., Steven T. 
Sonka, Earl R. Swanson, C. Robert Taylor, and Jon van Blokland, "Hail Suppression : Im- 
pacts and Issues," final report. Technology Assessment of the Suppression of Hail, ERP75- 
09980, National Science Foundation. Illinois State Water Survey, Urbana, 111., April 1977. 
pp. 48-50. 



(By Robert E. Morrison, Specialist in Earth Sciences, Science Policy Research 
Division, Congressional Research Service) 


The United States has been the world leader in weather modification 
research and operations, particularly since World War II, following 
the historic discoveries of Schaefer and others. Nevertheless, other 
countries have also been active in the field, notable among which is 
the Soviet Union. Activities in that country as well as those of some 
other nations with larger programs will be discussed in a later section 
of this chapter. 

Information on foreign weather modification activities is not uni- 
formly documented and is not always available. Some information has 
been provided through papers which appear in professional journals 
or are delivered at professional meetings in this country or abroad. 1 
There is also information exchange through contacts with U.S. meteor- 
ologists who have visited, or have been visited by, their foreign coun- 
terparts. However, expenditures for weather modification activities 
in a given country are seldom identified, and the size and significance 
of the program in a country may be judged disproportionately by 
the abundance or dearth of published or other information received 
through various channels. 

Changnon has collected data from a wide variety of sources which 
show that, since the opening of the modern era of weather modification 
following World War II, planned weather modification projects have 
existed at various times in at least 62 nations through the year 1973. 2 
His tabulations take into account only those projects directed toward 
precipitation enhancement and/or hail suppression; 57 of the coun- 
tries identified had projects aimed at increasing precipitation, while 
in 14 countries projects were designed to decrease hail. In 9 coun- 
tries there were projects with both goals. These 62 nations, shown on 
the map in figure 1, are distributed over all the world's continents 
except Antarctica. 

Although the locations of the performance of the rain and hail 
modification projects are shown in figure 1, the country of origin of 
support of weather modification operations is not always evident. 
Thus, while projects in the countries of Europe, much of North Amer- 
ica, and a few other developed countries like Israel, Japan, and the 
USSR have involved their own scientists and resources ; most of the 

x Charak, Mason T., "Weather Modification Activity Reports; Calendar Year 1975," Na- 
tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Environmental Monitoring and 
Prediction. Rockville. Md., June 1966, p. 48. 

2 Changnon, Stanley A., Jr., "Present and Future of Weather Modification; Regional 
Issues," The Journal of Weather Modification, vol. 7, No. 1, April 1975, p. 167. 



projects in South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia were under- 
taken by American companies or with American financial and tech- 
nological support. 3 

In an attempt to assemble uniform information on the weather mod- 
ification activities of member nations, the World Meteorological 
Organization (WMO) in 1975 instigated a system of reporting of, 
and maintaining a register on, such activities. This WMO mechanism 
for collection and dissemination of weather modification project data 
is discussed in the next section. 

3 Ibid., p. 170. 


Figure 1. — Nations in which weather modification (rain enhancement or hail 
suppression) has been employed during all or portions of the 1946-73 period. 

(From Changnou, Present and Future of Weather Modification, 1975.) 


World Meteorological Organization Register of Weathr Modifi- 
cation Projects 

At the Seventh World Meteorological Congress in Geneva in 1975, 
the WMO approved a Weather Modification Programme, one part of 
which is a requirement that the Secretary -General maintain a register 
of experiments and operations in weather modification carried out 
within member countries. Two reports on these reported projects have 
been published by the WMO, covering activities for calendar years 
1975 and 1976, respectively. 4 - 5 Submission of data for the WMO 
register is voluntary for member countries; however, most countries 
with projects do provide the requested information. Twenty-five na- 
tions reported weather modification projects which occurred during 
1976, while 16 had provided similar information for 1975. In addition, 
member countries with no such activities are also asked to so indicate ; 
58 countries reported that there were no weather modification field 
activities, either experimental or operational, conducted within their 
boundaries in 1976. 6 Although the list was not identical, the same 
number of countries reported no projects the previous year. Some 
countries, including Rhodesia and the Republic of South Africa, with 
past and current weather modification projects, are not members of 
the WMO ; consequently, their projects are not reported through the 
WMO register. 

Table 1, adapted from the WMO report of 1976 weather modifica- 
tion activities, 7 shows the WMO member countries, other than the 
United States, within which reported weather modification activities 
were conducted during 1976, along with, characteristics of the one or 
more projects within each country. Projects reported to the WMO 
by the United States, which account for nearly one-half of those in- 
cluded in the register, have been removed from table 1, since they are 
tabulated elsewhere in this report. 8 

* World Meteorological Organization, "Register of National Weather Modification Proj- 
ects ; 1975," Geneva. 1976, 39 pp. 

5 World Meteorological Organization. "Register of National Weather Modification Proj- 
ects ; 1976," Geneva, 1977. 24 pp. (An addendum to the report on 1976 projects included 
information on activities in the U.S.S.R.) 

6 Ibid., app. A. 

7 Ibid., pp. 6-12 and addendum. 

8 See app. G. 


- modlflcat 
















2 8 



1 Of 01 
■ ring J 

i S 








s ■ 

1 1 


JJ: — . 














a) 5,000 

b) 1.000 

National Anti-Hail Programme 






Rocket pyro Pbl 2 400gm 
per km rocket trajectory. 

-rand*-10 8 C e "othermsr en 



to dat< 




b) 60C 

HCDAPT (feasibility atudy of 
precipitation enhancement 
ME Brazil) 

40.5 8 V 




Air dispersal NaCl, HB.HO 
ano urea at 7.5 1/min it ' 
cloud base (appro* 1500m*) 




.) 1.6,10« 
b) 0.9*10° 

MOCLIMA (feasibility of climate 
modification through carbon 
dust dispersal to absorb solar 

35-47 B ¥ 




G/B and Air dispersal of 
carbon dust particles 
(~0.1«) by incomplete 
combustion of hydro- 






a) 11,000 

Anti-hail cloud seeding 






Rocket Pbl 2 at 113 tg/h 




a) 200,000 

b) 20C.000 

Forest Fire Rainfall Enhancement 
Project, Yellowknife, nVT, 1976 
(N.W.T. 76-01) 

114.5 ¥ 




Air flares Agl at 

5O-700g/h or 50-700g/20 
aec. Seeding level -10 C 
isotherm or 300m below 
cloud top, whichever lower 

J on- Jul 


a) 35.000 

b) 27,000 

Alberta Ball Project 
(Alta 76-01) 






Air flares Agl at 3000g/h 
(wing), 7200g/h (drop- 
pable). Cloud top seeding 
at temperatures to -8 C 
(4500-5500m) and seeding 
at base 









Air dispersal C0 £ and RaCl 


PI 1 

•) 1J0 

b) 90 

Hall and precipitation 











•) 1440 

b) 1200 

Bail •uppr«»ion proj*ot 

47. 8> 






Air dispersal Agl 





a) 5500 

b) 1200 

Bail Buppr«Mion Kxp«ria«nt of 
th« Hungarian P*opl*'a H* pub lie 






( = ) 

Rocket pyro Pbl , seeding 
in Cb "accumulation tone" 



Table 1. — Weather modification projects reported, by country, through the 
World Meteorological Organization Register, with U. S. projects deleted. (See 
key at end of table for explanation of columns.) (Adapted from WMO Register 
of National Weather Modification Projects, 1976, and addendum.) 



al Rainfall SEnanceaent 
ect - EXP III 

Alto-Tegliaaento Projeot 

Sarca-Chieee Project 
tax Project 

Central 4 

* 6 \ 
10.7 I 

flood control by cloud feting 

Sonore Projeot 

Artificial rainfall 


■ulatioo operation 

Project Ola p- Clan 

6 - }0, o 
102.5 S 

116. 5°W 




i) G/B gen (42) Agl 

ii) Air gen (5) 
Agl at 600 g/h 

C/B gen (6) agl at 150g/h 

(1) C/B gen(40) 

Agl at 50 g/h 
(ii) C/B gen aobile (5) 

Agl at 150 g/h 
(lii) Air diepersal at 

cloud base (1000- 


(i) C/B gen (J2) 

Agl at 50 g/h 

(ii) C/B gen mobile (2) 

Agl at 150 g/h 

(iii) Air diapereal at 
cloud base (1000-2000.) 

Air dispersal CaCl 
solution at 450a'/ain ■ 
oloud tops or in cloud 
at 5000 ■. 

C/B gen W 4 I/AgI 

C/B butane-fired (5) and 
electric arc (5) gen eacl 
gen Agl 5-7 g/h 

0/B butane-fired gen (9) 
Agl at 6 g/h, Jh each of 
50 seeding days , 
Air spraying at baae 

cu/ac (ieO0-2BOOa) 
Agl and Pbl solution 
20-40 1/h 

Air flares in eu cong. 
(5000 ->800ai) 

Air flares Agl 

Air gen Agl 0.16-0.2? 


Air dispersal Agl in 
clouds at leap. -7 to 

-12°C (5500-bOOO») 

Air diepersal CO 

Air dispersal Agl 5.5g/« 
in cold clouds (about 
-4°C or 5OOO-55O0.) 

Air dispersal laCl in 
nan clouds at about 
2750 ■ 


50 g/b; 






il experiment: Valle El 
Levant e 

SHFP (randomized anti- 





• ) 





a ) 



a ) 














- ditto - 

Soodlag: Co for 
additional pptn 
Wlntar cloud ■••disc 
for additional pp-tn 

42-J3 °»J 

Georgian BSB 

Tadihlakay* SSB 

Irlao* (Ukraine) 
Koldarian SSI 
Armenian SSB 
Azerbaijan SSB 
EratDOdarek region 
I. Catoani 
Uabeklotan SSB 

teirutek SSB 


Buryat AS8B 

45-46. 5°I ( 
15.5-19 ! J 


C/B lessens gen Agl 

G/B dlaperaal (rockets) Agl 

Artill.rj injection Agl 

Socket and artillery Injection 
Hooket injection AffI 
Artillery injection A*! 

Socket and artillery lnjeotion 

Air (en Ac I seeded at olsod 

Air dl ape reel Solid CO, 

Prro Agl and R> I f 

Agl 150g cartridges at -10°C 

I eertridgae. llg/lm 
Dree cartridges }00g 
0°-10°C (4000-WJOOm) 

aClOj particles 
Powdered clay particles ^0* 



Col. 1— Type of weather modification (indicated by letters) as follows : 

Cl = Climate modification. PE = Precipitation enhancement. 

Cy = Tropical cyclone moderation. S = Snow enhancement. 

F = Fog dispersal. R = Research experiment. 

FC = Cold fog dispersal. X = Flood control. 

FW = Warm fog dispersal. Z = Inhibition of convective cloud develop- 

H = Hail suppression. ment. 
L = Lightning suppression. 

Col. 2 — Approximate size of project area : Area given in square kilometers ; (a) indicates 
overall area, (b) target area. 

Col. 4 — Location of project area : In some cases where coordinates of several points de- 
lineating the area were given, these have been replaced by a single point at approximately 
the center of the area. Towns and islands may be denoted by name ; A/P = airport. 

Col. 7 — Nature of national organization sponsoring project (indicated by abbreviations) 
as follows : 

Agr = Agricultural. Met = Meteorological. 

Erg = Energy. < P) — Private. 

For = Forestry. Res = Research. 

(G) = Governmental. Ski = Winter sports. 

Hyd = Hydrological. Tpn = Transportation. 

Ind = Industrial. 

Col. S — Apparatus, agents, dispersal rates, etc. : Chemical and SI symbols are used. Ab- 
breviations are as follows : 

Air = Airborne/ Aircraft. Pyro = Pyrotechnic. 

G/B = Ground-based. R/C = Remote-controlled, 

gen = Generator. 

A copy of the questionnaire and reporting instructions circulated to 
WMO member nations for reporting weather modification activities is 
included in appendix P of this report. Also included in appendix P is a 
list of the names and addresses of the reporting agencies of the member 
countries which have weather modification activities. 

Description of Weather Modification Activities in Some Foreign- 


vervieio of projects in the U.S.S.R. 

The largest weather modification effort outside the United States is in 
the Soviet Union, where there are both a continuing research program 
and an expanding operational program. The latter is primarily concen- 
trated in a program designed to reduce crop damage from hail. In 1976, 
about 5 million hectares 9 of Soviet farmland were included under this 
operational hail suppression program, whose costs are met by the 
Ministry of Agriculture. Both administrators and scientists in the 
U.S.S.K. have maintained that these hail-seeding operations — under- 
way since the mid-1960's — are successful, and they are to be expanded in 
future years. The hail suppression techniques developed in the Soviet 
Union are being used in many parts of the country, including the Xorth 
and South Caucasus, Moldavia, and Middle Asia, as well as in the 
neighboring countries of Bulgaria and Hungary. 10 

Bat tan estimated that the overall Soviet operational hail suppression 
program could employ as many as 5.000 people. 11 The Soviet hail abate- 
ment program is obviously an important national effort and is clearly 
the largest such program in the world. Other interests and activities 
in weather modification in the U.S.S.R. include precipitation augmen- 
tation and fog dispersal. 

9 Approximately 15 million acres. 

10 Rattan. Louis J., "Weather Modification in the Soviet Union; 1070." Bulletin of the 
American Meteorological Society, vol. 58, No. 1, January 1977, p. 4. 

11 Ibid., p. 13. 


A review of Soviet weather modification activities was written in 
1973 by Ye. K. Federov, Director of the U.S.S.R. Hydrometeorological 
Service. 12 He traces the history of activities in the U.S.S.R. from early 
prescientific use of hail cannons, through the scentific investigations by 
the Institute of Experimental Meteorology in the 1930's, to the recent 
activities in cloud physics research and weather modification, particu- 
larly in precipitation augmentation and hail control. 13 Federov con- 
cludes that cloud-seeding experiments carried out in a number of places 
in the U.S.S.R. indicate an approximate 10 to 15 percent increase in 
precipitation is possible. 14 Because of the great space-time variability 
in areas of hail damage, estimates of hail suppression effectiveness are 
difficult ; however, a method of evaluation has been developed, based on 
changes in the area damaged by hail. 15 Table 2 shows areas of coverage 
and reported decreases in hail damage reported for the years 1966 
through 1970, in the Northern Caucausus and in Georgia, using hail 
suppression techniques developed at three Soviet institutions (identi- 
fied by the abbreviations VGI, IGAN, and ZakNIGMI). 16 Based on 
these results, it has been concluded that the average decrease of the area 
in which crops were damaged by hail was about 80 percent. 17 


[From Sulakvelidze, et. al., 1974] 






Total area of protected territory (hectares times 1.000): 



















Average decrease in hail damage area (percent): 


















Summary of weather modification and related atmospheric research in 
the U.S.S.R. 

Federov's summary of Soviet activities is concluded with an exten- 
sive and valuable listing of 179 references in the Russian literature 
on weather modification, cloud physics, and related research, dating 
from 1961 through 1972. The citations are listed under the following 
topics and subtopics, which give some idea of the scope and direction 
of the Soviet research through the early 1970 ? s : 18 
Micro- and macro-structure of clouds : 

Studies of the micro- and macro-structure, water content, and 
phase state of clouds ; and 
Experiments on convection. 
Radar studies: 

The use of polarization methods of radar study of clouds and 
the results of their modification ; 

12 Federov, Ye. K., "Modification of Meteorological Processes," in Wilmot N. Hess (edi- 
tor), "Weather and Climate Modification," New York, Wiley, 1974, pp. 387-409. 

13 Ibid., p. 389-397. 

14 Ibid., p. 395. 
13 Ibid., p. 397. 

18 Sulakvelidze. G. K., B. I. Kiziriva, and V. V. Tsykunov, "Progress of Hail Suppression 
Work in the U.S.S.R.," in Wilmot N. Hess (ed.), "Weather and Climate Modification," New 
York. Wiley, 1974. p. 42S. 

17 Ibid. 

18 Federov, "Modification of Meteorological Processes," 1974, pp. 402-409. 

34-857 O - 79 - 29 


Radar methods of measuring microstructure of clouds and pre- 
cipitation ; 

Orderly and turbulent motions in clouds ; 

Radar characteristics of shower and cumulonimbus clouds and 
cloud systems ; and 

Methods of identifying hail zones and determining the degree 
of risk. 

Creation and breaking up of convective clouds : 

Results of experiments on breaking up cumulus clouds with 
loose powders ; and 

Stimulating updrafts by means of artificially created jets which 
trigger cloud development. 
Elementary physical and chemical processes in clouds : 

Experiments with the use of a device for modeling cloud proc- 

Studies of elementary processes in clouds, physics of condensa- 
tion, coalescence, freezing, and electrification of cloud elements; 

Laboratory investigations of action of crystallized reagents, 
properties of crystalline and drop fogs, norm of flow rate of 
reagents ; 

Mechanism of formation of crystals on crystallization nuclei; 
Regularities in growth of individual crystals and droplets; 
Stochastic theory of condensation ; and 

Quantitative theory of processes of formation of crystallization 
nuclei, formation of crystallization on zone and its rate of spread, 
technique for introducing reagent, characteristics of open zone. 
Dissipation of supercooled clouds and f o^s : 

Study of conditions permitting fog dissipation, and experiments 
on clearing large areas (on the order of 10,000 square kilometers) 
of overcast due to a change in the radiation balance. 
Modification of hail processes : 

Results of studies of processes of formation of hail cloud, 
growth of hail and its transformation; development of tech- 
niques for modifying hail processes and results of experimental 

Augmentation of precipitation from clouds and cloud systems: 
Results of modifying frontal cloud systems and air-mass clouds 
by means of dry ice ; and increasing precipitation from cumulus 
and powerful-cumulus clouds over a Ukranian test area. 
Extinguishing forest fires by cloud modification : 

Results of first experiments showing practicability of work on 
extinguishing forest fires by stimulating artificial precipitation 
over fire regions. 
Water reserves of clouds suitable for modification : 

Studios of water reserves of seedable clouds over various regions 
Estimating the effectiveness of cloud modification : 

Estimating effectiveness of cloud modification experiments and 
monitoring of results of modification. 
That such a diversity of research is possible is not too surprising 
when one considers the manpower available. Hess notes that Academi- 
cian Federov, Chief of the Hydrometeorological Service, has about 


75,000 people who work for him on all problems of weather and ocean- 
ography. By contrast, a somewhat similar agency in mission in the 
United States, the National Weather Service, has about 6,000 em- 
ployees. 19 * 

On his 1976 trip to the U.S.S.R., Battan visited a number of re- 
search institutions throughout the country at which weather modifi- 
cation research is conducted. He estimated that about 600 people are 
engaged in various aspects of research in weather modification and 
cloud physics, and noted that a younger group of scientists seems to 
be replacing the previous researchers in the past few years. The So- 
viets have also invested heavily in experimental facilities. 20 

While hail suppression is considered to be a demonstrated tech- 
nology in the Soviet Union and operations continue to increase, 
Battan notes that research in hail modification is currently at a low 
level. He also reports that research on rainfall augmentation is mostly 
concentrated in the Ukraine as it has been for many years; but, it 
appeared to him that, overall, the interest in rainfall augmentation 
research is relatively low in view of the importance of rainfall to 
agriculture. Current rainfall stimulation operations are designed for 
extinguishing forest fires rather than increasing water for agricul- 
ture. Battan concludes that the Soviet scientists seem to be no closer 
to a proven technology for precipitation augmentation than is the 
United States and that there still remain unresolved questions on the 
efficacy of the Soviet hail suppression techniques. 21 


Cloud seeding activities began in Israel in 1948, and research on 
precipitation augmentation was conducted in parallel with that in 
other countries throughout the 1950 , s. Beginning in 1961, a series of 
carefully conducted major experiments were initiated which have 
produced convincing evidence on the possibility of increasing pre- 
cipitation through aircraft seeding of the convective clouds which 
move eastward over Israel from the Mediterranean Sea. The first of 
these major experiments was conducted from 1961 through 1967, and 
the second 6 1 /2 _ year experiment was begun in 1969 and recently com- 
pleted. Though early research had been conducted by the Israeli De- 
fense Ministry, present research and operations are supported by the 
Ministry of Agriculture. 22 

Weather modification experimentation in Israel has been accom- 
panied by basic cloud physics research, and it is believed that these 
intensive physical studies have contributed greatly to understanding 
of the precipitation processes, required for development of rain en- 
hancement techniques. 23 

Results of the first Israeli experiment indicated a statistical increase 
of 15 to 24 percent in precipitation as a result of seeding, at a high 
significance level, while the second experiment showed a 20-percent 

19 Hess, Wilmot N., "Progress in Other Countries," in "Weather and Climate Modifica- 
tion," New York, Wiley, 1974, p. 385. 

20 Battan, "Weather Modification in the Soviet Union ; 1976," 1977, p. 18. 
71 Ibid., pp. 18-19. 

^Gagin. A., "Testimony Before the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modification 
Advisory Board," Reston. Va., Dec. 18, 1977. 

23 Gagin, A., and J. Neumann, "Rain Stimulation and Cloud Physics in Israel," in Wil- 
mot N. Hess (ed.), "Weather and Climate Modification," New York, Wiley, 1974, p. 462. 


rainfall increase in the catchment area of the Sea of Galilee. In 1976 
an operational cloud seeding program was initiated in the northern 
part of Israel, based on these optimistic results, where the target area 
is the Sea of Galilee catchment area. Since earlier results for the 
southern part of the country are not definitive, however, a third major 
experiment has been undertaken for that part of the country. 24 

Water increases through the Israeli precipitation augmentation 
program have been estimated at about 300 million metric tons per 
year, at a cost of $400,000. This is equivalent to a rough cost of $1 per 
acre-foot. By comparison, the ratio of costs for increasing water 
through desalination to those through weather modification is approx- 
imately 700 to l. 25 


Although, in recent years, field experiments have been curtailed, 
there has been a major Australian research effort in the past directed 
toward precipitation enhancement through weather modification. A 
major research program in cloud physics, supportive of weather modi- 
fication as well as other aspects of meteorology, is continuing there, 
under the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Orga- 
nization (CSIRO). Since much of Australia consists of deserts where 
rainfall is sparse and unreliable, augmenting rainfall through arti- 
ficial means has been appealing there. 26 

Figure 2. — Location of cloud seeding experiments in southeastern Australia. 
(From Smith, Cloud Seeding in Australia, 1974.) 

' Gagin, testimony before the Weather Modification Advisory Board, 11)77. 
25 Ibid. 

20 Smith, E. J., "Cloud Seeding in Australia," in Wilmot N. Hess (ed.), "Weather and 
Climate Modification," New York, Wiley, 1974. p. 432. 


145° 146° 147° 148° 

Figure 3. — Experimental areas in Tasmania. (From Smith, Cloud Seeding in 

Australia, 1974.) 

As elsewhere, early weather modification experiments in Aus- 
tralia were conducted between the late 1940 , s and the mid-1960's. 
During the period 1955 through 1963 four experiments were 
carired out at locations shown in figure 2, in order to determine 
whether rain over the specific areas could be increased from airborne 
silver iodide seeding. These experiments were only partially successful, 
owing partly to their design. 27 Starting in 1964 and running through 
1971, a very successful experiment was conducted in Tasmania, results 
of which have indicated a 15- to 18-percent precipitation increase in 
winter, though there was no apparent increase during the other sea- 
sons. 28 (See fig. 3.) 

w Ibid., p. 442. 

28 Bowen, E. G., private communication, January 1978. 


In the late 1960's operational weather modification programs for 
increasing precipitation were set up and supported by four Australian 
States — Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Aus- 
tralia — using privately contracted seeding aircraft. The CSIRO oper- 
ated courses of instruction in weather modification techniques and 
provided information on the state of the art to the States and the 
operators. These operational programs have since been discontinued, 
however, and there are no such operational programs now in exist- 
ence. 29 

During the period of Australian weather modification experiments, 
the funding was partitioned about equally between laboratory research 
in cloud physics and the field activities. With the close of the Tas- 
manian experiment, nearly all effort is currently performed in the 
laboratory or in theoretical studies. The funding level of the program 
is about $1 million annually. 30 


The most noteworthy weather modification activities in Canada are 
the research and operational hail reduction projects carried out since 
1956 in the Province of Alberta. Commercial hail suppression opera- 
tions, supported by farmers and conducted from 1956 through 1968, 
were summarized recently. 31 These nonrandomized operations were 
evaluated on the basis of insurance statistics, that is, loss-risk ratios, 
and the following conclusions were reached : 32 

1. Commercial hail suppression operations (based on the Alberta 
project from 1961 through 1968) show a benefit-to-cost ratio of 47 to 
1. Added benefits in the study target from rain increase were 30 to 1. 
Thus, total benefit -to-cost in the target is about 77 to 1. 

2. For the 1961-68 period of operations, the hail damage in the 
study target was 71 percent less than during the historical period 
1938-60 while at the same time no significant change occurred in the 
control area. 

3. Fringe benefits from the inevitable rain increase phase over a 
total of about 6 million acres (3 times the size of hail suppression 
target) yielded a benefit-to-cost of around 90 to 1. 

During the same period the Alberta Research Council (ARC) spon- 
sored a concentrated study of hail and hailstorms, and seeding was 
begun on such storms in 1970. It became apparent in the early 1970's 
that there was a disparity between results obtained through this re- 
search and the earlier operations. 33 As a result, the legislative assembly 
appointed a special committee of 10 members to evaluate the situa- 
tion and take action which seemed appropriate. A government corpo- 
ration was formed for the purpose of running a hail suppression re- 
search program, and an interim weather modification board was ap- 
pointed by the Minister of Agriculture. 34 

» Ibid. 
3° Ibid. 

31 Krick. Irvine: P. and Newton C. Stone. "Hail Suppression in Alberta : 1956-1968," the 
Journal of Weather Modification, vol. 7, No. 1. April 1975, pp. 101-115. 

32 Ibid., p. 114. 

M Simpson. Joanno. "The National Hall Rosoarch Experiment Report on t v e Alberta Hall 
Project." national hall research experiment technical report NCAR-7100-76/2. National 
Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo., February 1976, p. 3. 

3 * Ibid., p. 


The Alberta hail project was initiated in 1973 to accelerate develop- 
ment of hail suppression technology and test that technology. Seed- 
ing of the 18,000 square mile target area with silver iodide from air- 
craft was begun in 1974. While there is randomization by days in the 
northern half of the target area, there is full operational seeding in 
the southern half. 35 Although data from the first 2 years of the experi- 
ment were still being analysed when Simpson wrote her evaluation in 
1976, she concluded that the following information would likely be 
gained from the research under the Alberta hail project : 36 

1. Resolving the conditions for multicell versus supercell, leading 
to resolution of whether or not different seeding strategies are required. 

2. Resolving the merits of on-top versus cloud-base seeding for vari- 
ous storm types. 

3. Providing "transfer functions'' between crop damage, hailfall 
parameters, meteorological conditions, hailpads and hail report cards. 

4. Developing and testing, with an adequate data base, numerical 
simulations of hailstorms and the conditions conducive to them. 

Another Canadian weather modification project of some interest 
was initiated in the Northwest Territories in 1975. The purpose of this 
Summer Cumulus Rainfall Experiment is to study the possibility of 
controlling forest fires through increased precipitation by cloud seed- 
ing. 37 


In a 1976 report on weather modification activities in Mexico, 
Kraemer of the Mexican Ministry of Hydraulic Resources summarized 
ongoing projects in three principal areas of the country. 37a 

Initiated in 1949 with the purpose of augmenting runoff for hydro- 
electric power generation, the most sustained operational program 
had been sponsored by the Mexican Light & Power Co. in the Necaxa 
River watershed. After 1954 ground based silver iodide generators 
replaced aircraft seeding, and target and control areas were set up 
for evaluation. Since 1956 selection of seeding days was randomized. 
Following the 1974 season, seeding operations were suspended, and a 
reevaluation of the project was undertaken, preparatory to a redesign 
of the seeding operations. A restricted area pilot project was underway 
to study techniques of seeding with salt, in view of the warm clouds 
passing over the area. 38 

The Ensenada project on the Baja California Peninsula has been 
conducted with the intention of evaluating cloud seeding techniques 
for augmenting water resources in this arid region, where both sur- 
face and ground water are scarce. Since 1970, experiments have been 
carried out by the Secretary of Hydraulic Resources in the northern 
part of the peninsula, where seeding is performed during the winter 
rainy season, using ground-based generators. Precipitation increments 
of 10 to 15 percent were reported over the 9,000-square-kilometer 
target area, based on results of a 5-year period of operation of this 

35 Ibid., pp. 13-15. 

36 Ibid., p. 39. 

37 Cbnrak. "Weather Modification Activity Reports : Calendar Year 197o," 1976, p. 51. 

37a Kraemer, Dieter (report on recent weather modification activities in Mexico), in "Pro- 
ceedings of Conference on Weatber Modification. Today and Tomorrow," 2d annual meeting 
of the North American Interstate Weather Modification Council, Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 15- 
16. 1976, publication No. 76-1, pp. 85-88. 

33 Ibid., p. 85. 


randomized experiment. In 1976 a decision was made by the Governor 
of the state to contract continuation of this project to an American 
firm, which would employ aircraft seeding. 39 

A joint project was established in 1973 by the National Council of 
Science and Technology, the Institute of Geophysics at the Univer- 
sity of Mexico, and the Federal Ministry of Hydraulic Resources, 
with the purpose of carrying out cloud seeding operations in the area 
of the Chichinautzin Sierra, near Mexico City, to augment water sup- 
plies. Initial seeding operations, begun in 1974, were accomplished 
with ground-based generators, with the intention to expand into 
aircraft seeding later if advisable. Based on analysis of data from 
the first 2 years of these randomized operations, the average precipita- 
tion increments over or near the target area were reported to range 
from 15 to 75 percent, depending upon the specific location. 40 

Other pilot or demonstration projects were underway during 1975 
and 1976 in southern Baja California and in the Yacamiya River 
Basin, and the start of three new programs within a year was being 
contemplated. 41 

In an earlier report Kraemer discussed progress on the projects 
discussed above and also included a discussion on the history of 
experimental weather modification projects in Mexico. The earliest 
experiments there were conducted in the neighborhood of Mexico City 
in 1947. Subsequent cloud seeding experiments were sponsored by 
various government agencies, some universities, and a few private 
companies. Lack of adequate design and control led to suspension of 
most of the earlier projects, their subjective, nonstatistically signifi- 
cant evaluations providing no valid conclusions. 42 

people's republic of china 

In 1974 a delegation of U.S. meteorologists, representing the Amer- 
ican Meteorological Society (AMS), visited a number of meteorolog- 
ical institutions in the People's Republic of China, at the invitation 
of the Chinese Meteorological Society. As part of their overall orienta- 
tion to the activities of their counterparts, they learned about weather 
modification research and operational projects in Red China. 43 Such 
activities are sponsored principally by the Institute for Atmospheric 
Physics of the Academia Sinica and by the Central Meteorological 
Bureau, both in Peking. 

To the visitors there appeared to be an emphasis on application of 
weather modification technology over research, and there was an 
attempt to incorporate the cooperation and suggested ideas from the 
local peasants into the use of such technology. This latter emphasis 
has even motivated some experiments which are designed to verify 
some of the plausible weather folklore. 44 

» Ibid., p. 86. 
<°Ibid., pp. 86-87. 

41 Ibid., p. 88. 

42 Kraemer. Dieter, "Cloud Seeding Activities in Mexico," in "Proceedings of Conference 
on Weather Modification — A Usable Technology : Its Potential Impact on the World Food 
Crisis," North American Interstate Weather Modification Council, Denver, Colo., Jan. 16-17. 
1975, pp. 110-120. 

« Kellogg. William W., David Atlas. David S. Johnson. Richard J. Reed, and Kenneth C. 
Spongier. "Visit to the People's Republic of China : A Report From the A. M.S. Delegation," 
Rulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 55, No. 11, November 1974, pp. 1291- 


" Ibid., pp. 1313-1314. 


Cloud physics and weather modification were listed as major areas 
of research at the Institution for Atmospheric Physics. Although there 
was a clear historical interest in hail control technology, the actual 
hail suppression program had only recently begun and appeared mod- 
est to the visitors. The academy's suppression experiments were con- 
ducted in Shansi Province and had been underway for 2 years in 1974. 
Lacking an organized raingage or hailpad network, evaluation of 
seeding operations is through after-the-fact ground surveys and inter- 
views to estimate hail size, concentration, and crop damage. Seeding 
criteria are based on visual and radar observations. 45 

A program involving the seeding of warm cumulus clouds in 
Hunan Province of southern China is being conducted by the Research 
Institute of the Central Meteorological Bureau. Intended to increase 
rainfall during arid summers, this project had been in progress for 
about 5 years. Seeding was done with pulverized salt, released near 
the cloud base from aircraft. Although the project was not random- 
ized, there was an attempt to evaluate seeding efforts through visual 
observation, by examination of raindrop spectra, and by comparison of 
rainfall in adjacent regions. This work was purported to be "promis- 
ing.*' 46 

There had also been some dry ice seeding experiments during the 
spring in the cold clouds in northern and northwestern China. The 
sparse raingage network impeded evaluation in the mountainous re- 
gions, and the program was discontinued because results were not en- 
couraging. Research using ground-based silver iodide burners was 
also suspended because of the conviction that the seeding material had 
not reached the clouds. 47 


An operational hail suppression program was initiated in 1967 in 
Kenya, about 130 miles northwest of Nairobi. The target areas, cov- 
ering about 45,000 acres where select tea is grown, are shown in figure 
4. The seeding program, supported through 1975 by private tea com- 
panies, employed aircraft for dispensing silver iodide at the base of the 
clouds. More than 5,700 individual cumulus cloud cells were seeded 
during this period, with an average reduction in damage to tea of 
about 40 percent, based on comparisons of hail damage from seeded 
and nonseeded cloud systems. 48 

45 Ibid. 

46 Ibid., p. 1313. 

47 Ibid. 

48 Henderson, Thomas J.. "The Kenya Hall Supression Program," the Journal of Weather 
Modification, vol. 7, No. 1, April 1975, p. 192. 


Figure 4. — Location of target areas in the Kenya Hall Suppression Program. 

(From Henderson, 1975.) 


South African crops suffer severely from hail damage. Near Nel- 
spruit in the heart of the tobacco area, where citrus and vegetable 
crops are also grown, there are typically 50 hail days per year. The 
main hail season extends from October to March, coinciding with the 
tobacco growth and harvest periods; consequently, damage to this 
ultrasensitive crop is often catastrophic. 49 

The Xelspruit hail suppression seeding project, conducted jointly 
by the Lowveld Tobacco Cooperative and the Colorado International 
Corp., completed 41/2 years of operation in May 1976, at which time 
Simpson had evaluated the first 3% years of the program. Hail in the 
7,000 square kilometer target area is produced by warm-based storms, 
mostly of the multicell type, and seeding is performed from above, 

48 Simpson, Joanne, "Report on the Hall Suppression Program at Nelsprult. Transvaal. Re- 
public of South Africa." National Hall Research Experiment technical report NCAR-7100- 
76/5. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo., June 1976, pp. 3-5. 


where silver iodide flares are dropped from jet aircraft. 50 Analysis of 
the results showed decreases of about 40 percent in damage and 20 per- 
cent in severity for the seeded cases, based on a comparison with his- 
torical control data, though the project is not randomized. Simpson 
felt that these results should be regarded with cautious optimism and 
found the program to have sufficient merit to warrant its continuation, 
but with greater emphasis on evaluation. 51 


Experiments were conducted in Rhodesia during 1973-74 to con- 
firm the effectiveness of seeding the tops of single cumulus clouds by 
aircraft, using pyrotechnic cartridges, to augment rainfall. Random- 
ized trials on 20 seeded and 16 nonseeded clouds resulted in average 
rainfall about five times heavier for seeded cases than for nonseeded 
cases. There was also evidence of less seeding effect under wet con- 
ditions. 52 The experiments were continued in 1974-75, and it was sub- 
sequently learned that seeding by the silver pyrotechnic method is 
unsuccessful when cloud tops fail to reach a temperature level of 

— 10° C. It has been concluded that economic viability of the cloud 
seeding required that clouds reach at least to the —10° C level, the 

— 13° C level being even more preferable. 53 


Indian scientists have continued studies of warm cloud seeding. In 
one reported study of the dynamic effects of seeding cumulus clouds 
with salt in 1973, there was a temperature rise from 1° to 2° C and 
an increase in liquid water content before the onset of rain. The 
clouds also grew in the vertical by a few thousand feet following the 
seeding. These observed features were explained qualitatively by a 
kind of chain reaction which involves the process of condensation and 
updraft generation. 54 

Further analysis of data from seeding experiments during the 1974 
summer monsoon showed additional positive modification effects. Con- 
clusions drawn from radar observations, in-cloud electrical measure- 
ments, and microphysical observations following seeding of these 
maritime warm clouds with hygroscopic particles are stated below : 

1. Out of the four seeded cloud cases, two showed remarkable 
increases in areal extent. In the remaining two cases, the areal echo 
coverage remained nearly constant in one and decreased in the 
other. The echo intensity increased in three cases and decreased in 
one case. The height of the echo top increased in all the four cases. 
Such features were not noticed in the echoes from the control 

50 Ibid., p. i. 

51 Ibid. 

52 McNaughton. D. L., "Seeding Single Clouds Using Pyrotechnic Cartridges, 1973-74," 
the Journal of Weather Modification, vol. 7, No. 1, April 1975. pp. 4. 14-15. 

33 McNaujrhton. D. L.. "Cloud Seeding Experimental Program in Rhodesia: 1974-75," the 
Journal of Weather Modification, vol. 9. No. 1. April 1977, pp. 89-90. 

°* Ramaehandra Murty, A. S., A. M. Selvam. and Bh. v. Ramana Murtv. Dvnamic Effects 
of Salt Seeding: in Warm Cumulus Clouds. The Journal of Weather Modification, vol. 7, 
No. 1, April 1975, p. 36. 


2. The in-cloud temperature showed an increase of 0.8° C fol- 
lowing seeding. 

' 3. The median volume diameter of the cloud droplets and the 
cloud liquid water content showed increases in the subsequent 
traverses compared to the initial traverses made in the seeded 

4. The vertical electric field in the cloud, a few hundred meters 
above the cloud base, was initially negative and showed sign re- 
versal before the onset of precipitation in seeded clouds. The sign 
reversal may be attributed to the transport of positive charges 
from the higher levels to the low T er levels inside the cloud by the 
precipitation particles which are generally formed at the higher 
levels in the strong updraft regions. The electric field also showed 
intensification following seeding which could be due to the in- 
creased convective activity. 55 


In Western Europe hail suppression is conducted by commercial 
firms and farmers' cooperatives on a large scale, though scientifically 
proven techniques are not currently in use. Hail reduction damage 
levels claimed by well-conducted commercial suppression programs 
are in the range of 40 to 50 percent ; however, the value of the statis- 
tical evaluation is limited due to lack of randomization in the 
projects. 56 

In 1976, the Swiss Federal Division of Agriculture initiated a 5-year 
hail-suppression experiment, conducted by the Institute of Atmos- 
pheric Physics at Zurich and the Polytechnical Institute. The purpose 
of the experiment, called Grossversuch IV, is to test the translatability 
of the Soviet hail suppression techniques to a site in central Europe. 
Specifically, the experiment has been designed to answer the following 
questions : 

1. Can the Soviet rocket method be used successfully in Europe, 
given the climatic, geographic, and logistic conditions there ? 

2. What is the effectiveness of the Soviet method and what is 
the relationship between cost and benefits which may accrue to a 
given region? 

The U.S.S.R. claims that their operations are 70 to 90 percent suc- 
cessful in reducing hail damage ; a similar success rate in Switzerland, 
taking into account the hail frequency there, should permit completion 
of the experiment with statistically significant results during the 
projected 5-year period. 57 

The Swiss Federal Air Office has reserved a space 100,000 hectares 
(1,000 km 2 ) by 8 km high in the Napf Highlands, on the northern 
slopes of the Swiss Alps, for the experiment. Storms which occur in 
this region mostly come from the southwest and travel to the north- 

^ Chatterjee, R. N., A. S. Ramachandra Murty, K. Krishna, and Bh. B. Ramana Murty. 
Radar Evaluation of the Effect of Salt Seeding on Warm Maritime Cumulus Clouds. The 
Journal of Weather Modification, vol. 10. No. 1. April 1978. p. 56. 

c « Federer. Bruno, W. Schmld, and A. Waldvoprel. "The Design of Grossversuch IV, a Ran- 
domized Hall Suppression Experiment In Switzerland," presented at the First International 
Workshop on the Measurement of Hail, Banff, Canada, Oct. 21-26. 1977, Alberta Research 
Council. 1977, p. 1. 

" Ibid. 


east, and hail occurs on 16 out of 35 stormy days. Rockets furnished 
by the Soviet Union have been employed in the seeding experiment, 
following a brief training period by a Soviet expert on use of the 
launching ramp. The experiment includes five launching stations and 
a command post equipped with three weather radars. 58 

The experiment has been underway since 1976, following, reasonably 
close to the plan of attack as developed then. In addition to the Swiss 
investigators, there is cooperative participation from the French and 
the Italians, whose contribution is mainly in operating the hailpad 
network. Beginning in the 1978 summer seeding season there will also 
be U.S. participation from scientists at the National Center for Atmos- 
pherical Research (NCAR). 59 

58 Ibid., pp. 2-3. 

58 Squires, Patrick, private communication. 



(By Lois McHugh, Foreign Affairs Analyst, Foreign Affairs and National 

Defense Division Congressional Research Service) 


Recent years have seen increased international awareness of the 
potential benefits and possible risks of weather modification tech- 
nology and increased international efforts to control such activities. 
The major efforts of the international community in this area are to 
encourage and maintain the high level of cooperation which current- 
ly exists in weather reporting and research and to insure that man's 
new abilities will be used for peaceful purposes rather than as weap- 
ons of war. This two sided approach is evident in the activities of the 
United States which has strongly encouraged and supported coopera- 
tive efforts to gain knowledge of the weather and at the same time has 
endeavored to restrict the use of this knowledge to peaceful purposes 
through the adoption of international agreements. 

Weather research and reporting has long been one of the areas hav- 
ing the closest international cooperation. Because of the global nature 
of weather systems, making the prediction of weather in one area de- 
pendent on reported weather in other parts of the world, cooperation 
and exchange of information and techniques of weather research and 
reporting are necessities. This cooperation transcends ideological 
differences and hostilities. 

International cooperation in the exchange of ideas on and methods 
of weather modification has also been extensive. Many well attended 
international conferences as well as more informal exchanges of scien- 
tists and research documents have given nations the opportunity to 
expand their own knowledge of weather modification. More recently, 
pressures of world population and food shortages, drought, and the 
continuing devastation of natural disasters such as earthquakes, 
floods, and tropical storms have made the development of weather 
modification abilities more critical to nations. The increasing interest 
in, and the developing technology relating to man's ability to affect 
rainfall, prevent hail, and curb the damage of tropical storms foresees 
a, time when it will be essential that the effects of such activities on the 
world's weather system be understood and any adverse effects of such 
modification be controlled. As with many other scientific areas, the 
problems arising out of use and experimentation with weather modi- 
fication techniques are not just scientific problems, but political prob- 
lems. Although the technology to use weather modification, as well 



as the ability to determine how successful such modification technol- 
ogy is, are still in the early stages of development, attempts to modify 
weather conditions are being made by commercial firms and by gov- 
ernments. Thus, with or without a scientific assurance of success, 
weather modification has become a source of controversy between 

The increased activity in weather modification world wide has also 
resulted in increasing complaints of perceived or potential damage to 
the environment both domestically and internationally. For example, 
during 1975, at a time when the U.S. Government was supporting re- 
search activities to modify the strength of hurricanes, although not 
actually seeding any hurricanes, Hurricane Fifi devastated Honduras. 
There were several claims at the time, both in domestic and interna- 
tional news media that the hurricane was either purposely, or at least 
inadvertently, directed at Honduras. More recently, Project Storm- 
fury, a U.S. sponsored research program into tropical storm control, 
has been forced to limit its areas of experimentation because two of the 
countries potentially affected by experimentation in the western Pacific, 
the People's Republic of China, and Japan, objected to experimentation 
near them, although other nations in the same area welcomed such ac- 
tivities. Although the United States is ready to resume experimenta- 
tion, recent statements indicate that the Carter administration wants 
to look into the liability problem before resuming any actual modifica- 
tion activities. The international community has also been troubled by 
the issue of liability. In November 1975 the World Meteorological 
Organization (WMO) and the United Nations environment program 
held a 4-day meeting to discuss, among other issues, the possible lia- 
bility of WMO and the other participants in the worldwide precipita- 
tion enhancement program which was beginning in response to the 
Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. 1 

In addition to the problems of damage to countries by commercial or 
experimental weather modification activities, another growing area of 
concern is that weather modification will be used for hostile pur- 
poses * * * that the future will bring weather warfare between na- 
tions. The United States has already been involved in one such in- 
stance during the Vietnam war when attempts were made to impede 
traffic on the Ho Chi Minh Trail by increasing the amount of rainfall 
during the monsoon season. After initial public denials of such activi- 
ties, former Secretary of Defense Laird, acknowledged that such ac- 
tivities had taken place during 1967 and 1968. This information was 
contained in a classified letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Com- 
mittee in January 1974, and made public later in 1974. Having the 
capability to cause natural disasters will further blur the line between 
conventional and unconventional warfare and increase the risk to 
civilian populations, who would be caught in the same natural disaster 
as the enemy army. Additionally, if weather modification techniques 
are developed by nations without corresponding understanding or 
concern for the world weather system., widespread, and conceivably 
irrevocable damage can be done to nations not involved in the 
hostilities, as well as to those at war. 

1 U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office 
of Environmental Monitoring and Prediction, "Weather Modification Activities for Calendar 
Your 1075," Rockville, Md., June 1976, p. 47. 


Even the perception that weather modification techniques are avail- 
able and are in use could lead to an increase in international tensions. 
Natural drought in a region, or any other unusual natural disaster, 
will be suspect or blamed on an enemy. The results of this insecurity 
were discussed by Edith Brown Weiss, a scientist and proponent of 
passage of a treaty banning the use of weather modification as a 
weapon of war, during her testimony before the Senate Foreign Rela- 
tions Committee : 

Accepting any environmental modification techniques as legitimate weapons 
undermines the already shaky distinction between conventional and unconven- 
tional means of warfare. It makes acceptable the idea of using techniques of envi- 
ronmental modification as a weapon of war. . . . Even the chance that States will 
be able to use some techniques for hostile purposes without violating the Con- 
ventions casts suspicion on the development and use of weather modification 
technology for peaceful purposes. In the long run, it can endanger the interna- 
tional cooperative programs in weather forecasting and atmospheric research, 
which help us to understand and use weather to benefit mankind. 2 

In light of these problems, the international community has made 
scattered attempts both to further the study of weather and its modi- 
fication and to insure the peaceful use of this new technology. The Con- 
vention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of 
Environmental Modification Techniques, which was signed in Geneva 
for the United States on May 18, 1977 (but which has not yet been sub- 
mitted to and approved by the Senate) and the precipitation enhance- 
ment program sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization 
are the most outstanding examples of these attempts. 

In the United States, the Congress has taken the lead in formulating 
a foreign policy on weather modification. Passage in 1973 of Senate 
Eesolution 71, calling for an international agreement to limit the use 
of weather modification in warfare, was the first major step taken in 
this area and occurred over the objections of the administration. The 
National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976 required the Secre- 
tary of Commerce to develop a national policy, or alternative national 
policies on weather modification, including international aspects of it. 

This chapter will briefly outline the activities of international orga- 
nizations in the area of weather modification as well as the activities 
of the Congress and the executive branch which deal with international 
activites in weather modification. United States military activities and 
the activities of other nations will be discussed elsewhere in this report. 

Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other 
Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques 

development of the treaty 

On July 3, 1974, the United States and the Soviet Union issued a 
joint statement recognizing the potential danger of the use of environ- 
mental modification in warfare and agreeing to : 

1. Advocate the most effective measures possible to eliminate 
the dangers of this type of warfare ; and 

2. Meet during 1974 to explore the problem and its solution. 
One year prior to this communique, the Senate had adopted by a 

2 U.S. Congress, Senate, Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment, "Pro- 
hibiting Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques," hearing, 94th Cong., 2d 
sess., Jan. 21, 1976, Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976, p. 29. 

34-857—79 30 


large majority a resolution calling upon the U.S. Government to nego- 
tiate a treaty controlling the use of environmental modification as a 
weapon of war. 

On August 7, 1974, Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko sent a letter 
to the Secretary-General of the United Nations asking that a resolu- 
tion advocating the conclusion of an international convention prohib- 
iting environmental modification for military purposes be added to the 
agenda of the 1974 U.N. General Assembly. 3 The Soviet Union sub- 
mitted, on September 24, 1974 a resolution calling for a convention and 
a draft convention entitled "Prohibition of Action to Influence the 
Environment and Climate for Military and Other Purposes Incompati- 
ble with the Maintenance of International Security, Human Well- 
Being and Health." 4 

The proposed convention was quite far reaching. For example, 
article 1 stated that each party to the convention "undertakes not to 
develop meteorological, geophysical or any other scientific technologi- 
cal means of influencing the environment, including the weather and 
climate, for military and other purposes incompatible with the mainte- 
nance of international security, human well-being and health, and, 
furthermore, never under any circumstances to resort to such means of 
influencing the environment and climate or to carry out preparations 
for their use." Article 2 listed 1 2 specific activities which were to be 
prohibited. Other articles prohibited parties from assisting other 
states in such activities and noted that nothing in the convention was 
meant to impede scientific progress or the development of methods to 
improve the environment for peaceful purposes. Violations were to be 
reported to the Security Council, and parties would adopt national 
controls to prevent their citizens from taking actions contrary to the 
treaty. After 5 years a conference of the parties would be held to revise 
the convention if necessary in light of scientific developments. 5 

After debate, the General Assembly amended the resolution to elim- 
inate some of the ambiguities the members found, adopted it on 
December 9, 1974, and requested the Conference of the Committee on 
Disarmament (CCD) to proceed "as soon as possible to achieving 
agreement on the text of such a convention" as the one proposed by the 
Soviet Union and to submit a report on the finding to the next session of 
the General Assembly. 6 (The United States abstained on this vote 
after noting in the debate that the problem had not been defined and 
it was premature to conclude that a convention would be feasible or 
effective.) 7 

3 United Nations mimeographed document Xo. A/9702. 1074. 

4 United Nations mimeocrraphed document Xo. A/C1/L675, 1974. 

5 United Nations document A/9910, Dec. 6, 1974. 

6 A/Res/3264 (XXIX) . 

7 Senator Stuart Symington, a member of the U.S. delegation to the 29th session of the 
United Xations General Assembly summed up the reasons for the United States stand as 
follows : 

"The public explanation of our stand was that 'even with the commendable changes ac- 
cepted by the Soviet delegation, the resolution as it now stands still appears to prejudge how 
the committee would consider the question.' 

"The reason for our abstention appeared to be the fear that this general recommendation 
might result years hence in a treaty, subject to a two-third vote of approval by the Senate, 
tbal in some respect the executive branch might not like. This fear to explore even the pos- 
sibility of a legal regime for environmental modification seems to approach excessive 

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. "The United Xations. the United 
States and Anns Control." report by Senator Stuart Symington, member of the delegation 
to the United Xations. May 197.". 94th Cong., 1st sess., committee print, Washington. U.S. 
Government Printing Office, 197"5, p. 4. 


Early in November 1974, the United States and the Soviet Union 
>egan meeting to develop a joint approach to a treaty prohibiting the 
ise of environmental modification as a weapon of war. These meetings 
continued through the summer of 1975. During the summer of 1975, 
he CCD was also holding meetings on the draft convention proposed 
jy the Soviet Union in September 1974. In August of 1975, the Soviet 
Jnion and the United States submitted identical draft conventions to 
he CCD. At the time the U.S. delegate noted that the submission of 
dentical texts was important, that the major issues had been identified 
ind that discussions had shown that a consensus had clearly been 
eached on the desirability of achieving such an agreement. 8 

On July 1, 1976, the CCD established a working group to consider 
he modifications of the joint draft convention and in early September 
ransmitted a completed draft convention to the United Nations Gen- 
•ral Assembly. The General Assembly adopted the resolution, calling 
:or acceptance of the draft convention on December 10, 1976, by a re- 
:orded vote of 96 to 8 with 30 abstentions. 9 

The resolution directed the Secretary General to open the conven- 
ion for signature and ratifications. The convention was opened for 
ignature in Geneva on May 18, 1977, and was signed by the United 
States and 33 other nations. 


Even before the Convention wa c opened for signature, there was a 
rreat deal of criticism of its contents. Critics claimed that it contained 
oopholes that seriously weakened the treaty. One action taken by sev- 
ral environmental groups was to file a law suit against the State De- 
)artment on the grounds that the Department was required to file an 
nvironmental impact statement on the effects of the Convention. 

In addition to these environmental groups, several members of the 
United Nations, scientists and members of Congress have been critical 
>f the Convention. The main criticism is that the treaty only partially 
>ans environmental modification techniques in warfare. The question- 
ible language is centered in the language of article I, which reads : 

Each State Party to this convention undertakes not to engage in military or 
ny other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having ivide- 
pread, long-lasting, or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or in- 
ury to another State Party. [Emphasis added.] 10 

The italicized language is the so-called troika language, which was 
iot in the original Soviet draft, but was used in the joint Soviet/ 
Jnited States communique, leading to the conclusion that it was added 
.t the insistence of the United States. 

In a paper prepared for the General Assembly debate, the Govern- 
ment of Mexico called this phrase "in every respect inadequate and 
mbiguous. 11 And Dr. Edith Brown "Weiss, in testifying on January 21, 
976, before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee stated : 

Article 1 indicates that the convention covers only environmental modification 
?chniques "having widespread, long-lasting, or severe effects". Ironically, the 

5 United Nations. General Assembly, Conference of the Committee on Disarmament, re- 
ort. vol. I. New York, United Nations. 1976, p. 61. (United Nations, document A/31/27 
nited Nations. General Assembly, official records. 31st sess. suppl. No. 27.) 

9 T ext of the resolution published in the Department of State bulletin, Jan. 1, 1977. pp. 

10 Text of treaty included in app. C. 

n See United Nations Document No. A/C.1/31/S Nov. 16, 1976, p. 2. 


language sounds like it covers only those techniques which are least developed — 
such as techniques for climate modification. . . . There are important ambiguities 
in this draft about the extent to which weather modification activities are cov- 
ered by its prohibitions and about whether the use of environmental modification 
techniques incidental to facilitating the effectiveness of other weapons is 
covered. 12 

Secondly, the Convention was criticized for its lack of effective en- 
forcement procedures. Complaints of violations of the Convention are 
to be referred to the Security Council where both the United States and 
the Soviet Union, the countries with the leading capabilities to develop 
technology for weather warfare, have a veto. Critics contend that giv- 
ing the power to investigate violations and determine whether dam- 
ages can be claimed to the veto-prone Security Council makes enforce- 
ment of the treaty impossible. 

In defending the proposed treaty to Congressman Gilbert Gude. the 
Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Fred C. 
Ickle, wrote in September 24, 1975 : 

The anticipatory nature of the proposed Convention carries with it many of 
the basic uncertainties of the future, and I anticipate criticisms of different 
aspects of the agreement from several sides. The alternative to action now would 
be to attempt restraint at a later time, when the possibilities of hostile use of 
environmental modification techniques may be more real. An agreement on pro- 
hibitions might then be more difficult to achieve. 13 

In a f ollowup letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee com- 
menting on the comments of Dr. Weiss, Mr. Ickle stated : 

Because certain effects are not listed, she questions whether all uses are pro- 
hibited. The presence or absence of any technique in the list does not indicate 
that it is allowed or prohibited — all hostile uses of all environmental modifica- 
tion techniques having widespread, long-lasting, or severe effects would be pro- 
hibited by the Convention. 14 

Finally, concerning the enforcement procedures, this same letter 
commented : 

It is unlikely, as a practical matter, that a permanent member of the Security 
Council would exercise its veto to prevent an investigation of a complaint 
brought against it (or an ally), since such an act would probably be taken as 
confirmation of a violation by many UN members. 15 

The Convention, as approved by the General Assembly, calls upon 
the parties to look again at the provisions of the Convention in 5 years 
time to insure that the Convention is in fact fulfilling its purpose. This 
will give critics an opportunity to strengthen the Convention. 


The Convention was opened for signature on May 18, 1977. At that 
time Secretary of State Vance made a statement which many regarded 
as an indication that the United States was willing to reexamine the 
use of the so-called troika language. His comments were : 

In the view of the United States, the effect of the convention should be to elimi- 
nate the danger of environmental warfare because it prohibits all significant 

12 U.S. Congress. Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on Oceans and 
Internationa] Environment. "Prohibiting Hostile Use of Environmental Modifications Tech- 
niques. - ' hearing, Jan. 21, 1976, 94th Cong., 2d sess., Washington, U.S. Government Print- 
ing Offipp. 1976. 

» Ibid., p. 6. 

M Ibid., p. 18. 

" Ibid., p. 17. 


hostile use of environmental modification techniques. According to the present 
terms, the convention limits the prohibition to those uses having "widespread, 
long-lasting or severe effects." The United States will be prepared to reexamine 
this limitation on the scope of the convention at the review conference or pos- 
sibly before. 16 

In the fall of 1977, the law suit against the Department of State was 
dropped when the Department agreed to prepare an environmental 
assessment statement (not an environmental impact statement), and 
submit it to the Senate with the Convention. According to the Depart- 
ment of State, this statement will discuss what the Convention does, in 
the Department's understanding, what weather modification tech- 
niques are currently available and thus covered by the Convention, and 
will state that the only use of weather modification for hostile use ever 
engaged in by the United States was in Vietnam (see section on con- 
gressional activities). 17 The way has now been cleared for transmittal 
of the Convention to the Senate, which is expected to take place during 

As of mid 1978, 50 nations had signed the Convention, and 19 had 
ratified it. 

Activities of the World Meteorological Organization in Weather 


The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has been a special- 
ized agency of the United Nations since 1951, although its predecessor, 
a nongovernmental organization, the International Meteorological Or- 
ganization, dates to 1873. WMO's responsibilities include the coordina- 
tion, standardization, and improvement of meteorological services 
throughout the world and the encouragement of an efficient exchange 
of meteorological information between countries. 

The WMO is the international organization which historically more 
than any other has been involved in various aspects of weather modi- 
fication. According to a WMO background paper prepared for the pre- 
cipitation enhancement project WMO activities in the area of weather 
modification began as early as 1955 with the publication of a technical 
note (study) devoted to the scientific aspects of cloud and precipita- 
tion control. 18 By the early 1970 ? s the general awareness and interest in 
inadvertent as well as planned weather modification had increased to 
the point that WMO felt it necessary to issue guidelines to handle in- 
quiries from member nations on weather modification. The statement, 
entitled "Present State of Knowledge and Possible Practical Bene- 
fits in Some Fields of Weather Modification" was first published in 
1971, and revised and amplified in 1975. 

By 1972 WMO found it necessary to issue "Guidelines for Advice 
and Assistance Related to the Planning of Weather Modification Ac- 
tivities" in order to answer the more specific questions being asked of 
WMO. At the same time, a working commission of WMO was desig- 
nated as a panel of experts on weather modification for the WMO, 
thus creating a permanent panel to monitor and study weather 

16 "United States Signs Convention Banning Environmental Warfare," statement by Sec- 
retary Vance, Department of State bulletin, June 13, 1977, pp. 633^. 

17 See p. 441. 

18 World Meteorological Organization, "Plan for the Precipitation Enhancement Project 
(PEP)," PEP report No. 3, Geneva, November 1976. 



Following a world wide survey of weather modification activities 
and interests in 1972 and 1973, the WMO concluded that it should be- 
come more active in weather modification and during 1974 began for- 
mulating a program on weather modification and estimating its costs 
with the view that these could be studied and implemented during the 
1976-79 financial period. The WMO Weather Modification Pro- 
gramme was adopted in 1975. At the time, the WMO Congress stated 

WMO was the appropriate international body with the necessary scientific and 
technical expertise in this field, and agreed that the time had come for the organi- 
zation to become more active in order to provide the best possible advice to mem- 
bers, the United Nations and other international organizations concerning 
weather modification. In view of the urgent need to find ways of increasing world 
food production and conserving water supplies, it was agreed that priority in this 
field had to be given to increasing precipitation. 

Considering that the results of most rainmaking projects up to that time had 
been inconclusive because of the lack of sound scientific planning, operation and 
evaluation, Congress agreed that scientifically convincing answers concerning the 
feasibility of precipitation enhancement could best be advanced through an in- 
ternationally planned, executed and evaluated experiment in precipitation stimu- 
lation. 19 ( 

Thus the major element of the new Weather Modification Pro- 
gramme would be a precipitation enhancement project (PEP). The 
aim of PEP is to plan, set up, and carry out an international, scien- 
tifically controlled precipitation enhancement experiment in a semiarid 
region under conditions where the chances of increasing precipitation 
on the ground in amounts big enough to produce economic benefits are 
optimal. The objectives listed by WMO are as follows : 

(a) To provide members with reliable information about the 
probabilities of successful artificial intervention in meteorological 
processes with the object of increasing the amount of precipitation, 
over an area of the order of 10,000 km 2 . The size of the area for the 
proposed project (that is, the target and nearby control areas) 
should be somewhere around 50,000 km 2 , a scale large enough to 
provide adequate evaluation of scientific feasibility and economic 
benefit, but small enough to permit the use of adequate methods for 
seeding and observations ; 

(b) To demonstrate at a satisfactory statistical significance level 
over a relatively short experimental period (5 years) that any 
increase observed is not a chance event but is associated with the 
seeding. The principal evaluation of this experiment will be in 
terms of precipitation at the ground; 

(e) To obtain sufficient understanding of the meteorology and 
cloud physics in the area of the experiment to insure that the sta- 
tistical association of seeding and any increase in precipitation 
will be generally acceptable as a cause-and-effect relationship; 

(V) To make an examination outside the target area in order 
to determine whether any benefits of seeding extend over areas 
greater than the target area, or whether there 1ms merely been a 
romparatively local redistribution of precipitation; 

18 Ibid., p. 21. 


(e) To make systematic measurements varying from mesoscale 
to cloud micostructure in order to develop additional covariates to 
strengthen the power of the statistical analysis ; 

(/) To obtain well documented scientific evidence that may lead 
to the optimization of the effects of seeding. For this purpose a 
series of systematic cloud physics measurements should be taken 
on a routine basis. This would allow the application of statistical 
stratification techniques to relevant physical parameters, and 
could shed more light on the quantitative aspects of the seeding 
technique ; 

(g) To be able to make some recommendations about the ap- 
plicability of the PEP procedures to other areas of the world; 

(h) To make an assessment of the environmental impact of 
precipitation enhancement activities both within and outside the 
experiment target area. 20 

The plan for PEP is divided into three phases. A preparatory and 
site selection phase of at least 2 years will develop criteria for the 
selection of regions and sites, develop the plan for the precipitation 
enhancement experiment, and select the sites to be used. This phase has 
already begun. The second phase will be the actual scientific field 
experiment and will last 5 years. The third phase will be an evaluation 
of the results. While this will begin during the second phase, it will 
extend 1 year beyond the end of the phase two. 21 

PEP will be funded by members on the basis of their participation 
and by the individual efforts of interested members. The WMO budget 
will fund only the costs related to international coordination and guid- 
ance and not the experiment itself or its evaluation. The main role of 
the WMO is to encourage members in the cooperative effort, to safe- 
guard the scientific integrity of the program, to insure that it is con- 
ducted in the best possible way, and to disseminate the results to inter- 
ested members. WMO will support three separate groups responsible 
for the international coordination and guidance aspects of the experi- 
ment as follows : 

(a) The Precipitation Enhancement Project Board should be 
an intergovernmental Board consisting of representatives of mem- 
bers making the major contributions to the project and to which 
observers from interested UN organizations and ICSU should be 
invited. The Board will represent the main management body; 
proposing plans of action to the Executive Committee within the 
limits of available financial resources; 

(b) The Executive Committee Panel on Weather Modification 
with supplementary expertise as necessary will provide the Execu- 
tive Committee and the Secretary-General with advice on details 
of the objectives of PEP and how these could be achieved in 
principle. It should guide the preparation of the plans to be re- 
viewed by the Board ; and 

(c) The Scientific Planning Group at WMO headquarters will 
work on PEP as a part of the WMO Research and Development 
Programs, using the available experience and support of the 

20 Ibid., p. 2. 

21 Ibid., p. 3. 


Secretariat. The detailed functions of the Scientific Planning 
Group should decide upon the relationships between the Scientific 
Planning Group, the PEP Board, and the Executive Committee 
Panel on Weather Modification. 22 


Other WMO activities have paralleled U.S. domestic activities in 
weather modification. These have included conferences of experts, 
registration of weather modification activities of member nations, and 
the problems of liability for potential damage caused by weather modi- 
fication activities. 

Registration and reporting of tveather modification projects 

One important effort of the WMO has been in the area of registration 
of weather modification projects. Beginning in 1973, the WMO began 
sending questionnaires to member nations asking them to report on 
their weather modification activities. While compliance with this re- 
quest was completely voluntary, well over half of the members did 
report on their activities. In 1975, as part of the weather modification 
program adopted by the WMO Congress, the WMO Secretary General 
was required to maintain a register of experiments and operations in 
the weather modification field carried out within member countries. 
Out of a total 1975 membership of 138, 74 nations replied and 16 
reported weather modification activities. Parts of the most recent re- 
port, covering activities for calendar year 1976, are included and 
discussed in the chapter on foreign activities. (See chapter 9.) 

WMO conferences on weather modification 

The WMO has sponsored two conferences on weather modification. 
These were preceded by another international conference, which was 
sponsored jointly by the Australian Academy of Science and the 
American Meteorological Society and was held in Canberra, Australia, 
from September 6 through 11, 1971. The first WMO international 
conference on weather modification, sponsored jointly with the Inter- 
national Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Phvsics, was 
held in Tashkent, U.S.S.R., on October 1 through 7, 1973." The con- 
ference included 270 participants from around the world, both from 
countries with active weather modification programs and from those 
only interested in the subject. The conference covered fog dispersal, 
rain and snow enhancement, hail suppression, modification of tropical 
storms and thunderstorms, technical and operational aspects of weath- 
er modification, physical, statistical and economic evaluations of 
weather modification and ice nucleus technology. 23 A second conference, 
sponsored by WMO with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- 
ministration, the International Association of Meteorology and At- 
mospheric Physics, the American Meteorological Society and the 

22 List. Roland, "Objectives and Status of the WMO Precipitation Enhancement Project 
(PEP)." Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, p. 6, 
(Unpublished paper provided bv National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.) 

m The proceedings of this meeting were published by the WMO in 1974, WMO publication 
No. 399, Geneva, Switzerland. 


Australian Academy of Sciences was held in Boulder, Colo., from 
August 2 through 6, 1976. 24 

Typhoon and serious storm modification 

Another area of weather modification activity, typhoon and serious 
storm modification, has also been an area of concern to the WMO. Sev- 
eral efforts at learning about and controlling typhoons or tropical cy- 
clones have been jointly sponsored by the WMO. Together with the 
Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East of the United Na- 
tions (now the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the 
Pacific), the WMO has established a Typhoon Committee which con- 
centrates on improving civil preparedness against typhoon damage. 
Because so little is understood about typhoons, most of the activities 
undertaken have been research and the collection and analysis of 
meteorological information about tropical weather. 

A WMO sponsored Technical Conference on Typhoon Modification, 
which was held in Manila in October of 1974, endorsed a 24-hour limit 
on typhoon modification experiments, which would permit experi- 
mental seeding of typhoons if they were not expected to reach land 
within 24 hours. 23 A 1972 resolution of the UN General Assembly 
praised the efforts of the WMO in this area and requested the WMO to 
keep the UN informed of progress in its tropical cyclone project. 26 

Global Atmospheric Research Programme 

, An important project sponsored jointly by WMO and the Interna- 
tional Council of Scientific Unions is known by the acronym GARP 
for Global Atmospheric Research Programme. This is an information 
gathering and research project, rather than a weather modification 
project per se. The data from GARP is expected to contribute to the 
development of long-range weather prediction and the development 
of large scale weather modification theories. Hopefully, successful new 
methods of weather forecasting will emerge from this program and 
the new information can be used to carry out computer simulations of 
weather modification activities on a global scale. GARP is expected to 
complement the worldwide measurement of atmospheric particulates 
and gases to be undertaken as part of the Earthwatch Program of the 
U.X. Environment Program established by the Stockholm conference. 

Legal aspects of weather modification 

The WMO and the United Nations Environment Program jointly 
sponsored an informal meeting on the legal aspects of weather modifi- 
cation in Geneva, Switzerland during November 17 to 21, 1975. This 
meeting had a double purpose. First, the group was asked to consider 
the formulation of legal principles for weather modification, bearing 
in mind the principles adopted at Stockholm in 1972. (See the fol- 
lowing section on United Nations Conference on the Human Environ- 
ment.) Second, the group was asked to give particular consideration to 
legal liability of the WMO regarding the precipitation enhancement 
program, then in the early planning stages. The principles considered 
but not adopted are contained in the mimeographed report of the 
meeting, pages 5 through 8, which is reproduced as appendix Q. 

24 The WMO publication on this conference was entitled. "Papers Presented at the Second 
WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification," WMO-No. 443, Geneva, Switzerland, 

23 WMO Technical Conference on Typhoon Modification. Manila, Oct. 15-18, 1974, state- 
ment on typhoon moderation, mimeographed WMO document. 

26 United Nations document No. A/Res/2914 (XXVIII) Nov. 13, 1972. 


United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 

The' United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held in 
Stockholm, Sweden, from June 5 through 16, 1972, has been the pivotal 
point in much recent international environmental activity, and it has 
also been an important catalyst in international activities relating to 
weather modification. Conferences held in preparation for the Stock- 
holm Conference and programs initiated by it are the major coopera- 
tive weather modification activities of the 19T0 7 s, and it is the interna- 
tionally agreed upon principles adopted at Stockholm which are being 
considered in the development of international legal principles apply- 
ing to cooperative weather modification activities. Many of these activi- 
ties are discussed in other sections. The Conference adopted an "Action 
Plan for the Human Environment" based on a "Declaration" agreed to 
by the participants. 



The declaration consists of a preamble and 26 principles of conduct 
intended to serve as guides for states in dealing with environmental 
problems of international significance. Principles 21 and 22 particu- 
larly ali'ect weather modification activities. Principle 21 deals with 
state responsibility for damage to the environment of other nations, 
and principle 22 calls on states to cooperate in developing international 
law regarding liability and compensation for such damage. The two 
principles are : 

"Principle 21 

"States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations 
and the principle of international law, the sovereign right to exploit 
their own resources pursuant to their own environmental policies, and 
the responsibility to insure that activities within their jurisdiction 
or control do not cause damage to the environment of other states or 
of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. 

"Principle 22 

"States shall cooperate to develop further the international law re- 
garding liability and compensation for the victims of pollution and 
other environmental damage caused by activities within the jurisdic- 
tion or control of such states to areas beyond their jurisdiction." - T 


The action plan consists of some 200 recommendations for national 
and international action — a framework for future environmental 
agreements. Although much of the action plan relates to weather more 
generally and pollution of the air and water, one recommendation in 

27 U.S. Congress, Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. "United Nations Conference on 
the Human Environment," report to the Senate by Senators Claiborne Pell and Clifford 
Case, members of the delegation to the United Nations Conference on the Human Environ- 
ment. October 1972. 92d Cong., 2d sess., committee print, Washington, U.S. Government 
Printing Office, 1972, p. 18. 


particular applies to climate modification. Recommendation 70 reads 
as follows : 

It is recommended that Governments be especially mindful of activities in 
which there is an appreciable risk of effect on climate ; and 

(a) Carefully evaluate the likelihood and magnitude of climatic effects and, 
to the maximum extent feasible, disseminate their findings before embarking 
on such activities ; 

(b) Consult fully other interested states when activities carrying a risk of 
such effects are being contemplated or implemented. 28 

In discussing this provision, Senators Claiborne Pell and Clifford 
Case, members of the U.S. delegation to the Conference, criticized 
what they saw as an amendment which "considerably weakened'' the 
provision. This amendment, introduced by the United States and 
adopted by the Conference, added the phrase "to the maximum extent 
feasible" to section (a) as printed above. Concerning this amendment, 
the Senators' report states : 

The U.S. amendment appears to provide a loophole whereby any country could 
conduct covert military weather modification operations without any form of 
international control or responsibility. This, we feel, is contrary to a resolution 
which we and 14 other Senators have introduced in the Senate which expresses 
the sense of the Senate that the U.S. should seek the agreement of other govern- 
ments to a proposed treaty prohibiting the use of any environmental modification 
activity as a weapon of war. We adamantly oppose the use of environmental tech- 
niques as weapons of war and strongly urge the Administration to actively pro- 
mote the negotiation and ratification of such a treaty. 29 

The resolution referred to in the above quotation, and the discussion 
surrounding its passage, are discussed in the section on congressional 


The major project developing from the Stockholm Conference in 
the area of atmospheric changes is the Earthwatch program. While the 
program as a whole is designed to assess global environmental condi- 
tions in all areas from water pollution to food contamination, one of its 
first projects will be to measure pollution levels around the world and 
study their effects on climate * * * the inadvertent modification of 
weather. The Earthwatch program which will be set up under the 
auspices of the World Meteorological Organization, will consist of the 
following major elements : 

Ten baseline stations to measure the long term global trends which 
may ultimately cause climate changes. These stations would be estab- 
lished in remote areas far from any sources of pollution. 

One hundred additional stations to monitor the air quality on a 
regional basis. This monitoring will be coordinated by the WMO. 

Establishment of water borne stations to measure containments in 
major rivers, lakes, and seas. 

Establishment of research centers and biological centers to analyze 
changes in soil conditions and plant and animal life. 


Of the many conferences and preparatory meetings held prior to the 
Stockholm Conference, one in particular is noteworthy. In 1970, sup- 

28 Ibid., p. 36. 
» Ibid., p. 5. 


ported by the U.N. Secretariat and the World Meteorological Organi- 
zation,' 30 scientists from 14 countries participated in the Study of 
Man's Impact on Climate (SMIC), sponsored by the Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology and hosted in Sweden by the Eoyal Swedish 
Academy of Sciences and the Eoyal Swedish Academy of Engineering 
Sciences. 30 The purpose of the study was to provide an authoritative 
assessment of the state of scientific understanding of the possible im- 
pacts of man's activities on the regional and global climate. Based on 
this assessment, specific recommendations were developed for programs 
that would provide the knowledge necessary for more definitive an- 
swers in these complex areas. Many of these recommendations were 
incorporated into the Action Plan for the Human Environment. One 
in particular bears mentioning separately. This suggested "that an 
international agreement be sought to prevent large-scale (directly 
affecting over 1 million square kilometers) experiments in persistent or 
long term climate modification until the scientific community reaches 
a consensus on the consequences of the modification. 31 

Other International. Activities 

united states/canadian agreement 

The Agreement between the United States of America and Canada 
Relating to the Exchange of Information on Weather Modification 
Activities was signed and entered into force on March 26, 1975. 32 The 
agreement provides that the United States and Canada will exchange 
information on weather modification activities occurring within 200 
miles of their common border or wherever else they may occur if it is ex- 
pected that the activities will affect the "composition, behavior, or 
dynamics of the atmosphere over the territory of the other Party." 
When possible, this information will be transmitted to the other party 
prior to the beginning of the activities. 


The North American Interstate Weather Modification Council 
(XAIWMC) was organized on January 17, 1975, by representatives 
of the governments of several U.S. States and Canadian provinces and 
the Mexican Government. Its purpose is to coordinate and serve as a 
focal point for intrastate, interstate, and international weather modi- 
fication activities. This would include research into weather modifica- 
tion, legislation and treaties governing weather modification activities, 
and public information activities as well as its coordination functions. 
Membership is open to any state or province of the United States, 
Canada, and Mexico. 

Affiliate membership is available to national agencies, political sub- 
groups within the States, professional organizations and scientific 

w "Study of Man's Impact on Climate," Stockholm, 1970, inadvertent climate modifica- 
tion ; report, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Tress, 1971. 
a 1 Ibid., p. 19. 

32 20 UST 54 ; TIAS 8056, reproduced in app. F. 

33 Tills information is taken from a document entitled : "Weather Modification. North 
American Interstate Weather Modification Council. 'Its purpose and activities'." Office of 
the NAIWMC, Executive Secretary, Box 3CE, NMSU, Las Cruces, N. Mex., 88003 Septem- 
ber 1970, publication No. 76-2. 


societies. Current membership of NAIWMC consists of 15 members 
and affiliates in all three countries. In its brief history, NAIWMC 
has taken an active role in legislation (including testifying) proposed 
at both the State and Federal level concerning weather modification. 
Additionally, NAIWMC has supported directly or indirectly five in- 
terstate conferences on weather modification and made the proceedings 
of the conferences available to the public. 34 

Congressional Activities 

Although congressional interest in domestic weather modification 
activities has grown steadily for many years, interest in the interna- 
tional aspects is more recent. With the exception of one resolution dis- 
cussed in the following section, all such activities in the Congress have 
taken place since 1970. 


Senate Resolution 71, prohibiting environmental modification as a 
weapon of war 

In December 1971, Senator Claiborne Pell inserted a statement in 
the Congressional Record indicating his concern over the possible use 
by the United States of precipitation enhancement (rainmaking) in 
Southeast Asia and the future use of these and other weather modifi- 
cation techniques in warfare. He expressed concern that such activities 
carried on by any countries for other than peaceful purposes might 
endanger international cooperation in peaceful weather collection 
and modification activities. The Senator urged that the United States, 
through the President, renounce the use of geophysical and environ- 
mental research for other than peaceful purposes and take the initia- 
tive in framing and introducing a treaty imposing a prohibition on 
all forms of geophysical and environmental warfare. Senator Pell 
said he would introduce a resolution setting forth a draft treaty on 
weather modification in order to generate discussion and action in 
this area. 

At the time of Senator Pell's statement, the Department of Defense 
had completed several precipitation enhancement projects for Govern- 
ment agencies both in the United States and abroad. 

Several news columnists had claimed that precipitation enhance- 
ment had been used in Vietnam in articles appearing early in 1971, 
and these operations were later mentioned in the Pentagon papers, 
which were released in June 1971. On January 26, 1972, Senator Pell 
inserted in the Congressional Record his correspondence with the De- 
partment of Defense in attempting to confirm or deny the newsmen's 
allegations. 35 After several months of correspondence, the Defense 
Department declined to answer the questions publicly on the basis 
that such a reply would threaten the national security. Senator Alan 
Cranston and Congressman Gilbert Gude received the same response 
to their inquiries. During an April 1972 appearance before the Senate 

34 See ch. 7, p. 333, for references to the five meetings and other activities of the North 
American Interstate Weather Modification Council. 

35 Congressional Record (daily edition) Jan. 20, 1972 : S 507-508. 


Foreign Relations Committee, Secretary of Defense Laird was ques- 
tioned by both Senator Pell and Senator Fulbright about rainmaking 
in Vietnam. The Secretary said : "We have never engaged in that type 
of activity over Xorth Vietnam." 36 

On March 17, 1972, Senator Pell and 15 cosponsors introduced S. 
Res. 281, stating the sense of the Senate that the U.S. Government 
should seek agreement with other governments to a treaty calling for 
the complete cessation of any research, experimentation, and use of 
environmental or geophysical modification activity as a weapon of 
war. Hearings were held on S. Res. 281 on July 26 and 27, 1972. 37 At 
the time the Department of State indicated that they were not in 
favor of passage of the resolution and proposed treaty. The State 
Department spokesman stated : 

* * * we believe that there is at present too much uncertainty about essential 
facts and that the factual basis itself is insufficient to make possible any funda- 
mental decisions on whether a treaty dealing with military aspects is feasible 
and desirable. 

It is therefore our conclusion that actions such as those recommended in S. Res. 
281 are premature. Accordingly, the Department of State recommends that this 
resolution not be adopted. 38 

Several other witnesses made comments on the proposed treaty, as 
well as commenting on the need for a treaty. Several resolutions on the 
subject of a treaty were offered in the House of Representatives during 
1972. but no final action was taken in either the House or Senate during 
the 92d Congress. S. Res. 281 was endorsed unanimously by the NATO 
North Atlantic Assembly on November 21, 1972, indicating a broad 
international interest in the subject of an international weather modifi- 
cation treaty. 39 

On February 22, 1973, Senator Pell introduced S. Res. 71 for himself 
and 18 cosponsors. This resolution was identical to S. Res. 281, and after 
consideration by the Foreign Relations Committee, was recommended 
favorably to the Senate on June 27, 1973 with three amendments. The 
amendments indicated that the committee felt the United States should 
seek a multilateral treaty, including all the permanent members of the 
United Nations Security Council, that the treaty contained in the reso- 
lution was only a model, and that the resolution in no way intended to 
impede or restrict research or experimentation on use of environmental 
modification techniques for peaceful purposes. S. Res. 71 was approved 
by the Senate by a vote of 82 to 10 on July 11, 1973. 40 

Conoressional activities related to hostile use of weather modification, 

Tn January and March 1974, Senator Pell's Subcommittee on Oceans 
and International Environment of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- 
mittee held more hearings "concerning the need for an international 

3« Shapley, Deborah, "Rainmaking : Rumored Use Over Laos Alarms Arms Experts. Scien- 
tists." Science. .Tune 16. 1972, as reproduced in Congressional Record (daily edition) 
Juno IF,. 1972 : S 9555-9556. 

T'.S. Congress. Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on Oceans 
and International Environment, "Prohibiting Militarv Weather Modification." hearings on 
S. Ros. 281. 92d Cong., 2d sess., July 26 and 27, 1972, Washington. U.S. Government Print- 
ing Office. 1972, 162 pp. 

38 Ibid., p. 20. 

"M S Congress, Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations, "Eighteenth meeting of the 
Atlnntic Assembly," report of the U.S. delegation, committee print, 93d Cong., 1st sess., 
May 11. 1973. 

4 " s. Res. 71 reproduced in app. R. 


agreement prohibiting the use of environmental modification and geo- 
physical modification as weapons of war." 41 At the time Senator Pell 
noted that since the administration had made no move in 6 months, 
the hearing was being held to shed light on the reasons for the delay. 
Dining the hearing the State Department spokesman stated : 

* * * the Secretary (of State) expressed regret that it was not yet possible to 
provide a coordinated executive branch response on S. Res. 71. He assured you 
that the matter would be looked into closely to determine how the executive branch 
misht be responsive to the resolution's recommendations. 

In this regard the President has directed that a study of the military aspects 
of weather and other environmental modification techniques be undertaken. Fur- 
ther *teps will be determined subsequent to the findings of this study and the re- 
view of those findings. 42 

At the classified March briefing (later declassified and printed with 
the above hearing) the Department of Defense outlined the precipita- 
tion enhancement project which took place over Laos, North Vietnam, 
and South Vietnam between 1967 and 1972. According to both the De- 
partment of Defense spokesman and the Senators present at the hear- 
ing, the program was very modest, its success was questionable, and 
because of this questionable success, the environmental impact was 
most likely negligible. 

During 1974 and 1975, the House International Relations Committee 
considered several resolutions calling for an international agreement 
prohibiting the use of weather modification as a weapon of war. None 
of the resolutions passed, but hearings were held during both 1974 
and 1975. 43 

. On January 21, 1976, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sub- 
committee on Oceans and International Environment, held a hearing 
which concentrated on executive branch comments on the Draft Con- 
vention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of 
Environmental Modification Techniques which was then being con- 
sided by the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament. 44 


Senate Concurrent Resolution 67 — U.S. Participation in the World 
Weather Program 
Senate Concurrent Resolution 67, which passed the Senate, as amend- 
ed by the House, on May 29, 1968, made it the sense of the Congress that 
the United States should participate in, and give full support to, the 
world weather program then being developed under the auspices of the 
United Nations. This weather program included the World Weather 
Watch, an international system for the observation of the global atmos- 

'■ 41 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on Oceans and 
International Environment. "Weather Modification" hearings : 93d Cong.. 2d sess., Jan. 25 
and Mar. 20. 1974. (Top secret hearing held on Mar. 20. 1974; made public on May 19, 
1974) Washington, U.S. Government Printing Ofiice, 1974 ; 123 pp. 

< 42 Ibid., p. 9. 

, 43 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on International 
Organizations and Movements. "Weather Modification as a Weapon of War." hearing, 93d 

'Cong.. 2d sess.. Sept. 24. 1974. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office. 1974; 39 
pp. Committee on International Relations. "Prohibition of Weather Modification as a 
Weapon of War." hearing. 94th Cong., 1st sess., Julv 29, 1975. Washington, U.S. Govern- 
ment Printing Office. 1975. 51 pp. 

1 44 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Oceans and 
■ International Environment. "Prohibiting Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Tech- 
niques." hearing. 94th Cong., 2d sess., Jan. 21, 1976, Washington, U.S. Government Print- 
ing Office, 1976, 46 pp. 


phere and more rapid and accurate processing of weather data. A 
second part of the world weather program was to be the conduct of a 
comprehensive program of research for the development of a capability 
in long-range weather prediction, and for the "theoretical study and 
evaluation of inadvertent climate modification and the feasibility of 
international climate modification." 45 

National Weather Modification Act of 1976 46 

The National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976 (Public Law 
94-490, Oct. 13, 1976) stated as its purpose to "develop a comprehen- 
sive and coordinated national weather modification policy and a na- 
tional program of weather modification research and development." 
This would include the development of "both national and interna- 
tional mechanisms designed to minimize conflicts which may rise with 
respect to the peaceful uses of weather modification." The law called 
for a study which shall include "a review of the international impor- 
tance and implications of weather modification activities by the United 
States," a review and analysis of the necessity and feasibility of nego- 
tiating an international agreement concerning the peaceful uses of 
weather modification, and "formation of one or more options for a 
model international agreement concerning the peaceful uses of weather 
modification and the regulation of national weather modification." 
Finally, the law required that the Secretary of Commerce report to 
the Congress within 1 year on, among other things, the international 
agreement specified above. 

In response to this directive from the Congress, the Secretary of 
Commerce established the Weather Modification Advisory Board 
which has recently begun holding meetings to develop this national 
policy and provide the Secretary with information necessary to make 
the report to Congress. 47 

Senate Resolution J$ 

Another piece of legislation, Senate Kesolution 49, was introduced 
by Senator Pell on January 24, 1977. This resolution, which was also 
introduced during 1976, calls upon the President to initiate negotia- 
tion of a treaty requiring the preparation of an environmental impact 
statement for any activity which may reasonably be expected to have 
a significant effect on the environment of other nations or a global 
common area. Senator Pell held that a treaty of this sort would insure 
that environmental modification activities could not be carried out 
without considering the consequences of such activity beyond a na- 
tion's own territory. A hearing was held on this resolution by the Sen- 
ate Foreign Relations Committee on March 31, 1977, and again on 
May 18, 1978. 

U.S. Foreign Policy 

Congress has shown a growing interest in the development of a 
U.S. policy toward international weather modification activities. 
However, the executive branch has seemed reluctant to develop such 

48 Congressional Record (bound ed.) vol. 114, part 7, Apr. 1, 1968, p. 8419. 

46 Text included in app. I. 

47 See ch. 5 for discussion of the activities of the Weather Modification Advisory Board. 


a policy, preferring to await further developments in weather modifi- 
cation technology. The National Weather Modification Policy Act of 
1976 (discussed in a previous section) requires that the Secretary of 
Commerce suggest a national policy including both domestic and in- 
ternational aspects of weather modification. In pursuance of this leg- 
islation, the Secretary of Commerce established the Weather Modi- 
fication Advisory Board under the chairmanship of Harlan Cleveland 
to assist her in developing such a policy. The report of this Board 
is expected to be submitted to the Secretary for her approval and sub- 
sequent transmittal to the President and the Congress during 1973. 4S 


Despite executive branch reluctance to develop a comprehensive 
policy in dealing with weather modification, including its interna- 
tional aspects, many statements have been made by various executive 
branch spokesmen on the subject and many studies encouraging the 
United States to develop such a policy have been made. As early as 
1961, President John F. Kennedy proposed before the United Nations 
further cooperative efforts between all nations in weather prediction 
and control, and U.S. financial support for international weather ac- 
tivities has been substantial. In the intervening years, additional 
statements have been made. These have generally been of a cautious 
nature, expressing hope that the technology can be used to help man- 
kind, but fearful of its consequences if used foolishly or with mali- 
cious intent. On January 26, 1971, Secretary of State William P. 
Eogers stated the common theme : 

We are anxious to apply weather modification technology, as it becomes op- 
erational, to the problems of developing countries. We are also alert to the need 
to consider international arrangements to deal with the implications of this new 
phenomenon.* 9 

During the same year, the National Academy of Sciences, an orga- 
nization of distinguished scientists and engineers which has a long and 
close relationship with the U.S. Government, prepared a study of the 
future of the atmospheric sciences which made the following recom- 
mendations to the United States : 

The U.S. Government is urged to present for adoption by the United Nations 
General Assembly a resolution dedicating all weather modification efforts to 
peaceful purposes and establishing, preferably within the framework of inter- 
national nongovernmental scientific organizations, an advisory mechanism for 
consideration of weather modification problems of potential international con- 
cern before they reach critical levels. 50 

Again in 1972, in a program proposed by its review panel on weather 
and climate modification, the National Academy of Sciences recom- 
mended efforts to develop a weather modification program devoted to 
peaceful and safe international uses with the proposal of a three-goal 
program for U.S. activities. The goals outlined by the panel were: 

Completion by 1980 of research to put precipitation control on a 
sound basis ; 

48 See discussion of activities of the Weather Modification Advisory Board in ch. 5, p. — . 

49 Department of State Bulletin, vol. LXIV, No. 1651. Feb. 15. 1971, p. 198. 

60 U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, "The Atmos- 
pheric Sciences and Man's Needs," report, 1971, p. 56. 

34-857—79 31 


Development, in the next decade, of the necessary technology to 
move toward mitigation of severe storms ; and 

Determination by 1980 of the extent of inadvertent modification 
both of local weather and of global climate. 51 

As early as 1965, the Special Commission on Weather Modification 
of the National Science Foundation (a Federal agency) issued a report 
on weather and climate modification which included the following 
suggestions for the national policy on the international uses of weather 
modification : 

"The Commission believes that : 

"1. It would be highly desirable for the Government of the United 
States, in connection with the expansion of its program of weather and 
climate modification, to issue a basic statement of its views on the rela- 
tionship of this national effort to the interests, hopes, and possible 
apprehensions of the rest of the world. Early enunciation of national 
policy embodying two main points are recommended : 

"(a) That it is the purpose of the United States * * * to pur- 
sue its efforts in weather and climate modification for peaceful 
ends and for the constructive improvement of conditions of human 
life throughout the world ; and 

"(b) That the United States, recognizing the interests and con- 
cerns of other countries, welcomes and solicits their cooperation, 
directly and through international arrangements, for the mutual 
achievement of human well-being. 
"This cooperation should cover both research and ultimately, opera- 
tional programs of interest to other countries. It should be concerned 
not only with deliberate, but also inadvertent human interventions in 
the atmosphere that affect weather and climate. Such a policy declara- 
tion could be issued by the President or appropriately incorporated in 
any basic legislation on the subject of weather modification which the 
Congress may enact. 

"2. Steps should be taken by the United States, in concert with other 
nations, to explore the international institutional mechanisms that 
may be appropriate to foster international cooperation and cope with 
the problems which may be anticipated in the field of weather and 
climate modification. 

"3. Attention should be given to the question of how greater empha- 
sis can be given to atmospheric sciences in existing bilateral and 
multilateral programs of education and technical cooperation; and to 
what additional measures may be needed to fill this deficiency. 

"4. Encouragement should be given to research on the impact of 
weather modification measures in foreign countries. The need has been 
previously discussed for greater attention to the biological, economic 
and social aspects of weather modification in the United States. A 
different set of problems may well be encountered in many of the 
developing countries where the natural environment and patterns of 
oronomic and social life present contrasts to those prevailing in this 
country. A greater understanding of the significance of these differ- 
ences must precede any attempt to evaluate the suitability of various 

" J Sullivan, Walter, "Goals for U.S. Urp;ed on Weather Control," New York Times, Dec. 29, 
1972; p. 50. 


weather and climate modification practices for specific foreign areas 
and to design appropriate programs of cooperation." 52 


Public Law 92-125, adopted in 1971, established the National Advi- 
sory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere (NACOA). One purpose 
of NACOA is to "undertake a continuing review of the progress of the 
marine atmospheric science and service programs of the United 
States," 53 and the committee was required to submit an annual report 
to the President and the Congress. Among the recommendations for 
action in its first annual report (1972) were the following which con- 
cerned international aspects of weather modification : 

International : International agreement should be arrived at and the necessary 
institutional arrangements developed to eschew the hostile uses of weather mod- 
ification and to investigate changes in the global climate * * *. 

NACOA wishes to associate itself with the position taken by the Nation Acad- 
emy of Sciences that, in order to safeguard the life-sustaining properties of the 
atmosphere for the common benefit of mankind, the U.S. Government is urged Lo 
present for adoption by the United Nations General Assembly a resolution dedi- 
cating all weather modification efforts to peaceful purposes and establishing, 
preferably within the framework of international nongovernmental scientific 
organization, an advisory mechanism for consideration of weather-modification 
problems of potential international concern before they reach critical levels. 54 

After mentioning the subject in intervening reports, the Fifth 
NACOA Annual Report of June 19T6 discussed U.S. weather modifica- 
tion activities in detail. A 1975 report of a subcommittee of the Domes- 
tic Council was cited as an excellent basis for U.S. policy regarding 
weather modification activities. 55 Among its recommendations for do- 
mestic policy changes, the subcommittee also discussed the importance 
of assessing the potential international implications of weather modifi- 
cation activities. The Federal weather modification program was criti- 
cized for, among other things, its fragmented approach to the prob- 
lems and technological developments involved. In discussing the 
United States effort in weather modification, NACOA supported this 
criticism and added the following paragraph dealing with the interna- 
tional weather modification situation : 

An important element in the weather modification picture is its international 
aspect. The World Meteorological Organization is proceeding with its own plans 
for an international weather modification research program, and it is important 
that the United States be prepared to participate. There are also international as- 
pects to the pursuit of our own program goals. NOAA's Stormfury project, which 
studies the effects of intervening in the dynamics of tropical convective storms 
and offers hope of a future ability to modify hurricanes, was to be moved from 
the Atlantic to the western Pacific for scienific reasons. Objections on the part of 
some western Pacific nations prevented this move and it will instead be conducted 
in the eastern Pacific and western Atlantic. It is important to the ultimate success 
of this effort that we recognize that other nations which might be affected, or 

52 "Weather and Climate Modification." report of the Special Commission on Weather 
Modification. National Science Foundation. 1965, pp. 27-29. 

53 National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere. "A Report to the President 
and the Congress, " first annual report, June 30, 1972, Washington, U.S. Government Print- 
in? Office, 1972, p. 43. 

M Ibid., p. 21. 

55 "The Federal Role in Weather Modification." a report of the Subcommittee on Climate 
Change of the Environmental Resources Committee, Domestic Council, December 1975. 


\Thich believe they might be, have a legitimate interest in understanding its ex- 
pected benefits, the risks involved, and the safeguards proposed. 56 


The Weather Modification Advisory Board, established under the 
chairmanship of Harlan Cleveland to assist the Secretary of Com- 
merce develop a national policy on weather modification, has held sev- 
eral meetings during 1977. Its final report to the Secretary of Com- 
merce is expected during 1978. 

In a reorganization prompted by the new administration, coordina- 
tion of international weather modification activities has been placed 
under the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Sci- 
entific Affairs in the Department of State. The Interagency Study 
Group, which is responsible to the Bureau of Oceans and International 
Environmental and Scientific Affairs, has as its function dealing with 
the problems of international relations in weather modification ex- 
perimentation by the United States. Thus far it has dealt solely with 
the problems involved in the continuation of Project Stormfury, a 
project concerned with tropical storm modification, at the request of 
NOAA. In addition to negotiating with other countries, primarily 
Mexico, concerning experimentation, the study group is examining the 
potential problems of liability of the United States for damage done 
by official U.S. weather modification activities. 

56 National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere. "A Report to the President 
and the Congress," fifth annual report, June 30, 1976. Washington. U.S. Government 
Printing Office, 1976. pp. 53-o4. 



(By Nancy Lee Jones, Legislative Attorney, and Daniel Hill Zafren, Assistant 
Chief, American Law Division, Congressional Research Service) 


The legal issues presented by weather modification are complex and 
unsettled. These issues can be divided generally into four broad cate- 
gories : Private rights in the clouds, liability for weather modification, 
defenses which may be raised against such liability, and methods of 
controlling weather modification. Before a discussion of these issues 
is begun, it should be noted that the body of law concerning weather 
modification is slight and existing case law offers few guidelines for 
the determination of these issues. For this reason it is often necessary 
to attempt to analogize the issues which arise concerning weather mod- 
ification to other, more settled, areas of law such as the general law 
of water distribution. 


Several different issues have been raised concerning private rights 
in the clouds : First, are there any private rights in clouds or in the wa- 
ter which may flow from them ; second, does a landowner have any par- 
ticular rights in atmospheric water ; and third, does a Aveather modifier 
have rights in atmospheric water. It has been argued that there are 
no private rights in the clouds or their water since they are common 
property which belongs to everyone who would benefit from them. 
Analogies have been drawn to animals ferae naturae. As one commen- 
tator has stated : 

Clouds, and therefore the ability to modify weather, differ from most types of 
property, either real or personal, in that there is no way in which they may be 
captured or possessed. Man cannot force a cloud to stay over his property or keep 
it from passing over his property. In this respect clouds have often been com- 
pared to animals ferae naturae. Animals ferae naturae cannot be owned because 
they cannot be possessed. Therefore since this common law element of ownership 
cannot be met, they are the common property of all, not the individual property 
of any one person. (Citations omitted.) 1 

This theory of common ownership of the clouds and any water they 
might contain has also found support in one of the few cases discussing 
weather modification. In Pennsylvania Natural Weather Association v. 
Blue Ridge Weather Modification Association, 44 Pa. D. & C. 2d 749 
(1968) , the court stated : 

We are of the opinion that clouds and the moisture in the clouds, like air 
and sunshine, are part of space and are common property belonging to everyone 

* Nancy Lee Jones, legislative attorney, American Law Division, Congressional Research 

1 "Legal Aspects of Weather Modification in Texas," 25 Baylor L. Rev. 501, 502 (1973). 



who will benefit from what occurs naturally in those clouds. There could be 
just as. much injury or harm from weather modification activities as there could 
be from air and water pollution activities. We hold specifically that every 
landowner has a property right in the clouds and the water in them. No indi- 
vidual has the right to determine for himself what his needs are and produce 
these needs by artificial means to the prejudice and detriment of his neighbors. 2 

Before the issues of the rights of the landowner and the weather 
modifier in atmospheric water are discussed, it should be noted that 
some State statutes specifically reserve the ownership or right to use 
atmospheric w T ater to the State. 3 

There have been a few cases which have discussed the rights of a 
landowner in atmospheric water. As quoted above the Pennsylvania 
court in Pennsylvania Natural Weather Association v. Blue Ridge 
"Weather Modification Association did state that "* * * every land- 
owner has a property right in the clouds and the water in them." Sim- 
ilarly, in Southwest Weather Research., Inc. v. Duncan, 319 S.W. 2d. 
910 ( 1958 ) , aff'd. sub. nom. Southwest Weailier Research, Inc. v. Jones, 
327 S.W. 2d 417 (1959) , the Texas court stated : 

We believe that the landowner is entitled, therefore and thereby, to such rain- 
fall as may come from clouds over his own property that Nature, in her caprice, 
may provide. 

This theory enunciated in Southwest Weather Research, Inc. v. 
Duncan is similar to the common law doctrine of natural rights which 
is basically a protection of the landowner's right to use his land in 
its natural condition. One commentator has stated that "All forms of 
natural precipitation should be elements of the natural condition of 
the land. Precipitation, like air, oxygen, sunlight, and the soil itself, 
is an essential to many reasonable uses of the land * * *." 4 

However, in Slutsky v. New York, 97 N.Y.S. 2d 238 (1950), a New 
York court held that resort owners who were attempting to enjoin 
weather modification experiments "* * * clearly (had) no vested 
property rights in the clouds or the moisture therein." The weather 
modification experiments in this case were undertaken in an attempt 
to supply the city of New York with an adequate supply of water in 
the face of a drought and the court also stated that it must balance 
the competing interests involved. 

All three of these cases have limited value in resolving the issue of 
a landowner's rights in atmospheric water since they involved only 
the narrow issue of the right of a landowner to have a temporary in- 
junction against cloud seeding. Also both the Pennsylvania and New 
York decisions rested on the issue of causation; they both determined 
that the landowner was not entitled to relief since he had not proved 
that weather modification would interfere with the weather. 

In the absence of a statutory determination of the ownership of 
atmospheric water and in the lack of a well developed body of case 
law, analogies may be drawn to some general common law doctrines. 
The doctrine of "natural rights" has already been noted above; in 
addition to this doctrine, the "ad coelum" doctrine may also be in- 
structive. This concept has been attributed to Accursius of Bologna 

2 Pennsylvania Natural Weather Association v. Blue Ridge Weather Modification 4.«so- 
Ciation, 44 D. Jfc C. 2d 749. 7f>9 TOO (1968). 

"Colo. Rev. Stat. s<>c. 30-20-10.°,: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. 37 sec. 2201; Neb. Rev Stat. sec. 
2-2401 : N. Meat. Stat. Ann. sec. 75-37-3 ; N. Dak. Cent. Code sec. 2-07-01 ; and Wyo. Stat. 

sec. 9-207. 

* "Who Owns the Clouds?" 1 Stan. L Rev. 43 (1948). 


who stated "Cujus est solum ejus debet esse usque ad coelum." This 
maxim has been translated as whoever has the land ought to be pos- 
sessed of all the space upward to an indefinite extent. 5 Blackstone ac- 
cepted tliis doctrine and stated : 

Land hath also, in its legal signification, an indefinite extent, upwards as 
well as downwards. Cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad coelum (whoever has 
the land possesses all the space upwards to an indefinite extent), is the maxim 
of the law; upwards, therefore, no man may erect any building, or the like to 
overhang another's land : ... So that the word "land" includes not only the face 
of the earth, but every thing under it, or over it.® 

The coming of the airplane required some modification of this doc- 
trine, since if a landowner owned the space above his land to an 
infinite extent, airplanes would have been unable to fly over land with- 
out committing a trespass. In United States v. Oausby, 328 U.S. 256 
(1945), the Supreme Court rejected the "ad coelum" doctrine and 
stated that "The air is a public highway ..." 7 The Supreme Court also 
stated how much of the space above his property the landowner owns : 

The landowner owns at least as much of the space above the ground as he 
can occupy or use in connection with the land . . . The fact that he does not oc- 
cupy it in a physical sense — by the erection of buildings and the like — is not 
material. 8 

It could be argued from this language that since a landowner can 
use the space above the ground for weather modification he also owns 

Other analogies may be drawn to the doctrines of riparian rights 
and appropriation. Riparian rights have been defined as ". . . those 
appurtenant to land abutting a watercourse, granting the landowner 
the right to reasonable use of the water, subject to similar correlative 
rights held by owners of other lands abutting the watercourse," 9 This 
analog}' is also not a close one since atmosphere does not flow in water- 
courses. It has been stated that . . the analogy is farfetched, if not 
false. . . ." 10 An analogy with the doctrine of appropriation ma}' be 
considered more appropriate since it gives a priority of right based 
upon actual use; however, like riparian rights, appropriation rights in 
water are limited to water naturally flowing in the watercourses. 

This doctrine of appropriation would probably be of greater help 
in arguing that the weather modifier has certain rights in atmospheric 
water. 11 The appropriation doctrine recognizes legal interests based 
on development and use of water, not on land ownership. It has been 
stated that : 

The appropriation of water consists in the taking or diversion of it from some 
natural stream or other source of water supply, in accordance with law, with the 

5 R. Wright. "The Law of Airspace" 13-14 (Indianapolis 1968). It has heen stated that 
Aceursius had in mind the rights of the owners of burial plots to have such land free from 
overhanging buildings. D. Halacy. Jr. "The Weather Changers*' 205 (New York. 1968). 

6 2 Blackstone, "Commentaries on the Laws of England" ch. 2. at 19 (p. 445 in Cooley 
ed. 1899) cited in R. Wright, "The Law of Airspace" 12-13 (Indianapolis, 1969). 

7 United States v. Causby, 328 U.S. 256, 260 (1945). 

* 8 Id. 264. For a detailed discussion of this case and aviation and airspace ownership 
generally see R. Wright, "The Law of Airspace" 101-209 (Indianapolis, 1968). 

8 4 "Waters and Water Rights" 471 (R. Clark, ed. 1970). 

10 The Weather Modification Law Project Staff, University of Arizona, School of Law. 
"The Legal Implications of Atmospheric Water Resources Development and Management" 
17( 1968). 

11 It should be noted that the doctrine of appropriation is based on State statutory or 
constitutional provisions. These provisions must be examined carefully in determining 
rights in a specific State. 


intent to apply it to some beneficial use or purpose, and consummated, within a 
reasonable time, by the actual application of all of the water to the use desig- 

It has been argued that the extension of the appropriation doctrine 
to weather modification would offer several advantages : This doctrine 
is being adopted by increasing numbers of States and is supported by 
a large body of statutory and case law ; the administrative procedures 
of these statutes could be extended to cover the water obtained from 
weather modification; and the use of this doctrine would offer a unified 
approach to water law. 13 Disadvantages have also been noted with 
respect to the extension of the doctine : in most States which subscribe 
to the doctrine of appropriation, the first weather modifier to comply 
with the appropriation requirements could take all the moisture, and 
others would have no legal rights to natural rainfall ; the measurement 
of the rain falling on the land of a rain appropriator would be difficult ; 
other raiiimaking in an area around the appropriator's land would 
have to be prohibited if his rights were to be protected and the ques- 
tions of proof if the first appropriator claimed he did not get his share 
would be veiy difficult. 14 

Comparisons have also been made between oil and gas law and 
weather modification. This analogy is based upon, the early theory that 
oil and gas, like water, were fugitive and migratory substances. This 
early theory evolved into two main doctrines of ownership in oil and 
gas: the "nonownership theory" and the u ownership-in-place theory": 

The essence of the "nonownership theory" is that no person owns oil and gas 
until it is produced and any person may capture the oil and gas if able to do so. 
An interest in land is a prerequisite to the attempt to reduce the oil to possession. 
In "ownership-in-place" States, the nature of the interest of the landowner in 
oil and gas contained in his land is the same as his interest in solid minerals. 
[Citations omitted.] 16 

Applying either of these two theories to weather modification would 
appear to be of little help in establishing rights of a weather modifier 
to atmospheric water since both involve ownership interests in land. 
It should be noted that the physical differences between oil and gas 
and atmospheric water may render the analogy inapplicable. 16 

Analogies to the concepts of "developed water" and "imported 
water" may prove to be more appropriate. Developed waters are 
waters that "would not but for man's improvements, have become part 
of a stream, or waters that would otherwise have been lost by seepage 
or evaporation. As a general rule these waters are subject to appro- 
priation by the parties developing or saving them." 17 One of the 
factors used in determining whether water is developed water is 
whether the water was added to the natural flow by the energy and 
expenditure of the claimant from a source which previously had no 
outlet. 18 The main difficulty faced in applying this concept to weather 

12 2 Kinney, "Irrigation and Water Rights" (2d ed.) 1216 cited in W. Fischer, "Weather 
Mortification and the Right of Capture," 8 Natural Res. Lawyer 639, 642 (1976). 
" 4 "W&ters and Water Rights" 474, (R. Clark, ed., 1970). 
14 Ibid. 473-474. 

lsrpbe Weather Modificntion Law Troioot Staff, University of Arizona, School of Law, 
"The Loeral Implications of Atmospheric Water Resources Development and Management.") 

22 (1968). 

16 R. Davis. "State Regulation of Weather Modification." 12 Arizona L. Rev. 35 (1970). 
w 1 "Waters and Water Rights" 341-342 (R. Clark, ed. 1970). 

" The Weather Modification Law Project Staff, University of Arizona, School of Law. 
"The Legal Implications of Atmospheric Water Resources Development and Management,' 

23 (1968). 


modifiers is establishing that the modifier actually developed the 
water. 19 

Imported water, which is sometimes referred to as foreign water,, 
is "water that has been imported by a user from one watershed into 
another.*' 20 Imported water, like developed water, is not part of the 
natural flow of water. Persons who import water are generally given 
a prior right to the capture and use of such waters. 21 It has been stated 
that the application of the doctrine of imported water to weather 
modifiers would be advantageous since imported water is frequently 
exempted from the control of interstate river compacts. 22 Problems 
would also be presented by this analogy. The weather modifier must 
show that the water he has produced has been shifted from one water- 
shed to another, and he must also show that the water is imported 
rather than contributory. In addition, the general question of proof, 
that is establishing that the modifier actually produced the water, 
would present difficulties. 


If a drought or a severe storm occurs after weather modification at- 
tempts have occurred, issues concerning liability for damages may 
arise. These issues would include causation as well as the application 
of a number of theories of tort recovery including nuisance, strict lia- 
bility, trespass, and negligence. Other bases of liability might be pres- 
ent depending on the particular facts and circumstances attending any 
specific incident. In addition, issues concerning air and water pollu- 
tion could be raised. Before a general discussion of these issues is be- 
gun, it would be helpful to examine briefly State statutes which dis- 
cuss liability. 

Ten State statutes were found which discuss liability for weather 
modification. These statutes vary widely in effect and complexity. 
Eight of these statutes specifically provide that the State is immune 
from liability. 23 Five statutes were found which provide that obtain- 
ing a license for weather modification is not a defense to legal actions. 24 
The statutes on weather modification are stated not to affect private 
contractual or legal obligations in four States. 25 Three statutes pro- 
vide that weather modification is not ultrahazardous 26 while three 
State statutes provide that weather modification is not a trespass 27 
or, in one State, not a public or a private nuisance. 28 In addition, Colo- 

19 For a detailed discussion of this question of proof, see W. Fischer, "Weather Modifica- 
tion and the Right of Capture," 8 Natural Res. Lawyer 639, 645-651 (1976). 

20 1 "Waters and Water Rights," 339 (R. Clark, ed. 1970). 

21 Id. 

22 The Weather Modification Law Project Staff, University of Arizona, School of Law, 
"The Legal Implications of Atmospheric Water Resources Development and Management," 
29 (1968). 

23 Colo. Rev. Stat. sec. 36-20-122 ; 111. Ann. Stat. ch. 14 3/4, sec. 27 ; Kan. Stat. sec. 
82a-1420 ; N. Dak. Cent. Code sec. 2-07-10 ; Okla. Stat. Ann. Title 2 sec. 1418 ; Tex. Water 
Code Ann. title 2 sec. 14.101 ; Wash. Rev. Code sec. 43.37.190 and Wyo. Stat. Ann. sec. 9-276. 

24 Col. Rev. Stat. sec. 36-20-123; 111. Ann. Stat. ch. 14 3/4, sec. 27; Kan. Stat. sec. 
82a-1420; N. Dak. Cent. Code sec. 2-07-10; Tex. Water Code Ann. title 2 sec. 14.101. 

25 Okla. Stat. Ann. title 2 sec. 1418; Tex. Water Code Ann. title 2 sec. 14.101 (with 
certain exceptions) ; Wash. Rev. Code Ann. sec. 43.37.190 ; Wis. Stat. Ann. sec. 19^.40. 

26 111. Ann. Stat. ch. 14 3/4, sec. 27 ; N. Dak. Cent. Code sec. 2-07-10 ; Tex. Water Code 
title 2 sec. 14.101. 

27 111. Ann. Stat. ch. 14 3/4, sec. 27 ; N. Dak. Cent. Code sec. 2-07-10 ; Colo. Rev. Stat. sec. 

28 Colo. Rev. Stat. sec. 36-20-123. 


rado and Illinois statutes provide that failure to obtain a license or 
a permit for weather modification constitutes negligence 29 per se 
while Wisconsin provides that unregulated weather modification 
operations shall be subject to summary abatement public nuisances. 30 
Illinois and Xorth Dakota also provide that a person adversely 
affected by weather modification shall not be prevented by a statute 
on weather modification from recovering damages resulting from in- 
tentional harmful actions or negligent conduct. 31 Finally, West Vir- 
ginia provides that any licensee who causes a drought or a heavy 
downpour or storm which causes damage to land as determined by the 
West Virginia Aeronautics Commission shall compensate farmers and 
property owners for such damage. 32 

Before any case for liability for weather modification can be made, 
it must first be proved that the weather modifier did in fact cause 
the drought, storm, or heavy rainfall which led to the damage for 
which compensation is sought. 33 Due to scientific uncertainties, this 
is a very heavy burden of proof for the plaintiff and is not often met. 
State statutes on weather modification provide few guidelines con- 
cerning causation. Of the 10 State statutes which discuss liability for 
weather modification, only the West Virginia statute discusses causa- 
tion and there the statute simply recites that whether or not a weather 
modifier causes a drought or a storm shall be determined by the West 
Virginia Aeronautics Commission. 

The test which is used most often in tort law to determine whether 
a causal relationship exists is the u but for' test. This test states that 
an activity is the cause in fact of a claimed consequence where the 
event would not have occurred but for the conduct of the actor. 34 
This test has been used in some weather modification cases 35 but 
"judicial experience to date has shown that proof of cause in fact is 
a serious obstacle to recovery of damages from a weather modifier 
and to securing injunctive relief to bar his continued operations.'' 36 

Several different theories of tort liability may be argued in a 
weather modification case; strict liability, nuisance, negligence, and 
trespass. As noted above, some State statutes specifically allow or pro- 
hibit some of these types of suits. Illinois, North Dakota, and Texas 
all provide that weather modification is not ultrahazardous which in 
effect bars the use of the theory of strict liability. Strict liability re- 
sults when an activity is found to be ultrahazardous, which has been 
defined as •"necessarily involving ... a risk of serious harm to the 
person, land, or chattels of others which cannot be eliminated by the 

29 Colo. Rev. Stat. sec. 36-20-123 ; 111. Ann. Stat. ch. 14 3/4, sec. 27. 

30 Wis. Stat. Ann. sec. 195.40. 

sl 111. Ami. Stat. ch. 14 3/4. sec. 27 ; N. Dak. Cent. Code sec. 2-07-10. 
~ W. Va. Code sec. 29-2B-13. 

" : This question of proof is very similar to that which is faced by the weather modifies 
in attempting to prove that certain waters are his since he caused them. See W. Fischer, 
• Weather Modification and the Right of Capture." S Natural Res. Lawyer 639 , 645—651 

3* 4 "Waters and Water Rights" 477-47S (It. Clark, ed. 1970). 

35 See. e.g. Davis and St. Amand. "Proof of Legal Causation in Weather Modification 
Litigation : h'einbold v. Sumner Farmers, Inc.. and Irving P. Krick, Inc." 7 J. of Weather 
cation 127 (April 197r>) ; 4 "Waters and Water Rights" 478-479 (R. Clark, ed. 19701. 

6 The Weather Modification Law Project Staff. University of Arizona. School of Law. 
"The Legal Implications of Atmospheric Water Resources Development and Management! 
12 (1968) : set? also. R. Johnson. "Weather Modification Legal Study" 2-4, prepared for 
the Weather Modification Advisory Board, Feh. 28, 1977. 


utmost care." 37 In determining whether cloud seeding is an abnor- 
mally dangerous activity, it has been stated that courts would consider 
the following factors: 

(a) Whether the activity involves a high degree of risk of some 
harm to the person, land, or chattels of others ; 

(b) Whether the gravity of the harm which may result from it 
is likely to be great ; 

(c) Whether the risk cannot be eliminated by the exercise of 
reasonable care ; 

(d) Whether the activity is not a matter of common usage; 

(e) Whether the activity is inappropriate to the place where 
it is carried on ; and 

(/) The value of the activity to the community. 38 
No case has been found where a court characterized weather modi- 
fication as ultrahazardous and therefore subject to strict liability; 
however, this may occur in the future particularly with regard to 
certain types of attempted weather modification such as that involv- 
ing hurricanes. 

Nuisance is another liability theory which may prove useful in 
weather modification cases. Nuisance has been described as conduct 
whi h . . invades an owner's interest in the use and enjoyment of 
his land, and such invasion is intentional and unreasonable, negligent 
or reckless or regarded as an abnormally dangerous activity.' 7 39 Con- 
troversies over nuisances are often resolved by balancing the utility 
of the defendant's conduct with the harm it causes. 40 Due to these 
characteristics of nuisance, it has been regarded by some writers 

. . as potentially the most useful in weather modification cases.'' 41 
However, it should be noted that a Colorado statute specifically pro- 
vides that weather modification is not a public or private nuisance. 42 

Negligence ma} T also be used as a theory for recovery in weather 
modification cases. There are four main elements which are necessary 
to provide a cause of action using negligence. There must be: (1) A 
duty recognized by the law. which requires the actor to conform to 
a certain standard of conduct; (-2) a failure to conform to the stand- 
ard required: (3) a reasonably close causal connection between the 
conduct and the resulting injury; and (4) actual loss or damages 
suffered by the plaintiff. 43 Aside from the difficulties presented by show- 
ing a causal connection, another difficulty with the application of this 
theory to weather modification is that a standard for performance 
must be established against which the weather modifier can be 

Trespass as a theory of tort liability may also prove to be applicable 
to weather modification. Trespass may consist of an entry of a person 
or thing upon land which is in the possession of the plaintiff. 44 The 
rejection of the "ad coelum" doctrine in United States v. Causby, 328 

37 4 Restatement of Torts sec. 319. 

38 R. Davis. "Weather Modification Litigation and Statutes." in "Weather and Climate 
Modification" 773 (ed. W. Hess 1974). 

» Id. 

40 Prosser Torts, sec. 87. 4th ed. (1971L 

° R. Davis. "Weather Modification Litigation and Statutes", in "Weather and Climate 
Modification" 773 (ed. W. Hess 1974). 
42 Colo. Rev. Stat. sec. 3R-20-123. 
«Prosser Torts sec. 30 (4th ed. 1971). 
** Id. sec. 13. 


U.S. 256 (1945) , indicates that the flight of an airplane over a person's 
land would not necessarily be considered a trespass. However, it could 
be argued that the release of particles into the air by an airplane or 
by a weather modification station on the ground might be considered 
a trespass if they invaded the plaintiff's land. It could also be argued 
that rain, hail or other precipitation produced by weather modifica- 
tion would be a trespass since it did not fall there naturally but was 
produced artificially. 45 These arguments could be supported by citing 
various cases which have found a trespass even where invisible or 
microscopic particles have entered on the plaintiffs land they have 
caused harm. 46 

In addition to the various types of tort liability discussed above, 
weather modifiers may also be held liable for pollution or for adverse 
environmental impacts. Weather modification not only attempts to- 
change the environment by producing precipitation but also adds small 
quantities of silver iodide or other artificial nucleants to the water or 
other precipitation it causes. In Pennsylvania Natural Weather Asso- 
ciation v. Blue Ridge Weather Modification, 44 D. & C. 2d 749 (1968) ,. 
the court discussed the possible environmental damage which could be 
done by weather modification and quoted a report of a bureau of re- 
clamation which stated the artificial nucleants used in cloud seeding 
are to varying extents poisonous. However, the court held that there 
was no more than a possibility of harm and so did not issue an injunc- 
tion. It should also be noted that the National Environmental Policy 
Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq., may be relevant when weather 
modification is federally sponsored. 47 For example an environmental 
impact statement would be necessary in certain circumstances where 
the Federal Government was involved. 


In addition to the general defense that the plaintiff has failed to 
establish a cause of action, certain other defenses may be available to 
a weather modifier. These would include immunity, privilege, consent 
and waste. 

If the weather modifier was operating under the auspices of the 
Federal, State, or local government, the doctrne of sovereign immunity 
from suit may be employed. The Federal Tort Claims Art, 28 U.S.C. 
§ 2671 et seq., waived certain immunities of the Federal Government; 
specificallv, its immunity from liability from the negligent or wrong- 
ful acts of its employees who are acting within the scope of their em- 
ployment. This act kept immunity for the exercise of discretionary 
functions, however. It has been stated that the application of this doc- 
trine to weather modification on the Federal level means that : 

Federal weather modifiers, then, may expose the United States to liability for 
injury careless performance of their day-to-day operations ; but likely the Federal 
Government will be immune from liability for its decision to conduct weather 
modification operations and for its plans relating to the operations. 48 

*' Note, "Legal Aspects of Weather Modification in Texas," 25 Baylor L. Rev. 501, 509-510 
* n Proper Torts, sop. 13 (4th od. 1071). 

47 Son R. On vis. "Wonthor Modifion tion T^mr Developments." 27 Oklahoma L. Rev. 400, 
430 430 (1074) : "Wenthor Modification." hearings hefore the Subcommittee on the Envi- 
ronment and the Atmosphere of the House Committee on Science and Technology. 04th 
Cong.. 2d soss. 421 420 (1070). ( gta tement of ihc Natural Uosources Defense Council, Inc.) 

48 4 "Waters and Water Rights" 403-404 (R. Clark, ed. 1970). 


The doctrine of sovereign immunity with regard to the States is in a 
somewhat uncertain condition although it may provide immunity to 
State employed weather modifiers in some cases. It should also be 
noted that eight States, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, North Dakota, 
Oklahoma, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming, statutorily mandate 
that the State is immune from certain liability for weather modifica- 
tion. 49 

The application of the doctrine of sovereign immunity to local gov- 
ernments has resulted in a distinction between proprietary and govern- 
mental functions. It has been stated that : 

The application of this most unwieldly and unreliable test to weather modifi- 
cation will not be easy. For instance, a municipality's operation of a waterworks 
for supplying water to its inhabitants (which would seem at first glance to be 
a governmental operation) has been held to be a proprietary operation — sub- 
jecting the municipality to liability in tort. Thus, water supply augmentation 
through precipitation modification may well be a part of that proprietary 
function. 50 

Public necessity could also be argued as a defense to liability. This 
defense has actually been suggested in two cases although it was not 
determinative in either of them. In Slutsky v. New York, 97 N.Y.S. 2d 
238 (1950), resort owners had filed for a temporary injunction to pro- 
hibit New York City from engaging in experiments which attempted to 
produce rain. The court held that these experiments would not inter- 
fere with the plaintiffs resort business "to any appreciable extent" and 
so denied the injunction. In arriving at this holding, the court empha- 
sized that it must balance the competing interests and stated that "The 
relief which plaintiffs ask is opposed to the general welfare and public 
good. * * *" Similarly, in Pennsylvania Natural Weather Association v. 
Blue Ridge Weather Modification Association, 44 D. & C. 2d 749 
(1968) , the court refused to issue an injunction in the absence of proof 
that damages resulted from weather modification activities but did dis- 
cuss public necessity. The court there stated : 

No individual has the right to determine for himself what his needs are and 
produce those needs by artificial means to the prejudice and detriment of his 
neighbors. However, we feel that this cannot be an unqualified right. Weather 
modification takes many forms and produces, or appears to produce, desirable 
effects. For example, there is fog suppression, lightning suppression, and hail 
suppression. In additon, cloud seeding has been used and will continue to be 
used to produce rain to relieve the water shortage in our urban areas. We feel then 
that weather modification activities undertaken in the public interests, and under 
the direction and control of governmental authority should and must be 
permitted. 51 

The consent of a landowner to weather modification which may 
affect his land may also be raised as a defense to liability. In addition, 
a weather modifier could also attempt to raise as a defense the public 
policy against waste. 52 


Weather modification activities and their results do not always fall 
neatly inside State boundaries. When they do not, substantial issues 

49 For citations to these statutes see footnote 23 supra. 

50 4 "Waters and Water Rights" 494 (R. Clark, ed. 1970). 

51 Pennsylvania Natural Weather Association v. Blue Ridge Weather Modification 
Association. 44 D. & C. 2d 749, 760 (1968). 

52 For a discussion of these two theories of defense see 4 "Waters and Water Rights" 
497-498 (R. Clark, ed. 1970). 


may arise; for instance, does cloud seeding in one State take water 
which should have fallen in another State ? No cases have arisen which 
directly deal with the issues raised by the interstate nature of weather 
modification although Pennsylvania ex Tel. Township of Ayr v. Fulk, 
No. 53 (Court of Common Pleas, Fulton County, Pa., Feb. 28, 1968), 
did touch upon some of these issues. In that case a weather modifier who 
operated a generator in Ayr Township to suppress hail in West Vir- 
ginia and Maryland was convicted of violating an ordinance which 
made cloud seeding an olfense. The weather modifier alleged that the 
township ordinance was unconstitutional because it imposed an undue 
burden on interstate commerce but the court did not agree and stated 
that the ordinance was never intended to regulate commerce and that 
weather modification may not even be commerce. 53 

More recently, a dispute has arisen between Idaho and Washington 
concerning cloud seeding in Washington which allegedly takes water 
from clouds which would normally discharge their water over Idaho. 
Some Idaho officials have termed the cloud seeding "cloud rustling" 
and threatened to file suit. 54 No suits on this controversy have yet been 
filed, however. 

Although no court resolution of the interstate problems involved in 
weather modification has been found, some States have attempted to 
resolve the problem by the use of legislation or interstate compacts. 
Twelve States have been found which have legislation discussing the 
interstate aspects of weather modification. Eight of these have statutes 
which authorize the board or commission which is responsible for 
weather modification to represent the State concerning interstate 
compacts or agreements on weather modification. 53 Two States, Colo- 
rado and New Mexico, have statutes which provide that weather modi- 
fication for the benefit of other States cannot be carried on in the State 
with this legislation unless the State which could be benefited also 
allows weather modification to benefit the State with this legislation. 56 

Pennsylvania and West Virginia have statutes which provide that 
their weather modification law does not authorize a person to carry out 
a cloud seeding operation from these States for the benefit of another 
State which forbids weather modification. 57 Utah has a statute which 
prohibits cloud seeding in Utah for an adjoining target State except 
upon full compliance with the laws of the target State and the law of 
Utah. 58 

Another method of overcoming the problems presented by the inter- 
state nature of weather modification would be to arrive at informal 
agreements with adjoining States. Several States provide that the 
board which is responsible for weather modifications has the power to 
enter into these agreements. However, organizations resulting from 
these agreements would possess little power to make binding decisions. 5 * 

63 For a more detailed discussion and criticism of this case see R. Davis. "Weather 
Modification Litigation and Statutes," in "Weather and Climate Modification" 782-783 (ed. 
W. Hess 1974). 

64 B. Richards, "Rainmaking Effort Triggers Battle Over Cloud Rustling," the Washington 
Post. A-5 Mar. 1. 1977. 

55 Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. sec. 24-7: 111. Stat. Ann. ch. 146 3/4, sec. 9; Kan. Stat. sec. 
82a-1405(f) ; New Rev. Stat. sec. 544.080(7) ; N. Mex. Stat. Ann. sec. 2-07-02.5: Okla, 
Stat. Ann. sec. 1403(7) ; Tex. Water Code Ann. title 2 sec. 14.018; Wash. Rev. Code sec' 

MColo. Rev. Stat. sec. 36-20-118, N. Mex. Stat. Ann. sec. 75-37-12. 
w Pa. Stat. Ann. title 3 sec. 1115 ; W. Va. Code sec. 29-2B-14. 
m ri ; .<> Code Ann. tec. 73-15-8. 

59 R. Davis, "State Regulation of Weather Modification," 12 Arizona L. Rev. 35, 67 (1970). 


I method which could also be used would be that of an interstate 
ompact. Article I, § 10, cl. 3 of the U.S. Constitution states that "No 
>tate shall, without the Consent of Congress, * * * enter into any 
Agreement or Compact with another State. * * *" With the exception 
if the limitation that the consent of Congress must be obtained, the 
Constitution confirmed the right of the States to make compacts with 
ach other. It has been stated that an interstate compact has the same 
ffect as a treaty between sovereign powers. 60 

No interstate compacts specifically concerning weather modifica- 
ion were found; however, some existing compacts, especially those 
vhich allocate waters of interstate streams, may be applicable to 
veather modification. For example, if a compact provides that half of 
he waters in a river are to go to one State and half to another, the 
veather modifier may have no rights in the water he has allegedly 
xroduced since it would go into the river and be subject to the provi- 
ions of the compact. 61 It could also be argued that an agency like the 
^ew York Port Authority has the authority to engage certain weather 
iiodification techniques such as fog dissipation. 62 Certain Supreme 
^ourt decisions concerning the use of interstate waters may also 
>e helpful in allocating water in clouds which pass over State 
)oundaries. 63 


There are several methods by which weather modification is or could 
>e controlled. These include State or local regulation, regulation by 
)rofessional associations and Federal regulation. Twenty-eight States 
\rere found which have some type of statute pertaining to weather 
nodification. These statutes differ greatly in their content. Hawaii, for 
xample, simply states that the board of land and natural resources 
hall have the power "To investigate and make surveys of water re- 
ources, including the possibility and feasibility of inducing rain by 
rtificial or other means . . On the other hand, some States, such as 
Colorado, have comprehensive laws which include such provisions as 

declaration of general policy, licensing, operations affecting weather 
n other States, legal recourse, and judicial review. 64 The basis for the 
nactment of this type of legislation is the police power. The police 

ower enables a State to take action to protect and promote the health, 

ifety, morals and general welfare of its people 65 
Some State statutes provide for control of weather modification by 

Iministrative agencies. In these cases the legislature would most 

kely provide some guidance for the agency and then let the agency 

rovide for more specific situations by promulgating regulations. 66 It 

60 For a more detailed discussion of the legal effect of interstate compacts see Con- 
cessional Research Service, The Constitution of the United States of America — Analysis 
id Interpretation 419-423 (1973). 

61 For a discussion of some of these compacts see note, "Weather Modification and the 
tght of Capture," 8 Natural Res. Lawyer 639. 652-654 (1976). 

02 R. Davis. "State Regulation of Weather Modification." 12 Arizona L. Rev. 35. 67 (1970). 
63 See note. "Weather Modification and the Right of Capture," 8 Natural Res. Lawyer 639, 
4-65o (1976). 

w Copies of the weather modification statutes and a chart can be found in appendix D. 
* Shapiro and Tresolini, "American Constitutional Law" 116-117 (New York 1975). 
ee rp he leather Modification Law Project Staff, University of Arizona. School of Law. 
'he Legal Implications of Atmospheric Water Resources Development and Management" 
-88 (196S). 


has been stated that regulation of weather modification by an adminis- 
trative agency would have certain advantages including administra- 
tive expertise, continuity of the administrative regulatory program, 
and flexibility and completeness of control. 67 

State statutes would also be subject to judicial review. Although 
there have been very few cases discussing weather modification, the 
number of these cases has risen in recent years and there are indica- 
tions that there will be even more litigation in the future. Such law- 
suits, which determine the sx^ecific legal rights of individual plain- 
tiffs and defendants, will provide precedents which will be helpful not 
only in future cases but also in advising individuals who have not 
become involved in a lawsuit what the law has been so that they may 
act with some knowledge of the possible consequences. 68 However, 
it has been stated that judicial control alone would be incomplete and 
would not have the continuity or expertise of an administrative 
agency. 69 

A State may also attempt to control weather modification by be- 
coming the proprietor of weather modification activities. Using this 
method the State could use either government employees or hire 
contractors to modify the weather. It has been stated that State reg- 
ulation of weather modification by this contract method would have 
several advantages : It would be comparatively easy to administer, it 
would provide a source of funds, and it would provide a method for 
enforcing payment to weather modifiers by those who receive the bene- 
fit of their services. 70 

State regulation of weather modification in general has also been 
seen to have certain advantages and disadvantages. It has been ob- 
served that the advantages would include the following: First, State 
statutes provide a testing ground to experiment and see what scheme 
of regulation is the most successful ; second, some States have no need 
for regulation of weather modification since no weather modification 
occurs in these States ; and third, State agencies would be closer to the 
persons regulated and those affected by weather modification than a 
Federal agency. Disadvantages have also been observed in State reg- 
ulation; for example, the fact that clouds are no respecters of State 
boundary lines. In addition, it has been argued that State legislatures 
may be susceptible to local lobbying. 71 

Professional associations of weather modifiers could also attempt 
to regulate their members. Although this would have the advantage 
of having knowledgeable persons doing the regulating and could cover 
interstate situations, it would also have disadvantages. For example, 
such regulators might be reluctant to impose restrictions which might 
harm their business. In addition, not all weather modifiers would neces- 
saril} T be members of such professional associations and their powers 
of enforcement of regulations would be exceedingly limited. 

67 R. Davis, "State Regulation of Weather Modification." 12 Arizona L. Rev. 35, 55 (1970). 

ftS For discussions of judicial control of weather modification see R. Davis, "Strategic 
for State Regulation of Weather Modification," in "Controlling the Weather" 182-194 (ed. 
II. Taubenfeld 1970) ; The Weather Modification Law Project Staff, University of Arizona, 
School of Law, "The Legal Implications of Atmospheric Water Resources Development and 
Management" S5-86 (196S). 

■ R. Davis. "State Regulation of Weather Modification," 12 Arizona L. Rev. 35, 56 (1970). 

70 Id. 60-61. 

n Id. 64-65. 



Weather modification could also be controlled by Federal statute. 
However, in order to enact valid legislation, Congress must find a grant 
of power in the Constitution which would allow such legislation. There 
are several grants of power to Congress which would be sufficient au- 
thority for the regulation of weather modification activities. The most 
important of these is the power given to Congress under the commerce 
clause which states that "The Congress shall have Power To . . . reg- 
ulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, 
and with the Indian Tribes." 72 Authority for such regulation may to 
some extent also be found under the sections granting Congress fiscal 
power, war power, property power and treaty power. The major em- 
phasis of this section will be on the commerce clause: however, the 
other powers will be discussed briefly. Prior to a discussion of the com- 
merce power, it would be helpful to briefly discuss the principle of 


Federalism is one of the basic concepts underlying the U.S. 
Constitution. It has been defined as "* * * a principle of government 
Which provides for the division of powers between a national govern- 
ment and a collection of State governments operating over the same 
geographic area." 73 The Federal Government possesses all those pow- 
ers which are delegated to it either expressly or by implication by 
the Constitution. As is explicitly stated in the 10th amendment, the 
State governments possess those powers which are not given to the 
Federal Government or denied to the States. Recent Supreme Court 
cases, in particular National League of Cities v. Usery, 426 U.S. 833 
(1976), have been interpreted by some commentators as indicating a 

* * resurrection of the Madisonian concept of a restricted Federal 
Government resulting in a more active role for the 10th amend- 
ment." 74 This recent change in interpretation, if indeed there has been 
a significant change, has occurred mainly as a limitation on congres- 
sional use of the commerce clause power and will be discussed in more 
detail in the discussion of the commerce clause. 

The commerce clause 

The commerce clause has generally been interpreted broadly by the 
Supreme Court and has been described as "* * * the direct source of 
the most important powers which the Federal Government exercises in 
peacetime, and except for the due process and equal protection clauses 
of the 14th amendment, it is the most important limitation imposed by 
the Constitution on the exercise of State power." 75 The use of the 
commerce clause as a source of Federal power is the most relevant to 
the discussion here ; however, it should be noted that the only case 
found which discussed the commerce clause and weather modification 

7 - O S. Constitution art. I. sec. 8. cl. 3. 

'■■ Chase and Ducat. "Constitutional Interpretation" 375 (St. Paul 1974). 

» Note. "Constitutional Law — Tenth Amendment as an Affirmative Limitation on Com- 
merce Power. National League of Cities v. Usery, 426 U.S. S33 (1976)," 8 Toledo L. Rev. 
796. R09 (1977). 

" Congressional Research Service. "The Constitution of the United States of America — 
Analysis and Interpretation" 142 (Washington 1973). 

34-8o7 — 79 32 


was one in which the commerce clause was discussed as a limitation on 
the exercise of State power. This case, Pennsylvania ex rel. Township 
of Ayr v. Fulk, No. 53 (Court of Common Pleas, Fulton County, Pa., 
Feb. 28, 1968), arose when a weather modifier who operated a gener- 
ator in Ayr Township to suppress hail in West Virginia and Maryland 
was convicted of violating an ordinance which made cloud seeding an 
offense. The weather modifier alleged that the township ordinance was 
unconstitutional because it imposed an undue burden on interstate com- 
merce but the court did not agree and stated that the ordinance was 
never intended to regulate commerce and that weather modification 
may not even be commerce. This case has been strongly criticized as 
ignoring the numerous Supreme Court cases which have interpreted 
the term "commerce" very broadly and it is of questionable use as per- 
suasive authority. 76 

The commerce clause generally. — The commerce clause was first dis- 
cussed in Gibbons v. Ogden, 9 Wheat. (22 U.S.) 1 (1824). This land- 
mark case ai'ose when a monopoly granted by New York State on the 
operation of certain vessels in its Avaters was challenged by Gibbons 
who transported passengers pursuant to an act of Congress. Speaking 
for the Court, Chief Justice Marshall stated : 

The subject to be regulated is commerce; and our Constitution being, as was 
aptly said at the bar, one of enumeration, and not of definition, to ascertain the 
extent of the power, it becomes necessary to settle the meaning of the word. The 
counsel for the appellee would limit it to traffic, to buying and selling, or the 
interchange of commodities, and do not admit that it comprehends navigation. 
This would restrict a general term, applicable to many objects, to one of its sig- 
nifications. Commerce, undoubtedly, is traffic, but is something more : it is inter- 
course. At 189. 

Chief Justice Marshall also addressed the question of what is the 
power to regulate commerce and stated : 

It is the power to regulate; that is, to prescribe the rule by which commerce 
is to be governed * * *. The power of Congress, then, comprehends navigation 
within the limits of every State in the union; so far as that navigation may be, 
in any manner, connected with "commerce with foreign nations, or among, the 
several States, or with the Indian tribes." At 190-197. 

Although the commerce power was interpreted more narrowly dur- 
ing the early 1930's," the expansive interpretation was soon evident 

again. Several cases were decided by the Supreme Court in 1942 dis- 
cussing the commerce clause. In United States v. Wrighticood Dairy 
Co., 315 U.S. 110, 119 (1942), the Supreme Court stated that : 

The commerce power is not confined in its exercise to the regulation of com- 
merce among the States. It extends to tbose activities intrastate which so affect 
interstate commerce, or the exertion of the power of Congress over it. as to 
make regulation of them appropriate means to the attainment of a legitimate 
end, the effective execution of the granted power to regulate interstate com- 
merce * * * the marketing of a local product in competition with that of a like 
commodity moving interstate may so interfere with the interstate commerce or 
its regulation as to afford a basis for congressional regulation of the intrastate 

78 Spp R. Davis. "Weather Modification Litigation and Statutes'* in "Weather and Climate 
Modification" 782-783 fed. W. IIoss 1074). 
77 See e.g., Schccter Poultry Corp. \. United States, 295 U.S. 405 (1935). 


This same rationale was used in Wickard v. Filbwm, 317 U.S. Ill 
(1942), where the Supreme Court upheld Federal commodity regula- 
tions which applied to a farmer who was growing wheat for his own 
use. The Court concluded there that even though this particular 
amount of wheat was trivial, when combined with that of others in 
similar situations, it could be sufficiently competitive with wheat in 
interstate commerce to justify its regulation. 

More recently, the Court in Perez v. United States, 402 U.S. 146 
(1971), upheld title II of the Consumer Credit Protection Act which 
prohibited certain extortionate credit transactions. The Court found 
that although the transactions in question in this case were purely 
intrastate, they could adversely affect interstate commerce and thus 
their regulation was a permissible congressional exercise of its powers 
under the commerce clause. 

As is exemplified by these cases, the power of regulation given to 
Congress under the commerce clause may deal with the channels of 
commerce, instrumentalities of commerce, activities affecting com- 
merce and articles of commerce. Since the devices used in weather 
modification would most likely involve commercial marketing, it is 
likely that weather modification could be regulated since its instru- 
ments would probably be in interstate commerce. In addition, weather 
modification activities could by themselves affect commerce. An even 
stronger case could be made that weather modification can be reg- 
ulated under the commerce clause since it would have an affect on navi- 
gable waters. 

The commerce clause arid the regulation of navigable waters. — There 
is a line of cases stretching from Gibbons v. Ogden concerning con- 
gressional authority under the commerce clause to regulate navigable 
waters. As was quoted above in Gibbons Chief Justice Marshall stated 
that commerce " * * * comprehends navigation within the limits of 
every State * * *." The congressional regulation of waterways was 
further elaborated in Pennsylvania v. Wheeling & Belmont Bridge 
Co., 13 How. (54 U.S.) 518 (1852), and The Daniel Ball, 10 Wall 
(77 U.S.) 557 (1871). As a result of this power over navigation, Con- 
gress has also acquired the right to develop hydroelectric power 78 and 
to legislate in the area of flood control. In United States v. Appala- 
chian Electric Potver Co., 311 U.S. 377 (1940), the Supreme Court 
discussed " * * * the scope of the Federal commerce power in relation 
to conditions in licenses, required by the Federal Power Commission, 
for the construction of hydroelectric dams in navigable rivers of the 
United States." At 398. 'Discussing the power of the United States 
over its waters, the Court stated : 

, In our view, it cannot properly be said that the constitutional power of the 
United States over its waters is limited to control for navigation. By navigation 
respondent means no more than operation of boats and improvement of the water- 
way itself. In truth the authority of the United States is the regulation of com- 
merce on is waters. Navigability, in the sense just stated, is but a part of this 
whole. Flood protection, watershed development, recovery of the cost of improve- 
ments through utilization of power are likewise parts of commerce control. As 
respondent soundly argues, the United States cannot by calling a project of its 
own "a multiple purpose dam" give to itself additional powers, but equally truly 

United States v. Chandler-Dunlar Co., 229 U.S. 53 (1913). 


the respondent cannot, by seeking to use a navigable waterway for power genera- 
tion alone, avoid the authority of the Government over the stream. At 426. 78 

Since weather modification activities could have an effect upon the 
waterfiow of navigable waters, they thereby would be subject of con- 
gressional regulation under the commerce power. This is particularly 
true in the case of activities such as cloud seeding where the activities 
of weather modifiers could potentially cause flooding and may well 
affect the watershed. 

Limitations on the commerce power. — An argument could be made 
that Congress does not have authority under the commerce clause to 
regulate weather modification activities. States and localities could 
argue that such regulation would be an unconstitutional infringement 
of the rights of the States under the 10th amendment. In United States 
v. Darby, 312 U.S. 100 > (1941), the Supreme Court characterized the 
10th amendment as stating "* * * but a truism that all is retained which 
has not been surrendered." At 124. This was interpreted by the Su- 
preme Court in Fry v. United States, 421 U.S. 542 (1975) : 

While the Tenth Amendment has been characterized as a truism stating merely 
that all is retained which has not been surrendered, * * * it is not without sig- 
nificance. The Amendment expressly declares the constitutional policy that Con- 
gress may not exercise power in a fashion that impairs the States' integrity or 
their ability to function effectively in a federal system (citation omitted). 

The Supreme Court in National League of Cities v. Usery, 426 U.S. 
833 (1976), quoted this language from Fry with approval. National 
League of Cities held that Congress may not exercise its power to 
regulate interstate commerce so as to force directly upon the States 
its choice as to how essential decisions regarding the conduct of inte- 
gral governmental functions are to be made. More specifically, the 
Court held that the 1974 amendments to the Fair Labor Standards Act 
which extended the statutory minimum wage and maximum hours 
provisions to employees of States and their subdivisions was unconsti- 
tutional in that it exceeded congressional power under the commerce 

It could be argued that National League of Cities indicates that the 
Supreme Court is placing limitations on the power of Congress under 
the commerce clause and that a more narrow reading of this clause 
would make Federal regulation of weather modification questionable. 
However, it is unlikely that such an argument would be successful. 
The majority opinion in National League of Cities, despite its broad 
language, did accommodate most of the previous Supreme Court cases 
where broad congressional power to regulate commerce was upheld. In 
addition, the Court noted that "* * * there are attributes of sovereign- 
ty attaching to every State government which may not be impaired by 
Congress * * *" and that "* * * (o)ne undoubted attribute of State 
sovereignty is the States' power to determine the wages which shall be 
paid to those whom they employ * * *"' At 845. It is unlikely that 
weather modification would be considered to be one of these undoubted 
attributes of State sovereignty. It should also be noted that four jus- 

w See also Douglas v. Seacoast Products, 431 U.S. 26."> (1977) where the Supreme Court 
Struck clown a Virginia statute which limited the right of nonresidents to catch fish in 
Virginia waters since it conflicted with Federal requirements. The Supreme Court stated: 
"While appellant may he correct in arguing that at earlier times in our history, there was 
Bome flouht whether Congress had power under the commerce clause to regulate the taking 
of fish in State waters, there can be no question today that such power exists where there 
is some effect on interstate commerce." At 2S1-282 (footnote omitted). 


tices dissented from the majority opinion in National League of Cities 
and in a concurring opinion Justice Blackmun stated : 

I may misinterpret the Court's opinion, but it seems to me that it adopts a 
balancing approach, and does not outlaw Federal power in areas such as environ- 
mental protection, where the Federal interest is demonstrably greater and ^Yhere 
State facility compliance with imposed Federal standards would be essential. 
At 856. 

An area such as weather modification would seem to be more akin to 
environmental protection than to minimum wage laws. And although 
States have enacted legislation concerning weather modification, the 
fact that weather patterns often have national effects would seem to 
make the imposition of Federal standards arguably as logical as they 
are in the area of environmental protection. 80 

Fiscal poioers 

Congress is given the power to tax and provide for the general wel- 
fare of the United States in article I, section 8, clause 1 of the Consti- 
tution. This section specifically states: 

The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and 
Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Wel- 
fare of the United States * * * 

This power to tax has been interpreted broadly and the Supreme 
Court has held that the power of Congress to tax to provide for the 
common welfare is not limited by the other direct grants of legislative 
power found in the Constitution. 81 However, although the power of 
Congress was not found to be limited by other direct grants in United 
States v. Butler, the Supreme Court also indicated there that the power 
to tax for the general welfare was limited by the 10th amendment. The 
limitation of the 10th amendment on this power was narrowly inter- 
preted in Steward Machine Go. v. Davis, 301 U.S. 548 (1937). In Ste- 
ward, the Court upheld the Social Security Act and found that the 
relief of unemployment was a legitimate object of Federal expenditure 
under the general welfare provision. 

Federal grants-in-aid wmich are conditioned upon State compliance 
with certain regulations have also been found constitutional. In Okla- 
homa v. Civil Service Commission, 330 U.S. 127 (1947), the Supreme 
Court found that section 12(a) of the Hatch Act was constitutional 
and that it did not violate the 10th amendment by diminishing the 
amount of a Federal grant-in-aid for the construction of highways 
if the State failed to remove a member of the State highway com- 
mission from office. The highway commissioner had been found to 
have taken an active part in political campaigns while a member of the 
commission. In arriving at this holding, the Supreme Court stated : 

While the United States is not concerned and has no power to regulate local 
political activities as such of State officials, it does have power to fix the terms 

80 Numerous commentators have discussed the implications of National League of Cities. 
For examples see. L. Tribe. "Unravelling National League of Cities : The New Federalism 
and Affirmative Rights to Essential Government Services." 90 Harv. L. Rev. 1065 (1977) ; 
B. Matsumoto. "National League of Cities — From Footnote to Holding — Stnte Immunity 
from Commerce Clause Regulation." 1977 Ariz. St. L. J. 35 (1977) ; Note, "Constitutional 
Law — 10th Amendment as an Affirmative Limitation on Commerce Power, National League 
of Cities v. XJsery, 426 U.S. 833 (1976), 8 Toledo L. Rev. 796 (1977) ; Note, "The Re- 
emergence of State Sovereignty as a Limit on Congressional Power Under the Commerce 
Clause." 28 Case W. Reserve L. Rev. 166 (1977). 

81 United States v. Butler, 297 U.S. 1, 65-66 (1936). 


upon which its money allotments to the State shall be disbursed. The Tenth 
Amendment does not forbid the exercise of this power in the way that Congress 
has proceeded in this case * * * The end sought by Congress through the Hatch 
Act is better public service by requiring those who administer funds for national 
needs to abstain from active political partisanship. So even though the action 
taken by Congress does have effect upon certain activities within the State, it has 
never been thought that such effect made the Federal act invalid. * * * We do not 
see any violation of the State's sovereignty in the hearing or order. Oklahoma 
adopted the "simple expedient" of not yielding to what she urges is Federal 
coercion * * * The offer of benefits to a State by the United States dependent 
upon cooperation by the State with Federal plans, assumedly for the general 
welfare, is not unusual. [Citations omitted.] At 143-144. 

Given this precedent, it is likely that Congress would be able to con- 
dition grants for weather modification activities on the following of 
certain regulations without raising constitutional problems. 82 

"War potoers 

The U.S. Constitution article I, section 8, clause 1 provides in rele- 
vant part that "The Congress shall have the Power To * * * provide 
for the common defence * * *" In addition clause 11 provides that 
Congress shall have the power to declare war. These specific grants of 
power have been used by the Supreme Court to uphold certain con- 
gressional acts. 83 The Supreme Court has also found that there was an 
inherent power to make war. In United States v. Curtiss-W right Corp., 
299 U.S. 304 (1936) , the Supreme Court stated : 

• * * that the investment of the Federal Government with the powers of ex- 
ternal sovereignty did not depend upon the affirmative grants of the Constitution. 
The power to declare and wage war, to conclude peace, to make treaties, to main- 
tain diplomatic relations with other sovereignties, if they had never been men- 
tioned in the Constitution, would have vested in the Federal Government as neces- 
sary concomitants of nationality. At 318. 

It is likely that the war power could be used to find congressional 
power to regulate weather modification since weather modification has 
potential military use. Also, Congress has used the war power as a basis 
for the regulation of atomic energy and electricitv. For example, in 
Pauling v. McElroy, 164 F. Supp. 390 (D.D.C. 1958), aff'd 278 F. 2d 
252 (I960), cert, denied, 364 U.S. 835 (1960), the district court found 
that the Atomic Energy Act was constitutional and stated: "The Act 
is a valid exercise of the authority of Congress to promote and protect 
the national defense and safety under the constitutional war power." 
At 393. And in Ashwander v. Tennessee Y alley Authority, 297 U.S. 288 
(1935), the Supreme Court upheld the construction of Wilson Dam as 
a valid exercise "* * * by the Congress of its war and commerce 
powers, that is. for the purposes of national defense and the improve- 
ment of navigation.'' At 326. 

Property power 

Article TV. section 3, clause 2 of the Constitution provides that "The 
Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules 
and Regulations respectinir the Territory or other Property belonging 
to the United States * * *" This power has been interpreted broadly 
and State legislation has been held not to interfere with the power of 

t2 Pot n mnrp rlotnilorl discussion of the fiscal power see K. Dam, "The American Fiscal 

Constitution." 44 TJ. Chi. L. Rov. 271 H077). 

■ Sr«. Lichter v. United States, 334 U.S. 742 (1048). 


Congress under this clause. 84 One of the most recent pronouncements 
of the Supreme Court concerning the property power of Congress was 
in Kleppe v. New Mexico, 426 U.S. 529 (1976) . In Kleppe the Supreme 
Court held that the Wild Free-roaming Horses and Burros Act was 
a constitutional exercise of congressional power under the property 
clause. In arriving at this holding the Court stated : 

* * * the Clause, in broad terms, gives Congress the power to determine what 
are "needful" rules "respecting" the public lands * * * And while the furthest 
reaches of the power granted by the Property Clause have not yet been defini- 
tively resolved, we have repeatedly observed that "(t)he power over the public 
land thus entrusted to Congress is without limitations" * * * The decided cases 
have supported this expansive reading. It is the Property Clause, for instance, 
that provides the basis for governing the Territories of the United States. And 
even over public land within the States, "(t)lie general Government doubtless 
has a power over its own property analogous to the police power of the several 
States, and the extent to which it may go in the exercise of such power is meas- 
ured by the exigencies of the particular case." [Citations omitted.] At 539-540. 

The property clause could be used to regulate weather modification 
over public lands. As one commentator has stated : 

Superficially the power over property might not seem the most promising source 
of power to regulate weather modification. In the western states, though, such 
a high percentage of the land area is owned or controlled by the federal govern- 
ment that regulation of weather modification over or affecting them would, in 
many cases, effectively control weather modification in many of the areas where 
such activities are apt to be conducted. 85 

Treaty power 

Article II, section 2. clause 2 of the Constitution provides that the 
President "* * * shall have Power, by and with the consent of the Sen- 
ate, to make Treaties, * * * ?? Congress is often able to enact legislation 
supplementing treaties which it may not have the power to reach other- 
wise. As one commentator has stated : 

In a word, the treaty-power cannot purport to amend the Constitution by add- 
ing to the list of Congress' enumerated powers, but having acted, the consequence 
will often be that it has provided Congress with an opportunity to enact measures 
which independently of a treaty Congress could not pass ; the only question 
fcnat can be raised as to such measures will be whether they are "necessary and 
proper" measures for the carrying of the treaty in question into operation. 86 

It is possible, then, that if a treaty concerning weather modification 
were made, Congress could regulate weather modification activities by 
enacting legislation supplementing the treaty. 


The commerce clause as it has been interpreted by the Supreme 
Court would provide sufficient authority for Congress to enact legisla- 
tion regulating weather modification activities. Although the Supreme 
Court did place certain limitations on the commerce clause in National 
League of Cities, it is unlikely that this case would so limit the reach 
of the commerce power as to effect weather modification regulation. As 
one commentator has noted "* * * the potential of the case may be 

84 See Congressional Research Service. "The Constitution of the United States of 
America — Analysis and Interpretation" 848 (Washington 1973). See also Kleppe v. New 
Mexico, 426 U.S. 529. 546 (1976). 

85 R. Davis. "The Legal Implications of Atmospheric Water Resources Development and 
Management," 102 (Report to the Bureau of Reclamation, October 1968). 

88 Congressional Research Service. "The Constitution of the United States of America- 
Analysis and Interpretation" 848 (Washington 1973). 


quite restrained.'- 87 Authority for the regulation of weather modifica- 
tion might also be found in other powers of Congress including the 
fiscal power, war power, property power, and treaty power. However, 
the use of these powers may not provide as far-reaching authority as 
is given under the commerce clause. For example, under the property 
power, Congress would be limited to regulation of weather modifica- 
tion activities on public lands. Some commentators have also argued 
that the National League of Cities decision may serve to limit other 
congressional powers, such as the fiscal power, hi addition to limiting 
the commerce power. 66 It is unlikely that even if the National League 
of Cities holding were extended to other sources of congressional 
power that it would affect weather modification regulation. 


The major focus on the potential legal problems associated with 
weatlier modification activities in the United States has been on the 
domestic repercussions. However, there is increasing attention and 
interest in international involvement and implications.^ The National 
Weather xUodification Policy Act of 1976 lJ ° contains a congressional 
finding that: "Weather modification programs may have long-range 
and unexpected effects on existing climatic patterns which are not con- 
fined by national boundaries.*'" Iwo of the stated purposes of the act 
are: "(6) to develop both national and international mechanisms de- 
signed to mhiiniize conflicts which may arise with respect to peaceful 
uses of weather modification; and (7) to integrate the results of exist- 
ing experience and studies in weather modification activities into 
model codes and agreements for regulation of domestic and interna- 
tional weather modification activities." The Secretary of Commerce 
is directed to conduct a study which is to include, among other things, 
" (10) a review and analysis of the necessity and feasibility of negotiat- 
ing an international agreement concerning the peaceful uses of 
weather modification; and (11) formulation of one or more options 
for a model international agreement concerning the peaceful uses of 
weather modification activities ; and a review and analysis of the neces- 
sity and feasibility of negotiating such an agreement." Thus, because 
the atmospheric processes producing weather operate independently of 
national boundaries, weather modification is inherently an interna- 
tional problem. 91 

Any international concern about weather modification should in- 
clude attention to the international legal issues : 

Serious international questions have arisen in conjunction with the capability 
to modify the weather. For example, do countries have the right to take uni- 
lateral action in all weather modification activities? What liability might a 
country incur for its weather modification operations which destroy life and 
property in a foreign State? On what theory could aud should that State base its 

*Daniel Uill Zafren, Assistant Chief, American Law Division, Congressional Research 

87 Id. at S. 10 (Washington 1976). 

88 See note, "The Re-Einergence of State Sovereignty as a Limit on Congressional Power 
Under the Commerce Clause, ' 2S Case Western Reserve L. Rev, 106, 19S-199 U977). 

w See ch. 10. 

80 15 U.S.C. | 330 note. Public Law 94-490, 90 Stat. 2359. 

" Note. -Weather Modihcation : A Modest Proposal,' 4 Ga. J. of Infl & Comp. L. 159, 
104 (1974). 


claim? The international ramifications of weather modification are obvious, and 
in time may lead to potentially major international controversy. 92 

Actually, some of the international legal issues are similar to those 
in the domestic realm which pertain to interstate activities or dam- 
ages. Because of national sovereignty over airspace, nations are likely 
to assert rights of control over clouds and other weather phenomena in 
their national airspace. On the one hand, this involves the right to 
"use" the weather over their territory. On the other hand, it also raises 
a claim to "receive" weather due to arrive from another country. 93 

The domestic law concerning weather modification has been de- 
scribed herein as being "unsettled." International law governing this 
subject is barely in the formative stage. It is not even clear at this 
point whether there will be a separate particular body of international 
law on or pertaining to weather modification, or whether international 
rules and regulations governing weather modification will merely 
become part of a larger and more general growing area of interna- 
tional law, namely international environmental law. 

As an example of an international approach dealing directly with 
weather modification as a separate consideration, on March 26, 1975, 
the United States and Canada entered into an agreement relating to 
the exchange of information on weather modification activities 94 
which recognizes "the desirability of the development of international 
law relating to weather modification activities that have transbound- 
ary effects." This bilateral agreement, however, is limited to unilateral 
reporting and consultation. The right to act unilaterally is preserved, 
and article VII even states : 

Nothing herein relates to or shall be construed to affect the question of re- 
sponsibility or liability for weather modification activities, or to imply the exist- 
ence of any generally applicable rule of international law. 

As an example of an international approach which deals with 
weather modification in the broader concept of environment, on May 
18. 1977, the United States signed the Convention on the Prohibition 
of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification 
Techniques, 95 which will enter into force after ratified by 20 signatory 
nations, in which each State party "undertakes not to engage in mili- 
tary or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques 
having widespread, long-lasting, or severe effects as the means of de- 
struction, damage or injury to any other State party." 

The primary practical international legal problem is probably that 
of liability for transnational injury or damage. Such a situation could 
conceivably arise involving the United States either directly or in- 
directly in a number of general fact situations : 

1. Injury or damage in another nation caused by weather modi- 
fication^ activities executed within the United States; 

2. Injury or damage in another nation caused by weather modi- 
fication activities executed in that nation or a third nation by the 
United States or a citizen of the United States ; 

P2 Comment. "Wentbpr Gpnesis and Wpnther Neutralization : A New Approach to Weather 
Modification." 6 Olif. W. Tnt'l L.J. 412. 414 (1976). 

93 Taubenfeld. "Wentbpr Modification and Control: Some International Implications," 55 
Calif. L. Bev. 493. 497 n 967) . 

p < TTAS 90r>« OR TTST 540. 

P5 16 Int'l Materials S8 (1977). It has been submitted by the President to the Senate 
for approval. See Exec. K, 95th Cong., 2d sess. 


,3. Injury or damage in another nation caused by weather modi- 
fication activities executed in an area not subject to the jurisdic- 
tion of any nation (e.g., over the high seas), by the United States 
or a citizen thereof ; and 

4. Injury or damage to an alien or an alien's property within the 
United States caused by weather modification activities executed 
within the United States. 
Different and highly complex legal considerations might be present 
with any one (or combination) of such variable factors as: 

1. The purpose and motivation of the weather modification activity : 

(a) Was it performed for peaceful or hostile purposes? 

(b) Was it originated for some public interest or a private 
interest ? 

2. The authority and character of the weather modifier: 

(a) Is the weather modifier a Federal or State governmental 
agency, a private party under contract from the Federal or a 
State government, or a private party engaged in a private 
pursuit ? 

(b) Has the modifier complied with all necessary prerequisites 
surrounding that particular activity (e.g., license, notification, 
and environmental impact statement ) ? 

(c) Has the other nation consented to or requested the weather 
modification ? 

(d) Has the weather modifier acted pursuant to the authority 
granted and in a competent and acceptable manner ? 

3. The forum chosen for commencement of any legal action, and the 
defendant(s) chosen: 

(a) Does the plaintiff have standing to bring such a suit ? 

(b) Does the forum recognize a cause of action upon which the 
suit might be brought ? 

(e) Is proper jurisdiction obtained over the defendant (s) ? 

(d) If suit is brought against a governmental entity, is a de- 
fense of sovereign immunity available? 

(e) If suit is brought in a foreign nation and judgment ob- 
tained, can or would it be recognized and enforceable in the 
United States? 

(/) What are the conflicts of law decisions of the forum ? 

4. The type and extent of injury or damage sustained : 

(a) Can it be proven that the weather modification activity 
caused the injury or damage complained of ? 

(b) Is the injury or damage slight compared with any benefits 
resulting from the activity? 

(c) Can any of the injury or damage have been avoided or 
foreseen, by either party? 

(d) What legal analogies can be drawn ? 

This listing is not exhaustive, but it is readily apparent that legal 
considerations can vary drastically depending on the facts and circum- 
stances surrounding any particular incident and questions pertaining 
to legal liability therefor. Following is a brief description of some of 
the international law principles that might arise, both public and 
private, in any given situation. 



Besides the prohibition against the use of environmental modifica- 
tion techniques contained in the Convention on the Prohibition of Mili- 
tary or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Tech- 
niques as to the military or other hostile use of environmental modifi- 
cation techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects in 
another nation which is a party to that Convention, other sources of in- 
ternational law can be pointed to as declaring similar principles. For 
example, the International Committee of the Red Cross Protocol II 
after the Second Diplomatic Conference of the Reaffirmation and De- 
velopment of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed 
Conflicts, protects the natural environment from combat methods that 
cause widespread, long-term and severe damage. Article 28 states : "It 
is forbidden to employ methods or means of combat which are intended 
or may be expected to cause widespread, long-term and severe damage 
to the natural environment." 96 Extreme forms of weather modifica- 
tion, if used as a weapon, could arguably also be in contravention of the 
"laws of war" as being in contravention of the principles of military 
necessity, humanity, proportionality, and discrimination. 


On the issue of liability, a continuous flow of international decisions, 
conventions, and practices indicates acceptance of a standard of strict 
liability among states for damage caused by or deprivations resulting 
from manipulation of environmental variables. This standard has been 
developed by extension of three well-known cases : The Trail Smelter 
arbitration, in which an international tribunal found Canada liable for 
fumes emanating from a smelter located in British Columbia and do- 
ing damage in the State of Washington ; the Corfu, Channel case, in 
which the International Court of Justice held Albania responsible 
under international law for damage to British ships from mine explo- 
sions in Albanian territorial waters ; and the Lac Lannoux arbitration, 
where it was said that France would be strictly liable if, due to its hy- 
droelectric utilization of a French lake, damage resulted to waters 
draining into Spain. Strict liability among states has similarly found 
expression in several multilateral conventions. Such liability has usu- 
ally been enforced in the first instance by and against states, leaving 
to national legal systems its assertion directly against private parties. 97 

The Trail Smelter case contains the following often-quoted 
language : 

Under principles of international law, as well as of the law of the United States, 
no State has the right to use or permit the use of its territory in such a manner 
as to cause injury by fumes in or to the territory of another or the properties or 
persons therein, when the case is of serious consequence and the injury is estab- 
lished by clear and convincing evidence." 99 

98 Cantrell, "Civilian Protection in Internal Armed Conflicts : The Second Diplomatic 
Conference." 11 Texas Int'l L.J. 305. 308. 326-327 (1976). 

97 Note. "New Perspectives on International Environmental Law." 82 Yale L..T. 1059. 
1665-1666 (1073). The Trail Smelter case (United States v. Canada), 3 TT.N.R.I.A. A. 1038 
(1041). 35 Am. J. Int'l L. 684 (1041). The Corfu Channel case. T10401 I.C.J.4. The Lake 
Lannoux case. 12 U.N.R.I.A.A. 281 (1057), 52 Am. J. Int'l L. 156 (1050). 

9S It should be noted, however, that there is commentary to the effect that the implica- 
tions of this case are not as they seem to be. See. Nanda, "The Establishment of Interna- 
tional Standards for Transnational Injury," 60 Iowa L. Rev. 1080, 1007 (1075). 


Further diplomatic exchanges over incidents such as compensation 
paid by the United States for the Japanese fishermen subject to exces- 
sive radiation in the 1954 hydrogen bomb tests in the Marshall Island 
Trust Territories, the exchange of notes between Japan and the United 
States involving the 1958 U.S. Pacific nuclear tests, and the exchange 
of notes between Mexico and the United States involving pollution of 
Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, have been pointed to as effectively 
extending the doctrine of state responsibility set forth in the Trail 
Smelter case." One recent commentator describes this as an unformu- 
lated principle in international law that is called the "principle of 
neighborship." "It is clear, once we formulate it, that the principle does 
impose limitations on a state's right to adversely affect the territorial 
sovereignty of its neighbors by acts carried out in its own territory. 1 


"A state is responsible under international law for injury to an 
alien caused by conduct subject to its jurisdiction, that is attributable 
to the state and wrongful under international law." 2 If the conduct 
is not wrongful under international law, the alien would in most in- 
stances have the same remedies and recourse as those available to citi- 
zens of the United States, 3 and be subject to the same defenses. 4 


If the citizen of the foreign nation is injured in that nation by torti- 
ous conduct attributable to the United States or one of its citizens, the 
injured party would have the option of bringing a cause of action 
within that country if jurisdiction can be obtained and such a suit is 
permitted there, or by bringing suit within the United States in an ap- 
propriate forum. Private litigation between citizens of two different 
nations can produce a host of legal issues. For example, a conflicts of 
law problem would arise in that the tribunal called upon to determine 
the matter would have to choose which nation's laws (or political sub- 
division thereof ) would apply to the situation. 5 If the litigation in- 
volved a citizen of another nation and the United States, local law 

w Nanda, "The Establishment of International Standards for Transnational Injury," 60 
Iowa L. Rev. 10S9. 1098-1100 (1975). 

1 Elkind, "Footnote to the Nuclear Test Cases : Abuse of Right — A Blind Alley for En- 
vironmentalists," 9 Vand. J. Transnational L. 57 (1976). This same commentator criticizes 
the International Court of Justice for sidestepping the necessity of deciding whether nu- 
clear resting which causes fallout on neighboring territory is lawful in the 1975 nuclear 
test cases (Australia v. France, New Zealand v. France). 

2 Restatement (second) of the Law "Foreign Relations Law of the United States," sec. 
164<1 t (19.-1). 

»42 T\S.C. sec. 1981 (1970 ed.) grants all persons within the jurisdiction of the United 
States the right to sue. Treaties of friendship, commerce and navigation, usually also grant 
such a ripht. For example, see the Treatv of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation Between 
the United states and Japan (1953), 4 U.S.T. 2083. 

4 If a United States citizen would be foreclosed from pursuing a claim for damages be- 
cause of the defense of sovereign immunity, as an example, an alien would likewise be 
bn rred. 

« See, e.g., S. C. McCaffrey, "Pollution Suits Between Citizens of the Republic of Mexico 
ami the United States : A Study in Private International Law" (1976), at 34-35, 106. 


would probably be determinative. "Generally, international law gov- 
erns the relations of sovereign states. Therefore, private parties have 
no standing to espouse a claim in the international system. Usually, 
the only direct recourse for an injured private party against a foreign 
nation is through that nation's municipal law. If no satisfaction can be 
obtained in local courts, then only the nation of the injured party may 
demand redress by the foreign nation for any alleged violation of its 
duty under international law. r 6 

6 Comment, "State Responsibility to Espouse Claims of Nationals Based on Contracts 
With Foreign Nations," 2 N.C.J. Int'l & Comm. Reg. 38, 39 (1977). 



<By Warren Yiessman, Jr., Senior Specialist in Engineering- and Public Works, 
Congressional Research Service) 


Several weather modification processes have economic implications 
of great significance. Many sectors of agriculture, industry, and com- 
merce may reap benefits or sustain losses as a result of shifts from his- 
toric weather trends. The difficulty is that until the technology is more 
highly developed and control systems perfected to permit reliable pre- 
dictions of outcomes, attempts to quantify benefits and costs will, in 
many cases, be more academic than practical. 

The long-term potential for economic gains through weather modi- 
fication cannot be denied. For example, studies sponsored by the Bureau 
of Reclamation (11)73) of the potential increase in water supply from 
operational weather modification in the Upper Missouri River Basin 
indicate that seeding winter orographic storms in headwater areas 
could provide as much as 1.8 million acre-feet of new water annually. 1 
In the Yellowstone subbasin, the estimated potential is 536,000 acre- 
feet per year. Table 1 summarizes results of the study. These estimates 
are based on an assumed October-through- April cloud-seeding period. 
If seeding were extended through May and early June, a further incre- 
ment of 20 to 25 percent could become available provided that May- 
June precipitation is increased in proportion to October- April pre- 
cipitation. The cost of providing this new water is estimated to be $2.50 
per acre-foot. 2 

1 U.S. Department of Interior. Water for Management Team, "Report on Water for Energy 
in the Northern Great Plains Area with Emphasis on the Yellowstone River Basin," Wash- 
ington. D.C., January 197o. 

2 Ibid. 




Weather modification 

Average — 
















Upper Missouri tributaries: 

Milk River at Milk River, Alberta 

1 036 




Marias River near Shelby 

3 242 




Teton River near Dalton 

1 308 




Sun River near Vaughn 





3, 663 

9, 973 





Yellowstone River at Billings 





Wind River at Boysen Reservoir 

7, 701 




Greybull River at Meeteetse 













Total, Upper Missouri (above Sioux City, Iowa) 1, 837 

Source of data: "Twelve Basin Investigation," prepared for USBR by North American Weather Consultants, vol. I, 
Dec. 31, 1973. 

The nature of direct benefits from increased precipitation is 
obvious, but many indirect benefits and costs are more elusive and sug- 
gest that further study of the sociological, legal, and environmental im- 
plications of weather modification is needed and should be accelerated. 

Economic Setting 

To place the economic aspects of weather modification in better per- 
spective, a review of the operational status of the principal modification 
processes will be useful : 3 

1. Dispersion of cold fog and seeding of winter orographic storms al- 
ready have limited operational capability. 

2. Dispersal of warm fog, modification of precipitation from con- 
vective systems, and hail suppression are on the threshold of opera- 
tional capability. 

3. [Modification of major storm systems to minimize damage from 
wind and flooding, lightning suppression, and modification of torna- 
does are currently hopes for the future. 

Considering the state of the art as summarized above, it is not difficult 
to realize the tenuity of conclusive economic analyses. 

Constraints on reliable quantification of benefits and costs associated 
with weather modification practices are related not only to the present 
uncertainty of technology but also to the complex nature of legal and 
economic aspects of externality problems. 4 ' 5 For example, decisions re-j 
garding the development of facilities to enhance agricultural produc- 
tion through more efficient use of water on one's own land are essen- 
tially independent of imposing costs on others or on bestowing benefits 

8 Crutchfield. James A.. "Weather Modification : The Economic Potential." draft of papej 
prepared for Weather Modification Advisory Board, U.S. Department of Commerce, Dnfj 
verslty of Washington. Seattle. Wash., May 1977. 

* Lackner, T. ().. et al„ "Precipitation Modification," National Technical Information 
Service, PB 201534, Springfield, Va., July 1071. pp. vill-l to VIII-14. 

* Fleagle, R. O., "Weather Modification — Science and Public Policy," University of Wash- 
ington Press, Seattle, Wash., 1978, pp. 31-40. 


on others for which there is no return. Counter to this is the situation 
wherein weather modification is employed as the vehicle for such im- 
provement. In this case, increased precipitation could benefit farmers 
not sharing in payment for the program but impose hardships and 
costs on others. For example, more rainy days would be detrimental to 
operators of outdoor recreational facilities. Considering this, it is ap- 
parent that collective action will be required for effective weather 
modification. Unfortunately, development of the appropriate institu- 
tions and laws, and clarification of legal liability issues, will likely be 
a slow process, requiring an unusual degree of cooperation and public- 
spirited effort. 

Finally, it should be recognized that weather modification benefits 
are bounded by the cost of achieving the same objectives with the "next 
best" alternative. 6 For example, crop yields could be increased through 
the importation of water to deficient areas, modified use of agricultural 
chemicals, or use of improved plant varieties. 

The following sections present a summary of the economic aspects 
of weather modification procedures, a review of methodology for eco- 
nomic analyses, and a discussion of case studies of the benefits and 
costs of several operational programs. 

Economic Aspects of Weather Modification Procedures 
fog dispersal 

The impact of adverse weather conditions on transportation systems 
is well known. Of particular significance is fog. About 97 percent of all 
scheduled airline nights are completed each year, but of the remain- 
ing 3 percent about one-half are canceled because of fog. The percent- 
age is small, but as noted by Beckwith 7 the cost is very large. He points 
out that during 1964, more than 800 million airline-miles were flown 
in the United States and that gross revenues generated during that 
period totaled $4.25 billion. 

At present, seeding of cold fog at temperatures below freezing is an 
operational technology. This procedure is used at numerous civilian 
and military airports, and shows net benefits of magnitude significant 
enough to permit its undertaking by private firms and local govern- 
ments. According to the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmos- 
pheric Sciences, cold fog dissipation programs at several airports have 
shown benefit-cost ratios of more than 5 to 1 savings in delayed or 
diverted traffic. 8 

Unfortunately, cold fogs constitute only about 5 percent of the eco- 
nomically disruptive fogs which occur in the United States. The Air- 
line Transport Association estimates that elimination of delays due to 
warm fogs would result in annual savings of $75 million at 1971 prices. 

8 Crutchfield. James A., ''Weather Modification : The Economic Potential." draft of paper 
prepared for Weather Modification Advisory Board, U.S. Department of Commerce, Uni- 
versity of Washington, Seattle. Wash.. May 1977. 

7 Beckwith. W. B.. 1966* "Impacts of Weather on the Airline Industry : the Value of Fos: 
Dispersal Programs," in : Sewell, W. R. D., ed., 1966. "Human Dimensions of Weather 
Modification" University of Chicago, Department of Geographv, research paper No. 105, 
pp. 195-207. • 

s Federal Council for Science and Technologv. "A National Program for Accelerating 
Progress in Weather Modification," ICAS Rept. No. 15a, Executive Office of the President, 
June 1971. 

34-857—79 33 


In addition, about $300 million in losses are incurred by fog-associated 
vehicle accidents on the Nation's highways. Little more needs to be said 
to indicate the payoff which could result from further advances in 
warm fog dispersal programs. Fortunately, although reliable opera- 
tional technology for warm fog dissipation does not yet exist, it ap- 
pears that the technical problems are manageable and that successful 
procedures are not too far from development. 


The economic potential of precipitation augmentation through seed- 
ing operations is great. In areas of or during periods of marginal pre- 
cipitation, increases of only a few percent might mean the difference 
between a plentiful crop and complete failure. 

Orographic cloud seeding 

The Interdepartmental Committee on Atmospheric Sciences has re- 
ported that irrigation benefits of $50 per acre-foot per year can be gen- 
erated by snowpack augmentation in the Colorado River Basin. 9 On 
the basis of a 15-percent increase in snowpack due to seeding, it is esti- 
mated that about 2 million additional acre-feet of water per year could 
be generated at a cost of about $1.50 per acre-foot. Other economic 
benefits such as increased hydroelectric power and salinity control 
would also result. 

By 1977, the scientific community generally supported the thesis 
that operational capability for seeding winter orographic clouds to 
produce increased precipitation on the order of 10 to 20 percent had 
been achieved. Arguments now relate mostly to unknowns regarding 
individual seeding performances and the separation of seeding effects 
from natural occurrences. 

The economic gains from seeding orographic clouds can be signifi- 
cant, especially when facilities already exist for storing and distribut- 
ing the increased flows which result. Studies in California and Colorado 
suggest that benefits from snowpack augmentation exceed costs. Re- 
garding the Colorado experience, Weisbecker said. 10 "On this basis, 
it appears that the benefits of an operational program could exceed the 
sum of the direct costs and the indirect costs to the areas of origin in 
the upper basin." 

Connective cloud seeding 

From a national viewpoint, the potential for economic gains through 
the ability to increase precipitation from convective cloud systems i.s of 
far greater consequence than that from orographic storms. Un for- 
tunately, operative capability in this area has not yet been achieved. 
A ( cording to Crutchfield : 11 

Operational procedures for using these very large potential atmospheric re- 
sources still await the development of more complete scientific understanding and 

8 Ibid. 

10 Weisbecker. Leo W., "Technology Assessment of Winter Orographic Snowpack Aug- 
mentation in the Upper Colorado River Basin." summary report, Stanford Research Insti- 
tute. Menlo Park, Calif., May 1972. pp. 13-19. 

u Crutchfield. James A., "Weather Modification : Tbe Economic Potential." draft of 
paper prepared for Weather Modification Advisory Board, U.S. Department of Commerce, 
University of Washington, Seattle. Wash.. May 1977. 


the capacity to model convective systems in ways that will indicate appropriate 
points of attack for enhancement or inhibition of precipitation. 

The possibility must not be ruled out that subsequent research may suggest 
that convective clouds are simply not amenable to controlled modification ; a con- 
clusion which would be discouraging but still economically useful in itself. More 
hopeful, and more likely, is the prospect of developing enough predictive capabil- 
ity to generate rules of thumb about effectiveness of seeding operations. Then, 
and only then, will farmers change their techniques to take full economic ad- 
vantage of the additional water. 

What makes the potential gains from convective system seeding so 
attractive is the fact that these storms are widely distributed geo- 
graphically and they influence grain producing areas of national and 
international significance. Crutchfield notes that if precipitation were 
increased in the semiarid high-plains States by 2 or 3 percent, the costs 
of operating a precipitation augmentation program would be easily 
covered. 12 

Since limited experience upon which meaningful economic Analyses 
of benefits from modification of convective storm systems exists, only 
crude estimates are available. Nevertheless, it appears that if opera- 
tional programs were in effect in North America, Europe, Australia 
and the U.S.S.R., wheat production in these areas might be increased 
by as much as 5 percent. 13 This is very significant since wheat produc- 
tion increases in the range of 3 to 8 percent would meet normal import 
requirements of a large part of the nonwheat producing regions of the 
world. 14 The foregoing projections are based on an increase in pre- 
cipitation on the order of 10 percent, but this might be overly optimis- 
tic since most atmospheric scientists believe increases of 3 to 5 percent 
would be a major breakthrough. 

Of considerable interest is the production of additional water during 
periods of drought. This would have significant economic payoff. The 
problem, however, is that weather modification depends on the avail- 
ability of moisture in the atmosphere and is therefore more likely to 
increase jDrecipitation during periods that would normally be wet. The 
atmospheric conditions associated with prolonged droughts are any- 
thing but conducive to outstanding successes for weather modification 
programs. A corollary is that the instability of agricultural output due 
to weather variations might be increased through weather modification 
practices and this should be recognized. 

Precipitation augmentation and energy considerations 

Additional water supplies developed through precipitation augmen- 
tation will have little direct impact on most energy issues although 
small increments of hydroelectric power will result. The most signifi- 
cant area of energy-water interaction, in which augmented water sup- 
plies could play an important role, is related to coal and oil shale 
development in the northern Great Plains and Western United States. 
In these semiarid regions, the incremental development of water could 
be of an order of magnitude significant enough to resolve conflicts 
between major water uses — namely energy resource development and 

12 Crutchfield. James A., "Weather Modification : The Economic Potential," draft of paper 
prepared for Weather Modification Advisory Board, U.S. Department of Commerce, Uni- 
versity of Washington, Seattle, Wash., May 1977. 

" Ihid. 

« Ibid. 


irrigated agriculture. Comments on the Missouri Kiver Basin given in 
the introduction address this issue. 


The economic importance of hail suppression ranks second only to 
precipitation augmentation in terms of significance to agricultural 
production. Average annual losses from hail total about $500 million 
in the United States. Most of the damage occurs in the Great Plains 
and in Midwestern and Southwestern States. 

While rapid progress in hail suppression technology has been made 
in recent years, a National Hail Research Experiment, funded by NSF 
and conducted by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, could 
not find conclusive evidence that reduction in hail damage was actually 
achieved in target areas. 15 On the other hand, the Interdepartmental 
Committee for Atmospheric Sciences reported in 1971 that in one area 
of the North Caucasus of the Soviet Union, hail suppression had been 
operational for more than 5 years. 16 It noted that the value of crops 
saved exceeded the costs of the program by a factor of 10 or more. 

The National Center for Atmospheric Research indicates a break- 
even point of about 10 percent effectiveness in the Great Plains. In the 
East, a higher percentage reduction of hail would be necessary for 
cost-effectiveness since hail damages are less. Crutchfield states that at 
a 25-percent reduction level (about the best to be expected), wheat 
yields in the United States might be increased by 1 percent 17 but this 
might be low since research indicates that hail-suppression techniques 
also tend to increase total precipitation. 


More distant in terms of operational capability (in some cases this 
may never be achieved) are procedures for suppressing lightning and 
modifying damages from major storms. 

Although average annual losses of $100 million from lightning- 
caused fires appear to make the economics of lightning suppression 
attractive, there is a growing opinion within the U.S. Forest Service 
and among professional foresters that naturally occurring forest fires 
are not as detrimental to long-term net forest yields as had been previ- 
ously thought. 18 In any event, the technology of lightning suppres- 
sion is not yet at operational readiness and the economic implications 
are clouded. 

Loss of hundreds of lives and damages totaling billions of dollars 
are incurred annually as a result of major storms. 19 This makes the 
prospect of modifying such systems very attractive. At present, how- 
ever, the knowledge of storm processes and mechanics of alteration 

15 Crutchfield, James A., "Weather Modification : The Economic Potential," draft of paper 
prepared for Weather Modification Advisory Board, U.S. Department of Commerce, Univer- 
sity of Washington, Seattle, Wash.. May 1977; 

18 Federal Council for Science and Technology, "A National Program for Accelerating 
Progress in Weather Modification," ICAS Kept. No. 15a, Executive Office of the President, 
June 1971. 

17 Crutchfield, James A., "Weather Modification : The Economic Potential," draft of paper 
prepared for Weather Modification Advisory Board, U.S. Department of Commerce, Univer- 
sity of Washington, Seattle. Wash., May 1977. 

18 Crutchfield, James A.. "Weather Modification : The Economic Potential." draft of paper 
prepared Cor Weather Modification Advisory Board, U.S. Department of Commerce, Univer- 
sity of Washington, Seattle, Wash., May 1977. 

19 Ibid. 


are not adequately understood and, as a result, meaningful assessment 
of potential economic benefits is not possible. The concept that the 
major portion of current damages might be eliminated if successful 
modification of storm characteristics (such as wind velocities) could 
be achieved is misleading. Until the side effects of changing large 
storm systems such as hurricanes are known, the benefits to be 
achieved will elude identification. Modification of wind velocities, for 
example, might cause increases in damaging rainfall or shifts in re- 
gional distribution of precipitation. 

The dangers inherent in tampering with major storm systems, on 
the basis of incomplete understanding of such S} r stems, are pointed out 
in the following statement by Crutchfield : 20 

The first tentative experiments in hurricane seeding — limited to four storms — 
only nibbled at the edges of the scientific problems involved, though the results 
were certainly interesting enough to suggest an expanded effort. But an attempt 
to transfer the program to the Pacific Ocean where larger numbers of storms 
more remote from populated areas could be used for experimental purposes 
brought such vigorous objections from Japan and China that the program was 
halted. One can only contemplate with awe the wrangling that would develop 
if demonstrably workable procedures to reduce peak velocities in storms affect- 
ing the continental United States were alleged — correctly or incorrectly — to 
have influenced the quantity of precipitation received by States in the normal 
storm path. There is some evidence (not unchallenged, however) that agricul- 
tural, municipal, and industrial activities have benefited substantially from the 
increase in water supplies generated by damaging storms. 

In summary, modification of Atlantic or Caribbean hurricanes inevitably in- 
volves a mixture of benfits and costs so complex as to defy even the grossest kind 
of guess as to potential economic gains at this time. Given the inevitable lack 
of precision in dentifying causal relationships running from the modification 
procedures to perceived winds, waves, and precipitation, public confusion is 
pkely to take the form of vigorous defensive action by those who feel them- 
selves threatened. 

Analytic Methods for Economic Analysis 

In 1965, at a symposium on the economic and social aspects of 
weather modification held at the National Center for Atmospheric 
fosearcli, the question of identifying and measuring the economic 
aspects of weather change was considered. An ideal weather pattern 
model was proposed by Ackerman. 21 His concept was that the model 
could be used to determine what weather elements mean to the sys- 
tem of economic production and consumption in any given geograph- 
ical area and to determine an ideal weather pattern within a given 

Although the quantification of such a model will require consider- 
able research, the idea of being able to trace the impact of a given 
weather shift throughout the economic system has merit. 

A number of standard analytic tools are available for use in eco- 
nomic analyses of weather changes. They include : input-output mod- 
els, benefit-cost analysis, simulation, regression analysis, and linear 
programing. All of these approaches have potential, but they all share 
the problem of lack of basic data and understanding for quantification 
of coefficients and parameters fundamental to their successful use. The 

20 Ibid. 

21 Ackerman. E. A.. 1966. "Economic Analysis of Weather : An Ideal Weather Pattern 
Model." in Sewell, W.R.D., ed., 1966. "Human Dimensions of Weather Modification," Uni- 
versity of Chicago, Department of Geography, research paper No. 105, pp. 61-75. 


design of an input-output model has been described by Langford, 22 
and Gutmanis and Goldner 23 give a good discussion of problems as- 
sociated with the application of benefit-cost analysis to weather modi- 
fication issues. 

It would appear that economists concerned with weather modifica- 
tion programs are inclined to support the use of benefit-cost analysis 
as a promising technique for determining comparative social costs and 
benefits of such programs. A difficulty relates to the extensive geo- 
graphic scope of weather modification programs compared to those 
ordinarily assessed by benefit-cost analyses. In addition, there is little 
data upon which to evaluate the economic consequences of large-scale 
weather modification activities. For limited-scope weather modifi- 
cation projects such as fog dispersal at airports and cloud seeding to 
artificially induce rain in a small region, Maunder suggests that many 
of the problems associated with benefit-cost analysis could be over- 
come and the procedure readily adopted. 24 Based on an evaluation of 
a study by Gutmanis and Goldner, Maunder summarized the principle 
limitations on use of benefit-cost analysis for expansive weather mod- 
ification programs as follows : 

(1) The extensive geographic and functional scope of such 
programs ; 

(2) The difficulties in obtaining the necessary qualitative and 
quantitative data; 

(3) The difficulty resulting from the availability of several 
possible technological approaches which may be employed in 
varying degrees either singly or in combination ; and 

(4) The difficulty in integrating and supporting benefit-cost 
analysis with welfare economic theory. 

Case Studies of the Economics of Weather Modification 
hungry horse area, montana 

Cloud seeding above the Hungry Horse area was conducted in 1951, 
and again during the winters of 1954 through 1958, but these early ef- 
forts did not provide an adequate data base for an economic assess- 
ment. Then, in 1967, based on the results of a 1966-67 winter seeding 
program, North American Weather Consultants estimated that run- 
off in the region would be increased by 5 percent. 25 On tliis basis, it 
was determined that an increase in energy production at all down- 
stream power installations would total about 200,000,000 kWh per year, 
with added power benefits of about $500,000 per year. Initial seeding 
costs were estimated to be $300,000, with continuing costs of $75,000 
to $100,000 per year. 

-- Langford, T. W., 1968, "A Proposed Model for the Evaluation of Economic Aspects of 
Weather Modification Programs for a System of Regions." in Sewell, W.K.D., et al., 1968, 
"Human Dimensions of the Atmosphere." National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., 
pp. 113-120. 

M Gutmanis, I. and Goldner. L., 1966. "Evaluation of Benefit-Cost Analysis as Applied 
to Weather and Climate Modification. ' In Sewell, W.K.I)., ed., 1 *»<;♦;. "Human Dimensions 
of Weather Modification." University of Chicago, Department of Geography, research paper 
No. 105, pp. 111-12.-). 

; -" Maunder, W. J. f "The Value of the Weather," Methuen & Co., Ltd., London, England, 

* North American Weather Consultants. "Performance of an Atmospheric Water Re- 
sources Research Program in the Hungrv Horse Area. Montana," 1966—67, report No. 15-9, 
North American Weather Consultants, Goleta, Calif., 1!m;7. 



In a 1969 study, the Travelers Research Corp. estimated that run- 
off from the entire Connecticut River basin might be increased by 
about 2 million acre-feet (15 percent) per year through a weather 
modification program. 26 It was calculated that this increment of water 
would cost $2.30 per acre-foot, or $4,600,000 annually. The report also 
stated that net benefits of $1,400,000 from municipal water supply, 
and $2,600,000 from supply of cooling water for thermal electric gen- 
erating stations and increased flow for hydroelectric power generation 
might be realized by the 1980's. Other benefits which were not evalu- 
ated include pollution abatement, agriculture, groundwater recharge, 
flood control, and recreation. These are not all mutually compatible, 
however. Travelers estimated that an average water supply increase 
of only about 3 percent would permit the weather modification program 
to pay for itself in approximately 15 years. 

The Travelers study was based on the assumption that precipitation 
from storms occurring during all seasons of the year would be in- 
creased by 15 percent. Their benefit-cost analysis was based on average 
conditions and did not account for variances in benefit-cost relation- 
ships which would occur during wet or dry years. 


In a 1972 study of the impact of weather modification practices 
on corn and soybean yields in Illinois, Huff and Changnon concluded 
that in most regions of that State corn and soybean crops could be 
benefited economically through a cloud-seeding program, provided 
that precipitation increases of at least 10 percent were achieved. 27 It 
was also stated that rainfall outputs from seeding operations would 
have to be accurately defined or "more damage than benefit could 

The study showed that a good deal of variability could be expected 
from year to year and that differential effects could be expected 
in a significant percentage of years, that is, one crop might be helped 
and another harmed. 

These studies were based on the use of several seeding models for a 
sampling period of 38 years and thus represent anticipated results 
rather than findings based on observation. 


A 1973 study by a special team at the Agricultural Experiment 
Station of South Dakota State University 28 showed that increased 
precipitation could have considerable direct and indirect effects on 
the economy of a region by increasing crop yields. As yields increased, 
total revenue rose rapidly, with costs remaining about the same. A 

2« Travelers Research Corporation, "Water From the Skv," Hartford. Conn.. 1069. 

v Huff, F. A. and Changnon. S. A., Jr., "Evaluation of Potential Effects of Weather Modi- 
fication on Agriculture in Illinois," Journal of Applied Meteorology, pp. 377 to 3S4. Vol. 
11. No. 2. March 1972. 

as Agricultural experiment station special study team, "Effects of Additional Precipita- 
tion on Agricultural Production, the Environment, the Economy and Human Society in 
bouth Dakota," South Dakota State TJnivprsitv, Brookings, S. Dak., June 1973, pp. 113-12S. 


conservative multiplier of 3.6 was used to estimate the indirect impact. 

For the nine-county Southeastern crop reporting district, historical 
vields produced an annual total revenue of $211,200,000, total costs 
of $145,700,000 and total profits of $65,450,000. These base data were 
compared with the results of nine additional combinations of yields 
and prices. Yields used were minimum, average and maximum ex- 
pected increases and prices ranged from the historical average to 5-, 
10- or 15-cent-per-bushel decreases for all marketable grains. 

For the alternatives considered, total revenues ranged from 
$2 13,100,000 to $234,200,000 and total costs were found to vary slightly 
from the historic base value, with the highest total cost up only 
$800,000. Total profits ranged up to $87,700,000 for the run using max- 
imum expected yield increase and historical average prices. In this 
case, profits increased 34 percent over the base. The lowest profit in- 
crease, 3.1 percent, occurred for the combination of the lowest expected 
yield increase and a 5-cent-per-bushel decrease in the price of market- 
able grain (10- and 15-cent decreases per bushel in grain prices were 
not run with the lowest expected yield increase) . 

Indirect benefits were computed using a multiplier of 3.6 and were 
found to be positively related to direct effects. This means that for each 
SI added directly to the economy of the area, a $3.60 final effect on the 
area's economy results. A manufacturing segment was not included in 
the analysis and the study team noted that actual indirect benefits 
might be somewhat higher as a result of this exclusion. 

The direct costs of weather modification were found to be approxi- 
mately 3.2 cents per acre and it was concluded that the direct costs 
associated with additional precipitation would be much less than the 
benefits which could be expected. 


The most extensive economic analyses of weather modification prac- 
tices have been of winter orographic snowpack augmentation 
( WOSA) in the Colorado River Basin. Experimental results of cloud- 
seeding operations in southwestern Colorado suggest that runoff in 
the basin can be increased by about 20 to 25 percent. 29 ' 30 This would 
result in an average annual increase of about 2.3 million acre-feet 
( maf ) . An operational program to yield this flow would incur a direct 
cost of about $5.4 million per year. 31 

In an intensive study of snow enhancement in Colorado by the Stan- 
ford Research Institute, Weisbecker specified two categories of eco- 
nomic impacts. These are : 

(1) Effects on the cloud-seeding target areas and those downwind 
areas that might inadvertently be subjected to additional precipita- 
tion; and (2) possible uses of the augmented water supply, whether in 
the upper or lower basins, or outside the Colorado River Basin. 

a Hurley, Patrick A., "Augmenting Colorado River by Weather Modification." Journal of 
the Irrigation and Drainage Division, ASCE, vol. 94, No. IR4, Proc. Paper 6271, December 

1968. pp. 303-380. 

"WRudell. R. K.. Stockwell. H. T., and Walsh. R. G., "Weather Modification: An Economic 
Alternative for Augmenting Water Supplies," Water Resources Bulletin, vol. 9, No. 1, Feb- 
v 1977. pp. 11;5-128. 

Weisbecker, Leo W.. "Technology Assessment of Winter Orographic Snowpack Augmen- 
tation in the Upper Colorado River Basin," summary report, Stanford Research Institute, 
Menlo Park, Calif., May 1972, pp. 13-19. 


Regarding economic impacts in target areas, the Stanford study 

The known effects on the target areas are almost uniformly adverse, with the 
exception of the possible advantages that extra snowfall, particularly at the 
beginning of the season, might bring to operators of ski resorts and their patrons. 
Although the impact on the upland grazing industry appears to be negligible, 
increased costs of mining operations and timber cutting (and possible suspension 
of activities) ; interference with road, rail, and air transport; and shortening 
of the tourist season would all have repercussions of an unfavorable sort on the 
economies of a number of small towns, particularly in western Colorado. 

Weisbecker commented that measurement of the extent of these 
effects was not possible on the basis of published information and that 
extensive field work would be required to adequately assess local eco- 
nomic injury. A rough annual estimate of these costs was given as $2 
million in the basin and $1 million out of the basin, which is about 
equivalent to $1 per acre-foot of water produced. Adding these costs to 
direct costs of cloud seeding and costs of avalanche control, flood fore- 
casting, and environmental monitoring programs, produced an esti- 
mate of the cost of water produced of less than $3 per acre-foot. Weis- 
becker noted, "This is still a very inexpensive way of providing extra 
water in the Colorado River Basin." 

It was also found that, although there might be significant costs on a 
local or regional basis, the small-scale of the economies and the few 
people affected adversely would assure that the national economic 
effects would be negligible. 

The report concluded that : 

If only existing facilities are used to store and distribute water and generate 
power, benefits of at least $7.8 million annually could be generated in-basin and 
S5 million annually by out-of-basin spillover runoff. Of the $12.8 million total 
annual benefits, $6.2 million is accounted for by electric power generation. This 
use of WOSA provides the least equivocal form of benefits for an operational 
program. On this basis, it appears that the benefits of an operational program 
could exceed the sum of the direct costs and indirect costs to the areas of origin 
in the upper basin. 

It was also noted that, "WOSA is an inexpensive method of aug- 
menting the water supply in the Colorado River Basin." Annual oper- 
ating costs for the WOSA system were estimated at about $5.4 mil- 
lion, giving an average cost of $2.37 per acre-foot for in-basin runoff 
alone and $1.58 per acre-foot overall. 

In another study of the economic aspects of WOSA. Rudell et al. 
found that "weather modification is an economically feasible means 
to provide additional water for the Colorado River Basin." 32 The 
principal findings of their study are given below : 

1. The benefit-cost ratio varies with place of water use. It was esti- 
mated to be 13.1 to 1 for Arizona, 16.3 to 1 for New Mexico, and 21.3 
to 1 for California. 

2. Compared with other recognized means of augmenting water 
supplies, weather modification appears to be one of the least-cost alter- 
natives. Direct costs of $0.91 to $1.15 per acre-foot of water produced 
were reported. Indirect costs of additional snow removal and loss of 
personal income due to mine closings were estimated to add $0.15 to 

32 Rudell. R. K.. Stockwell. H. T., and Walsh. R. G.. "Weather Modification : An Economic 
Alternative for Augmenting Water Supplies," Water Resources Bulletin, vol. 9, No. 1, Feb- 
ruary 1977, pp. 115-128. 


$0.19 per acre-foot. Extra market costs due to traffic delays caused 
by additional snow were calculated to increase costs by about $0.15. 

3. Only about 12.4 percent of weather modification costs is for capi- 
tal construction, making the program easily reversible with little loss 
of sunk costs. 

4. Variable costs of operation are about $975 per day. Thus small 
increases in daily precipitation would cover the direct costs of 

5. Water by weather modification is worth $2 per acre-foot for 
power production and $14.50 to $26.50 per acre-foot for irrigation of 
forage crops. If the additional water is used for higher valued crop 
production, or for domestic and/or industrial purposes, its value is 
even greater. 

6. Extra market values associated with weather modification could 
include travel delays, grazing and timber rescheduling, and changes 
in plant and animal communities. While such factors have little effect 
on the total costs of weather modification, they may be very important 
to those directly affected and could influence decisions to initiate 
weather modification projects. 


The state of the art of operational weather modification programs 
is such that meaningful economic evaluation of such activities is lim- 
ited to special, localized cases. As stated by Crutchfield. 33 there is a 
need for substantially greater knowledge of: "(1) the processes that 
we seek to alter; (2) the methods through which that alteration can 
be achieved ; and (3) the extent to which the resulting effects can be 
anticipated in time, space and degree." 

Nevertheless, the economic potentialities are very attractive. Oper- 
ating costs of cloud seeding are very small, ranging from 5 to 20 cents 
per acre of target area, and the needed capital equipment is relatively 
inexpensive. The few economic studies which are available suggest 
possible benefit-cost ratios ranging upward to 20 to l. 34 

33 Crutchfield. James A., "Weather Modification : The Economic Potential." draft of pap?r 
prepared for Weather Modification Advisory Board, U.S. Department of Commerce, Univer- 
sity of Washington, Seattle. Wash., May 1977. 

^Fleagle, R. G., Crutchfield, J. A., Johnson, R. W., and Abdo, M. F., "Weather Modifica- 
tion in the Public Interest," University of Washington Press, Seattle, Wash., 1973, pp. 



(By William C. Jolly. Analyst, Environment and Natural Resources Policy 
Division, Congressional Research Service) 


modification of weather and climate 

"Weather and climate are major factors in human activity. Even 
when human communities have adapted themselves reasonably well 
to the climate of a region, temporary deviations from the normal — 
severe storms, droughts, unseasonable frosts — periodically cause acute 
monetary loss and personal suffering. Weather modification is thus 
an age-old dream. Research on atmospheric processes has apparently 
brought man to the threshold of realizing that dream, at least in 
part." 1 

Written nearly a decade ago, those words still succinctly capture 
the "why" and the status of planned weather modification efforts. It 
is axiomatic that weather modification actions which impact human 
communities also impact natural communities in the ecosystems of 
which both are but components. This chapter seeks to briefly address 
the ecological implications of planned and inadvertent weather modi- 
fication in target and nontarget areas, and to review with respect to 
those implications the level of understanding which several investi- 
gations in the last decade have sought to advance. 

It is the function of this chapter to summarize the current state 
of knowledge about ecological effects of weather modification and to 
do so for a general, not a specialist, audience. Accordingly, the chap- 
ter represents the author's distillation of salient findings of others 
rather than any original contribution of either ideas or research. 


At the risk of merely restating what by now may have become com- 
monly known, if not obvious, it can be said that ecology is generally 
defined as the study of the relationship between living organisms and 
their environments (including both living and nonliving components 
thereof). That is, ecology deals both with organisms in their environ- 
ment and with the processes of movement of energy and matter which 
link organisms and place. Ecological systems — the subject matter of 
ecology and the structure and function of which the ecologist seeks 

1 Charles F. Cooper and William C. Jolly. Ecological effects of weather modification : a 
problem analysis, Ann Arbor : University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources, 1969, 
p. 1. 



to study and understand — are definable complexes of related biotic 
assemblages of animals, plants, and microbes together with their par- 
ticular abiotic, chemico-physical environments. As Kormondy lias 

Ecosystems are real — like a pond, or a field, a forest, an ocean, or even an 
aquarium ; they are also an abstract in the sense of being conceptual schemes 
developed from a knowledge of real systems. In spite of the great diversity in 
types of actual ecosystems — from small to large, terrestrial to fresh water to 
marine, field to laboratory — and in spite of the unique combinations of par- 
ticular abiotic and biotic components in any particular one, they have in com- 
mon certain general structural and functional attributes that are recognizable, 
analyzable, and predictable. 2 

In seeking to understand what changes in plant and animal com- 
munities may result from any given modification in weather which 
man might effect deliberately, it is to the young evolving science of 
ecology and to ecologists that decisionmakers turn for best judgments 
in interpreting the relationships which may be affected and, in some 
cases, actually predicting the nature and magnitude of ecological 
effects which can be expected. 

It must be borne in mind that ecological systems require a knowledge 
of both past and present in order to predict the future. Also, ecology 
is not independent of time and place, so broad generalizations are not 
easily nor accurately made. Thus, while descriptive ecology is well- 
developed, truly predictive ecology is but in its infancy. 


If 1946 can be taken as the benchmark year for "modern" weather 
modification technology (when GE scientists Langmuir and Schaefer 
successfully modified clouds by "seeding" them with pellets of dry ice) , 
1966 can be said to mark the explicit recognition that environmental 
effects of applied weather modification technology could be of serious 
importance and were yet but largely a matter of speculation. In that 
year, the ad hoc weather working group of the ecological study commit- 
tee of the Ecological Society of America published its report on bio- 
logical aspects of weather modification which it had submitted to the 
National Science Foundation's Special Commission for Weather Modi- 
fication. 3 The report of the NSF Special Commission, also published 
in 19G6, noted that "from the present crude state of the field, one can 
roughly predict that the biological outcomes of weather modification 
are apt to be a mixed bag of economically good and bad effects in man's 
artificial ecosystems. It is difficult to visualize any desirable effect on 
the small preserves of natural communities. 4 The Commission advised: 

It is the position of the Commission that there should be a strong effort to bring 
the field of biological forecasting up to a higher level of usefulness. This is inan- 

2 Edward J. Kormondy, Concepts of Ecology, 2d ed., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice- 
Hall. 1976. pp. 1-2. 

3 D. A. Livingstone, biological aspects of weather modification, a report from the Ecolo- 
gical Society of America's ad hoc w eather working ^roup of the ecological study committee 
to the Special Commission for Weather -Modification of the National Science Foundation 
Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. 47 (196G) : 39-78. 

4 National Science Foundation, weather and climate modification, report of the Special 
Commission on Weather Modification, Washington, D.C., National Science Foundation. 19G6, 
p. 19. 


datory in planning weather and climate modification over areas involving more 
than a few hundred square miles. 5 

This and other related recommendations of the NSF Special Com- 
mission directly or indirectly led to a number of ecological studies 
which have been specifically concerned with identifying and predicting 
ecological effects of weather modification. 

One of the first sponsored studies was the problem analysis conducted 
by Cooper and Jolly 6 for the Bureau of Reclamation, as that agency 
began to better balance operational weather modification research with 
studies aimed at understanding ecological, legal, economic, and other 
social effects of weather modification activity. The report included 
"sections on anticipated kinds of weather modification ; effects in semi- 
arid climates and in humid climates ; pests and diseases ; direct effects 
of seeding agents; biology of lakes and streams: fog, hail, lightning, 
and hurricane modification ; environmental monitoring programs ; in- 
ferences from ecological theory; recommended research; and recom- 
mended premodification field surveys." 7 

An extensive bibliography of relevant literature was also included. 
Cooper, whose 1967 paper on the effects of weather modification on 
plant and animal communities represented one of the earliest attempts 
to anticipate ecological ramifications of the seriously developing 
weather modification technology, 8 has continued to publish on the 
subject. 9 

Other major studies of note include work on the impacts of snow en- 
hancement supported by the National Science Foundation, 10 and the 
Bureau of Reclamation, 11 and on impacts and issues associated with 
efforts to suppress hail. 12 Also of importance and interest, of course, 
are the proceedings of the several conferences on weather modification 
which have been sponsored biennially since 1968 by the American 
Meteorological Society. Papers on environmental considerations and 
impacts associated with weather modification efforts and technologies 

5 Ibid., p. 20. 

6 Cooper anrl Jolly, ecological effects of weather modification, 160 pp. (Note 1.) 

7 Ibid., p. 160. 

s C[harlesl F. Cooper, effects of weather modification on plant and animal communities. 
Taper presented at Symposium on Weather Modification, AAAS Committee on Arid Lands, 
New York. Dec. HO. 1067 (mimeo). 

6 Charles F. Cooper, ecological impacts of local and global weather modification, paper 
prepared for Hist annual meeting, American Meteorological Society, San Francisco, Jan. 14, 
1971. 16 pp. (mimeo). 

Charles F. Cooper, ecological implications of weather modification, paper prepared for 
the Weather Modification Advisory Board, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1977, 19 pp. 


Charles F. Cooper, what might man-induced climate change mean? Foreign Afrairs 56(3) 
(1978) : 500-520. 

Charles F. Cooper, Georsre W. Cox. and Warren A. Johnson, investisations recommended 
for assessing the environmental impact of snow augmentation in the Sierra Nevada. Calif., 
prepared for tbe Bureau of Reclamation and the California Department of Water Resources, 
San Diego : San Diego State University. Center for Regional Environmental Studies, 1974, 
84 pp. 

10 Leo W. Weisbecker fcorap.). The impacts of snow enhancement, contract report pre- 
pared for the National Science Foundation, Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1974, 
624 pn. 

13 Harold W. Steinhoff and Jack D. Ives (eds.). Ecological impacts of snowpaek augmen- 
tation in the San Juan Mountains. Colorado. Final report of the San Juan ecological project 
to the Bureau of Reclamation. 25 papers. 1976. 489 pp. 

22 Stanley A. Changnon, et al.. Hail suppression, impacts and issues. Final report, tech- 
nology assessment of the suppression of hail. Office of Exploratorv Research and Problem 
Assessment. RANK program, National Science Foundation. Urbana, 111. : State Water Sur- 
rey, 1977, 432 pp. 


have been included in the proceedings of these conferences. 13 The final 
Environmental Statement for Project Sky water, published in 1977 by 
the Bureau of Eeclamation, consists of a three- volume statement cover- 
ing the post- 1964 research program of the Bureau relating to the ef- 
fects that cloud seeding for increasing growing season precipitation 
and mountain snowpacks might have if the technology were applied 
over long periods of time. 14 One of the appendix reports attached to the 
statement reviews research relating to environmental effects of seeding 
agents, particularly silver iodide. The question of the effects of silver 
iodide on the environment, particularly over time, has also been ad- 
dressed and reported on in other publications. 15 The definitive review 
to date of the subject of environmental effects of nucleating agents, 
based on a 1976 workshop, has recently been prepared by Klein ia 
under National Science Foundation sponsorship. 

Thus in the 12 years since the National Science Foundation's Spe- 
cial Commission on Weather Modification issued its report, a sig- 
nificant volume of research aimed at determining and evaluating 
possible ecological effects of weather modification has been under- 
taken. In summarizing the results and inferences from Project Sky- 
water which relate to environmental impacts, Howell tabulates 11 
individual contracts for environmental research sponsored by Project 
Sky water. 17 They cover the 1964-76 period and total nearly $3 

Some of the more specific findings and conclusions of the research 
efforts cited above are extracted and summarized under the various 
topical headings which follow. 

Important Variables 

As Cooper has noted, "Weather modification is by definition a 
change in the natural climatic environment.*' 18 He continues : "It is 
impossible to predict 'the ecological effects of weather modification.* 
A specific expected alteration in the natural weather pattern must first 
be defined. Usually this can be done only within probability limits. 
Unless the expected change in climatic input to the ecosystem is known, 
no reasonable predictions can be made. Seldom has sufficient infornia- 

13 See : Proe., First National Conference on Weather Modification of the American Mete- 
orological Society, April 28-May 1, 1968, State University of New York at Albany : 173- 
ISO. Boston : Amor. Meteor. Soc. ; 

Proc, Second National Conference on Weather Modification of the American Meteorolog- 
ical Society, April 6-9, 1970, Santa Barbara, Calif. : 411-414. Boston : Amer. Meteor. Soc. ; 

Proc, Third Conference on Weather Modification of the American Meteorological Society, 
June 26-20, 1972. Rapid City, S. Dak. : 226-231. Boston : Amer. Meteor. Soc. ; 

Proc, Fourth Conference on Weather Modification of American Meteorological Society, 
Nov. 18-21, 1974. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. : 502-334. Boston : Amer. Meteor. Soc. 

14 Bureau of Reclamation, Final environmental statement for Project Skywater. Denver: 
Bureau of Reclamation Engineering and Research Division, 1977, 340 pp. (vol. 1) plus 
appendices (vols, 2, 3). 

15 Charles F. Cooper and William C Jolly. Ecological effects of silver Iodide and other 
weather modification agents: a review. Water Resources Research 6 (1) (1970) : 88-98i 
D. A. Klein. Ecological impacts of nucleating agents used in weather modification prosrrams : 
an interdisciplinary assessment, J. Weather Mod. 9(4) (1977) : 51-56; Ivan C Smith and 
Ronnie L. Carson. Trace Metals In the Environment: Vol. 2. Silver, Ann Arbor, Mich. : Ann 
Arbor Science Publishers. 1977, 490 pp. 

19 D. A. Klein fed.), Environmental impacts of nucleating agents used In weather modi- 
fication. StrOudsberg, Pa. : Dowden, Hutchison and Ross. 1978. 

"Wallace E. Howell, Environmental Impacts of precipitation management: results and. 
Inferences from Project Skywater. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 58(6) (1977) : 489. 

18 Cooper, Ecological implications of weather modification, p. 1 (Note 9). 


tion about expected weather changes been made available to those who 
would make ecological assessments." 19 It may be useful to mention 
a number of the variables which must be considered before one can 
attempt to predict the ecological impact of a given weather modifica- 
tion. These variables are treated more completely by, inter alia, Cooper 
and Jolly, 20 and by Cooper. 21 


Season of modification effort 

Within a given ecosystem reactions of vegetation and associated 
animal communities to an expected 5-percent to 10-percent increase 
in mean precipitation during years of normal or subnormal precipita- 
tion will vary, for example, depending on whether that increase falls 
during a dormant or a growing season, or whether the increase comes 
in the form of rain or snow. Whether there are impacts such as im- 
pedance to physical movement (as with deep snow and deer), or 
threats to nesting and newborn survival (as with heavy, cold rains 
which can affect incubating ducks or newly hatched pheasant chicks), 
may also be of importance. Similarly, if a plant community were sub- 
ject to moisture stress and precipitation enhancement measures pro- 
duced timely relief, the impact would be different than if the plants 
had reached a point of no return in their response to moisture depriva- 
tion. Thus, the season at which a given effect is achieved may be of 
prime importance. 

Duration of effort : Short-term versus long-term 

Biological communities evolve and exist under terms of natural 
variability in weather and climate. The kinds of reactions of such 
communities to weather modifications of limited duration will be quite 
different from those when a given modification recurs with some regu- 
larity over time. Pest or disease outbreaks may be triggered by a par- 
ticular change of critical timing in a moisture regime, for example, 
but changes in species composition in ecosystems will normally require 
at the very least more than one season of change in precipitation 
pattern, and often several seasons are necessary. 

Regularity of modification effort 

Just as the duration of effected changes in weather pattern, both in 
terms of days or weeks in a given season and of weeks, months, or sea- 
sons of a given year, is significant, so is the regularity with which a 
given change is produced. Biological communities will react one way if 
a 10-percent increase in mean precipitation is realized on an annual 
basis but the timing and distribution of that increase is rather variable 
over the year and from year to year. The response may well be dif- 
ferent if the increase occurs with some fidelity at a given season (or 
seasons), from one year to the next — especially if the time of such 
change is coincident with a particularly critical time in the life cycle 
of an organism or a community. 

19 Ibid., p. 3. 

» Cooper and Jolly, Ecological effects of weather modification (Note 6). 
n Cooper, Ecological implications of weather modification (Note 9). 



The kinds of response to any given change in weather as a result of a 
modification program will also differ depending on the class of ecosys- 
tem being affected. A few dichotomies will illustrate the point. 

Aquatic versus terrestrial systems 

Organisms in aquatic systems are affected by such variables as tur- 
bidity, temperature, stream velocities, periods and durations of low 
flows, and the chemical quality of the water, including relative levels 
of dissolved oxygen. Terrestrial organisms are affected by the timing, 
amount, and continued availability of both soil and surface moisture, 
and by the form (water, snow, ice) which such moisture may take. 
The same level of enhanced (or reduced) precipitation in a given area, 
therefore, will have different significance and meaning for terrestrial 
than it will for aquatic components. It is necessary to distinguish be- 
tween systems being affected at this gross level as well as at finer levels 
of detail, too. 

Cultivated versus natural systems 
Howell has observed that : 

Over most of the civilized world, the natural environment is profoundly accul- 
turated and bears few traits of wilderness. In considering the natural environ- 
ment, one must, therefore, regard the environment as it is exemplified by the real 
landscape. Except for a few pockets of wilderness, the environment is the prod- 
uct of an ongoing symbiosis between the land and humankind [attributed by 
Howell to Dubos]. It is, nevertheless, useful to make the distinction between the 
direct, intentional impact of precipitation management on a cultural element 
such as agriculture and the complex of indirect effects that may impinge on other 
elements of the landscape and biosphere, be these "natural" or cultivated* 

Cooper, in treating these two classes of ecosystems, says : 

As a rule of thumb, the more intensively managed a tract of landscape, and the 
farther it is from its natural ecological condition, the less its species structure is 
dependent upon the detail of the local environment and the less sensitive it will 
be to minor climatic alteration. 23 

Because species composition, population structure, growth rate, and 
behavior of plants and animals in noncultivated ecosystems are sig- 
nificantly different from those attributes of cultivated systems, the 
effects of any given modification of weather are likely to be signifi- 
cantly different as well. 

Arid versus liumid systems 

As one would expect, a given relative change in mean precipitation 
in more arid systems would be more likely to result, over time, in not 
only changes in relative species composition, but possibly changes in 
vegetative forms (e.g., shrub to grass) than would changes in humid 
ecosystems. The signal to noise ratio is likely to be stronger in the more 
arid situation and the response would be ecologically less subtle. 


Finally, the obvious must be stated, as Cooper and Jolly did earlier : 24 

Ecological effects of weather modification will be the result of moderate shifts in 
rates of reproduction, growth, and mortality of weather-sensitive species of plants 

- Howell. Environmental Impacts of precipitation management: results and inferences 
from Project Sky water, p. 493 (Note 17). 

::t Cooper. Ecological implications of weather modification, pp. 6-7 (Note 9). 

24 Cooper and Jolly, Ecological effects of weather modification : a problem analysis, p. 2 
(Note 1). 


; and animals. Ecological changes from the kinds of weather modification now 
visualized will seldom be sudden or catastrophic. Plant and animal communi- 
ties change rather slowly in response to changed climate. The cumulative effect 
of slow year-to-year changes in species abundance could be a rather extensive 

[ alteration of original condition, but the alteration could take place almost un- 
noticed by the general public. 

The combined effect of such stresses as air pollution, pesticide application, and 
other environmental changes may interact with weather modification in such a 
way that the total effect will be substantially greater than the sum of the individ- 
ual, perhaps relatively small, alterations. 

Effects of Silver Iodide 

Nearly all current weather modification efforts depend on the use of 
seeding agents to alter the microphysical processes within clouds. 
While silver iodide has been the principal nucleating agent to date, it is 
not the only such agent. It could be replaced in the future because of the 
relatively high cost of silver and demands that widespread application 
of silver iodide might place on the silver market. The advantages of 
silver iodide with respect to substitutes are its capability of inducing 
ice crystal formation at relatively high temperatures, the ease with 
which it can be finely divided and carried in updrafts to cloud bases, 
and the relatively small amounts required to initiate nucleation. Ten 
to 1,000 times the weight of other substances is required to produce the 
same quantities of ice crystals. 25 Other seeding agents which have been 
used or whose potential use has been investigated include dry ice, lead 
iodide, common salt, liquid propane, water spray, and a number of 
organic compounds. Some of these seeding agents are substitutes for 
• silver iodide, while others are intended for increasing precipitation 
from warm cloud systems or dispersal of warm fogs through the co- 
alescence process, where silver iodide would not be effective. Since the 
use of silver iodide in weather modification experiments and opera- 
tions has been so widespread, the following discussion is limited to the 
potential for environmental impacts from that compound. 

Cooper and Jolly reported that available evidence shows little likeli- 
hood of environmental effects from the iodine in silver iodide. They 
cited a calculation made in an early report that : 

A human consumer would have to drink 130 gallons of precipitation from a 
storm seeded with silver iodide to obtain as much iodide as in eggs flavored with 
iodized table salt and concluded that iodide is ubiquitous in organic and inor- 
ganic environments. ... It seems reasonable, therefore, to dismiss iodine in 
silver iodide at present levels of use as a source of ecological concern. 26 

u Particular concern is. therefore, for the effects of concentrations of 
silver in the soil and aquatic systems, and it should be recognized that 
weather modification is only one avenue by which silver compounds 
can enter these systems. 

Silver is a paradoxical substance: it is potent as a microbial poison, 
but relatively harmless to higher animals and to man. It forms many 
different chemical compounds which differ in their biological activity, 

23 Bonnie L. Carson and Ivan C. Smith. Silver : an appraisal of environmental exposure. 
Technical Report No. 3, for National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Contmet 
I No. N01-ES-2-2090. Midwest Research Institute, Kansas City. Mo.. July 16, 1975. p. 221. 
, 23 Cooper and Jollv. Ecological effects of weather modification, p. 64 (Note 1). 

Cooper and Jolly, Ecological effects of weather modification agents : a review, p. 89 (Note 

34-857—79 34 


complicating the problem of interpreting data from the literature. 
Silver is unique among metals in combining very low solubility of 
most of its compounds with high toxicity of the soluble fraction, with 
the result that it is substantially more harmful to microorganisms than 
it is to higher animals and plants. 27 Silver, even in its highly soluble 
form, is only moderately harmful to mammals, but is much more toxic 
to fish than to terrestrial vertebrates, and silver levels required to 
damage higher plants are many times greater than those which would 
occur in precipitation from seeded storms. Because most land plants do 
not actively take up silver, the likelihood of concentrating the metal 
through terrestrial food chains is small, both immediately and over a 
period of perhaps 20 years. 28 It was pointed out, however, that con- 
tinuous reassessment during such a period of application should be 
made with the accumulation of new information. 29 

In 1974, Klein and Molise summarized results of their study of two 
Colorado weather modification projects : 

In summary, the silver levels found in soil, litter, and vegetation samples in two 
Colorado weather modification projects appear to be at least one to two orders of 
magnitude below where possible interactions between accumulated silver iodide 
and changes in decomposer functions have been observed in our studies to date. 
The trend toward silver concentration in the vicinity of plant roots suggests that 
localized higher concentrations may occur which could be of distinct ecological 
interest. 30 

Recently, based on studies supported by Project Skywater, Howell 
estimated the relative quantities of total silver in various environ- 
mental compartments for the contiguous United States. 

The soil compartment (including also mud and vegetable litter), calculated for 
the top 20cm comprising the root zone, contains by far the largest quantity of 
silver. . . . Living matter of all sorts from microbes and fungi to animals, which 
has on the average a slight tendency to concentrate silver from the soil, contains 
the next largest quantity. The exchange between living matter and soil through 
uptake and decomposition dominates all other exchanges by at least an order of 
magnitude. . . . The silver concentration and content in lakes and rivers are 
determined mainly by depositional and erosional exchanges with the soil and by 
runoff to the sea. . . . The atmospheric domain receives silver in the form of wind- 
blown dust, some of which returns to the soil . . . and some of which is swept up 
by particles of precipitation. . . . The silver content of the atmospheric compart- 
ment at any moment is small in comparison with the annual transport through it. 31 

Table 1 shows the annual total losses of silver to the environment 
from various sources, as compiled by Carson and Smith. 32 It should be 
noted, in comparison with other sources of silver, that cloud seeding 
contributes about 0.1 million troy ounces of silver annuallv, about 1 
percent of the silver received by the atmosphere and one-tenth of 1 per- 
cent of that entering the total environment. 

Cooper and Tolly. "Ecological Effects of Weather Modification.'" pp. R4-65 (note 11. 
Cooner nnd Jolly. "Ecological Effects of Silver Iodide and Other Weather Modification 
Agents" : a review, p. SO (note 15). 

- s Cooper and Jolly, "Ecological Effects of Weather Modification," pp. GG-70 (note 1). 
20 Ibid., p. 70. 

WD. A. Klein and E. M. Molise. Ecological ramifications of silver iodide nucleating acrent 
accumulation in soil and aquatic environments. Proc, Eonrth conference on weather rnoiii- 
of the American Meteorological Society, Nov. 18-21, 1974, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 

P. 534-. 

•'Howell. "Environmental Impacts of Precipitation Management": results and infer- 
ence f;-oni Project Skywater. pp. 400 407 (note 17). 

C irsoil and Smith, "An Appraisal of Environmental Exposure," pp. 403-406 (note 25). 


[From Carson and Smith, 1975] 
[In millions of troy ounces] 

Loss category 


Water plus 
Water land 



Mining and milling, total 


Michigan Cu ore tailings 

Other Cu ore tailings 

Mo. Pb ore tailings 

Mine drainage 

Leaching of tailings 

Blowing of tailings 

Primary smelting and refining, total 

Of copper 

Of lead 

Of zinc... 

Of silver 

Secondary smelting and refining, total 

Of precious metal scrap. 

Of copper scrap 

Of lead scrap. 

Fabrication, total.. 

Of sterling silver 

Of medicinals and dental materials.. 

Of electroplate.. 

Of other coatings 

Of silver compounds 

Of photographic products 


Use and disposal, total... 


Brazing alloys. 

Cloud seeding 

Other uses 

Urban refuse 

Inadvertent sources, total 

Iron production: 


Blast furnaces (5 percent scrap). 

Open hearth furnaces (44 per- 
cent scrap) 

Basic oxygen furnaces (29 per- 
cent scrap) 

Electric arc furnaces (97 per- 
cent scrap) 

Iron foundries (—88 percent scrap). 

Cement manufacture 

Fossil fuels: 

Petroleum (fuel oil plus gaso- 





. 35-. 48 

. 00025 
. 00025 
. 00015 

>. 0003 

6. 0-7. 4? 


015? . 




0. 70 



( 7 ) 

4. 2-4. 35 
. 22-. 35 

2 2.5 

3. 2-7. 2 



3 12.0 


( ? ) 


20. 8? 





15-. 26 


>26. 8-28.2? 

9. 1-10. 6 

69. 6-73. 6 

78. 7-84. 2 

failings ponds. 

2 Residues probably held in inventory. 

3 Sewage sludge: lagooned, 3.2; landfilled, 6.3; landspreading, 2,500,000 troy ounces. 
♦Dry surface piles: 7,800,000 troy ounces. 

Of the ultimate potential for environmental impact from silver in. 
cloud seeding, Howell concluded : 

Cloud seeding, if it became widespread, would result in local, temporary concen- 
trations [of silver] in precipitation of the same order of magnitude as the natural 
concentration in surface waters [streams, lakes, rivers, etc.]. However, the rates 
of exchange [of silver in surface waters] would remain more than one order of 
magnitude smaller than the principal exchange [rates] affecting the aquatic de- 
partment, and they would be many orders of magnitude smaller than those affect- 
ing plants and soil, even in localized areas of precipitation management. Wide- 
spread and prolonged precipitation management, using silver iodide as the cloud- 
seeding agent and assuming that all the silver dispersed in the course of a century 
accumulated in the top two centimeters of soil, would not cause the silver con- 
centration th ere to exceed the normal background [levels]. 33 

33 Howell. "Environmental Impacts of Precipitation Management" : Results and inferences 
from Project Sky water, p. 497 (note 17). 


Finally, a workshop of 18 scientists which met in 1976 to assess po- 
tential environmental impacts of nucleating agents as used in weather 
modification efforts concluded their review : 

In summary, the members of the workshop felt that the points of major public 
concern regarding nucleating agents (effects on plant growth, game animals and 
fish, as points of special public interest) represented negligible environmental 
hazards. The more subtle potential effects 'of silver-based nucleating agents, such 
as a possible ability to potentiate the movement or effects of other materials of 
environmental concern (other metals, pesticides, etc.) or their ability to influence 
the activity of microorganisms in soils and aquatic environments,' particularly 
after localized bioconcentration by plants, warrant continued research and moni- 
toring activities, although any effects, if they might occur, are not expected to 
involve unacceptable risks. The long term use of silver iodide, together with the 
confidence which the weather modification profession has in delivery systems and 
the efficacy of this material, make it unlikely that other agents will be used on 
a large-scale basis in the future, unless improvements in delivery systems and 
major changes in the economics of silver availability might occur.* 4 

Deliberate Weather Modification 

Several forms of deliberate weather modification appear worthy of 
serious consideration over the next few years to a decade or so. They in- 
clude precipitation enhancement (or reduction), hurricane or other 
severe storm abatement or other modification, fog dispersal, hail sup- 
pression, and control of lightning. The following sections attempt to 
encapsulate the best, current judgment about the ecological impacts or 
other etl'ects of applied weather modification technology in each of 
these categories. 


In general efforts to alter (usually enhance) precipitation patterns 
can 1 >e categorized as either attempts to increase rainfall or to augment 
snowpack. In the former instance the modification primarily seeks to 
benefit a local economy, usually by aiding crop production: in the lat- 
ter case, modification is undertaken in one area in order to benefit resi- 
dent of another, usually by augmenting the snowpack in watersheds to 
increase water streamflows to the advantage of downstream users. 35 

/ nereased rainfall 

Cooper and Jolly. Bureau of Reclamation, and Howell all provide 
more complete discussions of the kinds of ecological effects which can be 
expected. 1 [owell's treatment is excerpted here as follow- : 

With respect to the vegetational characteristics of the environment, increasing 
snmnier-convective precipitation is accompanied by a gradual transition from 
desert shrnbland to short-grass prairie, to tall-grass prairie, to a sabana of mixed 
grass and deciduous forest, and finally to forest * * *. Precipitation management 
would tend ro shift the very diffuse boundaries of these grand divisions somewhat 
westward * * *. 

** Kle in. "Ecological Impacts of Nucleating Agents Used in Weather Modification Pro-' 
grams" : an Interdisciplinary assessment, p. £T5 mote 154. 

35 Cooper. "Ecological Implications of Weather Modification." p. 2 (note 9). 

36 Cooper and Jolly. "Ecological Effects of Weather Modification : a Problem Analysis," 
p. 1 t note 1 i . 

Bureau <>f Reclamation, Environmental statement for Project Skywater C note 14). How- 
ell. "Environmental Impacts of Precipitation Management: Results and Inferences From 
Proi«-r-t Skywater. ' p. 4sf> (note 17). 

37 Howell. "Environmental Impacts of Precipitation Management : Results and Inference 
Prom Project Skywater." p. 401 (note 17). 


Precipitation management, to the extent that it may moderate the intensity of 
extreme droughts, will cause the natural vegetation of each locality gradually 
to resemble that of regions now slightly moister and may moderate the secular 
changes in species composition that take place in response to normal climatic 

The effect of precipitation management on animal populations is likely to he 
mainly indirect, through its influence on habitat, rather than directly on the 
! organisms. Particularly in the case of birds and small mammals, populations 
depend more on the presence of suitable cover, nest sites, and food supplies than 
on the weather. Though severe storms at critical times may occasionally decimate 
some species, there is little expectation that precipitation management would af- 
fect the frequency of such occurrences. 

The best expectation presently available of the impact of summer-convective 
precipitation management is that each present environmental compartment would 
gradually come to resemble neighboring compartments on the moister side of the 
precipitation gradient, with no apparent risk of severe disturbances' accompany- 
ing this transition. 

Snow pack augmentaion 

As part of the Bureau of Reclamation's Colorado River Basin pilot 
project (to determine the effectiveness of seeding winter orographic 
9y stems for increased snowpaek and spring runoff) , a 6-year, $1 million 
research project was conducted to study the ecological impacts of snow- 
pack augmentation in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. The study 
aimed to assess ecological effects of a theoretical increase in snowpaek 
of 16 percent a year of average snowfall and to study the range of in- 
crease up to 30 percent. The report, edited by Steinlioff and Ives, in- 
cludes the results of a team of 33 scientists. 38 The basic environmental 
changes assessed were the addition of more snow and more silver. 
Primary effects inpacting an ecosystem components were : "(1) lower 
soil temperature in the spring, (2) more moisture in the spring, (3) 
deeper snowpaek, and (4) more silver." 39 The following excerpts are 
taken from the editors' "Summary of Key Conclusions" : 40 

Initiation of shoot elongation was delayed for plants both in the tundra and 
forests as a result of lower soil temperature associated with deeper snowpaek for 
the species studied. These included Englemann Spruce (Picca engelmannii) , 
quaking aspen (Popirius tremuloides) , Thurber fescue (Fcstuca Thurbrrh, and 
, numerous herbaceous species in both the tundra and forest meadows. 

Only the lower soil temperature and greater snow depth, which might be ex- 
pected to follow an increase in snowfall, have been found influential on animal 
activity. A noticeable decline in forest populations of small mammals occurred fol- 
lowing winters of heavy snowfall. This was most evident in the numbers of deer 
mice (Peromyscus maniculatns) , but it was also found in chipmunks (Eutamias 
minimus) and in Microtus spp. The basic reason for the population decline 
derives from the delayed growth of essential spring foods and results primarily 
from a delay in breeding so that fewer litters are produced. The delayed growth 
of plants was a function of lower soil temperature and the longer snow cover. 

As snow depth increased, elk (Cervus canadensis) moved to areas where snow 
was shallower than 40 cm. They avoided regions with more than 70 cm of pene- 
trable snow depth. A 15-percent increase in snowpaek may decrease available elk 
winter range by 8 percent. 

No significant increase in silver concentrations were found in the target area, 
except in small areas near generator sites, after four winters of seeding. No* 
deleterious effects of silver iodide additions have been noted to concentrations 
which could be expected due to cloud seeding. 

38 Steinhoff and Ives (eds.), "Ecological Impacts of Snowpaek Augmentation in the San 
Juan Mountains, Colorado (note 11). 
89 Ibid., p. 1. 
40 Ibid. 


Additional treatment of effects of snowpaek augmentation may be 
found in the comprehensive report compiled by Weisbecker 41 and in 
the paper of Howell. 42 The latters "bottom line" conclusion, quoting 
from Steinhoff and Ives ? work, is : 

There should he no immediate, large-scale impacts on the terrestrial ecosystems 
of these [San Juan] mountains following an addition of up to 30 percent of the 
normal snowpack, but with no addition to maximum snowpacks. Further, much 
of the work reported here suggests that compensating mechanisms within the 
studied ecosystems are such that any impacts would be buffered, at least for short 
periods of time, and of lesser magnitude than the changes in snow conditions 
required to produce them. 

Our work has shown three ecosystem components to be most susceptible to 
increased snowfall : (1) snowbank situations at elevations above treeline ; (2) elk 
herds (in other mountain ranges other big game species may be similarly 
affected) : and (3) some small mammal populations, especially the deer mouse. 
Xot all of these impacts are necessarily deleterious; an increase in the area of 
snowbank edge habitats in alpine areas may, for example, increase the niches 
available for rare plant species. 

Finally, even in the small areas where we predict greatest impacts from 
increased snowfall, the changes involved are unlikely to approach the magnitude 
of other man-made impacts on mountain ecosystems. 

However, it should be remembered that they may act in phase with other 
man-made impacts and with natural climatic changes, in which case the total 
effect could be much greater than our studies suggest. 


Essentially synonymous with hurricane control, this technology 
offers some promise of mitigating the onshore impacts of such major 
storms by reducing their intensity and/or altering their paths, both 
through judicious seeding of the storm while still well out at sea. The 
"state of the art" is such that few answers of the long-term ecological 
( fleets of applying such a technology are available. Cooper and Jolly 43 
sketched a number of possible implications and speculated about some 
of the effects. More recently. Cooper identified a number of specific 
questions lie felt should be addressed before hurricane modification 
research is carried out on an extensive scale : 44 

1. What is the importance of hurricanes in bringing precipitation to con- 
tinental areas such as eastern U.S.? Will this delivery be affected by hurricane 
modification? What fraction of hurricane precipitation is actually useful and 
effective, and what fraction is primarily flood-producing? Will this ratio be 


2. What is the role of hurricanes in the biology of coral reefs and in the pro- 
ductivity of tropical marine fisheries? There is evidence that hurricanes improve 
fishing in the Caribbean ( Florida) and in the Pacific. How would control affect 
the livelihood of subsistence fishermen in the Pacific? 

3. How important are hurricanes as determinants of forest structure an( 
growth? Influences are known from St. Vincent, New England, and tbe Solomoi 
Islands, among others. 

Clearly there may l>e significant ecological ramifications on severa 
scales if severe storm abatement technology is applied. Yet, good re 
sea rcli answers are seemingly still a ways off. 

*' Welsbecker, "The Impact of Snow Enhancement," p. xil. 20f* -352 (note 101. 

48 Howell, "Environmental Impacts of Precipitation Management : Results and Infer 
encee From Project Skywater,*' p. 4!>4 (note 17). 

1 Cooper ana Jolly, Ecological effects of weather modification: a problem analysis, Dp 
85 88 i Note 1). 

** Cooper. Ecological Implications of weather modification (Note 9). 



Cold fog dispersal is now rather easily effected locally, principally 
over airports, although warm fog dispersal remains more difficult and 
expensive. Cooper and Jolly foresaw no significant ecological effect 
, from the expected kinds of fog dispersal in the 1969 report 45 and that 
conclusion was more recently restated by Cooper. 46 


An interdisciplinary assessment of hail suppression in the past, pres- 
ent, and future has been recently reported. 47 The authors concluded 
the technology is currently scientifically uncertain but potentially 
beneficial, and one which would be widely adopted in the Great 
Plains with benefits to agriculture and the American consumer. 48 As 
recently as 1977, Cooper concluded that hail suppression technology 
offers no likely ecological implications beyond those associated with 
the effects on precipitation which would presumably attend its appli- 
cations. 49 


As is the case with hail suppression technology, there does not seem 
to be reason to anticipate any significant ecological effects from ap- 
plying lightning alteration efforts beyond those to be associated with 
precipitation affects. Again, Cooper and Jolly largely dismissed any 
grounds for significant ecological concern with respect to lightning 
modification in 1969 50 and Cooper in 1977 reiterated that posi- 
tion. 01 

Inadvertent Weather Modification 

Inadvertent weather modification can be defined to include both un- 
intended effects on nontarget areas of deliberate modifications aimed 
at target areas, and of totally unintended modifications as a result of 
man's activities not related to planned weather influences or opera- 
tions. Regardless of the category, however, there are ecological rami- 
fications involved. 


Concern with extra area, usually downwind, effects is almost as old 
as weather modification efforts themselves. The most common public 
concern has been of the "rob Peter to pay Paul" variety wherein it is 
alleged or at least feared that increased moisture for A's benefit 
through cloud seeding must come from a B, at some point. Howell has 
written the following summary conclusions about effects of cloud seed- 
ing on precipitation in nearby areas ; "the assumption that augmenta- 
tion of precipitation in one place must result in its diminution some- 

43 Cooper and Jolly, "Ecological Effects of Weather Modification : A Problem Analysis," 
p. 83 (Note 1). 

46 Cooper. "Ecological Implications of Weather Modification." p. 15 (Note 9). 

47 Changnon. et al., "Hail Suppression : Impacts and Issues" (Note 12) ; Stanley Chang- 
non. Barbara C. Farhar, and Earl R. Swanson, "Hail Suppression and Society." Science 200 
(4840) (28 April 1978) : p. 387. 

4S Changnon. Farhar, and Swanson, "Hail Suppression and Society," p. 387 (Note 47). 

49 Cooper, "Ecological Implications of Weather Modification," p. 14 (Note 9). 

50 Cooper and Jolly, "Ecological Effects of Weather Modification : A Problem Analysis" 
(Note 1). 

51 Cooper, "Ecological Implications of Weather Modification," p. 14 (Note 9). 


where else is plausible but fallacious." He continues, "The fallacy lies 
in failure to appreciate (1) the role of natural atmospheric disturb- 
ances in causing the convergence and ascent of moist air as the domi- 
nant mechanism that makes moisture available for cloud formation 
and (2) the potential of cloud seeding both for increasing the dynamic 
energy of such disturbances and for increasing the efficiency with 
which the storm clouds are converted to precipitation. * * * Model 
studies of convective rain clouds are not far enough advanced to pre- 
dict the outcomes with high confidence, but at least they offer no encour- 
agement to the notion that cloud seeding robs Peter to pay Paul." 52 

Howell adds: "Studies of rainfall downwind from actual summer- 
convective cloud seeding operations have been inconclusive, with the 
evidence tending to favor some increase out to distances of 400 kilo- 
meters or so. However, the types of operations involved have been so 
disparate that no general conclusions are possible. Studies of precipi- 
tation downwind of winter-orographic cloud-seeding operations con- 
firm the presence of increases at distances of approximately 250 kilo- 
meters. The evidence, therefore, does not support the notion that 
stimulation of precipitation in one area deprives another area but sug- 
gests that seeding may strengthen existing precipitation systems." 53 

A fuller treatment of extra area effects is provided in chapter 3 of 
this CRS weather modification report. 


Finally, it is desirable to point out that alteration of weather 
brought about by cloud seeding or other deliberate interference with 
atmospheric processes will necessarily be superimposed against the 
record of long-term, natural changes of climate and the ubiquitous, 
year-to-year variability of climate and, in addition, any inadvertent 
effects attributable to human activities. The evolution of natural cli- 
matic change and variability and the possibility that society, through 
its own actions, may be altering the climate by pushing on certain 
leverage points make it more difficult to assess the reality of planned 
weather modification, because claimed results may in fact be due to 
other causes. Furthermore, the ecological effects of a planned weather 
change may be partially masked by unanticipated changes in other 
climatic variables. 54 

While man lias become generally aware of some of the environ- 
mental effects of his polluting the air and waters of the planet, he has 
barely begun to credibly study the global implications of long-term 
climatic change which may be exacerbated or even caused by his inad- 
vertent impacts on global atmospheric and oceanic processes. "While 
no solid ecological answers are yet demonstrable, the implications of 
industrially caused acid rains, impacts on the carbon dioxide cycle of 
deforestation as well as the burning of fossil fuels and similar scale 
concerns are all terribly Serious. Cooper has recently articulated some 
of these concerns, too. 55 

• r - 2 Howell. "Environmental Impacts of Procinitntion Management : Results ami Inferences 
From Project Skywater," pp. 491-402 (Note 17). 
•"-' ! Ibid,, p. 402. 

M fuopor and .Tollv, "Ecological Effects of Weather Modification : A Problem Analysis,'* 
p. 17 (Note 1). 

w Cooper, "What Mipht Man-Induced Climate Change Mean?" (Note 9). 


A comprehensive and detailed discussion of inadvertent weather 
and climate modification appears in chapter 4 of this CES text on 
weather modification. 

Summary and Conclusions 

This chapter seeks to review a number of recent studies aimed at ad- 
dressing and answering questions about the ecological effects of vari- 
ous kinds of weather modification activity. In general, the body of di- 
rected research with respect to these concerns is still limited but sig- 
nificantly greater than was the case a decade or even less ago. 

Economically significant weather modification will always have an 
eventual ecological effect, although appearance of that effect may be 
delayed or hidden by system resilience and/or confounded by system 

It will never be possible to predict "the ecological effects of weather 
modification." However, the more precisely the weather modifier can 
specify the effects he will produce in terms of average percentage in- 
crease or decrease in precipitation (or other climatic variable), ex- 
pected seasonal distribution of the change, expected year-to-year dis- 
tribution of the change, geographic distribution of the change, changes 
in relative form of precipitation, and the like, the more precise can be 
the ecologist's prediction of likely ecological effects. 

Ecological effects of weather modification will be the result of 
moderate shifts in rates of reproduction, growth, and mortality of 
species of plants and animals which are sensitive to weather. Effects 
will rarely, if ever, be sudden or catastrophic because plant and ani- 
mal communities react to changes in climate much more than changes 
in weather. Accordingly, those modifications in the weather which 
occur with significant regularity over time — eventually constituting at 
least a micro-climatic shift of some degree — are the ones to which bio- 
logical communities will react. 

Animal populations will rarely be affected directly by weather mod- 
ification activities but will rather be indirectly affected as their 
habitat is altered as vegetative changes occur. 

T\ r eather modification, being a change imposed on an already vari- 
able climate, will nevertheless have an inexorable, if subtle, effect on 
long-term structure of plant and animal communities as they respond 
to average climatic conditions. 

Such adjustments of plants and animal communities will usually 
occur more slowly in regions of highly variable weather than in those 
of relatively uniform weather conditions. Similarly, deliberate pre- 
cipitation change is likely to have greater ecological impact in semi- 
arid systems and less in humid ones. 

Widespread cloud seeding could result in local, temporary concen- 
trations of silver in precipitation which are of the same order of mag- 
nitude as the natural concentration in surface waters, though the rates 
of exchange would remain more than an order of magnitude smaller 
than principal exchanges for the aquatic environment. Exchange rates 
would be many orders of magnitude smaller than those affecting 
plants and soil, even in localized areas of precipitation management. 

It is still a reality that our level of ignorance of ecological effects of 
changes in weather and climate exceeds our level of knowledge. 


Appendix A 

Statement ox Weather [Modification in Congressional Record of 
June 17, 1975, by Congressman Gilbert Gude, Containing White 
House Statement on Federal Weather Modification Policy 

Weather modification 

(Mr. Gude asked and was given permission to extend bis remarks at this 
point in the Record and to include extraneous matter.) 

Mr. Gude. Mr. Speaker, I would like to bring to my colleagues' attention an 
exchange of correspondence Senator Pell, Congressman Fraser, and I have 
recently had with the White House concerning Federal weather modification ac- 
tivities. On April 23, we wrote the President the following letter urging the crea- 
tion of a lead agency to coordinate Federal work on weather modification and 
urging that such research be conducted by civilian agencies rather than the De- 
fense Department : 

House of Representatives, 
Washington, D.C\, April 23, 197o. 

The President. 
The WJiite House. 

Dear Mr. President : As authors of several resolutions for outlawing environ- 
mental modification as a weapon of war, we now write recommending govern- 
ment work in the peaceful uses of such modification that could help to promote- 
energy conservation, safeguard the environment and stabilize agricultural produc- 
tion. In sending these recommendations, we wish to make clear that we support 
continued research, particularly into weather modification for peaceful purposes, 
regarding which we believe there currently exist numerous opportunities for its 

The role of weather modification in energy conservation was sharply outlined 
in a recent example which came to our attention. Coming from Boston to Washing- 
ton, a recent flight was delayed by bad weather and according to one passenger's 
calculations, as much fuel was exhausted around Washington while the plane 
waited to land as was consumed during the entire flight from Boston. This is only 
one example of the energy costs of bad weather, but weather conditions being 
what they are, it is a frequent case. Research into fog dissipation is precisely the 
kind of work which can reduce those costs. 

We are only beginning to research and understand how our own industrial 
development has inadvertently modified weather and environment. Studies are 
beginning to show differences in temperature and air quality over urban and in- 
dustrial areas, which affected the immediate environment as well as influence 
weather downwind. There is sufficient growing suspicion that inadvertent environ- 
mental modification can help produce extremes of weather, such as drought, to 
warrant further investigation and research. 

The implications of weather modification for agriculture are obvious and vari- 
ous efforts to enhance rainfall have been going on for years. These efforts, how- 
ever, need coordination and careful study to help determine what approaches are 
productive, what types of weather formation are most susceptible to modification 
and how modification in one area affects weather elsewhere. Clearly, the potential 
for increased agriculture output — both domestically and worldwide — is great. 



Given these opportunities, it is unfortunate that civilian directed research has 
been diffused. The fiscal 1975 budget shows weather modification projects in six 
agencies and a division by function as follows: 

Fiscal year— 


1974 1975 

Department of Agriculture. 

Department of Commerce 

Department of Defense 






4, 673 


4, 575 


Air Force 

Department of the Interior 

Department of Transportation 

National Science Foundation 








3, 900 

4, 000 

3 445 
4, 270 



15, 401 



Fiscal year — 

1973 1974 

1975 Agencies 

Precipitation modification . 

Fog and cloud modification 1. 

Hail suppression.. 

lightning modification 

Hurricane and severe storm modification 

Social, economic, legal, and ecological studies 

Inadvertent modification of weather and climate 

Support and services. 

5,472 3,735 

1,541 1,194 

2, 860 2, 000 

624 330 

1,818 1,741 

1, 740 1, 310 

3, 252 3, 643 

2,274 1,475 

3,279 DOC, DOI. 
1,264 DOD, DOT. 
2,100 NSF. 

356 DOA, DOD, NSF 
1,816 DOC. 
1,110 DOI, NSF. 
4, 398 DOC, DOT, NSF. 

937 DOC, DOI, NSF. 


19,581 15,401 

15, 270 

Although in some respects the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Ad- 
ministration gathers data on all these projects, it does not really function as a 
lead agency or exert sufficient direction, coordination or control over the civilian 
or military projects. It is clear from the second chart, furthermore, that consider- 
able overlap and possible duplication exists. We believe, however, that in a field 
as diverse and speculative as this, a greater degree of centralization is desirable. 
This same recommendation has been made on a number of occasions by the Na- 
tional Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere: 

NACOA finds that, although we appear to stand on the threshold of practical 
weather modification, and some facets are operational, in other applications a 
sroat deal of complex research still needs to be done. Unless the scientific man- 
power and funding are better directed, we assuredly will continue to make very 
slow progress towards weather control. NACOA therefore reiterates its recom- 
mendations of last year that : 

"The many small programs in weather modification now scattered widely 
through the Federal agencies be focused and coordinated under NOAA's head ; 
basic cloud physics and dynamics be given higher priority; and that the legal, 
social, and economic impact of weather modification be thoroughly examined and 
;appropriate regulatory and licensing legislation be sought." (A Refrort to the 
President and the Congress, NACOA. June 29, 1973, page viii.) 

We also believe it is particularly important that any such coordination should 
be in the hands of a civilian agency; indeed, that all such research should be 
conducted by civilian agencies. 

Considerable doubt has been raised in the past over the nature of some of the 
research conducted by the Defense Department in the area of weather modifica- 
tion. You will recall the not too successful efforts to increase rainfall over the 
Ho Chi Minh Trail several years ago at a cost of $21. G million. We have grave 
doubts about the merits of any project such as this, but we are also concerned 
about the way in which the incident was handled by the Government. The proj- 
ect was at first flatly — and repeatedly — denied publicly and before Congress 
by the Department of Defense, but the basic facts were ultimately conceded some 


vears later by former Defense Secretary Laird in a letter to the Senate forfagn 
Relations Committee, which confirmed the allegations that had been made. 

Such incidents have given rise to continuing concern on our part over the scope 
of federal research and development on environmental and weather modifica- 
tion What is significant about these incidents is that they continue to occur in 
respect to Defense Department research, even though DOD asserts such research 
has only peaceful applications, such as airport fog dispersal. If this is the case, 
then it would seem both logical and appropriate to place such research in civilian 
agencies where it can be carried on with the same degree of precision and success, 
since weapons' applications are not involved, and where it would not cause new 
suspicions about the real nature of the work. 

Weather modification is a field of great potential, promising considerable bene- 
fits to agriculture and transportation, to mention only two prime areas of re- 
seach. At the same time the potential military applications of weather modifica- 
tion research are serious. Last summer's agreement with the Soviet Union to meet 
to discuss a ban on weather warfare is most encouraging. We hope that in the 
light of that agreement, you will be able to give favorable consideration to our 

Gilbert Gude. 

Member of Congress. 
Claiborne Pell, 

U.S. Senator. 
Donald M. Fraser, 

Member of Congress. 

On June 5, we received the following response from Norman E. Ross, Jr., As- 
sistant Director of the Domestic Council : 

The White House, 
Washington, June 5, 1915. 

Hon. Gilbert Gude, 
House of Representatives, 
Washington, D.C. 

Dear Mr. Gude : The President has asked me to respond to your letter of April 
23, 1975, in which you recommended a coordinated program of governmental work 
in the peaceful uses of weather modification. 

A considerable amount of careful thought and study has been devoted to the 
subject of weather modification and what the Federal role and, in particular, the 
role of various agencies should be in this area. As a result of this study, we have- 
developed a general strategy for addressing weather modification efforts which 
we believe provides for an appropriate level of coordination. 

For the most part, as your letter points out, we are just beginning to under- 
stand the possibilities for weather modification and the complexities that are in- 
volved. Inadvertent modification of weather and environment through industrial 
development is indeed a prime example. 

There are many problems generated by various weather phenomena such as 
loss of crops through hail damage and destruction of property caused by hurri- 
canes and flooding. In many cases the approaches to solving the problems 
may or may not be best met through weather modification techniques. Other 
solutions such as community preparedness, better land use planning, and pro- 
tective measures may more effectively and realistically achieve the objectives. 

For this reason, we believe that the agency which is charged with a particular 
national problem should be given the latitude to seek the best approach or solu- 
tion to the problem. In some instances this may involve a form of weather modi- 
fication, while in other instances other approaches may be more appropriate. 

While we would certainly agree that some level of coordination of weather 
modification research efforts is logical, we do not believe that a program under 
the direction of any one single agency's leadership is either necessary or de- 
sirable. We have found from our study that the types of scientific research con- 
ducted by agencies are substantially different in approach, techniques, and type- 
of equipment employed, depending on the particular weather phenomena beings 
addressed. For example, there is very little in common between hurricane sup- 
pression and attempting to increase rain or snow. Fog dispersal efforts have al- 
most nothing in common with any other weather modification. Each type of 
weather modification requires a different form of program management and there? 
are few common threads which run among all programs. 


To tlie extent that there are common problems and solutions among the pro- 
grams, the Interagency Committee on Atmosphere Sciences (ICAS) is bringing 
together agency representatives who are involved in weather modification re- 
search, for the purpose of sharing their ideas and approaches to various prob- 
lems. In addition, a series of lead agencies have been established to concentrate 
efforts in particular areas: Interior in precipitation; Agriculture in lightning 
suppression ; Commerce in severe storms, including hurricanes ; NSF in hail re- 
search : and Transportation in fog suppression. These lead roles provide for co- 
ordination in areas with common characteristics and have gone a long way 
toward eliminating duplicative efforts. Although more than one agency is in- 
volved in a general area such as inadvertent modification, their efforts are keyed 
toward particular objectives. 

I hope this information will be helpful to you and I would like to thank you for 
sharing your views with us. We would be happy to provide you any additional 
information you may need concerning current efforts in the weather modification 


Norman E. Ross, Jr., 
Assistant Director, Domestic Council. 

The administration's response is disappointing that it rejects the recommenda- 
tion of a lead agency, despite the fact that the National Advisory Committee 
on Oceans and Atmosphere has regularly recommended it. The reply ignores 
completely the crucial second point of military involvement in weather modifica- 
tion research. I commented on this problem in some detail in my testimony of 
September 24, 1974, before the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International 
Organizations and Movements : 


'•Why should we be so alarmed about a technique that is not nearly as lethal as 
other forms of warfare? First, there are distinct control and command problems 
associated with geophysical warfare and weather modification in particular. We 
simply do not have effective short or long term control over the climates of the 
world. We can create certain disturbances, but as civilian experiments have 
shown, control is not precise. In a military environment, control over the results 
of weather experimentation is even more uncertain in respect to military targets, 
and there is practically no hope of preventing military efforts from spilling over 
into civilian life with devastating effect, particularly in developing agricultural 
countries. Here, wind changes, rainfall changes, or even changes in the composi- 
tion of rain could seriously disrupt the livelihood of most of the country's citizens 
and create severe food supply problems, all far distant from the chosen military 
target. This is partly due to the so-called downwind effect, carrying weather 
changes with weather movements. But weather unpredictability — enhanced by 
modification efforts themselves — may make it impossible to determine where 
'downwind' will be at any given time. This means that the use of weather modi- 
fication is inevitably indiscriminate. We cannot flood only military targets or 
cause drought in areas producing only military rations. The technology will be 
used against people regardless of their uniform or occupation and will inevitably 
strike civilians harder than nearby military objectives. 

•"The command problem is no less acute. Since the technology to date doe> not 
involve great eX pense or sophisticated equipment, it is not difficult to imagine the 
use of weather modification by many different military subunits. In fact, there 
have been reports that we have trained the South Vietnamese to use weather 
modification. There are no double-key sating mechanisms here, no exclusive 
possession as with nuclear weapons. 


•"These issues of command and control highlight another disturbing characteris- 
tic of weather modification, the difficulty of detection. Unlike other weapons, it 
may be possible to initiate military weather modification projects without being 
detected. In other words, the military results may not be visibly tied to the initiat- 
ing party. This raises the possibility of the clandestine use of geophysical warfare 
where a country does not know if it has been attacked. The uncertainty of this 
situation, the fear of not knowing how another country may be altering your 


climate is highly destabilizing. This feeding of national paranoia — a pervading 
suspicion of the motives and actions of a neighboring country — could well be 
amplified into the laying of blame for any adverse climate conditions or weather 
disasters on one's neighbors. 

"This was clearly brought home by the recent admission of the Department of 
Defense that it had indeed been involved in weather modification activities in 
Southeast Asia from 1967 to 1972, even at a time when Department witnesses 
were denying such involvement in their congressional testimony. 

"In a January 28, 1974, letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 
former Defense Secretary Laird corrected his testimony of April 18, 1972, in 
which he stated. 'We have never engaged in that type of activity over North 
Vietnam.' Laird admitted that just such activities were conducted over North 
Vietnam in 1967 and 1968. It was clearly one of the most useless programs ever 
conceived by the Government. This rainmaking effort accomplished nothing except 
washing $21.6 million down the drain, and it was undertaken with no thought 
as to the very dangerous situations which could evolve from such a policy. 

''effects of weather modification research 

"There is no question that much valuable research is now being done under the 
heading of weather modification. Airport fog dispersal operations, cloud seeding 
in farm areas threatened by drought, efforts to increase the winter snow pack, 
and experiments in hurricane control are all legitimate scientific efforts that 
can meet important domestic and international needs. This work into peaceful 
applications of environmental modification technology should continue. Un- 
fortunately, Pentagon involvement in weather modification research — whether 
classified or for peaceful purposes — has serious consequences for the U.S. civilian 
scientific community, the American public, and the international community. 

"Geophysical warfare, to use a figure of speech, can poison the atmosphere 
surrounding legitimate international programs such as the global atmospheric 
research program, the international hydrological decade and meteorology in 
general. We have already seen that it caused the U.S. delegation at the Stock- 
holm Conference to water down a recommendation on climate changes. The po- 
tential for embarrassment is great. 

"Our scientific community could come under suspicion or attack at these inter- 
national meetings. The fine work and trust built up over the years by our excel- 
lent atmospheric scientists could be dispelled in one stroke of Pentagon experi- 

•'But it is not only our scientists who lose credibility — it is the Defense Depart- 
ment itself. Through its involvement in research which may have military appli- 
cations, even though it is intended for peaceful purposes, the Pentagon has laid 
itself open to allegations of a variety of clandestine activities. 

"Two cases will illustrate the point. The Defense Department engages in con- 
siderable medical research, some of which is related exclusively to military needs, 
while some parallel research carried out by civilian institutions. The Navy, for 
example, has had a research unit in Egypt studying equatorial diseases for many 
years. By conducting such research 'in-house,' so to speak, instead of obtaining 
it through civilian research agencies, the Navy leaves itself open to charges 
that it is actually studying or developing germ warfare or the like. As unfounded 
as such charges may be. they are very difficult to combat, especially in the cur- 
rent climate of suspicion about many Pentagon activities. Yet. there is no reason 
why this kind of research could not be conducted by the civilian agencies of 
Government and its results made available to the Defense Department. In cases 
where Defense required information on subjects not currently under investiga- 
tion, it could levy requirements on the National Science Foundation which would 
in turn conduct or contract for the needed research, thus reducing the opportu- 
nities for controversy to develop, controversy which might itself hamper research, 
especially abroad. 

"In the area of weather modification. I have been assured that Air Force interest 
in these techniques is limited to developing methods for airfield fog dispersal or 
suppression and other life-saving measures. These techniques are just as im- 
portant to business and civil aviation and the general public, and there is no 
reason why such research cannot be conducted by a civilian agency. 

"As a general principle, therefore. I would urge that wherever an adequate 
scientific base exists for conducting specific types of applied research outside 
of the Department of Defense and associated agencies, if would be wise policy 


to conduct all such research through non-defense agencies, such as NOAA, NIH,. 
XSF or private institutions. In addition to helping resolve Pentagon credibility 
problems, such a procedure will tend to reduce duplication of effort and may 
therefore produce some cost savings. 

"Thus, although the subject of this hearing is an international treaty banning 
the use of weather modification techniques as weapons, it is important that we 
gjo beyond that and deal directly with the development of such research within 
our own Government, so as to clearly divorce all weather modification activities 
from the military and leave no doubt that American interest in this field is 
strictly peaceful and humanitarian." 

This administration and its predecessor have made progress toward an inter- 
national treaty banning the use of weather modification as a weapon of war, 
but neither administration has really understood the important link between 
banning weather warfare and taking weather modification research out of the 
hands of the military. We cannot credibly negotiate a weather warfare treaty at 
the same time we are funding classified Defense Department research projects in 
weather modification. Since the Defense Department has maintained that its re- 
search only involves peaceful applications, it is difficult to understand why such 
research cannot be placed in civilian hands. The administration is unwilling to 
move in that direction, and legislative action may be necessary. I am in the 
process of preparing just that, and I plan shortly to submit my proposals for 
House consideration. 

Appendix B 

Department of Defense Statement on Position on 
Weather Modification 

Position on Weather Modification 1 

Based on extant theories and demonstrated technology, weather modification 
has little utility as a weapon of war. Conventional arms are more effective 
instruments of warfare. While weather modification experiments in Vietnam 
demonstrated the technical ability to increase rainfall, its military payoff was 
nil. Unless there is a major scientific breakthrough which would allow the use 
of weather modification as a weapon, we see little value in continued weather 
modification development toward this end. However, DoD must continue to 
have the option to conduct reesarch and development to exploit emerging tech- 
nology and to avoid technological surprise. 

Weather modification can enhance the effectiveness of conventional weapons, 
particularly aircraft and helicopter forces. The primary impediment to aircraft 
operations is the visibility at airfields and visibility over target. The DoD should 
pursue technology to dissipate fog and clouds for the purposes of increasing 
visibility, and thus conventional weapons effectiveness. We employ operationally 
cold fog dissipators at those military airfields affected by cold fog and fund a 
significant development program in airfield warm fog dissipation. At the same 
time, we continue to work on technology to clear fog and clouds in a battlefield 

The future direction of the DoD weather modification program is influenced 
not only by our perceptions of the usefulness of the technology, but also by the 
Environmental Modification Convention. The Environmental Modification Con- 
vention constrains the use of military weather modification activities to those 
not having widespread, long-lasting, or severe effects. The effect of the Environ- 
mental Modification Convention, when superimposed on our present perceptions 
of technology, is to further devalue the development of weather modification 
as a weapon of war. As a result, our present efforts are directed solely at fog 
and cloud dissipation. 

Insights into the future directions and potential of weather modification will 
derive from fundamental research in atmospheric physics and atmospheric proc- 
esses, and not from applied technology experiments in weather modification. 
DoD will continue to support a vigorous program in basic research in cloud 
physics and atmospheric dynamics. We are jointly funding with NASA experi- 
ments to be conducted in the NASA cloud physics laboratory to be flown on the 
space shuttle. DoD laboratories and contract programs fund a broad spectrum 
of fundamental research into the atmosphere. 

1 Provided April 5, 1978, by Col. Elbert W. Friday, Office of tbe Under Secretary of De- 
fense for Research and Engineering, in a briefing to representatives of the Weather Modi- 
fication Advisory Board and from several Federal agencies. 


34-857—79 35 

Appendix C 

Text of United Xatioxs Convention ox- the Prohibition of Mili- 
tary or Axy Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification 

Text of Resolution 1 

The General Assembly. 

Recalling its resolutions 3264 (XXIX) of 9 December 1974 and 3475 (XXX) 
of 11 December 1975, 

Recalling its resolution 1722 (XVI) of 20 December 1961, in which it recognized 
that all States have a deep interest in disarmament and arms control negotiations, 

Determined to avert the potential dangers of military or any other hostile use 
of environmental modification techniques, 

Convinced that broad adherence to a convention on the prohibition of such 
action would contribute to the cause of strengthening peace and averting the 
threat of war, 

Noting with satisfaction that the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament 
lias completed and transmitted to the General Assembly, in the report of its 
work in 1976, the text of a draft Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any 
Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, 

Noting further that the Convention is intended to prohibit effectively military 
or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques in order to 
eliminate the dangers to mankind from such use, 

Bearing in mind that draft agreements on disarmament and arms control 
measures submitted to the General Assembly by the Conference of the Committee 
on Disarmament should be the result of a process of effective negotiations and 
that such instruments should duly take into account the views and interests of all 
States so that they can be joined by the widest possible number of countries, 

Bearing in mind that article VII of the Convention makes provision for a con- 
ference to review the operation of the Convention five years after its entry into 
force, with a view to ensuring that its purposes and provisions are being realized. 

Also bearing in mind all relevant documents and negotiating records of the 
Conference of the Committee on Disarmament on the discussion of the draft 

Convinced that the Convention should not affect the use of environmental modi- 
fication techniques for peaceful purposes, which could contribute to the preserva- 
tion and improvement of the environment for the benefit of present and future 

Convinced that the Convention will contribute to the realization of the purposes 
and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, 

Anxious that during its 1977 session the Conference of the Committee on Dis- 
armament should concentrate on urgent negotiations on disarmament and arms 
limitation measures, 

1. Refers the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile 
Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, the text of which is annexed to 
the present resolution, to all States for their consideration, signature and 
ratification : 

2. Requests the Secretary-General as depositary of the Convention, to open it 
for signature and ratification at the earliest possible date : 

1 A/RES/31/72 (text from U.N. floe. A/31/382, report of the First Committee on agenda 
''•'■!•' A Convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental 
modification techniques-) ; adopted by the committee on Dee. 3 by a recorded vote of 89 
fTT.S.) to 11, with 2."» abstentions, and by the Assembly on Dee. 10 by a recorded vote of 96 
(V.S. i to S. with :;0 ahstentions. 



3. Expresses its hope for the widest possible adherence to the Convention ; 

4. Galls upon the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament, without 
prejudice to the priorities established in its programme of work, to keep under 
review the problem of effectively averting the dangers of military or any other 
hostile use of environmental modification techniques ; 

5. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit to the Conference of the Com- 
mittee on Disarmament all documents relating to the discussion by the General 
Assembly at its thirty-first session of the question of the prohibition of military 
or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques. 


Convention ox the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of 
Environmental Modification Techniques 

The States Parties to this Convention, 

(lidded by the interest of consolidating peace, and wishing to contribute to the 
cause of halting the arms race, and of bringing about general and complete dis- 
armament under strict and effective international control, and of saving mankind 
from the danger of using new means of warfare, 

Determined to continue negotiations with a view to achieving effective prog- 
ress towards further measures in the field of disarmament, 

Recognizing that scientific and technical advances may open new possibilities 
with respect to modification of the environment, 

Recalling the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human 
Environment, adopted at Stockholm on 16 June 1972, 

Realizing that the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful 
purposes could improve the interrelationship of man and nature and contribute 
to the preservation and improvement of the environment for the benefit of pres- 
ent and future generations, 

Recognising, however, that military or any other hostile use of such techniques 
Could have effects extremely harmful to human welfare. 

Desiring to prohibit effectively military or any other hostile use of environ- 
mental modification techniques in order to eliminate the dangers to mankind 
from such use. and affirming their willingness to work towards the achievement 
of this objective. 

Desiring also to contribute to the strengthening of trust among nations and 
to further improvement of the international situation in accordance with the 
purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, 

Have agreed as follows : 

Article I 

1. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military 
or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having wide- 
spread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or 
injury to any other State Party. 

2. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to assist, encourage 
or induce any State, group of States or international organization to engage in 
activities contrary to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article. 

Article II 

As used in article I. the term "environmental modification techniques'' refers 
to any technique for changing — through the deliberate manipulation of natural 
processes — the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its 
biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere, or of outer space. 

Article III 

1. The provisions of this Convention shall not hinder the use of environmental 
modification techniques for peaceful purposes and shall be without prejudice to 
generally recognized principles and applicable rules of international law con- 
cerning such use. 

2. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to facilitate, and have the 
right to participate in. the fullest possible exchange of scientific and techno- 
logical information on the use of environmental modification techniques for 
peaceful purposes. States Parties in a position to do so shall contribute, alone 


or together with other States or international organizations, to international 
economic and scientific co-operation in the preservation, improvement, and 
peaceful utilization of the environment, with due consideration for the needs of 
the developing areas of the world. 

Article IV 

Each State Party to this Convention undertakes to take any measures it con- 
siders necessary in accordance with its constitutional processes to prohibit and 
prevent any activity in violation of the provisions of the Convention anywhere 
under its jurisdiction or control. 

Article V 

1. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to consult one another and 
to co-operate in solving any problems which may arise in relation to the objec- 
tives of, or in the application of the provisions of, the Convention. Consultation 
and co-operation pursuant to this article may also be undertaken through appro- 
priate international procedures within the framework of the United Nations and 
in accordance with its Charter. These international procedures may include the 
services of appropriate international organizations, as well as of a consultative 
committee of experts as provided for in paragraph 2 of this article. 

2. For the purposes set forth in paragraph 1 of this article, the Depositary 
shall, within one month of the receipt of a request from any State Party, con- 
vene a consultative committee of experts. Any State Party may appoint an 
expert to this committee whose functions and rules of procedure are set out in 
the annex, which constitutes an integral part of this Convention. The commit- 
tee shall transmit to the Depositary a summary of its findings of fact, incorpo- 
rating all views and information presented to the committee during its pro- 
ceedings. The Depositary shall distribute the summary to all States Parties. 

3. Any State Party to this Convention which has reasons to believe that any 
other State Party is acting in breach of obligations deriving from the provisions 
of the Convention may lodge a complaint with the Security Council of the United 
Nations. Such a complaint should include all relevant information as well as all 
possible evidence supporting its validity. 

4. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes to co-operate in carrying 
out any investigation which the Security Council may initiate, in accordance 
with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, on the basis of the 
complaint received by the Council. The Security Council shall inform the States 
Parties to the Convention of the results of the investigation. 

5. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes to provide or support assist- 
ance, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, 
to any Party to the Convention which so requests, if the Security Council decides 
that such Party has been harmed or is likely to be harmed as a result of violation 
of the Convention. 

Article VI 

1. Any State Party may proposed amendments to this Convention. The text 
of any proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Depositary, who shall 
promptly circulate it to all States Parties. 

2. An amendment shall enter into force for all States Parties which have ac- 
cepted it, upon the deposit with the Depositary of instruments of acceptance by 
a majority of States Parties. Thereafter it shall enter into force for any re- 
maining State Party on the date of deposit of its instrument of acceptance. 

Article VII 

This Convention shall be of unlimited duration. 

Article VIII 

1. Five years after the entry into force of this Convention, a conference of the 
State Parties to the Convention shall be convened by the Depositary at Geneva. 
The conference shall review the operation of the Convention with a view to en- 
suring thfit its purposes and provisions are being realized, and shall in particular 
examine the effectiveness of the provisions of article T. paragraph 1. in eliminat- 
ing the dangers of military or any other hostile use of environmental modification 


2. At intervals of not less than five years thereafter, a majority of the States 
Parties to this Convention may obtain, by submitting a proposal to this effect to 
the Depositary, the convening of a conference with the same objectives. 

3. If no review conference has been convened pursuant to paragraph 2 of this 
article within 10 years following the conclusion of a previous review conference, 
the Depositary shall solicit the views of all States Parties to this Convention on 
the holding of such a conference. If one third or 10 of the States Parties, which- 
ever number is less, respond affirmatively, the Depositary shall take immediate 
steps to convene the conference. 

Article IX 

1. This Convention shall be open to all States for signature. Any State which 
does not sign the Convention before its entry into force in accordance with para- 
graph 3 of this article may accede to it at any time. 

2. This Convention shall be subject to ratification by signatory States. Instru- 
ments of ratification and instruments of accession shall be deposited with the 
Secretary-General of the United Nations. 

3. This Convention shall enter into force upon the deposit with the Depositary 
of instruments of ratification by 20 Governments in accordance with paragraph 
2 of this article. 

4. For those States whose instruments of ratification or accession are deposited 
after the entry into force of this Convention, it shall enter into force on the date 
of the deposit of their instruments of ratification or accession. 

5. The Depositary shall promptly inform all signatory and acceding States of 
the date of each signature, the date of deposit of each instrument of ratification 
oi^ of accession and the date of the entry into force of this Convention and of 
any amendments thereto, as well as of the receipt of other notices. 

6. This Convention shall be registered by the Depositary in accordance with 
Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. 

Article X 

This Convention of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and 
Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General 
of the United Nations who shall send certified copies thereof to the Govern- 
ments of the signatory and acceding States. 

In Witness Whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized thereto, have signed 
this Convention. 

Done at On 

Annex to the Convention 
Consultative Committee of Experts 

1. The Consultative Committee of Experts shall undertake to make appro- 
priate findings of fact and provide expert views relevant to any problem raised 
pursuant to article V, paragraph 1. of this Convention by the State Party re- 
questing the convention of the Committee. 

2. The work of the Consultative Committee of Experts shall be organized in 
such a way as to permit it to perforin the functions set forth in paragraph 1 of 
this annex. The Committee shall decide procedural questions relative to the 
organization of its work, where possible by consensus, but otherwise by a ma- 
jority of those present and voting. There shall be no voting on matters of 

3. The Depositary or his representative shall serve as the Chairman of the 

4. Each expert may lie assisted at meetings by one or more advisers. 

5. Each expert shall have the right, through the Chairman, to request from 
States, and from international organizations, such information and assistance 
as the expert considers desirable for the accomplishment of the Committee's 

Appendix D 

State Statutes Concerning Weather Modification 

Twenty-nine States were found which have some type of statute discussing 
weather modification. These state statutes were found by an examination of the 
indices to the state codes under the topics weather modification, climate control 
and cloud seeding. Statutes which have been repealed are not included. 1 

The following chart divides the types of weather modification statutes into 
three main categories : comprehensive, licensing and other. The comprehensive 
category would include those statutes which include provisions relating not only 
to licensing but also to general policy, liability, etc. State statutes put in the 
licensing category are entirely, or almost entirely, concerned with the licensing 
of weather modifiers. The "other" category would include States like Hawaii 
which discuss weather modification in some manner but have neither a com- 
prehensive statute nor one concerning licensing. States for which no provisions 
concerning weather modification were found contain a notation of "no provisions" 
on the chart. The exact text of those provisions follows the chart. 

It should be noted that in most cases the State codes were current through 
the 1976 sessions, however, in some cases the most current material available 
was from the 1975 sessions. 

Types of weather modification statutes 

States Comprehensive Licensing Other 

Alabama No provisions 

Alaska No provisions.. 

Arizona Arizona Rev. Stat. §§45- 


Arkansas. No provisions 

California. California Water Code §§ 400- 

415; § 235. California Gov- 
ernment Code § 53063. Cal- 
ifornia Pub. Res. Code 
§ 5093.36. 

Colorado Colorado Rev. Stat. §§ 36-20- 


Connecticut Connecticut Gen. Stat, Ann* 

§ 24-5-24-8. 

Delaware. No provisions 

Florida Florida Stat. Ann. §§ 403.281- 


Georgia No provisions 

Hawaii Hawaii Rev. Stat. §174-5(8). 

Idaho Idaho Code §§ 22-3201-22- 

3202; 22-4301-22-4302. 

Illinois Illinois Ann. Stat. ch. 146 3/4, 

§§ 1-32. 

Indiana No provisions 

Iowa Iowa Code Ann. §§361.1- 


Kansas Kansas Stat. §§ 19 212f; 82a- 


Kentucky No provisions.. 

Louisiana Louisiana Rev. Stat. Ann. 

§§ 2201-2208. 

Maine... No provisions. 

Maryland No provisions 

Massachusetts No provisions 

Michigan No provisions. 

Minnesota Minnesota Stat. Ann. 42.01- . ... . 


Mississippi No provisions.. 

Missouri No provisions 

Montana... Montana Rev. Codes Ann. 

§§ 89 310—89 331. 

Nebraska Nevada Rev. Stat. §§ 2 2401— 

2 2449; 81 829.45. 

1 This search w.-is completed In May ii>77. 



Types of weather modification statutes 

States Comprehensive Licensing Other 

Nevada Nevada Rev. Stat. §§ 544.010- 

544.240; 244.190. 

New Hampshire - New Hampshire Rev. Stat. 

Ann. § 432:1. 

New Jersey No provisions 

New Mexico New Mexico Stat. Ann. §§ 75- . 


New York. New York Gen. Mun. Law 

§ 119-p. 

North Carolina No provisions . 

North Dakota. North Dakota Cent. Code 

§§ 2-07-01-2-07-13; 37- 

17.1-15; 58-03-07. 

Ohio. No provisions.. 

Oklahoma Oklahoma Stat. Ann., title 2, 

§§ 1401-1432. 

Oregon Oregon Rev. Stat. §§ 558 010- 

558.990; 451.010; 451.420. 
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Stat. Ann , title 

3, §§ 1101-1118. 

Rhode Island No provisions 

South Carolina No provisions.. 

South Dakota. South Dakota Compiled Laws 

Ann. §§ 38-9-1—38-9-22; 

1-40-8; 10-12-18. 

Tennessee No provisions _ 

Texas Texas Water Code, title 2, 

§§14.001-14.112; Texas 

Civil Code, title 120A. 

§ 6889-7(16). 

Utah Utah Code Ann. §§73-15-3— 


Vermont No provisions 

Virginia No provisions 

Washington Washington Rev. Code Ann 

§§ 43.37.010-43.37.200; 43. 

27A.080(6); 43.27A.180(1). 
West Virginia West Virginia Code §§ 29 2B- 


Wisconsin... Wisconsin Stat. Ann. § 195.40. 

Wyoming Wyoming Stat. §§ 10-4—10-6, 

§§ 9-267-9-276. 


Ariz. Rev. Stat. §§ 45-2401-45-2405 

§ 45-2401. License required 

No person or corporation, other than the United States and its administrative 
agencies or the state shall, without having first received a license from the 
Arizona water commission, conduct any weather control or cloud modification 
operations or attempt artificially to produce rainfall. As amended Laws 1971, 
Ch. 49, § 25. 

§ 45-2402. Application for license 

Any individual or corporation who proposes to operate weather control or cloud 
modification projects or attempts to artificially induce rainfall shall, before 
engaging in any such operation, make application to the Arizona water commis- 
sion for a license to engage in the particular weather control or cloud modification 
operation contemplated. As amended Laws 1971, Ch. 49, § 26. 

Effective April 13, 1971. 
§ 45-2403. Application fee; statement accompanying application 

At the time of applying for the license, the applicant shall pay to the Arizona 
water commission a fee of one hundred dollars, and shall file an application in 
the form prescribed by the Arizona water commission and furnish a statement 
showing : 

1. The name and address of the applicant. 

2. The names of the operating personnel, and if unincorporated all individuals 
connected with the organization, or if a corporation the names of each of the 
officers and directors thereof, together with the address of each. 


3. The scientific qualifications of all operating or supervising personnel. 

4. A statement of all other contracts completed or in process of completion at 
the time the application is made, giving the names and addresses of the persons 
to whom the services were furnished and the areas in which such operations have 
been or are being conducted. 

5. Methods of operation the licensee will use and the description of the aircraft, 
ground and meteorological services to be utilized. 

6. Names of the contracting parties within the state, including : 

(a) The area to be served. 

(b) The months in which operations will be conducted. 

(c) The dates when evaluations will be submitted. As amended Laws 1071. 
Ch. 49, § 27. 

§ 45-2404- Reports required from licensees; failure to file; revocation of license 
Each licensee shall within ninety days after conclusion of any weather control 
or cloud modification project, file with the Arizona water commission a final 
evaluation of the project. Each six months during the operation of any project 
which has not been completed, each licensee shall file a report evaluating the 
operations for the preceding six months in the project. Failure to file such reports 
constitutes grounds for immediate revocation of the license. As amended Laws 
1071, Ch. 49, § 28. 

§ 45-2405. Equipment license; fee; application; reports required; revocation of 

A. Any individual or corporation engaging in manufacturing, selling or offering 
for sale, leasing or offering to lease, licensing or offering to license equipment and 
supplies designed for weather control or cloud modification shall, before engaging 
in such manufacture, sale or offering for sale, procure a license from the Arizona 
water commission. The license shall be issued upon payment of a license fee of 
ten dollars and the filing of an application which shall show : 

1. The name and address of the applicant. 

2. The full description of the type and design of the equipment and sup- 
plies manufactured and sold by the applicant. 

3. The operating technique of the equipment or supplies. 

B. Within sixty days after issuance of an equipment license and semi-annually 
thereafter, the licensee shall file with the commission a copy of all advertising 
material used in selling or offering for sale, leasing or offering for lease, licensing 
or offering for license the equipment and supplies manufactured or sold by it. 

C. The holder of a license shall within ten days after each sale of equipment or 
supplies report to the commission, in writing, the exact character and quantity 
of equipment or supplies sold, the date of the sale and the persons to whom the 
sale was made. 

D. Failure to file a copy of advertising material or reports required in this 
section constitutes grounds for immediate revocation of the equipment license) 
A s a mended Laws 1071, Ch. 49, § 29. 

Effective April 13, 1971. 


Cal. Water Code §§ 400-415; 235 

Regulation of Rain-Making and Rain-Prevention 


400. Legislative finding. 

401. Department ; person. 

402. License : necessity. 

403. License ; application : fee. 

404. License : contents of application. 
40."). License ; issuance : duration; 
400. License : renewal ; fee. 

407. Notice of intention. 

405. Notice of intention ; contents. 

409. Notice of intention : publication. 

410. Notice of intention ; proof of publication. 

411. Record of operations. 

412. Evaluation statement. 

413. Emergency nucleation project ; fire fighting. 
413.5 Proutrbt emergency. 

414. License : revocation or suspension ; procedure. 

415. Violation ; offense. 


Chapter 4 teas added by Stats. 1953, c. 139, p. 903, § 1. 

§ 400. Legislative finding 

The public interest, health, safety, welfare, and necessity require that scientific 
experimentation in the field of artificial nucleation, and that scientific efforts to 
develop, increase, and regulate natural precipitation be encouraged, and that 
means be provided for the regulation and control of interference by artificial 
means with natural precipitation of rain, snow, moisture, or water in any form 
contained in the atmosphere, within the State, in order to develop, conserve, and 
protect the natural water resources of the State and to safeguard life and 

(Added by Stats. 1953, c. 139, p. 903, § 1.) 
§ J/01. Department ; person 
As used in this chapter : 

(a) "Department" means the Department of Water Resources. 

(b) "Person" means any person, firm, association, organization, partner- 
ship, company, corporation, private or public, county, city, city and county, 

district, or other public agency. 

(Added by Stats. 1953, c. 139, p. 903, § 1. Amended by Stats. 1959, c. 1269, p. 3415, 

§ 1/02. License ; necessity 

No person, without first securing a license from the department, shall cause or 
attempt to cause condensation or precipitation of rain, snow, moisture, or water 
in any form contained in the atmosphere, or shall prevent or attempt to prevent 
by artificial means the natural condensation or precipitation of rain, snow, mois- 
ture, or water in any form contained in the atmosphere. 
(Added by Stats. 1953, c. 139, p. 903, § 1.) 
§ 403. License; application; fee 

Any person desiring to do any of the acts specified in Section 102 may file with 
the department an application in writing for a license. Each application shall be 
accompanied by a filing fee fixed by the department with the approval of the 
Department of General Services but not to exceed fifty dollars ($50) and shall be 
on a form to be supplied for such purpose by the department. 

(Added by Stats. 1953, c. 139, p. 904, § 1. Amended by Stats. 1965, c. 371, p. 1599, 

§ 404> License; contents of application 
Every application shall set forth all of the following : 

(a) The name and post-office address of the applicant. 

(b) The previous education, experience, and qualifications of the appli- 
cant, or, if the applicant is other than an individual, the previous education, 
experience, and qualifications of the persons who will be in control of and 
charged with the operations of the applicant. 

(c) A general description of the operation which the applicant intends to 
conduct and the method and type of equipment that the applicant proposes to 

(d) Such other pertinent information as the department may require. 
(Added by Stats. 1953, c. 139, p. 904, § 1. ) 

§ 405. License; issuance; duration 

Upon the filing of the application upon a form supplied by the department and 
containing the informatio prescribed by this chapter and accompanied by the 
required filing fee the department shall issue a license to the applicant entitling 
the applicant to conduct the operations described in the application for the calen- 
dar year for which the license is issued, unless the license is sooner revoked or 

(Added by Stats.1953, c. 139, p. 904, § 1.) 

Derivation : Stats. 1951, c. 1677, p. 3868, § 6. 
§ 406. License; renewal; fee 

A license may be renewed annually upon application to the department, accom- 
panied by a renewal fee fixed by the department with the approval of the Depart- 


ment of General Services but not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25), on or before 
the last' day of January of the calendar year for which the license is renewed. 
(Added by Stats.1953, c 139, p. 904, § 1. Amended by Stats.1965, c. 371, p. 1399, 

Derivation : Stats.1951, c. 1677, p. 3868, § 6. 
§ '{07. Xotice of intention 

Prior to undertaking any operation authorized by the license the licensee shall 
tile with the department and cause to be published a notice of intention. The 
licensee shall then confine his activities for that operation substantially within 
the rime and area limits set forth in the notice of intention, 
i Added by Stats.1953, c. 139, p. 904, § 1.) 

Derivation : Stats.1951, c. 1677, p. 3868, § 7. 
§ .'fOS. Xotice of intention; contents 

The notice of intention shall set forth all of the following : 

(a) The name and address of the licensee. 

(b) The nature and object of the intended operation and the person or 
persons on whose behalf it is to be conducted. 

(c) The area in which and the approximate time during which the opera- 
tion will be conducted. 

(d) The area which will be affected by the operation as near as the same 
may be determined in advance. 

(Added by Stats.1953, c. 139, p. 904, § 1.) 

Derivation : Stats.1951, c. 1677, p. 3868, § 8. 
§ 409. Xotice of intention; publication 

The licensee shall cause the notice of intention to be published pursuant to 
Section 6063 of the Government Code in a newspaper having a general circula- 
tion and published within any county wherein the operation is to be conducted 
and in which the affected area is located, or, if the operation is to be conducted 
in more than one county or if the affected area is located in more than one county 
or is located in a county other than the one in which the operation is to be con- 
ducted, then such notice shall be published in like manner in a newspaper having 
a general circulation and published within each of such counties. In case there is 
no newspaper published within the appropriate county, publication shall be made 
in a newspaper having a general circulation within the county. 
(Stats.1953, c. 139, p. 904, § 1. Amended by Stats.1955, c. 482, p. 953, § 1; Stats. 

1957, c. 448, p. 1302, § 1.) 

§ 410. Xotice of intention; proof of publication 

Proof of publication shall be filed by the licensee with the department within 
15 days from the date of the last publication of the notice. Proof of publication 
shall be by copy of the notice as published attached to and made a part of the 
affidavit of the publisher or foreman of the newspaper publishing the notice. 
(Added by Stats.1953. c. 139, p. 905, § 1.) 

Derivation : Stats.1951, c. 1677, p. 3868, § 10. 
S ///. Record of operations 

Every licensee shall keep and maintain a record of all operations conducted 
by him pursuant to his license showing the method employed, the type of equip- 
ment used, the times and places of operation of the equipment, the name and post- 
office address of each person participating or assisting in the operation other than 
the licensee, and such other information as may be required by the department, 
and shall report the same to the department immediately upon the completion of 
each operation. 

(Added by Stats.1953, c. 139, p. 905, § 1.) 

Derivation : Stats.1951, c. 1677, p. 3869, § 11. 
§ 'i12. Evaluation statement 

Each licensee shall further prepare and maintain an evaluation statement for 
each operation which shall include a report as to estimated precipitation, defining 
the gain or loss occurring from nucleation activities, together with supporting 
data therefor. This statement, together with such other pertinent information as 


the department may require, shall be sent to the department upon request by the 

(Added by Stats. 1953, c. 139, p. 905, § 1.) 

Derivation : Stat. 1951, c. 1677, p. 3869, § 11. 
§ 413. Emergency nucleation project; fire fighting 

Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, the department 
may grant a licensee permission to undertake an emergency nucleation project, 
without compliance by the licensee with the provisions of Sections 407 to 410, in- 
clusive, if the same appeal's to the department to be necessary or desirable in aid 
of extinguishment of fires. 

(Added by Stats. 1953, c. 139, p. 905, §1.) 

Derivation : Stats, 1951, c. 1677, p. 3869, § 12. 
§ 'flS.o Drought emergency 

Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, upon request of 
the board of supervisors of a county or of the governing body of a city or a pub- 
lic district of the State, and upon the submission of such supporting evidence 
as the department may require, the department may grant a licensee permission 
to undertake a nucleation project for the purpose of alleviating a drought emer- 
gency, without prior compliance by the licensee with the provisions of Section 407 
requiring publication of notice of intention, if such project appears to the depart- 
ment to be necessary or desirable. Nothing contained in this section shall be con- 
strued as to relieve the licensee in such case from compliance with the provisions 
of Sections 407 to 410, inclusive, requiring publication of notice of intention and 
tiling of proof of such publication, as soon after the granting of permission by the 
department as is practicable. 

(Added by Stats. 1955, c. 1399, p. 2512, §1.) 

§ 'fl'/. License; revocation or suspension; procedure 

Any license may be revoked or suspended if the department finds, after due 
notice to the licensee and a hearing thereon, that the licensee has failed or re- 
fused to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter. The proceedings herein 
referred to shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Admin- 
istrative Procedure Act, Chapter 5, Part 1, Division 3, Title 2 of the Government 
Code and the department shall have all the powers granted therein. 

(Added by Stats. 1953, c. 139, p. 905, §1.) 

Derivation : Stats. 1951, c. 1677, p. 3869, § 13. 
§ Violation; offense 

Any person who violates any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misde- 

(Added by Stats. 1953, c. 139, p. 905, § 1.) 

Derivation : Stats. 1951, c. 1677, p. 3869, § 14. 
§ 285. Weather modification; artificial rainfall; research contracts 

The department, either independently or in co-operation with any person or any 
county, state, federal, or other agency, to the extent that funds are allocated 
therefor, may conduct a program of study, research, experimentation, and evalu- 
ation in the field of weather modification, including the production and control 
of rainfall by artificial means, and it may contract with public and private or- 
ganizations and persons for research relative thereto. 

(Added by Stats. 1959, c. 2115, p. 4932, §1.) 

Cal. Gov't Code § 53063 

§ 5806. Rainfall control 

Any county, city, city and county, district, authority or other public corpora- 
tion or agency which has the power to produce, conserve, control or supply water 
for beneficial purposes shall have the power to engage in practices designed to 
produce, induce, increase or control rainfall or other precipitation for the gen- 
eral benefit of the territory within it. (Formerly §53062, added Stats. 1955, c. 
1823. p. 3365, § 1. Renumbered § 53063. and amended Stats. 1957, c. 65, p. 634, § 4. ) 

Library references: Waters and Water Courses 121; C.J.S. Waters § 124; 
Waters and Water Courses, 180, 183 (1, 2), 190, 198, 202; C.J.S. Waters 
§ 228. 


Cal. Pub. Res. Code § 5093.36 

§ 5093.86 Management and preservation of wilderness areas 

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, each state agency with juris- 
diction over any area designated as a wilderness area shall be responsible for pre- 
serving the wilderness character of the wilderness area and shall so administer 
such area for such other purposes for which it may have been established as also 
to preserve its wilderness character. Except as otherwise provided in this chap- 
ter, wilderness areas shall be devoted to the public purposes of recreational, 
scenic, scientific, educational, conservation, and historical use. 

(b) Except as specifically provided * * * in this chapter, and subject to pri- 
vate rights existing as of January 1, 1975, there shall be no commercial enter- 
prise and no permanent road within any wilderness area and, except as neces- 
sary in emergencies involving the health and safety of persons within the wilder- 
ness area, there shall be no temporary road, no use of motor vehicles, motorized 
equipment, or motorboats, no landing or hovering aircraft, no flying of aircraft 
lower than * * * 2,000 feet above the ground, no other form of mechanical trans- 
port, and no structure or installation within any wilderness area. 

(c) The following special provisions are hereby made : 

(1) Within wilderness areas, such measures may be taken as may be 
necessary for the control of fire, insects, and diseases, subject to such condi- 
tions as the state agency or agencies having jurisdiction over such wilder- 
ness areas may deem desirable. 

(2) Nothing in this chapter shall prevent any activity by any public 
agency within a wilderness area, including prospecting, for the purpose of 
gathering information about mineral or other resources, which the state 
agency or agencies having jurisdiction over such wilderness area have de- 
termined will be carried on in a manner compatible with the preservation 
of the wilderness environment. 

(3) The state agency or agencies having jurisdiction over wilderness areas 
may authorize the collection of hydrometeorological data and the conduct of 
weather modification activities, including both atmospheric and surface ac- 
tivities and environmental research, which are within, over, or may affect 
wilderness areas and for such purposes may permit access, installation, and 
use of equipment which is specifically justified and unobtrusively located. 
Maximum practical application of miniaturization, telemetry, and camou- 
flage shall be employed in conducting weather modification activities. In 
granting permission for the conduct of data collection and weather modi- 
fication activities, the appropriate state agency may prescribe such operat- 
ing and monitoring conditions as it deems necessary to minimize or avoid 
long-term and intensive local impact on the wilderness character of the 
wilderness areas affected. 

(4) Within wilderness areas, the grazing of livestock, where established 
prior to January 1. 1975. may be permitted to be continued by the present 
lessee or permittee subject to * * * limitation * * * by such terms and 
regulations as are deemed necessary by the state agency or agencies having 
jurisdiction over such wilderness areas. 

(5) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the aerial stocking of 
fish or to the conduct of aerial surveys of wildlife species. 

(Added by Stats. 1974, c. 1196, p. ?58t §2. Amended by Stats. 1975, c. 26, 
p. , § 1 ; Stats. 1976, c. 592, p. , § 1.) 


Colo. Rev. Stat. §36-20-101-36-20-126 

Weather Modification 


\Y( <itit< r MadificQtion 

Editor's NOTE.— r-The substantive provisions of this article, formerly article 1 of 
Chapter 151. C.K.S. 1963. were repealed and reeuaeted in 1972. causing some addi- 
tion, reloctaion, and elimination of sections as well as subject matter. (Compare 
historical record prior to 1972 of article 1 of chapter 151, C.R.S. 1963, as amended 
through L. 71.) 


3G-20-101. Short title. 
30-20-102. Legislative declaration. 
36-20-103. Declaration of rights. 
36-20-104. Definitions. 
36-20-105. Administration. 

36-20-106. Advisory committee — appointment — duties. 

36-20-107. Duties of the director. 

36-20-108. Powers of the director. 

36-20-109. License and permit required — exemptions. 

36— 20— 110. Issuance of license. 

36-20-111. License fee — expiration. 

36-20-112. Permit required — when issued. 

36-20-113. Permit fee. 

36-20-114. Limits of permit. 

36-20-115. Modification of permit. 

36-20-116. Scope of activity. 

36-20-117. Reports of licensee. 

36-20-118. Operations affecting weather in other states. 
36-20-119. Suspension — revocation — refusal to renew. 
36-20-120. Operation under permit. 
36-20-121. Hearing required. 

36-20-122. Immunity of state or public employees. 
36-20-123. Legal recourse — liability — damages. 
36-20-124. License or permit as defense in actions. 
36-20-125. Judicial review. 
36-20-126. Penalty. 

36-20-101. Short title. — This article shall be known and may be cited as the 
'•Weather Modifietaion Act of 1972". 

Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 632, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-1. 

36-20-102. Legislative declaration. — The general assembly declares that the 
state of Colorado recognizes that economic benefits can be derived for the people 
or the state from weather modification. Operations, research, experimentation, 
and development in the field of weather modification shall therefore be encour- 
aged. In order to minimize possible adverse effects, weather modification activi- 
ties shall be carried on with proper safeguards, and accurate information con- 
cerning such activities shall be made available for purposes of regulation. While 
recognizing the value of research and development of weather modification tech- 
niques by governmental agencies, the general assembly finds and declares that 
the actual practice of weather modification, whether at public or private expense, 
is properly a commercial activity which the law should encourage to be carried 
out, whenever practicable, by private enterprise. 

Source : R&RE, L. 72. p. 032, § 1 : C.R.S. 1963. § 151-1-2. 

36-20-103. Declarator, of right*. — The general assembly declares that the state 
of Colorado claims the right to all moisture suspended in the atmosphere which 
falls or is artificially induced to fall within its borders. Said moisture is declared 
to !>e the property of the people of this state, dedicated to their use pursuant 
to sections 5 and 6 of article XVI of the Colorado constitution and as otherwise 
provided by law. It is further declared that the state of Colorado also claims 
the prior right to increase or permit the increase of precipitation by artificial 
means for use in Colorado. The state of Colorado also claims the right to modify 
weather as it affects the people of the state of Colorado and to permit such 
modification by activitv within Colorado. 

Source : R & RE, L, 72, p. 632, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-3. 

36-20-104. Definitions. — As used in this article, unless the context otherwise 
requires : 

(1» "Advisory committee" or "committee" means the advisory committee ap- 
pointed pursuant to this article. 

(2) "Director" means the executive director of the department of natural 
resources, as created by article 33 of title 24. C.R.S. 1973. 

(3) "License" means a certification issued by the director indicating that a 
specific person has met the standards for certification as a weather modifier 
and is approved to direct weather modification operations in the state. 

(4> "Operation" means the performance in Colorado of any activity to attempt 
to modify or having the effect of modifying natural weather conditions other 
than usual and customary activities not conducted primarily for weather modi- 
fication and having only a minor effect on natural weather conditions. 

I a i "Permit" means a certification of project approval to conduct a specific 
weather modification operation within the state under the conditions and 
within the limitations required and established under the provisions of this 

<6j "Person" means an individual, partnership, or public or private corpora- 
tion or agency, except where the context indicates that "person" is used in the 
sense of a living individual. 


(7) "Publication" or "publish" means a minimum of at least two consecutive 
weekly legal notices in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the 
county or counties, or portions theerof, included within the proposed operation. 
It shall not be necessary that notice be made on the same day of the week in 
each of the two weeks, but not less than one week shall intervene between the 
tirst publication and the last publication, and notice shall be complete on the 
date of the last publication. If there is no such newspaper, notice shall be by 
posting in at least three public places within the county, or portions thereof, 
included within a proposed operation. Publication of notices provided for in 
this article may be made, at the discretion of the director, by notices broadcast 
over any or all standard radio, FM radio, television stations, and cable television. 
Such broadcast notices shall make reference to locations or publications wherein 
details of the subject matter of the notices are located. 

(8) "Research and development" means theoretical analysis, exploration, 
experimentation, and the extension of investigative findings and theories of a 
scientific or techncial nature into practical application for experimentation 
and demonstration purposes, including the experimental production and testing 
of models, devices, equipment, materials, and processes both in the laboratory and 
in the atmosphere. 

(9) "Research and development operation" or "research and development 
project" means an operation which is conducted solely to advance scientific and 
technical knowledge in weather modification. Research and development opera- 
tions may be conducted by state or federal agencies, state institutions of higher 
education, and bona fide nonprofit research corporations, or by commercial 
operators under contracts with such entities solely for research purposes. 

(10) "Weather modification" means any program, operation, or experiment 
intended to induce changes in the composition, behavior, or dynamics of the 
atmosphere by artificial means. 

36-20-^105. Administration. — (1) The executive director of the department of 
natural resources is hereby charged with administration of this article. 

(2) The director shall issue all licenses and permits provided for in this 
article. He is hereby empowered to issue rules and regulations he finds neces- 
sary to facilitate the implementation of this article, and he is authorized to 
execute and administer all other provisions of this article pursuant to the powers 
and limitations contained in this article. 

Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 634, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963. § lol-l-5. 

36-20-106. Advisory committee — appointment — duties. — (1) (a) The governor 
shall appoint an advisory committee to assist the director in developing licens- 
ing standards and report forms, in conducting studies, in establishing minimum 
operation requirements, and to advise the director on such other technical and 
general matters as the director may request. The director may designate sub- 
committees from the advisory committee to assist him in carrying out the pur- 
poses of this paragraph (a). 

(b) The advisory committee shall be composed of ten persons chosen by the 
governor, five of whom shall have appropriate scientific, technical, industrial, 
and water resources background and who may reside anywhere within the state: 
and live of whom shall be farmers or ranchers who derive the major portion of 
their income from agricultural enterprises located within Colorado: One farmer 
or rancher shall reside in and be chosen from each of the following river basins in 
( Colorado : 

(I) One person representing the Gunnison. White, Tampa, and Colorado 
river basins ; 

(Hi One person representing the San Juan river basin : 

(III) One person representing the Rio Grande river basin : 

(IV) ( toe person representing the Arkansas river basin : and 

(V) One person representing the Republican, South Platte, and North 
Platte river basins. 

(c) At the tirst meeting of the committee subsequent to the passage of this 
section, the ten appointed members of the committee shall draw lots to deter- 
mine which four shall hold office for a period of three years, which three shall 
li<»ld office for a period of two years, and which three shall hold office for a period 
of one year. Thereafter, appointed members to the committee shall hold office 
for a period of three years. Any six members of the committee shall constitute a 

(2) (.a) When any person shall file a verified complaint alleging damages' as a 
result of an operation or that an operation is being conducted in violation of the 

requirements of a permit or in violation of this article, the director shall either 
convene the advisory committee, which shall investigate the complaint and shall 
conduct a hearing or he may appoint a hearing officer pursuant to section 
30-20-108 ( 3 )( h ) . Thereafter a decision shall be issued in accordance with 
article 4 of title 24. C.R.S. 1973. Such decision shall not include any determination 
as to the amount of damages, if any. 

(b) The record of the hearing, including all evidence, exhibits, and other 
papers presented or considered, together with all findings of fact and conclu- 
sions of law, shall be available to any part in interest for use in any action 
for judicial review or a trial for damages, subject to applicable rules of evidence. 

(3) Members of the advisory committee shall not be paid for their services 
but they may be reimbursed for any actual and necessary expenses they incur in 
the perf ormance of their duties. 

Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 634, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-6. 

36-20-107. Duties of the director. — (1) The director shall establish rules 
and regulations, in accordance with article (4) of title 24, C.R.S. 1973, necessary 
to effectuate the purposes of this article and shall consult with the advisory com- 
mittee with respect thereto. 

(2) (a) The director shall establish qualifications, procedures, and condi- 
tions for the issuance of licenses for the purpose of conducting weather modifi- 
cation activities within the state. Such qualifications, procedures, and conditions 
shall be developed in consultation with the advisory committee appointed 
pursuant to section 36-20-106. 

(b) The qualifications so established shall insure that the licensee demonstrates 
knowledge, skill, and experience reasonably necessary to accomplish weather 
modification without actionable injury to person or property, but the licensee 
shall be limited to the exercise of such license to the method of weather modifi- 
cation within his area of expertise. At a minimum each such application shall 
meet requirements at least as stringent as one or more of the following: 

(I) Demonstrates that he has at least eight years' experience at the pro- 
fessional level in weather modification field research or operations, at least 
three of those year as a project director ; or 

(II) Has obtained a baccalaureate degree in engineering, mathematics, 
or the physical sciences plus three years' experience in weather modification 

. held research or operations ; or 

(III) Has obtained a baccalaureate degree in meteorology, or a degree 
in engineering or the physical sciences which includes, or is an addition to, 
the equivalent of at least twenty-five semester hours of meteorological 
course work and two years' practical experience in weather modification 
operations or research. 

Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 635, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-7 ; L. 73. p. 1535, § 2. 

36-20-108. Powers of the director. — (1) The director may issue permits 
applicable to specific weather modification operations. For each operation, 
said permit shall describe the specific geographic area authorized to be affected 
and shall provide a specific time period during w r hich the operation may con- 
tinue, which period may be discontinuous but may not have a total duration 
exceeding one calendar year from the day of its issuance. A separate permit 
shall be required for each operation. The director shall issue a permit only 
after it is established that the project is conceived to provide economic benefits 
or that it will advance or enhance scientific knowledge. The director shall issue 
only one active permit for activities in any geographic area if two or more 
projects therein might adversely interfere with each other. The director shall 
ask the advisory committee to review each request for a permit and offer him its 
advice on issuance. 

(2) The director shall, by regulation or order, establish standards instruc- 
tions to govern the carrying out of research and development or commercial 
operations in weather modification that he considers necessary or desirable 
to minimize danger to land, health, safety, people, property, or the 

(3) (a) The director may make any studies or investigations, obtain any 
information, and hold any hearings he considers necessary or proper to assist 
him in exercising his power or administering or enforcing this article or any 
regulations or orders issued under this article. 

(b) All hearings conducted under this article shall be conducted pursuant 
to the provisions of this article and article 4 of title 24. C.R.S. 1973, and the 


director may by his own action, or at the request of the advisory committee, 

appoint a hearing officer to conduct any hearing required by this article : 
said hearing to be conducted under the provisions and within the limitations 
of article 4 of title 24, C.R.S. 1073. and this article. 

(4) (a) The director may. upon approval of the governor, represent the 
state in matters pertaining to plans, procedures, or negotiations for interstate 
compacts relating to weather modification, but, before any such compacts 
may be implemented, the consent of the general assembly must be obtained. 

(b) The director may represent the state, and assist counties, municipal- 
ities, and public agencies in contracting with commercial operators for the 
performance of weather modification or cloud seeding operations. Counties, 
municipalities, and other public agencies of this state are hereby granted the 
authority to contribute to and participate in weather modification. 

(5) In order to assist in expanding the theoretical and practical knowledge 
of weather modification the director may participate in and promote continu- 
ous research and development in : 

(a) The theory and development of weather modification, including 
processes, materials, ecological effects, and devices related to such matters; 

(b) The utilization of weather modification for agricultural, industrial, 
commercial, municipal, recreational, and other purposes ; 

(c) The protection of life and property and the environment during 
research and operational activities. 

(6) The director may conduct and may contract for research and 
development activities relating to the purposes of this article. 

i 7 ) The director, subject to limits of the department of natural resources' 
appropriation, may hire any technical or scientific experts or any staff deemed 
necessary to carry out the provisions of this article. 

(8) Subject to any limitations imposed by law, the department of natural 
resources, acting through the director, may accept federal grants, private 
gifts, and donations from any other source. Unless the use of the money is 
restricted, or subject to any limitations provided by law, the director may : 

(a ) Spend it for the administration of this article : 

(b) By grant, contract, or cooperative arrangement, use the money to 
encourage research and development by a public or private agency ; or 

(c) Use the money to contract for weather modification operations. 

(0) The director, in cooperation with the advisory committee, shall pre- 
scribe those measurements reasonably necessary to be made prior to and 
during all operations to determine the probable effects of an operation. 

Source : R & RE L. 72, p. 636. § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-8. 

36-20-100. License and permit required — exemptions. — (1) Xo person may 
engage in activities for weather modification and control without a weather 
modification license and a weather modification permit issued by the director: 
nor may any person engage in any activities in violation of any term or condi- 
tion of the license or the permit. 

( 2 ) The director, to the extent he considers exemptions practical, may 
provide by regulation for exempting the following activities from the fee re- 
quirements of this article : 

(a) Research, development, and experiments conducted by state and fed- 
eral agencies, state institutions of higher education, and bona fide nonprofit 
research organizations ; 

(1)) Laboratory research and experiments: and 

(c) Activities of an emergency nature for protection against fire, frostj 
hail, sleet. smog, fog, or drought. 
Sen rce : R & RE, L. 72. p. 637, § 1 : C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-10. 

36-20-110. Issuance r,f license.— CI ) The director, in accordance with appli- 
cable regulations, shall issue a weather modification license to each applicant 
who : 

(a) Pays the license fee. if applicable : and 

(b) Meets the qualifications for licensure established by the director 
pursuant to section 3C>-20--107 (2). 

Source: R & UK. L. 7L>. p. 837, §1: C.R.S. 1063. §151-1-10. 

36-^20-111. r.icensc frr expiration.— \ license shall be issued under this' 
article only upon the payment to the state of Colorado the sum of one hun- 
dred dollars for such licence. Each such license shall expire at the end of 
the calendar year in which it is Issued. 

Source: R & RE. L. 72. p. 638, S 1 ; C.R.S. 1063. § 151-1-li. 


36-20-112. Permit required — when issued. — (1) The director, in accordance 
with his regulations, shall issue a weather modification permit to each appli- 
cant who : 

(a) Holds, or if the applicant is a corporation, the corporation demon- 
strates that the person in control of the project holds, a valid weather 
modification license. 

(b) Pays the permit fee, if applicable. 

(c) Furnishes proof of financial responsibility adequate to meet obli- 
gations reasonably likely to be attached to or result from the proposed 
weather modification operation. Such proof of financial responsibility may, 
but at the discretion of the director shall not be required to, be shown by 
presentation of proof of a prepaid insurance policy with an insurance 
company licensed to do business in Colorado, which insurance policy shall 
insure liabilities in an amount set by the director and provide a cancellation 
clause with a thirty-day notice to the director, or by filing with the director 
an individual, schedule, blanket, or other corporate surety bond in an 
amount approved by the director. 

(d) Submits a complete operational plan for each proposed project 
prepared by the licensed operator in control which includes a specific 
statement of objectives, a map of the proposed operating area which 
specifies the primary target area and shows the area reasonably expected 
to be affected, the name and address of the licensee, the nature and object 
of the intended operation, the person or organization on whose behalf it 
is to be conducted, a statement showing any expected effect upon the 
environment and methods of determining and evaluating the same, and 
such other detailed information as may be required to describe the opera- 
tion and its proposed method of evaluation. This operational plan shall be 
placed on file with the director and with any other agent as he may 

(e) Publishes a notice of intent to modify weather in the counties to be 
affected by the weather modification program before the licensee secures a 
permit and before beginning operations. The published notice shall designate 
the primary target area and indicate the general area which might be 
affected. It shall also indicate the expected duration and intended effect and 
state that complete details are available on request from the licensee or the 
director or from the other agent specified by the director. The publication 
shall also specify a time and place, not more than one week following the 
completion of publication, for a hearing on the proposed project. Proof of 
publication shall be furnished to the director by the licensee. 

(f ) Receives approval under the criteria set forth in subsection (3) of this 

(2) Before a permit may be issued, the director or his authorized agents 
shall hold a public hearing on the proposed project. Said hearing shall be 
held in a place within a reasonable proximity of the area expected to be 
affected by the proposed operation. 

(3) No permit may be issued unless the director determines, based on the 
information provided in the operational plan and on the testimony provided 
at the public hearing : 

(a) That, if it is a commercial project, the proposed weather modification 
operation is conceived to provide, and offers promise of providing, an eco- 
nomic benefit to the area in which the operation will be conducted : 

(b) That the project is reasonably expected to benefit the people in said 
area or benefit the people of the state of Colorado : 

(c) That the project is, if it is a commercial project, scientifically and 
technically feasible ; 

(d) That the project is, if it is a scientific or research project, designed 
for and offers promise of expanding the knowledge and the technology of 
weather modification : 

(e) That the project does not involve a high degree of risk of substantial 
harm to land, people, health, safety, property, or the environment : 

(f) That the project is designed to include adequate safeguards to pre- 
vent substantial damage to land, water rights, people, health, safety, or to 
the environment ; 

(g) That the project will not adversely affect another project: and 
34-857 — 79 36 


(h) That the project is designed to minimize risk and maximize scientific 
gains or economic benefits to the residents of the area or the state. 
Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 638, § 1 : C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-12. 
36-20-113. Permit fee. — The fee for each permit or the renewal thereof 
under section 36-20-114 shall be at a minimum of one hundred dollars. If the 
operation is a commercial project an additional amount equal to two percent 
of the value of the contract for such commercial project shall be required 
and paid before a permit may be issued. Said fees are intended to provide 
at least a portion of the moneys necessary to administer this article. 
Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 639, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963. § 151-1-13. 

36-20-114. Limits of permit. — (1) A separate permit is required annually 
for each operation. If an operation is to be conducted under contract, a 
permit is required for each separate contract. Subject to the provisions of 
subsection (2) of this section, a permit may be granted for more than one 
year's duration. 

(2) The director may conditionally approve a project for a continuous time 
period in excess of one year's duration. Permits for such operations must 
be renewed annually. In approving the renewal of a permit for a continuous 
program, the director may waive the procedures for initial issuance of a 
permit in section 36-20-112 and, upon his review and approval of the project's 
operational record, or, if at his request, the advisory committee reviews and 
subsequently approves the project's operational record, he may issue a re- 
newed permit for the operation to continue. In such instances, the fees, based 
upon the value of the contract pursuant to section 26-20-113 may be prorated 
and paid on an annual basis. 

(3) A project permit may be granted by the director without prior publi- 
cation of notice by the licensee in case of fire, frost, hail, sleet, smog, fog, 
drought, or other emergency. In such cases, publication of notice shall be 
performed as soon as possible and shall not be subject to the time limits 
specified in this article 4 of title 24, C.R.S. 1973. 

Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 639, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-14. 

36-20-115. Modification of permit. — (1) The director may revise the terms 
and conditions of a permit if : 

(a) The licensee is first given notice and a reasonable opportunity for a 
hearing on the need for a revision ; and 

(b) It appears to the director that a revision is necessary to protect the 
health or property of any person or to protect the environment. 

(2) If it appears to the director that an emergency situation exists or is 
impending which could endanger life, property, or the environment, he may, 
without prior notice or a hearing, immediately modify the conditions of a permit, 
or order temporary suspension of the permit on his own order. The issuance of 
such order shall include notice of a hearing to be held within ten days thereafter 
on the question of permanently modifying conditions or continuing the suspension 
of the permit. Failure to comply with an order temporarily suspending an 
operation or modifying the conditions of a permit shall be grounds for imme- 
diate revocation of the permit and the operator's license. 

(3) It shall be the responsibility of the licensee conducting any operation 
to notify the director of any emergency which can reasonably be foreseen or 
of any existing emergency situations in subsection (2) of this section which 
might in any way be caused or affected by the weather modification operation. 
Failure by the licensee to so notify the director of any such existing emergency, 
or any impending emergency which should have been foreseen, may be grounds, 
at the discretion of the director, for revocation of the license and revocation of 
the permit for operation. 

Source : R & RE. L. 72, p. 640, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-15. 

36-20-116. Scope of activity. — Once a permit is issued, the licensee shall con- 
fine his activities within the limits of time and area specified in the permit, 
except to the extent that the limits are modified by the director. He shall also 
comply with any terms and conditions of the permit as originally issued or as 
subsequently modified by the direetor. 

Source : R & RE. L. 72, p. 640, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963. § 151-1-16. 

36-20-117. Reports of licensee. — (1) In order to aid in research and develop- 
ment in weather modification and to aid in the protection of life and property 
or the environment, any person conducting any weather modification operation 
in Colorado or elsew here where by undertaking operations within Colorado shall 


file such reports at such time and in the manner and form as shall be required 
by regulation of the director. 

(2) Report forms may be developed by the director on the advice of the 
advisory committee and shall include basic records showing: The method 
employed, the type of equipment used, the kind and amount of each material used, 
the times and places the equipment is operated, the name and address of each 
individual, other than the licensee, who participates or assists in the operation, 
any environmental effects realized or suspected to have occurred, and any other 
necessary data he may require. 

(3) The director shall require written biweekly reports summarizing the proj- 
ect's activities and intended results while the project is actually in operation, 
and he shall require a written final operational report and a written final report 
evaluating the project, or an annual operational report and an annual project 
evaluation, as the case may be. A final operational report along with a prelimi- 
nary scientific evaluation of the project shall be filed no later than thirty days 
after the completion of the project. A final complete scientific evaluation of the 
project shall be filed no later than one hundred eighty days after the completion 
of the project. An annual summary report shall be filed sixty days prior to the 
renewal of a permit under the provisions of section 36-20-114(2). All such 
reports are declared to be public records subject to the provisions and limitations 
of part 2 of article 72 of title 24, C.R.S. 1973. 

Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 640, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963. § 151-1-17 ; L. 73, p. 1536. § 3. 

36-20-118. Operations affecting weather in other states. — Weather control 
operations may not be carried on in Colorado for the purpose of affecting weather 
in any other state if that state prohibits such operations to be carried on in 
that state for the benefit of Colorado or its inhabitants. 

Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 641, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-18. 

36-20-119. Suspension — revocation — refusal to renew. — (1) The director may 
suspend or revoke a license or permit if it appears that the licensee no longer has 
the qualifications necessary for the issuance of an original license or permit 
or has violated any provision of this article. 

(2) The director may refuse to renew the license of, or to issue another 
permit to, any applicant who has failed to comply with any provision of this 

•Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 641 ; § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-19. 

36-20-120. Operation under permit. Operations under permit may only be 
carried forward by or under the immediate direction and supervision of a 

Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 641 ; § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-20. 

36-20-21. Hearing required. — (1) Except as provided in section 36-20-115, the 
director may not suspend or revoke a license or permit without first giving the 
licensee notice and a reasonable opportunity to be heard with respect to the 
grounds for his proposed action. 

(2) Said hearing shall be conducted by the advisory committee in the manner 
provided in section 36-20-106(2) or in the same manner bv a hearing officer. 

Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 641 ; § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963. § 151-1-21. 

36-20-22. Immunity of state or public employees. — Officers or employees of 
the state or any agency thereof, or officers or employees of any county or 
municipality or other public agency of the state, are immune from liability 
resulting from any weather modification operations approved or conducted by 
them under the provisions and limitations of this article. 

Source : R & RE, L. 72. p. 641 : § 1 : C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-22. 

36-20-123. Legal recourse — liability — damages. — (1) The mere dissemination 
of materials and substances into the atmosphere pursuant to an authorized 
project shall not give rise to the contention or concept that such use of the 
atmosphere constitutes trespass or involves an actionable or enjoinable public 
or private nuisance. 

(2) (a) Failure to obtain a license or permit before conducting an opera- 
tion, or any actions which knowingly constitute a violation of the conditions 
of a permit, shall constitute negligence per se. 

(b) The director may order any person who is found to be conducting a 
weather modification operation without a license and permit to cease and 
desist from said operation. Failure to obey said order shall constitute a mis- 
demeanor and is punishable as provided in section 36-20-126. 

Source: R & RE, L 72, p. 641, § 1; C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-23. 


36-20-124. License or permit as defense in actions. — The fact that a person 
holds a license or was issued a permit under this article, or that he has com- 
plied with the requirements established by the director pursuant to this article, 
is not admissible as a defense in actions for damages or injunctive relief 
brought against him. 

Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 642, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-24. 

36-20-125. Judicial review. — Judicial review of any action of the director 
or findings of the advisory committee may be had in accordance with the 
provisions of section 24-^-106, C.R.S. 1973. 

Source : R & RE, L. 72, p. 642, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963, § 151-1-25. 

36-20-126. Penalty. — Any person conducting a weather modification opera- 
tion without first having procured a required license and permit, or who 
makes a false statement in the application for a license or permit, or who 
fails to file any report as required by this article, or who conducts any weather 
modification operation after revocation of a license or denial, revocation, 
modification, or temporary suspension of a permit for operation, or who violates 
any other provisions of this article is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon 
conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five thousand 
dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than six months, 
or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such violation shall be a separate 

Source : R & RL, L. 72, p. 642, § 1 ; C.R.S. 1963. § 351-1-26. 

Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. §§ 24-5-24-8 

Weather Control Board 


24-5. Weather Control board. 
24-6. Duties. 

24-7. Advisory committees, standards, representation of state in interstate matters. 
24-8. Receipt of funds. 

§ 2-'i-5. Weather control board 

There shall be a weather control board, consisting of the commissioner of 
agriculture, the commissioner of environmental protection or his designated 
representative, the dean of the college of agriculture of The University of 
Connecticut, the director of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station 
and a meteorologist, whose education and experience qualify him for profes- 
sional membership in the American Meteorological Society and who shall be 
appointed by the governor for a term of six years. The members of the board 
shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for then necessary 
expenses. The commissioner of agriculture shall be chairman of the board and 
shall furnish such supplies, materials and clerical assistance as the duties of 
the board may require. The board shall meet on call of the chairman at the 
offices of the department of agriculture. 

(1959, P.A. 668, §1; 1961, P.A. 16; 1971, P. A. 872, §206, eff. Oct. 1, 1971.) 
§ 24-6. Duties 

The board may conduct, and promote the conduct of, research and develop- 
ment activities relating to : 

(1) The theory and development of methods of weather modification 
and control, including processes, materials and devices related thereto ; 

(2) the utilization of weather modification and control for agricultural, 
industrial, commercial and other purposes, and 

(3) the protection of life and property during research and operational 

(1959, P.A. 668, §2.) 

§ 2-{-7. Advisory committees, standards, representation of state in interstate 

In the performance of its functions the board may: 

(1) Establish advisory committees to advise with and make recommenda- 
tions to the board concerning legislation, policies, administration, research 
and other matters ; 


(2) establish standards and instructions to govern research in weather 
modification and control, and 

(3) represent the state in all matters pertaining to plans, procedures 
or negotiations for interstate compacts relating to weather modification 
and control. 

(1959, P. A. 668. §3.) 

§ 24-8. Receipt of funds 

The board may. subject to any limitations otherwise imposed by law, receive 
and accept on behalf of the state any funds which may be offered or which 
may become available from federal grants or appropriations, private gifts, 
donations or bequests or any other source and may expend such funds, unless 
their use is restricted or subject to any limitations otherwise provided by law, 
for the administration of this chapter and for the encouragement of research 
and development by a state, public or private agency by direct grant, by contract 
or by cooperative means. 
(959, P. A. 668, §4.) 


Fla. Stat. Ann. §§403.281-403.411 

403.281 Definitions ; weather modification law 

As used in this chapter relating to weather modification : 

(1) "Department'' is the Deartment of [Environmental Regulation] \ 

(2) "Person" includes any public or private corporation. 

403.291 Purpose of weather modification law 

The purpose of this law is to promote the public safety and welfare by 
providing for the licensing, regulation and control of interference by artificial 
means with tbe natural precipitation of rain, snow, hail, moisture or water 
in any form contained in the atmosphere. 

403.301 Artificial weather modification operation ; license required 

Xo person without securing a license from the department, shall cause or 
attempt to cause by artificial means condensation or precipitation of rain, 
snow, hail, moisture or water in any form contained in the atmosphere, or 
shall prevent or attempt to prevent by artificial means the natural condensa- 
tion or precipitation of rain, snow, hail, moisture or water in any form con- 
tained in the atmosphere. 

403.311 Application for licensing; fee 

(1) Any person desiring to do or perform any of the acts specified in § 403.301 
may file with the department an application for a license on a form to be 
supplied by the department for such purpose setting forth all of the following: 

(a) The name and post office address of the applicant. 

(b) The education, experience and qualifications of the applicant, or 
if the applicant is not an individual, the education, experience and qualifica- 
tions of the persons who will be in control and in charge of the operation 
of the applicant. 

(c) The name and post office address of the person on whose behalf the 
weather modification operation is to be conducted if other than the 

(d) The nature and object of the weather modification operation which 
the applicant proposes to conduct, including a general description of 
such operation. 

(e) The method and type of equipment and the type and composition 
of materials that the applicant proposes to use. 

(f) Such other pertinent information as the department may require. 

(2) Each application shall be accompanied by a filing fee in the sum of 
one hundred dollars and proof of financial responsibility as required by 
§ 403.321. 

403.321 Proof of financial responsibility 

(1) Xo license shall be issued to any person until he has filed with the 
department proof of ability to respond in damages for liability on account of 

1 Bracketed words substituted by the division of statutory revision for tbe words "Pollu- 
tion Control." See Laws 1975. e. 75-22. § 8. 
Republished to conform to Fla. St. 1975. 


accidents arising out of the weather modification operations to be conducted 
by him in the amount of ten thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or 
death of one person resulting from any one incident, and subject to said limit 
for one person, in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars because of 
bodily injury to or death of two or more persons resulting from any one inci- 
dent, and in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars because of injury to 
or destruction of property of others resulting from any one incident. 

(2) Proof of financial responsibility may be given by filing with the depart- 
ment a certificate of insurance or a bond in the required amount. 

403.331 Issuance of license; suspension or revocation; renewal 

( 1 ) The department shall issue a license to each applicant who : 

(a) By education, skill and experience appears to be qualified to under- 
take the weather modification operation proposed in his application. 

(b) File proof of his financial responsibility as required by §403.321. 

(c) Pays filing fee required in § 403.311. 

(2) Each such license shall entitle the licensee to conduct the operation 
described in the application for the calendar year for which the license is 
issued unless the license is sooner revoked or suspended. The conducting of any 
weather modification operation or the use of any equipment or materials other 
than those described in the application shall be cause for revocation or sus- 
pension of the license. 

(3) The license may be renewed annually by payment of a filing fee in the 
sum of fifty dollars. 

403.341 Filing and publication of notice of intention to operate; limitation on 
area and time 

Prior to undertaking any operation authorized by the license, the licensee shall 
file with the department and cause to be published a notice of intention. The 
licensee shall then confine his activities substantially within the time and area 
limits set forth in the notice of intention. 

403.351 Contents of notice of intention 
The notice of intention shall set forth all of the following : 

( 1 ) The name and post office address of the licensee. 

(2) The name and post office of the persons on whose behalf the weather 
modification operation is to be conducted if other than the licensee. 

(3) The nature and object of the weather modification operation which 
licensee proposes to conduct, including a general description of such operation. 

(4) The method and type of equipment and the type and composition of the 
materials the licensee proposes to use. 

(5) The area in which and the approximate time during which the operation 
will be conducted. 

,(G) The area which will be affected by the operation as nearly as the same 
may be determined in advance. 

403.361 Publication of notice of intention 

The licensee shall cause the notice of intention to be published at least once 
a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation 
and published within any county wherein the operation is to be conducted and 
in which the affected area is located, or if the operation is to be conducted in 
more than one county or if the affected area is located in more than one county 
or is located in a county other than the one in which the operation is to be con- 
ducted, then such notice shall be published in like manner in a newspaper hav- 
ing a general circulation and published within each of such counties. In case 
there is no newspaper published within the appropriate county, publication shall 
be made in a newspaper having a general circulation within the county. 

.) 03.. ill Proof of publ ica t i on 

Proof of publication shall be filed by the licensee with the department 
fifteen days from the date of the last publication of notice. Proof of publication 
shall be by copy of the notice as published, attached to and made a part of the 
affidavit of the publisher or foreman of the newspaper publishing the notice. 

403.38 1 I \' <■<■(,)■ d and reports of operations 

1 1 ) Each licensee shall keep and maintain a record of all operations conducted 
by him pursuant to his license showing the method employed, the type and 
composition of materials used, the times and places of operation, the name and 


post office address of each person participating or assisting- in the operation 
other than licensee and such other information as may be required by the 
department and shall report the same to the department at such times as it 
may require. 

(2) The records of the department and the reports of all licensees shall 
be available for public examination. 

403.391 Emergency licenses 

Notwithstanding any provisions of this act to the contrary, the department 
may grant a license permitting a weather modification operation without 
compliance by the licensee with the provisions of §§ 403.351-403.371, and without 
publication of notice of intention as required by § 403.341 if the operation 
appears to the department to be necessary or desirable in aid of the extinguish- 
ment of fire, dispersal of fog or other emergency. 

403.401 Suspension or revocation of license; appeal 

(1) Any license may be revoked or suspended if the department finds, after 
due notice to the licensee and a hearing therein, that the licensee has failed 
or refused to comply with any of the provisions of this act. 

(2) Any licensee may apply to the circuit court for the county of Leon to 
review any order of the department within the time provided by the Florida 
appellate rules. The review shall be by certiorari in the manner prescribed by 
the Florida appellate rules. 

(3) Either the department or the licensee may appeal from the order or 
decree of the circuit court to the appropriate district court of appeal in the 
same manner appeals may be taken in suits in equity. 

403.411 Penalty 

Any person conducting a weather modification operation without first having 
produced a license, or who shall make a false statement in his application for 
license, or who shall fail to file any report or reports as required by this act, 
or who shall conduct any weather modification operation after revocation or 
suspension of his license, or who shall violate any other provision of this act, 
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided 
in § 775.082 or § 775.083 ; and if a corporation, shall be guilty of a misde- 
meanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in § 775.083. Each such 
violation shall be a separate offense. 


Haw. Rev. Stat. § 174-5(8) 

§ 114-5 Powers 

In addition to all the powers granted to the board of land and natural resources 
in chapter 171 for the purpose of carrying out all of its functions and duties, 
the board shall have the following powers for the purposes of this chapter : 

(8) To investigate and make surveys of water resources, including the 
possibility and feasibility of inducing rain by artificial or other means ; 


Idaho Code §§22-3201-23-3202; 22-4301-22-4302 

Rainfall — Artificial Production 


22-3201. Registration of producers of artificial rainfall. 
22-3202. Log of activities filed with department of agriculture. 

22-3201. Registration of producers of artificial rainfall. — Any person, persons, 
association, firm, or corporation conducting or intending to conduct within the 
state of Idaho operations to assist artificially in production of or to produce 
artificially rainfall shall register with the department of agriculture of the 
state of Idaho. 

Such registration shall require the filing of the name of the person, asso- 
ciation, or corporation, its residence, or principal place of business in the 
state of Idaho and the general nature of the business to be conducted. [1957, ch. 
106, § 1, p. 184.] 

22-3202. Log of activities filed with department of agriculture. — Such person, 
persons, association, firm or corporation shall thereafter file with the said 


department of agriculture a log of all its activities in the production, artificially, 
within this state, of rainfall. [1957, ch. 106, § 2, p. 184.] 

Chapter 43 — Weather Modification Districts 


2-4301 . Establishment — Petition — Election. 

22-4302. Weather modification fund — Creation — Administration. 

22-4301. Establishment — Petition — Election. — (1) The county commissioners 
of any county shall, upon petition signed by not less than fifty (50) resident real 
property holders of said county, or any portion thereof, which may exclude 
incorporated cities, undertake the following procedure to determine the advis- 
ability of resolving to establish and maintain a weather modification district 
within the county as may be designated in the petition. 

(a) A petition to form a weather modification district shall be presented 
to the county clerk and recorder. The petition shall be signed by not less 
than fifty (50) of the resident real property holders within the proposed 

(b) The petition shall be filed with the county clerk and recorder of the 
county in which the signers of the petition are located. Upon the filing of the 
petition the county clerk shall examine the petition and certify whether the 
required number of petitioners have signed the petition. If the number of 
petition signers is sufficient, the clerk shall transmit the petition to the 
board or county commissioners. 

(c) Upon receipt of a duly certified petition the board of county com- 
missioners shall give notice of an election to be held in such proposed district 
for the purpose of determining whether or not the proposed district shall 
be organized and to elect the first board of trustees for the district. Such 
notice shall include the date and hours of the election, the polling places, the 
maximum number of mills which the proposed district will be permitted 
to levy, the general purposes of the proposed district, a description of 
lands to be included in the proposed district, a statement that a map of 
the proposed district is available in the office of the board of county com- 
missioners, and the names and terms of the members to he elected to the 
first board of trustees. The notice shall be published once each week for three 
(3) consecutive weeks prior to such election, in a newspaper of general cir- 
culation within the county. 

(d) The election shall be held and conducted as nearly as may he in the 
same manner as general elections in this state, except that electors need not 
be registered in order to vote in such election. The board of county com- 
missioners shall appoint three (3) judges of election, one (1) of whom shall 
act as cleark for the election. Each elector may be required to take an oath 
that he is a resident of the proposed district, and otherwise possesses all the 
qualifications of an elector before casting his vote. At such election the 
electors shall vote for or against the organization of the district, and the 
members of the fisrt board of trustees. 

(e) The judges of election shall certify the returns of the election to the 
board of county commissioners. If a majority of the votes cast at said 
election are in favor of the organization, the board of county commissioners 
shall declare the district organized and give it a name by which, in all 
proceedings, it shall thereafter be known, and shall further designate the 
first board of trustees elected, and thereupon the district shall be a legal 
taxing district. 

(f) On the second Tuesday of January, in the second calendar year after 
the organization of any district, and on the second Tuesday of January 
every year thereafter an election shall be held, which shall be known as 
the annual election of the district. 

Al tlx 1 first annual election in any district hereafter organized, and each 
third year thereafter, there shall be elected by the qualified electors of the 
district, one (1) member of the board to serve for a term of three (3) years : at 
the second annual election and each third year thereafter, there shall be elected 
one I 1 ) member of the board to serve for a term of three (3) years, and at the 
third annual election, and each third year thereafter, there shall be elected one 
(1) member of the board to serve for a term of three (3) years. 

Not later than thirty (30) days before any such election, nominations may 
be filed with the secretary of the board and if a nominee does not withdraw his 


name before the first publication of the notice of election, his name shall be 
placed on the ballot. The board shall provide for holding such election and 
shall appoint judges to conduct it. The secretary of the district shall give notice 
of election by publication, and shall arrange such other details in connection 
therewith as the board may direct. The returns of the election shall be certified to 
and shall be canvassed and declared by the board. The candidate or candidates 
receiving the most votes shall be eleced. [1975, ch. 145, § 1, p. 334.] 

22-4302. Weather modification fund — Creation — Administration. — The board 
of trustees of a weather modification district shall conduct the affairs of the 
district. The board of trustees shall certify a budget to the board of county 
commissioners to fund the operations of the district. The budget preparation, 
hearings and approval shall be the same as required for any county budget. 
The certification of the budget to the board of county commissioners shall be 
as required for other taxing districts. The board of county commissioners may 
levy annually upon all taxable property in the weather modification district, a 
tax not to exceed four (4) mills, to be collected and paid into the county 
treasury and apportioned to a fund to be designated the "weather modification" 
fund, which is hereby created. Such fund shall be used by the district for the 
gathering of information upon, aiding in or conducting programs for weather 
control or modification, and such activities related to weather modification 
programs as are necessary to insure the full benefit of such programs. Moneys in 
the fund may be paid out only on order of the board of trustees. [1975, ch. 145, 
§2, p. 334.] 


111. Ann. Stat. ch. 146 §§ 1-32 

Chapter 146% 
weather [new] 


1. Short title. 

2. Declaration of purpose. 

3. Definitions. 

3.01 Department. 

3.02 Director. 

3.03 Board. 

3.04 Weather modification. 

3.05 Person. 

3.06 Operation. 

3.07 Research and Development. 

3.08 License. 

3.09 Licensee. 

3.10 Permit. 

3.11 Permittee. 

4. Administration. 

5. Weather Modification Board. 

6. Regulations. 

7. Investigations. 

8. Hearings. 

9. Interstate compacts. 

10. License and permit required. 

11. Exemptions. 

12. Issuance of license. 

13. License fee. 

14. Expiration date. 

15. Renewal of license. 

16. Suspension, revocation, refusal to renew a license. 

17. Issuance of permit. 

18. Permit fee. 

19. Scope of permit. 

20. Proof of financial responsibility. 

21. Modification of permit. 

22. Renewal of permit. 

23. Suspension, revocation, refusal to renew permit. 

24. Recreation of license or permit. 

25. Review under Administrative Review Act — Venue — Costs. 

26. Records and reports. 

27. State immunity. 

28. Liability. 

29. Penalty for violations. 

30. Suits to recover fines, penalties or fees. 

31. Injunction to restrain violations. 

32. Partial invalidity. 



The Weather Modification Control Act was enacted as Article I 
of P.A. 78-674 ; Article II consisted of amendments of related acts. 

§i. Short title 

This Act shall be known and may be cited as the "Weather Modification 
Control Act". (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 


An Act to regulate weather modification in this State and amending certain 
Acts therein named in connection therewith. Approved by P.A. 78-674, eff. 
Oct. 1, 1973. 

§ 2. Declaration of purpose 

(a) The General Assembly hereby declares that weather modification affects 
the public health, safety and welfare and the environment, and is subject to 
regulation and control in the public interest. Properly conducted weather 
modification operations can improve water quality and quantity, reduce losses 
from weather hazards and provide economic benefits for the people of the 
State. Therefore weather modification operations and research and develop- 
ment shall be encouraged. In order to minimize possible adverse effects, weather 
modification activities shall be carried on with proper safeguards, and accurate 
information concerning such activities shall be recorded and reported to the 
Department of Registration and Education. 

(b) This Act shall be liberally construed to carry out these objectives and 
purposes. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, §2, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 3. Definitions 

As used in this Act unless the context otherwise requires, the terms specified 
in Sections 3.01 through 3.11 have the meanings ascribed to them in those 
Sections. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, §3, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 3.01. Department 

"Department" means the Department of Registration and Education. (P.A. 
78-674, Art. I, §3.01, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 3.02 Director 

"Director" means the Director of Registration and Education. (P.A. 78-674, 
Art. I §3.02, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 3.03 Board 

"Board" means the Weather Modification Board appointed pursuant to 
this Act. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, § 3.03, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 3.04 Weather modification 

"Weather modification" means any activity performed with the intention 
of producing artificial changes in the composition, motions and resulting 
behavior of the atmosphere. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, §3.04, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 3.05 Person 

"Person" means any individual, corporation, company, association, firm, 
partnership, society, joint stock company, any State or local government or 
any agency thereof, or any other organization, whether commercial or non- 
profit, who is performing weather modification operations or research and 
development, except where acting solely as an employee, agent or independent 
contractor of the United States of America or any agency thereof. "Person" 
does not include the United States of America or any agency thereof. (P.A. 78- 
674, Art. 1, §3.05, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§3.06 Operation 

"Operation" means the performance of any weather modification activity 
undertaken for the purpose of producing or attempting to produce any form of 
modifying effect upon the weather within a specified geographical area over a 
specified time interval. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, §3.06, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

%3.07 Research and Development 

"Research and Development" means exploration, filed experimentation and 
extension of investigative findings and theories of a scientific or technical 


nature into practical application for experimental and demonstration purposes, 
including the experimental production and testing of models, devices, equip- 
ment, materials and processes. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, §3.07, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 3.08 License 

"License" means a professional license issued by the Director indicating 
that a specified person has met the standards for certification as a weather 
modifier and is approved to conduct weather modification operations for which 
permits have been issued under this Act. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, § 3.08, eff. Oct. 1, 

§ 3.09 Licensee 

"Licensee" means a person who holds a professional weather modification 
license issued under this Act. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, § 3.09, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 3.10 Permit 

"Permit" means an operational permit issued by the Director indicating 
that approval has been given for conducting a specified weather modification 
operation within the State subject to the conditions and within the limitations 
established under the provisions of this Act. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, § 3.10, eff. 
Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 3.11 Permittee 

"Permittee" means a person who holds an operational permit issued under 
this Act. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, § 3.11, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 4- Administration 

(a) The powers and duties enumerated in this Act shall be exercised by 
the Director. 

(b) The Director shall exercise the powers and duties enumerated in this 
Act, except those enumerated in Section 5, only upon the recommendation 
and report in writing of the majority of the members of the Board (P.A. 
78-674, Art. I, § 4, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 5. Weather Modification Board 

There is created the Weather Modification Board to be composed of 5 resi- 
dents of the State who shall be appointed by the Director. In selecting members 
of the Board the Director shall include individuals with qualifications and 
practical experience in agriculture, law, meteorology and water resources. 

The Director shall appoint one member of the Board to a term of one year, 
2 members to terms of 2 years and 2 members to terms of 3 years, commencing 
January 1, 1974. After expiration of the terms of the members first appointed 
pursuant to this Act, each of their respective successors shall hold office for 
a term of 3 years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Mem- 
bers of the Board shall be eligible for re-appointment. 

In the event a member of the Board shall be disqualified from considering 
business before the Board because of a conflict of interest, the Director may 
appoint a resident of the State to serve temporarily on the Board. After the 
Board decides upon its recommendation to the Director concerning such business 
the member will resume his position on the Board. 

The chairman of the Board shall be designated by the Director from among 
the members. 

Each member of the Board shall be paid the sum of $25 for every day he 
is actually engaged in its services, and shall be reimbursed for such actual and 
necessary expenses as he may incur in performance of the functions of the 

The Board shall hold an annual meeting at Springfield, Illinois, and such 
other meetings at such times and places and upon such notice as the Board 
may determine. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for 
performance of its function. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, § 5, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 6. Regulations 

The Department shall make reasonable rules and regulations necessary to the 
exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties under this Act. 

In order to effectuate the objectives and purposes of this Act, the Department 
shall make reasonable rules and regulations establishing qualifications, proce- 
dures and conditions for issuance, renewal, revocation, suspension, refusal to 
renew, refusal to issue, restoration and modification of licenses and permits. 


In order to minimize possible adverse effects to the public health, safety and 
welfare ' and the environment, the Department shall make reasonable rules 
and regulations establishing standards and instructions to govern weather mod- 
ification operations and research and development. 

In order to make accurate information available concerning weather modifica- 
tion operations and research and development in the State, the Department 
shall make reasonable rules and regulations requiring record keeping and 
reporting and shall establish procedures and forms for such record keeping and 
reporting. (P. A. 78-674, Art. I, § 6, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 7. Investigation* 

The Department shall have the power to investigate the weather modification 
operations and research and development of any person holding or claiming 
to hold a license or a permit issued under this Act. 

Duly authorized agents of the Department shall have the power to enter and 
inspect any place in which there is reasonable belief that weather modification 
operations or research and development is taking place, in which weather 
modfication operations or research and development is in fact taking place and 
the premises of any person holding a permit issued under this Act. (P. A. 78-674, 
Art. I, § 7, eff. Oct. 1, 1973. ) 

§ 8. Hearings 

Except for emergency modifications of operational permits as provided for in 
Section 21(b) of this Act, before suspending, revoking, refusing to renew or 
modifying a license or a permit, the Department shall issue a citation notifying 
the licensee or permittee of the time and place when and where a hearing of the 
matter shall be had. Such citation shall contain a statement of the reasons for 
the proposed action. Such citation shall be served on the licensee or permittee 
at least 10 days prior to the date therein set for the hearing, either by delivery 
of the citation personally to the licensee or permittee or by mailing it by regis- 
tered mail to his last known place of business. 

The Department shall hear the matter at the time and place fixed in such 
citation unless the licensee or permittee waives his right to a hearing. Both the 
Department and the licensee or permittee shall be accorded ample opportunity 
to present, in person or by counsel, such statements, testimony, evidence and 
argument as may be pertinent to the matter. 

The Department may continue such hearing from time to time. If the Depart- 
ment shall not be sitting at the time and place fixed in the citation or at the 
time and place to which a hearing shall have been continued, the Department 
shall continue such hearing for a period not to exceed 30 days. 

Any circuit court or any judge thereof, upon the application of the licensee 
or permittee or of the Department, may by order duly entered, require the 
attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books, records, docu- 
ments and instruments before the Department in any hearing relative to refusal 
to renew, suspension, revocation or modification of a license or a permit, and 
the court or judge may compel obedience to its or his order by proceedings for 

In conducting any hearing, the Department or a representative designated 
by it may administer oaths and examine witnesses. 

The Department, at its expense, shall provide a stenographer to record the 
testimony and preserve a record of all proceedings at the hearing of any case 
wherein a license or permit is revoked, suspended, not renewed or modified. The 
notice of hearing and all other documents in the nature of pleadings and written 
motions filed in the proceedings, the transcript of testimonv, the report of the 
Board and the orders of the Department constitute the record of such pro- 
ceedings. (P.A. 78-674, Art, §8, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 9. Interstate compacts 

The Department may represent the State in matters pertaining to plans, 
procedures or negotiations for interstate compacts related to weather modifica- 
ion. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, §9, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 10. License and permit required 

Except as provided in Section 11 of this Act, no person may engage in weather 
modification activities : 

(a) Without both a professional weather modification license issued under 
Section 12 of this Act and a weather modification operational permit issued 
under Section 18 of this Act ; or 


(b) In violation of any term, condition or limitation of such license or permit 
(P. A. 78-674, Art. I, §10, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 11. Exemptions 

(a) The Department may provide by rules and regulations for exemption 
of the following activities from the license and permit requirements of this 

(1) Research and development conducted by the State, its subdivisions 
and agencies of the State and of its subdivisions, institutions of higher 
learning and bona fide research corporations ; 

(2) Activities for protection against fire, frost or fog; and 

(3) Activities normally conducted for purposes other than inducing, 
increasing, decreasing or preventing hail, precipitation, or tornadoes. 

(b) Exempted activities shall be so conducted as not to interfere with 
weather modification operations conducted under a permit issued in accord- 
ance with this Act. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, § 11, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 12. Issuance of license 

(a) The Department shall provide by rules and regulations the procedure and 
criteria for issuance of licenses. Criteria established by rules and regulations 
shall be consistent with the qualifications recognized by national or international 
professional and scientific associations concerned with weather modification 
and meteorology, and shall be designed to carry out the objectives and pur- 
poses of this Act. 

(b) The Department, in accordance with its rules and regulations, shall issue 
a weather modification license to each applicant who : 

(1) Pays the license fee established by Section 13 of this Act ; and 

(2) Demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the Department, competence 
necessary to engage in weather modification operations. 

(c) If an applicant for a license does not pay the license fee established by 
Section 13 of this Act or does not demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the 
Department, competence necessary to engage in weather modification operations, 
the Department shall deny the application for the license. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, 
§ 12. Eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§73. License fee 

The fee for an original license is $100. The fee for a renewal license is $20. 
(P.A. 78-674, Art. I, § 13, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ U t . Expiration date 

Each original or renewal license shall expire on October 31 of each vear, 
<P.A. 78-674, Art. I, § 14, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 15. Renewal of license 

At the expiration of the license period, the Department shall issue a renewal 
license to each applicant who pays the renewal license fee established by Section 
13 of this Act, and who has the qualifications then necessary for issuance of an 
original license. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, § 15, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 16. Suspension, revocation, refusal to renew a license 

The Department may suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a license for any 
one or combination of the following causes : 

( a ) Incompetency ; 

( b ) Dishonest practice ; 

(c) False or fraudulent representation in obtaining a license or permit 
under this Act ; 

(d) Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this Act or any of 
the rules and regulations of the Department made under this Act ; and 

(e) Aiding other persons to fail to comply with any of the provisions of 
this Act or any of the rules and regulations of the Department made under 
this Act. 

(P.A. 78-674, Art. I, § 16, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 
§ 77. Issuance of permit 

(a) The Department shall provide by rules and regulations the procedure and 
criteria for issuance of permits. Criteria established by rules and regulations 
shall be designed to carry out the objectives and purposes of this Act, 


(b) A. person applying for a weather modification operational permit shall file 
with the Department an application which shall contain such information as the 
Department by rules and regulations may require and which in addition shall: 

(1 ) List the name and address of the applicant ; 

(2) List the name and address of the person on whose behalf the opera- 
tion is to be conducted ; 

(3) Indicate that the applicant holds, or if the applicant is an organiza- 
tion rather than an individual, demonstrates that the individual in control 
of the project holds a valid professional weather modification license issued 
under Section 12 of this Act ; 

(4) Furnish proof of financial responsibility in accordance with Section 
20 of this Act ; and 

(5) Set forth a complete operational plan for the project which includes a 
specific statement of its nature and object, a map of the proposed operating 
area which specifies the primary target area and shows the area reasonably 
expected to be affected, a statement of the approximate time during which 
the operation is to be conduced, a list of the materials and methods to be 
used in conducting the operation, an emergency shut down procedure which 
states conditions under which operations must be suspended because of 
possible danger to the public health, safety and welfare or to the environ- 
ment, and such other detailed information as may be required to describe the 

(c) The Department may give public notice by newspaper, radio or television 
announcement in the area of the State reasonably expected to be affected by 
operations conducted under a permit that it is considering an application for 
a permit, and may hold a public hearing for the purpose of obtaining information 
from the public concerning the effects of issuing or refusing to issue the permit. 

(d) The Department may issue the operational permit if it determines that : 

(1) The applicant holds, or if the applicant is an organization rather 
than an individual, demonstrates that the individual in control of the 
project holds a valid professional weather modification license issued under 
section 12 of this Act ; 

(2) The applicant has furnished proof of financial responsibility in 
accordance with Section 20 of this Act ; 

(3) The project is reasonably conceived to improve water quality or 
quantity, reduce losses from weather hazards, provide economic benefits 
for the people of the State, advance or enhance scientific knowledge or 
otherwise carry out the objectives and purposes of this Act ; 

(4) The project is designed to include adequate safeguards to minimize 
possible damage to the public health, safety or welfare or to the environment ; 

(5) The project will not adversely affect another operation for which a 
permit has been issued ; 

(6) The applicant has complied with the permit fee requirement estab- 
lished by Section 18 of this Act ; and 

(7) The applicant has complied with and the project conforms to such 
other criteria for issuance of permits as have been established by rules 
and regulations of the Department made under this Act. 

(e) In order to carry out the objectives and purposes of this Act, the Depart- 
ment may condition and limit permits as to primary target area, time of the 
operation, materials and methods to be used in conducting the operation, emer- 
gency shut down procedure and such other operational requirements as may be 
established by the Department. 

( f ) A separate permit shall be required for each operation. 

(g) The Department shall issue only one permit at a time for operations in 
any geographic area if 2 or more operations conducted within the conditions 
and limits of the permits might adversely interfere with each other. (P.A. 78-674, 
Art. I, § 17, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 18. Permit fee 

(a) The fee for each permit or renewal thereof shall be a minimum of $100. 

0>) If the operation will be conducted under contract and the value of the 
contract is more than $10,000, the fee for the permit or renewal thereof shall 
be equivalent to one per cent of the value of the contract. 

(c) II" the operation will not be conducted under contract and the estimated 
costs of the operation are more than $10,000, the fee for the permit or renewal 
thereof shall be equivalent to one per cent of the estimated costs of the opera- 


tion The costs of the operation shall be estimated by the Department from 
information given to it by the applicant for the permit or renewal thereof 
and such other information as may be available to the Department. 

(d) The permit fee is due and payable to the Department prior to issuance 
of the permit or renewal thereof. (P. A. 78-674, Art. I, § 18, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

% 19. Scope of permit 

(a) A separate permit is required for each operation. When an operation 
is conducted under contract, a permit is required for each separate contract. 

(b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this Section, each permit or 
renewal permit shall expire one year from the date of its issuance. 

(c) The Department may conditionally approve a project for a continuous 
time period in excess of one year's duration. Permits for such operations 
must be renewed annually. In approving the renewal of a permit for a con- 
tinuous program, the Department shall review and approve the permittee's 
operational record, and then may issue a renewal of the permit for the opera- 
tion to continue. m , . 

(d) The permittee shall confine his activities within the limits specified m 
the permit, except to the extent that the limits are modified by the Depart- 
ment. The permittee shall comply with any conditions of the permit as orig- 
inally issued or as subsequently modified by the Department. (P. A. 78-674, 
Art. I, § 19, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

% 20. Proof of financial responsibility 

Proof of financial responsibility is made by showing to the satisfaction of 
the Department that the permittee has the ability to respond in damages to 
liability which might reasonably result from the operation for which the per- 
mit is sought. Such proof of financial responsibility may, but shall not be re- 
quired to, be shown by : 

(a) Presentation to the Department of proof of a prepaid noncancellable 
insurance policy against such liabilities in an amount set by the Department; 

(b) Filing with the Department a corporate surety bond, cash or negotiable 
securities in an amount approved by the Department. (P. A. 78-674, Art. I, 
§20, eff. Oct. i, 1973.) 

§ 21. Modification of permit 

(a) The Department may revise the conditions and limits of a permit if: 

(1) The permittee is given notice and a reasonable opportunity for a 
hearing on the need for a revision in accordance with Section 8 of this 
Act ; and 

(2) It appears to the Department that a modification of the conditions 
and limits of a permit is necessary to protect the public health, safety 
and welfare or the environment. 

(b) If it appears to the Department that an emergency situation exists or 
is impending which could endanger the public health, safety or welfare or 
the environment, the Department may, without prior notice or a hearing, 
immediately modify the conditions and limits of a permit, or order temporary 
suspension of the permit. The issuance of such an order shall include notice 
of a hearing to be held within 10 days thereafter on the question of perma- 
nently modifying the conditions and limits or continuing the suspension of 
the permit. Failure to comply with an order temporarily suspending an op- 
eration or modifying the conditions and limits of a permit shall be grounds 
for immediate revocation of the permit and of the license of the person con- 
trolling the operation. 

(c) It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to notify the Department 
of any emergency which can reasonably be foreseen, or of any existing emer- 
gency situations which might be caused or affected by the operation. Failure 
by the permittee to so notify the Department of any such existing emergency, 
or any impending emergency which should have been foreseen, may be grounds, 
at the discretion of the Department, for revocation of the permit and of the 
license of the person controlling the operation. (P. A. 78-674, Art. I, § 21, eff. 
Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 22. Renewal of permit 

At the expiration of the permit period, the Department shall issue a renewal 
permit to each applicant who pays the permit fee and whose operational record 


indicates that an original permit would be issuable for the operation. (P. A. 
78-674, Art. I, § 22, eg. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 23. Suspension, revocation, refusal to renew permit 

(a) The Department may suspend or revoke a permit if it appears that the 
permittee no longer has the qualifications necessary for the issuance of an 
original permit or has violated any provision of this Act or of any of the rules 
and regulations issued under this Act. 

(b) The Department may refuse to renew a permit if it appears from the 
operational records and reports of the permittee that an original permit would 
not be issuable for the operation, or if the permittee has violated any provi- 
sion of this Act or of any of the rules and regulations issued under this Act. 
i P. A. 7^674. Art. I. § 23, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 2Jf. Restoration of license or permit 

(a) At any time after the suspension or revocation of a license or permit 
the Department may restore it to the licensee or permittee upon a finding that 
the requirements for issuance of an original license or permit have been met by 
the licensee or permittee. 

(b) At any time after the refusal to renew a license or permit the Depart- 
ment may renew it upon a finding that the requirements for issuance of an 
original license or permit have been met by the licensee or permittee. (P. A. 
78-674, Art. I, §24, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 25. Review under Administrative Review Act — Venue — Costs 

(a) All final administrative decisions of the Department are subject to 
judicial review pursuant to the provisions of the "Administrative Review 
Act", approved May 8, 1945, and all amendments and modifications thereof, 
and the rules adopted pursuant thereto. 1 The term "administrative decision'' 
is defined as in Section 1 of tht "Administrative Review Act". 2 

(b) Such proceedings for judicial review shall be commenced in the circuit 
court of the county in which the party applying for review resides ; but if such 
party is not a resident of this State, the venue shall be in Sangamon County. 

(c) The Department shall not be required to certify any record to the circuit 
court or file any answer in the circuit court or otherwise appear in any court 
in a judicial review proceeding, unless there is filed in the court with the 
complaint a receipt from the Department acknowledging payment of the costs 
of furnishing and certifying the record. The costs shall be computed at the rate 
of fifty cents per page. Failure on the part of the plaintiff to file such receipt in 
court shall be grounds for dismissal of the action. (P. A. 78-674, Art. I, § 25, 
eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 26. Records and reports 

(a) In order to aid in research and development of weather modification 
and to aid in the protection of the public health, safety and welfare and the 
environment, any person conducting any weather modification in Illinois or 
elsewhere by undertaking operations within Illinois, shall keep such records 
and file such reports at such time or times and in the manner and form as 
may be required by the rules and regulations made under this Act. 

(b) Record and report forms may be developed by the Department showing 
the method of weather modification employed in the operation, the type of 
equipment used, the kind and amount of each material used, the times and 
places the equipment was operated, the times when there was modifiable 
weather but the permittee did not operate and the reasons therefor, the name 
and address of each individual, other than the licensee, who participates or 
assists in the operation, the manner in which operations do not conform to the 
conditions and limits of the permit as established according to Section 17(e) 
or as modified under Section 21, weather observations and records specified by 
the Department and any other necessary data the Department may require 
under its rules and regulations. 

(c) The records and reports which are the custody of the Department 
and which have been filed with it under this Act or under the rules and regula- 
tions made under this Act shall be kept open for public examination as 'public 
(!<"•', ments. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I. §26, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

rhapter no. § 204 ot spq. 
« Chapter 110. § 204. 


§ 27. State immunity 

Nothing in this Act shall be construed to impose or accept any liability or 
responsibility by the State, its agencies and the officers and employees thereof 
for anv injury caused bv any persons who conduct weather modification opera- 
tions. \p.A. 78-674, Art. I, §27, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 28. Liability 

(a) An operation conducted under the license and permit requirements of 
this Act is not an ultrahazardous or an abnormally dangerous activity which 
makes the licensee or permittee subject to liability without fault. 

(b) Dissemination of materials and substances into the atmosphere by a 
permittee acting within the conditions and limits of his permit shall not give 
rise to the contention that such use of the atmosphere constitutes trespass. 

(c) Except as provided in subsections (a) and (b) of this Section, and in 
Section 27 of this Act, nothing in this Act shall prevent any person adversely 
affected by a weather modification operation from recovering damages resulting 
from intentional harmful actions or negligent conduct by a permitee. 

(d) Failure to obtain a license and permit before conducting an operation, 
or operational activities which knowingly constitute a violation of the conditions 
or limits of a permit, shall constitute negligence per se. 

(e) The fact that a person holds a license or was issued a permit under this 
Act, or that he has complied with the rules and regulations made by the 
Department pursuant to this Act, is not admissible as a defense in any legal 
action which may be brought against him. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, §28, eff. Oct. 1, 

§ 29. Penalty for violations 

Any person violating any of the provisions of this Act or of any valid rule 
or regulation issued under this Act is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor, and 
each day such violation continues constitutes a separate offense. (P.A. 78-674. 
Art. 1, § 29, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 30. tSuits to recover fines, penalties or fees 

All suits for the recovery of any of the fines, penalties or fees prescribed 
in this Act shall be prosecuted in the name of the ''People of the State of Illi- 
nois", in any court having jurisdiction, and it shall be the duty of the State's 
Attorney of the county where such offense is committed to prosecute all persons 
violating the provisions of this Act upon proper complaint being made. All fines, 
penalties and fees collected under the provisions of this Act shall inure to the 
Department. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, § 30, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.) 

§ 31. Injunction to restrain violations 

The Department may, in its discretion, in addition to the remedy set forth 
in the preceding Section, apply to a court having competent jurisdiction over 
the parties and subject matter, for a writ of injunction to restrain repetitious 
violations of the provisions of this Act. (P.A. 78-674, Art. I, §31, eff. Oct. 1, 
1973. ) 

§ 32. Partial invalidity 

If any portion of this Act is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any 
other part of this Act which can be given effect without the invalid portion. 
( i '.A. 78-674. Art. I, § 32, eff. Oct. 1, 1973. ) 


Iowa Code Ann. §§ 361.1-361.7 

Chapter 361. Weather Modification [New] 


361.1 Definitions. 

361.2 Modification board. 

361.3 Program — contract. 

361.4 Fund. 

361.5 Election on question. 

361.6 Budget request. 

361.7 Cancellation of program. 

Chapter 361, Code 1958, Township Licenses, consisting of sections 
361.1 to 361.7, was repealed by Acts 1959 (58 G.A. ) ch. 254, § 9. 

For provisions relating to county business licenses, see § 382.23 et seq. 

34-S37 — 79 37 


Provisions constituting chapter 361, Code 1973, Weather Modification, 
consisting of sections 361.1 to 361.7, were added by Acts 1972 (64 G.A.) 
ch. 1086, §§ lto7. 

361.1 Definitions 

As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires : 

1. "Agricultural land" means any tract of land of ten acres or more used 
for agricultural or horticultural purposes. 

2. "Public agency" means public agency as defined in section 28E.2. 

3. "Private agency" means private agency as defined in section 28E.2. 
(Acts 1972 (64 G.A.) ch. 1086, § 1.) 

361.2 3Iodification board 

The county board of supervisors shall, upon receipt of a petition signed by 
at least one hundred owners and tenants of agricultural land located in the 
county, establish a weather modification board consisting of five members 
appointed by the board of supervisors for three-year terms, except that two 
members of the initial board shall be appointed for two-year terms. In the 
case of a vacancy, the appointment shall be made for the unexpired term. 
The members of the board shall organize annually by the election of a chairman 
and vice-chairman. Meetings shall be held at the call of the chairman or at the 
request of the majority of the members of the board. A majority vote of the 
members of the board shall be required to determine any matter relating to 
their duties. (Acts. 1972 (64 G.A.) ch. 1086, § 2.) 

361.3 Program — contract 

The weather modification board may : 

L Investigate and study the feasibility of artificial weather modification 
for the county. 

2. Develop and administer an artificial weather modification program. 

3. Contract with any public or private agency as provided in chapter 28E 
to carry out an artificial weather modification program. 

4. Request the county board of supervisors to conduct a referendum au- 
thorizing the levy and collection of a tax, not to exceed two cents per acre 
on agricultural land in the county, for the administration of an artificial 
weather modification program. 

5. Accept, receive, and administer grants, funds, or gifts from public or 
private agencies to develop or administer an artificial weather modification 
program. (Acts 1972 (64 G.A.) ch. 1086, § 3.) 

3614 Fund 

There is created in the office of county treasurer of each county having a 
weather modification board a weather modification fund. Any taxes or other 
funds received by the weather modification board shall be placed in the fund 
and used exclusively for the purpose of artificial weather modification as 
provided in this chapter. (Acts 1972 (64 G.A.) ch. 10S6, § 4.) 

361.5 Election on question 

Upon request of the weather modification board, the county board of super- 
visors shall submit to the owners and tenants of agricultural land in the county 
at any general election or special election called for that purpose, the question 
of wli ether a tax not to exceed two cents per acre shall be levied annually on 
agricultural land. Notice of the election shall be published each week for two 
c onsecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation throughout the county- 
The notice shall include the date and time of the election and the question to 
be voted upon. A majority of the agricultural landowners and tenants voting 
shall determine the question. (Acts 1972 (64 G.A.) ch. 1086, § 5.) 

361.6 Budget request 

The weather modification board annually submit a budget request to the 
county board of supervisors. If the annual tax levy is approved as provided 
in section 361.5, the weather modification board shall determine the tax levy 
needed, not to exceed two cents per acre on agricultural land, to meet the 
budget request. The tax shall be levied by the board of supervisors and collected 
al the same time and iii the same manner as other property taxes. (Acts 1972 
(64 G.A.) ch. 1086, § 6.) 


S61.7 Cancellation of program 

If a tax levy has been authorized under section 361.5, the county board of 
supervisors shall, upon receipt of a petition signed by at least one hundred 
owners and tenants of agricultural land located in the county, submit to the 
owners and tenants of agricultural land at any general election or special 
election called for that purpose the following question: "Shall the power to 
levy a tax for the administration of an artificial weather modification pro- 
gram be canceled?" Notice of the date and time of election and the question 
to be voted upon shall be publishd each week for two consecutive weeks 
in a newspaper or general circulation throughout the county. If a majority 
of the agricultural landowners and tenants voting favor the question, no fur- 
ther tax levy as provided in section 361.6 shall be made. (Acts 1972 (64 G.A.) 
ch. 1086, §7.) 


Kan. Stat. §§19-212f; 82a-1401-82a-1425 

19-212f. Establishment or participation in weather modification programs; 
expenditures ; definition of weather modification. The board of county commis- 
sioners of any county is hereby authorized to establish or participate in weather 
modification programs and for the purpose of paying the costs thereof are hereby 
authorized to expend moneys from the county general fund, moneys derived 
from taxes levied therefor or any other funds of the county available for such 
purpose and in addition to receive and expend any and all funds which may be 
offered or become available from federal or state grants or appropriations, pri- 
vate gifts, donations or bequests or from any other source. As used in this act 
"weather modification" means and extends to the control, alteration, ameliora- 
tion of weather elements including man-caused changes in the natural precip- 
itation process, hail suppression or modification and alteration of other weather 
phenomena including temperature, wind direction and velocity, and the initiat- 
ing, increasing, decreasing and otherwise modifying by artificial methods preci- 
pitation in the form of rain, snow, hail, mist or fog through cloud seeding, 
electrification or by other means to provide immediate practical benefits. [L. 
1975, ch. 74, § 2 ; July 1.] 


Cross references to related sections 

Powers of boards of county commissioners, see 19-212f. 
Interlocal agreements, see 12-2904. 

82a-llf01. Citation of act. This act may be cited as the "Kansas weather 
modification act." [L. 1974, ch. 321, § 1 ; July 1.] 

82a-llf02. Kansas weather modification act; definitions. As used in this act, 
unless the context otherwise requires: (a) "Board" means the Kansas water 
resources board ; 

(b) "Director" means the executive director of the Kansas water resources 
board ; 

(c) "Person" means and includes a natural person, a partnership, an organi- 
zation, a corporation, a municipality and any department or agency of the state ; 

(d) "Research and development operation" or "research and development 
project" means an operation which is conducted solely to advance scientific and 
technical knowledge ; and 

(e) "Weather modification activity" means any operation or experimental 
process which has as its objective inducing change, by artificial means, in the 
composition, behavior, or dynamics of the atmosphere. [L. 1974, ch. 321, § 2 ; 
July 1.] 

82a-1403. Same; administration of act; rules and regulations; powers of 
board and director. The board is hereby vested with responsibility for the im- 
plementation of this act. Within the authority granted to the board, the di- 
rector shall be the chief administrative officer for carrying out the powers and 
duties provided for in this act. The board may adopt rules and regulations, issue 
licenses and permits, conduct hearings, enter into contracts for weather modifi- 
cation activities and to do all other things provided for in this act for the 
achievement of its purposes, subject to the powers and limitations contained 
herein. [L. 1974, ch. 321, § 3 ; July 1.] 


S2a-l> t 0J f . Same ; advisory committee : membership, duties and compensatiom 
(a) The board shall appoint an advisory committee to assist the director in 
developing licensing standards and report forms, in conducting studies, in es- 
tablishing minimum operation requirements for weather modification activities, 
and to advise the board and the director on such other matters, both technical 
and general, as the board may deem appropriate. 

(&) The advisory committee shall be composed of seven (7) persons desig- 
nated by the board who have the appropriate scientific, technical, legal, indus- 
trial, agricultural or water resources background to serve in an advisory ca- 
pacity relative to weather modification activities and may include such other 
persons from the public sector as the board may deem capable of contributing 
assistance. Four (4) members of the advisory committee shall be actively en- 
gaged in agriculture and shall derive a major portion of their income from 

(c) Members of the advisory committee shall serve without compensation but 
they shall receive subsistence allowances, mileage and other expenses as pro- 
vided in section 1 of 1974 House bill No. 1624 [ 75-3223], while attending meet- 
ings of such committee, f L. 1974, ch. 321, § 4 ; July 1.] 

82a-l 405. Same; licenses, issuance and limitations; permits, issuance and con- 
ditions; studies, hearings and investigations, research and development pro- 
mams; expenditure of funds; representation of state in matters relating to 
weather modification. («) At the direction of the board, the director may issue 
licenses for weather modification activities, as hereinafter provided for in this 
act but any licensee shall be limited in the exercise of activities under his 
license to the specified method or methods of weather modification activity within 
his area of expertise. 

(&) At the direction of the board, the director may issue a permit for each 
specific weather modification project, which may be comprised of one or more 
weather modification activities. Every such permit shall describe (1) the geo- 
graphic area within which such activities are to be carried out, (2) the geo- 
graphic area to be affected, and (3) duration of the weather modification activ- 
ities of the project which period may be non-continuous but which may not 
have a total duration exceeding one calendar year from the day of its issuance. 
The director shall issue a permit only after it has been established that the 
project, as conceived, will provide substantial benefits or that it will advance 
scientific knowledge. The director may ask the advisory committee to review 
each request for a i>erniit and to advise him thereon. 

(c) The director shall make any studies or investigations, obtain any infor- 
mation, and hold any hearings that he considers necessary or proper to assist 
him in exercising his powers or administering or enforcing the provisions of 
this act. 

The director may by his own action, or at the request of the advisory com- 
mittee, appoint a bearing officer to conduct any hearings required by this act; 
said hearings to be conducted under the provisions and within any limitations 
of rules and regulations adopted by the board. 

(d) In order to assist in expanding the theoretical and practical knowledge 
of weather modification, the board may, to the extent that funds are available 
therefor, participate in and promote research and development in : 

(1) The theory and development of weather modification, including those 
aspects relating to procedures, materials, ecological effects, and the attend- 
ant legal and social problems; 

(2) The utilization of weather modification for domestic, municipal, agri- 
cultural, industrial, recreational, and other beneficial purposes ; 

(3) The protection of life, health, property, and the general environment, 
(c) Subject to any limitations imposed by law, the board in furthering the 

purposes of this act may utilize available funds from the state and may accept 
federal grants, private gifts, and donations from any source. Except as other- 
wise provided by law. t lie board may use any such moneys : 

( 1 ) For the administration of this act ; 

(2) To encourage research and development projects by public or private 
agencies through grants, contracts, or cooperative arrangements; 

(3) To contract for Weather modification activities to seek relief from 
or to avoid droughts, hail, storms, tires, fog, or other undesirable conditions. 

(/) Under the direction of the bBard, the director shall represent the state in 
matters pertaining to plans, procedures, or negotiations for cooperative agree- 


merits, or intergovernmental arrangements relating to weather modification. [L. 
1974. ch. 321, § 5; July 1.] 

82a-1406. Same; engaging in weather modification without, or in violation of 
license or permit ; exemption from payment of fees, (a) No person may engage 
in any activity for weather modification or control without a weather modifica- 
tion license and a weather modification permit issued by the director. No person 
may engage in any activity in violation of any term or condition of a license or 
permit issued under this act. 

(ft) The board, to the extent it considers exemptions appropriate and de- 
sirable, may exempt the following weather modification activities from the fee 
requirements of this act : 

(1) Research and development operations and experiments conducted 
by or under authority of any state or federal department or agency, state 
institution of higher education, or nonprofit research organization ; 

(2) Laboratory research and experiments ; and 

(3) Activities of an emergency nature for protection of public health, 
safetv, and welfare including but not limited to fire, frost, hail, sleet, smog, 
fog, and drought. [L. 1974, ch. 321, § 6 ; July 1.1 

82a-l-i07. Same; license; application; requirements. The director shall issue 
a weather modification license to each person who: (a) Applies in writing to 
the board in such form as the board shall require ; 

( ft ) Pays the license fee, if applicable ; and 

(c) Meets at least one of the following requirements : 

(1) The applicant shall demonstrate that he (or his official representative) 
has had at least eight years of professional experience in weather modifica- 
tion field research or activities, and has served for at least three years as 
a project director of weather modification activities ; 

(2) The applicant shall demonstrate that he has obtained a bacalaureate 
degree from a recognized institution of higher learning in engineering, 
mathematics, or the physical sciences and has had at least three years of 
experience in weather modification field research or activities ; or 

(3) The applicant shall demonstrate that he has obtained a baccalaureate 
degree from a recognized institution of higher learning in engineering, 
mathematics, or the physical sciences and has satisfactorily completed the 
equivalent of at least twenty-five (25) semester hours of meteorological 
studies at a recognized institution of higher learning and has had at least 
two years of practical experience in weather modification research or activ- 
ities; and 

(d) Demonstrates that he possesses the knowledge, skill, and experience neces- 
sary to conduct weather modification activities without unreasonable risk of 
injury to persons or property. [L. 1974, ch. 321, § 7 ; July 1.] 

8.2a-1408. Same; license fee: license year; renewal, fee: deposit of fees in 
general fund. A license shall be issued under this act only upon payment to the 
board of a fee of one hundred dollars ($100). Each license shall expire at the 
end of the calendar year for which it is issued. 

Subject to the limitation of this act, any person licensed under the provisions 
of this act may, on or before January 1. each year, renew his license by payment 
to the board of an annual fee of one hundred dollars ($100). The board shall 
remit all moneys received pursuant to this section to the state treasurer and 
the state treasurer shall deposit the same in the state treasury to the credit of 
the state general fund. [L. 1974, ch. 321, § 8 ; July 1.] 

82a-lJf09. Same ; license ; suspension or revocation ; conditions and procedures. 
Any license issued under this act may be suspended or revoked by the board after 
notice and hearing, when (1) the licensee is found to have engaged in any activ- 
ity prohibited by or under this act, (2) he has practiced fraud or deceit in ob- 
taining a license, (3) he has been negligent or guilty of incompetence in engag- 
ing in any weather modification activity, or (4) he has violated any require- 
ment of this act. In addition to the board, any interested person may make a 
formal complaint to the board against any licensee. All formal complaints shall 
he in writing, shall be signed by the complainant, and shall specify the charges 
against the licensee. Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the board shall make 
a preliminary examination thereof, and if it determines that there are reasonable 
grounds to believe that the licensee has committed any of the acts for which his 
license may be suspended or revoked under this section, it shall set the matter 
for hearing, shall give the licensee concerned at least thirty (30) days written 


notice prior to the time set for the hearing, and shall furnish the licensee a true 
and correct copy of the complaint at the time of such notice. Service upon such 
licensee shall be deemed to have been made when the notice and a copy of the 
complaint are deposited by the board in the United States mail, addressed to 
the licensee at the last known address shown in the records and files of the board. 
At any hearing before the board, any party may appear either in person or by 
counsel, except that the person bringing the complaint shall have the burden of 
proof. When authorized by a majority of the board, any member of the board 
shall have the authority to administer oaths to witnesses and to issue subpoenas 
in connection with any hearing authorized by this section. A transcript shall be 
kept of the hearing before the board. The costs of notice and hearing may be 
borne by the board or assessed at the discretion of the board. [L. 1974, ch. 321, 
§9; July 1.] 

82ar-1410. Same; appeals to district court. Any party who deems himself 
aggrieved by any decision of the board may appeal to the district court as 
provided in K.S.A. 60-2101. [L. 1974, ch. 321, § 10; July 1.] 

82a-14H. Same ; permit ; application ; requirements ; financial responsibility. 
(a) The director shall issue a weather modification permit to each person who: 

(1) Applies in writing to the director for a permit in such form as the 
director shall require ; 

(2) Holds a valid weather modification license issued under this act;. 

(3) Pays the permit fee, if applicable ; 

(4) Files with the director proof of ability to respond in damages for 
liability on account of accidents arising out of any weather modification 
activities to be conducted by him in an amount of not less than fifty thousand 
dollars ($50,000) because of bodily injury to or death of one person resulting 
from any one accident and, subject to said limit for one person, in an amount 
of not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) because of bodily 
injury to or death of two or more persons resulting from any one ac- 
cident, and in an amount of not less than one hundred thousand dollars 
($100,000) because of injury to or destruction of the property of others 
resulting from any one accident, or in such increased amounts as the 
board may require hereunder upon determining that the circumstances of 
the particular weather modification project require additional proof of 
financial responsibility, except that municipalities and departments or 
agencies of the state shall be exempt from the requirements of this para- 
graph ; proof of financial responsibility required hereunder may be given 
by a certificate of insurance or a bond or a certificate of deposit of 
money ; 

(5) Submits a complete and satisfactory operational plan for the pro- 
posed weather modification project which includes a map of the proposed 
operating area which specifies the primary target area and shows the 
area reasonably expected to be affected, the name and address of the 
licensee, the nature and object of the intended weather modification ac- 
tivities, the person or organization on whose behalf it is to be conducted, 
a statement showing any expected effect upon the environment, the methods 
that will be used in determining and evaluating the proposed weather 
modification project, and such other information as may be required by the 
director ; 

(6) Meets the preceding requirements for a permit and before begin- 
ning operations under the proposed weather modification project publishes 
a notice of intent to engage in weather modification activities in a news- 
paper of general circulation in the county or counties to be affected by 
the proposed project. The published notice shall designate the primary 
target area and indicate the general area which might be affected. It 
shall also indicate the expected duration and intended effect and state that 
complete details are available on request from the licensee or the director. 
In accordance with information furnished by the director, the notice 
shall also specify a time and place for a hearing on the proposed weather 
modification project, which will be conducted by the board: and 

(7) Furnishes to the director proof of the publication of the notice re- 
quired by the foregoing provision. 

(h) Before :t permit is issued, the director, or a hearing officer appointed by 
him. shall hold the public hearing on the proposed weather modification project 
in a place or places within a reasonable proximity of the area expected to be 
:i ff eft e 1 by the proposed weather modification activities. 


(c) No permit may be issued unless the director determines, based on the 
information provided in the operational plan for the proposed weather modifica- 
tion project and on the testimony and information provided at the public 
hearing, that : 

(1) If the project is one for profit, the proposed weather modification 
activities are designed to provide, and are reasonably expected to provide,, 
an economic benefit to the people of the area in which the operation 
will be conducted, or will benefit the people of the state of Kansas, and 
is scientifically and technically feasible ; 

(2) If the project is a scientific or research project, the proposed weather 
modification activities offer promise of expanding the knowledge and the 
technology of weather modification ; 

(3) The project includes adequate safeguards for the protection of proper- 
ty, health, safety and welfare ; and 

(4) The project is designed to minimize risk and maximize scientific 
gains or economic benefits to the people of the state. 

(d) The operational plan for the proposed project shall be placed on file with 
the director and will be available for public inspection during regular office 
hours. [L. 1974, ch. 321, § 11 ; July 1.] 

82a-1412. Same; conduct of operations under permit under supervision of 
licensee. Operations under weather modification permits may be executed only 
by or under the immediate direction and supervision of a licensee or licensees. 
[L. 1974, ch. 321 § 12 ; July 1.] 

82a-1413. Same; permit fees, renewal; deposit in general fund. The fee for 
each weather modification permit under this act or any renewal thereof shall 
be one hundred dollars ($100) and shall be paid to the board which shall remit 
all such moneys to the state treasurer and the state treasurer shall deposit 
the same in the state treasury to the credit of the state general fund. [L. 1974, 
ch.321, § 13; July 1.] 

82a-1414. Same ; permit for calendar year : emergency, (a) A separate weather, 
modification permit shall be required annually on a calendar year basis for each 
weather modification project. 

(6) The director may grant a weather modification permit on an emergency 
basis without prior publication of any required notice in instances, of fire, frost, 
hail, sleet, smog, fog drought, or other emergency. In such situations, publica- 
tion of notice shall be made as soon as possible but shall not be subject to the 
time limits specified elsewhere in this act. [L. 1974, ch. 321, § 14 ; July 1.] 

82a-14l5. Same; permit; revision, suspension or modification of terms and 
conditions ; procedure ; licensee to notify director of emergencies. ( a ) The direc- 
tor may revise, suspend, or modify the terms and conditions of a permit if : 

(1) He first notifies the licensee and affords the licensee a reasonable 
opportunity for a hearing on the need for a revision, suspension, or modifica- 
tion and, after such hearing, he finds that revision, suspension, or modifica- 
tion is necessary to protect the health, safety, or property of any person or 
to protect the environment ; or 

(2) He finds that an emergency situation exists, or is impending, which 
would endanger life, property, or the environment, in which case he may, 
on his own initiative, without giving prior notice or conducting a hearing, 
immediately modify the conditions of a permit, or order the temporary sus- 
pension of the permit. 

(6) Upon ordering revision, suspension or modification under paragraph (2) 
of subsection (a) of this section, the director shall within ten (10) days there- 
after hold a hearing on the question of permanently revising, suspending, or 
modifying the terms and conditions of the permit and shall notify the licensee 
at the time of ordering the revision, suspension, or modification of the time 
and place that he will hear the matter. A licensee's failure to comply with an 
order of the director to temporarily suspend or change the authorized activity 
shall be grounds for immediate revocation of the permit and of the operator's 

(c) It shall be the responsibility of the licensee conducting anv weather 
modification activity to notify the director of any emergency that the licensee 
could be expected to reasonably foresee, including any existing emergency sit- 
uations described in paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of this section that, might 
in any way be caused or affected by weather modification activities. Failure by 
the licensee to so notify the director of any such existing emergnecy, or any 


impending emergency that the licensee should have reasonably foreseen, may 
be grounds for revocation of the permit and the operator's license. [L. 1974, ch. 
321. §15; July 1.] 

82a-1416. Same ; licensee confined to terms and conditions of permit. When a 
weather modification permit has been issued, the licensee shall confine his 
weather modification activities within the limits of time and area specified in 
the permit, except to the extent that the limits are modified by the director. 
He shall also comply with any terms and conditions of the permit as originally 
issued or as subsequently revised or modified by the director. [L. 1974, ch. 321, 
§16; July 1.] 

82d'-1417. Same; reports of activities; form and content, (a) Any person con- 
ducting weather modification activities in Kansas or operations that affect con- 
ditions within Kansas shall file reports at such time or times and in the manner 
and form as the board may require. 

(6) The director shall develop report forms that shall provide for reporting 
the methods employed, the type of equipment used, the kind and amount of 
each material used, the times and places the equipment was operated, the name 
and address of each individual other than the licensee who participated or 
assisted in the activities, any environmental effects that have or are believed 
to have occurred, and any other data as the board may require. [L. 1974, ch. 321, 
§ 17; July 1.] 

82a-l/fl8. Same ; suspension or revocation of permit ; refusal to renew license 
or issue additional permit, (a) The director shall suspend or revoke a permit 
if he finds that the licensee no longer meets the quaifications or conditions of the 
original permit or has violated any provision of this act. 

(&) At the direction of the board, the director may refuse to renew the license 
of. or to issue another permit to, any applicant who has failed to comply with 
any provision of this act. [L. 1974, ch. 321, § 18 ; July 1.] 

82dr-llfl9. Same : suspension or revocation of license or permit ; notice of hear- 
ing, (a) Except as provided in section 15 [82a-1415] of this act relating to the 
director, the board or the director shall not suspend or revoke a license or per- 
mit without first giving the licensee reasonable notice and a reasonable oppor- 
tunity to be heard with respect to the ground for possible suspension or 

(b) Hearings under this section shall be conducted by the board or the 
director in the manner provided for in section 9 [82a-1409] of this act. [L. 1974, 
ch. 321, § 19; July 1.] 

82a^l420. Same : state and local officers immune from liability ; issuance of 
permit not state endorsement. Officers and employees of the state or any depart- 
ment or agency thereof, and officers and employees of any county or municipality 
or other public agency of the state, shall be immune from liability resulting 
from any weather modification activity approved or conducted by them or under 
their authority under the provisions and limitations of this act. The issuance 
of a permit to conduct weather modification activities does not constitute state 
endorsement of any weather modification activities conducted with respect to 
that permit. [L. 1974. ch. 321. § 20 ; July 1.] 

x2a-1J f 2l. Same: operation without license or permit; order to cease; enforce- 
ment. The director may order any person who is found to be conducting weather 
modification activity without a license and permit to cease and desist from said 
operation. Anv such order shall be enforceable in any court of competent juris- 
diction. |"L. 1974. ch. 321, § 21 ; July 1.] 

82a-li22. Same; license or permit no defense in action for damages or in- 
junctive relief. The fact that a person holds a license or a permit under this act, 
or that he has complied with all requirements established pursuant to this act, 
shall not be a defense in actions for damages or injunctive relief brought against 
him. IX. 1974. eli. 321. § 22 ; July 1.] 

S2a-1423. Same violations of act, misdemeanor. Any person conducting a 
weather modification activity without first having procured a required license 
and permit, or who shall knowingly make a false statement in an application 
for a license or permit, or who shall fail to file any report or reports as required by 
This act. or who shall conduct any weather modification activity after a revocation 
of his license or the denial, revocation, modification, or temporary suspension of 
his weather modification permit therefor, or who shall violate any other provi- 
sions of this act. shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor. Each day that any 
such unauthorized weather modification activity is conducted shall constitute 
a separate offense. [ L. 1974, ch. 321, § 23 ; July 1.] 


S2(i-142Jf. Severability of act. If any word, phrase, sentence, or provision of 
this act is determined to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other 
provisions of this act and they shall be given effect without the invalid provi- 
sion, and to this end the provisions of this act are declared to be severable. [L. 
1974, ch. 321, § 24; July 1.] 

82a-lJf25. Participation by counties in weather modification programs ; tax 
levy : procedure ; protest petitions. The board of county commissioners of any 
county is hereby authorized to establish or participate in weather modification 
programs and for the purpose of paying the costs thereof is authorized to levy 
a tax of not to exceed two (2) mills upon the assessed tangible valuation of prop- 
erly in the county and to expend such moneys for weather modification purposes : 
Provided, In counties of this state having a population of more than one hundred 
eighty thousand (180,000) and not more than two hundred twenty thousand 
(220.000) and an assessed tangible valuation of more than three hundred fifty 
million (350,000,000) and not more than three hundred sixty-five million 
(365.000,000) shall be excluded. No such levy shall be made until a resolution 
authorizing the same shall be adopted by the board of county commissioners 
stating the specific purpose for which such levy is made, the amount of the 
proposed levy and the number of years such tax levy shall be made and until 
such resolution has been published once each week for three (3) consecutive 
weeks in the official county newspaper. Whereupon any such levy may be made 
unless a petition requesting an election upon the proposition signed by electors 
equal in number to not less than five percent (5%) of the qualified electors of 
such county is filed in the office of the county election officer within sixty (60) 
days following the last publication of such resolution. In the event any such peti- 
tion is filed, no levy shall be made without the same having been approved by a 
majority of the electors of such county voting at an election called and held 
thereon within ninety (90) days after the last publication of such resolution 
or at the next general election if held within such time. Such election shall be 
noticed, called and held in the manner provided for by the provisions of K. S. A. 
1976 Supp. 10-120. Such tax levy shall be in addition to all other tax levies 
authorized or limited by law and shall not be subject to nor within the limita- 
tions upon the levy of taxes imposed by K. S. A. 1976 Supp. 79-5001 to 79-5016, 
inclusive, and amendments thereto. 

The board of county commissioners is authorized to expend any other funds 
of the county available for any such purpose and, in addition, to receive and 
expend any and all funds which may be offered or become available for am 
such purpose. [L. 1976, ch. 114, § 1 : July 1.] 


La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 2201-2208 

Chapter 25. Weather Modification 


2201. Sovereign right to use of moisture. 

2202. Definitions. 

2203. Necessity for license : application. 

2204. Licenses : fees : expiration ; revocation. 

2205. Disposition of fees. 

2206. Penalty. 

2207. Qualifications and requirements : conditions. 

2208. Evaluation of operations ; reports. 

§ 2201. Sovereign right to use of moisture 

It is hereby declared that the state of Louisiana claims its sovereign right 
to the use for the best interest of its people of the moisture contained in the 
clouds and atmosphere within its state boundaries. (Acts 1956, Xo. 350. § 1.) 

§ 2202. Definitions 

The term "weather modification", as used in this Chapter, means the chanaing 
or controlling by chemical, mechanical, or physical methods the occurrence of 
lightning or the precipitation of rain, hail. mist, sleet, or snow. 

The term "Commissioner", as used in this chapter, means the commissioner of 
the Louisiana State Department of Agriculture and Immigration. (Acts 1956, Xo. 
350, §§ 2. 3.) 

§ 2203. Xeeessity for lieense; applieation 

Any person who engages in weather modification shall prior to engaging in 
such activity obtain a license from commissioner in accordance with the pro- 


cedure established the commissioner. Each application for a license shall be 
accompanied by a fee of twenty-five dollars. (Acts 1956, No. 350, § 4.) 

§ 220 If. Licenses; fees; expiration; revocation 

A license fee of one hundred dollars shall be paid by any person issued a 
weather modification license, in addition to the application fee provided in R.S. 
37 :2203. Each such license shall expire one year after the date such license is 
issued and shall be revocable at any time, by the Commissioner, in accordance 
with such procedure as the commissioner may establish. (Acts 1956, No. 350, § 5.) 

§ 2205. Disposition of fees 

The money collected from fees provided in R.S. 37:2203 and R.S. 37:2204 
shall be deposited with the state treasurer to be credited to the general fund of 
the state of Louisiana. (Acts 1956, No. 350, § 6.) 

§ 2206. Penalty 

Any person engaging in weather modification without a license shall be guilty 
of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars for each 
separate offense. (Acts 1956, No. 350, § 7.) 

§ 2207. Qualifications and requirements; conditions 

The commissioner shall determine the qualifications and requirements which 
applicants must meet in order to receive a license to engage in weather modifica- 
tion and shall establish the conditions under which weather modification opera- 
tions may be carried out. (Acts 1956, No. 350, § 8.) 

§ 2208. Evaluation of operations ; reports 

The commissioner shall evaluate each weather modification operation and 
publish the results of such evaluation in an annual report. (Acts 1956, No. 350, 


Minn. Stat. Ann. §§ 42.01-42.14 

1977 Session — Weathek Modification 


S. F. No. 73 [Coded] 

An ACT relating to weather modification; prescribing powers and duties for the commis- 
sioner of agriculture ; providing for weather modification research ; requiring the ob- 
taining of licenses and permits prior to engaging in weather modification ; prohibiting 
the use of cloud seeding apparatus located on the ground; prescribing penalties; ap- 
propriating money 

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: 


42.01 Policy 

The legislature finds that it is necessary for the state to regulate weather 
modification to protect its citizens, but nothing in sections 42.01 to 42.14 shall 
be construed to encourage or promote weather modification. 


42.02 Definitions 

Subdivision 1. For the purposes of sections 42.01 to 42.14, the terms defined 
in this section have the meanings given them. 

Subdivision 2. "Weather modification" means any activity performed in con- 
nection with placing or attempting to place any substance in the atmosphere or 
clouds within the atmosphere, including fog, with the intention of and for the 
purpose of producing artificial changes in the composition, motions, and result- 
ing behavior of the atmosphere or clouds within the atmosphere, including fog. 

Subdivision 3. "Person" means any person, firm, association, organization, part- 
nership, company, corporation, private or public, county, city, trust or other pub- 
lic agency. 

Subdivision 4. "Operation" moans the performance of weather modification 
activities entered into for the purpose of producing, or attempting to produce, a 
certain modifying effect within one geographical area over one continuing time 
interval not exceeding one year. 

Subdivision 5. '^Commissioner" means the commissioner of agriculture. 



42.03 Sovereign right claimed by state 

It is declared that the state of Minnesota claims its sovereign right to use 
for the best interest of its residents the moisture contained in the clouds and 
atmosphere within its sovereign state boundaries. 

section 4 

42.04 Commissioner; powers and duties 

Subdivision 1. Powers. The commissioner of agriculture may : 

(a) pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 15, adopt rules necessary to 
implement the license and permit program established pursuant to sections 
42.01 to 42.14 ; 

(b) enter into contracts or memoranda of agreement and do all things 
necessary to cooperate with the United States government, and to qualify 
for, accept and disburse any private grant intended for the administration 
of sections 42.01 to 42.14 ; 

(c) cooperate with other states to jointly carry out research and planning 
in weather modification ; 

(d) advise persons, groups, and local units of government on weather modi- 
fication and distribute informational material relating to weather modifica- 
tion and review and comment on all county programs of weather modifica- 
tion ; and 

(e) carry on research related to weather modification including evaluation 
of the effects of weather modification activities within the state by staff mem- 
bers, or by contract. Evaluation of weather modification programs shall, 
if practical and within limits of available funding, including components of 
economic and environmental analysis which delineate the economic and en- 
vironmental implications of the programs. 

Subdivision 2. Duties. The commissioner of agriculture shall : 

(a) utilize to the extent possible the facilities and technical resources of 
public and private institutions in the state ; 

(b) by rule adopted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 15, require 
persons engaged in weather modification to submit reports of their activities 
and operations and any other information deemed necessary ; 

(c) on or before January 15 of each year, submit a report to the legislature 
and governor describing the weather modification operations within the state 
during the preceding year and the social, economic and environmental impact 
of the operations. The report shall also include recommendations for legis- 
lative action and any other information useful to the legislature. 


42.05 County programs of weather modifications 

Counties may, only after approval of the commissioner and subject to the 
requirements of sections 42.01 to 42.14, conduct programs of weather modifica- 
tion and expend money therefor. At least two weeks published notice in a 
newspaper of general circulation within the county must be given before the 
program of weather modification may begin. If, within 30 days of a decision 
by a county to expend funds for weather modification, a petition signed by 
voters in the county equal in number to ten percent of the votes cast in the 
county in the last general election or 2,000 voters, whichever is less, request- 
ing a referendum on the proposed expenditure is filed with the county auditor, 
the funds shall not be expended until it has been submitted to the voters at a 
general or special election and a majority of votes cast on the question of the 
expenditure of the funds are affirmative. No program may be conducted 
within the county without prior approval by the county board. 


42. 06 Licenses 

Subdivision 1. No person shall engage in weather modification without a 
license issued by the commissioner. Applications for weather modification 
licenses shall be on forms prescribed and furnished by the commissioner. The 
applicant shall pay a fee of $100. The license shall be valid for one year. 


The commissioner may waive the license fee in situations he deems appro- 

Subdivision 2. The commissioner shall issue licenses only to applicants who 
demonstrate good character, adequate education and sufficient competence in the 
field of meteorology and cloud physics to engage in weather modification. At 
a minimum, each applicant shall meet at least one of the following: 

(1) demonstrate that he has at least eight years of experience at the pro- 
fessional level in weather modification field research or operations, at least 
three of these years as a professional director ; or 

(2) has obtained a baccalaureate degree in engineering, mathematics, or 
the physical sciences plus three years experience in weather modification field 
research or operations ; or 

(3) has obtained a baccalaureate degree in meteorology, or a degree in en- 
gineering or the physical sciences which includes, or is in addition to. the 
equivalent of at least 25 semester hours of meteorological course work and 
two years practical experience in weather modification operations or re- 

If the applicant is an organization, the competence must be demonstrated 
by the individuals who are to supervise and conduct the weather modification 

Subdivision 3. The commissioner may renew a license annually if the applicant 
by the individuals who are to supervise and conduct the weather modification, 
fee of $100. 

Subdivision 4. The moneys collected as fees shall be deposited with the state 
treasurer in the general fund. 


42.07 Suspension ; revocation ; refusal to renew license 

The commissioner shall, subject to the provisions of chapter 15, suspend, 
revoke or refuse to renew a license for any one or any combination of the 
following causes : 

( 1 ) Incompetency ; 

(2) Dishonest practice : 

(3) False or fraudulent representation in obtaining a license or permit un- 
der sections 42.01 to 42.14 or rules promulgated thereunder : 

(4) Failure to comply with any of the provisions of sections 42.01 to 42.14 
or of rules promulgated thereunder : or 

(5) Aiding other persons who fail to comply with any of the provisions of 
sections 42.01 to 42.14 or rules promulgated thereunder. 


J f 2.08 Investigation 

The commissioner may investigate any operation or research and develop- 
ment activities of any person applying for a license and of any person holding 
or claiming to hold a license or permit. 


J/2.09 Permits 

Subdivision 1. No person shall conduct an operation without a permit is- 
sued by the commissioner. Applications for permits shall be on forms pre- 
scribed and furnished by tin 1 commissioner. Permits shall be issued only to 
applicants who hold a valid weather modification license, pay a fee of $100 
and furnish proof of financial responsibility pursuant to subdivision 2. Prior 
to conducting an operation, the permittee shall publish notice of the operation 
as the commissioner shall require and shall give written notice to the county 
boards of the counties over which the operation is to be conducted and coun- 
ties contiguous thereto. The permit shall be valid for one year or until the 
operation terminates, whichever first occurs. 

Subdivision 2. The applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the com- 
missioner that he has the ability to respond to damages for liability which 
might reasonably result from the operation for which the permit is sought. 

Subdivision 3. The fees collected for permits shall be deposited with the state 
treasurer in the general fund. 

Subdivision 4. To the extent the commissioner deems necessary, emergency 
weather modification operations for the purpose of controlling fire, frost, 
sleet, hail. fog. or wind shall be exempt from the permit requirements. 


Subdivision 5. The commissioner may renew a permit annually if the applicant 
has the qualifications necessary for issuance of an original permit and pays 
a fee of $100. 

Subdivision 6. No permit shall be issued to use a cloud seeding apparatus which 
emits cloud seeding material into the air when located on or in contact with 
the ground. 

Subdivision 7. Before a permit is issued, the commissioner may hold an informal 
hearing on the permit, at a location within the same geographic area as the 
proposed operation will be conducted. 

Subdivision 8. No more than one weather modification permit shall be issued 
for a given geographic area. 

Subdivision 9. The applicant must submit a complete operational plan for each 
proposed project prepared by the licensee who shall conduct the operation, 
which shall include, but not be limited to : 

(a) a specific statement of the nature and objectives of the intended opera- 

(b) a map of the proposed operating area which specifies the primary target 
area and shows the area reasonably expected to be affected and a raingauge 
system for both seeded and downwind areas, 

(c) an estimate of the amount of cloud seeding material expected to be 
placed in the clouds, 

(d) a statement of the types of clouds to be seeded and identification of 
a procedure for random selection of at least a portion of the clouds to be 
seeded during the operation, 

(f ) the name and address of the licensee, 

(g) the person or organization on whose behalf it is to be conducted, 

(h) a statement showing any expected effect upon the environment and 
results of weather modification operations, and methods of determining and 
properly evaluating that operation, and any other detailed information as 
may be required to describe the operation and its proposed method of evalua- 


-42.10 Suspension; revocation and refusal to renew permit 

Subdivision 1. The commissioner shall, subject to chapter 15, suspend or 
revoke a permit if it appears that the permittee no longer has the qualifica- 
tions necessary for the issuance of an original permit or has violated any 
provision of sections 42.01 to 42.14 or of any rules promulgated thereunder. 

Subdivision 2. The commissioner shall, subject to chapter 15, refuse to renew 
a permit if it appears from the operational records and reports of the permit- 
tee that an original permit would not be issuable for the operation, or if the 
permittee has violated any provision of sections 42.01 to 42.14 or of any rules 
promulgated thereunder. 


42.11 Modification of permit 

Subdivision 1. The commissioner may revise the conditions and limits of a 
permit if : 

(a) The permittee is given notice and a hearing, pursuant to chapter 15, on 
whether there is a need for the revision and the commissioner finds that a 
modification of the conditions and limits of a permit is necessary to protect 
the public health, safety or welfare, or the environment. 

(b) If it appears to the commissioner that an emergency situation exists or 
is impending which could endanger the public safety, health or welfare, or 
the environment, the commissioner may, without prior notice or a hearing, 
immediately modify the conditions and limits of a permit, or order temporary 
suspension of the permit. The order shall include notice of a hearing to be 
held pursuant to chapter 15 within ten days thereafter on the question of per- 
manently modifying the conditions and limits, continuing the suspension of 
the permit, removing the changes or lifting the suspension. 

Subdivision 2. Failure to comply with an order temporarily suspending an op- 
eration or modifying the conditions and limits of a permit shall be grounds for 
immediate revocation of the permit and of the license of the person control- 
ling the operation. 

Subdivision 3. The permittee shall notify the commissioner of any emergency 
which can reasonably be foreseen, or of any existing emergency situations 


which might be caused or affected by the operation. Failure by the permittee- 
to so notify the commissioner may be grounds, at the discretion of the com- 
missioner, for revocation of the permit and of the license of the person con- 
trolling the operation. 


42.12 Penalty for violations 

Any person violating any of the provisions of sections 42.01 to 42.14 or of 
any rule promulgated thereunder is guilty of a misdemeanor, and each day 
such violation continues constitutes a separate offense. 


42.13 Legal action 

Other than in legal actions charging failure to obtain a license and permit, 
the fact that a person holds a license or was issued a permit under sections 
42.01 to 42.14, or that a person has complied with the rules made by the com- 
missioner pursuant to sections 42.01 to 42.14, is not admissible as a defense in 
any legal action which may be brought under this section against such person. 


42.14 Injunction 

The commissioner may, in addition to the other remedies provided in sections 
42.01 to 42.14 apply to a district court having venue and jurisdiction, for an 
injunction to restrain repetitious violations of the provisions of sections 42.01 
to 42.14 and of any rule promulgated thereunder. 


There is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner the sum 
of $75,000 for the biennium ending June 30, 1979 for administrative expenses 
incurred in fulfiling the provisions of this act. 


Section 5 of this act is effective on the day following its final enactment. Sec- 
tions 1 to 4 and sections 6 to 16 are effective January 1, 1978. 
Approved June 2, 1977. 


Mont. Rev. Code Ann. §§ 89-310-89-331 

Chapter 3 — Weather Modification Activities 


89-310. Definitions. 

89-312. Acquisition of property — acceptance and expenditure of funds — research and de- 
velopment authority. 
89-312.1. Standards for research in weather modification control. 
89-313. License and permit required for weather modification and control. 
89-314. Department to review applications — exemptions. 
89-315. Issuance of license — qualifications of licensees. 
89—316. Term of license — renewal. 
89-317. License fee. 

89-318. Issuance of permits — requirements for permit — hearing. 
89—319. Separate permit for each operation. 

89-320. Notice of intention to apply for permit — activities limited by terms of permit. 

89—321. Contents of notice of intention. 

89-322. Publication of notice of intention. 

89-323. Proof of financial responsibility by applicant. 

89-324. Permit fee — time of payment. 

89-325. Earmarked revenue fund. 

89—32(5. Records of operations maintained by licensees. 

S9-327. Reports of operations. 

89-328. Records and reports open to public. 

89—329. Termination of licenses and permits by board. 

89-330. State and agents not liable for acts of private persons. 

89 931. Violation as misdemeanor — continuing violations. 

89-301 to 89-309. (349.54 to 349.02) Repealed. 


These sections (Sees. 1 to 9, Ch. 176, L. 1935), relating to development of state 
resources by the state planning board, were repealed by Sec. 10, Ch. 19, Laws 


89-310. Definitions. Unless the context requires otherwise, in this chapter: 

(1) "Weather modification and control" means changing or controlling, or at- 
tempting to change or control, by artificial methods, the natural development of 
atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in the troposphere. 

(2) "Research and development" means theoretical analysis, exploration and 
experimentation, and the extension of investigative findings and theories of a 
scientific and technical nature into practical application for experimental and 
demonstration purposes, including the experimental production and testing of 
models, devices, equipment, materials, and processes. 

(3) "Department" means the department of natural resources and conservation 
provided for in Title 82A, chapter 15. 

(4) "Board" means the board of natural resources and conservation provided 
for in section 82A-1509. 

89-312. Acquistion of property — acceptance and expenditure of funds — re- 
search and development authority. In addition to any other acts authorized by law 
the department may : 

(1) acquire materials, equipment and facilities as are necessary to per- 
form its duties under this act ; 

(2) receive any funds which may be offered or become available from 
federal grants or appropriations, private gifts, donations, bequests, or any 
other source and unless their use is restricted, may expend the funds for 
the administration of this act ; 

(3) make such studies and investigations, and obtain such information 
as the department may deem necessary in exercising its authority in the 
administration or enforcement of this act ; 

(4) co-operate with public or private agencies in the performance of the 
department's functions or duties and in furtherance of the purposes of this 
act ; 

(5) represent the state in any and all matters pertaining to plans, proce- 
dures or negotiations for interstate compacts relating to weather modifica- 
tion and control ; 

(6) enter into co-operative agreements with the United States gov- 
ernment or any of its agencies, or with the various counties and cities of this 
state or with any private or public agencies for conducting weather modifica- 

. tion or cloud seeding operations ; 

(7) act for and represent the state and the counties, cities and private or 
public agencies in contracting with private concerns for the performance of 
weather modifications or cloud seeding operations ; and 

(8) conduct and may make arrangements including contracts and agree- 
ments for the conduct of, research and development activities relating to : 

(a) the identification and evaluation of meteorological, environ- 
mental, ecological, agricultural, economic, hydrological and sociological 
impacts of weather modification in Montana ; 

(b) the theory and development of methods of weather modification 
and control, including processes, materials and devices relating thereto ; 

(c) the utilization of weather modification and control for agricul- 
tural, industrial, commercial, recreational and other purposes ; 

,(d) the protection of life and property during research and opera- 
tional activities. 

89-312.1. Standards for research in weather modification control. The board 
may establish by rule standards and instruction to govern the carrying out of 
research and development or projects in weather modification and control as it 
deems necessary or desirable to minimize danger to health, safety, welfare or 

89-313. License and permit required for weather modification and control. 
No person shall engage in activities for weather modification and control except 
under, and in accordance with, a license and a permit issued by the board 
authorizing such activities. 

89-314. Department to review applications — exemptions. The department shall 
review all applications for weather modification activities, and the board may 
provide by rule for exempting from the license and permit requirements of this 

(1) research, development, and experiments by state and federal agen- 
cies, institutions of higher learning and bona fide nonprofit research orga- 
nizations and their agents ; 

(2) laboratory research and experiments ; 


(3) activities of an emergency character for protection against fire, 
frost, sleet, or fog : and 

(4) activities normally engaged in for purposes other than those of 
inducing, increasing, decreasing, or preventing precipitation or hail. ~>. Issuance of license — qualifications of licensees. The license to engage 
in the field of meteorology to the satisfaction of the board. If the applicant is an 
with procedures and subject to conditions the board may by rule establish to 
effectuate the provisions of this act. to applicants who demonstrate competence 
in the field of meteorology to the satisfaction of the board. If the applicant is an 
organization, these requirements must be met by the individual who will be 
in charge of the operation for the applicant. 

89-316. Term of license — renewal. The license shall be issued for a period 
to expire at the end of the calendar year in which it is issued and, if the 
licensee possesses the qualifications necessary for the issuance of a new license, 
shall upon application be renewed at the expiration of the period. 

59-517. Lie. use fee A license shall be issued or renewed only upon the pay- 
ment to the department of one hundred dollars ($100) for the license or renewal. 

89-318. Issuance of permits — requirements for permit — hearing. (1) The per- 
mits shall he issued in accordance with procedures and subject to conditions the 
hoard may by rule establish to effectuate this chapter, only : 

( a ) if the applicant is licensed pursuant to this chapter ; 
ili) if sufficient notice of intention is published and proof of publication is 
filed as required in section 89-322 ; 

(c) if an applicant furnishes proof of financial responsibility in an 
amount to be determined by the board as required in section 89-323; 

(d) if the fee for the permit is paid as required in section 89-324 ; 

(e) if the weather modification and control activities to be conducted are 
determined by the board to be for the general welfare and the public good. 

(2) The department shall hold a public hearing in the area to be affected by 
the issuance of the permit, if the board determines that a hearing is necessary. 
The department may in its discretion assess the permit applicant for the costs 
incurred by the department in holding the hearing. 

89-319. Separate permit for each operation. '"Operation" means the per- 
formance of weather modification and control activities entered into for the 
purpose of producing or attempting to produce, a certain modifying effect within 
ime (1) geographical area over one continuing time interval not exceeding one 
(1) year. 

89h320. Notice of intention to apply for permit — activities limited by terms 
of permit. Before undertaking any weather modification and control activities, 
the applicant for a permit shall file with the department, and also have published, 
a notice of intention. If a permit is issued, the holder of the permit shall confine 
his activities to the time and area limits set forth in the notice of intention, 
unless modified by the board. His activities shall conform to any conditions 
imposed by the board. The permit may not be sold or transferred. 

89^-821. Contents of notice of intention. The notice of intention shall set 
forth at least the following: 

(1) the name and address of the applicant ; 

(2) the nature, purpose, and objective of the intended operation and 
the person or organization on whose behalf it is to be conducted : 

(3) the area in which, and the approximate time during which, the 
operation will be conducted ; 

(4) the area which is intended to be affected by the operation: 

(5) the materials and methods to be used in conducting the operation. 
(History : En. Sec. 12, Ch. 20. L. 1967.) 

89-o22. Publication of notice of intention, (1) The applicant shall have 
notice of intention, or that portion thereof including the items specified in section 
89-321, published at least once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a news- 
paper having a general circulation and published within any county in which 
the operation is to be conducted and in which the affected area is located, or. if 
the operation is to be conducted in more than one (1) county or if the affected 
area is located in more than one (1) county or is located in a county other than 
the one in which t lie operation is to be conducted, then in newspapers having a 
general circulation and published within each of the counties. 

<2> Proof of publication, made in the manner provided by law, shall be filed 
by the applicant with the department sooner than the sixteenth day after the 
date of the last publication of the notice. 


89-323. Proof of financial responsibility by applicant. Proof of financial re- 
sponsibility may be furnished by an applicant by his showing, to the satisfaction 
of the board, ability to respond in damages for liability which might reasonably 
be attached to, or result from, his weather modification and control activities. 

(History : En. Sec. 14, Ch. 20. L. 1967.) 

89-324. Permit fee — time of payment. The fee to be paid by each applicant for 
a permit shall be equivalent to one per cent (1%) of the estimated cost of such 
operation, the estimated cost to be computed by the department from the evidence 
available to it. The fee is due and payable to the department as of the date of 
issuance of the permit by the board ; however, if the applicant is able to give 
satisfactory security for the payment of the balance he may be permitted to com- 
mence the operation, and a permit may be issued therefor, upon the payment of 
not less than fifty per cent (50%) of the fee. The balance due shall be paid 
within three (3) months from the date of termination of the operation as pre- 
scribed in the permit. 

89-325. Earmarked revenue fund. All license and permit fees and fines col- 
lected under this chapter shall be deposited in the earmarked revenue fund for 
use by the department in the administration of this chapter. 

89-326. Records of operations maintained by licensees. Every licensee shall 
keep and maintain a record of all operations conducted by him under his license 
and each permit, showing : 

(1) The method employed ; 

(2) Type of equipment used ; 

(3) Kinds and amounts of material used ; 

(4) Times and places of operation of the equipment ; 

(5) Names and addresses of all individuals participating or assisting in 
the operation : 

(6) Any other general information as the department may require. 
89-327. Reports of operations. The department shall require written reports, 

in a manner as it provides, of each operation for which a permit is issued. The 
department shall also require reports from any organization that is exempt from 
license and permit requirements as provided in section 89-314. 

89-328. Records and reports open to public. The records and reports in the 
custody of the department shall be open for public examination. 

89-329. Termination of licenses and permits by board. After notice to the 
licensee and a reasonable opportunity for a hearing, the board may modify, sus- 
pend, revoke, or refuse to renew, any license or permit issued if it appears that 
the licensee no longer possesses the qualifications necessary or if it appears that 
the licensee has violated any of the provisions of this act ; or in the case of a 
modification, that it is necessary for the protection of the health or the property 
of any person. 

(History : En. Sec. 20, Ch. 20, L. 1967.) 

89-330. State and agents not liable for acts of private persons. Nothing in this 
act shall be construed to impose or accept any liability or responsibility on the 
part of the state, the board, the department or any state officials or employees for 
any weather modification and control activities of any private person or group. 

89-331. Violation as misdemeanor — continuing violations. A person violating 
any provision of this act is guilty of a misdemeanor, and a continuing violation is 
punishable as a separate offense for each day during which it occurs. 


Neb. Rev. Stat. §§2-2401—2-2449; 81-829.45 

Article 24 — Weather Control 
(a) Weather Control Commission 


2-2401. Weather control ; declaration of policy. 
2-2402. Weather control : terms, defined. 

2-2403. Weather Control Commission ; administration of act : Department of Agriculture. 
2-2404. Weather Control Commission ; establishment ; composition ; appointment ; term ; 

no salary ; expenses. 
2-2405. Weather Control Commission ; duties. 

2—2406. Weather control ; modification activities ; license ; issuance : expiration ; revocation. 
2-2407. Weather control; artificial precipitation: application; license; fees; payment to 

State Treasurer ; credited to General Fund. 
2—2408. Weather Control Commission : cooperation with other agencies. 

2-2409. Weather control : engaging in artificial weather modification without license ; 
violation ; penalty. 

34-S57— 79— 3S 


(b) Weather Control Districts 


2-2410 to 2-2427. Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 9. § 24. 
2-2428. Weather control districts ; authorization. 

2-2429. Weather control districts ; initiation ; petition ; signatures required. 
2-2430. Weather control districts : petition ; contents. 

2-2431. Weather control districts ; examination of petition ; order for hearing ; notice. 

2-2432. Weather control districts ; hearing ; change of boundaries. 

2-2433. Weather control districts ; hearing ; order ; appeal. 

2-2434. Weather control districts ; Secretary of State ; election ; fix date. 

2-2435. Weather control districts : notice to election commissioner or county clerk ; state- 
ment of question to be submitted. 

2-2436. Weather control districts ; election commissioner or county clerk ; notice of elec- 
tion : publication. 

2-2437. Weather control district ; election ; how conducted ; certification of results ; resub- 
mission of question. 

2-2438. Weather control district ; body politic ; sue and be sued ; directors not liable for 

2-2439. Weather control district ; board of directors : oath ; bond : vacancies. 
2-2440. Weather control district ; board of directos ; election of successors ; no filing fee 

2-2441. Weather control district : board of directors ; no compensation ; expenses. 

2-2442. Weather control district ; officers : election ; books : records ; audit. 

2-2443. Weather control district ; board of directors : general powers. 

2—2444. Weather control district ; taxes : levy ; limit of levy ; certification ; collection. 

2-2445. Weather control district ; warrants ; issuance ; payment : registration ; interest. 

2-244(3. Weather control district ; program for weather control ; contact ; seeding outside 
of boundaries of district ; violation ; penalty. 

2-2447. Weather control district ; dissolution of district ; election ; how conducted ; dis- 
posal of funds ; debts ; tax ; levy. 

2 2448. Weather control district ; act ; how cited. 

2-2449. Weather control district ; formed under prior act : validation. 

(a) Weather Control Commission 

2-2 401. Weather control; declaration of policy. (1) It is hereby declared that 
the State of Nebraska claims its sovereign right to tbe use, for the best interests 
of its residents, of the moisture contained in the clouds and atmosphere within its 
sovereign state boundaries. 

(2) While weather modification is at present a reality, the ultimate extent to 
which it may be utilized is speculative. The application of such measures should 
have proper safeguards and supply sufficient data and accurate information in 
order to protect life, property and the public interest. 

Source : Laws 1957, c. 7, § 1, p. 101. 

2-2J/02. Weather control; terms, defined. When used in sections 2-2401 to 
2-2409, unless the context otherwise requires : 

(1) Commission shall mean the Weather Control Commission created by 
sections 2-2401 to 2-2409 ; 

(2) Department shall mean the Department of Agriculture ; 

(3) Experimentation and research and development, shall mean theoretical 
exploration and experimentation and the extension of investigative findings and 
theories of a scientific or technical nature in the practical application for experi- 
mental and demonstrative purposes, including the experimental producing and 
testing of model devices, equipment, materials, and processes : and 

(4) Weather modification shall mean initiating, changing, or controlling tbe 
course or effects of tbe forces, measures, and otber factors constituting weather 
phenomena, including temperature, wind direction and velocity, and tbe inducing. 
Li creasing, decreasing, and preventing by artificial methods, of precipitation 
in the form of rain. snow. hail, sleet, mist, or fog. 

Source : Laws 1957, c. 7, § 2, p. 101. 

2-2/f0->. Weather Control Commission; administration of act; Depart went o£ 
Agriculture. Tbe department shall administer and enforce the provisions of 
sections 2-2401 to 2-2409 and shall have and may exercise any or all of the admin- 
istrative powers conferred hereinafter by sections 2-2401 to 2-2409. 

Source : Laws 1957, c. 7. § 3, p. 101. 

2-2'iOJf. Weather Control Commission; establishment; composition; appoint- 
ment; term; no salary; crpenses. There is hereby established a Weather Control 
Commission, composed of the Director of Agriculture, the Dean of the College 
of Agriculture of tbe University of Nebraska, the Director of the Conservation 
and Survey Division of the University of Nebraska, the head of the physics 
department of the University of Nebraska, and four additional members, inter- 
ested in weather modification, who shall be appointed annually by the Governor 
for a one-year term commencing January 1. The members of the commission 


shall serve without salary, but shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary 

expenses while in the performance of their duties. 

Source : Laws 1957, c. 7, § 4, p. 102. m 

2-2J,05. Weather Control Commission; duties. The Commission shall perform 

the following duties : . ■ . , 

(1) Elect annually from its membership a chairman, vice-chairman, and 

(2) Determine the procedures, requirements, conditions, and professional 
standards under which licenses to applicants to conduct artificial weather modi- 
fication operations may be issued ; 

(3) Determine who shall be issued a license, and make recommendations to the 
department which shall issue the license ; 

(4) Approve the areas in which each operator is to work ; and 

(5) The commission, in order to carry into effect the provisions of sections 
2-2401 to 2-2409, is authorized and empowered: (a) To promulgate and enforce 
such rules and regulations as may be deemed proper and necessary ; (b) to appoint 
a qualified individual, organization, or institution to evaluate and publish the 
effects of all operations conducted in the state, and employ such clerical help as 
is necessary ; (c) to recommend to the department the revocation of licenses, for 
cause, if, after holding hearing, they so determine; (d) to enter into any con- 
tracts or memoranda of agreement as are necessary; and (e) to authorize the 
department to expend such funds as may be made available to it. 

Source : Laws 1957, c. 7, § 5, p. 102. 

2-2406. Weather control; modification activities; license; issuance; expiration ; 
revocation. (1) It shall be unlawful for any private person or persons, corpora- 
tion, institution, or individual group to engage in activities for artificial weather 
modification except under and in accordance with a license issued by the depart- 
ment. The department shall issue such license only upon the recommendation of 
the Weather Control Commission. 

(2) Each such license shall expire on December 31 of each year and shall be 
revocable at any time prior to such date by the department upon recommendation 
of the commission, in accordance with such procedure as the commission may 

Source : Laws 1957, c. 7, § 6, p. 103. 

2-2'f0~i. Weather control; artificial precipitation; application; license; fees: 
payment to State Treasurer; credited to General Fund. 

(1) Any person desiring to cause, or attempting to cause, condensation of 
precipitation of rain, snow, moisture, or water in any form contained in the at- 
mosphere, or who shall prevent or attempt to prevent by artificial means the 
natural condensation Or precipitation of rain, snow, moisture, or water in any 
form contained in the atmosphere shall make application to the department in 
writing, on forms supplied by the department, to do so. Each application shall be 
accompanied by a fee of fifty dollars. 

(2) Any person issued a license to do any of the acts specified in subsection 
(1) of this section shall pay a fee of two hundred dollars. 

(3) Xo fee shall be charged for experimental or research work. 

(4) The money collected from such fees shall be deposited with the state 
treasury and by the State Treasurer credited to the General Fund. 

Source : Laws 1957, c. 7, § 7, p. 103 ; Laws 1965, c. 8, § 6, p. 91 
2-21,08. Weather Control Commission.; cooperation with other agencies. The 
commission shall cooperate with the federal government and its agents and 
contractors, and with other states, in the conduct of artificial weather modifi- 
cation operations. 

Source : Laws 1957. c. 7, § 8, p. 104. 

2-2Jf08. Weather Control Commission ; cooperation with other agencies. The 
license; violation ; penalty. Any private person engaging in any type of artificial 
weather modification without having first procured a license as required by 
sections 2-2401 to 2-2409 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon con- 
viction thereof, be fined not less than three hundred dollars nor more than eight 
hundred dollars. 

Source : Laws 1957, c. 7, § 9, p. 104. 

(b) Weather Control Districts 
2-2 ' f 10 to 2-2 ',27. Repealed. Laws 1959. c. 9, § 24. 

Weather Control Act of 1957 was unconstitutional as unlawful delegation of legislative 
Powers. Sununerville v. North Platte Valley Weather Control Dist., 170 Neb. 46, 101 N W 
2d 748. 


2-2^28. Weather control districts; authorisation. Weather control districts 
may be' formed in the manner, and having the power, provided in section 2-2428 
to 2-2449. 

Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § 1, p. 107. 

2-2429. Weather control districts; initiation; petition; signatures required. 
Proceedings for the establishment of a weather control district may be initiated 
only by the filing of a petition with the Department of Agriculture. The petition 
shall be signed by not less than twelve resident owners of land in each of a major- 
ity of the precincts lying wholly or partly within the proposed district. 

Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § 2, p. 107. 

2-2430. Weather control districts; petition; contents. (1) The petition referred 
to in section 2-2429 shall set forth : 

(a) The proposed name of the district ; 

(b) A description of the territory proposed to be included in the district, 
together with the proposed boundaries of such district and the divisions 
thereof for the purpose of election of directors ; a map showing such bounda- 
ries ; and that property within the proposed district will be benefited by the 
organization of such district ; 

(c) A recommendation as to the number and terms of directors that the 
district shall have if formed, together with the name, address, terms of office, 
and division to be represented of each of the proposed directors, who shall 
serve until their successors are elected and qualified, designating their 
terms so that not more than one-third shall terminate every two years ; 

(d) Where the offices of such proposed district are to be maintained; and 

(e) A prayer that the organization of the district be submitted to a vote 
of the electors who own taxable property except intangible property within 
such district. 

(2) No petition for the organization of a district under sections 2-2428 to 
2-2449 with the requisite signatures shall be declared null and void on account 
of minor defects, but the department may at any time, prior to final determination 
of the sufficiency thereof, permit the petition to be amended in form and sub- 
stance to conform to the facts. Several similar petitions or duplicate copies of the 
same petition for the organization of the same district may be filed and shall 
together be regarded as one petition. All petitions filed prior to the determination 
of the sufficiency of such petition, shall be considered as though filed with the 
first petition placed on file. 

Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § 3, p. 108. 

2-2431. Weather control districts; examination of petition; order for hear- 
ing; notice. The Department of Agriculture shall examine the petition and if 
it finds that the same bears the requisite number of signatures and otherwise 
meets the requirements of sections 2-2428 to 2-2449, it shall fix a time and place 
for hearing upon such petition and cause notice thereof to be given to all per- 
sons having any interest in the organization of the proposed district by pub- 
lication in each of the counties lying wholly or partly within the proposed 
district once each week for two consecutive weeks in a legal newspaper or news- 
papers of general circulation in such counties. Such notice shall state (1) the 
fact of filing of the petition; (2) in summary form, the information required by 
subsection (1) of section 2-2430 to be included in the petition; (3) the purpose 
of the formation of such proposed district; (4) the time and place of hearing 
such petition; and (5) the purpose of such hearing. Such hearing shall be held 
at such time and place as designated by the department, not less than twenty 
days nor more than forty days after the filing of the petition. 

Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § 4, p. 109. 

2-2432. Weather control districts; hearing; change of "boundaries. At the time 
of the hearing, the Department of Agriculture shall receive any competent and 
relevant evidence which may be produced by any person interested in the orga- 
nization of such district in support of or against the petition. If the department 
finds that the boundaries proposed by the petitioners should be changed, it shall 
change the same and fix the boundaries where the same, in the judgment of the 
department, should be fixed with a view to doing justice and equity to all per- 
sons; Provided, that if the department deems it proper to include in the dis- 
trict any territory not included in the boundaries proposed by the petitioners, 
it shall first cause notice of its intention to do so to be mailed to each owner 
of land within the territory proposed to be included. Such notice shall describe 
the territory so proposed to be included in the proposed district and fix a time 


and place, not less than one week nor more than three weeks from the date of 
mailing thereof, when all persons interested may appear and be heard. 
Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § 5, p. 109. 

2-2433. Weather control districts; hearing order; appeal. If the Department 
of Agriculture determines that the organization of such district would be de- 
sirable and necessary in the interest of the public welfare, it shall within ten 
| days after the final hearing enter an order (1) approving the petition and 
amendments thereto, if made; and (2) fixing the boundaries of the proposed 
district and the divisions thereof for the purpose of election of directors, which 
order shall be deemed a final order for purposes of review to the district court 
on appeal. Any person owning taxable property, except intangible property,, 
within the proposed district aggrieved by the order of the department approving 
the petition or fixing the boundaries, may appeal from such order to the district 
court of the comity wherein the office of the district is maintained. The proce- 
dure for and upon such appeal shall be nearly as possible the same as is provided 
for appeals from final orders on claims presented to the county board of such 

Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § 6, p. 110. 

2-2434. Weather control districts; Secretary of State; election; fix date. If 
no appeal is taken from the order of the Department of Agriculture, or upon 
final determination by the court, the department shall deliver to the Secretary 
of State a copy of the order or orders of the department or court and the peti- 
tions as approved by the department, along with a request that the question 
of the organization of the district be submitted to a vote of the electors who own 
taxable property, except intangible property, within such district as prayed for in 
the petition. Upon receipt of such request, the Secretary of State shall fix the 
date of such election, which may be held either as a special election or at any 
general election. Such election shall be so scheduled that the notice required by 
section 2-2435 can be given. 

Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § 7, p. 110. 

2-2435. Weather control districts; notice to election commissioner or county 
clerk; statement of question to be submitted. The Secretary of State shall give 
notice of the scheduling of such election to the election commissioners, or county 
clerks in those counties not having an election commissioner, of each county 
to be embraced in whole or in part within such district. Such notice shall contain 
a statement of the question to be submitted at such election, the area in which 
such election is to be held, and the date thereof. 

Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § 8, p. 110. 

2-2436. Weather control districts; election commissioner or county clerk ; notice 
of election ; publication. The election commissioner or county clerk, whichever is 
appropriate, shall publish a notice once each week, three consecutive weeks, in a 
legal newspaper having general circulation in his county, which notice shall 
state: (1) The fact of filing of the petition ; (2) in summary form, the informa- 
tion required by subsection (1) of section 2-2430 to be included in the petition; 
(3) that an election will be held to decide the question of organization of the 
proposed district; (4) the date of such election ; (5) the polling places at which 
such election is to be held; (6) a statement that all electors who own taxable 
property, except intangible property, within such district shall be entitled to vote 
at such election; and (7) the specific question to be submitted. 

Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § 9, p. 110. 

2-2437. Weather control district; election; how conducted; certification of re- 
sults; resubmission of question. The ballots cast at such election shall be counted 
and canvassed as nearly as practicable in the same manner as for elections gen- 
erally. Not later than one week after the holding of such election, the election 
commissioners or county clerks, whichever is appropriate, shall certify the results 
thereof to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State shall tabulate the re- 
sults so certified to him, and if he finds fifty-five per cent of those voting in such 
election voted in favor of the organization of the proposed district, he shall so 
certify to the county clerk in each of the counties lying in whole or in part within 
such district, and the district shall thereupon be fully organized ; Provided, that 
if the ballots cast in any precinct, or part of a precinct when the entire precinct 
is not included in the proposed district, in favor of the organization of the pro- 
posed district are less than fifty-five per cent of the total ballots cast, then such 
precinct or part thereof shall not be included in the proposed district. If the 
proposition to form such district is defeated at the election, the proposition may 
again be submitted after the lapse of one year from the rejection thereof upon 


the filing of a new petition therefor. If the proposition to form a district is 
approved by fifty-five per cent of those voting on the proposition as provided in 
this section, then the Secretary of State shall annually submit the proposition to 
electors of the district for three consecutive years as to whether the district shall 
he continued or dissolved. If the electors vote to dissolve, the district shall be 
dissolved as provided in section 2-2447. 
Source : Laws 1959, c. 9. § 10. p. 111. 

2-24-38. Weather control district; body politic; sue and be sued; directors not 
liable for debts. A district formed under the provisions of sections 2-2428 to 2-2449 
shall be a body politic, and may sue and be sued in its own name, and no liability 
shall result to its directors on account of debts or other obligations of the district. 

Source : Laws 1959, c. 9. § 11, p. 112. 

2-24-39. "Weather control district; board of directors; oath; bond; vacancies. 
Each member of the board of directors shall be a resident landowner in such dis- 
trict. He shall take an oath of office, and shall give bond in the sum of five 
thousand dollars conditioned that he shall faithfully perform the duties of direc- 
tor and of such further office to which he may be elected in such district, and 
shall account for all funds or property coming into his hands as such director or 
other officer. The treasurer of the district shall also give a corporate surety bond 
in an amount sufficient to cover all money coming into his possession or control. 
Each such bond shall run to the district, be signed by a surety or sureties 
approved by the Secretary of State and shall be filed and recorded in the office of 
the Secretary of State. When such bond is so filed and approved, such person so 
elected shall take and hold office until his successor is elected and qualified. 
When a vacancy occurs on the board, such vacancy shall be filled by the remain- 
ing members of the board. 

Source : Laws 1959. c. 9. § 12. p. 112. 

2-24 40- Weather control district; board of directors; election of successors ; no 
filirirj fee required. As the terms of members of the board of directors expire, their 
successors shall be elected in the manner provided for election of directors of 
public power districts. No filing fee shall be required of candidates filing for the 
office of director of a weather control district. 

Source : Laws 1959. c. 9. § 13. p. 112. 

2-2441- Weather control district; board of directors; no compensation ; ex- 
penses. The members of the board of directors shall receive no compensation, but 
shall be paid their actual expenses while engaged in the business of such district. 

Source : Laws 1959. c. 9, § 14, p. 112. 

2-2442. Weather control district ; officers; election; books; records; audit. The 
board of directors shall annually elect a president, vice president, secretary, 
treasurer, and such other officers as may be necessary. Such board shall hold 
rotrular meetings in its office at least once each calendar quarter and such special 
meetings as may be required for the proper transaction of business. Notice of all 
meetings of the board must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in 
ti e district not less than seven nor more than fourteen days prior to the holding 
of such meeting, which notice shall state the time, date, and place thereof, and, 
in case of a special meeting, the purpose thereof. The board shall cause to be kept 
accurate minutes of its meetings and accurate records and books of account, con- 
forming to approved methods of bookkeeping, clearly setting out and reflecting 
the operation, management, and business of the district. Snch books and records 
shall be kept at the offices of the district and shall be open to public inspection 
during normal business hours. The board shall cause to be published at the close 
of each regular or special meeting a brief statement of the proceedings thereof 
in ;) newspaper of general circulation in the district. At the close of each year's 
business, the board shall cause an audit of the books, records, and financial affairs 
of the district to be made by a certified public accountant or firm of such account- 
ants, who shall be selected by the board, and the report, of such audit shall be 
kept on file at the district's office for inspection by any interested party. 

Source : I aws 1059, c. 9. § 15. p. 112. 

£—2448' Weather control district ; board o-f directors ; general povers. The board 
of directors shall have authority to : (1) Maintain and equip an office, and employ 
such persons as may be needed : (2) gather information concerning weather con- 
trol : (3) aid or conduct, alone or in conjunction with other districts, any program 
of weather control ; (4) contract with any private individual, association, or cor- 
poration, or with any governmental acreney. engaged in weather control, for per- 
formance of the activities mentined in subdivisions (2) and (3) of this section; 
( 5 I disseminate, by publication, or by press, radio, or television release, or other- 


wise, information concerning weather control; (6) participate in any federal 
grant-in-aid program which has been or which might be established; and (7) 
lew a tax as provided in section 2-2444. 
Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § 16, p. 113. 

2-2JfU. Weather control district; taxes; levy; limit of levy; certification; col- 
lection. The board of directors shall, prior to August 1 of each year, prepare an 
estimate showing the amount of money required to finance the activities of the 
district for the ensuing year and may levy and collect each year the taxes neces- 
sary to finance the activities of such district for the ensuing year to the amount 
of not more than one mill on the dollar of the assessed value of all taxable prop- 
erty, except intangible property, within such district. It shall, on or before the 
hist day of August in each year, certify its mill levy to the county clerks of the 
counties wholly or partially within the district, who shall extend the same on 
the county tax list, and the same shall be collected by the county treasurer in the 
same manner as state and county taxes. It shall be the duty of the board to apply 
for and to receive from the county treasurers all money to the credit of the dis- 
trict. The county treasurers shall disburse the same to the order of the treasurer 
of the district. 

Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § IS. p. 113. 

Z-2445, Weather control district; warrants; issuance; payment; registration ; 
interest. All claims against weather control districts may be paid by warrants or 
orders, duly drawn on the treasurer of such district, signed by the president and 
countersigned by the secretary. When such warrants or orders have been issued 
and delivered, they may be presented to the treasurer of the district, and if such 
be the fact, endorsed Not paid for want of funds. Such warrants or orders shall 
be registered by the treasurer in the order of presentation, shall draw interest at 
the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of registration thereof, and 
shall be received by the county treasurers in payment of weather control district 
taxes levied pursuant to section 2-2444. 

Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § 19, p. 114. 

2-2J/J { 6. Weather control district; program for ireather control ; contract ; seed- 
ing outside of boundaries of district ; violation ; penalty. Tbe board of directors 
shall not be required to conduct, or contract for. any program of weather control 
for any year in which it does not appear that such program would be of substan- 
tial benefit to the district. In the event any program of weather control is con- 
ducted within any such weather control district organized under sections 2-2428 
to 2-2449 it shall be unlawful for any aircraft of such district or its contractor 
to fly outside the boundaries of such district during any seeding operations or to 
seed any cloud formation situated outside the boundaries of such district. Any 
person, partnership, association, or corporation violating the provisions of this 
section shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not to exceed five 
thousand dollars. 

Source : Laws 1959. c. 9. § 20, p. 114. 

2-2J t J t l. Weather control district; dissolution of district; election; how con- 
ducted; disposal of funds: debts; tax; levy. The board of directors may, on its 
own motion, or the board shall, on a written request signed by not less than 
twelve resident owners of land in each of a majority of the precincts lying wholly 
or partly within the district, request of the Secretary of State that the question 
of dissolution of such district be submitted to a vote of the electors, as set forth in 
sections 2-2428 to 2-2449. of the district, and the Secretary of State shall fix 
the date of such election, notice of which shall be given and which shall be con- 
ducted in the same manner as elections for the formation of such districts. If a 
majority of those voting on such question vote in favor of dissolution, the Secre- 
tary of State shall certify such result to the board of directors of such district. If 
the district has no debts outstanding at the time such result is certified to the 
board by the Secretary of State, such district shall thereupon stand dissolved. 
If the district has debts outsanding at the time such result is certified to the 
board by the Secretary of State and there are not sufficient funds in the hands of 
the treasurer of the district or in the hands of the county treasurer or treasurers 
to the credit of the district, to pay such debts, or if at the time of such certifica- 
tion, the district is under contract for any program of weather control as autho- 
rized herein, the board of directors of such district shall have authority to: (1) 
Levy the taxes necessary to pay such outstanding debts ; (2) complete, in accord- 
ance with the contract, any program of weather control, or in the alternative, to 
negotiate and enter into a settlement of such contract with the contractor or con- 
tractors ; (3) levy the taxes necessary to pay any obligations due or to become due 


under any such contract for any such program of weather control or to pay the 
cost of settlement thereof; and (4) wind up the affairs of the district and levy 
the taxes necessary to pay the cost thereof, and upon payment of such debts, 
the completion or settlement of such contract or contracts for any such program 
of weather control and the payment of the obligations due under any such con- 
tract or the settlement thereof, and the payment of the costs incurred in winding 
up the affairs of the district, the district shall thereupon stand dissolved. In 
case a district is dissolved, any funds on hand or to be collected, in excess of the 
funds necessary to pay the outstanding obligations of the district and the costs 
of winding up the affairs of the district, shall be held by the treasurer of the dis- 
trict, and the directors shall petition the district court of the county in which 
the main office is located for an order approving the distribution of funds to the 
taxpayers of the district on the same basis as collected. The question of dissolu- 
tion shall not be submitted more often than once every twelve months. 
Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § 21, p. 114. 

2-2448. Weather control district; act, how cited. Sections 2-2428 to 2-2449 may 
be cited as the Weather Control Act of Nebraska. 
Source : Laws 1959, c. 9, § 22, p. 116. 

2-2449. Weather control district; formed under prior act; validation. In all 
cases in which weather control districts were established in accordance with laws 
heretofore existing, all acts and proceedings taken for the purpose of creating 
such district are hereby legalized, validated, and declared to be sufficient, and 
such weather control district is hereby declared to be duly incorporated, and as 
such, said weather control district under its corporate name shall have all the 
rights and privileges and be subject to all of the duties and obligations of a duly 
incorporated weather control district. 

Source : Laws 1959, c. 9 § 23, p. 116. 

Article 24 — Weather Modification Commission 
(a) Weather Modification Commission 


2-2404. Weather Modification Commission ; created ; membership ; appointment ; term ; 
no salary ; expenses. 

2-2407. Weather control ; artificial precipitation ; application ; license : fees : payment 
to State Treasurer ; credited to special funds and accounts. 

2-2408.01. Department of Agriculture ; authority to accept funds ; purpose. 

2-2408.02. State Treasurer ; custodian of weather modification funds or accounts ; duties ; 

(a) Weather Modification Commission 

2-2404. Weather Modification Commission; created; memdership; appoint- 
ment; term; no salary; expenses. There is hereby established a Weather Modifi- 
cation Commission, composed of the Director of Agriculture, the Vice Chancellor 
of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the University of Ne- 
braska or his representative, the chairman of the physics department of the Uni- 
versity of Nebraska, and four additional members, interested in weather modifi- 
cation, who shall be appointed annually by the Governor for a one-year term 
commencing January 1. The members of the commission shall serve without 
salary, but shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses while 
in the performance of their duties. 

Source : Laws 1957, c. 7, § 4, p. 102 ; Laws 1975, LB 247, § 1. Effective date 
August 24 1975. 

2-2407. Weather control; artificial precipitation; application; license; fees; 
payment to State Treasurer; credited to special funds and accounts. (1) Any 
person desiring to cause or attempting to cause, condensation or precipitation of 
rain, snow, moisture, or water in any form contained in the atmosphere, or who 
shall prevent or attempt to prevent by artificial means the natural condensation 
or precipitation of rain, snow, moisture, or water in any form contained in the 
atmosphere, shall make application to the department in writing, on forms sup- 
plied by the department, to do so. Each application shall be accompanied by a fee 
of fifty dollars. 

(2) Any person issued a license to do any of the acts specified in subsection 
(1) of t his section shall pay a fee of two hundred dollars. 

(3) No fee shall be cha rged for experimental or research work. 

(4) The money collected from such fees shall be deposited with the state treas- 
ury and by the State Treasurer credited to the special funds and accounts estab- 
lished by section 2-2408.02. 


Source : Laws 1957, c. 7, § 7, p. 103 ; Laws 1965, c. 8, § 6, p. 91 ; Laws 1975 LB 247, 
§ 2. Effective date August 24, 1975. 

2-2408.01. Department of Agriculture; authority to accept funds; purpose. The 
department may accept funds or fees from any source, federal, state, public or 
private, to be used by the commission in the performance of its duties. 

Source : Laws 1975, LB 247, § 3. Effective date August 24, 1975. 

2-2408.02. State Treasurer; custodian of weather modification funds or ac- 
counts; duties; investment. The State Treasurer is hereby designated as the cus- 
todian of all funds or fees received by the department from any source, federal, 
state, public or private, to be used by the commission in the performance of its 
duties. The State Treasurer is authorized to receive and provide for the proper 
custody of such funds or fees and establish such special weather modification 
funds and accounts as may be necessary to carry out the intent and purposes of 
sections 2-2404 2-2407, 2-2408.01, and 2-2408.02. The Director of Administrative 
Services shall draw warrants upon such funds or accounts upon presentation of 
proper vouchers by the department. Any money in the special weather modifica- 
tion funds or accounts available for investment shall be invested by the state in- 
vestment officer pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 72, article 12. 

Source : Laws 1975. LB 247, § 4. Effective date August 24, 1975. 

81-82945. State Civil Defense Agency; weather condition; continuously ap- 
prise; permits; issue; suspend. The state Civil Defense Agency shall keep con- 
tinuously apprised of weather conditions which present danger of precipitation 
or other climatic activity severe enough to constitute a disaster. If the agency 
determines that precipitation that may result from weather modification opera- 
tions, either by itself or in conjunction with other precipitation or climatic con- 
ditions or activity, would create or contribute to the severity of a disaster, it shall 
direct the officer or agency empowered to issue permits for weather modification 
operations to suspend the issuance of the permits, and thereupon no permits may 
be issued until the agency informs the officer or agency that the danger has 

Source : Laws 1973, LB 494, § 10. Effective date May 12, 1973. 


Nev. Rev. Stat. §§544.010-544.240; 244.190 

Chapter 544 — Weather Modification 
Weather Modification Research Law 


544.010 Short title. 
544.020 Definitions. 

544.030 State department of conservation and natural resources authorized to conduct 

research programs. 
544.040 County financial participation in research : conditions. 

544.050 Agreements between counties and state department of conservation and natural 
resources ; term of agreements. 

544.060 Utilization of facilities, technical resources of desert research institute, Univer- 
sity of Nevada System. 

Regulations of Weather Modification Operations 

544.070 Definitions. 

544.080 Powers of the director of the state department of conservation and natural 

544.090 Promotion of research and development activities relating to weather modification. 

544.100 Hearings : Record of proceedings ; examination of witnesses ; subpenas. 

544.110 Acceptance of gifts and grants ; weather modification fund. 

544.120 License and.permit required for weather modification and control activities. 

544.130 Exemptions from license, permit and liability requirements. 

544.140 Qualifications of licensees ; issuance, renewal of licenses ; license fee. 

544.150 Conditions for issuance of permits. 

544.160 Separate permit required for each operation ; notice of intention ; conditions, 

modification of permit. 
544.170 Notice of intention : Contents. 

544. ISO Notice of intention : Publication ; filing of proof of publication. 
544.190 Proof of financial responsibility. 
544.200 Permit fees. 

544.210 Records and reports of licensees, exempt organizations. 

544.220 Suspension, revocation of licenses and permits : Grounds ; modification of permit 

544.230 Construction of NRS 544.070 to 544.240, inclusive. 
544.240 Penalties. 

Weather Modification Research Law 

5U.010 Short title. NRS 544.010 to 544.060, inclusive, may be cited as the 
Weather Modification Research Law. 
(Added to NRS by 1961, 668) 


544-020 Definitions. As used in NRS 544.010 to 544.060, inclusive, unless the 
context otherwise requires : 

1. "Department" means the state department of conservation and natural 

2. "Director" means the director of the state department of conservation and 
natural resources. 

(Added to NRS by 3981, 668) 

544-030 State department of conservation and natural resources authorized to 
conduct research programs. The department may conduct weather modification 
research programs. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 668) 

544-040 County financial participation in research; conditions. In areas where 
weather modification research is to be carried on, the counties involved may give 
such financial assistance as the director and the board of county commissioners 
shall determine, but such financial assistance shall aggregate for the counties 
involved an amount not less than 25 percent of the amount paid by the state for 
such program. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 668) 

544.050 Agreements between counties and state department of conservation 
and natural resources ; term of agreements. Counties in cooperating with the 
director in conducting any weather modification program in fulfillment of the 
purposes of NRS 544.010 to 544.060, inclusive, are authorized to enter into 5-year 
agreements with the director. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 669 ; A 1975, 576) 

544.060 Utilization of facilities, technical resources of desert research institute, 
University of Nevada System. In carrying out the purposes of NRS 544.010 to 
544.060, inclusive, the director shall utilize to the fullest possible extent the 
facilities and technical resources of the desert research institute of the Univer- 
sity of Nevada System. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 669 ; A 1969, 1443) 

Regulations of Weather Modification Operations 

544-070 Definitions. As used in NRS 544.070 to 544.240, inclusive, unless the 
context requires otherwise : 

1. "Director" means the director of the state department of conservation and 
natural resources. 

2. "Operation" means the performance of weather modification and control 
activities pursuant to a single contract entered into for the purpose of producing, 
or attempting to produce, a certain modifying effect within one geographical 
area over one continuing time interval not exceeding 1 year, or, if the perform- 
ance of weather modification and control activities is to be undertaken individ- 
ually or jointly by a person or persons to be benefited and not undertaken pur- 
suant to a contract, "operation" means the performance of weather modification 
and control ac tivities entered into for the purpose of producing, or attempting to 
produce, a certain modifying effect within one geographical area over one 
continuing time interval not exceeding 1 year. 

3. "Research and development" means theoretical analysis, exploration and 
experimentation and the extension of investigative findings and theories of a 
scientific or technical nature into practical application for experimental and 
demonstration purposes, including the experimental production and testing of 
models, devices, equipment, materials and processes. 

4. "Wheather modification and control" means changing or controlling, or 
attempting to change or control, by artificial methods the natural development 
of any or all atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in 
the troposphere. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 691 ) 

5',',. 0R0 Povcrs of the director of the state department of conservation and 
natural resources. In the performance of his functions the director may, in addi- 
tion to any other acts authorized by law : 

1. Establish advisory committees to advise with and make recommendations 
to the director concerning legislation, policies, administration, research and other 

2. Establish by regulation or order such standards and instructions to govern 
the carrying out of research or projects in weather modification and control as 
he may deem necessary or desirable to minimize danger to health or property, 


and make such regulations as are necessary in the performance of his powers 
and duties. 

3. Make such studies, investigations, obtain such information and hold such 
hearings as he may deem necessary or proper to assist him in exercising his 
authority or in the administration or enforcement of NRS 544.070 to 544.240, 
inclusive, or any regulations or orders issued thereunder. 

4. Appoint and lix the compensation of such personnel, without compliance 
with the provisions of chapter 284 of NRS, including specialists and consultants, 
as are necessary to perform his duties and functions. 

5. Acquire, in the manner provided by law, such materials, equipment and 
facilities as are necessary to perform his duties and functions. 

6. Cooperate with public or private agencies in the performance of his func- 
tions or duties and in furtherance of the purposes of NRS 544.070 to 544.240, 

7. Represent the state in any and all matters pertaining to plans, procedures 
or negotiations for interstate compacts relating to weather modification and 

8. With approval of the governor, enter into cooperative agreements with the 
various counties and cities of this state or with any private or public agencies 
for conducting weather modification or cloud seeding operations. 

9. Act for and represent the state and the counties, cities and private or public 
agencies in contracting with private concerns for the performance of weather 
modifications or cloud seeding operations. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 692) 

544-090 Promotion of research and development activities relating to iceathcr 
modification. The director shall exercise his powers in such manner as to pro- 
mote the continued conduct of research and deevlopment activities in the fields 
specified below by private or public institutions or persons and to assist in the 
acquisition of an expanding fund of theoretical and practical knowledge in such 
fields. To this end the director may conduct, and make arrangements including 
contracts and agreements for the conduct of, research and development activ- 
ities relating to : 

1. The theory and development of methods of weather modification and con- 
trol, including processes, materials and devices related thereto. 

2. Utilization of weather modification and control for agricultural, industrial, 
commercial and other purposes. 

3. The protection of life and property during research and operational 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 693) 

544-100 Hearings: Record of proceedings; examination of witnesses; sub- 
pcttas. In the case of hearings held pursuant to NRS 544.220, the director shall, 
and in other cases may, cause a record of all proceedings to be taken and filed 
with the director, together with his findings and conclusions. For any hearing, 
the director or a representative designated by him is authorized to administer 
oaths and affirmations, examine witnesses and issue, in the name of the director, 
notice of the hearing or subpenas requiring any person to appear and testify, 
or to appear and produce documents, or both, at any designated place. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 693) 

544110 Acceptance of gifts and grants ; weather modification fund. 

1. The director may, subject to any limitations otherwise imposed by law, re- 
ceive and accept for and in the name of the state any funds which may be offered 
or become available from federal grants or appropriations, private gifts, dona- 
tions or bequests, or from any other source, and may expend such funds, unless 
their use is restricted and subject to any limitations otherwise provided by law, 
for the administration of NRS 544.070 to 544.240, inclusive, and for the en- 
couragement of research and development by a state or public or private agency, 
either by direct grant, by contract or other cooperative means. 

2. There is hereby established a continuing fund in the general fund in the 
state treasury to be known as the weather modification fund. All license and 
permit fees paid to the director shall be deposited in such fund. Any accumula- 
tion in such fund in excess of $5,000 shall revert immediately to the general 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 693) 

544-120 License and permit required for weather modification and control 
activities. Except as provided in NRS 544.130, no person shall engage in activ- 


ities for weather modification and control except under and in accordance with 
a license 'and a permit issued by the director authorizing such activities. 
(Add to NRS by 1961, 693) 

5JfJf.l30 Exemptions from license, permit and liability requirements. The 
director, to the extent he deems practical, shall provide by regulation for exempt- 
ing from the license, permit and liability requirements of NRS 544.070 to 544.240, 
inclusive : 

1. Research and development and experiments by state and federal agencies, 
institutions of higher learning and bona fide nonprofit research organizations. 

2. Laboratory research and experiments. 

3. Activities required in emergencies for protection against fire, frost, sleet 
or fog. 

4. Activities normally engaged in for purposes other than those of inducing, 
increasing, decreasing or preventing precipitation or hail. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 693 ; A 1967, 159) 

5^.1JfO Qualifications of licensees; issuance, renewal of licenses; license fee. 
1. Licenses to engage in activities for weather modification and control shall be 
issued to applicants therefor who pay the license fee required and who demon- 
strate, to the satisfaction of the director, competence in the field of meteorology 
reasonably necessary to engage in activities for weather modification and con- 
trol. If the applicant is an organization, these requirements shall be met by the 
individual or individuals who are to be in control and in charge of the operation 
for the applicant. 

2. The director shall issue licenses in accordance with such procedures and 
subject to such conditions as he may by regulation establish to effectuate the 
provisions of NRS 544.070 to 544.240, inclusive. Each license shall be issued 
for a period to expire at the end of the calendar year in which it is issued and, 
if the licensee possesses the qualifications necessary for the issuance of a new 
license, such license shall upon application be renewed at the expiration of such 
period. A license shall be issued or renewed only upon the payment to the direc- 
tor of $100 for the license or renewal thereof. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 694) 

o'f-' { .150. Conditions for issuance of permits. The director shall issue permits 
in accordance with such procedures and subject to such conditions as he may 
by regulation establish to effectuate the provisions of NRS 544.070 to 544.240, 
inclusive, only : 

1. If the applicant is licensed pursuant to NRS 544.070 to 544.240, inclusive. 

2. If a sufficient notice of intention is published and proof of publication is 
filed as required by NRS 544.180. 

3. If the applicant furnishes proof of financial responsibility, as provided in 
NRS 544.190, in an amount as may be determined by the director but not to 
exceed $20,000. 

4. If the fee for a permit is paid as required by NRS 544.200. 
(Added to NRS by 1961, 694) 

5M.160. Separate permit required for each operation; notice of intention; con- 
dition, modification of permit. A separate permit shall be issued for each opera- 
tion. Prior to undertaking any weather modification and control activities the 
licensee shall file with the director and also cause to be published a notice of 
intention. The licensee, if a permit is issued, shall confine his activities for the 
permitted operation substantially within the time and area limits set forth in 
the notice of intention, unless modified by the director, and his activities shall 
also substantially conform to any conditions imposed by the director upon the 
issuance of the permit or to the terms of the permit as modified after issuance. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 694) 

.-,',',.170. — Notice of intention: Contents. The notice of intention shall set forth 
at least all the following : 

1. The name and address of the licensee. 

2. The nature and object of the intended operation and the person or orga- 
nization on whose behalf it is to be conducted. 

3. The area in which and the approximate time during which the opera- 
tion will be conducted. 

4. The area which is intended to be affected by the operation. 

5. The materials and methods to be used in conducting the operation. 
(Added to NRS by 1961, 694) 

5 '/ ',.180. Notice of intention: Publication; filing of proof of publication. 1. The 
applicant shall cause the notice of intention, or that portion thereof including 


the items specified in NRS 544.170, to be published at least once a week for 3 
consecutive weeks in a newspaper having a general circulation and published 
within any county in which the operation is to be conducted and in which the 
affected area is located, or, if the operation is to be conducted in more than one 
county or if the affected area is located in more than one county or is located 
in a county other than the one in which the operation is to be conducted, then 
in a newspaper having a general circulation and published within each of such 
counties. In case there is no newspaper published within the appropriate county, 
publication shall be made in a newspaper having a general circulation within 
the county. 

2. Proof of publication, made in the manner provided by law, shall be filed by 
the Licensee with the director within 15 days from the date of the last publication 
of the notice. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 695) 

544-190 Proof of financial responsibility. Proof of financial responsibility may 
be furnished by an applicant by his showing, to the satisfaction of the director, 
his ability to respond in damages for liability which might reasonably be at- 
tached to or result from his weather modification and control activities in con- 
nection with the operation for which he seeks a permit ; but the applicant need 
not show ability to respond in damages for liability resulting from precipitation 
caused by weather modification experiments. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 695 ; A 1967, 159) 

544-200 Permit fees. The fee to be paid by each applicant for a permit shall 
be equivalent to l 1 ^ percent of the estimated cost of such operation, such cost 
to be estimated by the director from the evidence available to him. The fee is 
due and payable to the director as of the date of the issuance of the permit, but 
if the applicant is able to give to the director satisfactory security for the pay- 
ment of the balance, he may be permitted to commence the operation, and a 
permit may be issued therefor, upon the payment of not less than 50 percent 
of the fee. The balance due shall be paid within 3 months from the date of the 
termination of the operation as prescribed in the permit. Failure to pay a permit 
fee as required is grounds for suspension or revocation of the license of the 
delinquent permitholder and grounds for refusal to renew his license or to issue 
any further permits to such person. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 695) 

544-210 Records and reports of licensees, exempt organizations. 1. Each li- 
censee shall keep and maintain a record of all operations conducted by him pursu- 
ant to his license and each permit, showing the method employed, the type of 
equipment used, materials and amounts thereof used, the times and places of oper- 
ation of the equipment, the name and post office address of each individual par- 
ticipating or assisting in the operation other than the licensee, and such other 
general information as may be required by the director, and shall report the 
same to the director at the time and in the manner required by the director. 

2. The director shall require written reports in such manner as he provides 
but not inconsistent with the provisions of NRS 544.070 to 544.240, inclusive, 
covering each operation for which a permit is issued. The director shall also 
require written reports from such organizations as are exempt from the license, 
permit and liability provisions of NRS 544.130. 

3. All information on an operation shall be submitted to the director before 
any information on such operation may be released to the public. 

4. The reports and records in the custody of the director shall be open for 
public examination. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 695) 

544-220 Suspension, revocation of licenses and permits: Grounds; modification 
of permit terms. 1. The director may suspend or revoke any license or permit 
issued if it appears that the licensee no longer possesses the qualifications neces- 
sary for the issuance of a new license or permit. The director may suspend or 
revoke any license or permit if it appears that the licensee has violated any of 
the provisions of NRS 544.070 to 544.240, inclusive. Such suspension or revoca- 
tion shall occur only after notice to the licensee and a reasonable opportunity 
granted such licensee to be heard respecting the grounds for the proposed sus- 
pension or revocation. The director may refuse to renew the license of, or to 
issue another permit to, any applicant who has failed to comply with any pro- 
visions of NRS 544.070 to 544.240, inclusive. 

2. The director may modify the terms of a permit after issuance thereof if 
the licensee is first given notice and a reasonable opportunity for a hearing 


respecting the grounds for the proposed modification and if it appears fo the 
director, that it is necessary for the protection of the health or the property of 
any person to make the modification proposed. 

(Added to NRS by 1961, 696) 
■ 5.',J h 230 Construction of NRS 5Jf' h 070 to 5U.2IfO, inclusive. Nothing in NRS 
544.070 to 54 4. 240, inclusive, shall be construed to impose or accept any liability 
or responsibility on the part of the state or any state officials or employees for 
any weather modification and control activities of any private person or group, 
or to affect in any way any contractual, tortious or other legal rights, duties or 
liabilities between any private persons or groups. 

' Added to NRS by 1961. 696) 

544.240 Penalties. Any person violating any of the provisions of NRS 544.070 
to 544.2-JO. inclusive, or any lawful regulation or order issued pursuant thereto 
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and a continuing violation is punishable as a 
separate offense for each dav during which it occurs. 

( Added to NRS by 1961. 696) 

244-181 Franchises for garbage collection, disposal services; fire protection, 
suppression : ambulance service. 1. Any board of county commissioners may grant 
exclusive franchises to operate any of the following services outside the limits 
of incorporated cities within the county : 

I a ) Garbage and disposal. 

(b) Fire protection and suppression. 

(c) Ambulance service to pick up patients outside the limits of such incorpo- 
rated cities. 

2. Nothing in paragraph (c) of subsection 1 shall prevent any ambulance 
service from transporting patients from any county in which it is franchisee! 
to another county. 

3. The board of county commissioners may, by ordinance, regulate such services 
and fix fees or rates to be charged by the franchise holder. 

4. A notice of the intention to grant any franchise shall be published once in a 
newspaper of general circulation in the county, and the franchise may not be 
granted until 30 days after such publication. The board of county commissioners 
shall give full consideration to any application or bid to supply such services, if 
received prior to the expiration of such 30-day period, and shall grant the fran- 
chise on terms most advantageous to the county and the persons to be served. 

5. The provisions of chapter 709 of NRS shall not apply to any franchise granted 
under the provisions of this section. 

ti. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent any individual, partner- 
ship, corporation or association from hauling his or its own garbage subject to 
the regulations of the board of county commissioners promulgated under the pro- 
visions of this section. 

1 Added to NRS by 1960. 433 : A 1971, 1372 ; 1975, 569) 

. J 'j' f .190 Weather modification cooperative agreements. 1. The boards of county 
commissioners of the various counties are empowered to enter into cooperative 
agreements with the State of Nevada, other counties of this state, or any private 
or public organization, and with private concerns engaged in weather modification 
(cloud seeding) operations. 

2. The expenses incident and necessary for the participation of counties in such 
cooperative program, as provided in subsection 1, shall be paid out of the general 
funds of such counties, and the board of county commissioners of any county act- 
ing under the terms of this section shall annually, at the time of making its 
budget, make an estimate of the expenses necessary to carry out its agreement, 
under the provisions of this section, and budget the same, in all respects, as other 
items of the budget may be made. 

3. All agreements for cooperation between the State of Nevada and the counties, 
and with any private organization as set forth in subsection 1, shall be evidenced 
bv written agreements made and entered into by the boards of county commis- 
sioners interested, and the same shall be spread upon the minutes of each of the 
boards at the time of the adoption thereof. 

4. All action taken and all proceedings adopted prior to March 2, 1955, by the 
boards of county commissioners of Pershing, Lander, Eureka, Humboldt. Elko 
and While Pine counties, relating to weather modification (cloud seeding), are 
ratified, approved and confirmed. 

[ 1 :26 :1955]-K2 :2G :1955] + [3 :26 :1955] + [4 :26 :1955] 

%44'Wh VQtyng machines: Rental, lease, acquisition. Boards of county commis- 


sioners may rent, lease or otherwise acquire voting machines in whatever manner 
will best serve local interests. 

(Added to NRS by 1965, 615 ; A 1975, 570) 

244.195 Other powers. The boards of county commissioners shall have power 
and jurisdiction in their respective counties to do and perform all such other acts 
and things as may be lawful and strictly necessary to the full discharge of the 
powers and jurisdiction conferred on the board. 

[Part 8 :80 :1865 ; A 1871, 47 ; 1931, 52 ; 1933, 203 ; 1953, 681] 

New Hampshire 

NJL Rev. Stat. Ann. §432:1 

Weather Modification Experimentation 

432:1 Weather Modification Experimentation. Any department or agency of the 
state may, with the approval of the governor and council and within the limits of 
appropriated funds or by means of gifts, donations or grants, engage in and under- 
take experimentation in the techniques and methods for weather modification, 
and may cooperate therein with the federal government, with authorized agencies 
of other states, and with interested persons and organizations. 

New Mexico 
N.M. Stat. Ann. §§ 75-37-1-75-31-15 

Article 37 — Weather Control and Cloud Modification 


75-37-1. Short title. 
73-37-2. Definitions. 
75-37-3. Declaration of rights. 

75-37-4. Attempt to control precipitation — License required. 
75-37-5. Application for license. 

75-37-6. Application for license — Contents — Annual license fee — Statement. 

75-37-7. Issuance of license. 

75—37—8. License fee — Expiration. 

75-37-9. Reports required from licensees. 

75-37-10. Revocation of license. 

75-37—11. Judicial review. 

75-37-12. Operations affecting weather in other states. 
75-37-13. Enforcement. 

75-37-14. Powers and duties of commission. 
75-37-15. Violations of act — Penalty. 

75-37-1. Short title.— This act [75-37-1 to 75-37-15] may be cited as the "Wea- 
ther Control Act." 

75-37-2. Definitions. — As used in the Weather Control Act [75-37-1 to 75-37- 
15] "commission" means the weather control and cloud modification commission. 
History : Laws 1965, ch. 235, § 2. 

75-37-3. Declaration of rights. — It is declared that the state of New Mexico 
claims the right to all moisture in the atmosphere which would fall so as to be- 
come a part of the natural streams or percolated water of New Mexico, for use 
in accordance with its laws. 

75-37-4. Attempt to control precipitation — License required. — No person or cor- 
poration shall, without having first received a license from the commission, con- 
duct any weather control or cloud modification operations or attempt to control 

History : Laws 1965, ch. 235, § 4. 

75-37-5. Application for license. — Any individual or corporation who proposes 
to operate weather control or cloud modification projects or who attempts to induce 
precipitation, shall, before engaging in any such operation, make application to 
the commission for a license to engage in the particular weather control or cloud 
modification operation contemplated. 

History : Laws 1965, ch. 235, § 5. 

75-37-6. Application for license — Contents — Annual license fee — Statement. — 
At the time of applying for the license, the applicant shall pay to the commission a 
fee of one hundred dollars ($100), and shall file an application in the form pre- 
scribed by the commission which shall be accompanied by a statement showing: 

A. The name and address of the applicant ; 

B. The names of the operating personnel, and, if unincorporated, all individ- 
uals connected with the organization, or, if a corporation, the names of each of the 
officers and directors thereof, together with the address of each : 

C. The scientific qualifications of all operating and supervising personnel ; 


T>. A statement of all other contracts completed or in process of completion at 
the time the application is made, giving the names and addresses of the persons 
to whom the services were furnished and the areas in which such operations have 
been or are being conducted ; 

E. The objective of the operation, methods of operation the licensee will use, 
and the description of the aircraft, ground and meteorological services to be used ; 

!F. Names of the contracting parties within the state ; including : 
(1) the area to be served ; 

'(2) the months in which operations will be conducted ; 
(3) the methods to be used in evaluating the operation ; and 
G. Any other information the commission deems necessary. 
'History : Laws 1965, ch. 235, § 6. 

75-37-7. Issuance of license. — The commission may issue a license to any 
applicant who demonstrates sufficient financial responsibility, to the satisfaction 
of the board, necessary to meet obligations reasonably likely to be attached to or 
result from weather control or cloud modification activities, and skill and ex- 
perience reasonably necessary to accomplishment of weather control without 
actionable injury to property or person. 

History : Laws 1965, ch. 235, § 7. 

15-31-S. License fee — Expiration. — A license shall expire at the end of the 
calendar year in which it is issued and may be renewed upon payment of the 
annual license fee. 

History : Laws 1965, ch. 235, § 8. 

15-31-9. Reports required from licenses. — lEach licensee shall, within ninety 
[90] days after conclusion of any weather control or cloud modification project, 
file with the commission a final evaluation of the project. Each three [3] months, 
during the operation of any project which has not been completed, each licensee 
shall file a report evaluating the operations for the preceding three [3] months in 
the project. Failure to file such reports constitute [s] grounds for immediate revo- 
cation of the license. Each evaluation report shall contain such information as 
required by the commission in order to aid in research and development in weather 
modification and to aid in the protection of life and property. 

History : Laws 1965, ch. 235, § 9. 

15-31-10. Revocaton of license. — The commission shall revoke any license if 
it shall appear that the licensee no longer possesses the qualifications necessary 
for the issuance of a new license, or is guilty of a violation of any of the pro- 
visions of the Weather Control Act [75-37-1 to 75-37-15]. Such revocation shall 
occur only after notice to the licensee, and a reasonable opportunity has been 
granted the licensee to be heard respecting the grounds of the proposed revocation. 

History : Laws 1965, ch. 235, § 10. 

15-31-11. Judicial review. — Rulings by the commission on the issuance, re- 
fusal or revocation of a license are subject to review only in the district court 
for Santa Fe Countv and the state Supreme Court. 

History : Laws 1965, ch. 235, § 11. 

15-31-12. Operations affecting weather in other states. — Weather control or 
cloud modification operations may not be carried on in New Mexico for the pur- 
pose of affecting weather in any other state which prohibits such operations, or 
which prohibits operations in that state for the benefit of New Mexico or its in- 

iHistory : Laws 1965, ch. 235, § 12. 

15-31-13. Enforcement. — Enforcement of the Weather Control Act T 75-37-1 
to 75-37-15] is vested in the board of regents of New Mexico Institute of Mining 
and Technology. The board of regents shall appoint a three-member weather con- 
trol and cloud modification commission for the purpose of administering the pro- 
visions of the Weather Control Act. Technical assistance, research, evaluation, 
and advice to the commission shall be furnished by the institute at the direction 
of the board of rodents. The commission shall elect from among its members a 
chairman and other officers it dooms nooessnry. All fees collected by the commis- 
sion shall be placed in a fund to be used by the commission for the purposes of 
ca rrving out the provisions of the Weather Control Act. 

History : Laws 1965. ch. 235. § 13. 

7. r >~31-1/t. Powers and duties of commission. — The commision may: 

A. Make nil rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of the 
Weather Control Act T75-37-1 to 75-37-15] ; 

B. Make any Held investigations and inspections necessary to the enforcement 
of the Weather Control Act ; 


C. Make periodic reports on weather control and cloud modification activities 
in this state together with evaluations of the results of such activities ; and 

D. Make recommendations to the legislature through the board of regent* on 
needed legislation in the regard to weather control and cloud modification. 

History : Laws 1965, ch. 235, § 14. 

75-37-15. Violations of act — Penalty. — Any person conducting weather con- 
trol or cloud modification operations without first having procured a license, or 
who makes a false statement in the application for a license, or who fails to file 
any report or evaluation required by the Weather Control Act [75-37-1 to 75-37- 
15], or who conducts any weather control or cloud modification operation after 
revocation of his license, or who violates any provision of the Weather Control Act 
is guilty of a misdemeanor. 

History : Laws 1965, ch. 235, § 15. 

New York 

N.Y. Gen. Mun. Law Law § 119-p 

Article 5-H — Projects Relating to the Use of Atmospheric Water Resources- 



119 — p. Projects relating to the use of atmospheric water resources. 
Article added L.1965, c. 661, eff. July 2, 1965. 

§ 119-p. Projects relating to the use of atmospheric water resources 

Every municipal corporation is, and any two or more municipal corporations 
are, hereby authorized and empowered to conduct or engage in projects, experi- 
ments and other activities designed to develop the use of atmospheric water re- 
sources, and to make scientific evaluations of such projects, experiments and 
other activities, or to contract therefor, and to appropriate and expend moneys 
therefor. In the case of a joint project by two or more municipal corporations, 
the share of the cost of such project or activity to be borne by each such munic- 
ipal corporation shall be fixed by contract. The expenditure of moneys for such 
purpose by a municipal corporation shall be deemed a lawful municipal purpose 
and the moneys appropriated therefor shall be raised by tax upon the taxable real 
property within the municipal corporation in the same manner as moneys for 
other lawful municipal purposes. Each municipal corporation is hereby author- 
ized to accept and disburse grants of public or private money or other aid paid 
or made available by the state or federal government for any such purpose. 
Added L.1965, c. 661, eff. July 2, 1965. 

North Dakota 

N.D. Cent. Code §§ 2-07-01—2-07-13; 37-17.1-15; 58-03-07 

Chapter 2-07 — Weather Modification 


2-07-01 Ownership of water 

2-07-01.1 Declaration of policy and purpose. 

2-07-02 Definitions. 

2-07-02.1 North Dakota weather modification board — Created — Membership. 
2-97-02.2 Weather modification board — Districts created. 

2-07-02.3 Direction and supervision by aeronautics commission — Independent functions 

retained by board. 
2-07-02.4 Weather modification board — Officers — Compensation. 
2-07-02.5 Powers and duties of weather modification board. 
2-07-03 License and permit required. 
2-07-03.1 Exemptions. 

2-07-03.2 Operator deemed to be doing business within state — Resident agent. 
2-07-03.3 Issuance of license — Fee. 
2—07—03.4 Revocation or suspension of license. 
2-07-04 Permit required — Issuance of permit — Fee. 
2-07-04.1 Hearings. 

2-07-04.2 Revocation, suspension, or modification of permit. 
2^07-04.3 Proof of financial responsibility. 

2-07-05 Board may create operating districts — Representation of noncontracting 

2-07-05.1 District operations advisory committees created — Duties. 
2t-07-05.2 Weather modification authority may suspend operations. 
2-07-06 Weather modification authority created by petition. 
2-07-06.1 Petition contents. 

34-857—79 39 



2-07-06.2 Commissioners — Compensation — Meetings — Officers. 

2-07-06.3 Tax levy may be certified by weather modification authority. 

2-07-06.4: Creation of weather modification authority and its powers by resolution. 

2-07-06.5 Procedure for abolishment of weather modification authority and all its powers 

by recall initiated petition. 

2-07-06.6 Creation of weather modification authority by election. 

2 07-06.7 Abolishment of weather modification authority by election. 

2-07-06.8 Creation of weather modification authority by vote after resolution of county 

2-07-07 County budget may be waived for first appropriation — Conditions. 

2-07-08 Bids required — When. 

2-07-09 Performance bond required. 

2-07-09.1 Bid bond required. 

2-07-10 State immunity. 

2-07-10.1 Liability of controller. 

2-07-11 Weather modification board may receive and expend funds. 

2-07-11.1 County appropriations — State to provide matching funds. 

2 07-12 Aeronautics commission — Compensation — Expenses. 

2-07-13 Penalty. 

5S-03-07. Powers of electors. — The electors of each township have the power 
at the annual township meeting: 

1. To establish one or more pounds within the township, to determine the lo- 
cation of the pounds, to determine the number of poundmasters and to choose 
the poundmasters, and to discontinue pounds which have been established ; 

2. To select the township officers required to be chosen ; 

3. To direct the institution or defense of actions in all controversies where the 
township is interested ; 

4. To direct the raising of such sums of as they may deem necessary to prose- 
cute or defend actions in which the township is interested ; 

5. To make all rules and regulations for the impounding of animals ; 

6. To make such bylaws, rules, and regulations as may be deemed necessary 
to carry into effect the powers granted to the township ; 

7. To impose penalties not exceeding ten dollars for each offense on persons 
offending against any rule or regulation established by the township ; 

8. To apply penalties when collected in such manner as they deem most con- 
ducive to the interests of the township ; 

0. To ratify or reject recommendations offered by the board of township su- 
pervisors for the expenditure of funds for the purpose of purchasing building 
sites and for the purchase, location, erection, or removal of any building or erec- 
tion for township purposes. No recommendation shall be adopted except by a two- 
thirds vote of the electors present and voting at any annual township meeting ; 

10. To authorize and empower the board of township supervisors to purchase 
liquids, compounds, or other ingredients for the destruction of noxious weeds, 
and sprinklers to be used in spraying said liquids or compounds. No township 
shall purchase more than two such sprinklers in any one year ; 

11. Repealed by S.L. 1949, ch. 343, § 1 ; 

12. To authorize aid to a district fair association within the limits provided 
in title 4, Agriculture ; 

13. To authorize the levy of township taxes for the repair and construction of 
roads and bridges and for other township charges and expenses within the limits 
lii-escribed in title 57, Taxation; 

14. To direct the expenditure of funds raised for the repair and construction 
of roads within the limits provided in title 24, Highways, Bridges, and Ferries ; 

To authorize the dissolution of the township in the manner provided in 
this title; 

16. To authorize the purchase and maintenance of dipping tanks as provided in 
title 30,* Livestock ; 

17. To authorize (he purchase of township firefighting equipment in the man- 
ner provided in title 18.** Fires; and to authorize the entering into a contract 
for Are protection as provided for in section 18-00-10; and 

15. To establish a fund for the eradication of gophers, prairie dogs, crows, and 

L9. To authorize the expenditure of township funds for weather modification 

97 17:1-/5. Weather modification. — The division of disaster emergency services 
shall keep continuously apprised of weather conditions which present danger of 
precipitation pr other climatic activity severe enough to constitute a disaster. If 
flic division determines that precipitation that may result from weather inoditi- 
cation operations, either by itself or in conjunction with other precipitation or 
climatic conditions or activity, would create or contribute to the severity of a 


disaster, it shall direct the officer or agency empowered to issue permits for 
weather modification operations to suspend the issuance of the permits. There- 
upon, no permits may be issued until the division informs the officer or agency 
that the danger has passed. 

Source : S. L. 1973. ch. 281, § 15. 

2-07-01. Ownership of ivater. — In order that the state may share to the fullest 
extent in the benefits already gained through fundamental research and investi- 
gation on new and improved means for predicting, influencing, and controlling 
the weather, for the best interest, general welfare, health, and safety of all the 
people of the state, and to provide proper safeguards in applying the measures 
for use in connection therewith in order to protect life and property, it is deemed 
necessary and hereby declared that the state of North Dakota claims its sovereign 
right to use the moisture contained in the clouds and atmosphere within the 
sovereign state boundaries. All water derived as a result of weather modification 
operations shall be considered a part of North Dakota's basic water supply and 
all statutes, rules, and regulations applying to natural precipitation shall also 
apply to precipitation resulting from cloud seeding. 

Source : S. L. 1965, ch. 71, § 1 ; 1975, ch. 50, § L 

2-07-01.1. Declaration of policy and purpose. — The legislative assembly finds 
that weather modification affects the public health, safety, and welfare, and that, 
properly conducted, weather modification operations can improve water quality 
and quantity, reduce losses from weather hazards, and provide economic benefits 
for the people of the state. Therefore, in the public interest, weather modification 
shall be subject to regulation and control, and research and development shall be 
encouraged. In order to minimize possible adverse effects, weather modification 
operations shall be carried on with proper safeguards, and accurate information 
shall be recorded concerning such operations and the benefits obtained therefrom 
by the people of the state. 

Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 2. 

2-07-02. Definitions. — As used herein, unless the context or subject matter 
otherwise requires : 

1. "Weather modification" means and extends to the control, alteration, 
amelioration of weather elements including man-caused changes in the natural 
precipitation process, hail suppression or modification and alteration of other 
weather phenomena including temperature, wind direction and velocity, and the 
initiating, increasing, decreasing and otherwise modifying by artificial methods 
of precipitation in the form of rain, snow, hail, mist or fog through cloud seeding, 
electrification or by other means to provide immediate practical benefits ; 

2. "Initiating precipitation" refers to the process of causing precipitation from 
clouds that could not otherwise or inducing precipitation significantly earlier than 
would have occurred naturally ; 

3. ''Increasing precipitation" refers to the activation of any process which will 
actually result in greater amounts of moisture reaching the ground in any area 
from a cloud or cloud system than would have occurred naturally ; 

4. '"Hail suppression" refers to the activation of any process which will reduce, 
modify, suppress, eliminate or soften hail formed in clouds or storms ; 

5. "Person" means any person, firm, association, organization, partnership, 
company, corporation, private or public, county, city, trust or other public 
agencies : 

6. "Controller" refers to any licensee duly authorized in this state to engage in 
weather modification activities ; 

7. "Board" means the North Dakota weather modification board which, in the 
exercise of the powers granted herein, shall have all of the powers of an admin- 
istrative agency as defined in chapter 28-32 ; 

8. "Research and development" means exploration, field experimentation, and 
extension of investigative findings and theories of a scientific or technical nature 
into practical application for experimental and demonstration purposes, including 
the experimental production of models, devices, equipment, materials, and proc- 
esses ; and 

9. "Operation" means the performance of any weather modification activity 
undertaken for the purpose of producing or attempting to produce any form of 
modifying effect upon the weather within a limited geographical area or within 
a limited period of time. 

Source : S. L. 1965, ch. 71, § 2 : 1975. ch. 50. §§ 3, 4. 

2-07-02.1. North Dakota weather modification board — Created — Membership. — 
There is hereby created a North Dakota weather modification board which shall 


be a division of the state aeronautics commission. The board shall be composed of 
the director of the state aeronautics commission, a representative of the environ- 
mental section of the state department of health, state engineer of the state water 
conservation commission, and seven additional board members ; one member from 
each of seven districts established by section 2-07-02.2. The governor shall ap- 
point one board member for each of the seven districts from a list of three candi- 
dates given to him by weather modification authorities in each such district : 

1. When the entire board is to be initially appointed, provided that such ap- 
pointments shall be made within thirty days after July 1, 1975. 

2. When the term of office of any board member from any district is about to 

3. When a vacancy has occurred, or is about to occur, in the term of office of a 
board member from any district for any reason other than expiration of term of 

Board members from each district shall serve for a four-year term of office 
except in the event the governor shall appoint a member for an unexpired term, 
in which case the member shall serve only for the unexpired term. In the event 
any district fails to furnish a list to the governor, or if there are no weather 
modification authorities under this chapter within a district, then the governor 
shall appoint a board member of his choice residing within such district. 

Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 5. 

2-07-02.2. Weather modification board — Districts created. — Members of the 
weather modification board shall be appointed from districts containing the fol- 
lowing counties : District I — Burke, Divide, McKenzie, Mountrail, and Williams ; 
District II — Bottineau, McHenry, McLean, Renville, Sheridan, and Ward; Dis- 
trict III — Benson, Cavalier, Eddy, Foster, Griggs, Nelson, Pierce, Ramsey, Rol- 
ette, Steele, Towner, and Wells; District IV — Cass, Grand Forks, Pembina, 
Richland, Traill, and Walsh; District V — Barnes, Dickey, Kidder, LaMoure, 
Logan, Mcintosh, Ransom, Sargent, and Stutsman ; District VI — Burleigh, Em- 
mons, Grant, Mercer, Morton, Oliver, and Sioux ; District VII — Adams, Billings, 
Bowman, Dunn, Golden Valley, Hettinger, Slope, and Stark. 

Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 6. 

2-01-02.3. Direction and supervision by aeronautics commission — Independent 
functions retained bp board. — The powers, functions, and duties of the North 
Dakota weather modification board shall be administered under the direction and 
supervision of the North Dakota aeronautics commission, but the board shall re- 
tain the quasi-judicial, quasi-legislation, advisory, and other nonadministrative 
and budgetary functions otherwise vested in it. 

Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 7. 

2-07-02.4. Weather modification board — Officers — Compensation. — All mem- 
bers of the weather modification board, with the exception of the chairman, 
shall be voting members. The board shall elect annually from its membership a 
chairman, vice chairman, and secretary. A majority of the members shall con- 
stitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting the business of the board. Board 
members who are not full-time salaried employees of this state shall receive 
compensation in the amount provided in subsection 1 of section 54-35-10, and 
shall be reimbursed for their mileage and expenses in the amounts provided by 
sections 44-08-04 and 54-06-09. All other members of the board shall be reim- 
bursed for necessary travel and other expenses incurred in the performance of 
the business of the board in the amounts provided in sections 44-08-04 and 

Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 8. 

2-07-02.5. Powers and duties of weather modification board. — The board may 
exercise the following powers and shall have the following duties : 

1. The board shall appoint an executive director to serve at its discretion, and 
perform such duties as assigned by the board. 

2. The board shall authorize the employment of whatever staff it deems neces- 
sary to carry out the provisions of this chapter. The executive director shall hire 
the staff, subject to the approval of the board. 

3. The board shall make reasonable rules and regulations concerning: quali- 
fications, procedures and conditions for issuance, revocation, suspension, and 
modification of licenses and permits; standards and instructions governing 
weather modification operations, including monitoring and evaluation; record- 
keeping and reporting, and the board shall establish procedures and forms for 
such recordkeeping and reporting. The board may adopt all other reasonable 

rules and regulations necessary to the administration of this chapter. The pro- 
visions of chapter 2^32 shall apply to this chapter. 

4. The board may contract with any person, association, partnership, or cor- 
poration, with the federal government, and with any county or groups of coun- 
ties, as provided in section 2-07-05, to carry out weather modification operations 
and shall, in connection with regulated weather modification operations, carry 
on monitoring and evaluation activities. 

5. The board may order any person who is conducting weather modification 
operations in violation of this chapter, or any rules and regulations promulgated 
pursuant to it, to cease and desist from such operations and such order shall be 
enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction within this state. 

6. The board may cooperate and contract with any private person or any local, 
state, or national commission, organization, or agency engaged in activities sim- 
ilar to the work of the board and may make contracts and agreements to carry 
out programs consistent with the purpose and intent of this chapter. The board 
may also, in accordance with law, request and accept any grants of funds or 
services from any such commission, organization, person, or agency, and expend 
such funds or use such services to carry out the provisions of this chapter. 

7. The board shall administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter and 
do all things reasonably necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter. 

Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 9. 

2-07-03. License and permit required. — Except as provided in section 
2-07-03.1, no person may engage in weather modification activiites without both 
a professional weather modification license issued under section 2-07-03.2 and a 
weather modification permit issued under section 2-07-04. Licenses shall expire on 
December thirty-first of the year of issuance. 

2-01-03.1. Exemptions. — The board may provide by rules and regulations for 
exemption of the following activities from the permit and license requirements 
of section 2-07-03 : 

1. Research and development conducted by the state, political subdivisions of 
the state, colleges and universities of the state, agencies of the federal govern- 
ment, or bona fide research corporations. 

2. Weather modification operations of an emergency nature taken against fire, 
frost, or fog. 

Exempted activities shall be so conducted so as not to unduly interfere with 
weather modification operations conducted under a permit issued in accordance 
with this chapter. 

Source : S. L. 197o, ch. 50, § 11. 

2-01-03.2. Operator deemed to be doing business within state — Resident 
agent. — A person shall be deemed doing business within this state when engaged 
in weather modification operations within the boundaries of this state, and shall, 
if not already qualified to do business within this state under chapter 10-22, prior 
to conducting such operation, file with the secretary of state an authorization 
designating an agent for the service of process. 

Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 12. 

2-01-03.3 Issuance of license — Fee. — The board shall provide, by rules and 
regulations, the procedure and criteria for the issuance of a license. The board, in 
■accordance with its rules and regulations, shall issue a weather modification 
license to each applicant who : 

1. Pays a license fee of fifty dollars. 

2. Demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the board, competence to engage in 
weather modification operations. 

3. Designates an agent for the purpose of service of process pursuant to section 
-2-07-03.2 or chapter 10-22. 

Each license issued by the board shall be nontransferable and shall expire on 
December thirty-first of the year of issuance. A license shall be revocable for 
cause at any time prior to such date if, after holding a hearing pursuant to due 
notice thereof, the board shall so determine. License fees collected by the board 
shall be paid into the general fund of the state treasury. 

Source : S. L. 1975. ch. 50, § 13. 

2-01-034. Revocation or suspension of license. — The board may suspend or 
revoke a license for any of the following reasons : 

1. Incompetency. 

2. Dishonest practice. 

3. False or fraudulent representations made in obtaining a license or permit 
under this chapter. 


4. Failure to comply with any provisions of this chapter, or any rules or regu- 
lations of the board made pursuant to this chapter. 
Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 14. 

2-07-0^. Permit required — Issuance of permit — Fee. — 

1. A Weather modification permit shall be required for each geographical area,, 
as set out in the operational plan required by subsection 2 of this section, in 
which a person intends to conduct weather modification operations. Each permit 
issued by the board shall expire on December thirty-first of the year of issuance. A 
person applying for a weather modification operational permit shall file an 
application with the board, in such form as the board shall prescribe, which ap- 
plication shall be accompanied by an application fee of twenty-five dollars and 
contain such information as the board, by rule or regulation, may require, and 
in addition, each applicant for a permit shall : 

a. Furnish proof of financial responsibility as provided by section 2-07-04.3. 

b. Set forth a complete operational plan for the proposed operation which 
shall include a specific statement of its nature and object, a map of the pro- 
posed operating area which specifies the primary target area for the pro* 
l>osed operation and shows the area that is reasonably expected to be affected 
by such operation, a statement of the approximate time during which the 
operation is to be conducted, a list of the materials and methods to be used 
in conducting the operation, and such other detailed information as may be 
needed to describe the operation. 

2. The board may issue the operational permit if it determines that : 

a. The applicant holds a valid weather modification license issued under 
this chapter. 

b. The applicant has furnished satisfactory proof of financial responsibility 
in accordance with section 2-07-04.3. 

c. The applicant has paid the required application fee. 

d. The operation : 

(1) Is reasonably conceived to improve water quantity or quality, re- 
duce loss from weather hazards, provide economic benefits for the people 
of this state, advance scientific knowledge or otherwise carry out the 
purposes of this chapter. 

(2) Is designed to include adequate safeguards to minimize or avoid 
possible damage to the public health, safety, or welfare or to the environ- 

(3) Will not adversely affect another operation for which a permit 
has been issued. 

e. The applicant has North Dakota workmen's compensation insurance 
coverage for all employees working in North Dakota. 

f. The applicant has furnished a performance bond as required by section 

g. The applicant has complied with such other requirements for the issu- 
ance of permits as may be required by the rules and regulations of the 

h. The applicant has furnished a bid bond in accordance with section 

i. The applicant has registered, with the North Dakota aeronautics com- 
mission, any aircraft and pilots intended to be used in connection with the 

In order to carry out the objectives and purposes of this chapter, the board 
may condition and limit permits as to primary target areas, time of the operation, 
materials, equipment, and methods to be used in conducting the operation, emer- 
gency shutdown procedure, emergency assistance, and such other operational 
requirements as may be established by the board. 

3. The board shall issue only one permit at a time for operations in any geo- 
graphical area if two or more operations conducted in such an area according 
to permit limitations blight adversely interfere with one another. 

4. All permit fees collected by the board shall be paid into the general fund 
of the state treasury. 

2-07-OJf.l. llrnrinqs. — The board shall give public notice, in the. official county 
newspaper or newspapers in the area of the state reasonably expected to be 
a fiected by operations conducted under a permit, that it is considering an applica- 
tion for such permit, and. if objection to the issuance of the permit is received 
by the board wit bin twenty days, the board may hold a public hearing for the 


purpose of obtaining information from the public concerning the effects of issuing 
the permit. The board may also hold such hearings Upon its own motion. 
Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 16. 

2-07-04.2. Revocation, suspension, or modification of permit. — The board may 
suspend or revoke a permit if it appears that the permittee no longer has the 
qualifications necessary for the issuance of an original permit or has violated 
any provision of this chapter, or any of the rules and regulations issued under it. 

The board may revise the conditions and limits of a permit if : 

1. The permittee is given notice and a reasonable opportunity for a hearing, to 
be held in accordance with chapter 28-32. 

2. It appears to the board that a modification of the conditions and limits of 
a permit is necessary to protect the public's health, safety, or welfare or the 

If it appears to the board that an emergency situation exists or is impending 
which could endanger the public's health, safety, or welfare or the environ- 
ment, the board may, without prior notice or hearing, immediately modify the 
conditions or limits of a permit, or order temporary suspension of a permit. The 
issuance of such an order shall include notice of a hearing to be held within ten 
days thereafter on the question of permanently modifying the conditions and lim- 
its or continuing the suspension of the permit. Failure to comply with an order 
temporarily suspending an operation or modifying the conditions and limits of a 
permit shall be grounds for immediate revocation of the license and permit of 
the person controlling or engaged in the operation. 

Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 17. 

2-07-04-3. Proof of financial responsibility. — Proof of financial responsibility 
is made by showing to the satisfaction of the board that the permittee has the 
ability to respond in damages to liability which might reasonably result from 
the operation for which the permit is sought. Such proof of financial responsi- 
bility may be shown by : 

1. Presentation to the board of proof of a prepaid noncancellable insurance 
policy against such liability, in an amount approved by the board. 

2. Filing with the board a corporate surety bond, cash, or negotiable securities 
in an amount approved by the board. 

Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 18. 

2-07-05. Board may create operating districts — Representation of noncon- 
trading counties. — The board shall have the authority to place any county con- 
tracting with the state for weather modification operations, in such an opera- 
tional district as the board shall deem necessary to best provide such county with 
the benefits of weather modification. In determining the boundaries of such oper- 
ating districts, the board shall consider the patterns of crops within the state, 
climatic patterns, and the limitations of aircraft and other technical equipment. 
The board may assign any county which has not created a weather modification 
authority under this chapter to an operating district solely for the purpose of 
representation on the operations committee of such district. 

Source : S. L. 1965, ch. 71, § 5 ; 1975, ch. 50, § 19. 


Suspension of issuance of weather modification permits at direction of division 
of disaster emergency services, see § 37-17.1-15. 

2-07-05.1. District operations advisory committees created — Duties. — 

1. There shall be a district operations advisory committee in each operations 
district created in accordance with section 2-07-05. Each committee shall be com- 
posed of one commissioner of the weather modification authority from each county 
within such district and one member of the board of county commissioners from 
the county or counties assigned to the district in accordance with section 2-07-05. 
Each advisory committee shall, upon majority vote, with the concurrence of the 
board, prescribe rules, regulations, and bylaws necessary to govern its procedures 
and meetings. Each committee shall evaluate weather modification operations 
within their respective districts and make recommendations and proposals to 
the board concerning such operations. 

2. The weather modification authority of any county authorized to contract 
for weather modification operations under this chapter and not assigned to an 
operations district, shall assume the functions of the district operations com- 
mittee and shall have and may exercise the powers and duties assigned to such 


operations committees by this chapter and by the rules and regulations of the 
board of' weather modification. 
Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 20. 

2-07-05.2. Weather modification authority map suspend operations. — Other 
provisions of this chapter notwithstanding, the weather modfication authority 
in any county authorized to contract for weather modification operations under 
this chapter may suspend the county and state weather modification operation 
within that county designed to alter the weather within such county. 

Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 21. 

2-07-06. Weather modification authority created oy petition. — A weather 
modification authority shall be created by resolution and five commissioners ap- 
pointed thereto for ten-year terms of office, by the board of county commissioners 
after fifty-one percent of the qualified electors of a county, as determined by the 
vote cast for the office of governor at the last preceding general election, shall 
petition the board of county commissioners of their county to create a county- 
wide weather modification authority. The board of county commissioners shall 
appoint the five commissioners to the weather modification authority, who are 
residents of their county, and whose names are set forth in the petition and des- 
ignated by the petitioner to be appointed weather modification authority com- 
missioner is unable or refuses for any reason to accept appointment as commis- 
sioners to have met the requirements as to number of qualified electors attached 
to be petition as required in this chapter. In the event any one of the five candi- 
dates named in the petition to be appointed weather modification authority com- 
missioner is unable or refuses for any reason to accept appointment as commis- 
sioner, or is disqualified by not meeting residence requirements, as an elector in 
the county, the board of county commissioners shall name its own appointee for 
a ten-year term of office in place of any disqualified candidate selected by the 
petitioners. If any weather modification authority commissioner submits his res- 
ignation in writing to the board of county commssioners or becomes unable or 
disqualified for any reason, after accepting office, the board of county commis- 
sioners shall name its appointee as a commissioner to the weather modification au- 
thority. All vacancies occurring otherwise than by expiration of term of office 
shall be filled for the unexpired term. 

Any weather modification authority created pursuant to this section shall 
expire ten years after the date of the initial appointment of the commissioners 
thereto. Any unexpended funds remaining in the name of the weather modifica- 
tion authority, after all proper bills and expenses have been paid, shall be trans- 
ferred into the county general fund by the officers of the weather modification au- 
thority on or before the ten-year termination date provided by this section ; pro- 
vided, however, that all unexpended funds remaining in the name of the weather 
modification authority, after all proper bills and expenses have been paid, shall 
remain in the name of the weather modification authority if the board of county 
commissioners of such county by resolution creates a weather modification 
authority and all its powers in accordance with section 2-07-06.4. 

2-01-06.1. Petition contents. — The petition for petitioning the board of county 
commissioners in any county of this state for the creation and appointment of 
commissioners to a weather modification authority shall under this chapter 
contain : 

1. A title with the heading: "Petition for Creation of (insert name of county) 
Weather Modifications Authority" ; 

2. The following paragraph : We, the undersigned qualified electors of (name 
of county), state of North Dakota, by this initiated petition request that the 
( name of county) board of county commissioners of said county create by resolu- 
tion a (name of county) weather modification authority and to appoint for a term 
of office of ten years the following five qualified electors of said county as the 
commissioners for the (name of county) weather modification authority : (a) The 
name and address of each proposed commissioner for the (name of county) 
weather modification authority; 

3. The following paragraph : We, the undersigned qualified electors of the 
'( mime of county), state of North Dakota, are noticed herewith that the creation 
of (name of county) weather modification authority and the appointment of its 
commissioners by the (name of county) board of county commissioners will grant 
unto the authority by law the power to certify to the board of county commis- 
sioners a mill levy tax not to exceed two mills upon the net taxable valuation of 
property in said county for a weather modification fund, which tax may be levied 


in excess of the mill levy limit fixed by law for taxes for general county purposes 
and that such fund shall be used for weather modification activities in conjunc- 
tion with the state of North Dakota. We, the undersigned understand that the 
authority requested in this petition expires ten years after the creation of the 
weather modification authority, except that the board of county commissioners 
may be resolution create a weather modification authority and all its power, in- 
cluding the power to certify a tax levy as provided by section 2-07-06.3, for five- 
year periods in accordance with section 2-07-06.4; 

4. A heading: "Committee for Petitioners", followed by this statement: The 
following electors of (name of county), state of North Dakota, are authorized to 
represent and act for us, and shall constitute the ''Committee for the Petitioners'' 
iu the matter of this petition and all acts subsequent thereto; 

5. Petition details : All petitions' signatures shall be numbered, and dated by 
month, day and year. The name shall be written with residence address and post- 
office address including the county of residence followed by state of North 
Dakota ; 

6. An affidavit to be attached by each petition and sworn to under oath before 
a notary public by the person circulating each petition attesting to the fact that 
he circulated the petition and that each of the signatures to said petition is the 
genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be, and that each such 
person is a qualified elector in the county in which the petition was circulated ; 

7. The petition must state the mills to be levied by the county for the purposes 
of this chapter. 

Sources : S. L. 1969, ch. 82, § 2 ; 1973, ch. 49, § 2 ; 1975, ch. 50, § 22. 

2-07-06.2. Commisioners — Compensation — Meetings — Officers. — A commis- 
sioner of a weather modification authority shall receive no compensation for his 
services, but shall be entitled to the necessary expense, as defined in section 
44-08-04, incurred in the discharge of his duties. Each commissioner shall hold 
office until his successor has been appointed and has qualified. The certificates of 
the appointment shall be filed with the weather modification authority. 

The powers of each weather modification authority shall be vested in the com- 
missioners thereof. A majority of the commissioners of an authority shall con- 
stitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business of the authority and 
exercising its powers and for all other purposes. Action may be taken by the 
authority upon a vote of not less than a majority of all the commissioners. 

There shall be elected a chairman, vice-chairman, and treasurer from among 
the commissioners. A weather modification authority may employ an executive di- 
rector, secretary, technical experts, and such other officers, agents, and employees, 
permanent and temporary, as it may require, and shall determine their qualifica- 
tions, duties, and compensation. For such legal services as it may require, an 
authority may call upon the chief law officer of the county which created the 
authority. An authority may delegate to one or more of its agents or employees 
such powers or duties as it may deem proper. 

Minutes shall be kept by the secretary of official meetings and shall include all 
official business such as contracts authorized and all authorizations for payment 
of weather modification authority funds to persons, organizations, companies, 
and corporations. All disbursements shall be approved by a majority of all the 
commissioners of an authority. Disbursements authorized by the authority for 
the payment of employee salaries, bills, contracts, services, fees, expenses, and 
all other obligations, shall be made by check signed by the chairman and the 
treasurer of the authority. Official policies shall also be entered into the minutes. 
An annual report shall be compiled with complete disclosure of funds expended 
for contracts, services, fees, salaries and all other reimbursements, a copy of 
which shall be filed with the county auditor. Such report shall be given at a 
public meeting called for such purpose. 

Source : S. L. 1969, ch. 82, § 3 ; 1973, ch. 49, § 3. 

2-01-06.S. Tax levy may be certified by weather modification authority. — The 
weather modification authority may certify annually to the board of county com- 
missioners a tax of not to exceed two mills upon the net taxable valuation of 
the property in the county for a "weather modification" fund which tax shall be 
levied by the board of county commissioners and which tax may be levied in 
excess of the mill limit fixed by law for taxes for general county purposes. Such 
fund shall be used only for weather modification activities in conjunction with 
the state of North Dakota. The tax certified by the weather modification authority 


is limited to the period of existence of the weather modification authority as 
provided for in this chapter. 

Source: S. L. 1909, ch. 82, § 4; 1973, ch. 49, § 4; 1975, ch. 50, § 23. 

2-07-06..$. Creation of weather modification authority and its powers by 
resolution. — When a weather modification authority is about to expire, the board 
of county commissioners of any such county may by resolution authorize the 
creation of such weather modification authority and all its powers, including 
the power to certify a tax levy as provided by section 2-07-06.3 for additional 
five-year periods provided, the resolution authorizing the creation of such 
weather modification authority is adopted by the board of county commissioners 
before the expiration date prescribed in the preceding resolution for its termi- 
nation. Upon passing such resolution for the creation of the authority, the board 
of county commissioners shall appoint five weather modification authority com- 
missioners to five-year terms of office, subsequently filling vacancies in the man- 
ner prescribed by section 2-07-06. The board of county commissioners may 
remove from office any weather modification commissioner, whenever it appears 
to them by competent evidence and after a hearing that such commissioner has 
been guilty of misconduct, malfeasance, crime in office, neglect of duty in office, 
or of habitual drunkenness or gross incompetency. 

Source : S. L. 1973, ch. 49, § 5. 

2-07-06.5. Procedure for abolishment of weather modification authority and 
all its powers by recall initiated petition. — After fifty-one percent of the quali- 
fied electors of a county, as determined by the vote cast for the office of governor 
at the last preceding gubernatorial election, shall petition the board of county 
commissioners of their county to recall the commissioners of a weather modifi- 
cation authority as created by section 2-07-06 and to abolish such county weather 
modification authority, the board of county commissioners shall adopt a resolu- 
tion recalling all commissioners of such weather modification authority and 
abolish their appointed office and abolish such weather modification authority 
until such time as a weather modification authority is created by petition in 
accordance with section 2-07-06. provided that such recall petition has been 
found by the county commissioners to have met the requirements as to the num- 
ber of qualified electors attached to the petition as required in this chapter. In 
the event the board of county commissioners certifies the sufficiency and validity 
of the recall petition and adopts a resolution recalling all commissioners of a 
weather modification authority and abolishes such authority, then all unexpended 
funds remaining in the name of the weather modification authority, after all 
proper bills and expenses have been paid, shall be transferred into the county gen- 
eral fund by the officers of the weather modification authority on the effective date 
of such recall and abolishment resolution adopted by the board of county commis- 
sioners. Tn the event there are outstanding valid bills unpaid after such date, the 
board of county commissioners is hereby authorized to pay such proper obliga- 
tions from moneys in the county general fund. A recall initiated petition shall 
have a title with the heading: "Recall Petition for the Abolishment of (insert 
name of county) Weather Modification Authority". Such recall petition shall 
incorporate a paragraph stating its purpose in clear lansruage and shall comply 
with all requirements prescribed in subsections 4. 5. and 6 of section 2-07-06.1 
relating to petition contents, committee for petitioners, petition details, affidavits 
and persons circulating such petitions. 

2-07-06.6. Creation of weaiher modification authority by election. — When a 
petition signed by not less than twenty percent of the qualified electors of the 
county, as determined by the vote cast for the office of governor at the last 
preceding gubernatorial election, requesting an election upon the establishment 
of such recall and abolishment resolution adopted by the board of county commis- 
sioners, the board of county commissioners shall submit the question to the elec- 
tors of the county at the next county-wide election. Upon approval bv a majority 
of the votes cast, the board of county commissioners shall establish a weather 
modification authority as described in section 2-07-06. with all its powers, in- 
cluding the power to certify a tax lew as provided bv section 2-07-06.3. 

Source: S. L. 1973. ch. 49, § 7. 

2-07-06.7. Abolishment of wenther modification authority by election. — When 
a petition Signed by not less than twenty percent of the qualified electors of the 
county, as determined by the vote cast for governor in the last preceding guha- 
natorial election, rouuosfiiur an election upon the abolishment of a weather 
modification authority as created in section 2-07-O6.4 and section 2-07-06. 6 is 
presented to the board of county commissioners, the board of county commis- 


sinners shall submit the question to the electors of the county at the next county- 
wide election. Upon approval by a majority of the votes cast, the board of county 
commissioners shall abolish the weather modification authority as of December 
thirty-first following the election. All unexpended funds remaining in the name 
of the weather modification authority, after all proper bills and expenses have 
been paid, shall be deposited in the general fund of the county. 
Source : S. L. 1973, ch. 49, § 8. 

2-07-06.8. Creation of weather modification authority by vote after resolution 
of county commissioners. — The board of county commissioners of any county may, 
by resolution after a public hearing, submit the question of the creation of a 
weather modification authority to the electors of the county at the next county- 
wide election. Upon approval by a majority of the votes cast, the board of county 
commissioners shall pass a resolution creating a weather modification authority, 
as described in section 2-07-06, including the authority to levy a tax as provided 
by section 2-07-06.3. 

Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 24. 

2-07-07. County budget may be waived for first appropriation — Conditions. — 
The provisions of chapter 11-23 shall not apply to appropriations made under the 
provisions of this chapter, provided, however, that only after the filing and ap- 
proval of the "petitions" to create a weather modification authority by the board 
of county commissioners and certification of a mill levy by the weather modifica- 
tion authority and only for the initial or first appropriation of said "weather 
modification" activities, such county commissioners may, at their discretion, ap- 
propriate from moneys not otherwise appropriated in the general fund, such 
moneys as are necessary for carrying out the provisions of this chapter, provided 
that said appropriation shall not exceed an amount equal to two-mill levy upon 
the net taxable valuation of the property in said county. 

Source: S. L. 1965, ch. 71. § 7; 1969, ch. 82, § 5. 

2-07-08. Bids required — When. — Whenever the board of weather modification 
shall undertake to contract with any licensed controller in an amount in excess 
of ten thousand dollars in any one year, the board shall advertise for proposals 
for such weather modification activities and in its proceedings with respect 
to bids therefor, shall substantially follow the manner and form required by 
the laws of this state for the purchase of supplies by the department of accounts 
and purchases. The board shall enter into no contract or agreement for weather 
modification services except with a controller, holding the permit as required by 
This chapter, except for the purpose of gathering technical information, and 
making studies or survevs. 

Source: S. L. 1965, ch. 71, § 8; 1973, ch. 49, § 9; 1975. ch. 50, § 25. 

2-07-09. Performance bond required. — Before the board shall contract with 
any controller, it shall require the controller to furnish a surety bond for the 
faithful performance of the contract in such amount as determined by the board, 
conditioned that the licensee and his agents will in all respects faithfully per- 
form all weather modification contracts undertaken with the board and will 
comply w T ith all provisions of this chapter and the contract entered into by 
the board and the licensee. 

Source: S. L. 1965, ch. 71, § 9 : 1973, ch. 49, § 10: 1975, ch. 50, § 20. 

2-07-09.1 Bid bond required. — All bids submitted to the board of weather 
modification for operations conducted under this chapter shall be accompanied 
by a bidder's bond in a sum equal to five percent of the full amount of the bid, 
executed by the bidder as principal and by a surety company authorized to do 
business in this state as a guaranty that the bidder will enter into the contract 
if it is awarded to him. 

Source : S. L. 1975. ch. 50. § 27. 

2-07-10. State immunity. — Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to im- 
pose or accept any liability or responsibility on the part of the state of North 
Dakota or any of its agencies, or any state officials or state employees or weather 
modification authorities for any injury caused by weather modification opera- 
tions by any person or licensed controller as defined in this chapter. 

Source: S. L. 1965, ch. 71, § 10; 1973, ch. 49, § 11 ; 1975, ch. 50, § 28. 

2-07-10.1. Liability of controller. — 

1. An operation conducted under the license and permit requirements of 
this chapter is not an ultrahazardous or abnormally dangerous activity which 
makes the permittee subject to liability without fault. 

2. Dissemination of materials and substances into the atmosphere by a per- 
mittee acting within the conditions and limits of his permit shall not constitute 


3. Except as provided in this section and in section 2-07-10, nothing in this 
chapter shall prevent any person adversely affected by a weather modifica- 
tion operation from recovering damages resulting from negligent or inten- 
tionally harmful conduct by a permittee. 

4. The fact that a person holds a license or was issued a permit under this 
chapter, or that he has complied with the rules and regulations made by the 
board pursuant to this chapter, is not admissible as a defense in any legal 
action which may be brought against him. 

Source : S. L. 1975, ch. 50, § 29. 

2-07-11. Weather modification board may receive and expend funds. — The 
weather modification board is hereby authorized to receive and accept for and 
in the name of the state any and all funds which may be offered or become 
available from federal grants or appropriations, private gifts, donations or 
bequests, county funds, or funds from any other source, except license and permit 
fees, and to expend said funds for the expense of administering this chapter, 
and, with the exception of county funds, for the encouragement of research and 
development in weather modification by any private person, the North Dakota 
state university, the university of North Dakota, or any other appropriate 
state, county, or public agency in this state either by direct grant, by contract, 
or by other means. 

All federal grants, federal appropriations, private gifts, donations or bequests, 
county funds, or funds from any other source, except license and permit fees, 
received by the board shall be paid over to the state treasurer, who shall credit 
same to a special fund in the state treasurer, who shall credit some to a special 
fund in the state treasury known as the "state weather modification fund". 
All proceeds deposited by the state treasurer in the state weather modifi- 
cation fund are hereby appropriated to the North Dakota weather modifica- 
tion board and shall, if expended, be disbursed by warrant-check prepared 
by the department of accounts and purchases upon vouchers submitted by 
the North Dakota weather modification board, and shall be used for the pur- 
pose of paying for the expense of administration of this chapter and. with 
the exception of county funds, for the encouragement of research and develop- 
ment in weather modification by any private person, the North Dakota state 
university, the university of North Dakota, or any other appropriate state, coun- 
ty, or public agency bv direct grant, bv contract, or bv other means. 

Source : S. L. 1965, ch. 71, § 11 ; 1975, ch. 50, § 30. 

2-07-11.1. County appropriations — State to provide matching funds. — Any coun- 
ty weather modification authority which has contracted with the board of 
weather modification for weather modification operations under this chapter 
shall appropriate to the state weather modification fund one-half of the total 
amount determined by the board of weather modification as necessary to provide 
such county with weather modification operations. The board of weather modifica- 
tion may expend, from the state weather modification fund, such funds as it 
deems necessary to provide contracting counties with weather modification 

2-07-12. Aeronautics commission — Compensation — Expenses. — Each member of 
the North Dakota aeronautics commission shall receive the same compensation 
that is paid for other aeronautics commission duties for each day actually and 
necessarily engaged in performance of official duties in connection with the 
administration of this chapter, and commission members and employees shall 
be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in carrying out their 
official duties in the same manner and at the same rates as provided by law 
for state employees. 

2-07-13. Penalty. — Any person contracting for or conducting any weather 
modification activity without being licensed in accordance with the provisions 
of this chapter or otherwise violating the provisions thereof shall be guilty of a 
class B misdemeanor. 

Okla. Stat. Ann. Tit. 2, §§ 1401-1432 

Chapter 29 — Oklahoma Weather Modification Act 


1401. Short title. 

1402. Definitions. 
340.'i. Powers of Board. 

1 404. Continued conduct of research and development activities. 
1405. Ilearings. 



1406. Gifts and grants. 

1407. Necessity for licenses and permits. 

1408. Exemptions. 

1409. Issuance of licenses. 

1410. Issuance of permits. 

1411. Separate permits — Notice of intention. 

1412. Contents of notice of intention. 
141.3. Publication of notice of intention. 

1414. Proof of financial responsibility. 

1415. Permit fees. 

1416. Records and reports. 

1416.1 Monitoring by United States Government. 

1417. Revocation or suspension of licenses or permits — Modification of permits. 

1418. Certain liabilities not imposed or rights affected. 

1419. Penalties. 

1420. Purpose. 

1421. Expenditure of monies. 

1422. Receipt of monies — Contracts. 

1423. Call for election on weather modification assessment — Notice — Contents. 

1424. Proposed budget — Appraisers. 

1425. Hearing of protests concerning appraisals. 

1426. Collection of assessments. 

1427. Weather modification fund — Reports. 
142S. Discontinuance of activities. 

1429. Essential function of county government — Disbursements. 

1430. Liens — Tax sales. 

1431. Contracts for joint operations. 

1432. Construction — Codification. 

llJtOl. Short title 
This act may be cited as the "Oklahoma Weather Modification Act." 
Laws 1972, c. 228, § 1, eff. April 7, 1972. 

§ l> t 02. Definitions 
As used in this act, unless the context requires otherwise : 

1. "Board" means the Oklahoma Water Resources Board ; 

2. •"Operation" means the performance of weather modification and control 
activities pursuant of weather modification and control activities pursuant to a 
single contract entered into for the purpose of producing, or attempting to pro- 
duce, a certain modifying effect within one specified geographical area over one 
continuing time interval not exceeding one (1) year, or, if the performance of 
weather modification and control activities is to be undertaken individually or 
jointly by a person or persons to be benefited and not undertaken pursuant to a 
contract, '"operation" means the performance of weather modification and con- 
trol activities entered into for the purpose of producing, or attempting to pro- 
duce, a certain modifying effect within one specified geographical area over one 
continuing time interval not exceeding one (1) year ; 

3. "Research and development" means theoretical analysis, exploration and 
experimentation and the extension of investigative findings and theories of a 
scientific or technical nature into practical application for experimental and 
demonstration purposes including the experimental production and testing of 
models, devices, equipment, materials and processes ; and 

4. "Weather modification" or "weather modification and control" means chang- 
ing or controlling, or attempting to change or control, by artificial methods the 
natural development of any or all atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms 
which occur in the troposphere. ( Laws 1972, c. 228, § 2, eff. April 7, 1972. Laws 
1973, c. ISO, § 14, eff. May To, 1973.) 

§ 1403. Poicers of ooard 

In the performance of the functions authorized herein, the Board may, in 
addition to any other acts authorized by law : 

1. Establish advisory committees to advise with and make recommendations 
to the Board concerning legislation, policies, administration, research and other 
matters ; 

2. Establish by regulation or order such standards and instructions to govern 
the carrying out of research or projects in weather modification and control as 
the Board may deem necessary or desirable to minimize danger to health or 
property, and make such regulations as are necessary in the performance of its 
powers and duties ; 

3. Make such studies and investigations, obtain such information, and hold 
such hearings as the Board may deem necessary or proper to assist it in exercis- 
ing its authority or in the administration or enforcement of this act or any reg- 
ulations or orders issued thereunder ; 


4. Appoint and fix the compensation of such personnel, including specialists 
and consultants, as are necessary to perform its duties and functions hereunder ; 

5. Acquire, in the manner provided by law, such materials, equipment and 
facilities as are necessary to perforin its duties and functions hereunder ; 

6. Cooperate with public or private agencies in the performance of the Board's 
functions or duties and in furtherance of the purposes of this act ; 

7. Represent the state in any and all matters pertaining to plans, procedures 
or negotiations for interstate compacts or cooperative agreements relating to 
weather modification and control ; 

8. Enter into cooperative agreements with the United States Government 
or any of its agencies, other states, or with the various counties and cities of 
this state or with any private or public agencies for conducting weather modifi- 
cation or cloud seeding operations ; 

9. Act for and represent the state and the counties, cities and private or pub- 
lic agencies in contracting with private concerns for the performance of weather 
modifications or cloud seeding operations ; and 

10. Assist and cooperate in the formation of weather modification districts 
within this state. (Laws 1972, c. 228, § 3, eff. April 7, 1972.) 

§ 1'fOJf. Continued conduct of research and development activities 

The Board shall exercise its powers in such manner as to promote the continued 
conduct of research and development activities in the fields specified below by 
private or public institutions or persons and to assist in the acquisition of an 
expanding fund of theoretical and practical knowledge in such fields. To this end 
the Board may conduct, and make arrangements including contracts and agree- 
ments for the conduct of, research and development activities relating to : 

1. The theory and development of methods of weather modification and con- 
trol, including processes, materials and devices related thereto ; 

2. Utilization of weather modification and control for agricultural, industrial, 
commercial, municipal and other purposes ; and 

3. The protection of life and property during research and operational activi- 
ties. (Laws 1972, c. 228, § 4, eff. April 7, 1972.) 

§ UfOo. Hearings 

In the case of hearings held pursuant to this act, the Board shall conduct such 
hearings in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedures 
Act. 1 (Laws 1972 c.228, § 5, eff. April 7, 1972.) 

§ UfOG. Gifts and grants 

A. The Board may, subject to any limitations otherwise imposed by law, re- 
ceive and accept for and in the name of the state any funds which may be of- 
fered or become available from federal grants or appropriations, private gifts, 
donations or bequests, or from any other source, and may expend such funds, 
unless their use is restricted and subject to any limitations otherwise provided 
by law, for the administration of this act for operations and research and for 
the encouragement of research and development by a state or public or pri- 
vate agency, either by direct grant, by contract or other cooperative means. 

B. All license and permit fees paid to the Board shall be deposited in the Gen- 
eral Revenue Fund of the State Treasurv. (Laws 1972, c. 228, § 0, eff. April 7, 

§ 1407. Necessity for licenses and permits 

Except as provided in Section 8 of this act, 2 no person, corporation or institution 
si i a 11 engage in activities for weather modification and control except under 
and in accordance with a license and a permit issued by the Board authorizing 
such activities. (Laws 1972, c. 228, § 7, eff. April 7, 1972.) 

§ i4Q8. Exemptions 

The Board, to the extent it deems practical, shall provide by regulation for 
exempting from the license and permit requirements of this act : 

1, Research and development and experiments by state and federal agencies 
and institutions of higher learning ; 

2. Laboratory research and experiments ; 

:;. Activities normally engaged in for purposes other than those of inducing, 
Increasing, decreasing or preventing precipitation ; and 

1 Section Mm et s»q. of Title 73. 

2 Section 1408 of this title. 


4. Religious ceremonies, rites or acts and American Indian or other cultural 
ceremonies which do not utilize chemical or mechanical means to alter weather 
phenomena and which are not performed for profit. (Laws 1972, c. 228, § 8, eft'. 
April 7, 1972.) 

§ 1409. Issuance of licenses 

A. Licenses to engage in activities for weather modification and control shall 
be issued to applicants therefor who pay the license fee required and who 
demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Board, competence in the field of 
meteorology and financial responsibility reasonably necessary to engage in 
activities for weather modification and control. If the applicant is an organiza- 
tion, these requirements shall be met by the individual or individuals who are 
to be in control and in charge of the operation for the applicant. 

B. The Board shall issue licenses in accordance with such procedures and 
subject to such conditions as it may by regulation establish to effectuate the 
provisions of this act. Each license shall be issued for a period to expire at the 
end of the state fiscal year in which it is issued and, if the licensee possesses 
the qualifications necessary for the issuance of a new license, such license shall 
upon application be renewed at the expiration of such period. A license shall 
be issued or renewed only upon the payment to the Board of One Hundred Dol- 
lars ($100.00) for the license or renewal thereof. (Laws 1972, c. 228, § eff. April 
7, 1972.). 

§ lJflO. Issuance of permits 

The Board shall issue permits in accordance with such procedures and subject 
to such conditions as it may by regulation establish to effectuate the provisions 
of this act only : 

1. If the applicant is licensed pursuant to this act ; 

2. If a sufficient notice of intention is published and proof of publication is 
filed as required by Section 13 of this act ; 3 

3. If the fee for a permit is paid as required by Section 15 of this act ; 4 and 

4. If the applicant has given bond for the faithful performance of any weather 
modification contract which the applicant has entered into for the weather modi- 
fication operation for which application was made for the permit. The surety 
on any bond to guarantee the faithful performance and execution of any work 
shall be deemed and held, any contract to the contrary notwithstanding, to con- 
sent without notice to an extension of time to the contractor in which to perform 
the contract for a period of not more than thirty ( 30) days. (Laws 1972, c. 228, 
§10, eff. April 7, 1972.). 

§14H- Separate permits — Xotice of intention 

A separate permit shall be issued for each operation. Prior to undertaking any 
weather modification and control activities the licensee shall file with the Board 
and also cause to be published a notice of intention. The licensee, if a permit is 
issued, shall confine his activities for the permitted operation substantially 
within the time and area limits set forth in the notice of intention, unless modi- 
fied by the Board, and his activities shall also conform to any conditions imposed 
by the Board upon the issuance of the permit or to the terms of the permit as 
modified after issuance. (Laws 1972, c. 228, § 11, eff. April 7, 1972.) 

§ 1412. Contents of notice of intention 
The notice of intention shall set forth at least all of the following : 

1. The name and address of the licensee ; 

2. The nature and object of the intended operation and the person or orga- 
nization on whose behalf it is to be conducted ; 

3. The area in which and the approximate time during which the operation 
will be conducted ; 

4. The area which is intended to be affected by the operation : and 

5. The materials and methods to be used in conducting the operation. (Laws 
1972, c. 228, § 12, eff. April 7, 1972.) 

§ 1413. Publication of notice of intention 

A. The applicant shall cause the notice of intention, or that portion thereof 
including the items specified in Section 12 of this act, 5 to be published at least 

3 Section 1413 of this title. 

4 Section 1415 of this title. 
e Section 1412 of this title. 


once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper having a general 
circulation and published within any county in which the operation is to be con- 
ducted and in which the affected area is located, or, if the operation is to be 
conducted in more than one county or if the affected area is located in more than 
one county or is located in a county other than the one in which the operation 
is to be conducted, then in a newspaper having a general circulation and pub- 
lished within each of such counties. In case there is no newspaper published 
within the appropriate county, publication shall be made in a newspaper having 
a general circulation within the county. 

B. Proof of publication together with publisher's affidavit, shall be filed by the 
licensee with the Board within fifteen (15) days from the date of the last 
publication of the notice. 

C. Provided, that upon declaration of emergency drought conditions within 
any county or counties of this state by proclamation by the Governor or by 
concurrent resolution by the Legislature, the provisions of this act requiring 
notice by publication of intent to perform any weather modification operation 
may be suspended. (Laws 1972, c. 228, § 13, eff. April 7, 1972.) 

§ iW. Proof of financial responsibility 

Proof of financial responsibility shall be furnished by an applicant by his 
showing, to the satisfaction of the director, his ability to respond in damages 
for liability which might reasonably be attached to or result from his weather 
modification and control activities in connection with the operation for which 
he seeks a permit. (Laws 1972, c. 228, § 14, eff. April 7, 1972.) 

§ IJflo. Permit fees 

The fee to be paid by each applicant for a permit shall not exceed Twenty-five 
Dollars ($25.00). (Laws 1972, c. 228, § 15, eff. April 7, 1972.) 

§ 1416. Records and reports 

A. Each licensee shall keep and maintain a record of all operations con- 
ducted by him pursuant to his license and each permit, showing the method 
employed, the type of equipment used, materials and amounts thereof used, the 
times and places of operation of the equipment, the name and post office address 
of each individual participating or assisting in the operation other than the 
licensee, and such other general information as may be required by the Board, 
and shall report the same to the Board at the time and in the manner required 
by the Board. 

B. The Board shall require written reports regarding methods and results, 
but not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, covering each operation for 
which a permit is issued. The Board shall also require written reports from 
such organizations as are exempt under Section 8 6 from the license and permit 
requirements of this act. 

C. All information on an operation shall be submitted to the Board before 
any information on such operation may be released to the public. 

D. The reports and records in the custody of the Board shall be open for 
public examination as public documents. (Laws 1972, c. 228, § 16, eff. April 7, 

§ UflG.l Monitoring by United States Government 

When a permit is issued under the Oklahoma Weather Modification Act for 
weather modification research by the United States Government or its agent, any 
other operation for which a permit is issued and which is located in full or in 
part Within the area of the permitted research operation shall submit to monitor- 
ing by the agency conducting such operation when such operation is being 
conducted. (Added by Laws 1973, c. ISO, §15, eff. May 16, 1973.) 

§ 1 'ill. Revocation or suspension of licenses or permits — Modification of permits 

A. Under the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act, 7 the Board 
may suspend, revoke or refuse to renew any license or permit issued by it if the 
applicant no longer qualifies for such license or permit under the provisions of 
this act or if the applicant has violated any provisions of this act. 

B. The Board may modify the terms of a permit after issuance thereof if the 
licensee is first given notice and a reasonable opportunity for a hearing respecting 
the grounds for the proposed modification and if it appears to the Board that 
if is necessary for the protection of the health or the property of any person to 
make the modification proposed. (Laws 1972, c. 22S, §17, elf. April 7, 1972.) 

■ Section 1108 of this title. 

7 Section 301 et seq. of Title 75. 


§ 1418. Certain liabilities not imposed or rights affected 

Nothing in this act shall be construed to impose or accept any liability or 
responsibility on the part of the state or any state officials or employees for any 
weather modification and control activities of any private person or group, or to 
affect in any way any contractual, tortious or other legal rights, duties or liabili- 
ties between any private persons or groups. (Laws 1972, c. 228, § 18, eff. April 7, 

1972. ) 

§ 1419. Penalties 

Any person violating any of the provisions of this act or any lawful regulation 
or order issued pursuant thereto shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and a continu- 
ing violation punishable as a separate offense for each day during which it 
occurs, and upon conviction shall be imprisoned in the county jail for not more 
than ten (10) days or by a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) 
nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), or by both, for each such 
separate offense. (Laws 1972, c. 228, § 19, eff. April 7, 1972.) 

§ 1420. Purpose 

The Legislature finds that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the State 
of Oklahoma to establish a procedure whereby the orderly conduct of weather 
modification programs can be administered, controlled and financed at the local 
level under the licensing and permit system established by the State of Oklahoma ; 
further determines that such programs benefit all citizens alid property in areas 
where they are operated, and that counties are authorized to finance programs 
of weather modification pursuant to the provisions of Article 10. Section 7 of the 
Oklahoma Constitution. It is the intention of the Legislature that this act be 
liberally construed so as to promote the general welfare and prosperity of the 
citizens of this state. (Added by Laws 1973, c. 180, § 1, eft". May 1(5, 1973.) 

§ L',-21. Expenditure of monies 

Counties, cities, towns, other local subdivisions of government, state agencies, 
and special purpose districts may expend monies for weather modification and 
control from the following sources : 

1. General funds not otherwise obligated, provided that state agencies may 
only expend funds for weather modification on lands owned by them or under 
their administrative controls or as otherwise provided by law: 

2. Monies received by such entities for weather modification and control? 

3. Monies received from assessments as provided in this act. (Added by Laws 

1973, c. 180, § 2, eff. May 16, 1973.) 

§ 1422. Receipt of monies — Contracts 

Counties, cities, towns, other local subdivisions of government, state agencies, 
and special purpose districts may receive public and private donations, pay- 
ments and grants for weather modification and control. Any of the foregoing 
entities may contract among themselves, with state and federal agencies, and 
with private individuals and entities for payments, grants and donations of 
money for weather modification and control. (Added by Laws 1973, c. 180, § 3, eff. 
May 16, 1973.) 

§ 1423. Call for election on weather modification assessment — Notice — Contents 

On a petition signed by qualified electors equal to at least ten percent (10% ) of 
the total number of votes cast by county electors in the most recent general elec- 
tion, or on their own motion, the board of county commissioners shall call an 
election and submit to the electors of the county the question of whether or not 
an assessment shall be levied. The board of county commissioners may exempt 
areas within muncipalities or other areas from the assessment and may contract 
with such areas to make payments in lieu of assessments. The county commis- 
sioners shall exclude from voting the electors in those areas exempt from assess- 
ment. The notice of election shall be published once weekly for four (4) weeks in 
a newspaper of general circulation in the county. The notice shall specify the 
election date, the proposed weather modification plan, the proposed budget, the 
total amount of money proposed to be assessed, the purpose for which it is in- 
tended to be used, the maximum annual assessments proposed to be levied and the 
number of years, not to exceed five (5) years, for which the assessment shall be 
authorized. The election shall be conducted by the county election board in ac- 
cordance with the general election laws of this state. The ballots shall contain 
the words "Weather Modification-Assessment- Yes" and "Weather Modification- 

34-857—79 40 


Assessment-No." If a majority of votes are "Weather Modification-Yes", the 
countv commissioners shall, at the time of the annual levy thereunder, levy the 
assessment. (Added by Laws 1973, c. 180, § 4, eff. May 16, 1973.) 

§ 1424. Proposed budget — Appraisers — Waiver of assessment 

Before calling the election, the board of county commissioners shall prepare a 
proposed budget for weather modification and control, which may include, in 
addition to actual cost of a weather modification program, the cost of conducting 
the election, any additional costs of assessments and collection, payment, of ap- 
praisers of benefits, costs of publication of notice and other costs incurred by the 
county if it joins with other units of government in joint modification programs. 
The board of county commissioners shall then determine, after consideration of 
other funds available from all sources, the total amount needed to be raised by 

The board of county commissioners shall appoint three (3) landowners who are 
residents of the area to be assessed, to act as appraisers to appraise and apportion 
the benefits and recommend the assessments to pay for such benefits. For such 
purpose the appraisers shall use the records of the county assessor. Immediately 
after the appraisals are completed, they shall file a written report with the board 
of county commissioners. The board of county commissioners may, on their own 
motion or on the report of the appraisers and after adopting a uniform policy, 
waive the levy of assessment, when the board or appraisers finds that the benefits 
and assessments are negligible, are not justifiably economical to collect or are 
satisfied by an in lieu payment. Such waiver of assessment shall not be considered 
an exemption from assessment for any purpose, including the voting provisions 
of the preceding section. (Amended by Laws 1975, c. 305. § 1, emerg. eff. June 7, 

§ 1425. Hearing of protests concerning appraisals 

After an affirmative vote of electors, the commissioners shall appoint a time and 
place for holding a public hearing to hear any protests concerning the appraisals. 
The hearing shall be held after published notice for two (2) weeks in a newspaper 
of general circulation in the county giving the date, time and purpose of the hear- 
ing. At the hearing, the board of county comissioners shall have the authority to 
review and correct said appraisals and shall by resolution confirm the same as so 
revised and corrected by them. Any person objecting to the appraisal of benefits 
and assessment of his property as confirmed shall have the right of the appeal to 
the district court. (Added by Laws 1973, c. 180, § 6, eff. May 10, 1973.) 

§Vf26. Collection of assessments 

A. The assessment shall become due and shall be collected at the same time 
ad valorem taxes are due and collected. Such annual levy shall be certified not 
later than October 1 of each year to the county treasurer of the county in which 
the property is situated. The certificate shall be substantially as hereinafter 

B. The certificate shall set forth a table or schedule showing in properly ruled 
columns : 

1. The names of the owners of the property to be assessed ; 

2. The description of the property opposite the names of the owners ; 

3. The total amount of the annual assessment on the property : 

4. The total amount of all delinquent assessments ; 

5. The tolal assessment against the land for the year ; 

6. A blank column in which the county treasurer shall record the amounts 
collected ; 

7. A blank column in which the county treasurer shall record the date of 
payment; and 

s. A blank column in which the county treasurer shall report the name of 
the person who paid. 

C. The certificate and report shall be prepared in triplicate in a book named 

"Assessment Book of Weather Modification, County, Oklahoma". This 

name shall also be printed at the top of each page. 

I). Two (2) copies of the certificate shall be forwarded to the county treasurer 
of the county wherein the land is located. The county treasurer shall receive the 
certificate as a special assessment book, and shall certify it as other special assess- 
ment records and shall collect the assessment according to law. The special assess- 
ment book shall be treasurer's warrant and authority to demand and receive 
the assessment due; and it shall be unlawful for any county treasurer to accept 
payment of the ad valorem taxes levied against any property described therein 


until the owner has been notified that there is a special assessment noted in the 
special assessment book. (Added by Laws 1973, c. 180, § 7, eff. May 16, 1973.) 

§ 1427. Weather modification fund — Reports 

The county treasurer shall establish a weather modification fund and shall de- 
posit all monies collected from assessments, grants, donations or other sources for 
weather modification purposes and make monthly reports of the sums collected to 
the board or county commissioners. The county treasurer shall make a report to 
the commissioners immediately after October 31 of each year of the sums collected 
and of the assessments not collected. AH assessments remaining unpaid after they 
become due and collectible shall be delinquent and bear a penalty in the same 
manner as ad valorem taxes. (Added by Laws 1973, c. 180, § 8, eff. May 16, 1973.) 

§ 1 ',2S. Discontinuance of activities 

If a county ceases to be involved in weather modification activities, any un- 
expended funds in the weather modification fund shall be invested in interest- 
bearing obligations of the United States Government until weather modification 
activities are resumed, with the interest therefrom credited to the weather modifi- 
cation fund. If, after five (5) years, the county has not resumed activity in weather 
modification, the board of county commissioners shall transfer said unexpended 
funds collected by assessment, with interest accrued, to a sinking fund of the 
county, to reduce bonded indebtedness, and the board of county commissioners 
shall refund, on a pro rata basis, monies from other sources. (Added by Laws 
1973, c. 180, § 9, eff. May 16, 1973.) 

§ 1429. Essential f unction of county government — Disbursements 

The weather modification activities herein authorized shall be deemed to be an 
essential function of county government. All disbursements from the weather 
modification fund shall be made in accordance with the requirements and pro- 
cedures for disbursement from the county general fund. All records required to 
be maintained as to disbursements from the county general fund shall likewise 
be maintained on disbursements from the weather modification fund. (Added bv 
Laws 1973. c. 180, § 10. eff. May 16, 1973. ) 

§ UfW. Liens — Tax sales 

All assessments and all costs and expenses of collecting delinquent assessments 
shall constitute a lien on the property against which the assessments have been 
levied. Such lien shall attach on the date which the assessment certificate is filed 
in the office of the county treasurer and shall continue until paid. Such lien shall 
have the same priority as a lien created by delinquent ad valorem taxes, all other 
taxes and special assessments. Delinquent assessments shall be collected by the 
county treasurer in the same manner and at the same time as delinquent ad 
valorem taxes are collected. Any tax sale shall include all costs incurred due to 
said sale, and such lien may be evidenced by any ad valorem tax sale certificate 
including said charge substantially in the form required by law. 

Unless expressly declared to the contrary, no warranty deed or deed made 
pursuant to a judicial sale shall warrant against any portion of any assessment 
or assessments levied hereunder except installments due before the date of such 
deed. (Added by Laws 1973, c. 180, § 11, eff. May 16, 1973.) 

§ 1431. Contracts for joint operations 

Counties may contract with other counties and other local subdivisions of gov- 
ernment and state and federal agencies to engage in joint weather modification 
operations. All such contracts shall be filed with and approved by the Board. 
(Added by Laws 1973, c. 180, § 12, eff. May 16, 1973.) 

§ 1432. Construction — Codification 

This act shall be construed as part of the Oklahoma Weather Modification Act, 
and Sections 1 through 12 of this act shall be codified as a part thereof. (Added by 
Laws 1973. c. 180, § 13, eff. May 16, 1973.) 


Oregon Rev. Stat. §§558.010-558.990; 451.010; 451.420 

Weather Modification 

558.010 Definitions for ORS 558.010 to 558.140. 
558.020 Purpose of ORS 558.10 to 558.140 and 558.990. 


Artificial weather modification prohibited without license. 
.Application for license ; fee. 

Applicant to file proof of financial responsibility. 
Hearing an application for license. 

Issuance of license ; conditions ; licensee's authority ; use of improper materials 

cause for suspension or revocation : renewal. 
Governmental entities conducting weather modification at airport exempted. 
Contents of hearing notice. 
Publication of notice of hearing. 
Troof of publication. 

Records and reports of operations ; public examination. 
Emergency licenses. 

Revocation, suspension, refusal to issue or renew license ; procedure. 
Appropriation for administration and enforcement. 

Weather Modification Districts (General Provisions) 

"County court" defined. 
Initiative and referendum. 


Incorporation for weather modification ; limitations as to area. 
Forest lands not benefited property ; not included in district except upon petition. 
Time for formation election. 
Commissioners of first board : qualifications. 
Certificates of election for commissioners. 

(Powers of District) 

General powers of district. 

Limitation on right to own or operate equipment. 
Regulations concerning district property. 
Duty to carry liability insurance. 
Cooperative agreements between districts. 
Tax assessment, levy and collection. 

Disposal of taxes levied when organization declared invalid. 
Employes' retirement system authorized. 
1 ustrict to budget for retirement system. 
Employee contribution. 
Limitation on membership. 

(Board of Commissioners) 

Powers of district in board ; qualifications, terms and election of commissioners. 
Board meeting ; officers ; quorum ; employing assistance : employee benefits. 
Increasing number of commissioners. 

Deposit and withdrawal of moneys ; annual reports ; records. 
Calling special elections. 




558.010 Definitions for ORS 558.010 to 558.11,0. As used in ORS 55S.010 to 
558.140 and 558.090 : 

(1) "Department" means the State Department of Agriculture. 

(2) "Person" includes any public or private corporation. [1053 c.654 s.l : 1055 
c.61 s.4] 

558.020 Purpose of ORS 558.010 to 558.11,0 and 558.990. The purpose of ORS 
558.010 to 558.140 and 558.990 is to promote the public health, safety and well are 
by providing for the licensing, regulation and control of interference by artificial 
means with the natural precipitation of rain, snow, hail, moisture or water in any 
form contained in the atmosphere. ri953 c.654 s.2] 

558.030 Artificial weather modification prohibited without license. Xo person, 
without securing a license from the department, shall cause or attempt to cause 
by artificial means condensation or precipitation of rain, snow. hail, moisture or 
water in any form contained in the atmosphere, or shall prevent or attempt to 
prevent by artificial means the natural condensation or precipitation of rain, 
snow, hail, moisture or water in any form contained in the atmosphere. [1053 
c.654 s.3] 

558.01,0 Application for license; fee. (1) Any person desiring to do any of the 
acts specified in ORS 558.030 shall file with the department an application for a 
license on a form to be supplied by the department for such purpose setting forth 
All of the following : 

(a) The name and post-office address of the applicant. 

(b) The education, experience and qualifications of the applicant, or if the 
applicant is not an individual, the education, experience and qualifications of 
the persons who will be in control and in charge of the operation of the 

(c) The name and post-office address of the person on whose behalf the 
weather modification operation is to be conducted if other than the applicant. 


(d) The nature and object of the weather modification operation which 
applicant proposes to conduct, including a general description of such opera- 
tion and the manner in which the production, management or conservation 
of water or energy resources or agricultural or forest crops could be benefited 
by the operation. 

(e) The method and type of equipment and the type and composition of 
the materials that the applicant proposes to use. 

(f) Such other pertinent information as the department may require. 

(2) Each application shall be accompanied by a filing fee in the sum of $100, 
and proof of financial responsibility as required by ORS 558.050. [1953 c.654 s.4 ; 
1975 c.420 s.l] 

558.050 Applicant to file proof of financial responsibility. (1) No license shall 
be issued to any person until he has filed with the department proof of ability to 
respond in damages for liability on account of accidents arising out of the 
weather modification operations to be conducted by him in the amount of $100,000 
because of bodily injury to or death of one person resulting from any one acci- 
dent, and, subject to said limit for one person, in the amount of $300,000 because 
of bodily injury to or death of two or more persons resulting from any one acci- 
dent, and in the amount of $300,000 because of injury to or destruction of proper- 
ty of others resulting from any one accident. 

(2) Proof of financial responsibility may be given by filing with the depart- 
ment a certificate of insurance or a bond or a certificate of deposit of money in 
the same manner and with the same effect as provided by ORS chapter 486. [1953 
c.654 s.13; 1975 c.420] 

558.055 Hearing on application for license. Upon receipt of an application for 
a license, the department shall fix the time and place for a public hearing on the 
application. Such hearing shall be held in the county seat of any county in which 
the proposed operation will be conducted. The department shall notify the appli- 
cant of the time and place of hearing in sufficient time for the applicant to com- 
ply with the notice requirements of ORS 558.080 to 558.100. [1975 c.420 s.3] 

558.060 Issuance of license; conditions ; licensee's authority ; use of improper 
materials cause for suspension of revocation; renewal. (1) The department shall 
act within 30 days, but shall only issue the license upon finding that : 

(a) The applicant is qualified to undertake the weather modification opera- 
tion proposed in his application ; 

(b) The production, management or conservation of water or energy 
resources or agricultural or forest crops could be benefited by the proposed 
weather modification operation ; and 

(c) The proposed weather modification operation would not be injurious to 
the public health or safety. 

(2) Each such license shall entitle the licensee to conduct the operations 
described in the license for one year from the date the license is issued unless the 
license is sooner revoked or suspended. The conducting of any weather modifica- 
tion operation or the use of any equipment or materials other than those described 
in the license shall be cause for revocation or suspension of the license. 

(3) The license may be renewed annually by payment of a filing fee in the 
sum of $50. If the application for renewal proposes any change in the previously 
licensed operation, or if the department determines that the public health or 
safety may be adversely affected by continuation of the operation, the department 
shall conduct a hearing on the application for renewal. The provisions of ORS 
558.055 and 55S.0S0 to 55S.100 shall apply to such hearing. [1953 c.654 s.5 ; 
1975 c.420 s.41 

558.065 [1965 c.336 s.2 ; repealed by 1967 c.225 s.l (558.066 enacted in lieu of 
558.0; 55)] 

558.066 Governmental entities conducting weather modification at airport 
exempted. The State of Oregon or its agencies, counties, cities, public corpora- 
tions or political subdivisions thereof or any person engaged by any of them for 
the purpose of removing or dispersing fog, or carrying out or performing any 
other weather modification at an airport owned or operated by the State of 
Oregon or its agencies, counties, cities, public corporations or political subdi- 
visions thereof, are exempt from the provisions of ORS 55S.010 to 55S.140 and 
558.990 in respect to such operations at such airport only. [1967 c.225 s.2 (enacted 
in lieu of 558.065) 1 

558.070 [1953 c.654 s.6 ; repealed by 1975 c.420 s.12] 

558.080 Contents of hearing notice. The notice of hearing shall set forth all of 
the following: 

(1) The name and post-office address of the applicant. 


(2) The name and post-office address of the person on whose behalf the weather 
modification operation is to be conducted if other than the applicant. 

(3) The nature and object of the weather modification operation which apppli- 
cant proposes to conduct, including a general description of such operation. 

(4) The method and type of equipment and the type of composition of the 
materials that the applicant proposes to use. 

(5) The area in which the approximate time during which the operation will 
be conducted. 

(6) The area which will be affected by the operation as near as the same may 
be determined in advance. 

(7) The time and place of the public hearing. [1953 c.654 s.7 ; 1975 c.420 s.5] 
558.090 Publication of notice of hearing. The applicant shall cause the notice of 

hearing to be published at least once a week for two consecutive weeks in a news- 
paper having a general circulation and published within the county wherein the 
proposed operation is to be conducted and in which the affected area is located, 
or if the proposed operation is to be conducted in more than one county or if the 
affected area is located in more than one county or is located in a county other 
than the one in which the proposed operation is to be conducted, then such notice 
shall be published in like manner in a newspaper having a general circulation and 
published within each of such counties. In case there is no newspaper published 
within the appropriate county, publication shall be made in a newspaper having 
a general circulation within the county. The date of last publication shall be not 
less than three nor more than 10 days prior to the date set for hearing. [1953 
c.654 s.8 ; 1975 c. 420 s.6] 

558.100 Proof of publication. Proof of publication shall be filed by the applicant 
with the department at the time of the hearing. Proof of publication shall be by 
copy of the notice as published, attached to and made a part of the affidavit of the 
publisher or foreman of the newspaper publishing the notice. [1953 c.654 s.9 ; 1975 
c.420 s.7] 

558.110 Record* and reports of operations ; public examination. (1) Each licen- 
see shall keep and maintain a record of all operations conducted by him pursuant 
to his license showing the method employed, the type of equipment, the type and 
'composition of the materials used, the times and places of operation of the equip- 
ment, the name and post-office address of each person participating or assisting in 
the operation other than the licensee, the estimated precipitation for each licensed 
project, defining the gain or loss occurring from the operations, together with sup- 
porting data therefor, and such other information as may be required by the de- 
partment, and shall report the same to the department at such times as it may 

(2) The records of the department and the reports of all licensees shall be avail- 
able for public examination. [1953 c.654 s.10 ; 1975 c.420 s.8] 

558.120 Emergency licenses. Notwithstanding any provision of ORS 558.010 to 
558.140 and 558.990 to the contrary, the department may grant a license permit- 
ting a weather modification operation without compliance by the licensee with the 
provisions of ORS 558.055 and 558.080 to 558.100, if the operation appears to the 
•department to be necessary or desirable in aid of extinguishment of fires, dis- 
persal of fog. or other similar emergency. [1953 c.654 s. 11 ; 1975 c.430 s. 9] 

558.130 [1953 c.654 s. 12 ; repealed by 1975 c.420 s.12] 

558.135 Revocation, suspension, refusal to issue or renew license; procedure. 
CI) Where the department proposes to refuse to issue or renew a license, or pro- 
poses to revoke or suspend a license, opportunity for hearing shall be accorded as 
provided in ORS 183.310 to 183.500. 

(2) Promulgation of rules, conduct of hearings, issuance of orders and judicial 
review of rules and orders shall be in accordance with ORS 183.310 to 1S3.500. 
[1975 c.420 B.11] 

558.1 £0 Appropriation for administration and enforcement. All moneys received 
by the department under ORS 558.010 to 558.140 and 558.990. in addition to any 
other appropriation of funds available for the administration of ORS 558.010 to 
658.1 10 ;iik1 558. 990, hereby are continuously appropriated to the department for 
tbo purpose of defraying the costs and expenses incurred in the administration 
and enforcement of ORS 558.010 to 558.140 and 558.990. [1955 c.6 s.3] 

Weather Modification Districts 

(General Provisions) 

558.200 "County court" defined. As used in ORS 558.200 to 558.440. "county 
court" Includes board of county commissioners. [1969 c. 698 s.l] 

558.205 Initiative and referendum. In the exercise of initiative and referendum 
powers reserved under the Constitution of this state to the legal voters of every 
municipality and district as to all local, special and municipal legislation of every 
sort and character in and for their respective municipalities and districts, the 
general laws of the state as applied to cities and towns shall govern in these 
districts. The chairman of the commissioners shall act as mayor and perform his 
duties, the secretary shall perform the duties of auditor or recorder, the attorney 
shall perform the duties of city attorney, and if there is no attorney, the secretary 
shall perform the duties required of the attorney. [1969 c.698 s.35 ; 1975 c.647 s.47] 


558.210 Incorporation for weather modification ; limitations as to area. Any 
designated area within a county bordering the Columbia River and having a 
population of less than 21.000, according to the latest federal decennial census, 
or within two or more of such counties, may be incorporated as a weather niodifi- 
cati< »n district for the purpose of : 

(1) Causing or attempting to cause by artificial means condensation or precip- 
itation of rain, snow, hail, moisture or water in any form contained in the 
atmosphere ; or 

(2) Preventing or attempting to prevent by artificial means the natural con- 
densation or precipitation of rain. snow, hail, moisture or water in any form 
contained in the atmosphere. [1969 c.698 s.3] 

55S.215[1969 c.698 s.4 ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 
538.220 [1969 c. 698 s.17 ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 
558.225 [1969 c.698 s.5 ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 
558.230[1969 c.698 s.6a ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 

558.235 Forest lands not benefited properly: not included in district except 
upon petition. Forest lands within a forest protection district as defined in ORS 
chapter 477, shall not be considered benefited property and shall not be included 
in a weather modification district unless the owner of the forest lands petitions* 
the county court having jurisdiction of the formation proceedings to have his 
lands included. [1969 c.698 s.6 ; 1971 c.727 s.173] 

55S.240[1969 c.698 s.20 ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 

558:245 Time for formation election. An election, if any is held, on formation 
shall be held at the same time as the next succeeding state-wide primary or 
general election. [1969 c.698 s.7 ; 1971 c.727 s.175] 

558.250[1969 c.698 s.8 ; repealed by 1971 c.647 s.149] 

558.255 Commissioners of first board; qualifications. At the election on forma- 
tion, commissioners to serve as the first board of the district shall be elected. 
Commissioners shall be owners of the land within the district but need not reside 
within the district. [1969 c.698 s.9 : 1971 c.647 s.125] 

558.260 [1969 c.698 ss.10, 11, 12, 16 : repealed by 1971 c.647 s.149] 

">S.265[1969 c.698 s.13 ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 

558.270 Certificates of election for commissioners. The county court shall also 
canvass the votes for commissioners and cause the county clerk to issue certifi- 
cates of election to the number named in the petition for formation who received 
the highest number of votes. [1969 c.698 s.14] 

558,275[1969 c.698 s.15 ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 

(Powers of District) 

558.300 General powers of district. After the date of formation, a district shall 
make all contracts, hold and receive and dispose of real and personal property 
within and without its described boundaries and do all other acts and things 
which may be requisite, necessary or convenient in carrying out the objects of 
the district or exercising the powers conferred upon it as in ORS 558.200 to 
558.440 set out and expressed, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all 
actions and suits or other proceedings brought bv or against it. [1969 c.698 s.18; 
1971 c.727 s.177] 

558.310 Limitation on right to own or operate equipment. No weather modifi- 
cation district shall own or operate airplanes, chemicals or other equipment or 
appliances for weather modification activities, but must when conducting 
weather modification activities hire a person licensed under the provisions of 
ORS 558.010 to 558.140 and 588.990. [1969 c.698 s.60] 

558.315 Regulations concerning district property. Any weather modification dis- 
trict may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations concerning the use of the 
property of the district. [1969 c.698 s.27] 


558.320, Duty to carry liability insurance. A weather modification distrcit shall 
obtain not later than the 60th day after the date of the election forming such 
district and before beginning any weather modification activities liability insur- 
ance coverage of not less than $500,000 bodly injury and $500,000 property dam- 
age, to reimburse persons for damages arising from weather modification ac- 
tivities. [1960 c.69S s.61] 

558.325 Cooperative agreements between districts. Weather modification dis- 
tricts organized under ORS 558.200 to 558.440 may enter into cooperative agree- 
ments or control of facilities for weather modification. [1969 c.698 s.28] 

558.330[1969 c.698 s.40; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 

558.340 Tax assessment, levy and collection. (1) The district may assess, levy 
and collect taxes each year not to exceed one-fourth of one percent (.0025) of 
the true cash value of all taxable property within the limits of the district, 
computed in accordance with ORS 308.207. The proceeds the tax shall be applied 
by it in carrying out the objects and purposes of ORS 558.210 to 588.270, 558,300 
and 558.345 and for the purpose of financing the employes' retirement system. 

(2) Any such taxes needed shall be levied in each year and returned to the 
county officer whose duty it is to extend the tax roll by the time required by law 
for city taxes to be levied and returned. 

(3) All taxes levied by the district shall become payable at the same time and 
be collected by the same officer who collects county taxes, and shall be turned 
over to the district according to law. The county officer whose duty it is to 
extend the county levy shall extend the levy of the district in the same manner 
as city taxes are extended. 

(4) Property shall be subject to sale for nonpayment of taxes levied by the 
district in like manner and with like effect as in the case of county and state 
taxes. [1969 c.698 s.26 ; 1971 c.727 s.178] 

558.345 Disposal of taxes levied when organization declared invalid. When an 
attempt has been made to organize a district under the provisions of ORS 558.200 
to :~5S.440 and subsequently by a decree of a court of competent jurisdiction it 
has been declared that the organization is invalid, but prior to such decree the 
invalid organization has levied taxes, the funds derived from the levy shall be 
disposed of as follows : 

(1) If the area embraced in the invalid organization is embraced in a subse- 
quently created organization composed of unincorporated or incorporated terri- 
tory, or combinations thereof, for the purpose of weather modification, the cus- 
todian of the taxes collected for the invalid organization shall turn them over 
to the subsequent organization to be used only for the purpose of weather 

(2) If the subsequent organization does not embrace all territory embraced in 
the invalid organization, such taxes as have been collected from the levy upon 
property in areas not embraced in the subsequent organization shall be refunded 
to the payers thereof by the custodian of the taxes before the balance is turned 
over to the subsequent organization. 

(3) If no such subsequent organization is created for weather modification, 
within a period of two years after the entry of the decree of invalidation, the 
taxes collected shall be refunded by the custodian of them to the taxpayers who 
paid them. [1969 c.698 s.19] 

558.850 Employes' retirement system authorized. (1) A weather modification 
district organized under ORS 558.200 to 558.440 may establish an employes' re- 
tirement system. The commissioners may enter into agreements necessary to 
establish the system and carry out the plan and may agree to modifications of 
such agreements from time to time. 

(2) The retirement plan may provide for retirement benefits measured on the 
basis of services rendered or to be rendered by an employe, either before or after 
the date on which such employe first becomes a member of the retirement plan. 
The retirement plan may provide for a minimum of years of service and a mini- 
mum and maximum age of retirement for the employe. [1969 c.OOX s.561 

558.355 District to budget for retirement system. The district may budget and 
provide for payment info the fund of the retirement plan an amount sufficient: 

(3 ) To provide on an actuarial reserve basis the amortized level premium cost 
o'* Hie retirement benefits which, under the provision of the retirement system, 
arc to be provided by the district to its employes who attain the retirement age 
Or retire in accordance with the terms of the retirement plan. 

C2) To meet the actuarially computed costs of retirement benefits measured 
on the basis of services rendered or to be rendered by an employe before or after 


the date on which such employe becomes a member of the retirement plan. [1969 
c.698 s.57] 

558.360 Employee contribution. The district may collect, as a contribution from 
any employe, that percentage of the salary received by the employe which is 
necessary to fund on an actuarial reserve basis the cost of retirement benefits 
which the employe is required to provide pursuant to the provisions of a retire- 
ment plan. [1969 c.698 s.58] 

558.365 Limitation on membership. Nothing in ORS 558.200 to 558.440 author- 
izes the district to budget, provide for payments or collect contributions to fund 
retirement benefits for an individual who is not in the employment of the district 
at the time of the creation of a membership status under a retirement plan. [1969 
c.698 s.59] 

(Board of Commissioners) 

558400 Powers of district in board; qualifications, terms and election of com- 
missioners. (1) The power and authority given to districts organized under ORS 
558.200 to 558.440 except as therein otherwise provided is vested in and shall be 
exercised by a board of commissioners of the number named in the petition for 
formation, but not more than five, each of whom shall be a qualified voter and 
freeholder within the district. Except as provided in subsection (2) of this 
section, directors shall serve for four-year terms. 

(2) Within 10 days after issuance of the formation order, the number of com- 
missioners named in the petition for formation who received the highest vote 
at the election for formation shall meet and organize, first taking and subscribing 
an oath of office to the effect that they will support the Constitutions of the 
United States and of this state and the laws thereof, and will discharge faithfully 
the duties of commissioner to the best of their ability. They shall determine by 
lot the length of term each shall hold office. If there is an odd number of com- 
missioners, a majority shall have a term expiring four years after the July 1 
immediately following the election and a minority shall have a term expiring 
two years after the July 1 immediately following the election. If there is an even 
number of commissioners, the commissioners shall be divided into two equal 
groups as to terms. One group shall have a term expiring four years after the 
July 1 immediately following the election and the other group shall have a term 
expiring two years after the July 1 immediately following the election. 

(3) A general election shall be held in the district, on the date fixed by ORS 
259.240, for the election of a commissioner to succeed a commissioner whose term 
expires the following July 1, and to elect commissioners to fill any vacancy which 
then may exist. At all elections the voters shall have the qualifications of electors 
of this state and shall have resided in the territory embraced in the district for 
at least 90 days preceding the election. [1969 c.698 s.29; 1971 c.727 s.179; 1973 
c.796 s.71 : 1975 c.647 s.48] 

558.405 [1969 c.698 s.33 ; repealed by 1971 c.23 s.12] 

558.JflO Board meetings; officers; quorum; employing assistance; employe 
benefits. (1) The commissioners shall hold meetings at such time and place 
within the district as they may determine upon. Such meetings must be open to 
the public. They shall hold at least one regular meeting in each month on a day 
to be fixed by them, and may hold special meetings under such rules as they may 

(2) The commissioners shall, at the time of their organization, choose from 
their number a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer, who shall hold their offices 
until the first regular meeting in July, or until their successors are elected and 
qualified. These officers shall have, respectively, the powers and shall perform 
the duties usual in such cases and shall be known as the president, secretary and 
treasurer of the district. A majority shall constitute a quorum to do business 
and, in the absence of the chairman, any other member may preside at any 

(3) The commissioners may employ such engineers, superintendents, mechan- 
ics, clerks or other persons as they may find requisite, necessary or convenient 
in carrying on any work of the district and at such rate of remuneration 
as they may deem just. 

(4) The commissioners may provide life insurance and retirement or pension 
plans for employees of a weather modification district, provided the insurer 
issuing such policy is licensed to do business in the State of Oregon. [1969 c.698 
s.31 : 1971 c.23 s.ll ; 1971 c.403 s.13 ; 1973 c.796 s.72] 

558.415 Increasing number of commissioners. (1) If the numbers of commis- 
sioners in a particular district is less than five. then, upon receipt of petitions 
containing the names of not less than 25 electors in the district and requesting 


that an election be held iu the district on the proposition of increasing the num- 
ber of commissioners to five and nominating a candidate or candidates for each 
additional position, each of whom shall be a qualified voter and freeholder 
within the district, the commissioners may, at their discretion, call a special 
election of the electors of the district to vote on the proposition and on the 
candidates. The election shall be held in accordance with ORS chapter 259, 
If the proposition is approved by a majority of the electors voting at such election, 
the number of commissioners named in the petitions requesting the election, who 
received the highest vote at the election, shall take office as of the next regular 
meeting of commissioners following the election, after first taking and subscrib- 
ing the oath of office. 

(2) If only one additional commissioner is so elected his first term shall be four 
years if immediately before the election there was an even number of commis- 
sioners or two years if immediately before the election there was an odd number 
of commissioners. If more than one additional commissioner is so elected, the 
newly elected commissioners shall at such meeting determine by lot the length of 
term each shall hold office in a manner so as to comply with subsection (2) of 
ORS 558.400. 

[1969 c.698 s.32 : 1973 c.796 s.73 : 1975 c.647 s.49] 
558.420[1969 c.698 s.34 ; repealed by 1971 c.23 s.12] 

558430 Deposit and withdrawal of moneys; annual reports; records. (1) All 
moneys of the district shall be deposited in one or more banks, to be designated 
by the commissioners ; and shall be withdrawn or paid out only when previously 
ordered by vote of the commissioners, and upon checks signed by the treasurer 
and countersigned by the chairman, or in his absence or inability to act, by the 
secretary. A receipt or voucher, showing clearly the nature and items covered by 
each check drawn, shall be kept on file. 

(2) Annual reports shall be made and filed by the chairman, secretary and 
treasurer, and at least once in each year a full and complete itemized statement 
of receipts and expenditures shall be published in a newspaper of general circu- 
lation, published in the county in which the district is situate. 

(3) All the proceedings of the commissioners shall be entered at large in a 
record book. All books, maps, plans, documents, correspondence, vouchers, re- 
ports and other papers and records pertaining to the business of the district shall 
be carefully preserved and shall be open to inspection as public records in the 
office of the county clerk of the county in which the greater part of the district 
is located. [1969 c.698 s.36] 

558440 Calling special elections. The commissioners at any regular meeting 
of the board of commissioners may call a special election of the electors of the 
district. Such an election must be held at the same time as the next succeeding 
state-wide primary or general election. [1969 c.698 s.30 ; 1971 c.647 s.128] 

558.445 [1969 c.698 s.2 ; repealed by 1971 c.647 s.149] 

558.500 [1969 c.698 s.37 ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 

558.510 [1969 c.698 s. 38 ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 

558.520 [1969 c.698 s.39 ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 

558.550[1969 c.698 s.48 : repealed by 1971 c.727 s.2031 

558.555 [1969 c.698 s.49 ; repealed bv 1971 c.727 s.203 1 

558.560[1969 c.698 s.50 ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 

558.565 [1969 c.698 s.51 : repealed by 1971 c727 s.203] 

558. 570 [1969 c.698 s.52 ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 

558.575[1969 c.698 S.53 ; repealed bv 1971 c.647 s.149] 

558.580 [1969 c.698 s.54 ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 

558.585[1969 c.698 S.55 ; repealed bv 1971 c.727 s.203] 

558.600[1969 c.698 s.41 ; repealed bv 1971 c.727 s.203] 

558.610[1969 c.698 s.42 : repealed bv 11)71 c.727 s.203] 

558.620[1969 c. 698 s.43 ; repealed bv 1971 c.727 s.203] 

558.630[1969 C.698 s.44 : repealed by 1971 c.727 s.2031 

558.6501 1969 c.698 s.45 ; repealed by 1971 c.727 s.203] 

55S.(>00[ 19(19 c.698 s.46 : repealed by 1971 c.727 s.191] 

558.670[1969 c.698 s.47 ; repealed by 1971 c.27 s.203] 


558.990 Penalties. Any person who violates any provision of ORS 558.010 to 
558.140 and 558.990 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 
[1953 c.654 s.14] 


General Provisions 

450.010 Establishing master plans and service districts. (1) Master plans 
and service districts may be established as provided by this chapter regarding: 

(a) Sewage works, including all facilities necessary for collecting, pump- 
ing, treating and disposing of sanitary or storm sewage. 

(b) Drainage works, including all facilities necessary for collecting,, 
pumping and disposing of storm and surface water. 

(c) Street lighting works, including all facilities necessary for the light- 
ing of streets and highways. 

(d) Public parks and recreation facilities, including land, structures, equip- 
ment, supplies, and personnel necessary to acquire, develop, and maintain 
such public park and recreation facilities and to administer a program in 
supervised recreation services. 

(e) Diking and flood control works, including all facilities necessary for 
diking and control of water courses. 

(f ) Water supply works, including all facilities necessary for tapping nat- 
ural sources of domestic and industrial water, treating and protecting the 
quality of the water and transmitting it to the point of sale to any city, 
domestic water supply corporation or other public or private agency for ulti- 
mate distribution by the city, corporation or agency to water users. 

(g) Solid waste disposal. This paragraph does not apply in Clackamas, 
Multnomah and Washington Counties. 

(h) Public transportation, including public depots, public parking and 
the motor vehicles and other equipment necessary for the transportation 
of persons together with their personal property. 

(i) Agricultural educational extension services. 

(2) Within the geographical jurisdiction of any local government boundary 
commission established by or pursuant to ORS 199.410 to 199.512, master plans 
and service districts may be established as provided by this chapter regarding; 
(a) Fire prevention and protection- 
CD) Enhanced law enforcement services provided by contract with the 
sheriff of the county. 

(c) Domestic, municipal and industrial water supply service. 

(d) Hospital and ambulance services. 

(e) Library services. 

(f ) Vector control. 

(g) Cemetery maintenance. 

(h) Roads. 

(i) Weather modification. [1963 c.515 s.2 ; 1965 c.246 s.l : 1967 c.538 s.l ; 
1971 c.674 s.l ; 1971 c.687 s.l ; 1973 c.211 s.l ; 1973 c.785 s.l ; 1975 c.630 s.l] 

451420 District may construct and operate service facilities. When author- 
ized as provided in ORS 451.410 to 451.600 a district may construct, maintain and 
operate any or all of the service facilities specified in ORS 451.010. [1955 c.685 
s.2 ; 1963 c.515 s.8 ; 1973 c.785 s.6] 

Pa. Stat. Ann. Tit. 3, Sec. 1101-1118 

Chapter 16 — Weather Modification [New] 


1101. Declaration of policy. 

1102. Definitions. 

1103. Weather Modification Board. 

1104. Administration by department. 

1105. When license registration required. 

1106. Application for license. 

1107. Reeistration of equipment. 

1108. Publication. 

1109. Emergencies ; publication. 

1110. Records. 

1111. Research projects ; safety. 

1112. Enforcement. 

1113. License suspensions, revocations. 

1114. Damage compensation. 

1115. Acts not authorized. 

1116. Penalties. 

1117. Repeal. 

1118. Effective date. 


§ 1101. Declaration of policy 

The public interest, health, safety, welfare and necessity require that scientific 
experimentation in the field of artificial nucleation, and that scientific efforts to 
develop and increase natural precipitation of rain, snow, moisture, or water in 
any form contained in the atmosphere, within the State, be encouraged in order to 
develop, conserve, and protect the natural water resources of the State and to 
safeguard life and property. 1968, Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 1024, § 1. 

%1102. Definitions 
As used in this act — 

(1) "Board" means the Weather Modification Board. 

(2) "Department" means the Department of Agriculture. 

(3) "Operation" means the performance of weather modification and control 
activities pursuant to a single contract entered into for the purpose of producing, 
or attempting to produce, a certain modifying effect within one geographical area 
over one continuing time interval not exceeding one year, or, if the performance 
of weather modification and control activities is to be undertaken individually or 
jointly by a person or persons to be benefited and not undertaken pursuant to a 
contract, "operation" means the performance of weather modification and control 
activities entered into for the purpose of producing, or attempting to produce, a 
certain modifying effect within one geographical area over one continuing time 
interval not exceeding one year. 

(-1) "Person" means any individual, firm, association, organization, partner- 
ship, company, corporation, private or public, political subdivision, or other 
public agency. 

(5) "Research and development" means theoretical analysis, exploration and 
experimentation and the extension of investigative findings and theories of a 
scientific or technical nature into practical application for experimental and 
demonstration purposes, including the experimental production and testing 
of models devices, equipment, materials and processes. 

(6) "Weather modification and control" meaus changing or controlling, or at- 
tempting to change or control, by artificial methods the natural development of 
any or all atmospheric cloud forms and precipitation forms which occur in the 
troposphere. 1968, Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 1024, § 2. 

Library references : Agriculture C^>1. C.J.S. Agriculture § 1 et seq. 
§ 1103. Weather Modification Board 1 

(a) There is hereby created within the department a Weather Modification 
Board. Such advisory board shall be composed of seven members who shall be : 

(1) The Secretary of Agriculture. 

(2) The Secretary of Commerce. 

(3) The Secretary of Health. 

(4) The Dean of the College of Earth Sciences at the Pennsylvania State 

(5) Three members to be appointed by the Governor with the advice and 
consent of the Senate. 

(b) Terms of all appointed members shall be for four years. Appointed members 
shall receive the sum of thirty dollars ($30) per day for each day or part thereof 
devoted to the committee's activities. 1968, Jan. 18, P.L. (1967) 1024, § 1 et seq. 

§ 110'/. Administration by department 

The department shall administer this act and in so doing shall ask for and con- 
sider the recommendations of the board herein created which shall advise on all 
the matters regulated by this act. 1968, Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 1024, §4. 

Library references : Agriculture C=>1. C.J.S. Agriculture § 1 et seq. 

§ 1105. When license registration required 

(a) No person, without first securing a license from the department, shall cause 
or attempt to cause condensation or precipitation oc rain, snow, moisture, or water 
in any form contained in the atmosphere. 

(bj No person without registering with the board shall have in his possession 
any cloud seeding equipment unless he is an employe of or under contract with a 
person conducting a weather modification and control operation who has been 
granted a license by the board. 1908, Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 1024, § ;"». 

Library references: Licenses C=>11(1). C.J.S. Licenses §26 et seq. P.L.E. 
Licenses § 8. 

» Enrolled bill roads "Advisory Committee on Cloud Seeding". 


§ HOG. Application for license 

(a) Any person desiring to do any of the acts specified in section 5 1 may file 
witli the board an application in writing for a license. Each application shall be 
accompanied by a filing fee fixed by the board but not to exceed one hundred 
dollars ($100), and shall be on a form to be supplied for such purpose by the 

(b) Every application shall set forth all of the following : 

(1) The name and post-office address of the applicant. 

(2) The previous education, experience, and qualifications of the applicant, 
or, if the applicant is other than an individual, the previous education, 
experience, and qualifications of the persons who will be in control of and 
charged with the operations of the applicant. Previous experience includes 
sub-contracting or counseling services. 

(3) A general description of the operations which the applicant intends to 
conduct and the method and type of equipment including all nucleating 
agents, that the applicant proposes to use. Aircraft must be listed by numbers 
and pilots' names. 

(4) A statement listing all employes, who are residents of Pennsylvania, 
and/or who will be directly employed in the intended operation. 

(5) A bond or insurance covering any damage the licensee may cause 
through his operations in an amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or 
other evidence of financial responsibility shall be furnished and executed 

• at the time of the grant of the license. 

(6) Every applicant shall have a resident agent within the Commonwealth. 

(c) Upon the filing of the application upon a form supplied by the board and 
containing the information prescribed by this act and accompanied by the required 
filing fee and bond or insurance, the board may issue a license to the applicant 
entitling the applicant to conduct the operations described in the application for 
the calendar year for which the license is issued, unless the license is sooner 
revoked or suspended or modified. 

(d) A license may be renewed annually upon application to the board, 
accompanied by a renewal fee fixed by the board but not to exceed one hundred 
dollars ($100) , on or before the last day of January of the calendar year for which 
the license is renewed. 196S, Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 1024, § 6. 

Library references : Licenses Q^>22. C.J.S. Licenses §§ 34, 38, 39. P.L.E. Licenses 

§ 1107. Registration of equipment 

Every person not desiring a license who owns or possesses cloud seeding equip- 
ment shall promptly register the same with the board on a form furnished by it. 
1968. Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 1024, § 7. 

Library references : Licenses <&z>24. C.J.S. Licenses § 41. P.L.E. Licenses § 16. 

§ 1108. PuUication 

(a) Prior to undertaking any operation authorized by the license, the licensee 
shall file with the department and cause to be published a notice of intention. The 
licensee shall then confine his activities for that operation substantially within the 
time and area limits set forth in the notice of intention. 

(b) The notice of intention shall set forth all of the following : 

(1) The name and address of the licensee. 

(2) The nature and object of the intended operation and the person or 
persons on whose behalf it is to be conducted. 

(3) The area in which and the approximate time during which the opera- 
tion will be conducted. 

(4) The area which will be affected by the operation as near as the same 
may be determined in advance. 

(c) The licensee shall cause the notice of intention to be published once a week 
for three successive weeks in a newspaper having a general circulation and pub- 
lished within any county wherein the operation is to be conducted and in which 
the affected area is located, or, if the operation is to be conducted in more than 
one -com: tv or if the affected area is located in more than one county or is located 
in a county other than the one in Which the operation is to be conducted, then such 
notice shall be published in like manner in a newspaper having a general cir- 
culation and published within each of such counties. In case there is no newspaper 
published within the appropriate county, publication shall be made in a newspaper 
having a general circulation within the county. 

1 Section 1105 of this title. 


(d) Proof of publication shall be filed by the licensee with the department 
within fifteen days from the date of the last publication of the notice. Proof of 
publication shall be by copy of the notice as published atached to and made a part 
of the affidavit of the publisher or foreman of the newspaper publishing the 
notice. 1968, Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 1024, § 8. 

Library references : Licenses 0=^22. C.J.S. Licenses §§ 34, 38, 39. P.L.E. Licenses 
§ 16. 

§1109. Emergencies; publication 

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this act to the contrary, the board may 
grant a licensee permission to undertake an emergency nucleation project, with- 
out prior compliance by the licensee with the provisions of section 8(a), 1 if the 
same appears to the department to be necessary or desirable in aid of extinguish- 
ment of tires. 

(b) Notwithstanding any provision of this act to the contrary, upon request of 
the county commissioners, of a county or of the governing body of a city, borough, 
town or tow nships, and upon the submission of such supporting evidence as the 
board may require, the board may grant a licensee permission to undertake a 
nucleation project for the purpose of alleviating a drought emergency, without 
prior compliance by the licensee with the provisions of section 8(a) requiring 
publication of notice of intention, if such project appears to the department to 
Jbe necessary or desirable. 

(o Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as to relieve the li- 
censee in the cases set forth in subsection (a) or (b) of this section from com- 
pliance with the provisions of section 8 requiring publication of notice of inten- 
tion and riling of proof of such publication, as soon after the granting of permis- 
sion by the board as is practicable. In lieu thereof the licensee may furnish equiv- 
alent transmission of notice of intention by radio or television, and prof thereof, 
as soon after the granting of permission by the board as is practicable. 1968, Jan. 
19. P.L. (1967) 1024, §9. 

Library references : Licenses <3=^22. C.J.S. Licenses §§ 34, 38, 39. P.L.E. Licenses 

$1110. Accords 

(a) Every licensee shall keep and maintain a record of all operations con- 
ducted by him pursuant to his license showing the method employed, the type of 
equipment used, the times and places of operation of the equipment, the names and 
post office address of each person participating or assisting in the operation other 
than the licensee, and such other information as may be required by the board, 
and shall report the same to the board immediately upon the completion of each 

(b) Each licensee shall further prepare and maintain an evaluation statement 
for each operation which shall include a report as to estimated precipitation, defin- 
ing the gain or loss occurring from nucleation activities, together with supporting 
data therefor. This statement, together with such other pertinent information as 
tbe board may require, shall be sent to the board upon completion and be avail- 
able to inspection by the board at all times on the licensee's premises. 

(ci The board shall require written reports concerning each operation con- 
ducted by a licensee under this act. 

i d ) All information on an operation shall be submitted to the board before any 
information on such operation may be released to the public. 

(e) The reports and records in the custody of the board shall be open for public 
examination as public documents. 1968, Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 1024, §10. 

Library references: Licenses C^> 36. C.J.S. Licenses §42. P.L.E. Licenses §36. 

§ ////. Research projects: safety 

(ii) Research work within the province of this statute shall be permitted only 
when authorized by the board. 

(In Government and armed forces projects within the province of this statute 
must meet all the requirements of this act. 

(c) No nucleating agent may be used in concentrations dangerous to man or 
causes environmental pollution as determined bv the State Department of Health. 
L968, Jan. 1!>. P.L. (1967) 1024, §11. 

Library references: Agriculture Ol. C.J.S. Agriculture § 1 et seq. 

§ It 12. Enforcement 

In order to enforce the provisions of this act, the Pennsylvania State Police 

i Section 1108 of tliis title. 


shall, on request of the board, assign at least one trooper and one investigator 
to an area where unlawful cloud seeding is suspected. If such police request the 
same, the Pennsylvania Aeronautics Commission shall assign an airplane and 
pilot. Air samples shall be taken by the Pennsylvania Air Pollution Commission if 
requested by the State Police or the board. For such enforcement purposes, the 
State Department of Health shall furnish such technical services as the board 
may request. 1968, Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 1024, § 12. 

§ 111S. License suspensions, revocations 

Any license may be revoked, suspended or modified if the board finds, after due 
notice to the licensee and a hearing thereon, that the licensee has failed or re- 
fused to comply with any of the provisions of this act. The proceedings herein 
referred to shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the act of 
June 4, 1945 (P.L. 1388). known as the "Administrative Agency Law," 1 and the 
board shall have all the powers granted therein. 1968, Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 1024, 

Library references: Licenses 3S. C.J.S. Licenses §§43, 44. P.L.E. Licenses 

§ 1114. Damage compensation 

Any licensee who causes a drought as determined by the board shall compen- 
sate farmers for damages. Any licensee who by causing heavy downpours or 
storms which cause damage to lands as determined by the board shall com- 
pensate farmers and property owners for such damages. 1968, Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 
1024, § 14. 

Library references : Agriculture C=> 1. C.J.S. Agriculture § 1 et seq. 
§ 1115. Acts not authorized 

(a) Nothing contained in this act shall authorize any person to carry out a 
cloud seeding operation from Pennsylvania to seed in another state where such 
cloud seeding is prohibited. 

(b) Nothing contained in this act shall be construed to authorize the suppres- 
sion of lightning. 1968. Jan. 19. P.L. (1967 | . 1024, § 15. 

Library references : Agriculture C=> 1. C.J.S. Agriculture § 1 et seq. 

§ 1116. Penalties 

.(a) Any airplane pilot who flies an airplane with numbers invisible to escape 
identification under this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- 
tion thereof, have his license revoked for a period of five years. 

(b) Any airport owner or operator who boards cloud seeding planes to seed 
clouds or who operates as a cloud seeder without a license shall be guilty of a 
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof have his airport permit revoked for 
one year and be sentenced to pay a fine of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and 
for a second or subsequent offense, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of fiftv 
thousand dollars ($50,000). 

(c) Any person knowingly having in his possession without registering the 
same with the department any cloud seeding equipment shall, on conviction 
thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of ten thousand dollars ($10.000) . 

(d) Any person who makes any false statement to secure a license under 
this act shall. 011 conviction thereof, have his license revoked permanently. 

ie> Any person who violates any other provision of this act is guilty of a 
misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not 
exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000) or undergo imprisonment for not 
exceeding one year, or both. 1968. Jan. 19. P.L. (1967) 1024. § 16. 

Library references: Aviation 123. C.J.S. Aerial Navigation §§ 11, 16. P.L.E. 
Aeronautics § 1. 

§ 1117. Repeal 

The act of November 9. 1965 (P.L. 677), entitled "An act prohibiting certain 
weather modification activities whenever the county commissioners shall adopt 
a resolution stating that such action is detrimental to the welfare of the county, 
and providing penalties." is repealed." 1968, Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 1024, §17. 

Library references: Agriculture <D=> 1. C.J.S. Agriculture § 1 et seq. 

§ 1118. Effective date 

This act shall take effect immediately. 1968, Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 1024, § 18. 

1 71 P.S. § 1710.1 et seq. 
3 18 P.S. §§ 3S71 to 3874. 


South Dakota 

S.D. Compiled Laws Ann. Sees. 38-9-1-38-9-22; 1-40-8; 10-12-18 

1-^0-8. Administrative functions performed for weather modification com- 
mission. — Except as provided by §38-9-4.1, the department of natural resource 
development shall, under the direction and control of the secretary of natural 
resource development, perform all administrative functions except special 
budgetary functions (as defined in §1-32-1) of the weather modification 

Chapter 3S-9 — Weather Modification Activities 


3&-9-I. Definition of terms. 

38-9-3. Policy and purpose of regulation. 

38-9-4. Weather modification commission established — Composition. 

3S-9-4.1. Direction and supervision by department of natural resource development — 

Independent functions retained by commission. 
38-9-5. Areas from which members of commission appointed. 
38-9-6. Repealed. 

3S-9-9. Operations and research activities. 
38-9-10.1. Utilization of technical resources of schools. 
38-9-11.1. Co-operation with counties — County participation. 

38-9-12. License and permit required to engage in Aveather modification — Violation of 
terms unlawful. 

38-9-12.1. Exemption of experimental and emergency activities. 
38-9-13. Repealed. 

38-9-14. Issuance of license to competent applicant — Competence of organization — 
Application fee. 

3S-9-15. Fee required on issuance or renewal of license — Disposition. 
38-9-10, 38-9-17. Repealed. 
38-9—18. Expiration of licenses. 
38-9-1S.1. Issuance of renewal license. 

38-9-1S.2. Permits issued to licensees — Fee — Publication of notice of intention — Finan- 
cial responsibility. 
3S-9-18.3. Means of proving financial responsibility. 
38-9-18.4. Permit fee — Disposition. 

38-9-18.5. Permit required for each operation — Maximum duration of permit. 
38-9-19. Suspension, revocation, refusal or refusal to renew license or permit. 
38—9—19.1. Modification of permit- — Notice and hearing. 

38-9-21. Unlicensed weather modification activity as misdemeanor — Penalty. 
3S-9-22. Administration by department — Powers retained by commission. 
38-9-23. Repealed. 

3S-9-1. Definition of terms. — As used in this chapter : 

(1) The term "weather modification" means performing any activity with the 
int . 'nt ion of producing artifical changes in the composition, behavior, or dynamics 
of the atmosphere. 

(2) and (3) * * * [Same as parent volume.] 

(4) The term "operation" means the performance of weather modification 
activities entered into for the purpose of producing, or attempting to produce, a 
certain modifying effect within one geographical area over one continuing time 
interval not exceeding one yea»\ 

38-9-3. Policy and purpose of regulations. — It is hereby declared that weather 
modification techniques for precipitation management should be used to aug- 
ment precipitation and decrease hailfall damage in South Dakota. The applica- 
tion of weather modification techniques shall be carried out under proper safe- 
guards to supply sufficient data and accurate information in order to provide 
a net economic benefit and enhance knowledge concerning weather modification 
and to protect life, property and the public interest. 

38-9-J/. Weather modification commission established — Composition. — There 
is hereby established a weather modification commission, hereinafter called the 
commission composed of seven representatives, one from each area designated by 
§ 38-9-5, to be appointed biennially by the Governor on July first and provided 
further, no more than four shall be from any one political party. 

38-9'/. J. Direction and supervision by department of natural resource de- 
velopment — Independent functions retained by commission. — The weather modi- 
fication commission shall be administered under the direction and supervision 
of the department of natural resource development and the secretary thereof, but 
shall retain the quasi-judicial, quasi-legislative, advisory, other nonadministra- 
tive and special budgetary functions (as defined in §1-32-1) otherwise vested 
in it and shall exercise tbosp functions independently of the secretary of natural 
resource development. The commission shall also retain the function pf setting 
the te rms of and approving the contracts with otber units of government for the 
sharing of the costs of weather modification operations. 


88-9-5. Areas from, which members of commission appointed. — Representa- 
tives of the commission shall be appointed from areas containing the following 
counties : 

Area I — Bennett, Custer, Fall River, Haakon, Jackson, Pennington, Shannon 
and Washabaugh; Area II — Butte, Harding, Lawrence, Meade and Perkins; 
.Area III — Campbell, Corson, Dewey, Hughes, Potter, Stanley, Sully, Walworth 
and Ziebach ; Area IV — Aurora, Brule, Buffalo, Charles Mix, Davison, Douglas, 
Gregory, Jerauld, Jones, Lyman, Mellette, Sanborn, Todd and Tripp; Area V^- 
Bon Homme, Clay, Hanson, Hutchinson, Lake, Lincoln, MeCook, Miner, Minne- 
haha, Moody, Turner, Union and Yankton ; Area VI — Beadle, Brown, Edmunds, 
Faulk, Hand, Hyde, McPherson and Spink ; Area VII — Brookings, Clark, Cod- 
ington, Day. Deuel, Grant, Hamlin, Kingsbury, Marshall and Roberts. 

38-9-9. Operations and research activities. — The commission shall carry on 
operations and research on a state-wide basis, by its own staff, or by contract 
with approved cloud seeding organizations or in co-operation with other agencies 
as provided by law. 

38-9-10.1. Utilization of technical resources of schools. — Pa carrying out the 
purposes of this chapter, the commission shall utilize to the extent possible the 
facilities and technical resources of the public and private educational institu- 
tions of the state. 

38-9-11.1. Co-operation with counties — County participation. — The commis- 
sion may, at its discretion, co-operate wuth county programs of weather modifi- 
cation in carrying out the purposes of this chapter, and in addition to the powers 
of counties specified in § 10-18, counties may contribute to and participate in 
any weather modification program carried out by the state. 

38-9-12. License and permit required to engage in weather modification — 
Violation of terms unlawful. — It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in 
activities for weather modification without a weather modification license and 
a weather modification permit issued by the commission or in violation of any 
term or condition of the license or the permit except as the commission shall 
provide by regulation under § 38-9-12.1. 

38-9-12.1 Exemption of experimental and emergency activities. — The com- 
mission, to the extent it considers exemptions practical, shall provide for ex- 
empting laboratory research and experiments and activities of an emergency 
nature against fire, frost, sleet or fog from the license and permit requirements 
of this chapter. 

Source: SL 1973, ch 254, § 10. See Tex Vernon's Civ Code, Art 8280-12, § 8 (2), 

38-9-13. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 254, § 21. 

38-9-14- Issuance of license to competent applicant — Competence of organi- 
zation — Application fee. — The commission, in accordance with its regulations, 
shall issue a weather modification license to each applicant who pays the license 
fee and who demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the commission, competence 
in the field of meteorology which is reasonably necessary to engage in w T eather 
modification activities. If the applicant is an organization, the competence must 
be demonstrated by the individual or individuals who are to be in control and 
in charge of the operation for the applicant. Each application shall be accom- 
panied by a fee of twenty-five dollars. 

38-9-15. Fee required on issuance or renewal of license — Disposition. — Any 
person issued an original license or a renewal license under this chapter shall pay 
a fee of one hundred dollars. The money collected from such fees shall be depos- 
ited with the state treasurer in the state general fund. 

38-9-16, 38-9-17. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 254, § 21. 

38-9-18. Expiration of licenses. — Each original license or renewal license 
issued under this chapter shall expire on December thirty-first of the year for 
which it was issued. 

38-9-18.1. Issuance of renewal license. — At the expiration of the license 
period, the commission shall issue a renewal license to each applicant who pays 
the license fee and who has the qualifications necessary for issuance of an 
original license. 

Source : SL 1973, ch 254, § 14. 

38-9-18.2. Permits issued to licensees — Fee — Publication of notice of inten- 
tion — Financial responsibility. — The commission, in accordance with its regula- 
tions, shall issue a weather modification permit to each applicant who holds a 
valid weather modification license, pays the permit fee, publishes such notice 
of intention as the commission shall require by regulation and submits proof 
of publication, and furnishes proof of financial responsibility. 

Source : SL 1973, ch 254, § 15. 

34-857—79 41 


38-9-18.3. Means of proving financial responsibility. — Proof of financial re- 
sponsibility is made by showing, to the satisfaction of the commission, that the 
licensee has the ability to respond in damages for liability which might reason- 
ably result from the operation for which the permit is sought. 

Source : SL 1973. ch 254, § IS. See Tex Vernon's Civ Code, Art 8280-12, § 14. 

38-9-184. Permit fee — Disposition—Any person issued a permit under this 
chapter shall pay a fee of one hundred dollars. The money collected from such 
fees shall be deposited with the state treasurer in the state general fund. 

Source : SL 1973, ch 254, § 16. 

38-9-18.5. Permit required for each operation — Maximum duration of per- 
mit. — A separate permit is required for each operation. The commission shall 
not issue a permit for operations in an area for a period to exceed one year. 

Source : SL 1973, ch 254, § 17. 

SS-9-19. Suspension, revocation, refusal or refusal to renew license or per- 
mit. — The commission may suspend or revoke a license or permit if it appears that 
the licensee no longer has the qualifications necessary for the issuance of an 
original license or permit or has violated any provision of this chapter. The 
commission may refuse to renew the license of, or to issue another permit to, 
any applicant who has failed to comply with any provision of this chapter. 

38-9-19.1. Modification of permit — Xotiee and hearing. — The commission may 
modify the terms and conditions of a permit if the licensee is first given notice 
and reasonable opportunity for a hearing on the need for a modification and it 
appears to the commission that a modification is necessary to protect the health 
or property of any person. 

Source : SL 1973, ch 254, § 19. See Tex Vernon's Civ Code, Art 8280-12. § 17(2). 

38-9-21. Unlicensed weather modification activity as misdemeanor — 
Penalty. — Any person or persons engaging in any type of weather modification 
activities without a valid license and permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, 
and subject to a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars or by imprisonment in 
the county jail for a period not to exceed thirty days, for each such offense. 

38-9-22. Administration by department — Powers retained by commission. — 
The department of natural resource development shall administer and enforce 
the provisions of this chapter, provided, however, that the commission shall 
retain the authority and policy powers reserved to it by § 38-9—1.1. 

10-12-18. County weather-modification levy authorized — Maximum rate — 
Contractors to be licensed. — The board of county commissioners of each county 
may levy and collect annually a tax of not to exceed one mill upon assessed 
valuation of the property in said county, for a "weather-modification'' fund, 
which levy shall lie exclusive of the maximum levy provided by law. The board 
of county commissioners of counties which have sixteen million dollars or less 
in assessed valuation of property in that county may levy and collect annually 
a tax of not to exceed two mills on the assessed valuation of the property in 
that county, which levy shall be exclusive of the maximum levy provided by 
law. Such fund shall be used only for the gathering of information upon, aiding 
in or conducting any program for weather modification, as defined by law. within 
said county, or in conjunction with any other county or counties. The provisions 
of chapter 7-21, relating to county budgeting shall not apply to appropriations 
made under the provisions of this section. Provided, however, that for only the 
initial or first appropriation of said "weather-modification"' activities as afore- 
mentioned, said county commissioners may, at their discretion, appropriate from 
moneys not otherwise appropriated in the general fund, such moneys as are 
necessary for carrying out the provisions of this section, provided that said ap- 
propriation shall not exceed an amount equal to one mill levy upon the assessed 
valuation of the property in said county. The board of county commissioners 
shall enter into no contract or agreement for any such purpose except with one 
who has been duly licensed under the provisions of chapter 38-9. except for the 
purpose of gathering information they may enter into a contract or agreement 
with a state agency not licensed. 


Texas Water Code Tit. 2 Sees. 14.001-14.112; Texas Civil Code tit. 120A, Sec. 

Weather Modification 

Sec. If). The Division of Disaster Emergency Services shall keep continuously 
apprised of weather conditions which present danger of precipitation or other 
climatic activity severe enough to constitute a disaster. If the division determines 


that precipitation that may result from weather modification operations, either 
by itself or in conjunction with other precipitation or climatic conditions or 
activity, would create or contribute to the severity of a disaster, it shall request 
in the name of the governor that the officer or agency empowered to issue per- 
mits for weather modification operations suspend the issuance of the permits. 
On the governor's request, no permits may be issued until the division informs 
the officer or agency that the danger has passed. 

Chapter 14. Weather Modification 
Subchapter A. General Provisions 


14.001. Short Title. 

14.002. Definitions. 

[Sections 14.003 to 14.010 reserved for expansion] 

Subchapter B. Powers and Duties of Board 

14.011. Regulations — In General. 

14.012. Regulations — Licenses and Permits. 

14.013. Regulations — Safety. 

14.014. Studies ; Investigations ; Hearings. 

14.015. Advisory Committees. 

14.016. Personnel. 

14.017. Materials and Equipment. 
14.01S. Interstate Compacts. 

14.019. Contracts, Cooperative Agreements. Etc. 

14.020. Promotion of Research and Development. 

14.021. Grants. Gifts, Etc. 

14.022. Disposition of License and Permit Fees. 

14.023. Oaths of Witnesses ; Subpoenas. 
[Sections 14.024 to 14.040 reserved for expansion] 

Subchapter C. Licenses and Permits 

14.041. License and Permit Required. 

14.042. Exemptions. 

14.043. Issuance of License. 

14.044. License Fee. 
14.043. Expiration Date. 
14.046. Renewal License. 

[Sections 14.047 to 14.060 reserved for expansion] 

14.061. Issuance of Permit. 

14.062. Permit Fee. 

14.063. Scope of Permit. 

14.064. Application and Notice of Intention. 

14.065. Content of Notice. 

14.066. Publication of Notice. 

14.067. Proof of Publication : Affidavit. 

14.068. Proof of Financial Responsibility. 

14.069. Modification of Permit. 

14.070. Scope of Activity. 

14.071. Records and Reports. 

[Sections 14.072 to 14.090 reserved for expansion] 

Subchapter D. Sanctions 

1091. Suspension ; Revocation ; Refusal to Renew. 

1092. Hearing Required. 

1093. Record of Hearing. 

[Sections 14.094 to 14.100 reserved for expansion] 

1101. Immunity of State. 

1102. Private Legal Relationships. 

[Sections 14.103 to 14.110 reserved for expansion] 

1111. Penalty 

1112. Enforcement by Board. 

Subchapter A. General Provisions 
Section U.001. Short Title 

This chapter may be cited as the Weather Modification Act. 
| Uf.002. Definitions 

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different definition : 

(1) "board" means the Texas Water Development Board ; 

(2) "weather modification and control" means changing or controlling, 
or attempting to change or control, by artificial methods, the natural devel- 
opment of atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in 
the troposphere ; 

(3) "operation" means the performance of weather modification and 
.control activities entered into for the purpose of producing, or attempting 


to produce, a certain modifying effect within one geographical area over one 
continuing time interval not exceeding four years : and 

(4) "research and development" means theoretical analysis, exploration, 
experimentation, and the extension of investigative findings and theories 
of a scientific or technical nature into practical application for experimental 
and demonstration purposes, including the experimental production and 
testing of models, devices, equipment, materials, and processes. 
Amended by Acts 1975, 64th Leg., p. 1394, ch. 538, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1975. 
1975 Amendment. In subd. (3), substituted "four years" for "one year". 

Subchapter B. Powers and Duties of Board 

§ H.QH. Regulations — In General 

The board may make regulations necessary to the exercise of its powers and the 
performance of its duties under this chapter. 

§ 14-012. Regulations — Licenses and Permits 

In order to effectuate the purposes of this chapter, the board may make regu- 
lations establishing procedures and conditions for the issuance of licenses and 

§ 14.013. Regulations— Safety 

The board may, by regulation or order, establish any standards and instruc- 
tions to govern the carrying out of research or projects in weather modification 
and control that the board considers necessary or desirable to minimize danger 
to health or property. 

§ 14-014- Studies; Investigations; Hearings 

The board may make any studies or investigations, obtain any information, 
and hold any hearings the board considers necessary or proper to assist it in 
exercising its power or administering or enforcing this chapter or any regulations 
or orders issued under this chapter. 

§ 14-015. Advisory Committees 

The board may establish advisory committees to advise the board and to make 
recommendations to the board concerning legislation, policies, administration, 
research, and other matters. 

§ I4.OI6. Personnel 

The board may, as provided by the general appropriations act, point and fix 
the compensation of any personnel, including specialists and consultants, neces- 
sary to perform its duties and functions under this chapter. 

§ 14.017. Materials and Equipment 

The board may acquire, in the manner provided by law, any materials, equip- 
ment, and facilities necessary to perform its duties and functions under this 

§ 1^.018. Interstate Compacts 

The board may represent the state in matters pertaining to plan procedure*, 
or negotiations for interstate compacts relating to weather modification and 

§ 14-019. Contracts, Cooperative Agreements, Etc. 

(a) The board may cooperate with public or private agencies to promote the 
purposes of this chapter. 

(b) The board may enter into cooperative agreements with the United States 
or any of its agencies, or with counties and cities of tbis state, or with any pri- 
vate or public agencies, for conducting weather modification or cloud-seeding 

(c) The board may represent the state, counties, cities, and public and private 
agencies in contracting with private concerns for the performance of weather 
modification or cloud-seeding operations. 

§ V h 020. Promotion of Research and Development 

(a) In order to assist in expanding the theoretical and practcial knowledge 
01' weal her modification and control, the board shall provide continuous research 
and development in : 


(1) the theory and development of methods of weather modification and 
control, including processes, materials, and devices related to these methods ; 

(2) the utilization of weather modification and control for agricultural, 
industrial, commercial, and other purposes ; and 

(3) the protection of life and property during research and operational 

(b) The board may conduct and may contract for research and development 
activities relating to the purposes of this section. 

§ 11021. Grants, Gifts, Etc. 

Subject to any limitations imposed by law, the board may accept federal 
grants, private gifts, and donations from any other source. Unless the use of the 
money is restricted or subject to any limitations provided by law, the board 
may spend it for the administration of this chapter or may, by grant, contract, 
or cooperative arrangement, use the money to encourage research and develop- 
ment by a public or private agency. 

§ 14.022. Disposition of License and Permit Fees 

The board shall deposit all license and permit fees in the state treasury. 
§ l.'f.023. Oaths of Witnesses; Subpoenas 

(a) In conducting any hearing, the board or a representative designated by 
it may administer oaths and examine witnesses. 

(b) The board or a representative designated by it may issue subpoenas to 
compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, records, docu- 
ments, and instruments. 

Subchapter C. Licenses and Permits 

§ lJf.0 ' t l. License and Permit Required 

Except as provided by regulation of the board under Section 14.042 of this 
code, no person may engage in activities for weather modification and control : 

(1) without a weather modification license and a weather modification permit 
issued by the board ; or 

(2) in violation of any term or condition of the license or the permit. 

§ 14.042. Exemptions 

The board, to the extent it considers exemptions practical, shall provide by 
regulation for exempting the following activities from the license and permit 
requirements of this chapter : 

(1) research, development, and experiments conducted by state and 
federal agencies, institutions of higher learning, and bona fide nonprofit 
research organizations ; 

(2) laboratory research and experiments ; 

(3) activities of an emergent nature for protection against fire, frost, 
isleet ,or fog ; and 

(4) activities normally conducted for purposes other than inducing, in- 
creasing, decreasing, or preventing precipitation or hail. 

§ 14.04s. Issuance of License 

(a) The board, in accordance with its regulations, shall issue a weather modi- 
fication license to each applicant who : 

(1) pays the license fee ; and 

(2) demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the board, competence in the field 
of meteorology which is reasonably necessary to engage in weather modifi- 
cation and control activities. 

(b) If the applicant is an organization, the competence must be demonstrated 
by the individual or individuals who are to be in control and in charge of the 
operation for the applicant. 

§ 14.044. License Fee 

The fee for an original or renewal license is $50. 
§ 14.045. Expiration Date 

Each original or renewal license expires at the end of the state fiscal year for 
which it was issued. 


§ llf.0^6. Renewal License 

At the expiration of the license period, the board shall issue a renewal license 
to each applicant who pays the license fee and who was the qualifications neces- 
sary for issuance of an original license. 

§ lJf.OGl. Issuance of Permit 

(a) The board, in accordance with its regulations, and upon a finding that the 
weather modification and control operation as proposd in the permit application 
will not significantly dissipate the clouds and j>revent their natural course of de- 
veloping rain in the area where the operation is to be conducted to the material 
detriment of persons or property in that area, may issue a weather modification 
permit to each applicant who : 

(1) holds a valid weather modification license ; 

(2) pays the permit fee ; 

(3) publishes a notice of intention and submits proof of publication as re- 
quired by this chapter ; and 

(4) furnishes proof of financial responsibility. 

(b) The Board shall, if requested by at least 25 persons, hold at least one public 
hearing in the area where the operation is to be conducted prior to the issuance 
of a permit. 

Amended by Acts 1975, 64th Leg., p. 13,94, ch. 538, § 2, eff. Sept. 1, 1975. 

1975 Amendment. Substituted, in present subsec. (a), "and upon finding that the 
weather * * * persons or property in that area, may" for "shall" and added subsec. (b). 

§ V h 062. Permit Fee 

The fee for each permit is $25. 
§ 1^.063. Scope of Permit 

A separate permit is required for each operation. If an operation is to be con- 
ducted under contract, a permit is required for each separate contract. The board 
shall not issue a permit for a contracted operation unless it covers a continuous 
period not to exceed four years. 

Amended by Acts 1975, 64th Leg., P. 1395, ch. 538. § 3, eff. Sept. 1, 1975. 
1975 Amendment. Substituted "four years" for "one year". 

§ 14.O64. Application and Notice of Intention 

Before undertaken any operation, a licensee shall file an application for a per- 
mit and shall have a notice of intention published as required by this chapter. 

§ 1^.065. Content of Notice 
In the notice of intention the applicant shall include : 

(1) the name and address of the licensee ; 

(2) the nature and object of the intended operation and the person or 
organization on whose behalf it is to be conducted ; 

(3) the area in which and the approximate time during which the opera- 
tion is to be conducted ; 

(4) the area which is intended to be affected by the operation ; and 

(5) the materials and methods to be used in conducting the operation. 

§ 14.066. Publication of Notice 

The notice of intention shall be published at least once a week for three con- 
secutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in each county 
in which the operation is to be conducted and in each county which includes any 
part of the affected area. If in any county no newspaper of general circulation is 
published, then publication shall be made in a newspaper having general circu- 
lation in the county. 

%U,.061. Proof of Publication; Affidavit 

The applicant shall file proof of the publication, together with the publishers' 
affidavits, with the board during the 15-day period immediately following the date 
of the last publication. 

§ 1J/.068. Proof of Financial Responsibility 

Proof of financial responsibility is made by showing, to the satisfaction of the 
executive director of the board, that the licensee has the ability to respond in 
damages for liability which might reasonably result from the operation for which 
the permit is sought. 


§ 14-069. Modification of Permit 
The board may modify the terms and conditions of a permit if : 

(1) the licensee is first given notice and a reasonable opportunity for a 
hearing on the need for a modification ; and 

(2) it appears to the board that a modification is necessary to protect the 
health or property of any person. 

§ 14-070. Scope of Activity 

Once a permit is issued, the licensee shall confine his activities substantially 
within the limits of time and area specified in the notice of intention, except to the 
extent that the limits are modified by the board. He shall also comply with any 
terms and conditions of the permit as originally issued or as subsequently modi- 
fied by the board. 

§ 14-071. Records and Reports 

(a) A licensee shall keep a record of each operation conducted under permit, 
showing : 

(1) the method employed ; 

(2) the type of equipment used ; 

(3) the kind and amount of each material used ; 

(4) the times and places the equipment is operated ; 

(5) the name and post-office address of each individual, other than the 
licensee, who participates or assists in the operation ; and 

(6) other information required by the board. 

(b) The board shall require written reports covering each operation, whether 
it is exempt or conducted under a permit. 

(c) At the time and in the manner required by the board, a licensee shall sub- 
mit a written report containing the information described in subsection (a) of 
this section. 

(d) All information on an operation shall be submitted to the board before it is 
released to the public. 

(e) The reports and records in the custody of the board shall be kept open for 
public inspection. 

Subchapter D. Sanctions 
§ 14-091. Suspension; Revocation; Refusal to Renew 

(a) The board may suspend or revoke a license or permit if it appears that the 
licensee : 

(1) no longer has the qualifications necessary for the issuance of an origi- 
nal license or permit ; or 

(2) has violated any provision of this chapter. 

(b) The board may refuse to renew the license of, or to issue another permit 
to, any applicant who has failed to comply with any provision of this chapter. 

§ 14-092. Hearing Required 

The board may not suspend or revoke a license or permit without first giving 
the licensee notice and a reasonable opportunity to be heard with respect to the 
grounds for the board's proposed action. 

§ 14.093. Record of Hearing 

The board shall have a record made of all proceedings at each hearing held un- 
der Section 14.092 of this code, and shall have the record filed with its findings 
and conclusions. 

§ 14.101. Immunity of State 

The state and its officers and employees are immune from liability for all 
weather modification and control activities conducted by private persons and 

§ 14.102. Private Legal Relationships 

(a) This chapter does not affect private legal relationships, except that an 
operation conducted under the license and permit requirements of this chapter 
is not an ultrahazardous activity which makes the participants subject to lia- 
bility without fault. 

(b) The fact that a person holds a license or permit under this chapter, or that 
he has complied with this chapter or the regulations issued under this chapter, is 
not admissible as evidence in any legal proceeding brought against him. 


§ U.111. Penalty 

(a) A.person who violates any provision of this chapter or any valid regulation 
or order issued under this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- 
tion is punishable by a line of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000, or by con- 
finement in the county jail for not more than 10 days, or by both. 

(b) A separate offense is committed each day a violation continues. 

§ 14.112. Enforcement oy Board 

(a) Whenever it appears that, a person has violated or is violating, or is 
threatening to violate, any provision of this chapter or any regulation, license, 
permit, or order of the board, then the board, or the executive director when au- 
thorized by the board, may have a civil suit instituted in a district court for in- 
junctive relief to restrain the person from continuing the violation or threat of 
violation, or for the assessment and recovery of a civil penalty of not less than $50 
nor more than $1,000 for each act of violation and for each day of violation, or 
for both injunctive relief and civil penalty. 

(b) Upon application for injunctive relief and a finding that a person is vio- 
lating or threatening to violate any provision of this chapter or any regulation, 
license, permit, or order of the board, the district court shall grant the injunctive 
relief the facts may warrant. 

(c) At the request of the board, or the executive director when authorized by 
the board, the attorney general shall institute and conduct a suit in the name 
of the State of Texas for injunctive relief or to recover the civil penalty or for 
both injunctive relief and penalty, as authorized in Subsection (a) of this section. 
Added by Acts 1971, 62nd Leg., p. 1769, ch. 51S, § 11, eff. May 31, 1971. 


Utah Code Ann. §§ 73-15-3-73-15-8 

Chapter 15 — Modification of Weather 


73—15-3. Cloud seeding to increase precipitation — Control of division of water rosources — 
Powers and authority of division — "Cloud seeding" and •"cloud-seeding proj- 
ect" defined. 

73-15—4. Water from cloud seeding same as natural precipitation — Notice of intent prior 

to cloud-seeding project. 
73-15-5. Transfer of records and data to division — Establishment of reporting and record 

keeping procedures. 
73-1 5-6. Cloud-seeding contractors — Registration. 

73-15-7. Precipitation caused by authorized project not presumed to constitute trespass 
or nuisance. 

73-15-8. Cloud seeding in Utah to target area in adjoining state. 
73-15-1, 73-15-2. Repealed. 

Repeal:; Sections 73-15-1 and 73-15-2 (L». 1953. ch. 129, §§1, 2), relating to 
reports to the department of meterology, state school of mines, of weather modifi- 
cation activities, were repealed by Laws 1973, ch. 193, § 7. For present provisions, 
see 73-15-3 et seq. 

73-15-3. Cloud seeding to increase precipitation — Control of division of icatcr 
fesdiirccs — Powers and authority of division — "Cloud needing" and "cloud-seeding 
project" defined. — The state of Utah through the division of water resources shall 
be the only entity, private or public, that shall have authority to authorize, spon- 
sor, and/or develop cloud-seeding research, evaluation, or implementation proj- 
ects to alter precipitation, cloud forms, or meteorological parameters within the 
state of Utah, except cloud seeding for the suppression of fog is excluded. The 
division of water resources shall authorize, sponsor, and/or develop local or state- 
wide cloud-seeding projects that conform to over-all state water planning objec- 
tives and are determined to be feasible by the division of water resources. The 
division of water resources may contract with the Utah water research labora- 
tory or any other individual or organization for consultation and/or assistance in 
developing cloud-seeding projects or in furthering neces-arv research of cloud 
seeding or other factors that may be affected by cloud-seeding activities. Cloud 
seedinjg as used in this act shall be construed to mean all acts undertaken to arti- 
ficially distribute or create nuclei in cloud masses for the purposes of altering 
precipitation, cloud forms, or other meteorological parameters. A cloud-see;iiiig 
project as used in this act shall be a planned project to evaluate meteorological 
conditions, perform c loud seeding, and evaluate results. 

7.J-/J-.}. Watt* from cloud seeding same as natural precipitation — Notice of 
intent prior to cloud-seeding project. — All water derived as a result of cloud 


seeding shall be considered as a part of Utah's basic water supply the same as all 
natural precipitation water supplies have been heretofore, and all statutory pro- 
visions that apply to water from natural precipitation shall also apply to water 
derived from cloud seeding. A notice of intent shall be hied with the division of 
water rights prior to the commencement of a cloud-seeding project. 
History : L. 1973, ch. 193, § 2. 

13-15-5. Transfer of records and data to division — Establishment of report- 
ing and record keeping procedures. — All records and data collected by depart- 
ment of meteorology of the state school of mines and mineral industries of the 
University of Utah since the enactment of sections 73-15-1 and 73-15-2 shall be 
transferred to the division of water resources, there to be a permanent record. The 
division of water resources shall establish forms and/or criteria for reporting 
data and record keeping and cause that a permanent record is kept of all per- 
tinent data related to cloud-seeding projects, cloud-seeding research projects, or 
research related to other factors that may be affected by cloud-seeding activities. 

History : L. 1973, ch. 193, § 3. 

73-15-6 Cloud-seeding contractors — Registration. — Any individual or orga- 
nization that would like to become a cloud-seeding contractor in the state of Utah 
shall register with the division of water resources. As a part of the registration 
the applicant shall meet qualifications established by the division of water re- 
sources and submit proof of financial responsibility in order to give reasonable 
assurance of protection to the public in the event it should be established that 
damages were caused to third parties as a result of negligence in carrying out a 
cloud-seeding project. 

History : L. 1973, ch. 103, § 4. 

13-15-7 Precipitation caused by authorized project not presumed to emistitute 
trespass or nuisance. — The mere dissemination of materials and substances into 
the atmosphere or causing precipitation pursuant to an authorized cloud-seeding 
project shall not give rise to any presumption that such use of the atmosphere or 
lands constitutes trespass or involves an actionable or enjoinable public or private 

History : L. 1973, ch. 193, § 5. 

73-15-8 Cloud seeding in Utah to target area in adjoining state. — Cloud seed- 
ing in Utah to target an area in an adjoining state is prohibited except upon full 
compliance of the laws of the target area state the same is if the cloud-seeding 
operation took place in the target area state, as well as the other provisions of 
this act. 

History : L. 1973, ch. 193, § 6. 

Repealing Clause. Section 7 of T-nws 1973. ch. 193 provided: "Sections 73-15-1 
and 73-15-2. Utah Code Annotated 1953, as enacted by chapter 129, Laws of Utah 
1953, is repealed." 


Wash. Rev. Code Ann. §§ 43.37.010-43.37.200; 43-27A.080(6) ; 43.27A.180(1) 

Chapter 43.37 — Weather Modification Board 


43.37.010 Definitions. 

43.37.020 Bonrd established — Composition, appointment, qualifications, compensation, 

43.37.030 Powers and duties. 

43.37.040 Promotion of research and development activities, contracts and agreements. 
43.37.050 Hearing procedure. 

43.37.060 Acceptance of sifts, donations, etc. — Weather modification board revolving ac- 
count established, excess fees. 
43.37.070 Staff services, materials, office space — Expenses. 
43.37.0S0 License and permit required. 
43.37.090 Exemptions. 

43.37.100 Licenses — Requirements, duration, renewal, fees. 
42.37.110 Permits — Requirements — Hearings as to issuance. 

43.37.120 Separate permit for each operation — Filing and publishing notice of intention — 

Activities restricted by permit and notice. 
43.37.1 30 Notice of intention — Contents. 

43.37.140 Publication. 

42 .37.1 FiO Financial responsibility. 

43.37.160 Fees — Sanctions for failure to pay. 

43.37.170 Records and renorts — Open to public examination. 

42.37.1S0 Revocation, suspension, modification of license or permit. 

43.37.100 Liability of state denied — Legal rights of private person not affected. 

43.37.200 Penalty. 

43.37.010 Definitions 
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise : 
(1) "Department" means the department of ecology ; 


(2) "Operation" means the performance of weather modification and control 
activities pursuant to a single contract entered into for the purpose of producing 
or attempting to produce, a certain modifying effect within one geographical area 
over one continuing time interval not exceeding one year ; or, in case the per- 
formance of weather modification and control activities is to be undertaken in- 
dividually or jointly by a person or persons to be benefited and not undertaken 
pursuant to a contract, "operation" means the performance of weather modifi- 
cation and control activities entered into for the purpose of producing, or attempt- 
ing to produce, a certain modifying effect within one geographical area over one 
continuing time interval not exceeding one year ; 

(3) "Research and development'' means theoretical analysis exploration and 
experimentation, and the extension of investigative findings and theories of a 
scientific or technical nature into practical application for experimental and 
demonstration purposes, including the experimental production and testing of 
models, devices, equipment, materials, and processes ; 

(4) "Weather modification and control" means changing or controlling, or at- 
tempting to change or control, by artificial methods, the natural development of 
any or all atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in the 
troposphere. [Amended by Laws 1973 ch. 64 § 1, effective July 1. 1973.] 

4S.37.020 Board established — Composition, appointment, aualifteations, eompen- 
sation, quorum 

(1) There is established a weather modification board to consist of the director 
of conservation, who shall be the chairman and wiio shall exercise no vote except 
in case of a tie vote, nine members all appointed by the governor, including a 
member of the faculty of Washington State University, a member of the faculty 
of the University of Washington, one member to be a person experienced in. and 
actually engaged in the commercial production of horticultural products, three 
members to be persons experienced in, and actually engaged in the commercial 
production of other agricultural products, and three members representing the 
general public. Members appointed to represent horticulture, other agricultural 
products, and the general public, shall each represent a different congressional 
district in order that each congressional district of the state shall be represented 
by one such appointee. The term of office of each member of the board appointed 
prior to March 3. 1961 shall be four years, except that the first terms of office of 
such appointed members first taking office shall expire, as determined by the gov- 
ernor at the time of their appointment, one each at the end of the first, second, 
third and fourth years after March 3, 1957. The term of office of each member 
appointed to the board as an additional member because of this amendatory act 
[1061 c 1954 § 1] shall be four years, except that the first terms of office of such 
appointed members first taking office shall expire, as determined by the governor 
at the time of their appointment, two at the end of the first year after March 3. 
1961, and one each at the end of the second, third, and fourth years after March 3. 
1961. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration 
of the term for which his predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the 
remainder of such term. 

(2) Members of the board shall receive no compensation for the performance 
of their duties under the provisions of this chapter; but each member shall be 
reimbursed, to the extent allowed by law from funds available for the adminis- 
tration of this chapter, for expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of 
his duties. 

(3) A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction 
of business. 

17.030 rowers and duties 

In the performance of its functions the department may, in addition to any 
other acts authorized by law: 

(D Establish advisory committees to advise with and make recommendations 
to the department concerning legislation, policies, administration, research, and 
other matters ; 

(2) Establish by regulation or order such standards and instructions to govern 
the carrying out of research or projects in weather modification and control is 
the department may deem necessary or desirable to minimize danger to health 
or property: and make such rules and regulations as are necessary in the per- 
formance of its powers and duties; 


(3) Make such studies, investigations, obtaiu such information, and hold such 
hearings as the department may deem necessary or proper to assist it in exercis- 
ing its authority or in the administration or enforcement of this chapter or any 
regulations or orders issued, thereunder ; 

(4) Appoint and fix the compensation of such personnel, including specialists 
and consultants, as are necessary to perform its duties and functions : 

(5) -Acquire, in the manner provided by law, such materials, equipment, and 
facilities as are necessary to perforin its duties and functions ; 

(6 ) Cooperate with public or private agencies in the performance of the depart- 
ment's functions or duties and in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter ; 

(7) Represent the state in any and all matters pertaining to plans, procedures, 
or negotiations for interstate compacts relating to weather modification and con- 
trol. [Amended by Laws 1973 ch 64 § 2, effective July 1, 1973.] 

Ij.^.M.OIfO Promotion of research mnd development activities — Contracts and 

The department shall exercise its powers in such manner as to promote the 
continued conduct of research and development activities in the fields specified 
below by private or public institutions or persons and to assist in the acquisition 
of an expanding fund of theoretical and practical knowledge in such fields. To 
this end the department may conduct, and make arrangements, including con- 
tracts and agreements, for the conduct of. research and development activities 
relating to : 

(1) The theory and development of methods of weather modification and con- 
trol, including processes, materials, and devices related thereto; 

i - i Utilization of weather modification and control for agricultural, indus- 
trial, commercial, and other purposes; 

(3) The protection of life and property during research and operational activi- 
ties. [Amended by Laws 1973 ch § 3, effective July 1, 1973.] 

Ji3.o7.0o0 — Hearing procedure 

In the case of hearings pursuant to RCW 43.37.1S0 the department shall, and 
in other cases may, cause a record of the proceedings to be taken and filed with 
the department, together with its findings and conclusions. For any hearing, the 
director of the department or a representative designated by him is authorized 
to administer oaths and affirmations, examine witnesses, and issue, in the name 
of the department, notice of the hearing or subpoenas requiring any person to 
appear and testify, or to appear and produce documents, or both, at any desig- 
nated place. [Amended by Laws 1973 ch G4 § 4, effective July 1, 1973.] 

43.37.060 Acceptance of gifts, donations, etc. 

(1) The department may, subject to any limitations otherwise imposed by 
law. receive and accept for and in the name of the state any funds which may 
be offered or become available from federal grants or appropriations, private 
gifts, donations, or bequests, or any other source, and may expend such funds, 
subject to any limitations otherwise provided by law, for the encouragement 
of research and development by a state, public, or private agency, either by direct 
grant, by contract or other cooperative means. 

(2) All license and permit fees paid to the department shall be deposited in the 
state general fund. [Amended by Laws 1973 ch 64 § 5, effective July 1, 1973.] 

43.37.070 Staff services, materials, office space — Expenses 

Repealed by Laws 1973 ch 64 § 19, effective July 1, 1973. 
43.37.080 License and permit required 

Except as provided in RCW 43.37.090, no person shall engage in activities for 
weather modification and control except under and in accordance with a license 
and a permit issued by the department authorizing such activities. [Amended by 
Laws 1973 ch 64 § 6, effective July 1, 1973.] 

43.37.090 Exceptions 

The department, to the extent it deems practical, shall provide by regulation 
for exempting from license, permit, and liability requirements. (1) research and 
development and experiments by state and federal agencies, institutions of higher 
learning, and bona fide nonprofit research organizations; (2) laboratory re- 
search and experiments: (3) activities of an emergent character for protection 
against fire, frost, sleet, or fog; and (4) activities normally engaged in for pur- 


poses other than those of inducing, increasing, decreasing, or preventing precipi- 
tation or hall. [Amended by Laws 1973 ch § 7, effective July 1, 1973.] 

43.37.100 Licenses — Requirements, duration, renewal, fees 

(1) Licenses to engage in activities for weather modification and control 
shall be issued to applicants therefor who pay the license fee required and who 
demonstrate competence in the field of meteorology to the satisfaction of the 
department, reasonably necessary to engage in activities for weather modifica- 
tion and control. If the applicant is an organization, these requirements must 
be met by the individual or individuals who will be in control and in charge of 
the operation for the applicant. 

(2) The department shall issue licenses in accordance with such procedures 
and subject to such conditions as it may by regulation establish to effectuate the 
provisions of this chapter. Each license shall be issued for a period to expire 
at the end of the calendar year in which it is issued and. if the licensee possesses 
the qualifications necessary for the issuance of a new license, shall upon applica- 
tion be renewed at the expiration of such period. A license shall be issued- or 
renewed only upon the payment to the department of one hundred dollars for the 
license or renewal thereof. [Amended of Laws 1973 ch 64 § 8, effective July 
1, 1973.] 

43.37.110 Permits — Requirement? — Hearings as to issuance 

The department shall issue permits in accordance with such procedures and 
subject to such conditions as it may by regulation establish to effectuate the 
provisions of this chapter only : 

(1) If the applicant is licensed pursuant to this chapter ; 

(2) If a sufficient notice of intention is published and proof of publication is 
filed as required by RCW 43.37.140 ; 

(3) If the applicant furnishes proof of financial responsibility, as provided 
in RCW 43.37.150, in an amount to be determined by the department but not to- 
exceed twenty thousand dollars ; 

(4) If the fee for a permit is paid as required by RCW 43.37.160; 

(5) If the weather modification and control activities to be conducted under 
authority of the permit are determined by the department to be for the general 
welfare and public good ; 

(6) If the department has held an open public hearing in Olympia as to such 
issuance. [Amended by Laws 1973 ch 64 § 9, effective July 1, 1973.] 

43.37.120 Separate permit for each operation — Filing and publishing notice of 
intention — Activities restricted by permit and notice 
A separate permit shall be issued for each operation. Prior to undertaking 
any weather modification and control activities the licensee shall file with the 
department and also cause to be published a notice of intention. The licensee, 
if a permit is issued, shall confine his activities for the permitted operation 
within the time and area limits set forth in the notice of intention, unless modi- 
fied by the department ; and his activities shall also conform to any conditions 
imposed by the department upon the issuance of the permit or to the terms of 
the permit as modified after issuance. [Amended by Laws 1973 ch 64 § 10, effec- 
tive July 1, 1973.] 

43.37.130 Notice of intention — Contents 

The notice of intention shall set forth at least all the following : 

(1) The name and address of the licensee ; 

(2) The nature and object of the intended operation and the person or orga- 
nization on whose behalf it is to be conducted ; 

(3) The area in which and the approximate time during which the operation 
will be conducted ; 

(4) The area which is intended to be affected by the operation ; 

(5) The materials and methods to be used in conducting the operation. 

43.37.140 Notice of intention — Publicat ion 

(1) The applicant shall cause the notice of intention, or that portion there- 
of including the items specified in RCW 43.37.130, to be published at least once 
a week for three consecutive weeks in a legal newspaper having a general cir- 
culation and published within any county in which the operation is to be c<>n- 
ducted and in which the affected area is located, or, if the operation is to be con- 
ducted in more than one county or if the affected area is located in more than one 
county or is located in a county other than the one in which the operation is to- 


be conducted, then in a legal newspaper having a general circulation and pub- 
lished within each of such counties. In case there is no legal newspaper published 
within the appropriate county, publication shall be made in a legal newspaper 
having a general circulation within the county. 

(2) Proof of publication, made in the manner provided by law, shall be filed 
by the licensee with the department within fifteen days from the date of the last 
publication of the notice. [Amended by Laws 1973 ch G4 § 11, effective July 1, 

43.37.150 Fina?icial responsibility 

Proof of financial responsibility may be furnished by an applicant by his show- 
ing, to the satisfaction of the department, his ability to respond in damages for 
liability which might reasonably be attached to or result from his weather modi- 
fication and control activities in connection with the rperation for which he seeks 
a permit. [Amended by Laws 1973 ch 64 § 12, effective July 1, 1973.1 

J { 3.31.160 Fees — Sanctions for failure to pay 

The fee to be paid by each applicant for a permit shall be equivalent to one 
and one-half percent of the estimated cost of such operation, the estimated cost 
to lie computed by the department from the evidence available to it. The fee is 
due and payable to the department as of the date of the issuance of the permit; 
however, if the applicant is able to give to the department satisfactory security 
lor the payment of the balance, he may be permitted to commence the operation, 
and a permit may be issued therefor, upon the payment of not less than fifty per- 
cent of the fee. The balance due shall be paid within three months from the date 
of the termination of the operation as prescribed in the permit. Failure to pay a 
permit fee as required shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of the li- 
cence of the delinquent permit holder and grounds for refusal to renew his li- 
cense or to issue any further permits to such person. [Amended by Laws 1973 ch 
04 $ 13, effective July 1. 1973.] 

.'(3.31.170 Reeords and reports — Open to public examination 

(1) Every licensee shall keep and maintain a record of all operations con- 
ducted by him pursuant to his license and each permit, showing the method 
employed, the type of equipment used, materials and amounts thereof used, the 
times and places of operation of the equipment, the name and post office address 
of each individual participating or assisting in the operation other than the li- 
censee, and such other general information as may be required by the department 
and shall report the same to the department at the time and in the manner 

( 2) The department shall require written reports in such manner as it provides 
but not inconsistent' with the provisions of this chapter, covering each operation 
for which a permit is issued. Further, the department shall require written re- 
ports from such organizations as are exempted from license, permit, and liability 
requirements as provided in RCW 43.37.090. 

( 3 ) The reports and records in the custody of the department shall be open for 
public examination. [Amended by Laws 1973 ch 64 § 14, effective July 1, 1973.1 

43.37.180 Revocation, suspension, modification of license or permit 

(1) The department may suspend or revoke any license or permit issued if 
it appears that the licensee no longer possesses the qualifications necessary for 
the issuance of a new license or permit. The department may suspend or revoke 
any license or permit if it appears that the licensee has violated any of the pro- 
visions of this chapter. Such suspension or revocation shall occur only after 
notice to the licensee and a reasonable opportunity granted such licensee to be 
heard respecting the grounds of the proposed suspension or revocation. The de- 
partment may refuse to renew the license of, or to issue another permit to, any 
applicant who has failed to comply with any provision of this chapter. 

(2) The department may modify the terms of a permit after issuance there- 
of if the licensee is first given notice and a reasonable opportunity for a hearing 
respecting the grounds for the proposed modification and if it appears to the 
department that it is necessary for the protection of the health or the property of 
any person to make the modification proposed. [Amended by Laws 1973 ch 64 § 15, 
effective July 1, 1973.1 

43.37.190 Liability of state denied — Legal rights of private persons not affected 
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to impose or accept any liability 
or responsibility on the part of the state, the department, or any state officials 


or employees for any weather modification and control activities of any private 
person or group, nor to affect in any way any contractual, tortious, or other legal 
rights, duties, or liahilities between any private persons or groups. [Amended by 
Laws 1973 ch 64 § 16, effective July 1, 1973.1 

.',3.37.900 Revolving account abolished 

The weather modification board revolving account is hereby abolished. Any 
funds remaining in such account shall be transferred to the general fund. [Added 
by Laws 1973 ch 64 § 17, effective July 1, 1973.1 

.',3.37.200 Penal in 

Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter or any lawful reg- 
ulation or order issued pursuant thereto, shall lie guilty of a misdemeanor : and 
a continuing violation is punishable as a separate offense for each day during 
which it occurs. 

'/3.27A.080 Powers, duties, functions of certain state agencies transferred to 
department — Columbia basin division 
The department shall exercise the powers, duties and functions, through divi- 
sions as provided for in RCW 43.27A.070 of the following state agencies or divi- 
sion of state agencies, and public officials, and all their powers, duties and 
functions are transferred to the department ofsvater resources : 

(1) The division of reclamation of the department of conservation; 

(2) The division of water resources of the department of conservation ; 

(3) The division of flood control of the department of conservation ; 

(4) The division of power resources of the department of conservation ; 

(5) The Columbia basin commission ; 

(6) The weather modification board ; 

All other powers, duties or functions now vested in the department of con- 
servation or the director thereof are transferred to the department of water re- 
sources, except those powers which are expressly transferred to some other agency 
of the state by this chapter. The director in exercising the powers, duties and 
functions of the Columbia basin commission as set forfli in chapter 43.49 RCW 
may create and maintain in the department a Columbia basin division. 

'/3.27A.180 Agencies abolished 
On July 1, 1967, the following state agencies are abolished : 

(1) Weather modification board. 

(2) Columbia basin commission. 

(3) Power advisory committee. 

(4) Department of conservation. 

West Virginia 
W. Va. Code §§ 29-2B-1— 29-2B-15 

Article 2B — Weather Modification 


29-2B-1. Declaration of policy. 
29-2B-2. Definitions. 

29-2B-3. Administration by director and commission. 
29-2B-4. When license and registration of equipment required. 
L.'!)-2B-r>. Application for license. 
29-2B-6. Registration of equipment. 

29-2B-7. Publication of notice of intention to undertake operation. 

29 2B- 8. Permission to undertake emergency project without compliance with § 29-2B -7 

29-2B-9. Records and reports. 

29-2B-10. Research projects ; safetv. 

29-2B-11. Enforcement of article. 

29-2B-12. Suspension or revocation of license. 

29 2B— 13. Compensation for damage. 

29-2B-14. Acts not authorized. 

29-2B-15. Offenses and penalties. 

§ 29-2B-1. Declaration of policy 

The public interest, health, safety, welfare and necessity require that scientific 
experimentation in the field of artificial nucleation, and that scientific efforts 
to develop and increase natural precipitation of rain, snow, moisture, or water in 
any form contained in the atmosphere, within the State, be encouraged in order 
to develop, conserve, and protect the natural water resources of the State and to 
safeguard life and property. (1969, c. 18.) 


§ 29-2B-2. Definitions 
As used in this article : 

(a) "Director" means the director of aeronautics. 

(b) "Commission" means the West Virginia aeronautics commission. 

(c) "Operation" means the performance of weather modification and control 
activities pursuant to a single contract entered into for the purpose of producing, 
or attempting to produce, a certain modifying effect within one geographical area 
over one continuing time interval not exceeding one year, or, if the performance 
of weather modification and control activities is to be undertaken individually or 
jointly by a person or persons to be benefited and not undertaken pursuant to a 
contract, "operation" means the performance of weather modification and control 
activities entered into for the purpose of producing, or attempting to produce, a 
certain modifying effect within one geographical area over one continuing time 
interval not exceeding one year. 

(d) "Person" means any individual, firm, association, organization, partner- 
ship, company, corporation, private or public, political subdivision, or other public 

(e) "Research and development" means theoretical analysis, exploration and 
experimentation and the extension of investigative findings and theories of a 
scientific or technical nature into practical application for experimental and dem- 
onstration purposes, including the experimental production and testing of models, 
devices, equipment, materials and processes. 

(f) "Weather modification and control" means changing or controlling, or at- 
tempting to change or control, by artificial methods the natural development of 
any or all atmospheric cloud forms and precipitation forms which occur in the 
troposphere. (1969, c. 18.) 

§ 29-2B-3. Administration by director and commission 

The director shall administer this article under the supervision of the commis- 
sion. (1969, c. 18.) 

§ 29-2B-4. When license and registration of equipment required 

(a) Xo person, without first securing a license from the commission, shall 
cause or attempt to cause condensation or precipitation of rain, snow, moisture, or 
water in any form contained in the atmosphere. 

(b) Xo person without registering with the commission shall have in his pos- 
session any cloud seeding equipment unless he is an employee of or under contract 
with a person conducting a weather modification and control operation who has 
been granted a license by the commission. (1969, c. 18.) 

§ 29-2B-5. Application for license; renewal; temporary suspension 

(a) Any person desiring to do any of the acts specified in section four [§ 29- 
2B— 1] of this article may file with the director an application in writing for a 
license. Each application shall be accompanied by a filing fee fixed by the com- 
mission but not to exceed one hundred dollars, and shall be on a form to be sup- 
plied for such purpose by the director. 

(b) Every application shall set forth all of the following : 

(1) The name and post-office address of the applicant. 

(2) The previous education, experience and qualifications of the applicant 
or, if the applicant is other than an individual, the previous education, ex- 
perience and qualifications of the persons who will be in control of and 
charged with the operations of the applicant. Previous experience includes 
subcontracting or counseling services. 

(3) A general description of the operations which the applicant intends to 
conduct and the method and type of equipment, including all nucleating 
agents, that the applicant proposes to use. Aircraft must be listed by numbers 
and pilots' names. 

(4) A statement listing all employees who are residents of West Virginia 
or who will be directly employed in the intended operation, or both. 

(5) A bond or insurance covering any damage the licensee may cause 
through his operations in an amount of fifteen thousand dollars or other evi- 
dence of financial responsibility shall be furnished and executed at the time 
of the grant of the license : Provided, that no bond shall be required of any 
person who shall cause or attempt to cause condensation or precipitation of 
rain, snow, moisture or water in any form contained in the atmosphere over 
any landing strip or runway of any airport or any approach thereto in an 
effort to improve the visibility above the landing strip, runway or approach. 

(6) Every applicant shall have a resident agent within this State. 


(e) Upon the filing of the application upon a form supplied by the director and 
•containing the information prescribed by this article and accompanied by the 
required filing fee and bond or insurance, the director may issue a license to the 
applicant entitling the applicant to conduct the operations described in the ap- 
plication for the calendar year for which the license is issued, unless the license 
is sooner revoked, suspended or modified. 

(d) A license may be renewed annually upon application to the director, ac- 
companied by a renewal fee fixed by the commission but not to exceed one hun- 
dred dollars, on or before the last day of January of the calendar year for which 
the license is renewed. 

(e) Any license granted under this section shall be subject to temporary sus- 
pension by the director. Such suspension may occur whenever the director is noti- 
fied by the office of emergency services that, within an area defined by the office 
of eniergency services, precipitation or other effects of weather modification op- 
erations would be likely to cause or aggravate a potential or ongoing disaster 
Any such suspension shall continue until the director is notified by the office of 
emergency services that the disaster or threat of disaster has passed. Should any 
license be suspended under this subsection, the prohibitions of section four [§ 29- 
2B-,4] and penalties of section fifteen [§29-2B-15] of this article shall become 

I ive immediately. (19G9, c. 18 ; 1973, c. 50.) 

§ 29-2 Ji-G. Registration of equipment 

Every person not desiring a license who owns or possesses cloud seeding equip- 
ment, shall promptly register the same with the director on a form furnished by 
him. (1969, c. 18.) 

§ 29-2B-7. Publication of notice of intention to undertake operation. 

(a) Prior to undertaking any operation authorized by the license, the licensee 
shall file with the director and cause to be published a notice of intention. The 
licensee shall then confine his activities for that operation substantially within 
the time and area limits set forth in the notice of intention. 

(b) The notice of intention shall set forth all of the following: 

(1) The name and address of the licensee. 

(2) The nature and object of the intended operation and the person or 
persons on whose behalf it is to be conducted. 

(3) The area in which and the approximate time during which the opera- 
tion will be conducted. 

(4) The area which will be affected by the operation as near as the same 
may be determined in advance. 

(e) The notice of intention required by this section shall be published as a 
Class III legal advertisement and the publication area shall be the county where- 
in the operation is to be conducted and in which the affected area is located, or, 
if (lie operation is to be conducted in more than one county or if the affected area 
is located in more than one county or is located in a county other than the one in 
which the operation is to be conducted, then such notice shall be published in like 
manner in a newspaper having a general circulation within each of such counties. 

td) Proof of publication shall be filed by the licensee with the director within 
fifteen days from the date of the last publication of the notice. Proof of publica- 
tion shall be by copy of the notice as published, attached to and made a part of 
the affidavit of the publisher or foreman of the newspaper publishing the notice. 
H9G9. c. 18.) 

§ 29-2B-8. Permission to undertake emergency project without compliance irifh 
§ 29-2B-7. 

fa) Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, the director 
may grant a licensee permission to undertake an emergency niicleation project, 
without prior compliance by the licensee with the provisions of section seven 
[§29-2P>-71. subsection (a), if the same appears to the commissioner to be neces- 
sary or desirable in aid of extinguishment of fires. 

( b) Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, upon request 
of the county commissioners of a county or of the governing body of a city, bor- 
ough, town or township, and upon the submission of such supporting evidence as 
I he commission may require, the commission may grant a licensee permission to 
undertake a nucleation project for the purpose of alleviating a drought emer- 
gency, without prior compliance by the licensee with the provisions of section 
seven [§29-2P>-7], subsection (a), requiring publication of notice of intention, 
if such project appears to the department to be necessary or desirable. 

(c) Nothing contained in Ibis sect ion shall he construed as to relieve the licensee 
in the cases set forth in subsection (a) or (b) of this section from compliance 


with the provisions of section seven [§ 29-2B-7], requiring publication of notice 
of intention and filing of proof of such publication, as soon after the granting of 
permission by the director as is practicable. In lieu thereof the licensee may fur- 
nish equivalent transmission of notice of intention by radio or television, and 
proof thereof, as soon after the granting of permission by the director as is prac- 
ticable. (1969, c. 18.) 

§ 29-2B-9. Records and reports 

(a) Every licensee shall keep and maintain a record of all operations con- 
ducted by him pursuant to his license showing the method employed, the type 
of equipment used, the times and places of operation of the equipment, the name 
and post-office address of each person participating or assisting in the operation 
other than the licensee, and such other information as may be required by the 
commission, and shall report the same to the director immediately upon the 
completion of each operation. 

(b) Each licensee shall further prepare and maintain an evaluation statement 
for each operation which shall include a report as to estimated precipitation, 
defining the gain or loss occurring from nucleation activities, together with 
supporting data therefor. This statement, together with such other pertinent 
information as the commission may require, shall be sent to the commission 
upon completion and be available to inspection by the commission or director at 
all times on the licensee's premises. 

(c) The commission shall require written reports concerning each operation 
conducted by a licensee under this article. 

(d) All information on an operation shall be submitted to the commission 
before any information on such operation may be released to the public. 

(e) The reports and records in the custody of the commission shall be open for 
public examination as public documents. (1969, c. 18.) 

§ 29-2B-10. Research projects ; safety 

(a) Research work within the province of this statute shall be permitted only 
when authorized by the commission. 

(b) Government and armed forces projects within the province of this statute 
must meet all the requirements of this article. 

(c) No nucleating agent may be used in concentrations dangerous to man or 
causes environmental pollution as determined by the state department of health. 
(1969, c. 18.) 

§ 29-2B-11. Enforcement of article 

In order to enforce the provisions of this article, the "West Virginia state police 
shall, on request of the commission, assign at least one trooper and one investi- 
gator to an area where unlawful cloud seeding is suspected. If such police request 
the same, the commission shall assign an airplane and pilot. Air samples shall 
be taken by the West Virginia air pollution control commission if requested by 
the state police or the commission. For such enforcement purposes, the state 
department of health shall furnish such technical services as the commission or 
director may request. (1969, c. 18.) 

§ 29-2B-12. Suspension or revocation of license 

Any license may be revoked, suspended or modified if the commission finds, 
after due notice to the licensee and a hearing thereon, that the licensee has 
failed or refused to comply with any of the provisions of this article. The 
proceedings herein referred to shall be conducted in accordance with tbe pro- 
visions of article one [§ 29A-1-1 et seq.], chapter twenty-nine- A of the Code of 
West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended, known as 
the "West Virginia Administrative Procedures Act" and the commission shall 
have all the powers granted therein. (1969, c. 18.) 

§ 29-2B-13. Compensation for damage 

Any license who causes a drought as determined by the commission shall com- 
pensate farmers for damages. Any licensee who by causing heavy downpours or 
storms which cause damage to lands as determined by the commission shall com- 
pensate farmers and property owners for such damages. (1969, c. 18.) 

§ 29-2B-14. Acts not authorized 

(a) Nothing contained in this article shall authorize any person to carry out 
a cloud seeding operation from West Virginia to seed in another state where such 
cloud seeding is prohibited. 

34-857—79 42 


(b) Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to authorize the sup- 
pression -of lightning. (1969, c. 18.) 

§ 29-2B-15. Offenses and penalties 

(a) Any airplane pilot who flies an airplane with numbers invisible to escape 
identification under this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon 
conviction thereof, have his license revoked for a period of five years. 

(b) Any airport owner or operator who knowingly boards cloud seeding planes 
to seed clouds or who operates as a cloud seeder without a license shall be guilty 
of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, have his airport permit revoked 
for one year and be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than five hundred dollars 
and for a second or subsequent offense, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of 
not more than one thousand dollars. 

(c) Any person knowingly having in his possession without registering the 
same with the commission any cloud seeding equipment shall, on conviction 
thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of ten thousand dollars. 

(d) Any person who makes any false statement to secure a license under this 
article shall, on conviction thereof, have his license revoked permanently. 

(e) Any person who violates any other provision of this article shall be guilty 
of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than 
one thousand dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not more than one year, 
or both fined and imprisoned. (1969, c. 18.) 


Wise. Stat. Ann. § 195.40 

195. J/0 Reporting operations to artificially influence precipitation 

(1) For the purpose of determining the effect of operations designed to in- 
fluence precipitation of atmospheric moisture by artificial means it is hereby 
required that all persons engaged in such operations shall comply with the pro- 
visions of this section. 

(2) Any person who enters into any contract for or engages in any activity de- 
signed or intended to affect by artificial means the precipitation of atmospheric 
moisture in this state shall register each proposed operation with the commission. 

(3) The registration shall set forth such data as to time, place and method 
of each operation as the commission shall reasonably require for the purpose of 
making a scientific evaluation of each operation and its effect upon the public 

(4) Each registrant shall within 10 days report on the conduct of each opera- 
tion and shall provide such data as the commission may deem necessary in the 
public interest. 

(5) Any person who * * * violates any of the provisions of this section shall 
forfeit for each such offense a sum * * * not to exceed $250 together with the 
actual costs of all administrative and legal action necessary to collect such for- 
feiture. Such forfeiture shall be enforced and the proceeds disposed of as pre- 
scribed in s. * * * SO. 03. Any unregistered operation shall be subject to summary 
abatement as a public nuisance. 


Wyo. Stat. 1 §§ 10-4—10-9; 9-267—9-276 

§ 10-)/. Aerial spraying, etc. — Annual registration required; information to he 
shown. — On the first Monday in May of each year, any person or persons, firm, 
partnership, corporation, association, or any other organization engaged in the 
activity or business of aerial spraying, spreading of seeds, weather-modification 
or other Chemicals, dusting, fertilizing, baiting, predator control or insect control 
of any area of Ibis state, and all aircraft in Wyoming used for predator control 
or equipped with apparatus for distribution of sprays, dnsts, weather-modifica- 
tion or other Chemicals, seeds, or bait shall be registered annually with the 
Wyoming aeronautics commission on a printed form or forms prescribed by 
the Wyoming aeronautics commission, showing the name of the firm to be 
registered, the name and address of the owner, owners, and manager thereof, 
the name and address of the person to pilot such aircraft, his airman rating, 
number of hours flown, with airman certificate number, the make, model and 
type of aircraft to be used and the identification number assigned to the aircraft 
and type of spraying, seed or chemical spreading or dusting rig installed on the 
aircraft. (Laws 1951, ch. 142, § 1 ; 1973, eh. 57, § 1.) 


§ 10-5. Same — Unlawful unless registered. — It is unlawful for any person, firm, 
partnership, corporation, association, organization or any combination thereof 
to engage in the activtiy or business of spraying, spreading of seeds, weather- 
moditication or other chemicals, dusting, fertilizing, baiting, predator control 
or inspect control of any area of this state by means or aircraft unless they 
are registered with the Wyoming aeronautics commission. (Laws 1951, ch. 142, 
§2; 1973, ch. 57, § 1.) 

§ 10-6. Same — Pilot, operator or applicator qualifications. — All pilots, operators, 
or applicators conducting aerial spraying, spreading of seeds, weather-modifica- 
tion or other chemicals, dusting, fertilizing, predator control or insect control 
by aircraft must have a minimum of 500 solo hours, 75 of which are in the 
same type aircraft used in making the application or control, and 25 hours 
actual spraying or predator control experience. A pilot may satisfy the require- 
ment for actual spraying, or predator control experience by taking five hours of 
dual simulated low flying from a qualified instructor. (Laws 1951, ch. 142, §3; 
1973, ch.57, § 1.) 

§ 10-7. Same — Shut-off devices for aircraft required. — That each aircraft spray- 
ing, seed or chemical spreading or dusting rig used for aerial application or dis- 
semination of sprays, weather-modification or other chemicals and dusts shall 
be satisfactorily equipped with a positive shut-off device at each discharge 
nozzle (manually controlled shut-off valves, spring loaded valves or Ball checks 
acceptable) which will absolutely prevent the dissemination of material on 
any portion of the terrain over which flight is made other than the area being 
treated or sprayed. (Laws 1951, ch. 142, § 4.) 

§ 10-8. Same — Records of applications. — That each applicator must maintain 
a record of each application of weather-modification or other chemicals, fer- 
tilizer or insecticides which records may be inspected by officials of the aero- 
nautics commission on demand. Copies of said records shall be transmitted to 
the Wyoming aeronautics commission within ten days after the end of each 
calendar month during period of operation in this state and prior to departure 
from the State of Wyoming. The records shall contain the following minimum 
information : Name and address of contractee ; property description ; variety 
of crop treated ; stage of crop growth ; pests or weeds to be controlled ; brand 
and type of chemical used ; type of solution or seeds used ; quantity of chemical 
used per acre ; date and time sprayed or treated ; wind velocity and direction. 
(Laws 1951, ch. 142, §5.) 

§10-9. Same — Violation of §§ 10-4 to 10-8. — Whoever shall violate any provi- 
sion of this act [§§ 10-4 to 10-9] or rules and regulations thereunder shall be 
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than twenty- 
five ( $25.00) dollars for the first offense and not less than fifty ($50.00) dollars 
for each subsequent offense, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding- 
sixty (60) days, or both. (Laws 1951, ch. 142, § 6.) 

Article 12 

Weather Modification Board 

§ 9-267. Sovereign right to moisture in clouds declared; encouraging weather 
experimentation; proper safeguards. — A. It is hereby declared that the Start' 
of Wyoming claims its sovereign right to the use for its residents and best in- 
terests the moisture contained in the clouds and atmosphere within its sovereign 
state boundaries. 

B. It is hereby declared that although little is known regarding artificial weath- 
er modification, research and experimentation shall be encouraged. 

C. It is hereby declared that although the ultimate use of modification methods 
is speculative, the application of such methods should have proj)er safeguards 
and provide sufficient data to protect life, property, and public interest. (Laws 
1951, ch. 131, § 1. ) 

§ 9-268. Board created; designation ; composition; compensation ; expenses. — 
There is hereby created a board, to be known as the state weather modification 
board. The members of the board shall consist of the state engineer, the com- 
missioner of agriculture, and the president of the University of Wyoming or 
their designated representatives. The members shall serve on the board without 
pay but shall be entitled to charge actual expenses incurred therewith to the 
department by which they are primarily einnloved. (Laws 1951. eh. 131. §2.) 

§ 9-269. Function of board; "weather modification" defined. — The primary func- 


tion of ,the board is to procure, compile, and evaluate information relative to 
weather modification experiments and activities within the state boundaries. 
The term "weather modification" means changing, or controlling any of the 
weather phenomena by chemical, mechanical, or physical methods. (Laws 1951, 
ch. 131, §3.) 

§ 9-270. Weather modification permit — Required to engage in modification ac- 
tivities; issuance; form. — It shall be unlawful for anyone to engage in weather 
modification activities except under and in accordance with a permit issued by 
the state engineer. The state engineer may issue such permit only upon the rec- 
ommenation of the weather modification board and in such form as prescribed 
by the board. (Laws 1951, ch. 131, § 4.) 

§ 9-211. Same — Separate permit required for each experiment or activity; 
permits issued for one year; revocation; fees, qualifications of permittee; author- 
ity to promulgate rules and regulations. — A separate permit shall be issued for 
each experiment or activity. Permits shall be revocable by the state engineer upon 
recommendation of the board, in accordance with such procedures as the board 
shall establish. Permits are to be issued for one year from October 1 of one year 
to September 30 of the following year. A fee of $25 shall be charged for each permit 
issued or renewed. Fees received by the board shall be deposited with the state 
treasurer to be placed into the general fund. A permit shall be issued only to a 
person, or persons, who can demonstrate to the board's satisfaction that he has 
or they have adequate qualifications in the atmospheric sciences. To justify is- 
suance of a permit, the state weather modification board is hereby granted rea- 
sonable authority to promulgate the rules and regulations necessary to effectuate 
the purposes of the Wvoming weather modification laws. (Laws 1951, ch. 131, 
§ 5 : 1965, ch. 66, § 1 ; 1971, ch. 104, § 1 ; 1973. ch. 245, § 3. 

§ 9-212. Same — Registration certificate to be issued; fee. — Prior to the issuance 
of any permit the board shall have issued a registration certificate to the person 
or persons requesting such permit. A registration certificate shall be issued only 
after the board has considered and approved the qualifications and responsibility 
of the person or persons requesting a certificate. A registration fee of twenty-five 
dollars ($25.00) per calendar year shall be charged for each registration certifi- 
cate so issued. Registration fees so received by the board may be used by the 
board in paying part or all of its administrative expenses. (Laws 1951, ch. 131, 

§ 9-21 '3. Same — Written report of experiments required. — The board shall be 
required to demand and receive a written report, in such manner as it shall pro- 
vide, covering each separate experiment or activity for which a permit is issued. 
(Laws 1951. ch. 131. § 7.) 

§ 9-21 Jf. Same — Failure to obtain permit. — Any person, persons, corporation, 
institution, or group engaging in a weather modification experiment without a 
permit shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction subject to a fine not to 
exceed one-thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or by imprisonment in the penitentiary 
for not less than one nor more than five years. (Laws 1951, ch. 131, § 10: 19.15. 
ch. 166. § 1.) 

§ 9-215. Authority to receive and accept funds. — Said board is hereby author- 
ized and empowered to receive and accept for and in the name of the state any 
and all funds which may be offered or become available, from federal grants or 
appropriations, private gifts, donations or bequests, or any other source, and to 
expend such funds for the expenses of administering this act [§§ 9-267 to 9-276], 
and for the encouragement of experimentation in weather modification by the 
"Tniversity of Wyoming or any other appropriate state or public asrency. either 
by direct grant, by contract, or other co-operative means. (Laws 1951, ch. 131, 

§9-216. Act construed; rights, duties and liabilities unchanged. — Nothinsr in 
this act T§§ 9-267 to 9-276] shall be construed to impose or accept any liability or 
responsibilily on the part of the State, the board, or any state officials or "em- 
ployees, for any weather-modification activities of any private person or group, 
nor to affect in any way any contractual, tortious, or other lesral rights, duties 
or liabilities between any private persons or groups. (Laws 1951, oh. 131. §9.) 

Effective date.— Section 11, ch 131. Laws 1951, makes the act effective from 
and after passage. Approved February 19, 1951. 

Appendix E 

List of State Contacts for Further Information on Weather 
Modification Activities Within the States *• 2 

Commissioner, Department of Agriculture and Industries, State Capitol, Mont- 
gomery, Ala. 36104. 

Commissioner, Department of Natural Resources, Pouch M, Juneau, Alaska 99811. 

Briggs, Philip C, Chief Hydrologist Arizona Water Commission 222 N. Central, 
Suite 800, Phoenix, Ariz. 85004. 

Division of Soil and Water Resources, Department of Commerce, 1501 N. Uni- 
versity Avenue, Suite 364, Little Rock, Ark. 72207. 

Finlayson, Donald J.. Department of Water Resources, P.O. Box 16008S Sac- 
ramento, Calif. 95816. 

Sherman, Harris, Executive Director, Department of Natural Resources, 1313 
Sherman Street, Room 718, Denver, Colo. 80203. 

Commissioner Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, State Office 
Building, Hartford, Conn. 06115. 

Olney, Austin P., Secretary, Department of Natural Resources and Environmen- 
tal Control. Edward Tatnall Building, Dover. Del. 19901. 

Chief, Bureau of Water Resource Management, Montgomery Building, 2562 
Executive Center Circle. East, Tallahassee, Fla. 32301. 

Rhinehart, John, Office of Planning and Budget, 270 Washington St., S.W., 
Atlanta, Ga. 30334. 

Governor, Executive Chambers, State Capitol, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. 

Allred, Stephen, Department of Water Resources, 373 W. Franklin Street, Boise, 
Idaho 83720. 

Changnon, Stanley A., Jr., Head, Atmospheric Sciences Section, Illinois State 
Water Survey, Box 232, Urbana 111. 61801. 

Schaal Lawrence, State Climatologist, Poultry Science Building, Purdue Uni- 
versity, West Lafayette, Ind. 47907. 

Waite, Paul. Iowa Weather Service, Room 10, Terminal Building, Municipal Air- 
port, Des Moines, Iowa 50321. 

Kostecki, Don, Kansas Water Resource Board, Suite 303, 503 Kansas, Topeka, 
Kan. 66603. 

Kimmel, Michael J., Office of Planning and Research, Department of Natural 
Resources and Environment, Capitol Plaza Tower, 6th Floor, Frankfort, Ky. 

Aguillard, Roy, Louisiana State Department of Public Works, Box 44155, Capitol 

Station, Baton Rouge, La. 70804. 
Anderson, Burton R., Water Resource Planner, State Planning Office, 184 State 

Street, Augusta, Me. 04333. 
Hance, Young D., Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Parole Plaza Office 

Building, Annapolis, Md. 21401. 
McLoughlin, Thomas F., Director, Division of Administrative Services, Executive 

Office of Environmental Affairs, 100 Cambridge Street, Boston, Mass. 02202. 
Nurnberger, Fred V., Department of Agriculture/Weather Services, 240 Stephen 

S. Nisbet Building, 1407 S. Harrison Road, East Lansing, Mich. 48823. 
Young, Randall D., Senior Management Analyst Planning, Department of Agri- 
culture, 557 State Office Building, St. Paul, Minn. 55337. 
Pepper, Jack W.. Water Engineer, Board of Water Commissioners, 416 N. State 

Street. Jackson, Miss. 39201. 
Ashford, Carolyn, Director, Department of Natural Resources, Box 176, 1014 

Madison S treet, Jefferson City, Mo. 65101. 

1 Based on information received from Conrad G. Keyes, Jr., Executive Director of the 
North American Interstate Weather Modification Council ; information was corrected as of 
January 30, 1978. 

2 Listed alphabetically by State. 



Moy, Richard, Weather Modification Program Manager, Department of Natural 
Resources and Conservation, Natural Resources Building, 32 South Ewing, 
Helena, Mont. 59601. 

Kreuscher, Glenn W., Director, Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 4844, Lin- 
coln, Nebr. 68509. 

Warblirton, Joseph A., Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada, Stead 
Campus, Reno, Nev. 89507. 

Gilman, George, Commissioner, Department of Resource and Economic Develop- 
ment. State House Annex, Concord, N.H. 03301. 

Chummey, Richard, Director, Division of Rural Resources, Department of Agri- 
culture, P.O. Box 1888, Trenton, N.J. 0S625. 

Holmes, Charles, Secretary, New Mexico Weather Control and Climate Modifica- 
tion Commission, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, 
N. Mex. 87801. 

Berle, Peter A., Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation, 50 

Wolf Road, Albany, N.Y. 12233. 
Secretarv, Department of Natural and Economic Resources, P.O. Box 27687, 

Raleigh, N.C. 27611. 

Rose. R. Lynn, Executive Director, North Dakota Weather Modification Board, 
P.O. Box 1833, Bismarck, N.Dak. 58505. 

Division of Water, Department of Natural Resources, Fountain Square, Colum- 
bus, Ohio 43224. 

Oklahoma Weather Modification Advisory Committee, Oklahoma Water Resources 
Board, Jim Thorpe Building, 5th Floor, Oklahoma City, OkJa. 73105. 

Glatt, Jay, Assistant Director, Department of Agriculture, 210 Agriculture Build- 
ing, Salem, Oreg. 97310. 

Wertz, Fred, Research Analyst, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 2301 
Cameron Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 17120. 

Russ. Robert B., Water Resources Board, Box 2772, Providence. R.I. 02907. 

Guess, Clair P., Jr., Executive Director, Water Resources Commission, Box 4515, 
3838 Forest Drive, Columbia, S.C. 29204. 

Butler. Yern W., Department of Natural Resources Development, Joe Foss Office 
Building, Pierre, S.Dak. 57501. 

Division of Water Resources, Tennessee Department of Conservation, 6213 Char- 
lotte Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. 37209. 

Carr, John T., Director, Weather Modification and Technology Division, Texas 
1 >epartment of Water Resources. Box 13087, Austin, Tex. 78711. 

Summers, Paul C, Cloud Seeding Program Coordinator, Division of Water 
Resources, 435 State Capitol Building, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114. 

Department of Water Resources, Environmental Conservation Agency, 5 Court 
Street, Montpelier, Vt. 05602. 

State Air Pollution Control Board, Room 1106, Ninth Street Office Building, Rich- 
mond. Va. 23219. 

Goodman, Duane, Department of Ecology, 335 General Administration Building, 

Olympia, Wash. 98504. 
Richards, William E., Executive Director, West Virginia Aeronomy Commission, 

Kanawha Airport, Charleston, W.Va. 25311. 
Conrad, Marlin S., Plant Industry Division, Department of Agriculture, Trades 

and Consumer Protection, 801 W. Badger Road, Madison, Wis. 53713. 
Christopulos, George L., State Engineers OflSce. Barrett Building, Second Floor, 

Cheyenne, Wyo. 82002. 

Appendix F 

Agreement on Exchange of Information on Weather Modification 
Between the United States of America and Canada 

Treaties and Other International Acts Series 8056 

Weather Modification — Exchange of Information 

Agreement Between the 

United States of America and Canada 
Signed at Washington March 26, 1975. 

note by the department of state 

Pursuant to Public Law 89-497, approved July 8, 1966 (80 Stat. 
271; 1U.S.C. 113) — 

The Treaties and Other International Acts Series issued under the 
authority of the Secretary of State shall be competent evidence of 
the treaties, international agreements other than treaties, and 
proclamations by the President of such treaties and international 
agreements other than treaties, as the case may be, therein con- 
tained, in all the courts of law and equity and of maritime jurisdic- 
tion, and in all the tribunals and public offices of the United States, 
and of the several States, without any further proof or authentica- 
tion thereof. 


Weather Modification : Exchange of Information 

Agreement signed at Washington March 26, 1975 ; entered into force March 26, 


The Government of the United States of America and the Government of 

Aware, because of their geographic proximity, that the effects of weather 
modification activities carried out by either Party or its nationals may affect 
the territory of the other ; 

Noting the diversity of weather modification activities in both the United States 
and Canada by private parties, by State and Provincial authorities, and by the 
Federal Governments ; 

Believing that the existing state of knowledge warrants the expectation of 
further development over a period of time in the science and technology of 
weather modification ; 

Taking into particular consideration the special traditions of prior notification 
and consultation and the close cooperation that have historically characterized 
their relations ; 

Believing that a prompt exchange of pertinent information regarding the 
nature and extent of weather modification activities of mutual interest may 
facilitate the development of the technology of weather modification for their 
mutual benefit ; 

Recognizing the desirability of the development of international law relating 
to weather modification activities having transboundary effects ; 
Have agreed as follows : 

Article I 

As used in this Agreement : 

(a) "Weather modification activities", means activities performed with the 



intention of producing artificial changes in the composition, behavior, or dynamics 
of the atmosphere ; 

(b) "Weather modification activities of mutual interest" means weather 
modification activities carried out in or over the territory of a Party within 200 
miles of the international boundary ; or such activities wherever conducted, 
which, in the judgment of a Party, may significantly affect the composition, be- 
havior, or dynamics of the atmosphere over the territory of the other Party ; 

(c) "Responsible agencies" means the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- 
ministration of the United States and the Atmospheric Environment Service of 
Canada, or such other agencies as the Parties may designate ; 

(d) "Reporting requirements" means the requirements established by the 
domestic laws or regulations of the Parties for reporting to the responsible 
agencies information relating to weather modification activities by persons or 
entities engaged in weather modification. 

Article II 

(1) Information relating to weather modification activities of mutual interest 
acquired by a responsible agency through its reporting requirements or other- 
wise, shall be transmitted as soon as practicable to the responsible agency of the 
other Party. Whenever possible, this information shall be transmitted prior to 
the commencement of such activities. It is anticipated that such information will 
be transmitted within five working days of its receipt by a responsible agency. 

(2) Information to be provided by the responsible agencies shall include copies 
of relevant reports received through the reporting procedures after the effective 
date of this Agreement, and such other information and interpretation as the 
responsible agency might consider appropriate. 

(3) Nothing herein shall be construed to require transmission to the other 
responsible agency of information, the disclosure of which is prohibited by law, 
or of information which, in the judgment of the responsible agency, is proprietary 

Article III 

The responsible agencies shall consult with a view to developing compatible 
reporting formats, and to improving procedures for the exchange of information. 

Article IV 

In addition to the exchange of information pursuant to Article II of this Agree- 
ment, each Party agrees to notify and to fully inform the other concerning any 
weather modification activities of mutual interest conducted by it prior to the 
commencement of such activities. Every effort shall be made to provide such no- 
tice as far in advance of such activities as may be possible, bearing in mind the 
provisions of Article V of this Agreement. 

Article V 

The Parties agree to consult, at the request of either Party, regarding particu- 
lar weather modification activities of mutual interest. Such consultations shall 
be initiated promptly on the request for a Party, and in cases of urgency may be 
undertaken through telephonic or other rapid means of communications. Consul- 
tations shall be carried out in light of the Parties' laws, regulations, and adminis- 
trative practices regarding weather modification. 

Article VI 

The Parties recognize that extreme emergencies, such as forest fires, may 
require immediate commencement by one of them of weather modification ac- 
tivities of mutual interest notwithstanding the lack of sufficient time for prior 
notification pursuant to Article IV, or for consultation pursuant to Article V. In 
such cases, the Party commencing such activities shall notify and fully inform 
the other Party as soon as practicable, and shall promptly enter into consulta- 
tions at the request of the other Party. 

Article VII 

Nothing herein relates to or shall be construed to affect the question of re- 
sponsibility or liability for weather modification activities, or to imply the 
existence of any generally applicable rule of international law. 


Article VIII 

Each Party shall conduct an annual review of this Agreement while it remains 
in force, and shall inform the other of its views regarding the Agreement's opera- 
tion and effectiveness and the desirability of its amendment to reflect the evolu- 
tion of the science and technology of weather modification and of international 
law. The Parties shall meet periodically, by mutual agreement, or at the request 
of either, to review the implementation of this Agreement or to consider other 
issues related to weather modification. 

Article IX 

This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature. It may be amended by 
mutual agreement of the Parties and may be terminated by either Party upon 
six months written notice to the other Party. 


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Appendix H 

Selected Bibliography of Publications in Weather 

American Meteorological Society. Proceedings of the First National Conference 
on Weather Modification, April 28-May 1, 1968, Albany, New York. Boston, 

1968. 532 p. 

. Second National Conference on Weather Modification, April 6-9, 1970, 

Santa Barbara, California (preprints). Boston, 1970. 440 p. 

■ . Proceedings of the International Conference on Weather Modification, 

September 6-11, 1971, Canberra, Australia. Sponsored jointly by the American 
Meteorological Society and the Australian Academy of Science. Boston, 1971. 
373 p. 

. Third Conference on Weather Modification, June 26-29, 1972, Rapid City, 

South Dakota (preprints). Boston, 1972. 336 p. 

. Fourth Conference on Weather Modification. November 18-21, 1974, Fort 

Lauderdale, Florida (preprints). Boston, 1974. 575 p. 

. Abstracts of Special Regional Weather Modification Conference : Aug- 
mentation of Winter Orographic Precipitation in the Western United States, 
November 11-13, 1975, San Francisco, California. (Co-sponsored by the U.S. 
Department of the Interior. Bureau of Reclamation ; State of California, 
Department of Water Resources; and the Weather Modification Association.) 
Boston, 1975. 245 p. 

■ . Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, 

October 10-13. 1977. Champaign. Illinois. Boston. 1977. 396 p. 
Barrett, Earl W. Inadvertent weather and climate modification. Critical reviews 
. in environmental control, v. 6. no. 1, December 1975 : 15-90. 

Battan. Louis J. Harvesting the clouds : advances in weather modification. Gar- 
den City. New York, Doubleday and Company, 1969. (The Science Study 
Series) 148 p. 

Changnon. Stanley A.. Jr.. Ray Jay Davis, Barbara C. Farhar, J. Eugene Haas, 
J. Loreena Ivens. Martin Y. Jones. Donald A. Klein, Dean Mann. Griffith M. 
Morgan. Jr.. Steven T. Sonka. Earl R. Swanson, C. Robert Taylor, and Jon 
Van Blokland. Hail suppression : impacts and issues. Urbana, Illinois, Illinois 
State Water Survey, April 1977. 432 p. 

Changnon, Stanley A.. Floyd A. Huff. Paul T. Schickedanz. and John T. Yogel. 
Summary of METROMEX, Volume 1 : weather anomalies and impacts. Bulle- 
tin 62. State of Illinois. Department of Registration and Education. (ISWS/ 
BUL-62/77) Urbana. Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey. 1977. 260 p. 

Charak. Mason T. and Mary T. DiGiulian. Weather modification activity reports ; 
November 1. 1972. to December 31, 1973. National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration. Office of Environmental Monitoring and Prediction. Rockville, 
Maryland. March 1974. 40 p. 

Charak. Mason T. Weather modification activity reports: calendar year 1974. 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Environmental 
Monitoring and Prediction. Rockville, Maryland. March 1975. 37 p. 

. Weather modification activity reports ; calendar year 1975. National 

Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Environmental Monitoring 
and Prediction. Rockville. Maryland. June 1976. 64 p. 

Comptroller General of the United States. Need for a national weather modifica- 
tion research program. Report to the Congress. Washington, U.S. General 
Accounting Office. August 23. 1974. (B-133202). 64 p. 

Cooper. Charles F. and William C. Jolly. Ecological effects of weather modifi- 
cation : a problem analvsis. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Universitv of Michigan, May 

1969. 160 p. 

Dennis. A. S. and A. Gagin. Recommendations for future research in weather 
modification. U.S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmos- 



pheric Administration. Environmental Research Laboratories. Weather Modi- 
fication. Program Office. Boulder, Colorado, November 1977. 112 p. 

Dorsey, Thomas A. and W. Henry Lambright. Citizen participation mechanisms 
and weather modification policy : a survey. Final report to the National Science 
Foundation. (SRC TR78-516/NSF OSS77-19066) Syracuse, New York, Syra- 
cuse Research Corporation, April 1978. 169 p. 

Elliott, Robert D., Russell W. Shaffer, Arnold Court, and Jack F. Hannaford, 
Colorado River Basin Pilot Project ; comprehensive evaluation report : five- 
seasons, 1970-1971 . . . 1974-1975. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the 
Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Division of Atmospheric Water Resources 
Management. Goleta, California, Aerometrics, Inc., October 1976. (report no. 
ARI-76-1) 650 p. 

Fleagle, Robert G. (editor). Weather modification: science and public policy. 

Seattle. University of Washington Press, 1968. 147 p. 
Fleagle, Robert G., James A. Crutchfield, Ralph W. Johnson, and Mohamed F. 

Abdo. Weather modification in the public interest. (Published by the American 

Meteorological Society and the University of Washington Press) Seattle, U. of 

Washington Press, 1974. 88 p. 
Grant. Lewis O. and John D. Reid (compilers). Workshop for an Assessment 

of the Present and Potential Role of Weather Modification in Agricultural 

Production, July 15-18, 1975, Ft. Collins, Colorado. Colorado State University, 

August 1975. 236 p. 

Griffiths, John F. and M. Joan Griffiths. Bibliography of the urban modification 
of the atmosphere and hydrologie environment. College Station, Texas, Texas 
A & M University, Department of Meteorology, February 1974. 100 p. 

Grimes, Annie E. An annotated bibliography on weather modification, 1960-1969. 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Data Serv- 
ice, Environmental Science Information Center. Rockville, Maryland. 1972 
( NO AA technical memorandum EDS ESIC-1) 407 p. 

Ilc-is. Wilmot N. (editor). Weather and climate modification. New York, John 
Wiley and Sons, 1974. 842 p. (Contains 22 chapters on various aspects of 
weather modification, contributed by experts in various phases of the field.) 

Halacy, Daniel S., Jr. The weather changers. New York, Harper and Row, 1968. 
246 p. 

Hromocky, Alexander. Weather modification (bibliography). Library of Congress 
Science Tracer Bullet. (TB 75-5) . Washington, June 1975. 13 p. 

Justus, John R. A bibliography of selected Federal and congressional publica- 
tions on weather modification. Congressional Research Service. Library of 
Congress. January 14. 1977. 4 p. 

Kellogg, William W. Is mankind warming the Earth? Bulletin of the atomic 
scientists, v. 34. February 1978: 10-19. 

Klein, D. A. (editor). Environmental impacts of nucleating agents used in 
weather modification. Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Dowden, Hutchison, and 
Ross (in press). 

Matthews, W. II.. W. W. Kellogg, and G. D. Robinson, editors. Man's impact on 
the climate. Cambridge. MIT Press, 1971. 594 p. 

National Center for Atmospheric Research. National Hail Research Experiment 
randomized seeding experiment, 1972-1974: final report. Boulder, Colorado, 
December 1976. In five volumes. 260 + 530 4- 313 + 326 + 207 p. 

. The National Hail Research Experiment: summer 1976 summary report. 

Boulder, Colorado, December 1977. (NCAR-71 00-77/2.) 217 p. 

National Research Council. Committee on Atmospheric Sciences. Panel on 
Weather and Climate Modification. Weather and climate modifications: prob- 
lems and prospects, (in two volumes) Washington, National Academy of 
Sciences. 1966. (Publication No. 1350.) 40 + 212 p. 

. Weather and climate modification: problems and progress. Washington, 

National Academy of Sciences, 1973. (ISBN 0-309-02121-9). 280 p. 

U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research Program. Under- 

derstanding climatic change: a program for action. Washington, National 
Academy Of Sciences, 1975, 239 p. 

Geophysics Research Board. Energy and climate. Washington, National 

Academy of Sciences. 1977, 281 p. 

Newell. Homer E. A recommended national program in weather modification. 
Federal Council for Science and Technology. Interdepartmental Committee for 
Atmospheric Sciences. (I CAS report no. 10a). Washington, November 19GG. 
93 p. 


North American Interstate Weather Modification Council. Conference on Weather 
Modification— a Usable Technology ; its Potential Impact on the World Food 
Crisis. January 16-17, 1975, Denver, Colorado. (Pub. 75-1). 150 p. 

. . Conference on Weather Modification, Today and Tomorrow. Second an- 
nual meeting of the NAIWMC, January 15-16, 1976, Kansas City, Missouri. 
(Pub. no. 76-1). 119 p. 

■ . Legal uncertainties and legislation in weather modification. Special and 

third annual meetings of the Council. August 5-6, 1976 and December 2-3. 1976, 
both in Denver, Colorado. (NAIWMC Pub. no. 77-1.) Las Cruces, New Mexico, 
September 1977. 173 p. 

Robinson, G. D. (editor). Report on the Third Inadvertent Weather Modification 
Workshop, Hartford, Connecticut, May 23-27, 1977. (CEM Report 4215- 
604) Hartford, Connecticut, The Center for the Environment and Man, No- 
vember 1977. 167 p. 

Sewell, W. R. D., et al. Modifying the weather: a social assessment. Western 
geographical series, vol. 9. Victoria, British Columbia, University of Victoria, 
July 1973. 349 p. 

Smith, Ivan C. and Bonnie L. Carson. Trace metals in the environment : vol. 2, 
silver. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, 1977. 490 p. 

Special Commission on Weather Modification. Weather and climate modification. 
Report to the National Science Foundation. NSF 66-3. Washington, D.C., De- 
cember 20, 1965. 155 p. 

State of South Dakota. Department of Natural Resources Development. Division 
of Weather Modification. Conference on Weather Modification in the United 
States ; Potential and Problems for Interstate Action. Sioux Falls, South Da- 
kota, June 10-12, 1974, 248 p. 

(This conference, called by the Governor of South Dakota, was attended 
by officials from 23 States and from the Canadian Province of Alberta and 
resulted in the formation of the North American Interstate Weather Modifica- 
tion Council.) 

Steinhoff, Harold W. and Jack D. Ives (editors). Ecological impacts of snow- 
pack augmentation in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado. Final report of the 
San Juan Ecology Project to the Bureau of Reclamation. Prepared by Colorado 
State University, Fort Collins, Colorado; University of Colorado, Boulder, 
. Colorado; and Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado, March 9. 1976. 489 p. 

Taubenfeld, Howard J. (editor). Controlling the weather; a study of law and 
regulatory processes. New York, Dunellen, 1970. 275 p. 

Thomas, William A. (editor), Legal and scientific uncertainties of weather modi- 
fication. (Proceedings of a symposium convened at Duke University, March 11- 
12, 1976, by the National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists.) Durham, 
North Carolina, Duke University Press, 1977. 155 p. 

U.S. Advisory Committee on Weather Control. Final report of the Advisory 
Committee on Weather Control, (in two volumes) Washington, U.S. Govt. 
Print. Off.. December 31, 1957. 32 4- 422 p. (Volume II contains 2259 refer- 
ences on U.S. and foreign works on weather modification and related subjects 
through 1957.) 

U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on Science and Technology. 
Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere. Weather modification. 
Hearings, 94th Congress, 2d session. June 15, 16, 17, and 18, 1976. (No. 79) 
Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1976. 524 p. 

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce. Subcommittee on Oceans and 
Atmosphere. Atmospheric Research Control Act. Hearing. 94th Congress, 2d 
session, on S. 2705. S. 2706, and S. 2707. February 17, 1976. Washington. U.S. 
Govt. Print. Off.. 1976. 297 p. 

U.S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- 
tion. Summary report: weather modification; fiscal years 1969. 1970. 1971. 
Office of the Assistant Administrator for Environmental Monitoring and Pre- 
diction. Rockville, Maryland. May 1973. 163 p. 

. Summary report: weather modification: fiscal year 1972. Office of En- 
vironmental Monitoring and Prediction. Rockville, Marvland, November 1973. 
226 p. 

. Summary report : weather modification ; fiscal year 1973. Office of En- 
vironmental Monitoring and Prediction. Rockville, Maryland, December 1974. 
154 p. 

■•. Draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the hurricane ameliora- 
tion research project. Rockville, Maryland, February 1978. 192 p. 


U.S. Department of Commerce. Environmental Data Service. Weather modifica- 
tion (bibliography). Packaged literature search 77-1. Washington, D.C., April 
1977. (NOAA-S/T 77-2759) , 159 p. 

. Environmental Research Laboratories. Weather Modification Program 

Office. Collected reprints: 1975-1976. Boulder, Colorado, May 1977. 667 p. 
(This is a volume of collected reprints published by NOAA's Weather Modifi- 
cation Program Office, including reports of research directed and supported 
by WMPO that appeared in 1975 and 1976 as journal articles or in conference 
proceedings as well as some unpublished documentation otherwise difficult to 
obtain; abstracts are included of papers published in the NOAA Technical 
Report and Technical Memorandum series.) 

U.S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Reclamation. Division of Atmospheric 
Water Resources Management. Project Skywater : 1973-74 biennial report. 
Denver, December 1976. (REC-ERC-76-21.) 

. Precipitation, man, and the environment ; an overview of Skywater IX 

Conference, Vail, Colorado, second week of November 1976. Denver, September 
1977. 223 p. (This is the latest published proceedings of a series of Skywater 
Conferences, the first of which was held in Denver in July 1967 : the most 
recent Skywater X Conference was held in June 1978 at Lake Tahoe, 

. Final environmental statement for Project Skywater ; a program of re- 
search in precipitation management. Division of Atmospheric Water Resources 
Management. (INT FES 77-39.) Denver, October 25, 1977. In three volumes. 
376 + 316 + 266 p. 

U.S. Domestic Council. Environmental Resources Committee. Subcommittee on 
Climate Change. The Federal role in weather modification. Washington, 1975. 
39 p. 

U.S. Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology. 
Committee on Atmosphere and Oceans. A United States climate program plan. 
Washington, 1977. 81 p. (ICAS 20b-FY 77) 

U.S. Federal Council for Science and Technology. Interdepartmental Committee 
for Atmospheric Sciences. A national program for accelerating progress in 
weather modification. (ICAS report no. 15a.) Washington, June 1971. 50 p. 

U.S. Federal Council for Science and Technology and Council on Environmental 
Quality. Fluorocarbons and the environment. Report of the Federal Task Force 
on Inadvertent Modification of the Stratosphere (IMOS). Washington, U.S. 
Govt. Print. Off., 1975. 109 p. 

U.S. Library of Congress. Legislative Reference Service. Weather modification 
and control ; a report prepared by Lawton M. Hartman for the use of the Com- 
mittee on Commerce, U.S. Senate. (89th Congress, 2d session, Senate. Report 
no. 1139.) Washington. U.S. Govt. Print. Off.. 1966. 181 p. 

U.S. Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service. A primer on climatic 
variation and change. Prepared for the Subcommittee on the Environment and 
the Atmosphere of the Committee on Science and Technology. U.S. House of 
Representatives. 94th Congress, 2d session. September 1976. Washington. U.S. 
Govt. Print. Off.. 1976. 403 p. 

Weisbecker, Leo W. (compiler). The impacts of snow enhancement: technology 
assessment of winter orographic snowpack augmentation in the upper Colo- 
rado River basin. Norman, Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma Press, 1974. 
624 p. 

White. Fred D. Highlights of solicited opinions on weather modification (a sum- 
mary). (Prepared for use of the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Modi- 
fication Advisory "Board: summarized from background papers on various 
aspects of weather modification, solicited from 17 experts in various phases of 
weather modification.) U.S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration. Rockville. Maryland, March 1977. 39 p. 

Wtt on, Carroll L.. editor. Man's impact on the global environment. Report of the 
Study of Critical Environmental Problems (SCEP). Cambridge, MIT Press, 

1070. 319 p. 

Wilson, C. L. and W. H. Matthews, editors. Inadvertent climate modification. Re- 
port of the Study of Man's Impact on Climate (SMIC). Cambridge. MIT Press, 

1071. 308 p. 

Woodley, William L. and Robert T. Sax. The Florida Area Cumulus Experiment- 
rationale, design, procedures, results, and future course. U.S. Department of 
Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Environmental 
Research Laboratories. (NOAA technical report ERL 354-WMPO 6.) Boulder, 
Colorado, January 1076. 204 p. 


World Meteorological Organization. Proceedings of the WMO/IAMAP Scientific 

Conference on Weather Modification, October 1-7, 1973, Tashkent, USSR. 

Geneva, 1974. (WMO No. 399.) 566 p. 
. Papers presented at the Second WMO Scientific Conference on Weather 

Modification, August 2-6, 1976, Boulder, Colorado. Geneva, 1976. (WMO No. 

443.) 597 p. 

. Weather Modification Programme. Plan for the Precipitation Enhance- 
ment Project (PEP). PEP report No. 3. Geneva, November 1976. 43 p. 

. Register of national weather modification projects : 1976. Geneva, 1977. 

28 p. 

Appendix I 

Public Laws Dealing Specifically With Weather Modification 

August 13. 1953 Public Law 256 — Chapter 426 

IS. 285] 

AN ACT To create a committee to study and evaluate public and private 
experiments in weather modification. 

Weather modi- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
FvaVnation United States of America in Congress assembled, 


Research and experimentation in the field of weather modifica- 
tion and control have attained the stage at which the applica- 
tion of scientific advances in this field appears to be practical. 

The effect of the use of measures for the control of weather phe- 
nomena upon the social, economic, and political structures of 
today, and upon national security, cannot now be determined. It is 
a field in which unknown factors are involved. It is reasonable 
to anticipate, however, that modification and control of weather, 
if effective on a large scale, would cause profound changes in our 
present way of life and would result in vast and far-reaching 
benefits to agriculture, industry, commerce, and the general wel- 
fare and common defense. 

While the ultimate extent to which weather modification and 
control may be utilized is speculative, the application of such 
measures without proper safeguards, sufficient data and accurate 
information may result in inadequate or excessive precipitation ; 
may cause catastrophic droughts, storms, floods, and other 
phenomena with consequent loss of life and property, injury to 
navigable streams and other channels of interstate and foreign 
commerce, injury to water supplies for municipal, irrigation, and 
industrial, purposes, and injury to sources of hydroelectric power : 
may otherwise impede the production and transportation of goods 
and services for domestic consumption and export and for the 
national defense; and may otherwise adversely affect the gen- 
eral welfare and common defense. 

Thorough experimentation and full-scale operations in weather 
modification and control will of necessity affect areas extending 
across State and possibly across national boundaries. The Con- 
gress, therefore, recognizes that experimentation and applica- 
tion of such measures are matters of national and international 

Accordingly, it is hereby declared to be the policy of the Con- 
press, in order to effect the maximum benefit which may result 
from experiments and operations designed to modify and control 
went her. to correlate and evaluate the information derived from 
such activity and to cooperate with the several States and the 
duly authorized officials thereof with respect to such activity, all 
to the end of encouraging the intelligent experimentation and the 
beneficial development of weather modification and control, pre- 
venting its harmful and indiscriminate exercise, and fostering 
sound economic conditions in the public interest. 


Sec. 2. There is hereby established a national committee to he 
known as the Advisory Committee on Weather Control (herein- 
after called the "Committee"). 



Sec. 3. The Committee shall make a complete study and evalua- 
tion of public and private experiments in weather control for the 
purpose of determining the extent to which the United States 
should experiment with, engage in, or regulate activities designed 
to control weather conditions. 

Sec. 4. The Committee shall be composed of the Secretary of 
Defense or his designee, the Secretary of Agriculture or his 
designee, the Secretary of Commerce or his designee, the Secre- 
tary of the Interior or his designee, the Director of the National 
Science Foundation or his designee, the Secretary of Health, 
Education, and Welfare or his designee, and five members ap- 
pointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of 
the Senate, from among persons in private life of outstanding 
ability in the fields of science, agriculture, and business. A 
vacancy in the Committee shall not affect its powers but shall be 
tilled in the same manner that the original appointment was made. 

Sec. 5. The President shall appoint the Chairman and Vice 
Chairman of the Committee. The Chairman shall be appointed 
from among those persons appointed to the Committee from 
private life. 

Sec 6. The Committee shall hold at least two meetings a year, 
approximately six months apart, and. on due notice, shall meet at 
such other times as the Committee may determine. Six members 
of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. 

Sec. 7. The members of the Committee who are in the executive 
branch of the Government shall receive no additional compensa- 
tion for their services on the Committee. The members from 
private life shall each receive $50 per diem when engaged in the 
performance of duties vested in the Committee. All members of 
the Committee sball be reimbursed in accordance with the Travel 
Expense Act of 1949, as amended, for travel, subsistence, and 
other necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of 
duties vested in the Committee. 

Sec. S. The Committee shall have power to appoint and fix the 
compensation of such officers and employees as may be necessary 
to carry out the functions of the Committee, including one execu- 
tive secretary at a salary not exceeding $12,000 per annum. 
Officers and employees other than the executive secretary shall be 
appointed in accordance with the Classification Act of 1949, as 
amended, except that to the extent the Committee deems such 
action necessary to. the discharge of its responsibilities, personnel 
for positions requiring scientific or special qualifications may be 
employed and their compensation fixed without regard to such 
laws. The Committee shall make adqeuate provision for adminis- 
trative review of any determination to dismiss any employee. 

Sec. 9. (a) The Committee, or any member thereof, may. for the 
purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act. hold such 
hearings and sit and act at such times and places, and take such 
testimony as the Committee shall deem advisable. Any member 
of the Committee may administer oaths or affirmations to wit- 
nesses appearing before the Committee or before such member. 

(b) The Committee is authorized to secure directly from any 
executive department, bureau, agency, board, commission, office, 
independent establishment, or instrumentality information, sug- 
gestions, estimates, and statistics for the purpose of this Act ; and 
each such department, bureau, agency, board, commission, office, 
establishment, or instrumentality is authorized and directed to 
furnish such information, suggestions, estimates, and statistics 
directly to the Committee, upon request made by the Chairman 
or Vice Chairman. 

(c) The Committee may, with the consent of the agency con- 
cerned, accept and utilize, on a reimbursable basis, the personnel 
of any other agency of the Federal Government. 

(d) (1) The Committee shall be entitled by regulation, subpena, 
or otherwise, to obtain such information from, require such reports 
and the keeping of such records by, and make such inspection of 




63 Stat. 160. 
5 USC S35 note. 

Officers and 

63 Stat. 954. 
5 USC 1071 


etc., from 

Personnel of 
other agencien. 

from persons. 


Witness fees. 


Use of mails. 




the books, records, and other writings, premises or property of, 
any person as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the 
provisions of this Act, but this authority shall not be exercised if 
adequate and authoritative data are available from any Federal 
agency. In case of contumacy by, or refusal to obey a subpena 
served upon, any person referred to in this subsection, the district 
court of the United States for any district in which such person 
is found or resides or transacts business, upon application by the 
Committee, shall have jurisdiction to issue an order requiring such 
person to appear and give testimony or to appear and produce doc- 
uments, or both : and any failure to obey such order of the court 
may be punished by such court as a contempt thereof. 

(2) The production of a person's books, records, or other docu- 
mentary evidence shall not be required at any place other than 
the place where such person usually keeps them, if, prior to the 
return date specified in the regulations, subpena, or other docu- 
ment issued with respect thereto, such person furnishes the Com- 
mittee with a true copy of such books, records, or other documen- 
tary evidence (certified by such person under oath to be a true 
and correct copy) or enters into a stipulation with the Committee 
as to the information contained in such books, records, or other 
documentary evidence. Witnesses shall be paid the same fees and 
mileage that are paid witnesses in the courts of the United States. 

(3) Any person who willfully performs any act prohibited or 
willfully fails to perform any act required by the above provisions 
of this subsection, or any rule, regulation, or order thereunder, 
shall upon conviction be fined not more than $500 for each offense. 

(4) Information obtained under this Act which the Committee 
deems confidential for purposes of national security or other 
reasons or with reference to which a request for confidential treat- 
ment is made by the person or agency furnishing such information, 
shall not be published or disclosed unless the Committee deter- 
mines that the withholding thereof is contrary to the purposes of 
this Act, and any member or employee of the Committee willfully 
violating this provision shall, upon conviction, be fined not more 
than $5,000. 

( e) The Committee shall be entitled to the free use of the United 
Stales mails in the same manner as the other executive agencies 
of the Government. 

Sec. 10. (a) The Committee shall from time to time submit a 
report on its findings and recommendations to the President for 
submission to the Congress. At the earliest possible moment, the 
Committee shall submit a report to the President for submission to 
the Congress on the advisability of the Federal Government regu- 
lating, by means of licenses or otherwise, those who attempt to 
engage in activities designed to modify or control the weather. 
The Committee shall submit a final report to the President for 
submission to the Congress not. later than June 30, 1056. 

(b) Thirty days after the Committee has submitted such final 
report to the President, the Committee shall cease to exist. 

Sec 11. There are authorized to be appropriated, from any 
funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as 
the Congress may from time to time deem necessary to carry out 
the provisions of this Act. 

Approved August 13, 1953. 

July o. inse 
[8. 29131 

15 USC 811 

Public Law 661— Chapter 522 

AN ACT To oxtend for two years the Advisory Committee on Weather 


Be it enacted hi/ the Senate and House of Representatives of 
the United States of America in Congress assembled. That section 
10 1 a I of the Act entitled "An Act to create a committee to study 
and evaluate public and private experiments in weather modifica- 
tion", approved August 13. 1953 (67 Stat. 551). 561). is anieuded 
by striking out ''.June 30, 1056" and inserting in lieu thereof "June 
30, 1058". 

Approved July 9, 1956. 


Public Law 85-510 

AX ACT To amend the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, to pro- fH 1 ^,*}' 195S 

vide for a program of study, research, and evaluation in the field of kE: bb i 

weather modification. 

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of 
the United States of America in Congress assembled, That sub- 
section (a) of section 3 of the National Science Foundation Act of 
1950. as amended, is amended by striking out "and" at the end of 
paragraph (7), by striking out the period at the end of paragraph 
(8) and inserting in lieu thereof a semicolon, and by adding after 
paragraph (8) the following new paragraph: 

"(9) to initiate and support a program of study, research, 
and evaluation in the held of weather modification, giving 
particular attention to areas that have experienced floods, 
drought, hail, lightning, fog, tornadoes, hurricanes, or other 
weather phenomena, and to report annually to the President 
and the Congress thereon." 

Sec. 2. The National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as 
amended, is amended by changing the designations of sections 14, 
15, and 16 (and all reference to such sections in any provision of 
law) to 15, 16, and 17, respectively, and by inserting after section 
13 the following section : 

"weather modification 

"Sec. 14. (a) In carrying out the provisions of paragraph (9) 
of section 3 (a), the Foundation shall consult with meteorologists 
and scientists in private life and with agencies of Government 
interested in, or affected by, experimental research in the field 
of weather control. 

"(b) Research programs to carry out the purposes of such 
paragraph (9), whether conducted by the Foundation or by other 
Government agencies or departments, may be accomplished 
through contracts with, or grants to, private or public institutions 
or agencies, including but not limited to cooperative programs 
with any State through such instrumentalities as may be desig- 
nated by the governor of such State. 

"(c) For the purposes of such paragraph (9), the Foundation 
is authorized to accept as a gift, money, material, or services : 
Provided, That notwithstanding section 11(f), use of any such 
gift, if the donor so specifies, may be restricted or limited to cer- 
tain projects or areas. 

"(d) For the purposes of such paragraph (9), other agencies of 
the Government are authorized to loan to the Foundation without 
reimbursement, and the Foundation is authorized to accept and 
make use of, such property and personnel as may be deemed 
useful, with the approval of the Director of the Bureau of the 

"(e) The Director of the Foundation, or any employee of the 
Foundation designated by him, may for the purpose of carrying 
out the provisions of such paragraph (9) hold such hearings and 
sit and act at such times and places and take such testimony 
as he shall deem advisable. The Director or any employee of the 
Foundation designated by him may administer oaths or affirma- 
tions to witnesses appearing before the Director or such employee. 

"(f) (1) The Director of the Foundation may obtain by regula- 
tion, subpena, or otherwise such information in the form of 
testimony, books, records, or other writings, may require the 
keeping of and furnishing such reports and records, and may 
make such inspections of the books, records, and other writings 
and premises or property of any person or persons as may be 
deemed necessary or appropriate by him to carry out the provi- 
sions of such paragraph (9), but this authority shall not be 
exercised if adequate and authoritative data are available from 
any Federal agency. In case of contumacy by, or refusal to obey 
a subpena served upon, any person referred to in this subsection, 

64 Stat. 149. 
42 USC 1862. 


64 Stat. 134. 
42 USC 



42 USC 1S70. 

Loan of 
property, etc. 




and penalty. 

G2 Stat. 791. 




85 STAT. 735 
85 STAT. 736 


the district court of the United States for any district in which 
such person is found or resides or transacts business, upon appli- 
cation by the Director, shall have jurisdiction to issue an order 
requiring such person to appear and give testimony or to appear 
and produce documents, or both ; and any failure to obey such 
order of the court may be punished by such court as a contempt 

"(2) The production of a person's books, records, or other 
documentary evidence shall not be required at any place other 
than the place where such person usually keeps them, if, prior to 
the return date specified in the regulations, subpena, or other 
document issued with respect thereto, such person furnishes the 
Foundation with a true copy of such books, records, or other 
documentary evidence (certified by such person under oath to 
be a true and correct copy) or enters into a stipulation with the 
Director as to the information contained in such books, records, 
or other documentary evidence. Witnesses shall be paid the same 
fees and mileage that are paid witnesses in the courts of the 
United States. 

"(3) Any person who willfully performs any act prohibited or 
willfully fails to perform any act required by the above provi- 
sions of this subsection, or any regulation issued thereunder, shall 
upon conviction be fined not more than $500. 

"(4) Information contained in any statement, report, record, or 
other document furnished pursuant to this subsection shall be 
available for public inspection, except (A) information authorized 
or required by statute to be withheld and (B) information 
classified in accordance with law to protect the national security. 
The foregoing sentence shall not be interpreted to authorize or 
require the publication, divulging, or disclosure of any informa- 
tion described in section 1905 of title 18 of the United States Code, 
except that the Director may disclose information described in 
such section 1905, furnished pursuant to this subsection, whenever 
he determines that the withholding thereof would be contrary to 
the purposes of this section and section 3(a) (9) of this Act." 

Approved July 11, 1958. 

Public Law 92-205— 92nd Congress, H.R. 6893 
December 18, 1971 

AX ACT To provide for the reporting of weather modification activities to 
the Federal Government. 

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled, That, as used in 
this Act— 

(1) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Commerce. 

(2) The term "person" means any individual, corporation, com- 
pany, association, firm, partnership, society, joint stock company, 
any State or local government or any agency thereof, or any other 
organization, whether commercial or nonprofit, who is perform- 
ing weather modification activities, except where acting solely 
as an employee, agent, or independent contractor of the Federal 

(3) The term "weather modification" means any activity per- 
formed with the intention of producing artificial changes in the 
composition, behavior, or dynamics of the atmosphere. 

(4) The term "United States" includes the several States, the 
District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any 
territory or insular possession of the United States. 

Sec. 2. No person may engage, or attempt to engage, in any 
weather modification activity in the United States unless he sub- 
mits to the Secretary such reports with respect thereto, in such 
form and containing such information, as the Secretary may by 


rule prescribe. The Secretary may require that such reports be sub- 
mitted to him before, during, aud after any such activity or 

Sec. 3. (a) The Secretary shall maintain a record of weather 
modification activities, including attempts, which take place in the 
United States and shall publish summaries thereof from time to 
time as he determines. 

(b) All reports, documents, and other information received by 
the Secretary under the provisions of this Act shall be made avail- 
able to the public to the fullest practicable extent. 

(c) In carrying out the provisions of this section, the Secretary 
shall not disclose any information referred to in section 1905 of 
title 18, United States Code, and is otherwise unavailable to the 
public, except that such information shall be disclosed — 

(1) to other Federal Government departments, agencies, 
and officials for official use upon request ; 

(2) in any judicial proceeding under a court order formu- 
lated to preserve the confidentiality of such information with- 
out impairing the proceeding ; and 

(3) to the public if necessary to protect their health and 

Sec. 4. (a) The Secretary may obtain from any person whose ac- 
tivities relate to weather modification by rule, subpena, or other- 
wise such information in the form of testimony, books, records, 
or other writings, may require the keeping and furnishing of such 
reports and records, and may make such inspection of the books, 
records, and other writings and premises and property of any per- 
son as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by him to carry 
out the provisions of this Act, but this authority shall not be exer- 
cised to obtain any information with respect to which adequate 
and authoritative data are available from any Federal agency. 

(b) In case of contumacy by, or refusal to obey a subpena served 
upon any person pursuant to this section, the district court of the 
United States for any district in which such person is found or 
resides or transacts business, upon application by the Attorney 
General, shall have jurisdiction to issue an order requiring such 
person to appear and give testimony or to appear and produce 
documents, or both ; and any failure to obey such order of the 
court may be punished by such court as a contempt thereof. 

Sec. 5. Any person who knowingly and willfully violates section 
2 of this Act, or any rule issued thereunder, shall upon conviction 
thereof be fined not more than $10,000. 

Sec 6. There are authorized to be appropriated $150,000 for 
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, and $200,000 each for the fiscal 
years ending June 30, 1973, and June 30, 1974, to carry out the 
provisions of this Act. 

Approved December 18, 1971. 



62 Stat. 791. 

Authority of 




Public Law 93-436— 93rd Congress, S. 3320 
October 5, 1974 

AN ACT To extend the appropriation authorization for reporting of 
weather modification activities. 

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 6 
of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the reporting of weather 
modification activities to the Federal Government", approved De- 
cember 18. 1971 (15 U.S.C. 330e), is amended by striking out "end- 
ing June 30, 1973, and June 30, 1974," and inserting in lieu thereof 
"1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, and 1977,". 

Approved October 5, 1974. 

88 Stat. 1212 







Oct. 13, 1076 
[S. 3383] 

Policy Act 
of 1976. 
1 5 USC 330 

15 I'SC 330 

Research and 

15 DSC 330 

Public Law 94-490— 94th Congress 
October 13, 1976 

AN ACT To authorize and direct the Secretary of Commerce to develop a 
national policy on weather modification, and tor other purposes. 

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act 
may be cited as the "National Weather Modification Policy Act of 


(a) Findings. — The Congress finds and declares the following: 

(1) Weather-related disasters and hazards, including 
drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, lightning, fog. floods, and 
frost, result in substantial human suffering and loss of life, 
billions of dollars of annual economic losses to owners of crops 
and other property, and substantial financial loss to the 
United States Treasury ; 

(2) Weather modification technology has significant poten- 
tial for preventing, diverting, moderating, or ameliorating the 
adverse effects of such disasters and hazards and enhancing 
crop production and the availability of water ; 

(3) The interstate nature of climatic and related phenom- 
ena, the severe economic hardships experienced as the result 
of occasional drought and other adverse meteorological con- 
ditions, and the existing role and responsibilities of the Fed- 
eral Government with respect to disaster relief, require appro- 
priate Federal action to prevent or alleviate such disasters 
and hazards ; and 

(4) Weather modification programs may have long-range 
and unexpected effects on existing climatic patterns which 
are not confined by national boundaries. 

(b) Purpose. — It is therefore declared to be the purpose of the 
Congress in this Act to develop a comprehensive and coordinated 
national weather modification policy and a national program of 
weather modification research and development — 

(1) to determine the means by which deliberate weather 
modification can be used at the present time to decrease the 
adverse impact of weather on agriculture, economic growth, 
and the general public welfare, and to determine the potential 
for weather modification ; 

(2) to conduct research into those scientific areas consid- 
ered most likely to lead to practical techniques for drought 
prevention, or alleviation and other forms of deliberate 
weather modification : 

(3) to develop practical methods and devices for weather 
modification : 

(4) to make weather modification research findings avail- 
able to interested parties ; 

(5) to assess the economic, social, environmental, and legal 
impact of an operational weather modification program ; 

(6) to develop both national and international mechanisms 
designed to minimize conflicts which may arise with respect to 
the peaceful uses of weather modification ; and 

(7) to integrate the results of existing experience and 
studies in weather modification activities into model codes 
and agreements for regulation of domestic and international 
weather modification activities. 


As used in this Art : 

(1) The term ''Secretary" means the Secretary of Commerce. 

(2) The term "State" means any State of the United States, the 
District of Columbia, or any Commonwealth, territory, or posses- 
sion of the United States. 


(3) The term "weather modification" means any activity per- 
formed with the intention and expectation of producing changes 
in precipitation, wind, fog, lightning, and other atmospheric 


The Secretary shall conduct a comprehensive investigation and 15 use 330 
study of the state of scientific knowledge concerning weather note, 
modification, the present state of development of weather modifi- 
cation technology, the problems impeding effective implementation 
of weather modification technology, and other related matters. 
Such study shall include — 

,(1) a review and analysis of the present and past research 
efforts to establish practical weather modification technology, 
particularly as it relates to reducing loss of life and crop and 
property destruction ; 

(2) a review and analysis of research needs in weather 
modification to establish areas in which more research could 
be expected to yield the greatest return in terms of practical 
weather modification technology ; 

(3) a review and analysis of existing studies to establish 
the probable economic importance to the United States in 
terms of agricultural production, energy, and related economic 
factors if the present weather modification technology were 
to be effectively implemented ; 

(4) an assessment of the legal, social, and ecological impli- 
cations of expanded and effective research and operational 
weather modification projects ; 

(5) formulation of one or more options for a model regula- 
tory code for domestic weather modification activities, such 
code to be based on a review and analysis of experience and 
studies in this area, and to be adaptable to State and national 
needs ; 

(6) recommendations concerning legislation desirable at 
all levels of government to implement a national weather 
modification policy and program ; 

(7) a review of the international importance and implica- 
tions of weather modification activities by the United States ; 

(8) a review and analysis of present and past funding for 
weather modification from all sources to determine the sources 
and adequacy of funding in the light of the needs of the 
Nation ; 

(9) a review and analysis of the purpose, policy, methods, 
and funding of the Federal departments and agencies involved 
in weather modification and of the existing interagency coor- 
dination of weather modification research efforts ; 

(10) a review and analysis of the necessity and feasibility 
of negotiating an international agreement concerning the 
peaceful uses of weather modification ; and 

(11) formulation of one or more options for a model inter- 
national agreement concerning the peaceful uses of weather 
modification and the regulation of national weather modifi- 
cation activities ; and a review and analysis of the necessity 
and feasibility of negotiating such an agreement. 


(a) In General. — The Secretary shall prepare and submit to 
the President and the Congress, within 1 year after the date of 
enactment of this Act, a final report on the findings, conclusions, 
and recommendations of the study conducted pursuant to section 
4. Such report shall include : 

(1) a summary of the findings made with respect to each 
of the areas of investigation specified in section 4 ; 

(2) other findings which are pertinent to the determination 
and implementation of a national policy on weather modifi- 
cations ; 

Submittal to 
President and 
15 USC 330 

34-857 - 79 - 44 


(3) a recommended national policy on weather modifica- 
tion and a recommended national weather modification re- 
search and development program which is consistent with, 
and likely to contribute to, achieving the objectives of such 
policy ; 

(4) recommendations for levels of Federal funding suffi- 
cient to support adequately a national weather modification 
research and development program ; 

(5) recommendations for any changes in the organization 
and involvement of Federal departments and agencies in 
weather modification which may be needed to implement ef- 
fectively the recommended national policy on weather modi- 
fication and the recommended research and development pro- 
gram ; and 

(6) recommendations for any regulatory and other legisla- 
tion which may be required to implement such policy and pro- 
gram or for any international agreement which may be ap- 
propriate concerning the peaceful uses of weather modifica- 
tion, including recommendations concerning the dissemina- 
tion, refinement, and possible implementation of the model 
domestic code and international agreement developed under 
the specifications of section 4. 

Cooperation. Each department, agency, and other instrumentality of the Fed- 
eral Government is authorized and directed to furnish the Secre- 
tary any information which the Secretary deems necessary to 
carry out his functions under this Act. 

(b) Operation and Consulation. — The Secretary shall solicit 
and consider the views of State agencies, private firms, institu- 
tions of higher learning, and other interested persons and govern- 
mental entities in the conduct of the study required by section 4, 
and in the preparation of the report required by subsection (a). 


15 use 330 (a) There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary for 

note - the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Act not to ex- 

ceed $1,000,000. 

(b) Section 6 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for tlw 
reporting of weather modification activities to the Federal Gov- 
ernment", approved December 18, 1971 (85 Stat. 736 ; 88 Stat. 
1212; 15 U.S.C. 330e), is further amended by striking out "1973. 
1974, 1975, 1976, and 1977," and inserting in lieu thereof "1073 
through 1980,". 

Approved Oct. 13, 1976. 


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Appendix K 

Membership and Charter of the U.S. Department of Commerce 
Weather Modification Advisory Board 

Weather Modification Advisory Board 

Mr. Harlan Cleveland, Chairman, Director, Program in International Affairs. 
Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, P.O. Box 2820, Rosedale Rd., Prince- 
ton, N.J. 08540. 

Dr. D. Ray Booker, President, Aeromet, Inc., P.O. Box FF, Norman, OK 73070. 
Dr. Roscoe R. Braham, Jr., Director, Cloud Physics Laboratory, University of 

Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637. 
Mr. Stanley A. Changnon, Jr., Head, Atmospheric Science Section, Illinois State 

Water Survey, Box 232, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois 61801. 
Mr. Abram Chayes, Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass. 


Dr. John P. Craven, Dean of Marine Programs, University of Hawaii, 2540 

Maile Way, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. 
Dr. James A. Crutchfield, Jr., Professor of Economics. Department of Economics, 

University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98105. 
Mr. Robert D. Elliott, President, North American Weather Consultants, Inc., 

Goleta, California 93017. 
Dr. John W. Firor. Director, National Center for Atmospheric Research, P.O. 

Box 1470, Boulder, Colorado 80302. 
Dr. T. Keith Glennan, 11483 Waterview, Reston, VA 22070. 

Mr. Thomas L. Kimball. Executive Vice President, National Wildlife Federa- 
tion, 1412 16th Street, Washington, D.C. 20036. 

Dr. Thomas F. Malone, Director, Holcomb Research Institute, Butler University, 
Indianapolis, Indiana 46208. 

Ms. Martha A. Mclnnis, President, Enviro South, Inc., 3815 Interstate Court, 
Suite 202, Montgomery. Alabama 36109. 

Mr. Herman Pollack, Research Professor, International Affairs, Room 714 
Library, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. 20052. 

Mr. Wallace N. Robinson, III, Chairman, Western Kansas Groundwater Manage- 
ment District No. 1, Federal Building, Scott City, KA 67871. 

Dr. Joanne Simpson, Professor of Environmental Sciences, Center for Ad- 
vanced Studies. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903. 

Mr. S. Bryce Streibel, Fessenden, North Dakota 58438. 

U.S. Department of Commerce — Charter of Weather Modification Advisory 


a. establishment 

The Secretary of Commerce (the "Secretary"), having determined that it 
is in the public interest in connection with the performance of duties imposed 
on the Secretary by Public Law 94-490 (the "Act"), hereby establishes the 
Weather Modification Advisory Board (the "Board") pursuant to the Federal 
Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C App. I ( Supp V, 1975) . 


The terms used in this Charter shall have the meanings that are prescribed 
in the Act. 


1. The Board shall advise and make recommendations to the Secretary through 
the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (the 
"Administrator") on matters of a national policy, a national research and de- 
velopment program, and other aspects of weather modification as outlined in 
the Act. 



2. The Board may draw upon the experience and expertise of its members 
upon the public, and upon other bodies and individuals deemed necessary to 
provide advice, consultation, evaluations, and recommendations to the Secre- 
tary on the various weather modification matters relative to Sections 4 and 5 of 
the Act, such as : a. The present state of scientific knowledge of weather modi- 
fication, its development, and technology; b. The problems impeding effective 
implementation of weather modification technology ; c. Research needs in 
weather modification and the economic importance of weather modification; 
d. An assessment of the legal, social, and ecological implications of weather modi- 
fications ; e. Development of model domestic regulatory codes ; f . International 
implications and model agreements; g. A comprehensive and coordinated na- 
tional weather modification policy ; h. A national program of weather modifica- 
tion research and development ; and i. Legislation and funding associated with 
such policy and program. The Board shall submit its report to the Secretary not 
less than 15 days prior to the date the Secretary is required to submit the 
report to the President and the Congress. 

3. The Board functions solely as an advisory body, and will comply fully 
with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. 


1. The Board shall consist of not more than 25 members and not less than 
7, appointed by the Secretary. The members shall possess expertise, experience, 
or current interest in one or more weather modification factors or related aspects 
such as : research, operations, agriculture, water resources, economics, law, gov- 
ernment, business, social and environmental impact, and international relations. 
Members shall be appointed for up to 2 years and will serve at the discretion 
of the Secretary. Appointments to fill vacancies shall be for the remainder of 
the unexpired term of the vacancy. 

2. The Chairperson of the Board shall be a nonfederal member and shall be 
appointed by the Secretary from among the membership. 


1. The Board shall report to the Secretary through the Administrator. 

2. The Board shall have an Executive Secretary who shall be a full-time Fed- 
eral officer or employee designated by the Administrator. 

3. The Board generally shall meet quarterly and at such other times as may be 
deemed necessary by the Administrator or the Executive Secretary. 

4. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shall provide clerical 
and other necessary support. 

5. The annual cost of operating the Board is estimated at $160,000. This in- 
cludes 2 person-years of staff support. 

6. The Board may establish, subject to the provisions of the Department of 
Commerce Committee Management Handbook (II, I.E.), and the approval of the 
Administrator, an Executive Committee and such subcommittees or working 
groups of its members as may be necessary. 

7. Members of the Board will be compensated as consultants for time spent 
attending Board meetings during any month in which the Board meets for more 
than one day. They will, upon request, be allowed travel expenses as authorized 
by 5 U.S.C. 5703. 


The Board shall terminate 2 years after its establishment unless it is earlier 
terminated or renewed by proper authority by appropriate action. 
January 18, 1977. Joseph E. Kasputy 

Assistant Secretary for Administration 

Pursuant to subsection 9(c) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. 
App. 1, this charter was filed with the Assistant Secretary for Administration on 
January 18, 1977. On the same date, copies were filed with the Committees listed 
below, and a copy was furnished the Library of Congress. 

Senate Committee on Commerce. 

House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 

House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. 

January 24, 1977. Robert T. Jordan, Chief, 

Information Management Division, Office of 

Organization and Management Systems. 

Appendix L 

Rules and Regulations and Required Forms for Submitting In- 
formation on Weather Modification Activities to the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of 
Commerce, in Accordance with Requirements of Public Law 

Chapter IX — National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 
Department of Commerce 

subchapter a — general regulations 

part 908 maintaining records and submitting reports on weather 

modification activities 

In a notice published in the Federal Register of February 24, 1976 (41 FR 
3064), the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- 
tion proposed to amend the rules on maintaining records and submitting reports 
on weather modification activities (37 FR 22974 and 39 FR 1832) . Interested per- 
sons were given until March 25, 1976 to submit written views, objections, recom- 
mendations, or suggestions in connection with the proposed amendments. The 
few comments received in response to the notice have been considered in detail, 
and, as a result, some revisions have been made in these amendments. 

The first revision covers § 908.3(d), the amendment that allows the Adminis- 
trator to waive some requirements in the reporting of certain weather modifica- 
tion attempts. This amendment has been clarified to provide specifically that all 
weather modification activities are to be reported to NOAA, that the Administra- 
tor may decide to waive some subsequent reporting requirements for certain ac- 
tivities after initial notification, and that the basis for such decision will be the 
general acceptability, from a technical or scientific viewpoint, of the apparatus 
and techniques to be used. 

The second revision concerns the period for filing interim and final reports. 
Sections 908.5(a) and 908.6 now provide for such reports to be filed within 45 
days, since some respondents stated that they would encounter difficulty in meet- 
ing a 30 day requirement. 

The final revision is in § 908.5(a), with respect to the effective closing date for 
the interim report period. In reconsidering this amendment, NOAA has decided 
to adopt January 1 as the closing date for the interim report in order to avoid 
ambiguity and to prepare summary reports that more accurately reflect the 
status of weather modification activities during a calendar year. 

The original rules on maintaining records and submitting reports on weather 
modification activities were published in the Federal Register (37 FR 22974). 
These rules were subsequently amended (39 FR 1832). For completeness, the re- 
visions mentioned above and the remainder of the amendments now being effected 
are summarized as follows : 

1. Section 908.1 (k) and (1) have been added to define sponsor and operator. 

2. The last sentence in § 908.3 (c) has been restated. 

3. Section 908.3 (d) and (e) have been added. 

4. Section 908.4(a) has been revised. 

5. Section 908.5(a) has been changed. 

6. Section 908.5(b) (2) has been reworded. 

7. Section 908.6 has been changed. 

8. Section 908.6(c) has been changed. 

9. Section 906.8(a) (1) (viii) has been reworded. 

10. Section 908.8(a) (2) has been reworded. 

The purpose of these rules is to provide for the reporting to the Administrator 
of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of 



Commerce, of weather modification activities taking place within the United 
States, pursuant to the requirements of Pub. Law 92-205 as amended. The Sec- 
retary of Commerce (and by delegation the Administrator) is charged under the 
above law with the responsibility to assemble and retain records of such weather 
modification activities, to make these records publicly available to the fullest ex- 
tent practicable, and to publish summaries thereof from time to time. The intent 
of this program is that expertise in the field of weather modification will be in- 
creased ; that scientists and other concerned persons will have access to in- 
formation about past and ongoing efforts toward weather modification ; that con- 
cerned persons can determine whether their activities will be necessary or dupli- 
cative, can check both desirable and undesirable atmospheric changes against 
records of weather modification, and can be alert to possible territorial over- 
lappings of weather modification operations. In addition, this reporting program 
provides information on the possibility of harm to persons, property, or the en- 
vironment, or of interference with Federal research projects. 

Appropriate Federal agencies also report their weather modification activities 
to the Secretary of Commerce. This Federal reporting complements the reporting 
of non-Federally sponsored projects and provides for a central source of informa- 
tion on all weather modification activities in the United States. 

The actions of the Department of Commerce under these rules are not intended 
as, nor do they constitute, control or regulation of weather modification opera- 
tions. Any notification that may be made to operators and State officials on the 
basis of information received will be advisory only. 

Therefore, pursuant to the authority contained in 15 U.S.C. 330-330e and 15 
U.S.C. 313, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has 
amended Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations by the addition of Part 908. These 
rules are administered by the Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration, on behalf of the Secretary of Commerce, pursuant to the Secre- 
tary's delegation of authority in section 3 subparagraph .Olt of U.S. Department 
of Commerce Organization Order 25-5A. The current rules, including all amend- 
ments, are republished below in their entirety. 

Robert M. White, 


June 4, 1976. 

Part 908 reads as follows : 


908.1 Definitions. 

905.2 Persons subject to reporting. 

908.3 Activities subject to reporting. 

908.4 Initial report. 

908.5 Interim reports. 

908.6 Final report. 

908.7 Supplemental reports. 

908.8 Maintenance of records. 

908.9 Retention of records. 

908.10 Penalties. 

908.11 Maintenance of record of related activities. 

908.12 Public disclosure of information. 

908.13 Address of letters. 

908.14 Business to be transacted in writing. 

908.15 Times for taking action : expiration on Saturday, Sunday, or holiday. 

908.16 Signature. 

908.17 Suspension or waiver of rules. 

908.18 Matters not specifically provided for in rules. 

908.19 Publication of notice of proposed amendments. 

908.20 Effective date. 

908.21 Report form. 

Authority : Pub. L. 92-305, 85 Stat. 735, December 18, 1971. 
§ 908.1 Definitions 

As used in this part, terms shall have the meaning ascribed in this section. 

(a) Administrator. The Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmos- 
pheric Administration. 

(b) Person. Any individual, corporation, company, association, firm, partner- 
ship, society, joint stock company, any State or local government or any agency 
thereof, or any other organization, whether commercial or nonprofit, except 
where acting solely as an employee, agent, or independent contractor of the 
Federal Government. 

(c) Weather modification activity. Any activity performed with the intention 
of producing artificial changes in the composition, behavior, or dynamics of the 


(d) United States. The several States, the District of Columbia, the Common- 
wealth of Puerto Rico, and any territory or insular possession of the United 

(e) Persons whose activities relate to weather modification. Persons engaged 
in weather modification activities or engaged in the distribution or sale of 
weather modification apparatus or materials known by them to be destined for 
use in weather modification activities. 

(f ) Project. A related series of weather modification activities having a com- 
mon objective. 

(g) Modification mission. One or more airborne weather modification activities 
intended to affect the same target area, or one or more weather modification ac- 
tivities carried out by items of ground-based weather modification apparatus 
intended to affect the same target area. For purposes of these rules, activities that 
extend beyond 1 calendar day shall constitute a separate mission for each day 
that they continue. 

(h) Target area. The ground area within which the effects of the weather 
modification activity are expected to be found. 

(i) Control area. A preselected, untreated ground area used for comparison 
with a target area. 

(j) Weather modification apparatus. Any apparatus used with the intention of 
producing artificial changes in the composition, behavior, or dynamics of the 
atmosphere. For example: Seeding generators, propane devices, flares, rockets, 
artillery projectiles, jet engines, etc. 

(k) Sponsor. The primary person for whom the weather modification activity 
is performed. 

(1) Operator. The person who is primarily responsible for carrying out the 
weather modification activity. 

§ 908.2 Persons subject to reporting 

Any person engaged or intending to engage in any weather modification ac« 
tivity in the United States shall be subject to the reporting provisions of this part. 

§ 908.3 Activities subject to reporting 

(a) The following, when conducted as weather modification activities, shall 
be subject to reporting : 

(1) Seeding or dispersing of any substance into clouds or fog, to alter drop 
size distribution, produce ice crystals or coagulation of droplets, alter the 
development of hail or lightning, or influence in any way the natural develop- 
ment cycle of clouds or their environment ; 

(2) Using fires or heat sources to influence convective circulation or to 
evaporate fog. 

(3) Modifying the solar radiation exchange of the earth or clouds, through 
the release of gases, dusts, liquids, or aerosols into the atmosphere ; 

(4) Modifying the characteristics of land or water surfaces by dusting or 
treating with powders, liquid sprays, dyes, or other materials ; 

(5) Releasing electrically charged or radioactive particles, or ions, into 
the atmosphere; 

(6) Applying shock waves, sonic energy sources, or other explosive or 
acoustic sources to the atmosphere ; 

(7) Using aircraft propeller downwash, jet wash, or other sources of 
artificial wind generation ; or 

(8) Using lasers or other sources of electromagnetic radiation. 

(b) In addition to the activities listed above, other similar activities falling 
within the definition of weather modification as set forth in § 908.1 are also 
subject to reporting. 

(c) The requirement for reporting shall not apply to activities of a purely local 
nature that can reasonably be expected not to modify the weather outside of the 
area of operation. This exception is presently restricted to the use of lightning 
deflection or static discharge devices in aircraft, boats, or buildings, and to the 
use of small heat sources, fans, fogging devices, aircraft downwash, or sprays to 
prevent the occurrence of frost in tracts or fields planted with crops susceptible 
to frost or freeze damage. Also expected from the requirement for reporting are 
religious activities or other ceremonies, rites and rituals intended to modify the 

(d) All activities noted in §§ 908.3(a) and (b) are subject to initial reporting. 
However, after the Administrator has received initial notification of a planned 
activity, he may waive some of the subsequent reporting requirements. This de- 


cision to waive certain reporting requirements will be based on the general ac- 
ceptability, from a technical or scientific viewpoint, of the apparatus and tech- 
niques to be used. 

(e) Other reporting exceptions may be made in the future by rule of the 

§ 90S4 Initial report 

(a) Any person intending to engage in any weather modification project or 
activity in the United States shall provide a report of his intention, to be 
received by the Administrator at least 10 days before the commencement of such 
project or activity. This report shall contain at least the following : 

(1) The designation, if any, used by the operator for the project or 
activity ; 

(2) The following dates for weather modification activities : 

(i) The date the first actual weather modification activity is to be 
undertaken ; 

(ii) The date on which the final modification activity is expected to 
occur ; 

(3) The following information on persons involved with the project or 
activity : 

(i) The name, affiliation, and address of the sponsor ; 

(ii) The name, affiliation, and address of the operator ; 

(4) The purpose of the project or activity ; 

(5) A map showing the approximate size and location of the target and 
* control areas, and the location of each item of ground-based weather modifi- 
cation apparatus, precipitation measuring device, and, for airborne opera- 
tions, the airport ; 

(6) A description of the weather modification apparatus, modification 
agents, and the techniques to be empolyed ; 

(7) The name and address of the responsible individual from whom log 
books or other records of the project or activity may be obtained ; 

(8) Answers to the following questions on project safeguards : 

(i) Has an Environmental Impact Statement, Federal or State, been 
filed : Yes No If Yes, please furnish a copy as applicable. 

(ii) Have provisions been made to acquire the latest forecasts, ad- 
visories, warnings, etc. of the National Weather Service, Forest Service, 

or others when issued prior to and during operations? Yes No 

If Yes, please specify on a separate sheet. 

(ii) Have any safety procedures (operational constraints, provisions 
for suspension of operations, monitoring methods, etc. ) and any environ- 
mental guidelines (related to the possible effects of the operations) been 

included in the operational plans? Yes No If Yes, please 

furnish copies or a description of the specific procedures and guidelines ; 

(9) Optional remarks, to include any additional items which the person 
deems significant or of interest and such other information as the Admini- 
strator may request the person to submit. 

(b) If circumstances prevent the signing of a contract or agreement to per- 
form, or receipt of an authorization to proceed with, a weather modification 
activity at a date early enough to comply with paragraph (a) of this section, the 
initial report shall be provided so as to be received by the Administrator within 
10 days of the date of signing of the contract or agreement, or receipt of authori- 
zation to proceed. In such cases, the report shall be accompanied by an explana- 
tion as to why it was not submitted at least 10 days prior to the commencement 
of the activity. 

(c) In the event that circumstances beyond the control of the person liable to 
report under these regulations prevent the submission of the initial report in a 
timely manner as described above, the report shall be forwarded as early as 
possible, accompanied by an explanation as to why a timely report has not been 
provided. If such explanation is deemed adequate, the Administrator will con- 
sider the report as timely filed. 

§ 908.5 Interim reports 

(a) Any person engaged in a weather modification project or activity in the 
United States on January 1 in any year shall submit to the Administrator, not 
later than 45 days thereafter, an interim report setting forth as of such date the 
information required below with respect to any such continuing project or ac- 


tivity not previously furnished to the Administrator in a prior interim report; 
provided that the January 1 date shall not apply if other arrangements have 
previously been made with the written approval of the Administrator. 

(b) The interim report shall include the file number assigned by the Admini- 
strator and shall provide a summary of the project or activity containing at least 
the following information for each month : 

(1) Number of days on which actual modification activities took place; 

(2) Number of days on which weather modification activities were con- 
ducted, segregated by each of the major purposes of the activities ; 

(3) Number of modification missions that were carried out ; 

(4) Total number of hours of operation of each type of weather modifica- 
tion apparatus (i.e., net hours of agent release) ; 

(5) Total amount of agent used. If more than one agent was used, each 
should be totaled separately (e.g., carbon dioxide, sodium chloride, urea, 
silver iodide). 

(c) The totals for the items in paragraph (b) of this section shall be provided 
for the period covered by the interim report. 

§908.6 Final report 

Upon completion of a weather modification project or activity the person who 
performed the same shall submit a report to the Administrator not later than 45 
days after completion of the project or activity. The report shall include the file 
number assigned by the Administrator and the following items : 

(a) Information required for the interim reports (to the extent not previously 
reported ) . 

(b) The total number of days on which actual modification activities took 
place during the project or activity. 

(c) The total number of days during the project or activity on which weather 
modification activities were conducted, segregated by each of the major purposes 
of the activities. 

(d) The total number of modification missions that were carried out under the 
project or activity. 

(e) The total number of hours of operation of each type of weather modification 
apparatus during the project or activity (i.e., net hours of agent release). 

(f) The total amount of modification agent (s) dispensed during the project or 
activity. If more than one agent was used, each should be be totaled separately 
(e.g., carbon dioxide, sodium chloride, urea, silver iodide). 

(g) The date on which the final weather modification activity occurred. 

§ 908.7 Supplemental reports 

Notwithstanding other regulations, a supplemental report in letter form re- 
ferring to the appropriate NOAA file number, if assigned, must be made to the 
Administrator immediately if any report of weather modification activities sub- 
mitted under § 908.4, § 908.5, or § 908.6 is found to contain any material inac- 
curacies, misstatements, and omissions. A supplemental report must also be made 
if there are changes in plans for the project or activity. 

§ 908.8 Maintenance of records 

(a) Any person engaging in a weather modification activity in the United 
States shall maintain a record of such activity. This record shall contain at least 
the following, when applicable : 

(1) A chronological record of activities carried on, preferably in the form 
of a daily log, which shall include the NOAA file number assigned to the pro- 
ject, the designation of each unit of weather modification apparatus, and at 
least the following information for each unit : 

(i ) Date of the weather modification activity. 

(ii) Position of each aircraft or location of each item of weather modi- 
fication apparatus during each modification mission. Maps may be used. 

(iii) Time when weather modification activity began and ended. 

(iv) Total duration of operation of each unit of weather modification 
apparatus (i.e., net hours of agent release). 

( v ) Type of each modification agent used. 

(vi) Rate of dispersal of each agent during the period of actual opera- 
tion of weather modification apparatus. 

(vii) Total amount of agent used. If more than one agent was used, 
report total for each type separately. 

(viii) Number of days on which weather modification activities were 
conducted, segregated by each of the major purposes of the activities. 


(2) The monthly totals of hours of modification activity, the amount of 
modification agent used, and the number of days on which weather modifica- 
tion activities were conducted, segregated by each of the major purposes of 
the activities, shall be shown on the daily log sheet for the last day of each 

(b) When the activity involves ground-based weather modification apparatus, 
records of the following shall also be maintained, when applicable, but need not 
be made part of the daily log : 

(1) The location of each item of weather modification apparatus in use 
and its identification such as type and manufacturer's model number. If the 
apparatus is not commercially available, a brief description of the apparatus 
and the method of operation should be recorded. 

(2) The name and address of the person responsible for operating each 
weather modification apparatus. 

(3) The altitude and type of weather phenomenon subjected to weather 
modification activity during each operational period (e.g., cumulus clouds 
between 10,000 and 30,000 feet m.s.l. ; ground fog) . 

(c) When the activity involves airborne weather modification apparatus, rec- 
ords of the following shall also be maintained, when applicable, but need not be 
made a part of the daily log : For each airborne weather modification apparatus 
run : altitude, air speed ; release points of modification agents, method of modifi- 
cation and characteristics of flares, rockets, or other delivery systems employed ; 
temperature at release altitude ; and, for aircraft : the type of aircraft, its identi- 
fication number, the airport or airports used, and the names and addresses of crew 
members and the person responsible for operating the weather modification ap- 
paratus ; and the altitude and type of weather phenomenon subjected to weather 
modification activity during each operational period (e.g., cumulus clouds between 
10,000 and 30,000 feet m.s.l. ; ground fog) . 

(d) The following records shall also be maintained, whenever applicable, but 
need not be made a part of the daily log. Only data specifically collected for the 
reported activity need be retained ; data available from other sources need not 
be included. 

(1) Any descriptions that were recorded of meteorological conditions in 
. ' target and control areas during the periods of operation ; for example : per- 
cent of cloud cover, temperature, humidity, the presence of lightning, hail, 
funnel clouds, heavy rain or snow, and unusual radar patterns. 

(2) All measurements made of precipitation in target and control areas. 

(3) Any unusual results. 

§ 908.9 Retention of records 

Records required under § 908.8 shall be retained and available for inspection by 
the Administrator or his designated representatives for 5 years after completion 
of the activity to which they relate. Such records shall be required to be produced 
for inspection only at the place where normally kept. The Administrator shall 
have the right to make copies of such records, if he deems necessary. 

§ 908.10 Penalties 

Knowing and willful violation of any rule adopted under the authority of sec- 
tion 2 of Pub. L. 92-205 shall subject the person violating such rule to a fine of not 
more than $10,000, upon conviction thereof. 

§ 908.11 Maintenance of records of related, activities 

(a) Persons whose activities relate to weather modification activities, other 
than persons engaged in weather modification activities, shall maintain records 
concerning the identities of purchasers or users of weather modification apparatus 
or materials, the quantities or numbers of items purchased, and the times of such 
purchases. Such information shall be retained for at least 5 years. 

(b) In addition, persons whose activities relate to weather modification shall 
be required, under the authority of section 4 of Pub. L. 92-205, to provide the 
Administrator, on his request, with information he deems necessary to carry out 
the purposes of this act. 

§ 908.12 Public disclosure of information 

(a) Any records or other information obtained by the Administrator under 
these rules or otherwise under the authority of Pub. L. 92-205 shall be made pub- 
licly available to the fullest practicable extent. Such records or information may 


be inspected on written request to the Administrator. However, the Administrator 
will not disclose any information referred to in section 1905 of title 18, United 
States Code, and that is otherwise unavailable to the public, except that such in- 
formation shall be disclosed — 

(1) To other Federal Government departments, agencies, and officials for 
official use upon request ; 

(2) In any judicial proceeding under a court order formulated to preserve 
the confidentiality of such information without impairing the proceeding ; and 

(3) To the public, if necessary to protect their health and safety. 

(b) Certified copies of such reports and information, to the extent publicly 
disclosable, may be obtained from the Administrator at cost in accordance with 
the Department of Commerce implementation of the Freedom of Information Act. 

(c) Persons reporting on weather modification projects or related activities 
shall specifically identify all information that they consider not to be subject to 
public disclosure under the terms of Pub. L. 92-205 and provide reasons in support 
thereof. A determination as to whether or not reported information is subject to 
public dissemination shall be made by the Administrator. 

(d) When consideration of a weather modification activity report and related 
information indicates that a proposed project may significantly depart from the 
practices or procedures generally employed in similar circumstances to avoid 
danger to persons, property, or the environment, or indicates that success of Fed- 
eral research projects may be adversely affected if tlie proposed project is carried 
out as described, the Administrator will notify the opera tor (s) and State officials 
of such possibility and make recommendations where appropriate. The purpose of 
such notification shall be to inform those notified of existing practices and pro- 
cedures or Federal research projects known to NOAA. Notification or recom- 
mendation, or failure to notify or recommend, shall not be construed as approval 
or disapproval of a proposed project or as an indication that, if carried out as 
proposed or recommended it may, in any way, protest or endanger persons, prop- 
erty, or the environment or affect the success of any Federal research project, 
Any advisory notification issued by the Adminsitrator shall be available to the 
public and be included in the pertinent activity report file. 

§ 908.13 Address of letters 

Letters and other communications intended for the Administrator, in connection 
with weather modification reporting or activities, shall be addressed to: The 
Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental 
Modification Office, Rockville, Md. 20852. 

§ 908.14 Business to oe transacted in writing 

All business transacted with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- 
tration with regard to reports of weather modification activities should be trans- 
acted in writing. Actions of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
will be based exclusively on the written record. 

% 908.15 Times for talcing action; expiration on Saturday, Sunday, or holiday 
Whenever periods of time are specified in these rules in days, calendar days are 
intended. When the day, or the last day, fixed under these rules for taking any 
action falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or on a Federal holiday, the action may be 
taken on the next succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal 

§ 908.16 Signature 

All reports filed with the National Oceanic and Atmospreric Administration 
must be dated and signed by or on behalf of the person conducting or intending to 
conduct the weather modification activities referred to therein by such person, 
individually or, in the case of a person other than an individual, by a partner, 
officer, or other person having corresponding functions and authority. For this 
purpose "officer" means a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, or comp- 
troller. Notwithstanding the foreging, such reports may also be signed by the duly 
authorized agent or attorney of the person whose activities are being reported. 
Proof of such authorization shall be furnished to the Administrator when filing a 
report, unless previously furnished. 

§ 908.11 Suspension or waiver of rules 

In an extraordinary situation, any requirement of these rules may be suspended 
or waived by the Administrator on request of the interested party, to the extent 
such waiver is consistent with the provisions of Pub. L. 92-205 and subject to such 
other requirements as may be imposed. 


§ 908.18 Matters not specifically provided for in rules 

All matters not specifically provided for or situations not specifically addressed 
in these rules will be decided in accordance with the merits of each case by or 
under the authority of the Administrator, and such decision will be communicated 
in writing to all parties involved in the case. 

§ 908.19 Publication of notice of proposed amendments 

Whenever required by law, and in other cases whenever practicable, notice of 
proposed amendments to these rules will be published in the Federal Register. 
If not published with the notice, copies of the text of proposed amendments will 
be furnished to any person requesting the same. All comments, suggestions, and 
briefs received within the time specified in the notice will be considered before 
adoption of the proposed amendments, which may be modified in the light thereof. 
Informal hearings may be held at the discretion of the Administrator. 

% 908.20 Effective date 

These rules are effective on June 10, 1976. 
§ 908.21 Report form 

Pub. L. 92-205 and these rules should be studied carefully prior to reporting. 
Reports required by these rules shall be submitted on forms obtainable on 
request from the Administrator, or on an equivalent format. In special situations, 
such alterations to the forms as the circumstances thereto may render neces- 
sary may be made, provided they do not depart from the requirements of these 
rules or of Pub. L. 92-205. 

[FR Doc. 76-16807 Filed 6-9-76 ;8 :45 am] 

34-857 O - 79 - 45 



CaapMi *> acattma vtth witwrtiwi « rmrat mt farari cm 

Form Appro vtxf 0MB No. 41-2664 E^res 12-2) -77 

TO: Environmental Modification Office (EM-5) 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
Rockville. Maryland 20852 



■ntivtat armkBT nil wr ituf ■ UAnieiniviay 























S. TARGET AND CONTROL AREAS (See 7n. miction.; 





•O. Ml. 



SO. Mt. 

EMPLOYED, ETC. rs— tnetmcttehe) 


Enter name, affiliation, address, and telephone number of 
reaponaible individual from whom log books or other records 
may be obtained. 









□ Yes □ NO Haa an Environmental Impact Statement, Federal or State been filed? If yes, please furnish a copy as 


□ YCf Q NO Have proriaions been made to acquire the latest forecasts, advisories, warnings, etc. of the National 

Weather Service, Forest Service, or others when issued prior to and during operations? If yes, please 
specify oo a separate sheet. 

□ YES £3 NO Have any aafety procedures (operational constraints, provisions /or mumpmmion of operations, monitoring 

method*, ate.) and any environmental guidelines {related to the possible effects of the operations) 
been included in the operational plans? If yes, pleaae furnish copies or a description of the specific 
procedures and guidelines. 

V. OPTIONAL REMARKS (See M< miction.. Urn* Separate Sheet.) 


rfiTiPirniny 1 certify that the above statements are true, complete 
CERTIFICATION! and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 










Instructions for Initial Report on Weather Modification Activities 

"This report is required by Public Law 92-205; 85 Stat 735; 15 TJ.S.C. 3301). 
Knowing and willful violation of any rule adopted under the authority of Section 
2 of Public Law 92-205 shall subject the person violating such to a fine or not 
more than $10,000, upon conviction thereof." 

One completed copy of this form is to be received 10 days 1 or more prior to 
actual modification activities. A NOAA file number will be assigned by tbc 
Administrator after receipt of the initial report for each project or activity. 

1 For exceptions, see Sections 908.4(b) and (c), Part 908 of Title 15, Code of Federal 


A supplemental report in a letter form referring to the appropriate NOAA file 
number must be made to the Administrator if the "Initial Report" is found to 
contain any material inaccuracies, misstatements, and omissions, or if there are 
changes in plans for the project or activity. 

Item 1. Enter designation, if any, used by operator for the project or activity. 

Item 2. Enter : 

(a) Date first actual weather modification activity is to be undertaken; 

(b) Date on which final weather modification activity is expected to occur. 
Item 3. Enter the purpose of the project or activity : e.g., rainfall increase, 

hail suppression, cold fog dispersal, etc. 
Item 4. Enter : 

(a) Name, phone number, affiliation, and address of the primary person 
for whom the project is to be performed ( sponsor ) . 

(b) Name, phone number, affiliation, and address of the person primarily 
responsible for carrying out the project (operator) . 

Item 5. A map should be attached showing size and location of target area, 
control area, coded number and location of each item of ground-based weather 
modification apparatus and coded number and location of key raingages, radars, 
or other precipitation measuring devices. Also show location of airport for air- 
borne operations. 

Item 6. Describe the weather modification apparatus, modification agents, and 
the techniques to be used. This would include type of ground or airborne appara- 
tus to be used, type of modification material to be dispensed, rate of dispensing 
material in grams per hour or other appropriate units, type of precipitation gages 
to be used in target and control areas, and any other pertinent information such 
as type of radars, type of aircraft to be used, techniques to be employed, (e.g., 
cloud base seeding at 10,000 feet msl). 

Item 7. List name, phone number, affiliation, and address of the responsible 
individual from whom log books or other records may be obtained. 

Item 8. Provide applicable answers to questions as indicated. 

Item 9. This item is to permit the reporting person to include any information 
not covered by items 1 through 8 but which he feels is significant or of interest. 
It is also to be used to include any information not covered elsewhere that the 
Administrator may request. 




NOAA FORM 17 -4 A 



"This report is required by Public Law 92- 205/85 Sfof 735; ?5 U.S.C. 3306. 
Knowing and willful violation of any rule adopted under the authority of sec- 
tion 2 of Public Law 92—205 snail subject the person violating sued rule to 
a fin* of not more than $10,000, upon conviction thereof." 



Complete in accordance with instructions on reverse «nd forward one copy: 

TO: Environmental Modification Office (EM-5) 

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
Rocltville, Maryland 20852 



























CERTIFI- j cemfv ,),., .n statements in this repon on this weather modification proieci are 
CA1ION: complete and correct to ihe best of my knowledge and are made in good faith 









NOl« FORM 17-4* 61 

Instructions for Interim and Final Reports 

Any person engaged in any weather modification project or activity in the 
United States on January 1 in any year shall submit one copy of this form setting 
forth as of such date the information required with respect to each such con- 
tinuing project or activity not previously furnished in a prior interim report. 
The box indicating "Interim Report" should be checked. The January 1 date 
nhall not apply if other arrangements have previously been made with the writ- 
ten approval of the Administrator of NOAA. The report shall be received by 
NOAA not later than 45 days following the end of the reported period. 

Upon completion of a project or activity one copy of this report shall be sub- 
mit ted and the box checked indicating "Final Report." The final report shall be 


received by NOAA not later than 45 days after the completion of the project or 

The NOAA File Number should be filled in for any project for which the 
Administrator has assigned a file number. 

A supplemental report in letter form referring to the appropriate NOAA file 
number must be made to the Administrator if the "Interim" or "Final" reports 
are found to contain any material inaccuracies, misstatements, and omissions. 


The information in Items (a) through (e) on the report form should be pro- 
vided as prescribed below for the months to which the report pertains. If no 
data are applicable for any given item in any month, enter zero. 

Item (a) : Enter number of days on which actual weather modification 
activities took place. 

Item (b) : Enter in the appropriate column number of days on which modifica- 
tion activities were conducted, segregated by each of the major purposes of the 
activities. Normally, the total of entries in (b) would equal total in (a). 

Item (c) : Enter number of modification missions that were carried out. 

Item (d) : Enter in the appropriate column total number of hours of operation 
of each type of weather modification apparatus, (i.e., net hours of agent release). 
If the form does not contain sufficient space, report additional types on a sepa- 
rate sheet. 

Item (e) : Enter in the appropriate column total amount of agent used, by 
type. If the form does not contain sufficient space, report additional types on a 
separate sheet. 

The totals for these items shall be provided for the period covered by the 
interim report. 


The final report shall contain the information required for interim reports, to 
the extent not previously reported. In addition, the items designated as "Totals 
for Final Report" should be reported. This information should pertain to the 
entire project or activity period, rather than only the period since the last interim 
report. At the space at the end of the form, enter the date on which final 
weather modification activity occurred. 







































This report is required by Public Law 92-205; 85 Stat 735; 15 U.S.C. 330b. Knowing and 
willful violation of any rule adopted under the authority of section 2 of Public Law 92-205 shall 
subject the person violating such rule to a fine of not more than $10,000, upon conviction thereof. 











Instructions for Completing Daily Log Form 

daily log of activities 

This is a suggested form to be used in recording the information required to 
be kept by Section 908.8, Part 908 of Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations. 
Other logs may be used, providing they contain the information required. A 
tabular form is provided on which to report a daily log of activities for each 
unit of weather modification apparatus. The form is suitable for recording opera- 
tion of individual items of ground or airborne apparatus. In the spaces provided 
above the columns, write the designation of the w r eather modification apparatus, 
coded to refer to the description required by Sections 908.8(b) (1) and 908.8(c). 


Part 908 of Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations, the month and year of daily 
record, the name of the operator, and the NOAA file number. These or other logs 
containing the required information shall be retained for 5 years ; they are not 
to be sent to NOAA. 
Explanation of columns follows : 

Column (1) : State date of the weather modification activity. 

Column (2) : Give each aircraft position or location of each item of weather 
modification apparatus during each modification mission. Maps may be used. 

Columns (3 and (4) : State local time when modification activity began and 
ended. Use 24-hour clock time (e.g., 0100 signifies 1 :00 a.m. and 2300 signifies 
11 :00 p.m.). For intermittent operations, the start and end of the total sequences 
are acceptable. 

Column (5) : Give duration of operation of each unit of weather modification 
apparatus, in hours and minutes. (Col. 5-Col. 4-Col. 3). 
Column (6) : Describe type of modification agent used. 

Column (7) : Give rate of dispersal of agent during the period of actual opera- 
tion of weather modification apparatus, by hour or other appropriate time period. 

Column (8) : Give total amount of modification agent used. If more than one 
agent was used, report total for each type separately. 

Columns (9), (10), (11), (12) and (13) : Check once for each day on which 
modification activities were conducted, segregated by each of the major purposes 
of the activities. 

On the daily log sheet for the last day of each month, give monthly totals, for 
Columns (5), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), and (13). 

Appendix M 

Selected State Kules and Regulations for the Administration 
or State Weather Modification Statutes 


State of Illinois Rules and Regulations for the Administration and 
Enforcement of the Provisions of the Weather Modification Control Act 

department of registration and education 

(Ronald E. Stackler, Director, Springfield) 

[Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois] 


These Rules are issued under the authority of Sections 6, 11, 12, 17, 20 and 26, 
Chapter 146%, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1973, S The Weather Modification Con- 
trol Act. 


1. Purpose of Rules. — These Rules are adopted to promote properly conducted 
weather modification operations and research and development, to minimize pos- 
sible adverse effects from weather modification activities and to facilitate the 
administration and enforcement of the Weather Modification Control Act. These 
Rules shall be liberally construed to carry out these objectives and purposes. 

2. Use and Effect of Rules. — These Rules are prescribed for the performance of 
the statutory powers and functions vested in the Department of Registration and 
Education. In no event shall any Rule or Rules be construed as a limitation or 
restriction upon the exercise of any statutory power of the Department. 

3. Suspension or Modification of Rules. — These Rules may be suspended or 
modified by the Director of the Department of Registration and Education, in 
whole or in part, in the interest of justice. The Department of Registration and 
Education by and through the Director reserves the right to waive compliance 
with any of these Rules whenever in the Director's judgment, no party will be 
injured thereby. 

4. Construction of Rules. — These Rules should not be construed to abrogate, 
modify or limit any rights, privileges, or immunities granted or protected by the 
Constitution or laws of the United States or the Constitution or laws of the State 
of Illinois nor to deny any person life, liberty, or property without due process of 


As used in these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms specified 
herein have the meanings ascribed to them herein or by the Weather Modification 
Control Act, whichever shall be applicable, as same may be, at any time or from 
time to time, amended. 

1. Act or Weather Modification Control Act. — "Act" or "Weather Modification 
Control Act" means "An Act to regulate weather modification in this State and 
amending certain Acts therein named in connection therewith" (P.A. 78-674, 
effective October 1, 1973), as same may at any time or from time to time, be 

2. Weather Modification Apparatus. — "Weather Modification Apparatus" means 
any apparatus used with the intention of producing artificial changes in the com- 
position, motions and resulting behavior of the atmosphere. 

:>,. Sponsor. — "Sponsor" means any person who enters into an agreement with a 
permittee to perform an operation. 

4. Target Area.— "Target Area" means the surface area within which the effects 
of an operation are expected to be found. 



5. Operations Area. — "Operations Area" means the area in which an operation 
is conducted to produce or attempt to produce the desired effect within the target 

6. Control Area. — "Control Area" means a preselected, untreated surface area 
in which no effects are expected and which is used for comparison with a target 

7. Professional Level. — "Professional Level" means a level of responsibility for 
direct supervision and conduct of operations or substantial parts thereof. 

8. Department's Address.— 628 East Adams Street, Springfield, Illinois 62786, 
or such other address as shall at any time or from time to time, be designated by 
the Director or his duly designated representative. 


1. Director. — The powers and duties of the Department enumerated in the 
Illinois Civil Administrative Code, where applicable, the Act and these Rules 
shall be exercised by the Director. 

2. Board. — Reports from the Board, except in emergencies, shall be in writing. 
The Chairman of the Board shall be responsible for forwarding to the Director 
reports from the Board promptly and for keeping other members of the Board 
advised of pending business of the Board. The Director shall act promptly upon 
receipt of reports from the Board. 


1. Hearings Required. — Except for emergency modifications of operational per- 
mits as provided for in Section 21(b) of the Act, before suspending, revoking, 
refusing to renew or modifying a license or a permit, the Department shall con- 
duct a hearing in conformity with Section 8 of the Act. 

2. Stenographic Record. — The stenographic record of a hearing shall be re- 
tained for at least five years. It need not be transcribed unless there is judicial 
review of the final administrative decision under Section 25 of the Act. 


1. Requirement. — Except as provided in Subsection 2 of this Rule, no person 
may engage in weather modification activities : 

(a) Without both a professional weather modification license issued under 
Rule 6 and a weather modification operational permit issued under Rule 7 ; 

(b) In violation of any term, condition or limitation of such license or 

2. Exemptions. — The following activities are exempted from the license and 
permit requirements of the Act : 

(a) Research and development conducted by the State, its subdivisions 
and agencies of the State and of its subdivisions, institutions of higher learn- 
ing and bona fide research organizations ; 

(b) Activities for protection against fire, frost or fog ; and 

(c) Activities normally conducted for purposes other than inducing, in- 
creasing, decreasing or preventing hail, precipitation, clouds or tornadoes. 

3. Conduct of Exempt Activities. — Exempted activities shall be so conducted 
as not to interfere with weather modification operations conducted under a 
permit issued in accordance with the Act and these Rules. 

4. Notice of Exempt Activities. — Persons conducting exempted operations 
and research and development shall file with the Department the original 
of^a notice form available from the Department and with the Chairman of the 
Board at the Department's address a copy of the form indicating their intent to 
engage in such activities. Information from notice forms will be used in ascer- 
taining the extent to which records should be kept for exempted activities under 
Rule 8(6) and reports should be filed on such activities under Rule 9(5). Notice 
forms will require the following data : 

( a ) Name and address of the person giving notice ; 

(b) Name and address of the sponsor (if any) of the operation or research 
and development ; 

( c ) Whether the activity is operational or research and development ; 

(d) Nature and object to the activity ; 


(e) The legal description of and a map showing the operations area, tar- 
get area and control area, if the activity involves any such areas ; 

(f) The approximate starting date of the activity and its anticipated 
duration ; 

(g) The kind of weather modification agent (s) intended for use; and 

(h) The kinds of weather modification apparatus which will be used. 


1. Criteria for Issuance : Issuance of licenses shall be based on the applicant's 
character, knowledge of weather modification principles and techniques and ex- 
perience in their application. The following shall be the minimum educational 
and experience criteria : 

(a) A minimum of two years' field experience at the professional level in 
weather modification field operations or research ; and 

(b) One of the following three requirements : 

(1) Six additional years' experience in weather modification field opera- 
tions or research ; or 

(1) Six additional years' experience in weather modification field 
operations or research ; or 

(2) A degree in engineering, mathematics, or the physical sciences 
plus two additional years' experience in weather modification field op- 
erations or research ; or 

(3) A degree in meteorology, or a degree in engineering, mathematics, 
or the physical sciences which includes or is in addition to at least 
twenty-five semester hours of meteorological course work. 

2. Application for License. — An applicant for a license shall fill out and file 
with the Department the original of an application form available from the De- 
partment and a copy thereof with the Chairman of the Board at the Depart- 
ment's address no later than thirty days before the applicant plans to use the 
license. The form shall require relevant information about the applicant's char- 
acter, knowledge of weather modification principles and experience in their ap- 
plication. Among the data required is information about the applicant's : 

(a) Educational background at the college and graduate level. This in- 
cludes the dates of attendance and of graduation, the major and minor 
subjects (including the number of semester hours of meteorological course 
work), the degrees received, and the titles of any thesis and/or dissertation. 

(b) Experience in weather modification or related activities. Attention 
should be given to experience with reference to meteorological conditions 
typical of Illinois. The applicant should list the dates of each position held, 
the title of the position (indicate whether it was of sub-professional or 
professional level), the name and address of the employer, a description 
of the work done (indicate both the magnitude and complexity of the work 
and the duties and degree of responsibility for the work), and the name 
and address of the supervisor. 

(c) Scientific or engineering society affiliations and the grade of member- 
ship in and certification by each. 

(d) Publications, patents and reports. 

(e) Three references who will attest to the applicant's character, knowl- 
edge of weather modification principles and experience in their application 

(f ) A list of all jurisdictions in which the applicant has previously filed 
application for a professional weather modification license. The outcome 
of such applications should be indicated. 

(g) A list of all law suits relating to weather modification from any juris- 
diction in which the applicant was a party or where the applicant was 
employed by a party thereto at the time involved therein. 

(h) Indication whether a professional weather modification license is- 
sued to the applicant in any jurisdiction has ever been suspended, revoked, 
placed on probationary status or subjected to any other disciplinary actions 
or whether there has been refusal to renew such a license by any juris- 
diction. If there has been any such suspension, revocation, placement on 
probationary status or other disciplinary action or refusal to renew, the 
circumstances must be explained in full. 

3. Procedure for Issuance. — The Department shall evaluate the applications, 
Including the responses from references, and such other relevant data about ap- 
plicants as it possesses or discovers. The Department in its discretion shall also 


have the right to interview any applicant. On the oasis of that information 
the Department shall, within sixty days of receipt of an application, determine 
whether the applicant meets the educational and experience criteria established 
by Subsection 1 of this Rule and whether the applicant possesses the character, 
knowledge and experience necessary to engage in weather modification opera- 
tions. The Director shall issue a license to each applicant who pays the license 
fee established by Section 13 of the Act and who demonstrates to the satisfac- 
tion of the Department the competence, by virtue of character, knowledge and 
experience, necessary to engage in weather modification operations. If an appli- 
cant for a license does not pay the license fee established by Section 13 of the 
Act or does not demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Department the compe- 
tence, by virtue of character, knowledge and experience, necessary to engage in 
weather modification operations, the Department shall deny the application for 
the license. 

4. Renewal of License. — Forty-five days before expiration of licenses the De- 
partment shall mail license application forms to all licensees and request each 
licensee to complete the form and file the original with the Department and a 
copy with the Chairman of the Board at the Department's address. The Depart- 
ment shall evaluate the available data about the licensee and shall issue a 
renewal license within thirty days of receipt of the application to each appli- 
cant who pays the renewal fee established by Section 13 of the Act and who 
has the qualifications necessary for issuance of an original license. The Depart- 
ment shall deny a renewal license within thirty days of receipt of the appli- 
cation of each applicant who does not pay the renewal fee or who does not 
possess the qualifications necessary for issuance of an original license. 


1. Criteria for Issuance. — Issuance of permits to conduct weather modification 
operations shall be based on the following factors : 

(a) The applicant holds, or if the applicant is an organization rather 
than an individual, the individual who will be physically present in Illinois 
in control of the operation and under whose direction on a day-by-day basis it 
will be carried out holds, a valid professional weather modification license 
issued under Section 12 of the Act and Rule 6 ; 

(b) The applicant has furnished proof of financial responsibility in ac- 
cordance with Section 20 of the Act and under Rule 7 (6) ; 

(c) The operation has technical and scientific feasibility and is reason- 
ably conceived to do all or any of the following : improve water quality or 
quantity, reduce losses from weather hazards, provide economic benefits 
for the people of the State, ad\tence or enhance scientific knowledge or 
otherwise carry out the objectives and purposes of the Act and these Rules ; 

(d) The operation does not involve a high degree of substantial risk to 
persons or property, is designed to include adequate safeguards to minimize 
possible damage to the public health, safety or welfare or to the environ- 
ment and includes an emergency shutdown procedure which states con- 
ditions under which operations must be suspended because of possible dan- 
ger to the public health, safety and welfare or to the environment ; 

(e) The operation will not adversely affect another operation for which 
a permit has been issued ; 

(f ) The operation will not adversely affect any existing research and de- 
velopment project exempted from the licensing and permit requirements 
by Rule 5 (2) (a) ; 

(g) The applicant has complied with the permit fee requirement estab- 
lished by Section 18 of the Act . 

(h) The applicant has an acceptable plan for evaluation of the operation 
by using available surface data from sources such as the United States 
Department of Agriculture county crop yield reports, the United States 
Geological Survey stream flow gauges, the National Weather Service tern 
perature and precipitation gauges and reports and the hail loss insurance 
records for the region ; and 

(i) The project conforms to such other criteria as are set forth in the 
objects and purposes of the Act and of these Rules. 

2. Application for Permit. — An applicant for a permit shall fill out and file 
with the Department the original of an application form available from the De- 
partment and a copy thereof with the Chairman of the Board at the Depart- 


merit's address no later than thirty days before the applicant plans to use the 
permit. The form shall require relevant information about the applicant and 
the proposed operation from which the Department can make an informed judg- 
ment whether or not to issue the permit and, in case of issuance of the permit, 
what conditions and limitations should be placed upon it. Among the data re- 
quired is the following information about the applicant and the project : 

(a) Name and address of the applicant ; 

(b) Whether a weather modification operational permit issued to the ap- 
plicant in any jurisdiction has ever been suspended, revoked, placed on 
probationary status or subjected to any other disciplinary action or whether 
there has been refusal to renew such a permit by any jurisdiction. If there 
has been any such suspension, revocation, placement on probationary status 
or other disciplinary action or refusal to renew, the circumstances must be 
explained in full ; 

(c) If the applicant is a corporation, whether it is licensed to do busi- 
ness in Illinois ; 

(d) Names, addresses and numbers of all professional licenses issued 
under Section 12 of the Act and Rule 6 of the individuals in control of the 
operation and under whose direction on a day-by-day basis it will be carried 
out ; 

(e) Whether professional weather modification licenses issued to such 
licenses in any jurisdiction have ever been suspended or revoked or placed 
on probationary status or subjected to any other disciplinary action or 
whether there has been refusal to renew such licenses by any jurisdiction. 
If there has been any such suspension, revocation, placement on proba- 
tionary status or other disciplinary action, or refusal to renew, the circum- 
stances must be explained in full ; 

(f) Whether proof of financial responsibility has been furnished in ac- 
cordance with Section 20 of the Act and Rule 7(6); 

(g) If the operation will be conducted under a contract, the value of the 
contract ; 

(h) If the operation will not be conducted under a contract, an estimate 
of the costs of the operation and information as to how the estimate was 
made ; 

(i) A copy of any promotional and advertising material used in connec- 
tion with negotiations for the contract with the sponsor (if any) ; 

(j) A complete and detailed operational plan for the operation which 
includes : 

(1) The nature and objects of the operation ; 

(2) The legal descriptions of and a map showing the operations 
area, the target area and the control area (if any) ; 

(3) The approximate starting date of the operation and its antici- 
pated duration ; 

(4) The kind of seeding agent (s) intended for use and the antici- 
pated rate of their uses ; 

(5) The kinds of weather modification apparatus which will be used 
and the method (s) of seeding for which they will be used ; 

(6) An emergency shutdown procedure which states conditions under 
which operations must be suspended because of possible danger to the 
public health, safety and welfare or to the environment ; 

(7) The means by which the operation plans will be implemented 
and carried out, such as the location of the main operational office and 
any other offices used in connection with the operation, the location of 
such ground equipment as seeding generators, radar and evaluation 
instrumentation, the number and kinds of aircraft which will be used 
and the extent to which weather data will be made available to the 
licensees and other personnel carrying out the project ; and 

(8) How conduct of the operation will interact with other projects; 
(k) An acceptable plan for evaluation of the operation prepared in com- 
pliance with Rule 7 (1) (h) ; and 

(1) Such additional information as will assist the Department in de- 
ciding whether or not to issue the permit. 

Procedure for Issuance. — The Department shall evaluate all fully executed 
applications, using not only information derived from the completed application 
forms and accompanying (hem, but also such other relevant data about the 
applicants and the proposed operations as it possesses or discovers. The Depart- 


ment may give public notice by newspaper, radio or television announcement in 
the area' of the State reasonably expected to be affected by operations con- 
ducted under a permit that it is considering an application or more than one 
application for a permit, and may hold a public hearing for the purpose of ob- 
taining information from the public concerning the effects of issuing or refusing 
to issue the permit. The Department may issue a permit in response to an ap- 
plication for an operation if it determines that there has been substantial com- 
pliance with Section 17 of the Act and Rule 7(1). Otherwise it shall deny the 
application for the permit. The Department shall complete its action upon ap- 
plications within thirty days of receiving them. 

4. Conditions and Limits of Permits. — The permittee shall confine weather 
modification activities within the conditions and limits specified in the permit 
and those imposed by the Act and these Rules, except to the extent the condi- 
tions and limits are modified by the Department. The Department may con- 
dition and limit permits as to target area, time of the operation, materials and 
methods to be used in conducting the operation, emergency shutdown procedure 
and such other operational requirements as may be established by the Depart- 
ment. The Department shall condition and limit all permits in the following 
respects : 

(a) A permit may cover only one operation ; 

(b) When an operation is conducted under contract, a separate permit 
is required for each contract ; and 

(c) Only one permit will be issued at a time for operations in any geo- 
graphical area if two or more operations conducted within the conditions 
and limits of the permits might adversely interfere with each other. 

5. Duration of Permit. — Within thirty days of the end of each yearly permit 
period the permittee shall file a permit application form available from the 
Department, an original for the Department and a copy thereof for the Chair- 
man of the Board, at the address of the Department. The Department shall 
complete its action upon applications within thirty days of receiving them. 

6. Proof of Financial Responsibility. — Proof. of financial responsibility is made 
by showing to the satisfaction of the Department that the permittee has the 
ability to respond in damages to liability which might reasonably result from the 
operation for which the permit is sought. Such proof of financial responsibility 
may, but shall not be required to be, shown by : 

(a) Presentation to the Department of proof of purchase of a prepaid non- 
cancellable insurance policy or a corporate surety bond issued by a company 
approved by the Department against whom service of legal process may be 
made in Illinois against such liabilities in an amount ten times the value 
of an operation conducted under contract or in an amount ten times the 
estimated costs of an operation not conducted under contract ; or 

(b) Depositing with the Department cash or negotiable securities in an 
amount ten times the value of an operation conducted under contract or in 
an amount five times the estimated costs of an operation not conducted 
under contract. 

7. Renewal of Permit. — At the expiration of the permit period, the Department 
shall issue a renewal permit to each applicant who : 

(a) At least thirty clays before expiration of the permit period files the 
original of a permit application form available from the Department with 
the Department and a copy with the Chairman of the Board at the Depart- 
ment's address ; 

(b) Meets the criteria for issuance of a permit under Section 17 of the Act 
and Rule 7(1), including payment of the permit fee ; and 

(c) Has an operational record which indicates that an original permit 
would be issuable for the operation. 


1. Daily Log. — Each permittee must fill in and retain a daily log of weather 
modification activities for each unit of weather modification apparatus used 
during an operation. The log form which will be available from the Department 
requires : 

(a) Date of the weather modification activity ; 

(b) Each aircraft flight track and location of each item of weather modi- 
fication apparatus during each modification mission. Maps may be used ; 


(c) Local time when modification activity began and ended. For intermit- 
tent operations, the start and end of the total sequence are acceptable ; 

(d) Duration of operation of each unit of weather modification apparatus, 
in hours and minutes ; 

(e) Description of type of modification agent used ; 

(f) Rate of dispersal of agent during the period of actual operation of 
weather modification apparatus, by hour or other appropriate time period ; 

(g) Total amount of modification agent used. If more th,an one agent was 
used, report total for each type separately ; 

(h) Local time when any radar monitoring operation was turned on and 
turned off; 

(i) Type of clouds modified, that is whether they were stratiform, isolated 
cumuliform. organized cumuliform or other types of clouds ; 

(j) Remarks indicating such operational problems as equipment failure, 
weather conditions not conducive to successful performance of the operation, 
personnel problems and the like ; and 

(k) Monthly totals from daily logs listing the total : 

(1) Days during month in which operation conducted ; 

( 2 ) Time of operation ; 

(3) Amount of each kind of agent used ; 

(4) Average rate of dispersal of each kind of agent used; 

(5) Time of operation of radar ; and 

(6) Days of each type of cloud treated. 

2. Weather Records. — Each permittee must obtain and retain copies of all daily 
precipitation total records available from the National Weather Service stations 
in the target area and other sources. 

3. Summary Records. — Each permittee must prepare a monthly summary of 
the monthly totals from the daily logs of all units of weather modification ap- 
paratus used during an operation. 

4. Addresses of Participants. — Each permittee must keep a roster of the names 
and Illinois addresses of all employees participating in the State on an operation 
for which a permit has been issued. 

5. Inspection. — Duly authorized agents of the Department shall have the power 
to enter and inspect the records required by this Rule and to make copies of them. 

6. Exempted Weather Modification Activities. — The Department may in its 
discretion require persons operating weather modification activities exempted 
under Rule 5 (2) to keep all or part of the record required of permittees by this 
Rule. These records shall be kept in such manner as the Department may 


1. Monthly. — Within ten days after the conclusion of each calendar month the 
permittee shall submit a report to the Department which shall consist of: 

( a ) A copy of the summary record prepared under Rule 8(3); 

(b) A copy of the roster of the names and Illinois addresses of all em- 
ployees participating in the State on an operation which was prepared 
under Rule 8(4) ; 

(c) A copy of the federal interim activity report form filed for that month 
with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in accordance 
with the rules adopted under the authority of Public Law 92-205; and 

(d) A narrative account of the manner in which operations during the 
month did not conform to the operational plan filed in accordance with Rule 
7 (2) (j). 

2. Pinal. — Within thirty days after completion of the operation the permittee 
shall file with the Department a final report on the operation which shall consist 


(a) Copies of the logs prepared in accordance with Rule 8 (1), of the 
weather records obtained in accordance with Rule 8 (2) and of the totals 
for the entire operational period from the monthly summary records pre- 
pared under Rule 8 (3) ; 

(b) A copy of the federal final activity report form filed with the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in accordance with the rules 
adopted under the authority of Public Law 92-205 ; and 

(c) A narrative account of the manner in which the operation did not 
conform to the operational plan filed in accordance with Rule 7 (2) (j). 


3. Evaluation. — Within sixty days after completion of the operation the per- 
mittee shall file with the Department a narrative evaluation of the operation. The 
data for this report should be assembled and evaluated in accordance with the 
evaluation plan prepared in compliance with Rule 7 (1) (h). 

4. Reports to Sponsors. — The permittee shall file with the Department a copy 
of all reports made by the permittee to sponsors of the operation. 

5. Exempted Weather Modification Activities. — The Department may in its 
discretion require persons operating weather modification activities exempted 
under Rule 5 (2) but who have been required under Rule 8 (6) to keep certain 
records to file all or part of the reports required of permittees by this Rule. These 
records shall be kept in such manner as the Department may indicate. 

6. Public Records. — All reports which are in the custody of the Department and 
which have been filed with it under the Act or Rule 9 shall be kept open for public 
examination as public documents during regular business hours of the Depart- 
ment's office located at the Department's address. 


If any portion of these Rules is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect 
any other part of these Rules which can be given effect without the invalid 


The Kansas Weather Modification Act 
state statutes, rules and regulations plus applicable forms 

Prepared and Published by the Kansas Water Resources Board, Suite 303, 
503 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kans. 66603 


While rain making has been one of man's objectives for several thousands of 
years, it has only been within the past half century that he has begun to grasp 
some of the scientific reasons for weather events which he has observed and 
speculated on throughout history. 

With a clear recognition of the potential of weather modification for benefit or 
harm, and in view of the lack of hard facts with respect to the possible benefits 
and financial and social costs of such efforts in Kansas, it appeared wise for the 
state to seek to provide usable knowledge and reasonable protection to its citizens 
against irresponsible acts which might adversely affect them. 

With this in mind, the 1974 Kansas Legislature passed H.B. 1216 which appears 
as Kansas Statutes Annotated 82a-1401 to 1424. This act, cited as the "Kansas 
Weather Modification Act," provides for licensing by the state of all qualified 
persons who desire to engage in weather modification activities within the state, 
and further requires that a permit be obtained for each specific activity. Responsi- 
bility for administering the act has been placed with the Kansas Water Resources 

The law also required the Board to appoint an Advisory Committee to assist 
the Executive Director of the Board in developing licensing standards and report 
forms, and to assist in other areas as directed by the Board. 

This booklet contains a copy of the law, a copy of the rules and regulations 
prepared in cooperation with the Advisory Committee, a copy of the required 
forms, and instructions for preparation of the forms. 

The objectives of the rules and regulations are to encourage the development 
and evaluation of weather modification technology, to protect the public through 
the requirement that operators in this field possess certain basic qualifications, 
to establish procedures for the issuance of permits with a minimum of delay 
and to clarify administrative policy. 

These rules may be amended in accordance with procedures set forth in K.S.A. 

To Whom Should A Weather Modification License and Permit Be Issued? 


The Kansas Weather Modification Act provides that a license may be issued to 
any qualified person. That person must be an individual. A corporation cannot 


demonstrate its knowledge of meteorology and weather modification operations ; 
that is the realm of the individual who may be a member of a corporation or 
political entity. 

Only an individual can meet the requirements of 1976 Supp. K.S.A. 82a-1407 
and 1412. If a company chooses to license several of its staff in order to meet the 
requirements of 1412, that is its prerogative. However, a license is not transfer- 
able since it applies to a specific individual and his capabilities. 


In contrast to the conditions for a license, a permit may be obtained by an 
individual, a corporation, or any other "person" which meets the requirements of 
K.S.A. 82a-1411, since all activities must be under the direction of a licensed 
individual. In making application for a permit, the licensee who will be carrying 
out the provisions of the permit should be required to state in writing that he 
can carry out the provisions of the permit as specified in the operational plan 
which is to accompany the approved permit. 

Rules and Regulations — General 

98-4-1 PURPOSE 

These rules and regulations were prepared pursuant to K.S.A. 82a-1403 by the 
Executive Director within the authority granted by the Kansas Water Resources 
Board and in consultation with the Advisory Committee appointed by the Board. 
The purpose of developing licensing standards and report forms and establishing 
minimum operating requirements for weather modification activities in Kansas 
is to expand knowledge, minimize conflicts, and assure the use of the most effec- 
tive methods of carrying on such operations. K.S.A. 1974 Supp. 82a-1403 


1. "Board" means the Kansas Water Resources Board. 

2. "Director" means the Executive Director of the Kansas Water Resources 

3. "Emergency" means an unusual condition which could not have reasonably 
been expected or foreseen ; one in which it can be anticipated that damage can be 
avoided or reduced by prompt weather modification action. 

4. "License" means the document issued by the Director to qualified persons 
who make application therefor, authorizing such persons to engage in weather 
modification activities in Kansas. 

5. "Licensee" means an individual who has applied for and to whom a weather 
modification license has been issued. 

6. "Permit" means the document issued by the Director authorizing weather 
modification activity in Kansas, which describes the objectives of the activity, the 
area in which the activity is to take place, the time within which the operation 
is to be active, and anticipated results. 

7. "Primary Target Area" means the area within which weather modification 
activity is intended to have an effect. 

8. "Research and Development" means exploration, field experimentation 
and/or extension of investigative findings and theories. 

9. "Weather Modification Activity" means any operation or experimental 
process which lias as its objective inducing change, bv artificial means, in the 
composition, behavior, or dynamics of the atmosphere. K.S.A. 1974 Supp. 82a-1403. 


1. No person may engage in any weather modification activity within the State 
of Kansas without a license and a permit. 

2. In order to obtain a license under the Kansas Weather Modification Act the 
applicant must : 

a. Make application for a license in Kansas to the Board on Form KWM 
#1. (Copy attached) To assure timely consideration, this should be sub- 
mitted at least forty-five (45) days prior to the start of the proposed opera- 
tional period. 


b. Pay the $100.00 license fee unless that fee is waived by a decision of the 
Board because of the educational or experimental nature of the work pro- 
posed. The candidate for exemption must prove to the satisfaction of the 
Director and the Advisory Committee, if consulted, that the nature of the 
work merits exemption from fees. 

c. Meet one of the following professional or educational requirements : 

(1) Eight (8) years of professional experience in weather modifica- 
tion field research or activities and at least three (3) years as a project 

(2) A baccalaureate degree in applicable courses and three (3) years 
experience in application of such studies to weather modification 

(3) A baccalaureate degree including 25 hours of meteorological 
studies and two (2) years of practical experience in weather modifica- 
tion research or activities. 

d. Demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Director, by his knowledge of 
meteorology, cloud physics, and field experience, that he is qualified to con- 
duct a weather modification project of the kind he wishes to conduct in 

3. Each license shall expire at the end of the calendar year for which it is 

4. Weather modification licenses may be renewed annually, effective January 1 
each year. Renewal will be automatic upon the following conditions : 

a. Receipt of a request for renewal by the license holder. 

b. Receipt of the $100.00 annual license fee, if applicable. 

c. Verification by the Director or the Board that evidence has not become 
available that would raise doubts as to the qualifications of the license holder. 
K.S.A. 1974 Supp. 82a-1403 

©8-4-4 PERMITS 

1. A weather modification permit shall be required annually, on a calendar year 
basis, for each weather modification project. In those cases when a weather modi- 
fication activity will extend over more than one calendar year, a permit may be 
extended on a year-to-year basis upon payment of the annual fee, a review by the 
Director and, if desirable, his Advisory Committee, and the publication of a no- 
tice of intent to continue the operation. The Director shall determine whether a 
public hearing is needed. 

2. A permit may not be assigned nor transferred by the holder. 

3. Permit applications should, if possible, be submitted at least forty-five (45) 
days prior to the initial date of the proposed operational period for which the 
permit is sought. This will allow time to hold a public hearing, review the infor- 
mation presented, and permit action by the Board prior to the proposed starting 
date of the project. 

4. In order to modify the boundaries of a project for which a permit has previ- 
ously been obtained, a revised permit will be required, under conditions similar 
to those under which the original permit was issued, or as modified by the 

5. In order to obtain a permit to conduct weather modification activities in Kan- 
sas, an applicant must : 

a. Submit to the Director a completed Form KWM No. 2. (Copy attached.) 

b. Pay the $100.00 permit fee, if applicable. 

c. Present evidence that the applicant is, or has in its employ, a licensee. 

d. Demonstrate proof of ability to meet the liability requirements of Sec- 
tion 1411(4) of the Kansas Weather Modification Act. This proof may be pro- 
vided in the form of an insurance policy written by a company authorized to 
do business in Kansas or by a statement of individual worth which is satis- 
factory to the Director. 

e. Submit a complete and satisfactory operational plan for the proposed 
weather modification project, which includes : 

(1) A map of the proposed operating area which specifies the primary 
target area and shows the area reasonably expected to be affected. 

(2) The name and address of the licensee. 

(3) The nature and object of the intended weather modification activi- 

(4) The meteorological criteria to be used to initiate or suspend modifi- 
cation activities. 

34-857 O - 79 - 46 


(5) The person or organization on whose behalf it is to be conducted. 

(6) A statement showing any expected effect upon the environment. 

(7) The methods that will be used in determining and evaluating the 
proposed weather modification project. 

(8) Such other information as may be required by the Director. 

f. Publish a "notice of intent" to engage in weather modification activities 
in each county of which all or part may be within the primary target area or 
within the areas reasonably expected to be affected, at least seven (7) days 
prior to the required public hearing. The time and place of the public hearing 
must be approved by the Director. The "notice of intent" shall include notice 
in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation in the area. In addition, 
the use of radio and television spot announcements is encouraged. The notice 
shall : 

(1) Describe the primary target area. 

(2) Describe the area which might reasonably be affected. 

(3) Specify the period of operation including starting and ending 
dates, which operation need not be continuous. 

(4) Describe the general method of operation. 

(5) Describe the intended effect of the operation. 

(6) State the time and place of a public hearing on the application; 
the hearing to be in or near the primary target area. 

(7) State that complete details of the application for a permit will be 
available for examination in the office of the Water Resources Board in 

Topeka and at a location within the project area as described in the 
public hearing notice. 

g. Provide satisfactory evidence of publication of the "notice of intent" to 
the Director prior to the public hearing. 

6. At the discretion of the Director, additional information may be required of 
the applicant. The additional information required may include a comprehen- 
sive environmental impact analysis similar to the statements required for federal 

7. Any permit issued for a weather modification activity shall be subject to re- 
vision, suspension, or modification of its terms and conditions by the Director, if 
necessary to protect the health, safety, or property of any person or to protect the 
environment. K.S.A. 1974 Supp. 82a-1403 


Permit applications will be evaluated based on the following considerations : 

1. The project can reasonably be expected to benefit the residents of the primary 
target area or an important segment of the state's population. 

2. The testimony and information presented at the public hearing is generally 
favorable to the proposed activity. 

3. Economic, social, or research benefits are expected : 

a. If the application is for a commercial project, the project is scientifically 
and technically feasible. 

b. If the application is for a scientific or research project, it offers promise 
of expanding the knowledge and technology of weather modification. 

4. The applicant has provided adequate safeguards against potentially hazard- 
ous effects to health, property, or environment and has outlined a program for 
the implementation of these safeguards. 

5. The proposed project will not have any detrimental effect on the previously 
authorized weather modification projects. 

G. The project is to be under the personal direction, on a day-to-day basis, of 
an individual who holds a valid license, issued under the Kansas Weather Modifi- 
cation Act. K.S.A. 1974 Supp. 82a-1403 

9 8-4-6 REPORTS 

1. The permit holder will maintain at his project office a current (within 24 
hours) log of all operations. This log must he available for inspection by persons 



so authorized by the Director. The log will include information at least equiva- 
lent to that on Form KWM No. 3. (Copy attached) 

2. Reports of weather modification activities under the permit will be made 
monthly to the Director for each calendar month for which the permit is valid. 
These should be submitted by the 15th day of the following month. Copies of all 
entries made on Weather Modification Form KWM No. 3 shall be submitted when 
making these reports unless a more detailed form is agreed to at the time the 
permit is granted. 

3. - A preliminary report shall be made within thirty (30) days after the end of 
each calendar year or within thirty (30) days after the end of the project, which- 
ever comes first, with a final report on the project submitted not later than ninety 
(90) days following the end of the project. These reports shall include : 

a. Monthly and project period totals for information required on Form 
KWM No. 3. 

b. The permit holder's interpretation of project effects as compared to 
those anticipated in the original application for the permit. K.S.A. 1974 
Supp. 82a-1403 


1. A permit may be granted on an emergency basis through the waiving of 
regular rules of procedure when evidence is presented that clearly identifies the 
situation as an emergency as defined in 98-4-2 (3) . 

2. Upon presentation of evidence satisfactory to the Director that a condition 
exists or may reasonably be expected to exist in the very near future that may 
be alleviated or overcome by weather modification activities, the Director shall 
issue a permit *o an individual holding a license issued under this Act. Coincident 
with the issuance of the permit, the Director shall also release to the news media 
in the area intended to be affected, the information contained in the permit. 

3. Within ten (10) days after the granting of an emergency permit, and if 
the permittee desires to continue his activities, the Director shall set a date for 
a public hearing and the permittee will provide public notice of such hearing 
through the regular news media in the area. At the public meeting, the permittee 
shall describe : 

a. The objectives of the emergency action. 

b. The success to date. 

c. His future plans under the permit. 

On the basis of the information presented at this public hearing and the re- 
sponse of the local people, the Director will then decide whether to revoke the 
emergency permit, modify it, or permit its continued operation under conditions 
specified by the Director. K.S.A. 1974 Supp. 82a-1403 


1. Automatic Suspension of Permit. — Any weather modification permit issued 
under the terms of the Kansas Weather Modification Act will be suspended auto- 
matically if the licensee's weather modification license expires or if the person 
designated as being in control of the project becomes incapacitated or leaves 
the employment of the permit holder and a replacement approved by the Board 
is not on the job site. A permit which is suspended for these reasons may be 
reinstated by the Board following renewal of the expired license or submission 
of an amended personnel statement nominating a person whose qualifications for 
a license are acceptable to the Board. 

2. Emergency Suspension of a Permit. — When an emergency exists or appears 
imminent, or the Director has been notified of a probable impending emergency, 
he may order the immediate suspension of all weather modification operations 
within the area affected by such condition. This notification shall be given in the 
most expeditious manner. If the telephone is used to give this notice, it is to be 
followed promptly by a letter of particulars addressed to the permit holder and 
stating the time and place for holding a hearing on the question of taking per- 
manent action on the permit if the Director determines such a hearing is neces- 
sary or desirable. Whether or not the permit is reinstated by the Director, and 
when such reinstatement may take place, will depend upon the conditions that 
develop within the permit area or when the requirements of the Director are 
met. Failure of the licensee to notify the Director of an existing or impending 


emergency- which should have reasonably been forseen may be grounds for revo- 
cation of the permit and the operator's license. K.S.A. 1974 Supp. 82a-1403 


1. The Board may suspend or revoke any existing license for the following 
reasons : 

a. The licensee is found not to possess the qualifications necessary to meet 
the requirements of the law. 

b. The licensee has violated one or more of the provisions of his license, 
the Kansas Weather Modification Act, or these rules. 

c. It has reason to believe that the weather modification efforts of the 
licensee may produce undesirable effects. 

2. When the Director has reason to believe that a condition exists which would 
be a basis for the suspension or revocation of a license, he shall so inform the 
Board with a recommendation for suspension or revocation. If the Board deter- 
mines that the situation requires a hearing, the Director shall, at least thirty 
(30) days prior to the meeting of the Board at which the matter will be con- 
sidered, notify the licensee and any other interested party of the pending Board 
action. The hearing shall be conducted as provided for in the Kansas Weather 
Modification Act. 

The notice to the licensee shall include : 

a. The Director's recommendation to the Board ; 

b. The reasons for the Director's recommendation ; and 

c. The time and place of the Board meeting at which the matter will be 
heard. The licensee or any other interested party may attend the Board 
meeting at which the Board will make its determination and may present 
relevant evidence to the Board concerning the revocation or suspension. 
K.S.A. 1974 Supp. 82a-1403 


1. As provided under section 98-4-5, paragraph 6, there shall be the license 
holder or a substitute approved by the Director on duty at the project site at 
all times while weather modification activities are being carried out. 

2. In order to supply local guidance to eacli weather modification project, the 
permit holder may seek the advice and assistance of concerned citizens within 
the area affected by weather modification activity. This group, which may be 
selected at the time of the public hearing, must be approved by the Director. This 
local advisory group may : 

a. Assist in developing the operational plan ; 

b. Assist in financial arrangements ; and 

c. Assist the Director in the evaluation of the project. 

3. The permit holder shall not conduct activities outside the limits stated 
in the operational plan ( 98-4-4 ( 5e )) . Activities planned for periods of severe 
weather shall be stated in the permit application and identified at the public 
hearing on the application for a permit. K.S.A. 1974 Supp. 82a-1403 

Kansas Water Resources Board Form KWM No. 1 

Application for License To Engage in Weather Modification Activity 
Within the State of Kansas 

1. Name of applicant 

2. Business address 

3. Applicant intends to do business on an (individual, partnership, consultant, 
employee, corporation, other). 

4. Print below the full name and address of all personnel to be engaged in 
weather modification activities who may be in control and in charge of activities 
for applicant. 

Full Name 
(Do not use initials) 


Residence or Business Address 


5. Has any person listed under "Personnel" been denied a license to conduct 

a license suspended or revoked? If so, attach a detailed statement. 

or participate in weather modification activities in Kansas or elsewhere, or had 

6. Give the name, education, experience, and qualifications of the person or 
persons who may be in control and in charge of weather modification activities. 
(If more than one, attach additional sheets) . 


Course of study Years or semester Graduated (yes or no) 

(major) hours and year of graduation 

Junior College 1 2 

College or university 1 2 3 4 (Degree) 

University graduate study (Degree) 

Certificates of professional or vocational competence 
or license. 

Membership status in professional or technical 

[Begin with most recent experience] 

From To Occupations and descriptions of 

duties (list each position Fmployers (name, address, and 

Month Year Month Year separately) type of business) 

7. Special education and experience qualifications (publications, reports, 

8. Specific type(s) of weather modification activity (ies) which applicant 
wishes to be licensed to perform (fog dispersal, hail suppression, rain augmenta- 
tion, etc.). 

I certify that the information contained in this application is correct to the 
best of my knowledge. 

Signature Date 

Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me — 
This day of 19 


Notary Public in and for the County of , State of 

Form KWM No. 2 

Application for a Permit to Engage in a Weather Modification Activity 
Within the State of Kansas 

1. Name of applicant _. 

2. Business address , , 

3. Person (s) who will be in control and in charge of activity. 

4. Kansas Weather Modification License Number (s) 

5. Does applicant wish to be considered exempt from fee requirements of the 
Kansas Weather Modification Act (K.S.A. 82a-1406 ( b ) ) . 

If so, give justification. 

6. Primary purpose (s) of the weather modification activity to be conducted 
under the permit : 

7. Person (s) or organization on whose behalf the proposed weather modifica- 
tion activity is to be conducted : 

8. In accordance with the requirements, of K.S.A. 82a-1411(a) and the rules 
and regulations applicable thereto, the following attachments are submitted with 
this application : 

(a) Permit fee in the form of . 

(b) Proof of financial responsibility in the form of. 

(c) Proposed operational plan. 

(d) Proposed Notice of Intent to engage in weather modification activities. 


(e) Contracts or agreements applicable to the conduct and execution of the 
proposed weather modification activity. 
I hereby make application for a permit under the Kansas Weather Modification 
Act. K.S.A. 82a-1401-1424. 

Signature- Date 

Instructions for Completing Daily Log Form KWM No. 3 

This form is suitable for recording the operation of individual items of-«irborne 
<»i- ground-based equipment. For clarity, a separate log should be kept for each 
such piece of equipment. (Each aircraft, ground generator, etc.) In order to avoid 
duplication of effort, daily log forms required by federal regulations may be used 
in hen of this form, if the following instructions are carried out in completing 
the federal forms. 


A. A separate seeding event, requiring entries in all appropriate columns, shall 
be logged whenever : 

(a) The cloud or cloud system being modified can reasonably be considered 
unaffected by previous release of seeding agents (Col. 2). 

(b) The time since the last release of seeding agent exceeds one hour (Col. 
3 and 4). 

(c) The type of seeding agent used, or its rate of application, is changed 
(Col. 6 and 7). 

(d) The cloud form being seeded changes (Col. 9-12). 

B. Explanation of column entries. 

Col. (1) : Give date by calendar month and day. 

Col. (2) : Give aircraft position or location of ground-based equipment. 
Aircraft position may use VOR-DME or be given in miles (10 statute miles or 
less) from nearby towns or landmarks, (e.g. 7 miles SSE of Tribune). 

Col. (3 and 4) : State local time when modification activity began and 
ended. Use 24-hour clock time (e.g., 0100 signifies 1:00 A.M. and 2300 sig- 
nifies 11 :00 P.M. ) . For intermittent operations, the start and end of the 
total sequence are acceptable. 

Col. (5) : Give duration of operation of each unit of weather modification 
apparatus, in hours and minutes. (Col. 5=Col. 4— Col. 3). 

Col. (6) : Describe seeding agent used, such as silver iodide pyrotechnic 
flares, silver iodide in acetone solution, sodium chloride, liquid urea, dry ice, 

Col. (7) : Give rate of dispersal of seeding agent in gm./min., lbs./min. or 
other appropriate units. 
Col. (8) : Give total amount of seeding agent used. 

Col. (9-12) : Identify the predominant cloud or precipitation type being 
modified, such as snow or rain from stratiform clouds, rain or hail from 
cumuliform clouds, etc. 

C. On the daily log sheet for the last day of each month, give monthly totals 
for Columns (2, 5, 8, and 9-12) . 

North Dakota 

North Dakota Weather Modification Board 

rules and regulations relating to weather modification operations and rules 
of practice and procedure pertaining to hearings before the board 

(Adopted on July 1, 1976, North Dakota Century Code Chapter 2-07— Weather 


State of North Dakota, 
Bismarck, N. Dak,, May 18, 1976. 

Mr. Martin R. Shock, 

Director, North Dakota Weather Modification Board, Bismarck, N.D. 

Dear Mr. Shock : We have examined the proposed regulations titled "Rules 
and Regulations of the North Dakota Weather Modification Board" and "Rules 
of Practice and Procedure Before the North Dakota Weather Modification Board" 
which you submitted to this office by your letter of April 30, 1976. From our 
examination, it is our opinion that when they have been duly adopted by the 
Weather Modification Board, and filed in accordance with Chapter 28-32 of the 
North Dakota Century Code, they will be valid and binding regulations having 
the force and effect of law. 

Allen I. Olson, 
Attorney General. 

Rules and Regulations of the North Dakota 
Weather Modification Board 

r2-07-01 general provisions 

01.100 Scope : These regulations are promulgated pursuant to Chapter 2-07 of 
the North Dakota Century Code and shall apply to any weather modification 
operation conducted wholly or partially within the state of North Dakota. These 
regulations shall be applied in conjunction with Chapter 2-07. 


01.200 Definitions : As used in these regulations, the following words shall have 
the meaning given to them below unless otherwise made inappropriate by use 
and context. Words not defined in this section shall have the meaning given to 
them in Chapter 2-07. 

01.201 "Act" shall mean Chapter 2-07 of the North Dakota Century Code. 

01.202 "Applicant" shall mean any person who applies for a professional 
weather modification license pursuant to the provisions of the Act and these 

01.203 "Board" shall mean the North Dakota Weather Modification Board. 

01.204 "Director" shall mean the Executive Director of the North Dakota 
Weather Modification Board. 

01.205 "License" shall mean a weather modification license issued under these 
regulations and Section 2-07-03.3 of the Act. 

01.206 "Licensee" shall mean a person to whom a license has been issued. 

01.207 "Permit" shall mean a weather modification permit issued under these 
regulations and Section 2-07-04 of the Act. 

01.208 "Permittee" shall mean a person to whom a permit has been issued. 

01.209 "Operations area" shall mean an area in which weather modification 
operations are conducted. 

01.210 "Target area" shall mean an area in which the effects of weather modifi- 
cation are desired. 

01.211 "Weather modification apparatus" shall mean any device used to dis- 
pense any chemical material used to modify any weather condition. 

01.300 Administration : Except as otherwise provided in Sections 05.204 and 
10.203 of these regulations, the powers and duties of the Board shall be exercised 
by the Director and such other persons as he may direct. 


02.100 Notice to Board : Any person intending to conduct any exempt activities 
under the provisions of Section 2-07-03.1 of the Act shall furnish notice of such 
intention to the Board at least thirty (30) days prior to the time such activities 
are to begin. Notice shall consist of the following information and such other 
information as the Board deems necessary. 

02.101 Name and address of the person giving notice ; 

02.202 Name and address of the person who will conduct the activity ; 

02.203 A description of the procedures to be used in the operation or the re- 
search and development ; 

02.204 A description of the object of the activity : 

02.205 The legal description of, and a map showing the area of, the operations 
area and target area, if any ; 

02.206 The date upon which the activity is to commence and its approximate 
duration ; and 

02.207 A description of the equipment to be used in conducting the activity. 

02.20K Approval of Exempt Activities : No weather modification activity in- 
tended to be conducted pursuant to the provisions of Section 2-07-03.1 of the 
Act shall be commenced without prior approval of the Board if such activity is 
to be conducted in the out-of-doors with weather modification apparatus. The 
Board may approve only those activities which provide for the protection of the 
health, safety and welfare of those persons who may be affected by such activ- 
ities, and which otherwise comply with the provisions of Section 2-07-03.1. 


03.100 License Required: Every person intending to conduct operations in this 
state shall designate to the Board, on forms furnished by the Board, at least one 
natural person who shall at all times be physically present during all operations 
for which a permit is required and who will be in control of such operations. 

03.200 Criteria for Issuance: The competence of any applicant to engage in 
weather modification operations shall be demonstrated to the Board pursuant 
to Section 2-07-03.3 of the Act upon the showing that the natural person desig- 
nated by the applicant pursuant to Section 03.100 has : 

03.201 A minimum of one year of field experience in the management and con- 
trol of weather modification operations or research ; and 

06.202 One of the following requirements : 

(l)Four additional years experience in weather modification operations 
or research ; or 


(2) A degree in mathematics, engineering, or the physical sciences, plus 
two years additional experience in weather modification operations or re- 
search ; or 

(3) A degree in meteorology: or a degree in engineering, mathematics, or 
the physical sciences which includes at least twenty-five semester hours of 
course work in meteorology. 

In determining competency, the Board may also consider any other items to be 
set forth in a license application pursuant to Section 03.300. 

03.300 Application Procedure : An applicant for a license shall apply to the 
Board on forms supplied by the Board. The forms may require relevant informa- 
tion about the knowledge and experience of the applicant and the natural person 
designated under Section 03.100, and shall include the following : 

03.301 Educational background, at the college and graduate level of both 
the natural person designated by the applicant and the other employees of the 
applicant. This includes the dates of attendance and of graduation, the major 
and minor subjects (including the number of semester hours of meteorological 
course work), the degrees received, and the titles of any thesis and/or dis- 

03.302 Experience in weather modification or related activities of both the 
natural person designated by the applicant and the other employees of the 
applicant. Attention should be given to experience with reference to meteorological 
conditions typical of North Dakota. The applicant should list the dates of each 
position held by the natural person designated pursuant to Section 03.100, the 
title of the position (indicate whether it was of subprofessional or professional 
level), the name and address of the employer, a description of the work done 
(indicate both the magnitude and complexity of the work and the duties and 
degree of responsibility for the work), and the name and address of the super- 

03.303 Scientific or engineering society affiliations of the natural person desig- 
nated by the applicant and the grade of membership in and certification by each. 

03.304 Publications, patents and reports of the natural person designated by the 

03.303 Three references who will attest to such natural person's character, 
knowledge and experience. 

03.306 A list of all jurisdictions in which the applicant has previously filed 
application for a professional weather modification license. The results of the, 
applications should be indicated. 

03.307 Indication whether a professional weather modification license issued 
to the applicant in any jurisdiction has ever been suspended or revoked or 
whether there has been refusal to renew such a license by any jurisdiction. 
If the answer is yes. the circumstances must be explained in detail. 

03.400 Procedure for Issuance : The Board shall evaluate the applications, 
including responses from any references given by the applicant. On the basis 
of all such information the Board shall, within thirty days of receipt of an 
application, determine whether the natural person designated by the license 
applicant under Section 03.100 meets the education and experience criteria 
established by subsections 03.201 and 03.202 and whether such person and the 
applicant possess the knowledge and experience necessary to engage in weather 
modification operations and shall issue a license to the applicant who satisfies 
the requirements of these regulations and Section 2-07-03.3 of the Act. If an 
applicant for a license or the natural person designated by the applicant do not 
satisfy any of such requirements, the Board shall deny the license. 

03.500 Renewal of License : Forty-five days before expiration of licenses, the 
Board shall mail license application forms to all licensees and request each 
licensee to complete the form and file the original with the Board. The Board 
shall evaluate the available data about the licensee and the natural person desig- 
nated by the license applicant under Section 03.100 and shall issue a renewal 
license within thirty days of receipt of the application to each applicant who 
pays the license fee established by Section 2-07-03.3(1) of the Act and who has 
the qualifications necessary for issuance of an original license. The Board shall 
deny a renewal license within thirty days of receipt of the application of each 
applicant who does not pay the renewal fee or who does not possess the qualifi- 
cations necessary for issuance of an original license or who does not designate 
a natural person, pursuant to Section 03.100, who satisfies the requirements 
of Section 03.200. 


03.600 Responsibility of Controller: The natural person designated by the 
license applicant under Section 03.100 is deemed by the Board to be in control 
of and primarily responsible for operations conducted under the terms of any 
permit. However nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent appropriate 
enforcement of any regulation, limitation, permit condition, or order against 
either the permittee, or licensee, whether or not such licensee is a natural person. 


04.100 Suspension, Revocation, Refusal to Renew a License: The Board may 
suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a license for any one or any combination of 
the following reasons : 

04.101 Incompetency ; 

04.102 Dishonest practice ; 

04.103 False or fraudulent representation in obtaining a license or permit 
under the Act or these Rules ; 

04.104 Failure to comply with any of the provisions of the Act or of these 
Rules ; and 

04.105 Violation of any permit or permit condition. 

04.200 Restoration of License : At any time after the suspension or revocation 
of a license or after refusal to renew a license the Board may restore it to the 
licensee or renew it upon a finding that the requirements for issuance of an 
original license have been met by the licensee. 


05.100 Application for Permit : Application for a weather modification permit 
shall be made on forms furnished by the Board. A properly executed application 
shall be submitted to the Board by every applicant. The application may con- 
tain such information as the Board deems necessary, and shall include the fol- 
lowing information : 

05.101 Name and address of the applicant ; 

05.102 Whether a weather modification operational permit issued to the 
applicant in any jurisdiction has ever been suspended or revoked or whether 
there has been refusal to renew such a permit by any jurisdiction. If the 
answer is yes, the circumstances must be explained in detail ; 

05.103 If the applicant is a corporation, whether it is licensed to do business 
in North Dakota ; 

05.104 Whether a license has been issued under Section 2-07-03.3 of the Act, 
and if so, the names, addresses and professional license numbers of the 
controller (s) ; 

05.105 Whether professional weather modification licenses issued to such 
licensee (s) in any jurisdiction have ever been suspended or revoked or whether 
there has been refusal to renew such license (s) by any jurisdiction. If the an- 
swer is yes, the circumstances must be explained in detail ; 

05.106 Whether proof of financial responsibility has been furnished in accord- 
ance with Section 2-07-O4-3 of the Act and regulation R2-07M)8 ; 

05.107 If the operation will be conducted under a contract, the value of the 
contract ; 

05.108 If the operation will not be conducted under a contract, an estimate 
of the costs of the operation and information as to how the estimate was made ; 

05.100 Whether the applicant has paid the application fee ; 

05.110 Whether the applicant has North Dakota workmen's compensation 
coverage ; 

05.111 A copy of any promotional and advertising material used in connec- 
tion with negotiations for the contract (if any) ; 

05.112 Whether the applicant has furnished a performance bond, as required 
by subsection 10.204 of these rules ; 

05.113 Whether the applicant has furnished a bid bond, as required bv Section 
2-07 09.1 of the Act ; 

or, 1 1 i Whether the applicant has registered all pilots and aircraft to be used 
in the operation for which the permit is sought with the North Dakota Aero- 
nautics Commission. 

05.115 A complete and detailed operational plan for the operation which 
includes : 

( 1 ) The nature and object of the operation : 

(2) The legal descriptions of. and a map showing the operations area, 
and the target, area ; 


(3) The approximate starting date of the operation and its anticipated 
duration ; 

(4) The kind of seeding agent (s) intended for use and the anticipated 
rate of their use ; 

(5) A list of equipment which will be used and the method (s) of seeding 
for which they will be used ; 

(6) An emergency shutdown procedure which states conditions under 
which operations will be suspended because of possible danger to the public 
health, safety and welfare or to the environment ; 

(7) The means by which the operation plans will be implemented and 
carried out; such as the location of the main operational office and any 
other offices used in connection with the operation, the location of such 
ground equipment as seeding generators, radar and evaluation instrumen- 
tation, the number and kinds of aircraft which will be used and the extent 
to which weather data will be made available to the licensees and other 
personnel carrying out the project ; and 

(8) How conduct of the operation will interact with or affect other weath- 
er modification operations. 

05.116 The application shall show an acceptable plan for evaluation of the 
operation by the use of surface data reasonably available to the applicant. 

05.117 Such additional information as will assist the Board in deciding whether 
or not to issue the permit. 

05.200 Procedure for issuance : 

05.201 Notice : The Board shall give notice of its consideration of an applica- 
tion in accordance with Section 2-07-04.1 of the Act. Notice shall be given once 
a week for two consecutive weeks. The notice shall : 

(1) Describe the primary target area. 

(2) Describe the operations area. 

(3) Specify the period of operation including starting and ending dates. 

(4) Describe the general method of operation. 

(5) Describe the intended effect of the operation. 

(6) State the name of the proposed permittee. 

05.202 Hearings : The Board shall allow twenty days for public comment, in 
accordance with Section 2-07-04.1 of the Act. from the date of the last pulbica- 
tion of the notice. Any hearing held upon objection received by the Board or any 
hearing held upon the Board's own motion shall be held upon at least ten days 
notice in the county newspaper in which notice of consideration of the applica- 
tion was published. At any such hearing, the Board shall make a brief record 
of testimony received, and shall consider all such testimony in its decision on 
the permit application. 

05.203 Director's Recommendation : At the close of the public comment period 
provided for in Section 2-07-04.1 of the xVct. the Director of Weather Modifica- 
tion Board shall review all applications for permits which have been received 
and shall recommend approval or disapproval of such applications and the 
reasons therefor. 

05.204 Final Action by Board : The Board shall take final action on all applica- 
tions for permits for which notice of consideration was published, pursuant to 
Section 2-07-04.1 of the Act within 45 days of the close of the public comment 
period. Approval of applications considered shall be by majority vote. In acting 
on any such applications, the Board shall consider any recommendations made 
by the Director of the Board and all testimony received at any hearing pursuant 
to Section 2-07-04.1 of the Act. The Board may issue a permit only if it determines 
that the requirements of Section 2-07-04(2) of the Act have been met. 


06.100 Permit form : Each permit shall set forth the permit number, effective 
period of the permit, name of the permittee, the name of the licensee and the 
license number, the location of the operation, and such other information, terms 
or conditions as the Board shall deem appropriate. 

06.200 Permit conditions : The Board may attach to any permit such condi- 
tions as it may deem appropriate, including any conditions concerning method 
and time of operation, target and operation areas, safety precautions and record 
keeping. The Operations Manual for Hail Decrease and Precipitation increase 
is hereby made a condition of all permits issued and all permits shall be 
subject thereto. Violation of any permit or any permit condition may result 
in permit revocation or suspension or other appropriate enforcement action by 
the Board. 


06.300 Permit expiration : AM permits shall expire in accordance with Section 
2-07-04 of the Act and shall not be renewable. 


07.100 Suspension, Revocation, Modification : The Board may suspend, revoke, 
or modify any permit or any provision or condition of a permit if it appears 
to the Board that the permittee no longer has the qualifications necessary for the 
issuance of an original permit or has violated any provisions of the Act, the 
terms or conditions of any permit, or any of these regulations. Any provisions 
or conditions of a permit may be revised in accordance with the provisions of 
Section 2-07-04.2 of the Act. 

07.200 Automatic Suspension of Permit : Any permit issued to any person 
under these regulations shall be suspended automatically if such person's weather 
modifcation license expires or is suspended, revoked or not renewed by the 
Board. Automatic suspension shall result in the case of a permit issued to a 
corporation, partnership, or other business association, if the natural person 
designated as being in control of the operation in such business association's 
application for a weather modification license becomes incapacitated, leaves his 
employment, or is in any way unable to continue in control of the operation. A 
I>ermit of a business association suspended under such circumstances may be 
reinstated by the nomination of replacement personnel in accordance with 
Section 03.100 of these regulations. 

07.300 Restoration of Permit : At any time after the suspension, revocation 
or modification of a permit the Board may restore it to the permittee, or delete 
any modification thereof, upon a finding that the requirements for issuance of 
an original permit have been met by the permittee, or that the conditoins requir- 
ing modification no longer exist. 


Proof of financial responsibility is made by showing to the satisfaction of the 
Board that the permittee has the ability to respond in damages to liability which 
might reasonably result from the operation for which the permit is sought. 
Such proof of financial responsibility may be shown by : 

08.100 Presentation to the Board of, or proof of purchase of. a prepaid non- 
cancellable insurance policy or a corporate surety bond issued by a company 
against whom service of legal process may be made in North Dakota against 
such liabilities in an amount five times the value of an operation conducted 
under contract or in an amount five times the estimated costs of an operation 
not conducted under contract ; or 

08.200 Depositing with the Board cash or negotiable securities in an amount 
five times the value of an operation conducted under contract or in an amount 
five times the estimated costs of an operation not conducted under contract. 

08.300 Any other manner approved by the Board. 


09.100 Records : 

09.101 Daily Log : Each permittee shall fill in and retain a daily log of weather 
modification activities for each unit of weather modification apparatus used 
during an operation. Such log shall include a record of the following information 
for each day of weather modification operations. 

( 1 ) Date of the weather modification activity ; 

(2) Each aircraft flight track and location of each radar unit during each 
modification mission. Maps may be used ; 

(3) Local time when modification activity began and ended. For inter- 
mittent operations, the beginning and ending time of the total sequence are 
acceptable ; 

(4) Duration of operation of each unit of weather modificaiton apparatus, 
in hours and minutes ; 

(5) Description of type of modification agent(s) used; 

(6) Rate of dispersal of agent during the period of actual operation of 
weather modification apparatus, by hour cr other appropirate time period; 

(7) Total amount of modification agent used. If more than one agent was 
UMd, rejK)rt total for each type separately ; 

(8) Local time when any radar monitoring operations were turned on and 
turned off ; 


(9) Type of clouds modified; that is, whether they were stratiform, iso- 
lated cuniuliform. organized cumuliform or other types of clouds ; 

(10) Remarks indicating such operational problem as equipment failure, 
weather conditions not conducive to successful performance of the operation, 
personnel problems and the like. 

09.102 Monthly Totals : Monthly Totals shall be kept on the basis of the daily 
logs, listing the total : 

(1) Days during month in which operation conducted ; 

(2) Time of operation ; 

(3) Amount of each kind of agent used ; 

(4) Average rate of dispersal of each kind of agent used ; 

(5) Days of each type of cloud treated ; and 

(6) Duration of operation of each unit of weather modification apparatus, 
in hours and minutes. 

09.103 Weather Records 

Each permittee shall obtain and retain copies of all daily precipitation total 
records available from the National Weather Service stations for the target 

09.104 Addresses of Participants 

Each permittee must keep a roster of the names and North Dakota addresses of 
all employees participating in the state on an operation for which a permit has 
been issued. 

09.105 Inspection 

Duly authorized agents of the Board shall have the authority to enter and in- 
spect, any equipment and to inspect any records required by this regulation and 
to make copies thereof. 

09.106 Exempted Weather Modification Activities 

All persons conducting weather modification activities exempted by the Board 
under the provisions of Section 2-07-03.1 of the Act shall record and maintain 
all of the records required of any permittee by this regulation. 

09.200 Reports : 

09.201 Monthly : Within ten days after the conclusion of each calendar month, 
■ each permittee shall submit a written report to the Board which shall include : 

(1 ) A copy of the summary record prepared under 09.102 ; 

(2) A copy of the roster of the names and North Dakota addresses of all 
employees participating in state operations which were prepared under 
09.104 ; 

(3) A copy, of the federal interim activity report form filed for that month 
with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in accordance 
with the rules adopted under the authority of Public Law 92-205 ; and 

(4) A narrative account of the manner in which operations during the 
month did not conform to the operational plan filed in accordance with 

09.202 Final : Within thirty days after final completion of any operation, each 
permittee shall file with the Board a final report on the operation which shall 
include : 

(1) Copies of the logs prepared in accordance with 09.101, copies of the 
weather records obtained in accordance with 09.103 and, copies of the totals 
for the entire operational period from the monthly summary records pre- 
pared under 09.102 ; 

(2) A copy of the federal final activity report form filed with the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in accordance with the rules 
adopted under the authority of Public Law 92-205 ; and 

(3) A narrative account of the manner in which the operation did not 
confirm to the operational plan filed in accordance with 05.101(15). 

09.203 Evaluation : Within sixty days after completion of any operation for 
which a permit was issued, each permittee shall file with the Board a narrative 
evaluation of the operation. The data for this report shall be assembled and 
evaluated in accordance with the evaluation plan prepared in compliance with 

09.204 Exempted Weather Modification Activities : The Board may, in its 
discretion, require persons operating weather modification activities exempted 
under R2-07-02 but who have been required to keep records pursuant to this 
regulation, to file all or any part of such records with the Board. 



10.100 Bid Procedure : 

10.101 Advertisement and Reauest for Bid: (1^ In all cases where the Board 
shall undertake to contract for services, supplies, or materials, the estimated 
cost of which shall exceed $10,000 for any one contract, the Board shall advertise 
for bids for such services, supplies, or materials. Such advertisement shall he 
placed for three consecutive weeks in the official newspaper of the county in 
which the Board's offices are located and in at least one official newspaper in 
general circulation in the state. In the case of contracts for weather modifica- 
tion operations, such advertisement shall also be placed in some trade publica- 
tion of general circulation among those groups most likely to bid on the contract. 
The advertisement shall state : 

(a) That any prospective bidders may secure such contract specifications 
and requirements as may be available by applying in writing to the offices 
of the Board. 

(b) The place where and the day and hour when the bids will be opened ; 

(c) That the right of the Board to reject any and all bids is reserved ; 

(d) Each bid shall be accompanied by a bidder's bond in a sum equal to 
five percent of the full amount of the bid, executed by the bidder as principal 
and by a surety company authorized to do business within this state, con- 
ditioned that if the bid be accepted and the contract awarded to him, he, 
within ten days notice of award, will execute and effect a contract in ac- 
cordance with the terms of his bid and a contractor's bond in the manner 
specified by subsection 10.204. 

(e) No bid will be read or considered which does not fully comply with 
the above provisions concerning bonding and no contract will be awarded 
to any person who has not complied with any applicable licensing require- 
ments of the Board. 

(2) In the case of contracts for weather modification operations, the Board 
may, in addition to the requirements of subsection 10.101(1), prepare a request 
for bid in which it shall describe the minimum requirements for aircraft, radar, 
communications and other equipment, operational and such other requirements as 
it may deem necessary. Such request for bid shall include those items of informa- 
tion specified in subdivisions (b) through (e) of subsection 10.101(1). The re- 
quest may be sent by the Board to those persons having a recognized interest in 
operations contracts. 

10.102 Opening of Bids: At the time and place designated in the request for 
bids, the Board shall conduct a public hearing at which it shall open all bids 
received. After opening each bid, the Board shall determine whether such bid 
meets the minimum requirements set forth in the Act, these regulations, and 
the request for bid, and then read aloud each bid meeting such minimum re- 
quirements. Bids which do not meet such minimum requirements shall not be read 
or considered. 

10.200 Award of contracts : 

10.201 Deviation from technical requirements : Any or all bids may be rejected 
by the Board on the basis of technical inadequacy or other failure to comply with 
the specifications included in the request for bids. Bids which are technically 
adequate but which show price quotations beyond the budget restrictions may be 
negotiated with the Director for reduction in equipment and/or services either 
required by, or bid over and above the requirements of, the request for bid. All 
such negotiations shall be conducted at the discretion of the Board. 

10.202 Point scoring system to be used : Bidders for weather modification op- 
eration contracts shall be evaluated on the basis of the amount of the bid sub- 
mitted and a system of points allotted to each bidder for evaluation criteria estab- 
lished by the Board. Sole authority for establishment of point values and scoring 
shall rest with the Director. Point scores assigned shall be final and non-nego- 
tiable. Previous experience and performance shall be a criteria to be considered 
in scoring each bidder. The bidder scoring the lowest cost per point shall be 
awarded the contracts in accordance with subsection 10.203. 

10.203 Low bid-preference for North Dakota bidders: In awarding any con- 
tract, tlx- Board shall award it to the lowest and best bidder, and shall, if all 
other factors are equal, give that preference for North Dakota bidders estab- 
lisbed by Section 44-0S-01 of the North Dakota Century Code. 

10.204 Contractor's bond : Before the Board shall award any contract, it shall 
require the Contractor to furnish a surety bond for the faithful performance of the 


contract in the amount of twenty-five percent of the contract price, conditioned 
that the contractor and his agents will, in all respects, faithfully perform all 
weather modification contracts undertaken with the Board and will comply 
with all provisions of the Act, these regulations, and the contract entered into 
by the Board and the contractor. 

Rules of Practice and Procedure Before the North Dakota Weather 

Modification Board 

r2s-3 2-01 general provisions 

01.100 Scope : The provisions of these regulations shall apply to all hearings 
held by the Board for the purposes of adjudicating the rights of parties under 
Chapter 2-07 of the North Dakota Century Code. These regulations shall provide 
procedures in addition to or in explanation of those procedures provided by such 
chapter and Chapter 28-32. 

01.200 Liberal Construction : These regulations shall be liberally construed in 
order to secure just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of the issues 

01.300 Suspension of Rules : The Board or any hearing officer shall have the 
right, upon either its own motion or the motion of any party, to suspend the 
operation and effect of these regulations or any portion thereof, whenever the 
public interest or the interests of any party to a proceeding shall not be sub- 
stantially prejudiced by such suspension. 

01.400 Definitions: As used in these regulations, the following words shall 
have the meaning given to them below, unless otherwise made inappropriate by 

01.401 "Board" shall mean the North Dakota Weather Modification Board. 

01.402 "Hearing Officer" or "Officer" shall mean the person appointed by the 
Board to call and conduct a hearing. 

01.403 "License" means a professional weather modification license issued 
under the provisions of Chapter 2-07. 

01.404 "Order" shall mean any written command or direction made by the 
Board as provided by law. 

01.405 "Person" shall mean any real person, county, municipality or other 
political subdivision, department, agency or commission, any public or private 
corporation, any partnership, asociation or other organization, any receiver, 
trustee, assignee, or other legal entity, other than a court of law T , or other legal 
representative of the foregoing but does not include the Board. 

01.406 "Permit" means a weather modification permit issued under the provi- 
sions of Chapter 2-07. 

01.500 Case Numbers and Title : Each matter coming formally before the 
Board for hearing will be known as a case and shall be given a docket number and 
title, descriptive of the subject matter. Such number and title shall be used on all 
papers in the case, and as far as possible, any communication to the Board in any 
particular case shall bear the number of said case. 

01.600 Personal Appearances : Participants may appear in any proceeding in 
person or by an attorney or other representative qualified under Section 01.703. 
An individual may appear in his own behalf, a member of a partnership may 
represent the partnership, a bona fide officer or duly authorized employee of a 
corporation, association or group, and an officer or employee of a state agency, of 
a department or political subdivision of the state or other governmental authority, 
may represent the state agency or the department or the political subdivision of 
the state or other governmental authority in any proceeding. 

01.700 Practice Before the Board : 

01.701 Person in own interest : Any person may appear before the Board in his 
own right if he has a bona fide interest in the subject matter of the proceeding. 

01.702 Attorneys : Attorneys at law who are admitted to practice before the 
courts of the state of North Dakota may represent any party to a proceeding. 
Any member of the bar of another state may be permitted by the Board to appear 
in and conduct a case or proceeding while retaining his residence in another state. 

01.703 Other Persons : Any other person who shall file proof to the satisfaction 
of the Board that he is possessed of necessary legal or technical qualifications to 
enable him to render valuable service may be permitted to practice before the 


01.704 Rules of Conduct : All persons appearing before the Board must conform 
to the standards of ethical conduct required of practitioners before the courts of 
the state of North Dakota. 

01.800 Parties : 

01.801 Parties : Any person whose legal rights, duties, or privileges may be de- 
termined in the case for which the hearing may be held shall be a party. When 
a hearing is held pursuant to a request for a hearing, the person making the 
request shall be a party. The Board shall be a party in any action to enforce any 
regulation, statute, permit, condition, or order of the Board. Any person who 
has properly intervened in a case shall be a party. 

01.802 Petitioner : Any person seeking reconsideration, as provided by law, of 
any administrative action taken pursuant to law and these regulations, shall be 
styled the petitioner. 

01.803 Respondent : Any person against whom any complaint is filed or order 
issued under these regulations shall be styled the respondent. 

01.804 Intervenor : Persons petitioning to intervene when admitted as a partici- 
pant to a proceeding shall be styled intervenors. Admission as an intervenor shall 
not be construed as recognition by the Board that such intervenor might be 
aggrieved by any order of the Board in such proceeding. 

01.805 Complainant : Persons who complain of any act or omission in violation 
of any statute, regulation or permit of the Board shall be styled complainants. 

01.900 Investigation Upon the Board's Own Motion : The Board may at any 
time, upon its own motion, or upon the complaint of any person, institute investi- 
gations and order hearings in any thing done by any person which the Board may 
believe is in violation of the law or any order, regulation or permit of the Board. 
The Board may secure and present such evidence as it may consider necessary 
or desirable in any proceeding in addition to the evidence presented by any 
other party- 

01.1000 Computation of Time : 

01.1001 In determining the day upon which an answer must be served pursuant 
to Section 28-32-05, the day of the hearing and the last day upon which an answer 
may properly be received shall not be included in computing the required three- 
day time period. If the day upon which the answer is due falls on a Saturday, 
Sunday, or legal holiday, the answer shall be due on the preceding business day. 

01.1002 In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by these rules, 
other than that time period set out in subsection 01.1001, the day of the act, 
event, or default after which the designated period of time begins to run is not 
to be included. The last day of the period so computed is to be included, unless 
it is a Sunday or legal holiday, in which event the period runs until the end of 
the next day which is neither a Sunday nor a holiday. When the period of time 
prescribed or allowed is less than seven days, intermediate Sundays and holidays 
shall be excluded in the computation. 

01.1100 Service: For the purposes of these Rules, service or filing shall be 
deemed to have occurred upon actual receipt of the document served or filed. 

01.1200 Record : Unless any party demands otherwise at least ten days prior to 
the date of hearing, a written summary record or tape recording of the proceeding 
will be made and filed. If demanded, the Board shall cause a verbatim transcript 
to any proceedings to be made at the expense of the demanding parties. The time 
period required herein shall be computed, as nearly as practicable, by that 
method specified in Section 01.1001. 

R2 8-3 2-0 2 PLEADINGS 

02.100 Informal Complaint : Informal complaints may be made orally or in 
writing addressed to the Board. Letters of complaint to the Board will be con- 
sidered as informal complaints. Matters thus presented will be handled by corre- 
spondence or by other informal communications, or by conference with the party 
or parties complained of, or by formal investigation instituted by the Board upon 
its own motion, or in such other manner as the Board shall deem to be appropriate 
and warranted by the facts and the nature of the complaint in an endeavor to 
bring about satisfaction of the complaint without formal hearing. 

02.200 Formal Complaints : 

02.201 Complaints shall be made by the Board on its own motion by complaint 
in writing, setting forth any act or tiling done or omitted to be done in violation 
or claimed to be violation of any provision of law or of any order, rule, regula- 
tion, or permit of the Board. 


02.202 Each formal complaint shall show the venue, "Before the North Dakota 
Board of Weather Modification" and shall contain a heading, "In the Matter of", 
showing the name and address of the respondent. The complaint shall be so drawn 
as to fully and completely advise the respondent or the Board of the facts con- 
stituting the ground of the complaint ; the provisions of the statutes, regulations, 
orders, or permit relied upon ; the injury complained of ; and shall contain a 
clear, concise statement of the relief sought. 

02.203 The Board shall serve a true copy of the complaint and notice for hear- 
ing upon the respondent personally, or by registered or certified mail, as the 
Board may direct, in such time as provided by law before the time specified for 
hearing thereof unless the service of such complaint or notice of hearing is 
waived, in writing, by the respondent, or unless the parties agree upon a definite 
time and place for hearing thereof with the consent of the Board ; provided, how- 
ever, that in case of an emergency, the Board shall notice a proceeding for 
hearing upon its merits as provided by law. 

02.300 Order to Show Cause : 

02.301 The Board may, by order, compel any person who it believes is violating 
any law, regulation, or order of the Board subject to enforcement by these regula- 
tions, or any person who has been granted a permit, to show cause why such law, 
regulation or order should not be enforced against such person or why such permit 
should not be suspended, revoked or modified, either in whole or in part. 

02.302 An order to show cause shall specifically advise the respondent of the 
facts of the violation and law applicable thereto and of the time and place of the 
hearing to be conducted on the order. 

02.303 If the Board finds that the respondent is committing or is about to com- 
mit an alleged violation, it may order the respondent to cease and desist from 
the acts constituting the violation. The Board may also, or in lieu thereof, enter 
any other just and reasonable order. 

02.400 Petition for Hearing : Any petitioner requesting the Board to review by 
hearing, as provided by law, any Board action, rule, or regulation, shall file with 
the Board a petition, which may be in letter form, advising the Board of the facts 
constituting the grounds for the petition, the injury complained of and a clear 
and concise statement of the relief sought. 

02.500 Answers: 

02.501 Each answer filed with the Board shall be designated as an "answer" 
shall contain the correct title of the proceeding, and a specific denial of such ma- 
terial allegations of the complaint as are controverted by the respondent and also 
a statement of any new matter which may constitute a defense. If the answering 
party has no information or belief upon the subject sufficient to enable him to an- 
swer an allegation of the complaint, he may so state in his answer and place his 
denial upon that ground. The filing of an answer will not be deemed an admission 
of the sufficiency of the complaint. 

02.502 An answer must be signed and verified by the respondent filing the same. 

02.503 Two true and correct copies of the answer shall be served upon the Board 
personally or by registered mail, at least three days before the time specified in 
the complaint for hearing. 

02.600 Response to Petition for Hearing : 

02.601 Upon receiving a petition for hearing upon any matter, as provided by 
law, the Board shall, within thirty (30) days of such receipt, serve upon the 
petitioner, a response to the petition. Such response may be in letter form and 
shall state the decision of the Board whether or not to hold the requested hearing. 
If a hearing is granted, the response shall state the date upon which the petition- 
ing party may appear to be heard, and such other conditions of the hearing as the 
Board may determine. If the requested hearing is denied, the reasons for such 
denial shall be clearly stated. This subsection shall not apply to hearings on 
emergency orders. 

02.602 Upon receiving a petition for hearing pursuant to an emergency order, 
as provided by law, the Board shall set a date for hearing to be held within ten 
(10) days of receipt of such petition and shall notify the petitioner of such date 
and of such other conditions of the hearing as the Board shall determine. 

02.700 Intervention : In any formal proceeding, any person having a substan- 
tial interest in the subject matter of such proceeding may petition for leave to 
intervene in such proceeding and may become a party thereto upon compliance 
with the provisions of this rule. In general, such petitions will not be granted 
unless it shall be found that such person has a statutory right to be made a party 
to such proceedings or that such person has a property, financial, or other legally- 

34-857 O - 79 - 47 


recognizable interest which may not be adequately represented by existing parties, 
and such intervention would not unduly broaden the issues or delay the pro- 

02.701 A petition for leave to intervene shall be in writing, unless made at the 
commencement of a hearing, and must set forth the grounds of the proposed inter- 
vention, the position and interest of the petitioner in the proceeding, and whether 
the petitioner's position is in support of or in opposition to the relief sought. 

02.702 A written petition for leave to intervene in any proceeding may be filed 
prior to or at the commencement of the hearing, but not after commencement, 
except for good cause shown. 

02.703. The petitioner shall furnish a copy of any written petition to each party 
to the proceeding, including the Board. 

02.704 Admission as an inter venor shall not be construed as recognition by the 
Board that such intervenor might be aggrieved by any act of the Board in such 

02.800 Amendments : The Board, prior to any hearing, or the hearing officer dur- 
ing any hearing, may, after notice to the other parties to a proceeding, allow any 
pleading to be amended or corrected or any omission therein to be supplied, 
provided that if any such amendment, when allowed, so alters or broadens the 
issues that it appears proper, the Board may permit any party affected thereby a 
reasonable time to prepare to meet the changed issues. 

02.900 Withdrawal of Pleading : A party desiring to withdraw a pleading file 
with the Board may file a notice of withdrawal thereof with the Board. Such 
notice shall set forth the reason for the withdrawal. A copy of such withdrawal 
notice must be served upon all other parties to the proceeding and a certificate 
of service to that effect filed with the notice of withdrawal. Withdrawal of any 
pleading in any proceeding in which a hearing has been held or convened shall 
not be allowed without express permission of the Board. 

02.1000 Motions : After a complaint or petition has been served, a request may 
be made by motion for any procedural or interlocutory ruling or relief proper and 
desired. All motions not made in the course of a hearing shall be in writing and 
shall be served on the other parties to the hearing by the moving party. 

02.1001 The Board, prior or subsequent to any hearing, or the hearing officer 
during any hearing, may set any motion for oral argument. 

02.1002 The hearing officer designated to preside at a hearing is authorized to 
rule upon any motion not formally acted upon by the Board prior to the commence- 
ment of the hearing, wherein the immediate ruling is essential in order to proceed 
with the hearing and upon any motion filed and made after the commencement 
thereof and prior to the decision in the proceedings ; provided, however, that no 
motion made before or during a hearing, a ruling upon which would involve or 
constitute a final determination of the proceeding, shall be ruled upon by an 

02.1003 Motions not ruled upon by the examiner shall be ruled upon by the 

02.1004 Appeals from rulings of the examiner on any motion may be takei. as 
provided in 04.600. 


03.100 Informal Disposition : Informal disposition may be made of any case, or 
any issue therein, by stipulation, or consent order at any point therein, subject to 
the approval of such informal disposition, or any terms thereof, by the Board. 

03.200 Prehearing Conference : A prehearing conference may be held at any time 
at the discretion of the Board or hearing officer prior to any hearing. The prehear- 
ing conference shall be an informal proceeding conducted fairly and expeditiously 
by the hearing officer, for purposes of identifying and simplifying the issues 
to be determined, identifying and limiting the number of witnesses, and reaching 
an agreement on any or all issues of law or fact without the necessity for further 
hearing thereon. In addition to any offer of settlement, the following are appro- 
priate for consideration at a prehearing conference : 
(1) The simplification of issues ; 

(2 ) The necessity or desirability of amendment to the pleadings ; 

(3) The exchange and acceptance of service of exhibits proposed to be 
offered in evidence; 

(4) The obtaining of admission as to. or stipulations of, facts not remaining 
in dispute, or the authenticity of documents which may properly shorten the 
hearing ; 


(5) The limitation of the number of witnesses ; and 

(6) Such other matters as may properly be dealt with to aid in expediting 
the orderly conduct of the proceeding. 

03.300 Conference Results Stipulated : Upon conclusion of prehearing confer- 
ence, the parties shall immediately reduce the results thereof to the form of a 
written stipulation which recites the matters agreed upon, which stipulation 
shall be filed with the Board. Any such stipulation may be received in evidence 
at a hearing and, when so received, shall be binding on the parties with respect 
to the matters therein stipulated. 

03.400 Consolidation : The Board, upon its own motion, or upon motion by any 
party, may order two or more proceedings involving a similar question of law or 
facts to be consolidated for hearing where rights of the parties or the public 
interest will not be prejudiced by such procedure. 

R2 8-3 2-04 HEARINGS 

04.100 Hearing Officers: 

04.101 Appointment : All hearing officers shall be appointed by the Board. The 
Board shall appoint a hearing officer within five (5) days of service of a com- 
plaint or petition. Notification of the appointment shall be made to all parties in 
such manner as the Board may determine. 

04.102 Qualification : 

(1) All appointments hereunder shall be consistent with the purpose of 
obtaining objectivity and impartiality in making decisions. 

(2) The hearing officer may be an employee or a member of the Board. 
The Board may appoint as hearing officer a person who is not an employee 
or member of the Board. In such event, the hearing officer shall be an attorney 
at law licensed to practice in the State of North Dakota, unless some other 
person is agreed upon by all parties ; provided that such hearing officer shall 
be considered an employee of the Board for the sole purpose of compensation, 
if any. and authorization to conduct the hearing and recommend findings 
of fact and a decision to the Board. In all other respects, he shall be inde- 
pendent of the Board. 

(3) In all cases, the Board retains discretion to conduct the hearing itself, 
in which case an employee of the Board shall be the hearing officer. 

04.103 Authority : The appointment of the hearing officer shall, to the extent 
permitted by law, authorize and direct the hearing officer to conduct the hearing 
and recommend a decision to the Board. When evidence is to be taken in a pro- 
ceeding, one or more of examiners, when duly designated for that purpose, shall 
preside at the hearing. An officer duly designated by the Board to preside at a 
hearing shall have the authority to take any of the following actions in the name 
of the Board. 

(1) To regulate the course of hearing ; 

(2) To administer oath ; 

(3) To issue subpoenas ; 

(4) To take depositions or cause same to be taken ; 

(5) To rule upon offers of proof and to receive eivdence ; 

(6) To hold appropriate conferences before or during hearings ; 

(7) To dispose of procedural matters but not to dispose of motions made 
during hearings to dismiss proceedings or other motion which involves a final 
determination of proceedings ; 

(8) To exclude evidence which is cumulative or repetitious ; 

(9) To authorize any party to furnish and serve designated late-filed ex- 
hibits within a specified time after the close of the hearing; 

(10) To order discovery ; 

(11) Within their discretion, or upon direction of the Board, to certify 
any question to the Board for its consideration and disposition ; and 

(12) To take any other action necessary or appropriate to discharge the 
duties vested in them, consistent with statutory or other authorities under 
which the Board functions and with the rules, regulations and policies of 
the Board. 

04.104 Limitations : Hearing officers shall perform no duties inconsistent with 
their responsibilities as such. No officer shall in any proceeding for an adjudica- 
tion required by statute to be determined on the record after opportunity for 
hearing, consult any person or party on any fact in issue unless upon notice and 
opportunity for all parties to participate. 

04.105 Disqualification : 


(1) Any party may tile a petition with the Board to disqualify any hearing 
officer. The Board shall determine the petition in accordance with this sub- 
section and enter its decision on the record. 

(2) The Board may, for good cause, revoke the appointment of any hearing 
officer upon the tiling of a petition of a party or upon the Board's own motion. 
Any such revocation shall be effective upon notice to the officer. 

(3) A hearing officer shall withdraw from participation in a hearing at any 
time prior to the final determination if he deems himself disqualified for any 

(4) Whenever a hearing officer withdraws or is disqualified, the Board shall 
.appoint another in his place, without the need for such newly appointed officer 
hearing evidence already presented in the case. 

04.200 Discovery: 

04.201 Agency Discovery 

(1) Information 

Upon request of the Board or the hearing officer, any party to the matter shall 
furnish to the Board or the hearing officer any information which the party 
may have which is relevant to the matter under consideration. 

(2) Examination of Records 

Upon request of the Board or the hearing officer, any party shall allow the 
Board or any member, employee, or agent of the Board, when authorized by it 
or the hearing officer, or the officer himself, to examine and copy any books, 
papers, records or memoranda pertaining to the matter under consideration. 

(3) Inspection of Premises 

Upon request of the Board or the hearing officer, any party shall allow the 
Board or any member, employee, or agent of the Board when authorized by 
it or the hearing officer, or the hearing officer himself, to enter upon any of 
the party's property for the purpose of obtaining information, examining any 
physical facility, or examining records or conducting surveys or investiga- 

04.202 Discovery by Parties : 

(1) Parties other than the Board may obtain discovery by examination of 
those public records which are in possession of the hearing officer or the 
Board. Any party to a case may request the Board or the hearing officer to 
exercise its powers in subsection 04.201(1) to obtain public information or to 
issue a subpoena as provided in 05.300. The Board or the hearing officer may 
grant or deny such requests. A party may request voluntary disclosure of 
information by any other party. 

(2) The deposition of any witness or party required in any proceeding 
before the Board may be taken in the same manner and on the same notice 
as in an action pending in the district courts of this state. Any person whose 
deposition is taken shall receive the same fees and mileage as a witness in 
a civil case in the district courts and such costs shall be paid by the party 
at whose insistence the deposition is taken. 

(3) Interrogatories may be issued, in any proceeding before the Board, in 
the same manner as in an action pending in tbe district courts of this state. 

04.300 Appearance: Interested parties shall enter their appearances at the 
beginning of tbe hearing by giving their name and address and briefly stating 
whether they appear in support of the complaint or in opposition thereto, or 
otherwise. All such appearances shall be noted on the record with a notation 
in whose behalf each appearance is made. Included in such appearances shall be 
the names of the members of the Board's staff participating in the hearing of in- 
vestigation and the names of any other persons appearing for the Board. 

04.400 Continuance : Before or after any hearing, continuances may be granted 
by the Board for good and sufficient cause. A motion for such a continuance shall 
l>e made in writing, filed with the Board, and served on opposing counsel or parties. 
Such motions shall be presented as far in advance of date fixed for hearing as pos- 
sible to insure favorable action. The Board may affect a continuance before or 
after any hearing upon its own motion. The hearing officer may grant oral or writ- 
ten requests for continuances during any hearing. 

04.500 Order of Procedure : In hearings on formal complaints and petitions, 
fho complainant or petitioner, as the case may be, shall open and close. In hear- 
ings on an older to show cause, the respondent shall open and close. When pro- 
ceedings have been consolidated for hearing, the officer shall designate who shall 
open and close. Intervenors shall follow the parties in whose behalf the interven- 
tion is made; where the intervention is not in support of an original party, the 


presiding officer shall designate at which stage such intervenor shall be heard. In 
proceedings where the evidence is materially within the knowledge or control of 
another party or participant, the foregoing order or presentation may be varied 
by the officer. 

04.600 Appeal to Board From Ruling of Hearing Officer — Offer of Proof : An 
appeal may be taken to the Board from a ruling officer during the course of a 
hearing only where extraordinary circumstances necessitate a prompt decision 
by the Board to prevent detriment to the public interest. 

Any offer of proof made in connection with an objection taken to any ruling 
of the hearing officer rejecting or excluding proffered oral testimony shall consist 
of a statement of the substance of the evidence which counsel contends would be 
adduced by such testimony ; and, if the excluded evidence in documentary 
or written form or reference to documents or records, a copy of such evidence 
shall be marked for identification and shall constitute the offer of proof. 

04.700 Oral Argument : 

04.701 Before Officer : When, in the opinion of the hearing officer, time permits, 
and the nature of the proceedings, the complexity or the importance of the issues 
of fact or law involved, and the public interest warrant, such officer may, either on 
on his own motion, or at the request of any party at or before the close of the taking 
of testimony, allow and fix a time for the presentation of oral argument imposing 
such limits of time on the argument as deemed appropriate. Such arguments 
shall be transcribed and bound with -the transcript of testimony, if a transcript 
is prepared. 

04.702 Before Board : Request for authority to present oral argument before 
the Board may be made at the time of any appeal taken during the hearing, at the 
conclusion of the taking or evidence, or on brief, at such time as the Board may 
allow. The Board will fix the time for oral argument, if allowed and notify the 

04.800 Briefs, Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law : 

04.801 Each party to any proceeding may file proposed findings of fact and 
conclusions of law, briefs, or memoranda of law ; provided, however, that the 
Board or hearing officer may direct any party to file proposed findings of fact and 
conclusions of law, briefs, or memoranda of law. 

04.802 The Board or hearing officer shall fix the time for the filing and service 
of proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, briefs, or memoranda of law, 
giving due regard to the nature of the proceeding, the magnitude of the record, 
and the complexity or importance of the issues involved, and he shall fix the order 
in which such documents shall be filed. 

04.803 Should a party find that it is unable to meet the date for filing and 
serving proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, briefs, or memoranda 
of law, such party shall so notify the Board or hearing officer and the other 
parties in writing, therein setting forth the reasons for such inability together 
with a request for an extension of time to a date certain for filing and service. 

04.804 When it is ordered that proposed findings of fact and conclusions of 
law, briefs, or memoranda of law be filed and served by the party initiating the 
proceeding, and where such party fails to file and serve by the date specified with- 
out complying with 04.803 above, the Board on its own motion or the motion of 
any party may, in its discretion, dismiss the proceeding. Such failure in the case 
of an intervenor, protestant, or respondent may be deemed a waiver of the right 
to participate further in the proceeding, and the Board on its own motion or the 
motion of any party may so order. 

04.805 Exhibits should not be reproduced in a brief, but may, if desired, be 
reproduced in an appendix to the brief. Every brief of more than twenty pages 
shall contain a subject index, with page references, and the pages where the 
citations appear. All briefs shall be as concise as possible. 

04.806 All briefs shall be accompanied by certificate showing service upon all 
parties or their attorneys who appeared at the hearing. One copy of each brief 
shall be furnished for the use of the Board unless otherwise directed by the Board 
or hearing officer. 

04.900 Decisions of the Board : In all cases in which more than one member 
or employee of the Board shall act as hearing officer, only an odd number of 
members or employees shall so act. In all cases in which any matter shall be 
heard by more than one hearing officer, sitting jointly, and in all cases in which 
the Board shall rule on any issue, motion, or objection, the decision of the Board 
shall be determined by vote. 


R2 8-3 2-0 5 EVIDENCE 

05.100 Rules : The admissibility of evidence shall be determined generally in 
accordance with the practice in the district courts of this state, except to the ex- 
tent that these rules conflict therewith. However the Board or the hearing officer 
may waive the usual common law or statutory rules of evidence where such waiver 
is necessary to ascertain the substantial rights of the public and interested 
parties. When objection is made to the admissibility of evidence, the hearing 
officer shall receive such evidence subject to later ruling by the Board. 

05.200 Witnesses : Witnesses will be orally examined under oath before the 
Board or hearing officer. Testimony may also be taken by deposition as provided 
in 04.202(2) hereof. Written testimony of any witness may be received when 
properly supported by the oral testimony of its author. 

05.300 Subpena : Subpenas for the attendance of witnesses or for the production 
of documentary evidence, unless directed by the Board upon its own motion, will 
issue only upon application in writing to the Board, or to the hearing officer, 
except that during a hearing such application may be made orally on the record 
before the hearing officer who shall have the authority to determine the relevancy 
and the materiality of the evidence sought and to issue such subpoenas if war- 
ranted. Written application shall specify the general relevance and materiality 
of the testimony or documentary evidence sought, including, as to documentary 
evidence, specifications as nearly as may be of the documents desired and the 
facts to be proved by them. The cost of serving any subpoena shall be paid by 
the party requesting it. Any witness who is subpoenaed under the provisions of 
this rule and who appears at the hearing shall receive the same fees and mileage 
as witnesses in the district courts of this state, and such cost will be paid by 
the part at whose insistence the witness appears. No witness fees will be allowed 
except on a subpoena. 

05.400 Stipulations : The parties to any proceeding or investigation before the 
Board may, by stipulation in writing, filed with the Board or orally entered in the 
record, agree upon the facts, or any portion thereof involved in the controversy, 
and any such stipulation may be received in evidence at a hearing and when 
so received, shall be binding upon the parties with respect to the matters stipu- 
lated therein. 

05.500 Documentary Evidence : 

05.501 Where relevant and material matter offered in evidence by any party is 
embraced in a book, paper, or a document containing other matter not material 
or relevant, the party must designate the matter so offered. If the other matter 
is in such volume as w T ould unnecessarily encumber the record, such book, paper 
or document will not be received in evidence but may be marked for identifica- 
tion and, if properly authenticated, the relevant and material matter may be 
read into the record, or if the Board or hearing officer directs, a true copy of 
such matter in proper form shall be received as an exhibit and like copies de- 
livered by the party offering the same to all parties or their attorneys appearing 
at the hearing who shall be afforded an opportunity to examine the entire book, 
paper, or document and to offer in evidence in like manner any portions thereof 
found to be material and relevant. 

05.502 Any matter contained on a report or other official document on file with 
the Board may be offered in evidence by merely identifying the report, document, 
or other file containing the matter so offered. 

05.600 Exhibits: 

05.601 Exhibits must be on paper of good quality and so prepared as to be 
plainly legible and durable whether printed, typewritten, mimeographed, photo- 
graphed or otherwise, and if possible should be folded to a size not to exceed 
8% by 14 inches. Whenever practicable, the sheets of each exhibit and line of 
each sheet should be numbered, and if the exhibit consists of five or more sheets, 
the first sheet or title page should contain a brief statement of what the exhibit 
purports to Show with reference by sheet and line to illustrative or typical exam- 
ple contained in the exhibit. Whenever practicable, documents produced by a 
single witness shall he assembled and bound together suitably arranged and 
Indexed so that they may he identified and offered as one exhibit. The source of all 
material contained in any exhibit should he definitely shown. 

05.602 Two copies of each exhibit will be furnished for the use of the Board 
whenever it shall request; copies must also be available for all parties of record 
in a proceeding 

05.700 Official Notice : The Board or the examiner may take notice of any fact 
or facts set forth in duly established regulations, annual reports, or any statisti- 


cal data to which reference is made on the record at the hearing or any facts 
which are judicially noticed by the courts of this state, as set forth in Section 


06.100 Petition to Reopen : At any time after the conclusion of a hearing, but 
before entry of the final order by the Board, any party to a proceeding may file 
with the Board a petition to reopen the proceeding for the purpose of taking 
additional evidence. 

06.101 Such petition shall set forth clearly the facts claimed to constitute the 
grounds requiring reopening of the proceeding, including the material changes of 
fact or law alleged to have occurred since the conclusion of the hearing. 

06.102 A copy of the petition to reopen shall be served by the petitioning party 
upon all parties to the proceedings or their attorneys of record, and a certificate 
to that effect will be attached to the petition when filed with the Board. 

06.103 Within ten days following the service of any petition to reopen, any 
other party to the proceeding may file with the Board his answer thereto. Any 
party not filing such answer is in default thereof and shall be deemed to have 
waived any objection to the granting of such petition. 

If, after the hearing in a proceeding, either before or after the issuance of its 
final order, or if no hearing has been held, only after the issuance of its final 
order, the Board shall have reason to believe the conditions of fact or law have 
so changed as to require, or that public interest requires, the reopening of such 
proceeding, the Board may issue an order for the reopening of the same. 

The Board shall act on any petition to reopen within ten days of receipt 
thereof and may, in its discretion, hear oral argument on any such petition. 

06.200 Petition for Rehearing : 

06.201 A petition for rehearing of a proceeding must be filed within fifteen 
days after a copy of the final order has been sent to the petitioning party by the 

06.202 Such petition shall state concisely the alleged errors in the Board's de- 
cision or order and the specific grounds relied upon by the petitioner. If an order 
of the Board is sought to be vacated, reversed, or modified by reason of matters 
that have arisen since the hearing and decision or order, or by reason of a conse- 
quence that would result from the compliance therewith, the matters relied upon 
by the petitioner shall be set forth in the petition. 

06.203 A petition for rehearing shall be served by the petitioner upon all 
parties to the proceeding or their attorneys of record. 

06.204 Within ten days following the service of such petition, any party to the 
proceeding may file with the Board his answer thereto. Any party not filing such 
an answer is in default thereof and shall be deemed to have waived any objection 
to the granting of such petition. 

06.205 The Board shall act on any petition for rehearing within ten days of 
receipt thereof and may, in its discretion, hear oral argument on such petition. 

06.300 Appeal : Any party to a proceeding conducted pursuant to these rules or 
other provisions of Chapter 28-32 shall have the right of appeal, in the manner 
provided in Chapter 28-32, from any adverse ruling by the Board. Such appeal 
shall not be a trial de novo but shall be limited to the hearing record and to those 
issues specified in Section 28-32-19. 


State of Utah, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water 
Resources Rules, Regulations, and Procedures 

cloud seeding resolution 

Whereas, the Utah Cloud Seeding Act of 1973, Laws of Utah, Chapter 193, 
authorizes the Utah Division of Water Resources to adopt such rules and regula- 
tions as are necessary in the performance of its powers and duties pursuant to 
the Cloud Seeding to Increase Precipitation Act and 

Whereas, after careful deliberation and extensive study, the Utah Division of 
Water Resources has prepared such rules and regulations and has circulated 
same so far as practical to interested governmental bodies, groups, and indi- 
viduals for their information and comments ; and 

Whereas, the Utah Division of Water Resources has considered and deliberated 
on the form and content of each proposed rule in the light of any and all sugges- 
tions from its staff, and other interested persons ; and 


Whereas, the Utah Board of Water Resources at its regular meeting on Septem- 
ber 26, 1973, considered the proposed Rules and Regulations Relating to Cloud 
Seeding Activities ; Now, therefore, be it 

Resolved, That the Utah Division of Water Resources adopt the following 
Rules and Regulations relating to the Utah Cloud Seeding Act of 1973 on an 
interim basis, until such time as experience shows that the Rules should be 

I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Utah Division 
of Water Resources on September 26, 1973. 

Daniel F. Lawrence, 
Director, Utah Division of Water Resources. 


1. "Act" or "Cloud Seeding Act" means the 1973 Cloud Seeding To Increase 
Precipitation Act, Laws of Utah, Chapter 193. 

2. "Cloud Seeding" or "Weather Modification" means all acts undertaken to 
artificially distribute or create nuclei in cloud masses for the purposes of altering 
precipitation, cloud forms, or other meteorological parameters. 

3. "Cloud Seeding Project" means a planned project to evaluate meteorological 
conditions, perform cloud seeding, and evaluate results. 

4. "Board" means the Utah Board of Water Resources, which is the policy 
making body of the Utah Division of Water Resources. 

5. "Director" means the Director of the Utah Division of Water Resources. 

6. "Utah Division of Water Resources" means the Director and staff of the Utah 
Division of Water Resources. 

7. "License" means a certificate issued by the Utah Division of Water Resource?? 
certifying that the holder has met the minimum requirements in cloud seeding 
technology set forth by the State of Utah, and is qualified to apply for a permit 
for a cloud seeding project. 

8. "Licensed Contractor" means a person or organization duly licensed for cloud 
seeding activities in the State of Utah. 

9. "Permit" means a certification of project approval to conduct a specific cloud 
seeding project within the State under the conditions and within the limitations 
required and established under the provision of these Rules. 

10. "Sponsor" means the responsible individual or organization that enters into 
an agreement with a licensed contractor to implement a cloud seeding project 

Chapter I 


1. Authority : The State of Utah through the Division of Water Resources shall 
be the only entity, private or public, that shall have authority to authorize, spon- 
sor, and/or develop cloud seeding research, evaluation, or implementation projects 
to alter precipitation, cloud forms, or meteorological parameters within the State 
of Utah. 

2. Ownership of Water : All water derived as a result of cloud seeding shall be 
considered as a part of Utah's basic water supply the same as all natural precipi- 
tation water supplies have been heretofore, and all statutory provisions that 
apply to water from natural precipitation shall also apply to water derived from 
cloud seeding. 

3. Notice to State Engineer : The Director of the Utah Division of Water Re- 
sources shall, by written communication, notify the Director of the Utah Division 
of Water Rights of any applications for cloud seeding permits within ten (10) 
days of receiving such applications. 

4. Consultation and Assistance : The Utah Division of Water Resources may 
contract with the Utah Water Research Laboratory, or any other individual or 
organization, for consultation and/or assistance in developing cloud seeding 
projects or in furthering necessary research of cloud seeding or other factors 
that may be affected by cloud seeding activities. 

5. State and County Cooperation : The Utah Division of Water Resources shall 
encourage, cooperate, and work with individual counties, multi-county districts 
for planning and development, and groups of counties in the development of cloud 
seeding projects and issuance of permits. 


6. Statewide or Area wide Cloud Seeding Project : The State of Utah through 
the Division of Water Resources reserves the right to develop Statewide or area- 
wide cloud seeding programs where the Utah Division of Water Resources may 
contract directly with licensed contractors to increase precipitation. The Utah 
Division of Water Resources may also work with individual counties, multi- 
county districts for planning and development, organizations or groups of coun- 
ties, or private organizations, to develop Statewide or areawide cloud seeding 

7. Liability : 

(a) Trespass. — The mere dissemination of materials and substances into 
the atmosphere or causing precipitation pursuant to an authorized cloud 
seeding project, shall not give rise to any presumption that such use of the 
atmosphere or lands constitutes trespass or involves an actionable or enjoin- 
able public or private nuisance. 

(b) Immunity. — Nothing in these Rules and Regulations shall be con- 
strued to impose or accept any liability or responsibility on the part of the 
State of Utah or any of its agencies, or any State officials or State employees 
or cloud seeding authorities, for any weather modification activities of any 
person or licensed contractor as defined in these Rules and Regulations as 
provided by Laws of Utah, Chapter 63. 

8. Rules: 

(a) Purpose. — The Rules contained herein are adopted for the purpose of 
ensuring both continued research and appropriate application of weather 
modification technology to the needs of Utah, and for minimizing the danger 
of weather modification activities to health and property, thus facilitating 
administration and enforcement of the State of Utah Cloud Seeding Act of 
1973, Laws of Utah, Chapter 193. 

(&) Use and Limitation. — These Rules are prescribed for the performance 
of the statutory powers and functions vested in the Utah Division of Water 
Resources. In no event shall any Rule, or Ru^s, be construed as a limitation 
or restriction upon the exercise of any statutory power of the Utah Division 
of Water Resources. 

(c) Suspension and Waiver of Rules. — The Utah Division of Water Re- 
sources may suspend or waive a Rule, in whole or in part, upon a showing 
of good cause ; or when, in the discretion of the Utah Division of Water 
Resources, the particular facts or circumstances render such suspension or 
waiver of the Rule appropriate. 

(d) Amending of Rules. — These Rules may be amended from time to time 
and new Rules may be adopted by the Utah Division of Water Resources. 

Chapter II 


1. Review of License and Permit : The Board may review applications for 
Licenses and Permits and submit recommendations to the Director for his con- 
sideration for action on the applications. 

2. Policy Recommendations: The Board may advise and make recommenda- 
tions concerning legislation, policies, administration, research, and other matters 
related to cloud seeding and weather modification activities to the Director and 
technical staff of the Utah Division of Water Resources. 

Chapter III 


1. Creation of Weather Modification Advisory Committee : An advisory com- 
mittee may be created by the Director of the Utah Division of Water Resources. 
Members of this committee shall be appointed by the Director, and serve for a 
period of time as determined by the Director. 

2. Duties of Weather Modification Advisory Committee : 

(a) Advise the Director and technical staff of the Utah Division of Water 
Resources on application for licenses and permits ; 

(b) Advise and make recommendations concerning legislation, policies, 
administration, research, and other matters related to cloud seeding and 
weather modification activities to the Director and technical staff of the 
Utah Division of Water Resources. 


Chapter IV 


1. License and Permit Required : It is unlawful for any person or organization, 
not specifically exempted by law and these Rules, to act or perform services as a 
weather modifier, without obtaining a license and permit as provided for in the 
Cloud Seeding Act and these Rules. 

2. To Whom License May Be Issued : Licenses to engage in activities for 
weather modification and control shall be issued to applicants who meet the 
requirements set out in the Act and Chapter V of these Rules. If the applicant 
is an organization, these requirements shall be met by the individual or indi- 
viduals who are to be in control and in charge of the applicant's weather modifi- 
cation operations. 

3. To Whom Permit May Be Issued : A permit may be issued to a licensed 
contractor as prescribed in Chapter VI of these Rules. 

4. License and Permit Not Required : Individuals and organizations engaging 
in the following activities, and only the for owing activities, are exempt from 
the license and permit requirements of these Rules : 

(a) Research performed wholly within laboratory facilities; 

(b) Cloud Seeding activities for the suppression of fog ; 

(c) Fire fighting activities where water or chemical preparations are 
applied directly to fires, without intent to modify the weather ; 

(d) Frost and fog protective measures provided through the application 
of water and/or heat by orchard heaters or similar devices, or by mixing 
of the lower layers of the atmosphere by helicopters or other type of aircraft 
where no chemical are dispensed into the atmosphere, other than normal 
combustion by-products and engine exhaust ; and 

(e) Inadvertent weather modification (such as emissions from industrial 

5. Effective Period of License : Each license shall be issued for a period of one 
(1) year. A licensee may renew an expired license in the manner prescribed by 
these rules. 

6. Effective Period of Permit : Each permit shall be issued for a period as 
required by a proposed cloud seeding project, but not exceeding one (1) year. 

Chapter V 


1. Application for License : In order to qualify for a cloud seeding license an 
applicant must : 

(a) Submit a properly completed application to the Utah Division of Water 
Resources ; and 

(b) Submit to the Utah Division of Water Resources evidence of (1) the 
possession by the applicant of a baccalaureate or higher degree in meteor- 
ology or related physical science or engineering and at least five years' 
experience in the field of meteorology, or (2) such other training and ex- 
perience as may be acceptable to the Utah Division of Water Resources as 
indicative of sufficient competence in the field of meteorology to engage in 
cloud seeding activities. 

2. Renewal of License : A licensee may qualify for a renewal of a license by 
submitting an application for renewal. In the case of an organization, the appli- 
cation for renewal must state whether the personnel, on the basis of whose quali- 
fications the original license was issued, continue to be in control and in charge 
of the organization's cloud seeding operations ; or, if the organization has ac- 
quired replacement personnel, that there has been a change in personnel. If the 
organization has hired replacement personnel, the organization shall attach to 
its application for renewal a statement setting forth the names and qualifica- 
tions of said personnel. Licensee should file an application for renewal thirty 
(30) days prior to the expiration date of his license. 

Chapter VI 


1. Application for Permit : In order to qualify for receipt of a cloud seeding 
permit a licensee must : 


(a) Submit a properly completed letter of application to the Utah Division 
of Water Resources, which shall include the name and qualifications of the 
person or persons who will be in control of, and in charge of the operations 
for the licensee. These qualifications shall comply with Chapter V Section B-l 
of these Rules and Regulations ; 

(b) Demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director his ability to respond 
in damages for liability which might reasonably arise as a result of the ap- 
plicant's proposed cloud seeding activities ; 

(c) File a copy of the contract or proposed contract between the sponsor 
and licensed contractor relating to the project ; 

(d) Submit copies of all pamphlets and promotional material distributed 
in connection with the project ; 

(e) Submit the plan of operation for the project, including a map showing 
locations of all equipment to be used as well as equipment descriptions ; 

(f) Receive preliminary approval of the project from the Director before 
proceeding with notices of intent described in Chapter VI, Item 1, (g) and 
(h) of these Rules. 

(g) File with the Utah Division of Water Resources and the Utah Division 
of Water Rights a notice of intention for publication which sets forth at least 
all of the following : 

(1) the name and address of the applicant ; 

(2) the date he received a proper cloud seeding license, and all dates of 
renewal ; 

(3) the nature and the object of the intended operations, aind the per- 
son or organization on whose behalf it is to be conducted ; 

(4) the specific area in which, and the approximate date and time 
during which, the operation will be conducted ; 

(5) the specific area which is intended to be affected by the operation ; 

(6) the materials and methods to be used in conducting the operation ; 

(7) a statement that persons interested in such permit application 
should contact the Utah Division of Water Resources. 

(h) File with the Utah Division of Water Resources, within fifteen (15) 
days from the last date of the publication of notice, proof that the applicant 
caused the notice of intention to be published at least once a week for three 
(3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper having a general circulation within 
each county in which the operation is to be conducted and in which the 
affected area is located. Publication of notice shall not commence until the 
applicant has received approval of the form and substance of the notice of 
intention from the Director. 

2. Issuance of a Permit : A permit shall not be issued prior to the expiration of 
ten (10) days following the last date of publication of the notice of intent. 

3. Description of Permit : A licensee shall comply with all the requirements set 
out in his permit. A permit shall include the following : 

(a) The effective period of the permit, which shall not exceed one year ; 

(b) The location of the operation ; 

(c) The method (s) which may be employed : and 

(d) Other necessary terms, requirements, and conditions. 

4. Authority to Amend a Permit : The Utah Division of Water Resources may 
amend the terms of a permit after issuance thereof if the Utah Division of Water 
Resources determines that it is in the public interest. 

Chapter VII 


1. Automatic suspension of a Permit : Any cloud seeding permit issued under the 
terms of these Rules shall be suspended automatically if the licensee's cloud 
seeding license should expire, or in the case of an organization being the licensee, 
if the person listed on the application for the permit as being in control of. and in 
charge of, operations for the licensee should become incapacitated, leave the em- 
ployment of the licensee, or for any other reason be unable to continue to be in 
control of, and in charge of, the operation in question ; and a replacement, ap- 
proved by the Director, has not been obtained. 

2. Reinstatement of Permit : A permit which is suspended under Chapter VII, 
Item 1, may be, at the discretion of the Director, reinstated following renewal of 


the expired license, or submission of an amended personnel statement nominating 
a person whose qualifications for controlling and being in charge of the operation 
are acceptable to the Director. 

3. Director's Authority to Suspend or Revoke Licenses and Permits: The 
Director may suspend or revoke any existing license or permit for the following 
reasons : 

(a) If the licensee no longer possesses the qualifications necessary for the 
issuance of a license or permit ; 

(b) If the licensee has violated any of the provisions of the Cloud Seeding 


(c) If the licensee has violated any of the provisions of these Rules ; or 

(d) If the licensee has violated any provisions of his license and/or permit. 

Chapter VIII 


1. Information To Be Recorded : Any individual or organization conducting 
weather modification operations in Utah shall keep and maintain a record of 
each operation which he conducts. For the purposes of this Chapter, the daily 
log required by Title 15, Chapter IX, Sub-Chapter A, Part 908, Section 908.8 (a), 
Code of Federal Regulations, November 1, 1972, as amended, and the supplemental 
information required by Sections 908.8 (b), (c), and (d) will be considered ade- 
quate, provided that each applicant for a weather modification permit submit 
with his application a list containing the name and post office address of each indi- 
vidual who will participate or assist in the operation, and promptly report any 
changes or additions to this list to the Utah Division of Water Resources. 

2. Reports: 

(a) Each individual and organization conducting weather modification 
operations in Utah shall submit copies of the daily log and supplemental 
information described in Chapter VIII, Item 1, for each month, to the Utah 
Division of Water Resources by the last day of each succeeding month. 

(b) Information copies of all other reports required by Title 15, Chapter 
IX, Sub-Chapter A, Part. 908, Sections 908.5, 908.6, and 908.7, Code of Fed- 
eral Regulations, shall be submitted to the Utah Division of Water Resources 
as soon as practicable, but in no case later than the deadlines set by the Fed- 
eral Regulation. 

(c) Copies of all reports, publications, pamphlets, and evaluations made by 
either the licensed contractor or sponsor regarding a cloud seeding project 
must be submitted to the Utah Division of Water Resources at the time these 
are made public. 

(d) In relation to any evaluations made for cloud seeding effectiveness, 
both the method of evaluation and the data used shall be submitted to the 
Utah Division of Water Resources. 

Chapter IX 


The policy in regard to suspension of seeding because of potential flood danger 
due to excessive snowpack shall be as follows : 

1 All watersheds in a designated cloud seeding target area shall be monitored 
monthly by the Director of the Division of Water Resources. 

2. When it is determined that any watershed in the designated cloud seeding 
target area has reached a critical maximum value, a thorough investigation of 
this watershed shall be conducted by the Division of Water Resources to deter- 
mine if cloud seeding should be suspended. 



Stale of \\ jshincion 


(agency name) 

Administrate Order No. PE ">">-29 

(ill. Elmer C. V oqel, djyujJLydi 

the Depa r tment of E co logy, 

jo pnmMiFJic ...>j ., m the Dep a rtment . o i-Ecoiflgy^_j,dce y . W as h i ngto n 

repealing chapter 508-20 KPC (Weather Modification Rules) and adopting chapter 
173-495 (Weather Modification) . This action is taken since chapter 509-20 KAC 
is obsolete it. form and content. The new chapter is restructured in currently 
approved format and contains definitive instructions lrclonenting the intent of 
chapter 43.37 RCW — Weather Modification. Procedures for license and pormit 
application are more clearly defined, exerrpt activities are brought into con- 
sonance with chapter 43.37 FCW, and Proof of Financial Responsibility is defined. 

(2) VI URN ATI W V I x< mil* 1i*r Adoption of I'crnuncnl Rulrx 

Thix action ix lakes purxu.ini lo Notice No 7836 I tied with ihe v.mJc reviser on 

J.0/27/77 v,uch 

»hjll take elTo.1 

X ssnajant lu RC»" U (14 040(2) 

si j laicr dale, xuch dale being 

12) Al.TKRNATIVK B. I x* unit for Adoption of » nK-r^nci Rulo 


an csscrfcsic] e»rxts jnd ih.ii the lurefteng urdcf >x lor the prtNcn Hhw i«i ihc public health »ell.irc and Ihji uthcrvasce oi the rcuuocnicnix of not ice .md .ippi.riunii » lo prexent *ic»x .in 
nropuxvd aetiua »ouid be oaairarj to public interest A kiaicmcai o> ihc facl* conMiiuitna >uch emergency is 

Such rulv> arc ll n rc f ur e a d u fled ix cmcrgcnc* ryk> lu Lake effect upon lihn; mlh 'he code rcvixcr 

(1| Pursu.mi in the rcuuircmcmx of RC VV U 04 1 1977 e l<> § Jl' "every apenc) xhjll inco'por.uc it 

miiM xnccilic bill m n.* c.ixc iHhil .ill of Ihe following language ahtffAJIive* v. hen .idoptni£ or jmcndmj: rulex* 1 1 ■ 1 1 
MMCSSCM (j). Ibl .ir III .ix aflprufWialcl 

X (a) Th.x rule ix pr.i.m.le.iicd purxu.ini l.i R( VV 43 . 37 

and ix intended lu adimnislr.ilivclt implement thai »i.uuie 

lb) Thix rule ix promulgated purxujni lo Hi VV 

which dircvt' ih.n ihc 


hax aulhorii) lu mi pic men I ihc prmriMua* of 

(mimic ..I Jxl .ir RC W 
|C| Thix ruk i» promulgncd under ihe general rule making .tuihoriti of Ihc 

■agency I 

at SjMhuh/cd in RC W 

(4) The ■M fc lii BW d hereto dccl.trc-x ih.n he h..x complied »nh ihe provix„mx of ihc Open Public Meeting*. A. i 

(chapter 42..W RCVVi i l,c AdmmiMralire ■•ruccilnrc Act (chapter 14 114 RCW) ..r ihc Higher I 

Adminixir.,1, vc I'roceclurc Act (eh.ipur MH II RAW I. .ix appropriate, .incl ihc Male Rcgixtcr Ad leh.ipier .14 UK 
Kt V, | 

(A) Ihix order after bong hrxi recorded in ihc mdef rcgiMCt "f ihix agci*c\ ix herewith transmuted lo ihc Code 
Reviser fur bhnf piirxuant hi elwrMer 14 IM RCW jnd xh.ipicr I 12 WAC 


Chapter 173-495 WAC 


WAC 173-495-010 Purpose. — The Department of Ecology, under the authority 
vested in it by Chapter 43.37 RCW, is charged with responsibilities for the super- 
vision and control of all weather modification activities within the state, and 
representation by the state in all interstate contracts relating to weather modifica- 
tion and control. This regulation provides the basic framework for carrying out 
the state's responsibility for such a program through the establishment of license 
and permit requirements and procedures, report requirements, and fee require- 
ments. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all weather modification ac- 
tivities in all parts of the state except as specifically exempted in this chapter 
and or in chapter 43.37 RCW. 

WAC 173-495-020 Definitions. — As used in these regulations unless the context 
requires otherwise: 

( 1 ) "Department" means the Department of Ecology. 

( 2 i ' Operation" means the performance of weather modification and control 
activities pursuant to a single contract entered into for the purpose of producing 
or attempting to produce a certain modifying effect within one geographical 
area over one continuing time interval not exceeding one (1) year; or in the 
case of the performance of weather modification and control activities, individu- 
ally or jointly, by a person or persons to be benefited and not undertaken pur- 
suant to a contract, operation means the performance of weather modification 
and control dtttivities entered into for the purpose of producing, or attempting 
to produce, a certain modifying effect within one geographical area and one 
continuing time interval not exceeding one (1) year. 

(3) "Research and Development" means theoretical analysis, exploration and 
experimentation, and the extension of investigative findings of theories of a 
scientific or technical nature into practical application for experimental and 
demonstration purposes, including the experimental production and testing of 
models, devices, equipment, materials, and processing. 

(4) "Weather Modification and Control" means changing or controlling, or 
attempting to change or control by artificial methods the natural development 
of any or all atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in the 

WAC 178-495-030 Requirement for Licenses and Permits. — No person shall 
engage in weather modification activities except under and in accordance with 
a license and a permit issued by the department, unless specifically exempt from 
this requirement in WAC 173-495-050. 

WAC 173-495-040 Exempt Activities — Requirements of Those Exempted. — The 
following weather modification and control activity shall be exempt from the 
license requirement of RCW 43.37.100. the permit requirements of RCW 43.37.100, 
and the liability requirements of RCW 43.37.190 : 

(1) All research and experiments related to weather modification control con- 
ducted within laboratories. 

(2) Those weather modification operations designed to alleviate sudden, un- 
ezpected, hazardous conditions which require expeditious localized action for: 

(a) protection against fire 

(b) prevention of frost 

(c) dispersal of fog 

(3) Field research and development by institutions of higher learning. 

(4) Any person proposing to conduct weather modification and control activi- 
ties as described in subsection (2) above shall make every reasonable effort 
prior thereto to notify the Department of Ecology, headquarters offices in 
Olympia, Washington, of the type of activity to be carried out. the person carry- 
ing out the activity and the materials and technique of application to be used. 

(5) Any person proposing to conduct weather modification and control activi- 
ties as described in subsection (3) above shall provide a written description of 
the proposed program, notice of actual operations ten (10) days prior to com 
mencement. and quarterly reports of operations and status to the headquarters 
office Department of Ecology, Olympia, Washington. 

WAC 11.', -.',.9.7 0>,~> Qualifications for License — Regular. — All applicants for a 
weather modification license shall be certified professional members of the Amer- 
ican Meteorological Society or possess the academic achievements and profes- 
sional experience necessary to receive such certification. In cases where the 
applicant is an organization, the individual or individuals who will be in control 


and in charge of the weather modification and control activities shall be required 
to meet the above standard. 

WAC 173-459-050 Qualifications for License — Restricted License. — (1) A re- 
stricted license may be issued to an applicant for such license when : 

(a) the applicant's proposed weather modification activities are limited 
solely to those designed to disperse fog over airports ; and 

(b) the applicant will be fully advised of the pertinent weather informa- 
tion by the meteorologist on duty during the carrying out of the airport fog 

(2) Applicants for restricted licenses are not required to meet the qualifica- 
tions otherwise imposed by WAC 173-495-040. 

WAC 173-495-060 Procedures for Issuing License. — 

(1) Any person or organization desiring to obtain a license or restricted li- 
cense shall make an application to the Department of Ecology on the form 
prescribed, listing name, business address, etc. 

(2) The department may require additional information of the applicant to 
determine competency in the field of meteorology. Such additional information 
shall be requested of the applicant by certified mail, and shall be submitted in 

(3) Prior to the issuance of any license, the applicant shall pay a fee of $100 
to the State of Washington. 

(4) The application shall be deemed received by the Department of Ecology 
when received at the headquarters offices, Department of Ecology, Olympia, 
Washington 985504. 

WAC 173-495-065 Period of License.— 

(1) Licenses issued pursuant to chapter 43.37 RCW and these regulations 
shall be effective for a period of one (1) year, to terminate at the end of the 
calendar year of issuance. 

(2) No later than thirty (30) days prior to the end of the calendar year, the 
licensee may request a renewal of the license. The department shall review said 
license upon the payment of a renewal fee of $100 to the State of Washington. 

(3) In the determination of whether or not to grant such renewal request, 
the department shall consider, and the applicant shall provide, information as 
to whether the facts and circumstances relied on in the issuance of the original 
permit have changed or altered. If the department determines that the licensee 
no longer meets the requirements of competency in the field of meteorology, the 
department may refuse to renew said license. 

WAC 173-495-070 Permits Requirements.— 

(1) Each weather modification operation not specifically exempted by statute 
or these regulations shall require a permit. A separate permit shall be issued for 
each operation. 

(2) A license holder desiring to conduct a weather modification operation shall 
submit, an application for a permit to the Department of Ecology. 

(3) The permit applicant must hold a valid weather modification license from 
the State of Washington. 

(4) The applicant shall publish notice of intention at least once a week for 
three (3) consecutive weeks in a legal newspaper having general circulation 
and published within any county in which the operation is to be conducted and 
in which the affected area is located, or, if the operation is to be conducted in 
more than one county or if the affected area is located in more than one county 
or is located in a county other than the one in which the operation is to be 
conducted, then in a legal newspaper having a general circulation and published 
within each of such counties. In case there is no legal newspaper published 
within the appropriate county, publication shall be made in a legal newspaper 
having a general circulation within the county. 

(5) Proof of publication of the notice of intention, made in the manner pro- 
vided herein, shall be filed by the licensee with the department within fifteen 
(15) days from the date of last publication of the notice. 

(6) The notice of intention shall contain at least the following: 

(a) the name and address of the licensee ; 

(b) the nature and object of the intended operation and the person or 
organization on whose behalf it. is to be conducted ; 

(c) the area in which and the appropriate time during which the opera- 
tion will be conducted ; 

(d) the area which is intended to be affected by the operation; 

(e) the materials and methods to be used in conducting the operation. 

(7) The applicant shall furnish proof of financial responsibility, as described 
in WAC 173-495-120 of this chapter. 


(8) The applicant shall pay a permit fee of one and one-half percent (iy 2 %) 
of the estimated cost of the operation. The estimated cost will be computed by the 
department from evidence available to it. 

(9) Prior to issuance of a permit the department shall make a determination 
in writing that the weather modification and control activities proposed to be 
conducted under authority of the permit have been determined to be for the 
general welfare and public good. 

(10) The department shall hold an open public hearing at its headquarters 
office in Olympia prior to any such permit issuance. 

WAC 173-495-080 Permittee's Report of Operations — Requirement. — The 
permittee shall be required to maintain reports on all operations on a daily basis, 
and submit twice a month (1st day and 15th day) to the Department of Ecology. 
The semi-monthly reports shall include the following information : 

(1) Number of days under contract. 

(2) Number of days of operation and number of hours of each day, for all 
stations operated. 

(3 ) The consumption rate and name of seeding agent used. 

(4) A brief summary statement evaluating the past fifteen (15) -day period 
in regard to the seeding potential and experience. 

(5) Location of operations. 

(6) Name and mailing address of each individual, other than the licensee, par- 
ticipating or assisting in the operation. 

(7) A brief statement of projected plans for the coming fifteen (15) -day 

(8) In the event operations are unexpectedly terminated, a special report 
covering that fraction of the half-month period of operation is required. All re- 
ports must be post-marked not later than one (1) day after due date. 

(9) All such records are public records which shall be open to public inspec- 

WAC 173-495-100 Revocation, Suspension, Modification. — 

(1) All permits authorized by RCW 43.37.110 shall contain the following pro- 
visions : "The department may, if it appears that continuing operation under 
this permit will cause immediate injury to persons or property, terminate or 
otherwise modify the terms of this permit in order to alleviate an emergency 
situation by giving notice to the permittee by telegram or other writing." 

(2) All permits authorized by RCW 43.37.110 may be revoked, suspended, or 
modified when the department has reason to believe that good cause exists and 
that the revocation, suspension, or modification is required for the general wel- 
fare and public good. Any such revocation, suspension, or modification shall not 
be undertaken prior to written notice by certified mail to the permittee. Oppor- 
tunity for comment by the permittee shall be allowed. Any final departmental 
decision shall be in writing. 

(3) In the event the applicant desires to appeal any permit revocation, modi- 
fication, or suspension action by the department such appeal must be filed with 
the Pollution Control Hearings Board in Olympia within thirty (30) days of 
the department's action. An appeal does not constitute a stay. 

WAC 173-495-120 Proof of Financial Responsibility. — A permit applicant 
shall furnish proof of financial responsibility to the Department of Ecology by 
one of the following : 

(1) Copy of insurance policy or binder for the operator. 

(2) A current balance sheet showing sufficient assets to demonstrate financial 

(3) Bond for safe performance. 

(4) Such other information as the applicant may provide the department, in 
writing, if one of the alternate methods (l)-(3). above, is not feasible or avail- 
able, provided the applicant explains the infeasibility or unavailability. 

The following sections of WAC 508-20 are repealed : 

508-20-020 Board will notify Washington State University and the county 
agent when permit is issued. 

508-20-030 Permittee's report of operations. 
50.8-20-040 Board may modify or terminate permits. 
508-20-050 Exempt activities. 

508-20-060 Exempt activities— Olympic Mountains research project. 
508-20-070 Qualifications of licensees— Restricted license, fog dispersal at 

50^-20-080 Use of dry ice for fog dispersal over public airports. 

Appendix N 

Documents of the Weather Modification Association 

Constitution and By-Laws of the Weather Modification Association 1 

Article I. Name : The name of the organization shall be the Weather Modifi- 
cation Association. 

Article II. Purpose : The Association shall function as a non-profit organiza- 
tion. Its intended purposes include, but are not necessarily limited to, the follow- 

(a) Promotion. — Promoting research, development, and understanding weather 
modification for beneficial uses. 

(b) Standards of Conduct. — Encouraging and promoting the highest standards 
of conduct including certification of individual members qualified to execute field 
experiments or operations in weather modification. 

(c) Information Center. — Serving as a clearinghouse and dissemination agent 
for weather modification oriented literature and information. 

(d) Policy Statements. — Assuming an active role and maintaining a strong 
voice in the production and dissemination of policy statements concerning all 
aspects of weather modification practice. 

Article III. Membership: There shall be four (4) classes of membership in the 
Association. Each class shall be afforded the privileges of membership as indi- 

(a) Member. — Any person who subscribes to the statement of purposes of the 
Association, upon payment of the prescribed annual dues (Ref Article IV), shall 
be afforded the privileges of membership. Members shall receive all publications 
of the Association, and shall have the right to vote in the business of the Asso- 
ciation and to hold any office in the Association. 

(b) Student Member. — Any person, engaged in a full-time program of study 
leading to a degree in the atmospheric sciences, engineering or other subjects 
related to the science of weather modification, and who subscribes to the state- 
ment of purpose of the Association, upon payment of the prescribed annual dues 
(Ref Article IV), shall be afforded the privileges of student membership. Student 
members shall receive all publications of the Association but may not vote in the 
business of, nor hold office in, the Association. 

(c) Corporation Member. — Any organization with active programs in weather 
modification, or with interests directly related to weather modification activities, 
which subscribes to the statement of purposes of the association, upon payment 
of the prescribed annual dues (Ref Article IV), shall be afforded the privileges 
of corporate membership. Corporations members shall receive all publications 
of the Association and may designate one (1) individual to act for the corpora- 
tion in the affairs of the Association. The designated individual shall have the 
same rights and privileges afforded members of the Association. 

(d) Honorary Member. — Members, or former members, of the Association who 
have made outstanding contributions to any aspect of weather modification may, 
subject to the unanimous consent of the Executive Committee of the Association, 
be nominated in the Association. Election shall be by simple majority vote of the 
members present at any regular or special meeting. Honorary membership shall 
be non-expiring for the life of the member. Members so elected shall be excused 
from the payment of dues. They shall receive all publications of the Association 
and enjoy the same privileges as members of the Association. 

Article IV. Dues : All dues for the Association shall be paid on a calendar year 
basis. Annual dues for the various categories of membership shall be set by vote 
of the members present at the annual meeting, on the recommendation of the 
Executive Committee (Ref Article VI). 

1 From the Journal of Weather Modification, v. 9, No. 1, April 1977, p. 198-201. 


34-857 O - 79 - 48 


Article V. Certification of Members: Certification of individual members as 
being qualified to execute field experiments or operations in weather modifica- 
tion shall be based upon experience, knowledge, and character. Certification shall 
be granted by the unanimous vote of a Certification Board which shall be com- 
posed of three (3) Certified Members who shall be appointed by the President. 
The members of the Certification Board shall each serve three (3) years on 
staggered terms. Changes in procedure for certification of members shall be 
made only after an affirmative majority vote of the Certified Members present 
at any annual meeting. 

Article VI. Administration : The administration of the Association shall be 
vested in an Executive Committee which shall include the elected officers and 
trustees of the Association as follows : 

(a) President. — The President shall be responsible for the administration of 
the Association. He shall appoint such committees as he deems necessary for the 
successful accomplishment of the Association's aims. The President shall preside 
at all meetings and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. 

(b) President-elect. — The President-elect shall succeed the President in office. 
The President-elect shall preside over the administrative functions of the Asso- 
ciation in the absence, or by direction, of the President. 

(c) Secretary. — The Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of each 
meeting and shall notify the membership of impending meetings (Ref Article 
VIII). In the absence of both the President and the President-elect, the Secretary 
shall preside over the administrative functions of the Association. 

(d) Treasurer. — The Treasurer shall conduct the financial affairs of the Asso- 
ciation and keep accurate records thereof. The functions of Secretary and Treas- 
urer may be combined in one person at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. 

(e) Trustees. — Three (3) Trustees, to serve staggered three-year terms shall 
be elected from members representing private groups, university groups, and 
government groups respectively. It shall be the duty of the Trustees to represent 
the interests of their respective groups as members of the Executive Committee 
and to assist the President and other elected officers, as may be required, in the 
administration of the Association. 

The Executive Committee may employ such other persons as may be necessary 
for the conduct of Association business. 

Article VII. Elections: Elections shall be held at the annual meeting (Ref 
Article VIII). Officers to be elected will include a President-elect, Secretary, 
Treasurer (Ref Article VId), and one (1) Trustee. 

Nominations for elective offices shall be made by a nominating committee ap- 
pointed by the President. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor, as 
called for, prior to balloting. 

New officers and trustees shall assume their duties at the conclusion of the 
annual meeting, and shall serve until their successors assume office. 

Article VIII. Meetings : Meetings shall be held at least once a calendar year. 
The first meeting of each calendar year shall be the annual meeting unless other- 
wise designated by the Executive Committee. Advance notice of all meetings 
shall be mailed by the Secretary (Ref Article Vic) to all members at least 
thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting. 

The presiding officer and ten (10) percent of the voting members shall con- 
stitute a quorum. The location and date of all meetings shall be determined by a 
majority vote of the Executive Committee. 

Article IX. Amendments : This Constitution and By-laws may be amended at 
any meeting by a majority vote representing a combination of all members present 
plus any absentee ballots received up to the day of the balloting on the floor, 
providing that the total votes cast constitute a quorum as defined in Article VIII. 
All amendments must be submitted to the membership at least thirty (30) days 
prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered. 

Qualifications and Procedures for Certification by the Weather 
Modification Association 2 

purpose of certification 

One of the purposes of the Weather Modification Association is to certify indi- 
vidual members qualified to direct field experiments or operations in weather 
modification. This certification is considered desirable to accomplish other pur- 

2 From the "Journal of Weather Modification," v. 9, No. 1, April 1977, p. 202-204. 


poses of the Association, namely, promoting research and engineering advance- 
ments, encouraging and promoting the highest standards for professional conduct, 
and assisting in arranging liability insurance upon application from members 
performing field operations or experiments. 

This document gives the qualifications and procedures for such certification 
by the Weather Modification Association. 


Certification of individuals to direct weather modification field experiments or 
operations shall be based on character, knowledge, and experience. Certification 
shall be made at the discretion of the Board, but the following shall be considered 
minimum requirements : 

General : A minimum of two years' field experience at the professional level in 
directing weather modification operations or research shall be required of all 
applicants, in addition to the experience and educational requirements specified 
below : 

Category A. — Eight (8) years' experience in weather modification field 
operations or research. 

Category B. — A degree in engineering, mathematics, or the physical sciences 
plus two years' experience in weather modification field operations or research. 

Category C. — A degree in meteorology, or a degree in engineering, mathematics, 
or the physical sciences which includes or is in addition to at least 25 semester 
hours of meteorological course work. 

Weather modification field operations experience is defined to be that which 
is involved in the organization, development, and actual conduct of field proj- 
ects designed to effect a change in the weather. Actual manipulation to produce 
a desired change is implied. In all cases, actual field experience is required to 
insure the qualifications of the person certified. Operations may be either com- 
mercial or research, but field operations of either type are required. "Professional 
level" indicates a level of responsibility for direct supervision and conduct of 
the field operations or substantial parts thereof. 


The initial Certification Board and the procedure by which the initial certifica- 
tion procedures are to be adopted are given in motions passed by the Weather 
Modification Association at their March 1967 meeting. The motions read as 
follows : 

Motion Xo. 1. — That the initial certification committee as specified in Article V 
of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Weather Modification Association be com- 
posed of three (3) Executive Officers of the W.C.R.A. 

Motion Xo. 2. — That the initial certification committee establish the qualifica- 
tions and procedures to be followed for certification, and present same by mail 
for approval to all past officers of W.C.R.A. who are current members of the 

Affirmative majority vote by those replying from this group shall constitute 
approval of the procedures so specified. Subsequent changes in these procedures 
shall be made only after affirmative majority vote of the certified members present 
at any annual meeting. 

The initial Certification Committee established by the March 1967 meeting of 
the WMA shall function for calendar year 1968. The length of terms of office 
of the initial certification board shal be determined by lot to be staggered to 
permit the appointment of one new member in each year beginning 1969. At the 
end of calendar year 1968. the President shall appoint one new member of the 
Certification Board. In subsequent years, a new member of the Certification 
Board shall be appointed by the President each year. As specified in Article V 
of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Weather Modification Association, members 
of the Certification Board shall each serve three years on staggered terms. The 
member of the Certification Board who has the longest tenure on the Board shall 
serve as chairman. 


Persons desiring certification as individuals qualified for conducting field 
experiments or operations in weather modification shall write to the Secretary 
of the Weather Modification Association requesting an application form and in- 


structions. The completed application form shall be returned to the Secretary and 
must be accompanied by a $25 check made payable to the Weather Modifica- 
tion Association. This fee will be retained by the Weather Modification Associa- 
tion whether the application is accepted or denied. 

The Certification Board shall review the application form and from the infor- 
mation contained therein and any other information it obtains, will determine 
whether the applicant has satisfied the requirements for qualification for certi- 
fication. The Certification Board may request additional information from the 
applicant prior to making a final decision as to whether or not the applicant 
meets the criteria for certification. 

After review of the application, the Chairman of the Certification Board shall 
notify the applicant of the decision of the Board. If the application is approved, 
the Chairman of the Certification Board shall give the applicant a certificate to 
verify that the individual has met the qualification for certification. 

Unsuccessful applicants may reapply for certification not earlier than one cal- 
endar year after notification of disapproval. Each subsequent application for cer- 
tification shall be accompanied by a payment of the $25 fee. 


Certification of a member shall be effective for a period of three years from the 
date of issuance. Application for renewal of certification shall be submitted prior 
to expiration date in writing and accompanied by a fee of $5. Issuance of a 
renewal of certification shall be automatic upon certification by the Board that 
no notification of violation of the conditions of the original certification has been 
received. In the event such notice has been received, renewal will be granted if 
recommended by the Board. If the Board does not recommend renewal, the case 
will be presented for the consideration of the certified members at two consecu- 
tive meetings. Renewal shall be denied only if two-thirds of the certified mem- 
bers in attendance at the second meeting indicate by secret written ballot that 
renewal shall be denied. The $5 fee will be retained whether renewal is granted or 

Weather Modification Association 

Proposed Draft Statement on Standards and Ethics for Weather Modification 
Operators 3 Prepared by Committee on Standards and Ethics, September 1977 


The Weather Modification Association (WMA) has adopted this statement 
on ethics and standards in order to further the Association's purposes, which 
inc lude but are not limited to : 

1. Promoting research, development and understanding of weather modification 
for beneficial uses. 

2. Encouraging and promoting the highest standards of conduct. 


WMA members are expected to comply with the following code of ethics which 
cover their relationships with the general public, their clients, and the meteoro- 
logical profession. 

Relationships with general public 

1. The member will comply with all laws and regulations of the federal, state, 
and local k'ovornmental units, particularly those laws and regulations covering 
weather modification activities. 

2. The member will not participate in activities detrimental to the general 
public interest or which inflict undue hardship upon individuals in proposed 
operational areas. 

i ! r A ls t tr , ,hnt ^ & members of the Weather Modification Association at the 1977 fall meet- 
liit:. October 10. 1977. Champaign, Illinois, for review and comment. 


Relationships with clients 

3 The member will not exaggerate his (her) capabilities, nor guarantee results 
in terms of future weather conditions. Statements regarding the probable effects 
of weather modification projects should be compatible with the current State- 
ment of Capabilities" set forth by the WMA, unless they can be justified on the 
basis of documented results. ^ » ^ 

4 Contracts where a bonus is paid for "production of rainfall over and abo\e 
some arbitrary amount, such as a monthly normal, are detrimental to the devel- 
opment of a sound technology, and are to be discouraged. ^ 

5 The member will divulge fully to clients and potential clients all chemicals 
and methods used. Proprietary rights to newly developed materials or tech- 
niques for cloud seeding may be established through the obtaining of patents. 

Relationships with meteorological profession 

6. The member will conduct himself (herself) in a manner to reflect dignity and 
honor on the profession. 

7. The member will keep abreast of scientific and technical developments in the 
field of weather modification and will seek to incorporate improvements into his 
(her) operational and research programs. 

8. The member will endeavor to contribute new knowledge to the profession by 
making known significant results from operational and research programs. 

9. The member will not knowingly take credit for work done by others, but will 
attempt to give credit where due. 

10. The member will not unjustly criticize fellow workers in his (her) profes- 
sion, but will refer to the Association information on apparent unethical prac- 
tices on the part of other operators. 


The following standards shall apply to the conduct of both operational and 
research projects : 

1. Each project should have a set of clearly defined objectives. The operator 
should provide as precise a statement as possible of how the objectives are to be 

2. The operator will not undertake work in an area where serious conflicts might 
arise from weather modification activities, without taking steps to identify and 
correct such situations in advance. 

3. The operator will conduct each project in such a way as to minimize danger 
to the public and to the environment from the use of seeding devices, seeding 
agents, and other appurtenances of his (her) trade. 

4. Each project should be under the personal direction of a meteorologist with 
special training or experience in weather modification field projects. 

5. The project meteorologist should have access to up-to-date weather data 
including, as a minimum, the weather data available through circuits of the 
National Weather Service. Local atmospheric soundings, wind observations, radar 
data, and telemetered precipitation data from remote sites are highly desirable 

6. Each proect should have established criteria and procedures for shutting 
down operations in the face of impending severe weather to avoid contributing 
to, or appearing to contribute to, damaging weather situations. The shutdown cri- 
teria and procedures should be specified in advance in writing, and should take 
into account existing water management practices and flood control facilities. 

7. A calibration curve showing ice nuclei output should be available for each 
type of cloud seeding generator used on a project. 

8. Evaluations of projects are strongly encouraged, but limitations imposed 
by project duration, inadequacy of observations, and so on, should be pointed 

Appendix O 

policy statement ol me American Meteorological 
society on purpose! and inadvertent modification 
ol weather and climate 

As adopted by the Council on January 28, 1973 


Man's ability to alter certain local weather conditions, 
either purposefully or inadvertently, in some areas is 
clearly established. However, most atmospheric scientists 
agree that man's ability to significantly alter the atmo- 
spheric environment in a purposeful manner is still in 
the early stages of development. Adequate research and 
operational support in the 1970s should permit major 
advances in developing weather modification techniques 
in the next decade. 

A new statement by the American Meteorological 
Society (AMS) to inform the public and to answer sci- 
entific questions about weather and climate modification 
is therefore timely, and also useful in setting national 
scientific priorities. Specifically, four conditions have 
been significantly altered since the last AMS statement, 
issued in 1967, and the changes which have dictated this 
new statement include: 1) advances in knowledge and 
techniques of planned weather modification, 2) new 
evidence of urban-related inadvertent weather or climate 
modification, 3) a growing need to assess the partially de- 
veloped and rapidly evolving weather modification tech- 
nology in light of public interest and concerns, and 4) a 
need to issue recommendations regarding essential future 
weather modification efforts. 

Status of planned weather modification 

As we move into the 1970s there is mounting scientific 
evidence that cloud seeding using ice nuclei can produce 
substantial, albeit local, changes in clouds and storm 
systems. Definitive success in dispersing fog and in in- 
creasing rainfall and snowfall has been achieved in the 
United States and elsewhere in the 1960s. 

Fog. Dissipation of cold (supercooled) fogs and low 
stratus is established as an operational application with 
clear economic benefits. Warm fog dissipation can gen- 
erally be accomplished by expensive techniques, but a 
reliable and economically acceptable technique for dissi- 
pating warm fogs on a local scale is not established. 

Precipitation. Precipitation amounts from certain cold 
orographic clouds in winter can apparently be substan- 
tially increased or decreased on a predictable basis, and 
thus seeding of these types of clouds for economic benefit 
appears to be justified. Seeding of cold orographic clouds 
sometimes increases, sometimes decreases, and sometimes 
has no effect on precipitation depending on the mete- 

orological conditions. Overall increases from 5 to prob- 
ably 30%, depending on location, seem reasonable with 
existing technology for certain mountainous areas of 
the western United States. Attempts to increase pre- 
cipitation from convective clouds have provided local in- 
creases under certain circumstances, and under other 
circumstances local decreases. Too little is known about 
the physical, chemical, and dynamical processes of con- 
vective precipitation to make the outcome predictable in 
most areas. Precipitation increases from non-orographic 
and non-convective cloud systems, such as the shallow 
stratiform winter storms of the central United States, 
have not been demonstrated; but in theory, at least, it 
is possible to increase or relocate precipitation from such 
systems. There is also some evidence that precipitation 
alterations may occur 100 kilometers or more beyond the 
primary seeded areas, but much more proof and a better 
understanding of these "downwind effects'* are needed. 

Severe Storms. Results from efforts to mitigate the de- 
struction of severe storms can be classed as encouraging 
but still indeterminate. Positive but unsubstantiated 
claims and growing optimism best describe results from 
lightning suppression efforts in the United States, recent 
hail suppression programs in the United States and 
abroad, and hurricane modification efforts in the At- 
lantic. Less optimism surrounds the possibilities of in- 
hibiting tornadoes and severe local rainstorms. Too little 
controlled experimentation concerning modification of 
severe storms has been conducted to provide sufficient 
credible evidence of success. Recent evidence, particu- 
larly that from the Soviet Union and Europe, of hail 
suppression appears to make it more credible than the 
evidence for the control of other forms of severe storms. 

Inadvertent weather modification 

There is growing worldwide concern over man's inad- 
vertent modification of weather and climate. Urban- 
industrial pollutants (thermal, gaseous, and particulate 
emissions) have been shown to alter urban weather and 
climate, and new evidence establishes that alterations 
occur in clouds and precipitation from 8 to 80 kilometers 
downwind of urban-industrial sources. Recent investiga- 
tions of major shifts in land use practices, such as irriga- 
tion and different cropping, have pointed to possible 
alterations in weather and climate over substantial 

1 Reprinted from the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, v. 54, No. 7, July 
1078, pp. 094-695. 



Man's effect on global climate is suspected, since his 
activities have resulted in regional changes in the cloud 
cover and surface albedo, and widespread increases in 
COt concentration and particulate concentration. How- 
ever, there is no clear evidence yet that these changes 
have accounted for any substantial part of the climatic 
fluctuations of the past century. 

Public issues 

Recent advances towards achieving planned "weather 
management." and an awareness of the reality of inad- 
vertent weather modification, make it imperative that a 
great deal more be understood about their social, ecologi- 
cal, and legal implications. Limited economic and eco- 
logical studies of the potential effects of planned weather 
modification have produced conflicting results that point 
to the need for comprehensive socioeconomic studies. 
Before planned weather modification becomes a widely 
applied technology, comprehensive analyses of the over- 
all public interests on a local, regional, national, and 
international scale must be made in order to achieve 
rational judgments and decisions concerning the wise use 
of weather modification. 


Significant progress in weather modification has occurred 
in recent years. It has been demonstrated that man can 
and does modify the weather. However, we still have 
much to learn about the following subjects: 1) the exact 
atmospheric conditions in which it is possible to in- 
crease, decrease or relocate precipitation; 2) those tech- 
niques that might reduce the damage caused by severe 
storms; or 3) the extent of climatic change being pro- 
duced inadvertently by man. These three items should be 
included among the major goals of our national pro- 
gram in weather modification, and more unified and 
stronger federal programs must be developed to meet 
the demands created by a society which is increasing 
in size and complexity. 

Some specific recommendations regarding weather 
modification activities in the 1970s include: 

1) development of improved numerical models of con- 
vective clouds and storm systems relevant to weather 
modification efforts; 

2) performance of comprehensive, randomized experi- 
ments involving precipitation enhancement and re- 
distribution in each of the major climatic zones of the 
United States in each season and for each of the prin- 
cipal forms of precipitation, with provisions for evalua- 
tions of downwind effects; 

3) pursuance of fundamental research and field ex- 
periments to ascertain means of mitigating severe storms 
(thunderstorms, hail, hurricanes, and tornadoes); 

4) extended research on operational warm fog dis- 

5) creation and expansion of facilities and expertise 
devoted to this subject, including application of current 

satellite programs, cloud physics research laboratories, 
laboratories for developing seeding devices and seeding 
agents, instrumented vehicles for penetrating severe 
storms, and statistical research groups; and 

6) encouragement of programs to study inadvertent 
weather modification (a) by monitoring conditions 
critical to the global climate and man's well-being, in- 
cluding pollutants, water vapor, cloud cover, surface 
albedo, and heat balance, and (b) by measuring and 
defining the influences of urban development and land- 
use change on weather and climate. 

For additional information 

A few of many possible references were selected for this 
list describing the progress in all phases of weather and 
climate modification in recent years. Inclusion of a refer- 
ence does not necessarily imply our sanction of the 
views or findings, but indicates it is a source of addi- 
tional information for the interested reader. 

American Meteorological Society, 45 Beacon Street, Bos- 
ton, Massachusetts 02108, 1971: Proceedings of Inter- 
national Conference on Weather Modification. Can- 
berra, Australia, 372 pp. 

American Meteorological Society, 45 Beacon Street, Bos- 
ton, Massachusetts 02108, 1972: Preprints of Third 
Conference on Weather Modification. Rapid City, 
S. Dak, 336 pp. 

National Academy of Sciences, Printing and Publishing 
Office, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. 
20418, 1971: The Atmospheric Sciences and Man's 
Needs: Priorities for Future. Washington, D.C, 88 pp. 

National Academy of Sciences. Printing and Publish- 
ing Office, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, 
D.C. 20418 (to be published): Weather and Climate 
Modification, National Policies and Programs. Wash- 
ington, D.C, 417 pp. 

Colorado Associated University Press, University of 
Colorado, 1424 15th Street, Boulder, Colorado 80302, 
1967: Man and the Quality of his Environment: 
Western Resources Conference, edited by J. E. Flack 
and M. C. Shipley. Boulder, Colo., 251 pp. 

Lambright, W. H.: Government and technological in- 
novation: Weather modification as a case in point. 
Public Administration Review, 1, 1-10. 1972: Ameri- 
can Society for Public Administration, 1225 Connecti- 
cut Avenue, NW, Washington. D.C. 20036. 

Lackner, J. D.: Precipitation Modification. National 
Water Commission Report NWC-EES-7 1-005. 1971: 
National Water Commission, Room 405, 800 North 
Quincy, Arlington, Virginia 22203, 170 pp. 

M.I.T. Press, 28 Carleton Street. Cambridge, Mass. 02142. 
1971: Study of Man's Impact on the Climate (SMIC 
Report), 302 pp. 

World Meteorological Organization, Case Postale No. 
1, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, 1971: Present state 
of knowledge and possible practical benefits in some 
fields of weather modification. General Summary of 
EC-XXII, Document 38, 3 pp. 

Appendix P 

Reporting Agencies of Member Countries and Questionnaire Cir- 
culated To Receive Weather Modification Information From 
Members of the World Meteorological Organization 

Reporting Agencies 

ARGENTINA Comiei6n Naoional de Investigaciones Eapaciales 

Fuerza Aerea Argentina 
1104 - Comodoro Pedro ZannJ 250 
Buenos Aires 


Instituto de Atividades Espaciais 
Divisao de Ciencias Atmosf Ericas 

12000 - Sao Jose dos Campos, SP 


Hydrometeorological Service 

Boulevard Lenin 66 


CANADA Cloud Physics Research Division 

Atmospheric Environment Service 
4905 Bufferin Street 
Dovnsview, Ontario ^K3H 5^4 

CUBA Somite de Programe Lluvia Provocada 

Academia de Ciencias de Cuba 
ININTEF, Calle L T o. 8 
Havana 4 

CZECHOSLOVAKIA Hydrometeoro logical Institute 

885 32-Koliba 

FED. REP. OF GERMANY Ber Landrat des iandkreises Rosenheim 

82 Rosenheim/Obb. 


Meteorological Service of the Hungarian People' 

Post Offioe Box 38 
H-1525 Budapest 



EMS subsd y "Mekorot" 
"Mekorot" Water Co. 
Post Offioe Box 308 

Societa Rioerche Esperienze Meteorologiche 

Via Pasubio 11 



Malaysian Meteorological Service 
Jalan Sultan 
Petaling Jaya 
















Dcpartanento de IIidrometeorolo£ia y Prediccion 
Direccion de Hidrolo^ia. 
Versallus Vj , 4 pi so 
Mexico 6 D.F. 

Conision Nacional del Algodon 

Seccion de Investi^aciones Climctolo£;icas 

Apartado Postal ITo. .^655 


Direction de la Metc'orolo^ie Ilationale 

Bortc Po stale ITo. iilCJ 


Dirrctorato of Civil Aviation 
Store*. 101) Dcp 
Oslo 1 

Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical ar:d 

Astrononical Services Administration (i'AGASA) 
Typhoon Moderation Research and Development Office 
14 "'4 Quezon Avenue 
Quezon City 

Institut de mete orologie et d'hydrologie 
Sos. Bucuresti-Ploiesti No. 97 
Sector 1 
Bucarest 18 

Servicio Meteorolo/jico Nacional 
Ciudad Universitaria 
Apartado 235 

Laboratory for Atmospheric Physics 
Federal Institute of Technology 
H.P.P. HSnggerberg 
G095 Zurich 

The Royal Rain Making Research and Development 

(no address given) 

Turkish State Meteorological Service 

Post Office Box Ho. 401 


Environmental Modification Office (EMS) 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
6010 Executive Boulevard 
Rockville, Maryland 20852 

Direction de la Meteorologie Nationale 

Boite Postale No. 576 


Federal Hydrometeorological Institute 

Bir&aninova 6 

Post Office Box 604 

11000 Belgrade 


Copy of Questionnaire Circulated to Receive Information From Members 

Member of WMO : 

Reporting of activities in the year 19__. 

1. Type (purpose) of weather modification activity or project : 

2. Approximate size of the project area overall : km 2 . 

and of the target area : km 2 . 

3. Name and/or reference of project : 

4. Location of area in which project is carried out : 

5. Year project commenced : 19__. 

6. Is it expected to continue during the coming year? 

Yes No iNot known 

7. Nature of national organization sponsoring project : 

Please place X. 

Governmental Private 



Forestry ^ 



Other (please specify) 

8. Description of weather modification apparatus, modification agents and their 
dispersal rates, the techniques employed, etc. (see instructions) . 

9. Months of current reporting year during which seeding or other weather 
modification activity took place : 

10. Number of days during the year on which seeding (or other weather modi- 
fication activity) took place: 

11. Was a document prepared on the possible effects on the environment of the 
weather modification project? 



12. Optional remarks : 

13. Reporting agency : 

(a) Name of reporting agency : 

(b) Official title of responsible office : 

(c) Postal address : 
Signed : 

Please complete and return this questionnaire as soon as possible, and in any 
case not later than 15 March 1977, to : 
The Secretary-General 
World Meteorological Organization 
Case Postale No. 5 
CH-1211 GENEVA 20 

Notes for Completing Report on Weather Modification Activities 

weather modification activities which should be included in the register 

(1) The seeding or dispersing into clouds or fog of any substance with the 
object of altering drop-size distribution, producing ice crystals or the coagulation 
of droplets, altering the development of hail or lightning, or influencing in any 
way the natural development cycle of clouds or their environment ; 

(2) The use of fires or heat sources to influence convective circulation or to 
evaporate fog ; 

(3) The modification of the solar radiation exchange of the earth or clouds, 
through the release of gases, dusts, liquids or aerosols into the atmosphere; 

(4) The modification of the characteristics of land or water surfaces by dust- 
ing or treating with powders, liquid sprays, dyes, or other materials; 

(5) The releasing of electrically charged or radioactive particles, or ions, into 
the atmosphere ; 

(6) The application of shock waves, sonic energy sources, or other explosive 
or acoustic sources to the atmosphere ; 


(7) The use of aircraft and helicopters to produce downwash for fog dispersal 
as well as the use of jet engines and other sources of artificial wind generation ; 

(8) The use of lasers or other sources of electromagnetic radiation ; 

(9) Any other similar activities falling within the definition of weather 


Activities of a purely local nature, such as the use of lightning deflection or 
static discharge devices in aircraft, boats, or buildings, or the use of small heat 
sources, fans, fogging devices, aircraft downwash, or sprays to prevent the oc- 
currence of frost in tracts or fields planted with crops susceptible to frost or 
freeze damage. 

Completing the form 

One completed copy of this form is requested for each weather modification 
activity (hereafter referred to as the project) once per year. 

Item 1 — Enter the purpose of the project or activity : e.g. rainfall increase, 
hail suppression, cold fog dispersal, etc. 

Item 2 — Enter the size (in km 2 ) of the area designated for the project, and 
the size of the target area if different (see "Definition", item 4) . 

Item 3 — Enter the name and/or reference of project used by the operator. If 
the project was reported in the previous Register, please quote the WMO Regis- 
ter Number which appears in column 1. 

Item 4 — Indicate the location of the weather modification project by geographi- 
cal co-ordinates and name of the region. 

Item 5 — Enter the year in which the first activities under the present project 
took place. 

Item 6 — Indicate whether the project is expected to continue in the future. 

Item 7 — Indicate the nature of the organization sponsoring the project and 
whether it is governmental (including local governments) or private. 

Item 8 — Describe the weather modification apparatus, modification agents and 
the techniques used. This might include type of ground or airborne apparatus 
used, type of modification material dispersed, rate of dispersal in grams per hour 
or other appropriate descriptions, and other information such as type of radars, 
type of aircraft used, techniques employed (e.g. cloud base seeding at 3,000 
m msl), etc. 

Item 9 — Enter the months of the year to which the report applies during which 
seeding, etc.. was carried out. 

Item 12 — This item is to permit the reporting person to include any information 
not covered by item 1 through 11 but which he feels is significant or of interest 
such as references to published reports describing results of the weather modifi- 
cation operation or experiment. Any definite plans for a new project during the 
coming year may be outlined under item 12. 

Item 13 — Please supply the name and address of agency to which any request 
for further information should be directed. 

Use a separate sheet of paper if more space is needed. 


As used in the WMO Register, terms have the following meaning : 
Item 1 — Type (purpose) of weather modification activity or project: By proj- 
ect is meant a related series of weather modification activities having a common 
objective. Will be included any activity performed with the intention of pro- 
ducing artificial changes in the composition, behaviour or dynamics of the 

Item 4 — Location of area in which project is carried out : The area referred to 
includes both the target area and control area. By target area is meant the 
ground area within which the effects of the weather modification activity are 
expected to be found, and by control area is meant a preselected, untreated 
ground area used for comparison with the target area. 

Item 8 — Description of weather modification apparatus, etc. : By weather modi- 
fication apparatus is meant any apparatus used with the intention of producing 
artificial changes in the composition, behaviour, or dynamics of the atmosphere. 
For example : seeding generators, propane devices, flares, rockets, artillery pro- 
jectiles, jet engines, etc. 

Appendix Q 

Report of the World Meteorological Organizatiox/United Na- 
tions Environment Program Informal Meeting on Legal Aspects 
of Weather Modification 

World Meteorological Organization and United Nations Environment 
Program, Geneva, November 17 to 21, 1975 

1. organization of the meeting 

J. I Opening of the meeting 

1.1.1 The Chairman, Professor R. List, declared the meeting open at 10 :00 
a.m. on Monday 17 November 1975. The list of participants is reproduced in Ap- 
pendix A. 

1.1.2 Mr. O. M. Ashford, Director of Program Planning and UN Affairs of 
the WM() Secretariat, welcomed the participants to the Headcpiarters of WMO on 
behalf of the Secretary-General, expressing appreciation to UNEP for having 
taken the initiative in arranging the meeting and for providing support to the par- 
ticipants. He observed that when the Seventh World Meteorological Congress in 
April 1975 decided to launch the Weather Modification Program, this 
marked a considerable change in the position of the Organization in this respect 
which was in line with the trend to give greater attention to the broad socio-eco- 
nomic responsibilities of WMO as a specialized agency of the United Nations. 
WMO already collaborated with UNEP in some ten different projects, and the 
present meeting where persons from different disciplines could discuss together 
topics of common interest was a good example of such collaboration. In conclu- 
sion Mr. Ashford gave a special word of thanks to the six experts nominated by 
WMO who had agreed to come to present on behalf of the Organization the current 
scientific situation in weather modification. 

1.1.3 Mr. R. S. Mikhail, Deputy Director of the Division of Geophysics, Global 
Pollution and Health of the UNEP Secretariat conveyed the greetings of the Ex- 
ecutive Director of UNEP and expressed appreciation to WMO for having orga- 
nized the meeting in Geneva and thanked the co-chairman and participants for 
having come. He informed the meeting that the Governing Council of UNEP 
in March 1975 had agreed that the dialogue between WMO and UNEP on legal 
aspects of Weather Modification should continue since it was essential that inter- 
national legal principles and guidelines should be considered hand in hand with 
the scientific advancement of the subject. Mr. Mikhail expressed the opinion that 
if the present state of scientific knowledge in the area of weather modification 
was not yet adequate to permit the development of formal legal instruments for 
the regulation of activities in this area, it was nevertheless feasible to develop 
general principles and operating guidelines as a first step in that direction. 

X.% Adoption of tlte agenda 

1.2.1 The agenda as adopted as reproduced in Appendix P>. List of supporting 
paper* available at the time of the meeting is reproduced in Appendix C. 


2.1 Relevant decision 8 of the third session of the Governing Council of T'NEP 
2.1.1 The meeting was informed that according to the decisions of the Governing 
Council, the strategy of UNEP in respect of the legal aspects of weather modifi- 
cation is as follows : 

1 ;i ' Consultations will be continued towards development of legal provi- 
sions which would define the responsibility of States to ensure that weather 
modification experiments and operations within their jurisdiction or control 



do not cause damage to the environment of other States or to areas beyond 
the limits of national jurisdiction ; 

(b) The Executive Director will continue to consult with WMO and other 
scientific and legal experts as necessary on the desirability of developing 
general principles and operating guidelines on weather modification experi- 
ments and operations. He proposes a meeting between scientists and legal ex- 
perts to develop such principles and guidelines. The question of calling an in- 
tergovernmental meeting to approve such principles and guidelines would be 
considered at a later stage, after consensus is reached between scientists and 
legal advisers. 

2.2 Relevant decisions of the seventh session of Congress and of the twenty- 

seventh session of the Executive Committee of WMO 
2.2.1 The Weather Modification Program of WMO incorporates as its most im- 
portant component a Precipitation Enhancement Project (PEP) which will be 
an internationally planned, executed and evaluated experiment in artificial pre- 
cipitation stimulation. The meeting was informed that in Resolution 12 (Cg-VII) 
Congress had specifically asked the Executive Committee in developing the 
plans for PEP to give particular consideration to minimizing any legal liability of 

2.2.2 The position of the WMO Congress was in accord with that of the UNEP 
Governing Council in that international legal principles and guidelines should 
be developed hand in hand with the scientific progress in the field of weather mod- 
ification. Congress was of the opinion that a better understanding of the physical 
basis of weather modification was needed before WMO would be able to provide 
definitive advice to Members on this aspect of weather modification experiments 
or operations. 

2.2.3 The meeting agreed that scientific advancement in general did not pro- 
gress smoothly, but was somewhat erratic and even subject to reverses on occa- 
sions. It was suggested that over a relatively short time scale the keyword should 
perhaps be "in phase" rather than "hand in hand". 

2.3 Relevant decisions of the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament 

(CCD) of the United Nations 

2.3.1 The meeting noted with interest that at the request of the Conference of 
the Commitee on Disarmament, some experts had attended an informal meeting 
in Geneva in order to provide the Committee with scientific and technical back- 
ground information concerning weather modification. Following this scientific 
briefing, the representatives of the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. had submitted inde- 
pendently an identical draft text for a convention on the prohibition of military 
or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques. The General 
Assembly of the United Nations was currently discussing the report of the CCD 
and would indicate the future action to be taken on this draft. 

2.3.2 The meeting was also informed that it was proposed to include a limita- 
tion on the use of environmental warfare in the protocols to the Geneva Conven- 
tions of 1949 now under discussion in a Diplomatic Conference on Humanitarian 
Law (Geneva). 


3.1 National laws related to weather modification 

3.1.1 Professor Samuels introduced this item and drew attention to some of the 
difficulties encountered in obtaining accurate up-to-date information, and in com- 
paring different legal systems. After summarizing the principal control tech- 
niques and substantive rules as found mainly in the special laws of Australia, 
Canada, South Africa, and the United States, he recommended in particular 
the establishment of an international register of relevant national legislation 
and the development of a model national law comprising certain essentials such 
as registration and data reporting for all weather and climate modification 

3.1.2 In the ensuing discussion, reference was made to additional sources of 
national law, including the applicable rules contained in water legislation (e.g., 
Peru 1969), in natural resources legislation (e.g. Colombia 1974), and in the 
general body of environmental, administrative and civil law (e.g., in the 
U.S.S.R.) . It was pointed out that even in those countries where special legisla- 
tion had been enacted, a single statutory text normally could not cover all rele- 
vant aspects of weather modification. 


3.1.3 There was general agreement on the desirability of an improved col- 
lection and mutual exchange of legislative information, also from an educational 
point of view. It was noted with satisfaction that WMO was initiating a register 
of weather modification activities and that the questionnaire circulated to Mem- 
bers to obtain information for inclusion in the register inquired as to the 
existence of laws relating to weather modification activities in the country 
concerned. The meeting suggested that WMO Members should be invited to 
supply full details of such laws so as to facilitate a complete compilation of 
national laws. However, the meeting agreed that indiscriminate transfer of laws 
from one country to another was not practicable, but that laws needed to be 
adapted to specific requirements of different legal and social systems. 

3.1.4 In this connexion, reservations were expressed as to the feasibility of 
technical assistance and expert advice by WMO/UNEP to individual states on 
legal aspects of weather modification at the present stage of scientific knowledge. 
In particular, while legal rules on registration and data reporting were generally 
considered as beneficial, premature rules on liability for damage were viewed 
as potentially counter-productive. 

3.2 The science of weather modification 

3.2.1 The meeting agreed that the discussion would be concerned solely with 
intentional weather modification. 

3.2.2 The meeting had the opportunity to examine the official WMO state- 
ment released in 1974 entitled "Present state of knowledge and possible practical 
benefits in some fields of weather modification" (see Appendix D) and also the 
amplification of this statement which had been prepared for use by the Secretary- 
General of WMO. 

3.2.3 It was agreed that the statement and its amplification represented the 
current state of knowledge in the field of weather modification ; the meeting noted 
that the International Commission on Cloud Physics of the International Asso- 
ciation of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (IAMP) and indicated 
satisfaction at the statement and at Weather Modification Programs of WMO. 
It was recalled that the Precipitation Enhancement Project of WMO was de- 
signed to obtain further scientifically acceptable information concerning the 
feasibility of artificial stimulation of precipitation. 

3.2.4 The meeting was informed that the role of WMO at the present time in 
helping developing countries was to give advice, on request, concerning proposed 
weather modification projects and occasionally to provide experts under the 
UNDP to visit countries in order to assess the possibilities of artificial precipita- 
tion augmentation. It was hoped to arrange courses in weather modification and 
to offer fellowships in these courses to a certain number of scientists from 
developing countries. 

3.2.5 Seventh Congress strongly urged that when a Member country or a 
group of Members wished to conduct their own weather modification with the 
advice of WMO, a special WMO group of experts be set up to advise on the 
planning, implementation and evaluation of the project. The high scientific stat- 
ure and independence of such a group would permit it to guide the project along 
sound scientific lines and thereby assume the greatest chance of success and 
ultimate acceptance of the results by the scientific community. The cost involved 
In providing for a WMO group for a special project of this kind would be borne 
by the Member or Members concerned. 

3.2.6 There was a considerable discussion on the distinction for legal pur- 
poses between a weather modification experiment and an operation. It was gen- 
erally agreed that in an experiment the major objective was using scientifically 
acceptable met bods to obtain information, whereas in an operation the objective 
\\a- i.) influence the atmospheric processes so as to produce a desired effect, e.g. 
additional rainfall. In the latter case, a scientific evaluation of the intervention 
was frequently not made. It was pointed out however that for the purpose of 
determination of legal liability the distinction was irrelevant. 

■l.i Legal problems facing public and private operators 

3.8.1 Professor Samuels introduced this agenda item. He suggested that the 
key problem facing operators is tbe legal responsibility they may hear for damage 
cans. , i by their activities. He pointed out the difference between legal systems 
ae regards tbe type of damage for which compensation may be received, the 
111 Of liability and tbe kind of proof required. He also drew attention to 
possible Links between an operator's liability and a State's international respon- 
sibility in the event of alleged extended area effects. 


3.3.2 After a general discussion on the state of international environmental 
law and on the recourse available in situations involving alleged trans-frontier 
damage, the meeting briefly reviewed past experience with court litigation regard- 
ing injunctions and liability for damage. Weather modification activities, no 
adverse effects of which have been proved on the basis of the present state of 
scientific knowledge, were distinguished from other activities involving pollution 
and other harmful effects ; the view was expressed that the development of new 
beneficial technology should not be constrained unduly by "Punitive" legal sanc- 
tions. Instead, the preventive function of administrative law was emphasized, 
especially in the field of licensing procedures and mandatory environmental 
impact assessment. 

3.3.3 There followed a discussion on the practices of, and available controls 
over, private operators engaged in weather modification abroad, especially in 
developing countries. The meeting was informed of the 1973 recommendations 
of the WMO Commission for Atmospheric Sciences, which advised governments 
to seek advice from WMO on this subject and of the consequent decision of the 
WMO Seventh Congress authorizing the Secretary-General to establish on re- 
quest a special WMO group of experts to advise on the planning, implementation 
and evaluation of projects where the costs involved will be borne by the Mem- 
ber (s) concerned. (See paragraph 3.2.5 above.) 


4.1 The meeting discussed in general terms the scientific, economic, ecological, 
sociological and political considerations which need to be taken into account in 
the development of general legal principles and operating guidelines for weather 
modification activities. It then turned to a discussion of the background paper 
on legal principles prepared by Professors E. B. Weiss and J. W. Samuels, 
UNBP legal experts. It was made clear that the discussion was not aimed at 
developing binding legal rules but rather at developing proposals for general 
principles to be considered in the formulation of a future legal regime. The legal 
experts expressed their desire for the advice of the scientists in the elaboration 
of general legal principles and operating guidelines. The WMO experts noted 
that they did not feel qualified to engage in detailed discussion of principles 
which were essentially political in spirit. 

4.2 The first proposed principle which recognized the interest of all mankind 
in the weather was introduced. It was explained that this legal concept was 
employed in other common resource areas, such as the deep sea-bed beyond the 
limits of national jurisdiction. The meeting considered that a proper formulation 
of this principle, in this context, would be: "The earth's atmosphere is a part 
of the common heritage of mankind". 

It was suggested that ultimately any statement of principles should be preceded 
by a Preamble in which reference is made to the WMO Statement on Weather 
Modification and the uncertainty of the state of the art. Furthermore, it was 
suggested that any commentary on this principle should make reference to the 
inextricable links between the atmosphere and other environmental spaces, e.g. 
the world's oceans, which are also part of the common heritage of mankind. 

4.3 Concerning the second proposed principle which called for the limitation 
of the use of weather modification techniques to peaceful purposes, the meeting 
was of the opinion that the inclusion of the following provision in the general 
principles would be useful : "Any techniques developed to modify weather shall 
be dedicated exclusively to peaceful purposes." 

Whereas the original proposals concerned weather and climate modification, on 
the advice of WMO experts reference is made only to weather modification. 

4.4 The third proposed principle, which concerned the gathering and exchange 
of meteorological information was introduced. It was made clear that the WMO 
Convention already calls for such an exchange. Bearing this in mind, the meeting 
was of the opinion that a useful formulation would be : "Further to the continued 
exchange of meteorological and related information in accordance with the 
WMO Convention, States shall facilitate the gathering and exchange of infor- 
mation on weather modification activities and shall ensure that such information 
is made available to WMO and to interested States." 

It was noted that WMO already receives reports from States on weather 
modification activities. 


4.5 The fourth proposed principle concerned the giving of prior notification 
of prospective weather modification activities to interested States It was ex 
plained that "adequate" and "timely" notification would help to defuse interna- 
tional tension arising from misinformation and speculation concerning a neieh 
hour s activities. "Adequate" imports that the information provided shows clearlv 
what will be done. "Timely" means that the notified State is given the time to 
analyze the information and consult with the acting State before the activitv 
is conducted. In discussion, reference was made to UN General Assemblv reso 
lutions 3129 (XXVIII) and 2995 (XXVII) in which the Assemblv expressed its 
consideration that the development and management bv States of shared natural 
resources should be based on a system of information and prior consultation in 
the spirit of co-operation and good neighbourliness. It was pointed out that the 
I NEP Governing Council was of the opinion that weather modification activi- 
ties were related to the area of shared natural resources but that a separate 
development of legal principles for weather modification is of value. 

4.6 The meeting discussed in considerable detail the problems inherent in 
the formulation of a principle concerning notification. In particular, the meeting 
explored the questions of how the decision is made on whom to notify, and what 
would be the mechanics of this notification. The WMO experts emphasized the 
limitations of the state of the art and the problems this posed in suggesting that 
neighbouring States might be affected by the weather modification activities. The 
meeting considered that a useful wording of a principle on notification would be : 
'•States shall in good faith give adequate and timely notification of prospective 
major weather modification activities, within their jurisdiction or control, to 
WMO which should transmit such notification to all interested States." 

This formulation involves the concept of "major" activities. It is only for activi- 
ties of this significance that notification is necessary. Because there is judgment 
involved in what is "adequate", "timely" and "major", the notion of "good 
faith" was included to provide some legal standard for the judgment. 

4.7 The meeting turned to a consideration of the possibility of requiring 
States to undertake an assessment of the environmental impact* of an activity 
before it is conducted. The feasibility of such an assessment was questioned. The 
possibility of incorporating the concept in the aforementioned fourth principle 
was discussed and it was pointed out that the history of the development of 
national environmental legislation in several States indicated that notification 
and impact assessment were two separate requirements, to be dealt with as 
distinct obligations. 

4.8 Whilst the meeting was unable to concur in recommending a principle 
concerned with the assessment, of the potential immediate and long-term environ- 
mental effects of weather modification activities, the following formulation was 
considered as being useful for further thought : "States shall ensure that a care- 
ful assessment is made of the environmental impact of prospective major weather 
modification activities within their jurisdiction or control, and shall make such 
assessments available to WMO and all interested States". 

4.9 Discussion then turned to the possibility of prohibiting certain weather 
modification activities which offered the risk of significant harm, unless the con- 
sent of all interested States is obtained. It was pointed out that analogous limi- 
tation could be inferred from Recommendation 70 of the Stockholm Declaration 
and from UN General Assembly Resolution 2995 (XXVII). Concern was expressed 
that such a legal principle was unnecessary given the state of the art today and 
that express application of the general limitations found in the Stockholm Dec- 
laration, etc., to the field of weather modification was unwarranted. The meeting 
decided that such a principle should be deferred for further consideration. 

4.10 The meeting then moved lo consideration of the possibility of requiring 
States to monitor weather modification activities under their jurisdiction and 
control and to make such information available to interested States and the 
WMO. It was pointed out that in several States there was already legislation pro- 
viding for the obligation to monitor. The meaning of the word "monitor" was dis- 
cussed and it was suggested that it imports the observance of and recording of 
information concerning the conduct and effects of the activity during and after its 

4.11 Although no agreement was reached concerning the degree of monitoring, 
the meeting was of the opinion that the followng formulation was valuable for 
further consideration: "States shall make every effort to ensure that weather 
modification activities within their jurisdiction or control are monitored, and 


shall make such information available to WMO and interested States in accord- 
ance with Principle Three". 

4.12 The possibility was considered of a formulation which would apply Prin- 
ciple 21 of the Stockholm Declaration to the field of weather modification, namely 
that States should ensure that weather modification activities within their juris- 
diction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of 
areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. The WMO experts considered 
that it was premature to recommend such a principle in view of the present 
limited state of scientific knowledge. 

4.13 The meeting then moved to a discussion of the possibility of a principle 
calling for consultation between the acting State and other interested States in 
order to alleviate points of difference between the parties concerning proposed 
weather modification activities. The legal experts of UNEP pointed out that such 
consultation can be a useful means of mantaining friendly relations among States. 
Mention was made of the agreement between Canada and the United States which 
calls for such consultation in certain circumstances. 

4.14 The meeting was of the opinion that a principle imposing a duty on States 
to consult would not be desirable, but that the following draft text would be pref- 
erable : "It is desirable that a State, in whose territory major weather modifica- 
tion activities are to be undertaken, should engage in meaningful and timely con- 
sultation with interested states at their request, with a view to working out 
mutually acceptable arrangements regarding the conduct of those activities". 

The meeting made note of the following points in this formulation. Firstly, it 
concerns only "major" activities. Secondly "interested" States would involve the 
notion of legitimate concern. Thirdly, the consultation would be at the request of 
the interested States. 

4.15 The meeting turned to the discussion of a possible principle recognizing 
the obligation of States to compensate persons beyond their national frontiers for 
significant damage caused by weather modification activities within their juris- 
diction. It was noted that the state of the art today precluded any assessment of 
damage and the WMO experts express the opinion that the recommendation of 
any such principle was premature. 

4.16 The legal experts of UNEP were of the opinion that it would be useful to 
include the principle that States shall co-operate in the development of a legal 
regime for the international regulation of weather modification activities. 

4.17 In conclusion, reference was made to the future possibility of national 
legislation to implement any international legal principles and operating guide- 
lines. The view was expressed that it might be useful to include in the general 
principles a provision that would call on States to adopt legislation to regulate 
weather modification activities at the national level. 


5.1 In Resolution 12 (Cg-VII) the WMO Congress, in approving the Precipita- 
tion Enhancement Project (PEP) as part of the Weather Modification Pro- 
gramme of WMO requested the Executive Committee to give particular considera- 
tion to minimizing and legal liability of WMO. 

5.2 The meeting was informed that preliminary preparations for PEP were 
already under way but that the experiment itself would not start for at least two 
years and would toe of several years' duration. 

5.3 It was agreed that in the implementation of PEP careful attention would 
need to be given to the various legal aspects involved in any agreement between 
WMO and the state in which PEP will be conducted (for example immunity and 
liability in the case of gross negligence), and it was suggested that advice from 
legal experts be sought by WMO in this respect. The meeting observed that con- 
siderable legal experience had been acquired by organizations in the UN system 
in conducting projects in many different States, and that experience had shown 
that the time required to draw up such an agreement might amount to as much as 
a year. 


The meeting was able to approve the text of the report of items 1 to 4 during 
the session and it was agreed that the chairman and co-chairman should be 
authorized to approve the remainder of the report on behalf of the meeting. 

34-857 O - 79 - 49 



The chairman and co-chairman each thanked the participants for their valu- 
able contributions, and especially for the great lengths to which the legal and 
scientific experts had gone in endeavouring to understand each other's point of 
view. Appreciation was expressed to the authors of the documents for the session 
and for the support given by the WMO Secretariat. The representatives of UNEP 
and WMO also associated themselves with these remarks. The meeting was 
declared closed at 5 :30 p.m. on Thursday 20 November 1975. 

WMO/UNEP Informal Meeting on Legal Aspects of Weather 
Modification, Geneva, November 17 to 21, 1975 

list of participants 

Experts nominated by UNEP 

J. W. Samuels (Co-Chairman), A. C. Kiss, M. Piskotin, P. H. Sand, and 
E. Brown Weiss. 

Representatives of UNEP 
R. S. Mikhail, H. Ahmed, and P. A. Bliss. 

Experts nominated by WMO 

R. List (Chairman), A. L. Alusa, A. Gagin, P. Goldsmith, R. Lavoie, and Y. 

Representatives of WMO 

0. M. Ashford, and N. K. Kljukin. 
WMO Secretariat 

R. D. Bojkov, E. Bollay, and R. M. Perry. 


1. Organization of the meeting : 

1.1 Opening of the session. 

1.2 Adoption of the agenda. 

2. Review of developments since the third session of the WMO Executive 
Committee Panel on Weather Modification in November 1974 : 

2.1 Relevant decisions of the third session of the Governing Council of 

2.2 Relevant decisions of the seventh session of Congress and of the 
twenty-seventh session of the Executive Committee of WMO. 

2.3 Relevant decisions of the Conference of the Committee on Disarma- 
ment (CCD) of the United Nations. 

3. Review of the State of the Art and possible developments : 

3.1 National laws related to weather modification. 

3.2 The science of weather modification. 

3.3 Legal problems facing public and private operators. 

4. Discussion of the development of general principles and operating guide- 
lines for weather modification experiments and operations. 

5. Legal aspects of the WMO precipitation enhancement project. 

6. Adoption of the final report. 

7. Closing of the meeting. 

list of supporting papers available at the time of the meeting 
2.1 : The decisions of UNEP Governing Council. 

2.2: The decisions of Seventh WMO Congress and twenty-seventh WMO 
Executive Committee. 

2.3 : The draft-convention proposed to CCD by U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. on 21 
August 1975. 

8.3 : Review paper prepared by UNEP consultant Professor Samuels. 
8.2 : Official WMO Statement on the present state of knowledge. 
8.8 : Review paper prepared by UNEP consultant Professor Samuels. 
4: Review paper prepared by UNEP consultants Professor Samuels and E. 
Brown Weiss. 

6 : WMO decisions on Weather Modification Programme and Precipitation 

Enhancement Project. 

Appendix R 

Text of Senate Resolution 71, Considered, Amended, and Agri 

to July 11, 1973 

1st Session 

S. RES. 71 

[Report No. 93-270] 


February 22,1973 

Mr. Pell (for himself, Mr. Hath, Mr. Case, Mr. Chuhch, Mr. Cranston, Mr. 
Gravel, Mr. Hart, Mr. Hoijjngs. Mr. Huohes, Mr. Humphrey, Mr. Javitk, 
Mr. Kennedy, Mr. MuGovern, Mr. Mondale, Mr. Muskie, Mr. Nelson. 
Mr. Stevenson. Mr. Tuxxey, and Mr. Williams) submitted tlie following 
resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations 

Jvne 27 (legislative day, June 25), 1973 
Reported by Mr. Pell, with amendments 

July 11,1973 
Considered, amended, and agreed to 


Expressing the sense of (lie Semite that the United States Gov- 
ernment should seek the agreement of oilier governments to 
a proposed treaty prohibiting the use of any environmental 
or geophysical modification activity as a weapon of war, or 
the carrying out of any research or experimentation directed 

Whereas there is vast scientific potential for human betterment 
through environmental and geophysical controls; and 

Whereas there is great danger to the world ecological system if 
environmental and geophysical modification activities are not 
controlled or if used indiscriminately; and 

Whereas the development of weapons-oriented environmental 
and geophysical modification activities will create a threat 
to peace and world order; and 





Whereas the United States Government should seek agreement 
with other governments on the complete cessation of any 
research, experimentation, or use of any such activity as a 
weapon of war : Now, therefore, be it 

1 Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that the 

2 United States Government should seek the agreement of 

3 other governments, including all Permanent Members of the 

4 Security Council of the United Nations, to a treaty along the 

5 following general lines which will provide for the complete 
y cessation of any research, experimentation, and use of any 
7 environmental or geophysical modification activity as a 
3 weapon of war: 

9 "The Parties to this Treaty, 

10 "Recognizing the vast scientific potential for human 

H betterment through environmental and geophysical 

12 controls, 

13 "Aware of the great danger to the world ecological 

14 system of uncontrolled and indiscriminate use of environ- 

15 menial and geophysical modification activities, 

1G "Recognizing that the development of wcapons- 

17 oriented environmental and geophysical modification 

18 techniques will create a threat to peace and world order, 

19 "Proclaiming as their principal aim the achievement 

20 of an agreement on the complete cessation of research, 



1 experimentation, and use of environmental and geo- 

2 physical modification activities as weapons of war, 

3 "Have agreed as follows: 

4 "Article I 

5 "(1) The States Parties to this Treaty undertake to 

6 prohibit and prevent, at any place, any environmental or 

7 geophysical modification activity as a weapon of war; 

8 " (2) The prohibition in paragraph 1 of this article shall 

9 also apply to any research or experimentation directed to 

10 the development of any such activity as a weapon of war, 

11 but shall not apply to any research, experimentation, or use 

12 for peaceful purposes; 

13 " (3) The States Parties to this Treaty undertake not to 

14 assist, encourage or induce any State to carry out activities 

15 referred to in paragraph 1 of this article and not to partiei- 
](> pate in any other way in such actions. 

17 "Article II 

18 "In this Treaty, the term 'environmental or geophysical 

19 modification activity' includes any of the following activities: 

20 "(1) any weather modification activity which has 

21 as a purpose, or has as one of its principal effects, a 

22 change in the atmospheric conditions over any part of 

23 the earth's surface, including, hut not limited to, any 

24 activity designed to increase or decrease precipitation, 



1 increase or suppress bail, lightning, or fog, and direct 

2 or divert storm systems ; 

3 "(2) any climate modification activity which has 

4 as a purpose, or has as one of its principal effects, a 

5 change in the long-term atmospheric conditions over 
G any part of the earth's surface; 

7 "(3) any earthquake modification activity which 

8 has as a purpose, or has as one of its principal effects, 

9 the release of the strain energy instability within the 
10 solid rock layers beneath the earth's crust ; 

n "(4) any ocean modification activity which has as 

12 a purpose, or has as one of its principal effects, a change 

13 in the ocean currents or the creation of a seismic dis- 

14 turbance of the ocean (tidal wave) . 
ir> "Article III 

Hi "Five years after the entry into force of this Treaty, a 

17 conference of Parties shall be held at (ieneva, Switzerland, 

18 in order to review the operation of this Treaty with a view 
1!) to assuring that the purposes of the preamble and the pro- 
L»0 visions of I lie Treaty are being realized. Such review shall 

21 take into account any relevant technological developments 

22 in order to determine whether the definition in Article If 

23 should be amended. 

24 "Article IV 

25 "1. Any Party may propose an amendment to this 

26 Treaty. The text of any proposed amendment shall be sub- 



1 mitted to the Depositary Governments which shall circulate 

2 it to all parties to this Treaty. Thereafter, if requested to do 

3 so hy one-third or more of the Parties, the Depositor}' (Jov- 

4 ernments shall convene a conference, to which they shall 

5 invite all the Parties, to consider such an amendment. 

6 "2. Any amendment to this Treaty shall be approved 

7 by a majority of the votes of all the Parties to this Treaty. 

8 The amendment shall enter into force for all Parties upon the 

9 deposit of instruments of ratification by a majority of all 

10 the Parties. 

11 "Article V 

12 "1. This Treaty shall be of unlimited duration. 

13 "2. Each Party shall, in exercising its national sov- 

14 creignty, have the right to withdraw from the Treaty if it 
13 decides that extraordinary events, related to the subject 
1o' mailer of this Treat}', have jeopardized the supreme interests 

17 of its country. It shall give notice of such withdrawal to all 

18 olher Parties to the Treaty three months in advance. 
V.) Article VI 

20 "1. This Treaty shall be open to all States for signature. 

21 Any State which docs not sign this Treaty before its entry 

22 into force in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article 

23 may accede to it at any time. 

24 "2. This Treaty shall be subject to ratification by sig- 

25 natory States. Instruments of ratification and instruments of 



1 accession shall be deposited with the Governments of the 

2 United States of America, , and 

3 which are hereby designated the Depositary Governments. 

4 "3. This Treaty shall enter into force after its ratifica- 

5 tion by the States, the Governments of which are designated 

6 Depositaries of the Treaty. 

7 "4. For States whose instruments of ratification or ac- 

8 cession are deposited subsequent to the entry into force of 

9 this Treaty, it shall enter into force on the date of the de- 

10 posit of their instruments of ratification or accession. 

11 "5. The Depositary Governments shall promptly inform 

12 all signatory and acceding States of the date of each signa- 

13 ture, the date of deposit of each instrument of ratification of 

14 and accession to this Treaty, the date of its entry into force, 

15 and the date of receipt of any requests for conferences or 

16 other notices. 

17 "6. This Treaty shall be registered by the Depositary 

18 Governments pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the 

19 United Nations." 

Appendix S 

Reported Cases on Weather Modification 

Slutsky v. City of Neiv York, 197 Misc. 730, 97 N.Y.S. 2d 238 (Sup. Ct, 1950). 

Southwest Weather Research, Inc. v. Rounsaville, 320 S.W. 2d 211 (Tex. Civ. 
App., 1958), and Southicest Weather Research, Inc. v. Duncan, 319 S.W. 2d 
940 (Tex. Civ. App. 1958), both affd. sub nom. Southwest Weather Research, Inc. 
v. Jones, 160 Tex. 104, 327 S.W. 2d 417 (1959) . 

Summerville v. North Platte Valley Weather Control DIM., 170 Neb. 46, 101 
X.W. 2d 748 (1960). 

Pennsylvania Natural Weather Assn. v. Blue Ridge Weather Modification 
Assn., 44 Pa. D. & C. 2d 749 (1968) . 


Appendix T 

Glossary of Selected Terms in Weather Modification 1 


ACRE- FOOT— The volume of water required to cover 
one acre to a depth of one foot: 43,560 cubic feet, 
325,852 gallons 

AEROSOL— A colloidal system in which the dispersed 
phase Is composed of either solid or liquid particles, 
and in which the dispersion medium is some gas. 
usually air. 

There is no clear-cut upper limit to the size of 
particles comprising the dispersed phase in an aerosol, 
but as in ail other colloidal systems, it is rather com- 
monly set at 1 micron. Haze, most smokes, and some 
fogs and clouds may thus be regarded as aerosols. 

AIRCRAFT SEEDING— The use of aircraft to dispense 
cloud seeding agent*. 

ALTOCUMULUS— A principal type of cloud, 8,000 to 
20,000 feet, consisting of a layer where the denser 
parts have modified cumuliform characteristics of 
roundness and sharpness of outline. 

ALT08TRATU8 — A principal type of "middle" cloud 
(altitude approx. 8,000 to 20,000 feet), appearing 
as a fairly uniform grey layer that often covers the 
entire sky. 

ANVIL CLOUD— Popular name given to a cumulonim 
bus cloud whose upper, ice-crystal portion is spread 
out horizontally to give the appearance of an anvil. 
In the International Cloud Classification, this is a 
"cumulonimbus caplllatus" cloud with the supplemen 
tary feature "incus." 

ARTIFICIAL NUCLEATION — Any process whereby 
the nucleation of cloud particles .s Initiated or accel- 
erated by human intervention. 

CAP CLOUD -An approximately stationary cloud, on 
or hovering above an Isolated mountain peak. It is 
formed by the cooling and condensation of humid air 
forced up over the peak. 

CELLULAR CONVECTION — An organized, convecUve. 
fluid motion characterized by the presence of distinct 
convection cells or convectlve units, usually with up- 
ward motion (away from the heat source) in the cen- 
tral portions of the cell, and sinking or downward flow 
in the cell's outer regions. 

CHAFF— Metallic, electrical dipoles, several centime- 
ters long, commonly made of fine wire. 

The original use of chaff, dropping large quantities 
of It from aircraft in WWII, was to jam enemy radars 
It is now used experimentally to alter the electrical 
properties of thunderstorms. 

CHAFF SEEDING -The dispensing of chaff into a cu- 
mulonimbus cloud for the experimental purpose of 
altering the cloud's electrical structure and hence 
affecting the occurrence and character of lightning. 

It is hypothesized that the chaff is the medium for 
leakage currents (through corona point discharges) 
which forestall the development of the charge centers 
necessary for lightning tormatioa 

CIRRUS — A principal cirriform cloud type, composed of 
ice crystals aggregated into delicate wisps or patches 
at high altitudes. 

The term "cirrus" is often used as a generic term 
for ail cirriform clouds. 

CLOUD — A visible aggregate of minute water and/or 
ice particles in the atmosphere above the earth's 
surface. Cloud differs from fog only In that the latter 
is, by definition, in contact with the earth's surface. 

Clouds form in the free atmosphere as a result 
of condensation of water vapor In rising currents of 
air, or by the evaporation of the lowest stratum of 
fog. For condensation to occ\ir at the point of satura- 
tion or a low degree of supersatu ration, there must 
be an abundance of condensation nuclei for water 
clouds, or ice nuclei for ice-crystal clouds. The size of 
cloud drops varies from one cloud type to another, 
and within any given cloud there always exists a fin- 
ite range of sizes. Generally speaking, cloud drops 
range between one and one hundred microns in di- 
ameter, and hence are very much smaller than rain 

CLOUD MICROPHYSICS-A specialized field within 
cloud physics dealing with extremely small-scale phe- 
nomena, particularly the molecular-scale processes of 
evaporation, condensation, and freezing of cloud par- 
ticles, and the complex Interactions, Including elec- 
trical effects, among cloud particles. 

CLOUD MODEL — In general, any idealized represents 
tkon of a cloud or cloud processes. Increasingly, this 
term is used for mathematical representations of cloud 
processes, particularly those formulated for numerical 
solution on electronic computers 

CLOUD MODIFICATION -Any process by which the 
natural course of development of a cloud is altered by 
artificial means. 

CLOUD PHYSICS -The body of knowledge concerned 
with physical properties of clouds in the atmosphere 
and the processes occurring therein 

CLOUD SEEDING — Any process of injecting a sub- 
stance into a cloud for the purpose of influencing the 

1 From Project Skywater ; 1973-74 Biennial Report. U.S. Department of the Interior. 
Hur»-nu of Reclamation. Division of Atmospheric Water Resources Management. REC-ERC- 
70-21. Denver, December 1976. pp. A-21 to A-25. 



cloud's subsequent development. Ordinarily, this re- 
fers to the injection of a nucleating agent, but some- 
times alludes to substances which do not directly 
affect nudeation (such as carbon black). 

CLOUD SEEDING AGENT- Any variety of substances 
dispensed for the purposes of cloud seeding. In addi- 
tion to the commonly used silver Iodide and dry ice, 
a number of other materials have been experimented 
with for various purposes, for example: calcium chlor- 
ide, urea, metaldehyde, chlorosulfonlc acid, carbon 
black, common salt, and water spray. 

COALESCENCE — In cloud physics, the merging of two 
water drops into a single larger drop. 

COALESCENCE EFFICIENCY -The fraction of all col 
lis ions between water drops of a specified size which 
result in actual merging of the two drops into a single 
larger drop. 

CONDENSATION — The physical process by which a 
vapor becomes a liquid or solid; the opposite of evap- 
oration. In meteorological usage, this term is applied 
only to the transformation from vapor to liquid; any 
process in which a solid forms directly from Its vapor 
is termed sublimation, as is the reverse process. 

CONDENSATION LEVEL -That level in the atmos- 
phere at which saturation and hence condensation, 
will occur in a column of rising air. This occurs by 
virtue of the adlabatic cooling of the air as it rises. 

CONDENSATION NUCLEUS — A particle, either liquid 
or solid, upon which condensation of water vapor be- 
gins in the atmosphere. See nudeation. 

CONTROL CLOUD— In doud seeding experiments on 
Individual douds, a. doud chosen to remain unseeded, 
but is otherwise monitored as if it had been, in order 
to provide data for comparison with seeded douds. 

CONVECTION— 1. In general, mass motions within a 
fluid resulting in transport and mixing of the proper- 
ties of that fluid. 

2. As specialized in meteorology, atmospheric motions 
that are predominantly vertical, resulting in vertical 
transport and mixing of atmospheric properties. 

CONVECTION CURRENT — (or convective current) 
Any current of air involved in convection. In meteor- 
ology, this Is usually applied to the upward moving 
portion of a convection circulation, such as a thermal 
or the updraft In cumulus douds. 

CUMULI FORM - Llxe cumulus; generally descriptive of 
all douds, the principal characteristic of which Is ver- 
tical development In the form of rising mounds, domes, 
or towers. 

CUMULONIMBUS— ( Commonly called thundercloud, 
thunderhead, thunderstorm.) A principal doud type, 
the ultimate stage of development of cumulus or con- 
vective douds. They are very dense and very talL 
commonly 5 to 10 miles In diameter and sometimes 
reaching a height of 12 miles or more. The upper 
portion Is at least partly composed of ice crystals, 
and often takes the form of an anvil ("Incus") or 
vast plume The base of the doud Is Invariably dark 
and often accompanied by low, ragged douds. 

CUMULUS — A principal doud type, actually a doud 
"family" all of which are characterized by vertical 
development; a convective doud. 

DEFTV88ION — In meteorology, the exchange of fluid 
parcels (and hence the transport of conservative prop 
erties between regions In space. In the apparently 
random motions of a scale too small to be treated by 
the equations of motion. 

In meteorology, the diffusion of momentum (vis- 
cosity), vortlclty, water vapor, heat (conduction), 
particulate matter, and gaseous components of the 
atmospheric mixture, have been studied extensively. 
The atmospheric motions diffusing these properties 
may in many cases be of much larger scale than the 
molecular, the exchanging parcels being called eddies, 
and the diffusion equation extended by analogy to 
turbulent diffusion 

DOPPLER EFFECT— (Also called Doppler shift) The 
change In frequency with which energy reaches a 
receiver when the receiver and the energy source are 
in motion relative to each other. 

DOPPLER RADAR— A radar which detects and inter 
pre is the Doppler effect in terms of the radial velocity 
of a target The signal received by a radar from a 
moving target differs slightly In frequency from the 
transmitted wave. 

Doppler radar la widely used In doud studies 
because it enables the deduction of the motions of 
doud and precipitation partides. 

DRY-ICE- Solid carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). It evaporates 
directly from solid to gas at a temperature of -78. 5* C 

DRY-ICE SEEDING — The dispensing of dry-ice pellets 
Into supercooled douds for the purpose of transform 
Ing the supercooled droplets Into ice crystals, which 
then grow and fall out Dry ice creates a sufficiently 
cold environment around the droplet* for them to 
undergo spontaneous nudeation 

ECHO— In radar, a general term for the appearance, 
on a radar Indicator, of the radio energy returned 
from a target More explicitly, It refers to the energy 
reflected or scattered back from a target 


FREEZING NUCLEUS — Any particle which, when pre 
sent within a mass of supercooled water, will Initiate 
growth of an Ice crystal about itself (see nudeatlon). 

GLACIATION— In cloud physics, the transformation of 
cloud particles from water drops to ice crystals 

GROUND GENERATOR— In weather modification, al 
most invanabh referring to silver iodide smoke gen 
erat/>rs that are operated on the ground (as opposed 
to airborne equipment). 

HAIL SUPPRESSION — Any method of reducing the 
damaging effects of hailstorms by operating on the 
hail producing cloud. 

The currently prevailing hypothesis is that silver 
iodide seeding provides more hailstone nuclei (and, at 
the same time, reduces the amount of supercooled 
water available to build up large hailstones) with the 
net effect that the hail that reaches the ground Is 
smaller and less damaging, and also has a higher 
probability of melting before reaching the ground 

HYGROSCOPIC NUCLEI — Condensation nuclei com 
posed of salts which yield aqueous solution., of a very 
low equilibrium vapor pressure compared with that of 
pure water at the same temperature. Condensation 
of hygroscopic nuclei may begin at a relative humidity 
much lower than 100 percent (about 75 percent for 
sodium chloride), while on so-called non- hygroscopic 
nuclei, which merely furnish sufficiently large (by 
molecular standards ) wettable surfaces, relative hu- 
midities of nearly 100 percent are required. "Damp 
haze" is formed of hygroscopic particles In the process 
of slow growth in relatively dry air 

HYGROSCOPIC SEEDING -Cloud seeding with hygro 
scopic material which encourages condensation and 
collect* water vapor 

ICE CRYSTAL— Any one of a number of macroscopic 
crystalline forms In which ice appears, Including hex 
agonal columns, hexagonal platelet*, dendritic cry 
stals, ice needles, and combinations of these forms 

I IE CRYSTAL CLOUD- A cloud consisting entirely of 
ice crystals (such as cirrus); to be distinguished in 
this sense from water clouds and mixed clouds 

ICE NUCLEUS - Any particle which serve* as a nucleus 
in the formation of ice crystals In the atmosphere, 
used without regard to the particular physical process 

involved in the nucleation. 

Due to an apparent scarcity of natural ice nuclei 
(or. at least, freezing nuclei) in the atmosphere, cloud 
-eeding with ice- nucleating agents become* a practi 
cal endeavor Both sliver iodide and dry ice perform 
the function of nucleating ice in an aggregate of su 
percooled water droplet* 

ICE- PHASE SEEDING -Cloud seeding with an agent 
which serves as an artificial ice nucleus. 

ISOHYET — A line drawn on a map connecting geo 
graphical points having equal amounts of precipitation 
during a given time period, or for a particular storm 

LIQUID WATER CONTENT — ( Abbreviated LWC. (The 
amount of liquid water (that is, not counting water 
vapor) in a cloud, usually expressed as grams of 
water per cubic meter of cloud volume. 

MESO-SCALE— In meteorology: having characteristic 
spatial dimensions somewhere between 1 and 100 
miles, usually implying between 5 and 50 miles. 

NUCLEATING AGENT — (or nucleant) In cloud phy- 
sics, any substance that serves to accelerate the nu 
cleation of cloud particles Nucleating agents may 
themselves be nuclei (silver iodide, salt, sulfur di 
oxide, dust ) or they may enhance the nucleation en- 
vironment (dry, ice, propane spray ). 

NUCLEATION — Any process by which the phase 
change of a substance to a more condensed state 
(condensation, sublimation, freezing) is initiated at 
certain loci (see nucleus i within the less condensed 

A number of types of nucleation are of interest 
The process by which condensation nuclei initiate the 
phase change from vapor to liquid is of decisive im- 
portance in analyses of all cloud formation problems. 
The physical nature of freezing nuclei which may be 
responsible for the conversion of drops of supercooled 
water into ice crystals is critically important in pre- 
cipitation theory, us is also the clarification of the role 
of spontaneous nucleation near -40*C The impor 
tance of sublimation nuclei is promoting the growth of 
ice crystals directly from the vapor phase is doubtful 

NUCLEUS — In physical meteorology, u purticle of any 
nature upon which, or the locus at which, molecules 
of water or ice accumulate as a result of a phase 
change to a more condensed state; an agent of nu 

NUCLEUS COUNTER -Any of severul devices for de 
termining the number of condensation nuclei or ice 
nuclei in a sample of air. 

NUMERICAL MODEL— In meteorology, a mathemati 
cal formulation of atmospheric processes constructed 
so that the dynamical and thcrmodynamical equations 
of atmospheric motion can be solved by numerical 
methods on electronic computers 

OROGRAPHIC CLOUD- A cloud whose lorrn and c\ 
tent is determined by the disturbing effects ■>( imi 
graph>. mountains, upon the passing flow of ,ur Me 


cause these clouds are linked with the form of the 
terrestrial relief, they generaJly move very slowly, If 
at all, although the winds at the same level may be 
very strong. 

OROGRAPHIC LIFTING -The lifting of an air current 
caused by its passage up and over mountains 

OVERSEEDING — Cloud seeding in which an excess of 
nucleating material is released. As the term is nor 
mally used, the excess Is relative to that amount of 
nucleating material which would, theoretically, maxi- 
mize the precipitation received at the ground. In 
seeding a supercooled cloud with dry ice or silver 
iodide, addition of too much seeding material may 
create so many ice crystals that none can grow to a 
size large enough to fall out of the updraft sustaining 
the cloud. 

PLUME— The volume of air space containing any of the 
substance emitted from a point source. 

PRECIPITATION -Any or all of the forms of water 
particles, whether liquid or solid, that fall from the 
atmosphere and reach the ground 

PRECIPITATION ECHO -A Type of radar echo re 
turned by precipitation 

PRECIPITATION EFFICIENCY — For a given cloud or 
storm system, the ratio of the amount of precipitation 
actually produced to the maximum amount theoreti- 
cally possible by that system. 

PRECIPITATION GAGE -General term for any device 
that measures the amount of precipitation; princi- 
pally, a rain gage or snow gage 

PYROTECHNIC GENERATOR -A type of silver iodide 
smoke generator in which th^silver iodide forms as 
a part of the pyrotechnic fuel mbtture. A great flexi 
bility of design is possible with these generators, and 
they are capable of an extremely high output of 
silver- iodide nuclei. 

RADIOSONDE- A balloon borne instrument for the 
simultaneous measurement and transmission of mete- 
orological data. 

RAIN MAKING -Popular and general term for all 
weather modification effort aimed at increasing pre- 

RANDOM — Eluding precise prediction, completely Ir- 
regular. In connection with probability and statistics, 
the term random Implies collective or long-run regu- 
larity; thus a long record of the behavior of a random 
phenomenon presumably gives a fair indication of Its 
general behavior in another long record, although the 
individual observations have no discernible system of 

RANDOMIZE — To make random. Specifically, in weath 
er modification contexts, It refers to the design of 
experiments and projects In such a way as to mini 
mlze the sources of bias in the evaluation of results 
by dictating that "seed" or "don't seed" decisions 
(for example) be made on a purely random basis 
If the total number of such decisions Is sufficient, ■, 
large, this procedure ensures that a comparison of 
"seed" versus "don't seed" results contains minimal 

REAL-TIME — Nearly Instantaneous. 

SALT NUCLEUS — A minute salt particle serving as a 
condensation nucleus. 

SALT SEEDING — Cloud seeding with salt particles, a 
technique that has been applied to warm (non-super 
cooled) clouds and fog on the principle that the hy 
groscopic droplets of salt solution will grow at the 
expense of other particles. 

SEEDING RATE — The quantity of seeding agent (in 
grams or kilograms) released either per unit of time 
(if applied to ground-based generators) or per unit 
of distance (traveled by an aircraft) used in cloud 

SILVER IODIDE — (Chemical formula: Agl. ) The com 
pound of silver and iodine whose crystalline structure 
very closely approximates that of Ice-crystals. 

vices used to generate a smoke of silver-iodide cry 
staJs Most burn an acetone solution of silver iodide; 
the other Important (and newer) category is that 
of pyrotechnic generators. 

SILVER-IODIDE SEEDING — The world-wide "work- 
horse" method of cloud seeding, where, by any of 
several techniques, silver- Iodide crystals are intro 
duced into the supercooled portions of clouds to induce 
the nucleation of Ice crystals. 

SNOW COURSE -An established line, usually from 
several hundred feet to as much as a mile long, 
traversing representative terrain in a mountainous 
region of appreciable snow accumulation Along this 
course instruments (such as snow stakes, radioactive 
snow gages) are installed, and/or core samples of the 
snow cover are periodically taken and averaged to 
obtain a measure of Its water equivalent 

STRATOCUMULUS-A principal, low-altitude, cloud 
type, consisting of a layer of rounded or roll shaped 
elements which may or may not be merged and which 
usually are arranged in orderly flies or a wave pat 

SUBLIMATION — The transition of a substance from 
the solid phase directly to the vapor phase, or vice 


versa, without puitng through an intermediate liquid 

SUPERCOOLING — The reduction of temperature of any 
liquid below the melting point of that substance's 
eolld phase; that Is, cooling beyond its nominal freez- 
ing point A liquid may be supercooled to varying 
degrees, depending upon the relative lack of freezing 
nuclei or solid boundary irregularities within its en- 
vironment, and freedom from agitation. 

SYNOPTIC— In general, pertaining to or affording an 
overall view. 

In meteorology, this term has become somewhat 
specialized in referring to the use of meteorological 
data obtained simultaneously over a aide area for the 
purpose of presenting a comprehensive and nearly 
Instantaneous picture of the state of the atmosphere. 
Thus, to a meteorologist, "synoptic." takes on the 
additional connotation of simultaneity. 

TARGET AREA — la a weather modification project, 
the area within which the effects of the weather mod- 
ification effort are expected to be found 

TRACER— An easily detectable substance injected into 
the atmosphere for the purpose of subsequent mea- 
surement and reconstruction of Its history- (trajectory, 
diffusion, etc ) 

TRAJECTORY— (Or path, t A curve in space tracing 
the points successively occupied by a particle in mo- 
tion. At any given Instant the velocity vector of the 
particle Is tangent to the trajectory. 

WARM CLOUD— In weather modification terminology, 
a water doud that is not a supercooled cloud La, 
that exists entirely at temperatures above 0*C. 

WATER EQUIVALENT— The depth of water that would 
result from the melting of the snowpack or of a snow 

WATER VAPOR— (Also called aqueous vapor, mois 
tore.) Water substance In vapor form: one of the 
most Important of all constituents of the atmosphere. 

WEATHER MODIFICATION — The Intentional or In- 
advertent alteration of weather by human agency. 

WEATHER RADAR -Generally, any radar which Is 
suitable or can be used for the detection of precipi- 
tation or clouds. 


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